Treatment of sweating of hands and feet using hardware, surgical and folk methods. Hands and feet sweat a lot in children and adults. Hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet: causes and treatment. Preparations, medicines and folk remedies for the treatment of sweat and hyperhidrosis Why so much

Increased sweating can occur for many reasons. Most often, this physiological phenomenon caused in response to increased temperature environment or promotion physical activity person. However, there are situations in which excessive sweating leads to disruption of human activity; this degree of sweating should be called hyperhidrosis.

There are two types of pathological sweating of the feet and hands: idiopathic (primary) independent state and secondary hyperhidrosis - a condition in which sweating occurs against the background of an existing disease. Both types of hyperhidrosis can occur locally or generalized - that is, sweating occurs throughout the body.

Reasons increased sweating legs and arms can have many conditions. Thus, the following conditions lead to increased sweating:

  • Pathology of cardio-vascular system.
  • Chronic and acute infectious diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus, especially in the stage of decompensation.
  • Various endocrine diseases(hyperthyroidism, hypercortisolism, pheochromocytoma, etc.).
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Hematological diseases (Hodgkin's lymphoma, acute and chronic leukemia).
  • Menopause in women.
  • Neurological disorders (consequences of stroke, multiple sclerosis, neurosyphilis).
  • Genetic diseases.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis (sweating)

Treatment of hyperhidrosis is enough difficult task. Local remedy for sweaty hands or feet, synthesized by the pharmaceutical industry, is usually characterized by a short duration of action. In addition, such drugs are not suitable for use in existing generalized hyperhidrosis. Therefore, other treatment methods have now been developed, such as surgical Treatment methods for sweating hands and feet. as well as the newly gaining popularity traditional treatment of this disease.

Surgical treatments include operations on the sympathetic nerve bundles, operations to scrape glandular tissue. Greatest efficiency showed selective sympathectomies - cutting the branches of the nerves innervating sweat glands. Unfortunately, this type the operation is irreversible and causes very unpleasant complication– development of systemic hyperhidrosis in response to the cessation of activity of the sweat glands on the arms and legs. Curettage of glandular tissue is currently used only in axillary area.

Much more interesting is the treatment of sweating of the hands and feet with folk remedies. First, applying some recipes traditional medicine shows maximum efficiency at small degree sweating of hands and feet. Secondly, the use of folk remedies for treating sweating of the hands and feet at the first signs of hyperhidrosis can prevent further development diseases. It should also be said that traditional treatment for sweating doesn't have side effects and can be used at any age, as well as in pregnant women. Some examples folk recipes hyperhidrosis are given below. Be sure to consult a doctor, because only he knows how to get rid of sweating hands and feet in the most optimal way for you.

Folk remedies for sweating hands and feet:

  1. At night, before going to bed, wash your feet with cool water, sprinkle burnt alum between your toes and put on socks. Wash your feet in the morning cold water. The sweating will go away. The course of treatment is a week.
  2. For heavy sweating Sprinkle your feet with oak bark crushed into fine powder, put on socks and keep them on all night. In the morning, rinse with cool water. Perform procedures until they stop sweaty feet .
  3. For sweaty feet wash them morning and evening in a decoction oak bark, which is a strong astringent, and then let your feet air dry. To prepare the decoction 3 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of crushed oak bark cold water, heat slowly over low heat for 20 minutes, set aside, cover and let sit until cool. After cooling, add another 10 g of calendula flowers and leave for another 12 hours. Then strain. This infusion also helps with sweaty hands.
  4. When sweating Soak your feet in hot water before going to bed, pat them dry with newspaper and immediately rub zinc oxide powder into the soles of your feet. Sweaty feet will go away the first time, if not, repeat again.
  5. There is a simple cure for sweaty feet- Wash your feet daily with cold water using alum powder.
  6. Pour 2 liters of water into any basin, add 3 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt or regular kitchen water and stir thoroughly until the salt is completely dissolved. Soak your feet in this solution after each wash.
  7. To get rid of for sweaty feet. take regular baths from the decoction bay leaf, chamomile, cloves, plantain. Can be used weak solution potassium permanganate, tea.
  8. For sweaty feet Mix 5% decoction of oak bark, 10 g of bark per 200 ml of water with 5 g of glycerin and 2 g of potassium alum. Wipe with this product in sweaty areas. You can make lotions. The course of treatment is two weeks.
  9. You sweaty hands or feet. take rosin, grind it into powder and pour it onto sweaty areas, put socks on your feet, gloves on your hands, and rinse everything off with cold water in the morning. 2-3 procedures - and the problem will disappear forever.
  10. Resist excessive sweating You can use a bay leaf. Boil 10-15 leaves in 1-1.5 liters of water, and when the broth has cooled to a temperature that does not cause burns, make foot baths, perform the procedure daily until the desired result is obtained.
  11. Take 1 tsp. soda per glass warm water. Wash and dry your feet. Place cotton wool soaked in baking soda between your fingers overnight. It will itch and hurt - you have to be patient. In the morning, wash your feet with soda water. The sweat and smell will go away very soon.
  12. Wash your feet with a solution: 1/4 tsp. bleach per 3 liters of boiled water. Make foam with baby soap. Wash your feet in this composition.
  13. Grind boric acid crystals into powder. Sprinkle this powder generously on your feet every morning, especially between your toes and the soles of your feet. Every evening, wash off the powder from your feet with warm water. Wear clean socks every day. Bad smell legs disappears after 2 weeks of treatment.
  14. Take 1 tsp. oak bark and St. John's wort herb, pour 2 cups of boiling water. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes over low heat. Strain and add 2-3 tsp. vinegar. Do baths for sweaty hands. You can do up to 7 baths.
  15. Take 1 tsp. crushed willow bark, pour 2 cups of cold water, leave for 8 hours, strain. Keep your hands in this crust for 5-10 minutes. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

There are many unpleasant situations, which can cause discomfort not only for the patient, but also for those around him. In this article I would like to reveal the main reasons and tell you why the feet and hands sweat in children and adults.


At the very beginning, it must be said that a huge number of sweat glands are located on the palms. This is necessary for the body to have normal thermoregulation. And if your palms sweat during strong physical activity or high temperature environment is normal. In this case, the body’s protective reaction is activated, which cools the internal organs. But if sweating occurs for no apparent reason, then you need to seek help from a doctor, or rather, a dermatologist, endocrinologist, or simply a therapist (he will already refer you to the right specialist).

Minor's sample

Let's look further at why our feet and hands sweat. So, it is worth mentioning that in medical institutions they use the Minor test to determine the level of sweating. What is it? This is a completely painless procedure. The patient will first have iodine applied to the skin, then starch powder. And just by the size of the resulting purple spot they can tell about the degree of hyperhidrosis:

  1. Moderate hyperhidrosis: spot no more than 10 cm.
  2. Its severe form: a spot more than 20 cm.

Reason 1. Food

The first reason why people's hands sweat of different ages- This is eating too spicy food. In this case, increased sweating is just a protective reaction of the body.

Reason 2. Heredity

If someone in the family has hyperhidrosis of the arms or legs, this problem may also manifest itself in representatives of subsequent generations. So, the reason, for example, could be increased amount sweat glands on the palms or intolerance to synthetic materials (if we talk about sweaty feet).

Reason 3. Diseases

The next reason why hands sweat is various kinds of diseases that are accompanied by fever. In this case, most often we are talking about the following diseases:

  1. Tumors.
  2. Rheumatism.
  3. So heavy viral diseases, like HIV infection, tuberculosis.

It is also worth mentioning that with these diseases, a person’s palms may sweat even at night, when the body is relaxed and in a state of rest.

Reason 4. Endocrine system

Another reason why hands sweat is a malfunction of the human endocrine system. Most often this can be due to increased function of the thyroid gland, during menopause in women, as well as with adrenal disease.

Reason 5. Psychological

Hands and feet may sweat due to various disorders in the functioning of the nervous system. Yes, call similar symptoms Even the simplest stressful situations can. Also the cause of this symptom There may also be neurological disorders resulting from stroke, neurosyphilis, multiple sclerosis.


Separately, you need to consider why your child’s hands sweat. There may be several reasons for this condition:

  1. If we talk about infants, a similar symptom can be caused by vitamin D deficiency (rickets). If we are talking about a newborn who is not even a month old, then such a baby’s palms should even sweat. This happens because the thermoregulation of such a baby is only adjusted to the influence of the environment. If the cause is rickets, then the baby will also have a lack of calcium in the blood, and muscle tone abdominal wall will be reduced.
  2. Another reason why a child’s hands sweat is helminthic infestations. Or, more simply put, the most common worms.


Some parents wonder why teenagers' hands sweat. So, in older children, the occurrence of this symptom may be a consequence of the above reasons. However, it is specifically for teenagers that problems that cause sweating of the palms and feet are typical:

  1. Stress. Teenagers are more likely than kids to be in stressful situations. However, by this time they are not yet very good at coping with, for example, anxiety, which can cause such a symptom.
  2. Very often, the cause of sweaty palms in adolescents is precisely vegetative-vascular dystonia (after all, sweating is regulated by the autonomic nervous system).


What can be said separately about the feet? So, they can sweat due to the above reasons (after all, sweating of the hands and feet is often a complex phenomenon). However, in this case, similar symptoms may occur for the following reasons:

  1. Incorrect selection of shoes (when shoes are too small).
  2. Wearing shoes or socks made of synthetic materials.
  3. Lack of hygiene when caring for legs and feet.
  4. Fungal diseases of the feet.

What to do?

Having figured out why your arms, palms, legs and feet sweat, it is necessary to say how you can cope with this scourge. There are a number of ways to combat this problem:

  1. Use of antiperspirants (based on formaldehyde and talc).
  2. Iontophoresis. Similar procedure works great on the sweat glands. In this case, the patient will need to put his hands in the bath, where he will pour medicinal solution and electrodes are connected.
  3. Botox. By introducing this element under the skin, you can freeze the work of the sweat glands. However this method is not widely used due to the high cost of the drug.
  4. Surgical intervention. You can also cope with the problem if you remove the node autonomic system. However, this radical method applied in the as a last resort(if other methods do not help).

Traditional medicine

Having figured out why your hands and feet sweat, it is also worth saying that you can cope with the problem using traditional medicine.

  1. Ammonia. It must be dissolved in water (1:1) and wiped with this medicine on the palms and soles.
  2. Table vinegar. You can also keep your palms and feet in a vinegar solution for several minutes a day (dilute half a glass of the ingredient in 1 liter of water).
  3. Oak bark decoction. To prepare it, you need to take three tablespoons of oak bark and pour a liter of boiling water. The medicine is infused for about half an hour. After this, you need to lower your feet and palms into it for about 7-9 minutes. You need to repeat the procedure several times a day.

Daily human body produces sweat. And that's okay. In this way, the body gets rid of excess moisture and harmful components, cools the body naturally when overheated. In addition to the armpit area, the feet, palms and other parts of the body sweat.

If the palms and feet of men sweat a lot, which causes severe discomfort, this is a disease. In medicine it is called hyperhidrosis. The causes of the pathological phenomenon are diverse, ranging from vitamin deficiency in the body to hormonal disorders.

Treatment is prescribed in cases where, due to excessive sweating, a person’s quality of life is significantly reduced. He is embarrassed to shake hands with a friend because his palm is constantly wet and sticky; a man avoids working with papers and documents because there are wet fingerprints on the sheets, etc.

The etiology of excessive sweating in men, methods of treatment, and when sweating is a normal variant - we will consider in detail in our article.

What is this article about?

Causes of hyperhidrosis of the palms and soles

Excessive sweating occurs in every tenth man. It indicates a number of various pathologies. There are primary and secondary hyperhidrosis. The causes of primary hyperhidrosis are unknown.

There is an opinion that if your feet and palms sweat a lot against the background primary form diseases, then such men have more sweat glands in these areas than other people. As a result, the feet and palms are constantly wet.

To find out the real reason the help of a medical specialist is required, since there are many causes and factors leading to the development of the disease.

Sweaty feet and palms can be a reaction to a stressful situation.

The body intensively produces adrenaline, which provokes the activity of the sweat glands.

Why do men's palms sweat?

Excessive sweating of the palms is accompanied by psychological discomfort, and in the absence of timely treatment, it can lead to serious complexes and mental disorders.

Sweat sharply

When at one moment your palms are dry, and literally 1-2 minutes later they become covered with sticky and wet sweat, then the reason is most likely stress. Scientists have proven that men react less emotionally externally to stress factors, but a “storm” occurs inside.

If the cause of sudden sweating is stress, it is often accompanied by rapid breathing and increased heart rate.

Sweat a lot

When a man is in a calm state, does not perform any physical work, but his palms are wet, then the reason must be sought in the functionality of the cardiovascular system.

A high concentration of low-density lipoproteins in the body, problems with blood pressure - these factors increase the burden on the cardiovascular system. Blood circulation slows down, cells suffer from a lack of oxygen and nutrients.

The body is “starving”, and against the background of this state it displays pathological reaction– palms sweat a lot.

Palms sweat in summer

If sweating occurs in the summer, then this is normal. The activity of sweat glands in the hot season supports normal temperature bodies. Since the release of sweat to the surface of the body helps to cool and reduce temperature regime. So, the skin cools, and with sweat, excess moisture and harmful components come out.

In summer, to treat hyperhidrosis, it is better not to use powdered treatment products - talc. The fact is that talc clogs the pores, the palms sweat less, excess moisture does not find a way out, and the kidneys suffer.

Sticky sweat and cold palms

Regardless weather conditions sweating normalizes a person's body temperature. If in summer the intensive production of sweat fluid cools the skin, then in winter time on the contrary, it warms.

When the temperature reaches a low point, the central nervous system begins to work in stressful mode, and this leads to cold palms that are covered with sticky sweat.

It has a specific smell.

Causes of foot hyperhidrosis in men

Sweaty palms are hard to ignore because it limits many things in life, for example, you have to dry your hands before shaking hands, or constantly use paper napkins when working with documents to get rid of excess moisture.

With sweating feet the situation is somewhat different. Many men ignore symptoms until the last moment, while either doing nothing or using unconventional methods treatment. In most cases, they do not help, because without knowing the cause, it is impossible to get rid of the problem.

Profuse sweating

There are many reasons. They can be divided into two large groups– external and internal. External ones include wearing low-quality shoes made of synthetic materials, as a result of which a greenhouse effect is created.

The reason is synthetic socks. Synthetics do not allow the skin to breathe fully. With the temperature of the feet rising and the lack of oxygen, the sweat glands begin to work actively, and the feet become wet almost instantly.

With severe hyperhidrosis, the problem may be in the kidneys. They cannot cope with the volume of fluid that a person consumes, which is manifested by sweating. Usually the picture is complemented by sweating of the back, swelling lower limbs– especially in the morning immediately after sleep.

Excessive sweating of the feet accompanied by a foul odor

Sweaty feet are often accompanied by. Its presence indicates the proliferation of fungi or the attachment bacterial infection. Fungi affect not only the skin of the feet, but also the nail plates.

But the problem is not only an unpleasant odor. If nothing is done, the fungus multiplies and the affected area tends to increase.

The foul odor from the feet against the background of hyperhidrosis is a symptom of slagging in the body. After all, with sweat, viruses, bacteria, toxic and carcinogenic substances leave the body.

When the body is intoxicated, there are many pathogenic components in the blood that come out along with sweat, which has an unpleasant odor.

Where is the norm and where is the pathology?

There are many reasons why an adult man’s feet and palms sweat. But sweating can be different - normal or pathological. In principle, sweating is a natural process that cannot be controlled by men or women.

Responsible for the production of sweat sympathetic division nervous system. The activity of this department increases during stress and affects the body as a whole, mobilizing in emergency situations. Increased sweat production during severe physical work, during times of great excitement, nervous overstrain, at extreme heat etc.

In such situations, sweating is normal. When the provoking factor is leveled, the palms and soles become dry.

If sweating does not depend on external factors, detected without apparent reason, and this causes a lot of inconvenience, treatment is required.

Methods of modern treatment

If the doctor was able to determine the exact cause of excessive sweating, then treatment is focused directly on the cause. In such a situation, the prognosis is favorable, since leveling the original source normalizes the functioning of the sweat glands.

When a fungus is diagnosed against the background of sweating, antimycotic drugs are prescribed in the form of a cream, gel or varnish (for onychomycosis). For bacterial infections, antibiotic therapy is required.

In the idiopathic form of hyperhidrosis (the cause could not be established), treatment is used different means and methods - Botox injections, antiperspirants, iontophoresis.


This is not just a deodorant with pleasant smell, but a medical drug. The composition contains a high content of aluminum salts. They temporarily block the work of the sweat glands.

Antiperspirants should only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Use at home, strictly following the instructions.

Good antiperspirants:

  • Algel.
  • Dry Dry.
  • Dry Control Extra Forte

These drugs are used for moderate and heavy sweating. On the background mild degree SyNeo is recommended.

Despite the fact that this problem does not pose a danger to life, many will agree that excessive sweating is a rather unpleasant, even sensitive thing, which often attracts attention during tactile contact with other people, be it a friendly or business handshake, and especially during intimate communication.

There are probably a lot of people who secretly try to wipe their palms before shaking hands. Or experiencing inconvenience when visiting when you have to take off your shoes. Sweaty hands and my legs cause a lot of discomfort. Often this leads to the emergence of complexes. Often creates problems in career growth. By by and large, quality of life decreases. Up to three percent of the population faces this disease to one degree or another. Let's try to understand the causes of sweaty hands and methods of dealing with the problem.

Sweating is medically referred to as hyperhidrosis. In relation to the hands - hyperhidrosis of the palms. Understanding the causes of excessive sweating is important, as it can be caused by a serious illness or, in best case scenario, serve as a signal for lifestyle changes.

It is very important to understand the reasons why your hands sweat a lot. If sweaty palms are not a consequence serious illnesses, let's figure out how to deal with hyperhidrosis.

Methods to get rid of sweating:

  • treatment with medications;
  • ionization;
  • surgical intervention;
  • folk remedies;
  • Botox injections.

Let's look at what to do if your hands sweat a lot, in more detail. Let’s say right away that you won’t be able to deal with sweating once and for all.

Use of medications

Most often prescribed Formidron - antiseptic based on formaldehyde. It should be applied with a cotton swab to problem areas before going to bed. It blocks the ducts sweat glands and kills bacteria. Course duration is 15-20 days.

- gel with high content formaldehyde. Most effective drug. Apply to problem areas for 20-30 minutes, then wash off warm water. If you use the gel once a week, you can forget about sweaty palms.

Pasta Teymurova- antiseptic, deodorizing, drying agent. The consistency and packaging are a bit inconvenient; the paste is difficult to squeeze out of the tube. In addition, it leaves stains on clothes. However, it copes well with sweating. Apply up to three times a day.

Hydronex- concentrate of plant components for internal use. Reduces the intensity of sweat glands. Taken in a course of 3 weeks.

Belloid - herbal preparation based on belladonna alkaloids.

Has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. To reduce sweating of the palms, apply for half an hour before bedtime.

All these medications are sold in pharmacies without prescriptions.


This procedure involves applying weak discharges electric current on hands placed in a special solution. As a result, the sweat gland channels close. Several sessions lasting 15-20 minutes are carried out. The problem is solved within 6-12 months. Currently, there are compact devices on sale for carrying out this procedure at home. This makes treatment easier.

Surgical methods to solve the problem of severe sweating

Surgical intervention is used for the most severe stages hyperhidrosis. Short-term hospitalization is carried out. Using an incision in the area chest A drug is injected under the skin, breaking the connection between nerve endings and sweat glands. Sweating stops for about 6 months. An unpleasant surprise after this procedure may be the appearance increased sweating in another area.

Treatment of sweating with folk remedies

You can deal with the problem at home, without resorting to expensive means, but using at least effective ingredients, which are often at hand. Moreover, the fact that these funds do not have negative consequences is also the reason for their use. It should be noted that the effect can be noticed only after regular use, not earlier than after a month.

Consider these simple and cheap ways:

baths with tea leaves- Brew 2 tablespoons of black (or green) tea in a container with boiling water. Place your hands in the infusion for a quarter of an hour. Repeat after 2 days.

baths with oak bark - Infuse 3 tablespoons of oak bark in a liter of boiling water for an hour. Lower your arms or legs for 10-15 minutes. You can do this bath several times a day. For greater effect, make a decoction rather than an infusion with oak bark. Boil 3-4 tablespoons of bark in a liter of water for 30 minutes. Leave for a day, then use for treatment.

cold and hot shower - can be used separately for the palms, but it is better to get under such a shower entirely.

mixture with glycerin - mix one part lemon juice, one part alcohol and two parts glycerin. Apply to hands after each wash.

cream - make a mixture of calendula, plantain, nettle and dandelion (1 tbsp each). Pour boiling water over a mug. Add 1 tbsp. l. honey and castor oil and a little bit pork fat. Such homemade cream works very well on the skin of the hands.

ginger - every other day, rub finely chopped ginger root into the skin of your hands.

vinegar bath - Suitable for both palms and legs. Pour 2 glasses into a container boiled water and 25 ml apple cider vinegar. Carry out the procedure twice a day for 20 minutes.

salt water rinse - make a solution of 4 tbsp. l. table salt, or better yet sea salt, in a liter hot water. Rinse your hands twice a day and dry them without wiping them with a towel.

tincture of birch buds with vodka- once or twice a day you can wipe the skin of your hands, feet and under your arms with a tincture of kidneys with vodka in a ratio of 1:5.

foot wrap- Infuse 1 tbsp for half an hour. l. calendula flowers in a glass of boiling water. Add grated raw potatoes. Stir, strain after 2 hours. Soak gauze in this medicine and wrap it around your feet for 2 o'clock. Carry out the procedure every day, before going to bed.

bath with ammonia- immerse your hands in an alcohol solution for 10 minutes (1 teaspoon of alcohol per liter of water). Then wash with cold water, dry with a towel, and sprinkle with talcum powder. If you have it on hand, it is also useful to wipe it with lemon juice.

oat bath- take a handful of chopped oat straw, leave for an hour in a liter of boiling water. Do 20-minute hand baths.

basil- rub crushed herbs into the skin of your hands once every three days.

rosin - rub rosin powder into the skin of your hands every day.

potassium permanganate- make a low concentration solution of potassium permanganate. Dip your hands and feet in it every day for 10 minutes. After the procedure, sprinkle dry limbs with talcum powder.

baths with infusion of bay leaves- pour a couple of dozen laurel leaves into 2 liters of boiling water and dip your hands into this infusion.

Only regular, systematic use of folk remedies will lead to noticeable results. The main thing here is not to be lazy and waste your time.

Botox injections

This procedure is currently on the conveyor belt and is widespread. Side effects are rare. An important negative point for using this method is its high cost.

What is the magic drug? It is created on the basis of neurotoxins type A. Botox affects nerve endings sweat glands, as a result of which sweat production stops. Using a thin needle, the medicine is injected into problem areas. The doses administered are small, so negative influence does not affect the human body. The procedure is quite quick, lasts about an hour, and painless. Anesthesia is not used during this procedure. Patients do not experience discomfort. No special rehabilitation is needed after injections.

The action begins approximately on the third or fourth day after the procedure. After six months, the drug is eliminated from the body, its effect ceases and increased sweating resumes.

In addition to Botox, to combat hyperhidrosis its analogues are used: dysport, xeomin, latox.

There are contraindications for use:

Possible side effects after the procedure are: dizziness, diarrhea, weakness, slight increase temperature.

And, of course, in addition to using special means and procedures, attention should be paid to lifestyle, nutrition, hygiene and clothing.

In the article we looked at the reasons why hands sweat and the remedies offered official medicine And traditional healers to resolve this issue. Now you know what to do if your hands sweat. In conclusion, I would like to wish you to cope with the “headache” in the form of increased sweating in order to forget about it. Don't get sick and don't sweat!

Excessive hyperhidrosis is nothing more than sweating of the hands and feet, often causing a lot of inconvenience. The psychological barrier that arises due to this problem provokes a lot of complexes and self-doubt. In our article we will find out why men's palms sweat and how to combat it with the help of medications and folk remedies.

What causes your palms and feet to sweat?

Through sweating, the body removes excess fluid and normalizes body temperature. But the amount of moisture released is not always within normal limits. The causes of excessive sweating of the extremities are very diverse, but they carry the same discomfort.

Sweaty palms

Studies have shown that sweating of the palms of men is significantly higher than that of women. This is due to differences hormonal levels and activity sebaceous glands. The cause of sweaty palms in males can be determined by the nature of the discharge. Consider a few common cases.

Palms sweat sharply

Often, severe sweating of the palms is associated with a stressful state of the body. Scientifically proven that men are less emotional nervous tension than women, so the body itself copes with the “anxious” state. As a rule, sudden sweating of the palms is accompanied by rapid heartbeat and breathing.

Palms sweat a lot

If a man is in a state of nervous rest and does not perform any physical activity, but his palms sweat profusely, the reason may be a dysfunction of the cardiovascular system. Increased content cholesterol in the blood, unstable circulatory and arterial pressure- all these factors aggravate the load on the heart muscles. Blood flow slows down and oxygen reaches the body cells less well. In this case, the body experiences “starvation” and against its background begins to react to what is happening with profuse sweating on the palms.

Palms sweat in summer

Sweating on the palms in the summer is a natural process of the body. Active production of sweating in hot weather provides cooling and normalization of body temperature. Thus, the skin cools and removes excess moisture along with toxins. Therapists recommend avoiding frequent use talc in the summer, especially on the palms. Otherwise sebaceous glands become clogged and a violation occurs natural process body, which leads to inflammatory process kidney

Cold palms and sticky sweat

As mentioned earlier, sweating helps normalize body temperature regardless of weather conditions. If in the summer, sweat “helps” cool the body, then in the winter, on the contrary, it warms it up. When the temperature skin or limbs reaches the lowest point, the nervous system operates in “stress” mode. As a rule, these are cold palms, sticky sweat with a specific odor and trembling. Thus, the body tries to normalize the temperature and get out of the state of shock.

Sweaty feet

If it is impossible not to pay attention to the sweating of the palms, then many men simply ignore the excessive “dampness” of the feet. In most cases, foot skin diseases could be avoided if timely diagnosis and treating the problem. Let's take a look at the most common causes of sweaty feet in men.

Profuse sweating

Excessive sweating of the feet has many causes. For example, the use of shoes made of synthetic materials. Even a cotton sock cannot provide proper ventilation. Increased foot temperature and lack of oxygen provoke active work sebaceous glands.

Also, the cause of profuse sweating of the feet may be a “mess” at work. genitourinary system. For example, your kidneys can process much less fluid than you consume. As a result, swelling and profuse sweating of the feet and back occur.

Sweat with a strong odor

Sweating of the feet, accompanied by severe unpleasant smell, may mean bacterial damage to the skin of the legs. Often the cause lies in fungal diseases nail plate. Under the influence of “decomposition” of keratinized tissues, an unpleasant odor is formed. But the problem is not only him. The lesion will increase significantly if no measures are taken to cure it.

Sweating feet with odor is also one of the signs of slagging in the body. It is a well-known fact that with the release of excess fluid, viral bacteria, toxins and carcinogens are removed from the body. With various poisonings and indigestion, many pathogenic substances are formed in the blood, which are released through sweating, accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

Increased sweating of the feet and palms creates discomfort for men; anti-sweat products help solve the problem

What can you do to prevent your palms and feet from sweating?

Having found out the reason profuse sweating palms and feet, you need to start complex treatment Problems. Let's look at how to reduce sweating without harming your health.

Anti-sweating medications

There are a wide variety of medications available to combat profuse sweating. A variety of media formats allow you to use them anywhere and at any time. Let's look at the most popular and effective drugs.

"Formagel" for sweating

An effective remedy for sweating is Formagel. The name of the drug reflects the main component of the composition - formaldehyde. Regarding "harmlessness" of this medicine There have been a lot of rumors for a long time. Since formaldehyde substances are toxic and hazardous to health, many consumers avoid Formagel. But few people know that toxic substances This component, when applied externally, does not enter the body’s bloodstream, acting exclusively on the surface of the epidermis. Formaldehyde temporarily tightens the pores, reducing the intensity of sweating. It is necessary to apply “Formagel” once a day, lubricating the foot with a thin layer, then rinse thoroughly before going to bed. Price this drug- from 180 rubles.


Roll-on deodorant based on kaolin and zinc powder “Dry-Dry” is one of the most popular ways to eliminate sweating. The effect of the drug does not stop for 48 hours, or even more. “Dry-Dry” is irreplaceable for important meetings, as it does not leave marks on clothes and reliably protects against sweat stains. But, apply this remedy It is not recommended more than once a month. The reason for this was aluminum, which is part of cosmetic product. This metal tends to accumulate in the body. In addition, aluminum particles clog pores, blocking the outflow excess fluid. The cost of “Dry-Dry” deodorant is from 350 rubles.

"Teymur's paste"

"Teymur's paste" is one of the oldest, but effective ointments to combat excessive sweating. A thick zinc mass with a metallic odor is applied to the surface of the skin and left until completely dry. The “tightening” properties of the drug reduce pores, thereby reducing the volume of fluid released. Treatment with Teimur Paste is carried out in a course of 2 times a day for a week, but not more often than once every 2 months. The cost of this medicinal product is only 30-60 rubles.

Anti-sweating sprays

Most major cosmetic companies produce a line of products designed to reduce sweating in certain areas of the body. As a rule, they are made in spray format for greater ease of use. It is enough to spray the product onto the problem area and within 12 hours you will feel the result. The main components of these products are alcohol and zinc powder. If the first component of the spray disinfects the skin, then zinc narrows the pores, temporarily clogging the tubules. The price for such a product depends on the manufacturer, packaging design and the type of fragrances or oils added to the product, and starts from 150 rubles and above.

Folk remedies for sweating palms and feet

Hyperhidrosis has long been treated using traditional medicine. Now such methods are undeservedly forgotten, but many “natural” recipes effectively coped with the task no worse than some “promoted” drugs. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most in effective ways sweating treatment.

Apple cider vinegar for sweating

Apple cider vinegar has astringent properties, thanks to which the seasoning is used not only for cooking, but also as a effective remedy from sweating. Due to the specific sour smell, treatment with this remedy is best done at home. First, take a shower, thoroughly washing the problem areas soap solution. Then. Using a cotton swab, wipe the skin with a mixture of 9% apple cider vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio. Wait until the solution is absorbed and repeat the procedure again. Treating your palms and feet with vinegar not only deeply cleanses the pores of sebaceous secretions, but also tightens them.

Oak bark for sweating

Like Apple vinegar, oak bark also helps to narrow pores and has antiseptic actions. For excessive sweating of the feet, it is recommended to take foot baths with bark decoction every two days. To prepare it we need 500 grams of fresh or dry oak bark. Add 5 liters of water to it and put it on low heat for 20-30 minutes. Then remove the broth from the heat and add 2 tablespoons pharmaceutical chamomile. Let the product sit for 1-2 hours. Please note that reheating the oak bark decoction is possible at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees. Otherwise, herbal ingredients will lose what they want healing effect. We take foot baths for 30 minutes per procedure.

Birch leaves for sweating

Birch leaves perfectly reduce the amount of sweating, and in any type of use of this component. For example, you can take weekly baths from tree leaves, or use them in fresh. You need to take a warm sock, preferably made of natural wool, and pour into it a mixture of crushed birch leaves and burdock root. Please note that this method only applies to vertical position. Simply put, you put on “therapeutic” socks and go about your usual activities, rather than lying down. Thus, when walking, plant juice is squeezed out, and the warm fabric contributes to the “greenhouse” effect, due to which useful material I have a more active effect on the deep layers of the epidermis.

Mint and tea tree for sweating

Fresh mint and essential oil tea tree often used to reduce sweating. This “duet” not only perfectly disinfects problem areas, but is also a natural flavoring agent, which is important when copious discharge sweat with odor. The unobtrusive aroma skillfully masks the unpleasant odor, while tannins reduce the production of sebaceous glands.

Tea tree essential oil and fresh mint can be added to baths or used as moisturizer ingredients. 4-5 drops of each type of ether per 100 ml of cosmetic product is enough. The cream base can be any; children's cream is mainly used, but it can also be your favorite body lotion or softening gel for feet. Please note that in the case of mint, the rule “the more the merrier” should not be applied. Otherwise, even on rough skin of the feet, marks may appear. allergic reaction in the form of itching, blisters and redness.

Before starting treatment for hyperhidrosis, you should consult a specialist for detailed advice. Only based on the results of the analysis and examination of the body, the doctor will prescribe you the appropriate drug. Traditional methods of treating sweating can be used as preventive effects on the problem and maintaining optimal functioning of the sebaceous glands.

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