Red brush and hogweed: combined use and effectiveness of drugs. Red brush: medicinal properties and contraindications

Joint use of the Red Brush and Borovaya Uterus in gynecology:
  • Application and beneficial properties of the Red Brush.
  • The use of the Red Brush in gynecology.
  • Recipes and methods of using the Red Brush.
  • Combined use of Red Brush with other herbs.
  • Joint use of Borovaya uterus and Red brush.
  • Other ways to take Borovaya uterus and Red brush together.
  • Contraindications to taking the Red Brush.

Red brush(other names: Rhodiola quadruple, Rhodiola quadruple, Rhodiola quadruple) is a universal natural adaptogen (drugs of natural origin that can increase the body's nonspecific resistance to stress). An infusion or decoction is used for treatment root plants that appearance resembles a brush and has a rich red color.

Application and beneficial properties of the Red Brush:

Of all the currently known plants and medical supplies Red brush has the highest immunomodulatory and adaptogenic properties for restoring the body. It contains anthocyanins and betaines, which gives it its red color. The red brush increases mental and physical performance. Recommended for hypothyroidism, oncological diseases, improves blood composition. Increases resistance to infectious diseases. The red brush helps eliminate endocrine disorders: goiter, diseases of the adrenal glands, lymph nodes, kidneys, etc. The red brush has a pronounced hemostatic and mild tonic effect. Relieves spasms of cerebral vessels (preferably than nootropin, which has a number of contraindications).

Application of the Red Brush in gynecology:

In gynecology, the Red Brush is used for disorders menstrual cycle, adnexitis, menopause, mastopathy, polycystic disease, ovarian cysts and other hormonal disorders. Red brush herb is used to treat not only women, but also men. It helps with oligospermia, weakened potency, infertility (male and female), sexual coldness.

IN folk medicine Altai Red Brush is used by women to treat mastopathy, fibroids and uterine fibroids, cervical erosion, cystosis of the uterus and ovaries, endometriosis, painful and irregular menstrual cycles, and lack of menstruation associated with hormonal disorders, bleeding, tumors of various etiologies.

Recipes and methods of using the Red Brush:

  • Tincture:50 g of dry root are crushed, poured with high-quality vodka (500 ml), infused in a dark glass container for at least 30 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Strain. Take 30-40 drops (less than a teaspoon) 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 30 days. Then after some time (10-15 days) the course is repeated.
  • Decoction:1 tablespoon of dry crushed root is poured into 300 ml of water and boiled for 5 minutes in a sealed container, then allowed to brew for at least an hour. Take 100 ml 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals with a teaspoon natural honey. The course of treatment is 30-45 days.
  • Douching : 1 tsp tinctures per 0.5 liters of warm boiled water. Douche morning and evening for 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment is 7 days. Then a 7-day break, repeat 2-3 courses if necessary.

Red brush is one of the best remedies for raising and protecting the immune system.

Combined use of Red Brush with other herbs:

The effectiveness of treatment with Red Brush is higher in cases where it is used with herbs such as Borovaya uterus, Wintergreen rotundifolia, Wintergreen, Red root, as well as Hemlock, Wolf's bast, Siberian princeling, Horse chestnut, etc.

Red brush has a beneficial effect during the second phase of the menstrual cycle (i.e., it should be taken after taking Sage), within 12 days after ovulation. Just like Borovaya uterus, it prevents inflammatory processes.

It is better to take with a teaspoon of honey. It is possible to take it together with Sage in the first phase if it is necessary to treat another disease (for example, fibroids).

The effect of the Red Brush can be enhanced by making a collection with other adaptogens: Eleutherococcus, Leuzea, Rhodiola rosea, Aralia, Zamanika, Schisandra. A collection is prepared from pre-crushed plants in a 1:1 ratio. Two tablespoons (with top) are poured into 1 liter of boiling water, left overnight in a thermos, taken during the day. The course of treatment is 2 months. Contraindications for use are the same as for the Red Brush.

Joint use of Borovaya uterus and Red brush:

Alcohol tincture:

Borovaya uterus and Red brush complement and enhance each other's properties.

They can be infused and taken together: 25 g of Borovaya uterus and Red brush per 0.5 liter of vodka. Leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Take 1 teaspoon with water 3 times a day before meals.

These medicinal plants have long been known for their unique properties restore women Health. They are widely used in medicine, since the effectiveness of these herbs has been tested for years and is beyond doubt. Therefore, every modern family’s medicine cabinet should contain boron uterus and red brush, the combined use of which greatly enhances the positive effect on the body.

The scientific definition for this amazing plant is Ortilia lopsided. This perennial herb from the heather family grows in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, where it is most often found in mixed and coniferous forests of temperate climates. For the manufacture of medicines The entire green part of the plant is used - leaves, flowers and stems, containing a large number of useful active substances and trace elements. You can harvest useful raw materials from April to November by placing fresh plants for drying in shady places with good ventilation.

TO medicinal characteristics This plant can be attributed to the ability to disinfect, eliminate inflammation and tumors, thin the blood, and also normalize current hormonal levels. In addition, this herb is used for general strengthening health, internal balance useful elements and maintaining tone.

Treatment of diseases for which boron uterus is successfully used:

  • presence of fibroids;
  • disruption of hormonal levels;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • menopause disorders;
  • endometriosis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • adhesive processes.

What makes the red brush unique?

The plant called red brush, also known as Rhodiola quadrifidum, is unique in that it contains high levels of phytohormones. All useful material are located in the root of this herb, which has a reddish tint. It contains a large number of useful substances, essential oils and immunostimulants. The territory in which the red brush is distributed is very limited, so it is almost impossible to find or grow this medicinal plant on your own. This very rare plant is found only in the Altai Mountains, where it grows on the slopes of rocky mountains.

The important thing is that when using a red brush, the main causes are eliminated, and not just its symptoms. Beautiful medicinal effect red brush spreads to the genitourinary and endocrine systems, and also increases the body's protective barrier, enhancing immunity.

In addition, this amazing plant is able to increase efficiency, fight various types of fungal infections, viruses, and also promote the renewal of body cells. Therefore, it is very important to understand what red brush is, how to drink it, what it treats and what its features are.

The action of the red brush leads to improvements in protein metabolism in cells, which allows the body to better adapt to changes external factors, become more resilient, and also recover after significant physical and emotional nature. After taking the drug from this plant, there is also a significant improvement in heart function due to powerful stimulation.

Borovaya uterus and red brush go well with each other, as they complement and enhance the healing effect. Complex chemical compounds The composition of these herbs successfully affects the body in the treatment of serious female diseases.

At general use of these plants, each of them performs its own separate functions. Finding out which is better - the hog queen or the red brush, you can come to the conclusion that each of them has its own unique characteristic properties restore various functions body, however, the simultaneous use of two herbs greatly increases their effectiveness.

For example, boron uterus eliminates inflammation and has antimicrobial effect, and the use of a red brush is associated with the ability to stabilize hormonal levels. In some cases, a preparation from this plant not only contributed to a favorable pregnancy, but also completely cured infertility. However, it should be remembered that due to the high concentration of phytohormones, before starting to use these drugs, you should visit a doctor to consult and take tests to check the level of hormones in your body.

The use of drugs from these two herbs is associated with gynecological diseases: the presence inflammatory processes, fibroids, endometriotic formations, mastopathy. The use of these drugs will be especially useful for women who suffer from menopause disorders and hormonal changes in the body. In these cases, regular use of this collection eliminates nervousness and improves well-being.

Tincture of boron uterus and red brush helps restore the body's strength and leads to a significant rejuvenating effect. In addition, the combination of these two drugs successfully treats the following female diseases:

  • infertility;
  • polycystic disease;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • incorrect operation thyroid gland;
  • the presence of formations in the mammary gland;
  • benign tumor;
  • atherosclerosis.

The herb hogweed and red brush are most common in the form of a decoction, water infusion or alcohol tincture. The drug can be purchased at a pharmacy kiosk in finished form, but you can very simply do it yourself. However, before starting to use this drug It is necessary to visit a doctor to receive individual consultations and determine the required dosages in each specific case.

Using alcohol you can achieve maximum concentration medicinal substances, therefore, the tincture has a more effective effect than a decoction or water infusion. To prepare an alcohol tincture, you will need pure medical alcohol, which must be diluted to a concentration of 40 degrees, as well as a glass container. You need to take 15 g of each herb and pour it all with 250 ml of alcohol. In about 13-14 days the tincture will be ready.

Many people are interested in the question of how to drink hogweed and red brush. One of the proven methods is to take these tinctures three times a day before meals, diluting a teaspoon of the drug in half a glass of water. Reception should be carried out over a period lasting from two weeks to 5-6 months. In addition, a special regimen of taking this drug from two herbs has an effective therapeutic effect. It consists of four periods lasting two weeks each. For the best effect, you should take breaks of 7-14 days between these periods.

Borovaya uterus and red brush, how to take and at what time? The tincture is used on an empty stomach, 3 times daily, an hour before meals. As for the time of administration, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules: in the morning take the drug no later than 9 o’clock, and in the evening no later than 19 o’clock, as it has a tonic effect.

In addition to the simultaneous use of a drug from two medicinal plants, it is very in a good way It may be possible to alternately use each of these herbs separately. As the main dosage schedule, you can use the special regimen described above, lasting four periods of two weeks. With each new cycle, you can alternately use each of these herbs. This step-by-step treatment can last about 6 months, since it has virtually no side effects and the body does not get tired of this method of treatment.

A combination of these plants and other herbs such as sage, elecampane and knotweed will also be very effective. A competent and professional approach to a specific disease and characteristics of the body will help you select the ratio of components.

The use of these two medicinal plants should be based on strict dosages and a clear schedule for taking each drug. Borovaya uterus and red brush, the use of which is particularly careful, should not be used simultaneously with other hormonal preparations of plant or synthetic origin.

Symptoms of overdose may include:

  • crashes ;
  • prostration;
  • frequent occurrence of headaches;
  • nausea;
  • stomach pain.

In addition, these plants should not be taken if there is elevated blood pressure, emotional agitation, fever, hemophilia, pregnancy, lactation, age under 14 years, allergies to these components, as well as in the presence of obstruction of the fallopian tubes. This collection is incompatible with hops and clover herbs, as well as licorice root.

When regularly taking medicinal plants, you should pause during the menstrual cycle and resume use on the third day of the cycle. This is due to the fact that these herbs can increase bleeding, so you should be careful about this point. Mandatory monitoring of your condition and well-being will ensure maximum benefit from the use of these extraordinary plants, which cure even the most severe ailments.

Hog queen and red brush- These are one of the most valuable plants that have been used for a long time in gynecology.

Both plants grow in Altai and currently several species of these plants are distinguished, and all of them have beneficial properties. It is also worth noting that they found wide application and in other branches of medicine.

Chemical composition

  1. Red brush comprises large quantity essential oils, anthoraglycosides, organic acids, as well as tannins, flavonoids and vitamins and minerals. A large amount of manganese, chromium, zinc, cobalt, copper and nickel can be noted. In addition, phytoestrogens and vitamin C can be detected.
  2. Hog queen has a similar composition, having tannins, essential oils, many organic acids and plant bioflavonoids, vitamins, minerals, hydroquinone and arbutin.

Beneficial features

These plants have many beneficial properties.

How to get rid of women's disease? Irina Kravtsova shared her story of curing thrush in 14 days. In her blog, she explained what medications she took and whether it was effective. traditional medicine what helped and what didn’t.

Among them the main ones are:

  • Boosting immunity. This effect occurs based on the vitamins and microelements contained in the composition.
  • Normalization of hormonal balance. They help restore not only the functioning of the ovaries, but also have a positive effect on the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland.
  • Helps improve metabolism in the body. Against the background of restored hormonal levels, metabolism is restored.
  • Blood sugar levels normalize, as well as restoring balance in the digestive system.
  • Normalization of work of cardio-vascular system person. It has a strengthening effect on the vascular wall, and also reduces blood pressure and normal hematopoiesis.
  • Stimulation of sexual function. Problems such as inflammation, endometriosis, fibroids are eliminated, tumor formations, infectious factors, as well as hormonal disorders during menopause. They help cope with problems such as infertility in women, help a woman conceive and subsequently become pregnant.

Which is better, red brush or hog queen?

This question has already long time remains relevant and is connected with the fact that both drugs remain one of the main and correct ones in treatment gynecological pathologies among women.

It should be noted that they have a similar mechanism of action. But still, the boron uterus is used more, since it has a lower risk of side effects and contraindications.

Stories from our readers!
“The gynecologist advised me to take natural remedies. We settled on one drug - which helped cope with hot flashes. It’s such a nightmare that sometimes you don’t even want to leave the house for work, but you have to... Once I started taking it, it became much easier, you can even feel it that some kind of internal energy. And I even wanted to have a sexual relationship with my husband again, otherwise it was all without much desire.”

Rules for preparing red brush and hogweed


Hog queen

Red brush

Cooking rules:
  1. To prepare it, 50 grams of on-board uterus is mixed with 500 ml of vodka or 40% ethyl alcohol.
  2. The mixture is poured into a dark container, sealed tightly and put away in a dark, cool room.
  3. After 3 weeks, the resulting tincture can be taken orally. After opening, store it in a cool place away from sunlight.

It is consumed before meals, daily in the amount of 15 or 30 drops.

The course of therapy is selected individually, based on the existing pathology.

An infusion of red brush is prepared in a similar concentration, according to the same principles.

The only difference from the boron uterus is the increase in exposure time; to obtain the tincture of the required concentration, it is necessary to leave it in a dark room for a month.

Use 30 drops daily.

In addition, you can prepare a mixture of hogweed and red brush:

  1. These herbs are mixed in a 1:2 ratio and filled with alcohol.
  2. After which the mixture is left in a dark room for one month and consumed in the required volume and for a certain duration based on the recommendations of a specialist.

It is impossible to start taking either red brush or boron uterus on your own, since this dosage form is highly concentrated and can lead to the development of side effects or overdose.


This dosage form also occupies a leading position and is associated with high efficiency in application.


In addition, you can prepare a decoction from a mixture of boron uterus and red brush. To do this, add one tablespoon of red brush and one teaspoon of hogweed. The mixture is poured into 200 ml of water and heated on steam bath for 30 – 45 minutes. The mixture is consumed three times a day in a volume of 30 ml.

Herbal tea

Currently, this is one of the most convenient and fastest ways to use both red brush and hogweed. The simplicity of its preparation is that in modern pharmacies you can buy ready-made packaging of the prepackaged plant.

One sachet will be enough for one-time use. It is enough just to put one sachet in 200 ml of hot, but not boiling water and let it brew for several minutes. This promotes the gradual release of beneficial substances.

Can't use more high concentration at the same time brewing several bags at once, like boron uterus or red brush. The risk of side effects or overdose is minimal, especially with the correct instructions.

In addition, the advantage is the possibility without special effort Always use fresh preparation. It is recommended to consume no more than three bags of both boron uterus and red brush every day.

In some pharmacies you can find a mixture of these herbs in one tea bag. Their simultaneous joint reception is possible. Taking herbs together helps create a more powerful effect. The sachet form in pharmacies costs a little more than the loose form, but in terms of convenience it is not inferior to them.

In what cases and how to take it?

Medicines made from red brush and boron uterus can be taken for various gynecological diseases. Among them may be benign and malignant formations, and .


is a currently widespread disease of the mammary glands, which currently applies to both gynecology and mammology.

Females are affected by this disease in various age periods.

IN to a greater extent these are young girls aged 15 to 25 years and women aged 40 to 55 years.

These age periods have certain features for such a pathology, and this is due to the fact that it is at a young age that the formation of mammary gland tissue occurs, and since the organ is hormonally dependent, there are disturbances in its functioning endocrine system may affect the mammary glands.

In addition, during menopause, changes in hormonal levels are also observed, which provoke pathological formations in tissues.

Hormonal disorders, often associated with abortions, can also contribute to the development of this disease. It is during these periods with preventive and therapeutic purpose It is recommended to use hogweed and red brush.

Treatment should be selected exclusively by a specialist; you should not self-medicate or combine herbal remedies with other substances, especially those with a hormonal basis.

The course of therapy with hog uterus and red brush is long. On average, it lasts from 3 to 6 months; use throughout the year has a greater effect, especially with severe pathology.

Can be taken internally in various dosage forms, but during menstruation the treatment must be stopped. In addition, combinations of two drugs, rather than monotherapy, can achieve greater effectiveness.


The downside of most drugs is side effects. Often medications cause severe intoxication, subsequently causing complications in the kidneys and liver. To prevent the side effects of such drugs, we want to pay attention to special phytotampons.

Red brush and hog uterus help reduce the severity of fibrosis or cystic changes. It is also used to prevent the transition of mastopathy to a malignant process.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

- This is a currently common pathology among gynecological patients.

Mostly women face this problem. young, this is an age group from 20 to 30 years.

Most often, these are women who have a history of such a serious diagnosis as infertility, most often of primary origin.

This pathology is a change in the structure of the ovary with the formation of a large number of cystic structures in it.

The cause of this lesion is most often a hormonal imbalance, an excess of androgens and an insufficiency of the estrogen component.

The red brush and hogweed can help cope with this condition. They can be prescribed to a woman as an option self-treatment, or alternating with medications. It can be consumed in various dosage forms, the most popular of which are decoctions, herbal teas, and tinctures. During menstruation, treatment is eliminated, since plants are contraindicated during this period.

The course of treatment is not long enough, it can last on average one month, and it is repeated several times throughout the year. Usually to eliminate the severity or complete treatment 2-3 courses per year with a duration of 30 days are enough.

You cannot take the drug on your own; to select a course, a mandatory consultation with a gynecologist is required, as well as a decision to start treatment with this particular drug.

Red brush and hog uterus help normalize hormonal levels, maintain sufficient concentrations of estrogen, and also reduce the severity of androgens. In addition, fertility is restored and improved.

Ovarian cyst

- This is a fairly common problem among females at any age. Certain age group V in this case does not exist, since this classification includes cysts that are completely different in origin, etiological factor and composition.

For young people, these are predominantly functional, i.e. representing non-bursted follicles or non-recurrent corpus luteum. The red brush and hogweed have had a positive effect in the treatment of these diseases.

But before starting treatment, you should first find out the exact cause of such changes. If these are endometrioid cysts, then the uterus and red brush can, on the contrary, contribute to an increase in the size of the formations.

This occurs due to the substances included in the composition that act as estrogens. In case of a malignant process, the use of boron uterus and red brush is allowed, and in case of endocrine pathologies is doubtful, this issue can only be resolved by the attending physician after an accurate diagnosis.

The course of treatment for ovarian cysts with a red brush and hog uterus is on average one month, followed by a break of two months. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

An effective dosage form in this case can be an infusion or decoction. After treatment, one can note not only the effect of eliminating the cyst, but also the normalization of the erratic menstrual cycle.

My personal story

With premenstrual pain and unpleasant discharge, it's over!

Our reader Egorova M.A. shared her experience:

It's scary when women don't know the real reason their diseases, because problems with the menstrual cycle can be harbingers of serious gynecological diseases!

The norm is a cycle lasting 21-35 days (usually 28 days), accompanied by menstruation lasting 3-7 days with moderate blood loss without clots. Alas, the state of the gynecological health of our women is simply catastrophic; every second woman has some kind of problem.

Today we will talk about something new natural remedy that kills pathogenic bacteria and infections, restores immunity, which simply restarts the body and turns on the regeneration of damaged cells and eliminates the cause of disease...

Side effects

When using boron uterus, they can manifest themselves as a disruption in the functioning of several systems at once:

When using red brush, the following side effects are identified:

  • Manifestations from the nervous system, expressed by lethargy or drowsiness.
  • It can also be allergic reactions, manifested by a skin rash that is polymorphic in nature, as well as severe itching.

The advantage of using red brush in this case is that there are fewer side effects compared to the hog uterus.


Hog queen

Red brush

  • During pregnancy on later, as well as the period of breastfeeding.
  • Against the background of allergic reactions to the hog uterus.
  • Diseases of the stomach and inflammation of other parts gastrointestinal tract , as well as blood clotting disorders.
  • Infertility associated with fallopian tube obstruction, as well as menopause or the presence of tumor formations.
  • Immunity disorders.
  • Use of hormonal drugs, as well as antibiotics from various groups.
  • Children should not use red brush in its various forms., the average age under which it is not recommended to take it is 18 years. Although there are no significant side effects.
  • This may also be the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Pregnancy in this case occurs at any stage. Since it is the red brush that can provoke the development of spontaneous miscarriage, especially in the early stages, in this case even a single use of the solution. At breastfeeding the substance passes into the milk and is passed on to the baby.
  • You should not use the red brush during normal menstruation.. An exception may be hyperpolymenorrhea or algomenorrhea.
  • Allergic reaction to using this solution, as well as cases of intolerance.
  • Arterial hypertension or hypertonic disease with diastolic pressure above 100 mmHg.
  • Depression.
  • Inflammatory conditions accompanied by increased body temperature and signs of intoxication.
  • In combination with taking hormonal drugs, as well as any substances exhibiting signs of phytoestrogens.


As a rule, consuming more of these herbal remedies will not cause any side effects, but they still occur. This is especially often associated with systematically increased use of these funds.

There are no life-threatening conditions, but the following may occur:


Due to their low cost, these herbal remedies have become widespread. The cost may vary depending on the manufacturer, as well as the form of release.

  1. The average price of hogweed in a package costs about 100 rubles, and a dry red brush up to 120 rubles. However, the price may vary.
  2. In addition, red brush and boron uterus can be produced in ready-made dosage forms, for example, alcohol tinctures or syrups. In this case, the cost will be higher than that of dry plants. The syrup costs about 150 rubles, and the infusion is about 200 rubles.

*Basics of Herbal Medicine:
Since the times of Hippocrates and Avicenna, it has been known about the use of a number of plants and vegetables rich in phytohormones, as contraceptives or, conversely, fertility stimulants.
Phytohormones can exhibit properties estrogens, androgens, corticosteroids or progesterone.

The most numerous (several hundred) group of herbs containing phytoestrogens- substances similar in action to female sex hormones. Among the well-known medicinal plants, phytoestrogens contain hops, sage, sweet clover, clover, licorice, oregano, linden flowers, mistletoe and many others.

Herbs with androgenic activity (stimulating the production of male sex hormones in the body): calamus, hogweed, lovage, celery, spring grass, rapeseed and others.

Herbs are widely used progestogenic activity (stimulate the production of progesterone in the body). These include: sacred vitex, meadow lumbago, cinquefoil, cuff, raspberry and others. I would especially like to mention the sacred vitex from the plants of this group ( popular names- Abraham tree, twig, agnus kastus), which stimulates the pituitary gland to produce luteinizing hormone (LH), which in turn stimulates the production of progesterone.

Herbs are less commonly used antihormonal activity (suppress the synthesis of sex hormones in the body). These include: medicinal sparrow, common bruise, comfrey, blackroot and others.

Herbs with antiprogestagenic activity that blocks the production of progesterone (carrot seeds, especially wild carrots and others).

Infertility is becoming more common due to high levels of... prolactin. Prolactin is found in feedback with progesterone, so herbs with a progestogenic effect are prescribed, slowing down the production of prolactin by the pituitary gland. Considering that prolactin levels increase hypothyroidism, you need to add herbs to correct thyroid function.

At immunological infertility (when a woman produces antibodies against her husband’s sperm), a good effect is observed when both spouses are treated with hemlock at the same time.

Basic principles of herbal medicine:
1. Before you start drinking herbs, you need to find out your hormonal level. For the treatment of infertility, this is, first of all, estradiol - in the first half of the cycle and progesterone - in the second phase (6-7 DPO). But it’s better to take all the hormones
2. Decide exactly what needs to be treated, what needs to be adjusted, what needs to be corrected.
3. Know clearly the indications and contraindications for taking herbs.
4. Taking herbal phytohormones should not be combined with hormones.
5. Herbal treatment is long-term. No need to wait quick effect. The first successes should appear after 2-4 weeks of use. The duration of treatment is related to the duration of the disease. Usually the course is 1-3 months.
6. Monitoring hormone levels and periodic ultrasound of the pelvic organs when taking herbs is mandatory - after 1-3 months. reception (or after 1-3 cycles of reception).
7. During menstruation, taking herbs is not advisable.
8. Herbs with an estrogenic effect for the treatment of infertility are also prescribed in the first, follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, but they must be used from the 5th to the 15th day of the menstrual cycle (that is, from the 5th day from the beginning of menstruation).
9. Herbs with a progestogenic effect are prescribed in the second, luteal phase of the cycle, and they should be used from the 15th to the 25th day of the cycle.
10. All herbs are drunk in a course of no more than 3 cycles with a break of 1 cycle.
11. Alcohol tinctures should not be made with vodka, preferably with 40 percent medical alcohol (there will be instructions in the text to fill with vodka - left for shortening)
12. Do not brew any herbs with boiling water, only with hot water 70-80 degrees.
13. When preparing decoctions, do not boil the infusion over an open fire, only in a water bath.

Hog queen (Ortilia unilateral)
Since ancient times, this herb has been used to treat infertility. It may look unattractive, but it has enormous benefits! It has a diuretic, disinfectant, strong antitumor, absorbable and anti-inflammatory effect.
BM treats gynecological inflammations, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, adhesive process, fibroids and uterine cysts, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, polyps on the uterus, erosion, uterine bleeding, restores the menstrual cycle, used for severe menopause. BM also strengthens the fetus and is used to prevent miscarriage and helps with toxicosis of pregnancy. In addition, it perfectly treats diseases of the kidneys and bladder: pyelonephritis and cystitis, and is used for hemorrhoids.
It should be remembered that in women, the breasts and uterus are closely interconnected, they even say “one organ,” so BM is also used for breast tumors: mastopathy, fibroadenoma, etc.
BM is also used in complex treatment malignant tumors: breast cancer, uterine cancer.
BM can also help men with inflammation prostate gland- prostatitis. So, she awarded not only women with her healing power!
BM contains: arbutin, hydroquinone, coumarins, vitamin C, hydroquinone, resins, flavonoids, bitter substances, saponins, tartaric and citric acid, trace elements: titanium, copper, zinc, manganese.

Duration of taking BM at various diseases depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. Herbalists believe that for each year of illness you need to take 200-250 ml of tincture

Decoction: 1 tablespoon of herb per glass of hot water (not boiling water), boil in a steam bath for 5-10 minutes, leave for 3-4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.
Brew pharmaceutical herbs strictly as indicated on the pack. Packages from different manufacturers indicate various ways brewing, because If you look closely, the grinding is different, hence the difference in dosage.

Tincture: proportion 1:10
Pour 50 g of herb into 500 ml of diluted and 40 degrees alcohol (not vodka), leave for 3 weeks in a dark place, strain. Take 15-30 drops 3 times a day. This amount is designed for approximately 3 months of use. Or 1 tsp. dilute tinctures with 1 tsp. water and take 2 times a day. Drink for 3 months, gradually increasing the dose to 1 dessert spoon, then to a tablespoon.
It is believed that the tincture (in drops, not cups) is much stronger than the water solution

Douching: infuse two tablespoons of herb in a glass of boiling water for two to three hours.

At the very beginning of taking BM, BT may jump, since old diseases may remind themselves again - this is normal. After some time, usually after a month of use, BT returns to normal, unless, of course, there are any serious diseases.
BM, like the Red Brush, tends to provoke stagnant diseases at the beginning of use.

In no case does BM block ovulation; we must not forget that the presence of anovulatory cycles is the norm, not a pathology! When taking BM throughout the entire cycle, a shift in day O is possible.

BM is suitable for those who have too large endometrium, i.e. endometrial hyperplasia is present, and this is due to increased estrogens.
BM helps to reduce or even disappear fibroids. And because one of the causes of fibroids is considered to be hyperestrogenism, then we can certainly say that BM helps reduce estrogen, therefore, when reduced level estrogen, it is recommended to take BM only in the 2nd phase of MC and conduct control studies of the hormone level to determine the effect of the herb on your body.
You can start drinking BM from any day of the cycle, without waiting for the start of a new cycle. They always drink BM until their period comes, without focusing on the schedule. The effect of BM on menstruation is different for everyone; it can become more abundant, or more painful (which is rare), or scanty. It all depends on individual characteristics body.
BM only strengthens the current pregnancy, therefore, it is not recommended to suddenly stop taking BM when pregnancy occurs, but by gradually reducing the dosage, reduce the intake to nothing.
BM has a beneficial effect on ovarian cysts, resolving them; in this case, it is possible to take the herb throughout the MC, starting from last day discharge.
BM can be taken with elevated androgens. By the way, elevated male hormones have a very bad effect on the fetus, especially if it is a boy, and there are often missed pregnancies and miscarriages due to this type of disorder. To maintain the 2nd phase, drink BM when progesterone is normal, and Utrozhestan (Duphaston) when progesterone is low.
BM is recommended for balancing hormonal levels in case of minor disorders.

It is not recommended to take BM if you are diagnosed with obstruction of the fallopian tubes, since the development of an ectopic pregnancy is possible.
BM is possible, but not recommended, to be taken together with OK if you need to get rid of inflammation, infections in genitourinary system, but not if you are planning a pregnancy in this particular cycle.
Not recommended simultaneous administration BM with sage (although possible).

If BM, when taken on an empty stomach, causes acute, unpleasant long-term sensations (for example, with gastritis), then it is recommended to take it after a meal 20-30 minutes later, the therapeutic effect weakens somewhat but is not lost, but it is not recommended to increase the dose. I rarely experience headaches or migraines. Also, BM in the first cycle can cause a delay in menstruation.

BM is not taken together with the drug Estrogel, because it contains estrogen. I take the drug in the 1st phase, and BM in the 2nd. Drink BM only after finishing taking estrogel.

According to reviews from forum members we can conclude that when using BM, the following changes can be observed: lengthening or shortening of cycles in different directions, exacerbation chronic diseases at the beginning of treatment, increased menstrual flow, relief of PMS, improved BT schedule, onset of ovulation, normalization of temperature differences and, finally, pregnancy!!!

Salvia officinalis
It has a particular effect on the hormonal function of women. It is known that sage reduces the pain of menstruation, promotes conception in case of infertility, and during breastfeeding it helps stop lactation. Sage is recommended for menstrual irregularities. The astringent properties of the plant help slow bleeding, and the estrogenic effect of sage makes it excellent medicine for menopausal problems, especially hot flashes.
Sage is phytoestrogen, substance plant origin, By chemical structure similar to estrogen produced by the human body. Estrogen is a female hormone involved in follicle formation.
Suitable for those who have low level estrogen, small endometrium and follicles grow poorly - but when you drink it, ovulation may be postponed for an unforeseen period and, accordingly, a deceptive delay in menstruation will occur.
It is recommended to drink sage in the first half of the cycle.(after the end of menstruation for 10-11 days, approximately before the start of ovulation) in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed and only for those women who have low estrogen. An excess of this hormone causes the egg to burst prematurely.
While taking sage with a lack of progesterone in the 1st phase you can take Duphaston or Utrozhestan.
You should remember to use sage in moderation: allergies may occur, and large doses can lead to poisoning.
When taking sage, the 1st phase can either increase or decrease, this depends on the level of your own estrogen in the blood. In order to drink sage you need to know your hormones in the first phase. And the most important thing: when engaging in such self-medication, you need to listen to your body, it itself will hint with some kind of cork that something is wrong.

The most common methods of use:
Sage can be sold both in loose leaves and in bags
Brew sage leaves as follows: 1 tsp. in a glass of hot water, leave for 15 minutes. Strain. Take 1/3-1/4 tbsp. 20 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day, but not at night. Brew a new portion every day.

Brew 1p in tea bags. per glass of water, apply ½ 2 times a day or ⅓ for 3 doses.

It is not recommended to prepare an alcohol tincture, although there are recipes:
50 grams per 0.5 liter of forty percent alcohol. Leave for 21 days or more, foam, green, then brown and thick like liqueur. Strain. Drink 1 hour at a time. l 2 times a day.
There are recommendations for taking sage tincture with wine.

Douching: brew 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of hot water.

The course of treatment is 3 months and if pregnancy does not occur, then do month break, and then you can repeat the course.

For women over 35 years of age, it is useful to carry out a course of rejuvenation: three times a year for a month, regularly in the morning, drink a glass of infusion: 1 teaspoon of sage per glass of boiling water. Leave until cool. Drink slowly, 30-40 minutes before meals. You can add lemon or honey.

For colds, sage-based tablets are often prescribed; they can be used in any phase of the cycle, since the amount of herb extract in them cannot affect the condition of the fetus if pregnancy occurs.

Sage can and should be taken if you have a cold, even during pregnancy, as sage leaves have disinfectant, anti-inflammatory properties, are good antiseptic and have a beneficial effect on colds, the only difference is that they are used as a rinse.

Sage has a slight androgynous effect (stimulating the production of male sex hormones in the body), and in large doses, it suppresses FSH and gonadotropins.
If you combine sage with linden, the results will be faster and more noticeable.


During pregnancy, sage is strictly contraindicated, especially in the early stages - it increases estradiol and reduces progesterone, and this is VERY DANGEROUS. You should also not take sage while breastfeeding.
Sage is strictly contraindicated in polycystic disease (the result of excess estrogen), you must first increase progesterone, so that under its influence, all follicles that were once not ovulating from cysts move into corpus luteum and died, and then drink sage and grow new follicles. Excess estrogen only makes polycystic disease worse.
Sage should not be taken for hypothyroidism (long-term, persistent lack of thyroid hormones); it is indicated for hyperthyroidism. Can be replaced with other phytoestrogens - for example, hops or linden or raspberry leaf.
Sage, and any herbs, just like medications that have an estrogenic effect for fibroids and endometriosis - are strictly prohibited!
It is strictly forbidden to drink sage if you have high estrogen.
Since sage helps to grow follicles, if they are growing well without taking it, you should not drink sage, as there is a possibility that the follicles will overgrow, but will not burst and turn into cysts. Sage with progesterone deficiency can cause persistence (degeneration of follicles into cysts).

If while taking sage you experience discomfort, it is better to stop taking it immediately.

According to reviews from forum members we can conclude that taking sage helps to increase the level of the hormone estrogen, thickening the endometrium, the ovaries begin to ovulate on their own and, as a result, pregnancy occurs.

Red Brush (Rhodiola tetrapartite, Rhodiola tetrapartite, Rhodiola tetrapartite).

KSh is used for oligospermia, weakened potency, infertility (male and female), sexual coldness, menstrual irregularities, adnexitis, menopause, mastopathy, polycystic and ovarian cysts, hypothyroidism, mastopathy and other hormonal disorders. Increases mental and physical performance. Recommended for cancer, improves blood composition. Increases resistance to infectious diseases.
Of all the currently known plants and medicinal preparations, KSH has the highest immune and adaptogenic properties for restoring the body. It contains anthocyanins and betaines, which gives it its red appearance.
In Altai folk medicine, KSH is used by women to treat mastopathy, uterine fibroids and fibroids, cervical erosion, uterine and ovarian cysts, endometriosis, painful and irregular menstrual cycles, and absence of menstruation associated with hormonal disorders, bleeding, tumors of various etiologies.
KSH helps eliminate endocrine disorders: goiter, diseases of the adrenal glands, lymph nodes, kidneys, etc.
KSH has a pronounced hemostatic and mild tonic effect. Relieves spasms of cerebral vessels (preferably than nootropin, which has a number of contraindications).

The most common methods of use:
Tincture: 50 g of dry root is crushed, poured with high-quality vodka (500 ml), infused in a dark glass container for at least 30 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Strain. Take 30-40 drops (less than a teaspoon) 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 30 days. Then after some time (10-15 days) the course is repeated.

Decoction: 1 tablespoon of dry crushed root is poured into 300 ml of water and boiled for 5 minutes in a sealed container, then allowed to brew for at least an hour. Take 100 ml 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals with a teaspoon of natural honey. The course of treatment is 30-45 days.

Douching: 1 tsp. tinctures per 0.5 liters of warm boiled water. Douche morning and evening for 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment is 7 days. Then a 7-day break, repeat 2-3 courses if necessary.

KSH is a natural adaptogen (drugs of natural origin that can increase the body’s nonspecific resistance to stress)
KShch is one of the best means for raising and protecting the immune system.

Efficiency in the treatment of KSH is higher in cases where it is used with herbs such as boron uterus, wintergreen, wintergreen, red root, as well as hemlock, wolf's bast, Siberian princeling, horse chestnut, etc.

KSH - has a beneficial effect on the second phase of the menstrual cycle (i.e., it should be taken after taking sage is completed), within 12 days after ovulation. Just like Borovaya uterus, it prevents inflammatory processes.
It is better to take with a teaspoon of honey.
It is possible to take it together with sage in the first phase, if it is necessary to treat another disease (for example, fibroids)

The effect of KSH can be enhanced by making a collection with other adaptogens: Eleutherococcus, Leuzea, Rhodiola rosea, Aralia, Zamanika, Schisandra. A collection is prepared from pre-crushed plants in a 1:1 ratio. Two tablespoons (with top) are poured into 1 liter of boiling water, left overnight in a thermos, taken during the day. The course of treatment is 2 months. Contraindications for use are the same as for KSH.

Borovaya uterus and KShch complement and enhance each other’s properties.
They can be infused and taken together: 25 g of boron uterus and KShch per 0.5 liter of vodka. Leave for 2 weeks. Take 1 teaspoon with water 3 times a day before meals.
Other ways to take Borovaya uterus and KSH together: it is very important to follow the dosage regimen and avoid overdose.
Taking these two herbs is always done in four stages. Each stage lasts 2 weeks. The mandatory break between doses lasts from one to two weeks, depending on how you feel. During treatment you should use water infusions. Take on an empty stomach 3 times a day: in the morning - before 9:00, at lunch 1 hour before meals, in the evening - at 19:00. The infusion is taken 1 tbsp. spoon with a small amount of natural honey.
If after treatment course symptoms of the disease remain, then before repeating the course you should take a month's break, during which you can drink infusions of Wintergreen, brewed and taken according to the same regimen.
The course of treatment is designed for 70-100g. Borovaya uterus and 70-100 g.


Taking KSH is incompatible with hormones (synthetic and natural origin). Herbs include: hops, clover, licorice, cocklebur and other hormone-containing herbs.
It is not advisable to use a brush if your blood pressure is above 180/100, because
Taking KSH during pregnancy is strictly contraindicated, as it has an abortifacient effect.
Overdose may cause drowsiness and lethargy.

Standard dosage regimens:
With low estrogen levels and poor follicle maturation:
1st phase - sage
2nd phase (or the entire cycle) - hog uterus
With early menopause:
Upland uterus, red brush the whole cycle. First, in small doses, gradually increasing to normal, you can add a little burdock root to the herbs (a very good stimulant)
After leveling the cycle, if necessary, sage is introduced into the 1st phase.
With elevated prolactin:
Prolactin is in inverse relationship with progesterone, so herbs with a progestogenic effect are prescribed. These include: sacred vitex, meadow lumbago, cinquefoil, cuff, raspberry and others. Vitex sacred or prutnyak in the form of tincture is sold by the drug "Cyclodinone".
The components of the drug have a normalizing effect on the level of sex hormones. The action of the drug leads to a decrease in prolactin production and the elimination of hyperprolactinemia. Normalization of the synthesis and ratio of gonadotropic hormones leads to normalization of the second phase of the menstrual cycle.
Cyclodinone can be combined with sage and Borovaya uterus.
For adhesions:
You can drink Sporysh, but only before ovulation and under the control of testosterone and DHEA-S. You can use it together with sage (2 tablespoons of knotweed + 2 tablespoons of sage in 2 glasses of water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes and take half a glass 30 minutes before meals)
Improves flora, helps against erosion.
In the second phase, it is not advisable to drink, as it increases uterine contractions. Particularly effective in combination with boron uterus.
Infusion: 3 teaspoons of knotweed herb per 2 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 4 hours, drink half a glass before meals 3-4 times a day.
For inflammation of the ovaries and infertility:
You can use coltsfoot infusion with other herbs. To do this, mix 50 g of coltsfoot leaves, calendula flowers, centaury herb, chamomile flowers, and sweet clover herb. Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture 0.5 liters of boiling water, then leave for 2 hours. Strain and take 1/3 cup 6 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.
To stimulate and heal the ovaries:
Herbal collection No. 1:
sweet clover (herb) 1 part,
common cuff (grass) 2 parts,
Salvia officinalis (herb) 1 part,
meadowsweet (flowers) 2 parts,
knotweed (grass) 1 part.
Prepare a decoction at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon in a glass of water, keeping in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain. Add water to the original volume. While the decoction is still hot, add 1.5 ml of 10% tincture of Rhodiola rosea (golden root) to it. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Herbal collection No. 2:
2 tbsp. l. strings,
1 tbsp. l. yarrow,
1 tbsp. l. motherwort, fill it all up
0.5 liters of boiling water for 1 hour, then strain,
drink the infusion in the morning, immediately after waking up and in the evening before bed, half a glass,
You need to drink this tincture daily, never skip a day, to regulate hormonal levels. Drink the entire cycle after the end of menstruation and before the start of the next one.
You should not drink during pregnancy.
For polycystic disease, for infertility, for anovulation:
The use of sage is not recommended, or in minimal doses and under ultrasound control.
for the 1st phase of the cycle, i.e. before ovulation: rosemary (promotes
ovulation, affects the sex gland), wormwood (promotes ovulation, removes toxins), elderberry flower (supports the follicle-stimulating process), raspberry leaves (estrogenic).
For the 2nd phase of the cycle: cuff (regulates the corpus luteum), yarrow (progestational), nettle (removes toxins).
The following scheme is also possible:
Drink boron uterus for 2-3 cycles, do an ultrasound check to make sure there is a result (reduction in the number of cysts), and drink BM (and maybe even Duphaston) until the cysts completely disappear, and then introduce sage in the first phase.
For hypothyroidism (long-term, persistent lack of thyroid hormones):
St. John's wort herb, celandine herb, rose hips, licorice root, angelica root, Rhodiola rosea root, cocklebur fruits - equally.
Leuzea root, celandine grass, flax seeds, coltsfoot leaf, horsetail grass, cocklebur fruits - equally.
It is possible to use both the hogweed and the red brush. It is recommended to alternate phases for 3 cycles. KShch is the first, BM is the second.
Herbal medicine for acute and chronic adnexitis, to restore the patency of the fallopian tubes:
Wintergreen round-leaved. 1-2 teaspoons of dry wintergreen leaves per 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse, wrapped for 2 hours, strain, squeeze. Take ½ glass 3 times a day. Tincture: 50 gr. leaves and stems of wintergreen per 0.5 liters of 40% alcohol. Leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Take 30-40 drops 3 times a day.
For anovulatory cycles: Pour 1 tablespoon of dry plantain leaves (sold in pharmacies) with a glass of boiling water, leave in a wrapper for 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day in the first phase

It is important to eat as many legumes as possible. For example, a glass of soybean grains (about 200 g) provides approximately 300 mg of the most important class of phytoestrogens - isoflavones. Research shows that regular consumption of soy reduces the frequency of hot flashes and also stimulates the proliferation of cells in the vaginal mucosa, relieving women of its dryness and irritation - common age-related changes that complicate sexual life.

additional information on herbs
Leafy letter, medicinal- perennial herbaceous plant family Lamiaceae, has estrogenic activity.
water pepper
Lush carnation and other types of carnations of the carnation family - a perennial herbaceous plant. The herb of this plant is used as a regulating menstrual cycle and aborting pregnancy. Clove seeds cause miscarriage and accelerate the onset of menstruation, therefore they are contraindicated during pregnancy.
Elecampane drink in the second phase of the cycle to maintain it for 7-14 days. Apply as follows. 1 tsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over elecampane roots in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then leave for 4 hours and strain. Take 1 tbsp. l 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. Can be used within 2 days (refrigerate).
Effect: Elecampane changes the composition of seminal fluid - it becomes more tenacious (the number of enzymes that seem to preserve sperm increases). This means that once in the vagina, sperm remain active not for three days, but for a week. It is clear that the likelihood of conception increases.
St. John's wort. Drink for inflammation of the genital organs (pour a tablespoon of herb into a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, strain. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day).
Fireweed angustifolia, fireweed- a perennial herbaceous plant of the fireweed family. Fireweed is used for oligohypomenorrhea.
Viburnum common. Drink as an anti-inflammatory agent that increases the tone of the uterine muscles. Decoction of flowers (brew a tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, drink a tablespoon 3 times a day).
Caragana officinalis. A decoction is used for douching during inflammatory processes: pour a tablespoon of herb with a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, strain.
Common nettle- good hemostatic
Lovage pharmaceutical- a perennial herbaceous plant of the Umbelliferae family. Lovage root is used for oligohypomenorrhea.
Common wormwood- a perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. Wormwood stimulates menstruation, possibly due to its content essential oil, also applies when diabetes mellitus. Wormwood is used as a contraceptive and anti-inflammatory (for inflammation of the ovarian appendages) agent. It is also advisable to use it for delayed menstruation and uterine bleeding.
Prolomnik northern- one- or two-year-old herbaceous plant of the primrose family. Widely used in folk medicine in Western Siberia. In many areas of the Tyumen region, the infusion of northern prolomnik is used as contraceptive.
Large plantain. A decoction of plantain seeds helps in cases where infertility is caused by an inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes. A decoction of plantain seeds is also useful for men to improve sperm motility. To prepare the decoction, take 1 tbsp. spoon of plantain seeds, pour a glass of boiling water and boil over low heat for five minutes, then leave for an hour. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day, half an hour before meals, for 1-2 months.
Amur rowan- tree of the Rosaceae family. A decoction of rowan bark or berries is used to stop menstruation and as a contraceptive. Children are bathed in an infusion of leaves skin diseases.
Chamomile, popularly called "uterine herb", has found wide use in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Half 1 tsp. dry chamomile flowers pour 1/2 cup boiling water. Drink hot 3 times a day. Removes adhesions and helps with inflammatory processes.
Rue- subshrub of the Rutaceae family. It has a weakly expressed histogenic effect.
Sophora yellowish- a perennial herbaceous plant of the legume family. Strengthens the function of the female sex glands.
Common rapeseed- an annual herbaceous plant of the cruciferous family. Has an estrogenic effect.
Knotweed (bird knotweed). Many women have been cured of infertility by simple and in an accessible way, and drank knotweed without measure, like tea.
Knotweed is a powerful diuretic. There are also contraindications: in case of very acute inflammatory processes in bladder and buds, take knotweed only with flaxseed jelly.
Knotweed is also contraindicated in patients with glomerulonephritis with impaired renal function.
Also a decoction of any of the herbs (horsetail, agrimony, lungwort). Plants are brewed at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 200 ml of water. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. Restrictions: ischemic disease heart disease, thrombophlebitis, ischemic stroke, etc., as well as with increased blood clotting and kidney disease.
Yarrow. Prepare the collection: yarrow herb -20 g, sage leaf -20 g, rosemary leaf -20 g, oak bark -40 g. Pour the collection into 3 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes, strain. Spend 2 daily vaginal douching with leucorrhoea.
Common hop- extract from hop cones has an estrogenic effect, reduces sexual desire in men.
Chernobyl. A concentrated Chernobyl decoction stimulates a large release of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone, which stimulates the maturation of follicles and the production of estrogens). And FSH stimulates the growth of the follicle in which the egg matures. This occurs in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, Chernobyl, like other herbs with a similar effect, are prescribed from the 1st day of the menstrual cycle for 10 days (taking into account the cyclic secretion of FSH and the peak of its normal release).
Stockrose, black mallow- perennial herbaceous plant. Stockrose flowers are used for dysmenorrhea and oligohypomenorrhea. They are more effective when used in combination with rue leaves.

if there are problems with sperm agility and your age is not young, then it is recommended to take Speman– a drug based on herbs and immunomodulators. Speman is drunk for 3-6 months so that the result is noticeable, it is a dietary supplement and is useful for men.
Calamus marsh- a perennial herbaceous plant of the rent family, the infusion of rhizomes has a tonic effect, restorative effect. IN oriental medicine it is used as a sexual enhancer.
Aralia Manchurian- shrub of the Aralia family. It has a stimulating, tonic, restorative effect and is used for physical and mental fatigue, general weakness, impotence. Aralia preparations prevent the involution of the genital organs.
Periwinkle- a perennial evergreen plant of the Kugrove family. In folk medicine, periwinkle herb is taken for impotence.
European euonymus- creeping shrub of the euonymus family. Used to stimulate sexual function, and also as an antimalarial and laxative.
Hemlock spotted- biennial herbaceous plant of the Umbelliferae family. Poisonous plant. In folk medicine, a tincture of leaves and seeds is used for wet dreams.
Woolly dissected hogweed, Asian is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Apiaceae family. The herb of dissected hogweed is used for sexual neurasthenia and epilepsy. The herb Woolly Hogweed reduces sexual activity and leads to infertility.
Three-pointed bell
Siberian wild rosemary- a perennial herbaceous plant of the bellflower family. IN Tibetan medicine used for impotence.
Verbena officinalis- a perennial herbaceous plant of the verbena family. In folk medicine it is used for impotence.
Forest anemone- a perennial herbaceous plant of the ranunculaceae family. The herb is used for impotence and delayed menstruation.
Carnation- plant of the clove family. Different kinds In folk medicine, cloves are recommended for impotence.
Amur knotweed, avian- an annual herbaceous plant of the buckwheat family. The rhizomes of the Amur knotweed are used as a sexual stimulant. In folk medicine, knotweed root is used to improve sexual function in men.
Gentian macrophylla- an annual herbaceous plant of the Gentian family. A decoction of the roots is used to stimulate sexual activity.
Tree pliers round-leaved- a perennial liana of the tree-nose family. The seeds of the plant are used to stop menstruation, and also as a means to increase sexual activity.
Datura common- an annual shrub of the nightshade family, a poisonous plant. In folk medicine, Datura is used for nymphomania.
Elecampane. To improve sperm quality, they advised my husband to take 1g of vitamin C per day, vitamin E 4 times a day, folic acid- 3 times a day. And also from folk medicine: there are crushed roots and rhizomes of elecampane: pour 1 tbsp of boiling water over a glass. l. crushed roots and rhizomes of elecampane, bring to a boil, boil for 10-15 minutes,
Directions for use: cool and drink warm according to Art. l. every 2 hours
Storage conditions: store in a cool, dry place. Infusion in a cool place for no more than 2 days.
Panax ginseng, five-leaved - a plant of the Araliaceae family. Strengthens the activity of the central nervous system. Ginseng tincture - effective remedy for the treatment of patients with functional disorders of sexual function.
Zamanikha high- a plant of the Araliaceae family. The tincture of roots and rhizomes is similar in effect to ginseng and is used for impotence.
Leuzea safflower, maral root is used as a tonic for impotence.
Nut lotus- perennial herbaceous plant. The rhizomes are used as a sedative for wet dreams and convulsions.
Bulb onions enhances sexual function. In folk medicine it is used for impotence.
Lyubka bifolia. The tubers have the property of stimulating sexual activity and are used as a tonic similar to ginseng. Young tubers are used for impotence, old ones - for abortion, normalization of the menstrual cycle and as a contraceptive.
Melissa officinalis has a beneficial effect in suppressing the activity of the nervous system and increased sexual excitability.
Figwort. The plant has a tonic and general strengthening effect like ginseng, enhances spermatogenesis, and stimulates sexual function. For impotence, rhizomes are used.
Ground nut has a tonic effect, is used as a spasmodic and sedative for wet dreams and urinary incontinence, and in large doses causes impotence.
Horny goat weed extract. Can increase libido, improve erectile function, restore libido, male strength and the acuity of sensations. WITH scientific point vision, the effect of the drug is based on the release of testosterone, which naturally increases sexual attraction and endurance. Horny goat weed also stimulates the adrenal glands and enhances hormone production. Modern research also proved that this remedy significantly increases sperm count and sperm density. Horny goat weed also dilates blood vessels circulatory system, allowing hormone-rich blood to circulate through sensitive tissues.

The use of boron uterus together with red brush is most common to combat infertility and treat female ailments. Herbs are valued for their unique properties and effect on the genitourinary system. They are able to normalize hormonal background, violations of which often cause female diseases.

Borovaya uterus and red brush are indispensable for gynecological diseases That's why they are called herbs for women. The use of these herbs not only helps to forget about inflammatory diseases and other violations, but also about education benign tumors. Herbs are effectively used in the treatment of infertility.

The best result for those who cannot get pregnant for a long time can be achieved through a combination of two medicinal herbs, which are taken jointly or alternately. Numerous reviews of women who have experienced the joy of motherhood confirm this. Each plant has its own unique properties, and when combined, it complements the action of another herb, enhancing the effect of taking it.

The benefits of boron uterus

The hog queen (orthilia unilateral) has long been used in alternative medicine and is even recognized by qualified doctors. It contains amino acids, coumarins, ascorbic acid and other substances that benefit the human body. The plant is very popular among women because it helps get rid of inflammatory and infectious processes in the genitourinary system, adhesions and other problems. It stimulates the production of progesterone and improves immunity. As a result of complex effects, the chances of conceiving a child increase.

A collection with boron uterus is used in gynecology to combat benign tumors and other ailments, as it has the following effect:

  • antiseptic;
  • strengthening;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • laxative;
  • disinfectant, etc.

The composition includes substances that thin the blood, as well as phytohormones.

The benefits of the red brush

Red brush, or Rhodiola cold, is not inferior in useful properties to the hog uterus, but differs in that it is very rare in nature and is under protection (collection on an industrial scale is prohibited). This plant contains the following components:

  • phenol;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids;
  • glycosides;
  • anthocyanins, etc.

Red brush is considered the strongest phytohormone; it can normalize hormonal levels or disrupt them if used incorrectly. The plant is also valued for its high content of minerals: zinc, nickel, molybdenum, copper and others. It has the following effect on the body:

  • destroys fungi and infections;
  • stops inflammatory processes;
  • relieves pain;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • normalizes hormone production;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves hematopoietic processes;
  • starts digestion processes;
  • has a laxative effect;
  • removes toxins and free radicals from the body;
  • has antitumor properties and so on.

In cases where it is not possible to get pregnant, and in case of other serious female ailments, it is recommended to drink boron uterus and red brush together, but after consulting a doctor. Double exposure allows you to restore reproductive functions and prepare the body for bearing a child, as well as cure diseases of various types.

Use in folk medicine

Treatment with hog uterus and red brush is more popular among the fairer sex, although it is also used by men for infertility, as well as prostatitis, impotence and other disorders. The hog uterus and red brush are practically irreplaceable in gynecology:

  • infertility. Feminine collection helps eliminate inflammation and infectious diseases, strengthens the immune system and normalizes hormonal levels, eliminates adhesions and other pathologies that can prevent the conception of a child;
  • fibroids and endometriosis. Herbs have antitumor properties and promote resorption benign education and eliminate the cause of the disease - hormonal imbalances in the body;
  • chronic and acute inflammation of the reproductive system. A folk remedy prepared from boron uterus and red brush relieves inflammation of the genital organs;
  • infectious diseases. Antiseptic properties plants help fight thrush and sexually transmitted diseases;
  • ovarian cyst, polyps. The absorbent effect exerted by the herb of red brush and hogweed helps to cope with this disease;
  • cervical erosion. Herbs relieve inflammation and have a wound-healing effect.

Borovaya uterus and red brush will also be useful for other health problems:

  • mastopathy;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • amenorrhea;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • oncology;
  • menopause;
  • anemia, etc.

Despite the fact that herbs have positive impact on the genitourinary, cardiac, immune, endocrine and nervous systems, they also have contraindications, so before you start taking them, consult a doctor.


When using boron uterus and red brush, you should remember that although these are folk remedies, they are also medicines. Herbs have a great influence on hormonal levels, cardiovascular and other systems, so they should be used with caution. Women's collection has the following contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • high blood pressure;
  • fever and heat bodies;
  • deep depression;
  • individual intolerance;
  • gastritis and some other gastrointestinal diseases.

If there are contraindications, you should refuse to take the collection, as exacerbations of chronic diseases may occur. During menstruation you should also stop using it, especially when heavy discharge. Consultation with a doctor before starting the course is required.

Features of receiving women's collection

Few people know how to properly take a collection of red brush and hogweed, and yet failure to follow the rules of use can cause complications of the disease and the appearance of side effects, which can manifest themselves in the following form:

  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • weakness and lethargy;
  • allergic reactions and so on.

It is believed that it is better to use herbs alternately, and for diseases of the reproductive system, combine internal use with local treatment. You can use drops of tincture or decoction and suppositories with boron uterus, or douching. The regimen for taking medicinal herbs is divided into four cycles:

  • consumption of ortilia lopsided for two weeks;
  • break for 7-14 days;
  • two weeks of taking cold Rhodiola;
  • again a break for 1-2 weeks.

Depending on the complexity of the disease, repeat the course of treatment one or several times. If herbs are used simultaneously, the cyclicity described above is also followed. Otherwise, an overdose and side effects of herbs may occur.

Rules and recommendations for taking hogweed and red brush

If the hogweed and red brush are used together, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Be prepared for the fact that the treatment will be long and will last from several months to a year.
  2. It is imperative to take breaks during treatment for safety.
  3. You should not take tea from these herbs later than 19 hours, as it has a stimulating effect on nervous system and a sleepless night will be guaranteed.
  4. When consuming women's tea, you need to reconsider your diet and avoid fatty and heavy foods. It is also better to give up alcohol and smoking.
  5. The instructions for use warn that herbs should not be taken together with synthetic hormones.
  6. Be sure to drink the folk medicine before meals - 30-60 minutes before.

At any pharmacy you can easily buy candles, capsules, dry herbs, herbal tea or alcohol tincture, but before you start, get recommendations from your doctor.

How to use?

Those who have encountered gynecological problems. The method of use and dosage depend on the form in which the collection is used.


If you do not know how to brew a decoction of medicinal herbs, then recommendations for preparation folk remedy will come in handy. You need to do the following:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. boron uterus and Rhodiola cold.
  2. Pour hot herb mixture boiled water(temperature should be 80-90 degrees). You should not use boiling water, as it can destroy beneficial substances. For the same reason, there is no need to boil the infusion.
  3. Keep the mixture in a water bath for 5-10 minutes, and then leave for 2 hours.
  4. When the broth is brewed, strain.

Take for infertility, inflammatory processes, hormonal imbalances and other ailments, you need half a glass three times a day, always before meals.

Alcohol tincture

You can purchase a ready-made tincture at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. To do this you will need:

  • 50 gr. dry collection;
  • 2 tbsp. alcohol 40% or vodka.

Mix the ingredients and place in a cool, dark place. For preparation, use a glass container. You need to insist for a month, shaking the contents every few days. Before use, pass the tincture through several layers of gauze.

You need to drink the tincture 30 drops 3 times a day, also before meals. Dilute the product in a small amount of water. In some cases, dosages are selected by the doctor according to individually, so be sure to follow the recommendations for the use of medicinal herbs.


For the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes, it is considered more effective local treatment. For douching, use a decoction, for the preparation of which you use 2 tablespoons of herbs and a glass of boiling water. When the infusion is brewed, it must be strained. Must be used warm. Douching is carried out in the morning and evening for 7-10 days.

The combination of two medicinal herbs helps to effectively fight female ailments and get rid of infertility. Despite all the benefits, plants can also cause harm to the body when misuse Therefore, consultation with a doctor is required.

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