The healing properties of a living tree and the magic of healing plants

Women often decorate window sills in apartments with pots of live plants. Indoor flowers most often serve as room decoration, but some of them have medicinal properties. The money tree is usually classified as a medicinal ornamental plant.

The living tree has several names: Crassula, Money Tree and Crassula. This indoor flower won love among flower growers due to its unpretentiousness in care.

Africa is considered to be the birthplace of the fat woman. For many years, the plant has been actively grown by gardeners at home. The living tree is known for its beneficial and healing properties, which include: wound healing, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and disinfectant effects.

This is a small, strong tree with a thick trunk and succulent, fleshy oval leaves. The leaves are green, sometimes red.

Flowers of a living tree can be seen extremely rarely, mainly in natural environment. At home, some types of Crassula can reach 100 cm in length.

Kalanchoe as a variety of Crassula

Kalanchoe belongs to the Crassulaceae family, and it is its varieties that are popularly called “living” and “money” trees. It is incredibly popular due to its ease of care.

Medicinal properties money tree Kalanchoe in the fight against runny nose and toothache were known about 50 years ago. Thanks to its disinfecting properties, the plant purifies the air, destroying harmful bacteria.

Based on Kalanchoe juice, traditional medicine offers many recipes for colds, runny nose and other diseases.

The plant is believed to have positive energy. Flower growers note that when you are in close proximity to a flower, you feel a surge of strength.

Gallery: money tree (25 photos)

Medicinal properties and contraindications

A living tree brings great benefits. The medicinal properties of Crassula have long been known. preparations based on Crassula raw materials have:

The following ailments are treated with Crassula:

  • cystitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • nasal polyposis;
  • gout;
  • arthrosis;
  • herpes;
  • skin deformities;
  • glomerulonephritis.

The beneficial properties of the money tree are widely used traditional healers. Its leaves are often the main ingredient in recipes. traditional medicine.

Crassula has contraindications for use. Studies have shown that preparations based on the sap of a living tree are contraindicated:

  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • people with liver failure;
  • people with joint diseases;
  • people with benign/malignant tumors;
  • a person with individual intolerance to the components of indoor flowers.

Money tree in folk medicine

Traditional medicine in its recipes advises using the juice obtained from its leaves. The leaves are ground into a paste, if necessary, the moisture is squeezed out and used externally and internally. For external use, the juice is used to wipe wounds, cuts and scratches; if necessary, apply porridge made from recently picked crassula leaves to deformed areas of the skin.

In folk medicine, Crassula is recommended for getting rid of herpes on the lips, and healers promise a literally lightning-fast effect. From traditional medicine recipes it follows that Kalanchoe juice has an anti-inflammatory effect on seizures and herpes rashes on the lips.

For inflammation of the tonsils, a solution is made based on the juice of the fat plant, with the addition auxiliary components. Use the resulting product to gargle your sore throat several times a day.

The drugs are used internally for stomach and duodenal ulcers. Infusions of parts of a living tree are used for kidney inflammation.

The pulp of Kalanchoe leaves is considered an indispensable remedy in the fight against calluses and ingrown toenails. Due to its healing properties, this tree is popularly nicknamed “callus”.

Infusion of leaves successfully treats varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Despite all the beneficial and medicinal properties of a living tree, side effects may occur.

An indoor flower can cause harm. Self-medication is not recommended; consultation with a specialist is required.

Crassula for hemorrhoids

Traditional medicine offers several recipes for hemorrhoids:

Living tree for colds

When a runny nose appears, drops are made from medicinal fatty grass:

  1. To prepare the drops, you will need whole, intact leaves. Grind the collected leaves in a mortar or grind in a meat grinder, squeeze out the resulting pulp, and pour the moisture into a small glass jar. Use a pipette to inject drops into each nostril one by one. 4-5 drops 2-3 times a day.
  2. Kalanchoe leaves must be dried. Place in the refrigerator for approximately 6–7 days. Then grind the leaves, squeeze out and use the resulting liquid as drops for rhinitis.

Caution should be exercised when using Crassula juice drops. If itching and burning in the nose occurs, you should stop taking the drops.

Kalanchoe for varicose veins

At varicose veins a special compress is prepared for the veins. You will need a dark glass container, fresh Kalanchoe leaves and vodka. The container is filled one third with finely crushed leaves of the fat plant. The remaining space is filled with diluted alcohol or vodka. The resulting mixture must be allowed to brew for at least 30 days. Received alcohol tincture rub the affected areas.

Pharmacological enterprises use the beneficial properties of the fat plant or money tree. Thanks to medicinal properties Crassula, preparations containing Crassula extract have been used. But we should not forget that everyone medicinal product There are some contraindications.

Attention, TODAY only!

Question from: Anonymous

Recently, a neighbor told me that she uses leaves from a living tree instead of aloe. He says it is not only monetary, but also healing. I would like to know what diseases it helps with living tree: medicinal properties and contraindications to its use.

Answered by: Doctor

Many people know about the “magical” power of the decorative money or living tree, but not everyone knows about its medicinal properties and contraindications for use. It turns out that Crassula contains a huge amount of microelements and essential oils. Its leaves have antibacterial properties. The juice of the leaves of the plant is used for:

  • treatment of calluses and herpes rashes;
  • relieve sore throat and relieve cough;
  • acceleration of regenerative processes during wound healing;
  • alleviating the consequences of hemorrhoids;
  • reducing the manifestations of varicose veins;
  • eliminating swelling and itching.

A living tree is used in different ways, but most often its sap or freshly cut leaves are used. To obtain juice, the leaves are thoroughly washed, dried and crushed (can be chopped or minced). The resulting mass is squeezed into a glass jar.

Fresh leaves can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. Live tree sap can be stored for up to a year if carefully strained and tightly sealed. To medicine It definitely hasn’t spoiled, you can prepare a tincture with alcohol. For this, 5 tbsp. l. crushed leaves are poured into 250 ml of vodka, infused for 10-14 days and poured into an opaque container.

For inflammation of the tonsils, fatty juice is mixed with warm water. Gargle with the resulting mixture 3 times a day. To heal wounds and burns, get rid of calluses and corns, apply compresses from a paste of leaves. It is better to lubricate herpes with juice, which will also help with attacks of stomach and duodenal ulcers.

You can prepare a healing ointment based on the juice:

  1. Mix 5 tablespoons of lanolin with 3 tablespoons of Crassula juice, add a couple of tablespoons of Vaseline.
  2. Heat in a water bath, mix well.
  3. Cool and store in a tightly sealed jar in the refrigerator.

This ointment can treat hemorrhoids. To do this, you need to soak cotton pads with the composition and insert them into the rectum. Cementation should be carried out 2-3 times a day.


Crassula pulp contains small doses of arsenic, so uncontrolled use of drugs from this plant can significantly harm health. Before using a live tree in medicinal purposes, consult your doctor.

Treatment of a runny nose with Kalanchoe juice - preparation methods

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Kalanchoe, or biophyllum, grows wild in the African tropics and is related to sedum and Rhodiola rosea - the famous medicinal plants. More than two hundred varieties of Kalanchoe have been studied, but only two of them - Kalanchoe Degremona and Pinnate - are used in folk and official medicine. Moreover, the first type is much more active, because more healing properties have been identified in its raw materials.

People call it “living tree” and “indoor ginseng”. Most often, the juice of this plant is used to treat abscesses, wounds, abscesses, and various skin irritations. They did not immediately start using Kalanchoe juice for a runny nose, but it was also successful.

The use of Kalanchoe in the treatment of runny nose

For treatment with Kalanchoe juice to be effective, it must be skillfully prepared.

To do this you need:

  • choose a mature plant (over three years old), as over time useful material become more concentrated in the plant;
  • a week before using Kalanchoe, stop watering it;
  • for cutting, choose large, thick, undamaged leaves; you can also use stems;
  • rinse the cut leaves well, pat dry and place them whole in the refrigerator for seven days to accumulate biostimulants;
  • grind the prepared raw materials until a homogeneous mass is obtained - with wooden spoons or in a mortar; it is not forbidden to use a plastic garlic press, even a meat grinder.

Now you need to squeeze the juice into a glass or ceramic dishes using several layers of clean gauze. Let it settle. For treatment, you need to take the transparent part without sediment.

The strength of the resulting juice depends on how old the plant is from whose leaves it was squeezed: the older the flower, the stronger its juice, the stronger its healing effect.

Fresh Kalanchoe juice is stored in the refrigerator door for no longer than a week. To preserve the juice for a long time, it should be sterilized and hermetically sealed. Without deteriorating its medicinal properties, such a product can be stored in a cool place for a whole year and used in for preventive purposes.

Another recipe for “long-lasting” drops. Cut off the leaves, wrap in paper, and put in the refrigerator for the same 7 days. Then grind in a ceramic bowl and return to the refrigerator for another two days. After this, separate the juice from the pulp by straining through several layers of gauze. For 250 grams of juice (glass), add 10 ml (two teaspoons) of alcohol. Mix, cover well and store in a cool place. The healing properties last for a year.

It is convenient to use the juice by pouring it into a nasal spray container and spraying it with a dispenser.

Before using the juice, remove it from the refrigerator and allow it to warm up. If you are in a hurry, you can warm it up in a “water bath”.

Features of treatment in adults and recipes

If you are going to get rid of a runny nose with the help of Kalanchoe juice, first decide whether you will use this medicine in concentrated form or diluted. To do this, check by introducing one drop of the product into your nose whether your nasal mucosa can withstand pure juice. If you feel discomfort, dilute it with an equal amount warm water.

By the way, this can be not only water, but also other liquids:

  • vegetable oil,
  • juice onions,
  • aloe juice

Proportions: take the same amount of aloe juice as Kalanchoe, three times less onion, and a little bit of oil.

Kalanchoe is also known as “sneezer,” and this definition very accurately indicates the main therapeutic effect plants when used.

Indeed, instilling the juice of this plant leads to severe sneezing, as a result of which the nose is freed of mucus and breathing becomes easier. And the vitamins and other beneficial substances contained in the plant help the body heal.

It is reasonable to use Kalanchoe juice to prevent acute respiratory viral infections and influenza before the onset of annual epidemics. Well, when we were late, and colds has already caught up, it is necessary to start treatment immediately. “Living tree” will help with all inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, and not just with a runny nose.

For adults, treatment with Kalanchoe juice is carried out three times a day, instilling two to five drops into each nostril. It’s better if it’s a fresh portion of juice every time. No big difference, he will be in pure form or diluted, with or without the addition of other drugs.

IN pharmaceutical companies drops containing Kalanchoe juice are sold - they are usually prescribed to relieve sinusitis.

Features of treatment in children

Kalanchoe for runny nose is used for children in the form of:

  • juice, which must be diluted with water;
  • a decoction that acts much more mildly;
  • infusion - it is not so effective, but absolutely harmless;
  • solution.

A decoction is preferable. It has a mild effect, so it is better to prepare it for small children (up to two years old). In terms of effectiveness, it is not inferior to juice.

Decoction recipe

You will need three or four Kalanchoe leaves. They must be placed in an enamel saucepan and boiled. Then remove the broth from the heat and leave for an hour. Drain, and when it has completely cooled down, drop one or two drops into the nasal passages twice a day.

Kalanchoe juice mixed with aloe or onion juice can also be used for children, but only this The mixture must be diluted by half with water.

Mothers always want greater effectiveness in treating a runny nose, and there is a desire to use undiluted juice for therapeutic benefits. properties of Kalanchoe appeared more clearly. Then we can advise you to soak cotton swabs in the juice and insert them into the nasal passages for a couple of minutes (no more).

It is a sin not to use a “living tree” to prevent acute diseases in children. respiratory infections. The instructions for use are simple: you need to regularly wipe the inside of the child’s nose with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of Kalanchoe juice - it has been tested, this way you can avoid disease.

Contraindications for the treatment of runny nose Kalanchoe

Like any medicine, Kalanchoe should be used with some precautions, especially when treating children. Manifestations of allergies, as well as burns of the nasal mucosa, are possible.

Allergies may occur skin rashes or difficulty breathing. Parents should know if the child has an inappropriate reaction to herbal preparations and, if present, avoid their use.

If an allergy appears for the first time, you should immediately consult a doctor.

To prevent burns to the mucous membranes in children, it is recommended to treat a runny nose only with a decoction or well-diluted juice.

Treatment with Kalanchoe is contraindicated if patients have tumors or blood clots.

Women during pregnancy should treat rhinitis and nasal congestion with Kalanchoe juice with caution. Severe sneezing and individual intolerance can harm the fetus. And treatment during pregnancy should always be carried out with an eye on the condition of the unborn child. And if there is even the slightest risk, it is better not to use such a remedy. In any case, do not use it in concentrated form.

Kalanchoe - living tree

Flower of life, indoor ginseng,
green first aid kit, house doctor in a flowerpot - that’s what people call it
amazing plant. Many peoples around the world have known since ancient times
times, what unique healing properties it has, but
Traditional medicine and herbal medicine are still studying it.

The plant entered our indoor floriculture quite recently, although
other types of Kalanchoe have long been known to gardeners. It's unpretentious
evergreen. The stem reaches 120 cm. It grows quickly, the leaves
fleshy and juicy, lower length - 15-20 cm, width - 10 cm. At home
growing conditions in flowerpots. Features indoor ginseng
compared to Kalanchoe pinnate - abundant formation of brood
leaf buds of air babies producing leaves with roots. Stem
Kalanchoe Degremona is uneven, often creeping, and requires support. Records
leaves are more jagged, oblong-pointed, have significantly
darker color compared to Kalanchoe pinnate.


In summer and winter, the plant is placed in bright, sunny rooms. In winter, the temperature should not be lower than 12-15° C.

During the growth period, watering is moderate. in winter
The plant is watered very rarely. In summer, feed twice a month
fertilizers for cacti, viviparous Kalanchoe should be fertilized once
per month.

Propagated by leaf and stem cuttings. Small plants are placed in substrates containing a large number of sand.

After flowering it should be removed
flower stalks. Place the plant on a shady windowsill for one month and
almost no watering. Then move it to a well-lit place and
water as usual.


According to traditional
medicine, Kalanchoe Degremona has long been used in everyday life for treatment
many diseases. Medicinal value has an aboveground part
Kalanchoe - grass (leaves). Juice is obtained from it, which has
anti-inflammatory effect. The drug stimulates wound healing,
cleansing of necrotic (dead) tissue. Dosage forms -
Kalanchoe juice and Kalanchoe ointment are widely used in medicine. In juice
plants grown on a windowsill contain flavonoids,
insignificant amount tannins, vitamin C, micro- and
macroelements: aluminum, magnesium, iron, calcium, manganese, copper. IN
Kalanchoe leaves contain polysaccharides and organic acids:
malic, oxalic, acetic, as well as enzymes from which
active drugs.



Cut the plant and keep it at a temperature of 5-10 degrees dark place
no more than 7 days. After this, everything is crushed and ground with a wooden
spoon until mushy. Then squeeze the juice through sterile gauze and
leave in the bowl until sediment settles, for 2 days. Juice is diluted
20% alcohol in a ratio of 20:1. Store it at a temperature of 10°C.

Kalanchoe juice is used only as
external remedy for treatment trophic ulcers, purulent infection,
bedsores, fistulas, as well as skin grafts. In these cases, on
apply 4-5 layers of gauze to the surface of the wound, generously moistened with juice
Kalanchoe. Kalanchoe ointment in combination with St. John's wort oil is useful. Juice
Kalanchoe is used in the treatment of periodontal disease. Aerosol inhalation
juice reduces gum bleeding and relieves itching.

In a clean cup, mix 30 ml of juice and 50 g of pure lanolin. To a pulp
add 50 g of Vaseline and mix until smooth.
Use for boils, trophic ulcers.


2 tbsp. crushed leaf pour 200
ml of 40% alcohol and leave to infuse for 10 days in a warm room.
Strain and use for compresses and rinsing. For inflammation
middle ear, instill 1-2 drops of tincture at night.

Kalanchoe has healing properties.
The plant is indispensable for people who experience attacks in the morning.
They are in a bad mood and can’t get down to work. Soft
The plant’s unobtrusive energy will help raise your vitality.
It is enough to sit near the Kalanchoe for half an hour and you will feel the tide
strength You can place the plant anywhere: in the kitchen, in the living room, and in
children's room - the energy of Kalanchoe is always positive and will tune
you in a peaceful manner. In the bedroom, the plant will provide you with dreams without nightmares and
cleans the air of harmful microbes. It’s not for nothing that they call it homemade

For vitamin deficiency and loss of strength: Eat a teaspoon of “babies” daily or add them to salads.

For a runny nose: squeeze the juice out of the leaf and place it in your nose, 1-2 drops once or twice a day.

For varicose veins
prepare a tincture on your feet: fill a 0.5 liter jar with finely chopped
leaves of Kalanchoe and fill with vodka to the top, close tightly, leave
a week in a dark place. Rub your feet with the tincture at night, in a circular motion.
movements, moving from the feet upward. The course of treatment is 2-3 months. For
To cure the network of veins, the procedure must be carried out within 4 months.

For trophic, post-thrombophlebic and post-traumatic ulcers:
fold the gauze or wide bandage three to four times, moisten it generously
freshly squeezed juice and place on sore spot. Change the bandage

For minor wounds, boils, cracked nipples: Apply to
affected area 2-3 drops of juice.

For burns: Apply the crushed leaves to the damaged skin for two hours.

For blepharitis, conjunctivitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, stomatitis: fill in
2 tablespoons of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water, boil for
heat for 2-3 minutes, then let the broth cool and strain. Rinse with it
eyes three times a day and gargle.

For stomach ulcers take 1 tsp of plant juice for a month.
3 times a day. You will forget about the disease.

For sinusitis dilute the juice boiled water in a ratio of 1:2 and retract
through the nose. Everything goes away in a week.

For the flu For
For prevention, lubricate the nasal mucosa with juice 2-3 times a day. So
In this way the epidemic can be avoided. It is believed that houses that have 2-3
flowerpot with Kalanchoe Degremona, the flu bypasses.

For ear infections drip 1-2 drops of juice into sore ear 3-4 times a day.

At purulent wounds, boils, skin abscesses, eczema, herpes, burns
Apply 2-3 drops of juice onto the affected parts of the body several times a day.
The wound heals quickly and disappears. The course of treatment is 5-6 days. For burns
mix the juice with the protein and smear the affected areas.

For cervical erosion(V initial stage) 10-15 applications with juice,
and erosion continues.

For mastitis lubricate
juice 2-3 times a day around the nipples, make compresses with it 3 times a day
day for swollen mammary glands. The temperature drops and everything goes away.

In inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys drink 1 tsp. juice 3 times a day.

For tuberculosis take 1 tsp. juice diluted with water 1:2, twice a day after meals.

For psoriasis Tie crushed Kalanchoe leaves to disease-affected areas.

For warts: Cover the wart with crushed leaves, tie and hold this compress for a while.

With mental and physical fatigue chew and swallow fresh leaf. After 15-20 minutes, the body is restored and performance returns.

For spines

People have invented a lot of ways to deal with
this plantar wart, which is not so simple: it has quite
a real root up to 5 mm long, which extends into the thickness of the foot. That is why
don’t even think about cutting off the spine with a razor (blade) - you won’t help the matter, but
bleeding will be difficult to stop.

Cut a Kalanchoe leaf and stick the wet side onto the wart. But
pre-protect healthy skin: cut a circle in the patch and
stick the patch so that the callus sticks out in the hole.

For joints

The juice of the plant can numb wounds on the body no worse than novocaine.

Preparation of tincture: take a 0.5 liter bottle, fill it
crushed Kalanchoe (do not compact), pour vodka or strong
moonshine up to the neck and put in a dark place for 10-12 days. Every
shake day.

For beauty

Take 2 tbsp. spoons of Kalanchoe juice and 1 tbsp. linden blossom spoon
peppermint leaves, chamomile.

Pour 2 cups of boiling water over the herbs and boil for 3-5 minutes.
Then pour the liquid into a separate bowl and add the juice to the herbs
Kalanchoe. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to your face. Keep the mask in
for 15 minutes, then wash it off with a herbal decoction. This procedure
useful for dry skin.

Also, with Kalanchoe juice you can prepare a moisturizing and nourishing product for the skin.
lotion. For this, 2 tbsp. dilute tablespoons of Kalanchoe juice with boiled water
(a little more than half a glass) and add 1 teaspoon of honey. The resulting
Wipe your face with the product after washing. The lotion is good to use
only for dry, but also for normal skin.

Healthy hair

To make hair strong and
beautiful, use this recipe: 1 teaspoon fresh juice
combine Kalanchoe with 1 teaspoon of garlic juice and the same amount
birch sap and honey. Mix everything thoroughly, adding 1 teaspoon
egg yolk. Apply the prepared mixture to your hair and skin.
heads. Wrap your head in a plastic bag and hold the product in
within 2 hours. Then rinse off.

Nail fungus

Very good for nail fungus
Kalanchoe leaf helps. A small piece is attached to a clean nail
Kalanchoe leaf, securing it with an adhesive plaster or bandage. It is important that
the medicinal plant covered the entire nail along with the nail hole.

The bandage must be changed every day. The results won't last long
wait. Soon you will notice how a new healthy nail begins to grow.

Kalanchoe- a genus of succulent plants of the Crassulaceae family. More than two hundred species are known, growing in tropical and southern Africa, South and South-East Asia and in the tropics of South America.
Types of Kalanchoe differ from each other in height, structure, and leaf color. Selected species have a height of 5-7 meters, while others reach only 40 cm. Kalanchoe has a straight, thick stem and branching roots. Leaves – green or dark green, gray, bluish different sizes, from small to large. The flowers are four-membered, large, of different colors: blue pink, lilac, dark purple. Flowering period is winter. The fruits are leaflets, with small seeds.
In total there are about 200 species of Kalanchoe, but in medical practice Kalanchoe pinnate and Kalanchoe degremona are used. In natural Kalanchoe conditions grows in South America and Southeast Asia, where it grows up to 1.5 meters.
This plant can often be seen as an indoor plant, thanks to its medicinal and decorative properties. People often call it that - home kalanchoe or medicinal. Caring for Kalanchoe is not difficult, you just need to water it periodically, change the soil and rejuvenate it. It reproduces by seeds or shoots.
Kalanchoe pinnate has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound-healing, hemostatic and tonic properties, and most importantly, it is a strong stimulator of tissue regeneration, that is, it promotes the rapid cleansing and healing of wounds and ulcers, including long-term non-healing ones, with purulent processes and tissue necrosis. Kalanchoe is a low-toxic plant; it relieves inflammation; especially good results are obtained when treating burns and fractures.
Even in ancient times, people appreciated the quality of Kalanchoe pinnate preparations, such as the ability to cleanse ulcers and wounds of dead tissue and accelerate the healing of damaged areas of skin and soft tissue. That is why it is also called a surgeon without a knife.
Fresh, washed and crushed leaves, Kalanchoe juice, Kalanchoe tincture are used in the treatment of wounds, ulcers, bedsores, trophic ulcers, abscess, furunculosis, felon, erysipelas, osteomyelitis, cracks in the skin and nipples of the breast in nursing mothers, cervical erosion, inflammation of the “middle” ear. In addition to juice and tincture, Kalanchoe is also used in the form of lotions, drops, tampons and ointments.
Kalanchoe relieves acne, rashes and blemishes on the skin of the face. Preparations based on Kalanchoe can help in the treatment of vision diseases. If Kalanchoe is grown in a dark and cool room, then a lot of biogenic stimulants accumulate in it, which help in the treatment of various diseases.
In order to properly prepare Kalanchoe, you must follow following rules: do not water the plant for 7 days before harvesting; cut off shoots and leaves, rinse and put them in a dark, cool room or in a common refrigerator compartment, where the temperature should not be higher than + 10ºС; grind the raw material to a mushy consistency, squeeze it out, and place the juice in a cool place or in the refrigerator for two days; dilute the juice with alcohol (5:1) and place it in the refrigerator, where it will retain its properties for a year.

Kalanchoe juice instilled into the eyes, ears for inflammatory processes, into the nose, for a runny nose or sinusitis. For a runny nose, you usually drip diluted Kalanchoe juice, water or vegetable oil, in a ratio of 1:5, 3-4 four times a day, but sometimes undiluted fresh juice is used, it irritates the mucous membranes, causing severe sneezing and the nose cleans well.
The juice is also taken orally - 1 teaspoon, diluted with water, for inflammatory processes in the stomach or kidneys. When coughing, you can drink Kalanchoe juice with honey. And since Kalanchoe juice has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, regenerates tissue, it is also used in the treatment of polyarthritis and arthrosis, taken orally and made into compresses.
After serious illnesses, to restore strength, the following recipe is recommended: take 150 ml of fresh Kalanchoe juice, 350 ml of honey and 1 glass of Cahors wine, mix everything thoroughly and put in a dark place for 5 days, stirring occasionally. Take this mixture 20 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, for 2-3 weeks.
For acne, you can use the following recipe: pour 2 tablespoons of finely chopped Kalanchoe leaves into 1 glass of boiling water, leave, covered, for 2 hours. Then, strain and wipe your face with this lotion after washing. Kalanchoe lotion eliminates unnecessary oiliness, tightens pores, and disinfects the skin.

Fresh Kalanchoe greens for bleeding and pain.

Kalanchoe leaf pulp can stop bleeding, relieve any pain, including toothache, get rid of purulent infection, speed up the healing of wounds and postoperative sutures. Poultices and lotions are made from the pulp. To prepare the pulp, Kalanchoe leaves are ground in a meat grinder. The juice is squeezed out of the resulting mixture, and the mass is transferred to gauze, folded in several layers, and applied to the diseased area of ​​the body.

For varicose veins use concentrated Kalanchoe tincture. Fill a jar or bottle halfway with crushed Kalanchoe leaves and fill it to the top with vodka. Leave in a dark place for 1 week, shaking every day. Then strain the tincture and use it to rub your legs (from feet to knees). Store the tincture in the refrigerator.

Kalanchoe ointment for external use.
Mix well 30 grams of juice with 50 grams of softened pork visceral fat(can be replaced with pharmaceutical lanolin or fresh homemade butter) and one ampoule of novocaine. Store the ointment in the refrigerator for up to 30 days. Rub into sore spots. The ointment has an excellent analgesic effect. Pre-check for allergic reaction for novocaine (a drop on the bend of the elbow - if there is itching and redness, prepare the ointment without novocaine).

Otolaryngologists recommend Kalanchoe juice for instillation into the nose as prophylactic during flu epidemics, with a runny nose and sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses). This drug also helps with such chronic diseases, like , tonsillitis, inflammatory processes middle ear.
For the prevention and treatment of sinusitis, as well as for any inflammatory diseases nasopharyngeal juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 and 2 drops are instilled into each nostril 2 to 5 times a day. It is recommended to rinse your mouth and throat with the same solution for tonsillitis, laryngitis and sore throats.

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