What vitamins are best to take in spring: customer reviews and expert recommendations. What vitamins are missing in spring and where to get them?

Spring vitamin deficiency is a violation of the equilibrium balance of consumption and intake of vitamins in the body. The development of hypovitaminosis is characterized by a deficiency of nutrients. This process occurs unnoticed. The person becomes irritable, concentration decreases, appetite deteriorates, and drowsiness occurs. Regular dietary deficiency of the vitamin, which affects performance, has a detrimental effect on the body.

Has a direct impact on:

  • organs and tissues;
  • height;
  • development of intellectual and physical capabilities;
  • sexual activity;
  • reduces immunity.

Signs of vitamin deficiency vary depending on the deficiency of a particular vitamin. Usually these are dizziness, headaches, nausea.

Causes of vitamin deficiency:

  • improper nutrition, insufficient or poor quality - the supply of vitamins with food is disrupted;
  • Digestion and the functioning of internal organs are impaired.

Signs spring vitamin deficiency:

  • hard to wake up in the morning;
  • I want to sleep all the time;
  • apathetic state;
  • focus decreases;
  • inattention worsens;
  • excessive incontinence;
  • minor mood;
  • the skin becomes dry, cracks and redness may form;
  • excessive dryness, cracked and reddened skin;
  • The body's resistance decreases.

Spring vitamin deficiency. Deficiency Symptoms

Every body requires a balanced supply of vitamins and minerals. The lack of any of them has an eloquent effect on the general condition.

Vitamin A- has a direct impact on visual functions the body, namely the creation of visual signals. Activates the antioxidant protective function of the body.

Vitamin B1- the lack of this vitamin affects the totality of nerve formations. Constant feeling irritability, bad sleep, absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, chilliness, pain gastrointestinal tract, vomiting is possible.

Vitamin B2- deficiency affects reproductive functions body and growth regulation. If you want your skin and nails to look healthy and your hair to grow quickly, add a glass of sour milk in combination with hard cheese or cottage cheese (about 90 g).

Vitamin C- is ascorbic acid, which is necessary for the proper functioning of connective and bone tissues. It is also an antioxidant. Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency: weak immune system, bleeding gums, dry and pale skin, slow wound healing, fragility nail plate, hair and teeth loss.

Vitamin D- deficiency is characterized by the development of rickets and softening of bones. A person’s appetite decreases, weight decreases, burning sensations oral cavity and larynx, sleep disorder, blurred vision.

Vitamin E- an insufficient amount of this vitamin is characterized by muscular dystrophy, necrosis in the liver, dysfunction of cardio-vascular system.

Vitamin K- Deficiency of this vitamin is extremely rare. Characterized by bleeding, intradermal and subcutaneous hemorrhage. It has a significant impact on the formation and restoration of bones.

If you notice any of these symptoms in yourself, this is a signal that you should get examined and get a doctor’s recommendation to restore your vitamin balance.

Where to find vitamins in spring?

All vitamins are found in food, and in to a greater extent in vegetables. To prevent vitamin deficiency, review your diet and ensure that it contains the following products:

  • Cabbage - long-term storage of cabbage in autumn and winter reduces the vitamin C content by 30%. The body's daily requirement is 100 g of cabbage. Sauerkraut contains the same amount beneficial properties, just like fresh.
  • Lemon - citrus actively stores healthy vitamin C, even after a long winter period. Lemon pulp helps eliminate toxins and waste, and is not dangerous for cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Lemon peel strengthens capillary vessels.
  • Green salad - rich in vitamins B, C and E and magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and iodine. This miracle green rejuvenates the skin, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, strengthens vascular system, hair becomes stronger.
  • Sorrel has a huge content of vitamins A and B, as well as iron, potassium, fluorine, magnesium. Sorrel lovers always have good mood, they are stress-resistant and do not suffer from insomnia. Helps improve blood composition, strengthens blood vessels of the cardiovascular system, strengthens teeth, improves performance nervous system.
  • Peas - contains vitamin A, B1, B2, B5... Canned and fresh peas have the same amount useful components. A pea lover is always cheerful, full of strength and energy, and effectively slows down the aging process of the body. If you decide to lose weight, peas are your main assistant thanks to vegetable protein.
  • Radish - predominantly vitamins C and B, as well as abundant iron and potassium. Actively strengthens the immune system to avoid acute respiratory infections.
  • Tomatoes contain vitamin C. This unique vegetable is heat treatment increases the number of beneficial properties by one third. Prevents the appearance oncological diseases. Actively fights wrinkles, preventing premature aging.
  • Kefir is wonderful fermented milk product, which contains vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, abundant amounts of calcium, enzymes, organic acids, amino acids... Balanced product, as it contains an excellent combination of useful substances. Normalizes metabolic processes body, nervous system...

What vitamins to take in spring

By the beginning of spring, the body is greatly weakened. Most people take vitamins but do not feel the effect. To purchase effective vitamins, you need to know some subtleties and nuances, namely:

  • The vitamin complex must contain all 13 vitamins, as well as minerals and trace elements with the appropriate daily dosage for consumption.
  • Vitamins for women are rich in iron and folic acid. For men - percentage these components are much lower.
  • Vitamins should be selected according to age category. Children's vitamin complexes contain lower dosages of components.

Drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco can quickly destroy vitamins. Groups B, C, and K are considered the most sensitive. The daily requirement of vitamin C is destroyed by one unit tobacco product. Antibiotics instantly destroy B vitamins.

It is advisable to take vitamins regularly, even in for preventive purposes. A person is the architect of his own health and responsibility lies only on his shoulders.

Every person should know which vitamins are best to take in the spring. This will make it possible to prevent spring vitamin deficiency, with its sometimes severe and detrimental consequences on general state health. Before purchasing a medication complex, it is better to consult a doctor.

Winter is over and the human body needs vitamins more than ever, the days are shorter in winter, sunny days very little, there are few products in stores that contain “live” vitamins, food in winter is less varied than in summer, the body wears out, immunity decreases and colds become constant companions of life. The body needs support, especially women, what vitamins should be taken in the spring, so that everything essential vitamins were you present?

Women and seasonal spring vitamin deficiency

Vitamin deficiency occurs when the body experiences a lack of vitamins for a long time. Hypovitaminosis is an extreme degree of vitamin deficiency.

Women react to vitamin deficiency much more acutely than men, because menstruation, which occurs every month, is a loss of blood that must be replenished. It is for this reason that women more often suffer from anemia, a lack of iron in the blood. Women need to take vitamin and mineral complexes in the spring.

In fact, a person needs few vitamins per day, but their constant lack of them in food leads to disastrous consequences. The woman looks bad, is constantly tired, her hair falls out, her skin becomes too dry. Such manifestations of vitamin deficiency are unlikely to please a woman.

Vitamins can be classified: macro- and microelements, water-soluble and fat-soluble.

Water-soluble vitamins

These vitamins easily dissolve in water and are quickly eliminated from the body. Water-soluble vitamins: vitamin C, vitamin PP, B vitamins and some others. Now we will talk about vital vitamins.

  • B1 - is responsible for the normal functioning of metabolism. Vitamin deficiency entails fatigue, malfunction of the nervous system, loss of appetite, skin loses its healthy appearance. In order to replenish vitamin losses. It is necessary to eat: oatmeal, black bread, liver, egg yolks.
  • B2 - is responsible for the functioning of the nervous system, as well as for the condition of the mucous membranes. Contained in fish products, animal liver, buckwheat, milk.
  • B6 - responsible for the nervous system and skin condition. Deficiency leads to the appearance of dermatitis.
  • B15 - is responsible for oxygen metabolism, controls the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Vitamin C is the most famous vitamin, responsible for the absorption of iron, and is involved in the functioning of almost all body systems. Contained in many products, for example, lemons, currants, kiwi, sweet peppers, rose hips. You need to know that there is almost no it in “not the first freshness” fruits.

Fat-soluble vitamins

This class includes vitamins A, D, E and F. For normal functioning female body necessary normal content in the blood of vitamins A, D, E. Vitamins, which are classified as fat-soluble, tend to accumulate in the body, so you should make sure that an overdose does not occur.

  • Vitamin A is a growth vitamin; if there is not enough of this vitamin in the body, then immunity decreases, the condition of the skin suffers greatly and vision is impaired. The vitamin is found, for example, in butter, eggs, milk, fish, and foods orange color: pumpkin, carrots, apricots.
  • Vitamin D is a unique vitamin; it is called “sunshine” because the synthesis of this vitamin occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. This vitamin is important for older women, it is responsible for the condition of bones, and it is responsible for the absorption of calcium by the body.
  • Vitamin E is a beauty vitamin, responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system, affects the smoothness and condition of the skin, and is responsible for hair health. In the spring it must be taken additionally.


Don’t forget about minerals, which are also very necessary for the body. The first place is occupied by magnesium, calcium and iron.

Lack of iron, as already mentioned, leads to anemia; calcium is necessary for good condition bones and teeth, magnesium affects mood stability, this is especially important before the onset of menstruation.

The “Golden Rule” of Nutrition in Spring

Is it possible to do without vitamin tablets in spring? Certainly, natural vitamins are better absorbed, but sometimes their quantity in food is insufficient. In order to get all the necessary vitamins from food, you need to think through your diet very carefully.

To ensure that vitamins are well absorbed, avoid alcohol, coffee, etc. of course, smoking. Take walks more often fresh air and, nevertheless, in the spring it is better to use vitamin-mineral complexes.

Any vitamins, you need to figure out what functions they generally perform and on. healthy, elastic skin– largely thanks to vitamin A. It also affects visual acuity. Huge role in prevention colds, and vitamin C also plays a role in curing them. If you are often sick, you need to eat foods rich in vitamin C. Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium, so the strength, as well as the condition of the nails and nails, largely depends on it. Vitamin E boosts the body, helps fight toxins, and also improves the functioning of the reproductive system. Therefore, if you wish, it is recommended to eat vitamin E with food or in the form of tablets.

B vitamins reduce fatigue, help normalize protein metabolism and strengthen the nervous system. These vitamins must be taken when you feel weak or drowsy. Vitamin PP ( a nicotinic acid) helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

What vitamin complexes are best to take in spring?

Most experts recommend taking multivitamin complexes “Duovit”, “Kvadevit”, “Multitabs”. They contain the most necessary for the body vitamins, with the help of which you will quickly overcome the negative phenomena caused by vitamin deficiency. However, it is recommended to get a doctor's consultation first.

Remember that each person's body is individual.

In addition to vitamins, the listed complexes contain a number of vital microelements: zinc, magnesium, iron, iodine, selenium, etc., which are responsible for the functioning of almost all organs.

Vitamins and microelements can be obtained not only through vitamin-mineral complexes, but also by consuming fruits, vegetables, nuts and other healthy foods.

Try to consume vitamins regularly winter time to minimize manifestations. Preparing for future use in the fall, when there is an abundance of vegetables and fruits, will help you. For example, preserve juices from fruits and berries, make jam. Dry slices of apples and pears, rose hips, and then cook and drink compotes from them. Chop fresh herbs and freeze them in plastic bags, then add them little by little to your meals. This way you can at least partially provide yourself with vitamins for the winter. And remember that in winter it is better not to go on diets, because the body should receive as many necessary microelements and vitamins as possible.

Hello, dear readers. Today’s article will talk about how to choose the right vitamin complex for women for the spring months, when immunity after winter is at its lowest point.

Vitamins for spring for women

Vitamins should always be present in a woman’s diet; without them, the body will not function normally.

Their deficiency provokes serious disruptions, because vitamins act as natural catalysts and inhibitors (accelerators or retarders) of the absorption of any substances.

With the end of winter, vitamins are needed more than ever, because it is impossible to stock up on nutrients for the months ahead in the fall.

After a lack of sun and foods containing “live” vitamins, immunity decreases and the body becomes weakened, so it is very important to know what vitamins a woman needs in the spring to improve both her physical and psychological condition.

About spring vitamin deficiency

The deficiency of vitamins, which we acutely feel with the awakening of nature, provokes a condition called spring vitamin deficiency.

Women endure vitamin deficiency in spring stress more severely than men.

In essence, replenishing vitamin deficiencies is quite simple, because not that many vitamins are required. a large number of(literally milligrams).

But without the norm of these substances, women’s immunity will decline (and this entails frequent colds, viral diseases), fatigue accumulates, irritability or depression appears, and the skin may become dry.

In addition, a woman may experience a decrease or increase in appetite for no reason, drowsiness during the day, and insomnia at night.

The listed symptoms are characteristic of the most mild degree vitamin deficiency, but women are unlikely to like this symptomatology.

Severe form of vitamin deficiency (when they do not enter the woman’s body long time) leads to exacerbation of chronic diseases and can provoke not seasonal vitamin deficiency, but real one: with scurvy, etc. But these are extreme cases.

What to do to avoid vitamin deficiency

Vitamins that women really need can be divided into two categories: water-soluble and fat-soluble.

The difference between them is that water-soluble ones are eliminated from the body within a day, they do not accumulate and they do not require a strict dosage. This is group B and ascorbic acid.

Vitamins A, E, D are fat-soluble, they tend to accumulate, therefore daily doses they cannot be exceeded.

It is possible to cope with the problem of vitamin deficiency in women in the spring with the help of well-chosen multivitamins and a balanced diet.

As soon as the body begins to signal vitamin deficiencies, you need to start taking multivitamins to quickly return to good health.

But it is much better not to wait for the above symptoms. Start your appointment vitamin preparation still in winter.

This is the most effective preventive approach, eliminating the occurrence of spring vitamin deficiency. We also shouldn’t forget about minerals.

What is better to take

So what vitamins are best to take in the spring? It is worth focusing on substances that are very useful to the body after prolonged cold and sunless weather.

Certainly, necessary for women There are vitamins in foods. But you need to eat an incredible amount of fruits, vegetables, grains, and herbs to get closer to your daily vitamin requirement.

Therefore, the ideal is a combination of the “right” products with a vitamin and mineral complex.

The menu must be designed so that all groups of these nutrients are represented.

  • If in the spring you make sure that the menu includes enough pumpkin, carrots, sea buckthorn, milk, liver, cheeses, butter, you can get a large amount of vitamin A, which is so important for stimulating the immune system.
  • Dairy products, chicken and beef meat, liver, cereals, peanuts and fish (salmon, cod) provide us with B vitamins, which have a great effect on metabolic processes. This vitamin group also enriches our blood.
  • Ascorbic acid, an antioxidant vitamin, can be obtained by eating parsley and rose hips, citrus fruits and sea buckthorn, kiwi and green vegetables. There is a lot of vitamin C in sauerkraut. With the intake of the vitamin, the body’s defenses are activated, the level of “bad” cholesterol decreases, the required amount of hemoglobin is maintained, and we better fight infections.
  • E, antioxidant vitamin, found in legumes and eggs, green vegetables and milk, oils plant origin and sprouted grains. The immune system, endocrine sphere, blood vessels, muscles, skin, and hair of a woman need it.
  • D, necessary for the absorption of calcium and magnesium, is given to us by the sun (in the sun the vitamin is synthesized in our body), which is so scarce in winter. Therefore, reserves D will be replenished sea ​​kale and fish, dairy products, cheeses. The vitamin is responsible for the condition of bones and the absorption of calcium.

Half a kilogram of daily vegetables and fruits, up to two hundred grams of lean meat, and up to three hundred grams of dairy products will prevent vitamin deficiency.

For example, traditional cabbage and carrot salad is very rich in vitamins. Women should not forget about cereals and soups; they will also help eliminate vitamin imbalance.

And it is also important to remember that vitamin reserves cannot be created for the season ahead: women need to take vitamins every day.

Minerals are also very important

When asked which vitamins are best for women to take in the spring, any specialist will answer that not only vitamin therapy is important, but also mineral therapy.

The most important micro- and macroelements that women need to pay special attention to in the spring:

  • Calcium. It can be obtained from dairy products, dried fruits, soy, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds, bananas, salmon, tuna, white beans, olive oil, almonds.
  • Iron. To prevent iron levels from decreasing, a woman’s spring diet should include meat and beans, buckwheat and liver, eggs and chocolate, as well as dried fruits.
  • Iodine: There is a lot of it in seafood. Use salt with high content Yoda.
  • Magnesium: bananas, potatoes, wholemeal baked goods, chicken.
  • We get potassium from potatoes, beans, dried apricots, prunes, salmon, pumpkin, spinach, and oranges.
  • Zinc enters the body with fish, persimmons, beef and pork meat, and cheese.
  • Phosphorus is most abundant in grains, cheeses, broccoli, legumes, and garlic.

Effective help: multivitamin complexes

What vitamins should a woman take in spring? Experts classify as universal drugs those that contain the most essential vitamins and minerals in the doses we need every day.

With their help, you can quickly improve your health, which has been weakened since the beginning of spring.

Manufacturers produce complexes in tablets, capsules and ampoules (injections are sometimes needed to achieve rapid results; the course of injections is prescribed exclusively by a doctor).

It is convenient to purchase multivitamins to take once a day, immediately after breakfast. The pharmaceutical industry offers a huge selection of complexes.

Now you can find drugs in different price categories, for women of different ages and various conditions (for example, complexes for pregnant women).

Our most famous vitamin complexes are “Multitabs”, “Duovit”, “Kvadevit” and vitamin-mineral complexes “Alphavit”, “Complivit”, “Undevit”, “Vitrum”.

Decide for yourself what to choose by reading the instructions and finding out the composition of vitamins and minerals, as well as their quantity in the capsule or tablet. It is advisable to focus on drugs that can solve your individual problems, and they are different for everyone.

It should also be noted that when taken prophylactically, the dosage of vitamins should not exceed daily norm, it is desirable that it be less than the norm, this is especially important for fat-soluble vitamins.

It is recommended that women take multivitamin and vitamin-mineral supplements for about a month. To be more confident in choosing a drug and duration of use, consult your physician.

Having remembered which vitamins women should drink in the spring, you also need to remember some spring rules:

  • Even before the start of the appointment multivitamin complexes It is advisable to slightly reduce the consumption of animal fats.
  • You need to eat lactic acid products every day.
  • You also need to eat every day vegetable salads with vegetable oil dressing. In addition to many vitamins, you will receive polyunsaturated fatty acid, which prevent the occurrence of heart and vascular diseases.
  • Eat frozen berries. They are on the list of winter and spring leaders in vitamin C content and other beneficial components.
  • Enter in daily diet bananas, citrus fruits, pomegranates, grapefruits. They are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals.
  • Vegetables: greenhouse cucumbers and tomatoes are not the best option. Cabbage, beets, and carrots are truly healthy.
  • Prepare meals from frozen vegetables.
  • Don’t forget about fresh herbs, a woman also needs them every day. Onions, parsley, dill will become real cures for vitamin deficiency.
  • Make sure that your diet often includes black bread, oatmeal, liver, and nuts.
  • Take more walks in the fresh air.

A balanced diet, exercise, walks and properly selected vitamin and mineral complexes will protect you from vitamin deficiency.

The long time is finally over Cold winter! Spring brings with it warmth, sunshine and, alas, vitamin deficiency... It is in the spring that you should try to compose your diet so that the body receives as much as possible more vitamins. And for those who fast, this is especially important.

Everyone needs vitamins in spring. Therefore, you need to eat varied. This is an axiom that, unfortunately, many people neglect. A lot has already been said about vitamins on our website. But it never hurts to review the “material covered” in order to meet spring vitamin deficiency fully armed. Let's start in order.

- This fat-soluble vitamin, which requires a balanced amount of fat, protein and minerals. It tends to accumulate in the liver, so the body does not need to replenish its reserves every day. Vitamin A is good for vision and skin, increases the body's resistance to infections, promotes growth and strengthening of bones, and has an anti-cancer effect. Vitamin A of animal origin is found in the liver (especially in the liver of marine animals and fish), in fish oil, butter, cream and egg yolk. Plant modification of vitamin A - carotene - in the most high concentrations found in carrots, pumpkin, apricots, parsley and spinach. By the way, there is almost no carotene in canned vegetables.

found mainly in products of animal origin, and is also formed in human skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Vitamin D regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body, ensures normal growth and integrity of bones. It is necessary for blood clotting, regulation of excitability nerve cells, For normal operation hearts. This vitamin is fat soluble. This means that if you take additional doses of this vitamin in the form of medications, the amount may reach dangerous level. Most vitamin D is found in fatty foods sea ​​fish, fish oil, in milk and dairy products.

It is also fat-soluble, but, unlike others, it does not remain in the body for long. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and free radical killer. It preserves the immune system, prevents the development of cataracts, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and heart disease, and also promotes the accumulation of vitamin A in the body. In addition, a lack of vitamin E is fraught with hypervitaminosis D. Everything in nature is interconnected! Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, eggs, animal liver, legumes, cereals, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, greens, rose hips, sea buckthorn, cherries, rowan, apple and pear seeds. Sunflower seeds, almonds and peanuts also contain quite a lot of vitamin E.

- a vitamin responsible for blood clotting. It also increases the strength of the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin K accelerates wound healing, enhances muscle contraction, and provides the body with energy. This vitamin is synthesized intestinal microflora. In addition, there is a lot of vitamin K in both plant and animal products. But, nevertheless, due to improper, unbalanced nutrition, vitamin K deficiency is quite real. For example, when taking excess calcium, the internal synthesis of vitamin K is disrupted, which can lead to internal bleeding. Excess vitamin E impairs the absorption of vitamin K and reduces its effectiveness. Vitamin K is found in green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, pumpkin, green peas, soybean oil, egg yolks, animal liver, fish oil.

B vitamins are water-soluble, which means that the body cannot accumulate these vitamins, and therefore their supply must be constantly replenished.

plays important role in metabolism, in particular in carbohydrate metabolism. It normalizes acidity gastric juice and increases motor activity stomach, increases the body's resistance to infections and adverse factors environment and is extremely important for cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Vitamin B1 stimulates brain function, promotes body growth, helps with “ seasickness"and motion sickness. There is especially a lot of vitamin B1 in dry yeast, whole grain bread, peas, cereals, bran, walnuts, peanuts, animal liver and heart, egg yolk and milk.

synthesized by human intestinal microflora. But, like all water-soluble vitamins, it cannot accumulate in the body, so you need to regularly eat foods rich in this vitamin. Vitamin B2 is involved in redox processes, increases visual acuity, provides better adaptation to darkness, and protects the retina from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Vitamin B2 takes part in the formation of red blood cells, is necessary for the growth and renewal of tissues, and plays an important role in the breakdown and absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This vitamin is very important for healthy skin, hair and nails. Most vitamin B2 is found in products of animal origin: eggs, meat, liver, kidneys, fish, dairy products. IN plant products he is there too. There is especially a lot of vitamin B2 in green leafy vegetables and yeast.

Vitamin B3 , perhaps the most common vitamin in nature. It is found in almost all food products, and, in addition, is synthesized by intestinal microflora. Vitamin B3 is necessary for normal development central nervous system, for the synthesis of antibodies, normal functioning of the adrenal glands. Vitamin B3 is involved in metabolism, actively participates in the neutralization of alcohol, “drains” excess water and prevents rapid fatigue. The main sources of vitamin B3 are liver, kidneys, heart, meat, eggs, brewer's yeast, nuts, seeds, and green vegetables.

participates in protein and fat metabolism, ensures the normal functioning of a huge number of enzymatic systems, is necessary for synthesis nucleic acids and antibodies, helps increase the acidity of gastric juice, is needed for the normal functioning of the central nervous system... The range of uses of this vitamin is incredibly wide. Vitamin B6 is found in green peppers, cabbage, carrots, melon, as well as in eggs, liver, kidneys, heart, beef and milk.

Vitamin B9 participates in the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin, in the regulation of cell division. This vitamin is important for growth and development, it plays an important role in protein metabolism, the formation of certain amino acids, and stimulates the immune system. Vitamin B9 has beneficial influence on fat metabolism in liver cells, cholesterol metabolism, provides a healthy appearance to the skin. Vitamin B9 is found in dark green leafy vegetables, onions, carrots, cauliflower, melon, avocado, apricots, brewer's yeast, mushrooms, egg yolk, liver, kidneys.

necessary for hematopoiesis. It stimulates growth, affects fat metabolism in the liver, is important for protein metabolism, reduces cholesterol in the blood, and also ensures the formation of the myelin sheath that covers the nerves. Sources of vitamin B12 are only products of animal origin, and the largest amount is found in offal. There is a lot of vitamin B12 in cheese and seafood.

Vitamin C - the most famous of vitamins. It protects the body from many infectious and viral diseases, increases the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, helps cleanse the body of all kinds of poisons, helps reduce cholesterol in the blood, accelerates the healing of wounds and burns, helps synthesize and preserve a special protein - collagen, which serves as the basis for the formation of connective tissues. It is a powerful antioxidant that counteracts the destructive effects of free radicals. Animal products practically do not contain vitamin C. But there is a lot of it in fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. There is especially a lot of vitamin C in rose hips, sea buckthorn, black currant, red pepper.

is part of the enzymes that ensure cellular respiration. Vitamin PP affects the cardiovascular and nervous systems, keeps the skin and mucous membranes healthy, and normalizes the functioning of the stomach and pancreas. This vitamin is necessary for carbohydrate and protein metabolism, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, improves blood circulation and reduces hypertension. blood pressure. Vitamin PP is found in brewer's yeast, whole grain bread, dried mushrooms, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, prunes, dates, beans, as well as lean meat, white poultry, fish, eggs, liver, kidneys, and cheese.

is one of the so-called bioflavonoids - substances without which the absorption of vitamin C cannot be complete. These substances have a powerful capillary-strengthening effect and reduce permeability vascular walls, prevent bleeding gums. Vitamin P is necessary for the normal absorption and metabolism of vitamin C, protects it from destruction and promotes its accumulation in the body. This vitamin has beneficial effect to work thyroid gland, increases the body's resistance to infections. Vitamin P is found in citrus fruits, and in their white peel and interlobular film, in apricots, blackberries, cherries, black currants, chokeberry, buckwheat, parsley, salad. What's interesting is quite significant amount bioflavonoids are found in wine, beer, tea and coffee.

Vitamin H participates in metabolism, it is necessary for immune system, skin and nervous system. Vitamin H is necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and is a growth factor. This vitamin is partially synthesized by intestinal microflora. Most vitamin H in beef liver, egg yolk, milk, fruits and nuts.

Vitamin H helps with various forms atherosclerosis, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, prevents the oxidation of vitamins E and C, removes from the body toxic substances. Vegetables and fruits are low in vitamin N, but beef and milk contain a lot of it.

Summing up this short excursion into biochemistry, we can draw some conclusions regarding our nutrition in the spring and what vitamins we need in the spring. Most vitamins are destroyed by exposure to light, heat, contact with metals, or when taken medicines, alcohol and nicotine. We won’t talk about the dangers of smoking and alcohol, this is already clear, but we will talk about how to properly prepare food in order to preserve precious vitamins as much as possible in the spring and others useful material, should be mentioned.

Cooking has different effects on the vitamin content of foods. Therefore, you need to learn how to cook in the most gentle ways possible. This includes baking, stewing over low heat, and steaming. All these methods allow you to prepare dishes with the least loss of vitamins. Here are some more tips on how to prevent spring vitamin deficiency:

When vegetables are cooked, quite a lot of vitamins go into the broth. Therefore, do not pour out the vegetable broth, use it to prepare sauces and gravies.

Fry less! If you cannot do without frying, then try not to use vegetable oil. The point is that when high temperature V vegetable oil, especially refined ones, carcinogens are formed.

. You can only stew in vegetable oil. To do this, pour a little water into the pan with the food, then add oil and simmer at low temperature.

For frying, use melted butter High Quality. Don't buy ready-made ghee, it's a mixture vegetable fats, flavorings and dyes. Make your own ghee, it's easy.

IN ready meals add greens if possible. It will enrich your dishes with “live” vitamins.

If you don’t yet have the habit of preparing a salad from fresh vegetables every day, be sure to develop it. This is very good habit! In addition to vitamins fresh vegetables contains special substances - phytonutrients, without which the normal digestion process is impossible.

Add wheat sprouts to salads. Each sprout is a little vitamin bomb!

Eat at least one every day fresh fruit. Or make a smoothie with some greens! A green smoothie is a very healthy breakfast.

. Eat more often sauerkraut- it will not only saturate your body with vitamin C, but will also help cleanse it of toxins accumulated over the winter.

Add bran to baked goods and porridges - this is an excellent supplier of vitamin B1.

Buy dried seaweed and grind them in a coffee grinder. Mix the powder with salt - you get healthy seasoning. The same can be done with sesame seeds.

To prevent spring vitamin deficiency, prepare very healthy treat: grind dried fruits and nuts, taken in arbitrary proportions, through a meat grinder and mix with honey. Take this “medicine” 1 tsp. three times a day.

Eat varied and healthy and be healthy!

Larisa Shuftaykina

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