Products that thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots: list, official information. What foods thin the blood?

Blood is the “river of life”, on the composition and fluidity of which many processes in our body depend. An increase in its viscosity (hyperviscose syndrome) leads to congestion, slowing of capillary blood flow, oxygen starvation of tissues, and emergency functioning of the heart, blood vessels and brain. This increases the risk of developing thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, senile dementia, impotence, and in advanced cases of heart attack and stroke.

Increased blood density can be avoided by correcting nutrition or using a special diet. In this article, we will introduce blood thinner products, as well as those that have the opposite effect. This knowledge helps prevent many dangerous diseases.

When is blood thinning required?

Blood consists of plasma and shaped elements. Their ratio is called the hematocrit number. The values ​​of this indicator increase if the blood thickens. Such a substance is difficult to pump, so the heart wears out prematurely. It tends to form blood clots and is poorly pushed through the capillaries.

Hematocrit is determined in the laboratory. Using high numbers, the doctor identifies the causes and prescribes treatment for hyperviscose syndrome. This way the patient gets rid of a number of serious pathologies, including from atherosclerosis.

The official information is this: in men, hematocrit is diagnosed 10 times more often. In women, fat is deposited under the skin, and in the stronger sex in the form of plaques on the walls blood vessels. The situation is getting worse bad habits, overeating, stress, hypertension. During nervous overload, the released hormone adrenaline constricts the altered blood vessels, which leads to a heart attack.

To the symptoms of thickening liquid medium organisms include:

  • Heaviness in the legs.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Absent-mindedness.
  • Fast fatiguability.

Causes of blood thickening

The substance becomes viscous for many reasons, the main ones are listed and described below.

Water shortage

The list of foods that increase plasma fluidity can start with vegetables that have thinning properties. This category includes:

  • Bell pepper.
  • Beet.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Cabbage.

Ripe tomatoes contain lycopene, a substance that prevents red blood cells from sticking together. Some fruits also prevent the formation of blood clots:

  • Citrus.
  • Cherry.
  • Peaches.
  • Apples.

Their pulp contains a lot useful microelements. Berries are also able to adjust the composition of the blood towards dilution. The best people to cope with this task are:

  • strawberries;
  • figs;
  • blueberry;
  • blackberry;
  • grape;
  • viburnum;
  • strawberry;
  • raspberries.

Juices made from apricots, currants, peaches, beets, apples, as well as cranberries, tomatoes, and celery are also useful.

Bee products

Honey and propolis are the strongest regulators of recovery processes in the human body, including the normalization of composition and physical properties liquid medium.

Herbs and spices

Red contains many antioxidants and allicin, which is responsible for reducing bad cholesterol levels. hot pepper and onion. Garlic is also used to thin the blood. It is also useful for hypertension. You can eat the vegetable in any form: fresh or dried.

They also reduce blood viscosity:

  • Chocolate, cocoa, coffee.
  • Vegetable oils.
  • Seafood, kelp.
  • Thyme, oregano, mint.
  • Sprouted wheat, melon.

It is possible to avoid red blood cell clumping with the anticoagulants DHA and EPA from fish oil. With their help, they achieve improved rheological characteristics and prevent thrombosis in the heart and blood vessels.

Ginger, which affects cholesterol levels, also improves blood circulation. It can be added to tea along with lemon, honey, cinnamon. But most affordable product is plain water. It cleanses the blood every minute. Its consumption rate is 30 ml per 1 kg of weight, but this does not include teas, soups, compotes, and juices.

Blood Thickening Products

Foods high in vitamin K, a blood clotting factor, have the opposite effect. There is a lot of it in bananas, spinach, alfalfa, avocado, and kiwi. The use of products from the list should be limited, but not excluded.

Deviations in blood characteristics sometimes provoke life-threatening diseases. The leaders in mortality are heart/vascular pathologies and oncological diseases- most often caused by thick blood and poor circulation in the tissues. That's why everyone more people interested in how to thin the blood without taking medications.

Causes of viscous blood

Human blood can lose its liquid part (water) for the following reasons:

Insufficient supply of water to the blood

Recommended consumption amount clean water(excluding soups, juices, tea and soda) - 1.5-2 l. Many diets, which often involve giving up salt (salt retains fluid in the body), and all kinds of drying of the body lead to loss of fluid primarily in the blood. Hot climate, overuse coffee (the drink removes a larger volume of fluid), serious physical exercise, vomiting/diarrhea also leads to dehydration.

Vitamin deficiency

Lack of vit. C, B6 and E, often found during pregnancy and malnutrition, leads to an increase in blood clotting factors and an increase in estrogens, which provoke thrombus formation.

Errors in nutrition

Food, rich in fat and sugar, increases blood viscosity.

Poor digestion

Intestinal diseases and enzymatic deficiency due to diseases of the liver and pancreas lead to acidification of the body and thickening of the liquid medium.


Permanent nervous tension literally “washes out” vitamins and microelements from the body and causes persistent contraction vascular walls, thereby increasing the pressure.

Bad habits

A simple truth: alcohol leads to severe dehydration, and the need for vitamins when smoking increases several times.

Internal pathology

For varicose veins, diabetes, high cholesterol, high prothrombin increases the load on the heart due to decreased contractility walls of blood vessels, and shaped blood cells(red blood cells) begin to stick together. The same picture is observed when high hemoglobin, the cause of which may be pathology of the spleen and other diseases.

Why is thick blood dangerous?

High blood viscosity, initially manifested by memory weakness, drowsiness, apathy - dangerous signal and a reason to get examined. Lack of attention to the problem can result in:

Important! Modern scientists associate the development of cancer with poor circulation individual tissues, often caused by viscous blood.

How to thin thick blood?

Some medications have blood thinning properties. medicinal herbs and products.


Their basis is acetylsalicylic acid. The drugs are used in small doses for prophylaxis and massively for high level blood viscosity. Use:

  1. Aspirin - once a day, 1/4 tablet. while eating.
  2. Cardiomagnyl (75 mg - prophylactic dose, 150 mg - medicinal).
  3. Aspirin-cardio.
  4. Aspecard, etc.

Admission rules:

  • course treatment (occasional use will not give results);
  • taken with meals;
  • the best time is in the evening;
  • regular laboratory monitoring of coagulation indicators.

Important! All drugs with acetylsalicylic acid irritate the stomach, contraindicated in case of ulcerative changes in the gastrointestinal tract. The dosage and duration of taking blood thinning drugs is discussed with your doctor.

Blood thinners

List of blood thinning products:

  • berries, fruits - figs, all citrus fruits (allergies are possible!), pomegranate, grapes (raisins), cranberries, blueberries, apricots, lingonberries, plums, cherries, mulberries;
  • vegetables - beets, garlic, tomatoes, onions, cabbage (not white cabbage);
  • cereals - oatmeal;
  • sour milk products, eggs;
  • spices and seasonings - Apple vinegar, ginger, paprika, cinnamon, turmeric, oregano, mint;
  • sunflower seeds, sprouted wheat;
  • honey (in limited quantities, better in combination with lemon);
  • cold-pressed oil (olive and especially flaxseed);
  • seafood rich in omega-3 (mackerel, herring, shellfish, seaweed, shrimp);
  • green tea, chicory drinks;
  • chocolate, cocoa.

Important! There is conflicting data on the effects of red wine on the blood. Although the drink is classified as alcoholic, its diluting properties have been noted. However, when consuming it, balance is advisable.

Medicinal plants

To thin the blood various forms(decoctions, tinctures) use plants:

  • horse chestnut (drops are indicated for pregnant women);
  • white willow (its bark), sweet clover - the most active;
  • aloe;
  • Kalanchoe ( home plant"doctor");
  • cinquefoil (very poisonous!);
  • peony root;
  • dry nettle.

Important! Excessive blood thinning diet and herbal use simultaneous administration medications are fraught with various bleedings. The first sign of excessive liquefaction is nosebleeds. The nuances of nutrition and the use of traditional methods are discussed with the doctor.

What thickens the blood?

An emphasis on blood thinning nutrition involves eliminating/limiting foods that increase viscosity:

  • sweet;
  • fat;
  • alcohol;
  • smoked meats;
  • buckwheat;
  • bananas;
  • potato;
  • soda;
  • coffee, strong brewed tea;
  • dill, parsley, spinach;
  • walnuts;
  • coriander.

Some herbs can significantly increase blood viscosity:

  • St. John's wort;
  • corn silk;
  • yarrow;
  • fresh nettle;
  • motherwort, valerian;
  • tansy;
  • knotweed;
  • burdock;
  • horsetail;
  • burnet;
  • shepherd's purse;
  • needles.

It is quite simple to influence an overestimated blood viscosity at home. For small changes, it is enough to increase the daily amount of water consumed and limit the use of products that increase viscosity. However, in case of serious deviations, drug correction, the use of plants and nutritional nuances are discussed with the doctor. Any person should remember: with any treatment, especially those affecting blood characteristics, there must be reasonable balance.

A golden mean is desirable in everything, and any deviations from the norm are fraught with bad consequences. This also applies to the thickness of the blood. If it is insufficient, some health problems may arise, and if, on the contrary, others may arise.

Why is thick blood dangerous?

Some people experience this. On the one hand, this has a plus: a person with thick liquid flowing through his veins is unlikely to risk dying from blood loss. His wounds heal very quickly and often on their own. But, alas, there are many more disadvantages.

Viscous, rapidly clotting blood is prone to the formation of blood clots that clog blood vessels. And this is a direct road to a heart attack or stroke. In addition, the slow flow of blood through the veins causes oxygen starvation of tissues and deficiency nutrients in the body, which negatively affects its functioning. Immunity decreases, a person feels lethargic and tired, loses interest in life, and constant headaches, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis are just the beginning.

Troubles can be avoided if you know how to thin thick blood. This article is to help all those suffering from high blood viscosity.

Blood thinners

Having set the goal of reducing, first of all you need to conduct an audit in your refrigerator and carefully think through your diet. After all, why poison yourself with chemicals if you can just eat right?! Sea fish and other seafood, seaweed, flaxseed and olive oil, porcini mushrooms, apple cider vinegar, coffee, cocoa, red wine, dark chocolate, oatmeal, nuts, spices, garlic and onions - these products must be on the menu, because they thin out thick blood. Dishes prepared using them become medicine in themselves, and thus a person combines business with pleasure - eats deliciously and solves a health problem. Everything listed is in stores all year round and is accessible to everyone.

Concerning seasonal products, then the easiest way to answer the question is how to thin thick blood in the summer or autumn. After all, this is the period when in abundance fresh tomatoes, Bell pepper, pumpkin, cucumbers, green beans, eggplants, melon, cherries, strawberries, celery, zucchini, beets, apples and other gifts of nature that perfectly remove viscosity.

But you shouldn’t be discouraged in winter either. In addition to the “demi-season” products already listed above, the buyer has at his disposal lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits and other citrus fruits that cope well with the task.

What to refuse

For those who are wondering how thick blood is thinned not out of idle interest, it is very important not to aggravate the situation. That is, at a minimum, limit the consumption of ingredients that perform opposite functions.

Blood viscosity is increased by foods rich in vitamin K. These are bananas, cabbage, kiwi, avocado, green vegetables (such as lettuce or spinach), some grains (buckwheat, lentils, etc.), rowan, pomegranates and grapes, as well as juices from them.

It is noteworthy that foods traditionally considered unhealthy (fatty meat, smoked meats, canned food, sausages, cream, etc.) also serve as a blood thickener. It is advisable to be careful with her. You can eat meat, but not fatty meat, and limit it to several servings per week. But you need to drink more - at least two liters of water, green tea or natural juice no sugar per day.

Those whose blood is too thick should also avoid herbs such as nettle, plantain, horsetail, tansy, valerian, St. John's wort, shepherd's purse, yarrow, etc.

Traditional medicine: herbs that thin thick blood

Traditional medicine knows the answer to almost any question regarding the treatment of diseases. And in many cases it serves as an excellent alternative to traditional medicine, which often not only heals, but also cripples.

How to thin thick blood folk remedies with the help of herbs, was known to our great-grandmothers, who did not know what doctors and hospitals were. They had to seek salvation in the means at hand, because many people had died from a “stroke” before, as well as from problems with blood vessels, and IVs, heart surgery and other therapy appeared relatively recently.

So, which herb is best for thinning thick blood? Good saviors include wormwood, red clover, hawthorn, galega, meadowsweet, chicory, red clover, sweet clover, ginkgo biloba, acacia, mulberry and the predecessor of aspirin - willow bark.

The most a powerful tool In terms of liquefaction, horse chestnut is considered, on which many recipes are based.

The most effective recipes

But it’s not enough to know which foods and herbs are beneficial for people with too thick blood. You also need to be able to use them correctly. The following recipes will tell you how to thin thick blood using traditional methods:

  1. Fifty grams of peel horse chestnut grind and pour half a liter of vodka. Hide in a dark place for two weeks. After this, strain and drink a teaspoon two or three times a day half an hour before meals, diluting with a quarter glass of warm water.
  2. Peel and chop two or three medium-sized garlic heads. Place in a glass jar and fill with vodka to the brim. keep for 14 days dark place. Be sure to shake once every three days. After 2 weeks, strain and mix the infusion with the same amount of honey and lemon juice. Mix well. Take once a day, a tablespoon at night.
  3. Grind the ginger root and mix with a pinch of cinnamon and a teaspoon of green tea. Pour 400 grams of boiling water. Let it brew a little, strain, add the juice of half a lemon and a little honey (for taste). Drink several times throughout the day.
  4. Pour one tablespoon of dry sweet clover with 200 grams of boiling water. Leave for three hours. Drink 60-70 grams every day. The course of treatment is a month.
  5. Grind and mix the herbs wormwood, meadowsweet and sweet clover in equal proportions. In the evening, pour a tablespoon of this mixture into a glass of boiling water. In the morning, strain and drink in three servings - before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The course of treatment is a month.

Blood thinning during pregnancy

Quite often, women who have not previously experienced such problems, while in interesting position, suddenly they find out that they have thick blood. How to thin during pregnancy? What is possible and what is not? And what are the dangers of such a situation?

Blood clotting in expectant mothers may increase due to various reasons, including metabolic disorders, taking iron-containing drugs, limiting fluid intake (to avoid edema), etc. If deviations from the norm are significant, the problem cannot be ignored. Too thick blood is fraught with varicose veins, blood clots, oxygen starvation, heart attacks, strokes and miscarriages.

Since during pregnancy, taking medical supplies limited, women only have traditional methods, which can also be used only after consultation with a doctor. It is best to do without medications at all and thin the blood by eating necessary products. Their list is given above.

And only in the very as a last resort The doctor can prescribe for a pregnant woman such drugs as “Phlebodia”, “Cardiomagnyl” and the like.

What does traditional medicine say?

What does he say? official medicine other patients? If the blood is thick, how to thin it? For a long time universal remedy, was considered aspirin. It is still recommended to be taken even for preventive purposes by people at risk. A quarter of a tablet per day. But we must remember that aspirin is insidious. It thins the blood, while having a mass side effects. Therefore, doctors recommend replacing it with more gentle options. These are, for example, Aspecard, Warfarin, Phenilin and others.


As noted above, everything should be in moderation. And treatment as well. People who have thick blood now know how to thin it. But God forbid that you don’t have to urgently look for “thickeners”! After all, you can liquefy it so much that it opens up a life-threatening internal bleeding... Therefore, the main precaution is not to overdo it! And be sure to consult a doctor.

Blood thinning is one of the current areas of pharmacotherapy for a number of diseases, which are based on the formation of blood clots. But there is not a single medication that does not have a negative effect on the body. Systematic use of anticoagulants that thin the blood is associated with high risk emergence side effects from the gastric mucosa and duodenum as peptic ulcer And gastrointestinal bleeding. Therefore, whenever possible, medications should be replaced with blood thinning products, as this makes it possible to positively influence blood clotting abilities through lifestyle correction.

For whom is this relevant?

The need to maintain blood clotting abilities at a minimum level arises in the following cases:

  • In people with any form coronary disease hearts;
  • For thrombophlebitis (acute and chronic);
  • For deep vein thrombosis (phlebothrombosis) and;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Any manifestations of chronic venous insufficiency;
  • After pulmonary embolism;
  • Widespread vascular atherosclerosis;
  • Transient ischemic attacks and ischemic stroke;
  • When young women take hormonal contraceptives;
  • When blood thickens during pregnancy;
  • Obliterating atherosclerosis and other diseases accompanied by impaired blood supply lower limbs;
  • Increased tendency to form blood clots in arteries or veins;
  • For malignant arterial hypertension;
  • In patients diabetes mellitus and for obesity;
  • For diseases of the blood system accompanied by a high content of platelets and red blood cells (erythremia, polycythemia, thrombocytosis).

Important to remember! The need to take medications or special diet, which contribute to blood thinning, occurs in all people after 45-50 years of age. This is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases due to age-related changes in blood characteristics. This is especially true for women and people with overweight bodies!

Foods with anticoagulant properties

Every person must understand that acute diseases should be treated exclusively medications. It is unacceptable to try to overcome a disease that has taken a person by surprise without medication. The situation is completely different with those conditions that do not pose an immediate threat to life and can be corrected over a long period of time. Moreover, constantly maintaining thick blood in a state of moderate liquefaction is considered one of the most effective methods prevention vascular disorders any localization.

The list of products that the blood thinning diet includes is given in the table.

Product type List of food products and features of their effect on the body
Vegetables Tomatoes, beets, cabbage (especially sauerkraut), sweet peppers, cucumbers (in to a greater extent salty). These foods directly improve the rheological properties of the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots in the heart and blood vessels.
Fruits Lemon, grapefruit, apples, pomegranate (acts in two ways: reduces blood viscosity, but increases the number of formed elements), oranges and tangerines (to a lesser extent). Their blood-thinning effect is due to the equalization of the balance between the coagulation and anticoagulation systems of the blood due to high content microelements and vitamins, especially ascorbic acid.
Juices Fruit, vegetable, berry or their various combinations: tomato, apple, beet, beet-apple, cranberry, strawberry, currant, apricot, peach.
Bee products Honey. This is a powerful regulator of all recovery reactions in the body, including.
Berries Viburnum, strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, black and red currants. Almost all berries, raw or in juice form, are good for thinning the blood, as they contain a lot useful substances and water.
Water mode Drinking enough water per day will ensure its retention in the vascular space. Against this background, natural blood liquefaction will occur, which is considered one of the most correct. As a liquid, you can use regular purified or alkaline mineral water, green and weak black tea with honey and lemon, juices, fruit drinks, decoctions medicinal plants, compote
Aromatics and seasonings Capsicum, garlic, apple cider vinegar, dill, horseradish, cinnamon, mint, ginger. It is especially worth noting the effect of ginger, which can be used as a seasoning for ready meals or brewed as tea. You should not use it too much due to the high risk of side effects.
Vegetable oils Their role in last years proven by multicenter studies. Oils such as flaxseed, olive, sea buckthorn, sunflower, and fish oil are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These compounds have an antiatherogenic effect, reducing the manifestations of atherosclerosis and blood thickening.

Important to remember! Whatever blood thinning products you use, you should not be overzealous with their quantity and duration of use. Everything should be in moderation. Contraindications for some of them must be taken into account, since use may worsen a person’s existing chronic pathology!

Features of blood thinning for venous diseases

Diseases venous system lower extremities with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and chronic venous insufficiency are very widespread. One of key points Their treatment is blood thinning therapy. Since these diseases are chronic, their treatment cannot but take a long time. Such patients can enrich their diet with almost all products that have blood thinning properties (they are listed in the table above). The only thing that is limited is spicy dishes for severe varicose veins, as they cause the progression of the disease.

Different parts of the chestnut are used to treat varicose veins and thrombophlebitis

Chestnut. It is one of the most powerful phlebotonics - drugs that strengthen the venous wall. In addition to this effect, it also has anticoagulant properties. You can prepare tinctures, decoctions, and lotions from chestnut. There are many various dishes, the basis of which is chestnut. All patients with venous system problems should definitely try them. Coincidence taste preferences with good therapeutic effect can really help avoid the need to take expensive medications.

Features of blood thinning in pregnant women

Pregnancy is often accompanied by increased blood thickening. Against this background they suffer venous vessels lower extremities, which becomes a provoking factor in the progression of varicose veins, the occurrence inflammatory processes(thrombophlebitis), accompanied by the formation of blood clots in the lumen of the veins.

The possibilities of achieving optimal blood density with medications in pregnant women are sharply limited. Therefore, the main emphasis is on various herbal preparations and products that thin the blood during pregnancy. The diet must be enriched fresh vegetables and fruits and juices. Various salads seasoned with vegetable oils. Correct by increased use liquids are not advisable, since such actions will cause an increase in edema syndrome.

You should not overuse spices and seasonings, which, although they have excellent anticoagulant properties, can disrupt the state of placental blood flow, causing premature detachment placenta due to the deposition of blood in it.

What is better to refuse

Proper nutrition to correct blood clotting involves not only enriching the diet with foods that have anticoagulant properties, but also eliminating foods that thicken the blood. These include:

  1. Pastry products: white wheat bread, buns, pies;
  2. Sweets: sugar, sweets, pastries, cakes;
  3. Fatty dishes. Fats of animal origin are especially dangerous;
  4. Sausages, canned smoked meats and marinades, fried foods;
  5. Meat broths, especially rich ones;
  6. Fat sour cream, cream and butter;
  7. Vegetables, fruits and berries: bananas, rowan berries, potatoes, mangoes;
  8. Walnuts and lentils;
  9. Any types of alcoholic drinks.

There is nothing absolute and unambiguous in solving blood thinning issues. All decisions must be made jointly by the doctor and his patient!!!

Increased blood viscosity negatively affects its transport function, since the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to organs and tissues slows down, which causes multiple diseases. In addition to the reception special drugs you should know which foods thin the blood: a list of the most effective ones included in the diet will help you cope with the problem. Thick blood is also dangerous because increased risk thrombosis. Often formed clots contribute to the development of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, and provoke strokes and heart attacks.

Who needs this information

The reasons why the composition of the blood changes are quite numerous. The increase in the activity of the coagulation system is influenced by hormonal and age-related changes, the use of specific drugs and, of course, poor nutrition. You should pay attention to your diet when:

  • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • diagnosed ischemic disease of the brain and heart;
  • vascular atherosclerosis (especially obliterating, which can lead to gangrene and amputation of the legs);
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • increased coagulation rates during pregnancy;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • excessive consumption of fatty and sweet foods, as well as carbonated drinks and alcohol;
  • hereditary and acquired blood diseases (thrombocytosis, erythremia);
  • pathologies of the pancreas and liver.

In addition, a simple lack of fluid in the body can increase the thickness of the blood. This condition occurs when dehydration due to vomiting or diarrhea, as well as insufficient daily use water and other drinks.

Important! Age-related changes bleeding inevitably begins after 40 years. Women and overweight people are most at risk.

List of effective blood thinning products

After diagnosing increased blood clotting, anticoagulants and other drugs with similar effects are usually prescribed. However, they all have a number of contraindications and side effects. For example, aspirin often causes stomach ulcers and vascular fragility. Therefore, after consulting a doctor, you need to reconsider your usual diet and increase the proportion of the following products in it:

  • Among the vegetables, the most useful for thinning the blood are tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, sweet peppers, zucchini, eggplant, onions and cabbage(the latter is especially effective when fermented).
  • Among fruits, preference should be given to all types citrus fruits, since lemons, oranges and others are rich ascorbic acid , reducing blood viscosity. Also recommended for use plums, grapes and apricots.
  • Practically all varieties of berries useful for increased coagulability. You need to eat fresh garden and berries in summer, and in winter - viburnum fruits.
  • Rich in valuable omega-3 acids fatty varieties fish. These include salmon, trout, salmon, as well as more budget-friendly mackerel, herring and sardine. Fish fat normalizes blood composition and also reduces cholesterol levels and, accordingly, the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  • Since taurine and iodine have a positive effect on blood concentration, thinning it, daily menu must include any seafood and seaweed(it can be consumed either raw or taken as dried seaweed powder).
  • Useful spices include cayenne pepper, horseradish, garlic, dill, ginger root, cinnamon and mint. By the way, ginger can be used not only as a seasoning for meat, fish and baked goods: tea with its addition also perfectly reduces the viscosity and thickness of the blood.
  • Vegetable oils (especially sunflower, olive, rapeseed and flaxseed).
  • All fermented milk products.

Special attention should pay attention to the drinking regime. The lack of fluid in the body naturally thickens the blood, so you need to drink plenty of water every day. Drinks recommended for increased clotting include tea (green and black), fruit juices and compotes, berry fruit drinks, herbal infusions. As for alcohol, it should be completely excluded from the diet.

What you can't eat

Having included healthy and most effective foods for reducing blood viscosity in your daily menu, you must at the same time give up harmful ones. These include, first of all, fatty foods.

  • Any animal fat, as well as cream and butter from them, increase cholesterol levels and blood viscosity. Soups with rich broth and pork for main course are prohibited.
  • and various confectionery are also contraindicated. Excess fast carbohydrates increases blood concentration, and also contributes to the development of diabetes and obesity. Therefore, you will have to replace your favorite buns, pastries, cakes and white bread with fruits from the list above, and add honey to your tea instead of sugar.
  • We'll have to give up tempting ones too. sausages, smoked meats, pickled and canned products.
  • It is not recommended to eat lentils, potatoes, walnuts, bananas and mangoes. They contain a lot of vitamin K, which increases blood clotting.
  • Alcohol should be completely excluded from the diet. There is an opinion that a glass of dry red wine a day will only bring benefits, but most doctors recommend refraining from drinking any alcoholic beverages. In addition, high-quality wine is quite an expensive pleasure, and cheap wines are contraindicated even for completely healthy people.

Blood thinning products during pregnancy and vein diseases

Change hormonal levels during the period of bearing a child, it very often affects the composition and concentration of the blood, and prescribing anticoagulants is quite dangerous. To reduce clotting, nutritional correction is usually used. Pregnant women are advised to eat more products from the list of useful ones, with the exception of spices and herbs(they can provoke placental abruption). In a relationship drinking regime There are also restrictions: increasing the volume of fluid consumed often causes swelling.

With thrombophlebitis and varicose veins should be excluded from the list of permitted products spicy seasonings. Existing venous transformations in regular use pepper and others hot spices are progressing significantly.

Diet correction is carried out only with the permission of the attending physician. In addition, combining a diet to reduce blood clotting with taking anticoagulants can lead to serious complications. Information about which foods thin the blood and full list The most effective of them, if used correctly, will help prevent many dangerous diseases.

Thick blood - what to do (video)

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