How to take zinc and vitamin E. What drinks and foods should you not take zinc with? Zinc doesn't work

Zinc is essential for healthy eyes, hair and bones, healthy skin, and the ability to concentrate. According to recent studies, taking zinc tablets can even relieve flu symptoms and speed up recovery.

Zinc deficiency leads to hair loss (including eyebrows and eyelashes),

dry hair and early greying, decreased ability to taste and smell food, delayed wound healing, attention deficit disorder, blurred vision and cataracts, acne and dry skin, weakening immune system.

Perhaps, The importance of zinc for eye health is the most surprising fact.

Conventional wisdom says that vitamins A and C are sufficient for eye health, but it turns out that zinc plays an important role in the transfer of vitamin A from the liver to the retina of the eyes and the formation of melanin (not to be confused with melatonin, responsible for healthy sleep), the protective pigment of the eyes . Research shows that the so-called “age-related vision loss” is partly due to long-term zinc deficiency in the body.

In what form is zinc best absorbed?

Useful minerals are not absorbed as easily as we would like, and zinc is considered even less digestible compared to other microelements. Moreover, its various compounds negatively affect the intake of many other important microelements into the body. For example, zinc can interfere with the absorption of calcium, copper or iron. That is why they are often present in the compositions of various mineral and vitamin complexes.

Pharmacological scientists have developed many drugs with zinc, and in different forms, differ greatly in bioavailability. Zinc-containing forms used in modern medicine:

  • Zinc sulfate.
  • Zinc oxide.
  • Zinc glycinate.
  • Zinc gluconate.
  • Zinc picolinate.
  • Zinc chelate.
  • Zinc acetate.
  • Zinc citrate.

Most common medical supplies zinc- sulfate and oxide. These forms are absorbed much worse than others and are used mainly externally. Zinc sulfate taken orally strongly irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa and causes vomiting (reflexively). IN in some cases after absorption of zinc ions, intoxication develops. Zinc oxide is the same: after ingestion, an emetic effect is observed, and symptoms of the resorptive effect of ions appear.

The more absorbable forms are glycinate, picolinate, and zinc monomethionine.

According to the results of testing conducted by one of the US institutes, bioavailability of zinc glycinate is 16% higher than zinc sulfate.

Best absorbed


zinc picolinate, and (60.9%).

Zinc oxide absorption is lower (49.9%), and for some people it is even zero

Numerous experiments and studies have confirmed that - the best form of zinc. Chelates are absorbed much more efficiently. They maintain the level of zinc necessary for health in our body, and they are also more effective as a medicine than inorganic compounds. In other words, the chelated form of zinc has three very compelling advantages:

  • high bioavailability,
  • visible effect in the treatment of diseases,
  • maintaining optimal microelement levels in the body.

As well as the ability to concentrate. According to recent studies, taking zinc tablets can even relieve flu symptoms and speed up recovery.

Zinc deficiency leads to hair loss (including eyebrows and eyelashes), dry hair and early gray hair, decreased ability to taste and smell food, delayed wound healing, attention deficit disorder, blurred vision and cataracts, acne and dry skin, and a weakened immune system.

Perhaps the importance of zinc for eye health is the most surprising fact. Conventional wisdom says that vitamins A and C are sufficient for eye health, but it turns out that zinc plays an important role in the transfer of vitamin A from the liver to the retina of the eyes and the formation of melanin (not to be confused with melatonin, responsible for healthy sleep), the protective pigment of the eyes . Research shows that the so-called “age-related vision loss” is partly due to long-term zinc deficiency in the body.

Different chemical zinc compounds are absorbed differently

A common mistake is to think that our body completely absorbs the vitamins and minerals that we consume in the form of dietary supplements. Zinc is one of the most poorly absorbed microelements, and different zinc compounds are absorbed differently. Therefore, be sure to look at the label when choosing dietary supplements with zinc and comparing prices - as a rule, poorly absorbed compounds are cheaper, but based on the actual dose of zinc that you will receive, you will not benefit at all from buying a cheap drug.

Zinc citrate (61.3%), zinc picolinate, zinc acetate and zinc gluconate (60.9%) are best absorbed.

Zinc oxide absorption is lower (49.9%) and even zero in some people (source: Wegmüller et al., The Journal of Nutrition, February 2014, 144(2):132-6).

What is the optimal daily dose zinc?

The upper safe limit for adults is 40 mg of elemental zinc per day, but the recommended daily intake for adults is much lower: 8 mg for women and 11 mg for men. If you are actively involved in sports, then the required daily dose can increase to 35 mg per day, depending on the level of stress.

  • High doses of zinc weaken the immune system; may cause headache, loss of muscle coordination, dizziness, drowsiness, hallucinations and anemia.
  • Different zinc compounds contain different amounts of elemental zinc. For example, 10 mg of zinc gluconate contains only 1.43 mg of elemental zinc. Pay attention to the label or the “Composition” section of the instructions for the drug.

What drinks and foods should you not take zinc with?

As with any vitamin and mineral supplements, it is recommended to take zinc with water or juice, but in no case with tea, coffee, alcohol, etc. For example, taking zinc sulfate with coffee instead of water reduces the absorption of zinc by half.

It is also known that phytates (substances found in cereals) significantly impair the absorption of zinc, i.e. try not to take zinc with bakery products and porridge.

If possible, add zinc to the food you take with it. olive oil- it improves the absorption of certain minerals, including zinc.

How do other microelements in dietary supplements affect the absorption of zinc?

You may notice a small amount of copper in some vitamin-mineral complexes with zinc. The fact is that taking zinc reduces the absorption of copper in the body, so it is recommended to take 2 mg of copper per day to neutralize this negative effect(or take a multivitamin that contains copper).

Taking zinc can also reduce the absorption of calcium supplements, but this problem can be solved by moving the calcium intake to the evening and taking the zinc in the morning. Or take dietary supplements that contain both zinc and a higher dose of calcium.

Zinc also interferes with the absorption of iron supplements, but, according to research, this problem can be solved by taking supplements containing these trace elements with food.

According to other studies, vitamin B12 (cobalamin) improves the absorption of zinc, i.e. Taking zinc in a multivitamin, along with B vitamins, or along with foods rich in B12 (liver, fish, red meat, cheese, etc.) is a good idea.

Should you take zinc supplements?

Quite a lot of zinc is found in red meat (on average, 30% of the daily value per 100g of lean meat) and poultry (10% of the daily value per 100g), crab, breakfast cereals fortified with vitamins and minerals, pumpkin seeds (to get your daily dose of zinc, you need to eat almost a full cup).

A little (on average, only a few percent of the daily dose per 100 g of product) zinc is found in legumes, nuts, whole grains, and dairy products. Those. this means that to get your daily dose of zinc, you need to consume very a large number of these products, which, in turn, may be harmful to the body or too expensive. Moreover, legumes and grains also contain components that impair the absorption of zinc (for example, phytates).

If these foods are not included in your diet at all or you do not eat enough of them, then you are not getting enough zinc. If you cannot change your diet for some serious reason (for example, vegetarianism, financial difficulties, etc.), then taking zinc supplements is a great idea.

The article was prepared based on PubMed (an online database of articles from international scientific journals) and reference materials available on the website of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Zinc, like other microelements, is no less important than vitamins for the human body. Its healing properties were known back in Ancient Egypt. Scientists have now proven that this element is contained in all tissues and organs of the human body. Zinc is part of many enzymes, strengthens the immune system, is important for growth, supports hormonal background (affects the function of the pituitary gland, pancreas and gonads). The main amount of zinc (up to 60%) accumulates in muscles and bones. There is also a lot of it in the glands endocrine system, blood cells, liver, kidneys, retina.

An important point The properties of zinc include its ability to preserve the youth of cells for a long time or restore vitality to obsolete cells. To do this, it stimulates the production of insulin-like growth factor, testosterone, and growth hormone. Scientific research has shown in animal experiments that zinc actually increases life expectancy.

Daily requirement of zinc

The recommended dose of this microelement for adults is 15 mg. In cases where a person needs increased concentrations to treat any ailments, for adults a sufficient dosage of zinc as part of complex compounds is equal to 15-20 mg, and for children 5-10 mg in a day. Zinc plays a special role when playing sports. This is determined by the ability of enzymes, which include zinc, to cleanse the body of harmful oxidized metabolic products. The daily dosage of zinc for athletes depends on the degree and period of exercise. To produce speed and strength, zinc requires 20-30 mg/day (moderate loads) And 30-35 mg/day (during the competition). If training is aimed at improving endurance, then during the training period you need to take 25-30 mg/day, during the competition period – 35-40 mg/day. It is recommended to combine zinc intake with magnesium and vitamin B6. If daily dose zinc is 30 mg, then magnesium is needed about 450 mg And 10 mg vitamin B6. These values ​​may vary slightly depending on the athlete's weight category and type of load, but the ratios between substances must be maintained.

Functions in the body

Along with food, zinc enters the stomach, it is absorbed in the small intestine, after which it is carried into the liver through the bloodstream. From there, this element is delivered to every cell of the body. Thus, zinc can be found in all organs.

Zinc has a significant effect on such important processes as reproduction, growth, development of the body, hematopoiesis, and all types of metabolism (proteins, fats and carbohydrates). Zinc ions are also important for the immune system, because zinc increases resistance to infections.

In some Middle Eastern countries, dwarfism is common due to a lack of zinc in the diet. It's all about zinc's ability to increase growth hormone levels. This is why children are often prescribed meals with increased content zinc

Tissue regeneration also depends on how much zinc is in the body. This is especially noticeable when healing of wounds and burns : the less zinc, the slower the regeneration rate. Ointments and creams containing zinc are widely used in the treatment of acne and other skin ailments. Zinc also promotes normal hair and nail growth. It is not for nothing that it is believed that 30% of men with baldness in old age, associated with poor intake or absorption of this microelement. Very often to strengthen hair follicles Shampoos and lotions with zinc are prescribed.

Concerning active people and athletes, it is important for them antioxidant properties of zinc. It is known that athletes lose as much as 40-50% more zinc than on “weekend” days. When muscles are stressed, the need for oxygen increases, and therefore the amount of substances oxidized by this oxygen increases. These substances (radicals) accumulate and have bad influence to muscle cells. Enzymes containing zinc neutralize these radicals and remove them from the body.

Zinc is important not only for maintaining muscle performance during exercise, but also for increasing muscle strength and speed. It increases testosterone levels in the blood, and the latter is known as the “courage” hormone; it improves strength and speed.

The antioxidant capacity of zinc is also important for maintaining youthful skin. Currently, a large number of companies add zinc ions to lotions and creams with a rejuvenating effect.

It should be noted that for the well-being of pregnant women and for the normal development of the child in the womb, this microelement is also needed. After all, the formation of the palate, eyes, heart, bones, lungs, nervous system (brain, peripheral nerves), genitourinary system directly depends on the level of zinc in the mother’s body. With a lack of zinc, malformations of the above systems and organs can form.


The condition of zinc deficiency is characterized by decreased appetite, anemia, allergic diseases, frequent colds, dermatitis, loss of body weight, visual acuity, hair loss.

Since zinc increases testosterone levels, with a lack of this microelement, the sexual development of boys is delayed and sperm lose their activity to fertilize the egg.

A lack of zinc in females can lead to miscarriage, premature birth, and the birth of weak, low-weight children.

With a lack of zinc, wounds heal very poorly and tissue restoration after injury takes a long time.

The level of zinc in the body can decrease with excessive intake of radioactive isotopes of lead, copper, and cadmium. These microelements completely reduce the activity of zinc in the body, especially against the background of lack of nutrition, chronic alcohol intoxication. Children and adolescents with a reduced amount of zinc in the body are more prone to alcoholism. And a lack of zinc in athletes can lead to a decrease in results.


When consuming zinc more than 2g per day, more often when increased use biologically active additives, there is painful sensitivity of the stomach, nausea, possible vomiting, diarrhea, palpitations, pain in the lower back, when urinating.

Sources in products

Below are products containing zinc (mg per 100 g of product)

Interaction of zinc with other substances

Excessive intake of zinc can reduce the total content and intake of copper. Therefore, if you need to take these microelements, it is better at different times of the day, or you can divide the courses of taking them ( first zinc, then copper, or vice versa).

It is also known that salt poisoning heavy metals leads to rapid loss of zinc. Thus, one of the occupational ailments of dentists who work with mercury-containing substances is a lack of zinc. People who are constantly in contact with these harmful substances should take additional zinc supplements, of course, after consulting a doctor in advance.

In addition, oxalic acid, found in many vegetables, tannins ( from tea and coffee), selenium, calcium, iron - all of them are substances that reduce the absorption and level of zinc in the body. Vitamin B6, picolinic acid, citrates, and some amino acids contribute to better absorption.

Long-term treatment with cortisone and irrational use of many birth control pills can also lead to zinc deficiency.

It should also be noted that high fiber intake interferes with the normal absorption of zinc. Therefore, if your diet contains too many vegetables and fruits, only 20% of zinc will be absorbed in the intestines. Vegetarians, who eat no meat at all, tend to be more prone to zinc deficiency than people who eat a varied diet.

Zinc supplements are becoming increasingly popular, but there are some caveats to their use.

Zinc is the second most important mineral in the body after iron and is essential for maintaining many body functions, such as cell growth, blood clotting, vision, smell, touch, thyroid function, and insulin production. Zinc has important for the immune and nervous systems, secretion of hormones for growth and development.

Zinc deficiency

Most people do not get enough zinc from their diet. Important food sources This mineral includes red meat, chicken, fish, legumes, nuts, dairy products, whole grain breads and cereals. Although zinc deficiency is rare in general cases, diets that include zinc supplements can be used to treat and prevent many common health problems.

Typically, zinc deficiency can occur for several reasons: loss of appetite, problems with nutrient absorption, inflammatory bowel disease, fasting or severe restrictive diets. Zinc deficiency is more common in people over 75 years of age. The first symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body include loss of smell and taste sensations, loss of appetite, difficult and slow wound healing, and the appearance of white spots on the nails. Deterioration of the condition can lead to depression, acne, psoriasis, dermatitis, night blindness, slow growth in children.

Benefits of Zinc Supplements

Zinc supplements can be used to prevent and treat a variety of diseases and conditions. It is important to note, however, that this type of supplement should not be taken for long period time due to the risk of serious side effects. Zinc supplements are safest to take a short time and then take a break for several months.

For colds and flu

Helps strengthen the immune system, and the duration or severity of illness may be reduced.

For the treatment and prevention of acne

Some studies have shown that zinc may help prevent or speed up the treatment of the disease. The recommended dose is 30 mg zinc picolinate twice daily for a month, then reduce the dose to 30 mg once daily. Zinc picolinate is more easily absorbed than other zinc compounds.

During premenstrual syndrome

Some zinc supplements may help women relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Many women experience relief from abdominal cramps and their sharp changes mood and tension in the chest before the cycle. Zinc deficiency is a common condition during pregnancy and can adversely affect the fetus and lead to premature birth. congenital defects development, congenital complications or low birth weight. If you are pregnant, talk to your doctor about taking zinc supplements to limit these risks.

For depression

Zinc deficiency is common in people with severe depression. Studies have shown that people with severe depression who took 25 mg of zinc per day significantly improved their condition. If you suffer from it, it is recommended to talk to your doctor about taking zinc supplements and including foods rich in this mineral in your diet.

To increase male fertility

Zinc helps improve sperm health and fertility and increases testosterone levels. The mineral protects sperm from bacteria and damage. Zinc deficiency is common in men suffering from impotence and other reproductive problems.

For eye health

Research has shown that zinc is important in the treatment and prevention of various vision problems, such as macular degeneration and cataracts. Zinc deficiency is one of the symptoms of these conditions, which are the main causes of vision deterioration with age. The recommended daily dose of zinc for women is 8 mg, for men – 11 mg. Pregnant women should take at least 12 mg zinc per day.

Harm of zinc supplements

Taking zinc supplements to improve any of the above conditions should be done over a short period of time to prevent toxicity and copper deficiency. It is recommended that you consult with your doctor before starting to take zinc supplements. Zinc supplements can cause poisoning if taken incorrectly. Side effects of poisoning may include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, etc. Zinc can interfere with the body's ability to absorb copper and cause subsequent side effects due to copper deficiency. Zinc supplements should not be taken if you are currently using antibiotics; zinc may reduce their effectiveness.

Zinc supplements may interact with other medications, talk to your doctor before taking them.

Denial of responsibility: The information presented in this article about zinc supplementation is intended for the reader's information only. It is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

Zinc is one of the most important microelements for the human body, and it is of particular importance for men. This is due to its participation in the production of the main one - testosterone. In addition, zinc is necessary for bone formation, combating inflammatory processes, and preventing the spread of viral infections in the body.

Why is zinc needed in the male body?

It is especially important for boys to consume sufficient zinc during puberty. A lack of this microelement will lead to improper development of the reproductive organs. At the same time, continued consumption of zinc is very important for normal operation male body.

Benefits when planning pregnancy

If a man has a zinc deficiency, testicular function may deteriorate, sperm and testosterone synthesis may decrease, and problems with potency may arise. In addition, it is worth considering that a man’s body loses a lot of zinc with sperm. If the reserves of this substance are not constantly replenished, the gonads may suffer.

In addition, this microelement affects testosterone synthesis, maintains normal hormonal levels and increases sperm activity. This is why zinc is so important during pregnancy planning.

Positive effect on immunity

Zinc is no less important for the normal functioning of the immune system. When there is a lack of it in the body, the entire immune system is disrupted. The fact is that a deficiency of this microelement negatively affects the functioning of the central link of the immune system - the thymus.

Also, with a lack of zinc, inhibition of the antimicrobial activity of macrophages and neutrophils is observed. In this state, the synthesis of protective antibodies decreases, which also negatively affects the state of immunity.

What are the benefits of zinc in sports?

Men who are used to regularly exercising and regularly visiting the gym feel a lack of zinc much more acutely. After all, the distinctive feature of this microelement is that it is quite actively excreted in sweat.

Therefore, athletes should carefully monitor their intake of sufficient zinc. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe special medications to replenish the supply of this substance.

Daily intake of zinc

The zinc requirement of adult men is 15-20 mg per day. The specific amount directly depends on the person’s body weight. If you do not receive zinc in this amount, the functioning of individual organs and systems may be disrupted. The following symptoms indicate a deficiency of this microelement:

  • dry skin;
  • brittle nails;
  • skin rashes;
  • decreased vision;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • digestive problems;
  • frequent stressful situations.

If at least a few symptoms appear, it is better to consult a doctor to conduct a comprehensive examination of the body. Often test results confirm a decrease in zinc levels. If measures are not taken in time, they may develop cardiovascular pathologies. This process is also fraught with malfunctions. prostate gland.

Zinc supplements for men's health

If there is a deficiency of this microelement, the doctor may prescribe special medications to replenish its reserves.

Vitamins Zincteral Teva

This vitamin preparation is used to replenish zinc reserves in the body and is indicated for people with diabetes, diseases digestive system, hereditary pathologies. It is often prescribed for prolonged stress, intestinal pathologies, and traumatic injuries.

These vitamins are taken an hour before meals, 1-2 tablets per day. The overall duration of therapy is influenced by the characteristics of the body, as well as the person’s diagnosis. There are no special contraindications to the use of the product. The only exception is individual intolerance to the drug.

Evisent (brewer's yeast with Zn)

This drug contains zinc and selenium. Essentially, Evisent is ordinary drinking yeast, but thanks to unique composition they are very beneficial for the body.

The product helps normalize the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and nervous system. In addition, thanks to regular use of the drug, it is possible to reduce fatigue and normalize skin function.

Evisent is taken 2-3 tablets per day, and this should be done with meals. There are no contraindications to the use of this drug.

Dietary supplement Viardot forte

The most common drugs for replenishing zinc reserves in the body are Viardot and Viardot Forte. They have the same effect on the body and differ in dosage and some components. Thus, Viardo contains 18 tablets that help improve most functions human body and cope with many problems.

Viardot forte requires more long-term use, since the drug contains 60 tablets. The main element of both complexes is zinc.


This drug is a combined antioxidant. It is used to replenish antioxidant reserves in the body, which is especially important for pathologies of the digestive system, infectious diseases, high intellectual activity or physical activity. This drug is taken 1 tablet per day.
There is also Selzinc Plus, which includes the five most important vitamins and microelements. These, in addition to zinc, include selenium, vitamins C and E, as well as beta-carotene. This remedy is also taken to eliminate antioxidant deficiency.

Products containing large amounts of zinc

To replenish zinc reserves in the body with food, you need to know what foods contain it:

  • chicken eggs, yeast and brown rice contain about 20 mg/kg of zinc;
  • chicken and rabbit meat, legumes, barley and oat flour, nuts contain approximately 50 mg/kg zinc;
  • fish and veal liver contain about 80 mg/kg;
  • wheat bran contains approximately 200 mg/kg and is best source of this microelement.

Small amounts of zinc can also be obtained from green vegetables, citrus fruits, apples, and honey. This microelement is found in raspberries, tomatoes, celery, currants, bread and beef. At the same time, the maximum amount of zinc is present in oysters. Literally 10 g of this delicious product will provide daily norm of this microelement.

Zinc is of great importance for men's health. It takes part in, maintains the normal functioning of the immune system and ensures full reproductive capabilities. This is why it is so important to monitor the level of zinc in the body and, if necessary, take vitamin preparations.

Whatever multivitamin preparation you have in your hands, it most likely contains zinc in one quantity or another. The thing is that without this microelement it is impossible for more than 300 processes to take place in the body, and this situation will render any minerals, vitamins and nutrients useless.

Below we will take a closer look at vitamins with zinc, talk about the features of taking them, analyze prices, as well as reviews of supplements and vitamins with zinc.

Additional intake of zinc may be due to a lack of the latter in the body, which will best be identified by the attending physician and, possibly, a series of tests. However, if necessary, you will have two opportunities to replenish the availability of zinc - with single preparations and multivitamins; we will consider the most popular dietary supplements in each group.

Vitamins high in zinc: monosupplements

Monopreparations, as a rule, contain microelements in volumes equal to or exceeding the daily requirement. In other words, if a nutritionist or doctor recommended increasing your intake of zinc, then most likely we are talking about a monosupplement.

Reception large doses zinc per day can cause a deficiency in the body of some or all of its “antagonists” - copper, manganese and iron. Dosages of minerals - and zinc is not the exception, but the rule - are determined depending on the nature of your disease or the reason for the need to take it.

Name Form of zinc mg Norm
Now Foods, Zinc Zinc (as Zinc Gluconate) 50 333%
Nature's Way, Zinc Lozenges Zinc (as citrate, gluconate) 23 153%
Solgar, Zinc Picolinate Zinc (as zinc picolinate) 22 147%
Jarrow Formulas, Zinc Balance Zinc (as L-monomethionine) 15 100%
Thorne Research, Zinc Picolinate Zinc (as Zinc Picolinate) 15 100%
Doctor's Best, PepZin Gl Zinc (from PepZin Gl) 8 53%

Multivitamin with Zinc

If monopreparations are more suitable as supplements for chronic zinc deficiency (or excess iron - see below), then multivitamins are most likely needed as a dietary supplement to the daily diet. However, zinc in vitamin complexes is found not only in different quantities, but also in different forms.

Name Form of zinc mg Norm
Life Extension, Two-Per-Day Zinc (as zinc citrate, monomethionine) 30
Irwin Naturals Living Green Zinc (as Zinc Oxide) 15 100%
Natural Vitality, Organic Life Zinc (from zinc picolinate) 15 100%
Nature's Way, Alive! Zinc (as amino acid chelate) 15
Now Foods, Daily Vits Zinc (as Amino Acid Chelate) 15
Pure Essence, Life Essence Zinc (as Zn lactate) 15
Solgar, Formula V Zinc (as glycinate, amino acid chelate) 10
Rainbow Light, Nutri Stars Zinc (as Oxide) 5
Universal Nutrition, Daily Formula Zinc (as zinc oxide) 5

Pay attention to the types of zinc - in vitamins it can be represented by a large number of varieties, mainly salts:

  • zinc sulfate;
  • zinc gluconate;
  • zinc oxide;
  • zinc citrate;
  • zinc acetate;
  • zinc picolinate;
  • zinc bisglycinate

Combination of zinc with vitamins and minerals

It is well known that any mineral can be useful for the absorption or formation of some microelements, but at the same time it can interfere with the absorption or formation of others. Below we will dwell on this in more detail, but for now, briefly, zinc is harmful for absorption:

  • Copper;
  • Gland;
  • Manganese;
  • Vitamin B6.

A large group of processes is based on the compatibility of a microelement with other beneficial substances in the body. For example, zinc is necessary for the transport of vitamin A, and is also indispensable for the metabolism of such an important antioxidant as vitamin E.

Chelated zinc

When choosing vitamins that contain zinc, pay attention to the form of the latter. As a rule, zinc is found in preparations in the form of oxide or sulfate, but there are also options with the form “Amino Acid Chelate” or in chelate form. Small intestine- the main place where zinc is acquired by the body; the mineral can only be absorbed in combination with amino acids. Accordingly, if there is no free amino acid, zinc will not be able to be used by the body in all the variety of processes for which it is needed.

Having discovered this property of minerals, manufacturers actively switched to experiments with chelate forms, and today many of them produce vitamins with this type of minerals: zinc citrate, zinc picolinate, zinc with monomethionine. Chelated zinc is quickly absorbed due to its bioavailability; it is believed that in this form it can even penetrate the walls of the uterus to the fetus and nourish the embryo.

Vitamins with chelated zinc, as a rule, are a little more expensive, but their absorption by the body is much more efficient, which means that in smaller quantities such a drug will bring more benefits.

In addition to the chelation of zinc, its absorption is affected by the presence of amino acids, which are a necessary condition for transportation and absorption.

One of the most harmful components of the “diet” interferes with the absorption of zinc modern man- alcohol, because participates in the creation of an enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of alcohols - alcohol dehydrogenase.

To a lesser extent, the absorption of zinc is affected by phenolic compounds of plant origin - tannins contained in coffee, tea, red wine and other products.

Daily human requirement for zinc

As mentioned earlier, zinc is used by the body in more than 300 critical processes affecting the synthesis and absorption of vitamins, enzymes and hormones. In this regard, the replenishment of zinc in the body should be constant - daily.

In general, a small amount of this mineral is available in reserve at any time, but this supply is extremely small - only 2-3 grams, so replenishing it on a daily basis is very, very recommended. In addition to products containing zinc, consider dietary supplements containing it.

Overdose of zinc in the body

It should be noted that excess zinc is harmful primarily to the absorption of other minerals, especially manganese, copper and iron. Accordingly, an excess of zinc will lead to a lack of these microelements in the body. In this regard, it is necessary to choose a dietary supplement or vitamins with zinc in the optimal proportion.

Another negative feature is that zinc interferes with the absorption of vitamin B9 due to the formation of insoluble complexes.
In fairness, it should be noted that all micronutrients, the absorption of which is interfered with by zinc, themselves, in turn, do not contribute to its utilization.

Lack of zinc in the body

More than 300 enzymes and hormones contain or require zinc in their composition; it is extremely difficult to imagine the normal functioning of the body with its deficiency. The processes in which zinc is involved can be listed for an extremely long time; disruption of any of them due to a lack of zinc in the body is unacceptable. Judge for yourself the importance, we will point out just a few:

  1. Supporting the body's immune system
  2. Protein synthesis
  3. Vision support
  4. Brain Support
  5. Affects a person's mood
  6. Maintains desired blood sugar levels
  7. Necessary for the synthesis of sperm and male hormones

The difficulties that a lack of zinc entails are extremely negative for the body. Among other things, it affects vitamin A, which, in turn, depends on the absorption of hemoglobin.

Zinc and vitamin A are extremely dependent, affecting, first of all, the transport of each other, in addition, zinc contributes to the conversion of “A” into active form, and also participates in its metabolism.

The absence of zinc practically stops the metabolism of vitamin E, and its absence or even deficiency is extremely negative for the body.

One of the “enemies” of zinc is tetracycline, which enhances the process of removing it from the body, preventing it from being absorbed. Another drug that removes zinc is more widely known - aspirin.

Compatibility problems with zinc in vitamins

In combination multivitamins, pharmaceutical companies try not to include components that may interfere with the absorption of each other. However, in the production of vitamin-mineral complexes, the antagonism of micronutrients is not always taken into account.

Let's try to figure out how one vitamin capsule can contain more than 20 active ingredients. Having data on the interaction of the latter with each other, manufacturers draw a conclusion about the simultaneous intake of such substances in a truly philosophical manner: the entire spectrum of interactions will be observed - both positive and negative.

But you shouldn’t worry about the harmfulness of such interaction or even the lack of usefulness - vitamin manufacturers solve all (or almost all) contradictions with the help of some technological “tricks”:

  • Granulation - separation of vitamin components;
  • Microencapsulation is one of the types of granulation;
  • Multilayer tableting - dissolving the capsule in different places of absorption;
  • Controlled release - delaying the dissolution of some and accelerating others;
  • Separation of intake of mutually exclusive microelements

These techniques allow you to influence the time or place of dissolution and release active substance, which minimizes their contact in the gastrointestinal tract.

Price of vitamins with zinc

As a rule, the price is influenced to one degree or another by the following components and factors:

  • Composition of the vitamin complex
  • The shape of the constituent elements
  • Brand awareness
  • Availability in retail network
  • Strange production

The price range for vitamins with zinc is quite wide - from several tens of rubles to several thousand. It is important to remember that price should not be the main element taken into account when selecting a dietary supplement; first of all, it is necessary to take into account a doctor’s consultation.

Where to buy vitamins with zinc

Today, vitamin preparations with zinc are not in short supply and are widely represented in pharmacy chains. However, it must be remembered that various unpleasant surprises are possible in this area - from expired expiration dates to banal counterfeits of popular vitamin complexes.

In this regard, our recommendation is simple - purchase dietary supplements and vitamins only from reputable sellers. For example, check the prices on iHerb and if they suit you, don’t hesitate: they are trusted by tens of thousands of customers around the world, and Boxberry’s fast free shipping won’t keep you waiting longer than a regular online store.

They offer modern pharmacies. The choice is very large. The question arises: What should you choose for yourself? What will be the benefit? These and many other questions will be discussed today.

Preparations with zinc - their importance for the body

Preparations with zinc are very diverse. It is known that zinc has very great importance. Its amount in the entire body is about 2 grams. It is taken with food, 15 - 20 mg per day. But many people suffer from zinc deficiency, which leads to very serious problems. It is important to know what this mineral is needed for.

Zinc is important for men because:

  1. Takes part in the production of the male hormone testosterone.
  2. Strengthens and forms bone tissue.
  3. Acts as an antiviral drug.
  4. It is an immunomodulator in the body.

Men need zinc at any age.

  • During puberty, its deficiency can lead to underdevelopment of the genital organs.
  • In adulthood, zinc takes an active part in the functioning of the gonads, the production of sperm and sex hormones.

Men lose a large amount of zinc through sperm. Zinc affects the vitality of sperm; its deficiency impairs testicular function and reduces sperm production. Zinc prevents the development of prostate adenoma.

It is involved in a process that suppresses the conversion of testosterone into an aggressive hormone - dehydrotestosterone, which contributes to the degeneration of prostate tissue. Zinc is involved in the regulation of the central nervous system.

With its deficiency, various emotional disorders nervous system: irritability, aggressiveness, depression. When the mineral is restored in the body, these conditions disappear.

Zinc and interaction with vitamins

Zinc is the link of the immune system. Together with vitamin C, it takes part in the fight against viruses. Indispensable during epidemics. Helps well with a runny nose. A loading dose of zinc with vitamin C at the onset of the disease will shorten its course and improve well-being.

Vitamin A is practically not absorbed if there is a zinc deficiency. For the treatment of eye diseases, ophthalmologists prescribe zinc along with vitamin A. It heals wounds, burns, and postoperative sutures well.

Even in ancient times they used zinc ointment for wound healing. Now ointments based on these components are used to treat inflammation on the face, cracks, dryness and flaking of the skin. Vitamins and microelements should be taken with early age to improve the health of the body and keep it in shape.

Zinc deficiency in the body

Zinc deficiency can be determined by:

  1. The appearance of white spots on the nail plate.
  2. Loss of taste and smell.
  3. Intense hair loss.
  4. Poor wound healing, dry skin.
  5. Deterioration of vision in the evening.
  6. Nervousness, anxiety, irritability.

You can determine the amount of minerals in your blood and even in a strand of hair. Restore the balance of minerals in the body with proper nutrition.

Products for men that contain zinc

List of products:

  • All types of red meat, liver.
  • All legumes, seeds, different types of nuts.
  • Grapes, oranges, pears.
  • Mushrooms, onions, sprouted wheat grains.
  • There's a lot in oysters.
  • Blueberries, raspberries.

Products are not always well absorbed, there are objective reasons for this:

  • Frequent drinking of alcohol.
  • Vegetarian way of life.
  • Salty, bitter food.
  • Use of hormonal drugs.
  • Thyroid diseases.

Nowadays, medications and vitamin complexes that contain the required amount of zinc for men will help solve the problem of lack of minerals.


It is advisable to take preparations with zinc as prescribed by a doctor.

  • Zincteral drug, which affects the nervous system, improves immunity, gives strength, and normalizes metabolism. Prescribed when male infertility.

One tablet contains 124 mg of zinc sulfate. The dosage and regimen are prescribed by the doctor. Uncontrolled use can be harmful.

  • Selzinc used for heavy physical work, stressful situations, untimely meals. In addition to zinc, the tablet contains vitamin E, selenium, ascorbic acid, and beta carotene.

Suitable for use by athletes who, under heavy loads, lose a lot of zinc through sweat.
They produce 30 tablets per package for a monthly course.

  • Zinc Chelate contains 22 mg of zinc in an easily digestible form. Improves the condition of the body in case of prostate disease, increases immunity, reduces inflammation. Drinks a monthly course of one tablet per day.
  • Zinkteral-Teva recommended for illnesses diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal tract, stressful conditions. Take 1 capsule one hour before meals. The duration of treatment depends on the disease.

Multivitamin complexes with zinc

Preparations with zinc include vitamin complexes designed specifically for them.

  • Duovit designed specifically for men. It contains all the vitamins necessary for the male body: groups B, A, D, minerals: zinc, manganese, calcium.

It is used in the complex treatment of prostatitis, to restore strength after heavy exercise. The course of treatment is one tablet per day for one month.

  • Alphabet a balanced complex with zinc for taking at different times of the day. In the morning and afternoon it contains stimulants, the evening tablet has a relaxing effect. Increases stamina, improves the functioning of the reproductive system.
  • Parity helps increase the amount of testosterone, treats potency. Available in liquid form and capsules.

Indications for use

Preparations with zinc are prescribed for prevention, in complex treatment diseases.

  1. Hard physical labor, sports training.
  2. Diseases of the urinary system, liver.
  3. Prevention and treatment of prostate, infertility, potency.
  4. Prevention of diseases after 35 years.
  5. Strengthening the immune system after illness.

Zinc (Zn) and selenium (Se) are the main male minerals

It has been scientifically proven that a lack of zinc, selenium, vitamin C, Omega 3 and 6 affects sperm quality. These minerals are necessary for men of any age for medicinal purposes. To improve potency, enhance libido, inflammation of the prostate, improve sperm quality.

Zinc and selenium are considered male minerals because they play a very important role in reproductive function men. There are many preparations that contain these two minerals in sufficient quantities:

  • Selzinc plus used in the treatment of chronic inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis), male menopause. Restores strength.
  • Spermactiv from the Doppelhertz series stimulates sexual function and increases libido.
  • Speroton used for infertility, impotence.
  • Spermstrong strengthens the immune system, treats infertility.

All these drugs have virtually no contraindications, but before you start taking them, consult your doctor. Zinc supplements are needed at any age. A lack of zinc disrupts the functioning of the entire body.

Preventative treatment is the best solution. If the article has expanded your knowledge about the importance of zinc for men, we invite you to our website to get acquainted with new information. Be healthy!

Known today important role zinc in the body. Many people purchase preparations containing zinc in pharmacies. And that's why.

Zinc and its benefits

The highest concentration of this element is found in the retina, bones and skin, which means that zinc deficiency can significantly affect the health of these organs.

In addition, zinc is involved in the production of insulin and thyroid hormone, helps with skin problems (acne, eczema, dandruff), and strengthens nails. In complex treatment, zinc is indicated for osteoporosis, diabetes, weakened potency in men and male infertility, for the prevention of prostate diseases. Zinc is effective for anemia, gum disease, and chronic lung diseases. It helps to heal various wounds on the skin, trophic ulcers, burns and postoperative sutures.

In general, zinc has a lot of “work” in the body, and although the daily need for it is small, the consequences of zinc deficiency can significantly affect health.

Vitamin-mineral complexes with zinc

So, you've decided to take care of your health and take zinc. In pharmacies, you will most likely be offered vitamin-mineral complexes or dietary supplements containing zinc. Let's look at them briefly.

"Complivit" is a complex with vitamins and minerals to maintain health and strengthen the immune system.

“Complivit trimester 1, 2, 3” - intended for use at different stages of pregnancy, where zinc promotes the full development of the fetus and prevents premature birth.

In general, such a combination as vitamin + zinc can be found in quite a few drugs in the pharmacy. For example: “Selitsink Plus”, “Centrum”, “Oligovit”, “Alphabet”, “Duovit”, “Multitabs” and many others.

Dietary supplements with zinc

“Zinc + vitamin C” from “Evalar” is a dietary supplement that contains zinc lactate 60 mg (i.e. 12 mg of pure zinc). Designed to eliminate deficiency of vitamin C and zinc in the body, as well as to prevent colds. Such zinc in pharmacies will cost about 150 rubles. The drug is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as it contains a certain amount of toxic elements (lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury).

"Zincit" - dietary supplement in the form effervescent tablets. Zinc in it is presented in the form of sulfate, in the amount of 44 mg in 1 tablet (pure zinc 10 mg). Designed to eliminate zinc deficiency in the body. Contraindicated in renal failure. This price in a pharmacy, which ranges from 300 to 500 rubles, is very popular among consumers.

“Zincteral” is a dietary supplement in the form of tablets, each of which contains zinc gluconate - 15 mg, vitamin C - 34 mg, seafood extract - 105 mg and excipients. Recommended for age-related changes in the skin (loss of elasticity, wrinkles). Due to the low proportion of pure zinc, the drug cannot fully cover the need for this element. Contraindications for taking this drug include intolerance to seafood and other components of the dietary supplement.

"Now L-OptiZinc" - tablets with zinc and copper. In this preparation, zinc is presented in combination with the amino acid methionine.

Both of these elements have a very positive effect on the body. The drug is recommended for use to increase immunity, in complex therapy - for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, blood vessels, liver, eye and skin diseases. The price for this zinc tablets in the pharmacy is quite high - about 500 rubles.


Zinc can also be purchased in pharmacies in the form of the drug “Biozinc” from DR. SKALNY (60 tablets, each containing 0.3 g of zinc). This manufacturer claims that in this composition, zinc is most well absorbed by the body at the cellular level. Ingredients: zinc lactate, glucose - as a source of energy and antioxidant, chicken egg powder - a storehouse of proteins, talc - filler, magnesium stearate - one of the main elements found in cells.

Properties: protection against toxins, prevention of cancer development, promotes the production of thyroid hormone, as well as testosterone and progesterone, accelerates wound healing, prolongs youth, improves brain function.

This is not the entire list of drugs with zinc presented on the Russian market. But more and more consumers prefer foreign versions of such dietary supplements. This is explained by the relatively cheap price of these products and the improved absorption of zinc in the body.

Zinc (powder)

You may be offered zinc (powder) in a pharmacy - it is an oxide. True, it is rarely used in this form, and even then only for external application. Typically, zinc powder is mixed with other ingredients and various ointments, creams, liniments and other dosage forms containing zinc are produced. And all because oxide is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract even worse than

Here are a few examples of preparations: paste, zinc-naphthalan ointment, salicylic-zinc, zinc-ichthyol ointment, “galmanin” (powder for sweating feet), “Neo-anuzole” suppositories (for hemorrhoids).

Such drugs are most often prescribed for diaper rash and diaper dermatitis in children, prickly heat, wounds and burns, bedsores, eczema, herpes, streptoderma and trophic ulcers.

The effect of preparations with zinc for external use: anti-inflammatory, drying, adsorbent, antiseptic, astringent, protective, soothing.

Side effects of zinc

When buying zinc (tablets) at a pharmacy, ask about the side effects and contraindications of the drug you have chosen.

Typically, manufacturers indicate on the labels of their products not the proportion of pure zinc, but its amount in the form of salt: zinc sulfate, oxide, bisglycinate, gluconate, acetate, picolinate, zinc citrate. There is also zinc lactate - the lactic acid form of zinc. The proportion of pure zinc will be significantly less than in the form of salt. However, zinc salts are easier to obtain and are relatively inexpensive. Zinc oxide and sulfate are believed to be more likely to cause side effects than other forms. When taken orally, people often experience symptoms of the disorder. digestive tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Sometimes such symptoms can be avoided if you take zinc sulfate after a heavy meal and not on an empty stomach.

If you are not sure how you will react to a zinc supplement, you should not take it before leaving home. In some cases, you can simply diversify your diet with foods that contain zinc.

Zinc is a trace element that is needed for good immunity, healthy skin, hair and nails, wound healing, normal course pregnancy, growth and development of children. It is found in animal and plant products, which are considered healthy food. However, “junk” food is low in zinc. Deficiency of this metal in the body is a common problem. He is called malnutrition And chronic diseases. To saturate your body with zinc, it is useful to take supplements - tablets or capsules. Below we describe in detail how they can benefit adults and children, women and men.

Popular zinc tablets are Zincteral and Zincit. Their active substance- zinc sulfate. This is an inorganic compound that is poorly absorbed. It often causes nausea.

The zinc supplements discussed below contain organic active ingredients. They are well absorbed and quickly produce results.

Also, the daily dose of zinc will cost 3-6 times less if you order supplements from the USA rather than buy them at a pharmacy.

Below we detail the benefits of zinc for women, men and children. Provided detailed list foods that are rich in this microelement. Find out what the recommended daily doses are for different age groups. Zinc sulfate tablets that are sold in pharmacies (Zincteral, Zinkit), their advantages and disadvantages are described. Many people are interested in whether zinc helps with acne, hair loss and colds. Study objective information on these issues. First of all, watch the video:

Why is zinc beneficial?

Zinc is present in every cell of the body. It is used for the production of proteins, DNA synthesis, controls cell division, supports immunity, and heals wounds. This microelement is necessary for a person to sense tastes and smells normally. Its concentration is increased in the retina of the eyes, bones, and skin tissues. It is necessary for the production of insulin and other hormones. It is difficult to find a metabolic process in which this metal would not participate. Therefore, zinc tablets help against dozens of different diseases.

Pimples People who suffer from acne often have low levels of zinc in their blood and skin tissues. Tablets containing this trace element improve the condition of the skin, especially if taken together with vitamin A. However, whether ointments applied to the skin to treat acne are effective is a controversial issue. Rather, it is the antibiotics contained in these products that help, not the zinc.
Age-related decline in vision Taking zinc tablets (capsules) may reduce the risk that your vision will deteriorate as you age. It is also advisable to take antioxidants - vitamins C and E, lutein, zeaxanthin and others. If you have age-related macular degeneration of the retina, discuss with your doctor whether you should be treated with zinc supplements.
Anorexia Anorexia is a complete lack of appetite, loss of the feeling of hunger, despite the body’s objective need for nutrition. It occurs due to hormonal imbalances, psychological problems or taking certain medications. Zinc supplements help restore appetite in anorexia and reduce symptoms of depression.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children Children who suffer from ADHD are often prescribed zinc tablets, in addition to other treatments. These children often have a zinc deficiency in their body, which is corrected by taking supplements. It is assumed that this reduces impulsive behavior in problem children and makes it easier for them to adapt to the team. Try also.
Depression Zinc helps people suffering from clinical depression in addition to taking antidepressant medications. Also prescribed nutritional supplements patients who did not get an effect from antidepressants, and this gave success. Also try 5-HTP, L-glutamine and fish oil. See more details. Try to switch from “chemical” antidepressants to harmless supplements.
Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a decrease in bone density due to metabolic disorders in bone tissue. Osteoporosis increases the risk of fractures. Perhaps this disease is associated with a deficiency of macro- and microelements in the body, among other reasons. Postmenopausal women were prescribed zinc supplements along with copper, manganese and calcium. This helped slow down the development of osteoporosis in them.
Pregnancy Taking zinc tablets during pregnancy appears to reduce the risk of preterm birth. Zinc, along with vitamin A, is prescribed to pregnant women who have developed night blindness to restore night vision. However, vitamin A is considered toxic to the fetus. Consult your doctor! Do not take any medications or supplements on your own during pregnancy.
Complications of diabetes Zinc supplements relieve symptoms of diabetic neuropathy—pain in the legs or, conversely, loss of sensation. They also promote the healing of wounds and ulcers on the feet with diabetic foot syndrome. Zinc increases tissue sensitivity to insulin. However, the effect is weak. Learn effective diabetes treatments and control your blood sugar. Otherwise, no devices or pills will help.
Male infertility, weakened potency Taking zinc supplements increases the number and motility of sperm and normalizes testosterone in the blood. Thanks to this, a man's chances of becoming a father increase. Potency improves, but the effect is moderate. Take microelements not so much for potency, but for the prevention of prostate diseases. Try also.

Other diseases for which it is useful to take zinc:

  • anemia;
  • burns;
  • gum disease;
  • sleep disturbances, memory disturbances, foggy thinking;
  • various infectious diseases;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • recovery after surgery.

  • Copper Balanced Zinc Supplement - Jarrow Formulas
  • Zinc tablets from Nature's Way - the active ingredient is well absorbed
  • Zinc supplement + pumpkin seed oil - for men

How to order zinc supplements from the USA

For men

Zinc is necessary for male potency and fertility. Men's Health magazine calls it a key micronutrient for men's sexual health. At the same time, it is not a miracle cure for impotence. It is far from being as effective as Viagra, Levitra and Cialis. This microelement increases the number and motility of sperm. Thanks to this, the potency is enhanced, but the effect is not too pronounced and does not occur quickly.

Zinc deficiency in the body is the cause of low testosterone levels in the blood. Foods rich in this metal and dietary supplements help restore normal level testosterone. However, in most cases, men suffering from erectile dysfunction have normal testosterone levels. Problems with potency are more often caused by atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, complications of diabetes mellitus, psychological reasons. In these cases, zinc is unlikely to help.

Zinc is an important mineral for the prevention and possibly treatment of prostate diseases. It is known that prostate cells that form a cancerous tumor contain much less of this trace element than healthy tissue. As a man ages, his diet may change for the worse, causing zinc deficiency. Men who eat an unhealthy diet low in vitamins and minerals are more likely to develop benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis (inflammation). And from there it’s not far to deadly cancer.

Drinking alcohol depletes the body's zinc reserves. This trace element is used to weaken negative impact alcoholic drinks on the liver. It stimulates the production of enzymes that break down alcohol. This trace element is also an antioxidant and protects the liver. Men who seriously engage in sports often suffer injuries, muscle strains, and skin damage. Zinc tablets stimulate wound healing and possibly speed up recovery from injuries. However, it is unlikely to directly improve athletic performance.

Eat foods rich in zinc. Below is a list of them. Avoid junk food completely. If you have developed the diseases listed above in the “Why is zinc beneficial” section, then it is advisable to take supplements - tablets or capsules.

For women

Taking zinc supplements may improve premenstrual syndrome in women because this trace mineral affects the production of the hormone progesterone. If you're worried about PMS, try taking L-glutamine as well. If on certain days an uncontrollable craving for eating carbohydrates arises, chromium tablets will help.

Taking zinc supplements improves mood in women and helps with depression. In 2010, the results of a clinical study were published that confirmed this. Half of the participants took 7 mg of zinc per day, and the other half took a placebo. After 10 weeks, women who took the real supplement were found to experience fewer episodes of anger and depressed mood.

So, zinc is an important micronutrient for women. Below we consider what role it plays during pregnancy, for the health of skin, nails and hair. Micronutrient supplements are inexpensive and can significantly improve your health. Moreover, you will feel the effect after 1-3 weeks of taking them. Talk to your doctor about taking zinc tablets if you notice symptoms of a deficiency of this mineral in your body.

How to order vitamins for women from the USA on iHerb - or . Instructions in Russian.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman needs to provide her body with enough zinc so that the fetus develops normally, reduce the risk of premature birth, and also so that her own health does not deteriorate. Fetal cells are dividing rapidly. Zinc is an important trace element that is involved in this process. The need for microelements increases during pregnancy. But taking excessive amounts of minerals is not advisable because side effects are possible.

How much zinc does a woman need during pregnancy?

Don't try to consume the exact amount of zinc listed in the table every day. Eat foods containing this trace element. At the same time, you don’t need to scrupulously count how many grams you ate. If you take a prenatal vitamin, it probably contains zinc, although not much. It is advisable that it is not sulfate, but some other salt - organic, which is well absorbed and does not cause nausea.

Women who consume animal products are unlikely to need to take zinc tablets during pregnancy. It’s more difficult for vegetarians, because microelements from plant foods are absorbed less well. If you feel symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body, then take tablets that eliminate this deficiency. Consult your doctor! The maximum permissible dose of zinc for adults is no more than 40 mg per day. For women under 18 years of age - no more than 34 mg per day. Take supplements in such a way as not to exceed it.

For hair loss

On Russian-language websites you can find many sensational statements that zinc helps against hair loss. However Scientific research on this issue gave a negative result. Supplements containing microelements are practically ineffective for people whose hair falls out or becomes thin and brittle. Theoretically, zinc could help with hair problems because it regulates protein synthesis and hormonal balance. But in practice there is no effect from taking this microelement.

Hair loss may be due to reduced level thyroid hormone. Taking zinc and selenium stimulates the production of this hormone. Thus, dietary supplements in rare cases can indirectly help restore thick hairline. One such patient was described in an international journal of trichology (the science of hair). If you are concerned about poor hair condition, then study the symptoms of thyroid hormone deficiency and get blood tests.

Zinc tablets are unlikely to help with hair loss. However, this mineral remarkably improves the condition of the skin and nails and treats acne. Read more below.

For acne

If you're worried about acne, you might want to try taking zinc tablets. Studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of taking this trace element for the treatment of acne. At least 12 articles on this topic have been published in English-language scientific journals over the years. Zinc was effective in 80% of studies.

This mineral helped 33-60% of people who took it. In study participants, acne decreased by an average of 2 times. Antibiotics help better than zinc, but have side effects. It is better to tolerate acne than to take antibiotics unless absolutely necessary. Supplements that can be purchased over the counter are likely to help and are unlikely to cause side effects.

The dosage of zinc for acne treatment should be high, close to the maximum permissible daily dose. It is impossible to obtain a medicinal amount of this microelement from food. Therefore, you need to take pills that are sold at the pharmacy or nutritional supplements.

Zinc can be taken in the form of different salts. The most common form is zinc sulfate. However, it is poorly absorbed. Many people complain that Zincteral and Zincite tablets make them feel nauseous. It is better to take any other form, but not sulfate. It is assumed that picolinate and gluconate are absorbed better than zinc citrate, but this is not reliable.

It is not known exactly how zinc treats acne. Some sources claim that it improves the delivery of vitamin A to skin cells. Others - zinc regulates apoptosis, natural cell renewal. The exact mechanism of action has not yet been established. But in any case, this trace element helps many people against acne.

It is advisable to take zinc along with vitamin A for 6-8 weeks, and then evaluate the effect obtained. However, vitamin A is not harmless. Carefully study the list of side effects that may cause its use in high doses— 33-100 thousand IU per day. This vitamin should not be taken in dosages higher than 4-7 thousand IU per day if you are planning a pregnancy in the next six months or are already pregnant. Zinc and vitamin A are the main nutrients needed for healthy skin.

For children

Zinc is an essential micronutrient for children. For them it is even more important than for adults. Microelements are involved in the growth and development of children, in particular their reproductive system and brain. It also depends on how strong the child’s immunity is.

Zinc deficiency can be a problem for children from disadvantaged families who eat cheap, low-quality food. Children and adults who eat a balanced diet that includes animal products and plant foods rarely need to take dietary supplements.

Americans write that in their home country, zinc deficiency is observed in 6% of girls and 10% of boys. And in developing countries, micronutrient deficiencies in children are a much more common problem. Scientists from Western countries have conducted research in third world countries on how food additives affect the growth and development of children.

In Guatemala, a large group of children were given zinc tablets until the age of 3 years. There was also a control group of their peers who did not take the supplements. Participants in the first group overtook the control group in height by 2.5 cm during the study period. More than 30 similar studies have been published. As a result, experts now recommend trying zinc supplements if a child is experiencing poor growth and weight gain.

The immune system eliminates unwanted elements that enter the body in several successive stages. First you need to detect enemies and then destroy them. These stages involve different types cells - macrophages, T-killers, T-helpers and others. They interact with each other in complex ways. Even a moderate lack of zinc in the body disrupts their coordinated work.

Zinc deficiency leads to an increased risk of pneumonia and other infections, especially in children and the elderly. If a child or adult has a weakened immune system, the doctor may prescribe this microelement as part of a vitamin complex. If a person, in addition to frequent infectious diseases, has other symptoms of zinc deficiency, then it will be useful to take a course of this mineral in increased doses.

Read also:

Age-related vision impairment

In people who have normal levels of zinc in their blood, their vision does not decline too much with age. This trace element protects eye cells from damage by free radicals. In retinal tissues its concentration is increased. Zinc and vitamin A are the raw materials for creating the pigment melanin, which protects the eyes from ultraviolet radiation.

Experts are cautious in their assessments of whether taking zinc supplements is beneficial for vision. In 2001, the results of a large study, the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS), were published. It turned out that taking 80 mg of zinc in combination with vitamins C and E and beta-carotene reduced the risk of macular degeneration of the retina by 25%. However, no other serious studies have been conducted on the benefits of micronutrients for vision.

In 2013, the results of the AREDS-2 study were published, in which beta-carotene was replaced with lutein and zeaxanthin, and Omega 3 fatty acids were added. Beta-carotene was abandoned because, according to previous studies, it increased the risk of cancer. It turned out that zinc and eye antioxidants remain effective without beta-carotene. Daily doses of zinc were reduced from 80 mg to 25 mg, and this did not affect the results. Adding Omega 3 fatty acids was not helpful.

Apart from AREDS and AREDS-2, there have been no other rigorous clinical studies of the effects of zinc supplementation on vision. This worries experts. Micronutrients are likely beneficial for the eyes when taken in combination with antioxidants. If your vision is deteriorating due to complications of diabetes, then you need to control your blood sugar, otherwise no pills will help. Zinc can block the absorption of copper from food, and this metal is also important for the eyes. Along with zinc supplements, it is advisable to take 1-2 mg of copper per day.

Zinc tablets for colds

In Western countries, zinc for colds is taken mainly in the form of lozenges and syrup. Tablets and capsules containing this mineral are prescribed less frequently for the prevention and treatment of colds. We also tried using nasal gels and aerosols. However, this was abandoned because many patients complained of long-term loss of smell as a result of such zinc intake.

Whether zinc helps you recover faster from a cold or return to work or school is a controversial issue. There have been at least 14 rigorous clinical studies on this topic. Half of them noted a positive effect. But the second half showed that no micronutrients speed up recovery from a cold.

Zinc may improve the symptoms and shorten the duration of colds and flu. Or perhaps not. To date, there are not enough arguments to recommend this microelement for colds to all patients. In any case, larger studies are needed to determine effective dosages and which zinc salt helps best.

Zinc strengthens the immune system in adults and children - no one argues with this. Therefore, it is useful for preventing colds, flu and other infectious diseases. However, it is unlikely that nutritional supplements will help you recover faster if a person already has a cold. Explore. It makes sense for children and adults to be treated for colds as described in this book.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body

Zinc deficiency in humans is determined when the concentration of this trace element in the blood is below normal or when symptoms already occur. Zinc deficiency occurs due to insufficient dietary intake of this mineral, impaired absorption, increased excretion from the body, as well as in special situations when the need for it increases - acute diseases, pregnancy.

Zinc deficiency negatively affects the skin, gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, reproductive system, weakens the immune system. This problem can be acute or chronic. At least 25% of the world's population is at risk of lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, especially in developing countries.

Skin, nails and hair Skin acne, eczema, dry skin, seborrheic dermatitis, thin and sparse hair. The wounds do not heal for a long time.
Oral cavity Ulcers in the mouth and corners, stomatitis, white coating in the language
Sight, smell, taste Loss of smell and taste, night blindness
The immune system Increased risk of infections, especially pneumonia, due to weakened immunity in children as well as adults
Hunger Insatiable hunger or, conversely, loss of appetite, anorexia
Brain, nervous system Children with zinc deficiency have worse mental capacity. They may behave sluggishly or, conversely, be hyperactive.
Psychological problems Mental instability, depression
Child development Delayed growth and development in children. This may be a problem for 1/3 of children worldwide.
Pregnancy Difficult and premature birth, bleeding, placental abruption
In men Zinc deficiency can lower the concentration of testosterone in the blood, cause hypogonadism, and delayed puberty.

Zinc reserves are depleted by alcohol consumption, diarrhea, and exhausting exercise. The human body cannot store much of this trace element. Therefore, you need to consume foods rich in zinc or take vitamins regularly, at least 1-2 times a week.

Severe deficiency can be due to genetic disorders in the absorption of this mineral, as well as diseases of the small intestine.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is advisable to consume zinc 1-2 mg per day more than usual. The exact recommended dosages are given above - in the section that talks about the importance of this trace element for women.

Maximum permissible daily doses

If you regularly take zinc in amounts exceeding the maximum permissible daily dose for many days in a row, side effects may occur. The body's copper and iron reserves will be depleted, which can lead to anemia. Other side effects are fever, cough, fatigue, stomach pain. Zinc poisoning is harmful to the kidneys and stomach. Acute symptomsmetallic taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Products containing zinc

Which foods contain a lot of zinc:

  • red meat and poultry;
  • oysters, crabs, lobsters and other shellfish;
  • nuts and legumes;
  • whole grain products;
  • breakfast cereals specially fortified with zinc;
  • hard cheese.

Cereals, bread and legumes contain phytates - substances that block the absorption of minerals and trace elements. Therefore, the availability of zinc from plant foods for humans is low.

Foods with the most zinc

Oysters outrank any other food by a wide margin. However, in real nutrition, the main people's need for zinc is provided by beef, pork and chicken.

Frequently asked questions and their answers

The cosmetologist advised me to take zinc sulfate tablets, but they cause nausea. What to replace them with?

Take supplements that contain zinc picolinate, gluconate, or zinc citrate. All of these forms are absorbed better than sulfate and do not cause nausea. Some articles claim that picolinate is the most effective, others claim that gluconate. This is not reliable. However, any of the listed zinc salts are better than sulfate. Within a few weeks of starting supplementation, you will find that your skin and nails have improved.

Does zinc speed up recovery from a cold?

No nutritional supplements appear to speed recovery if a person already has a cold. However, it is useful to take them for prevention, along with other substances - antioxidant vitamins, herbs, probiotics, fish oil, etc. Try taking a powerful vitamin complex that contains a solid dose of zinc and evaluate how it affects your well-being.

Can taking zinc supplements be harmful?

Yes, if you take more than the maximum daily dose for several weeks in a row. If you take a supplement that contains 50 mg of zinc 2-3 times a week, that's okay. Along with zinc, it is advisable to simultaneously take 1-2 mg of copper per day to avoid a deficiency of this metal in the body. Copper is included in good complexes vitamins, such as Alive from Nature's Way.

Will zinc tablets help strengthen male potency?

Perhaps they will help, but the effect is not very pronounced, you should not expect a miracle. Zinc preparations are far from being as effective as Viagra, Levitra and Cialis. However, they can increase sperm count and motility, thereby increasing your chances. Look for a supplement that contains zinc and pumpkin seed oil. It is designed specifically for men. This is a good remedy for the prevention and treatment of prostate problems.

Is it true that when a man ejaculates, he loses a lot of zinc and selenium?

Yes its true. According to articles published in medical journals, about 5 mg of zinc is consumed. After the age of 35-40, learn to have sex without ejaculating every time. It's not difficult, in fact, and quite useful. See for example the book “Improving Male Sexual Energy” by Mantak Chia. If you put aside the esotericism, you will learn a set of exercises that give results within a few days.

I know that zinc increases appetite. Will taking supplements cause weight gain?

Zinc does not increase appetite, but normalizes it. An insatiable desire to overeat with carbohydrates or some other foods may be a sign of a deficiency of this microelement in the body. Don't worry that zinc will make you gain weight. This will not happen. However, you may gain weight while taking supplements for other reasons. Go to . Get blood tests for thyroid hormones. If hypothyroidism is detected, treat it.


Zinc supplements are inexpensive and can provide you with great benefits. They help with acne, stabilize mood, alleviate depression, and strengthen the immune system in adults and children. Women are pleased that this microelement improves the condition of the skin, nails and, possibly, hair. Men need it to prevent prostate diseases.

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