Nasal drops for cats for runny nose. What to do if your cat has snot and is sneezing? Local reaction to irritants


A runny nose in cats rarely occurs as a result of a cold; more often it is a symptom. serious illness. Although the well-being of pets and the state of human health during a runny nose are comparable. Nasal discharge washes away viruses, their metabolic products, and pollution from the mucous membrane, preventing mechanical damage and drying. Therefore, rhinitis should be considered as an attempt by the body to cope with the disease on its own.


A runny nose in cats occurs due to the following circumstances:

  • Hypothermia. Cats are not afraid of frost, but of dampness and drafts. Feeding your pet a frozen delicacy promotes an inflammatory reaction to temperature changes rather than to hypothermia.
  • Violation of housing and feeding rules.
  • Inappropriate response to stimuli. A cat's sense of smell is more sensitive than a human's. Therefore, the effect of household chemicals - powders, aerosols, solvents, dust, beebread on a cat causes a hypersensitive defensive reaction.
  • Contagious diseases.
  • Symptoms of chronic diseases.


Cats' susceptibility to colds of non-infectious etiology is associated with weakness immune system caused by human breeding activities. Breeding new breeds with specified properties had a negative impact on the body’s resistance negative factors environment. The cause of hypothermia is the owner’s neglect of the pet’s living conditions.

Violation of maintenance and feeding

A cat runs the risk of catching a cold if kept in a damp, insufficiently heated room. Lower limit comfort for cats is considered to be 20° C. During transitional periods of lack of heating in apartments, it is recommended to insulate the cat’s bed warm blanket. Animals do not tolerate windy, damp weather well.

Excessive care by the owner may have Negative influence on the pet's health. In conditions low temperatures It's better to avoid swimming. If, after taking a bath, your pet comes under cold blows from open window, then she risks catching a cold. Therefore, it is necessary to dry the six cats with a towel and close all the windows.

The owner's careless attitude towards the cat's nutrition becomes one of the reasons for its defenselessness against hypothermia. Usage ready-made feed High Quality containing vitamins in sufficient concentration, minerals, taurine, significantly increase resistance to adverse conditions.

A cold suppresses the body's protective functions, making it defenseless against infectious agents. Most dangerous complications colds are inflammation of the bronchi and lungs, which can spread to the kidneys and joints.


IN similar cases In addition to a runny nose, drooling is observed. The discharge has a watery, transparent consistency. With hypersensitive manifestations, swelling, severe dermatitis develop, and breathing becomes difficult. The allergic response occurs immediately or after a long time. The condition can be fatal.

Contagious diseases

Most dangerous reasons Rhinitis occurs due to viral diseases. Symptoms of a runny nose accompany calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, and other diseases.

The body, weakened by the invasion of the virus, is attacked conditionally pathogenic bacteria and fungi are permanent inhabitants of the cat, which do not harm it in the presence of a strained immune system.

Chronic diseases

Any disease if left untreated can lead to rhinitis. Diabetes, nephritis, urothiasis weaken immune protection organism, enable secondary microflora to develop in the nasal mucosa.

Inflammation affecting the ears reflexively spreads to the nose and throat. In such a situation, the runny nose disappears if the ears are healed.

Tumor processes cause rhinitis with blood clots. The cat constantly sneezes and rubs its nose with its paws.

The leakage of nasal fluid is caused by foreign objects - dust, sand, a blade of grass.

Genetic abnormalities can lead to the birth of a kitten with a crooked nose, which is accompanied by incessant nasal discharge. If a secondary infection occurs, the discharge becomes cloudy.


There are primary and secondary origin. Severe hypothermia and allergic irritants cause initial rhinitis in the cat.

If rhinitis is caused by penetration of a foreign object into the nasal cavity, a unilateral runny nose is recorded. It is accompanied by hemorrhage; after five days, the discharge becomes purulent. The cat rubs the affected side of its nose with its paw.

Treatment and prevention

Eliminating a cold begins by providing the cat with a warm, dry place to live. If you have a runny nose, use nasal drops.

If a cough occurs, antibiotics are prescribed.

The development of fungi is stopped with antimycotic agents.

If viruses are the cause of nasal discharge, use symptomatic treatment and immunostimulants.

Prevention of infectious rhinitis is achieved by regular vaccinations. Vaccinations cause the production of antibodies to the pathogen and the growth of general immune defense.

Cats, like people, also often have a runny nose. But the treatment options for a sick animal are slightly different from “human” ones, because you can’t make tea with raspberries for a cat or steam its legs. How to help your tailed friend, and what treatment options for runny nose in cats are recommended by veterinarians, we will tell you in our article today.

Main reasons

If you notice that your pet is snotty, do not rush to give him the first cold medicine you come across. First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of his illness, and then proceed to medical procedures, which may be fundamentally different from each other.

To the very simple reasons The occurrence of a runny nose in cats includes:

  • Seasonal decrease in immunity;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Stress.

But there are a number of factors that also contribute to the development of runny nose in pets.

Firstly, it may be the presence of a foreign body. There are often cases when a foreign object somehow gets into the animal’s nose. This could be a blade of grass or a piece of fabric that irritates the nasal mucosa and causes a runny nose. Therefore, first, check the cat’s nose, in case something is really stuck there and your pet is suffering from it;

Secondly, the cause of a runny nose is allergies. If your cat has not only a runny nose, but also a cough, then the cause of this condition could easily be allergic reaction. It occurs due to some product or the smell of a substance that the cat cannot tolerate.

Allergy symptoms include clear, odorless discharge, unlike a bacterial infection. To save the cat from suffering, you must try to identify the allergen and protect the animal from contact with it;

And finally, if your pet has become a victim of a viral or bacterial infection, then the following symptoms will indicate this:

  • The discharge is greenish-yellow in color, watery in nature and appears both in the nose and from the eyes;
  • Frequent sneezing;
  • Cough;
  • Frequent swallowing due to the presence of mucus in the nasopharynx;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • The animal loses its appetite;
  • The body becomes dehydrated;
  • The third eyelid falls out;
  • There is a depressed state.

If you notice similar symptoms in your cat, then you can begin to fight the infection of the upper respiratory tract.

How to help an animal recover

In order to cope with bacterial infections, the animal must take a course of antibiotics. It is advisable that they be prescribed by a veterinarian or use the recommendation of a pharmacist from a veterinary pharmacy.

It is worth noting that the course must be completed in full for the treatment to be effective. You need to give medicine even if it disappears visible symptoms illness in order to completely relieve the cat from suffering.

If your animal's runny nose is not severe, you can try using traditional methods treatment and do without the use medicines:

  • You can warm your pet’s nose with warm sand, herbs or salt wrapped in a cloth;
  • Herbal inhalations, as well as inhalations based on coniferous tree oils, help well;
  • If the runny nose is severe, you can try rinsing the animal’s nose with beet juice or aloe juice.

Focus on food

One of the most common treatments is appetite stimulation. The essence of the method is that the animal stuffed nose cannot smell food, so his cravings for food sharply decrease and, over time, a loss of strength occurs.

Help restore vital energy, so necessary to combat an insidious infection, you can by offering the cat something that smells very appetizing. It could be delicious fish or meat, or some special dish that your pet likes.

If your pet is used to cat food, then offer him a canned version, which, unlike dry, has a more pronounced aroma. If the animal does not want to eat, then you can lubricate the cat’s nose with sour cream or pate. The focus on cleanliness should work here; the cat will definitely lick its nose and, perhaps, taste the deliciousness.

Three-step treatment program

If your cat has a runny nose, be prepared for the treatment to be simple but long-lasting.

Veterinarians offer a three-step treatment program, which is one of the most effective:

  • Treatment of a runny nose should begin with the drug "Dioxycycline". On the first day, you need to give 1/5 of the tablet per 1 kg of animal weight. And then for 2 weeks you need to use 1/10 of the drug per 1 kg of weight once a day;
  • The drug "Fosprenil" should be used in an amount of 0.2 to 0.5 parts per 1 kg of cat weight. The dosage involves one-time use during the day and varies depending on how severe the runny nose is;
  • A combination of children's "Naphthyzin" diluted with "Dioxidine" in a 1:1 ratio can help restore normal breathing to the cat. The resulting solution in an amount of 1-2 ml must be drawn into a syringe without a needle and rinsed in each nostril of the cat one by one. Be prepared for the fact that after the procedure your cat will have a runny nose and sneezing, so stock up on napkins ahead of time. To successfully approach recovery, the procedure should be repeated 3-5 times a day until the discharge from the nose stops.

Creating a comfort zone

If your cat has an unfortunate runny nose, you should not quarantine the entire territory of the apartment. At a minimum, you need to provide your furry pet a soft and dry bed, as well as peace and warmth.

You can speed up your cat's recovery by taking some simple steps:

  • Protect the sick animal from communicating with its relatives so that other cats do not get sick either;
  • Place a humidifier in the room where your cat is most present. This will help create increased humidity and make breathing much easier for the animal;
  • Make sure that there is always a bowl of food next to the cat. clean water. This will help prevent dehydration, which is extremely undesirable for a sick pet;
  • Clean your eyes and nose periodically with moistened cotton swabs. This will make it possible to prevent the formation of crusts on the eyes and nose. And also watch for changes in the color of the discharge; if it turns green, then you should show the animal to a doctor;
  • To prevent crusting and avoid increased dryness in the nose, it is necessary to lubricate the area around it with baby oil or Vaseline;
  • You can try children's drops for runny nose, which need to be dripped once a day into one nostril. The next day, also 1 drop, but in the other nostril. Continue treatment for 5-7 days.

It would seem that what threatens the home healthy cat the most common runny nose? Many owners do not pay enough attention to this trivial disease, believing that “it will go away on its own.” However, when the situation worsens, such owners grab their pet and rush to the doctor. Let's figure out why rhinitis is dangerous in cats, and how it can be avoided?

Rhinitis is inflammatory process mucous membranes of the nose, which leads to heavy discharge from the nose. There are primary and secondary rhinitis, as well as acute and chronic. With rhinitis, as a rule, the respiratory system does not work well.

If a kitten’s body has been subjected to sudden hypothermia, then veterinarians talk about primary rhinitis. In the case of secondary, the reasons for it are some chronic diseases, as well as foreign bodies in the sinuses.

So, if an animal for a long time stayed in a cold or damp place, the likelihood of developing rhinitis is very high.

All kinds of bacterial and viral infections can also cause rhinitis. For example, the most commonplace and one of the most common causes of rhinitis is called acute respiratory infections. It is not difficult to recognize them. As a rule, during acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, a cat experiences profuse, thick nasal discharge.

Separately about foreign bodies in the nose. Rhinitis of this origin can develop from ordinary to purulent, which will further complicate treatment.

Main signs of rhinitis

To the most vivid symptoms rhinitis includes:

  • Constant discharge from the nasal passages. Typically this liquid is clear and has a thick consistency. But with purulent rhinitis, the discharge can be yellow, brown, or green.
  • Hard breath. Most often, with rhinitis, a cat breathes through its mouth, since it does not have physical ability breathe through your nose.
  • Itching and rashes. Quite often you can notice a cat constantly scratching the affected area of ​​its nose or rubbing it against various surfaces. This is especially pronounced in the presence of foreign objects in the nose. In this case, the discharge may also be mixed with blood.
  • Redness of mucous membranes
  • Snoring, snorting, aggressive behavior
  • Increase lymph nodes(particularly under the lower jaw)

Of course, if you find at least a few of the signs described above, be sure to show your pet to a doctor, otherwise the matter may end badly. After all, rhinitis, and especially purulent rhinitis, is a sign of many other diseases that are dangerous to a cat’s health. For example, the mortality rate from which is quite high.

Treatment and prevention of rhinitis

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A runny nose causes the same suffering for a cat as it does for a person. Swelling of the mucous membrane, nasal discharge, difficulty breathing - these symptoms are the same for people and animals. The treatment is the same. Nasal drops for cats provide relief from rhinitis. The prescription of drugs depends on the diagnosis: cold, viral, bacterial infection, allergies.

Nasal drops for colds

Hypothermia and drafts are the cause of colds in cats. Low immunity promotes frequent colds. The cat has light mucus flowing from the nose, and the temperature may rise (the paws and ears become hot). She becomes lethargic, lies curled up in a ball, and refuses to eat.

Treatment, first of all, should begin with the creation of comfortable temperature conditions.:

  • warm bedding;
  • heating the room to 20-22 degrees;
  • no draft across the floor.

Due to a violation of the olfactory function, the animal loses interest in food. To get a cat to eat, you need to rinse its nose. This will restore her sense of smell and make breathing easier. Before this, it is necessary to clear the nasal passages of mucus and crusts with a damp swab soaked in saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt per 100 ml boiled water). For cats, nasal drops common cold do not contain antibiotics or immunostimulants.

Types of Drip Irrigation for Cat's Nose:

  • infusion of chamomile and sage;
  • 0.5% zinc solution;
  • 2% solution boric acid.

If the discharge is abundant, then the concentration of boric acid and zinc is increased (3% and 2%, respectively). At thick discharge need to drip aqueous solution beet juice(1:3), aloe juice. You need to instill 1 drop into each nostril twice a day.

Additionally, local heating of the nasal passages (salt or sand) and pine inhalations are used.

If after 3-5 days of treatment at home there is no relief, or the discharge has become purulent, then you need to show the cat to a veterinarian. The animal must be treated by a specialist. A complication of cold rhinitis can be sinusitis and pneumonia.

Drugs for the treatment of infectious rhinitis

Diseases of cats with viral immunodeficiency (FIV) and herpes viral infection occur with mucous discharge from the nose. These diseases have characteristic symptoms allowing a diagnosis to be made. Therapy in these cases is aimed at the underlying disease. Treatment of a runny nose with drops is symptomatic, to relieve general condition cats.

Antivirus and antibacterial drops, intended for children, and special intranasal products for cats and dogs.

Types of medications for the treatment of rhinitis with rhinotracheitis (herpes), FIV:

  • Galazolin;
  • Thymogen;
  • Isofra;
  • Anandin;
  • Maxidin.

It is necessary to instill drops into the cat's nose, observing the dosage, especially for drops for children.

Using drops for a runny nose

Galazolin is used in ENT practice as vasoconstrictor. At local application causes narrowing blood vessels, which helps relieve swelling and ease breathing. Prescribed for allergic, acute viral, bacterial rhinitis. Drops are used for cats in diluted form.

Thymogen – immunostimulant. The drug is intended for both animals and people. Inject 1-2 drops per day into each nasal passage.

Isofra – antimicrobial agent . Antibiotic drops are administered to a cat suffering from infectious rhinitis once a day, 1 drop into the nasal passages for long period(two weeks or more).

Anandin for cats in drops – pharmacological agent , which has an antiviral, antimicrobial, restorative agent. For a cat suffering from infectious rhinitis or conjunctivitis, the medicine is instilled into each nasal passage 2-3 times a day (2-4 drops) for 7-14 days.

Maxidin at a dosage of 0.15% used as drops for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract in cats. According to the principle of action, it is an immunomodulator. Directions for use: 1-2 drops in the nose 2-3 times during the day.

The price of drops for cats ranges from 54 rubles. (Maksidin, Anandin), up to 200 rubles. (Timogen).

The cost of Galazolin is from 37 rubles, Isofra – from 300 rubles.


First, you must find out what exactly caused your runny nose: a cold, another illness, or an allergy. If your kitten has been exposed to cold or drafts, the runny nose is most likely caused by a cold. The pet's behavior remains almost unchanged. In this case, the kitten feels well, in general its condition is no worse than usual.

To treat this kind of runny nose, use special drops for animals or oil-based drops for children. The duration of taking drops is 7-10 days. If the runny nose is of viral origin, the kitten will shake its head and scratch its nose.

Take a closer look at the nasal discharge. At viral disease They are watery at first and then become slimy. Give your kitten an inhalation of steam from a decoction of eucalyptus leaves. To do this, cover his head and nose of the teapot with a towel or napkin. But do not burn your baby with too hot steam, let the broth sit.

Pour hot sand into a small bag and apply it to the kitten's nose area. This will warm up the sore area. Do similar procedures need two or three times a day. At severe runny nose rinse the kitten's nasal cavity with a 0.5-1% solution of zinc sulfate or a 2-3% solution of boric acid.

Instead of these medications, you can use a 1% saline solution. For good results, rinse your nasal passages with boiled beet juice. Inject five or six drops of ecmonovocillin into each nostril of the kitten, which must first be diluted saline solution 1 to 2.

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