How to restore health after long holidays. How to restore health with cedar oil. Lingonberry water with infusion of birch leaves

Health, the basis of a nation’s existence, is the result of the country’s policy, which creates an internal need among citizens to treat it as a value. Maintaining health is the basis for fulfilling a person’s destiny to procreate.

Preservation and restoration of health

For proper functioning To improve the body and prevent diseases, a person must constantly be on the move. With a sedentary lifestyle, metabolism is disrupted and this usually leads to obesity with aggravating consequences.

Only with active movement do human organs and systems function normally. Low mobility leads to a shortening of human life.

Often sedentary lifestyle life is associated with the characteristics of the profession or, due to illness, the need to comply bed rest. Such a life has a detrimental effect on health: cardiovascular disorders develop and metabolism is disrupted. Lack of movement causes muscle starvation, which is as dangerous as lack of oxygen, insufficient nutrition and vitamin deficiency.

An effective remedy that helps eliminate the negative effects of lack of movement is health Physical Culture. She plays a role prophylactic, preventing diseases and restoring the body after various diseases.

Health walking

The peculiarity of this type of walking is its calming factor; it distracts from mental and nervous stress, and also eliminates deficits in motor activity.

Recovery physical health when walking it occurs unnoticeably. The duration of walks and speed of movement increase gradually. As a result, it strengthens musculoskeletal system, general endurance and correct posture develop. Natural factors of nature - clean air and sunlight- during a walk they also have a beneficial effect on a person’s physical condition.

Health running

How to restore health? Go jogging. This universal remedy strengthening action. All body systems - respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous and muscular - begin to function normally.

With recreational running, the musculoskeletal system is strengthened, and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, are improving metabolic processes. Besides this, everything internal organs And blood vessels begin to function better.


Swimming is a unique means of physical education. This sport is suitable when required full recovery health. In water, due to its properties ( high density, oxygen content, low temperature), a person feels in a state close to weightlessness. More low temperature water, compared to body temperature, gives a hardening effect. In an aquatic environment, pain decreases. In the process of diving to different depths while holding your breath, the respiratory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems are trained. Muscle tone in cool water increases, which has a beneficial effect on the muscular system.


The following should be noted:

  1. A person’s lifestyle and his health are interconnected. For the body to function properly, constant physical activity is necessary.
  2. The health restoration system must necessarily include health-improving physical education.
  3. In the process of training, a person receives benefits only in the case of a correctly selected set of exercises.
  4. Diversity allows everyone to choose the appropriate sport, taking into account individual characteristics.

How much time should you devote to physical education?

How to restore health with the help of physical education, how much time should you devote to physical exercise? Scientists from a British research university worked on this issue.

For example, they found that for people aged 18 to 64 years, 2.5 hours per week is required physical activity(dancing, walking, cycling) or an hour and a quarter of high-intensity activities. And to strengthen the cardiac and pulmonary systems, muscle tissue, reducing the risk of diseases associated non-infectious nature, weekly lessons must be at least 5 hours.

People over 65 years of age are required to devote at least 1 hour 15 minutes a week to health-improving activities, and children and adolescents - at least an hour daily. Preference should be given to aerobic exercises rather than strength exercises.

School of Health

The country is creating special schools on the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Their goal is:

  • provide reliable information about the disease;
  • increase a person’s responsibility for their own health;
  • form strong convictions to comply with the doctor’s requirements and a desire to be treated;
  • motivate to lead healthy image life;
  • encourage people to engage in disease prevention.

The group size at the health school is no more than 10 people. Each lesson lasts two academic hours with a short break of 10 minutes, frequency of classes: at least twice a week. The training program includes up to 10 lessons.

Except medical supplies, used in the fight against diseases, you can help yourself without drugs. By following just seven tips, you can easily answer the question “How to restore your health?”

  1. Move as much as possible.
  2. Use fewer chemicals.
  3. Give preference to vegetables and fruits.
  4. Organize the right one
  5. Try fasting.
  6. Get enough sleep every day.
  7. Spend more time in the sun.

These tips will help you regain excellent health, improve your mood and enjoy life.

Restoring health after childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth have heavy load on a woman, and it takes time to restore the usual shape. After the birth of the baby, all the chores of caring for him again fall on the mother’s shoulders. and maintain good health during this time:

  • scrupulously observe intimate hygiene;
  • help the uterus return to its previous size. To do this: lie on your stomach more, regularly release bladder, breastfeed the baby after 2 hours;
  • pay attention to your diet: eat small portions often, use natural products, eat more vegetables and fruits, drink every day dairy products, eat porridge, avoid fatty and spicy foods;
  • carefully care for your breasts;
  • be attentive to your health. If you feel worse, consult a doctor immediately;
  • do not allow large physical activity. Do not lift more than 5 kg during the first six weeks after delivery;
  • set aside time for physical exercise - walking is best during this period;
  • get a good night's sleep and have time to relax. You shouldn't do everything at once. Transfer part of the work to your husband or close relatives.


Healthy food is the key to health. For proper nutrition you need natural products that contain natural substances, helping to strengthen the body's defenses. These include fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, cereals, various nuts.

What's good for your health? What foods contribute to a person?

  1. Tomatoes contain a large number of have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system and prevent the development of cancer cells.
  2. Oatmeal is rich in vitamin E, contains protein and a lot of fiber necessary for proper operation digestive system person.
  3. Kiwi, whose seeds contain a large amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, and the pulp is rich in vitamins E, A, C.
  4. Black grapes support the functioning of the heart muscle and prevent the formation of tumors.
  5. Oranges contain a lot of pectins, which reduce bad cholesterol, contain vitamin C.
  6. Broccoli is rich ascorbic acid, vitamins U, K, PP, microelements: potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, and also contains antioxidants.
  7. Avocado normalizes blood glucose levels. The fruits are rich in vitamins.
  8. Watercress contains a lot of calcium, iron, folic acid and iodine, there are vitamins E, A, C.
  9. Garlic stabilizes blood pressure.
  10. Olive oil contains antioxidants and helps lower cholesterol.
  11. Apples help digestion, lower cholesterol, and cleanse the body of toxins.
  12. Pumpkin. Its pulp contains a lot of fiber, microelements, and vitamins. Eating pumpkin improves metabolism, reduces blood pressure, and reduces swelling. Pumpkin juice helps with kidney and bladder stones.
  13. Carrot. Due to its beta-carotene and vitamin content, it is recommended for various diseases heart and stomach, as well as decreased vision.
  14. Cabbage is useful for liver pathologies and stomach ulcers, it is recommended for obesity, vascular sclerosis, it contains vitamins U and C.
  15. Celery leaves contain a lot of carotene and vitamins. It is recommended for nervous diseases, heart disease.
  16. Buckwheat is rich in iron and calcium, helps thin the blood, is useful for high blood pressure, vascular diseases, atherosclerosis.
  17. Greens (dill, parsley, lettuce, sorrel) are a source of fiber and cleanse the intestines. Any edible greens are low in calories, high in vitamins and amino acids, which are easily digestible.
  18. Eggs slow down the aging process of the body, thanks to the content of tocopherol acetate in them, they are rich in protein.
  19. Cottage cheese is a source of calcium, which is very necessary for the proper functioning of the body.
  20. Nuts are rich in vitamins and are recommended to normalize work thyroid gland, maintaining skin elasticity, improving brain function. It is enough to eat up to 4 nuts a day.


Human health is under the close attention of scientists from various fields of science. You can save it when a person leads correct image life: eats rationally, has good sleep, is engaged in hardening the body, fighting bad habits. Special schools and health restoration centers have been organized in Russian cities to help people preserve and strengthen this valuable gift of nature.


Before your main meal, eat something salty. This simple technique stimulates the production gastric juice.

Prepare a decoction of dandelion roots (as a rule, they are dug up in the fall or early). Pour two tablespoons of dandelion roots 0.5 l into a thermos. boiling water, leave overnight. Usually one-time appointment is 100 grams. During the day, before each meal, drink the decoction, and you will definitely feel better. appetite.

Video on the topic


  • no appetite after antibiotics

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. Accompanied by nausea, flatulence, vomiting, burning pain in the abdomen and left hypochondrium, which can last from several hours to several days. In this case, it radiates to the back, shoulder blade and behind the sternum, and can cause loss of consciousness, shock and collapse. Pain syndrome not relieved by antacids as with ulcerative illnesses, which easily determines the nature of these pains.

You will need

  • - sage;
  • - St. John's wort;
  • - wormwood;
  • - dried fruit;
  • - horsetail;
  • - series;
  • - burdock roots;
  • - elecampane roots;
  • - pharmaceutical camomile;
  • - calendula flowers;
  • - iris;
  • - buckwheat flour;
  • - kefir.


Take equal parts of sage, St. John's wort, dried grass, string, horsetail, wormwood, burdock and elecampane roots, calendula flowers and pharmaceutical chamomile, grind all ingredients and mix thoroughly. Then pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and leave with the lid of the thermos open for 15-20 minutes. Strain and drink throughout the day in equal parts 30 minutes before meals. Course – 3. Repeat three times a year.

The bitterness of wormwood with iris is beneficial. Take equal quantities of wormwood grass and the above-ground part of iris, chop and mix. Pour one tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Then strain and drink 1/3 glass three times a day half an hour before meals. The course of admission is 3 weeks. Repeat 2-3 more throughout the year.

Buckwheat flour and kefir are very effective. Take 2 tablespoons of pure buckwheat, grind it in a coffee grinder or food mill. In the evening, pour a glass of kefir or yogurt over the resulting flour. In the morning, instead of breakfast, eat this mixture and do not eat anything else for 4 hours. At chronic pancreatitis for at least a year, have breakfast 17-19 times a month with this composition.

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You should know that enzymatic preparations, prescribed for pancreatitis and designed to promote the digestion of food, can completely stop the pancreas from working, so you should not get carried away with them. It is necessary to force your pancreas to work independently, which is facilitated by taking medicinal herbs.

Helpful advice

It should be remembered that pancreatitis occurs as a result of heavy feasting, alcohol abuse, fatty foods, fried, spicy and smoked dishes. Therefore, the primary measure to eliminate the symptoms of the disease is a strict diet in the first days after the attack, up to complete failure from food, and significant diet correction in the future.

After work Not everyone manages to spend an evening in an atmosphere of relaxed tranquility. Household chores, troubles with children and communication with loved ones also take a lot of energy. Effective recovery strength after work will help you recharge your batteries and fully relax.

You will need

  • - aroma oils;
  • - mastering meditation.


Plan your day so that after work you had half an hour just to yourself. When you return, do not immediately start household chores. Be sure to take a shower to wash away the fatigue and negative energy that has accumulated during the day.

Meditation is perfect for relaxation and recuperation. If you are far from this, start with the basics. Take a comfortable position, close and try all your thoughts. Just listen to your breathing, imagine how life-giving air enters your body, saturates it with energy, and then takes away fatigue and irritation. Be prepared for the fact that you may not be able to concentrate right away, but gradually you will begin to feel miraculous power meditation.

Try to get enough sleep. Set your own individual sleep schedule that makes you feel best. On the weekend, try to lie in bed a little longer, and then spend the morning in a leisurely and relaxed atmosphere.

2 hours before bedtime, try not to eat anything so that the body does not waste strength on . Arrange for yourself half an hour walk on fresh air or perform a simple yoga routine. An hour before bed, take a warm bath with sea ​​salt And aromatic oils. Essential oils lavender, ylang-ylang, sweet orange will help you relax and

Each of us dreams of being healthy, energetic and beautiful (and beauty, in essence, is health).

But this dream does not always become a reality.

Causes of human diseases:

Firstly, our own attitudes and habits.

Secondly, the impact external environment(ecology, stress, infections).

But there is a way out. We need to learn methods of protecting and maintaining health.

If a person learns to control his own health, this will allow him to remain strong and strong.

The human body has powerful force self-healing. He is able to overcome any chronic illness.

But once the disease has already arrived, it is very difficult to fight it. It is much easier to engage in prevention, i.e. DO NOT allow the disease to come.

How to restore health?

There are 5 conditions, the observance of which allows you to recover, protect yourself from the negative external environment and self-heal.

These conditions are simple and are called practical skills. This "technology" is not for rich or poor, but for smart and sensible people.

What practical skills are needed?

1. Psychology: positive inner attitude.

2. Movement: regular, active, as a norm of life.

3. Self-control:

how much and what we DRINK,

how much and what we EAT,

how CLEAN we are inside.

Let's take the cell as the basis of our body. We are a vessel, an aquarium, in which more than 100 trillion cells “float”. The condition of our body depends on how well they live. We must create comfortable living conditions for our cells: giving cells what they need and removing what bothers them.

This can be achieved with integrated approach from 5 basic skills. If at least one is not performed, cell restoration will be defective, which means the human body will be defective.

Man is an open system. We consume water, food, oxygen, and release waste and energy. Health depends on how well water and food are absorbed, and how well waste is removed.

1. WATER: two problems are its quantity and quality.

A) quantity - 30-40 ml per kg of body weight per day (about 1.5 - 2 liters).

B) quality: the closer the water is in its parameters to the intercellular fluid, the better it is absorbed. Where can I get such water? You can build a laboratory at home to produce such water, or you can use SHUNGITE (natural mineral) for mineralization and long-term storage of water.

Or "ARGO" FILTERS - based on the minerals shungite, zeolite, coal, treated with silver in an indelible form, have unique properties, allowing for deep purification, structure and mineralization of water.

This water activates the activity of the digestive organs, flushes out toxins, and increases the digestibility of food.


Amino acids are the building blocks of our body.

Fatty acid- nutrition and protection of cells.

Vitamins and minerals- the energy of life.

Enzymes and beneficial bacteria - the stronger this “command”, the stronger our immunity, the stronger all life processes in the body.

Plant fiber- stimulates digestion and cleansing.

And all this is needed every single day! If any of the above is missing, the biochemical processes in the body will proceed with disturbances.

Polluted and half-starved cells are the misfortune of civilized man.

Modern food ("dead" food) is inaccessible to our cells. Therefore, we are forced to enrich our diet with what is available to the cell. These cellular nutrition products are called nutraceuticals.


Depends on normal nutrition cells. What's the point? If our cells are in a toxic intercellular fluid, then they “don’t want” to let anything in. Even if our nutrition is complete! The main source of toxins is the large intestine. In addition, toxins come in huge quantities from food, water, city air, household chemicals, smoking and alcohol.

Therefore, it is necessary to undergo regular cleaning programs (at least 2 times a year). Nowadays, absolutely everyone needs this, starting from the age of 14.

So what needs to be done?

Water, clean, feed, protect the cells of our body.

If you do not follow the Basic Laws of Life: “water, cleanse, feed, protect,” then any “treatment regimens” will give only temporary and ineffective results.

What do we get as a result? Real opportunity:

1. Live longer.

2. Become free from medications and diagnoses.

3. Feel better.

4. Have healthy offspring.

5. Improve sexual and reproductive health.

6. Become happier.


Do you want to spend your time and your money wisely? Do you really want to get tangible health results?

The whole point is a SYSTEM APPROACH. Only then will what you dream of come true. Without this, a dream remains a dream, but Normal person remains with his illness.

But we are going on a journey for Health!

And if you only had enough patience for two or three days, well, for a week? And then they waved their hand: “This is all nonsense! Nothing helps!” Then all that remains is go to the doctor and start swallowing chemical tablets again: it’s faster.

And they will help... How a whip helps a tired horse!

Do you want Health? Do you want to feel normal? Then start with the SYSTEM: day by day, step by step, according to the scheme and in a complex.

And have fun with it!

Add gymnastics, water, oxygen... There will definitely be an effect - a good, lasting effect due to general health improvement body.

And the more intense the system, the richer the complex, the better the result.

Let the one who walks overcome it. And not stopping at the first turn.

It takes 3 months to noticeably and clearly improve your condition.

Having decided to take care of your Health, DO NOT give up this exciting activity for at least 3 months, and you will see what comes of it.

Clue. To compare how it was before and how it is now, enter Diary of Well-Being. And take your photos: now and in 3 months.

...And the very, very first step?

Start your day with a glass of water and positive, grateful thoughts. It used to be called prayer... It helped.

But if health has already been undermined, then it is necessary to find a way to restore it, at least partially. The first thing that comes to mind is medicines. But chemicals have a big drawback - they are harmful to the body. In addition, most medications are expensive.

The doctor prescribes a bunch of medications that help a little in one disease, undermining immune system the whole organism as a whole. When a patient comes to the doctor, he often simply receives a list of medications that help for a while. Then the person goes to the doctor again - in worse condition, and is diagnosed chronic illness. The result is only a delay of the disease. Some people think that you should use paid medicine, because “they treat better for money.” Yes, the care may be more comprehensive, but it is not worth spending all your savings on it.

How to improve your health without drugs

The best solution is treatment using the body's own reserves. You need to know that the body itself contains the key to all diseases. But most often a person cannot find this source of health within himself. In most cases, health problems arise during periods of depression or chronic stress. AND effective method restoration of good physical fitness And morale becomes the elimination of psychological problems.

Health without doctors

  • An excellent solution is to travel to some pleasant place. It has long been known that traveling or going to a resort prolongs life and improves its quality. And if there are no above-mentioned opportunities, then you should just go to nature, to the country house or take a walk in the park.
  • Proper nutrition can also contribute to maintaining health. Eating chocolate helps improve your mood. In order not to get sick, you need to avoid vitamin deficiency, especially in the spring. The simplest and the right way is to add to your diet certain products, containing all essential amino acids. Do not exceed calorie intake over expenditure.
  • Aerobic exercise in the fresh air protects the cardiovascular system, trains the lungs, and strengthens nervous system and prolong a full life.

How to be healthy without drugs

There are times when neither proper nutrition, nor a balanced state of mind do not help. Then the person begins to gradually weaken or fade away. At such moments, it is necessary to urgently take action and look for a way out. And, of course, there is a way out! This is the health system of M.S. Norbekova.

The first health course lasts ten days. It lays the foundations for health rehabilitation and introduces students to the contents of the system. You may not notice any dramatic effect during the course. However, after ten days, when you have completely mastered the technique, a sharp, avalanche-like restoration of your entire body will begin. After a month, you will be cured of most ailments, and after six months you will feel completely healthy. If you really want to feel better, then you need to follow certain rules.

How to restore health without drugs

When a person uses it, he should not rush. Don't draw conclusions ahead of time. For the first three or four days, just study hard and achieve your goal.

  • Try to support good mood, because it helps treatment. It is necessary to avoid communicating with pessimists and not listen to anyone who doubts the possibility of recovery. After all, heavy thoughts can bring down a decisive mood.
  • During classes you should not be distracted or talk. You need to focus on the exercises.
  • If you are training just for show, then it is better to quit this useless activity. This is a road to nowhere.
  • Overvoltage is unacceptable. It will greatly slow down recovery. You only need to exercise until appearance of mild fatigue. If your head starts to hurt/dizzy, you need to reduce your load.
  • You should only exercise when feeling good. You shouldn't do this if you haven't gotten enough sleep, are tired, hungry, and so on.
  • An artificially created smile and posture help to trigger emotional reinforcement of physical exercises and create the correct stereotype of behavior in the subconscious.
  • And last, main prohibition- this is something that is completely unacceptable to stretch treatment course For undefined period. Tasks need to be set clearly. And also fulfill them clearly. Plan your treatment.


  • There is no need to try to remember how you feel - keep a diary. It has been verified that without notes, the average person begins to have confusion in their head within three days. The diary should be filled out from the first day of treatment. It must clearly state the purpose of the lesson.
  • Water treatments are required twice a day. If you cannot take a shower for some reason, then you need to dry yourself with a towel dampened warm water until you feel a burning sensation. This approach facilitates the cleansing processes that start at the beginning of classes.
  • In the morning and evening you need to drink a glass of hot boiled water.

Health without doctors and drugs is a natural state human body. You just have to discover your inner reserves and make efforts to achieve recovery. All these techniques are taught at the M.S. Norbekov Center. Group classes help you master the material acquired faster and more deeply.

The human body is constantly susceptible to negative impacts. Diseases, bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle, unbalanced diet - all this leads to the fact that at some point it malfunctions. This is followed by treatment and, of course, a rehabilitation period. How to restore health? What needs to be done and how to contribute?

What to do after illness

After treatment for any disease, the body cannot always recover on its own. This usually happens after long-term treatment serious illness. How to restore health after antibiotics?

Drugs in this series are prescribed for many diseases, but they are known to interfere with natural microflora intestines. If the reception lasted no more than a week, then no measures need to be taken. The indication for microflora correction is long-term use (10-14 days) and the use of several antibiotics at the same time.

Additional measures are needed for cancer patients, with immunodeficiency syndrome, with exhaustion and prolonged chronic diseases, as well as in case of changing medications to a stronger one.

A person must first of all adjust his diet: drink more kefir, yoghurt, yogurt; eat vegetables and fruits containing fiber and pectins; add proteins to the diet, because they are necessary for the production of antibodies and help the liver neutralize the poisons of pathogens. At the same time, limit the intake of the following products: sugar; alcohol; fatty and fried; rude and annoying; containing preservatives and allergens.

There is no need to take any additional medications, because you can correct the microflora yourself using regular products nutrition.

How to restore health after drinking alcohol

First of all, they resort to vascular drugs and nootropics to improve blood flow in brain cells. It is very important to avoid dehydration. Alcoholic drinks have a diuretic effect, and are excreted along with urine useful material. Therefore, you need to drink more mineral still water, maybe cabbage and cucumber pickle, tomato or citrus juice.

To recover faster, you need not only to monitor your fluid balance, but also to eat right. It is better to give preference to soups, borscht, oatmeal and bananas. Vitamin deficiency will be eliminated by fruits, especially citrus fruits. Don't forget the benefits good night, walking in the fresh air, and quitting smoking.

How to restore your health after childbirth

The rehabilitation period after the birth of a child is very difficult. And it’s not only about the troubles that have arisen, but also about physical condition. After childbirth it decreases muscle tone, lethargy appears abdominal wall, sometimes hernias occur, ligaments and joints weaken. Often young mothers complain of pain in the spine and head.

They cause discomfort and scars from ruptures. There may be partial urinary incontinence due to muscle weakness. Hemorrhoids often occur. For many people, pregnancy causes problems with veins. And against the backdrop of a sharp change hormonal levels some develop depression. Therefore, a woman after childbirth, like her baby, needs help and care.

Many disorders occur after the woman has been discharged home, so be sure to monitor any deviations in the condition of the new mother:

  • A woman should get enough sleep. This will have a good effect on both her physical and emotional well-being;
  • She should eat well while breastfeeding. The expression “eating for two” must be forgotten. The diet should be balanced, the amount of food should correspond to needs. Meat, fish, poultry, butter, cheese, dairy products - all this must be present on the menu. Drinking plenty of fluids (water, tea, compotes, fruit drinks) is also recommended;
  • According to the doctor's indications, they take medications to prevent anemia. These are usually calcium and iron;
  • Bowel regularity – important point. If necessary, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps he will prescribe an additional dose of lacto- and bifidobacteria;
  • It is imperative to visit a gynecologist within the prescribed period. It would not be superfluous to consult an endocrinologist who will check your hormonal levels;
  • A new mother should be physically active. In the first two months after giving birth, you need to walk more with a stroller, walking several kilometers. Then it is recommended to perform exercises for the muscles of the perineum and abdominal muscles;
  • Well proven breathing exercises. These can be combined with physical exercise going to a yoga class.

How to restore health after a course of chemotherapy

Measures aimed at combating cancer weaken the immune system, so the body cannot resist infections. That is why a person during a rehabilitation course is placed in inpatient conditions, close to sanatorium conditions.

In addition to physical procedures, the help of a psychologist may be needed to maintain the patient’s condition at the proper level. If a person feels cheerful, he will return to his previous shape faster.

Rehabilitation after chemotherapy includes rest, a specific daily routine, and regular procedures. Required physiotherapy, herbal medicine courses. It is also important to adhere to a certain diet - food should help strengthen the immune system and be gentle on the stomach.

If there are no contraindications, therapeutic swimming, iodized baths, aromatherapy, and cleansing of toxins with special devices are prescribed. Yoga classes and pleasant and relaxing music will have a positive effect on the body.

Lymphatic drainage procedures are used to relieve swelling and eliminate inflammation. Properly selected loads will not overstrain the body and will contribute to its tone.

How to regain your health after quitting smoking

This bad habit affects all body systems, especially the respiratory system. But during the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to bring the endocrine, circulatory, and immune systems back to normal.

Firstly, it is recommended to do inhalations with tinctures of needles and cones of coniferous trees. Juniper, linden, celandine, lavender, mint and wormwood are also used. Restoration of lung function will be indicated by coughing and sputum production. But in some people they do not appear and the process of normalizing lung function is hidden.

Secondly, after quitting smoking, you need to engage in active sports - swimming, running, aerobics. Regular walks before bed will be helpful.

Thirdly, cleaning procedures are needed. In this case there is nothing better than a bath or saunas.

You also need to diversify your diet. After quitting smoking, the body will experience stress and should be treated the same as after an illness, that is, spared. The diet should be balanced and saturated healthy products. Proper digestion will help remove toxins from cigarettes faster.

How to restore your mental health

This point will be useful not only for those who have experienced stress or other emotional shock, but also for those who are undergoing rehabilitation after an illness.

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