How the first menstruation began. In girls, the first menstruation is characterized by discharge, which should not happen. Juvenile uterine bleeding

Many girls, even if they know what menstruation is, are not ready for its onset. And sometimes the first period can come completely unexpectedly and greatly frighten you. To prevent this from happening, you need to know at what age the onset of menstruation should be a concern, and at what age is completely natural. Often, many mothers ask the question on forums: “Is having periods at 11 years old normal, or is there a reason to sound the alarm?” We will try to answer this and other related questions so that neither mothers nor daughters worry in vain.

First periods in girls aged 11

To determine the approximate age of the arrival of the first menstruation, you should know how the girl’s body prepares for the onset puberty. Already at 7-9 years of age, the endocrine system begins to produce sex hormones, which, when they reach the required concentration, stimulate the maturation of follicles in the ovaries and, as a result, the onset of menstruation. Usually, about one to two years pass from the start of hormone production to the first menstruation, so if at the age of 11 menstruation occurs for the first time, this will be absolutely normal.

Also on puberty girls are influenced by the following factors:

  • Heredity. In order for a mother to guess as accurately as possible when her daughter will have her first menstruation, she should remember at what age she herself encountered this phenomenon. In most cases this gives an accurate result, but there are exceptions. For example, a mother’s first period could begin at the age of 14, and a daughter’s at 11. There is also no need to worry in such cases, because normally the period should begin before the age of 16. In this case, the age of eleven years will be lower limit this time period.
  • Physical development. Assume that the first menstruation will begin in sufficient time early age possible by analyzing general development and development of secondary sexual characteristics. With the beginning of the production of follicle-stimulating hormone at the age of 8–9 years, the growth of the mammary glands begins, the “rounding” of the hips, the appearance of hair on the pubis and armpits. If these signs appear early enough, then there is reason to believe that the onset of menstruation will be early.
  • The presence or absence of diseases. Chronic diseases endocrine system can significantly influence the age at first menstruation. An important influence is also exerted by the presence of pathologies of the reproductive system, which may be a consequence birth trauma or individual genetic characteristics.
  • Body mass. Very thin or excessively fat girls may have problems with the development of the genital organs. The optimal weight is calculated using the formula: height in centimeters minus one hundred.
  • Lifestyle. Usually girls leading have enough active image life, eating right and not suffering from overwork, menstrual cycle it installs quickly and practically does not go astray, and the periods themselves are almost painless.

Girls' first period or "menarche" is a special moment in their life, indicating that they are already entering reproductive age, and their body is capable of conceiving and bearing offspring. It is important that the girl knows in advance at what age her periods begin and what to do when they appear. The mother must explain all the nuances of this process, but in this article you can get comprehensive information about the timing of the arrival of the first regulations.

When do girls get their periods?

Even 100 years ago, no one would have thought that menstruation at 11 years old was normal, because in those days, according to statistics, most girls began menstruation at 17-18 years old. Nowadays, most girls begin menstruation at 12 years old, or at most at 13. Residents of the eastern regions are characterized by early puberty at 11 and even 10 years old. Critical days can begin for the first time at the age of 9, but this will already be a sign of premature puberty.

From a medical point of view, the norm is the arrival of regulus at the age of 11-16 years.

Before the age of 11, they can begin for the following reasons:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • poor nutrition.
  • First critical days may linger up to 16-20 years, this may be due to the following factors:

    • hormonal disorders;
    • mental disorders;
    • underdevelopment of the ovaries;
    • improper functioning of the pituitary gland.

    What determines the age of menarche

    Start puberty usually occurs at 10-11 years, and completely reproductive system is formed by 17-18 years. During this time, the mammary glands grow and the genitals develop. A year and a half after the first signs of puberty appear, menstruation will begin. The age at which this happens depends on many factors.

    Let us list what factors influence the onset of the first critical days in a teenager:

    • hereditary predisposition;
    • physical development;
    • psycho-emotional state;
    • social level and lifestyle;
    • availability of information about sexual issues;
    • general state health and existing endocrine diseases.

    If the girl is sickly and has been taking it since childhood a large number of medications, then her period may be delayed.

    Normally, the first critical days should appear at 12-15 years of age; anything below or above these limits may be a sign of hormonal disorders or abnormalities in the development of the genital organs.

    What should your first period be like?

    A girl's period first appears when her ovaries begin to fully function. The puberty period begins with the pituitary gland and hypothalamus producing hormones that promote the secretion of estrogen in the ovaries, as a result of which the egg begins to mature, ovulation occurs, the inner uterine layer develops, and the girl can already become pregnant.

    Menstruation is the process of rejection and removal of its inner mucous layer from the uterine cavity, provided that fertilization of the egg has not occurred.

    Menstrual discharge contains not only exfoliated endometrium, but also blood from damaged vessels.

    What do girls' first periods look like?

    Since the menstrual discharge contains not only blood from ruptured vessels, but also parts of the rejected endometrium, the first critical days may have a heterogeneous consistency and have clots. Their color can range from dark red to burgundy. In this case, the girl may experience slight discomfort and nagging pain lower abdomen and lower back.

    During the period of regulation, no more than 150 ml of blood should be released, intense discharge is allowed only in the first 2-3 days, then it should more resemble a dark daub.

    How long does the first discharge last?

    According to statistics, in 38% of cases after the first menstruation in girls, more than 40 days pass before the next discharge. 10% of teenagers wait for new discharge for more than 2 months, and for 20% they come within 20 days.

    • the girl’s figure is rounded, her breasts are greatly enlarged, her mood changes, she becomes more feminine;
    • dark hairs begin to grow in the pubic area and armpits, the genitals increase in size;
    • hormonal changes in the body provoke increased work of sweat and sebaceous glands, which causes the occurrence acne on the girl’s face and back;
    • The roots of the hair on the head begin to quickly become oily;
    • a few months before menarche, a whitish or yellowish secretion is released from the vagina.

    3-4 months before the arrival of the first regula, the girl may become angry for no reason or, conversely, lose interest in everything, she may be bothered by headaches and pain in the lower abdomen, the child may become whiny or too touchy.

    When these signs appear, parents should definitely talk to the girl about puberty and tell her about everything important points this period.

    How to properly prepare for menarche

    When the first signs of approaching menstruation appear, parents of girls should tell their child how to prepare for this process. When talking with your daughter, you should raise the following questions.

    • First, tell us that menstruation should come monthly with an interval of 21-35 days. It should be mentioned that at first there may be delays, but the situation will normalize after 1.5-2 years.
    • You should definitely tell your child about hygiene products, how to use them and where they are located in the house.
    • An important issue in preparing for menstruation is the ability to menstrual calendar. The girl must understand why it is important to monitor the regularity of her cycle;
    • A girl needs to know what she can and cannot do during her period, for example, she should avoid excessive physical activity.
    • It is important that the girl understands that her body is now capable of conception, which means that contraceptives should be used during sexual intercourse. The parents’ task is also to educate the child on issues of protection from unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

    It is important that the conversation takes place in the most calm and confidential atmosphere, so that in the future the child knows that he can turn to his parents with any question on this topic without shame.


    During menstruation, the reproductive system of a teenage girl is practically defenseless against infections and pathogenic organisms In order to reduce the likelihood of their penetration into the dilated cervix, you should know several hygiene features during this period.

    • There are many hygiene products of varying quality and absorbent properties. Girls should prefer sanitary pads.
    • Need to buy gaskets High Quality, they will better protect against leakage, are invisible under clothes and will save the girl from awkward situations At school.
    • Select the correct “droplets” of the pad, that is, their degree of absorption. For intense discharge, choose pads containing 4-6 drops; scanty discharge reduce the degree of absorption.
    • You need to change pads every 2-3 hours; before doing this, you should wash your hands thoroughly.
    • To avoid allergic reaction, you need to choose pads without fragrances.
    • During the procedure, you need to shower at least 2 times a day and after bowel movements, using a special gel for intimate hygiene.

    Early menstruation

    If girls under 11 years of age get their period for the first time, it is considered too early onset puberty. There are cases that they occur in children under 8 years of age. But this is not always a sign of pathology. If menarche also appeared early in their mothers and grandmothers, it means similar situation due to genetic predisposition. Intense sports activities or accelerated physical development.

    Even if early attack puberty is determined by genetics, it is recommended to have the child examined by a gynecologist to rule out hormonal disorders and abnormalities in the development of the reproductive system. Hormonal imbalance can be caused by tumors in the brain, in the area responsible for the production of hormones that regulate menstrual cycle.

    Early menarche is typical for children with diabetes mellitus and also for those who have experienced severe stress or psychological trauma. Such a reaction can be provoked by early exposure to the topic of sexual relations between a man and a woman.

    Why are they dangerous?

    Arriving at menarche too early in life can cause the following health problems in the future:

    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
    • hormonal changes in the body;
    • high risk of occurrence cancerous tumors in the organs of the hollow system and in the mammary glands.

    With the onset of puberty, the intensity of growth decreases and physical development slows down. To reproductive organs developed correctly, it is important that the girl has complete diet and normal living conditions.

    Preventive action

    • Try not to let stressful situations, which can cause trauma to an unstable child’s psyche. Provide your girl with a calm and friendly environment in the family, make it a rule to have confidential conversations with the child, and introduce her to the problems of puberty in a timely manner.
    • Provide your child with a balanced diet without junk food. Remove spicy, too salty and sour foods from the girl’s menu, eliminate coffee, strong tea, and keep cocoa to a minimum. Do not allow beer or alcoholic beverages to be drunk under any circumstances.
    • Treat endocrine diseases in a timely manner.
    • Control what your child watches on the computer and television.

    It is important that the girl engages in sports moderately and does not overload herself both physically and mentally.

    Late menarche

    If a girl’s period first occurs after the age of 16, this is a deviation from the norm. A sign of late sexual development is also weak growth of the mammary glands.

    Menstruation may come late due to abnormal development of the uterus and appendages, malfunction of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, as well as due to the child’s neuropsychiatric disorders. Such a reaction can be provoked by transferred to early childhood infectious disease, such as measles, mumps, scarlet fever or rubella.

    Late appearance of menstruation is typical for excessively thin girls, because the fat layer, along with the ovaries, produces estrogen, but if there is little adipose tissue, then the amount of estrogen may be insufficient for normal functioning reproductive system.

    Other factors can provoke late regulation:

    • vitamin deficiency;
    • poor environmental situation;
    • consumption of GMO products.

    Possible consequences

    If a girl under 15 years of age has not developed regularities, she must consult a doctor, otherwise teenage anomalies in the development of the genital organs can lead to genital infantilism in the future.

    The genitals adult woman will be underdeveloped, which will lead to external changes and hormonal imbalances, which can have an impact on overall health.

    IN adolescence Such pathologies are treatable; in adulthood, these anomalies are almost impossible to cure.

    When to see a gynecologist

    • or are very late.
    • If during menstruation there are too many copious discharge, the volume of which exceeds 150 ml, especially in cases where they are scarlet in color. These may be signs of both abnormal development of the genital organs and hormonal imbalance. Besides, heavy blood loss observed in blood diseases, tumors and while taking hormonal drugs affecting the development of the internal uterine layer.
    • If more than 3 months after menarche. The reason for such a serious delay can be not only severe overload during sports or ballet, but also inflammation, infections, and endocrine diseases.
    • If 1.5-2 years have passed since the first appearance of the regula, and . The reason that the menstrual cycle has not returned to normal over the years may be pathologies, injuries, vitamin deficiencies, debilitating diets and starvation.
    • If during her critical days the girl feels severe pain.
    • If they last no more than 2 days. Such short-term discharge may be caused by estrogen deficiency due to underdeveloped ovaries. If they last more than a week, it means that the girl has increased ovarian functionality or weak contractility uterine muscles.


    To prevent critical days from causing fear or panic in the girl, parents should tell her in advance about their future occurrence. This conversation will take very little time, but the child will understand and not be afraid of the physiological processes that occur in her body. She will be ready to enter puberty, not only physically, but also mentally.

    You should always be interested in the girl’s well-being, ask about the regularity of her periods, the intensity of pain and possible delays. If your child complains of any discomfort, you should definitely seek medical help.

    Girls begin their periods between the ages of 12 and 14. However, sometimes earlier or later menarche (first menstruation) is normal. Typically, girls begin menstruating around the same age as their mothers. And in the last 10-20 years, girls have experienced earlier puberty. Most likely this is due to good nutrition and way of life. The girl is not starving, which means she produces the main substance in normal concentrations. female hormone- estrogen, which regulates puberty and subsequently affects the reproductive system.

    The first menstruation in girls always occurs after the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. From about 9 years old, girls begin to grow quickly (they often outstrip boys in height). They get armpit hair dark hair on the legs and pubic area, sometimes on the chin and above the lips. Then (no more than 2-3 years later) menstruation begins. Before this crucial moment, the girl may develop acne on her face, small transparent discharge from the nipples. By this time, mothers should already explain to their daughters what changes are happening in their bodies, what girls’ periods are like, what their cyclicity is and, of course, about hygiene on menstruation days.

    Despite the fact that now there are mini tampons that can be used by virgins, preference should be given to good sanitary pads. Mothers should take care in advance that their daughters do not lack these hygiene products, since even with scanty menstruation You need to change pads at least 2 times a day.

    What to do if periods are often delayed in 11- and 12-year-old girls? We are accustomed to the fact that menstruation should come regularly, and even small deviations from the norm indicate some kind of problem in the body. But things are different for teenage girls. 2-3 years after menarche, the cycle will be established, that is, menstruation may begin a little earlier and a little later, be abundant in one month, and scanty in another, as well as painful. You shouldn’t get used to the pain; you can talk to your doctor about the possibility of taking antispasmodics on menstrual periods. Scanty periods are not a big deal either. But abundant ones can be dangerous if they are really very abundant... It is dangerous if the pads have to be changed more often than once every 2-3 hours. You should also consult a doctor if there are delays longer than 3 months (the reason for this is often following strict diets for weight loss), prolonged menstruation (longer than 7 days), and if the intervals between monthly bleeding are less than 21 days.

    Girls 15 years of age and older have periods that are more regular. By this time, puberty is slowly ending. By the age of 18-20, girls have a formed figure according to the female type, a regular menstrual cycle and can conceive and bear a child without difficulties or complications.

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    When do girls' periods start?

    Menarche (from the Greek “men” - month and “arche” - beginning) or the first is the main signal from the girl’s body that puberty has occurred, and from now on she can already.

    In most cases, the first period occurs between the ages of 11 and 13 years. The onset of menstruation in girls under 9 years of age is considered too early. And too late is the absence of menstruation after 15 years or for more than 2.5 years after the start of breast development (usually it begins between the ages of 7 and 13 years).

    In both cases, the girl's parents are obliged to seek help from pediatric gynecologist and an endocrinologist, if the deviation in the onset of menstruation is significant (more than 2 years - later or earlier than the generally accepted date).

    Such disorders can be the result of quite serious diseases:

    1. Crash normal operation endocrine system;
    2. Violation hormonal levels girl's body.
    The sooner the cause of a health disorder is identified and treatment is started, the more effective the result will be. This will help avoid many problems in future adult life.

    Puberty is one of the most important periods in a girl's life. However, not every representative of the fairer sex is mentally and physically ready for the upcoming changes. Sometimes it happens that the first menstruation in girls causes complexes, difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex and lack of self-acceptance.

    Menstruation from a physiological point of view

    The first menstruation plays a dominant role in a girl’s development.. Their beginning marks the transition to the status of a woman, because a person enters childbearing age. Several years before menarche, the body begins to actively produce a number of hormones that provoke puberty.

    Menarche- a consequence of development reproductive function women, which is characterized by the first menstrual bleeding.

    Telarche - one of the stages of puberty. Determined by the beginning of mammary gland growth.

    Endometrium - uterine mucosa.

    Subsequently, upon reaching condition, endometrial cells are renewed. This happens only in cases where the egg has not been fertilized. When the uterine mucosa is detached, some of the vessels are damaged. Because of this, the discharge during menstruation is mixed with blood.

    Parents can help the younger generation in the fight against the unknown, but without the appropriate knowledge, the child can only be harmed. It is not possible to say exactly at what age girls start menstruating. There are a number of factors on which the time of menarche depends:

    The first menstrual cycle is an entirely individual matter. It is almost impossible to take into account all factors, so it is worth focusing on the numbers given by experts.

    Thus, according to doctors, the normal course of puberty is characterized by the arrival of the first menstruation at the age of 11-16 years. However, early and late periods are far from uncommon.

    Often, early menarche is a consequence genetic predisposition. In this case, you should consult with older relatives: mother, grandmother, aunt. If at least one of your loved ones began menstruation before the age of 11, there is a chance that subsequent generations will be subject to a similar trend in sexual development. According to statistics, teenagers originally from the eastern and southern regions reach childbearing age significantly earlier than their peers from the north and west.

    If your period has not arrived by the age of 16, you should not rush headlong to the gynecologist. First of all, you should pay attention to the girl’s nutrition and emotional background. Regular stress experienced in childhood psychological trauma may cause delay in sexual development. In addition, an unbalanced diet deprives a person of most essential vitamins and microelements, which cannot be avoided in the process of restructuring the body.

    Approaching menarche

    The teenage psyche is often not ready for manifestations physiological changes in organism. Parents should be on guard and carefully monitor changes in both their daughter’s appearance and behavior. There are a number of signs that precede the first menstruation:

    • increase in breast and hip volumes;
    • development hairline in the armpits and groin area;
    • increased oiliness of the skin;
    • emotional instability.

    Sometimes a few days before the onset of menarche occurs abrupt change moods. It becomes difficult for the girl to cope with the surging hormones, which is why she constantly loses her temper, becomes irritable and intolerant. For parents, this behavior should serve as a signal that the menstrual cycle is approaching. In such cases, you should definitely warn your daughter that mood swings and tearfulness are normal.

    Without the help of a child, it will not be possible to find out about all the signs that your period is approaching. With the onset of the proper age, it is worth holding a conversation and warning the child about the upcoming metamorphoses. The child should pay attention to several important details and notify parents when they occur:

    • The presence of atypical discharge on underwear. In most cases they have a yellowish or whitish color.
    • The smell of discharge.
    • Bed sheets. Often there are also traces of discharge on the bed linen, which may indicate the approach of menarche.
    • Unreasonable headaches.
    • Drawing pain in the lower abdomen.

    The attentiveness of parents and the participation of the child will help avoid stressful situations associated with puberty. The girl should be warned that her transition to a new stage of life, associated with responsibility, will soon occur.

    The onset of an important period

    Menarche - The final stage in sexual development. It is characterized by a number of physiological changes:

    • the body begins to actively produce estrogen;
    • the fallopian tubes grow and lengthen;
    • the uterus increases in size;
    • the endometrial layer thickens;
    • the fat layer of the labia increases;
    • The vaginal microflora is developing.

    As a result of all changes, the first replacement of the endometrial layer occurs, which is accompanied by bloody discharge. The first menstruation is not very intense. On average, during menarche, 50-150 ml of blood is released. Depending on external and internal factors these figures may vary slightly.

    It is impossible to say exactly what menstruation looks like. Their appearance will depend entirely on individual characteristics. The color of the discharge is also determined by the characteristics of the body. Thus, the discharge may have red, brown, dark brown shades, which are considered a sign normal course puberty. Such a variation in color is justified by exfoliation of the endometrium and the presence of vaginal discharge in the masses.

    Menstruation makes itself felt by the appearance of small reddish spots on the underwear. Usually not observed on the first day significant amount blood. The second and third days differ in intensity. This should be taken into account in cases where menstruation occurs on school days or sports activities. However, sometimes menarche is accompanied by barely noticeable blood stains on the underwear. This is by no means a reason to panic. Most likely, the volume of menstrual flow will normalize by the next cycle.

    Cycle Features

    So, the first period is over, however, this is not at all a reason to lull your guard. Many girls experience a delay after menarche, which is not a definite sign of a disorder. Individual characteristics female body will play a decisive role in the formation of the cycle. In some cases, you have to wait up to six months for your next period, so you should be patient and not panic.

    The formation of the cycle occurs within several years after the arrival of menarche. During this period, it may fluctuate and be unstable. If the child experiences a delay, you should visit the appropriate specialist. He will explain the situation and tell you for sure whether the failure is a consequence of the development of pathology.

    Obviously, such significant changes in the functioning of the body can traumatize the girl’s fragile psyche. Parents bear the responsibility for how their daughter perceives puberty. In order to prevent the development of an inferiority complex or non-acceptance of one’s own body, a mandatory conversation should be held for all representatives of the fairer sex. The following topics need to be covered:

    • Physical transformation. The child, whether he wants it or not, will be forced to face growing up. The task of parents is to competently explain the processes occurring in a growing body. It is necessary to touch upon the physiological side of the issue, dedicate the child to the details of intersexual relations, tell them at what age girls’ periods begin and how long they last. The child must understand that what is happening to him is normal, and every woman goes through this difficult stage on her way.
    • Personal hygiene. Menstrual flow are an excellent environment for the formation of unwanted microorganisms. The girl must accept the need for a daily shower. Ignoring this point will lead to the development inflammatory processes in organs genitourinary system. The mother must teach the child to use sanitary pads and other personal hygiene products.
    • Risk of pregnancy. A new stage in a child's life comes with some risks. Intergender relations come to the fore. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, the child should be taught to use contraception. He should also be warned about the possibility of infection. venereal diseases and the dangers of promiscuity.
    • Visit doctor. The child needs to be accustomed to an annual trip to the gynecologist. You should keep a menstrual cycle calendar, which will help the specialist track how old you were when your periods began, how long they lasted, and whether there were any delays.

    The conversation should be friendly. You shouldn’t dump so much information on a girl in the hope that she will perceive everything correctly.

    Emotional instability can lead to an inadequate reaction, which can be avoided by warm family relationships and a feeling of mutual trust.

    Signals to visit a gynecologist

    Some deviations from the norm during puberty indicate the development pathological processes in the girl's body. In such cases, you should immediately go to a specialist for advice. Particular attention should be paid if the following symptoms occur:

    • Menarche appears before the girl turns 10. In most cases, such a deviation is a sign of early puberty. In the future, the problem develops into an early onset of menopause, leading to hormonal imbalances and the formation of cardiovascular diseases.
    • The first menstruation did not come even after 16. A delay in puberty may be a consequence of general malfunctions in the body.
    • Unstable menstrual cycle. If your cycle regularly goes astray, despite the fact that more than a year and a half has passed since menarche, it makes sense to consult a doctor. Typically, such instability is a consequence of a lack of nutrients or previous injuries.
    • Delay longer than three months. Excessive stress on the body is the most common cause of delay. However, the danger lies in the risk of developing infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the body, which disrupt the menstrual cycle.
    • The emergence of strong pain during menstruation.
    • Short duration of menstruation. If the menstrual period lasts no more than two days, a lack of estrogen can be suspected. This happens when hormonal imbalance or insufficient development of the ovaries.

    Natural development process

    Girls' first periods do not pose any danger. This is absolutely natural process development of the human body, which should not be perceived with concern or alarm. The task of parents is to protect the child from groundless fears. Overcoming this period can be quite difficult, however, many generations of women have proven that there is nothing to be afraid of. These changes are worth being proud of, because they mark the entry into adult life. The main thing is not to stand aside and take part in raising and growing up your daughter.

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