Red eyes in the morning: causes and treatment. Causes of red eyes immediately after sleep. Diseases that cause redness of the whites of the eyes

Redness of one or both eyes - a very common symptom with which people turn to an ophthalmologist.

Most often it goes away on its own, but if the redness persists even after waking up, it is necessary to understand the reasons for this phenomenon.

They can be very different- from allergies to pillow filling to benign formations in the eye tissues. So, if the whites of your eyes are red, with red streaks, or with red blurry spots, this article is for you.

What could cause the whites of your eyes to be red when you wake up?

Exposure to external factors can cause redness. Such factors include dust, foreign bodies (animal hair, debris, grains of sand, etc.), mechanical impact.

Eye diseases also lead to pronounced redness.

In addition, the cause of redness in the morning can be:

  • prolonged stress;
  • lack of sleep, interrupted sleep;
  • work associated with eye strain;
  • long stay in a poorly lit room or in too bright light;
  • wearing contact lenses. Often those who sleep with contact lenses wake up with tired and red eyes.

Leaking internal organ disease affects the body as a whole and is often reflected in the eyes.

Important! How quickly the redness disappears is determined severity provoked inflammatory process And volume of damaged tissue.

External causes of redness after waking up

It is necessary to avoid getting foreign bodies if you notice severe redness in one eye or both in the morning. Irritation is formed like this— a small object hits the surface of the mucous membrane and in turn causes a certain reaction from the receptor apparatus, since it is perceived by the organ as a potential danger.

Next receptor response will lead to reflex expansion blood vessels And large blood flow to them. It is this process that we perceive as eyes turning red in the morning.

This reaction can be caused by basic soap or shampoo, cold wind, decorative cosmetics, sand, dust, etc.

Eye diseases

which can lead to redness of the visual organs after waking up. TO these include:

  • Keratopia (dropsy) - disease of the cornea, which is directly related to the violation eating behavior, blood supply, tissue innervation. It can be bullous, filamentous, neurotrophic, superficial punctate - with any type of this disease, the visual organs are prone to redness.
  • Pingueculabenign education in ocular tissue. Requires contact with a specialist.
  • Conjunctivitis - inflammation of the membrane that covers the eye, responsible for cleanliness and moisture - in this case, the redness will be quite strong, as if the person has not slept for many days.
  • Keratitis— in other words, inflammation of the cornea is a rather serious disease, also considered infectious; V in rare cases, but also leads to redness.
  • Blepharitis- eyelashes grow incorrectly and irritate the eyes. The eyelids are noticeably inflamed.
  • Iridocyclitis(develops against the background of rheumatism) - inflammation of the iris, and this disease leads to redness, but in in this case inflammation is far from the most unpleasant symptom Most likely, by the time redness appears, your doctor will already be aware of the problem.
  • Episcleritis- spreads to the outer sclera, symptoms become more noticeable and more dangerous under stress, when spring vitamin deficiency, characterized by pronounced redness.

Photo 1. Eye with episcleritis. There is severe redness eye whites, the vessels become more pronounced.

  • peripheral thinning and ulceration of the cornea, corneal ulcer;
  • pterygium, pseudopterygium;
  • hemorrhage into the eye tissue;
  • pemphigus;
  • tumors of the lacrimal gland;
  • damage choroid eyes;
  • glaucoma.

If there is no mechanical damage, and redness persists in the morning within a few days, the possibility of the above-described eye diseases should be excluded. The above diseases are not inflammatory in nature, but redness due to them lasts for quite a long time - damage to the walls of blood vessels or disturbances in their functioning, high blood pressure, improper functioning of the blood flow - these are the reasons why noticeable redness appears upon awakening.

Attention! Chronic and simply frequent exposure to physical and chemical phenomena can provoke gradual development eye diseases with periodic episodes of severe redness.

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Why does redness occur from stress and overwork?

Physiological reason redness - fatigue. There is no inflammatory process. There is no need to see a doctor; the redness will go away on its own after your eyes rest.

Prolonged lack of sleep, uneven, interrupted sleep- resulting in increased blood flow to the eyes.

A factor such as improper wearing of contact lenses or incorrectly selected glasses can also provoke redness and dryness in the organs of vision.

Cases when a person sleeps in lenses are especially common.

Working with technology can sometimes strain your eyes.- computer monitors, control panels, radar screens, televisions, various cinemas, laptops and tablets - all this makes a person blink less often, makes him tense eye muscles etc. Eye fatigue is affected by poor lighting in the room; you have to strain to look at something, just to see something.

Under such conditions, from time to time the visual organs need to take a moment to rest, or even better five-minute gymnastics for vision. Too much bright light also carries dangers, besides, in the bright sun, people with sensitive eyes are better off not going outside at all without quality safety glasses. You can't look at the bright ones LED bulbs without a protective layer.

If you don't watch your eyes during the day, even at night with 8 o'clock sleep may not correct the situation, and in the morning you will find redness. According to recent studies, stress and mental tension also cause fatigue. Prolonged fatigue in turn leads to poor vision and even myopia.

Diseases of the eyelids

  • Barley brings a lot of inconvenience; in addition to pain and discomfort, redness is visible on the mucous membrane of the eye.

Photo 2. Barley on inside eyelid. There is swelling and slight redness.

  • Trichiasis. Incorrect eyelash growth: they curl inward. Causes irritation and, as a result, redness of the eyes after sleep.
  • "Flabby" eyelid syndrome;
  • Dacryocystitis;
  • Dacryoadenitis;
  • Canaliculitis;
  • Inflammation of the eyelids;
  • Panophthalmitis.

All these diseases affect different areas, can be reflected in redness, even affecting the iris, not to mention the sensitive areas under the eyelid and lacrimal glands.

Diseases of internal organs, can one eye turn red?

The cause of redness may be occurring in one form or another. disease of internal organs that negatively affects eye function:

  • ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis (psoriatic, reactive, rheumatoid);
  • Behcet's syndrome;
  • inflammation of various parts of the intestine;
  • relapsing polychondritis (inflammation of several cartilages), sarcoidosis;
  • Sjögren's syndrome;
  • Wegener's granulomatosis;
  • diabetes.

In case of deterioration of vision due to ongoing diseases of the body The attending physician prescribes therapy, including for the eyes.

Important! If redness of the eyes after sleep does not go away and is associated with one of the above diseases, they will be affected almost equally both eyes, not just one.

Prevention: healthy sleep rules

After suffering infectious diseases such as conjunctivitis, pillow better to wash at high temperatures or change it altogether. This is also important to prevent dust from getting into your eyes while you sleep.

Also, rule out an allergy to the pillow filling. You should not allow animals to lie in the bed, or at least do not let your pet come into contact with the pillow. Wearing gel eye mask with cooling effect very effective. To keep it cold, place it in the refrigerator before using it, while warm, place it in hot water. It is very useful to apply tea bags on your eyelids. They should be briefly filled with boiling water in a small container.

Photo 3. Option of eye gymnastics to relieve fatigue. You need to move your eyes in the direction of the arrows.

If you rest like this every day at least fifteen minutes each, discover how much more comfortable you will be working throughout the day. Extremely useful gymnastics for the eyes- This is ideal for those who work with equipment and monitors. It is necessary to be distracted from time to time to keep your eyes moisturized. The factors listed in this article, significant or minor, injure the cornea and conjunctiva, the iris, which causes redness, swelling, burning and pain.

Today there are numerous medications that restore eye tissue. Can be used products with dexpanthenol- a substance characterized by a regenerating effect. Apply gel or ointment in smaller quantities if there is slight redness - this way you will protect your eyes from fatigue throughout the day.

Useful video

Watch a video excerpt from the program “Live Healthy”, which talks about the causes of red eyes.


If after sleep you find that your eyes look tired and not rested, it’s time to think about your health. Required immediate appeal to a specialist, if the symptom of a red eye does not go away for a long time, and is also associated with a parallel disease internal organ or one of the body systems. Only a doctor can exclude or confirm eye diseases and diseases of the eyelids.

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Sleep is vital for a person. After a full night's rest, the body receives new strength and energy.

Red eyes after sleep are not a rare phenomenon, but quite unpleasant. There are many reasons for this, starting from physiological characteristics person and ending with manifestation serious illnesses. In any case, if the problem is permanent, you should consult a doctor.

In today's article, we will find out the cause of redness of the whites of the eyes after sleep, learn about diagnostic methods, ways to solve the problem and preventive measures.

Possible causes of red eyes in the morning

Red eyes in humans appear due to enlarged capillaries. IN in good condition these vessels cannot be seen without special devices with magnifying glasses.

The causes of red eyes after sleep can be different. All of them are divided into external and internal.

If to external reasons You can treat it superficially and not turn to specialists, but with internal affairs the situation is different. It is not always possible to cope with them without the help of an ophthalmologist.

All internal reasons directly related to various diseases. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Uveitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. The reason is infection. Redness of the white is the most clear symptom. In addition, a person experiences heaviness in the eyes, pain, pain, and vision deterioration. If treatment is not started on time, the patient develops complications in the form of cataracts, total loss visual functions.
  • Various infectious diseases, for example, influenza, ARVI. In this case, the fundus appears strong pressure, capillaries increase. As soon as the illness passes, the redness disappears.
  • Glaucoma. This disease usually affects older people. Eye pressure increases, the angle of vision decreases, and a person can completely lose vision. For this disease, doctors often suggest laser or surgical method treatment.
  • Conjunctivitis. The patient is experiencing purulent discharge from the eyes. This disease must be treated so that the disease does not progress to an acute stage.
  • Hypertension. At high blood pressure A person can often burst blood vessels in his eyes. To get rid of this problem, you need to normalize and control your blood pressure.
  • Astigmatism. Appears when it is deformed eye lens. The person sees objects blurred. Treatment is carried out in most cases with laser correction.

Besides internal factors, there are external ones:

  • Constant eye fatigue. This is especially common in people who spend a lot of time at the computer.
  • Reaction to strong wind or dust ingress.
  • Incorrect use of contact lenses. If you use lenses, try to create the desired microclimate in the room. Drying the air and prolonged use of air conditioners and heaters are not allowed.
  • Seasonal allergic reactions.
  • Tears or severe stress.
  • Lack of sleep.

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What is the danger

Reddish eyes after sleep is a problem that many people face. If she wears fickle character, there are no accompanying symptoms, then there is no need to worry ahead of time. Perhaps the person simply needs extra rest and good sleep.

But there are times when you cannot delay a visit to the doctor. With many ailments, irreversible processes can occur in the eye tissues, which lead to serious problems.

In any case, you need to go necessary diagnostics, check the condition of the lens, fundus, capillaries. If you do not see a doctor in time, you can face serious complications, including loss of vision.

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What to do in such a situation

Redness of the eyes after sleep can be caused by external factors. What to do in this case? First of all, eliminate the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon.

It is also necessary to restore the condition of the capillaries. Eye drops and ointments are suitable for this. The most popular and effective are the following:

  1. "Visine." Drops relieve fatigue, redness, and provide hydration of the mucous membrane.
  2. "Optiv". A great substitute for tears. Well moisturizes the mucous membrane. It is worth putting a few drops a day into the inner corner of the eye.
  3. "Vitabact". Has antimicrobial, disinfectant effect. Can be used even for children.

For people who spend a lot of time at the computer, experts recommend using medications like “Artificial tears.” The drops will remove redness, heaviness in the eyes, and moisturize the mucous membrane. You can use this product several times a day.

  • "Ascorutin". In common parlance, vitamin A.
  • "Belladonna." Very often prescribed when conjunctivitis occurs.
  • "Arsenic Album". Removes discomfort in the eye area, can help cope with blepharitis (a disease in which there is excessive swelling of the eyelids).
  • "Aconite". Helps great with mechanical damage mucous membrane of the eye. Quickly relieves inflammation and redness.

Advice! If redness of the eyes after sleep is added associated symptoms(body temperature has increased, there is a burning sensation, itching, purulent discharge has appeared), you should immediately go to the hospital and consult an ophthalmologist.

When to see a doctor

In what cases is it necessary to urgently contact a specialist:

  1. Added to redness of the eyes after sleep following symptoms: headache, turning into constant migraine, nausea, vomiting. These signs may indicate serious diseases: glaucoma and hypertension, which often causes a heart attack or stroke.
  2. The redness does not go away within several days. At the same time, drugs like Visina do not give a positive effect.
  3. Discharge begins to form in the eyes, often purulent.
  4. What diagnostics will the ophthalmologist perform:

  • examination of capillaries and fundus using special equipment;
  • a smear that is examined under a microscope to look for bacteria or other microorganisms;
  • collection of tear fluid;
  • general blood analysis.

In some cases, it may be necessary to examine other doctors (dentist, pediatrician, ENT).

Doctors' opinion

Doctors insist that if any changes occur in the eye organs, you should immediately consult a specialist. He will conduct a full examination, find the cause, and prescribe treatment.

Almost every person at least once in his entire life has encountered such a problem as red eyes after sleep. There are many reasons for this, but they can all be divided into several groups.

One of the main causes of red eyes is normal fatigue. With frequent lack of sleep, the eyes simply do not have time to rest. And that is why they are most often inflamed and prone to redness.

In addition, there are a number of other factors that cause red eyes. For example, these could be:

  • external stimuli - these include cigarette smoke, sharp wind, dust, bright light, it can also be small debris, insects or eyelashes that accidentally get into the eyes;
  • intense and long work in front of the computer, reading books or studying documents while poor lighting;
  • allergies to eye care cosmetics;
  • stress, as well as crying before bed;.
  • use alcoholic drinks especially in the evening before bed.

In addition to these reasons, redness of the eyes can be caused by the appearance of stye in the eyes. As a rule, you can see him in your home just in the morning.

Also, red eyes can indicate that a person has some kind of disease. These may be eye diseases such as:

  • glaucoma - with this disease, a person’s level of vision clarity decreases and pain in the eyes is felt;
  • astigmatism or asthenopia - they appear in a person due to long-term load on the eyes;
  • acute conjunctivitis is infectious disease, the main causes of the disease are allergies, various viruses and bacteria;
  • chronic conjunctivitis - develops, as a rule, due to acute conjunctivitis that has not been fully treated;
  • ulcers on the cornea of ​​the eyes - appear due to a virus or infection in the eyes;
  • blepharitis - with this disease, bacterial inflammation of the eyelash follicle occurs, a clear sign this disease is redness of the eyelids, the appearance of crusts and incessant itching;
  • uveitis - the eye membranes begin to become inflamed due to toxic substances or infection entering them.

If you discover any signs that indicate that a person has one of these diseases, you should definitely seek medical help from a specialist.

Treatment of red blood vessels in the eyes

When the eyes are red due to prolonged strain on them of some kind special treatment no need to carry out. All you need to do is give your eyes complete rest.

If in eyes chemical substances you just need to rinse them with water as thoroughly as possible.

If the eyes are red due to a person being at the computer for a long time or working with papers, you should do special exercises for eyes.

First aid can be provided by dropping drops into the eyes:

  • Likontin;
  • Innox;
  • Oksial.

They quickly remove redness and restore the eyes to their previous appearance. For this you can use any eye drops"Artificial Tear" series. Due to their quick moisturizing, these drops effectively remove all redness and eliminate dry eyes. Also, while using the drops, you need to take vitamin A or the drug Ascorutin.

But all these means are not medicines, therefore, if the redness of the eyes does not go away, souring occurs in the corners of the eyes, which causes itching, and the eyes have lost their shine and become cloudy, then correct treatment Only a doctor can prescribe it.

For example, if you have conjunctivitis, you should not touch your eyes with your hands, so as not to transfer the infection to a healthy eye or to avoid infecting other people. This disease spreads quite quickly, so it is worth following some hygiene rules:

  • wash your hands as often as possible;
  • change towels and bed linen.

For conjunctivitis, the doctor prescribes eye drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. You can also use cold ice packs on your eyes.

If a person has blepharitis, then the opposite is done on the eyes warm compresses on herbs several times a day. With this disease, the eyelids should be treated with a cotton swab previously soaked in baby shampoo.

It is absolutely impossible to treat your eyes yourself, especially without even knowing the exact diagnosis. Any person is unlikely to be able to figure out the medications that will really help him without the help of an ophthalmologist. Doctors usually prescribe the following medications for eye treatment:

  • eye drops that help bring the blood vessels of the eyes back to normal;
  • various eye ointments;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • "Artificial tears."

You can also use folk remedies, for example, warm or cold compresses from herbal infusions of green or black tea, ice. But their use is also possible only after consultation with a doctor.

Preventing eye redness

It is best, of course, not to let your eyes get into this state. It’s not difficult at all, it’s enough just to maintain hygiene and monitor their condition. The main preventive measures to prevent eye diseases include:

  • Carefully select cosmetics eye care.
  • Try to avoid spending long periods of time in rooms with poor air conditioning, and also stay away from all possible eye irritants, including strong odors.
  • At constantly wearing When wearing contact lenses, be sure to periodically give your eyes a rest.
  • Before going to bed, you should always remove all makeup from your eyes.
  • Protect eyes from UV radiation, cold wind and dust.
  • After recovery, you should also not forget about preventive measures. Our eyes, as well as the entire body as a whole, need daily rest. It must be at least 8 hours a day.
  • If you spend a long time in front of a computer monitor, you need to blink more often to moisten your eyes, and take short breaks from work for an hour.
  • It is also worth watching your diet. It must be correct and balanced. Everything should be present in the diet essential vitamins and minerals for the eyes. They are found mainly in vegetables and fruits.

Just a little care and attention should be given to your eyes, and they will delight any person with their brilliance, beauty and health.

Red eyes in the morning after sleep is a phenomenon that everyone has probably encountered at least once in their life. This pathology appears as a result of dilation of the blood vessels of the eye. Moreover, redness does not always indicate any disease, so you can often get rid of it right at home. If your child's eyes are red, you need to take immediate action.

Causes of red eyes

Exist various reasons Why are your child's eyes red after sleep? A number of factors can provoke the occurrence of such a phenomenon.:

  1. Foreign body. If a speck or hair gets into a child's eye during the day, it is recommended to remove it before bed. Otherwise, irritation and redness will appear.
  2. Allergic reaction. So that the eyes get normal appearance, it is necessary to eliminate the allergen that led to the redness.
  3. Fatigue. The eyes also become red as a result of excessive stress. You should not allow your child to use the computer for more than 2 hours a day, especially in the evening before bed. This makes your eyes even more tired.
  4. Chronic lack of sleep. This is one of the most common reasons why the whites of the eyes are red in the morning. To solve this problem, you need to try to get enough sleep.
  5. Pressure. If redness appears after sleep and does not go away during the day, the person may have chronic hypertension.
  6. In a child under one year of age, redness occurs due to the fact that he begins to cry at night. Moodiness may be associated with fever, tummy pain, or teething.

If none of the above reasons why the whites of the eyes are red after sleep apply, similar symptom may be caused by a number of eye diseases. These may be the following diseases:

  • Episcleritis. This is inflammation connective tissue, which is benign in nature. Usually occurs in women over 30 years of age, less commonly it can occur in men and children. The disease can be provoked by infectious and non-infectious factors.
  • Conjunctivitis, in which inflammation affects the outer membrane. It can be viral, bacterial or allergic.
  • Glaucoma. The whites of the eyes turn red as a result of increased intracranial pressure. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Although most often the reasons why the eyes are red are not so serious. This may be a normal hemorrhage that appears due to a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels. They can burst due to injury, diabetes, hypertension. In some cases, the hemorrhage is very serious, and therefore leads to visual impairment and even blindness.

Accompanying signs and symptoms

Red eyes after sleep are not the only sign. In addition, there may be sharp pain in the eye area. The eyelids swell and their edges become very flaky. In the case of some eye diseases, heaviness and sensation appear foreign object in their area. Sometimes even eyelashes fall out.

Often in the morning the child's eyelids are stuck together, but this phenomenon goes away after washing. It may also be observed increased sensitivity to the light, fast fatiguability eyes, profuse lacrimation. Vision becomes blurred, especially in the child, night vision deteriorates, and the ability to distinguish colors from each other is impaired.


Having found out why the whites of the eyes are red after sleep, you must immediately try to eliminate the factors that led to this phenomenon. You should definitely consult your doctor about this. If the cause of the phenomenon is illness, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment. The patient is shown a whole range of remedies:

  • Vitamin and mineral preparations containing lutein. They are the basis for the treatment of pathologies that appear as a result of excessive strain on the child’s eyes. For example, due to prolonged exposure to a computer or incorrect posture at a desk at school. Among such drugs is VitrumVision Forte. It contains not only lutein, but also blueberry extract and antioxidants. The medicine is designed specifically to maintain normal vision.
  • A special device, for example, “Sidorenko Glasses,” which has a positive effect on the eyes and restores all their functions.
  • Moisturizing drops, for example, Systane. These are artificial tears that relieve surface irritation. eyeball. Due to this, inflammation goes away and pain decreases.
  • Vasoconstrictor drops. They quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease and are used for first aid, but are not used during treatment.
  • In order for the treatment to produce results faster, the doctor recommends that patients apply compresses to the eyes. To do this, you can use it as boiled cool water, and decoctions medicinal herbs. A compress with tea bags will help to quickly relieve discomfort.

If it is unknown why the child’s eyes are red, and home remedies do not help, you need to urgently go to the clinic. The doctor will prescribe qualified treatment and then observe the patient until his complete recovery.

Traditional methods

The problem can also be treated using folk remedies. However, before using any drug, you should definitely consult your doctor. A child’s eyes are very delicate, so if the wrong product is used, his vision may be impaired. You can relieve pain at home using the following traditional methods:

  • Applying cucumbers or raw potatoes. Fresh vegetables cut into rings or grate on a coarse grater. In the first case, the lobules are simply applied to the eyes. The second option is considered more effective, since the juice released from vegetables nourishes them better.
  • You can also treat red eyes with ice cubes. You can also freeze previously brewed tea bags. Both products are applied to the eyes and held for no more than one minute to avoid damaging the skin.

Cold spoons will also help to quickly relieve swelling and redness. To do this, place the cutlery in the refrigerator for a few minutes, and then apply it to the eyes.

Preventive measures

  • Red eyes in a child is a symptom that will scare any mother. Therefore, parents should be more attentive to their children in order to prevent reappearance such a pathology. It is necessary to provide your baby with adequate sleep. He should go to bed no later than 10:00 pm and wake up at 7-8 am. After all, the eyes rest only during sleep, so it should be enough.
  • You cannot force a child to study for a long time, doing homework. If something doesn’t work out for him, it’s better to put the book or notebook aside for a while, and after an hour invite him to do his homework again. The lighting in the room where the child is studying should fall from the left side.
  • You should also regularly perform eye exercises. Even if the child attends kindergarten or a school where such eye gymnastics should be carried out, it should also be performed at home.
  • It is necessary to include foods with high content vitamin A and lutein. They are found in carrots, fish, and cereal products. Can buy vitamin complexes at the pharmacy, but they are quite expensive.

Immediately after finding out the reason why an unpleasant symptom appeared, you should try to eliminate it. Due to this, the redness should disappear. If this doesn't help, you need to urgent consultation with the doctor.

Eye health

Red eyes - causes and consequences, diagnosis and treatment

Red eyes are one of the popular health phenomena. modern man. And this is not only because of technological progress. The dynamics of life require maximum performance from a person. Not everyone is able to “fight” with the demands of life and quits the race.

But you can survive if you constantly monitor your health and improve the quality of not only your work process, results, but also rest and, of course, nutrition. This applies to both children and adults age category regardless of employment.

Why are red eyes like this? common occurrence? Why does it occur not only in adults, but also in children? Many similar questions arise. And no less answers can be given to them.

So, if you notice that your eyes are red, it is worth identifying the cause of this manifestation.

Popular causes of red eyes

Redness of the eyes can occur due to fatigue and eye strain: computer, lack of sleep, unfavorable climatic conditions. Also, the eyes may become red due to the development of eye diseases.

  1. Conjunctivitis. Pink eye or conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is a transparent mucous membrane lining inner part eyelids and the outer part of the sclera. “Pink eyes” is a fairly common condition, especially among children school age. Since there are several types of conjunctivitis, it is important to promptly consult a doctor who will determine the condition and select treatment.
  2. Blepharitis. A common eyelid disease that causes peeling of the eyelids and is often accompanied by inflammation, causing the eyes to become red. This is a common problem in both children and adults. The disease causes discomfort, but does not always interfere with vision.
  3. Uveitis. An inflammatory disease that is accompanied by pain and redness of the eyes. In addition, clarity of vision is impaired and photophobia is present. Symptoms of this condition can come on suddenly and get worse very quickly. Uveitis must be diagnosed quickly because various complications can develop: glaucoma, scarring, retinal detachment and others.
  4. Dry eye syndrome. When there are not enough tears, our eyes become dry and irritated. Chronic syndrome Dry eye can cause dryness of the eye surface, inflammation and dilation of blood vessels. This causes increased redness of the eyes.
  5. Abuse vasoconstrictor drops for eyes. Periodic use of such drops (for example, Visine) relieves redness and discomfort of the eyes. But with their constant use, the vessels seem to “loose”, as a result the eyes are constantly red.
  6. Wearing contact lenses. Wearing contact lenses can sometimes cause red eyes. For some people, any lenses can cause redness due to the rejection of artificial material by the cornea of ​​the eyes. Also, sometimes lenses provoke dry eye syndrome. If you experience discomfort when wearing contact lenses, you should use special drops that will relieve discomfort and protect your eyes from redness and other negative consequences.
  7. Injuries. Red eyes are often the result of eye injuries. different strengths. A small blow, insects, small pebbles or grains of sand hitting the cornea of ​​the eye can easily turn the eyes red.
  8. Corneal ulcers, keratitis. Infection of the cornea of ​​the eye provokes dilation of blood vessels and their swelling. Plus, the resulting ulcers and erosions make the eyes inflamed and red.
  9. Vascular tuberculosis of the eyes. This disease provokes rupture of blood vessels, which causes hemorrhage into the conjunctiva. As a result, the whites of the eyes and eyelids become red. With vascular tuberculosis, hemorrhage can cause: sneezing, coughing, straining, vomiting, injury, high blood pressure. Diabetes and certain blood diseases can cause vascular tuberculosis.
  10. Acute angle-closure glaucoma. Acute angle-closure glaucoma – serious illness requiring urgent medical care. This serious type of glaucoma causes painful redness that usually occurs in one eye.
  11. Sjögren's syndrome. This syndrome occurs when the immune system In order to protect the body, it destroys its own cells. This pathology mainly affects women over 35 years of age. It can develop against the background of chronic untreated inflammatory diseases. As a result, the secretion of internal fluids is disrupted, the eyes become inflamed and become red.

What can be the consequences of red eyes?

If long time If you don’t take action, redness will inevitably develop into inflammation. And if at first the redness was due to fatigue, then later they may be due to severe eye diseases.

If the redness of the eyes was initially caused by an allergy or serious illness, then the consequences can be the most severe and they can end in loss of vision.

So, having found out why red eyes appear, a professional diagnosis is necessary to determine the exact cause of red eyes.

Diagnostics consists of the following stages:

  • Examination by an ophthalmologist
  • Microbiological examination eyes using a microscope
  • If necessary, the patient is prescribed an additional examination by a dentist and other doctors.
  • Referral for tests: blood, fluorography, analysis of discharge from the eyes, including tear fluid
  • Purpose of the complex medical procedures: injections, tablets and drops, as well as diet, taking vitamins.

When to apply medical assistance and carry out diagnostics?

  1. If red eyes are a consequence of injury and trauma
  2. There are significant painful sensations In eyes
  3. Red eyes are accompanied by severe headaches and blurred vision.
  4. Visual impairment accompanied by nausea and vomiting
  5. Seeing a "ring" of light around a light source while looking at it

In addition, if redness occurs frequently and does not go away for a long time, subject to a balanced lifestyle. Also for any discomfort that accompanies redness of the eyes.

It’s completely unpleasant when red eyes appear in the morning. It would seem that after a rest, especially a good one and good sleep, the eyes should shine with health and be “able to work.” But such misfortune also happens. What is this?

Causes of red eyes after sleep

The main cause of redness in the whites of the eyes after sleep is fatigue. If you consistently ignore proper sleep, your eyes will not have time to rest after a busy day, and will constantly remain in an inflamed state.

In addition, redness of the eyes can be a consequence of:

  • external stimuli: tobacco smoke, dust, strong wind, eyelashes, insects and so on.
  • tense and long work in front of a computer monitor. Also, prolonged reading in poor lighting, squinting to see small letters and numbers, and so on.
  • allergies to cosmetics, makeup not removed before bed, improper application of cream that can get into the eyes.
  • Stress and prolonged crying before bed.
  • A wild party with excessive alcohol consumption.

Also, red eyes after sleep can be the result of stye. As a rule, we discover this scourge in the morning, just like conjunctivitis, by the way.

How to eliminate redness

First aid will be provided by medications such as eye drops - Licontin, Inoxa, Oksial. They will help quickly relieve eye redness and restore comfort.

Also, any eye drops from the “artificial tears” series are suitable for these purposes. They moisturize well, and therefore quickly eliminate dry eye syndrome. Relieves redness, improves vision clarity by normalizing moisture.

All these drugs are not therapeutic, and therefore if diseases occur, they need to be treated with other drugs that can only be prescribed by a doctor. And “artificial tears,” according to the doctor, can be used as an additional source of moisture.

When using “tears”, it is additionally worth taking a course of vitamin A and a drug such as “Ascorutin”.

In addition to medication to eliminate eye redness, you can use home remedies: tea compresses or herbal infusion, ice cubes and the like. In more detail, recipes for relieving fatigue and redness of the eyes were described earlier.

How to prevent red eyes?

The best thing, as you know, is to prevent such a state. To do this, it is enough to monitor hygiene and eye health.

Basic preventive “postulates”:

  1. Avoid rooms with poor air conditioning
  2. Avoid any irritants, including strong odors
  3. Carefully select cosmetics for eye care - from makeup remover to masks
  4. Take regular breaks from work, for at least half a minute. And it’s best to take 15-minute breaks and devote them to gymnastics, relaxing on the terrace or balcony, or in the yard.
  5. If you wear contact lenses, then proceed according to the instructions and be sure to give your eyes a rest.
  6. Always remove makeup from your eyes and face before going to bed.

So, a little attention and your eyes will always be healthy and shining.

Red eyes, what to do, what to do? In fact, there is nothing terrible, especially when it comes to banal fatigue and prolonged “communication” with the computer.

If redness of the eyes is detected, which is not accompanied by pain, you need to apply moisturizing drops. Often the eyes turn red due to dryness, because prolonged reading or viewing materials on a computer monitor minimizes the frequency of blinking and the mucous membrane of the eye becomes thirsty.

In addition, you can resort to masks made from cold cucumbers or potatoes. Simply cut a circle of one of the vegetables, pre-chilled in the refrigerator, and apply it to your eyes.

In the same way, you can apply a compress from tea bags or soak a couple of cotton pads in cold brew. Five to ten minutes is enough to relieve fatigue and redness from the eyes and return them to a comfortable feeling.

Along with compresses and vegetable applications, a course of vitamins is required, in particular A, C and B. It would not be superfluous to use vascular-strengthening drugs.

If the eyes are red, this is a consequence of the disease - immediate diagnosis and identification of the disease is necessary. The sooner the disease is identified, the faster and more successful the treatment will be.

Previously, we wrote about methods for treating red eyes caused by various diseases.

And, of course, remember that proper care behind the eyes, healthy image life is best prevention all sorts of ailments.


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