Instant chicory: composition, how much you can drink and what is useful. Instant drink chicory - beneficial properties

Most people know chicory as a drink that, in its own way, taste qualities very similar to regular coffee. But not everyone knows what chicory inulin is. According to medical experts, this substance is very important for health, as it has a number of useful qualities.

Inulin is the energy reserve of chicory

Today we will try to understand this in more detail and describe in as much detail as possible how inulin affects the functioning of the organs and systems of our body.

Characteristics of the substance

Chicory inulin is a fructose polymer that is extracted from the root of this plant. The main benefit of this product is that it takes an active part in the metabolic processes of our body.

Being a prebiotic, inulin is not absorbed in the digestive system; entering the gastrointestinal tract, it is influenced of hydrochloric acid and enzymes undergo a breakdown process and as a result fructose molecules are formed. These molecules, in turn, “assemble” into unique chains and penetrate the circulatory system. That part of inulin that remains undigested is naturally and very quickly eliminated from the body, “taking” with it toxins, cholesterol and other harmful substances. And the fructose chains that have penetrated the blood begin to perform an antitoxic function and their main task - cleansing the body.

Beneficial features

Inulin in chicory has certain properties that affect the human body as follows:

  • helps lower body temperature when colds and exhibits a diaphoretic effect;
  • normalizes heart function;
  • restores liver function;
  • stabilizes heart rate;
  • balances the work of the central nervous system;
  • monitors blood sugar levels;
  • promotes the removal of toxins, radionuclides and heavy metal salts from the body;
  • stimulates bone tissue growth;
  • helps calcium absorption;
  • increases the resistance of the ureters and bronchial tree.

On a note! Due to the fact that chicory inulin helps lower blood sugar levels, a drink from this plant is recommended for consumption by people suffering from diabetes, and it can also be included in the diet of children.

The benefits of inulin for weight loss

This substance can even be used in diets. Once in the stomach, inulin “turns” into a gel, gently enveloping the mucous membranes, thus providing reliable protection for its walls. In addition, inulin helps the body of a person who wants to lose excess weight in the following ways:

  • inulin is a prebiotic, and, therefore, takes an active part in creating a favorable environment for development intestinal microflora, which, in turn, is the “main enemy” pathogenic microbes and pathogenic bacteria;
  • this substance has positive influence on lipid metabolism, which is also important in the fight against overweight;
  • being the right carbohydrate, inulin ideally regulates appetite - the feeling of hunger is quickly replaced by a feeling of fullness, which remains for a long time;

    Important! The undeniable benefit of inulin for losing weight is that this substance does not increase blood glucose levels and does not contribute to insulin “jumps”.

  • helps reduce the level of ammonia in the intestines, thereby preventing the development of oncological diseases, and also regulates carbohydrate metabolism, which is responsible for the condition of the figure.


Inulin is quite actively used in both pharmaceutical and Food Industry. In the culinary field, it acts as a stabilizer that helps give the correct structure and consistency to ice cream, sauces and mousses. It is added to baby food and dietary products, in chocolate and baked goods.

As for the pharmacology industry, here this substance is used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Indications for its use may be as follows:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • weakened immunity and, as a result, a tendency to colds;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases gastrointestinal tract, both in chronic and acute forms;
  • bone diseases;
  • gastritis;
  • hepatitis.


But remember that despite great benefit, chicory inulin can in some cases cause harm to health. Contraindications include:

  • parallel use of antibiotics, since inulin will “interfere” with their proper absorption;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • hemorrhoids, which may get worse;
  • spasms of the respiratory system.

And remember that self-administration of any medicines unacceptable. Therefore, before you start using chicory inulin or the plant itself for medicinal purposes, you should consult a specialist. Only a doctor who is familiar with your medical history will be able to determine the advisability of using this remedy and prescribe the necessary daily norm.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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There is a huge selection on sale instant chicory in the form of powder, granules or syrup. It is similar to instant coffee, but only in appearance. Some people use a drink using this seasoning to replace unhealthy tea and coffee - this is done by older people and patients suffering from chronic diseases or high blood pressure.

Before including it in your diet, you need to know the beneficial properties and contraindications of soluble chicory, which some people simply forget about.

Description of the plant

Common chicory is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. Initially it grew in the Mediterranean, but gradually spread and thrived in temperate climates and even the tropics, although it does not like excessive humidity. Its natural habitats are forest edges, meadows, wastelands, along roads and in fields.

It is also grown for industrial purposes. Usually two types of plants are grown in the fields: ordinary and lettuce.

Common chicory root is used to produce an instant drink, and lettuce leaves are used to prepare salads or as a side dish.

The plant has a rigid, erect stem and a long, rod-shaped root. The leaves are oblong in shape with rounded ends. The flowers are quite large, reed-shaped, blue or pink tone. Each flower is on an individual stem.

Chemical composition of chicory

The fact that chicory brings undoubted benefits to the body is evident from its composition. It contains a large amount of biologically active substances. Chicory root contains a huge amount of inulin - more than 60% of dry weight, as well as fructose, tannins and resins.

The leaves of the plant contain vitamin B4 - choline, which is required for the normal functioning of the liver, kidneys and brain.

It also contains carotene, vitamins C and components of list B, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese. It contains slightly less zinc, copper and selenium, but is quite enough to replenish the daily requirement of these substances in the body.

Chicory: health benefits and harms

Soluble chicory has great benefits for the body. Its benefit lies in the manifestation of the following factors:

Benefit instant chicory for the body also lies in the ability to eliminate toxins, improve liver function, and enrich the blood composition with useful substances. Chicory is included in many medications because it has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties. For local treatment decoctions, infusions are used to heal wounds, boils, eczema and other skin sores.

Everyone knows how useful chicory is, but the plant also has contraindications, because it can harm the body. What is it? Chicory, by increasing appetite, can lead to obesity.

During treatment with antibiotics, you should not drink a drink using the presented seasoning, as it interferes with the normal absorption of the medicine. Uncontrolled consumption of the drink can lead the body to oversaturation with vitamin C and, as a result, to the development of allergies. For bronchitis and asthma, the use of chicory can provoke an exacerbation.

Long-term consumption of the drink in large quantities is harmful. In this case, insomnia threatens, the risk of exacerbation of gallbladder disease, gout and arthritis increases, and the formation of kidney stones also occurs, because chicory contains oxalates.

Due to the above dangers, there are contraindications for the use of soluble chicory:

Soluble chicory is not considered a medicinal product, but belongs to physiotherapeutic compositions. The pharmacy sells various chicory-based teas, and in grocery stores its varieties are on the shelves with health products.

We choose chicory. Video:

Medicinal properties of chicory

The more common form available commercially is powdered instant chicory. If it is produced correctly, and the use is regular and controlled, then the drink can have the following healing effects:

Increased protective functions of the body. Chicory contains the natural prebiotic inulin, which stimulates the production of natural prebiotics in the intestines. This achieves normal operation digestive system and prevents microflora imbalance.

Antioxidant actions. Phenolic resins prevent the development of cancer because they remove free radicals from cells.

Strengthening the myocardium and preventing vascular and heart disease. A drink made from chicory helps reduce the content of low-density lipoproteins, which provoke atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Therapy of arthritis and myositis. Possessing analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, chicory is indispensable in the treatment of muscle and joint problems. inflammatory diseases.

Weight loss. The plant contains a lot of inulin and oligofructose, which control the level of the hormone responsible for the feeling of hunger. The feeling of hunger and the desire to eat disappears. Chicory can be used in complex treatment from obesity.

Choleretic effect. Eliminates congestion in gallbladder and is capable of dissolving small stones. But you can only drink it early stage cholelithiasis, when the accumulations are still small.

Lowers blood glucose levels when diabetes mellitus 2 types. This is due to the high content of inulin.

Reducing anxiety and stress. If you drink the drink before bed, it will eliminate anxiety and relax the nervous system.

Tonic effect. If you drink a chicory drink in the morning instead of coffee, you can get a boost of energy and good mood. It also relieves migraines and headaches.

Relieves puffiness. Chicory has a diuretic property and naturally expels excess liquid.

Relieves constipation. Regular use drink allows you to adjust your stool. The stool will become softer, so the intestines will be emptied without problems.

It has an antibacterial effect on pathogenic organisms. Tannins- This natural antiseptic, which relieves inflammation and disinfects the oral cavity.

Instant chicory can help with many problems if you drink it correctly. Many are concerned about the question of how much you can drink per day of this miraculous drink, since there are no exact recommendations on the volume and duration of consumption of instant chicory. But experts advise drinking no more than two cups a day in the morning.

Chicory during pregnancy

Woman in position It is prohibited to consume large quantities of foods. Can chicory be consumed by pregnant women? Will it harm the fetus?

Despite the fact that instant chicory brings undeniable benefits to the body, not everyone is allowed to drink it during pregnancy. Anyone who had contraindications before pregnancy should not drink the drink.

Other women can consume chicory by adding it to any drink. It will relieve a pregnant woman from many problems that arise during this period. But it is strictly forbidden to abuse it, because a large amount can provoke allergies, which will negatively affect the child.

You should not drink it every day and in small quantities. It will be better if you consult your doctor in advance.


Is it possible to have chicory while breastfeeding– a nursing woman should consult a doctor with this question. Special Research The influence of the drink on the child has not been studied, but for the sake of safety for the baby, it is better to limit yourself to this.

Chicory has a beneficial effect on lactation, so it can be consumed in the form of decoctions. But in any case, you should monitor your baby to see if he develops an allergy to chicory. If signs of allergy suddenly appear, drinking the drink is strictly prohibited.

What are the benefits of instant chicory for women?

In addition to the fact that soluble chicory brings great benefits to the body in general, it also has a beneficial effect on women Health. If you drink the drink regularly, women will experience less pain during menstruation. In addition, the risk of contracting fungal infections will be much reduced.

Chicory powder copes well with cellulite, because two cups of the finished drink contains daily norm folic acid, giving the skin firmness and elasticity. 600 ml of the drink contains enough vitamin A for a day, which helps prevent the formation of wrinkles and makes the skin tightened.

The presented drink is often drunk for migraines and muscle pain. It cleanses the body of bad cholesterol, treats insomnia, improves mood and improves health.

A drink made from chicory helps to lose weight and reduce appetite, which is important for every woman trying to lose weight.

Chicory for weight loss. Video:

Recipes with chicory

In order for the seasoning to deliver only benefits, it is necessary to follow the rules of administration in certain situations. This should be done especially if it was decided to cure any disease. You can use recipes for this.

Cold, flu

Mix half a teaspoon each of chicory powder and motherwort herb. Pour boiling water into a cup, let stand, strain. Take a third of a glass before meals.


Pour 5 g of powder into ¼ cup of boiling water and let it boil. Let it sit in a sealed container for 2 days. Then strain and increase the volume of infusion boiled water to the original one. Instill 2 drops of infusion into each nostril at least 5 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.


If the disease has chronic form, good to drink chicory drink with milk. You need to drink it every day and at the same time follow a therapeutic diet. If you follow the recommendations, the disease will disappear after six months to a year.

For weight loss

If there is a desire lose weight Without difficulty, you can brew an infusion from the seasoning. To do this, add a teaspoon of crushed herb to your regular and familiar tea. Brew the drink with boiling water and leave for 5-7 minutes. The tea is filtered and drunk with a small amount of natural honey.

Soluble chicory powder brings not only benefits, but also harm to health. Therefore, you can drink a drink from it, taking into account all contraindications. But, following the recommendations of specialists, you can improve your health and strengthen your body and immune system with its use.

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Chicory is a widely known product, but an infrequent guest on our table. Chicory is a plant with oblong leaves that has a long, dense root that goes deep underground. On sale most often we find crushed dry chicory root, which is brewed as a drink, as an analogue of coffee, or as an addition to it. To ensure the full taste of the chicory drink, the benefits and harms are taken into account in full; the root is roasted. The leaves are less in demand, but they can also be found on store shelves in the greens departments and are used to make salads.

Chicory can be called a dual product, because its use can affect the body both beneficially and with negative consequences. In this article we will talk about the benefits and harms of chicory, what beneficial properties this product has, which categories of people can include chicory in food, and consider the benefits and harms of soluble chicory - how to prepare a drink from chicory and how it is useful.

Useful properties of chicory, its composition and use in food.

1. Although chicory is considered a “weed” plant, this is completely undeserved - it is simply a treasure trove useful substances and vitamins. Thus, chicory contains inulin polysaccharide (9-11%), which is used in the food industry as a sweetener. For diabetics, a drink made from chicory is a real salvation. It is naturally sweetened and does not increase blood glucose levels. The benefits and harms of soluble chicory are immediately revealed - of course, chicory has many more advantages than contraindications, which we will discuss below.

2. Great content Protein substances in chicory will give the body vigor and strength, a good charge of energy. A great addition to any athlete or traveler's snack.

3. Chicory contains the following vitamins:

  • thiamine (provides normal functioning functioning of the heart, digestive and nervous systems);
  • riboflavin or vitamin B2 (essential for human reproductive function, maintains healthy nails, hair, skin, and even plays important role in the functioning of the thyroid gland);
  • ascorbic acid(stimulation of work immune system body, strengthening blood vessels, maintaining normal muscle tone);
  • carotene (a powerful antioxidant that prevents skin aging and a decrease in its elasticity, and also has an immunomodulatory effect).

4. Chicory juice strengthens and nourishes muscular system eye. But since it is quite difficult to obtain chicory juice even in the amount of one glass, it is allowed to mix it with other freshly squeezed vegetable juices, for example, carrot juice. Remember that in juice, which contains several components, for better absorption by the body you need to add a couple of tablespoons of cream, milk or any vegetable oil (for example sunflower oil) in the amount of 1 tsp.

5. Chicory improves appetite well, so it is recommended for people with weakened stomach function, underweight, or simply a weak appetite. It is enough to drink chicory coffee before eating, the benefits and harms of which are described in our article, or add chicory leaves or seeds to your favorite dish.

Speaking about chicory, the benefits and harms here are simply obvious: doctors often prescribe chicory to pregnant and lactating women to restore strength, vital energy. Since coffee due to caffeine is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, a drink made from chicory powder brightens up daily diet and helps to diversify the diet of young and expectant mothers.

Making a drink from chicory.

Fortunately, ready-made soluble chicory powders are available on the market. You can buy chicory with numerous additives. The brewing principle is the same as for instant coffee. Pour a couple of teaspoons of soluble chicory into 150-200 ml of hot water and stir. You can add milk and cream to taste. Don't overdo it with sugar - the drink is sweetened with chicory itself. When drinking chicory coffee, the benefits and harms are compensated by pleasure and that very note in the taste of the drink that you will love.

If you want to make a drink from chicory yourself, you will need several roots of this plant - 5-6 pieces. They need to be thoroughly washed and cleaned. Then the chicory roots need to be dried. This can be done in the oven at 100 degrees Celsius for 4-6 hours with the door ajar. Before doing this, it is advisable to lay parchment or foil on a baking sheet. If you have the opportunity to dry the roots outdoors in the sun, this is the best option. It will take more time - up to a whole week, but the result will please you. Dried roots must be cut into small plates. Fry them in a dry frying pan until brown. And then grind the resulting “raw materials” in a coffee grinder, using a blender, or with a hand mill, as you prefer. Store in a tightly closed jar. dark place. The shelf life of ground chicory prepared at home is no more than six months.

You can purchase ready-made soluble chicory root powder in almost any supermarket in the tea/coffee section. It is also widely distributed in pharmacies and specialized phyto-oriented stores.

The product is clearly visible in a glass jar. In tin cans there is a danger of acquiring chicory ground into “dust” - in this case it is difficult to understand whether the manufacturer has diluted the chicory powder with something cheaper.

The chicory powder must be absolutely uniform and dry. There should be no lumps or balls - their presence indicates that the product was stored incorrectly, most likely in conditions of high air humidity.

It is very convenient to use chicory in small “sticks”, bags in which a portion has already been measured. In this form, chicory is convenient to take on trips, to work, anywhere - poured the contents of the stick into a mug, poured hot water and enjoy the excellent taste of the miraculous drink.

Contraindications to the use of chicory drink.

Unfortunately, chicory is not equally beneficial for everyone. For some categories of people with chronic diseases or impaired body functions, it can do a bad job. Instant drink chicory should not be consumed if you have the following diseases:


Vascular diseases;


Impaired functioning of the heart, cardiac muscle;

Disruption of the gallbladder.

If you notice that after drinking chicory your heartbeat quickens, you feel weak, dizzy or nauseous, consult a doctor and exclude this drink from your diet, perhaps you have contraindications to its use. Speaking about the benefits and harms of a chicory drink, it is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion. But I would like to note that cases are practically unknown negative influence chicory drink on the human body. All discussions about the benefits and harms of chicory come down to one thing - chicory is good for everyone. So drink to your health and have fun!

Benefits, harms and calorie content of chicory: tops and roots. Secrets of a mysterious product, chicory - beneficial or harmful?

Chicory is called a substitute coffee, and even tea.

His magical properties known since ancient times, and the aroma and taste tempt more than one generation of gourmets.

Types of plants. Composition of chicory, beneficial properties and calorie content

As a plant, chicory belongs to the Asteraceae family. Its leaves are added to salads and vegetable borscht.

And as a drink it is used in ordinary and dietary cuisine. Some manufacturers include chicory roots when roasting coffee beans. This additive gives the coffee product a spicy, velvety taste.

Chicory was first encountered in the Mediterranean. From there, it was transported on merchant ships to Eurasia, Africa, and America. Until they discovered a wonderful flower on their own continents. After all, chicory, whose beneficial properties have long been proven, has an excellent composition and special substances in it. During the Soviet period, the drink appeared in Russia.

If we consider the general classification of chicory, then you can read the information that says that There are two types of chicory: salad And ordinary. Both are collected in wild conditions, and are also grown on special lands.

But most people are interested in completely different types of chicory. Namely those that can be consumed as drinks. Let's take a closer look at them:

Liquid concentrate . Such a product can only be obtained by evaporating substances from the roots of the plant. It is considered the first-class and most natural version of chicory. On the package with the product it says “natural chicory extract”;

Soluble raw materials. First, it is still evaporated, then dried to a powdery state. When high-tech and gentle methods are used in the production of powder, all its beneficial properties are preserved;

Roasted and ground product. In this production, chicory root is roasted and ground. This is the lowest quality version of the product. But it also contains useful ingredients, only in lower concentrations.

Usually, calorie content chicory is calculated in relation to the calorie content in 100 grams of product. A characteristic ratio for an instant drink is: 11 kcal per 100 grams. The extract has a higher energy value.

The composition of the plant is extremely interesting, both from a scientific and everyday point of view. The processed root contains almost no fat. It contains approximately 0.1 grams of protein. And carbohydrates are 2.8 grams. Thus, chicory, whose health benefits are obvious, becomes not just useful, but also a dietary product.

His vitamin composition also notable. Chicory contains vitamin groups. B, C and E. Which, a priori, elevates it to the rank of tonic drinks. The pectins and minerals in his personal chart make chicory very healing. And the unique inulin allows diabetics around the world to enjoy a great drink at any time.

Multifaceted product. The benefits of chicory for any body

In moderate doses, chicory is beneficial for almost everyone. It is used for baby food in gardens, and it is also given to patients in hospitals. But there are diseases in which unique properties chicory are especially valuable:

Vascular diseases;

Mild nervous disorders;

Blood diseases;

Intestinal imbalance;

Metabolic diseases (including diabetes mellitus);

Diseases of the kidneys and spleen.

Chicory is able to remove toxins and waste from the body. And also fight with pathogenic microflora. At the same time, it has a charming smell and non-trivial taste. The beneficial properties of chicory are complemented by its taste.

Harm of chicory. Treat with caution

There are special conditions of the body and diseases in which it is not advisable to use chicory. These are the following aspects:

Cholelithiasis. Chicory stimulates the production of bile, worsening the general well-being of such patients;

Allergy to Compositae. After all, the product belongs to this family;

Hemorrhoids and varicose veins. These are the problems where you should not over-stress the vessels;

Aggravated gastritis. Chicory should not be drunk during these periods, because it can intensify some undesirable processes in the inflamed stomach;

Serious nervous disorders. As a tonic, chicory can unnecessarily excite the psyche with deviations from the norm.

Still him not recommended for children under three years of age, and those children who are obese. Chicory, the harm from which is due to simple medical contraindications, rarely causes a real allergy, and is useful even for pregnant women. In general, chicory is a completely harmless drink.

Use by pregnant and lactating women. Harm of chicory

At the beginning of pregnancy, and throughout the coming months, young mothers have to radically restructure their taste habits. And if most of them refuse coffee, then chicory comes to their aid. But it also has its contraindications, both for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Chicory slightly dilates blood vessels, so it should not be used by pregnant women with problems such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It tones, and in case of gastritis, as well as ulcers in pregnant women, it should be avoided.

An obstacle to taking it is a banal allergy to plants of this family. And this allergy may not be present in the mother, but manifested in the child whom she is breastfeeding. Chicory, like most substances, easily penetrates into breast milk.

Children. Benefits of chicory for the body

Is chicory harmful or beneficial to children? The answer depends on the child's age and health. Chicory, while its health benefits are obvious, can also be harmful.

The most important “children’s” contraindication for taking chicory is allergy. Then there are all the same diseases as in adults. And also, oddly enough, childhood obesity.

It can harm, but it can also solve children's problems. And if the baby suffers from bloating, dysbiosis or weak tone, then the mother needs to drink chicory, passing on its beneficial properties through breastfeeding. Of course, after consulting your doctor first.

Before reaching the age of three, this product can enter the baby’s body with mother’s milk. But direct use of the product can be fraught with complications. Since the child’s body is actively developing.

Otherwise, the chicory drink can successfully replace coffee and can be used for diabetes and pregnancy. Its versatile properties bring benefits to the body. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a child or an adult.

Diet and weight loss. Chicory: benefit or harm?

Chicory, whose benefits have long been known, improves metabolism. Due to the effect on metabolism and low calorie content of chicory, this product promotes weight loss.

Due to its properties, more toxins are removed from the body of a losing weight person, and the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates is improved. Chicory has the ability to reduce unhealthy cholesterol.

The calorie content of chicory is very low, so those who are on a diet can drink it even an hour before bedtime. This product reduces appetite and promotes successful digestion of food.

Science has proven that pectins contained in this product, are powerful fat burners. And the substance “intibin” prevents the direct penetration of fat into the cell.

This natural fat burner is compatible with other herbs that are beneficial for weight loss. They can be herbs or ginger, which, by the way, also helps the body lose weight.

Advice for people losing weight:“If you eat chicory every day, and at the same time reduce the number of calories you consume per day to 1,500, you can lose a kilogram of weight per week.”

Chicory drink strengthens the body. Sports activities with its use are more effective. A person's sleep and appearance noticeably improve. Today, special teas for weight loss have been developed, based on this substance.

Excessive consumption on an empty stomach can lead to exacerbation of inflammatory processes. Do not use it if you have allergies. Otherwise medical research confirm the positive effect of the drink on the body’s weight loss process.

This product is very popular among healthy eating enthusiasts. Its taste and smell evoke pleasant associations, and practical use so great that contraindications to its use are quite rare.

Interesting facts about chicory

The plant was known to the ancient Greeks. In Europe it became widespread as "Prussian coffee", or "coffee surrogate" in the 18th century. The French made a significant contribution to the spread of chicory around the world. They, like the Americans, cultivated it in entire plantations.

Significant research on the plant was carried out at the Central Institute of the Sugar Industry (Moscow). They date from the beginning of the 20th century. The research revealed the percentage of inulin in the root. It was 18 percent. Which is considered a fairly high figure.

The pharmacological field has also not deprived chicory of its attention. The plant extract has been successfully used in the treatment of such terrible diseases, like hepatitis, diabetes. Of course, as part of complex therapy.

By training on frogs, British cardiologists found that chicory tincture extract helps slow heart rate. This means that they can treat tachycardia, arrhythmias, and other heart diseases. Such versatility and world fame make chicory a plant whose benefits for the body are incredibly great.

The benefits and harms of chicory worry people the next time they come across this product on the store counter. Many people are already accustomed to drinking chicory instead of coffee in the morning. In fact, it lifts your spirits, energizes you and gives you strength for a new day. Let's see where it gets such beneficial properties.

Chicory owes this benefit high content useful vitamins and minerals. It contains many vitamins B, C, E, various proteins, fats, pectin, tannins and salts. The presence of such a bouquet of useful substances suggests that chicory has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, nervous system, helps eliminate dysbiosis, various diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The benefits of chicory are manifested in its ability to reduce blood cholesterol levels and treat anemia. This herb helps manage diabetes and excess weight as it lowers blood sugar levels.

In ancient times, chicory was used to improve digestion, treat eye diseases and even as an antidote. Nowadays, chicory root is mainly used as an anti-inflammatory, sedative, hypoglycemic, anthelmintic in medicine. The benefits of chicory are invaluable if you need to bring down a high fever or use some kind of choleretic agent.

It is noteworthy that chicory roots can be consumed by pregnant women and children (over 3 years old). This is its main difference from coffee, which is more harmful in its properties than chicory. The benefits of chicory perfectly relieve heartburn, cleanse the body of toxins, and increase the number of red blood cells (red blood cells) in the blood.

The benefits of chicory are used for skin diseases, for example, to cure eczema, furunculosis, dermatitis. To do this, the root of this plant is mixed with water and applied for half an hour a day. This medicinal plant has a wound healing effect.

Harm from chicory can occur in those people who suffer from diseases of the nervous system, hemorrhoids, gastritis, and also who have varicose veins.

The calorie content of chicory in 100 grams is 21 kcal. Therefore, before drinking chicory, consult your doctor whether you can take this medicinal herb. Chicory is also harmful to children who are susceptible to obesity and those who have not yet turned 3 years old. Due to its effect on the nervous system, chicory is used with caution by people with unstable psyches.

The benefits and harms of chicory are still a hot topic for discussion among experts. This herb is medicinal, so you need to treat it like a medicine - do not use a lot and for a long time, before you start using it, be sure to visit a doctor who will confirm that chicory in small quantities will benefit you.

Chicory - harm and benefit

Today it is difficult to imagine the assortment of a grocery store without chicory. Almost every retail outlet has several names of this drink. It is completely wrong to think that this is a coffee substitute. This is a completely new word in drinks.

Traditional medicine has been using roots, stems, and flowers for preventive and medicinal purposes for several centuries.

The blue flower, so similar to cornflower, has a miraculous effect on almost the entire human body.

The benefits of this ground plant are measured by the number of positive reviews.

Is there any harm from chicory?

Of course, there is nothing in the world that does not have contraindications. Same with chicory. A modern ready-made drink is a charge of morning vigor and strength for the nervous system, brain, digestive tract, skin, hair, etc.

Chicory can be harmful to those suffering from asthma, chronic bronchitis, any pulmonary diseases. The reason is that the elements contained in the ground product can intensify coughing, thereby bringing suffering to a person.

But the harm of chicory is not limited to pulmonary complications. This drink is not recommended for people susceptible to allergic reactions. The reason is the high content of ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is, first of all, vitamin C. This vitamin in large quantities can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, allergy sufferers should refrain from consuming chicory.

The aromatic-smelling drink chicory also brings harm to those diagnosed with varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

This drink benefits almost the rest of humanity!

Ancient recipes.

Even in ancient times, people preserved their youth and beauty with a decoction of plant leaves. It is chicory decoction that can be poured over hair prone to early gray hair. The formation of gray hair can be deceived by the juices of the sky-blue flower, which bestows youth.

The beauty of skin without acne and boils can be maintained with the same decoction.

Ancient recipes can still be used today. Chicory can be harvested from June to October. The flowers and stems of this plant are harvested from June to July. Roots from September to October.

Harvesting stems and flowers is necessary for preparing decoctions.

And if you want to produce your own drink from a ground product, you will need roots.

The root system of the plant is quite powerful (reaching a length of up to 1.5 meters). It is better to collect after rain. The dug up roots are washed and dried in the open sun. The root system is considered well dried when it begins to break with a bang. After this, the coarsely chopped or broken roots are fried at 180 degrees in the oven or in a frying pan. Then you can start grinding. The finely ground product can be consumed.

Chicory heals the digestive tract.

The drink is considered almost mandatory for use for people suffering from gastritis.

Prevents sluggish digestion

Helps digest even hard-to-digest foods

Helps against heartburn

Activation of digestion occurs due to bitter substances, which promote the secretion of gastric juice.

But we must not forget about the contraindications of chicory: the presence of ulcers and erosions of the digestive tract.

Chicory and diabetes.

Almost the first on the list of permitted products can be considered chicory for diabetics.

The instant drink can lower blood sugar. Many diabetics are very careful when choosing products, so seasonal preparation and preparation of the drink can be recommended to them.

At self-cooking ground product, you can observe the process and see how the polysaccharide contained in the roots is hydrolyzed to fructose. This can be seen when heated to a temperature of 180 degrees. Fructose begins to melt and caramelize. Confirmation of this Brown color fried chicory.

It doesn’t matter whether this drink is prepared with your own hands or purchased in ground form in a store, the main thing is that you can start with it every morning (if there are no contraindications when chicory causes harm), and then it is guaranteed to give you vigor and increased performance for all day.

Many people cannot imagine life without a cup of coffee in the morning, or even several times a day. But as practice shows, such drinking does not bring any special benefit health, and even in some cases can cause serious harm to the body. Therefore, more and more doctors are strongly recommending that their patients reduce their coffee consumption to a minimum or replace it with healthier options. And chicory would be an excellent alternative to such a drink. Let’s talk about what a drink based on it is in a little more detail. So, we are talking about chicory (drink), beneficial properties and contraindications to its use.

Chicory is a fairly well-known plant that has oblong leaves and a long, dense root that goes deep into the ground. To prepare a tasty and healthy drink, the dry root of this culture is used. To ensure that the taste of this drink is as full as possible, the root must be fried.

Chicory (drink) - benefits and harm

Benefits of soluble chicory for the body

Despite the fact that chicory root is processed before it reaches the table, it retains many beneficial qualities. Drinks based on it are a source of the unique polysaccharide inulin, and in the food industry this substance is used as a sugar substitute. Chicory can bring great benefits to diabetics, because its natural sweetness does not lead to an increase in the amount of glucose in the blood.

The drink made from chicory root contains a lot of protein substances that add vigor and strength to a person, giving a huge boost of energy. This drink will be an excellent snack for any athlete or traveler.

Chicory root is a source of thiamine, which is important for the proper functioning of the heart, digestive tract, and nervous system. It contains riboflavin, which is necessary for the normal functioning of reproductive functions, maintaining healthy nails, hair and skin. This substance also benefits the thyroid gland.

Chicory root is rich in ascorbic acid, which stimulates the immune system and strengthens blood vessels and supportive muscle tone fine. This plant material is a source of carotene, a powerful antioxidant that helps stop skin aging and reduce its elasticity. This element is also characterized by immunomodulatory qualities.

There is evidence that drinking a drink made from chicory root helps strengthen the visual apparatus and improve its functioning. In addition, such drinking stimulates appetite well and optimizes metabolic processes. It should be taken if you have weakened stomach function, are underweight, etc.

A drink made from chicory can benefit pregnant women and nursing mothers. This drink saturates the body with strength and vitality.

Is chicory (drink) dangerous? What harm does it cause?

In fact, chicory can bring great benefits to the body, but some categories of people are not recommended to take it. This drink is strictly contraindicated for asthma and bronchitis; it should not be taken if you suffer from certain vascular diseases and varicose veins. Soluble chicory root is not recommended for consumption if you have problems with the heart or cardiac muscle; you should not drink it if you have been diagnosed with gallbladder dysfunction.

If drinking chicory drink caused your heart rate to increase, severe weakness, nausea or dizziness - it is better to make an appointment with a doctor and refuse such drinking. Also, you should not take it if you experience any allergic reactions in response to using chicory.

It is not advisable to get carried away with a chicory drink if you suffer from excessive nervous excitability.

In any case, excessive consumption of chicory coffee can harm the body. It is better to drink it one or two cups a day, in the morning.

How to cook chicory at home?

From ready-made vice. You can find ready-made chicory powders on sale, which you just need to dilute with hot water - like quickly brewed coffee. In addition, you can purchase powders with various additional additives. A couple of teaspoons of powder must be brewed with one hundred and fifty to two hundred milliliters of hot water and mixed. You can easily add cream or milk to the drink. But don’t overdo it with sugar, because the drink is initially sweet.
How to prepare chicory roots? If you want to make a chicory drink on your own, prepare five to six roots of this culture. Rinse them and clean them thoroughly, then dry them. To do this, place the raw materials in an oven preheated to one hundred degrees and leave for four to six hours, with the door slightly open. Before doing this, cover the baking sheet with foil or parchment. Drying can also be done in the sun.

Cut the roots into small slices. Fry this raw material in a heated frying pan (dry, without oil) until it turns brown. Grind the root in a coffee grinder (you can also use a blender or hand mill for this), pour it into a jar, close the lid tightly and store in a dark place. Self-prepared powder is suitable for brewing for six months, no more.

Chicory powder for preparing the drink can be purchased in almost any supermarket, pharmacies and special phyto-oriented stores. Such raw materials should be dry and uniform, there should be no balls or lumps in it.

Additional Information

Chicory can be used not only for brewing tea, but also for preparing various medicines that can prevent and eliminate many pathological conditions.

To speed up digestion in the stomach, treat bloating at home, belching, liver and kidney ailments. Prepare and chop the aerial part and roots, brew fifteen to thirty grams of dry raw materials with three glasses of water. Boil over low heat for ten minutes, then strain. Take half a glass three times a day.

Chicory perfectly treats anemia and helps cope with stress. How to treat anemia at home? How to treat the nervous system after stress? For this purpose, you need to prepare the juice from this plant: cut off its top, rinse it and scald it with boiling water. Pass the prepared raw materials through a meat grinder and squeeze the juice out of the pulp. Boil it for just a couple of minutes, pour into a glass jar and seal with a lid. Store in the refrigerator. Dissolve a teaspoon of this juice in a glass of warm milk, sweeten with honey and drink three times a day for one month.

Here's how conjunctivitis is treated. Chicory can also be used externally. Brew twenty grams of dried grass and roots with half a liter of boiling water. Leave for ten minutes, then strain. Use for washing eyes affected by conjunctivitis, as well as for preparing poultices for sore joints.

Human skin diseases - treatment with chicory roots. If you suffer from skin diseases, combine ten grams of chicory roots and herbs with forty milliliters of alcohol. Leave for a week and use to wipe the affected areas.

Homemade recipe for fast hair growth. Traditional medicine experts claim that chicory-based medicine perfectly activates hair growth. To prepare such a remedy, you need to brew thirty grams of grass and roots with one liter of boiling water. Heat over the fire for half an hour, then leave for six hours to infuse. Use the strained broth to rub into the hair roots. Ten minutes after this procedure, rinse off the product with running water and dry your hair.

Chicory is amazing useful plant, which can bring enormous health benefits.

Soluble chicory: benefits and harms

Healthy image life is becoming fashionable. Almost every one of us sometimes has a desire to replace our usual tea or coffee with a healthy herbal infusion. What to do if you can’t start your morning without an invigorating cup of aromatic drink? You can try an alternative - instant chicory, the taste and smell of which is reminiscent of coffee. A pleasant bonus is the lack of caffeine.
But there are both positive and negative sides to consuming chicory.
Medicinal plant chicory.
What is the plant from which the coffee drink is prepared? Chicory itself is known to everyone: pleasing to the eye, delicate blue flowers on tall and fairly rigid stems. Since ancient times, it has been used in folk medicine as a sure remedy for stomach ailments, liver and kidney treatment, as well as for arthritis and gout. All parts of the plant are healing and contain a lot of useful substances: provitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, iron, potassium and calcium, pectin (and this is far from full list!). The most valuable element found in chicory roots is inulin. This is a substance with an unusual range of effects that improves metabolism, lowers blood sugar levels, normalizes liver function, stimulates the immune system and even reduces the risk of developing cancer. In addition, inulin is inherently a natural prebiotic, that is, it promotes growth beneficial bacteria in the intestines and, as a result, normalization of its microflora. Technology for making soluble chicory In order to obtain soluble chicory, use various technologies. It is very important how the product is made, this affects its quality and content of nutrients. Most often, chicory powder is obtained from liquid extract, while maintaining all the beneficial properties medicinal plant. Another method for producing instant chicory is essentially similar to the production of freeze-dried coffee. In this case, at the first stage of processing, the chicory roots are fried. Aggressive heat treatment, unfortunately, depletes the composition of the final product, especially reducing the content of inulin, which is already familiar to us. Manufacturers of high-quality soluble chicory must indicate its composition. Upon receipt
powder from the plant extract will be indicated on the package: 100% chicory extract. You can buy this drink in any supermarket, where it is most often displayed in the health food department.
Benefits of instant chicory
The benefits of a drink made from chicory powder are undeniable. Thanks to unique composition plants, it has a positive effect on general state the human body and can help with some ailments. Instant chicory is an excellent choice if you know firsthand about:
Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Potassium contained in a drink made from chicory root improves heart function, normalizing heart rate, dilates blood vessels and removes harmful cholesterol from the blood.
Diseases of the nervous system. High content of B vitamins helps maintain good mood and promotes sound sleep.
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The anti-inflammatory and healing properties of chicory will help with ulcers and gastritis, and inulin will restore the intestinal microflora.
Liver diseases. The properties of chicory are such that it is a natural hepaprotector, that is, it helps to carefully and naturally restore liver cells and improve the flow of bile.
Diabetes mellitus. Scientific research showed that inulin helps lower blood sugar. Soluble chicory, as you know, can replace coffee. Moreover, the taste and aroma of the drink will not be too different from the usual coffee drink. Moreover, many manufacturers now offer a wide selection of chicory powder products with various additives. It's not just extracts medicinal plants(chamomile, ginseng) and aromatic spices(cinnamon, ginger), but also, oddly enough, coffee. A small amount of ground coffee beans - and the chicory drink becomes almost indistinguishable from the favorite drink of coffee lovers. After taking antibiotics or poisoning, you often have to take expensive medications to restore the intestinal microflora. Try replacing them with soluble chicory, it will help the body return its bacterial balance to normal and relieve discomfort in the abdominal area. Pregnant women sometimes have to completely refuse or severely limit their consumption of tea and coffee. In this case, a chicory drink may be just a godsend. It is harmless for expectant mothers, especially if consumed within reasonable limits.
Harm of soluble chicory
Despite the fact that instant chicory is a natural and quite healthy product, it also has its negative sides.
This drink is contraindicated for people with weak blood vessels and varicose veins veins
If you suffer from a chronic cough or bronchitis, you will have to eliminate chicory from your diet.
If you have asthma, it is simply dangerous to your health!
It is not recommended for allergy sufferers to get carried away with this natural coffee substitute: the ascorbic acid it contains can cause an allergic reaction. Sometimes the harm and benefits of chicory go hand in hand. Good remedy for prevention and treatment stomach diseases, it is contraindicated in case of exacerbation of gastritis. Soluble chicory improves metabolism - a wonderful help in the fight against excess weight, but at the same time it increases appetite. If you want to start giving a drink made from soluble chicory to a child, you need to do this with caution and not earlier than three years of age.
In any case, remember that instant chicory is not only delicious drink, but also a product made from medicinal plant. Therefore, it is better to consult your doctor before use! Especially for - Elena The benefits and harms of bananas for women The benefits and harms of pickled cucumbers

Chicory, benefits and harms, how much you can drink per day, largely depends on individual characteristics body, the presence or absence of contraindications. This plant has a bitter taste that is reminiscent of roasted coffee beans. Stores sell a ready-made drink in the form of powder and extract, which is brewed like tea.

Chicory, plant photo and brief description

Chicory belongs to the inflorescence of the Asteraceae. The height of the plant reaches up to 70 centimeters. The flowers are painted in a soft blue hue. For getting medicinal raw materials Two types of chicory are specially cultivated, but there are also 4 wild ones. In medicine, ordinary and salad are used.

The roots and stem of the plant are taken as raw materials. Fresh leaves rich in vitamins. Greens can be added to salads, first and second courses. To improve the taste of coffee, dried, roasted and crushed roots of the plant are used. You can also make a separate drink from them. It will taste like coffee.

Chicory, a photo of which is in this article, is valued for its healing properties. fresh juice. It is squeezed out from the tops of the stems. The plant is taken only just before flowering. The stems are ground into pulp. Then she does push-ups. The juice can be boiled for 3 minutes and then stored in a glass container in the refrigerator. For consumption, take one tablespoon of liquid and dissolve in a glass of milk.

IN ancient Egypt Chicory was used as an antidote for scorpion and tarantula stings. The root was used to treat many diseases (gout, gastrointestinal tract, eye, etc.). Nowadays, factories produce a condensed extract from this part of the plant. Medicinal drinks are prepared from it.

Useful properties of chicory decoctions and infusions

Chicory has several names, one of them is Petrov Batog. The plant has many healing properties. Removes waste and toxins from the body. Chicory, benefits and harms, how much you can drink per day, depends on the disease. For example, for pancreatitis, the drink is taken 200 ml per day. Chicory is rich in:

  • proteins;
  • tanning compounds;
  • essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • resins;
  • carotene;
  • inulin;
  • fructose;
  • mineral salts;
  • levulosis;
  • choline;
  • pentosans.

The plant contains many macro- and microelements (magnesium, zinc, calcium, etc.). Chicory is rich in vitamins, inulin is especially valuable. This is a fructose polymer that is actively involved in metabolic processes.

Useful properties of chicory

  • antimicrobial;
  • general strengthening;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • vasodilators;
  • antipyretics;
  • choleretic;
  • sugar-lowering;
  • tonic;
  • diuretics.

At alcohol poisoning or frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages, chicory removes accumulated toxins from the body. The plant extract is used as aid in the treatment of the urological system. Chicory is recommended for overweight, skin diseases, to regulate heart function.

The drink does not increase arterial pressure, therefore can be used by hypertensive patients. However, hypotensive patients should use chicory with caution, as it slightly lowers blood pressure. Chicory is used as an adjuvant for diseases of the liver, kidneys and spleen.

The drink helps cope with osteochondrosis and arthritis. If you drink chicory daily with the addition of parsley, celery and carrots, a person’s vision will gradually improve. The plant improves immunity well, activates hair growth and restores its structure.

Chicory decoction stimulates appetite, cleanses blood vessels and normalizes intestinal microflora. The drink can relieve fatigue, give strength and cope with heartburn. The plant slows down liver cirrhosis. Infusions and decoctions are used for flatulence, scurvy, and diabetes. You can drink chicory drink during pregnancy. This helps prevent heartburn, nausea and swelling.

How many cups of chicory can you drink per day and how to take the drink

The drink is consumed in different dosages. For example, how many cups of chicory can you drink per day in for preventive purposes: to prevent colds, nervous and circulatory systems etc. A decoction is made from the plant. The stem and root are taken, crushed and poured into a container (1 tablespoon each), then poured with a glass of boiling water.

You need to cook the product for 30 minutes. Then cool and strain. Drink three times, a third of a glass before meals. Chicory, benefits and harms, how much can you drink per day? The drink cannot be consumed without restrictions. You can drink a maximum of three cups per day, optimal option– two. It is best to drink the drink 45 minutes before a meal.

Soluble chicory, features and scope of application

Instant chicory successfully replaces coffee. The drink calms the nervous system and helps with insomnia. In this case, chicory should be drunk before bed. The drink has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Disease Dosage Features of application
Overweight, obesity 100 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is a week. It can be repeated if necessary. A teaspoon of crushed roots (extract or powder) is poured into 500 ml of water and boiled for 10 minutes.

Before use, the decoction is filtered and cooled.

With constant consumption of the drink, inulin breaks down fats. Cleanses the body of waste and toxins. Prevents the accumulation of cholesterol.

Diabetes mellitus type 2 2-3 cups of drink per day. Take 1 tsp. chopped chicory roots and pour a glass of boiling water. The product is infused for 15 minutes and drunk throughout the day. Chicory not only lowers blood sugar, but also prevents the appearance of trophic ulcers.
Pancreatitis The drink is introduced into the diet gradually. First 1 tsp. per glass of water. During the first days, drink one tablespoon. Then gradually increase the dosage to a glass. Chicory can only be consumed after consulting a doctor. The drink is drunk 220 minutes before meals.
Anemia Three times a day. The course of treatment is two months. A dessert spoon of chicory is diluted in 200 ml of warmed milk.

The table does not contain the entire list of diseases. Soluble chicory is used for liver and kidney diseases, hypertension. Used as an adjuvant for treatment Bladder, gastritis, stomach, etc.

Harm of chicory to humans

If chicory is consumed in large quantities, it can be harmful. The drink causes appetite, and exceeding the dosage can lead to obesity. Chicory is indicated for a number of diseases, but only after consultation with a doctor. For example, the drink is indicated for gastritis, but is prohibited during an exacerbation.

Chicory is incompatible with antibiotics. In this case, the absorption of drugs is impaired. Harm of chicory: overuse causes hypervitaminosis. Consumption for bronchitis and asthma can provoke an exacerbation of diseases. The drink lowers blood pressure. Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Contraindications for consuming chicory

Despite the beneficial properties of chicory, it has a number of contraindications. They refer to both decoctions and infusions directly from the plant, as well as extracts and powders sold in the store.


  • joint pain;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • individual intolerance to one or more components of the composition;
  • gallstones;
  • bronchitis accompanied by a severe cough;
  • asthma.

Drinks made from chicory should not be consumed by children under 3 years of age, people with unstable psyches and acute forms of neurosis. The plant can cause allergic reactions, so initially the infusion is drunk in minimal quantities. If no negative feelings arise, you can consume it in normal quantities.

Chicory, benefits and harms, how much you can drink per day, depends on the disease. For some, you need to introduce the drink into your diet gradually. If a person is prone to allergic reactions, chicory is also drunk first in small dosages. The maximum drink consumption is no more than 3 cups per day. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum about treatment with folk remedies.

Each of us, if you haven’t tried it, has probably seen in the store bags or jars of chicory - syrup, powder or granules, reminiscent of appearance instant coffee. Many elderly people, as well as those who suffer nearby, use this drink to replace “harmful” coffee and tea. chronic diseases, such as diseases of the heart, blood vessels, pancreas, intestines, etc.

Soluble chicory, being a product of plant origin, is characterized by both beneficial properties and contraindications, and for some reason many people forget about the latter. Let's look at who benefits from chicory, how to use it correctly, and in what cases a tasty drink can be harmful to health.

Description of the plant

Common chicory, whose second name is blue dandelion, is a herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae family. The historical homeland of the plant is the Mediterranean, but today chicory is also widespread in the temperate climate zone. Despite the fact that the plant does not like high humidity, it has managed to adapt to tropical conditions.

Favorite places of growth are meadows, wastelands, forest edges, roadside areas and fields. In mountainous areas, the plant rises no higher than the middle belt.

The crop is actively cultivated for industrial purposes; entire fields are dedicated to it. Domesticated types of chicory are common and salad: the root of the former is used to prepare a drink, the leaves of the salad are used as a side dish or additive to salads.

The plant has a long tap root. The stem is rigid and vertical. The leaves have oblong shape with a slightly narrowed or rounded end. The flowers are large, reed-shaped, blue to pinkish in color, located on an individual stem. The fruit is pentagonal in shape.

Useful composition, calorie content

Syrup or thickened extract of fried chicory root contains 263.8 kcal per 100 g of product, as well as: 64 g of carbohydrates, 1.95 g of proteins (no fats detected).

The raw root contains 378 calories per 100 grams, 56 grams of carbohydrates and 9.8 grams of protein.

In 100 g raw greens The salad subspecies of the plant contains 23 kcal - 4.7 g of carbohydrates, 0.3 g of fat, 4.0 g of fiber (fiber), 92 g of water.

Chicory root has a rich vitamin, macro- and microelement composition, contains tannins, resins, phenols, organic acids, coumarins, pectin and inulin, the amount of which in the dried root is about 40%.

Medicinal properties of chicory

The most common way to consume chicory is in its soluble form, which is brewed as a drink and sipped slowly. If the manufacturer conscientiously followed the technology for producing soluble chicory (which we will discuss below), then the drink will provide the required beneficial properties.

  • Strengthening the immune system. The root contains the prebiotic inulin, which stimulates the growth of natural intestinal probiotics responsible for normal condition digestive system and preventing microflora imbalance.
  • Antioxidant activity. Phenolic resins by their nature are substances that prevent the development of cancer. Resins actively remove by-products of cellular oxygenation - free radicals - from cells.
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases, strengthening of the heart muscle. Drinking the drink helps reduce the level of low-density lipoprotein, which is the number one risk factor and. Plant phenols in the root are antiarrhythmic substances.
  • Treatment and. Chicory is characterized by analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and helps with inflammatory processes in muscle tissue and joints.
  • Positive effect in the fight against excess weight. Oligofructose and inulin, contained in large quantities in chicory, regulate the level of ghrelin, a hormone responsible for the feeling of hunger, which leads to a decrease in food cravings. Therefore, chicory is recommended for weight loss, in an integrated approach to solving the problem.
  • Choleretic effect. The plant eliminates stagnation of bile and promotes the dissolution of small stones located in the gall bladder, therefore it is useful in initial stage gallstone disease.
  • Reduced blood sugar levels in patients with. This effect is possible due to the high content of inulin.
  • Reducing anxiety and stress. Chicory, drunk at night, has sedative effect, helps to relax the central nervous system and eliminate anxiety. This positive effect has a double effect: eliminating anxiety helps normalize hormonal levels, eliminate cognitive impairment and prevent premature aging.
  • Tonic effect. A drink drunk in the morning instead of, gives vigor and good mood, helps to get rid of and.
  • Elimination of edema. The plant has pronounced diuretic properties and helps remove excess fluid from tissues naturally.
  • Elimination and dysfunction of the intestines. A mild laxative effect promotes natural bowel movements and softening of stool.
  • Antibacterial effect on pathogenic flora located in the oral cavity. Tannins act as an antiseptic, so they help in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

Contraindications to the use of chicory

  • Pregnancy. Many sources interpret the drink as beneficial for pregnant women. However this herbal drink, which can cause allergies and others unwanted effects, so you should not use it during pregnancy.
  • Lactation. Since substances from the drink pass into breast milk, you should not take it during lactation.
  • Individual intolerance plants or allergies to similar representatives of the flora: marigolds, daisies, ragweed.
  • Cholelithiasis with large stones in the gall bladder. The plant has a choleretic effect and can cause the passage of stones from the gallbladder.
  • Gastritis and peptic ulcer. The drink has irritant effect on altered areas of the gastric mucosa.
  • Varicose veins and other vascular diseases.
  • Haemorrhoids . The drink worsens the course of hemorrhoids and weakens healing effect drugs against hemorrhoids.
  • Serious diseases of the nervous system(schizophrenia, chronic nervousness, organic lesions). The drink affects the excitability of the central nervous system and is therefore not recommended for such patients.
  • Children under 3 years old.

Is chicory drink a medicine?

Chicory is not medicines, but refers to phytotherapeutic agents. Thus, in the pharmacy chain you can find various herbal teas with chicory. In grocery stores, chicory is sold in the form of powder, granules or syrup and is classified as food, positioned as healthy food and sold in healthy food departments.

Chicory consumption rates

These recommendations are conditional. During the day, usually take 3-4 cups of the drink some time after meals, if it is well tolerated. The amount of product that should be added to 1 cup should be looked at on the packaging.

Chicory should not be poured with boiling water; it must be used warm water or milk.

Chicory manufacturing technology

On each package, manufacturers promise us that their product is natural, healthy and retains all its beneficial properties. fresh root. But is this really so?

Chicory in the form of powder or granules is mostly produced by hot air drying at a temperature of 180-220 C or drying and roasting to give the drink a coffee taste. It is clear that in this temperature range the prevailing part of the beneficial substances is destroyed and loses its properties. At the end we get a product that is somewhat similar to coffee in appearance and taste, but the beneficial properties of the product are very questionable.

A new type of chicory, positioned by manufacturers as a healthy food product with beneficial properties preserved in full, is a freeze-dried drink. During sublimation, the root is not exposed to high temperatures, but is dried and dehydrated in a special way.

Another type of chicory is a syrup, which is obtained by thickening the powder obtained by hot drying with sugars. Its usefulness, again, is questionable.

But, if we step back from the skeptical assessment of soluble chicory, its benefits are obvious for people for whom coffee is contraindicated, and life without their favorite drink loses its color. However, this is also provided that the use of chicory has been approved by a doctor (contraindications to the consumption of coffee and chicory partially overlap).

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