Dandelion medicinal properties and contraindications recipes. Collection and preparation of plants. Medicinal properties and contraindications for women

Small yellow heads of dandelions are the best greeting from spring. They are not only pleasing to the eye: the flowers, stems, leaves, and roots of this plant contain a lot of useful substances.

IN folk medicine The healing properties of dandelion flowers have been used for a very long time in the form of infusions, decoctions, and ointments. And the famous dandelion jam is not only very tasty, but also wonderfully healthy.

Composition of dandelion

Dandelion flower juice contains biologically active substances, which have a beneficial effect on the body. They stimulate bile formation and digestion, restore the functioning of the pancreas and liver, improve blood composition, reduce cholesterol levels, and normalize metabolism.

Using dandelion flowers is a simple and effective method recovery and healing. The juice contains the following substances:

Ascorbic acid(vit. C), a powerful antioxidant and beauty vitamin;

Rutin (Vit. P), which increases the strength of capillaries, reduces blood pressure, and relieves arrhythmia;

Retinol (vit. A), which has a powerful complex effect on the body, including improving vision, strengthening teeth, maintaining skin elasticity, and protecting against cancer;

Thiamine (vit. B1), which prevents strokes and heart attacks, protects the body from infections and viruses;

Riboflafin (vitamin B2), has a positive effect on the liver, mucous membranes, and restores nervous system, ensuring normal intrauterine development;

Choline, which protects the liver and lowers cholesterol;

Microelements iron, phosphorus, manganese, calcium;

Carotenoids that preserve vision and support eye health;

Phytoncides are antioxidants that have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and bactericidal effects;

Saponins that reduce bad cholesterol, preventing reproduction tumor cells, restoring fat metabolism in cells;

Triterpene alcohols that kill germs and relieve inflammation.

In addition, the juice of dandelion flowers contains tannins, fatty oils, and organic resins. The use of dandelion flowers allows you to cope with general fatigue, recover faster from a cold and cure some diseases. If there are no contraindications for dandelion flowers, collect them in May, away from roads and industrial enterprises, and feel free to use it.

Medicinal properties of dandelion flowers

Yellow dandelion heads are an effective remedy for combating many human ailments. Prepared on their basis medicines have a beneficial effect on the body:







General strengthening;

Pain reliever;






Medicinal properties Dandelion flowers are used to relieve symptoms of joint inflammation and poisoning, treat gastritis, colds, osteochondrosis, cholelithiasis, rickets, slowing down aging, improving blood composition, stimulating appetite, preventing cancer, cardiovascular diseases and sclerosis.

Applications of dandelion flowers

People learned to use the healing properties of dandelion flowers a long time ago. Today we use recipes for tinctures and decoctions, and add the plant to food in the form of salads and dessert dishes.

Tincture of dandelion flowers in alcohol

Place 50 g of fresh or dried plant heads in a glass jar or bottle, pour in 500 ml of good vodka, screw on the lid tightly and place in a dark cupboard for 2-3 weeks. Once every 3-4 days, take it out and shake the composition. When the flowers give all their benefits to the alcohol, strain the infusion and store in the refrigerator.

The tincture is used to treat pain and inflammation in joints, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, and convulsions. Soak the fabric in alcoholic liquid and place it on sore spot, apply cling film and wrap with cloth. The result is an anti-inflammatory pain-relieving compress.

You can rub the tincture on your chest and back when you have a cold. After rubbing, you need to wrap yourself up and lie under a warm blanket.

Dandelion flower decoction

Pour a tablespoon of dried raw material into a glass of boiling water, place over boiling water and heat over steam for about five minutes. Cool under the lid, additionally wrapped in a towel. Strain and take internally.

Drink 2 tablespoons of the decoction 20 minutes before meals. The product helps improve digestion, calm the stomach with gastritis low acidity, used in complex therapy diseases of the liver and gall bladder, including cholelithiasis. It is useful to take a decoction for constipation and lack of appetite.

In addition, it is useful for gynecological inflammation, hormonal fluctuations and disorders.

Dandelion flower jam

Wash 400 pieces of May dandelion heads, add two glasses of cold water and put on fire. After boiling, cook for two minutes, then leave for half an hour, strain through a colander and squeeze well. Do not pour out the broth, but add 7 cups to it. granulated sugar and boil the syrup. After the liquid boils, boil the sugar for about seven minutes, pour the jam into sterilized jars and seal.

Dandelion jam contains a lot of beta-carotene and minerals. It is eaten to saturate the body with useful substances, and for medicinal purposes it is used to combat colds, stagnation of bile, inflammatory diseases. Drink well with green tea. To enhance the choleretic properties, it is taken simultaneously with a decoction of milk thistle.

Salad of dandelion flowers and stems

Salt the dandelion flowers and leaves by eye and pour cold water for thirty minutes. Scald the lemon with boiling water and grate it along with the peel. Grate a small carrot. Chop a handful into smaller pieces walnuts. Thinly slice a bunch of sorrel leaves. Drain the water from the dandelions and squeeze. Combine all ingredients, season vegetable oil, one or two cloves of crushed garlic.

You can change the composition of vegetables, herbs, and nuts to your taste. For example, take nettles instead of sorrel, pine nuts or hazelnuts instead of walnuts, and beets instead of carrots.

Dandelion flower and leaf syrup

Collect fresh flowers and young dandelion leaves, squeeze out the juice. For one part of the resulting juice, take two parts of sugar and mix. Let the mixture sit without covering the bowl until all the grains of sugar have dissolved. As a rule, sugar granules will disperse in 2-3 days. Add one part of fresh carrot juice to the syrup, pour into a jar and store in the refrigerator. Give children fifteen minutes before meals one teaspoon 3 times a day.

The syrup will help cope with such a scourge as rickets. But before using the product, be sure to consult your doctor. Perhaps the child has contraindications to dandelion flowers. In this case, the remedy for the treatment of rickets cannot be used.

Contraindications for dandelion flowers

Treatment is not suitable for everyone herbal decoctions and infusions. If you are allergic to dandelion blossoms, then, of course, you cannot use traditional medicine.

Contraindications for dandelion flowers may be more serious:

Gastritis with high acidity, as the juice of the plant increases the production of hydrochloric acid;

Stomach ulcer and duodenum- for the same reason;

Acute diseases of the biliary tract;

Intestinal disorders;

Hypotonic dyskinesia.

There are not many contraindications. Therefore, use dandelion flowers for healing, take advantage of the plant gifts of nature.

With the arrival of spring, little suns dot lawns, lawns, edges, and roadsides with a yellow carpet. Thanks to the light fluffy seeds carried by the wind, the dandelion grows wherever plant life is possible, with the exception of permafrost areas and lifeless deserts.

Dandelion in folk medicine

The healing properties of dandelion flowers have been known for many centuries. Traditional medicine uses all parts of the plant - roots, leaves, flowers - to improve liver and kidney function, normalize digestion, increase general tone, cleanse the blood, and also for cosmetic purposes. Its effect is due to its high content useful bitterness- taraxacin, as well as flavonoids, inulin, carotene, essential oils and tannins, protein and organic acids, microelements important for humans (zinc, selenium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus), as well as vitamins A, B2, C. Decoctions and infusions from different parts plants are used for various diseases. Thus, leaves and roots are effective as a diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, and also as an antipyretic for colds. The bitterness contained in the leaves stimulates the production gastric juice and improves appetite. Dandelion flowers have a different effect. Their medicinal properties are fully manifested in alcohol infusions.

For cooking healing potion 50 grams of inflorescences need to be poured with 0.5 liters of vodka, closed and placed in a dark place for two weeks. For pain in muscles and joints the best remedy I can't find one for rubbing. Another way is to fill a dark bottle with freshly picked dandelion flowers, fill it with alcohol or put it in a dark, cool place for three weeks. Straining is not necessary. For colds, body and joint aches, this rubbing product will be a real first aid.

The healing properties of dandelion flowers can also be used in the form water infusions and decoctions. To prepare them, you need to pour 10 flowers (fresh or dry) with a glass of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for fifteen minutes. Then strain and take a tablespoon three to four times a day to reduce blood pressure, for bloating, and to normalize stool. A decoction of dandelion flowers is useful to drink several times a day for illnesses. respiratory tract and tuberculosis.

The healing properties of dandelion flowers in home cosmetology

First of all, it should be noted that in any case the reception folk remedies from dandelion has a good effect on the condition of the skin. It cannot be otherwise: after all, they cleanse blood vessels and intestines, normalize sleep, increase tone, and therefore have a beneficial effect on appearance. In addition, decoctions of the leaves and flowers of the plant are an excellent lotion for cleansing and toning the skin of the face and body. Dandelion juice successfully treats skin diseases- eczema, boils and others inflammatory processes, reduces calluses and warts. Sometimes, to get the effect, it is enough to apply crushed dandelion to the sore spot several times.

Flowers - medicinal properties in the diet

Everyone has heard these cute phrases: wine, but few know how to prepare them. Meanwhile, there is nothing complicated about it. To make jam, you need to collect 400 dandelion inflorescences, cut two lemons into slices along with the zest, pour in a liter of boiling water and cook for ten minutes. Leave for 24 hours, then strain, add one and a half cups of sugar, cook until thickened and pour into jars while hot. Jam goes great with tea. And in the morning you can take a teaspoon of it on an empty stomach - this is an excellent remedy for cleansing the bile ducts and liver, to improve tone.

As for it, it’s even easier to prepare. The main thing is to collect a liter jar of flowers. Place them in a container, pour three and a half liters of boiling water and leave to steep for a day. On the second day - strain, add to the liquid citric acid(two teaspoons), sugar dissolved in water (1 kg), several raisins. Leave in a warm place for several days. Anyone who has made homemade wine knows that during fermentation, a lid with a rubber tube or a rubber glove is put on the jar or bottle to allow air to escape. The wine will be ready no earlier than in a month. The healing properties of dandelion flowers are fully preserved in this low-alcohol drink, which tastes like champagne.

Dandelion is included in the diet of not only patients, but also healthy people in the form of spring salads, juice, coffee from roasted plant roots, tea from inflorescences.

Dandelion is a well-known flower, one of the first to bloom with the onset of spring. For many gardeners it is a nuisance weed. In fact, it is one of the best medicinal plants with cleansing properties. It is often called a liver tonic and blood purifier. In folk medicine in many countries, it is used as a choleretic, diuretic, digestive-improving herb, stimulates appetite and promotes the breakdown of fats. They eat it: young leaves are used to make a vitamin salad, and the root can replace coffee. Dandelion officinalis plant description

Dandelion description where it grows

Dandelion grows everywhere as a weed and is very hardy. Belongs to a large genus of perennials herbaceous plants family "Asteraceae". Botanical name Taraxacum. Among more than 2 thousand species, the most famous is the medicinal dandelion (Taráxacum officinále) or common dandelion. Another name is dandelion or field dandelion.

It grows in temperate latitudes on the Eurasian continent, and North America and is considered the most useful herb, found in the northern hemisphere.

Its bright sunny flowers can be seen in meadows, clearings and forest edges, rocks, wastelands in late April early May. It can easily take root even in cracks in asphalt and concrete.

According to one version, Europe is considered the homeland. Other botanists consider it native to all temperate regions. Here, dandelions can be found from the Caucasus to Sakhalin and Kamchatka.

For commercial purposes, they are most grown in Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Poland, and England.

Dandelion officinalis is a herb about 30 centimeters high. The leaves are smooth, with teeth along the edges, oblong, reaching a length of 10 to 25 centimeters and a width of 1.5-5 centimeters. They grow in a basal rosette.

Single flowers are located on a long, bare, hollow inside, pale green stem. Open in the morning and close in the evening. They are very sensitive to sunlight and do not open at all in cloudy weather.

After flowering, they turn into a white ball consisting of seeds, which are attached to the receptacle by thin hairs. Due to their fragile connection, they are easily torn off and carried by the wind over long distances.

The roots are fleshy dark brown outside and white inside. When broken, it releases a white milky substance - latex, which is found in all parts of the plant and has a bitter taste.

It can reach up to 60 centimeters in length and about 2 centimeters in thickness.

Benefits of dandelion: chemical composition

Dandelion contains many substances beneficial to the human body that give it healing properties. The main component is milky juice, which contains taraxacin, flavoxanthin and taraxacerin.

In addition, it contains:

Vitamins A, E, B2, B4, C;


Minerals: manganese, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, boron and others;

Organic acids: oleanolic, palmitic, linoleic, lemon balm and cerotinic;

Fixed oils;



Protein compounds;


It has no saturated fat and cholesterol.

The leaves of the grass are rich in:

Ascorbic acid;








Sesquiterpene and triterpene compounds;


Potassium salts;

They contain luteolin glucoside, inulin, and vitamin K. The inulin content can reach up to 40 percent.

Found in the flowers of the plant:





Vegetable protein;

Essential oil;

Beneficial properties of dandelion

According to its chemical composition, dandelion is richest source many useful substances, and in a very harmonious combination.

It is only worth noting that in terms of vitamin A content it ranks 3rd after fish oil and beef liver. Vitamin A plays important role in the fight against cancer epithelial tissue, including the oral cavity and lungs. Its content in the leaves can provide 203 percent of the daily requirement.

B vitamins help reduce stress.

Choline helps improve memory.

Foods rich in potassium, balanced with magnesium, help reduce blood pressure and the risk of strokes.

Calcium in high concentrations May strengthen bones and lower blood pressure.

Fiber fights diabetes, reduces cholesterol, reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease, and helps with weight loss. Passing through the intestines, they bind heavy metal salts and remove them from the body.

Inulin helps lower blood sugar, which is beneficial for diabetics.

Tannins and fiber impart antidiarrheal properties.

Linoleic and linolenic acids are needed by the body to produce prostaglandins, which regulate blood pressure and body processes such as immune reactions, suppress inflammation. Participate in normalization menstrual cycle and prevent platelet aggregation.

Glycosides and flavonoids protect the liver and are useful for strengthening the heart and blood vessels.

Lentinan, a polysaccharide, increases resistance to simple viral infections.

Bitterness gives it a tonic effect and antifungal properties, stimulates the production of bile.

All of these chemicals may not be unique individually, but together they provide unique properties:

Act as a mild diuretic;

Helps increase bile production;

Stimulate appetite;

Helps normalize digestion;

Tones the liver;

Promotes weight loss;

Stabilizes blood sugar.

Dandelion medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of the plant have been well known throughout human history. It has long been used to treat jaundice, gout and diseases associated with liver disease and Bladder.

WITH therapeutic purpose All parts of the plant are used: flowers, leaves and roots. Present in it chemical compounds endow dandelion grass with such properties as:














Thanks to its medicinal components, dandelion is an excellent drug for treating diabetes. This plant can stimulate insulin production.

It helps get rid of kidney, bile and bladder stones. As an additional remedy, the plant can be used in the treatment of anemia.

Dandelion has a stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system and is useful for arthritis.

Dandelion helps with poor digestion and loss of appetite, supports healthy liver, kidney, and gallbladder function.

The leaves act as a mild diuretic and stimulate the production of stomach enzymes and bile, supporting healthy digestion.

The root acts as a mild laxative and relieves constipation. Flowers are brewed in stagnant conditions.

Modern research has confirmed that dandelion is capable of:

Normalize blood sugar levels;

Reduce triglycerides;

Help in the treatment of bacterial infections;

Normalize alkaline balance in organism;

Reduce high acidity.

The leaves cleanse and support kidney function.

Roots like choleretic agent, improve work gastrointestinal tract, promote the breakdown of fats;

White milky juice, having soothing properties, is used to treat various skin diseases.

The juice of the herb tones and strengthens.

What does dandelion help with?

Dandelion is officially approved for use in many countries, including ours. It is mainly prescribed for the treatment of liver diseases such as hepatitis and jaundice. But it can be used in different areas of medicine.

Its roots and leaves enhance the secretion of gastric juice, stimulating digestion and appetite, helping with anorexia and better absorption nutrients. In addition, a decoction of the roots relieves spasms, cramps and colic. It copes with inflammatory diseases and atherosclerosis.

Dandelion is used for:

Blood purification;

Dissolving kidney stones;

Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

Weight loss;

Prevention of high blood pressure;

Treatment of anemia;

Reducing serum cholesterol levels;

Diabetes control;

Prevention of cancer.

It copes equally well with constipation and diarrhea, reduces gas formation, heaviness in the stomach when eating fatty foods.

It helps with:


Liver cirrhosis;


Stomach diseases with low acidity;

Potassium deficiency;

Joint diseases: arthritis, gout.

This early spring flower is considered one of the best medicinal plants for detoxifying the body. By stimulating the organs responsible for eliminating waste and toxins, it helps eliminate them from the body.

Nursing mothers brew it to improve breast milk production.

Of particular note are the properties of dandelion in dermatology. Since childhood, many people know that the milky juice of the flower removes warts. It can help cope with:

Pimples and blackheads;





Various ulcers and blisters on the skin;

Bee stings.

In cosmetology it is used for cellulite, freckles, age spots.

Dandelion application

The most important advantage of dandelion is its versatility. The herb can be used in the form of tea, decoctions, infusion, alcohol or vodka tincture, in powder form.

Dandelion tea

Brew 1-2 teaspoons dried leaves in a glass of boiling water and leave for 5-10 minutes. You are allowed to drink up to 3 glasses a day.

Dandelion leaf tincture

Prepared at the rate of 1 part dried leaves to 5 parts vodka or 30 percent alcohol. Take 5 to 10 drops three times a day.

A tincture of the root is made in the proportion of 1 part dried crushed root to 2 parts 45 percent medical alcohol. Take 2.5-5 ml 3 times a day.

To prepare a 10% tincture, take 1 part of the root and 10 parts of vodka. Take 10-15 drops three times a day. Can be added to tea.

Infusion of leaves

Brew 2 teaspoons of dried leaves with 150 ml of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Strain and drink 50 ml up to 3 times a day warm.

Decoction of roots and leaves

For a decoction, a tablespoon or 2-3 teaspoons are brewed into 200 ml and boiled for 10-15 minutes. Take three times a day.

Fresh juice of the leaves is drunk 5-10 ml twice a day, from the roots one to two tablespoons per day.

Dried root in powder form - 0.5-2 grams per day.

Young spring Green used as an ingredient for salad. At this time, the leaves contain a minimal amount of bitterness.

The roasted root is used as a coffee substitute, and the herb is often used to season meat dishes.

Honey, jam and wine are made from flowers.

Contraindications and side effects

In general, dandelion is one of the safest and most well-tolerated medicinal plants.

Sensitive people may develop allergic reactions when coming into contact with the plant. Most likely in people with allergies to ragweed, chamomile, chrysanthemum, calendula, and yarrow.

Avoid heavy consumption of dandelion leaves in combination with potassium-sparing diuretics.

Those with liver or gallbladder problems should consult a doctor before starting to use drugs based on it. If there are stones bile ducts, dandelion should not be used.

Because it stimulates digestive system, may cause overproduction in some people stomach acids. Therefore, those who:

There is a stomach ulcer with high acidity;

Duodenal ulcer (especially in the acute stage);

Gastritis with high acidity;

Intestinal obstruction;

Obstruction of the bile ducts: cholangitis, biliary tract cancer, pancreatic diseases;

Exacerbation or serious illnesses liver: hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer.

Dandelion is a diuretic and can increase the elimination of drugs from the body. People taking prescription medications should always consult their doctor to avoid drug interactions.

These same properties can cause exacerbation of hypertension or heart disease.

It is not contraindicated during pregnancy. Only dosage forms containing alcohol should be avoided. Considering possible development allergies or if you are taking any pharmaceutical medications, you should consult a gynecologist.

Harvesting and collection

Although dandelions grow all summer, collecting them better in spring. After flowering they accumulate more bitterness.

Now a few warnings when collecting:

The most best leaves To prepare a spring vitamin salad, young plants that do not yet have flowers. For medicinal purposes, you can pick the leaves during flowering, choosing younger ones. For salad, you can pick the inflorescences when they have not yet bloomed.

Fresh leaves can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, placed in a bag or container with a lid.

Flowers are collected during the flowering period in the morning. As a rule, they close after 16:00 in the late afternoon. Such flowers have healing properties, but small insects love to hide in them.

The roots are most often used as medicinal raw materials. They are harvested in the spring at the beginning of the growing season or in the fall, when the leaves begin to fade, by digging them out with a shovel. Re-harvesting of roots in this place should be done no earlier than after two to three years.

The dug roots are shaken off the ground, cutting off the above-ground part and thin lateral shoots. Then washed in cold water. Then they are left in the air to dry for several days to prevent the release of milky juice.

Drying is carried out in well-ventilated areas in the shade or under a canopy, spreading in a thin layer no more than 3-5 centimeters thick. Drying usually takes about 10-15 days.

It is allowed to dry in ovens or an electric dryer at a temperature not exceeding 40-50 degrees. Store for no more than 5 years.

Sometimes dried roots look flabby, light, from which the top layer easily peels off. This suggests that the raw materials were harvested too early, when the roots have not yet accumulated a sufficient amount of nutrients. Such raw materials are rejected.

The dried roots have a bittersweet taste and are odorless. Upper layer light brown or dark brown.

If the prepared raw materials have been stored for several years, then before use you need to ensure their quality. They should not have any foreign odor, damage from bugs, rodents, etc. If such defects are present, they cannot be used.

Dandelion in cosmetology

Women are familiar with beneficial features dandelion Many beauties do not miss the opportunity to use these flowers to nourish, moisturize, and whiten their skin. It effectively fights freckles and age spots.

The milky juice released when cutting any part of the plant removes warts, and Fresh Juice can get rid of pimples and blackheads.

Mask for acne and freckles

Squeeze the juice from the leaves and flowers. Dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio and use instead of lotion twice a day (morning and evening), keeping it on your face for 15 minutes. Then rinse and wipe with kefir, whey or sour milk.

Anti-pigmentation mask from leaves

6 pieces young fresh leaves grind into puree and add 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese (if the skin is dry) or 1 egg white(if oily). Apply to face and keep for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse and wipe with lotion. The mask helps get rid of freckles and blackheads.

After washing off the mask, to enhance the effect, wipe with sour milk, kefir or whey.

A mask made from a mixture of dandelion and parsley juice helps against freckles and pigmentation. Squeeze the juice from both plants and mix in equal proportions. Wipe your face two to three times a day every day.

Lotion for freckles and age spots

Grind fresh flowers. Take 2 tablespoons and pour 500 ml of water. Boil for half an hour. When cool, strain and squeeze out the herbs. Use instead of lotion to wipe the skin. Can be frozen in cubes.

For blackheads, lotion is made using medical alcohol or vodka. To do this, take the entire plant (flowers, stem, leaves and roots). Clear it of soil and rinse in cold water. Chop and pour vodka in a ratio of 1 part raw material to 2 parts vodka or alcohol diluted to 40 degrees.

Leave for 10 days in dark place and filter, squeezing the raw materials well.

Before use, dilute the finished tincture with water (mineral or distilled) in the proportion of 1 part tincture to 2 parts water.

Dandelion is not only medicinal plant, but also edible. It is very useful in the spring, when the body’s supply of vitamins and minerals decreases. It can come to the rescue and relieve many health problems. But still, we must not forget about contraindications, so as not to harm our health.

Medicinal properties of dandelion and how to brew

Everyone is accustomed to treating the ubiquitous plant with bright yellow flowers as a weed. But in fact, it can also be put to good use for the benefit of the body. Dandelion juice is especially valuable, its properties and healing qualities are reflected in various branches of traditional medicine.

What does dandelion juice consist of: the benefits of the components for the body

The plant juice is distinguished by its high content of elements such as calcium, potassium, and sodium. Few people know, but dandelion juice is best source iron and magnesium.

The plant contains liquid glycosides (taraxacin, taraxacerin) and the substance inulin, which take part in regulating metabolic processes in the body. Among the components of the plant juice you can find a whole group of vitamins, which includes A, E, C, B2, PP. Such a set is also important useful elements:

Micro- and macroelements: titanium, copper, nickel, manganese, sulfur, phosphorus;

Mineral salts;


Rubber substances;


Fatty oil;

The composition is rich in carotenoids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which has a positive effect on the organs of vision. When harvesting a plant, you should always take into account the fact that the concentration of inulin increases closer to autumn.

Thanks to this set of components, medicinal juice has useful features:

Positively affects the functioning of the liver and kidneys;

Removes accumulated waste, harmful substances and toxins from the body;

Has a calming effect on the human nervous system;

Takes part in the treatment of diabetes mellitus;

Normalizes metabolic processes in the body;

Eliminates constipation;

Improves blood composition;

Eliminates swelling after insect bites;

Increases breast milk production in nursing women.

Has juice a large number of positive properties:

Urinary and choleretic;





Pain reliever;



The plant juice can be used externally, usually as a cosmetic. But much more often it is taken orally.

Homemade dandelion juice: properties and healing qualities of the plant

List healing qualities harmless elixir and beneficial weed we can continue endlessly. Among the discovered and verified healing capabilities of the plant are:

1. Possibility of treating diabetes mellitus.

2. Benefits in treatment cancer diseases.

3. Effective cleansing of the liver and blood vessels - everything is explained by the presence of antioxidants in the composition.

4. Removal of atherosclerotic plaques, kidney stones and gallbladder.

5. Elimination of stomach inflammation, normalization of high acidity.

6. Reducing joint pain due to gout.

7. For colds, the juice is used as an antipyretic and diaphoretic.

8. Prepared decoctions from weed juice help restore strength, increase insulin production in the body, normalize metabolism and cleanse the body of toxins.

9. Compresses and lotions are prepared from the juice, which have a wound-healing effect and accelerate the process of healing of broken bones.

Use of dandelion juice - contraindications and harm from the plant

Dandelion juice is often used not only for medicinal but also for preventive purposes. The liquid prevents the appearance of kidney stones, but with existing entities she is unable to fight.

Dandelion elixir is used quite effectively in the cosmetology field. It is most often used to rid the skin of age spots, spots, and freckles. When mixing the medicine with cosmetics for hair, for example, with masks or shampoos, you can strengthen hair follicles, and make your hair obedient.

When drinking juice internally, you must ensure that it is always fresh to avoid the appearance of side effects. As an external remedy, the juice is used to remove calluses, warts, and in the treatment of eczema and conjunctivitis.

Drinking dandelion liquid regularly improves general state body. Provided there are no contraindications, the functioning of the stomach and intestines will improve - these organs will function without failure. At the same time, the level of cholesterol in the body will be reduced. A mild diuretic effect normalizes blood pressure. The high potassium content allows you to take the elixir for heart failure. And the remaining components in the composition will prevent the leaching of potassium from the body.

Dandelion juice is actively used for treatment various diseases both adherents of traditional and supporters of traditional medicine. Thanks to him, you can successfully fight the following ailments:



Periodontal disease;

Poor appetite;



Joint diseases.

The juice has no contraindications for use by nursing mothers and pregnant women. It ensures the safety of the fetus by destroying various types of infections without the intervention of medications. During breastfeeding, the elixir increases lactation.

How to extract dandelion juice: contraindications and benefits of the elixir

Only mined in early spring The juice from the leaves of the plant is useful for treatment and consumed internally. The juice is extracted from the whole plant, and not just from the stem, from which it is always released when the flower is picked. This procedure is carried out from May to June. To do this, the plant is crushed and extracted with a small portion of water. To reduce the bitter taste of the future medicine, before the procedure, the plant is soaked for 30 minutes in slightly salted water.

The juice preparation process looks like this:

1. Preparation of leaves - the plant is thoroughly washed in cold water, allowed to dry, finely chopped, placed in a colander and doused with boiling water.

2. The finished raw materials are passed through a meat grinder, then pressed through a thick cloth.

3. The resulting liquid should be combined with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and boiled for 3 minutes.

The medicine must be taken daily before meals 20-30 minutes 3 times a day. One serving should be 2 tbsp. l. Ready dandelion juice can be stored for no more than 3 days in the refrigerator. You can use it to prepare alcohol tinctures.

Dandelion juice has virtually no contraindications. The following people should treat it with caution or avoid using it altogether:

With gastritis or stomach ulcers;

With blockage biliary tract;

With Crohn's disease;

With individual intolerance to plant components.

Juice is contraindicated for people suffering from frequent diarrhea. An overdose of the plant can provoke an upset stomach and cause vomiting.

To avoid harm to the body from dandelion juice, the plant should be collected in environmentally friendly places. Or at least avoid areas near roads, factories, landfills. By their nature, dandelions tend to accumulate harmful emissions and lead.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of dandelion were described in treatises of ancient Chinese and Tibetan medicine. Here the herb is called the “elixir of life.” Dandelion cleanses the blood, rejuvenates the body, and strengthens the immune system. Medicines from the root and fresh juice of young leaves are especially valued. The medieval Persian physician Avicenna mentions this plant in his medical works. Since ancient times, dandelion has been considered a valuable diuretic and choleretic medicine.

Features of a medicinal plant

Dandelion officinalis. Botanical illustration from the book “Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen”, 1887.

Field dandelion, or medicinal, ordinary, pharmaceutical - the names of the same plant variety. This variety is used for medicinal purposes and in cooking.


Common dandelion is a medicinal plant of the forest-steppe zone. An unpretentious flower, it is a persistent weed. It takes root well in wet (meadows and forest clearings) and dry soils (wastelands and fields). It can often be seen near homes, in garden plots. Gardeners are well aware that this is a difficult weed to eradicate. Dandelion officinalis is found throughout Europe, but also in Siberia, on Far East, in China and Central Asia.

Dandelion is whitish. Autumn dandelion, or Crimea-sagyz. Dandelion Bessarabian.


Numbers over two thousand small species dandelions Also in botany, about 70 large, or “composite” species of this plant are described. The most common of them are whitish dandelion, white-tongued dandelion, flat-leaved dandelion, and Zhukova. For example, autumn dandelion, or Crimea-sagyz, contains a lot of milky juice - it is a natural rubber plant. In addition, tea is prepared from it; ground roots make healthy coffee y drink. Dandelion whitish and Zhukova are included in the Red Book of Russia and are grown as ornamental flowers. The greatest medicinal value is the dandelion. There are also varieties that are prohibited to be taken internally due to the high content of milk juice - Bessarabian, late, red-fruited.

Collection and preparation

  • When to harvest. Dandelion blooms twice - in May and August (September). It is recommended to collect leaves and flowers during the first flowering. It is better to harvest roots in the fall - in September-October.
  • How to dry. The above-ground part is dried in natural conditions, without hitting straight sun rays, turn them often so that the grass does not rot. The roots are dug up with a shovel, washed under running water, slightly withered and dried. If the weather is dry and warm, you can dry the roots naturally. If it is cold and damp, it is better to dry the roots in an electric dryer at a temperature no higher than 50°C.
  • How to store. Dry grass and roots are packaged in canvas bags. Must be stored in a dry place. The roots retain healing properties for 5 years, and the shelf life of leaves and flowers is 2 years.

Healing effect

Healing properties are contained in all parts of the herb - rhizome, leaves, inflorescences.

  • Medicinal properties of dandelion flowers. Lots of carotenoids, saponins, vitamin C, as well as vitamins B1 and B2, E, PP, protein, iron, phosphorus, manganese, potassium and a lot of calcium. The inflorescences also contain the carotenoid lutein, which is especially beneficial for vision in adults and children.
  • Medicinal properties of dandelion root. Contains triterpene glycosides, which affect the synthesis process in tissues. It also contains sterols, bitterness, tannins, rubber, fatty oil; beneficial oleic, cerotin, lemon balm, linoleic acid, mucus, wax. The roots of the plant contain 24% inulin. What is the benefit of this dietary fiber? Once in the stomach, inulin breaks down into fructose and fructooligosaccharides, acting as a natural prebiotic and sorbent. Inulin is also found in the roots of chicory, Jerusalem artichoke and elecampane.
  • Beneficial properties of dandelion leaves. Dandelion leaves have the same composition as the inflorescences. They are also high in phosphorus (higher than leafy vegetables) and protein. Therefore, the leaves are valued not only in medicine, but also in cooking due to their nutritional properties.

Pharmachologic effect:

  • choleretic;
  • bactericidal;
  • soothing;
  • mild laxative;
  • diuretic;
  • multivitamin;
  • anti-sclerotic (prevents atherosclerosis);
  • hypnotic;
  • anthelmintic;
  • antipyretic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • blood purifying.

Indications for use

For what symptoms and diagnoses will dandelion treatment be effective?

  • Dandelion for treating joints. Due to its blood purifying properties and beneficial effects on metabolism, dandelion helps with arthrosis and rheumatic pain. The grass is high in calcium and magnesium, which strengthen bones. For joint diseases, the remedy is taken orally and compresses are made.
  • Metabolic disorders. The herb enhances insulin production, regulates carbohydrate, lipid metabolism substances. Therefore, it is often prescribed for diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, to lower blood cholesterol levels, lose weight.
  • To cleanse the body. The herb cleanses the blood thanks to inulin, high content vitamins and microelements. Inulin absorbs toxins, wastes, heavy metals, radionuclides, carcinogens and removes them from the body. Dandelion is often used for general detoxification of the body, for various poisonings - food, chemical, medicinal. The herb also promotes hematopoiesis, increases the level of leukocytes, and is effective against inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  • Digestion. The grass supports well various functions Gastrointestinal tract - secretory, motor, endocrine, immune, absorption. Thanks to inulin, healthy microflora is maintained and beneficial bifidobacteria multiply in the intestines. Therefore, it is useful to drink it for digestive disorders, after a course of antibiotics. Dandelion is used to treat pancreatitis, hypoacid gastritis (with weakened secretion), liver stones, hepatitis, constipation and hemorrhoids, colitis and enteritis, flatulence.
  • Respiratory diseases. The herb has a diaphoretic, antipyretic effect, and can be drunk when the temperature rises. It also helps with coughs due to acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, bronchitis, and alleviates the condition of pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • Nervous system . Relaxes the nervous system, relieves stress, helps with insomnia.
  • urinary system. The herb has mild diuretic and bactericidal properties. Medicine from dandelions helps with inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, and kidney stones.
  • External use. Herbs treat eczema, psoriasis, acne, allergies, warts, corns, calluses on the feet, burns, boils.
  • For women . The herb is taken for diseases of the mammary glands; dandelion is also a lactogenic herbal remedies. Its decoctions and infusions promote milk production. Dandelion contains phytohormones that help with menstrual irregularities. In addition, women often use this plant for cosmetic purposes.
  • For men . According to Tibetan medicine the herb accumulates male yang energy, therefore it is useful for men. Increases not only potency, but also the strength of the male spirit.
  • For the elderly. Dandelion accumulates a lot of solar energy, it is not for nothing that people call it “sun-gazer”. This plant contains a lot of protein, vitamins, microelements, tones, and maintains strength in old age.

Dandelion is also used for cancer to support the body. The herb helps get rid of toxins, cleanses the blood, and restores the body's defenses.

What are the contraindications of dandelion? Diarrhea; acute inflammation bile ducts, their blockage; acute cholelithiasis; stomach ulcer and gastritis with increased secretion; individual intolerance and allergic reaction. There is no scientific evidence that the herb can cause harm during pregnancy. However, before using it, consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

Using dandelion at home

What are the uses of dandelion officinalis? What medicines can be prepared from this plant at home? What dishes can be prepared from it?


Dandelion tea can be taken as a general strengthening, tonic, and to prevent vitamin deficiency. Tea is also prescribed to remove small stones from the kidneys (the procedure is called “water shock”).


  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. dry or fresh crushed raw materials.
  2. Pour in ½ liter of water.
  3. Bring to a boil.
  4. Leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Strain.

For preventive purposes, take ½ glass 3 times a day before meals. To remove kidney stones, tea is diluted warm boiled water. The total volume of liquid should be 2 liters (including tea). This solution is drunk in small sips over 20 minutes. Due to the large intake of water into the body, stones are washed out. The passage of small stones is accompanied by pain. It is important to know that the “water blow” is carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor.


A decoction of the leaves and inflorescences of the herb is often used as a choleretic, diuretic, sedative, multivitamin, and blood purifier.


  1. Take 1 tsp. chopped grass.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Boil for 2 minutes.
  4. Leave for another 30 minutes.
  5. Strain.

Take ½ glass 3 times a day before meals. It helps well with constipation, bloating, hemorrhoids, and diabetes. Externally used to treat skin rashes (psoriasis, eczema, allergies, acne), as well as burns and insect bites. Decoctions are added to medicinal baths for joint pain, insomnia.


Preparation of infusion in a cold way

  1. Take 2 tsp. chopped herbs (dry or fresh).
  2. Pour a glass of cold boiled water.
  3. Leave in a cool place for 8 hours.
  4. Strain.

This infusion should be drunk throughout the day in the following dosage: 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. It is useful to drink for digestive disorders, especially inflammation of the stomach and intestines.

Preparing the infusion using the hot method

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of raw material.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 1 hour.
  4. Strain.

Take ¼ cup 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.


Dandelion tincture with alcohol is good for joints. For rheumatism, gout and arthritis, it is used for rubbing. Also, alcohol tincture strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism, digestion, appetite, acts as depressant. Can be prepared from fresh or dry ingredients.


  1. Take 5 tbsp. l. dry grass.
  2. Pour in ½ liter of vodka.
  3. Leave in a dark place for 14 days.
  4. Shake occasionally.

Before use, strain the tincture. Take 30 drops 3 times a day before meals.

Decoction, infusion, powder and alcohol tincture often made from dandelion roots or a mixture of roots, flowers and leaves. Home remedy from the roots of the herb is especially useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, atherosclerosis, gout, rheumatism, hypertension, anemia, disorders endocrine system, to cleanse the blood, reduce cholesterol levels. The roots are included in herbal diuretic, choleretic, and appetizing preparations. Read more about it in our other article.


Dandelion oil can be used as an ointment for rheumatic pain. Most often the oil is made from the roots of the plant, but the leaves and flowers can also be used.


  1. Take 1 part of chopped roots.
  2. Pour in 4 parts olive oil.
  3. Leave for 14 days in a warm place.
  4. Strain.

Most often used externally. Dandelion oil is an effective medicine for joints; it is rubbed into sore spots and compresses are made from it. It also helps with thermal, chemical, radiation burns, used in cosmetology.


In folk medicine it is said about widespread use dandelion juice. You can drink it for all the diagnoses and symptoms listed above. The juice from fresh leaves is especially useful for anemia, it restores strength well, saves from vitamin deficiency, and energizes. The juice helps with gastrointestinal disorders. It is recommended to be used together with black radish juice for inflammation of the liver, cholelithiasis, cough and ARVI. For fractures it is prescribed together with carrot juice For rapid fusion bones, it is useful for children to drink it to prevent rickets. Externally used in dermatology and cosmetology.

There are positive reviews about the benefits of juice for older people. After taking it, fragile bones are strengthened and joint pain goes away. Are there any special contraindications for dandelion juice? Dandelion milky juice, depending on the dosage, can be beneficial or harmful to the body. Juice should not be given to children in large quantities, otherwise it may cause signs of poisoning.


In cosmetology, various dosage forms dandelion - decoctions, infusions, fresh juice, alcohol tincture, oil.

  • For facial skin. Dandelion products cleanse, nourish, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin. Decoctions and infusions are used to wipe pimples, acne, and boils. The oil eliminates dryness and inflammation of the skin, and dandelion juice helps with age spots, freckles, and is used to whiten the skin.
  • For hair . The herb contains all the most useful and necessary for healthy hair substances - vitamins A, E, C, PP, trace elements, organic acids, fatty oil. You can use decoctions and infusions to rinse your hair after washing or make masks from them; the oil is rubbed into the roots to strengthen the hair and for dry skin.


In some European countries (France, Germany, Austria, Holland), dandelion is cultivated as a leaf vegetable. It is also grown on plantations in India and the USA. The young, earliest leaves of the grass can be eaten immediately. It is recommended to soak later leaves in salted water to remove the bitterness. Dandelion dishes are not only a supply of vitamins, microelements, and organic acids. Dandelion leaves in the diet - prophylactic from viral, bacterial, fungal infections, helminthic infestation. What can you cook from dandelion?

  • Salads. There are many recipes for making salads from dandelion leaves. They are prepared not only in Europe, but also in China and the USA. What ingredients may be included? Eggs, butter, parsley, dill, mint, yogurt, sour cream, sorrel, pepper, vegetables. For example, in France, dandelion salad (“pissali”) is seasoned with a sauce of mayonnaise, butter and mustard.
  • Pickled leaves and flowers. Unopened flower buds and young leaves are pickled for long-term storage. They are added to salads, soups, and vegetable dishes.
  • Treats. From dandelions (flowers and leaves) it turns out tasty treat- syrup, jam, candied fruits. It is also known that the grass is a good honey plant; the pollen of the flowers produces tasty and healthy honey.
  • Coffee . Roasted ground roots make delicious and healthy coffee. Reminds the taste of chicory due to its inulin content.
  • Wine. Traditional dandelion wine is made in the UK. The famous American writer Ray Bradbury dedicated his autobiographical book “Dandelion Wine” to this drink. The author, of course, does not glorify wine, but the breath of life itself, nature, summer, sun, feelings - and all this through the eyes of a twelve-year-old boy.

What are the main beneficial properties of dandelion? Choleretic, multivitamin, diuretic, blood purifying, diaphoretic, sedative, hypnotic, antispasmodic, bactericidal. Useful material found in flowers, leaves and roots of the plant. Infusions, decoctions, teas, oils, and tinctures are prepared from dandelion. The plant is also popular in cooking. different nations peace.

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