Rosehip decoction and its beneficial properties. How to quickly prepare a rosehip decoction recipe with photos. How to prepare rosehip decoction from dry and fresh fruits

Rose hips are not only decorative, but also medicinal plant. Folk remedies use roots, leaves and berries, which are rich in various vitamins, macro- and microelements, and other substances. From them you can prepare a healing drink, which is drunk like regular tea.

How to make a decoction of rose hips?

For medicinal purposes, it is best to choose vitamin varieties that were bred by selectors. It is easy to distinguish it by the sepals that stick out. The berries contain a lot useful substances, but if such a variety could not be found, then you can use any other that also has medicinal properties. Before we learn how to prepare rosehip decoction, let’s look at some aspects of the collection. Choose bushes that are located away from roads and industrial enterprises. It is important to collect fruits before the first frost.

How to prepare rosehip decoction from fresh fruits?

To get the maximum amount of benefits, it is recommended to use the fruits in fresh. To do this, they should be picked at the moment of ripening, and this is only a few weeks. Eat different variants preparations, so let’s consider one of them, which involves the preliminary extraction of “vitamins” that are sensitive to high temperatures. preparation, which will be discussed below, contains the maximum possible concentration of nutrients.

  1. Wash the berries, cut them into halves and remove the seeds and hairs located inside.
  2. The “innards” must be mashed with a fork and transferred to a glass container or thermos. Pour in water, the temperature of which should be 60°C. Observe the proportion that 200 g of liquid is taken for 1 teaspoon of seeds.
  3. Leave for 40 minutes and then strain using cheesecloth or a fine sieve.
  4. Let's move on to how to prepare a rosehip decoction from the remaining fruits. Place them in a saucepan and add water, taking into account that 1 teaspoon should contain 500 ml of water. Boil for 30 minutes. Once everything has cooled, the liquids can be mixed.
  5. All that remains is to strain and drink. If desired, add a little honey to the warm drink.
  6. Many people are interested in one more important topic– how to store rosehip decoction. It should be kept in a cool place away from sun rays or in the refrigerator for no more than four days.

How to prepare a rosehip decoction from dried fruits?

There are several ways to dry fruits, and traditionally this is done in the oven or outside, but only in the shade. High temperatures and direct rays of the sun have a detrimental effect on the amount of nutrients. You can brew whole fruits, but then the benefit will be slightly less than if you chop them. In addition, you will have to spend a lot of time brewing whole berries, up to 12 hours. The best recipe for rosehip decoction from dried fruits that have been crushed is considered to be the best.

  1. Wash the fruits, dry them and grind them using a blender or coffee grinder.
  2. Pour the resulting flour with water at a temperature of no more than 60 degrees. Leave for 50 minutes.
  3. Strain and add water to the sediment, taking into account the proportion that 1 teaspoon should contain 500 ml of liquid. Boil everything for half an hour. Strain and mix the two drinks.

Rosehip decoction - how to prepare without a thermos?

To prepare a healing drink, you can use ordinary utensils, but they should not be metal. Choose containers made of glass, ceramics or an enamel pan. In this case, unwanted chemical reactions can be avoided. For people who are interested in how to properly make rosehip decoction without using a thermos, we offer the following option:

  1. Boil water, turn off the heat and pour dried berries into it, taking into account that there should be 1 liter of liquid per 100 g.
  2. Cover with a lid and wrap in a towel or blanket. Leave for 30 minutes. insist. After this, mash everything into a puree and leave for another 2-3 hours.
  3. Strain and refrigerate. It is important to know how long to store rose hip decoction; the beneficial substances will last no more than four days.

How to prepare rosehip decoction in a thermos?

To get a drink with the maximum concentration of substances, it is better to use a thermos with a glass flask, since metal containers can react. A rosehip decoction in a thermos is easy to prepare and first you need to first rinse the berries. Place them in a thermos, pour boiling water over them and leave for at least two hours, or better yet, leave them overnight. To enhance the benefits and taste, you can include mint, thyme, a sprig of oregano and ginger in the recipe.

Rose hip decoction in a slow cooker

An excellent alternative to the usual thermos will be popular in last years a multicooker that creates an airtight environment after closing the lid. You can use all types of such equipment using different programs. It is best to combine “Stewing” and “Heating”. For those who are interested in how to prepare rosehip decoction, we suggest choosing the following recipe.


  • dry fruits – 200 g;
  • water – 2 l;
  • sugar – 1.5 multi cups.


  1. Rinse the berries in running water and place them in the multicooker bowl. Pour in cold water and add sugar.
  2. Stir and close the lid. The rose hip decoction is prepared in the “Stew” mode for 40 minutes.
  3. After this, turn on “Heating” for half an hour and after the signal, leave for the same amount of time under the lid.

How to brew rose hips correctly for treatment?

Berries are rich in various beneficial substances, which determines the presence various properties. Drinks prepared on their basis can be used as a choleretic and diuretic. They are useful for diseases of the genitourinary and digestive system thanks to its anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. Berries help to cope with different problems with health. All diseases can be cured with rosehip decoction, but only if you use it as a additional means to therapy prescribed by a doctor.

How to prepare a rosehip decoction for pancreatitis?

Berries have a wide range of actions and with this disease they help reduce pain and remove spasms, relieve inflammation and swelling of internal organs, and also improve the process of renewal of pancreatic cells. They help reduce the amount bad cholesterol and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Rosehip decoction for pancreatitis is simple to prepare.



  1. Mix the ingredients and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  2. Cover and leave until cool.
  3. Before use, dilute the broth with boiled water, taking into account the 1:1 ratio. Drink it before meals, 1/4 tbsp.

How to prepare rosehip decoction for gastritis?

Treatment of diseases associated with the digestive system involves nutritional correction. As healthy drink you can use a decoction of the plant, which has important properties: improves metabolism and gastrointestinal tract activity. It helps speed up the healing process of the mucous membrane. Rosehip decoction for gastritis is beneficial only for diseases with low acidity.


  • dry berries – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • hot water – 1 l.


  1. Chop the berries, combine with water and boil for 3 minutes.
  2. Leave covered until cool. Drink a drink instead of tea.

Rosehip decoction for gout - how to prepare?

Folk recipes are excellent additional therapy, which helps enhance the results of the main treatment. Rosehip decoction for gout ranks first among similar remedies, and all thanks to the presence of a large amount of vitamin C. With regular consumption, the process of urate removal improves. Let's move on to the recipe on how to cook useful decoction rosehip.


  • dry berries – 1 teaspoon;
  • hot water – 200 g.


  1. Grind the dried fruits in any way to a powder.
  2. Mix all ingredients and leave for a couple of hours. Then strain and drink 100 g 4-5 times a day.

Rose hip decoction for weight loss

In order to get rid of excess weight, except proper nutrition And sports training, can be additionally used folk remedies. The drink improves metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the digestive system and the process of enzyme production. Rosehip decoction for weight loss, the recipe for which is simple, can be used for fasting days.

Everyone knows the taste of rosehip drink, but not everyone likes it. This is annoying, but understandable: in childhood we were offered to drink it very often, sometimes instead sweet soda. The adults knew what they were doing: rosehip decoction perfectly quenches thirst, tones and strengthens the body. And my parents also knew how to brew rose hips for drinking in a tasty way so that little picky kids wouldn’t refuse it. Now, realizing all the advantages of this healthy drink, nothing prevents you from brewing rose hips yourself for drinking by all family members, young and old. We are ready to explain all the intricacies of this process.

Are you surprised? But this is true: it is necessary to brew rose hips correctly, no matter for what purpose you are preparing the decoction. For infant, for weight loss, just for pleasure and quenching thirst... Only properly brewed rose hips will turn out tasty and truly healthy. It’s not difficult to prepare it yourself, but even despite its universal usefulness, rose hips should not be drunk by everyone. Be sure to take this into account before brewing rosehip for drinking and offering it to your loved ones.

Rosehip decoction: composition, benefits and contraindications
Rosehip, or wild rose, is a common cultivated plant, unpretentious and tenacious. Thorny rose hips are close relatives of elegant roses on long straight stems, but are valued not so much for the beauty of their blooms as for their fruits. Rose hips are brightly colored in shades of red, from carrot to deep burgundy. This indicates a high content of carotene in them, that is, provitamin vitamin A, which strengthens the immune system. human body and performing antioxidant functions in metabolism.

Rosehip in folk medicine and modern herbal medicines are used for:

  • detoxification of the body;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • activation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism;
  • compensation for vitamin deficiency.
Not only beta-carotene in rose hips fights free radicals and pathogens, but also vitamin C, which is found in berries wild rose 10 times more than in black currants and 50 (!) times more than in fresh lemon. As is known, ascorbic acid very sensitive to heat and quickly destroyed during cooking. That is why you need to brew rosehip for drinking correctly in order to preserve its properties. Then other vitamins (P, PP, K, E, group B), organic acids, flavonoids, essential oils and fruit sugars will be brought maximum benefit. And pectins and tannins will ensure the absorption of vitamins and microelements, form bactericidal and anti-inflammatory protection.

How to choose rose hips for brewing?
Like any source biologically active substances, rose hips are not equally useful in different time year, for different stages maturing and ripened in different areas. At correct processing all the benefits of fresh raw materials are preserved and concentrated in dried fruits. Before you buy rosehips, inquire about their origin:

  1. The further south the rose hips are collected, the more vitamin C it contains. For comparison, berries grown in central Russia contain 1-1.5% ascorbic acid, and in Kazakhstan – already 4-5%. If there is a lack of vitamin C, it is worth looking for rose hips of the Begger variety, containing from 10 to 20% ascorbic acid.
  2. Rosehip bushes with yellow flowers produce fruits richer in tannins, that is, more tart in taste, than flowering ones pink. But a decoction of these berries strongly promotes hematopoiesis and is preferable for anemia.
  3. The most effective is considered to be rose hips collected from August to October, that is, fully ripe, but not damaged by frost. It is important that after picking the berries are not stored fresh, but are dried within the first 12-24 hours.
  4. Contrary to popular belief, rose hips cannot be dried in the sun - ultraviolet radiation destroys vitamins. Buy only those berries that have been dried in special industrial ovens with regular stirring.
Do not hesitate to ask all these questions at the market - conscientious sellers know a lot about natural products and they themselves will be happy to tell you which rosehip to choose. In most cases, dried berries of the May rosehip are sold, containing the average, that is, optimal quantity vitamins, tannins and essential oils.

How to brew rosehip in a thermos correctly?
The healing properties of dried rose hips are easily transferred into a decoction. But do not forget that water is the most powerful natural solvent, and it is important not to violate the proportions, after which the concentration of nutrients in the drink will be disrupted. The temperature at which the decoction is prepared also matters. Therefore, remember these rules:

  1. Proportion 1:10. Simply put, for every 100 grams of dry berries, take 1 liter of water, no more and no less. To taste, you can dilute the prepared rosehip decoction for drinking with water in a glass or decanter, but you only need to prepare it in this ratio.
  2. Water temperature. To extract useful substances from dry berries, the water must be hot enough, but not boiling, so as not to destroy chemical compounds. This is easy to do if you first boil the water, then remove it from the heat and pour the berries into a thermos or other thick-walled container.
  3. Condition of the berries. Often rose hips are crushed or cut before brewing - this is a mistake; the decoction must be prepared from whole berries. Firstly, with this approach, nutrients are transferred into the water gradually and are better preserved. Secondly, the decoction of crushed berries will be filled with hairs and thin bristles located under the skin.
Be sure to sort the berries before brewing rose hips, even if they were perfectly whole at the time of purchase. Do not use blackened, overdried berries with traces of mold and/or internal rot to prepare the decoction.

How to prepare a delicious drinking rosehip decoction?
The universal usefulness of rosehip decoction makes it indispensable in the most different situations: For baby food, during pregnancy, within medicinal diet and losing weight. You can use one brewing recipe or diversify it:
It is interesting to know that in ancient times rosehip decoction was used to dye fabrics red and orange colors. This information illustrates how concentrated this drink is. Therefore, you should not abuse it so that the benefits do not turn into harm. In particular, only 15 rose hips (and a decoction of them) contain daily dose Vitamin C for an average-weight adult is simply not needed anymore. And to those who suffer increased acidity stomach and/or gastritis, rose hips should be consumed with extreme caution. The same applies to patients with liver diseases. Everyone else should at least occasionally brew rose hips for drinking. With its help, maintaining your health is not only easy, but also delicious!

Rosehip is one of the wild species of shrubs of the Rosaceae family. Although, calling this plant wild now is not entirely correct, since in many households and summer cottages it is already grown as a crop. Let's talk about the beneficial properties of rose hips, in particular, about the infusion of its parts.

Briefly about the benefits of rose hips

A fairly tall bush with numerous shoots, beautiful fragrant flowers, strict dangerous thorns and orange useful fruits have long ceased to grow wild. Rosehip is not only beautiful, but also contains many useful substances, which many people know today.

Vitamin composition

The plant contains many useful and medicinal substances(further their dosage is given per 100 grams of berries):

  • ascorbic acid - this substance in rose hips is more than 7000 mg per 100 grams;
  • bioflavonoids - 1400 mg;
  • vitamin C - 600-800 mg (from 2500 to 17800 mg in some varieties);
  • carotene - 42 mg;
  • organic acids: malic, citric, tartaric, etc. - up to 4% of the mass.
In addition to substances with significant content, other elements and substances were found in the plant, which are smaller, but they are sufficient for a positive effect on the human body. Found in rose hips various vitamins groups B, E and K, as well as sugar, pectins, tannins, minerals (iron, manganese, potassium and calcium salts). The seeds contain essential oils and weak fatty acids.

Did you know? The vitamin C content in rose hips is 100 times higher than in apples, 50 times higher than in lemons, and 10 times higher than in black currants.

Calorie content and BZHU

The low calorie content of rosehip allows it to be considered dietary product- 100g dried berries contain approximately 110 kilocalories. With an absolute absence of fat, 100 grams of the plant contains up to 3.4 g of proteins and 21.5 g of carbohydrates.

About the benefits of infusion

Rosehip infusion has many beneficial properties for both adults and adults. child's body. This plant is prophylactic against many human health problems.

For adults

Rosehip has a wide spectrum medicinal properties. Here are the main ones:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hemostatic;
  • urinary and choleretic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • helping in the production of red blood cells;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • vascular strengthening;
  • sedatives.
The infusion can help with bloating and flatulence, as well as for smoothing pain syndrome. Rinsing oral cavity This liquid will help ease the symptoms of stomatitis and wash away germs. Also, drinking the infusion will invigorate and give strength in future life. Rosehip decoction can reduce painful sensations when a person is bitten by insects, cuts or burns.

For children

The benefit of wild rose berries for a child’s body lies in their high content of vitamin C.

The restorative value of rosehip infusion for the body that has survived a cold is difficult to overestimate. By using clinical trials It has been proven that preparations from this plant can have extremely positive impact on the body during the illness itself and are extremely important during recovery after it. They will also be appropriate for prevention the rest of the time.

Important! Just 10 rose hips can replenish daily requirement the body in vitamin C. Taking the infusion helps in the fight against hypovitaminosis.

Is it possible for lactating and pregnant women?

The answer to this question is clear - it is possible. However, there is no need to get carried away with the infusion beyond measure: like any drink, rose hips in large quantities can cause negative effect, and during pregnancy you should be especially careful about all foods and liquids you take.

Rosehip infusion during pregnancy and breastfeeding is good remedy against colds, as this plant is in moderation does not cause allergies and, given the bouquet of useful substances it contains, its benefits for pregnant women can compete even with official dosage forms.

In addition to the anti-cold effect, rosehip decoctions can be used by pregnant women for:

  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • improving the synthesis of hormones by endocrine glands;
  • absorption of vitamins A and E;
  • wound healing;
  • removal of man-made poisons from the body;
  • reducing the effect of allergens of various origins.

Is there any harm?

In addition to the indicated positive effect on human health, rosehip infusion can also be harmful. When taking it, it is necessary to take breaks so that the liver and other internal organs could take a break from the monotonous effects of a vitamin complex. It is best to combine infusions of medicinal plants: in this case they will not become boring, and the body will be able to receive more wide range nutrients and microelements.

Important! Long-term use Rosehip infusion can damage tooth enamel, therefore, it is recommended to drink it through a straw.

The main contraindications to taking the drink are as follows:
  • the body’s tendency to form blood clots and the development of thrombophlebitis;
  • high acid gastritis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • inflammation of the inner lining of the heart - endocarditis;
  • Despite the hypoallergenic nature of the plant's fruits, they can sometimes cause intolerance.
For people who suffer from diabetes, it is not the drink itself that is contraindicated, but the addition of sugar to it.

How to prepare an infusion

The usefulness of rose hips is so high that the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body are contained not only in its berries, but also in other parts of the plant. Let's look at how to properly prepare infusions from this plant.

From petals

The petals of the plant are a storehouse of beneficial substances for the skin and all kinds of cosmetic liquids and products are prepared from them.

Regular recipe

Pour two tablespoons of petals into one glass of boiling water in a suitable container, cover with a thick cloth for about half an hour. The resulting infusion is filtered and bottled into small, clean bottles. Once cooled, the liquid can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week to rub on your skin.
Cold recipe

Petals (2 tablespoons) are poured mineral water(0.5 l) per day. Next, the infusion is filtered and frozen in ice trays. These ice cubes can be rubbed over the skin of the face. For oily skin take salted mineral water - “Essentuki” or “Narzan”, and neutral types of water are suitable for dry skin.

Important! The use of this recipe involves removing carbon dioxide from mineral water. To do this, the bottle is shaken, its contents are poured into a wide container (for example, a saucepan) and left for about an hour before pouring the petals.

Facial toner recipe

Fresh petals of 2-3 flowers are poured with a quarter cup of boiling water for 20 minutes, then a teaspoon of honey and a few drops are added lemon juice. The finished composition is applied to the face with a cotton swab and washed off after 15 minutes.

From the roots

Rosehip roots have a row medicinal qualities, for example, they have astringent properties, are urinary and choleretic agent, and are also considered a strong antioxidant. Can be found in many herbalists healing recipes using the roots of this culture.

Peeled, washed and dried roots are lightly fried in the oven, crushed in a blender and used as an additive to tea leaves when making tea. To improve the taste and healing properties, you can add dried leaves the same plant.


Two tablespoons of crushed roots are boiled for 15 minutes in 0.5 liters of water, after which they are wrapped for two hours. The product is taken before meals, half a glass, three times a day.

From leaves

Microelements and beneficial substances in rose hips are also found in its leaves, and this part of the plant differs from the fruits and roots in composition and contains vitamins B1, K, P, caffeic and vanillic acids. The leaves of the plant are useful for stabilizing the condition of colds, for problems with the gastrointestinal tract (exacerbation of ulcers and gastritis, diarrhea), to improve stomach function. Rosehip leaves, with their healing properties, have long been used both independently and as part of various herbal mixtures.

Dried teaspoon or bunch fresh leaves brew for 10 minutes in a glass of boiling water. Then the infusion is filtered and drunk with sugar or honey. For diabetes, stevia is added to tea instead of sugar.
An infusion of rose hips prepared in a thermos has good qualities. The drink works well in containers with a glass flask, where the berries are steamed in a neutral environment. Dried fruits knead and put into a flask - a tablespoon of berries is poured into a glass of boiling water.

Important!When adding water, you need to make sure there is room for air.

After 6-8 hours the drink can be consumed.

What else can you prepare an infusion with?

Rosehip is not the only plant from nature around us that has miraculous properties. Many cultures are practically incomparable, since the benefits of each of them are unique, although to some extent they overlap with each other.

This plant is a close relative of the rose hips from the same Rosaceae family. Despite its not very positive popularity, due to the availability of its alcohol tincture in pharmacy chains, hawthorn is not at all inferior to its more popular relative in healing properties both berries and leaves. It can help the human body fight many diseases and has diuretic, antispasmodic, hypotensive, cardiotonic and vasodilating properties.

Recipe: a tablespoon of berries is poured into a glass of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled and filtered. The remainder is squeezed out and added to the infusion.

Reception: half a glass half an hour before each meal.

The taste of viburnum berries is a debated issue, but they cannot be taken away from their wonderful medicinal properties. A popular saying is dedicated to this plant: “whoever is friendly with viburnum does not need a doctor.” The berry both restores strength and has an astringent effect during bleeding in gastrointestinal tract, and strengthens the immune system.

Recipe: A tablespoon of dried viburnum berries is crushed, poured with a glass of boiling water and left for four hours.

Reception: 100 ml before meals.

Currant berries contain many vitamins. When describing the medicinal properties, we are talking mainly about black currant, but its relatives in appearance (red, white) are also not far behind in terms of usefulness. Currants in the form of an infusion of berries and leaves can reduce the irritating effect of stomach problems and thus improve appetite.

Recipe: Pour 4 tablespoons of dried currants into 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes and wrap for an hour.

Reception: half a glass half an hour before meals.

In addition to helping with healthy digestion, like all the herbs described above, mint can ease digestion problems and relieve symptoms of nausea, as well kidney stone disease. Drinks with mint tone, relax and relieve stress.

Recipe: 2 teaspoons dried mint pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and filter.

Reception: a third of a glass of infusion 20 minutes before meals.

Rules of use

The use of the drink has some differences for children and adults. It's clear that everything alcohol forms medicinal products are not applicable at a young age, but the composition of rosehip preparations itself has some age restrictions.

For adults

The main rule for adults in using rosehip infusion in any recipe is moderation. As mentioned above, despite the undoubted beneficial properties of this product, it also has contraindications not only for certain diseases, but also for consuming large volumes of such a drink. For example, in case of cholelithiasis, the infusion can provoke the movement of stones from the liver into bile ducts, blocking them, so before starting therapy you need to consult a doctor who will determine correct form and dosage of rose hips.

For children

Naturally, in the case of children, any remedy must be used even more carefully. Drinks containing rose hips should be added to complementary foods no earlier than the baby reaches the age of 8 months. Their volume should not exceed 100 ml per day, and it should be a decoction. The infusion can be given in the same dosage at the age of no earlier than one year. Also, do not forget about the diuretic effect and do not give the drug to your child in the evening to avoid sleep disturbances.

Did you know? During excavations of ancient settlements on the territory of modern Switzerland, it was discovered that already in the Ice Age people ate dog rose.

How long can the infusion be stored?

The drink can be stored in the refrigerator or a dark and cool basement for 2-3 days. For storage, it is best to use a container with a tight lid, excluding the introduction of foreign objects into the product - spoons, glasses, etc.

Rosehip can help the body of both adults and children with many health problems, because it contains many useful substances. Proper Use its resources will make it possible to alleviate symptoms and eliminate the cause of some ailments without the use of official and expensive medicines, and in the absence of diseases, tea from the fruits of the plant will be an excellent basis for the development of strong immunity.

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In nature, you can find a cure for almost every disease - some kind medicinal plant. One of them is rosehip. A decoction prepared from parts of the named plant, traditional healers recommended to take when various diseases. There are contraindications, but there are not so many of them. This is why many people call rose hips “friendly.” This plant does much more good than harm. So, how to prepare a decoction of dried flowers, seeds and other medicinal raw materials? Before answering this question, it is worth understanding the beneficial properties of the plant, indications and contraindications for use.

Properties of rosehip

Rose hips are a source of beneficial substances. Firstly, medicinal plant rich in vitamin C. It is necessary for many redox processes occurring in the body. Secondly, the plant contains valuable microelements. This is both iron and copper. Thanks to the first microelement, hemoglobin is formed, and thanks to the second, red blood cells mature.

“How to prepare a decoction of dried rose hips; use of medicines from plants" - useful topic. Everyone should get acquainted with it. All remedies (decoctions, infusions, tinctures) from rose hips include a huge amount various substances and have the following beneficial properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • general strengthening;
  • antimicrobial;
  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • wound healing;
  • anti-atherosclerotic.

Useful parts of rose hips

You can get many remedies from rose hips: decoction, alcohol tincture, oil, etc. The easiest medicine to prepare is a decoction. To make it, you can use rosehip leaves. They are collected on dry and clear warm days and then dried. After this, the leaves are sorted, cleaned of impurities, crushed into small pieces and fried in the oven on a baking sheet.

A decoction can also be prepared from They are usually prepared in late autumn or early spring time. Rosehip roots are thoroughly washed, crushed and dried. Dried particles can be lightly fried. Thanks to this, the drink becomes unique and stronger.

Many people ask how to cook from dry fruits. This product turns out to be the most delicious and healthy. The fruits are collected in September or October, carefully sorted, cleared of debris and spoiled particles, and dried in the oven. Burning should not be allowed, because an incorrectly prepared product will not give the expected result. In addition, the decoction of burnt fruits will taste bitter.

Indications for use

How to prepare a decoction of dried rose hips, will this drink be beneficial? Answering this question, it is worth noting that a medicinal plant can strengthen the body and contribute to speedy recovery. That is why decoctions and traditional healers recommend using them for various diseases, injuries, wounds:

  • with the flu;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • women's diseases, etc.

Rosehip can be used absolutely healthy people. It is especially useful to drink medicines prepared from this plant in the autumn-winter period. Rosehip strengthens the body's resistance to infectious diseases, helps improve performance.

Contraindications for use

How to prepare a decoction of dried rose hips? Can this drink cause any harm? Rose hips, like any medicine, have contraindications. These include:

  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • acute gastritis;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • others serious illnesses Gastrointestinal tract.

Cardiac dysfunction is also a contraindication. It is especially not recommended to drink decoctions and infusions for those people who have a tendency to form blood clots in their vessels. The reason why you should give up rose hips is high content vitamin K (it increases blood clotting).

Before preparing a rich decoction of dried rose hips, leaves, roots, flowers, it is worth considering that another contraindication is allergies. Some people have an individual intolerance to rose hips. With this problem, after taking remedies from a medicinal plant, redness and rashes appear on the skin. People complain of itching. After development allergic reaction It is recommended to refuse.

Rosehip decoction

How to prepare a decoction of dried rose hips? There are two ways. People who choose the first option do the following:

  • dried cynarrhodia (1 tablespoon) are poured into a glass of boiling water;
  • infuse the mixture for 10 hours;
  • then boil it for about 10 minutes;
  • the finished medicine is passed through gauze.

Adults can drink half a glass twice a day (before meals). Children are allowed to give 0.25 cups every day. To improve the taste of the product, you can add a little honey.

How to prepare a decoction of dried rose hips? Here's the second recipe:

  • take 1 tablespoon of cynarrhodia;
  • pour boiling water (1 cup required);
  • insist for 24 hours;
  • boil for 10 minutes;
  • insist again for a couple of hours.

Before use, filter the broth through cheesecloth. Drinking medicine before meals, half a glass three times a day.

Preparation of a decoction of leaves

Making a decoction of rosehip leaves is quite simple. You just need to do the following:

  • take 1 tablespoon of dried and crushed rosehip leaves;
  • add water (1 glass);
  • put on the stove and boil for 1 minute;
  • leave for an hour.

The finished decoction made from rosehip leaves is filtered through gauze folded in several layers before use. Drink the medicine 0.5 cups three times a day (after breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Preparation of a decoction of roots

The medicine can be prepared from rosehip roots. To do this you need:

  • take 2 tablespoons of chopped roots;
  • pour into a small enamel pan;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • put on the stove with low heat;
  • keep at a boil for a quarter of an hour;
  • Remove from heat, wrap in thick cloth and let sit.

After cooling, the product must be strained through cheesecloth. You can take a decoction of the roots four times a day, 0.5 cups. Treatment should be carried out for a week. After a 7-day course, a break of 2 weeks is required. Then it is recommended to continue treatment.

Preparing a decoction from seeds

How to prepare a decoction of dried rose hips is not the only question that interests people who decide to try a medicinal plant. Many people ask traditional healers about how to make a decoction based on rosehip seeds. The recipe is quite simple:

  • scoop out the seeds with a teaspoon;
  • fill with water (1 glass required);
  • put on the stove and keep at a boil for 10 minutes;
  • leave for 2 hours.

The decoction prepared according to the above recipe also needs to be filtered through cheesecloth. It is necessary to drink the medicine warm three times a day, 0.25 cups (before eating).

Preparing a decoction of rosehip flowers

A miraculous drink is also obtained from rosehip flowers. The cooking recipe is as follows:

  • take 3 tablespoons of dried medicinal raw materials (fresh rosehip flowers are also suitable);
  • brew in the same way as regular tea;
  • leave for half an hour.

Healers advise taking the prepared medicine 0.5 glasses three times a day (after meals). The decoction can also be drunk instead of tea. To do this, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. You can add sweets (for example, jam) to your taste.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that rosehip was highly valued several centuries ago. Under Ivan the Terrible, any wealth could be given for this miraculous medicinal plant. Currently, rose hips are widely used in folk medicine. “How to properly prepare a rosehip decoction from dried fruits?” - a question that many people ask, because this drink is very healthy. It helps with colds. He also provides positive influence on nervous system, reduces bleeding, promotes healing of bone and soft tissues and restoration of the body.

If you or your household feel unwell: weakness, fever, dizziness, do not rush to the pharmacy for newfangled expensive (often useless, or even harmful) remedies for colds and to strengthen the immune system.

Natural vitamins, minerals can easily cope with any disease useful elements, antioxidants, which are contained in large quantities by an excellent medicinal plant.

Be sure to stock up on fruits for the winter, and, if necessary, immediately make a rosehip decoction.

How to prepare a drink so that all the healing substances serve as an influx of vitality

  1. Try to take only high-quality, undamaged fruits.
  2. Brew whole berries with boiled spring (or filtered) hot water.
  3. Infuse with the lid tightly closed.
  4. Drink after meals.
  5. For prevention, take in moderation.
  6. And when treating diseases, be sure to ask about individual norm use by a doctor.

Remember, even with such safe means there are contraindications.

General strengthening rosehip decoction for children

With the arrival of the cold, stormy season, many viruses, pathogenic bacteria attack the child’s body and, if immunity is reduced, can cause inflammatory process in the respiratory, hematopoietic, and digestive organs. How to make rosehip decoction.

Cooking recipes to prevent children from getting sick:

1. From fresh berries: clean them of hairs and seeds, wash them thoroughly. Place in a thermos with hot (70 degrees) boiled water. Close the container tightly with a stopper and leave to steam for 6 hours. Take 100 grams per liter of water. fruits Then the contents of the thermos are well filtered. The drink is ready.

2. From dried berries: 2 tbsp. l. In the evening, pour 1 liter of boiled water, cooled to 80 degrees, and leave to brew until the morning. Strain the broth, serve 50-60 ml in the morning and evening after eating. The taste is delicate and pleasant, but if children like sweets, then add a little linden honey.

How to make rosehip decoction from dried fruits and fresh berries

Recipes for adults:

1. In the evening 100 gr. fresh or dried crushed mass, stir in boiled water with a temperature of no more than 80 degrees. Place in a thermos and leave overnight. Filter thoroughly through a coffee filter or double-layer cheesecloth. Take 100 ml portions, not exceeding 1 liter per day. In the presence of chronic diseases To determine the consumption rate, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

2. If you don’t have a thermos, you can prepare a rosehip decoction from dried fruits in a water bath: a liter enamel (glass) saucepan with berries and boiled water is placed in water in a larger vessel on a wooden grid. Boil time under a closed lid on a low flame for 15 minutes. Then the small dishes with the broth are taken out, wrapped in a blanket, and left for 4 hours. Drink through a straw, single dose is 50 – 100 ml.

Take with caution to children, pensioners, pregnant and nursing mothers, a large number of may cause harm.

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