Cryotherapy for rheumatoid arthritis: cold treatment. Temperature regulation systems of the human body and cryotherapy effectors. Main indications of local cryotherapy

At home, you can perform alternative cryotherapy for knees, ankles, elbow joints with the help of some available means - ice, cold water and cryopaks. Of course, the effectiveness of such therapy will be significantly lower than from exposure to ultra-low temperature and liquid nitrogen. But home cryotherapy will certainly bring some benefits. Therefore, below you will learn about several of its options.

IN last years To treat joint diseases, special cryogenic installations began to be used, affecting the body with ultra-low temperatures. There are two main methods of cryotherapy: dry cryotherapy(exposure to ultra-low temperature air, in particular the use of cryosauna), and liquid cryotherapy- exposure of the affected joint to a jet of liquid nitrogen. According to my observations, for joint diseases Liquid cryotherapy is much more effective than dry cold.

We treat joints: cryotherapy at home

By influencing the affected joint or back with a jet of liquid nitrogen, you can achieve a pronounced response from the body: increased blood circulation and improved metabolism, reduced swelling of the joint, relieved muscle spasm and reduced pain.

The course of treatment includes 8-12 procedures, carried out daily or every other day.

Especially good effect Liquid nitrogen therapy helps with arthrosis knee joints, ankylosing spondylitis, polymyalgia rheumatica and a little m less strong - for rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis. This, according to my observations, is the best physiotherapeutic procedure for the treatment of the above diseases.

In addition, by exposing liquid nitrogen to collar area, you can simultaneously normalize high blood pressure and ease breathing in case of bronchitis or bronchial asthma (with the exception of cold asthma).

Moreover, when correct influence Liquid nitrogen cryotherapy has almost no contraindications and can be used to treat elderly, debilitated patients.

It cannot be used only for Raynaud's syndrome, some arrhythmias and immediately immediately after a heart attack or stroke.

But cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen does not apply to many contraindications to other methods of physiotherapy: cryotherapy can be used even by those who have benign oncological diseases (such as fibroids, mastopathy, etc.) and diseases thyroid gland(particularly nodes).

Unlike cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, cryosaunas have less local impact on individual inflamed joints. Their scope of application is mainly those joint diseases, in which a general effect on the entire body is required: these are rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis with total damage to all joints or with damage to very large group joints.

At home, you can carry out alternative cryotherapy of the knee, ankle, and elbow joints using some available means - ice, cold water and cryopacks. Certainly, the effectiveness of such therapy will be significantly lower than from exposure to ultra-low temperature and liquid nitrogen. But home cryotherapy will certainly bring some benefits. Therefore, below I will talk about several of its options.

First, you can use ice from the freezer. Prepared ice (up to 1 kg), placed in plastic bags, is placed through a thin towel on the affected joint for 10-20 minutes. After the procedure, the joint must be kneaded.

In addition, you can use ice packs - the so-called "wet towel" method. To do this, a pre-moistened ordinary towel is frozen in the freezer for at least 2-3 hours, and then it is wrapped around the sore joint for 15-20 minutes.

You can apply pressure to the joint using a stream of regular cold tap water. A stream of cold water is directed onto the sore joint for three minutes. After this, the joint must be stretched.

Currently created and found wide application in home practice cryoapplicators, or cryopackages. Usually such devices are quite cheap. They can be found in some pharmacies or medical supply stores.

The main property of devices of this type is the ability to accumulate cold well. When selecting a material for placement in cryopackages, manufacturers focus on its thermodynamic characteristics, which allow the intensity of exposure to be dosed quite accurately.

Cryopackages with a thickness of 5 to 30 mm with an operating temperature of -10 to -20 °C are most often used. They are applied to the affected joint 1-2 times a day for an average of 10 minutes. When applying cryopackages, you must remember that they cannot be applied directly to the skin; The cryopackage is always placed on a pad of paper or linen napkin.

Any home cryoprocedures are carried out daily for 20-30 days. published .

"Arthrosis. Getting rid of joint pain", P. Evdokimenko

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

The method of influencing the body with cold is called cryotherapy. This effect is used during certain surgical procedures, in sports medicine - for injuries, in dentistry - in cases surgical intervention. The cryotherapy procedure should only be performed by medical professionals in a hospital setting, unless sports medicine. At sports injuries team doctor freezes with cold with a special drug place of damage. However, cryotherapy can also be used at home to treat bruises, for example. The topic of our conversation today is cryotherapy, cold treatment.

Cryotherapy: cold treatment at home

At home, there is a simple and affordable method of cryotherapy treatment. Can be stopped quickly profuse bleeding from deep cut on your finger if you expose it to very low temperatures (for example, cold frosty air outside the window).

The blood clots quickly, and the bandage is applied without special problems(tested on personal experience).

At severe bruises on sore spot you need to apply a piece of ice. As soon as the ice begins to melt, it must be replaced with another. When exposed to ice immediately after an injury, the hematoma at the site of the injury takes on minimal dimensions (tested from personal experience).

Cryotherapy treatment has its disadvantages. The disadvantage of using cryotherapy at home is its dependence on temperature fluctuations in the external environment and the presence (or absence) of ice.

Cryotherapy: benefits for the body

The human body consists mainly of proteins, fats and water. Proteins are the building blocks of the main parts of the human body: blood and muscles, nerves and skin. Water and fat are necessary auxiliary substances.

Exceeding the percentage of water and fats in relation to proteins significantly reduces the body's resistance to pathogenic influences. The balance of proteins, fats and water in the body helps to stabilize muscular systems s, which provides motor activity whole body, and normal functioning nervous system guarantees high level mental activity.

Optimal ratio water, fat and protein in the human body is a necessary condition efficient work his organs and health.

Sedentary image life, poor nutrition, wearing too warm clothes, lack of clean air lead to an imbalance in the proportions in chemical composition body tissues and physical properties its organs and systems.

The cryotherapy process should be aimed at removing excess water and fats from the body and increasing the amount of proteins. At correct implementation Cold treatment in the human body strengthens the skeletal and muscular systems, enriches them with proteins, and normalizes the amount of fat in the protective subcutaneous layer. Reasonably carried out cold treatment can rid the body of colds.

The healing properties of cold

Clean and oxygen-rich air is a necessary condition for the body to produce high-quality blood, the composition of which determines the health and performance of the entire body. At oxygen deficiency decay and waste products are not completely eliminated from the body, which leads to a slowdown in the blood circulation process and poisoning of the body with remaining toxins, heart rhythm disturbances and increased blood pressure.

Cold air is richer in oxygen; in winter the oxygen density is much higher than in spring or summer. Inhaling clean cold air - a type of cryotherapy - significantly activates metabolism, which enhances the process of burning fat and removing carbohydrates from the body. Excess fluid is actively removed through the excretory organs: kidneys, intestines, skin.

Sports exercises and other vigorous movements in the fresh cold air - excellent remedy for hardening and strengthening the body. Physical activities open, clean and cold air contributes to proper operation respiratory organs and digestive system. During cold treatment (cryotherapy), there is an influx of oxygen and vigorous evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, and increased gas exchange. As a result, the body experiences a change in the ratio of water, fat and protein.

Cold treatment: methods of application

IN therapeutic purposes During cryotherapy, washing, wiping or cold wrapping is carried out only when very high temperature the body in feverish states, when blood rushes in large quantities to the head and upper body.

Such actions distract excess heat from the upper body (in particular, from the brain), equalize the overall temperature and promote uniform distribution of blood throughout the body. When there is a significant increase in body temperature, cooling cryotherapy procedures are used.

They usually start with applying a cold bandage to the forehead. This procedure is performed using a napkin made of pure linen, which is wetted cold water(preferably with ice), squeeze out and fold into several layers. To successfully carry out the cryotherapy procedure, it is advisable to use 2 napkins and apply them alternately. To achieve greater effect, you can add vinegar infused with rose petals to cold water.

Cold treatment is scientifically called cryotherapy. Unlike heat, which affects the entire body as a whole and allows you to maintain the effect obtained from thermal procedures for for a long time, cold acts locally and permanently, causing exactly the opposite reactions in the body. Although, just like heat, cold relieves pain well, but, by directly influencing cell receptors and, as it were, “turning off” their sensitivity, it can only cope with superficial areas.

Cold treatment (cryotherapy) has a refreshing, tonic effect on the body, causing muscle contraction, but at the same time the metabolism is accelerated, and heat transfer from the body is reduced. That's why a cold shower in the morning invigorates and helps the body finally wake up.

Also, cold treatment has the property of rejuvenating the entire body as a whole and fighting overweight, which is used in cosmetology centers.

Cold causes constriction of blood vessels and capillaries, which helps stop various bleeding.

Indications for cold treatment

Cold treatment (cryotherapy) is effective for various bruises, sprains, microtraumas, closed fractures on the very initial stage. By soothing pain, cold stops subcutaneous hemorrhages, which prevents the development of hematomas later. For joint and muscle inflammation, cold can significantly alleviate the patient's condition.

For burns, the affected areas are also treated with cold, that is, cryotherapy is used. This relieves heat, pain, soothes irritated skin, and promotes blood flow.

Cold treatment is used to stop bleeding. For example, to stop nosebleeds, use a cold compress applied to the back of the head. When using local cold, it is important not to expose diseased areas to too long, as this can cause cell atrophy (death).

There is a Morath-Destre rule, according to which “the vessels of the skin, kidneys and heart react identically, but oppositely to the vessels of the abdominal cavity. Thus, we have the opportunity, by acting on some (any) points of the skin, to transmit this effect in the direct or opposite direction to other zones or organs.” And this rule really works during cryotherapy.

Nowadays dousing, swimming in an ice hole, walking barefoot in the snow and other types are very popular. preventive treatment cold. Undoubtedly, cryotherapy procedures heal the body and increase its protection, in addition, they help get rid of various skin infections, stimulate the heart, help keep the cells of the whole body in good shape.

Contraindications to cold treatment

But still, cryotherapy should be treated with caution. If healthy person cold procedures will only bring benefits, then in a person with a weakened immune system, who has suffered from any disease or suffers from it during the procedures, non-compliance with strict temperature regime may cause health problems.

In the 21st century The environment has deteriorated so much that the human body is working to the point of wear and tear: energy losses are not compensated for by proper rest and a healthy atmosphere, and the body’s strength is depleted. In this state, a person cannot perceive the cold adequately and may react too painfully to it. Cold influences general are not dangerous if the body is well warmed up before and after the procedure, but in general cryotherapy is contraindicated for people with low immunity and poor health. They need procedures carried out in the following sequence: warmer, then cool and only then cold.

General cold procedures are not recommended for use immediately before or immediately after eating. General cryotherapy procedures are strictly contraindicated for people suffering from acute heart failure, myocardial infarction and those who have suffered cerebral strokes.

Types of cryotherapy

Cold treatment (cryotherapy), based on the scope of its application, is divided into general and local.

General types of cryotherapy include cold water douches, cold baths, showers, refrigeration chambers, and local ones include compresses with ice or cold water, as well as a stream of nitrogen vapor.

A cold compress is used for local lesions - bruises with subcutaneous hemorrhages, sprains, bleeding, inflammatory processes, spastic paralysis muscles, arthritis. The earlier the compress was applied, the more effective its effect will be.

A cold compress relieves headache for migraines caused by vasodilation.

This type compresses for cryotherapy are made as follows: flannel or other soft tissue is moistened in cold water with ice and apply firmly to the affected area. As the compress warms up, change it every 2 to 4 minutes. The total duration of application of the compress should not exceed 10-12 minutes.

You can prepare a compress for cryotherapy in another way: moisten the cloth with a 3% salt solution, put it in a linen bag and leave it in the freezer for 4 - 5 hours. Then apply it to the sore spot. To soften the fabric, you can lightly moisten it with water.

A cold compress can be replaced with a rubber bladder filled with ice. The cryotherapy technique will be the same.

Cryotherapy in medicine

In clinics for local treatment cold uses a directed flow of nitrogen vapor or special gel packs kept at a temperature of - 12 °C. They are applied to the sites of burns, bruises, sprains, etc. In cosmetology medicine, liquid nitrogen has been used for several decades to remove warts, papillomas, scars, acne.

General cryotherapy procedures include not only cold showers and baths, aimed at hardening the body and available at home. In specialized clinics, cold treatment is carried out using refrigeration chambers. A person is placed in such a chamber at a temperature of -100 - 120 ° C for 1-3 minutes.

The cryotherapy method gives strength to muscles, relieves general inflammation joints and musculoskeletal tissues, has a general analgesic effect. Sometimes the chamber is filled with nitrogen, cooled to very low temperatures, down to -150 oC, and a person is also placed there for 1-2 minutes, while protecting the limbs and respiratory organs from frostbite. In addition to the above health effects, this allows the body to better overcome post-operative conditions.

Treatment of joints with cold.

Cold treatment of joints, or cryotherapy, is a physiotherapeutic procedure with proven clinical effectiveness. The healing technique is used to reduce the severity of pain and swelling, eliminate stiffness, and restore normal functioning all joint structures. Cold treatment is practiced for all pathologies of the musculoskeletal system - and degenerative-dystrophic ones. Cryotherapy is recommended for patients with various localizations.

But the physiotherapeutic method also has a fairly wide list of contraindications. In order for cold treatment to be successful, without any complications, it is necessary to carry out procedures as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision.

Basic principles of cold treatment

The effectiveness of cold treatment on sore joints directly depends on the degree of their cooling. Each part of the body has its own temperature. In the upper limbs it is 30-32°C, and in the feet - 26-28°C. When the temperature drops by just 1°C, the rate of metabolic processes decreases by about 7%.

It has been established that the cerebral cortex reacts much more strongly to cold exposure than to heat. This is explained by the presence of 2 heat and 15 cold points on 1 square centimeter of skin. Therapeutic effectiveness cryotherapy is higher than the therapeutic result from regular heating of diseased joints.

During acute cooling, standard reactions occur in the body, which are aimed at maximizing heat conservation:

  • narrow blood vessels in the superficial tissues of the body;
  • heart rate increases slightly;
  • The level of systolic and diastolic blood pressure increases slightly;
  • the volume of pulmonary ventilation increases;
  • Adrenaline and norepinephrine are actively secreted by the adrenal glands.

Cryotherapy for arthritis.

As a result of all biochemical processes, a larger amount of blood, saturated with nutritional and biological properties, begins to flow to the affected joint structures. active substances. Tissues are saturated with oxygen, microcirculation improves, and blood stagnation is prevented. By accelerating metabolic processes, tissues that have undergone destructive and degenerative changes are restored faster. This is relevant when diagnosing arthrosis or arthritis of the 1st degree, when it is possible to reverse pathological changes in the joints. Strengthening the defenses by activating the immune system is also important. A kind of “hardening” occurs, the body is mobilized to fight joint pathology.

Indications for cryotherapy Contraindications to cold treatment
Arthritis Pregnancy and breastfeeding period
Arthrosis, including Skin pathologies in the acute stage
Osteochondrosis - , The presence of serious damage to the skin
Thrombophlebitis of any severity
Open form of tuberculosis
Muscle spasms Acute and chronic pathologies of cardio-vascular system, blood diseases
Myalgia, ARVI, influenza, fever

Types of cryotherapy

Treatment of joints with cold can be local or general. The classification is based on the area of ​​the body that is subject to intense cooling. When performing general cryotherapy, cold affects the entire body, including the central nervous system, activating almost all adaptive systems. When performing local cryotherapy, only the diseased joint is cooled, which leads to the acceleration of regeneration processes in it.

The immunomodulatory effect of the procedures was noted, which is important in the treatment of systemic pathologies -,. Often, a course of physiotherapeutic measures is prescribed to patients at the rehabilitation stage to restore homeostatic mechanisms.

Local cryotherapy

Solid, liquid or gaseous refrigerants are used to locally cool joints. Under their influence, heat is removed from certain areas of the body in such a way that no significant shift in thermoregulation occurs, and the temperature is maintained within the limits of stress resistance. The principle of operation of any refrigerant is cooling of joint structures as a result of heat absorption (heating, evaporation).

Local cryotherapy of the elbow joint.

The main clinical effects of local tissue cooling:

  • decrease in severity;
  • relief of the inflammatory process;
  • relaxation skeletal muscles(elimination of muscle spasm).

During the procedure, antihypoxic, hemostatic and reparative effects are also observed. Locally slow down metabolic processes in tissues, their need for oxygen decreases. The doctor supervising the treatment can regulate the tone of the muscles located near the diseased joint, setting parameters for the intensity and duration of exposure to cold.

General cryotherapy

This is a physiotherapeutic technique, the principle of which is based on cooling the body with refrigerants in the form of liquid or gas. The most common practice is to use a nitrogen-air mixture and atmospheric air in a special set of equipment - a cryochamber.

Cold treatment session in a cryochamber.

Under the influence of general cooling, the functioning of the autonomic nervous system and muscular system improves. Skin receptors are briefly excited, and then a long inhibition phase occurs, which leads to numerous positive therapeutic effects:

  • joint pain of inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic origin is relieved;
  • striated muscles relax;
  • restoration of destroyed connective tissue joint structures is accelerated.

General cryotherapy is especially often used for problems arising due to compression or inflammation of the roots. spinal cord. During the procedure, the muscle spasm that caused the pinching of the nerve ending is eliminated. During the cooling process, thermoregulation is activated, and the functional activity of the immune, endocrine and neurohumoral systems increases. Overall Impact cold leads to antidepressant, anti-anxiety, analgesic, decongestant, vasodilating effects.

Therapy at home

Cold treatment of joints at home can be local or general. Regardless of the type of procedure, its duration should not exceed a few seconds. When conducting clinical trials It was found that with short-term cold exposure, stress proteins begin to be produced in the brain. This response of the body is a certain defense internal organs, preventing the development of ischemic and tumor processes.

Immersion in a bath with cold water or a cold shower for a few (5-15) seconds not only helps eliminate joint pain, but also becomes an excellent prevention of numerous pathologies.

For local impact on the joints, a plastic bag filled with ice cubes is used.

Cold compress on the knee to reduce inflammation.

If for injuries, doctors recommend applying it for 5-10 minutes every hour, then when treating joint pathologies, you cannot keep the compress on your shoulder or knee for more than 7 seconds. Then you need to rub yourself well with a hard towel for even greater blood flow to the damaged cartilage and soft tissues. This will cause a feeling of heat throughout the body, indicating the restoration of microcirculation.

Cryotherapy and therapeutic exercises

According to Dr. Bubnovsky, cold treatment is much more effective than regular warming. But he often encounters doubtful patients whose next attack of arthritis or arthrosis occurred after hypothermia. The doctor explains this by the lack of regular exercise, like effective way therapy of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The constancy of the internal environment is ensured by two functional systems:

  • thermoregulation. The body is able to respond to temperature changes, exposure to cold or heat without any disturbances in the functioning of internal organs;
  • adaptation. When a person spends a long time in cold or hot conditions, the body gradually adapts and begins to function as before.

Although such reactions are characteristic of every person’s body, poorly trained people tolerate it worse. sharp increase or a decrease in temperature. Dr. Bubnovsky says that patients who come to him consider hypothermia to be the cause of their pathology, identifying it with inflammation. It is these patients who neglect daily exercise. Stagnation has formed in their deep muscles, which has led to disruption of thermoregulation and spasm of capillaries. Therefore, cold exposure to their joints leads to spasms in non-working muscles.

Dr. Bubnovsky recommends exercising regularly for several weeks before cold therapy. physical therapy. When the patient gets his muscles in order, he can begin medical procedures. Now, in response to cold exposure, there is no painful spasm. Microcirculation is restored, blood circulation improves, and the severity of swelling and pain is reduced.

For a long time, humanity has known about beneficial influence reasonable doses of cold on the body. Therefore, anyone who wants to be healthy and stay young longer begins to master various hardening systems, as well as winter swimming. What should people do if they don’t have enough time? similar procedures or they cannot fulfill them for some objective reasons? In this case, you can contact specialists working in the field of cosmetology.

Cold treatment

Cryotherapy - what is it? This is cold treatment. During the session, the human body is exposed to ultra-low temperatures. Their values ​​can reach minus one hundred and sixty degrees.

They cause sudden cooling, which is shock. What are the consequences of such stress? As a result of the procedure, metabolic processes are enhanced, blood vessels are cleansed, blood flow speed is accelerated, muscle tone and the nervous system are strengthened. Why is this happening? What is cryotherapy based on? What kind of impact is this? Everything is explained by the presence in the human body of two types of nerve endings that are sensitive to cold. One of them is responsible for the immediate reaction when the skin temperature drops to the lower limit permissible level. Hence the goosebumps, stimulation of the nervous system, and increased muscle tone. Cold treatment (cryotherapy), thanks to these receptors, allows the body to lose up to 100 kilocalories per minute. This occurs when the patient is placed in a special chamber in which the temperature is minus one hundred and fifty degrees.

Receptors belonging to the second type are responsible for the subjective sensations of thermal comfort. Such nerve endings are found only in higher primates and humans. These receptors, for example, dictate the feeling when a person becomes cold. Such “indications” depend on wind speed, body temperature, and the hardness of the body. Cryotherapy treatment is carried out in special cryosaunas and cryopools, where conditions are created for the optimal reaction of two types of receptors.


Cold water has long been used to provide active longevity and prolongation of beauty. History contains many facts confirming this. Thus, Field Marshal Suvorov doused himself with cold water every day, and Empress Catherine II wiped her face with ice. Our ancestors swam in the ice hole. They loved to wipe themselves off with snow after a hot bath and douse themselves with cold water, carrying out hardening procedures.

At the end of the twentieth century. There has been a qualitative change in the approach to using low temperatures to improve the health of the body. It was during this period that cryotherapy emerged. special procedures. When they were carried out, cold water and ice were replaced by gases with extremely low temperatures.

Cryotherapy - what is it? official medicine? This concept began to be used a hundred years ago. Cold therapy was introduced by the German physician Sebastian Knein. The doctor fell ill with a severe form of pneumonia, which began to recede after swimming in the icy water of the Danube.

However, Japan is considered the birthplace of cryotherapy. Scientists of this country, solving the problem of restoring mobility, improving general condition and reducing joint pain, they began to use gaseous media brought to low temperatures. They took a mixture of air vapor and liquid nitrogen. It was this environment, brought to a temperature of -120-180 degrees, that revolutionized the world of medicine. In the 70s of the twentieth century. Japanese scientist T. Yamauchi was the first to use cold to treat rheumatism. The results obtained were simply amazing. The cold has returned to normal life almost eighty percent of patients.

Types of cryotherapy

Cold treatment can be general, local or private. What is the first procedure? Cryotherapy general view carried out in a special cryochamber. This equipment allows the body to experience temperature stress. The duration of the procedure is only two to three minutes. The surface of the skin in the cryochamber is cooled to zero degrees. Such a sharp temperature contrast activates the body's metabolic processes and its protective functions. The skin is not damaged. Preventive procedures of general cryotherapy are carried out in a course of ten to fifteen sessions. Depending on the goal pursued, more may be carried out.

Local cryotherapy involves partial immersion of the body in a gaseous environment, the temperature of which ranges from minus one hundred ten to minus one hundred sixty degrees.

Exposure to cold can also be done at home. This is referred to as private cryotherapy.

Getting rid of warts

Cryotherapy can eliminate many problems. These procedures can cleanse the body of unpleasant growths, such as warts. What is this procedure? Cryotherapy for warts involves step-by-step treatment of each affected area separately. The applicator is moistened in liquid nitrogen and applied with quick movements perpendicular to the growth.

The duration of this procedure depends on the size of the affected area (on average from 10 to 30 seconds). After the liquid nitrogen evaporates, the applicator is wetted and the procedure is repeated. the effectiveness of this effect is the freezing depth, which should be 1-1.5 mm. Cryotherapy causes the wart to change color. The growth on the skin becomes pale and then completely white. Its structure becomes denser. White corolla on peripheral areas of influence - main feature sufficiency of the procedure. In this case, the patient may experience tingling, burning and pain sensations. 40-60 seconds after the procedure, the wart will swell. Then an epidermal bubble will appear at the site of the neoplasm. It will last no more than five to seven days. In place of the bubble, a dense crust will form, which, after falling off, will leave a barely noticeable pink spot.

Getting rid of ENT diseases

With the help of cryotherapy you can cure sinusitis and rhinitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis. Cold treatment is recommended for those patients whose diseases are in the chronic stage. This technique is suitable for people who have a weakened body.

According to doctors, cryotherapy can provide positive influence even for that rhinitis that is caused by allergies. Upon completion of the procedures, the patient’s sense of smell returns. He begins to breathe through his nose.

Throat cryotherapy is performed not only for adults, but also for children. During the procedure, the patient is in a sitting position. Cold affects not only the throat, but also the tonsils and sinuses. This is done using special devices.

Treatment of adenoids

This pathology is quite unpleasant. Young patients suffer from it. In order to cure their child, parents seek help from folk medicine or to surgeons. Cryotherapy of adenoids is currently not yet very popular, but the one who used cold to eliminate the problem solved the issue of restoring the health of his child. The main advantage of this treatment is its local effect on the body. Cold has no effect on tissues located near the source of pathology. The procedure lasts only half an hour and is completely painless. Cryotherapy can restore a child’s health in just three to four sessions, between which there is an interval of a month or a month and a half.

The use of cold in gynecology

Cryotherapy is often used to get rid of various pathologies cervix (dysplasia, erosion, etc.). This is the most safe method treatment with virtually no complications.

Cryotherapy of the cervix is ​​a procedure during which the affected area is flash-frozen using liquid nitrogen brought to a temperature of minus sixty-five to minus eighty-five degrees. This causes the death of cells in the tissue affected by the disease, in the place of which healthy epithelium is formed.

Performing the procedure independently

Cryotherapy is often performed at home. This procedure is performed using various available means. Their list may include a handful of ice or a bag of frozen food.

Cryotherapy at home is just as effective as the procedure performed in an expensive beauty salon.

Universal device

How is cryotherapy performed at home? A universal device can be made for this purpose. It's called a cryopack. This is the most affordable device that can be made from available materials. What is a cryopack? It's a heating pad, but in reverse. There are industrial versions of such devices. They are plastic containers filled with liquid that has a low freezing point. For self-made In a cryopack, a rubber heating pad or a bubble designed for cold compresses can be used. A special solution should be poured into this container. To prepare it, 120 g of salt is dissolved in a liter of water.

This cryopackage should be frozen. For initial therapeutic effects this ice will be enough. It is worth keeping in mind that salt water freezes at minus three to four degrees. This is what determines the therapeutic effect of the cryopackage. After freezing the liquid, this device is wrapped in a dry cloth and applied to the sore spot for a short time.

Ice cubes

How can cryotherapy be performed at home for the skin? It is recommended to perform this procedure using ice cubes. This material at hand will charge you with vigor and restore youth.

To enhance the effect of cold exposure, freeze various products. This could be green tea or mint leaves, calendula or chamomile tincture, etc. You can add a few drops of any of the following to the ice. essential oil. If you use cubes when wiping your face, neck and body, your skin will certainly rejuvenate.

Positive properties

The cryotherapy procedure, during which ice cubes are used, can relieve a person of stress and constant headaches. With the help of this simple remedy insomnia goes away. For elimination discomfort freeze a drink made from green tea or mint, to which a small amount of lemon is added. The resulting cubes should be dissolved. Cryotherapy will eliminate painful sensations in the throat. To do this, you will need to drink milk with an ice cube in it. With daily rinsing oral cavity Drinking cold green tea means you won't be afraid of bacteria.

Cryotherapy can be used in professional medicine to enhance the effect of acupuncture. In this case, on skin there is a double impact. Wherein medicines begin to more actively influence points considered biologically active. The cold method is used for arthritis and pancreatitis, as well as for local hypothermia. Cryotherapy helps stop bleeding and treats diseases of the digestive system.

Indications for cold treatment

Excess body weight and cellulite;
- various diseases skin and its early aging;
- presence of gynecological pathologies;
- neurological diseases;
- pathologies of the respiratory system;
- insomnia, fatigue and exhaustion.

Procedures in which the body is exposed to cold are recommended in recovery period after operations and injuries.


Before performing cryotherapy, you should familiarize yourself with the conditions in which the procedure is prohibited. Cold treatment is contraindicated for the following problems:

Availability chronic diseases who are in the acute stage;
- pronounced pathologies of the vascular system;
- existing open wounds;
- blood diseases;
- claustrophobia;
- mental illnesses.

Ecology of health: The undoubted benefits of low temperatures - be it swimming in an ice hole, walking barefoot in the snow, jogging with a naked torso, various cold wraps, cryosauna - are discussed in many publications. Let us remember, for example, Sebastian Kneipp, Porfiry Ivanov, Mikhail Kotlyarov, the people who developed effective system cold treatment.

Sergey Bubnovsky: About cold treatment

The undoubted benefits of low temperatures - be it swimming in an ice hole, walking barefoot in the snow, jogging with a naked torso, various cold wraps, cryosauna - are discussed in many publications. Let us remember, for example, Sebastian Kneipp, Porfiry Ivanov, Mikhail Kotlyarov, the people who developed an effective cold treatment system.

The chief physician of the Center for Kinesitherapy in Sokolniki, candidate of medical sciences Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky, at the request of healthy lifestyle correspondent Svetlana Palmova, dedicated his next appointment to a story about the role of cryotherapy in getting rid of back and joint pain.

I constantly talk about the benefits of short-term cold exposure to affected joints. O. And accordingly I receive perplexed questions: “Will I freeze my joints? Will I catch a cold in my kidneys or prostate gland? etc. The answer is clear: never! But questions, including from readers of healthy lifestyle, remain. Therefore, we need to talk about this topic separately, which is what I will try to do.

There are two functional systems to ensure the constancy of the internal environment of the body. This thermoregulation, that is, the body’s ability to respond to the effects of high and low environmental temperatures without disrupting the functions of internal organs - lungs, kidneys, pelvic floor organs, and adaptation - the body’s ability long time work in hot or cold conditions.

These two reactions of the body to external influences of cold and heat are present in all people, regardless of their physical condition. But, and this is no secret, untrained people tolerate heat and especially cold worse. They write to me about this, believing that one of the main causes of diseases in the back and joints is hypothermia. How many times have you heard: “I was blown on the street, at the window, at the dacha...” Accordingly, with this causality as therapeutic measures Various warming procedures are prescribed, because the word “hypothermia” means inflammation.

Let's try to figure it out. Inflammation is a reaction of soft tissues to impaired microcirculation, which, in turn, occurs as a result of spasm of the deep muscles of the spine and joints. The spasm forms over a long period of time and is imperceptible to a person, but it can also occur from sitting for a long time in one position or from inadequate physical activity.

According to the laws of thermoregulation, in response to the external influence of cold, heat is produced inside the body and blood circulation increases. And if there is stagnation in the deep muscles of the spine and joints, which is typical for untrained people, thermoregulation is disrupted. In these people, microvessels - capillaries (and there are 3-4 of them in each cell) are more often in spasm than in trained people.

Yes, external cold exposure can cause spasms in non-working muscles. In medicine it's called "provocation", not "reason". There is no capillary spasm in working muscles, and as a result of exercise, microcirculation is restored, which means that in response to external cold after exercise, blood circulation increases. And pain associated with swelling of soft tissues, that is, with impaired microcirculation, disappears. How long should the cold treatment last?

I never tire of repeating: just 5 seconds! Recent studies in physiology have proven the presence of stress proteins that are produced by the brain during shock (short-term) exposure to cold on the body. These stress proteins are a certain protection of internal organs from ischemic processes and cancer. This means that if we regularly immerse ourselves in a bath of cold water for 5 seconds, stand under a cold shower for 15-20 seconds, this will help us eliminate pain in the back and joints, as well as prevent ourselves from many ailments.

When applying a local effect to a sore joint, apply an ice compress for 5-7 seconds. After any of the above procedures, rub the body or cooled joint dry with a hard towel. The answer will be heat in the whole body or joint, that is, microcirculation is restored.

If we prefer warming ointments to cryotherapy, dog hair and so on, so on, then according to the laws of thermoregulation, in response to external heat, the already spasmodic microvessels inside will spasm. Therefore, after short-term relief, arthrosis develops in the future, in the treatment of which painkillers practically do not help.

Think and decide for yourself what is better: 5 seconds of therapeutic cold or lifelong joint pain...

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