Is it possible to take sage while breastfeeding? Sage is a reliable remedy for stopping lactation. Sage decoction

Breastfeeding is a wonderful time for mother and baby. The child receives everything necessary for proper development vitamins, and the woman enjoys moments of complete unity. Holding your child to your chest, feeding, feeling how he grows and gets stronger thanks to you is the main mission and the best reward in life. But time passes, many mothers have a question about correct termination lactation.

The reason for stopping breastfeeding may be the age of the baby. Most often, after a year, children begin to eat solid food and mothers decide to leave. Other no less common cause the condition of the breast becomes an aesthetic factor. At breastfeeding after one and a half years, the breasts lose their shape. Therefore, young mothers quickly want to bring their figure to its prenatal form.

So, the reasons for reducing or canceling lactation are very different. The methods for achieving this goal are also varied. Experienced women know that sage to stop lactation is a convenient and quick method.

Sage - unique plant, which helps against many diseases. His middle name is “salvation.” It is most often taken in the form of oil or a decoction of leaves to stop lactation. Why? The fact is that the plant has the property of completely or partially neutralizing prolactin. This is the same hormone that appears in the female body during pregnancy and lasts for several years. high level to supply the newborn baby with milk. In addition, sage helps restore the female body after childbirth: the condition of the skin, hair, nails improves, excess weight. All these qualities make the plant so indispensable for young mothers


Depending on your taste preferences and the desired period of cessation of lactation, sage can be consumed in in various forms And different dosages. One such option is sage essential oil.

  • Advantages. In liquid form, the plant has a very high concentration. The oil contains a lot of active biological substances. Therefore, the etheric state acts very quickly and is suitable for abrupt withdrawal of milk.
    Essential oil helps the mother avoid inflammatory processes in the breast. When breastfeeding, the baby keeps the mother in good shape, preventing the appearance of lumps and painful formations. Sage in the form of oil is also good for the health of women's breasts.
  • Where to buy. It is extremely difficult to make such a remedy on your own. But you can easily buy sage at any pharmacy.
  • How to drink. To stop lactation, sage oil should be consumed for several days, 4-5 drops 3 times a day. At the same time, drink plenty of water.

You can also use the oil to apply compresses to your chest. For an hour, a couple of times a day, apply gauze to your chest, moistened with a few drops of the plant and regular sunflower oil.
For lovers of sweets, this method is suitable: several times a day, add a couple of drops of butter to a sugar block and eat it.


Most often, in order not to sharply expose their body and baby to stress from a sudden cessation of lactation, mothers use a decoction of the beneficial plant.

  • Advantages. Since the decoction is a liquid, there will be no sharp effect. If you take it correctly, your milk will slowly decrease. This will lead to minimal stress for the child.
  • Where to buy. Regular dried sage can be bought at a pharmacy or from grandmothers at the market. For convenience, you can take ready-made herbal tea and drink it, following the instructions on the package.
  • How to brew. You need to pour boiling water over 1 teaspoon of herb. Let the broth brew well, after which it is better to strain for convenience. Don't forget to make new tea every day.
  • How to drink. It is recommended to consume the decoction 20 minutes before meals, 50 ml. The effect of such a drink will come within a few days. But for full course You need to drink it for a month.


Sage can also be taken in dry form to stop lactation. The leaves of the plant also find their use when stopping breastfeeding.

  • How to use. To reduce lactation, add a few sage leaves to your vegetable juice or tea. In addition, petals can be added in small quantities to food throughout the day.

This use not only helps reduce milk in the breast, but also improves general condition. Unprocessed sage leaves contain the maximum amount of phytoestrogen. This substance is very similar to the female hormone estrogen. It is he who is responsible for the condition and health of the breasts and female reproductive organs.


Of course, you should not use alcohol tinctures when breastfeeding. But there are often cases when the milk has practically disappeared, the child is weaned from the breast, but at the same time several drops of milk flow out of one breast every day. This is harmful to a woman's body. In this case, you need to help the milk completely disappear.

  • How to do. For the tincture, take 50 drops of ready-made pharmacy tincture and dilute with a glass of boiled water.
  • How to drink. Use the resulting tincture throughout the day. After a few days, the milk should completely disappear.

Of course, if you want to stop full lactation very quickly, you can resort to this method, slightly increasing the dose to 60 drops per day. But in no case should you put the baby to the breast.

Is it possible to drink sage and feed a child?

Sage, getting into mother's milk, direct negative impact does not carry the baby. But, like any remedy, it must be used with caution. If you read the instructions in many pharmaceutical preparations using sage, you will see in the contraindications column - pregnancy and feeding. That is, you still need to use any artificial methods weaning the baby from the breast.
It is best to try sage in small doses for the first few days, as possible various manifestations allergies.

It is best to consult your doctor before using sage while breastfeeding. If he doesn’t mind, then strictly follow the instructions received as much as necessary.

  • If there is an inflammatory process in the kidneys or there are chronic diseases associated with them, then taking sage is strictly prohibited.
  • For epilepsy, grass in any form is also contraindicated.
  • If you suspect pregnancy, it is better not to risk the health of the unborn baby.

If these contraindications do not concern you, then you can safely try sage in a form convenient for you and feed your baby with the rest of the milk.

How effective is sage for milk withdrawal?

Sage in any dose has a 100% effect on milk. If you decide to stop lactation with sage essential oil, then due to its increased concentration, the milk will disappear within a few days. If you are against quick withdrawal, then tinctures and decoctions act a little slower, but also affect milk. If suddenly a decrease in lactation does not appear for any reason, then consult a doctor immediately.

Although sage is safe and folk remedy to stop and reduce lactation, try to prepare yourself and your baby for this in advance. Start by limiting your fluid intake. So, most likely, the milk will gradually begin to decrease. When your baby craves the breast at night, try not to feed, but give him warm herbal water or baby tea as much as he wants.

If the child runs to the breast to calm down, then influence him mechanically: Anoint the nipple aureoles with something bitter but safe. It is also possible when breastfeeding add ice cubes. The main thing is not to harm your body.

We stop breastfeeding. Video

Salvia officinalis is most often used for diseases of the throat and gums. Externally it is recommended against hair loss. But he also has less known properties. It turns out that this plant can be used to stop lactation. To reduce the amount of milk, use tea, tincture, decoction, alcohol infusion, extract and essential oil of sage.

Breastfeeding helps you grow strong and healthy child. Even doctors give different answers to the question of how long breastfeeding should continue. According to WHO recommendations, it is advisable to breastfeed a baby until 2 years of age. But there still comes a time when it’s time to stop breastfeeding. This is where sage can help the mother properly complete feeding.

Healing properties

Sage is used in medicinal purposes since ancient times. Surely it was used by the very first healers.

IN Ancient Egypt women were treated with sage for infertility. The priests even specially distributed it to women to increase fertility. The herb was added to almost all potions for the pharaohs. It was believed that sage bestows youth and longevity.

With the light hand of Hippocrates, who actively used sage, it began to be called “ sacred grass" The plant was very popular during the Renaissance. At this time in Europe it was considered a remedy against all diseases.

Sage contains phytohormones similar in composition to the female hormone estrogen, so this plant is widely used in treatment women's diseases: painful periods, menopausal problems, infertility.

It also affects lactation. Using sage you can reduce the amount breast milk ah, applying it correctly medicinal plant, completely complete breastfeeding.

Using sage to complete lactation

If there is no need to abruptly stop breastfeeding a child, then it is very convenient to use this particular herb. It helps to gently and gradually reduce the amount of milk and after a while ensure that it completely disappears. This regimen prepares the baby for complete weaning. Both mother and baby avoid the stress that inevitably arises when breastfeeding is abruptly stopped.

If a woman has strong hot flashes, there is too much milk, and the baby does not have time to suck it out, then you can also drink sage. It gently reduces prolactin levels, thereby reducing milk supply. This serves to prevent congestion in the chest and mastitis. The plant does not reduce the quality of milk and in reasonable quantities does not affect the child. Doctors have nothing against its careful use.

Sage cannot stop lactation instantly. It will take some time for the milk to disappear completely. After all, phytoestrogen is just an analogue of the real thing. female hormone. But the use of this natural herbal remedy does not lead to hormonal imbalances. But if some emergency circumstances arise, and breastfeeding of the child must be stopped urgently, then you will have to drink more strong drugs, for example, Dostinex. Only a doctor should prescribe such drugs.

The easiest way to stop breastfeeding is to take sage in the form of tablets or capsules. But there are other options.


Used to suppress lactation. 1 teaspoon of ground herb is brewed with a glass of boiling water. Take half a glass 3 times a day for a week.

You can simply drink sage tea in bags. You need to brew it for 3-5 minutes, take a cup 2 to 6 times a day.

Not everyone likes the taste of sage; it has a spicy bitterness. But if desired, you can add honey or sugar to the tea.


Two tablespoons of herb are poured into a glass of boiling water. Infuse, strain and take a few sips up to 3 times a day.

Alcohol tincture of sage

It works faster and better than teas and infusions. But, if the mother is still breastfeeding, then the use of alcohol-containing drugs naturally disappears. Sage tincture should be drunk 30-60 drops three to six times a day, dissolved in a small amount of water.

You can add preparations based on hop cones and leaves to sage walnut.


Even stronger than alcohol tincture, the extract works. 1 ml is dissolved in a small amount of water and drunk three times a day. Care must be taken not to overdose.

Essential oil

Highest concentration useful substances found in sage essential oil. It can be taken orally 5 drops up to 4 times a day. Usually within 3-4 days the amount of milk decreases noticeably.

If the mother feels fullness in her chest, then a compress can be applied. Mix essential oils of sage, cypress, mint and geranium, taken 2-3 drops each. Approximately 25 g added vegetable oil. A gauze is soaked in this mixture and applied to the chest for an hour and a half. The compress can be done once a day. It not only inhibits milk production, but also prevents possible inflammatory processes in the chest.

A compress can be made using essential oil applied to cabbage leaves.

Reviews from moms

Let's see what reviews mothers write about the use of sage. It is clear from them that it does not help everyone. But it’s still worth trying medicinal herbs before taking pills.

Katerina: “Sage once helped me correct my cycle. I started drinking a decoction to stop lactation. My milk has started to come in less and my breasts no longer hurt.”

Alexandra: “I drank sage for a week when I decided to stop breastfeeding my son. For some time after that there was still some milk, and then it disappeared completely.”

Tatyana: “Sage didn’t help me. No matter how much I drank, the milk did not disappear. I had to take pills."


Sage is very gentle. Its use does not lead to lactostasis, such as other popular methods: breast ligation and fluid restriction. But, unfortunately, not everyone can use this herb to stop lactation.

  1. Sage is contraindicated for endometriosis.
  1. It can increase blood pressure, so it must be used very carefully if you have hypertension.
  1. Sage should not be used by women suffering from reduced function thyroid gland.
  1. It is strictly prohibited when acute diseases kidney
  1. It is not used for epilepsy.


Sage leaves contain camphor and thujone (one of essential components absinthe). These substances are in large doses toxic to humans. Do not exceed recommended dosages, trying to quickly stop breastfeeding.

Although sage is usually well tolerated by both mother and baby, sometimes taking it can cause the following side effects:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • abdominal pain;
  • dizziness;
  • nervous excitement.

When using sage, you must remember that the end of breastfeeding should be gradual. It is impossible to predict how long this will take. Perhaps a few weeks. You need to be very careful with your child so as not to harm him. psychological trauma. If the mother did everything correctly, but the milk did not disappear, then, along with sage, it is advisable to use other means. And it is best to coordinate the entire process with a good doctor.

Sage is a herb that has long been considered a life-saving remedy for many women's diseases and not only. Thanks to this, it probably received its Latin name “Salvia”, which means “salvation”.

So, what is it about the miracle herb that magically affects female body? Specialists in in this case They talk about a substance similar to the female sex hormones estrogen.

In addition to stimulating the development of the female reproductive system, estrogens suppress lactation - the process of milk production in a nursing mother.

Therefore, women often use this old folk remedy to speed up the process of weaning their child from breastfeeding.

We will talk further about how to properly wean a child from mother's milk, whether it is possible to drink sage at the same time while breastfeeding, and how this remedy is used.

Weaning your baby: let's plan! First of all, we note that abruptly weaning a child off breast milk is fraught with stress, decreased immunity and psychological problems

both for the baby and for the mother. Therefore, the process of weaning off breastfeeding should proceed gradually. It is best to plan this in advance and thus prepare both mentally and informationally. Both mother and baby should know and get used to the idea that sooner or later the baby should start eating on his own. And this is great, it’s delicious and all children do it, and wise parents, of course, should rejoice good appetite

and the chubby cheeks of your little ones.

A child should be weaned off breast milk in several stages. The first, whether you like it or not, begins when we begin to replace night feedings with water or soothing tea.

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In the end, we are gradually coming to the conclusion that there is no longer a need for the baby to be attached to the breast, since he receives all the nutrients and beneficial substances, vitamins and microelements from feeding at the so-called common table.

This happens when a family (in this case we mean dad and mom) consciously and thoughtfully approached initial stage growing up of your child. However, it’s no secret that stereotypes such as “while the baby is asking, the mother should feed” or “forcibly weaning a child means undermining his immunity and promoting illness” often prevent the baby from getting used to the common table normally. As a rule, such dogmas are established by overly “caring” grandmothers who do not fully realize that such an approach can serve in further reason problems.

If you delay breastfeeding

In this case, when the baby has already grown up and wiser, he often demands his mother not so much for a snack, but for communication. At the same time, at the age of one and a half, two and even three years, this communication should and may well occur at a different, more useful and productive level for both the child and the mother. After all, the age has come when a little person must develop, learn about the world, and acquire vital skills.

Often a child needs to cuddle up to his mother’s breast to calm down, since this can be difficult to do on his own. The mother's breast is also often used as protection, a way to isolate oneself from unpleasant circumstances that have arisen in the world around. Mom, like other relatives living with you, must be aware of the fact that the child has learned well: when he is at the breast, no one touches him, does not distract him, does not worry him, but on the contrary, everyone is trying to create the most favorable conditions for feeding. This fact should not at all become a reason for the deliberate destruction of the idyll. We just warned you about possible problem and we hope that you will wisely approach the way out of an awkward situation.

Smecta does not pass into milk during breastfeeding and is completely safe

In addition, prolonged feeding becomes an obstacle to the mother’s removal from home, in order to sometimes, for example, leave her grandchild with the grandparents or even to send the child to kindergarten.

When you don’t have to breastfeed, but the milk keeps coming

If the process of weaning from breastfeeding is successful, then, as a rule, lactation gradually subsides on its own. But often mothers have to resort to additional funds, suppressing milk production.

As we have already said, one of these is the life-saving phytohormonal remedy sage for weaning from breastfeeding.

It is used in various forms: as essential oil, tea, alcohol or herbal infusion.

To stop lactation, sage essential oil is dripped onto a piece of sugar, 4 drops each, and taken 4 times a day for about 4 days.

Sage oil has also proven to be quite effective when used as compresses. To prepare a compress with 2 drops of sage oil, mix 2 drops of cypress oil, 3 drops of mint and geranium oil and 25 mg of regular vegetable oil. Moisten gauze or a simple thin cotton cloth with the resulting mixture and apply it to the chest for an hour and a half a day.

You can take weak herbal tea with sage. However, in this case, it will take a little longer to stop lactation. Concentrated herbal infusion is a more effective remedy and is prepared this way. For a quarter liter of boiling water, take 2 tablespoons of dry sage leaves. The herb is infused to room temperature. Then it is strained and brought to normal boiled water to the previous volume. This infusion is taken 3-4 sips no more than three times a day.

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It is important to know

Is it possible to drink tea with sage at the same time while breastfeeding? If possible, review the instructions for use of products containing sage extract by checking Special attention for contraindications.

You will see that they are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 5 years of age.

This applies not only to herbs, but also to oils and even cough tablets. Sage is an amazing, beautiful plant with beneficial properties , known in medicine since ancient times. People still continue to use sage in various cases

. Women also use it to stop lactation.

Useful properties of sage The roots and leaves of the plant contain a large number of vitamins and medicinal substances . Sage occupies an important place among the remedies traditional medicine

  • . It originally grew in the Mediterranean area, but is now grown in other places, for example, in the Crimea, as well as in Asia and Eastern Europe. The number of varieties of sage is very large, the most useful for humans include:
  • drug;
  • Spanish;
  • nutmeg;

Medicinal sage is the most famous and widespread subspecies of the plant. It is dried, oil is extracted from it, decoctions, tinctures, powders are made, and added to food.

In legends different nations sage acts as magic remedy for healing people and animals. Buried in the soil, it increases the yield. An infusion of sage puts heroes and warriors on their feet. Horses grazing in sage bushes gain health and strength. Ancient doctors wrote that it brings you back to life, driving away trouble.

Decoctions, ointments, powders and tinctures are made with sage

Sage also contains cineole, camphor, tannins, flavonoids and alkaloids:

  • all parts of the plant contain essential oil, the amount of which in the leaves is 1.3-2.5%;
  • essential oil consists of D-α-pinene, cineole (about 15%), α- and β-thujone, D-borneol and D-camphor;
  • alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, oleanolic and ursolic acids were also found in the leaves;
  • fruits contain 19-25% fatty oil, represented mainly by linoleic acid glycerides.

All this allows sage to have an effect on the human body that is quite effective for the prevention and treatment of many diseases:

Video: medicinal effects of the plant

Use during breastfeeding

One of important features sage is that it affects hormonal system humans - in particular, stimulates the production of estrogen in women. This makes the plant an aphrodisiac, but also includes it in the list unwanted funds for a nursing mother, since it inhibits lactation.

  • However, for some mothers, suppression or even complete cessation of lactation is preferable for medical reasons:
  • with hyperlactation, when more milk is produced than the baby needs; at serious illnesses
  • breasts, including those requiring surgical intervention;

in the treatment of any disease that is impossible during lactation. Normally, the process of milk production in a woman begins with the birth of a child and lasts from 6 months to 2 years. Suppression of lactation is a harsh and generally undesirable measure: it causes hormonal imbalance

, can lead to mastitis and is definitely stressful for both mother and baby.

In any case, the completion should be as smooth as possible: if the child needs to be switched to a different diet, it is necessary to spend some time on gradual weaning. Pacifiers and pacifiers will certainly help, but they must be used with caution as they are only a partial replacement. During this period, the baby needs to pay special attention.

Sage to stop lactation

Sage is considered one of the most soft ways to stop lactation, and you need to remember that it will not give an immediate result: the amount of breast milk will decrease gradually, the period can be up to two weeks. The plant can be found in any pharmacy: it is sold both in dried form and in the form of ready-made tinctures. There are several options for using the product.


Sage oil contains a high concentration of active substances and is therefore the most quick option decreased milk production in a woman. It has a positive effect on skin covering, which prevents cracks. The most common use is compresses on the chest. There are the following recipes:

  1. Dissolve 10 drops of oil in half a glass of water. Moisten gauze with the resulting mixture. Apply to the nipples for 1.5 hours once a day; To enhance the effect, wrap the top with film and fabric for the duration of the compress.
  2. Mix 3 drops of sage, geranium, cypress and mint oils with 25 mg of vegetable oil, moisten gauze or bandage, apply once a day for an hour and a half.
  3. Mix 2-3 drops of sage oil and 10 drops of vegetable oil. Rub the resulting mixture into the area of ​​the nipples and breasts, gently massaging the breasts; repeat 3-4 times a day at intervals of several hours.

Sage oil contains active substances in high concentration


The recipe is:

  1. Pour one tablespoon of dry chopped herbs into two glasses of boiling water.
  2. Let stand for 10 minutes on low heat.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes.

Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.


The simplest recipe:

  1. Brew dry raw materials at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Leave for about an hour.
  3. Strain.
  4. Take 1/4 cup once a day before meals.

    It is better to brew sage again every day during the reception.

You can also do more complex compositions drink based on sage, adding hops, walnut leaves and other plants, but provided that you carefully check the information about medicinal properties and compatibility of each component.

The drink can be made from sage in combination with other ingredients


Despite all wonderful properties, sage is primarily a medicinal remedy, which means it requires consideration individual characteristics body and should be used only after consulting a doctor. It is not recommended to use sage:

  • for renal disorders of any level, since it increases the load on the kidneys;
  • for any form of epilepsy, since it can provoke new attacks;
  • during pregnancy at any stage due to its effect on hormonal balance;
  • for diseases associated with increased level estrogens, including breast tumors. For the same reason, it is not recommended to take it after surgical operations on the chest, uterus, etc.;
  • if you are allergic to it or a substance in its composition; you should stop using immediately if reactions occur;
  • for disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • for hypertension, as it has tonic properties;
  • with a strong cough, it may get even worse;
  • with delayed menstruation.

Take sage more three months consecutively is not recommended even in the absence of contraindications.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about breastfeeding

Mother's milk is the ideal nutrition for newborns, but there comes a time when the baby needs to be weaned. Much has been said about what you need to eat and drink to increase your milk supply, but the topic of suppressing lactation is raised much less often. There are hormonal medical supplies, which can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Sage to stop lactation - more mild remedy with minimal side effects.

The Mediterranean is considered the homeland of sage, from there the high herbaceous plant or subshrub has spread throughout the world. The ancient Greeks and Romans were treated with this herb, and during the Renaissance it was already widely used throughout Europe. In ancient reference books you can find instructions for preparing potions, ointments, rinses, decoctions and infusions.


Flowers and leaves contain up to 0.5% essential oil with a whole range of useful substances. The seeds are 20% protein and 30% fatty oil. The roots contain coumarin.

Sage is known as an effective anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, hemostatic, tonic. Chemical composition defines a list of problems for which sage is effective:

  • Diseases gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver
  • Viral infections
  • Sore throat, bronchitis, gingivitis
  • Radiculitis, polyarthritis, neuritis
  • Gynecological and skin diseases
  • Wounds, ulcers, boils, burns

This is a truly unique plant, on the basis of which drugs are produced for dozens of diseases, including such terrible ones as tuberculosis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis and diabetes.

Effect on lactation

If lactation needs to be stopped not urgently, sage will become gentle, soft and effective means. The process of formation of breast milk when drinking tea or sage decoction subsides slowly.

When it's time to wean your baby, learn how to take the herb, continue breastfeeding, and slow down your lactation at the same time. While the amount of milk decreases, the baby will have time to wean himself off the breast, and everything will happen painlessly for mother and baby.

The plant is also useful if there is too much milk for the baby. Take pharmaceutical or self-prepared medicine to prevent congestion and mastitis in your breasts. Sage does not affect the quality of milk, so it can be taken without fear of harming the baby.

The herb acts not only as a means of stopping lactation. The substances prevent inflammatory processes in the mammary gland, which is very important for a young mother.

Stopping breastfeeding becomes a shock not only for the baby, the woman’s body also does not immediately rebuild itself. Calming effect medicinal plant will help a woman survive hormonal changes.

Lactation stops without the use of hormonal and herbal preparations, but this process can take many months. The hormone estrogen suppresses the action of prolactin, which is responsible for milk production. Sage has a similar effect, but it cannot completely replace estrogen. The advantage of herbal remedies over hormonal drugs in the gradualness of action and the absence of hormonal shocks.

Rules of conduct during the period of cessation of lactation

You can use the medicine without stopping feeding, but some rules will shorten the period of weaning the baby from the breast:

  1. For several days, reduce the volume of liquid consumed by 2-3 times.
  2. Try not to drink warm or hot drinks, as they stimulate lactation.
  3. The optimal time for cessation of lactation occurs when the child reaches one year old. At this time, the baby’s nutrition can be almost completely replaced with regular food, leaving only night breastfeeding.
  4. Replace some of the liquid you drink during the day with sage infusion. Wherein daily dose infusion should not exceed 0.5-0.8 liters.
  5. After a year of lactation, the breasts may not fill during the day, but in the evening a rush of milk is likely. Do not drink liquids before bedtime, and if painful sensations still appear in the breast, express the milk with your hands or with a breast pump. Do not try to express all the milk, so as not to provoke excessive production.
  6. When taking sage, the mammary glands will not become engorged. If your milk continues to come in during the first few days, try to be patient. discomfort without constricting the chest.

How to use

Drugs to stop lactation can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently. If you prefer ready-made sage-based medicines, read the instructions and follow them.

Pharmacies sell sage tea bags. Everyone knows how to use tea bags:

Place two bags in a cup and pour 200 ml of boiling water. After five minutes, the bags can be thrown away, the tea can be cooled and taken in small portions throughout the day.
After 2-4 days, lactation will stop; you can speed up the process if you supplement your tea drinking with compresses with sage oil.

Pharmaceutical drug yellow color with a spicy smell. Sage oil is effective in treating inflammation and softening breast lumps.

Mix 3 drops of sage oil with 10 ml of olive or other vegetable oil and massage the nipples and areolas 3-4 times a day until the desired effect is achieved.

External use alone is not enough to stop lactation; at the same time, you should drink sage infusion or 4-5 drops of oil five times a day.

This the best remedy for a soft stop of lactation. The decoction is used when the child has already switched to regular food. It’s easy to brew sage, choose any recipe:

  • Pour 1-2 tbsp into a thermos. spoons of dry herbs and pour half a liter of boiling water. After 20 minutes, strain, cool and drink immediately after breastfeeding.
  • Pour 300 g of dry sage with a liter of water and cook over low heat for about half an hour. After cooling, the decoction can be taken 100-150 ml per day, dividing this amount into three servings.

Alcohol infusion

Pharmacy tincture of sage is different high concentration substances. Before taking the medicine, read the instructions.

50 drops pharmacy tincture Mix sage with 200 ml of water and take in equal parts over 20 minutes. before meals. Usually the effect occurs within 2-3 days.


Concentrated pharmaceutical drug convenient to use, but you should not exceed the dosage to speed up the process.
Dilute 1 ml of extract in water and take three times a day.


Absolutely safe medicines There are no remedies that are suitable for absolutely everyone; there are also contraindications for the use of sage. Sage herb and preparations made from it are not recommended for women suffering from the following diseases:

  • Endometriosis
  • Breast tumor
  • Hyperplasia
  • Hypertension and hypotension
  • Decreased thyroid function
  • Acute kidney inflammation

Avoid taking sage and its preparations if you have coughing- the condition may worsen.
Long-term and excessive use of sage can lead to intoxication of the body, which is manifested by pain in the abdomen, nausea, dizziness, and nervous agitation.

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