Agave tincture medicinal properties and contraindications recipes. Aloe - home doctor: use of tincture

Among the means traditional medicine, which help in the treatment of various diseases, and also support feminine beauty and help solve hair problems, there are tinctures with aloe vera and honey and juices, and other solutions that are good for joints, help with bronchitis, with oncology and more. Read on and how to prepare it.

You can make an alcohol tincture with vodka or without alcohol, but it is worth remembering that all recipes have contraindications, so consultation with a doctor before using them is considered mandatory. If you prepare everything correctly using the suggested recipes, you will get the optimal solution for use every day.

How to properly prepare a tincture of aloe vera and vodka

To prepare an alcohol tincture from aloe Vera, you will need a plant that has been grown for at least 3 years. 2 weeks before cutting, do not water aloe - this way the leaf will better “ripen” and gain greatest number useful substances.

The cut leaves are wrapped in paper and kept in the refrigerator for the next 2 weeks at a temperature of 4-8 ° C. After the specified time, they are washed, crushed, placed in a jar and filled with vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Close the jar tightly and place it in a cool place. dark place. After a week, the resulting infusion should be filtered and poured into a dark glass bottle. The tincture made from aloe Vera and vodka should be stored in a dark and cool place.

How to make a tincture of aloe cahors and honey and how to drink it with honey

A tincture of aloe, Cahors and honey is made as follows. Grind 500 gr. aloe leaves, mix them with a glass of honey and place in a dark place. After 3 days, 1 bottle of “Cahors” is poured here and infused again for 2 days, not forgetting to stir periodically.

After the specified time, the resulting tincture is filtered and poured into a bottle with dark glass. Store refrigerated. Used as a general tonic, as well as for the treatment of bronchi and acute respiratory infections in adults, taking 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

How to make aloe tincture for face, hair, joints

Thanks to his unique composition aloe is widely used in cosmetology and medicine. An unpretentious plant grown at home can give its owner not only aesthetic pleasure, but health and beauty. Mix daily cream, aloe juice, vodka and peach oil, taken in equal proportions, and you will have the perfect tincture for removing makeup.

Another recipe will help get rid of dandruff and improve hair structure. Make a mixture of equal parts aloe juice, castor oil and honey. Let it brew for a couple of hours, after which you can rub the balm you made yourself into the scalp. Leave for 1 hour, wash your hair with your favorite shampoo and enjoy the result. Simple aloe juice helps you forget about joint pain. It is used externally, lubricating sore spot, and orally - 2 tablespoons 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

How to make aloe tincture to boost immunity and treat stomach

In folk medicine, a tincture of aloe, Cahors and honey is considered a panacea for many diseases, as it improves immunity and restores the functioning of the body as a whole. You can make a healing balm yourself. It consists of 100 gr. aloe juice, 250 gr. honey and 350 gr. Cahors. All components are poured into one container, mixed, and left to infuse somewhere in a cool place. After 9 days, the medicine will “ripen” and can be taken. For those who cannot tolerate alcohol, we can recommend another recipe - mix 100 g. crushed aloe leaves and 50 gr. honey If you take 1 tablespoon of this mixture before meals, you can not only strengthen your immune system, but also get rid of stomach pain.

How to drink aloe tincture for stomach diseases

Aloe tincture for stomach diseases should be taken 30 minutes before meals, washed down with at least ½ glass boiled water- this way the walls of the stomach will be least irritated.

How to make aloe tincture using alcohol, wine, water

Alcohol tincture of aloe is made as follows. A clean leaf of the plant is cut in half, placed in a jar or bowl and filled with alcohol. The weight ratios of alcohol and aloe should be approximately equal. After 21 days, the tincture is ready for use. A wine tincture is made by mixing 1:1 grape wine and crushed aloe leaves. The medicine should mature in the refrigerator. It will be ready for use only on the 7th day. A mixture of aloe juice and water can be consumed immediately. It is usually prepared in 1:1 proportions.

How to make aloe tincture without vodka at home

Aloe juice is valuable in itself, and it does not necessarily need to be diluted with vodka or water. So, wiping your face from acne or lubricating sore joints is more beneficial with pure, undiluted juice (and you will need relatively little of it for these purposes). To gargle, it is advisable to dilute aloe juice half and half with water. Aloe, mixed in equal quantities with honey, is an excellent cough tincture, and if you also add a piece of soft butter– this remedy can be used to treat bronchitis.

How to make aloe tincture for cough, runny nose, acne

Cough tincture is made from honey and aloe juice. The components are mixed and consumed during the day, since with longer storage the healing qualities of the medicine are lost. For a runny nose, aloe juice is usually used to pure form, putting 1-2 drops into each nostril. The juice from the leaves of a very young plant is less pungent. For acne, on the contrary, it is better to cut the leaves from an older plant. The juice applied to a cotton swab is used to wipe problem areas, disinfecting the skin and relieving it of acne. A preservative – vodka – will help preserve aloe juice for future use. A tincture of aloe juice with vodka is used as a lotion or facial tonic.

How to make aloe tincture according to Fedorov

The miracle tincture, allegedly developed by the outstanding ophthalmologist S. Fedorov, is nothing more than a well-advertised ploy of cunning businessmen. Eye diseases indicated in the advertising leaflet for the drug can only be treated through surgery.

How to make aloe tincture at home

If you grow aloe at home, then there is no special need to make a tincture - medicinal plant you always have it at hand and you can pick its leaf at any time. Aloe tincture is made in cases where this is not possible and you need to preserve the life-giving juice of the plant longer. In this case, crushed leaves are mixed with vodka in a 2:1 ratio, the resulting mixture is placed in a cool place for 1-2 days, then filtered and subsequently stored in the refrigerator.

How to make a tincture from aloe leaf juice

The recipe for a tincture of aloe leaf juice is simple - the plant juice is mixed with vodka in proportions 1:1 or 2:1 (depending on the purpose of the balm). However, there is one caveat. Before squeezing the juice from the plant, the cut leaves are placed in a basement or refrigerator for 3-7 days. At a temperature of about 4-8°C, aloe leaves produce biogenic stimulants that activate metabolism and become more healing.

Aloe is familiar to many indoor plant. Homemade preparations based on its juice are used to treat many ailments: inflammation and skin lesions and hairline, colds, chronic diseases internal organs.

They use medicinal mixtures of aloe juice with honey, wine, and oils. Also useful tonic are condensed juice (extract), emulsion, sabur powder and aloe tincture.

What kind of plant is this and why is it valuable?

The compact bush of aloe vera, familiar to our eyes, is unpretentious - it occupies an average tub and is placed on the windowsill. But in its homeland in the tropics of South Africa, this heat-loving plant can grow up to 3 meters in height, and the diameter of the “trunk” of this giant is about 30 cm!

Per year depending on conditions tropical climate aloe grows 30-90 cm. It is not surprising that in such favorable conditions You can grow this miracle plant on an industrial scale for the needs of medicine and cosmetology.
The most valuable thing about agave is, of course, the thick, bitterish juice contained in the fleshy leaves. It is used freshly squeezed, since upon contact with oxygen it quickly loses its properties. useful qualities, but biologically active substances are destroyed. To preserve juice at home, use the alcohol preservation method or prepare cut leaves for future use and store them in the refrigerator.

The valuable substances contained in aloe have truly unique properties:

Vitamins C and EVitamin Aantioxidant properties, skin protection from premature aging;
skin regeneration.
Salicylic acidanti-inflammatory, antifungal and keratolytic effect.
Anthraglycosides (aloin, aglycone, anthraquinones)increased appetite, increased gastric motility, increased excretion gastric juice;
the most complete and easy absorption of food and the vitamins it contains;
cleansing and antiseptic properties.
Polysaccharides (aloe aloin, ace-mannan)laxative effect;
activation of nonspecific skin immunity;
formation of a water-saving film on the skin, maintaining moisture skin;
protection from the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays;
anti-inflammatory and restorative effect;
antitumor and antiviral activity.

Interesting: According to the research of academician V.P. Filatov, cut green aloe leaves, kept in a dark place at t=6-8°C for 7-10 days, produce biogenic stimulants that activate life processes in the human body. Preparations based on aloe prepared in this way have demonstrated their effectiveness in the treatment of eye diseases, circulatory disorders and other complex cases.

For what diseases should it be used?

They say that ancient Russian herbalists recommended taking “sabour wine” as an expectorant and choleretic agent. In modern medical practice the use of aloe tincture with alcohol is possible in the treatment of the most various diseases. This drug is prescribed for oral administration for such ailments as:

  • chronic diseases gallbladder, liver, intestines;
  • dysentery;
  • stomach catarrh, gastritis, dyspepsia;
  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • irregular, painful menstruation;
  • colds, sore throat, bronchial and lung diseases.

External use of aloe tincture is indicated for various skin diseases and damage:

  • purulent wounds; abscesses, trophic ulcers;
  • burns;
  • skin tuberculosis, lupus, eczema, lichen, psoriasis;
  • vitiligo, skin vasculitis, blistering dermatoses and dermatitis;
  • herpes, including in severe form.

Often, in parallel with the external use of aloe preparations, it is recommended to drink fresh aloe juice or its tincture, 0.5-1 tsp. 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals.


Despite the pronounced positive characterization and the relative harmlessness of the “house doctor”, you should be careful when taking aloe tincture. Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. It is expressly prohibited to use this drug for any of the following conditions:

  • hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding, heavy menstruation;
  • dysfunction of the kidneys, liver, Bladder, cystitis;
  • high blood pressure,
  • polyps and fibrous formations;
  • last trimester of pregnancy;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • individual intolerance.

Attention! You should not use aloe tincture for more than one month, since the substances included in its composition are powerful biostimulants; according to some researchers, they can cause growth cancer cells, development of benign tumors, proliferation of polyps.

So how to make aloe tincture at home? First, you need to properly prepare the main ingredient - squeeze out the juice. To do this, you need to cut off the lower leaves of agave that is more than three years old and wash them clean water, grind (grater, blender, mortar...) and strain the resulting pulp through cheesecloth, squeezing out the juice.

Recipe No. 1

Take already prepared aloe juice and dilute it with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 4:1. Pour the liquid into a glass container, close the lid and store in the refrigerator. In terms of its healing qualities, this tincture is no worse fresh juice aloe.

Tip: If you don’t have alcohol on hand, you can take 2 parts aloe juice and 1 part high-quality vodka.

Recipe No. 2

Grind the aloe leaves, put them in a glass jar and fill them with vodka in a ratio of 2:1, close the lid. Infuse the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for 10 days. Then you should strain it. The product is ready for use. Also store in the refrigerator.

Recipe No. 3

Most in a simple way The preparation is as follows: the leaves of the plant need to be cut, washed and cut lengthwise. Then they should be placed in a deep, opaque bowl (not made of metal!) and filled with vodka in a ratio of 2:1. The container is sealed and placed in a cool place for three weeks. The product prepared according to this recipe is perfect for external use for joint diseases.

The author of the video, which you will find at the end of the article, talks about how you can prepare aloe tincture at home.

Recipes for healing the body

In order to enrich healing composition aloe tinctures add honey to it.

You will need 500 ml of aloe juice, 700 g of honey, 0.5 l. vodka. All components must be mixed in a dark glass jar or bottle. The container should be closed with a lid and left in a dark place for two months. After the expiration date, mix and take 1 tbsp an hour before meals. with a piece of butter.

This aloe tincture with honey will help with diseases of digestion, lungs and heart, and will also be useful for maintaining immunity.

Tip: Aloe tincture for joints will help relieve pain and inflammation. For arthritis, a compress soaked in a mixture of aloe juice, honey and vodka in a ratio of 1:2:3 is applied externally to the affected area. Such procedures will help preserve bone and cartilage tissue and the ligaments are in good shape.

At colds, bronchitis and pneumonia, a tincture containing aloe, Cahors, and honey is recommended.

Recipe No. 1

You will need 350 g of aloe leaves, 250 g of honey, 100 ml of 70% alcohol, 1 bottle (750 ml) of Cahors red wine. You need to chop the aloe leaves and add the rest of the ingredients. For cooking, it is better to use glass or enamel dishes. This “tincture” should be stored in a cool, dark place.

Tip: Take this tonic 20 minutes before meals. Adults 1-2 tbsp, children over 5 years old - 1 tsp.

There is another way to prepare aloe tincture with Cahors, indicated for overwork, colds, and to cleanse the blood.

Recipe No. 2

You will need 500 g of aloe leaves, 200 g of honey, 1 bottle. (750 ml) Cahors. You also need to grind the aloe leaves, add honey and keep the resulting mixture in a dark place for three days. Then add Cahors and mix, leave for another day. Use glass containers for storage. It is better to store in the refrigerator. Take the mixture 1 tbsp. three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Remember that the use of aloe tincture with any variations is possible only after consulting your doctor!

Aloe tincture for hair beauty

To prepare aloe tincture for hair, you need to take 4 large aloe leaves, chop them finely and pour 250 ml of vodka or 70% alcohol. The closed container with the mixture must be placed in the refrigerator. After 4 days, the resulting product can be used. The tincture should be rubbed into the roots of the hair, then the head should be wrapped cling film, wrap in a towel. After 30 minutes, rinse your hair with water without shampoo. A course of such procedures is recommended to be carried out for one month, 2-3 times a week.

Today, the use of natural medicines is becoming common. One of the most popular plants that are used in the preparation of such medicines is aloe, an alcohol tincture of which is effective remedy, used for various ailments. So, what is aloe tincture with alcohol? Before answering this question, we need to take a closer look at the main characteristics and medicinal properties the plant itself.

Essential properties

It is well known that this plant, which, by the way, grows wild exclusively in the countries of Asia and Africa, is evergreen. However, in the broad understanding of the inhabitants of the countries former USSR, aloe is primarily a houseplant. Thanks to the strong succulent leaves, as well as the juice they contain, aloe is so rich in whole line microelements and useful compounds, which explain it medicinal characteristics. So, aloe alcohol tincture is exclusively effective means, first of all, because healing qualities plant leaves:

  1. Antibacterial agents. Thus, due to the powerful effect of aloe tincture on microorganisms such as dysentery bacilli, streptococci and staphylococci, it can be called a plant with a bactericidal effect.
  2. In addition, aloe juice is a very strong immunostimulant, as well as a remedy that not only heals and relieves inflammation, but also promotes the regeneration of damaged tissue.
  3. If the patient has ailments such as chronic colitis and gastritis, the plant juice (provided it is freshly squeezed) can be used as a laxative. It helps with constipation and also normalizes acidity in the stomach (we are talking about low acidity).
  4. If the patient has various damages skin, can be applied complex therapy incl. and using juice aloe vera. Moreover, we are talking about injuries of completely different origins, for example, such as acne, wounds, scratches, etc.
  5. Due to the fact that the leaves of the plant contain one of natural antibiotics, known as barbaloin, it is so effective in treating various dermatological problems, as well as damage to the skin. In addition, aloe-based medicines can be used as additional means in the treatment of myopia, which is in the developmental stage, as well as conjunctivitis.

Attention! At dermatological diseases, as well as skin problems, external use of preparations with aloe is usually allowed. For some other ailments, their internal use is possible.

An interesting feature is that preparations containing aloe are widely used both in official pharmaceuticals and in folk recipes. Their production is carried out on an industrial scale. In this case, drugs are made both with alcohol and without alcohol.

Basic Recipes

So, aloe tincture with alcohol, the use of which has long been proven high efficiency, can be made in several ways. However, before we talk about them, we suggest paying attention to one important feature.

Remember! To prepare the medicine (regardless of the recipe), the leaves must be thoroughly washed. In addition, it is best to use older plants that are at least 3 years old.

Recipe 1

  1. Take 1 kg of plant leaves, 0.5 liters of vodka and 250 g of sugar.
  2. Wrap the leaves in paper, foil or similar material and place them in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.
  3. Remove the aloe leaves from the refrigerator, take half of the prepared sugar and mix these two ingredients, preferably in a glass bowl. After this, add the remaining sugar.
  4. After thoroughly mixing everything, cover the neck of the jar with a cloth and leave the mixture in the refrigerator for about 72 hours.
  5. Pour the juice that appears after this time into a pre-prepared container. Strain the rest of the mixture there.
  6. Dilute the resulting liquid with vodka. The resulting drug should be stored refrigerated. The container must be well closed.

Recipe 2

This recipe is especially simple. To prepare aloe tincture, take alcohol and long-cut leaves of the plant in a ratio of 1 to 1, and mix everything. After this, the liquid must be placed in a tightly closed vessel and infused for 20 days.

In addition, recipes with red wine (Cahors) and honey are quite common. To improve metabolism, you can make the following tincture of wine and honey: 15 ml of plant juice, half a bottle of red wine (0.35 l) and a quarter kilogram good honey. Stir and let sit in the refrigerator for about a week, maybe a little less. Dosage: before meals, 1-2 times a day.

To improve sexual function in men, you can use aloe tincture in alcohol with red wine (Cahors). The proportions are exactly the same as in the previous recipe, with the exception that the aloe juice must be freshly squeezed, and its quantity must be 0.15 liters. In addition, as a supplement you can use components such as 100 g of rose hips, as well as 30 g of celery or parsley seeds. Cooking method:

  1. Mix the ingredients and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks, keeping the container well covered.
  2. Stir the resulting liquid periodically.
  3. Strain and take 10 ml (1 tbsp) once a day on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 14 days.

Use in cosmetology

This type of use of aloe alcohol tincture becomes possible due to the strong antibacterial properties of the plant, which were mentioned above. In the treatment of pimples, acne and acne You can use plant leaves cut into small pieces. It is also possible to use juice from the leaves of this plant. In addition, you can make a special hair mask with aloe leaves.

On a note! For those people who have skin prone to various types of inflammation, you can prepare a special tonic. Essentially, this is the same tincture of aloe leaves in alcohol. Wipe the skin in problem areas with a piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad.

Main contraindications

It is necessary to take into account that the use of various medicines made from aloe is contraindicated in some cases, since it can cause side effects and simply cause harm to the patient’s body. So, here are the cases when you need to be careful:

  • for internal use in women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for internal use in children under 12 years of age;
  • patients with liver, kidney, cardiovascular diseases, hemorrhoids;
  • with exacerbation of various ailments;
  • in case of individual immunity to plant components.

We can safely say that alcohol tincture aloe is an effective remedy that you can prepare with your own hands at home. About efficiency this medicine evidenced by numerous positive reviews. However, any treatment should be treated carefully, and before carrying out therapy or prevention, consult a doctor.

Medicine for many diseases can be easily found not even in a pharmacy, but simply at hand. Both food and some simple foods have healing properties. chemical substances, and indoor plants. So one of the most popular indoor crops, undoubtedly, is aloe. And the older such a plant is, the more valuable it is. Healing properties aloe vera has been confirmed by many scientific research In addition, they are actively used by traditional medicine specialists. So, an amazingly useful aloe tincture is prepared from this plant, the use of which we will discuss, the recipe for preparation and contraindications in a little more detail.

Use of aloe tincture

At the right combination aloe and honey can eliminate inflammatory diseases and promote the healing of fresh wounds. Agave juice contains surprisingly useful active substances; they can also improve the course of regenerative processes. Aloe and honey should be used to correct constipation, gastritis and ulcerative lesions(both stomach and intestines). Their combination helps treat anemia and eliminate skin ailments. Aloe and honey are excellent for treating mild migraines and many eye diseases. And medications with such components perfectly activate metabolic processes and help improve immunity.

How to prepare aloe tincture with honey (recipe with Cahors)

Amazing for cooking useful tincture aloe with you need to prepare three hundred grams of aloe juice, half a liter and five hundred grams of honey. Mix these ingredients thoroughly. The tincture should be stored in a glass jar, with the lid tightly closed, and only in the refrigerator. Take it a tablespoon three times a day immediately before meals. This tincture is a wonderful general tonic; it will help cure stomach diseases and treat bronchitis. Treatment with aloe tincture with Cahors and honey is also carried out for asthma and the above health disorders.

Aloe tincture with honey - a recipe for the treatment of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections

To prepare such a medicine, you need to cut off half a kilogram of aloe leaves. Wash them, dry them and chop them well. Combine crushed leaves and three-quarters of a glass of honey. Infuse this medicine for two days in a place protected from light. Then pour seven hundred and fifty milliliters of Cahors wine into the container. Use this remedy for a few more days.

The finished medicine should be taken one tablespoon three times a day immediately before meals. It must be stored in the refrigerator.

Tincture from bronchial asthma

Patients with bronchial asthma are advised to combine half a glass of aloe juice and the same amount of honey. Add four, half a liter of Cahors and crushed shells from a couple of eggs to the prepared mixture. Mix well and leave for two hours to infuse. This medicine should be taken one tablespoon on an empty stomach. This aloe tincture is taken at home for three to six months.

Tincture of aloe, honey and vodka

To prepare such a product, you need to prepare half a liter of alcohol and seven hundred grams of honey. Grind well half a kilogram of aloe leaves. Combine all ingredients and mix well. Place the tincture in a fairly dark place and leave for two months. After the medicine is prepared, take it three times a day on an empty stomach. You need to take a tablespoon of the product and eat it a small piece butter and only after an hour start eating.

More aloe tincture recipe with honey

To prepare such a medicine, you need to combine equal shares of crushed aloe leaves and vodka. Place this mixture in a glass container and leave for three weeks to infuse. The finished medicine must be filtered. Only after this add high-quality honey to the resulting mixture (half the total volume). Received medicine will be an excellent find for the prevention of pulmonary diseases. In addition, it is recommended to take it for the correction of gout, sinusitis, and bronchial asthma. This version of the tincture should also be taken a tablespoon three times a day.

Does aloe tincture have contraindications for use?

It is worth noting that tinctures based on honey and aloe have some contraindications for use. All components of such drugs can cause allergic reactions. You also need to remember that aloe is a powerful biostimulant, so it is strongly not recommended for use in the treatment of people with fibrous formations, polyps, and various other benign tumors.

Tinctures based on aloe and honey should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This treatment is contraindicated in cases of elevated blood pressure. In addition, medications of this type are not used if the patient has ailments that may be accompanied by bleeding, for example, uterine, stomach, etc. (This also includes hemorrhoids). You should not use aloe during exacerbations of any ailments. digestive tract, this drug is contraindicated for cystitis, gallbladder diseases, kidney and liver diseases.

The duration of therapy with aloe and honey should not exceed two to three weeks. Before using such products, you should always consult a doctor.


Before preparing any medicine from aloe, traditional medicine experts advise keeping its cut leaves in the refrigerator, wrapped in paper, for several days. It is believed that with such storage, aloe produces a lot of biogenic stimulants that activate life processes in human body.

Traditional methods aloe treatment

Aloe can be used not only for preparing tincture with honey. This medicinal plant has quite wide range use.

Aloe for herpes on the lips. Aloe juice is an amazing bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and healing agent. Traditional medicine specialists advise applying it to herpes - twice or thrice a day.

Aloe against herpes. This healing substance quite suitable for internal use. For herpes, you need to drink a teaspoon twice or thrice a day.

Aloe juice for burns, cataracts, wounds, eye inflammation. Aloe juice can also be diluted with boiled water, maintaining a ratio of 1:10. This solution is suitable for preparing lotions; they need to be applied to purulent inflammation eyes, cataracts, weeping wounds, burns, etc.

Strengthening the immune system aloe. In case of severe weakening of the body, traditional medicine experts advise combining one hundred milliliters of aloe juice with fifty grams of walnuts (chopped), thirty milliliters of honey and juice squeezed from half a lemon. Mix this remedy thoroughly, leave it for four hours to infuse and take it a tablespoon three times a day. It is best to take it immediately before a meal.

Folk remedies cleansing the body of toxins: honey, aloe, butter. To cleanse the body of toxins, combine a kilogram of crushed aloe with a kilogram of butter and a kilogram of honey. Bring this mixture to a boil and cook for twenty minutes in a water bath. Take the medicine chilled, one teaspoon three times a day. It is best to take it half an hour before a meal, washing down the mixture with half a glass of milk.

Lingonberry juice, aloe with cough honey (the recipe is very simple). To treat cough, traditional medicine experts advise combining twenty-five milliliters of aloe juice, the same amount of lingonberry juice and ten grams of high-quality honey. Mix well. Take the prepared medicine four times a day, a couple of tablespoons.

Plantain and aloe for intestinal colitis. Aloe will help cope with chronic colitis. In this case, you need to thoroughly chop fifty grams of aloe leaves and the same amount of fresh plantain leaves. Brew such raw materials with a small amount of boiled water and leave for twenty minutes. Strain the medicine and squeeze out the raw materials. Take it one tablespoon three times a day. The duration of such therapy is two to three weeks, after which it is worth taking a break for a month and repeating the treatment again.

Aloe is an amazingly useful indoor plant that can help treat many diseases.

How to save yourself from autumn-winter viruses, improve immunity and cure chronic diseases that are already troubling long years? Perhaps the recipe is somewhere nearby, and all you need to do is apply it to become healthy? Tincture with vodka is one of the recipes for longevity and vigor. How to prepare and use it correctly, read right now.

Aloe or agave is probably familiar to many from “grandmother’s” recipes. This plant is a very strong immunostimulant that cures what is difficult to cure even with a large number of medications. And a tincture of aloe, vodka and honey is practically in a unique way boost immunity after a serious illness or in winter. It is best to use this tincture after self-cooking, so you will know for sure that all the components are of good quality.


The total preparation time for this product whole month- exactly this amount is required for the fermentation of aloe leaves, and then for the final mixing of all components.

You will need:

  • Mature aloe leaves (6-7 pieces);
  • Honey 1 glass;
  • Vodka (one half-liter bottle).

Before you start preparing the tincture, you need to keep the aloe leaves in the cold. Only in this way will the active enzymes of the flower be able to manifest their beneficial qualities. Aloe leaves should be kept in the refrigerator for about 25 days.

Don’t be afraid that they will dry out or spoil; on the contrary, they will be even more useful. By the way, you can prepare the tincture not only in winter, but also in summer, when the flower is pruned so that it does not grow too much. After 25 days have elapsed, the leaves are taken out, rinsed and the recipe begins.


  1. Clean dry leaves need to be chopped finely.
  2. Mix with half a glass of honey in a clean jar.
  3. Cover with gauze, wrap in a dark cloth and hide in the refrigerator for 3 days.
  4. After the specified time, remove the mixture from the cold.
  5. Drain the resulting syrup, squeeze out the aloe, and discard the rest.
  6. Mix the syrup with vodka and the second part of honey.
  7. Mix thoroughly and pour into a dark bottle.

In this way, you get about a liter of tincture, which can be stored for a very long time and not spoil. However, remember that maximum term Storage of such liquid is from six months to 8 months. Afterwards, it is better to cook fresh.


The elixir obtained by this method is successfully used for various diseases throat, lungs, loss of strength, reduced immunity, sinusitis, pneumonia and chronic bronchitis. It will be useful to drink this tincture for those who have recently been treated with antibiotics and want to restore their body’s defenses. For teachers and singers, the potion will help relieve the symptoms of a professional problem such as pharyngitis or laryngitis.

If the goal is disease prevention, drink the tincture 30 minutes before breakfast once a day. WITH medicinal purposes The mixture is consumed three times a day, a tablespoon before meals. It is not recommended to take the tincture after 7 pm; it is better to wait until the morning.

The regimen of use in the absence of contraindications is the same for all diseases. The duration of the course is one month. Then you should take a break for 1 month so that the body can rest and mobilize its strength. If necessary, you can repeat the course, but not more than twice every six months.

Possible contraindications

Despite its record usefulness, the mixture also has its contraindications. Tincture with aloe, vodka and honey should not be consumed by the following categories of people:

  • pregnant women;
  • in the presence of a tumor (of any nature);
  • children under 16 years of age;
  • during exacerbation of any chronic disease;
  • if you are allergic to honey.

Drink with caution medicinal mixture should be used for the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • unspecified diseases.

Important! Any traditional medicine with the addition of alcohol is potent, so consult a physician before drinking it on a regular basis.

Video “How to be treated with an aloe plant”

In this fascinating video, learn about the methods of treatment with this miracle plant. A few healthy recipes, will help get rid of many ailments.

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