Necessary diet after removal of the stomach for cancer. After gastric surgery

For some gastrointestinal diseases, an operation such as gastric resection is performed. For a long time experts could not decide which is better: this surgery or gastroenterostomy. Today, preference is still given to gastric resection.

Indications for use

This type surgical intervention has the following indications: peptic ulcer, tumors, dangerous diseases stomach, ulcer duodenum, polyps. Doctors say that often when malignant neoplasms are detected, this operation is the only option that can, if not completely get rid of the problem, then at least prolong life. Another area where gastric resection is used is the treatment of severe stages of obesity. With such surgery Up to 2/3 of the organ is removed. The first person to perform this manipulation was the German doctor Theodor Billroth. It was he who, after 1881, developed a technique for performing resection. In the early 2000s, other truncation methods became known, such as longitudinal or vertical.

Methods for performing gastric resection

There are several options for performing the operation.

  1. Subtotal. It is carried out if the patient is diagnosed with malignant tumors or an ulcer that can no longer be treated.
  2. Removal of 2/3 parts of the stomach.
  3. Gastrectomy. With this type of surgery, the organ is completely removed.
  4. Antrumectomy. The pyloric region of the stomach is removed.
  5. Longitudinal. The lateral part of the organ is trimmed.

Billroth I, Billroth II

Option Billroth I is as follows. 2/3 of the stomach is removed. The central stump is partially sutured. The lumen that remains is the same size as the diameter of the duodenum. The peculiarity of this type is that after resection of the stomach, the physiological movement of food along with bile is preserved.

When performing the operation according to the second option, the stumps are sutured tightly (stomach and duodenum). The functions of the gastrointestinal tract are restored as follows: an anastomosis is created. That is, the overlap in this case occurs as an “end to side” type. This method has several modifications. One of them is gastric resection using the Hoffmeister-Finsterer method. The duodenal stump is sutured using a continuous continuous suture. The edges of the intestine are sutured to the stomach with several sutures. This procedure involves the gradual release of the contents of the latter. The best results are obtained by gastric resection in the Finsterer modification. In every special case the motor activity of the digestive organ changes significantly, the tone weakens.

How does the operation take place?

Surgical intervention involves several stages. The first of them is mobilization. At the same time, an examination of the organs is carried out. The left gastric artery is isolated and ligated with silk threads. The right one is also identified, crossed with clamps and bandaged. Separate small and big oil seal. Then a part of the stomach is directly cut off. After these manipulations, an anastomosis is formed. When performing an operation using the Billroth II method, the duodenal stump is sutured. It is then combined with a short rectal loop.

What is longitudinal gastrectomy?

Key indicators for surgical intervention - high degree obesity, body mass index exceeds values ​​such as 35 kg/m2. This type of surgery is used to reduce the volume of the stomach. At the first stage, a narrow tube is formed, which has a slight curvature. Feature this method is that the area that is responsible for the production of the hunger hormone is removed. The formed stomach is not stretched; the food in it moves quite slowly and has time to break down. In the second stage, the walls are stitched together to form a tube. At the same time, the main functions of the organ are preserved; this operation is quite simple to use. Nutrition after gastrectomy of this type is of considerable importance.

Contraindications for longitudinal resection

This surgical intervention has a number of contraindications. First of all, longitudinal resection is not performed during pregnancy. Also pathologies of cardio-vascular system and peptic ulcer will become obstacles to operations of this kind. Pancreatitis, reception hormonal drugs or steroids, other diseases digestive tract- all this is a contraindication for performing such an intervention as gastric resection. In addition, alcoholism, which has chronic form, and mental illnesses will not contribute to truncation.

Subtotal resection

Subtotal gastrectomy is performed when it is detected malignant tumors. Another option for use is incurable peptic ulcer disease. This removes top part digestive organ. First of all, the organ is inspected and mobilized, the stomach is pulled down. Through an incision made in the area of ​​the lesser curvature, a clamp is inserted and the lesser omentum and left gastric artery are separated. A loop of the small intestine is prepared, suturing and anastomosis are performed.

Complete resection

In case of extensive damage to the organ, a complete resection of the stomach can be performed. At the same time, a new digestive organ is formed from the tissues of the small intestine. According to reviews, this method is the most effective in the treatment of malignant tumors and is widely used in many countries. But such a surgical intervention makes its own adjustments to the patient’s future life. Nutrition after gastric resection, in which the entire organ is removed, requires a special diet and a special method of eating.

Possible complications

Complications often arise after gastrectomy has been performed. After surgery, the state of anastomotic obstruction is one of them. Often occurs from improper application or swelling. Bleeding into the peritoneal area is dangerous because anemia quickly develops. Intestinal obstruction also occurs. Extremely dangerous condition- postoperative peritonitis. Subsequently, a fistula may form due to incorrectly applied sutures. All these complications arise when the surgical technique is violated. They are extremely rare among experienced specialists. Doctors say that only about 5% of all surgeries require revision surgery. Rehabilitation period includes the following points: the first six months must be limited physical exercise and wear a special bandage; specialists also prescribe a special diet.

Nutritional Features

The diet after gastrectomy has some restrictions and features. First of all, the amount of food that the patient can eat at one time changes significantly. The disease that led to the operation is also taken into account. For ulcers, 2/3 of the stomach is usually removed. Therefore, the portion is reduced proportionally, and a person can afford 1/3 of the usual amount of food. In case of malignant tumors, most of the organ is truncated. The amount of food is 50-100 ml. Therefore, the patient eats quite often: 5-6 times a day. Later certain time The amount of food can be increased slightly. It is also important that food processing changes. Doctors say that in the first weeks, liquid or pureed food is recommended (that is, it must undergo mechanical processing). It is better if the dishes are boiled or steamed. Experts note that after gastric resection, protein absorption deteriorates. Doctors recommend enriching your diet with protein foods, preferably of animal origin.

Dumping syndrome

Due to the fact that food now enters the rectum much faster, patients often experience dumping syndrome, in which irritation is observed in this area. Dizziness occurs, heart rate increases, and sweating also increases. Against this background, the person complains of general weakness. Some patients note that after eating they experience attacks of nausea and vomiting. They usually go away if you lie down for 20-30 minutes. Most often, this condition is provoked by carbohydrate-rich foods, baked goods, and potatoes. Therefore, it is better to limit them, or even eliminate them altogether.

Sample menu after gastrectomy

1 breakfast. At this meal you can eat an omelet, milk porridge (but it is better to dilute the milk), and some fruit. For second breakfast, minced meat products or meat balls are recommended. You can also add an apple. During your lunch meal, you can eat vegetarian soup or borscht, mashed potatoes with steamed cutlets. For an afternoon snack, experts recommend tea, fruit, a cheese sandwich or biscuits. The dinner menu may include the following dishes: buckwheat porridge, meatballs, fish. The last meal is limited to kefir or jelly.

Prohibited Products

Gastric resection means that the future diet will be somewhat limited. First of all, in the first months you need to reduce the amount of salt you consume. The second ban concerns confectionery products, flour, sugar, and jam. Proteins are especially necessary after this operation, but fatty broths and fried meat will only do harm. Canned food, sausages, and pickles are also prohibited. You should avoid products that contain preservatives, dyes and other chemical additives. Alcohol is also excluded. It is very important to understand that such restrictions are imposed not only for the first year after surgery. These principles should be adhered to throughout the rest of your life.

Nutrition after longitudinal resection

IN postoperative period Proper nutrition is of great importance. The first week has a particularly strict diet, which includes only liquid food. Basically it is water, broth (but not fatty), milk. The liquid can be drunk in small sips at intervals of 5 minutes. In the second week, the diet expands somewhat. You can eat food that has the consistency of puree. Fermented milk products, pureed vegetables and lean meat (mainly poultry) make up the diet for a month. In the second month, you can introduce fish and other types of meat. Then regular food is allowed, but the portions should be small. It is better to avoid fresh baked goods. Longitudinal gastrectomy receives the following reviews: in 100% of cases, weight loss is observed, mostly the body mass index reaches normal levels.

Operations in which the stomach is removed (in whole or in part) are performed with peptic ulcer, benign and malignant tumors.

After these operations, food very quickly comes from the esophagus and the remaining part of the stomach (with its resection - partial removal) V small intestine, in which the absorption of basic nutrients occurs. In this case, soon after eating, the patient may experience a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, weakness, sweating, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, bloating (flatulence), drowsiness, desire to lie down.

These phenomena are defined as dumping syndrome. Helps avoid complications proper organization nutrition.

Those who have undergone gastric surgery must adhere to the following rules:

1. Eat small meals often, 5–6 times a day. Eat food slowly, chewing thoroughly.

2. Limit the consumption of foods and dishes containing easily and quickly absorbed carbohydrates, primarily sugar, honey, jam, sweet milk porridges, sweet tea.

It is advisable to take the third dish not immediately, but 1/2–1 hour after lunch, so as not to overload the stomach. The amount of liquid at one time should not exceed 200 ml.


Nutritionist advises

Special attention you need to pay attention to nutrition in the first 2-3 months after discharge from the hospital: it is at this time that the digestive system adapts to new conditions in connection with the surgery.

It is very important that the diet after gastric surgery is tasty, varied, and includes all the basic nutrients. Particular importance is attached to complete animal proteins (contained in lean meat, chicken, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese) and vitamins (included in vegetable dishes, which are constituent elements fruits, berries, vegetable and fruit juices, rosehip decoction, etc.).

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition in the first 2–3 months after discharge from the hospital: it is at this time that the digestive system and the body as a whole adapt to new conditions due to the surgery.

The tactics of diet therapy can be schematically presented as follows. In the first 2–3 months after surgery, it is generally recommended to eat at least 5 times a day, using mainly chopped and pureed or steamed foods. In fact, the same diet is recommended as for peptic ulcers ( diet table No. 1, “rubbed” option). However, it is necessary to limit sweets. After 2–3 months, the attending physician may recommend the “unprocessed” version of dietary table No. 1. 3–4 months after the operation, dietary table No. 5 is allowed.

Medical nutrition in the first days after gastrectomy:

1st day. The sick person does not receive food.

2nd day. Weak tea, fruit jelly, mineral water (30 ml every 3-4 hours). Kissels are not very sweet.

3rd and 4th day. 1st breakfast – soft-boiled egg or steam omelet, half a glass of tea; second breakfast - juice, or jelly, or mineral water, pureed rice porridge. Lunch – slimy rice soup with meat puree or creamy meat soup. Afternoon snack – tea or rosehip decoction. Dinner – cottage cheese or meat soufflé. At night – unsweetened fruit jelly (1/2 cup).

5th and 6th day. Breakfast - soft-boiled egg, or steam omelet, or meat soufflé, tea with milk. Second breakfast - pureed rice or pureed buckwheat porridge. Lunch – pureed rice soup, steamed meat soufflé. Afternoon snack – cottage cheese soufflé without sugar. Dinner – steamed meat dumplings, carrot puree. At night - fruit jelly without sugar.

7th day. Breakfast – 2 soft-boiled eggs, liquid rice or pureed buckwheat porridge, tea. Second breakfast – steamed cottage cheese soufflé without sugar. Lunch – pureed rice soup with potatoes, steamed meat cutlets, mashed potatoes. Afternoon snack – steamed fish soufflé. Dinner – calcined cottage cheese, jelly. White bread crackers are allowed.

A week after the operation, diet No. 1 is prescribed, a “mashed” version with a limitation of easily absorbed carbohydrates.

Vegetable broth soups with various pureed vegetables, pasta or cereals;

Dishes from low-fat varieties meat, poultry (chicken, turkey) and fish (cod, hake, ice cod, navaga, pike perch, carp, perch) boiled or steamed. Meat is mainly in the form of cutlets, quenelles, meatballs, puree, soufflé;

Dishes from potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower, pumpkin, zucchini, mashed into puree, soufflé or pudding;

Milk porridges (rice, oatmeal, barley, buckwheat, “Hercules”), soufflé, puddings from pureed cereals, noodle dishes, pasta, homemade noodles;

Soft-boiled egg, steam omelette;

Whole milk, dry milk, condensed milk without sugar (added to the dish), sour cream, cream, freshly prepared cottage cheese;

Boiled, mashed or baked fruits and berries;

Mild cheese, low-fat ham;

Honey, jams, preserves, marshmallows, marshmallows in limited quantities, subject to good tolerance;

Weak tea with milk or cream, weak coffee with milk or cream;

Fruit, berry (not very sweet), vegetable juices, rosehip decoction;

Butter, ghee, vegetable oil (add to ready meals);

Lightly dried wheat bread, savory cookies, crackers.

excluded from the diet meat, fish, mushroom broths, fatty varieties meat, poultry (duck), fish, all fried foods, pickles, smoked meats, marinades, savory snacks, pastries, pies, raw ungrated vegetables and fruits, radishes, rutabaga.

Sample menu diets of patients after gastrectomy (“mashed” option):

Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, buckwheat, rice or Hercules porridge, coffee with milk.

Lunch:baked apple, rosehip decoction.

Dinner: vegetarian potato soup, steamed meat cutlets with milk sauce, pureed fresh fruit compote or jelly.

Afternoon snack: milk, unsweetened cookies.

Dinner: boiled fish and potatoes.

For the night: kefir or weak tea with milk.

3-4 months after gastric surgery, the “unprocessed” version of diet No. 1 or 5 is usually allowed.

Vegetable broth soups with various cereals, vegetables, pasta, beetroot soups, milk soups with cereals, fruit soups with rice. Low-fat meat soup is allowed 1-2 times a week, provided it is well tolerated;

Dishes from lean meats, poultry, fish - boiled, baked (pre-boiled), stewed (with juice removed);

Fresh vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots), boiled and vegetable stew(carrots, potatoes, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower). Non-acidic sauerkraut, fresh herbs (parsley, dill) are allowed;

Various cereals(cereals and pasta) – rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet; cereals, puddings, fruit pilaf, boiled vermicelli, pasta;

Soft-boiled egg, omelette;


5–6 months after partial or complete removal of the stomach, the attending physician, depending on the state of health, may recommend that the patient adhere to diet table No. 5 or 15.

Whole milk (if well tolerated) or with tea, dairy dishes, kefir, yogurt, acidophilus, sour cream (mainly as a seasoning), freshly prepared cottage cheese. They also prepare cottage cheese, various puddings, soufflés, and dumplings;

Fruits and berries, ripe, raw and baked (apples);

Dairy, sour cream, fruit sauces;

“Doctorskoy” type sausage, lean ham, jellied fish, cheese, boiled tongue, raw and boiled vegetables, soaked herring;

Jam, honey, marshmallows, marshmallows, jams (in very limited quantities);

Tea, weak coffee with and without milk. Compotes from fresh fruits, berries and dried fruits (not very sweet);

Fruit, berry (not very sweet), vegetable juices. Rosehip decoction;

Butter and vegetable oil (butter is added to prepared dishes);

Wheat, rye, preferably slightly dried, bread, crackers, savory cookies, savory dough products.

excluded from the diet pastry products, pickles, smoked meats, marinades, canned snack foods, radishes, rutabaga, hot spices.

Sample diet menu (“unprocessed” option):

Breakfast: tomato salad or vegetable vinaigrette, boiled meat, crumbly buckwheat porridge, tea with milk.

Lunch: fresh or baked apple or raw grated carrots.

Dinner: salad, vegetarian borscht, boiled fish (cod, hake, iced) with boiled potatoes, sauerkraut, compote

Afternoon snack: fresh fruits.

Dinner: omelette, buckwheat cereal, tea.

For the night: kefir or yogurt.

5–6 months after partial or complete removal of the stomach, the attending physician, depending on the state of health, may recommend that the patient adhere to diet table No. 5 or 15. If there are no complications and severe concomitant diseases, it is allowed to include low-fat dishes in the diet, more fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and fish broths, of course, if the patient is well tolerated.

Gastric resection is an operation during which the surgeon removes a significant part of the organ and after this the functioning of the digestive tract is restored. Unfortunately, sometimes such intervention is the only treatment option on the road to recovery.

Most often, surgery is performed for extensive malignant oncological tumors (for example, stomach cancer, multiple polyps, etc.) or gastric ulcers. But despite the breakthrough in medicine, the removal of part of the organ is still difficult for patients, with minimal complications. The main step on the path to health is nutrition after gastric resection. But let’s look at what and how much you can eat in more detail.

What happens to the digestive tract after surgery?

After the operation, the stomach is not able to digest food in full force, therefore, if poorly processed foods enter it, they will be sent in the same form to the intestines, where they will not be able to absorb all the necessary nutrients from food.

This is why there is an overload in gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract) and the patient begins to experience discomfort in the form of heaviness in the abdomen, flatulence and drowsiness. In addition, as a result of insufficient absorption of vitamins and other nutrients the patient may develop vitamin deficiency, exhaustion and sudden loss weight.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you must follow some rules to help cope with the digestion process:

  • take food in small portions, but often (at least 5–7 times a day). The fact is that a reduced stomach will not be able to digest a large portion of food;
  • It is necessary to chew food slowly, slowly, thoroughly;
  • exclude from the diet foods containing a large number of carbohydrates (sugar, baked goods, jam, etc.);
  • increase the consumption of protein foods (lean meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese);
  • after the first and second courses, compote or something else should be drunk no earlier than 30 minutes after the last meal. This is necessary to unload the stomach.

If the stomach reacts with pain, nausea and vomiting to any food, you must temporarily stop eating the foods that caused unpleasant symptoms

These rules must be followed for at least 4 months after part of the stomach has been removed. The need is to digestive system was able to fully adapt to new conditions. All food should be rubbed through a sieve; it is advisable to eat steamed foods.

Many patients are afraid to eat something for fear of pain, but this should not be allowed, as the body may become exhausted.

What you can and cannot eat after surgery

Nutrition after removal of the stomach must be radically changed. To eliminate all sorts of complications, you need to remember what you can and cannot eat.

Allowed foods and dishes Prohibited foods and dishes
Light soups in vegetable broth with durum pasta. Fatty meat broths (from fatty pork, lamb, goose, etc.).
Lean meats, poultry, fish and various dishes of them in stewed, baked, steamed and boiled form. Canned foods, fast food.
Porridges made from corn, millet, pearl barley, barley.
Heat-treated vegetables and fruits (potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, apple) pureed in the form of puree, soufflé or pudding. Fresh fruits and vegetables with rough skin.
Peas, beans and other legumes.
Milk porridges and soups (rice, vermicelli, oatmeal, buckwheat). Fried and smoked food.
Soft-boiled eggs or omelet. Alcohol products.
Low-fat and mild cheese. Carbonated drinks, strong tea, coffee.
Whole milk and dairy products. Pastries and sweets.
Honey, jam, marshmallows, marshmallows in small portions. White cabbage, radish, radish, sorrel, spinach, onion.
Juices and decoctions of berries and fruits homemade Marinades and pickles.
Weakly brewed tea and weak coffee with milk. Spices, seasonings, mayonnaise, various sauces.
Butter, ghee and vegetable oil for ready-made dishes (not for frying). Fresh bread, made less than 24 hours ago.
“Yesterday’s” bread, unsweetened cookies, crackers. Mushrooms in any form.

In addition, the diet after removal of the stomach or part of it involves avoiding eating too cold or hot foods (for example, ice cream or hot coffee).

Sample menu for the week

After a partial or complete gastrectomy, you must adhere to dietary table No. 1 for at least the first 3 months. Given that wellness And normal operation The gastrointestinal tract is allowed by the doctor not to grind the food, but simply to thoroughly crush or chew it.

After another 1.5 months, you can enter into the menu fresh vegetables and fruits. The diet after gastrectomy is canceled and the patient returns to the previous diet no earlier than 6 months, provided normal functioning gastric tract only with the doctor's permission.

1 day – the patient does not receive food.

Day 2 – weakly brewed tea, fruit jelly with minimal sugar content (preferably without it at all).

3 days – boiled egg soft-boiled, weak tea for breakfast. Rice or potato soup with diluted chicken broth. No earlier than 2 hours after the soup, you can drink rosehip decoction. For dinner skim cheese with milk, half a glass of jelly before bed.

Day 4 – steamed omelette, unsweetened jelly. For lunch, mashed beef or veal puree with pasta. After 2 hours, unsweetened apple tea. Dairy for dinner buckwheat porridge, before bedtime low-fat kefir.

Day 5 – pureed for breakfast oatmeal, weak coffee with milk. Snack on a few crackers without raisins or other additives. Lunch: soup with chicken or meat broth, boiled potatoes with a piece of lean fish. For an afternoon snack, you can eat 100 grams of cottage cheese. For dinner pumpkin porridge with rice and milk, a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk at night.

Day 6 – for breakfast, milk buckwheat or vermicelli porridge with the addition of small piece oils Second breakfast, a glass of natural yogurt. For lunch, beef potato soup, mashed potatoes with a steamed cutlet. Baked fruit puree no more than 200 grams for an afternoon snack. Dinner: stewed vegetables with meat, tea. At night, low-fat cottage cheese with jam.

Day 7 – breakfast: steamed omelette, coffee with milk and a roll with butter. For lunch, beetroot soup, buckwheat porridge with a piece of boiled fish or meat. Afternoon snack a glass of milk with biscuits. For dinner, durum pasta with a cutlet or casserole; at night, warm milk with white bread croutons.

The doctor decides when and where it is best for the patient to start eating food

The first 7 days after surgery are the most difficult. The body needs to get used to the new diet. After introducing a new product, you need to carefully monitor your health and how your digestive tract reacts to it.

After complex operations, doctors prescribe the patient a special dietary food which is necessary to maintain health and speedy recovery. In the case of stomach removal, the issue of diet must be approached very responsibly.

Stomach cancer is malignant tumor, which is formed due to inflammatory process mucous membranes due to alcohol abuse, junk food and severe stress.

The disease initially affects the cells of the mucous membrane of the organ, gradually destroying them. This type of cancer requires immediate treatment. At an advanced stage, a gastrectomy may be required to save the patient - removal of the affected malignant neoplasm parts of the stomach through surgery.

During the operation, all inflamed The lymph nodes and connections to the digestive tract. This is necessary in order to prevent the spread of the malignant process. In this way, the patient’s life is saved, but at the same time he loses part of a vital organ.

The effect of organ amputation on digestion

The condition of the digestive tract after gastric resection can affect the body as follows:

  • In order to facilitate the process of blood circulation in the body, catheters and drains are installed at the surgical site, which are necessary to prevent the accumulation of fluids and blood.
  • The patient experiences cutting pains within a week, so to facilitate post-operative recovery painkillers are prescribed powerful agents.
  • Due to the removal of part of the stomach, the first the patient cannot eat normally for several days. It is recommended to eat in small portions, 5-6 times a day instead of the standard 3-4.


In order not to create additional load on the remaining part digestive organ, prescribe a special diet.

Having to comply with restrictions can make it difficult daily life the patient after the recovery period, since it is quite difficult to give up already familiar and favorite food and know when to stop eating it.

Proper nutrition is the key to health and longevity(especially after overcoming such a serious and difficult to treat disease). To quickly restore strength, the patient should be picky about food - foods filled with fiber, proteins and vitamins will quickly get a sick person back on his feet.

Nutrition before surgery

It should be noted that not only after surgery you need to switch to a healthy diet. For gastric removal to be successful, the patient is advised to go on a diet that will prepare the body(this way it will be easier for him to bear the upcoming stress).

  1. Product consumption With increased content proteins and fiber.
  2. Banned soda, sweet juices and alcoholic drinks.
  3. You will need to exclude from the diet light carbohydrates, which the body mainly receives from sweets (buns, pastries, cakes and others) confectionery). It is recommended to replace this type of product complex carbohydrates(porridge and some vegetables).

    Well, for those who have a sweet tooth, in addition to fruits, there are many alternatives, for example, for breakfast you can make oatmeal with a teaspoon of honey and berries, and for dinner - curd pudding. Such desserts should be consumed before surgery, as they saturate the body with strength and energy.

Nutrition during rehabilitation

After a gastrectomy, the rules regarding food consumption become significantly stricter. This is especially necessary during the recovery period - the body is greatly weakened, the patient will feel constant pain in the abdomen. In this case, nutrition is reduced to low-fat meat broths, puree soups and other liquid dishes.

After full recovery the patient can begin to eat a more varied diet - fish, vegetables, meat, cereals, etc. Well, for lovers of sweets there is another alternative - this dietary desserts, which do not use flour or sugar.

For example - lean cottage cheese casserole, made from curd and corn flour, which is healthy and dietary product, rich in fiber.

An example of an indicative nutrition program that can be regulated by the attending physician:

  1. From 1 to 3 days The patient does not eat anything and drinks plenty of water.
  2. From 3 to 7 days the patient can be given liquid dishes (soups and broths) prepared with lean products. After a week after the operation, the pain begins to gradually subside, but the diet does not change yet.
  3. Starting from 14 days the patient can now independently eat chopped foods (vegetables, chicken fillet and so on).
  4. After another week has passed, namely on day 20, you can eat boiled porridge, well-cooked chicken fillet or steamed fish and vegetables (this way they become as soft as possible).
  5. Next comes gradual formation daily diet , which is prescribed and monitored by the attending physician together with a nutritionist.

The first two weeks after surgery are the most difficult, as the patient experiences constant discomfort and a feeling of hunger that is not satisfied lean soups and pasta dishes. The rehabilitation period takes place in 60 days, and during this time the patient gets used to the new diet.

Nutrition principles for convalescents

To fully restore your health, you must not only eat right, but also follow certain principles:

  • The temperature of food should not exceed 37 degrees Celsius. If the smell of a warm meal makes you gag, you can eat it cold.
  • Completely excluded from the diet salt, pepper and other spices.
  • The consequence of cancer is hypercalcemia (excessive calcium in the body). So it's worth it for a while limit milk consumption and fermented milk products . To normalize the level of calcium in the body, you need to pay more attention to dishes with high content phosphorus, magnesium and protein.
  • If during the postoperative period the patient has temporary problems with the kidneys and the removal of fluids from the body - Drinking more than a glass of water at a time is contraindicated.
  • Meals per day are divided from 4 to 6 times.

Must be observed daily norm calories (1500 kilocalories are required for women, and 2000 kilocalories for men) and know which foods you can eat and which you should avoid.

Harmful products

Products prohibited for consumption:

  1. Alcoholic, sweet and carbonated drinks– retain water in the body.
  2. Fast food and other fatty or overcooked foods– creates a large load on the digestive tract.
  3. Smoked, salted and peppered products(for example, dried fish or smoked chicken breast), pickles, canned food and marinades - retain fluid in the body.
  4. Vegetables, causing bloating alive ota – beans, peas and other legumes.

Healthy foods

Authorized products:

  1. High in protein– soft-boiled eggs, lean fish and chicken breast.
  2. Cream soups cooked in chicken broth.
  3. Overcooked cereals and porridges, because to the human body Need complex carbohydrates.
  4. Recommended for use dairy(yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt) along with fiber.
  5. Vegetables- as the main source of fiber.
  6. Fruits– filled with fructose, which is necessary for energy production and activation of brain activity.

To remove cholesterol from the body, you need to consume pumpkin products (porridge, juice, puree). Beet juice promotes growth suppression cancer cells due to the high content of anthocyanin in this vegetable.


Approximate menu for one day, which can be adjusted by a doctor and nutritionist depending on the general condition patient's health:

  1. First meal- cup mineral water without gas with the addition of a small amount lemon juice. It is necessary to awaken the body and activate metabolic processes.
  2. Second appointment mainly consists of vegetables and fruits, and for better absorption It is best to drink half a cup of kefir.
  3. For lunch The patient is given liquid puree soup and vegetable salad with dietary boiled meat.
  4. For afternoon tea You can eat a corn biscuit with nuts and honey, washed down with a glass of fruit juice.
  5. For dinner We recommend an abundance of baked vegetables, rice boiled to porridge and a little meat.

The diet should be prepared exclusively by a nutritionist, based on the instructions of the attending physician. Following all recommendations and following a diet will lead to speedy recovery the patient and normalization of his life in the postoperative period.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video recipe for baked vegetables:

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A stomach cancer diagnosis is not a death sentence. Treatment for some types of cancer includes. This can lead to a number of changes in lifestyle and eating habits. A gastrectomy is the removal of part or all of the stomach. Particular attention is paid to what kind of nutrition is prescribed to the patient after removal of the stomach for cancer. The absence of the main digestive organ significantly affects the nutritional pattern.

To solve stomach problems, if other types of treatment do not help, organ removal is used in the following cases:

  • benign tumors;
  • bleeding;
  • inflammation;
  • perforation of the stomach wall;
  • polyps or growths inside your stomach;
  • stomach cancer;
  • severe ulcer or duodenal ulcer.

If you have a stomach ulcer, it is necessary to maintain normal stomach acidity. Gastric juice Reduces acidity if you drink cabbage juice and do slow walking after eating.

There are three main types of gastrectomy:

  • Partial resection - removal of part of the stomach. As a rule, the lower half of the stomach is removed, the remaining part is connected to the intestines.
  • Removal of the entire stomach - the esophagus is connected to the small intestine.
  • Removed as part of weight loss surgery – up to ¾ of the stomach can be removed during a sleeve gastrectomy, the remainder is pulled up and stapled together, creating a smaller belly and appetite.

After gastric surgery, the ability to absorb fluids and food products remains. However, you will need to make a few lifestyle changes after the procedure. The diet after surgery is strictly followed.

Some types of surgeries can also be used to treat obesity. By making the stomach smaller, it fills more quickly. This may help you eat less. However, obesity surgery is performed when other options have failed. Less invasive procedures include:

  • diet;
  • exercise;
  • treatment, blood tests to monitor indicators;
  • consultation with a nutritionist and attending physician.

How to prepare for surgery

Before surgery, your doctor will order blood tests and imaging tests. This will ensure that you are healthy enough for the procedure. You may have to stop taking some medications before surgery.

The patient should tell their doctor if they have any other medical conditions or pregnancy. The patient must quit smoking.

Smoking adds additional recovery time and can create more complications.

Risks of gastrectomy include:

  • acid reflux;
  • diarrhea;
  • dumping syndrome due to insufficient digestion;
  • incision wound infection;
  • chest infection;
  • internal bleeding;
  • stomach leakage;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stomach acid leaks into the esophagus, causing scarring and narrowing of strictures;
  • blockage of the small intestine;
  • avitaminosis;
  • weight loss.

How is resection performed?

There are two different ways performing a gastrectomy. All of them are performed under general anesthesia. This means that you will be in deep sleep during surgery and you will not be able to feel pain.

Open surgery – involves one large incision.

Laparoscopic surgery – uses small incisions and specialized instruments. It includes less pain and faster recovery time. These are more advanced surgeries with a lower complication rate.

After the operation, the doctor will close the incision with stitches and the wound will be bandaged. The patient will undergo a rehabilitation phase under the supervision of a nurse. After surgery, the patient may remain in the hospital for one to two weeks. During this period, tubes will be passed through the nose to the stomach.

This will allow the doctor to remove any fluids produced by the stomach and will help keep you from feeling nauseous. The patient will have intravenous nutrition for three days. On the fourth day, a gradual feeding of 30-50 grams begins after removal of the stomach for cancer, with a gradual increase in portions.

Swallowing problems

Swallowing problems often occur after gastric surgery. Food usually passes very quickly into the stomach from the esophagus. Food is partially digested, so it must enter the intestines in small quantities. The stomach can hold about 2 liters of food and drink. Without a stomach, food enters the intestines almost undigested, and the intestines will only accept small amounts at a time. This means that you should eat very slowly and in small quantities.

Sometimes the intestines will not accept more and there will be a problem with swallowing. Your doctor may prescribe medications to help speed up the passage of food. They are usually taken before meals. When the body adapts, the problem will be partially solved on its own. But this does not mean that you will be able to eat large amounts of food.

Diet therapy

The first months after surgery, pureed diet No. R is prescribed. Once you return home, you may need to adjust your eating habits. Some changes may include when the stomach is removed:

  • chew food thoroughly;
  • eat less food during the day;
  • gradual increase in portion;
  • varied fractional meals;
  • pureed food;
  • avoid foods high in fiber;
  • eat foods rich in calcium, iron and vitamins C and D;
  • take vitamin supplements.

Recovery after gastrectomy can take a long time. After all, your stomach and small intestine will gradually stretch. Then you will be able to consume more fiber, and eat more adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals.

Stomach oncology; in case of oncology, it is better to eat crushed and jelly-like food. Proper nutrition is always difficult for anyone healthy person, but the diet after removal of the stomach for cancer will be even stricter. Nausea may be a problem. A cancer patient may lose appetite for a while and lose weight.

Weight must be maintained good nutrition. This is not the time to restrict your diet. If you are losing weight or have problems with food, then eat whatever you want pureed. You should eat small meals every 2 to 3 hours until you feel better. In the future, eat 4-5 times a day.

The menu should be varied: dietary meat and fish, buckwheat, oatmeal, cottage cheese, eggs, pureed vegetables and fruit jelly, pureed soups, compotes. Preference must be given meat products : rabbit, chicken, turkey, veal, beef. Exclude: lamb, pork, semolina

You can eat bread one month after surgery. You may want to consult a nutritionist who can give you ideas on how to combat some of these side effects treatment.

If part or all of the stomach is removed, you will have to eat less food, but more often. It is recommended to stay in vertical position after eating. Your doctor or nutritionist can help you determine your diet.

When part or all of the stomach is removed, the food that is swallowed quickly passes into the intestines, resulting in various symptoms after meal. Some patients have problems with nausea, diarrhea, sweating and flushing after eating. This is called dumping syndrome. When part or all of the stomach is removed, the food that is swallowed quickly passes into the intestines, leading to various complications.

Sometimes people may need food additives to get the nutrients they need. Individual people may need to be fed through a tube inserted into the small intestine. This is done through a small hole in the skin on the abdomen during minor surgery to help prevent weight loss and improve nutrition. Less commonly, a tube known as a gastrostomy tube or G-tube may be placed in bottom part belly.

After cancer treatment, the patient should receive a diet plan and establish habits healthy eating in place.

Eating healthily and avoiding alcohol and smoking can reduce your risk of a range of cancers, as well as provide many other health benefits.

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