How to prepare a medicinal tincture from horse chestnut. How to make horse chestnut tincture. Beneficial properties of the healing drug

Hello dear readers. Preparations made from phyto-raw materials are becoming increasingly popular. Horse chestnut occupies a special place among healing plants. It is used in folk medicine, and is also part of various pharmacological and cosmetic products. Its beneficial properties have long been used to treat a variety of diseases, eliminate pathological conditions and for the purpose of preventive effects. One of the most popular remedies is a tincture of chestnut flowers in vodka - application, beneficial properties, as well as recipes for self-cooking will be discussed further.

Horse chestnut - medicinal properties and uses

Horse chestnut (also called acorn or aesculus) is a deciduous tree that decorates park areas in various parts of the world. The name most likely came from the dark-colored shiny fruits of the plant, similar to the color of the shiny coat of bay horses.

It is necessary to distinguish between horse and real chestnuts. Their fruits have significant external similarities. Unlike the very bitter horse chestnut, real chestnut is edible and has a pleasant taste, reminiscent of boiled potatoes in their skins.

The plant loves moderate climatic conditions and moisture; it prefers loamy soil. Therefore, it spreads to Southern European, Indian, East Asian, and North American lands.

The plant blooms with beautiful inflorescences with a pleasant aroma, being a honey plant. Chestnuts look very attractive, not only during flowering, but throughout the entire growing season. Therefore, they are used in parks and for street landscaping.

Chestnut fruits are quite nutritious and, despite the tart-bitter taste, are used for fattening livestock. The healing properties of the chestnut tree have long been known. IN medical purposes inflorescences, fruits, tree bark, and leaf blades are used.

The wood has little commercial value due to its softness. But it is still used for the manufacture of furniture, household utensils, wooden containers, and various crafts, since it is easy to process, carve, and holds fastenings securely.

Composition and properties of chestnut raw materials

Chestnut bark contains:

- a lot of tannins;

- glycosides;

- saponins;

- coumarins;

— flavonoids and other compounds

The chemical composition of the seeds is even richer

  1. Starch (up to 60%).
  1. Cellulose.
  1. Sugars – glucose, sucrose, dextrins.
  1. Organic acids – citric, lactic, malic.
  1. Proteins (there are significantly fewer of them here than in other nut-bearing plants).
  1. Fats (their content is also relatively low).
  1. Tannins.
  1. Biologically active compounds– astralgin, lutein, quercetin, etc.
  1. Flavonoids.
  1. Glycosides.
  1. Vitamins C, B, K.
  1. Calcium, iron and some other minerals.

Uses of chestnut

Application various parts chestnut tree in medicine is due to the beneficial properties that they exhibit:


Vascular strengthening, anti-sclerotic.









Reduce capillary permeability.

Using chestnut raw materials, various pharmacological agents– tablets, ointments, injections, and also produced in the form of drops, capsules, extracts, suppositories. Various decoctions, infusions and tinctures are used in folk medicine.

With the help of chestnut, all kinds of diseases are treated.

The main indications for use are as follows:

  1. Vascular pathologies (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, etc.).
  1. Intestinal disorders, gastrointestinal lesions.
  1. Swelling of the legs.
  1. Presence of inflammation.
  1. Colds and other respiratory diseases.
  1. Women's diseases.
  1. Problems with the spleen.
  1. Weak outflow of bile.
  1. Vascular diseases (arthritis, gout).
  1. Neuroses, inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
  1. Malaria.
  1. Haemorrhoids.
  1. Trophic ulcers.
  1. Hypertension, heart disease.
  1. High blood clotting, anemia.

Chestnut in cosmetology

Beneficial features Chestnuts have long been used in cosmetology. The impact is used here:

- venotonic (reduces vascular network);

- decongestant;

- antioxidant;

- anti-inflammatory;

- UV protective;

- anti-cellulite;

- antimicrobial;

- strengthening hair

- improves complexion;

- relieving fatigue and a feeling of heaviness in the limbs.

The chestnut hood includes such caring and hygiene products as shampoos, balms, hair masks, creams, tonics, sun protection, aftershave lotions, foot gels, anti-cellulite compounds, etc.

Horse chestnut flowers - medicinal properties and contraindications

Chestnut inflorescences are used to prepare infusions and decoctions. Herbalists advise taking them in a two-week course twice a year. You can use both freshly picked and dried flowers. They:

Stimulate immune defense.

They have a bactericidal effect.

Stops inflammatory processes.

They give a resolving effect, eliminating blood clots and tumor growths.

They calm you down.

Improves blood composition.

Cleanse from toxins.

Promote rejuvenation.

But no matter how useful this natural ingredient, there are certain restrictions for its use.

  1. Blood clotting disorders, bleeding tendency, thrombocytopenia.
  1. Pregnancy, natural feeding of babies.
  1. Individual intolerance, development of allergic manifestations.
  1. Hypotension.
  1. Availability chronic constipation associated with atony of the intestinal walls.
  1. Menstrual irregularities.
  1. Low acidity in the stomach.
  1. Kidney failure.
  1. Liver problems in the acute phase.
  1. Taste aversion.

In any case, if there is a desire to use chestnut for treatment or for preventive purposes, it is better to consult a doctor. Especially in the presence of chronic diseases.

Preparation of flower decoction

If you intend to use fresh flowers, then you need to pick half of the blooming chestnut “candle” (this is about 50 g), rinse and pour a glass of boiling water in an enamel, clay, glass container.

You will need less dry raw material - 1-1.5 large spoons without top. The liquid should be placed on steam bath and keep there for about 20 minutes. The decoction must first be left for several hours, and then filtered, carefully squeezing out the flower residue.

Take the product in a third of a glass, dividing into several doses. It helps with damage to arteries and veins in the legs, hemorrhoids, trophic ulcers, radiation, prostatitis, and tumors.

Aqueous infusion of chestnut flowers

Pour five to seven large spoons of dried flowers into a liter of boiling water and leave, wrapped, for 6-8 hours. You can leave it overnight. Afterwards, the infusion is filtered and taken in half a glass, it can be used as tea. A liter is the daily norm.

The infusion is used in the same cases as the decoction. The only difference is that there is a lower concentration of active components.

Tincture of chestnut flowers with vodka - application, how to prepare

In a glass container, mix 6-7 large spoons of dried flowers with half a liter of diluted alcohol, strong vodka or high-quality moonshine. Having tightly sealed the container, the liquid is infused in a cool place for at least a decade.

She should not be in the sun. It's better to put it in the nightstand or pantry. The finished flower tincture must be filtered by squeezing out the flowers. Take the product 25-40 drops (about a teaspoon) after each meal - up to 4 times a day.

Tincture of chestnut flowers with vodka - effective for vascular damage, hemorrhoidal manifestations, and the presence of tumors (as an adjuvant).

It is also used externally as rubs and compresses for varicose veins, joint diseases, the appearance of tumors, muscle pain arising due to physical overload, neuralgia.

The rub is used twice a day. After the procedure, it is recommended to insulate the treated surface.

Fresh Juice

For varicose veins lower limbs, atherosclerosis, the presence of blood clots, as well as for hemorrhoids and trophic ulcerations, it is useful to take freshly squeezed juice from fresh flowers. To do this, the color is separated from the stalks, washed, and dried.

Having measured out the required amount of juice, mix it with a quarter glass of water and drink it before eating. Reception is carried out twice a day. The approximate course of treatment is two weeks.

Other folk recipes using horse chestnut.

Horse chestnut fruit

In addition to those mentioned above, chestnut seeds also exhibit diuretic, hemostatic, expectorant, and diaphoretic effects. For cooking medicinal products The use of chestnuts collected along roads and in industrial areas is strictly not recommended. Carefully! An overdose causes poisoning.

Seed infusion

Chop two ripe chestnuts and place in a thermos. The raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and kept for at least two hours. The resulting infusion is useful for chronic diarrhea, inflammation in the respiratory system, urolithiasis as a diaphoretic for elevated temperature. It is taken up to five times a day, two large spoons.

Chestnut fruit tincture

Ripe chestnut fruits need to be peeled from the prickly crust and crushed. You can pass them through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is transferred into a glass jar and filled with 40% vodka. For 300 g of chestnut you will need a liter of alcohol-containing liquid.

The tincture is prepared within a week. It is kept in a tightly sealed jar in a cool, dark place, shaking occasionally.

The finished tincture is used for local use as a rub for radiculitis, muscle pain after training or physical labor, when a neck is strained, or for salt deposits.

In the presence of varicose veins and vascular thrombosis, it is better to apply lotions, since rubbing in with insufficient care can lead to dire consequences. To do this, it is recommended to dilute the tincture with an equal amount of water.

Tincture for internal use

The most effective is the tincture made from the upper hard “shell” of the chestnut (not the prickly one, but the one that Brown). If the fruits are dried, in most cases it can be removed without much difficulty. It is used:

- for varicose veins;

- to strengthen vascular walls;

- with thrombophlebitis;

- to reduce blood viscosity;

- for atherosclerosis;

- to lower blood pressure;

- to cleanse the liver;

- as a pain reliever.

The peel should not be crushed into dust, but crushed into large particles - up to 0.5 cm. After this, it is poured with strong vodka. For 50 g of crushed skins you will need half a liter of vodka. Infuse the mixture for two weeks. Don't forget to shake the container every day.


  1. Inside – 30 drops, diluted in two tablespoons of water, half an hour before meals. For the first week, three times daily use is recommended. The rest of the time, drink the tincture four times a day. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months.
  1. Externally, in parallel with internal use. Use as an alcohol rub or in the form of compresses, diluting 1:1 with water. Compresses are applied to the desired areas for 2 hours, secured with a bandage. You can do them twice a day. It is not recommended to leave it overnight.

Peel decoction

A small spoon of crushed brown peel is poured into a glass of boiling water and kept on low heat for 15 minutes. The cooled product is filtered and drunk three times a day, a large spoon before meals.

Ointment product

  1. Crush 5 chestnuts, throw into half a liter vegetable oil. Add 5 large spoons of dry chestnut color here and keep in a water bath for an hour. After cooling, the product is filtered. Used for skin and vascular lesions, inflammation.
  1. Grind 100 g of chestnuts and pour into half a kilo of melted interior fat (any kind). The ointment takes 3 days to prepare: it is kept in a steam bath for half an hour every day. The finished product is filtered without cooling. After cooling, store in the refrigerator.

Use of tree bark

Infusion of bark

The bark is washed, dried and crushed. A small spoon of the prepared raw material is poured, cooled to warm state boiled water in the amount of 400 g (this is 2 tbsp.). The product is infused for 8 hours - it is convenient to leave it overnight. Afterwards it is strained and taken four times a day, a couple of large spoons at a time.

Chestnut bark decoction

Place 50 g of crushed bark in a liter of boiling water. The mixture is boiled, reducing the heat, for about 15 minutes. After this, the container is insulated and left overnight. Only then is the broth filtered. It is used externally only.

Sitz baths for hemorrhoids, cystitis (for 15 minutes), as well as foot baths for relieving swelling, improving blood flow, eliminating pain(the procedure lasts up to half an hour). Instead of bark, you can use branches to make baths. The recipe will be the same.

Infusion of chestnut leaves

Dried green leaves need to be ground. A tablespoon of substrate is poured with 200 ml of boiling water. After cooling, filter and take a large spoon three times a day before meals. This excellent remedy From cough. It helps to significantly improve the patient’s condition with bronchitis, tracheitis, and whooping cough.

Now you know what horse chestnut is - its medicinal properties and uses, as well as how to prepare and take a tincture of chestnut flowers with vodka.

As you know, the beautiful spreading chestnut tree that decorates modern parks and squares gives people not only shady coolness and a delicate floral aroma. This plant brings great benefit and health. The components of the plant are used in folk medicine in different ways, but most often a chestnut tincture is prepared with vodka, the use of which helps to cure ailments at home without the involvement of doctors.

What is useful in chestnut tincture?

Thus, horse chestnut tincture does not involve processing of the main ingredient - chestnut, therefore all its beneficial components do not disappear during the preparation process.

In folk medicine, chestnut tincture has earned its frequent use due to its healing properties and ease of use. It is used in cases of violation water-salt balance in the body as a means of helping to remove toxins and radionuclides. This property is given to the medicine by the macro and microelements contained in chestnut - copper, cobalt, calcium, potassium.

Due to the fact that horse chestnut contains iodine, a vodka tincture of its fruit helps reduce the possibility of developing hypothyroidism—dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

The active substances saponosides included in the chestnut composition give it a vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory effect, so horse chestnut tincture - when used internally, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, reduce blood viscosity, and increase tone venous vessels, lower blood pressure, prevent the formation of blood clots. Infusions also help relieve swelling and promote the resorption of existing blood clots.

How to prepare tinctures correctly

There is a recipe in which horse chestnut tincture and instructions for its use are universal in nature, i.e. This infusion can be taken internally and used externally.

Horse chestnut tincture at home is prepared as follows:

  1. Crushed chestnut fruits together with the peel (brown), dried and selected for quality in an amount of 50 grams, are poured with 500 ml of high-quality vodka in a glass container.
  2. Keep the infusion in a dark room for at least 14 days, shaking the container periodically.
  3. The course of treatment is 3 weeks (for varicose veins), 30 drops orally 3 times a day.

Chestnut tincture with vodka is not an alcoholic drink. It is used only for medicinal purposes. Infusions are prepared from all components of the plant - flowers, fruits, tree peel and even leaves.

Chestnut tincture in alcohol has the same application as in vodka. The only difference is the strength of the final infusion. The alcohol level is 96%, vodka is 40%. In view of this, it is sometimes recommended to dilute chestnut in alcohol tincture.

To achieve effective therapeutic effect, you need not only to prepare chestnut liqueurs correctly, but also to use them. You should not ignore a visit to the doctor before including this remedy in your treatment. The most common pathologies for which tinctures are used are:

  • malfunctions of cardio-vascular system;
  • liver diseases;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • gastritis;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • anemic conditions;
  • atherosclerosis of blood vessels;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • erysipelas;
  • joint diseases;
  • gout etc.

Chestnut to help lose weight

In addition, chestnut tincture is used for weight loss. In modern pharmacology, the so-called liquid chestnut is known, which is an energy stimulant supplement that normalizes metabolic processes in the body, thins the blood and dulls the feeling of hunger. This dietary supplement has practically nothing in common with the folk remedy - chestnut tincture, especially since it contains caffeine.

Chestnut for weight loss is infused in water without adding alcohol-containing components. The method of preparing a weight loss product is accessible to everyone and does not require large amounts of time or money:

  1. To prepare, you need to cut 25 g of chestnut fruits into 2 parts.
  2. Place the fruits in a gauze bag and lower them into a 3 liter jar.
  3. Pour 2.5 liters into a jar warm water, add 1 cup of sugar. Stir.
  4. Leave the infusion in a warm, cool room for 14 days.
  5. Strain the finished infusion.
  6. Take the infusion 2 times a day, 1 glass half an hour before meals.
  7. Course - 1 month.

When consuming this infusion, it is mandatory to follow a special diet - you cannot eat fatty foods, starchy foods, fried foods, or drink alcoholic beverages. The fluid intake per day should be 2 liters.

Folk recipes

To combat joint diseases, doctors recommend, in addition to taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, to use a combination of herbal remedies, including chestnut tincture for joints, the recipe for which has been helping for decades, even for patients with a very advanced form of the disease:

  1. You need to take 10 pcs. horse chestnut fruits, pour 300 ml of pure vodka over them.
  2. The mixture is infused for 10 days in dark place.
  3. On sore spots, preferably apply compresses from the infusion at night, always wrapping them in a warm scarf.

Chestnut tincture for joints can also be prepared using alcohol. But since this component is aggressive and can cause burns or irritation, compresses are made from it for no more than 2 hours or diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

This recipe also helps as a rub during attacks of radiculitis and rheumatism.

To prepare a tincture of chestnut flowers and fruits for cardiovascular diseases, you need to chop 10 chestnuts and 2 tbsp. l. their flowers. Pour the ingredients into 500 ml of vodka and leave for 3 weeks. For a month, drink 40 drops of tincture 4 times a day.

Chestnut tincture for varicose veins is taken orally. It is prepared as follows:

  1. Chestnut flowers - 50 g are poured into a glass container, preferably made of dark glass.
  2. Pour 500 ml of vodka into a vessel. Leave in a warm room for 2 weeks.
  3. The course of treatment is 1 month. You need to take the tincture orally, 30 drops 3 times a day before meals, 30 minutes, with water.

This recipe helps with various etiologies of swelling, hemorrhoidal cones, uterine and nasal bleeding, vascular spasms, and mastopathy.

What to watch out for

The effectiveness demonstrated by chestnut tinctures in the treatment of diseases does not give the right to call them a panacea and use them as an independent means of therapy. Only in combination with other medications prescribed by a doctor, tinctures can improve the healing process. They are recommended to be used separately only as a prophylactic agent.

With thrombocytopenia with bright severe symptoms- If you have hemorrhages or bruises, you should not use chestnut in infusions. It is also dangerous to do this if there is increased blood clotting, disorders menstrual cycle, hypocidal gastritis.

If the use of chestnut infusions is for a long time, it is necessary to monitor the blood condition by taking a test and diagnosing PTI - prothrombin index. If it decreases, you cannot continue treatment with infusions due to possible bleeding.

The doctor and only he should be the main consultant and advisor when using chestnut therapy. If there are any abnormalities in the functioning of the body, you should stop using the infusions and be sure to visit a doctor.

It is very difficult to overcome varicose veins. It's insidious and complex disease, for the treatment of which they often resort to surgical intervention. But traditional medicine knows a wonderful remedy that healers used hundreds of years ago to combat vascular pathology. Chestnut tincture will help against varicose veins; its recipe has been known since the times of Ancient Greece. Hippocrates said: “The doctor treats diseases, but Nature heals the sick.”

Varicose veins are a vein disease in which the walls of blood vessels are affected and thinned, their lumens expand, and “nodes” appear. As a result, the speed of blood flow slows down, and conditions are created for the formation of blood clots. They can clog a vein and provoke the development of a serious complication - thrombophlebitis, as well as the formation of trophic ulcers. Therefore, it is imperative to pay attention to the pathology in its infancy and try to eliminate the symptoms without allowing the condition to worsen.

Varicose veins can be either an independent disease or accompany other pathologies - hemorrhoids, prostatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, inflammation of the uterus. Very often, varicose veins hit the legs like a scourge. Visually, it appears as a network of blue, curved vessels on the legs with nodes along their entire length. Varicose veins not only disfigure the legs, but also cause severe physical discomfort - a feeling of heaviness, burning and pain.

One of the strong anti-inflammatory drugs for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis is a tincture prepared from chestnut fruits.

Phlebologists (doctors who treat veins) recommend using chestnut tincture as an independent remedy or in complex treatment varicose veins

How does chestnut tincture work?

The chestnut fruit (its seed) is a large shiny dark brown kernel in a three-leaf green capsule with thorns. These kernels, familiar to city dwellers, lie under everyone’s feet in the fall, and few people know how powerful medicinal properties they have. Their chemical composition unique: the formula contains more than 25 types of flavonoids, vitamins B, P, E, substances such as saponins, purines, tannins, fatty oils and styrene.

Tannins compact the venous walls, make them smooth and impenetrable, cover them with a kind of protective protein film, eliminating fragility and fragility, and also protecting the veins from penetration of microbes through the walls.

Saponins are complex active compounds, “ natural soap" They have bactericidal, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties. They return tone to the veins, disperse stagnant blood and lymph.

Chestnut tincture also gives the following results:

  • relieves swelling of the legs;
  • thins the blood;
  • dissolves blood clots and cholesterol plaques;
  • eliminates allergic reactions;
  • lowers blood pressure in vessels.


Chestnut tincture acts gently and purposefully, but it should not be taken:

  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • with poor blood clotting;
  • for liver diseases;
  • during pregnancy at any stage;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • during menstruation;
  • with low blood pressure;
  • children under 14 years of age.

We must not forget that chestnut tincture is a medicine that has a number of contraindications.

Ten healthy recipes

Experienced healers tell how to make chestnut tincture. Their recipes are very effective and help not only to cure varicose veins, but also to prevent the disease from returning in the future.

Recipe 1. Finely chop three fresh chestnut kernels, put them in a glass jar and pour a full glass of regular vodka, close and place in any non-cold dark place in the house. Leave for a week. Once a day, the jar needs to be shaken thoroughly. After 7 days, filter the contents through a triple layer of gauze. Throw away the cake, and store the vodka tincture for up to a year in a glass container so that it does not come into contact with Sun rays. Drink the medicine three times a day for a month, half an hour before meals, 30 drops diluted in 50 ml of water.

Recipe 2. Chop one fresh chestnut, steam with a glass of fresh boiling water and leave in a boiling steam bath for about 40 minutes. Leave for two hours, then strain thoroughly. Use in the morning on an empty stomach according to the following scheme: 1st day - 1 tablespoon, 2nd and 3rd days - 1 dessert spoon, 4th, 5th and 6th day - 2 tablespoons, other days - 3 tablespoons. The course of treatment is a month. After a two-week break, you can drink the decoction again.

Varicose veins are a direct threat to life! Venous bleeding, trophic ulcers, gangrene, blood clot rupture - this is what your inaction will lead to. For the prevention and treatment of varicose veins, phlebologists recommend using Varius cream. This natural preparation on plant components, which affects the cause of the problem, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, completely relieves swelling, cramps and heaviness in the legs, improving venous outflow. Varius cream has no contraindications and begins to act immediately after application, and when you feel...

Recipe 3. How to prepare a tincture from chestnut flowers: chestnut flowers are collected in the spring, cutting off the candles to the base. Then they need to be crushed (it is better to tear them by hand), spread in one layer on a clean white cloth and dried in a well-ventilated place without direct contact sunlight. Place the raw materials in a glass container and fill to the brim with vodka. Keep in a dark place for a month, shake well every day. Then strain and squeeze. Flower tincture with alcohol is taken 50 drops in the morning 20 minutes before meals. The course lasts 1 month. The tincture can be stored for a year, while the jar is kept closed at room temperature in a dark place.

Recipe 4. Medicinal kvass from chestnuts according to Bolotov: peel 20 medium chestnut fruits (fresh), cut in half, put the halves in a glass bowl and pour in syrup. Keep at room temperature for up to 15 days, strain. Drink one glass of kvass twice a day at any time, but with a break of at least 8 hours. How to prepare syrup for kvass according to Bolotov: dissolve a glass of sugar in three liters of cool boiled water, add half a glass of whey, one tablespoon of 20% sour cream (it can be replaced with 10 grams of fresh yeast), shake well, leave in the sun for 2 hours.

Recipe 5. You can prepare a simple healing chestnut ointment for varicose veins at home: chop three fresh chestnuts, mix with three full tablespoons of dried chestnut flowers. Pour the prepared raw materials into a glass vessel and add half a liter of vegetable oil to your taste (most often they use sunflower oil, but you can use corn, olive or flaxseed oil). Place everything in a boiling water bath and simmer for 2 hours. Cool at room temperature, then strain. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator. Use as a gel for varicose veins: lubricate the legs, lightly massaging until absorbed.

Recipe 6. Horse chestnut ointment, complex recipe: first prepare a tincture of chestnut flowers, for this, pour 2 tablespoons of the raw material into a glass jar, pour in 100 grams of vodka, leave for a week in the dark at room temperature, strain, squeeze the cake thoroughly. Melt 100 grams of high-quality cow butter in a water bath, add 20 grams of natural wax, mix until smooth. Pour the flower tincture into this mixture in a thin stream, stir, remove from the bath and pour into a glass container. It will thicken as it cools. Keep refrigerated. Use for light rubbing at night. Chestnut ointment can also be dissolved in hot water for 10-minute baths. After this, wrap your feet warmly for an hour.

Recipe 7. Alcohol tincture of chestnuts can be drunk or rubbed into sore spot. But the product for rubbing and compresses will be more effective if you prepare it like this: chop 10 fresh chestnuts, add 10 full tablespoons of dried flowers, put everything in a glass container and pour half a liter of 70% alcohol (or strong vodka). Keep in the dark at room temperature for a week. Strain. Use for daily 15-minute compresses. The following applies alcohol tincture chestnut is very effective.

Recipe 8. Grind 5 fresh fruits chestnut, pour into an enamel pan (you can add a few tablespoons of dried chestnut flowers), add a liter of water, boil for about 15 minutes, strain. Use the warm decoction for 15-minute foot baths, after which put warm socks on your feet, or better yet, warm high socks to keep the calf muscles warm.

Recipe 9. Chop green peel (with spikes), pour hot water in an enamel bowl, boil for 15 minutes. Leave for 10 hours, then strain. Drink 1 tablespoon in the morning 20 minutes before meals for 2 weeks.

Recipe 10. Chop 2-3 fresh chestnut fruits, mix with finely chopped five green chestnut leaves, pour boiling water over them until the consistency of a thick paste. Leave until cool. Apply the paste to the sore areas, wrap with a warm cloth and leave overnight. In the morning, it is advisable to rinse with warm broth prepared according to recipe No. 8.

Before taking the drug, you should definitely consult a therapist.

You should not violate the dosage when taking chestnut tincture, since chestnuts are mildly toxic and can be harmful in large dosages.

After monthly course treatment you need to take a two-week break.

You cannot violate the technology for preparing chestnut tincture at home. This may result in deactivation useful substances or their acquisition of new undesirable properties.

Possible alternative

Pharmacies sell ready-made tinctures and ointments based on chestnuts:

  • "Eskuzan" (Germany) - drops;
  • "Esflazid" (Russia) - tablets;
  • "Escuvit" (Ukraine) - drops or tablets;
  • "Venitan" (Germany) - gel;
  • "Reparil" (Germany) - gel.

It’s easier to buy a pharmaceutical drug, but homemade chestnut tincture against varicose veins will cost much less, and you can be 100% sure of the quality of the raw materials used and the freshness of the product.

It still seems that curing varicose veins is not easy?

Have you ever tried to get rid of varicose veins on your own? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • watch the next portion again and again spider veins on foot;
  • wake up in the morning wondering what to wear to cover the swollen veins;
  • suffer every evening from heaviness, schedule, swelling or buzzing in the legs;
  • a constantly seething cocktail of hope for success, agonizing anticipation and disappointment from a new unsuccessful treatment.

That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with the head of the Institute of Phlebology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Viktor Semenov, who told how to defeat VARICOSIS in one or two weeks and protect yourself from cancer and blood clots at home...

Thank you

Traditional medicine has long used horse chestnut in the treatment of many diseases, including hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, bleeding, varicose veins, etc. But official medicine does not lag behind unofficial medicine, including this plant in many medicines. Let's talk about the properties thanks to which horse chestnut has won its place in the pharmacopoeia, how to properly take and prepare preparations from this plant, which has a wide range of effects on the human body. In addition, this article will provide recipes for remedies that will help get rid of diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, etc.

Description of the horse chestnut plant

horse chestnut(epithet ordinary helps to distinguish it from other species belonging to the genus horse chestnut) belongs to the Horse-chestnut family, and is a tree whose height reaches 36 meters.

Horse chestnut (hereinafter this name will be used, without the epithet “ordinary”) has a low-hanging, spreading, dome-shaped crown and a trunk of a regular cylindrical shape. Moreover, the trunk of this wind-resistant plant with a powerful root system is covered in dark brown lamellar bark.

Horse chestnut leaves are palmately compound and slightly toothed, with long petioles.

White flowers, enclosed in erect cone-shaped panicles, the size of which is 10 - 30 cm, have small yellow spots(or specks). Each panicle consists of 20–50 flowers, which have an interesting property: for example, the yellow spots turn red after the flowers stop secreting nectar. The change in color of the spots is a kind of signal for pollinating insects that stop visiting flowers.

Most often, one panicle contains 1–5 fruits, which are green boxes with many thorns. In such boxes you can find one (rarely two or three) nut seed, which is popularly called chestnut. The size of each shiny brown chestnut is 2–4 cm across (at the base, the horse chestnut fruits, which ripen in August–September, have a whitish scar).

It must be said that the tree received its name for several reasons - firstly, due to the similarity of the shade of the shell of the horse chestnut fruit with the “ordinary” chestnut, and secondly, because of the leaf scars remaining on the shoots of the plant after leaf fall, and reminiscent of in the shape of a horse's shoe.

In addition, there is a version according to which the seeds of this plant were brought into the territory Central Europe Turks as feed for horses. It was for the purpose of distinguishing forage fruits from edible chestnuts that the first ones were called horse chestnuts.

Where does the horse chestnut tree grow?

The homeland of horse chestnut is the south Balkan Peninsula, namely Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Serbia and Bulgaria, where this tree grows in deciduous forests, adjacent to alder, ash, as well as maple and linden.

In Russia, horse chestnut is cultivated in a zone with a temperate climate, that is, in areas of the European part of the country.

Collection and storage

Between May and June (that is, after the flowering period), the fan-shaped branches of the horse chestnut abound in green cocoons covered with long thorns. Such cocoons contain fruits and nuts that have medicinal properties. Wherein healing qualities Not only the fruits of the plant can boast, but also all its other parts: roots, leaves, flowers, bark, as well as nut shells.

Seeds (or fruits) horse chestnut is cleared of pericarp and dried, laid out on shelves in a layer not exceeding 5 cm in thickness. The raw materials are dried for 3 - 4 weeks (when dried in special dryers at a temperature of 40 - 60 degrees, the process is reduced to 2 - 3 days). Properly dried fruits, which have a shelf life of two years, are distinguished by their round shape (fruit diameter is about 4 cm), rich brown color, shiny surface, the presence of a gray spot at the very base of the fruit and an astringent taste.

Bark trees are collected in the spring (after pruning the trees), removed from branches that are “turned” 3 – 5 years old. The bark is dried in the attic or in a ventilated area. Dried horse chestnut bark can be stored for a year.

Leaves horse chestnut are harvested from May to September (it is important to prepare the raw material before the leaves begin to yellow). If the raw materials are harvested from the same tree, the leaves are collected at the end of summer, that is, before the leaves fall.

It is recommended to harvest leaves from young trees whose height does not exceed 2 - 3 meters, since collecting a third of the foliage available on the tree will not harm it. The raw materials are dried under a canopy, in a dryer or in a room with well-organized ventilation, laid out in a layer about 10 cm thick. In order to speed up the drying process in the first two to three days, the drying leaves are turned over twice a day. Properly dried leaves have petioles that break during bending, while the raw material itself is distinguished by its green color, weak pleasant aroma and slightly astringent taste. The leaves have a shelf life of one year.

Composition and properties of horse chestnut

Saponins (escin)
  • increased tone of venous vessels;
  • elimination of venous stagnation;
  • stimulating the release of adrenal hormones;
  • strengthening vascular wall and capillaries;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • decreased lymph flow.
This class of substances denatures protein cells, resulting in the formation of a protective film with bactericidal and astringent properties, which is used in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, burns, wounds, gastrointestinal disorders and poisoning with heavy metals or plant poisons.

This complex carbohydrate, passing through the gastrointestinal tract, is converted into glucose, which is the most important source of energy, ensuring the full functioning of all muscle groups (including the heart).

Vitamin C

  • promotes the absorption of vitamin E;

  • participates in the synthesis of corticosteroid hormones responsible for adaptive reactions occurring in the body;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • fights germs and viruses;
  • promotes collagen maturation.
Vitamin A
  • ensuring normal growth and development of all internal organs;
  • strengthening and stabilization of cell membranes;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • promoting the cure of cancer;
  • maintaining the protective functions of the skin and promoting its regeneration.
Vitamin K
  • ensures proper functioning of the kidneys;
  • prevents hemorrhage caused by decreased blood clotting.
B vitamins
  • normalize the functioning of the brain, central nervous system, heart, vascular, endocrine, muscular, and digestive systems;
  • promote hemoglobin synthesis;
  • strengthen hair, skin, nails;
  • promote the production of steroid hormones.
Vitamin B1 (or thiamine) takes an active part in all metabolic processes of the body without exception, thereby normalizing the functioning of the digestive, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. In addition, thiamine stimulates brain activity and promotes hematopoiesis, improves appetite and tones the intestines.


  • stopping the growth of tumor cells;
  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • reducing the risk of thrombosis.
  • regulation of heart function;
  • stabilization of the central nervous system;
  • promoting vasodilation;
  • increased urine output;
  • neutralization of pathogenic microbes;
  • promoting liquefaction and removal of mucus.
  • remove radionuclides, salts heavy metals;
  • suppress putrefactive intestinal flora;
  • eliminate constipation;
  • reduce the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • accelerate the healing process of wounds.
  • protecting the body from carcinogenic effects from various types of aggressive pro-oxidants;
  • suppression of premature aging processes;
  • reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, as well as eye cataracts and other diseases provoked by the damaging effects of pro-oxidants;
  • suppression of the processes of gradual transformation of cells into malignant ones.

Flavonoids (rutin)
  • reduces fragility and permeability of capillaries;
  • dissolves atherosclerotic deposits;
  • promotes blood clotting;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • slows down heart rate;
  • lowers intraocular pressure;
  • enhances the process of bile formation;
  • relieves swelling;
  • eases the course of allergies.
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • promoting the removal of mucus.
Organic acids
  • promote the biosynthesis of alkaloids, glycosides and amino acids;
  • significantly slow down putrefactive and fermentation processes in the intestines, thereby ensuring its regular emptying;
  • removes both toxins and waste from the body;
  • improve the condition of blood vessels;
  • stimulate the formation of red blood cells;
  • normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
  • activates the course of oxidative processes;
  • ensures complete fat metabolism;
  • improves brain function;
  • normalizes heart function;
  • increases the body's resistance to the negative effects of toxic substances;
  • stimulates the process of bile secretion;
  • participates in the formation of both red blood cells and hemoglobin.
Globulin binds sex hormones (testosterone, estradiol, progesterone), thereby regulating their biological activity.

Fixed oils

  • regenerate tissues and cells of the body;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • regulate metabolic processes;
  • eliminate the harmful effects of carcinogenic substances.
The composition of horse chestnut, in addition to the listed components, includes a whole complex of minerals, macro- and microelements, including calcium, iron, nickel, zinc, boron, chromium, barium, selenium, iodine and silver. This unique composition provides wide application plants in the treatment of many diseases and conditions.

Properties of horse chestnut

  • Pain reliever;
  • hemostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • bactericidal;
  • diuretic;
  • venotonic;
  • antithrombic;
  • antioxidant;
  • decongestant;
  • antitumor;
  • diaphoretic;
  • antipyretic;
  • astringent;
  • anti-sclerotic.

Treatment using horse chestnut

How is it useful?

1. Eliminates swelling and inflammation.
2. Slows down blood clotting.
3. Helps reduce blood viscosity.
4. Reduces capillary permeability.
5. Prevents thrombosis.
6. Normalizes the acidity of gastric juice.
7. Eliminates vascular spasms.
8. Normalizes secretory function gallbladder.
9. Relieves joint pain.
10. Normalizes the functioning of the heart and liver.
11. Increases the tone of venous vessels.
12. Accelerates blood flow in the veins.
13. Prevents the formation of stasis in capillaries.
14. Enhances the production of antithrombin in the vascular system.
15. Reduces blood pressure.
16. Dilates blood vessels.
17. Removes cholesterol.
18. Improves digestion.
19. Removes salts from the body.
20. Removes harmful substances (toxins, radionuclides).

What does horse chestnut cure?

Preparations containing horse chestnut are used in the treatment of the following conditions and diseases:
  • malaria;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • spleen diseases;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • vascular spasms;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis ;
  • neuralgia;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • leucorrhoea;
  • endarteritis;
  • ulcers;
  • vein lesions caused by injuries;
  • radiation sickness;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • radiculitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • BPH;
  • prostatitis;
  • hypertension;
  • bleeding of various origins;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • dyspnea;
  • joint pain;
  • venous stagnation;
  • thromboembolism;
  • trophic ulcers of the leg;
  • muscle inflammation;
  • atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities;
  • salt deposits;
  • arteritis.

Horse chestnut flowers

This part of the plant is used as a rub for rheumatism. In addition, horse chestnut flowers are used in the treatment of endarteritis, hemorrhoids, ulcers, radiation sickness, and prostate adenoma.


The foliage of the tree is used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for uterine bleeding and inflammation of the veins of the extremities.

Fruits (seeds)

Horse chestnut fruits are indicated for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, and diarrhea. The fruits can be used both in fresh(for example, when chronic diarrhea or malaria), and fried (for bleeding). In dry form, chestnut seeds, which are also called nuts, are used as an effective diuretic and diaphoretic for colds.


The bark of the plant is part of the antipyretic and astringent agents. In addition, horse chestnut bark is indicated in the treatment of all kinds of rheumatic diseases and neuralgia.

Uses of horse chestnut


Horse chestnut tincture is used in the treatment of thrombosis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and prostatitis. In this case, you can use either a pharmacy version of the tincture, which is taken orally 15 drops three times a day before eating, or a self-prepared medicine.

So, 10 g of flowers or peeled chestnut fruits are crushed and poured with 100 ml of vodka, then the product is left to infuse for one week in a dark place. During infusion, the tincture must be shaken periodically. The filtered tincture is drunk 30 drops three times a day.

Externally, the tincture is used in the form of rubbing and compresses for rheumatism and radiculitis.


1 tsp crushed plant bark is poured into two glasses of chilled, but always boiled water, after which the mixture is left to sit for 8 hours, filtered and drunk 2 tbsp. four times a day for diseases of the kidneys, gall, intestines and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.


5 g of flowers and the same amount of plant bark are crushed and placed in an enamel bowl, after which 200 ml of boiling water is poured. Next, the mixture is boiled over low heat for half an hour, carefully filtered using a triple layer of gauze. The resulting decoction is brought to its original volume boiled water, and is taken in the first two days, 1 tbsp. once a day, while in subsequent days (provided the drug is well tolerated) the dose is increased to three tablespoons per day (1 tablespoon three times a day). The course of treatment for inflammation of the veins of the extremities ranges from two to eight weeks, while for hemorrhoids - from one to four weeks. This recipe will help cope with leukemia, shortness of breath, and rheumatism.

Flower juice

Juice prepared from fresh horse chestnut flowers, take 25-30 drops, which are diluted in a tablespoon of water. Drink this juice twice a day for varicose veins, as well as swelling of hemorrhoids. The effect of taking the juice will not be visible immediately, but after 3-4 weeks: thus, hemorrhoidal pain will gradually weaken, while the cones themselves will dissolve (unless, of course, the disease is advanced).

Extract (extract)

Horse chestnut extract contains a large number of escin is a substance that eliminates swelling and relieves leg fatigue during the treatment of varicose veins. In addition, the extract contains other saponins that protect capillaries from damage, eliminate inflammation and increase vein tone. Horse chestnut extract helps normalize blood pressure and regulates cholesterol levels directly in the blood, which is why it is widely used in the treatment of hypertension, thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis.


Horse chestnut is produced in the form of a hydroalcoholic extract called Aescusan, which affects the body as follows:
  • reduces capillary permeability;
  • repeatedly increases the tone of venous vessels;
  • eliminates foci of inflammation;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots.
The drug, prescribed 15 to 20 drops three times a day, is indicated for the treatment of stagnation and dilation of the veins of the lower extremities, hemorrhoids and leg ulcers.

Horse chestnut tablets

Esflazid tablets are an analogue of Escusan drops. The tablet form of horse chestnut preparations is convenient to use, since one capsule is taken once or twice a day in the first few days of treatment, while in subsequent days the dose is increased to three to four capsules per day. The duration of treatment with Esflazid ranges from two weeks to two to three months.

Horse chestnut oil

Effect of oil:
  • eliminating leg fatigue;
  • relieving muscle tension;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • soothing and toning of the skin;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • exfoliation of the old (dead) layer of cells;
  • increasing skin elasticity;
  • reduction of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • stimulating the elimination of waste and toxins, which promotes weight loss;
  • relieves swelling and puffiness of the eyelids;
  • tightens and visibly smoothes wrinkles.
Oil properties:
  • decongestant;
  • tonic;
  • rejuvenating;
  • astringent;
  • soothing;
  • cleansing.
Indications for use of horse chestnut oil:
1. Persons with an increased subcutaneous fat layer, that is, having a double chin or a modified oval of the face.
2. Patients suffering from varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and hemorrhoids.
3. Persons whose skin is prone to irritation.

The oil is applied with massaging movements to the lower limbs. In this case, the product is applied in the direction of the vessels, that is, from the feet to the knees.

The skin of the face is wiped with oil twice a day.

Horse chestnut cream

Effect of horse chestnut cream:
  • promoting the restoration of the structure of the skin;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • prevention of the development of varicose veins;
  • maintaining skin tone.
Pharmacy cream with horse chestnut will return lightness to your feet and give a feeling of comfort, making the skin of your feet smooth and soft.

You can prepare the cream at home by mixing 10 g of chopped chestnuts with olive oil until smooth. This cream is applied to problem areas of the skin two to three times a day and stored for no longer than two weeks in the refrigerator.

Horse chestnut ointment

Horse chestnut-based ointment quickly relieves inflammation and eliminates venous diseases, soothes the skin and relieves swelling. To prepare it, chop 5 chestnuts or 5 tbsp. horse chestnut flowers. The resulting mass is poured with half a liter of vegetable oil, boiled in a water bath for an hour, cooled and filtered. The ointment is applied to diseased areas of the skin 2 – 3 times a day.


Before using preparations based on horse chestnut, it is imperative that Pregnancy is one of the contraindications for taking horse chestnut preparations (especially in the first trimester), since there is no reliable information about the action of this plant (namely its component such as escin ) are absent on the fetus.

Important! IN in rare cases and only as prescribed by a doctor can you take horse chestnut for swelling of the lower extremities (but only in the third trimester of pregnancy and in the absence of nephropathy).

Horse chestnut recipes

Tincture for arthritis and rheumatism

50 g of well-chopped chestnut fruits are infused for two hours in half a liter of vodka. The resulting product is rubbed on sore joints.

Tincture for arthrosis

The fruits of chestnuts, cut into four parts, are filled into a glass container, which is filled to the top with vodka. The container is closed with a lid. The product is infused for three weeks in a dark place. A cotton cloth is moistened with the tincture and applied to the sore spot as a compress.

Infusion for warts

To prepare the infusion, an enamel bucket is half filled with horse chestnut leaves (flowers and crushed fruits can be used along with the leaves) and filled to the top with boiling water. The resulting mixture is infused for 12 hours, after which you can take baths in the infusion, the temperature of which should be 38 - 40 degrees. Baths are taken no longer than 20 minutes. The course of treatment is 7–8 baths taken every other day.

Decoction for menopause

15 g of ripe chestnut peel should be poured with a glass of water. Next, the mixture is boiled for a quarter of an hour and infused for another hour and a half. It is recommended to wash yourself with this decoction twice a day - morning and evening.

Infusion for leukemia (bleeding)

8 tbsp. Pour dried horse chestnut flowers into a liter of water, bring to a boil, then leave for one night in a warm place. The filtered infusion is drunk in small sips throughout the day.

Decoction for radiation sickness

6 tbsp. dry flowers of the plant, pour 1.5 liters of water, boil for 2 - 3 minutes, and then leave for another 8 hours. The strained infusion must be drunk throughout the day.

Ointment for neuralgia

Pre-cleaned and powdered horse chestnut fruits are mixed in equal quantities with camphor oil, as well as rendered lard (during the heating process, all components medicine mixed). After cooling, the ointment is applied in a thin layer to gauze, and then applied to the diseased area.

Tincture for gout

40 g of dried chestnut flowers are poured into a liter medical alcohol and infuse, stirring occasionally, for 7 days. A bandage is moistened with the strained tincture and applied to the affected areas (it is advisable to use this recipe at the final stage of an attack).

Tincture for prostatitis

Pour a glass of flowers or peeled crushed horse chestnut fruits with a liter of vodka and leave to infuse in a dark place for one month. The strained tincture is taken 10 drops four times a day. The drug is taken throughout the month in which it is administered drug treatment prostatitis Then a month's break is shown, after which the course is repeated to consolidate the results obtained.

"Chestnut kvass"

Cut the horse chestnut fruits (25 pieces) into two halves, place them in a gauze bag, into which a small weight in the form of a stone is also placed. The gauze bag is placed in a three- or five-liter jar and filled with 2.5 liters of chilled boiled water. Then a glass of sugar and the same amount of whey are added to the mixture (in the absence of whey, sour cream can be used).

Important! The gauze bag should be at the bottom of the jar, which is covered with a triple layer of gauze and placed in a warm and always dark place for further fermentation. After two weeks, kvass can be consumed two glasses a day for one month.

After the kvass is strained and filtered, the remaining chestnuts are again filled with water, to which a glass of sugar is added to three liters of water. This “secondary” kvass is ready for use within a day after fermentation. In this simple way, kvass is prepared from one portion of chestnuts over several months. But it is still recommended to add three to four new fruits to the starter every two weeks.

Kvass made from horse chestnut fruit has a very pleasant taste and beneficial properties. So, this drink, an excellent thirst quencher, helps effective cleansing the body from radionuclides, as well as heavy metals. In addition, such kvass restores short time epithelium of the mucous membrane of both the stomach and intestines, not to mention providing the body with many mineral elements and health-promoting vitamins.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

People have known about the healing properties of horse chestnut since ancient times; chestnut tincture helped cope with vascular diseases, joint diseases and even warts. Back in the 18th century, doctors used chestnut bark as a remedy for malaria and dysentery, and the fruits to treat ulcers and rheumatism. Nowadays, chestnut is officially recognized medicinal plant, flowers and fruits of the plant are added to various medicines: tablets, ointments and tinctures, and with their help they treat many diseases. Chestnut tincture is considered one of the most effective remedies for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and other diseases, and it is also easy to prepare yourself. What do you need to know when preparing and using chestnut tincture?

Chestnut - composition and medicinal properties

The common horse chestnut is a large, long-living tree from the chestnut family, reaches a height of 20-30 m, and can bear fruit for up to 40-50 years. Thanks to their unusual candle-like flowers, chestnuts have become very popular among gardeners and landscape designers. Today they decorate parks, alleys and streets, and are also planted in personal plots and gardens. The trees bloom in May-June, large white or pale pink flowers collected in cone-shaped inflorescences also have healing properties, but the young unripe fruits that appear from August to October are considered truly valuable medicinal raw materials. They are small tricuspid boxes covered with thorns. Unripe chestnuts are bright green, while ripe ones are brown.

To prepare the tincture, fruits, flowers, leaves and chestnut bark are used.

So, chestnut bark contains:

  • glycosides - esculin and fraxin - these substances stimulate metabolism, regulate water-salt and carbohydrate metabolism, plant glycosides activate the nervous and cardiovascular systems, while simultaneously “working” as catalysts for other reactions occurring in the body;
  • organic acids – help maintain the acid-base balance of the body, accelerate cell growth and regeneration and slow down tissue aging;
  • tannins – have an antiseptic and wound-healing effect;
  • fatty oils and other substances.

Chestnut fruit rich:

  • flavonoids are one of the most active biological substances, they strengthen the walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic, reducing their permeability and preventing salt deposition; in addition, plant flavonoids are natural antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. These substances are formed under the influence of radiation, ultraviolet irradiation and others external factors and destroy cell membranes, thereby accelerating tissue aging. Flavonoids also have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, protecting cells from histamine, a substance released during inflammatory or allergic reactions;
  • glycosides - saponins, which can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as have anti-inflammatory, diuretic and expectorant effects. Glycosides are a powerful adaptive and tonic agent that can accelerate recovery or healing of the body;
  • tannins and organic acids;
  • lecithin - this substance is part of cell membranes, it helps normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, strengthens nervous system and has an antioxidant effect;
  • enzymes, minerals and vitamins.

Chestnut flowers contain flavonoids, pectins, glycosides and rutin.

Use of chestnut tincture

Chestnut tincture is used to treat:

  • vascular diseases: varicose veins, venostasis, thrombophlebitis, sclerotic changes in blood vessels, thrombosis of the central veins of the retina, and so on - the use of tincture helps reduce the permeability of the vascular wall, helps reduce blood viscosity and reduces the risk of thrombosis. The use of tincture for the treatment of varicose veins is especially popular - the substances included in the chestnut fruit have a general tonic effect on blood vessels, strengthen their walls and reduce blood viscosity, facilitating its movement through the vessels;
  • joint diseases– anti-inflammatory, antiallergic properties of chestnut tincture can reduce pain and swelling in rheumatism, arthritis or arthrosis. And normalization of metabolism and recovery acid-base balance has a general strengthening effect in the body;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system– strengthening the walls of capillaries, reducing blood viscosity and cholesterol levels makes chestnut tincture useful in the treatment of angina pectoris, prevention of myocardial infarction or increased blood pressure;
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract – chestnut can successfully replace many medicines in the treatment of gastritis or cholecystitis, as well as intestinal problems;
  • hemorrhoids- this is very unpleasant disease, which you can get rid of by simultaneously taking chestnut tincture internally and using the branches and leaves of the plant to prepare medicinal baths;
  • gynecological diseases – chestnut tincture is indicated for uterine fibroids, cervical erosion, mastopathy and some other diseases;

Horse chestnut fruits are also used in the treatment of tuberculosis, malignant neoplasms, including leukemia and brain tumors and radiation sickness, although their effectiveness has not been scientifically proven and chestnut tincture for such diseases can only be used after consultation with your doctor and only as a aid when taking essential medications.

Contraindications to taking chestnut tincture

Chestnut tincture, especially in alcohol, has its contraindications. It cannot be used when:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • under 16 years of age;
  • atonic constipation – may cause sharp deterioration conditions;
  • hypotension – chestnut tincture quite effectively reduces blood pressure and can cause fainting or a hypotensive crisis;
  • hypocidal acute gastritis;
  • decreased blood clotting - due to the risk of bleeding;
  • long and heavy menstruation– chestnut tincture may increase the risk of anemia;

If you plan to take chestnut tincture for a long time, you must first consult with your doctor and take a test to determine the level of prothrombin protein in your blood. This substance is an activator of blood coagulation reactions; if the level of prothrombin is normal or higher than normal, then chestnut tincture will be useful to the patient - it will help “thin” the blood and reduce the risk of blood clots. If the level of prothrombin decreases, it is necessary to stop taking chestnut tincture, since its long-term use can cause bleeding from internal organs.

Chestnut tincture - recipes

  • The most effective means for the treatment of vascular diseases A tincture made from chestnut skin is considered. To prepare the tincture, add 500 ml of 40% alcohol to 50 grams of finely chopped chestnut skins and leave in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks. Take the tincture for 1 week, 30 drops, dissolving in a small amount of water, 3 times a day before meals. Afterwards, the frequency of administration is increased to 4 times a day, 30 drops, the course of treatment is 4-6 weeks. To increase the effect of treatment, it is recommended, simultaneously with oral administration, to gently rub the tincture into the affected vessels or make compresses, diluting the tincture with water at a rate of 1:1, 1-2 times a day.
  • For the treatment of hemorrhoids, gynecological diseases and hypertension They use another recipe - 50 grams of unripe chestnut fruits are grated or crushed in a blender along with the peel, pour 400 ml of 40% alcohol and leave in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Then filter and take 10 drops 2-3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.
  • Water tincture of fruits– used to treat patients for whom alcohol is contraindicated, for diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract. To prepare it, 2 unripe chestnut fruits are crushed, pour 1 tbsp of boiling water and leave to infuse in a thermos or other warm place for 1-2 hours. Then the tincture is filtered and taken 2 tablespoons 5-6 times a day, until recovery or for 1 month.
  • For the treatment of joint diseases fresh fruits cut the chestnut into 4 parts, fill the jar with them up to the “hangers” and fill with alcohol. The jar of tincture is left in the sun for 3 days, then infused in the dark at room temperature for another 40 days. It is recommended to rub the affected joints with the tincture 2-3 times a day or make compresses with it on sore spots for 2-3 hours a day, for a long time.

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