How to relieve unbearable ear pain: the most effective drugs and folk recipes. Effective ear drops for children and adults

A local remedy for relieving ear pain and congestion in adults or children is ear drops. They are indicated for acute or chronic otitis media, but appoint specific remedy the doctor still has to. Not every drop can be beneficial, although they are considered a safe medicine. They can also cure suppuration, infections, inflammations and even injuries. Depending on the problem, drops with a specific effect are selected. These may be drugs from the group of antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic or combination drugs.

What are ear drops

This is a remedy for local therapy by instilling a solution of the drug into ear canal. They can be prescribed for otitis media, which is manifested by pain and congestion in the ears, itching, tissue inflammation, the appearance of pus, and sometimes an increase in body temperature. If these symptoms occur, you should contact an otolaryngologist, who will confirm the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.


Drops are a very convenient form of release, especially for the treatment of otitis media in different parts of the ear cavity. The medicine has the following advantages:

  • does not have a systemic effect on the body;
  • act directly on the affected area of ​​the ear tissue;
  • quickly relieve inflammation and other unpleasant symptoms of the disease or at least reduce their severity;
  • have very few contraindications and do not cause side effects;
  • have an affordable price;
  • sold without a doctor's prescription;
  • economically used due to small dosages.


Classification is based on differences in composition, pharmacological action and indications. Based on the number of drugs in the composition, they are divided into combination and single drugs. The first contain several components. Monopreparations include only one medicinal substance. Regarding the principle of operation, the following main groups are distinguished:

  1. Anti-inflammatory, reducing the manifestations of inflammation and having analgesic and drying effects. This includes non-steroidal drugs and medications with the glucocorticoid hormone. It is prescribed with caution, because it is a powerful anti-inflammatory substance and is used strictly according to indications. Contraindicated for use for a long time.
  2. With antimicrobial action. Possess antibacterial effect.
  3. Antiseptic. Preparations with antimicrobial effect, applicable if available purulent inflammation. This includes hydrogen peroxide, drugs based on miramistin, boric and furatsilin alcohol.
  4. Antifungal. Helps with fungal and inflammatory infections.
  5. Vasoconstrictor drops. Prescribed for a feeling of congestion in the ears, but no pain.


Drops in the ear for inflammation are used in different cases. More often they are prescribed as part of complex therapy with other drugs for acute otitis media or edematous acute otitis. Inflammation that occurs as a result of a sharp increase or decrease in atmospheric pressure, which causes damage to the auditory canal, is also an indication. These are appointed ear drops for ear pain to reduce it. These include:

  • Ototone;
  • Otinum and its analogues Holikaps and Brotinum;
  • Droplex;
  • Oticaine;
  • Otosporin;
  • Otipax.

In case of prolonged illness or complications, the doctor prescribes combined anti-inflammatory or non-steroidal drugs. The latter include lidocaine, which has an analgesic effect. TO hormonal drugs relate:

  • Anauran;
  • Sofradex;
  • Garazon;
  • Polydexa.


Good antibiotic ear drops contain broad-spectrum antimicrobial substances, for example, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, rifampicin. Such drugs have an antibacterial effect, so they are indicated for diseases caused by exposure to ear canal bacteria. This often happens with a cold, the complication of which is otitis media internal, media or external. The disease is an inflammation accompanied by the discharge of pus from the ear canal.

Drops in the ears for otitis media are almost always prescribed. They help stop infection, prevent pus formation and possible damage eardrum. The list of the most effective drops with strong antibiotics includes:

  • Ofloxacin;
  • Otofa;
  • Fugentin;
  • Riphonat;
  • Normax, Norfloxacin;
  • Tsipromed;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Dancil.

Single drugs

This special means with one active ingredient in the composition. They are indicated to eliminate the source of infection. Along with this, they have complex analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, but they cannot be used for perforation of the eardrum. Among these, the drugs Otinum and Otipax stand out. They are able to reduce the synthesis of prostaglandins that accompany the pathogenic process. For this reason, Otipax or Otinum are the first to be used. In addition, they have a gentle effect, so they are prescribed to pregnant and lactating women.


Drops from this category have a wide antibacterial spectrum actions. Although they are not prescribed for every disease, they provide a good analgesic effect and help destroy viral infections. At catarrhal otitis or inflammation of the outer ear, the drug Anauran is popular. Although suspicion of perforation of the eardrum may be an indication for discontinuation of such a drug. Other prominent representatives of this group are Sofradex and Garazon drops.

With antiseptics

In the treatment and prevention of purulent otitis, antiseptic drops are prescribed. They are often used before and after ear surgery. A prominent representative of this group is Miramistin, which belongs to the group of cations. This drug has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. The following antiseptics are similar in principle of action:

  • Okomistin;
  • alcohol solution boric or furacylic acid;
  • Sangviritrin;
  • Candibiotic.


In the antiseptic group, there are several drugs with an antifungal component in their composition. Such remedies cope with the treatment of fungal and inflammatory diseases. These include:

  • Candibiotic;
  • Fugentin;
  • Sangviritrin.

Drops for children

IN childhood From each group of drugs listed, only some can be used. Drops for ear pain from infancy - Otipax. Otinum can only be used for children over one year of age. To save a child from ear plugs, it is recommended to use Aqua-Maris Oto (from 1 year) and A-cerumen (from 2.5 years). Already from birth it is allowed to bury infants Remo-vax. In the treatment of otitis, the following medications are also used from a certain age:

  • contain antibiotics - Tsipromed (from 15), Nomrax (from 12), Otofa (from 5);
  • anti-inflammatory – Sofradex (with 7), Garazon and Anauran (with 6), Polydex (with 5);
  • antiseptic - furacilin alcohol (with 6), Okomistin (with 1).

Drops for ear pain during pregnancy

Especially safe medicines should be during pregnancy. Otitis during this period can be caused hormonal imbalance and reduced immunity. It must be treated with medications minimal risk for a child. The following are considered dangerous during pregnancy:

  • Otofa;
  • Polydex;
  • Anauran;
  • Normax.

Sofradex contains a hormonal substance, so it is also not safe. If the ears hurt, and otitis media is not complicated by perforation of the eardrum, then Otipax drops are used for treatment. This is one of the few products that is considered safe for pregnant women. At purulent form Otipax should not be used for otitis under any circumstances. In case of perforation of the membrane, antibacterial therapy with Biseptol and Amoxicillin drops is prescribed. Otitis externa is treated with drugs containing hydrocortisone, which is not toxic to the fetus.

Effective drugs for treating inflammation

For ear inflammation of any nature, local remedies are more effective. Moreover, they are easy to use. Among antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs, several of the most effective ones can be identified. These are the following means:

  • Orlavax;
  • Flavaco;
  • Panotile;
  • Otinum;
  • Otipax.


Today it is very difficult to buy this product in an online store or order it in a regular pharmacy. Orlavax is considered an analogue of Otipax, so it has almost the same indications. The dosage is also the same. The medicine itself belongs to the combination category and is based on lidocaine and phenazone. The medicine has several actions:

  • local anesthetic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • disinfectant.


Ear drops for colds or otitis from the combined group. The drug contains antibiotics that complement each other, a local anesthetic and a steroid substance. The latter has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. Along with them, the anesthetic helps reduce painful sensations. You need to drip 4-5 drops into each ear up to 3 times throughout the day. Repeat the procedure throughout the week. Indications for use of Flavaco are:


This is another analogue of Otipax. Panotile is tradename of this drug in pharmacy catalogs abroad. It is popular not only in Europe, but throughout the world. The difference between the medicine is the absence of age restrictions. Panotile is allowed even for the youngest patients. Mild inflammation They are treated by instilling 2 drops into each ear. For adults, the dosage should not exceed 4. Indications for the use of Panotile are rehabilitation after surgery and the prevention of inflammatory diseases.


The main active ingredient of Otinum is choline salicylate. The drug belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It has analgesic and inflammation-reducing effects. Indications for use are:

  • softening the wax in the ear canal before washing or cleaning;
  • acute non-perforated otitis media;
  • myringitis;
  • otitis externa

To treat inflammatory processes in the middle or outer ear, adults need to instill 3-4 drops up to 4 times daily. The course of treatment is about 2 weeks. A burning sensation may be felt upon injection. Otinum should not be used when perforated otitis. In the future, this can lead to hearing loss. Children are not recommended to use Otinum, as there is no data on the effect of the drug on them.


The active components of Otipax are the anesthetic lidocaine and the anti-inflammatory substance phenazone. This drug due to its safety, it is allowed for children from the first day of life and pregnant women. Contraindication is traumatic or infectious damage eardrum or allergy to components in the composition. Indications are barotraumatic, moderate or complicated after influenza otitis. The drug is instilled 3-4 drops up to 3 times a day.

How to put drops in your ears

When using ear drops for otitis or other inflammation, you must first warm them in a water bath or hold them in a clasped hand for a couple of minutes. This is necessary to warm the drug to body temperature, which will help avoid vestibular reactions. You need to drip the medicine according to following instructions:

  • lie on your side with your affected ear facing up;
  • pull up, out and back the upper pole of the auricle;
  • instill the medicine in the amount indicated in the instructions; it is better to administer it with a pipette;
  • press on the tragus, massage so that the substance can be evenly distributed;
  • lie down for 10 minutes, plug the ear canal with a cotton swab, which will absorb the remaining liquid.

How to choose

The medicine is selected depending on the characteristics of the treatment and the cause of the disease. No less important factor here is how the patient will use the drug, how correctly he will do it. It is necessary to select drops according to their indications and the cause of inflammation. If it is caused by a bacterial infection, then a drug with antibiotics is required, and if it is caused by a fungus, then antifungals. You should not prescribe your own medicine. It is better to leave this to the doctor, who, depending on the symptoms, can prescribe the right drugs.


The cost of drugs is determined by the manufacturer, pharmacological action and place of purchase. The cheapest ones are boric acid and hydrogen peroxide solution. Inexpensive drugs are Ciprofloxacin, Auridexan, Norfloxacin. Sofradex, Othiorelax, Otinum drops are available to the general population. Their cost is slightly higher compared to others. More information about prices different drops for ears you can find out from the table.

Place of purchase

Name of medicine

Bottle volume

Price, rubles

Pharmacy IFC


Otinum 20%





Otinum 20%

To reduce inflammation and pain with otitis media, various ear drops are often used. You can find a lot at the pharmacy medicines for the treatment of otitis, but you should not self-medicate. The doctor should select such medications, taking into account the diagnosis and age of the patient. Extra Caution needed if otitis media is accompanied by damage to the tympanic membrane. In this case, treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. Uncontrolled ear drops can lead to serious consequences.

Types of ear drops

Depending on the active component, all ear drops can be divided into several groups:

  • Antimycotic - prescribed for the treatment of ear diseases caused by pathogenic fungi.
  • Hormonal - have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Prescribed for severe otitis, sold in the form of drops and spray.
  • Acidic - these drops in the ears are used for diseases caused by bacteria.
  • Antibacterial - the prescription of such drugs is advisable for pathologies that are accompanied by the discharge of pus from the ear canal.

You should not independently select ear drops for the treatment of otitis in an adult, since the effect of such therapy may be the opposite of what was expected. You need to understand that the doctor prescribes ear drops for ear pain, taking into account the localization of the inflammatory process. Inflammation can occur in the outer, middle, and inner ear.

If you have severe ear pain, you should definitely see an otolaryngologist, even if the pain disappears after a few hours.

Review of drugs

Medicines used to treat adults different groups. In some cases, the doctor prescribes two medications at the same time, which enhance the effect of each other.


These ear drops are used for acute inflammation, which is accompanied by perforation of the eardrum. Active substance Norfloxacin is used. This is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is effective against bacteria of different groups.

Normax is colorless, it does not leave marks on the skin and does not complicate the assessment of treatment results. Well tolerated and promotes quick recovery. Does not have an anesthetic effect.

The instructions for this drug indicate that it should not be prescribed to children under 18 years of age, pregnant women, people with kidney and liver diseases, or patients with epilepsy.


A broad-spectrum antibacterial drug prescribed for acute and chronic otitis media. The active substance is Rifamycin. The drug stains the walls of the ear in a reddish color, which makes it much more difficult to assess the treatment being carried out.

Otofa is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women. This drug is quite rarely prescribed to children.


An antiviral agent with a pronounced analgesic effect. It can be prescribed for both treatment and prevention of ear inflammation. Contains Polymyxin, Lidocaine and Neomycin. Generally well tolerated, only in in rare cases causes an allergic reaction, which is manifested by redness of the skin and itching.

Otofa or Anauran - when choosing, the doctor takes into account the specifics of the disease. If the disease is caused by bacteria, the first drug is prescribed, if by viruses, then the second.


The most common medicine prescribed for the treatment of adults and children. As part of these relatively inexpensive ear drops There is Phenazone and Lidocaine. Otipax quickly relieves inflammation and provides good pain relief. Drops with Lidocaine are not absorbed into the blood and do not have any systemic action on the body.

Otipax can be used by pregnant and lactating women. This drug is considered the best for treating children younger age. Abroad, a drug with the same active substances is called panotile.

Contraindications to the use of Otipax are perforation of the eardrum and intolerance to lidocaine.


An antibacterial drug prescribed for the treatment of otitis in adults and its prevention in case of ear injuries. The active substance is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, ciprofloxacin. Tsipromed cannot be prescribed at all stages of pregnancy and in case of intolerance to the active substance.


Already following from the name, we can conclude that this drug has antifungal and antibacterial effects. Reduces the severity of pain and inflammation.

Candibiotic relatively cheap drug, but gives good effect in the treatment of otitis of various etiologies. The active ingredients are chloramphenicol, beclomethasone, clotrimazole and lidocaine.

Medicine should not be prescribed to children under 6 years of age and pregnant women. Due to the multicomponent nature of the solution, allergies often occur, which manifests itself as rash and itching.

You should start using Candibiotic only as directed by a doctor, especially if we are talking about a small child.


These drops are good for inflammation of the outer ear. The active ingredients are Gentamicin and Betameson. This medicine should be dropped into the ears at the first sign of inflammation. Garazon quickly eliminates all symptoms and prevents the spread of the inflammatory process to the tissue of the middle ear.

Garazon should not be prescribed to children under 8 years of age and pregnant women. You should refrain from using this drug if the disease is caused by the herpes virus.


This drug should be purchased for inflammation of the outer and middle ear. Sofradex has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and antimicrobial effects. This complex drug will help with bacterial and allergic otitis media.

A number of ear drops cannot be used if the eardrum is deformed, as they may develop serious complications, up to total loss hearing


It's effective antimicrobial agent, which is used to treat otitis media. Can be prescribed to pregnant women and children from 3 years of age. Quickly eliminates swelling and inflammation, has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora.

Features of treatment

Pain-relieving ear drops such as Otipax can be used as first aid for ear pain at night or on weekends. But you can bury your ear only if the pain occurs after hypothermia or as a result of a cold. If the pain is accompanied by the release of purulent masses or blood from the ear canal, using ear drops without a doctor’s examination is strictly prohibited.

Even if your ear no longer hurts after a few hours, you should still see a doctor. If otitis media is not treated properly, inflammatory process will quickly progress to the chronic stage.

Treatment of otitis media is most often carried out on an outpatient basis. Buried at home sore ear, following these recommendations:

  • The patient lies on his side. The sore ear is slightly pulled upward by the lobe and 3-4 drops of the drug are dripped.
  • After instillation, you need to lie down for about 5 minutes, covering your ear with dry cotton wool.
  • The procedure is repeated with the second ear.

The frequency of instillation is determined by the doctor; you should strictly adhere to all his recommendations. It is unacceptable to exceed the dosage prescribed by the otolaryngologist. The patient should be seen by a specialist twice a week, and if no improvement is visible, then more often.

If a deterioration in the condition is observed during treatment with ear drops, the drug is immediately discontinued and the side effects to the attending physician.

Features of storing drops

The lifespan of ear drops depends on whether the package has been opened. If the integrity of the bottle is not compromised, then the shelf life of the medicine is several years. After opening the bottle, the drops can be stored for 1-3 months, in a cool and dark place. Such short term storage is due to the fact that the sterility of the medicinal solution is violated.

After use, the bottle must be screwed tightly and placed in the original packaging. It is better to store the medicine along with the instructions for use, which you may have to re-read again.

If the drops were not stored correctly or the expiration date has expired, the solution may become cloudy. If this happens, then you should not use the drug.

For otitis in adults, ear drops are always prescribed. The doctor selects the drug individually, the choice depends on the cause of the disease and its neglect. To quickly relieve pain, you can use Otipax, but this medicine is only allowed if the eardrum is intact.

Ear drops – excellent local remedy, which helps eliminate pain and a feeling of stuffiness in the ear. They are used when there is a discharge or a feeling of “gurgling” and “water pouring”, or if it becomes heard as “from a barrel”.

The only caveat: any medications must be prescribed by an otolaryngologist (ENT). Only this specialist can see damage to the eardrum, which may not show any symptoms, but at the same time is a serious obstacle to instilling any drops.

In addition, only an ENT doctor will determine how much serious illness, is it necessary to prescribe antibiotics or antifungals in the form of tablets or injections to prevent inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) or its membranes (meningitis) - after all, the ear ends in the cranial cavity, in close proximity to the brain.

Classification of solutions

Conventionally, drops can be divided according to the point of their application. So, there are remedies used for inflammation (otitis), which manifests itself as pain in the ears (or in one ear), the appearance of discharge from it, and hearing impairment. There are also remedies used for congestion when the cause is sulfur plug.

Drops for ear pain (also known as otitis media) have their own classification according to their composition:

  • Preparations containing only one anti-inflammatory (it will relieve pain) component: Otipax, Otinum.
  • Products that contain the glucocorticoid hormone are a powerful anti-inflammatory agent used according to indications: Garazon, Sofradex, Polydexa, Anauran and others.
  • Drops containing antibiotic: Normax, Tsipromed, Otofa, Fugentin, Dancil.
  • Antiseptic - the use of which is indicated for the prevention and treatment of purulent otitis: preparations based on miramistin, alcohol drops (furacillin alcohol), hydrogen peroxide.
  • Preparations that contain an antifungal component: for example, candibiotic and Fugentin, which is temporarily unavailable in pharmacies in the Russian Federation.
  • Drops from ear plugs have no classification. They are made on the basis of different substances that dissolve traffic jams.

How to put it in your ears correctly

A little about how to put drops into your ears correctly. For this:

  • if the drug does not contain the supplied sterile polyethylene dropper, buy a separate pipette and pre-sterilize it by boiling it for 2 minutes;
  • lie on your side so that the sore ear is on top;
  • You can’t put anything in if it comes out of your ear heavy discharge(then neither Otipax nor solutions with local anesthetics, etc.)
  • For children, pull the earlobe down and back. Adults need exactly the opposite: up and back;
  • warm the solution to at least room temperature, holding it in your palm for several minutes so as not to irritate your ear with the cold solution;
  • insert the end of the pipette in a small area into the ear, and, pressing it as many times as required by the instructions, drip the product;
  • press from above on the cartilage located opposite the helix of the ear (where you can feel the joint lower jaw), and massage it;
  • lie down for 10-15 minutes on this side;
  • repeat the manipulation with the other ear.

In some cases, the drug must be instilled not directly into the ear canal, but onto a cotton ball, which is then inserted into the ear. For this purpose, do the following:

  • There must be sterile cotton wool;
  • tear off a piece of it and, making a big and index fingers rolling movements with your working hand, make a tube 2-4 cm long and about 1 cm in diameter;
  • warm the drops in your palms or in water to 37 °C;
  • drop in the amount indicated in the instructions for use onto the resulting turunda (cotton bud);
  • insert the turunda into the ear in a circular motion, after first pulling the auricle back and up;
  • the tip of the turunda should protrude from the ear canal.

Note! Ear drops for otitis media are not the main treatment. If such a diagnosis is established, the ENT doctor must prescribe anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, and sometimes tablets. antibacterial drugs. Simultaneously with instillation into the ears, vasoconstrictors are usually prescribed: they relieve swelling not only of the nasal mucosa, but also of the pharynx, including the one that opens in this place auditory tube– canal connecting the oropharynx and inner ear. This is how nasal drops help when your ear is blocked.

Children's products depending on age

Let's look at the drops approved for children:

  1. For ear pain: Otipax can be used from birth, Otinum - from one year of age.
  2. Used for the treatment of otitis:
    • with antibiotics: Otofa - from 5 years, Normax - from 12 years, Tsipromed - from 15 years;
    • with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory substances: Polydexa - from 5 years, Anauran and Garazon - from 6 years, Sofradex - from 7 years;
    • with antibiotics and antifungal agents: Candibiotic – from 6 years, Fugentin – from 3 years;
    • antiseptic drops: Okomistin - from 1 year, furacillin alcohol - from 6 years, only under medical supervision.
  3. To remove ear plugs Remo-vax can be used from birth, Aqua-Maris Oto - from one year, A-cerumen - from 2.5 years.

Drops for otitis media with antibiotics

They are prescribed in cases where:

Normax (norfloxacin)

Active substance: fluoroquinolone antibiotic Norfloxacin.
Analogs: with the same active ingredient - no. With antibiotics from the same group: Tsipromed and Dancil.
Is it possible for children: Use with caution up to 12 years of age.
Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women: it is forbidden.
Contraindications: kidney disease, allergies, epilepsy, liver disease.
Dosage: 2-3 drops 4-6 r/day. You can start with 2-3 drops every 2-3 hours.
Price: 150-200 RUR


Active substance: fluoroquinolone antibiotic Ciprofloxacin.
Analogs: No. From the same group of antibiotics - Dancil and Normax.
Is it possible for children: Not allowed under 15 years of age.
Is it possible for pregnant women: No.
Contraindications: lactation, hypersensitivity.
Dosage: 2-3 drops. every 4 hours. At purulent otitis 2-3 drops every 2 hours.
Price: 150-170 RUR

Dancil, Uniflox (ofloxacin)

Active substance: antibiotic fluoroquinolone Ofloxacin.
Analogs: Uniflox. From the same group of antibiotics - Tsipromed and Normax.
Is it possible for children: Not allowed under 18 years of age.
Is it possible for pregnant women: No.
Contraindications: lactation, hypersensitivity, liver and kidney diseases, be careful with simultaneous administration painkillers, theophylline, drugs containing magnesium, aluminum, iron, vitamins, zinc.
Dosage: 2-3 drops. 4 times a day.
Price: Dancil 150-160 rub. Uniflox – 120 rub.

Otofa (rifamycin)

Active substance: rifampicin.
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: from 5 years old.
Is it possible for pregnant women: No.

  • adults – 5 drops 3 times a day;
  • children - 3 drops. 3 times a day, preferably through turunda, 2 times a day

Price: 200 RUR


They apply:

  • for ear pain;
  • together with other drugs (including drops) for otitis media in the acute period;
  • edematous viral (for example, after the flu) otitis media;
  • inflammation caused sharp increase or a decrease in atmospheric pressure, which leads to barotrauma.

Otipax, Otirelax

Active substance: lidocaine is an anesthetic and phenazone is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic.
Analogs: Otirelax (contains both active ingredients).
Is it possible for children: from the first day of life.
Is it possible for pregnant women: Can.
Contraindications: damage to the eardrum (traumatic or infectious), allergy to components.
Dosage: 4 drops. 2-3 r/day.
Price: Otipax 200-240 RUR, Otirelax 180-210 RUR


Active substance: Choline salicylate is an anti-inflammatory agent.
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: since the year.
Is it possible for pregnant women: Not recommended.
Contraindications: damage to the eardrum, lactation, allergies to anti-inflammatory drugs and salicylates.
Dosage: 3-4 drops. 3-4 r/day. If the drug is prescribed before removing wax plugs, then 3-4 drops. 2 rubles/day.
Price: 180-240 RUR

Solutions containing anti-inflammatory hormones

Ear drops with hormones are prescribed for otitis externa, when the auricle and external auditory canal are inflamed, but the eardrum and the structures behind it are not affected. With this disease it is noted strong pain in the ear, radiating to the temple, back of the head, both jaws; it intensifies at night. If all structures of the outer ear are affected, pain will be noted in the entire half of the head and intensifies during chewing.


Active ingredients: lidocaine (anesthetic), neomycin (antibiotic), polymyxin B (antibiotic).
Analogs: Polydexa contains the same 2 antibiotics, but instead of an anesthetic it contains a hormonal anti-inflammatory substance.
Is it possible for children: up to 6 years - with caution.
Is it possible for pregnant women: when absolutely necessary.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, lactation.
Dosage: 4-5 drops 2-4 times a day.
Price: 290-390 RUR


Active ingredients: framycetin and gramicidin are antibiotics, dexamethasone is a glucocorticoid hormone.
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: from 7 years old.
Is it possible for pregnant women: carefully.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, perforation of the eardrum.
Dosage: 2-3 drops. 3-4 r/day.
Price: 290-320 RUR


Active substance: Dexamethasone (an anti-inflammatory agent), neomycin and polymyxin B are antibiotics.
Analogs: It differs from Anauran in only 1 substance, not an antibiotic.
Is it possible for children: yes, usually from 5 years old.
Is it possible for pregnant women: as prescribed by a doctor.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity.

  • adults – 1-5 drops 2 times a day;
  • children - 1 drop. 2 r/day

Price: 250-300 RUR


Active substance: hormone betamethasone, antibiotic gentamicin.
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: from 6 years old.
Is it possible for pregnant women: No.
Contraindications: lactation, hypersensitivity, absence or damage to the eardrum.
Dosage: 3-4 drops. 2-4 r/day.
Price: The drug is currently undergoing re-registration.

Solutions with antiseptics


Active substance: miramistin.
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: yes, from 1 year.
Is it possible for pregnant women: Yes.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity.
Dosage: 2-3 drops. 3 r/day.
Price: 150-200 RUR

Alcohol solution of boric acid

Boric alcohol causes otosclerosis and its use is only possible out of desperation, until you have reached the pharmacy or are far from it, and there are no other medicines at hand.

Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: No.
Is it possible for pregnant women: No.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, perforation of the eardrum, lactation.
Dosage: 3-5 drops 2-3 times a day, can be used on turunda.
Price: 50-60 RUR

Furacilin (nitrofural) alcohol solution

Active substance: nitrofural.
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: Possible from 6 years of age, but only under medical supervision.
Is it possible for pregnant women: No.
Contraindications: lactation.
Dosage: 2-3 drops. 2-3 r/day.
Price: 50-60 RUR

Antifungal drugs


Active ingredients: chloramphenicol (antibiotic), clotrimazole (antifungal), lidocaine (anesthetic), beclomethasone propionate (anti-inflammatory hormone).
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: from 6 years old.
Is it possible for pregnant women: No.
Contraindications: damage to the eardrum.
Dosage: 4-5 drops 3 times a day.
Price: 250-280 RUR


Active ingredients: gentamicin (antibiotic), fusidine (antifungal antibiotic).
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: from 3 years old.
Is it possible for pregnant women: No.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, damage to the eardrum.

  • children 3-18 years old – 1-2 drops. 3 r/day or turunda moistened with the drug;
  • adults – 2-5 drops 3 times a day

Price: the drug is being re-registered.

Drops used for ear congestion

You can tell what drops are needed for ear congestion after the cause is found. It could be:

  1. formation of sulfur plug;
  2. ingress of water when bathing or swimming in the pool;
  3. in children - foreign body ingestion;
  4. ear inflammation caused by a fungal process;
  5. residual inflammation after influenza, measles, scarlet fever;
  6. filling the ears with air during fluctuations in atmospheric pressure (landing or taking off of an airplane, fast skiing or snowboarding);
  7. otosclerosis: damage to the bony part of the labyrinth of the inner ear.

All these conditions are treated differently. So, otosclerosis is subject to surgical treatment, at fungal infection are appointed antifungal drugs in tablets or injections. After the transferred general infectious disease, if there are signs of otitis, they are treated with the means indicated above, and when filling the ear cavity with air, you need vasoconstrictor drops into the nose.

As for, only an otolaryngologist after an examination can determine whether there is a plug. You cannot self-medicate. Only if your doctor recommends using ear drops for sulfur plugs, apply the following drugs. They are conditionally divided into 2 groups:

Water-based earwax drops


Active ingredients: cocoylhydrolyzed collagen, cocobetaine, methylglucosadioleate.
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: from 2.5 years.
Is it possible for pregnant women: No.
Contraindications: otitis, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, damage to the eardrum.
Dosage: to prevent the appearance of traffic jams, use 2 times a week. In case of traffic jams, rinse the ear by taking 1 ml of solution and pouring it in for 1 minute, then rinse saline solution sodium chloride. Course – 3-4 days.
Price: 5 bottles of 2 ml – 310 RUR, spray 40 ml – 430-450 RUR

Aqua-Maris Oto

Active substance: sea salt.
Analogs: No.
Is it possible for children: from 1 year.
Is it possible for pregnant women: Can.
Contraindications: ear pain, eardrum damage.
Dosage: tilting your head to the left side, insert the tip into right ear and press the dispenser for 1 second, remove excess liquid with a paper towel, repeat with the other ear. Can be used daily for an unlimited amount of time.
Price: bottle 100 ml 380-480 RUR

Products based on olive, peanut or almond oils


Active ingredients: allantoin, liquid lanolin, mink oil, benzethonium and others.
Analogs: analogs by active ingredients No.
Is it possible for children: from birth.
Is it possible for pregnant women: Yes.
Contraindications: ear pain, damage to the eardrum, discharge of liquid from the ears.
Dosage: lying on the side opposite to the clogged ear, drip 10-20 drops of the drug, lie there for 20-40 minutes, then, turning to the other side, let the solution flow out on its own for a minute. Additionally, do not rinse your ears.
Price: 340-410 RUR

For ear pain, drops are one of the treatments for infection. They are used to suppress unpleasant symptoms and therapy ear diseases both in children and adults.

Before using ear drops, you must visit a specialist to determine the etiology of the disease that caused the pain syndrome and to prevent it from entering the external auditory canal. foreign object. Pain may also be caused by factors not related to the hearing organ.

What types of ear drops are there?

Ear drops used for ear pain can be classified as follows:

  • Antibacterial. Most often, such drugs contain broad-spectrum antibiotics. Such drugs are effective for otitis media bacterial etiology. The effect of eliminating pain is achieved due to the elimination of the infectious agent and the extinction of the inflammatory reaction.
  • Antifungal. Contains antimycotic components. They are effective in the treatment of otomycosis (lesions of the hearing organ of fungal origin).
  • Painkillers. The active ingredient of drugs in this group are local analgesics in combination with other active ingredients.
  • Combined. Contain more than one active ingredient.

On pharmaceutical market there are many drugs available for local application diseases of the hearing organ. To choose the right medicine for a particular patient age group, you need to know the properties of the drugs:


Active substance

Operating principle

Age restrictions


Antibacterial agent

Approved for use only in adults over 18 years of age


Ciprofloxacin lactate

Antibacterial agent


Ciprofloxacin + dexamethasone

Combination drug

Contraindicated in patients under 18 years of age


Beclomethasone dipropionate, chloramphenicol, clotrimazole, lidocaine hydrochloride

Combination drug

Approved for use in patients over 6 years of age

Lidocaine + phenazone

Combined analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect

The drug has no age restrictions; approved for use even in newborns

Lidocaine + polymyxin B + neomycin

Combination antibacterial agent with local anesthetic

In children less than a year old This medicine should only be used when absolutely necessary

Choline salicylate

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug

Contraindicated for use in children


Phenazone + lidocaine hydrochloride

Anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic for topical use

Approved for use in children of all age groups

Rifamycin sodium

Antibacterial agent

The drug is approved for use in children

It is necessary to pay attention that each of the presented drugs can cause unwanted effects in the body. adverse reactions and has contraindications. This information is reflected in detail in the instructions for use.

You should also pay attention to the integrity of the eardrum. Some drugs cannot be used if it is damaged.

Ear drops for children that can be used for otitis media must have high efficiency in the treatment of pathology, a small number of contraindications and side effects. In particular, this nuance must be observed if it is necessary to treat inflammation of the hearing organs in infancy, since the newborn has low resistance to various medicinal influences.

Children under 2.5 years of age have a tendency to inflammatory lesions hearing organs. IN to a greater extent this is due to the structural features of the cranium - Eustachian tube located almost in horizontal position, due to which the infection occurs when colds often gets into the middle ear area. With further growth of the body, the position of this canal, connecting the organs of hearing with the nasopharynx, changes. The second factor predisposing to otitis media is incomplete development immune defense- the body's susceptibility to various pathogenic organisms high. In children over 5 years of age, the likelihood of developing inflammation begins to decrease.

The main symptoms of otitis in children can be identified:

  • constant worry and crying;
  • refusal to eat;
  • rubbing of the sore ear;
  • lack of response to some sounds;
  • tantrums at loud noises.

These symptomatic indicators should concern parents, since treatment of otitis must begin at the first manifestations of the disease - at a young age increased risks chronicization of pathology and other complications. Depending on the type of otitis diagnosed and its stage, the otolaryngologist will select the optimal treatment program, in particular, children’s ear drops.

Review of effective drops for children

There are several categories of drugs in the form of drops used for otitis media. They are divided according to the purpose of the active components. Most often prescribed following types drugs:

  1. Painkillers in the form of ear drops for otitis media in children are used for severe pain syndrome. However, it is necessary to take into account allergic reactions and other contraindications to such drugs.
  2. Topical anti-inflammatory drugs are used in cases where it is necessary to relieve acute inflammation.
  3. Antibiotics are used exclusively for bacterial infections. Usually the drug is selected after flora tests.

A feature of the selection of children's drops for otitis is taking into account the ratio of the likely benefits of the selected medicine to potential harm its side effects. More often the choice is made on the least dangerous means


Among drugs with an anti-inflammatory effect in the form of ear drops, for otitis media for children, drugs belonging to a number of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are used. Among them, experts indicate the following names:

  1. Otinum. Active ingredient this tool is choline salicylate. The prescribed dosage is 3-4 drops into the ear canal 2-4 times a day, depending on the etiology of the disease. It is approved for use in children over 1 year of age, subject to the following contraindications - perforation of the eardrum and allergic reactions to anti-inflammatory drugs or salicylates.
  2. Ototon. This product is a generic version of Otipax and contains a reduced amount of phenazone and lidocaine, thereby reducing the risk of side effects and allergic reactions. Use in childhood only as prescribed by the treating specialist, 4 drops 2-3 times a day. Among the contraindications are individual intolerance to the components of the drug and perforation damage to the membrane.

The duration of use should be determined by an otolaryngologist, in accordance with general condition little patient and the current clinical picture.


Otitis drops for children with an analgesic effect are mainly presented combination drugs, in which other active components are also present. The most commonly used agents in this group are the following:

  1. . The main components of the composition are phenazone (anti-inflammatory effect) and lidocaine (as an analgesic component). The drug does not have strict age restrictions, but it is recommended to use it only after being prescribed by an ENT specialist. The dosage of the product is limited to 3-4 drops up to 2 times a day. Contraindications indicated are allergic reactions to the components of the drug and perforation of the eardrum.
  2. . The active ingredients of this drug are benzocaine (pain reliever) and phenylephrine (decongestant). This drug can be used in the form of drops in the ears for otitis, for children aged 6 months and older. The standard dosage of the drug is considered to be 3-4 drops 3 times a day, but the treating otolaryngologist can change the dosage and frequency of use.
  3. . A drug based on a combination of neomycin and lidocaine. The use of this drug in children under 1 year of age is contraindicated due to the high ototoxicity of the drug. The normal dosage of the product is limited to 2-3 drops 4 times a day. It is not recommended to combine the use of Anauran with aminoglycoside antibiotics, for example Gentamicin or Streptomycin.

Important! Before using drops for pain, it is recommended to consult an otolaryngologist. If this is not possible, be sure to conduct an allergy test - apply 1-2 drops of the drug to the child’s elbow or wrist and observe for 15-30 minutes, if there is no negative reactions use the medicine in the minimum dosage.

With antibiotic

Most common cause the occurrence and development of inflammatory diseases of the hearing organs is bacterial infection, with which important part therapeutic treatment is the use antibiotic drugs. Among topical agents, such as the best drugs for children, the following names of drops are distinguished:

  1. . The main component of this drug is rifampicin. The standard dosage of this remedy is 3 drops into the ear canal up to 3 times a day. The use of the medicine is prohibited if you have an allergic intolerance to the components. How by-effect Redness and itching may be present.
  2. Normax. Active ingredient means – norfloxacin. Restriction for use in children over 12 years of age; before this period, drops are used exclusively under the supervision of a specialist. Dosage of the drug according to the instructions: 2-4 drops 2-3 times a day. Contraindications present: epilepsy, renal failure and allergy to the drug.
  3. Candibiotic. This drug contains not only an antibacterial component, but also an antifungal one. Age limit The age limit for using this product is up to 6 years. The main contraindication to the use of Candibiotic is individual intolerance to the components.

Attention! For most antibiotic drops in the treatment of inflammatory ear diseases, this is a contraindication. fungal nature infection.

How is otitis media treated in infants?

Inflammatory lesion ear apparatus at infants requires a separate approach, since the child’s body at this age is overly susceptible various influences. Treatment of otitis in newborns takes place in an inpatient setting so that the treating specialist can respond to changes in a timely manner clinical picture diseases. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the timeliness of contacting an otolaryngologist.

For reference! Otitis often occurs in infants due to amniotic fluid entering the ear canal during childbirth, so it is necessary to closely monitor the condition of the newborn.

What drops can newborns use?

The following names of ear drops are considered good medications for otitis media in infancy:

  • Ototone;

They belong to the means of light influence. However, when prescribing them, it is necessary to take into account that the dosage must be calculated by a specialist.

Precautionary measures

Precautionary measures when treating otitis media in children using topical medications in the form of drops are as follows:

  1. You cannot choose your own medication.
  2. The dosage when using such products is strictly observed.
  3. Perforation injuries of the eardrum direct contraindication for most drugs.
  4. Be sure to make sure there are no contraindications for use according to the instructions.
  5. Drops must be warmed to room temperature before use.
  6. You cannot deviate from the prescribed treatment periods.

If you follow this list, you can increase your child’s chances of recovery and reduce the risks of developing complications from otitis media.

Prevention of otitis in children

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