Method of ultrasound Dopplerography of vessels: capabilities and application. Ultrasound of head and neck vessels

Science, including medicine, does not stand still. IN diagnostic centers The price list of services is regularly updated with new methods of deeper, more effective examination of the body. Newest technologies help detect the disease at the earliest early stages its development. For many pathologies, early detection of abnormalities is the key to successful treatment.

In addition to introducing innovative research methods, existing ones are also being refined and supplemented. Many have come across such an abbreviation as ultrasound.

What is it, what are the principles of operation of this method, and what are the indications for its implementation?

Principle of operation

Ultrasound Dopplerography of blood vessels, also called ultrasound angiography. Essentially, this is a classic ultrasound combined with the Doppler effect (named after the Austrian physicist).

Let us remind you that ultrasound is a study based on the device capturing impulses reflected from the surface of organs and their walls.

If we talk in simple words, then Dopplerography is also based on capturing reflected impulses. Only in this case are impulses reflected from a moving substance, namely from shaped elements blood (erythrocytes).

The degree of distortion of the frequency of reflected ultrasonic waves determines the nature of blood flow in the area under study. Doppler ultrasound is a combined study that allows you to see the condition of the walls of blood vessels and the characteristics of blood flow in them.

Ultrasound scanning of blood vessels is a procedure that does not require any preliminary preparation from the patient, and its implementation does not cause discomfort. Doppler ultrasound does not require any intervention internal environments human body, therefore has no contraindications and side effects. The study is prescribed to people of all age categories, it is carried out both in the elderly and in newborns.

Ultrasound angiography is performed, usually in ultrasound rooms. The patient lies on the couch. The doctor applies a special conductive gel to the area being examined and, using a sensor that sends ultrasound pulses to different depths, conducts an examination in real time.

The image is displayed on the computer screen. It takes on average from 30 to 60 minutes. After which the patient immediately receives the results, on the basis of which a conclusion is made and a diagnosis is made.

Doppler study involves various techniques. Thus, the blind technique does not include general research Ultrasound, i.e. the area from which the data is obtained is not precisely defined. Today, the B-mode technique is most often used. This study is carried out in duplex mode, and allows you to determine both the location of the vessel, the condition of its walls, and assess the nature of the blood flow through it.

Feedback from our reader - Alina Mezentseva

I recently read an article that talks about the natural cream “Bee Spas Kashtan” for treating varicose veins and cleaning blood vessels from blood clots. Using this cream you can cure VARICOSIS FOREVER, eliminate pain, improve blood circulation, increase the tone of veins, quickly restore the walls of blood vessels, cleanse and restore varicose veins at home.

I’m not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered one package. I noticed changes within a week: the pain went away, my legs stopped “humming” and swelling, and after 2 weeks the venous lumps began to decrease. Try it too, and if anyone is interested, below is the link to the article.

Research Opportunities

Let's take a closer look at what parameters, indicators and pathologies such a study can show. First of all, vascular ultrasound is prescribed to identify:

Indications for use

The range of diseases and symptoms for which Doppler testing can help identify the cause is quite extensive.

First of all, vascular ultrasound is prescribed for many cardiovascular diseases. vascular system: hypertension, hypotension, headaches unknown etiology, migraine, heart vascular insufficiency, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, vascular aneurysm.

And this is far from full list. Dopplerography of blood vessels is prescribed to people who have suffered a myocardial infarction and stroke, people suffering from fainting, diabetes, prolonged and debilitating insomnia, sudden loss vision or speech impairment, numbness of limbs, loss of coordination, etc. Dopplerography of the placental vasculature has a large diagnostic value and is recommended by all obstetrician-gynecologists during pregnancy management.

Most often, Doppler examination of the vessels of the following organs is prescribed:

  • Lower limbs;
  • Brain;
  • Cervical region;
  • Placenta and fetus;

Let's take a closer look at the features of each of them.

For the treatment of VARICOSE and cleaning blood vessels from THROMBUS, Elena Malysheva recommends a new method based on Cream of Varicose Veins. It contains 8 useful medicinal plants, which have extremely high efficiency in the treatment of VARICOSE. In this case, only natural ingredients, no chemicals or hormones!

Doppler ultrasound of leg vessels

To study the vascular network of the legs, both Doppler examination itself and scanning of vessels in duplex mode are used. Indications for this are: general diseases vascular system, pathology of the vascular apparatus of the lower extremities, monitoring the dynamics of disease development, monitoring the state of the bloodstream in postoperative period etc.

Ultrasound scanning of the veins of the lower extremities is performed at severe swelling, varicose veins veins, diabetes mellitus, thrombosis.

A Doppler study allows you to determine the degree of damage to the vascular wall, the condition of the venous valves, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Doppler test of placenta and fetus

Doppler examination is one of the safest and most effective methods for studying the dynamics of intrauterine development of the fetus. As a rule, the first planned ultrasound is performed at 21 weeks.

Doppler test allows you to detect the process premature aging placenta and identify signs of hypoxia in the fetus at an early stage.

Timely detection pathological processes helps prevent delay physical development fetus, fading of pregnancy and miscarriages, both in early and late stages.

Doppler ultrasound of head and neck vessels

Ultrasound of cerebral vessels (USDG MAG) is performed transcranially, i.e. The vessels located inside the skull are examined. Usually produced comprehensive study vessels of the head and neck, because they are closely interconnected.

Ultrasound angiography of the vessels of the head and neck makes it possible to identify atherosclerotic changes in the vessels, narrowing of their lumen or blockage, angiopathy, etc., thereby preventing fatal consequences such as stroke.

Ultrasound scanning of the veins and arteries of the brain is prescribed for people who have suffered a head injury, stroke, or with suspected congenital anomalies structure of the vascular network. People who smoke It is also recommended to undergo Doppler examination of the head and neck vessels regularly, once a year. To obtain more accurate results, before examining the vessels of the head and neck, for 24 hours you should avoid consuming products that contain caffeine and increase vascular tone: coffee, cocoa, chocolate, strong tea.

During examination cervical region(USDG of the BCA) analyzes the condition of paired arteries such as the carotid, subclavian, and vertebral. These blood lines also feed the brain, and disruption of their function can lead to adverse effects.

Infants born prematurely, who have suffered intrauterine hypoxia, and with suspected pathologies of the development of the central nervous system are required to undergo ultrasound examination of the brain and other nerve structures. Such A complex approach is called neurosonography and involves examination of tissues and vessels of the brain and spinal cord. Neurosonography allows us to identify such serious pathologies like cysts tumor formations, abnormalities in the development of tissues and blood vessels, etc. Ultrasound is performed either transcranially, or through the fontanelle, or combining these approaches.

Ultrasound of kidneys

The functional structure of the kidneys is a nephron, a vascular tangle that filters blood and removes toxins and metabolites.

Ultrasound scanning of the veins and arteries of the kidneys is prescribed for injuries, renal failure, thrombotic processes in blood vessels, nephroptosis, tumors. In some cases, with persistent hypertension, the cause of which is not clear, a study of the renal vessels is also performed.

Ultrasound examination of the kidneys requires certain preparatory measures. The optimal period for examination is at least 6 hours after eating. First, for several days, you must adhere to a diet that excludes foods that increase gas formation (carbonated drinks, flour, sweets, Rye bread, cabbage, legumes, mushrooms). It is recommended to take sorbents and preparations based on simethicone.

After fibrogastroscopy and colonoscopy, Doppler examination of the kidneys is not performed due to large quantity gases in the intestinal cavity.

Cost of the procedure

Doppler ultrasound is a relatively inexpensive procedure, considering its capabilities and significance. Thus, in Moscow the price for ultrasound examination of vessels of various parts of the body ranges from 1300 to 5000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - from 1000 to 3000 rubles. Of course, prices vary slightly depending on the clinic offering this service.

Many dangerous diseases at the initial stages of their development they are asymptomatic, or their symptoms are not convincing enough for a person.

Ultrasound angiography allows you to determine whole line such diseases on initial stages when it is possible to choose effective treatment and prevent severe consequences for good health.


Have you ever tried to get rid of VARICOSE? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • feeling of heaviness in the legs, tingling...
  • swelling of the legs, worsening in the evening, swollen veins...
  • lumps on the veins of the arms and legs...

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can ALL THESE SYMPTOMS be tolerated? How much effort, money and time have you already spent on ineffective treatment? After all, sooner or later the SITUATION WILL GET WORSE and the only way out there will only be surgical intervention!

That's right - it's time to start putting an end to this problem! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with the head of the Institute of Phlebology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation - V. M. Semenov, in which he revealed the secret of a cheap method of treating varicose veins and full recovery vessels. Read the interview...

Dopplerography and duplex scanning are two related methods ultrasound examination vessels.

The essence and differences of the methods

Dopplerography of the vessels of the brain, neck, upper and lower extremities, as well as their duplex scanning, is non-invasive diagnostic procedures. Their advantage is their affordable cost, lack of contraindications, and high information content.

The use of the Doppler effect allows one to calculate the speed of blood flow and determine its disturbance in individual vessels. Most often, this data is enough for the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis. In turn, duplex scanning of the vessels of the neck, head and extremities provides information not only about the quality of blood flow, but also about the geometry of the vascular lumen, tortuosity of the bed, the presence of anatomical or postoperative anomalies, wall thickness, the appearance of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques.

GNICPM offers to take advantage of the capabilities of modern ultrasound diagnostics as part of a comprehensive or routine examination.

Indications for ultrasound diagnostics of blood vessels

Dopplerography of the vessels of the brain and other organs is advisable as a diagnostic tool during routine preventive examinations, when the likelihood serious problems small In patients with osteochondrosis, Dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck makes it possible to identify the effect of the disease on circulatory system. Timely Dopplerography of the vessels of the lower extremities is important in making diagnoses such as:

  • varicose veins;
  • obliterating atherosclerosis and endarteritis;
  • deep vein thrombosis.

Since duplex scanning is more informative, it is effective for clarifying the diagnosis. Duplex scanning of cerebral vessels is prescribed in the same cases as conventional Doppler sonography, as well as if it is necessary to localize the problem area. This examination is recommended for everyone over 40 years of age to undergo regularly, and visitors to our medical center are increasingly taking advantage of this opportunity.

In preventing such a dangerous disorder as stroke, important role plays a scan of the brachiocephalic arteries. It is prescribed for:

  • headaches or dizziness of unknown origin;
  • planning surgical intervention in the cardiovascular system;
  • examination of people at risk of cerebrovascular accidents;
  • the presence of symptoms of a developing stroke or compression of the brachiocephalic arteries.

Duplex scanning of the arteries of the lower extremities, as well as scanning of the veins , gives the specialist a detailed picture of the condition of the vessels. It not only displays the presence of blood flow disorders, but also explains their cause, be it vascular anomalies, consequences of injuries, atherosclerotic changes, or others. Most often people come to us on the referral of a phlebologist to scan the veins of the lower extremities.

If you have ever noticed:

  • legs swelling in the evening;
  • change in skin color, appearance veins;
  • numbness and muscle pain when walking;
  • chilly feet -

then scanning the vessels of the lower extremities will clarify the nature of your condition, which means it will help you start corrective therapy on time.

The page is for informational purposes only. Find out the exact list of services provided and the specifics of the procedures by calling.

Dopplerography is a method of studying blood flow in large and medium-sized human vessels, based on the use of the Doppler effect. This examination is used during pregnancy to assess the functioning of the placenta and uterine arteries.

In non-pregnant patients, the method is used to clarify the nature and extent of circulatory disorders in any not very small vessels.

In terms of the sensations for the patient and the nature of the preparation, Doppler ultrasound does not differ from conventional ultrasound.

What is the Doppler method?

To obtain information about the speed and nature of blood flow, pressure, direction of blood movement in the vessel and the degree of its patency, the same ultrasound is used as during a “regular” ultrasound.

It only emits it and receives it back with a special sensor that operates on the basis of the Doppler effect.

Given physical phenomenon lies in the fact that the frequency of ultrasound reflected from moving objects (blood cells) changes greatly compared to the frequency of the ultrasound emitted by the sensor.

The device does not record the oscillation frequency itself, but the difference between the initial and reflected frequencies.

Moreover, signal processing not only allows one to calculate this speed, but also to see the direction of blood flow (from or to the sensor), and to evaluate the anatomy and patency of the vessel.

For vessels of different locations, sensors with different frequencies of emitted sound are used.

Doppler ultrasound (USDG) are synonyms for the name of this study (that is, “I had a Doppler ultrasound” or “I had an ultrasound scan” are equivalent statements).

The method is safe and painless for humans and can be performed as often as desired, but only according to indications determined by a specialist.

An interesting fact: in nature, this effect is used to determine the speed of a moving object. the bats and dolphins.

Indications for the study are as follows:

Why is Doppler sonography needed? To assess blood flow in huge quantities various vessels person. The doctor prescribes this study if, based on complaints and the nature of the development of the disease, it is assumed that the patient has a vascular pathology.

In this case, the attending physician needs to determine which vessel is affected, how affected it is (this determines the therapy), how it will affect health, and what complications may arise.

For example, fetal Doppler is performed in the following cases:

  • mother suffers from diabetes, hypertension, anemia or systemic diseases
  • The baby's size is not appropriate for its gestational age
  • mother has Rh negative, child – positive
  • several fruits develop
  • oblique or transverse position of the baby in the uterus
  • umbilical cord entwined around baby's neck
  • hydramnios or polyhydramnios
  • gestosis
  • chromosomal diseases of the fetus.

Such an ultrasound scan during pregnancy (that is, Doppler ultrasound) allows you to find out from the 23rd week whether the baby is suffering from a lack of oxygen.

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Ultrasound diagnostics hip diseases

If this fact is confirmed, they find out where the pathology is located (in the vessels of the uterus or placenta), and how severe the fetal hypoxia is.

Based on this, pregnancy management tactics are chosen - from more frequent walks to fresh air before hospitalization and early delivery.

Ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the lower extremities is prescribed if there are the following complaints:

  • altered veins on the legs are visible
  • legs (feet and legs) swell in the evening
  • the color of one or two legs has changed
  • It hurts to walk, but after standing it becomes easier
  • "goosebumps" sensation
  • feet get cold quickly
  • wounds on the legs do not heal well.

Dopplerography is a method of studying not only the above vessels, but also the vessels of the thoracic and abdominal sections aorta and their branches, head, neck, arteries and veins of the upper limb.

The study can be performed as planned in a “compromised” category of patients (diabetics, hypertensives, smokers), or when complaints arise.

What is CDK

Color Doppler mapping (CDC) is one of the subtypes of ultrasound based on the Doppler effect. It also “works” with the assessment of blood flow in the vessels.

This study is based on a combination of conventional black-and-white ultrasound and Doppler assessment of blood flow.

In color flow mode, the doctor sees on the monitor black and white image, in a certain (studied) part of which data on the speed of movement of structures is displayed in color.

Thus, shades of red will encode the speed of blood flow directed to the sensor (the lighter, the lower the speed), shades blue color– speed of blood flow directed from the sensor. A scale is displayed next to it, indicating which speed each shade corresponds to. That is, veins are not indicated in blue, and arteries are not indicated in red.

Color Doppler imaging visualizes and analyzes:

  • direction,
  • character,
  • blood flow speed;
  • cross-country ability,
  • resistance,
  • diameter of the vessel.


  • degree of thickening of the vascular wall
  • mural thrombi or atherosclerotic plaques (can distinguish them)
  • pathological tortuosity of the vessel
  • vessel aneurysm.

This study helps not only to detect specific vascular pathology. Based on the data obtained as a result, it is possible to distinguish a benign process from a malignant one, determine the tendency of the tumor to grow, and distinguish some formations.

The study also makes it possible to distinguish some space-occupying formations. Thus, with the help of mapping, it is possible to distinguish a stone soldered to the wall of the gallbladder from its polyp (blood flow will be determined in the latter, whereas there is none in the stone).

Doppler mapping performed on vessels abdominal cavity, helps in diagnosing those pains in the abdominal cavity that arise due to insufficient blood supply to the intestines (this pathology cannot be determined by any other method).

Doppler ultrasound differs from color doppler ultrasound in that there is no color designation of blood flow velocities. This study is the same as Dopplerography, only the blood flow is assessed on the monitor, the recording is not recorded graphically.

Preparing for a Doppler study

Depends on which vessels need to be assessed. So, to study the vessels of both the upper and lower extremities, head or scrotal organs, there is no need to prepare for the procedure.

Doppler ultrasound during pregnancy is also performed without prior preparation. It is advisable only to undergo the study a couple of hours after eating, since recent admission nutrients to the baby somewhat changes the picture of real blood flow.

Read also:

What do the veins and arteries of our lower extremities feel?

Dopplerography only abdominal aorta carried out after preliminary preparation. For getting correct results for its examination, it is necessary to exclude the following foods from the diet within two days before the procedure:

  • black bread
  • cabbage
  • carbonated drinks
  • peas
  • beans
  • dairy products
  • alcohol.

Three hours before the test you need to drink 3-4 capsules of Espumisan, a bag of Smecta or several tablets activated carbon. Ultrasound scanning of the aorta and its branches is performed on an empty stomach.

How the research is carried out

  • Duplex scanning of the vessels of the head and neck is performed in a lying or sitting position.
  • The patient's head is rotated so as to clearly expose the area of ​​the vessels being examined.
  • A gel is applied to the neck, along which the sensor moves.
  • Doppler of other areas is also done through the skin, onto which a special gel is applied. A Doppler ultrasound sensor is not inserted into the cavity (intravaginally, transrectally).

What indicators are important for assessing blood flow

Decoding Dopplerography is carried out according to a number of indicators that are assessed in arterial and venous vessels, and then compared with the normative ones specifically for this vessel.

In addition, the doctor knows how to proceed this vessel normally, where it has bends, where it flows into a larger vessel. The location and tortuosity of the arteries in a particular person is compared with normal values.

The following parameters of arterial blood flow are assessed:

  1. Blood flow speed. Each vessel has its own speed standards.
  2. The systole-diastolic ratio. This is the ratio of the maximum and minimum blood flow speed. The first occurs in the vessel during systole - the second - in diastole.
  3. Pulsation index (PI) – the ratio of the difference between the maximum and minimum speeds to average speed in a vessel.
  4. The resistance index (RI) is obtained by dividing the difference between systolic and diastolic velocity by the systolic velocity.
  5. The thickness of the vascular wall (this parameter is designated as the thickness of the intima-media complex). In almost all vessels the norm for this indicator is 0.9-1.1 mm.
  6. Vessel diameter. Compares with standard indicators.

The price of Doppler ultrasound depends on which vessels need to be examined. Thus, the price of ultrasound examination of the scrotal organs is 1200-2000 rubles, Doppler of the vessels of the lower or upper limbs– 1200-2100 rubles. Scanning the blood vessels of the head costs 1600-4000 rubles. USDG ocular vessels– 350-2040 rubles. Dopplerography of the fetus – 1000-2500 rubles.

Thus, Doppler sonography is an informative method for diagnosing the pathology of a huge number of human vessels. This study is carried out like a regular ultrasound and is safe and painless. There is often no alternative to this diagnosis.

Vascular Doppler ultrasound (abbreviated as vascular ultrasound) is a non-invasive, highly informative study of arteries and veins for the purpose of diagnosing various diseases.

The USDG method is a combined ultrasound and Doppler examination, which not only helps to observe in real time the condition of the vessels and the most minor changes in them, to identify diseases in the early stages of development, but also to determine the nature and measure the speed of blood flow.

IN last years An increasing number of people are affected by diseases of the arteries and veins.

And if before the disease vessels were typical for older people, then today vascular pathologies have become almost twice as young: vascular diseases are very common among men and women aged 30–40 years.

Scientists attribute the deterioration of the condition to the reasons for this phenomenon environment, unbalanced diet, in which unnatural products occupy an increasing place, bad habits and physical inactivity.

The listed factors contribute to the appearance of excess weight in a person, the development of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, and based on them - pathologies of arteries and veins.

Pathological changes in blood vessels often begin with the fact that the latter lose their elasticity and can no longer, as before, allow blood to pass through and regulate the nature of blood flow.

As a result, the walls of arteries and veins, especially the veins of the legs, become thinner and overstretched or, conversely, thicken in some places, and atherosclerotic plaques appear on them.

For example, this is how vascular insufficiency of the lower extremities develops – varicose veins.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities are especially common in overweight people, pregnant women, as well as in people who have to long time be in a standing position (salespeople, security guards) or a sitting position (office workers).

How does Doppler ultrasound work and what can be learned from it? The operating principle of Doppler ultrasound is as follows.

Sound waves are reflected from moving objects (blood in vessels), a special sensor detects these waves and measures them using the Doppler method.

Next, the received signal is processed by a special computer program, as a result of which a two-dimensional image of the examined arteries or veins is displayed on the specialist’s monitor screen, for example, arteries that contribute to the nutrition of the brain (brachiocephalic arteries), or veins of the lower extremities.

Thus, the doctor can easily detect places where the patency of blood vessels is impaired and their walls are pathologically altered.

By the way, today Doppler ultrasound as an independent procedure is not performed as often as 10 years ago.

In the vast majority of modern clinics, preference is given to duplex or triplex scanning. This method is based on Doppler ultrasound, but the role of ultrasound is strengthened in it.

So, during the study, the doctor observes this or that part of the organ in several versions at once: in two-dimensional black and white; in a mode where the vessels under study are depicted graphically, which is especially important for assessing the patency of arteries and veins; in color.

The latter option allows the doctor to clearly distinguish between venous and arterial blood due to the fact that the first one on the monitor has a bright blue color, and the second one is scarlet.

Triplex scanning is by far the most informative method for studying the vessels of the brain and beyond.

However, it has one significant drawback - the high cost, and therefore the high price for conducting the survey.

Indications and contraindications

Due to the fact that the Doppler method was added to the method of conventional ultrasound diagnostics, the study has become indispensable for detecting disorders of blood movement in the vessels of the head (brain) and neck, diagnosing obstruction of the brachiocephalic arteries, upper and lower extremities, renal arteries and even the blood vessels of the eyes.

Using ultrasound of blood vessels, the smallest changes in them are visible at the earliest stages of development, which makes it possible to prescribe the correct treatment and achieve full recovery patient.

In what cases do doctors prescribe vascular Doppler ultrasound?

The most important indications for examination of arteries and veins are:

  • frequent headaches and dizziness in the patient;
  • noise in ears;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • ripples before the eyes;
  • labored breathing;
  • fainting;
  • numbness and cramps of the upper and lower extremities;
  • speech problems;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • obesity;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • elevated blood sugar levels;
  • different nature of heart disease;
  • vertebrobasilar circulatory failure;
  • ischemic attacks;
  • stroke;
  • Varicose veins;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • valvular insufficiency of the veins of the lower extremities.

Ultrasound Dopplerography – absolutely safe method research that does not involve the use of substances harmful to the human body or ionizing radiation.

Like any other diagnostic method, ultrasound imaging has its own, albeit few, contraindications.

These include, first of all, the general serious condition of the patient, which is why the patient cannot lie down for a long time (the procedure lasts on average about 40 minutes).

During pregnancy, the procedure can be performed, regardless of the trimester.

Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and head

One of the most common subtypes of ultrasound diagnostics of blood vessels is ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the neck and brain, as well as brachiocephalic arteries - that is, vessels that directly supply blood to parts of the brain and soft fabrics heads.

Visualization of cerebral vessels, brachiocephalic arteries and neck is necessary for identifying and diagnosing diseases such as aneurysms, ASGM, thrombosis of arteries and veins, narrowing of brachiocephalic arteries, narrowing of neck veins.

Doppler ultrasound of the brachiocephalic arteries is prescribed to patients who complain of frequent headaches and dizziness with sudden changes in body position, throbbing pain in the temples and back of the head, darkening in the eyes, who have been diagnosed with diseases such as hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

What does an ultrasound scan of the brachiocephalic arteries and vessels of the neck show?

Visualization of the brachiocephalic arteries and vessels of the neck helps to quickly identify areas with impaired vascular patency, diagnose initial atherosclerotic changes, locations of atherosclerotic plaques, and identify problems with the speed of blood flow in the vessels of the neck.

Ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the brain and neck, as well as brachiocephalic arteries, does not require any preparation from the patient.

The patient is only asked immediately 3 hours before the test not to take any drugs that affect the speed of blood flow. For the same reason, it is not advisable to drink alcohol before the procedure.

How is the research going? The patient is asked to sit comfortably on the couch and a gel is applied to the examined areas of the head and neck, with the help of which ultrasound penetrates under the skin.

After this, the device’s sensor is placed directly on the intended location great vessels(brachiocephalic arteries, other arteries of the neck or brain) – the scanning procedure begins.

The doctor slowly moves the sensor in one direction or another. The patient is asked to lie still most of the time.

However, situations are possible that the doctor, in order to better see this or that part of the vessel or observe the nature of blood movement, will ask the patient to turn his head to the right, then to the left, hold his breath, or, conversely, actively inhale and exhale.

However, even in this case, the procedure does not bring any particular discomfort to the patient.

Some patients complain of discomfort after a sound-conducting gel is applied to the skin, however, after a couple of minutes these sensations usually go away.

As already noted, the average duration of the procedure is 30 – 40 minutes. Study results are usually prepared within the same time period.

That is, after about an hour, and in some clinics within 10–15 minutes, the ultrasound diagnostic specialist gives the patient or his attending physician his conclusion.

Based on the transcript received, treatment will be prescribed or adjusted.

Ultrasound examination is one of the most popular instrumental diagnostic methods. His techniques include Doppler ultrasound. It is used for diagnostics vascular diseases and provides high level information content.

What does Doppler ultrasound of blood vessels show? The essence of the method

The technique is based on the Doppler effect - the name given to this phenomenon by the Austrian physicist Christian Doppler. He discovered that when a radiation source moves, its frequency and wavelength change. In the context of ultrasound, this means that the frequency of the ultrasound waves changes when reflected from moving red blood cells.

Dopplerography allows you to evaluate the speed and direction of blood flow. The sensor sends a series of ultrasound pulses into the tissue, and based on the response, the information is visualized on the screen in the form of a graph. It reflects changes in blood flow velocity at a certain depth.

Doppler ultrasound (USD) can be performed in 3 modes:

  • B-mode provides a black and white picture. This type of scanning is needed to measure thickness vascular walls, assessing the valves and identifying narrowing or dilatation if there are formations inside.
  • Color mode (color mapping). The color image clearly visualizes uneven areas, places of narrowing, and provides an assessment of the speed and uniformity of blood flow.
  • Spectral (pulse) mode. This option is used to assess hemodynamics.
Today they are more often used duplex ultrasound, that is, a combination of traditional scanning with Doppler ultrasound. This allows you to study the vessels anatomically, and the blood flow in them – qualitatively and quantitatively. The combination of duplex diagnostics with color mapping is called triplex scanning.

Separately should be considered three-dimensional dopplerography. It involves the use of computer modeling and the construction of a three-dimensional model of the vessels or entire organs being studied. A three-dimensional image is obtained by scanning an object from different angles.

Using Doppler ultrasound, the examination is carried out in real time. This technique does not require invasive intervention, is absolutely safe and has virtually no contraindications. This allows repeated studies to be carried out, if necessary, to the extent necessary to obtain complete and accurate information.

Surgeon-phlebologist Vladimir Sorokin talks about the essence of the method and its advantages in this video:

In what cases is it prescribed and which organs can be examined?

Ultrasound scanning is used for different organs human body. This technique is important for diagnosing blood vessels:
  • brain and neck;
  • hearts;
  • mammary glands;
  • lower extremities;
  • abdominal cavity (including kidneys);
  • pelvic organs;
  • scrotum
One of the areas of Doppler ultrasound is fetal examination. In the second trimester, it allows you to determine the sufficiency of oxygen supply through the placenta. If pathology is present, its location and the degree of fetal hypoxia are determined. Doppler ultrasound is also necessary during pregnancy under the following conditions:
  • systemic disease, diabetes mellitus, or in the mother;
  • discrepancy between the size of the child and the gestational age;
  • negative Rh factor of the mother and positive Rh factor of the child;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • late toxicosis (gestosis);
  • incorrect position of the fetus (transverse, oblique);
  • umbilical cord entanglement;
  • deviation from the norm in the amount of amniotic fluid;
  • chromosomal pathology of the fetus.
Scanning of the blood vessels of the brain and neck is called transcranial dopplerography, and examination of the child’s brain – neurosonography. There are many indications for such a diagnosis, they are mainly based on alarming symptoms:
  • frequent headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • signs of increased intracranial pressure;
  • fainting;
  • heaviness in the head;
  • noise in ears;
  • worsened vision;
  • weakness in the limbs;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • speech disorder.
Transcranial Doppler sonography is recommended as a routine examination for people at risk. These are the faces:
  • those suffering from diabetes;
  • smokers for a long time;
  • stroke survivors;
  • having relatives with vascular pathologies.
This group also includes patients with impaired cerebral circulation, metabolic syndrome preparing for surgical intervention into the brain (spinal, brain) or transferred to it.

Another important area of ​​Doppler vascular research is scanning the arteries and veins of the lower extremities. It is carried out if varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, endarteritis and atherosclerosis (obliterating) are suspected. Diagnostics will reveal blood flow disorders and their cause. Usually a phlebologist refers the patient to such an examination.

If an aneurysm is suspected or present specific symptoms indicating a violation of blood flow or poor patency, individual veins or arteries are scanned:

  • sleepy;
  • ileum;
  • hollow;
  • renal;
  • hepatic.

How is Doppler ultrasound of blood vessels performed?

In any case for ultrasound scanning gel is used. It is applied at the beginning of the procedure to the skin in the study area. The product differs in viscosity, but is always hypoallergenic. At the end of the examination, it can be easily removed with a napkin. A gel is needed for tight contact of the ultrasonic sensor with the skin and better glide on her.

The scan takes on average half an hour. The procedure varies depending on the part of the body being examined.

Doppler ultrasound of brain and neck vessels

For such a study, you need to lie on a couch with a cushion under your head. Diagnostics can be performed while sitting. It is necessary to free the neck, collarbones and shoulder blades from clothing.

To scan the neck, the specialist selects projection points for veins and arteries of large and medium sizes (diameter). The vessels of the head are more difficult to evaluate, since in an adult there are only a few points where the bones of the skull are thinner, and ultrasound can pass through. These are the areas above the eyes, on the temples and the back of the head. The last two areas are usually covered with hair, so the gel must be applied directly to them.

During diagnosis, a specialist conducts functional tests. To do this, the person being examined may be asked to hold their breath for a short time, breathe quickly and deeply, change their body position, or take the necessary medication.

Scanning of cardiac vessels

Doppler ultrasound in this direction is very important, since many cardiovascular pathologies manifest themselves due to abnormal changes in blood circulation. Many problems in terms of cardiology can be detected precisely by ultrasound, and at an early stage.

The patient needs to remove clothes from the chest area and lie on his back. The specialist will place the sensor at certain points chest from different angles - this allows you to get more accurate information.

Dopplerography of the vessels of the lower extremities

It is necessary to remove clothing from the lower part of the body, leaving only underwear. To scan, you need to lie on a couch with your legs shoulder-width apart and your feet pointing out to the sides. To assess the condition of the blood vessels during exercise, the patient is asked to stand up. The saphenous and popliteal veins are assessed in a standing or prone position.

To identify blood clots, the specialist uses a compression maneuver, that is, presses on the veins located closer to the surface of the skin. Another technique is the augmentation method, which accelerates the movement of blood through the veins. To do this, squeeze the patient's calves and forearms. To assess venous blood flow, you need to change it dramatically: you need to exhale with your mouth closed and your nose pinched. This technique is called the Valsalva technique. Such tests are usually used for varicose veins.

Doppler ultrasound of abdominal vessels

Dopplerography of the abdominal vessels will reveal many pathologies. During the procedure, the following abdominal vessels are assessed:
  • aorta;
  • iliac arteries;
  • celiac trunk;
  • hepatic artery;
  • splenic artery;
  • superior mesenteric artery;
  • inferior vena cava;
  • portal venous system.
To scan, you need to expose your abdominal area and lie on your back. Sometimes it is necessary to inflate the stomach.

An important condition for ultrasound scanning of abdominal vessels is preparation for the study. It consists of a diet that excludes gas-forming foods, and cleansing enema on the eve of the procedure. The patient is recommended to take enterosorbents for 2-3 days, and undergo diagnostics on an empty stomach.

The vessels of the kidneys can be examined in combination with the vessels of the abdominal cavity or separately. In any case, the examination follows a standard procedure and requires preparation.

Dopplerography of the male reproductive system

Using ultrasound, both external and internal organs male reproductive system, including:
  • scrotum;
  • penis;
  • testicles and epididymis;
  • prostate gland;
  • seminal vesicles;
  • vas deferens.
There is no need to prepare specially for scanning - just maintaining personal hygiene. During the procedure, the patient must lie on his back. The penis must be held against the abdomen to provide the specialist with access to the examination area.

All necessary information recorded during scanning, so upon completion of the procedure, the ultrasound protocol is almost ready. The specialist indicates only the data received, and the doctor must decipher them. Based on the information received, a diagnosis will be made or additional tests or examinations will be prescribed.

One of the most important indicators– blood flow speed, and the rate varies depending on its type. For the pulmonary artery, the normal blood flow speed is 0.6-0.9 m/s, transmitral blood flow - 0.6-1.3 m/s, transtricuspid blood flow - 0.3-0.7 m/s, aortic valve– 0.9-1.7 m/s, left ventricular outflow tract – 0.7-1.5 m/s.

When diagnosing the vessels of the lower extremities, the venous bed is not assessed numerically. The examination is based on an analysis of the patency of the veins, the condition of the venous valves, and the topography of the segment with the identified pathology. The walls of blood vessels should normally be thin and smooth, the lumen should be free of inclusions, the blood flow and respiratory cycle should be synchronous.

Several parameters of arterial blood flow are important:

  • Ankle-brachial index minimum 0.9. This indicator means the ratio blood pressure on the ankle and shoulder.
  • Blood flow in the femoral artery is 100 cm/s (peak velocity), in the lower leg – 50 cm/s.
  • The resistance index of the femoral artery is more than 1 m/s.
  • Pulsation index tibial artery– more than 1.8 m/s.
On Doppler examination of the vessels of the head and neck, it is especially important to identify their narrowing and determine the speed of blood flow. Normally, there should be no narrowing, and the blood flow speed should be within 0.5-1 m/s.

Regardless of the part of the body being examined, the specialist needs to evaluate the following parameters:

  • blood flow speed;
  • the ratio of the maximum and minimum blood flow velocity;
  • pulsation index;
  • resistance index;
  • thickness of the walls of blood vessels;
  • diameter of vessels.

It is important to remember that you should not attempt to decipher the ultrasound results yourself. Only a specialist can correctly evaluate the information received and make a correct diagnosis based on it.

Contraindications for the study

Dopplerography is considered an absolutely safe technique with no contraindications. But there are some restrictions to the procedure:
  • it is necessary to reschedule the examination in case of an acute inflammatory process in the body;
  • Diagnosis cannot be carried out if the skin in the area being examined is severely damaged, for example, by a burn;
  • scanning becomes difficult when in serious condition patient, inability to lie down for the required time.
Exposure to ultrasound is safe, so the study can be carried out even small child or a pregnant woman. There are no absolute contraindications to diagnosis, and the existing restrictions are temporary.

Cost of Dopplerography

Average prices for ultrasound examination in different regions are approximately equal, but vary depending on the clinic offering similar services:
  • diagnostics of the vessels of the neck and brain will cost approximately 3,000 rubles, and separately – 2,000-2,500 rubles;
  • examination of the ocular vessels costs 1,500 rubles, the cost is similar for an orbital scan;
  • An ultrasound scan of the scrotal vessels costs on average 2000-3000 rubles, the same prices for a separate scan of the prostate or penis;
  • You can check the veins of the lower extremities for 2500-3500 rubles;
  • similar cost for diagnostics of the abdominal aorta with branches or renal arteries;
  • checking separately the vessels of the liver or kidneys will cost 2500-3000 rubles.
Dopplerography of blood vessels – effective method instrumental diagnostics. Its main advantages are information content, safety and lack of absolute contraindications. An important factor is the availability of diagnostics. This applies to both its cost and the possibility of receiving the service in different clinics.

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