Alcohol calendula. Diseases of the respiratory system. Calendula for mouth rinse

And rashes, wounds, the solution helps relieve the inflammatory process.

The calendula preparation owes its effect to the presence of 2 components - plant extract and ethanol (alcohol).

Calendula tincture - instructions and use

Calendula in shape alcohol tincture shows maximum activity against the so-called opportunistic microbes - streptococci and staphylococci. The term "conditional pathogenicity" means that such microbes are always present in the intestines and oral cavity, but their growth and development are inhibited by human-friendly bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

But in cases of imbalance of forces, when friendly microflora is suppressed, opportunistic microflora begins to rapidly multiply and pathology develops.

Flower tincture and indications for its use:

  1. To prevent the appearance of scars.
  2. For treating wounds and cuts.
  3. Treatment of frostbite.
  4. For various rashes.
  5. For acne (to dry and localize it, it can be combined with other drugs, such as zinc ointment ).
  6. Against depriving .
  7. To improve the condition of hair and activate its growth.
  8. For disinfecting rinses of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. At inflammation of the gums, destruction bone walls teeth (pyorrhea), periodontal disease.
  9. For washing the male urethra and female vagina .
  10. ENT diseases – pharyngitis, sore throat.
  11. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (in combination with other drugs). Inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa ( gastritis).
  12. Cholecystitis(inflammation of the bile duct) and disturbances in the outflow of bile (cholangitis - inflammation of the bile ducts).

Calendula is an effective urinary and choleretic drug, recognized by official medicine.

Chemical composition of calendula flowers and the effect of components

The calendula plant has a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. This activity is possible thanks to special chemicals in its composition.

Components in the flower that ensure its use in medicine:

  • Carotenoids gives flower petals a bright color Orange color, they make it easier to assimilate other useful substances, strengthen the immune system and strengthen blood vessels.
  • Coumarins effectively reduce inflammation, dilate blood vessels and eliminate spasms, defeat bacteria and fungi.
  • Triterpenoids- the basis of the anti-inflammatory complex.
  • Flavonoids- bioactive substances that reduce muscle spasms, strengthen blood vessels and enhance the evacuation of bile.
  • Ethers. Contained in large quantities essential oils have antibiotic properties, that is, they inhibit the growth of pathological bacteria.
  • Minerals. The plant also contains a whole complex of useful minerals.

Calendula tincture and what does it help with?

Standard pharmaceutical solution is officially approved for rinsing, rubbing, alcohol cauterization, lotions, preparing tampons. In some cases, it is allowed to use the drug undiluted, in other cases, the tincture should be diluted with water (diluted in different ratios).

The use of calendula tincture against tonsillitis (sore throat)

When the tonsils become inflamed or a dental infection develops, the calendula tincture used to treat the mucous membranes is greatly diluted with water. At 0.5 stack. pour in 1 tablespoon of cooled boiled water (up to 18 milliliters can be placed in it) of the product. If on inflamed tonsils there is purulent plaque, then they are lubricated with clean (not diluted) tincture medicinal plant every few hours - this will help reduce the spread of infection and relieve inflammation of the tonsils.

Calendula tincture for gargling

Rinse you need to spend a long time, at least 5-6 minutes, while you should throw your head back and pronounce the letter “Y” loudly, so the root of the tongue collapses, the larynx opens, and the lacunae are well rinsed from pus. After rinsing for about 30 minutes, you should not drink or eat anything. To prevent fluid from entering the trachea, the head should not be thrown back too far.

How to divorce? Dilution of calendula for rinsing is done in the following way: in a glass of boiled water at room temperature (about 200 milliliters), dilute 1 teaspoon (5 milliliters) of the product - the rinsing solution is ready.

The drug should always be at home. The tincture can be used instead of the usual brilliant green and iodine. Rinse gorlocalendula is also possible in for preventive purposes, especially in the cold season, when it is time for viruses and infections, summer is the time for unwashed vegetables and fruits, so preventive rinsing will also not be superfluous.

Calendula for mouth rinse

In different dilutions, calendula tincture can successfully treat lesions of the oral cavity, eliminate inflammation of dental tissue and prevent bad smell, you just need to know how to dilute a strong tincture correctly for certain purposes.

  • Rinsing for periodontitis and gingivitis A solution of the drug diluted one to one is used. To 1 part of water (previously boiled and cooled) add 1 part medicinal product. Periodontitis is inflammation of the tissue around the tooth, and gingivitis is inflammation of the gums.
  • Gargling with calendula ulcerative stomatitis require treatment of ulcers with a pure alcohol solution using cotton swabs.

Daily rinsing of the mouth with a calendula preparation will be an excellent prevention of caries and other dental problems. It's cheap and effective.

Calendula tincture for chickenpox

Calendula tincture has long been used for chickenpox. When windblown blisters open, they should be treated with alcohol tincture so that the infection does not spread further and other people are not infected, and also so that viral infection the bacterial one did not join. The blisters should be treated with an alcohol-containing solution in the morning and before bed, but it can be done more often, because cauterization with alcohol relieves itching, and the extract will remove inflammatory redness.

Is it possible to treat blisters with chickenpox in children with calendula tincture?? It is possible, but only diluted, and the instructions for use state that even when mixed with water, the tincture is contraindicated for children under 6 years of age.

How to divorce calendula tincture? If an adult has chickenpox, the remedy can be used in pure form, or you can divorce. But if a child has chickenpox, it is necessary to dilute it - 5 milliliters of the product (1 teaspoon) per 250 milliliters of water (1 medium glass). Processing occurs 1-2 times a day.

How to apply tincture for chickenpox:

  • a stick, a piece of cotton wool or a tampon is soaked in the prepared solution;
  • applied to each vial separately;
  • The cotton wool must be changed after processing a certain number of bubbles.

Calendula tincture for otitis media and ear pain

Calendula flower tincture with otitis reduces the inflamed area and destroys the causative agents of inflammation - staphylococci with streptococci .

Basically, turundas (small cotton or gauze swabs) are moistened with alcohol tincture, which are inserted into the ear canal with tweezers at night and covered with dry cotton wool. Warming compresses on the ears are also soaked in an alcohol solution diluted in half. When it is necessary to treat the middle ear, 1-2 drops of the tincture diluted in half are instilled into the nose and placed on the side. In this situation, through eustachian tube the medicine penetrates into the middle ear and shows its effect there.

Never put undiluted tincture in your ears or nose. on alcohol, otherwise you will burn the mucous membrane and provoke an attack of severe pain.

Treatment of otitis media with calendula is effective only if used systematically. It is important to know that calendula will not relieve pain, but it will disinfect the inflamed cavity and limit the spread of the inflammatory process.

Calendula for eyes

Many ophthalmic diseases are effectively treated with calendula tincture, incl. blepharitis and conjunctivitis, i.e. inflammatory eyelid diseases. To treat the eyes, the medicine is diluted with water quite strongly; no more than 1 tsp is added to 100 milliliters of boiled water. tinctures. With this diluted solution, you need to wash your eyelids every hour or make warm lotions. Cotton pads soaked in a warm solution based on calendula extract are placed on closed eyelids.

Attention! The use of alcohol tinctures for the eyes is dangerous, as they cause damage and irritation to the organ of vision. Therefore, be sure to consult an ophthalmologist before using calendula tincture. Before consulting a doctor, this method of use is: contraindicated.

Calendula tincture for acne and rashes

Skin rashes are always a symptom of some internal disease. That is, it is almost impossible to fight acne with alcohol wipes alone, because the source of infection is deep inside.

This means that acne must be treated systemically (sometimes with the use of antibiotics), since the appearance of rashes can be a consequence of damage to internal organs or blood poisoning.

Using calendula tincture for acne

Calendula tincture for acneaid. It can be used to treat acne to prevent other infections from occurring. Calendula will also help with acne in the sense that it will reduce the level of redness and swelling. Can be applied diluted (one teaspoon per glass of water). But as a means of getting rid of acne, calendula is not a panacea.

With skin problems, most often the source of trouble is in digestive system. At the same time, the localization of the rash can suggest in which organ the root of the evil is likely to reside:

  • Acne on the chin– then problems with the intestines or genital area.
  • Pimply forehead indicates pathology of the pancreas or stomach.
  • Rash along the hairline indicate poor evacuation of bile and pathology of the gallbladder.
  • Pimples on the nose indicate hormonal changes.
  • Pimples on the bridge of the nose talk about excess protein nutrition and liver overload.

To completely get rid of disfiguring skin rashes, you should consult a dermatologist and have a necessary tests to find out the exact cause of the rash, this is the only way acne treatment can be really effective.

Calendula and its use in gynecology and urology

In urology and gynecological pathologies alcohol tincture of calendula flowers is allowed without restrictions. Only allergic reactions on the components of calendula, which are extremely rare, may be a contraindication to treatment with its tincture for gynecological inflammations.

Women Calendula tincture has found application very intimate - they douche with its solutions and use them for tamponing. At the same time, for vaginal douching alcohol solution Calendula should be diluted more strongly compared to the composition for the throat. For douching, one part of the alcohol solution is diluted with ten parts of boiled warm water.

In principle, calendula acts as an antibiotic, destroying all – both harmful and beneficial microflora. That is, after douching, bifid drugs should be used (to restore normal microflora genital organs, both men and women) and to avoid candidiasis (thrush).

The product in the same dilution (1:10) is used to wet tampons that are applied to the cervix during erosion.

To use calendula for intimate purposes, consultation with a gynecologist and urologist, respectively, is advisable.

Using calendula tincture for the stomach and digestive system

Taking calendula orally is indicated in case of peptic ulcer and poor flow of bile. Doctors know that bile stagnation is trigger many diseases of the digestive system. The stomach, intestines, and pancreas suffer from stagnation of bile. Thus, the fight against bile stagnation is the prevention of a whole bunch of pathologies of the digestive system.

Calendula has an antispasmodic effect and provides an excellent healing effect for bile stagnation. The calendula preparation effectively relaxes the smooth muscles located in internal organs. Thus, after taking the drug orally, they expand bile ducts and ensures unimpeded flow of bile. Practice dosage: 15-20 drops. 3 times a day, before meals. To facilitate the evacuation of bile and with an unhealthy liver; in case of ulcers in digestive organs Calendula preparation per-os is taken up to 30 drops, at the beginning of the day or before bedtime.

Small children and pregnant women In principle, all alcohol tinctures are contraindicated, in any quantities. Special oil extracts are prepared for them. That is, calendula flowers are infused in oil.

Is calendula tincture safe to take internally (per-os)?

The answer is “yes”, but with a caveat – only for adults who have healthy blood vessels, you can use calendula internally. Children and pregnant women This cannot be done due to the presence of alcohol. In people with unhealthy blood vessels, for example, if vegetative-vascular dystonia or atherosclerosis is diagnosed, prolonged intake of alcohol in small doses worsens the condition, the vessels gradually become clogged and they may rupture with hemorrhage.

Also, prolonged use of alcohol-containing solutions may well provoke addiction and the development of alcoholism. Therefore, for a long time application Calendula preparations taken internally, it is better to replace its alcohol solution with an oil solution.

Instructions for using calendula tincture in cosmetology

For oily skin, for constant care, calendula tincture is used to lubricate particularly oily areas of the face and areas where acne and rashes appear. It dries out the skin perfectly (as zinc ointment) and inhibits sebum secretion.

Calendula tincture for face

Dry skin needs to be wiped less often, otherwise it will peel off. Normal skin can be wiped once a day. Oily skin It is allowed to wipe with pure alcohol preparation up to 3 times a day.

When used on the face, it is advisable to dilute calendula tincture based on a ratio of 5:1 - 5 milliliters per 1 glass.

To eliminate acne, in addition to facial wipes, you should apply masks.

  1. Calendula face mask It is done simply - moisten the gauze with the tincture diluted in half and place the cloth on the face. The eye area should be open. Leave the mask on for up to 20 minutes, this is enough for the alcohol to dissolve sebum, cleanse and tighten pores, and for the flower extract to destroy germs.
  2. Another option for a face mask with calendula alcohol preparation is aloe, wheat flour and calendula tincture are mixed in equal parts and diluted with water until thick gruel. Typically, 3 tablespoons of the mixture takes about 0.5 cups of water. The paste is spread on previously cleansed skin and left for up to 7 minutes. When the mask dries, wash it off with tap water.

Only systematic rubbing and periodic face masks as a complement to treatment internal disease, can cure acne and acne.

Reverse effect when the product is not effective

Quite often, the so-called reverse effect occurs when, after starting treatment with an alcoholic infusion of calendula, acne increases in number and size. As a result, people wonder if calendula really gets rid of acne and negative effects appear.

Tincture of calendula - effective drug, widely used both traditional and traditional medicine.

He has strong effect, since the flowers of the plant contain many components that are biologically active - saponins, carotenoids, flavonoids, tannins, organic acids and essential oil.

All this together in the tincture has analgesic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, mild diuretic and choleretic effects.


Alcohol tincture of calendula is recommended for the treatment of all kinds of skin injuries - abrasions, cuts, burns, ulcers and wounds. The drug is used internally in the presence of respiratory diseases, for rinsing in case of inflammation of the throat (laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis) and the oral mucosa (periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis).

Calendula tincture is also used internally for cholangitis and cholecystitis, when it is used as a choleretic drug.

Directions for use and doses

Calendula tincture can be used internally and externally. Areas with superficial skin lesions are treated with tincture using a tampon. When eczema or bruise is present, lotions are necessary with an aqueous solution of the drug, which is prepared by dissolving 1 tsp. products in a glass of water. It should also be used to rinse the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. water solution medicinal tincture.

The tincture is taken orally a quarter of an hour before meals, diluting 10–20 drops in ¼ glass.

For otitis media it is recommended to sore ear lay gauze turundas, having previously soaked them with 10% tincture. It should be changed every 5–6 hours, re-soaking the turundas. Having an anti-inflammatory and good warming effect, calendula tincture helps relieve symptoms acute pain. It is not recommended to directly drip undiluted tincture into the ear.

If otitis media occurs without a rise in temperature or discharge of pus, you can use warm compresses, diluting the calendula tincture to a 10% concentration. Such lotions should be applied around the ear, insulating them with fabric on top.

Calendula tincture can be used for high blood pressure, why you need to drink it three times a day, 10–20 drops long time. The medicine calms, normalizes metabolism, generally has a positive effect on well-being and general state health.

At inflammatory processes Douching is performed in the vagina and cervical erosion with calendula tincture. To do this, dilute 1 tsp. the drug in a glass of warm boiled water. Douching also helps with thrush and colpitis. The tincture relieves itching, it soothes, restores and heals the mucous membrane. Douching is required daily. Course – 3 weeks. It must be repeated after menstruation.

For bacterial and inflammatory infections inside the oral cavity, rinses are used. They are performed frequently to relieve acute pain. Diluting the tincture in a proportion of 0.5 tsp helps protect the mucous membrane from burns. for 0.5 cups of water.

In addition, calendula tincture helps with insomnia, cholecystitis, neuroses and arrhythmias, it improves appetite. For pathology of the gallbladder and liver, the tincture is consumed a quarter of an hour before meals, 20–30 drops. The specified amount of the drug is diluted with 0.5 cups of slightly warmed water. Similarly, the remedy is used for gastrointestinal diseases to heal inflammation and relieve spasms.


It is forbidden to use the tincture in case of individual hypersensitivity to some components of the drug. The drug is contraindicated for internal use:

  • during exacerbations of peptic ulcer and gastritis of the stomach or duodenum;
  • with calculous cholecystitis;
  • Children should not instill calendula tincture into the ear; they can only use the product for compresses or turundas with the permission of a doctor.
  • The medicine should be used very carefully for diseases of the liver, brain, traumatic brain injury, and alcoholism.

Pregnancy and lactation

Since the drug contains ethanol, it should not be used to treat pregnant women and nursing mothers.


No information available.

Side effects

Sometimes allergic skin reactions are possible. After ingestion, a certain bitterness may be felt in the mouth. Very rarely there may be a burning sensation and painful sensations in a stomach.

Composition and pharmacokinetics

The drug is produced in the form of a 70% alcohol tincture from flower baskets and flowers of the plant. It goes on sale in 50 ml bottles. This clear liquid yellowish in color, containing saponins, calendene, flavonoids, carotenoids, salicylic acid and tannins.

Storage conditions

The medicine should be stored in a cool place, protected from light and out of reach of children.

Best before date

The tincture retains its qualities for 3 years. After this it cannot be used.

Calendula tincture in cosmetology

Calendula tincture is widely used in cosmetology as a hair and skin care product. It is also added to self-made cosmetic masks and lotions.

The product helps eliminate acne, acne, it cleanses the skin, relieves seborrhea, normalizes productivity sebaceous glands. Using the tincture smooths out scars, cleanses the skin, and improves complexion.

Calendula tincture is a drug with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Calendula tincture instructions

Calendula tincture goes on sale in dark glass bottles, packed in a cardboard box. Each bottle contains 40 or 50 milliliters of the drug. In addition, each of the packages contains instructions for use of the tincture, in which you can find information about the indications and contraindications of the drug, as well as its side effects And drug interactions. The drug is available without a doctor's prescription and can be purchased at any pharmacy. However, before using the tincture, it is a good idea to read its instructions.

Calendula tincture properties (pharmacology)

The drug is capable of providing antiseptic, choleretic, antispasmodic, as well as local anti-inflammatory effects.

Calendula tincture indications for use

Calendula tincture can be used both externally and internally.

For external use, it is indicated as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. It is used to treat cuts, bruises and eczema.

Local use is indicated for inflammation of the throat for the treatment of tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis, as well as for inflammation of the oral mucosa for the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontitis.

In gynecology for the treatment of thrush, cervical erosion and other diseases

Calendula tincture taken internally is used to treat cholecystitis and cholangitis.


The use of calendula tincture has a number of contraindications for oral administration:

  • For acute gastritis;
  • For stomach and duodenal ulcers, especially during exacerbation;
  • For calculous cholecystitis;
  • During pregnancy;
  • During breastfeeding;
  • Up to the age of eighteen;

Also, the use of the drug is contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity to its components.

Calendula tincture use

External use. Using a swab moistened with tincture, treat damaged areas skin in the form of cuts. Bruises and eczema are treated with an aqueous solution of tincture in the form of lotions. Take 1 teaspoon of tincture per glass of water.

Local application. To treat the throat by gargling, take 1 glass of an aqueous solution of calendula tincture. The same amount of solution is used to rinse the mouth.

The duration of treatment can be about two weeks.

A solution of a quarter glass and 10-20 drops of tincture diluted in it is used internally. Take three times a day fifteen minutes before meals.

The duration of treatment can be three or four weeks.

Calendula tincture for children

For oral administration, prepare a solution in which one drop of tincture will correspond to the baby’s year of life. Dilute the required number of drops in a glass of water.

To rinse the mouth, dilute 1 teaspoon of tincture in a glass of water, which should be boiled and cooled.

Calendula tincture during pregnancy

Despite contraindications, sometimes a gynecologist may recommend to the expectant mother calendula tincture, but only for external use. For example, to treat cracks in the nipples, which often occur in pregnant women. The drug can also help with varicose veins, which are also often a companion to pregnancy.

Treatment with calendula tincture

Calendula tincture is quite widespread in the form local remedy. It has proven itself well in medicinal cosmetics because it effectively treats hair and face and gets rid of acne. The tincture is also indispensable for therapeutic treatment sore ears and throat.

Calendula tincture for acne

In order to relieve inflammation and soothe irritated skin, as well as get rid of acne spots, you can use a homemade mask. For it you need to prepare:

  • Millet flour;
  • Calendula tincture;
  • Water;
  • A little aloe juice.

Take 0.5 cups of boiled water, to which add a tablespoon of flour and tincture. Mix everything well and add aloe juice. The mask should have a thick consistency. Apply to cleansed facial skin and leave for ten minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Calendula tincture for throat

In order to treat inflammation of the throat with calendula tincture, it is advisable to use an aqueous solution in order to avoid even greater irritation of the inflamed mucous membrane with an alcoholic tincture solution.

  • Before gargling directly with the calendula tincture solution, gargle with a clean boiled water which has been cooled to room temperature.
  • It is recommended to rinse at least six times a day.
  • When rinsing, the head must be slightly tilted back so that the root of the tongue goes down.
  • To enhance the therapeutic effect, you should try to keep the solution in your head for at least half a minute.
  • The temperature of the tincture itself should be no more than 30 degrees, however, and no less. This temperature is most comfortable for the mucous membranes.

Calendula tincture for hair

Calendula tincture is also successfully used to solve hair problems. It is used as a weak alcohol solution or water-oil tincture.

For split ends, use a solution: dissolve 2 teaspoons of tincture in one liter of water and use as a rinse after washing your hair.

To eliminate dandruff, use a water-oil tincture: mix Castor oil with calendula tincture in equal parts and rub the resulting mixture into the scalp.

To treat hair loss, use a solution of 1 tablespoon of tincture and 125 milliliters of pre-boiled water. This remedy should be periodically applied to the scalp.

Calendula tincture for face

Since ancient times, calendula tincture has been used by women as a cosmetic product. After all, calendula can rightfully be considered one of the most popular herbs for facial rejuvenation procedures, since it promotes collagen synthesis and cell regeneration. It also increases blood supply to the skin and acts as a powerful antioxidant. Well softens the skin.

A good cosmetic effect for the face can be achieved by adding calendula tincture to water for steam baths.

Calendula tincture in the ear

To treat an inflamed ear, the use of calendula tincture can be quite effective. It is used as a warming compress or drops for instillation into the ear.

  • Spicy otitis externa can be treated by instilling 1-2 drops twice a day with a 10% alcohol solution.
  • In case of inflammation of the middle or inner ear use the same solution as a warming compress.

Calendula tincture side effects

Side effects that may occur when the tincture is used externally are expressed in allergic reactions, but when taken orally, heartburn, nausea, and abdominal pain may appear, accompanied by bitterness in the mouth.


There are no known cases of overdose of calendula tincture.

Drug interactions

Simultaneous use of the tincture with drugs that have a choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect can result in an additive effect.

Any combination medical supplies Use of calendula tincture should be agreed with your doctor.

special instructions

Since the tincture contains alcohol, during treatment with this drug it is necessary to exercise caution when working where necessary. high concentration attention.

Calendula tincture price

The drug, despite the weight useful properties can be purchased at any pharmacy for a price of no more than 20 rubles.

Calendula tincture reviews

In fact, calendula tincture is a natural and simply irreplaceable preparation for home first aid kit and numerous reviews confirm this.

Mehri: Since childhood I have heard a lot about this tincture. All broken knees It was her who treated us. Yes and sore throat I had to rinse repeatedly. And recently I remembered about her because I woke up with a pimple on my face. I bought the tincture and burned the pimple. The next morning I woke up almost without a pimple. I recommend to everyone.

Lena Slavnaya: I have known about the miraculous properties of calendula for a long time, but every time I never cease to be amazed by its rich spectrum therapeutic effects. I always use it for facial care, which helps me save a lot on expensive creams. The tincture is inexpensive, but very effective. Use it - you won't regret it.

Similar instructions:

Raw materials for alcohol infusion Calendulas are the flowers of marigolds. They are harvested on industrial plantations, since there are no natural habitats for the crop to grow in Russia. It is often planted in dachas and garden plots, where the undemanding calendula happily grows.

The peculiarity of the culture is that the more often its opened buds are plucked, the more actively new ones will appear in their places. Therefore, by planting bright orange flowers in the front garden, you will receive a stable source medicinal raw materials, which will be replenished from July until the first frost.

Features of medicinal marigold tincture

You can use ready-made pharmaceutical infusion or calendula extract. Or prepare the product yourself. Ready pharmacy forms available, sold in dark glass bottles with a capacity of twenty-five to one hundred milliliters.

For self-cooking use dried marigold flowers and alcohol.


To store the tincture, you should use a dark glass container to avoid getting into it sunlight and destruction of carotenoids - a valuable component of the composition. Or you can store the product in a dark place.

Properties and effect of the composition

Preparations based on calendula have a pronounced antiseptic effect. It is formed by a combination of the main components of medicinal raw materials - tannins, calenden, carotenoids, resins and acids. Calendula solution has a detrimental effect on pathogenic skin microflora, which actively develops when the epidermis is damaged. Its inhibitory effect on streptococci and staphylococci, colonies of which colonize wounds and cause an inflammatory process in them, has been proven. At local application a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect is achieved.

The use of calendula tincture internally provides a slight choleretic effect and reduces the severity of spasms in the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is recommended for disorders of the bile ducts and gallbladder, and for liver diseases to improve its functioning. The wound healing properties of calendula tincture are used for treatment destructive processes on mucous membranes gastrointestinal tract: at peptic ulcers, gastritis, cholecystitis.

The pharmacological characteristics of the product allow us to answer the question of why calendula tincture can be used in everyday life. Use the product as local antiseptic and for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

  • Disinfection of wounds. Inhibition of pathogenic microflora provides conditions for effective wound healing. Use the infusion to treat cuts, bruises, and burns in pure or diluted form. Use as an anti-inflammatory agent for disinfection skin rashes, boils, pustular rashes.
  • Disinfection of mucous membranes. On the mucous membranes of the throat, genitourinary system The same colonies of bacteria live as on the skin. For local inflammatory processes, calendula tincture for gargling, douching, and treating the oral cavity will be no less effective than when used on external skin surfaces. Use the composition for tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis to reduce pain in the throat and relieve inflammation. Indications for its use are stomatitis, periodontitis and gingivitis in the oral cavity. It can also be used for colpitis and vaginitis. To disinfect mucous membranes, the tincture is used only diluted at the rate of one teaspoon per glass of water.
  • Obstructed flow of bile. For cholecystitis and cholangitis, it is prescribed to take ten to twenty drops of calendula tincture orally, diluted in a quarter glass of water. The product should be taken fifteen minutes before meals three times a day.

The course should be continued for external use to disinfect mucous membranes until the condition improves significantly. When taken orally, the duration of use is determined by the doctor.

Facial care

Calendula-based products are popular as effective antiseptics. However, little is known about other, no less valuable qualities of the composition. Calendula is rich in carotenoids - substances similar in composition to retinol and vitamin A. It tones and rejuvenates the skin, stimulates tissue regeneration, so it can be used as a remedy for wrinkles at home in the early stages of their appearance.

The medicinal extract of the plant is included in professional skin care cosmetics for oily and problem skin. Moreover, according to manufacturers of natural cosmetics, it is calendula, along with extracts of chamomile, St. John's wort, aloe vera and linden, that serves as an ideal protective agent for problematic and sensitive skin, prone to inflammation, acne and blackheads.

Calendula infusion for the face in its pure form is used only for local treatments. This effective remedy For quick removal inflammation and redness. Apply it cotton swab to the site of inflammation without affecting healthy skin. The alcohol it contains has an extremely drying effect on the epidermis.

When using a facial product, you should be guided by a number of principles.

As a daily care product for oily skin, problem skin A decoction of calendula flowers is recommended. It can serve as a caring tonic or a base for masks.

Mask for oily skin

This mask should be used by those with skin prone to inflammation. It has a disarming effect, removes existing redness and prevents the occurrence of new ones. Additional components efficiently absorb skin secretions. And the biological basis of the product rejuvenates and tones the skin.


Apply the product to cleansed skin. The mask saturates cells with valuable substances and stimulates their renewal. It can also be used to tonify dry skin; in this case, oil (peach or olive) is added to the composition.

Cleansing composition

For severe rashes, you should use an infusion of calendula flowers for washing.


After cleansing the skin, wipe your face with the resulting mixture using a cotton pad. Leave the skin damp and let it dry on its own. There is no need to rinse off the product. It actively eliminates inflammation and nourishes the epidermis.

You can make cosmetic ice using the cleanser. Pour it into molds and put it in the freezer. Every day after washing your face in the evening, wipe the skin of your face and neck with a piece of ice. This product perfectly tones the epidermis, makes pores narrow, and the skin looks fresh and youthful.

Remedies for sore throat

The use of calendula tincture is recommended in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the throat. For colds, acute respiratory infection local immunity decreases, allowing colonies of staphylococci and streptococci to begin to multiply, causing inflammation and pain. The alcohol composition on medicinal marigolds reduces the severity of pain and reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process. Can also be used to treat inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

When used in local treatments of the throat and oral cavity, adhere to the following rules.

  • Do not use in its pure form. The optimal dosage for diluting a pharmaceutical infusion is one teaspoon per glass warm water. The proportions remain unchanged when used in children.
  • Please use caution. The product may cause allergic reactions. If after the first use, itching or swelling of the treated area occurs, stop use and take an antiallergic drug.
  • Use during pregnancy and children is limited. The manufacturer notes in the instructions that contraindications to the use of the product are pregnancy and age under eighteen years. This is due to the lack of clinical trials of the drug on this category of patients. However, according to doctors, all means used externally and for external treatments cannot have any significant effect on the general condition of the body. If you are sure that the child will not swallow the solution while gargling, calmly use it to treat a sore throat. During pregnancy, local use is also allowed, as well as during lactation. According to the international portal E-LACTANCIA, which posts safety information medicines when breastfeeding, calendula is completely compatible with breastfeeding.

Theoretically, in acute inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract Calendula tincture can be used for inhalation in a nebulizer. But official recommendations There is no information from the manufacturers on this matter. Moreover, there is a restriction on the use of non-specialized solutions in nebulizers, which include marigold tincture. Pharmacy solutions, and especially homemade ones, that are not adapted to the requirements of inhalation devices can damage the nebulizer.

Hair care

At home, you can use calendula tincture for hair. It is not used in its pure form, but as part of masks and solutions, the action of which is directed against dandruff and intense hair loss. The products tone the scalp, improve blood flow, which improves supply hair follicles. Use rinse recipes to renew and strengthen hair and a combination mask with castor oil.

Anti-fragility rinse

With this product you can restore the structure of your hair after perm or aggressive coloring. It improves the condition of the scalp and hairs themselves.


  1. Dissolve calendula tincture in a liter of warm water. Use three tablespoons.
  2. Mix and apply during one rinse.

Wash your hair as usual, apply and rinse off the conditioner. Pour the calendula solution onto clean hair and distribute over the scalp and hairs. Use for two weeks after each hair wash.

Nourishing mask

The product contains two main components, recognized by traditional medicine as the most effective in the treatment of hair loss. They stimulate hair growth, improve their quality and appearance, add shine. You will not have any difficulties with how to apply the product to your hair and prepare it. Everything is very simple!


Apply to the scalp while warm, rubbing evenly and distributing into the root zone. Perform this procedure up to three times a week before washing your hair. Leave the composition for thirty minutes. Do not use a cap, the product may burn. The composition has high efficiency, the result will be noticeable within a week.

The use of alcohol tincture of calendula in everyday life is varied. It can be used as a medicinal and wound healing agent for cuts, wounds, skin rashes. She has pronounced antiseptic properties will help in treatment infectious diseases throat, oral cavity. But its cosmetological qualities are no less valuable in caring for oily, aging facial skin and for improving hair health. The advantage of each composition is the effectiveness of its use and extreme ease of preparation.



finely chopped marigold flowers 100 g, enough ethyl alcohol 70% to obtain 1 liter of tincture.

Description: a transparent liquid of yellowish-brown color, with a specific odor and bitter taste.

Indications for use:

used externally as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent for cuts, bruises, eczema, stomatitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and others similar diseases. Calendula tincture is also used in gynecological practice to treat cervical erosions. The tincture is taken orally as a choleretic agent.


individual increased sensitivity.

Directions for use and dosage:

used for minor cuts, burns, superficial wounds, for gargling when inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract, with sore throat and other diseases. For topical use and for gargling, use an aqueous solution of 1:40 (1 teaspoon per glass of water).

As cholagogue take 10-20 drops orally before meals.

Side effects: rarely allergic reactions.

Release form:

in glass bottles.

Storage conditions:

in a cool place, protected from light, out of the reach of children.

Best before date:

Use no later than the date indicated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:

dispensed without a doctor's prescription.


CJSC "Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory" Russia 150030 Yaroslavl, st. 1st Putevaya, 5

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