Can you get pneumonia from a sick person? Pneumonia - is this disease contagious?

Characterized by severe course And high probability fatal outcome, especially when it comes to older people and young children. When a person with signs of a pathology of the respiratory system appears in their immediate environment, many begin to think about whether pneumonia is contagious?

What is pneumonia, what is the danger of the disease

Even experts cannot give an exact answer to the question of whether pneumonia is transmitted. This is due to the fact that the possibility of contracting pneumonia is determined after identifying the causative agent of the disease, which are viruses, bacteria, protozoa, rickettsia, mycoplasma.

Practical medicine registers a large number of cases of pneumonia occurring in, not accompanied by manifestations clinical symptoms. As a result, treatment of lung disease occurs with a serious delay, which significantly increases the likelihood of complications:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • infection of the brain and spinal cord;
  • death.

Ways of transmission of the disease

Microorganisms that cause the most common types of lung disease are among the main pathogens of respiratory infections - staphylococcus, pneumococcus, and hemophilus influenzae. The causative agent of pneumonia is transmitted in one of the following ways:

A large number of bacteria live in the human body, and the immune system reliably protects the respiratory system and other organs from infection. When a protective function fails, pathogenic microflora is activated. The decisive role in the possibility of infection with pneumonia is the state of immunity of a particular person.

From the moment the first symptoms of lung pathology appear, a person, surrounding objects and air become a carrier of harmful bacteria. Young children and older people who are in close contact with a person infected with pneumonia can contract the infection through inhaled air. Any form of pneumonia, regardless of the course of the disease, poses a serious threat to the life of a child and an elderly person.

Who is most susceptible to infection?

Pneumonia disease is an inflammation of the lung tissue, accompanied by a decrease in respiratory function, which, in turn, leads to a lack of oxygen in all structures human body. Pneumonia is transmitted under the influence of the following factors:

  • chronic pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • oncological formations;
  • respiratory infections;
  • AIDS virus;
  • diseases of an autoimmune nature;
  • chemotherapy;
  • use of drugs that suppress the immune system;
  • long-term use of antibacterial agents;
  • hypothermia;
  • smoking;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions.

People exposed to one or a complex of factors have a reduced protective function of the body. Low level immunity is a decisive factor in the development of lung diseases.

The most serious consequences are associated with the situation when pneumonia is transmitted during the process of entry infected cells through circulatory system during surgical interventions. IN similar situations It is almost impossible to restore a person’s health.

Is hospital-acquired and community-acquired pneumonia contagious?

A person with pneumonia who is at work or at home poses a serious danger to others. Microbes that multiply in the respiratory system of a person suffering from pneumonia are expelled from the body into the air with each episode of sneezing or coughing. People nearby infected person forced to breathe contaminated air.

Those with a strong immune system will be able to avoid infection, but a very small proportion of people can boast of good health. The majority of the population has reduced immune function because of sedentary image life, passions bad habits, unbalanced nutrition, poor environmental situation.

In the event of infection with pathogenic cells, a person suffering from pneumonia should not be expected to immediately develop pneumonia. In most cases, the formation is recorded respiratory diseases, occurring in a fairly mild form.

Hospital-acquired pneumonia has a high likelihood of infection. IN medical institutions all kinds of staphylococcal, opportunistic cells that have a high level of resistance to the effects of most antibacterial drugs. Every person who spends a long time within the walls of a clinic runs the risk of contracting pneumonia.

Due to the difficulty of eliminating the bacteria that cause hospital-acquired pneumonia, the likelihood of death is high in a large number of patients suffering from this form of the disease.

Is it possible to get pneumonia after clinical recovery?

Is pneumonia contagious after discharge from the hospital? Another question that concerns the patient’s immediate circle. A person with lung damage is sent home after his condition improves and visible signs are eliminated. x-rays foci of inflammation. Thus, a person who is not fully recovered and is a carrier of germs leaves the walls of the hospital.

Exposure to a provoking factor can activate pathogenic microorganisms and provoke the re-development of pneumonia. The main danger is that inactive infected cells are easily transmitted to humans through household items.

How to avoid getting pneumonia

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • stop smoking;
  • carry out adequate treatment of respiratory diseases, do not resort to the use of antibiotics in inappropriate situations;
  • If a cough is detected, seek medical help;
  • carry out timely vaccination against influenza and pneumonia.

For effective fight against viruses and other harmful cells, it is necessary to strengthen the human immune system. Regular physical exercise, a varied diet, compliance with hygiene standards, and timely consultation with a doctor will help increase the body’s protective function and avoid the development of pneumonia and subsequent tragic complications.

Pneumonia is a serious and dangerous disease. Pneumonia takes a long time to treat, patients experience severe pain, discomfort, ailments, weakness and other unpleasant things. Advanced stage of the disease chronic form, often lead to death, in best case scenario, contribute to the development of other pathologies, everyone knows about this. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows whether pneumonia is transmitted from person to person... It turns out that it is. The likelihood of a healthy person contracting pneumonia through direct contact with a patient is very high, and doctors constantly warn about this, speaking of warnings, sometimes giving dire prognoses.

In medicine, there are several ways through which a disease can easily be transmitted to a completely healthy person:

  • airborne;
  • contact;
  • domestic;
  • fecal.

An infectious pathogen entering the body, blood, or mucous membrane of a healthy person almost instantly begins the process of life activity, localizing itself in one or another zone, provoking the rapid development of pathology. Pathogenic microorganisms inseminate the respiratory system, causing inflammation - the development of pneumonia.

Airborne method

Airborne transmission of pneumonia is widespread. Infection occurs in any place (hospital, public transport), when the patient, without covering his face with a mask, moves freely among healthy people, coughs, possibly sneezes, spits drool, phlegm. Thanks to such phenomena, along with particles of air leaving the lungs, invisible drops of liquid come out, in which the pathogenic pathogen is actually present.

In such cases, as soon as viral infection gets into the air, healthy people literally swallow it into their bodies by inhaling it. However, no one suspects that they are becoming infected. The pathogenic organism, present in the air, has no odor and is impossible to see with the naked eye.


You can become infected with pneumonia through close contact with someone who is sick. What often happens in families, among parents and children. In this case, the methods of infection can be not only through the skin, but also through inhaled air. When microorganisms get into wounds or cracks.


By picking up a household item (a glass, a spoon, a comb), you can always pick up the virus from it and spread it to the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth. This is why you need to use only your own things, especially if you are in the hospital. Although, the pathology can be transmitted through everyday means and when using public transport.

It has been proven that the viral microorganism can survive up to 4 hours on any surface. Morbid bacteria are not afraid of frost; even with bleach it can be destroyed only five minutes after direct treatment.


It has been proven that the virus can survive for almost three hours, even in acidic stool. And with normal bowel movements, even up to two days. When waste products are kept indoors, the pathogenic microorganism is able to function normally for almost half a month. It turns out that after improper personal hygiene, cleaning the toilet and other household chores, you can easily acquire the disease.

To prevent this from happening, so that pneumonia, such as in a child, is not transmitted to his parents, you need to be careful with changing diapers, potties, and wash your hands thoroughly. It is advisable to treat the toilet bowl and potty with bleach and other disinfectants.

Signs and symptoms of pneumonia

Most patients with pneumonia end up in the hospital at serious stages of the disease. The first signs of the disease are practically invisible, so no one goes to the hospital if they feel mild ailments. However, after thinking about what happened to you in Lately with whom you have been in contact, a possible illness cannot be ruled out and you should immediately go to the hospital, especially if you notice that:

  • constantly holding on elevated temperature bodies;
  • fatigue sets in quickly from exercise;
  • apathy set in;
  • a general malaise of the body is felt, the nature of which is unclear.

Although these symptoms can be attributed to different pathological processes, if you have clearly been in contact with a patient with pneumonia, then most likely you have become ill and inflammation has begun. When you go to the hospital, you will be sent for a chest x-ray, which will clarify the painful condition.

Understanding how easily pneumonia is transmitted from person to person, when you are near suspicious people, try to have less contact with them, perhaps even cover your nose and mouth with a scarf. When you arrive home, wash your hands, eyes, and nose with soapy water. In addition, the disease in most cases develops in people with weak immunity, so you need to monitor your overall health. Avoid colds, viruses, infectious diseases and do not start with their treatment.

If you have to directly care for such a patient, knowing how pneumonia is transmitted from person to person and how quickly you can also get sick, do the following:

  • Carefully treat dishes and the patient’s bed with appropriate disinfectants;
  • Periodically ventilate the room where the patient is kept, remove dust, wash the floor with bleach;
  • do not use any household items after the patient, even if it is a child;
  • When in contact with a patient with pneumonia, it is advisable to wear a cotton-gauze bandage on the face.

Understanding how dangerous pneumonia is considered, how quickly it is transmitted from person to person, one can only guess about the severity of the disease and how difficult it is to cure it. People often do not pay the necessary attention to such issues, as a result they prolong the pathology, leading to the fact that pneumonia takes the most severe forms and leads to death.

Airborne transmission is a route of infection through the inhalation of particles of fluids of a sick person that contain the causative agent of the disease.

Transmission of pneumonia by airborne droplets. Fact or Fiction

Pneumonia is a multi-causal disease or, more accurately, a whole complex of various diseases that cause complications in the lung tissue and cause its inflammation. Therefore, to the question: “Is pneumonia transmitted by airborne droplets?” - you can confidently answer both yes and no, which in both cases will be practically true.

The thing is that, in addition to the fact that pneumonia can be a consequence of some other disease, for example, a stroke, in which various malfunctions nervous system cause disruption of natural pulmonary processes and tissue inflammation, or serious illnesses, at which long time the patient is connected to the device artificial ventilation lungs, due to which severe stagnation of sputum is formed, and due to specific infectious agents: bacteria, fungi or viruses.

The ability of pneumonia to be transmitted by airborne droplets is due to the ability of the pathogen to be transmitted in this way. It's best to move this way viral diseases, which include influenza and other pathogens of pneumonia. In this case, it is not the pneumonia itself that is transmitted, but the causative agent of the disease, which, in turn, can cause pneumonia. Those. if a person strong immunity, and he is in close contact with a patient with pneumonia caused by the influenza virus, then, most likely, he will catch the flu rather than pneumonia. If the immune system is weak, and ARVI turns into pneumonia, then we can say that he caught pneumonia through airborne droplets.

In addition to viruses, the bacteria of pulmonary tuberculosis, which also develops into pneumonia, and pneumococcus, the main causative agent of most cases of pneumonia, spread very quickly through airborne droplets.

Pneumococcus gives the name to the disease pneumonia itself and is the most common cause of “classic” pneumonia. When infected with most types of this bacterium, a person will most likely develop pneumonia without any intermediate diseases. In this case, the question “is pneumonia transmitted by airborne droplets” can be answered “yes” with double confidence.

Contagious and non-contagious pneumonia

It's easy to get infected through the air chicken pox, which is the root cause of one of the most severe types of pneumonia in adults, and fungal mold spores, which generally cause an almost incurable disease. However, it is impossible to become infected with fungal pneumonia from a person; spores usually enter the air in moldy rooms, with dust, soil, or tiny particles of moldy husks or cereal dust.

Varieties of pneumonia that are allergic in nature are completely non-contagious. Inflammation of this type are individual reaction the body to various pathogens, due to which, with constant inhalation, first the mucous membranes and then the tissues are irritated respiratory organs, subsequently becoming inflamed.

However, this is not without exceptions. There is a type of allergic pneumonia. In which a person first becomes infected with a pathogen, and then he begins to become allergic precisely to the by-products of the life activity of this pathogen, which is very acute illness « lobar pneumonia" In this case, the infectiousness of the disease depends on the type of pathogen.

Children are especially prone to this kind of disease, especially small ones who put everything in their mouth.

Pneumonia that is the result of surgery, trauma, lung cancer or diseases of other internal organs is considered completely non-contagious.

During a stroke, as mentioned above, stagnant processes form in the lung tissue associated with the work of the nervous system, and after surgical interventions This problem often arises in severely bedridden patients due to a mechanical ventilation device, which not only practically does not remove mucus, but can easily physically injure the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Lung injuries can also be caused by various severe bruises torso, broken ribs or penetrating wounds. In the case of bruises and fractures of the ribs that are not associated with damage to the lung tissue, inflammation is again caused by congestive processes due to disruptions in respiratory activity or the inability to cough when taking drugs that suppress this reflex. When a rib is fractured, coughing is not only painful, but also impossible due to the possibility of disruption of bone healing. Therefore, the patient uses drugs that suppress this reflex, which additionally prevent the natural removal of sputum through the ciliated epithelium.

The negative impact of lung injuries is already clear to everyone, here there is stagnation due to disruption of work, and entry into the lung cavities large quantity blood, and sharp drop organ resistance to infections.

The question of the contagiousness of pneumonia, taking into account all of the above, is very rhetorical. On the one hand, tissue inflammation is always caused by pathogenic microorganisms, and on the other hand, the cause of this inflammation can be a huge number of completely non-infectious causes.


Natalia Lebedeva


Nowadays, with all the advances in medicine, about 450 million people get pneumonia every year, and for 7 million this disease becomes fatal. Pneumonia ranks 4th among the causes of mortality after malignant neoplasms, injuries, poisoning and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In this article we will look at the routes of transmission of infection from person to person, depending on. We will also find out what risk factors and prevention methods exist.

Types of pneumonia and the possibility of infection

In fact, pneumonia is not a separate disease. The term combines large group pathologies with different morphological characteristics and sources. It is believed that the disease most often affects children, but no one is immune from it. A definite answer about how many days it lasts incubation period No. Usually An adult is contagious for several days, but children are contagious for several weeks.

Unfortunately, in the first days of the disease, even an experienced doctor cannot always determine whether the patient has pneumonia. Moreover, it is quite difficult to determine whether a patient is contagious.

Attention! In doubtful cases, it is better to play it safe and take an X-ray in frontal and lateral projection. This diagnostic will dispel all doubts and tell you whether there is a possibility of infecting other people.

There are several types of pathology:

How is the infection transmitted from humans?

Pneumonia, like most diseases, often develops under the influence external factors. There are several ways of transmitting the disease:

Prevention methods

There are a number of methods and rules of prevention, following which you can minimize the chances of becoming a victim of pneumonia:

  1. Representatives of risk groups (about them below in the article) are recommended to undergo treatment against certain types of streptococcus. This is necessary because it is one of the most common pathogens.
  2. Annual flu vaccinations. Pneumonia often manifests itself as a complication.
  3. There are also vaccines that are specifically designed to reduce the risk factors that can cause the disease.
  4. You need to wash your hands regularly and thoroughly to protect yourself from microorganisms that can cause pneumonia.
  5. Maintain a high level of immunity. Eat a balanced diet, lead active image life, normalize the daily routine.
  6. Stop smoking. Due to smoking, the bronchi and lungs (sites where pneumonia develops) become targets for pathogens.

Risk factors and groups

Conditions that increase the likelihood of infection include factors such as:

  • weakened immunity;
  • being in hospital;
  • smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • chronic lung diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • surgical operations on chest and abdominal cavity.
  • (up to 5 years);
  • people over 60 years of age;
  • all smokers, including passive smokers;

Is it possible to catch a disease through a kiss or not?

This is a question that, despite the dangerous nature of the disease, still comes to mind for many romantic individuals. It is not difficult to answer this - unfortunately, yes, it is possible.

The disease most often occurs infectious nature, that is, the reason is pathogenic bacteria. In the case of pneumonia, they are located mainly in the lungs or bronchi, but can easily travel to oral cavity. When kissing, these microorganisms pass into the partner’s oral cavity, and from there it’s a stone’s throw to the respiratory system.

Good to know. If a person is completely healthy, then the chance of developing the disease is small, but it is worth considering that it still exists.


Pneumonia is a terrible disease, primarily not because of the severity of its symptoms, but because of the speed of its spread. Half a billion patients every year is a very impressive figure that should force everyone to take the disease seriously. Everyone suffers from pneumonia, from young to old. Compliance with preventive measures, as well as regular examinations with a doctor, will help you maintain your health for many years.

Every person should know how pneumonia is transmitted in adults and children. The disease is quite contagious, so you need to know how to protect yourself. The wisdom has long been known: he who is forewarned is armed. By understanding what pneumonia is and how it spreads, you can minimize your own risks.

General overview

Although the disease is quite easily transmitted in society, many do not know whether it can be transmitted from a sick person. The low level of education of the population provokes an increased incidence of morbidity. It is important to be aware of the danger of infection because pneumonia is difficult to tolerate and often provokes complications. The risk of death is quite high, especially if the disease is not treated on time.

Before delving into whether you can get pneumonia, you should briefly consider general provisions, that is, what the disease is. The term is usually used to denote a pathology in which harm is caused to the organic tissues of the lungs. The cause of pneumonia is various pathogens that the immune system could not cope with. In order for dangerous microbes to penetrate the lungs, a number of favorable conditions are necessary.

Causes and consequences

You can understand whether pneumonia can be transmitted to another person by understanding what causes the disease. These are various pathological microscopic forms of life: chlamydia, fungal cultures, microbes, mycoplasma, pneumocystis, dangerous bacteria. The diversity is quite significant, which determines the high level of contagiousness of the disease - pathogens are transmitted from the carrier, an already sick individual, to a healthy one.

The nuances of the spread of disease in society are studied by several sciences. Let us first consider the microbiology approach. Representatives of this discipline are researching respiratory mechanism spread, in which a person inhales an infected substrate sprayed into the surrounding space. The oral-fecal route of infection is possible through food, liquid, dirty objects, objects. By studying how pneumonia is transmitted, symptoms, and prevention of the disease, we found that the disease can be spread through blood. This happens when using dirty needles and instruments (cosmetic, medical). There is a risk of infection during blood transfusions and infusion of solutions into a vein. Transmission of the disease through blood is possible through insects or sexual intercourse.

Disease and routes of transmission: continuing the topic

By identifying whether pneumonia is contagious and how it is transmitted, it was established that it is possible to transmit the pathogen from a sick individual to a healthy one contact method. Such risks exist during intimate contact or injury.

Another way is vertical, when the fetus receives the pathogen through the placenta from the mother’s body.

Some microscopic life forms are characterized by an affinity for pulmonary tissues, which means that once they enter the respiratory system, they are likely to provoke pathology. There are microbes that can initiate pneumonia only in combination with others.

They assess whether pneumonia is contagious to others and how it is transmitted in a particular case by identifying the microflora of the lungs. Based on epidemiology, we can predict how likely it is to infect other people.

Transmission routes

One of the tasks of modern medicine is to determine exactly how pneumonia is transmitted and what risk of infection is inherent in each specific case. Several routes of transmission have been identified. It is known that the chances of infection through food are quite high, that is, through nutrition, as well as through water, household and contact. Among the fairly widespread ways of spreading the disease, it is worth noting intrauterine, parenteral, and vector-borne with the participation of insects. Pneumonia is transmitted by dust, contact, sex, and airborne droplets.

Pulmonology specialists, finding out whether pneumonia is contagious to others, children, have established several mechanisms of pathogenesis. It is clarified that infection is possible through inhalation of particles sprayed into the air by a patient, through contact with blood, aspiration of mucus, or a penetrating wound localized in the chest area. There is also a risk of spreading inflammatory processes between different organs: For example, pneumonia can be a consequence of liver inflammation.

It is important to know!

Finding out how pneumonia is transmitted from person to person, scientists have established for sure: most often, infection is explained by the transition of mucous secretions from pathogenic microbes to the lower respiratory sections. Such processes occur constantly and are most active during night sleep. Normally, the immune system restrains the vital activity of pathological life forms, so a person does not get sick. But if immune status reduced or extremely massive insemination, pathogens penetrate the alveolar and bronchial mucosa, which leads to severe inflammatory process, associated with a risk to life.

Getting sick: are the risks high?

From the above it follows that the answer to the question of whether pneumonia is transmitted from person to person is certainly positive. Moreover, the transmission process itself is determined by the characteristics of the microflora. From medical statistics it is known that most often spread within society occurs aerogenic way. Therefore, the main route of transmission is airborne. This explains the main percentage primary diseases when pneumonia develops against the background of a healthy state of other systems and organs.

While determining how pneumonia is transmitted from person to person, scientists also examined cases secondary pathology. At the moment, there is no precise and indisputable opinion regarding the possibility of infection. If pulmonary inflammation is a complication of another infection process, then it acts only as a syndrome. When contacting a healthy individual, there is a risk of transmitting the pathogen, but the likelihood of damage to the pulmonary system in a new bacterial victim is quite small.

Risks: big and small

By studying whether pneumonia is transmitted from person to person, doctors and scientists have found that the form of the disease caused by somatic health problems is not dangerous to others. You cannot become infected from a person whose pneumonia is caused by heart failure, as well as from paralyzed persons. Pulmonary inflammation in these groups of patients is explained by stagnation in respiratory system, which creates comfortable conditions for the active reproduction of potentially dangerous microbes.

By analyzing whether pneumonia is transmitted from person to person, it was also possible to establish which groups of people in to a greater extent are at risk of getting sick. It has been revealed that when exposed to dangerous microbes, smokers with long experience, born weak babies, diabetics, the elderly and pregnant women. Those who suffer from pneumonia are at greater risk of developing malignant neoplasm, weakened immune status, chronic pulmonary and heart diseases. Certain risks are associated with drug therapy, including cytostatics, hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. The danger is greater for people with an addiction to alcohol, who often suffer from acute respiratory viral infections and bronchitis. There is a chance of getting sick due to severe hypothermia.

Home infection

Since scientists know whether pneumonia is transmitted from person to person (yes, it is), therefore, it has been confirmed that the likelihood of infection is higher with constant contact with the carrier of the infection, sick people (for example, in a hospital setting). But community-acquired infection is such cases when the disease was acquired outside a specialized institution. As is known from statistics, the percentage of cases of pneumonia is quite high, in last years The disease is spreading more and more actively.

Among other forms, the most common are those provoked by pneumo-, staphylococcus and Haemophilus influenzae. For each type, the probability of transmitting the disease from a patient to a healthy person is assessed individually.

Pneumococcal pneumonia

With this form, is pneumonia transmitted by airborne droplets? The answer to this question will be yes. It has been established that most often infection occurs precisely from a patient suffering from the pneumococcal type of pathology. This pathological form life is a typical provocateur of the croupous process. If the immune status is reduced, the likelihood of bronchopneumonia is high.

It has been established that most often transmission occurs within a close team. In such an environment, there is more opportunity for the germ to spread through the air. If everyone in the community knows whether pneumonia is airborne (transmitted), this encourages them to be more aware and attentive to the health of themselves and those around them. It is known that very often pneumonia in such groups occurs during an influenza epidemic.

Haemophilus influenzae as a provocateur of pneumonia

This form of the pathogen is often identified during examination of children with pneumonia. The risk group is from two months of age to six years of age. The risk of developing this form is higher in those suffering from chronic respiratory pathologies, as well as among smokers and people with low immune status.

You can get pneumonia caused by Haemophilus influenzae only from humans. Pathological microflora is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person by an aerogenic mechanism. You can get sick by inhaling air coughed up by a sick person, as well as by talking to someone suffering from pneumonia. If a patient sneezes, a cloud of sprayed mucus is created around him, which is dangerous for healthy people.

Staphylococcal pneumonia

Every person's body contains staphylococci. They are useful in small quantities and live in symbiosis with humans. In case of malfunctions internal systems, destabilization of the immune system may lead to pathological growth of such colonies. One of the consequences of this is pneumonia. This form can also be contracted from another person. It is known that the staphylococcal form of the disease is transmitted by oral, fecal, airborne, dust and contact.

It should be remembered that you can become infected not only from humans, but also from animals. One of the sources is cows with mastitis. Eating contaminated milk can cause pneumonia.

Atypical pneumonia

IN modern medicine such cases mean all those in which the pathogens differ from the microflora described above. The nature of the pathology usually differs from the classical one. Transmission of the pathogen between people can occur in different ways and mechanisms. However, in any case, you should understand: the disease is almost always contagious.

Atypical forms usually caused by chlamydia, mycoplasma or legionella. The first are intracellular life forms that are unable to survive without the cells of a host organism. Infection occurs respiratory route from a carrier or patient. High level receptivity is characteristic of any age.

Continuing consideration

Mycoplasma is quite common in environment microorganism. Infection with it is usually not accompanied by complications, but treatment is delayed for for a long time. The mechanism of infection is airborne.

Legionella is found in increased concentrations in particularly humid places. You can get sick by inhaling air containing pathological microbes. Research has shown that Legionella often lives in climate control systems, humidifiers and inhalation devices.

Are they treating or infecting?

There is a risk of contracting pneumonia if a person is hospitalized. The source may be clinic staff or other patients, as well as equipment. Nosocomial infection usually attributed to anaerobic life forms, Pseudomonas or coli, fungal colonies, pneumocystis, Klebsiella. More often the disease develops in a bilateral form. The risk of infection is higher in those suffering from blood diseases or cancer, in those who are prescribed immunosuppressive treatment, as well as in those with AIDS and drug addiction.

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