The most effective folk remedies for dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis in children: treatment with folk remedies or traditional medicine methods

Atopic dermatitis in children is not uncommon. You can fight it with traditional medicine and folk recipes. However, despite the centuries-tested effectiveness of treatment folk remedies, consultation with a doctor is necessary. You may need to exclude certain foods from your child's diet. Or go through additional specialists. In addition, treatment with folk remedies is not absolutely safe. Children may be allergic to herbs.

The affected areas not only do not look aesthetically pleasing. They also itch, causing anxiety for the child. They can become a gateway to infection.

Treatment with folk remedies involves the use of lotions with herbal decoctions, infusions, baths with the addition of herbs, medicinal ointments. Oral decoctions are also used.

It is recommended to take baths with herbal decoctions and other folk remedies every day. The water temperature should not be high. Rather - somewhat cool, 37°C.

After the bath there is no need to rub the baby with a towel. Rather just get wet. After this, lubricate the affected areas with the medicinal folk compositions described below.

As a rule, treatment with folk remedies helps well. But if new ones continue to join the affected areas, the rash does not fade and does not disappear, then you should not neglect an additional visit to the doctor.

Alternative medicine offers to treat atopic dermatitis using different means:

Birch buds

Fresh birch buds are used. Therefore, it is better to collect them yourself. You will need to pick the buds a little, in the amount of about 4 spoons. Pour into a thermos and add boiling water. Close the thermos and let it brew for about 6 hours. Then strain the contents of the thermos. Add to water when bathing. Decoctions of violet, burdock, yarrow, celandine herb, and nettle prepared in the same way are effective.

Oak bark

Ideally, it is recommended to take the bark directly from the tree. The next step is to grind it as completely as possible. A spoonful of the resulting fine sawdust should be poured with boiling water. Then simmer the resulting composition over low heat for 15 minutes. Use the decoction by adding it to the bath when bathing.

Propolis oil

It is recommended for use in the presence of complications of dermatitis, when joining infectious process. And also for long-term dermatitis. For preparation, propolis is crushed. Propolis and vegetable oil are mixed in a ratio of 1:4. Place this mixture in the oven for 45 minutes low temperature. Then you need to drain the oil from the resulting mixture. This must be done carefully so as not to pour out the remaining wax. Apply the resulting oil to the areas affected by dermatitis twice a day. This recipe is one of the most effective of all folk remedies treatment recipes. You can use it in the form of lotions.

pharmaceutical camomile

Of all the treatment options with folk remedies, recipes with it are the most common among all medicinal plants. You can buy dried chamomile at any pharmacy that sells medicinal herbs.

You need to pour it into a saucepan, add boiling water (1 l). Then wait until it boils. Afterwards, keep on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Let cool and strain. Add the decoction prepared in this way to the bath every time the child bathes.


For treatment, be sure to use only fresh pumpkin. Tampons are formed from the pulp of its middle. If you can’t make them, then cotton wool will do. soft balls, which are wetted pumpkin juice. Tampons are applied to sore spots in the morning and evening for 15-30 minutes.

It works well to alternately use tampons with pumpkin juice, potato juice, and aloe juice.


This is a real storehouse of vitamins and medicinal substances. It is used for the treatment and healing of wounds, as well as various dermatitis in children. 50 ml of pureed juice should be mixed until smooth with Vaseline (200 ml). It is recommended to lubricate areas with dermatitis with the resulting ointment every couple of hours. Repeat the procedure until the skin begins to heal.


Dried leaves can be purchased at a pharmacy. They are ground into powder. Then they are poured with 200 ml of boiling water. After this, you need to keep the series on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Strain. When treating dermatitis, the decoction is added to the water when bathing.


In the treatment of dermatitis, it is used as follows. A couple of tablespoons should be poured into a glass of boiling water. Kissel is added to the bath a few spoons at a time when bathing.

St. John's wort

It is recommended to use fresh plants. A spoonful of juice is mixed with melted butter (4 l). The mixture prepared in this way can be stored in a glass in the refrigerator. This mixture is used to lubricate the area several times a day. Treatment of dermatitis involves using the anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties of this plant.

Ointment made from glycerin, milk, rice starch

All components for the treatment of dermatitis are taken in small, equal quantities. Then mix until the composition is homogeneous. You will get the thickness of sour cream. Data medicinal composition lubricate areas with dermatitis overnight. It is recommended to use compresses on the affected skin areas at the folds.

Kalanchoe and honey

A mixture of Kalanchoe and honey is effective in combating itching. Of course, treatment using this recipe is possible only in the absence of allergic reactions to honey. Storage of this ointment should not exceed a week. It is recommended to use it only if itching occurs.


Treatment involves the use of roots. You need to squeeze the juice out of them. Get about 50 ml. Then add an equal amount of apple cider vinegar and table salt(2 g). This mixture is used as a lotion on the affected areas. You need to apply a napkin moistened with the composition for 5 minutes. You need to repeat the procedure after a couple of hours. Celery juice is also beneficial when taken orally for both adults and children. But you can start taking it orally from the age of three, a teaspoon at a time. Should be taken a quarter of an hour before meals in the morning and evening. Continuation of the course with lotions with celery juice is necessary for a week.


Juice obtained from fresh vegetables should be lubricated on the affected area.

Flaxseed oil and chamomile

This product effectively treats skin suffering from diathesis. Helps soften it, thereby facilitating healing and speeding up recovery. To do this, bring a mixture of 50 ml of flax oil and a teaspoon of chamomile to a boil over low heat. Tampons are soaked in the resulting chamomile-linseed oil and applied to sore spot every 3 hours. You need to repeat the procedure for about a week.


Another one of the most famous medicinal plants. 5 tablespoons of crushed dry plant should be poured with a liter of boiling water and put on low heat. Simmer the mixture in this way for about 30 minutes. Then the closed container with it should be wrapped in a terry towel and set aside for 2 hours. Then the infused mixture must be filtered and poured into a glass container for storage. This mixture is stored only in the refrigerator. For children, it is recommended to take 3 teaspoons orally every 4 hours. Adults can consume 4 tablespoons. Duration of treatment is 3 weeks. The same composition can be used to make lotions.

Veronica officinalis

You need to take a spoonful of dry herbs per glass of boiling water. Be sure to use glass containers. Wrap up warm. Set aside for 2-3 hours. Then strain. Apply the resulting decoction to the sore spot in children about 5 times a day.

Black currant

Chopped leaves and shoots are placed in a thermos. Add boiling water (1 l). Then the lid is tightly closed and the composition is infused for about a couple of hours. Used to treat children in the form of tea.


Raw tubers are peeled and rubbed with a fine grater. Then everything grated is laid out on gauze. The juice is squeezed out. The result is a kind of compress that is placed on dermatitis areas.

Pear lotions

You will need to collect the leaves (only young ones) of the pear tree, dry and crush them. You need to take about a glass and add boiling water (1 l). Then it’s all boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. Then it remains to infuse overnight.

Oak bark bath

To do this, you need to put a glass of crushed bark in an enamel pan, add to cover with water, and boil for 10 minutes. After this, strain the mixture and pour it into the bathing water. Add oatmeal there too. This bath It is taken for the treatment of dermatitis for about half an hour. It’s worth repeating 2-3 times a week.

Antipruritic ointment

It will require chamomile, Ivan tea, a decoction of hay dust, water (4 cups), butter, glycerin.

Pour water over dry herbs and cook for about 5 minutes. Add oil and cook until smooth. Then add glycerin in a 1:1 ratio. This ointment is stored in the refrigerator. The affected areas should be lubricated about 4 times a day. This relieves itching well. The course of treatment will be a month. After this, you need to take a break for a week and repeat the course.

Sea salt

In addition to treatment with folk remedies, adding sea salt (5 l) to bathing water is effective.

Emulsion with milk (1l), unrefined olive oil

This product helps reduce skin dryness.

There are many recipes for treating dermatitis in children with folk remedies. A little patience and the child will definitely get rid of the unpleasant illness.

Atopic dermatitis is a disease that can be cured using traditional medicine. People have long suffered from of this disease, but, fortunately, they have come up with many ways to treat it.

Healing herbs

The earliest of known methods treatment atopic dermatitis in adults there are herbs. They can be used as part of ointments, decoctions, tinctures for both internal and external use.

Celandine. It’s not for nothing that “Clean Skin” is encrypted in its name. It is the main folk medicine for the treatment of many skin diseases. Celandine herb has a very pronounced effect, and in overdose it can cause irritation, so it should be used with caution.

The easiest way to use celandine juice is to simply spread it on the damaged areas.

It should be remembered that it has a bright yellow, and may leave stains on skin and clothing.

If possible, you can prepare medicine from celandine. To do this, the juice is squeezed out of the crushed plant and mixed with water. You can apply the medicine to the skin using gauze bandages for 10 minutes. So that the prepared solution can be stored, a decoction is made from it, to which honey is added (one hundred grams for three tablespoons of decoction).

Can't do alcohol tincture celandine, as this will only increase its irritating ability. After the treatment procedure, the area of ​​inflammation can be lubricated with any moisturizer.

The sequence has a milder effect. It is also used in the form of a decoction or tincture. The dry plant is crushed and poured with water in a concentration of one tablespoon to half a glass of hot water. From the infused solution, apply a cotton-gauze compress to the affected area until it dries. It is recommended to apply compresses at least 4 times a day until the inflammation completely disappears.

The periwinkle plant is little known, but it is no less effective. 1 tbsp. pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of plant leaves. Then they insist in a warm place. The resulting product can be added to water when taking a bath or made compresses with a cotton-gauze bandage.

Cornflower flowers can be used internally. One teaspoon of dried flowers is poured into a glass of boiling water. Take half a glass orally 2 times a day before meals. This medicine will help get rid of itching and inflammation when acne, dermatitis and other skin diseases.

To enhance the effect, you can make a mixture of different herbs. There is such a recipe

  1. Art. Spoon of dry tree peony
  2. Art. Spoon of valerian root
  3. Art. Spoons of vodka

Each herb is poured with vodka separately and left in a warm place. dark place for 1 month. After this, they are mixed in one container. You can take the medicine at any time of the day, three times a day, a teaspoon for a month.

Grass medicinal plant Veronica helps with atopic dermatitis and eczema. Add one tablespoon of dry crushed plant to a glass of hot water and leave in a warm place for several hours. The resulting tincture is used to treat areas of dermatitis five times every day.

Often exacerbations of dermatitis occur in the spring. Fortunately, buds are blooming on the trees at this time. Birch buds pour a glass of vodka and seal it tightly in a glass bottle. This remedy is infused for three weeks. You can take 1 teaspoon added to a glass of water.

Since the composition contains vodka, it is not recommended to use the tincture for children. Adults should also not abuse it and exceed the course of admission for one month.

Another plant that will be easy to get in late spring is pear leaves. You need to take young and fresh leaves. They are dried and boiled. A glass of leaves in half a liter of water for 5 minutes. After this, leave overnight in a container with a closed lid.

Use as a lotion on any part of the body for inflammatory rashes. If possible, the greatest effect will be from a compress left for several hours. You can use a decoction of pear tree leaves indefinitely.

Therapeutic baths are very popular for the treatment of atopic dermatitis. 500 grams of oak bark and oatmeal help cure dermatitis. This mixture is poured with water and boiled for 10-15 minutes. The broth needs to be filtered and can be added to the bath. It is recommended to take medicinal baths with oak bark twice a week.

One of the most difficult but effective recipes is a homemade ointment. Its use will relieve itching and inflammation from the body. It includes:

  1. Chamomile flowers
  2. Decoction of hay dust (2 cups)
  3. Pure water(1 liter)
  4. Butter (1 tbsp. spoon)
  5. Glycerol

To prepare the ointment, first of all you need to boil the chamomile flowers for 5 minutes. Then add hay dust and butter. Cook the mixture again until thick and smooth. At the end, add glycerin in a 1:1 ratio.

Store the prepared ointment only in the refrigerator for a month. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas three times a day. Within a month, the itching should completely go away.

Other folk remedies

Tar soap, which is widely available in pharmacies. Natural tar is obtained from the bark of a birch tree using special processing. Of course, it is very difficult to prepare it yourself, so a very popular remedy for atopic dermatitis is soap containing it.

If you wash your face with this soap in the morning and evening, blood microcirculation in the skin will improve. After this, complexion and cell regeneration will improve. Inflammation will heal faster, irritation will go away, and redness will decrease. On top of that, the proliferation of microbes will be reduced.

Soap dries out the skin, so it is great for wet forms of atopic dermatitis. When combined with other traditional medicine, the effect will not be long in coming.

If possible, you can also make compresses and baths from natural tar.

To be one hundred percent sure of the quality of the soap, you can make it yourself. To do this, mix baby soap melted in a water bath with 2 tbsp. Spoons of birch tar and any vegetable oil. You can use the resulting product like regular soap.

Because Birch tar is an active natural component, it can cause allergies. Therefore, before use, you need to test the soap on an inconspicuous area of ​​skin. The absence of irritation and redness indicates good tolerance of all components of the drug.

I use St. John's wort as disinfectant for skin inflammation and infection. This plant is universal, suitable for use by almost everyone. Depending on the raw material, several medicinal products can be made from it.

St. John's wort juice is mixed with vegetable oil. (1:4). Use as an ointment, applying to affected areas of the skin. Store the resulting mixture only in the refrigerator.

An oil tincture can be prepared from the flowers and leaves. Pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable raw materials with vegetable oil. Insist for two weeks. Lubricate areas of inflammation as needed until they heal.

Regular potatoes will cope with dermatitis no worse than a pharmaceutical product. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. To get results from the treatment, you need to prepare potato juice. The grated potatoes are wrapped in gauze and applied to the damaged areas overnight. To further moisturize the skin after use, use ointment with propolis.

Common thyme is part of an antiseptic ointment. Mix crushed thyme with vegetable oil in a concentration of 1:5. Or 1 teaspoon of the plant in half a glass of vodka is infused for several days. After this, oil is also added to the tincture. The resulting medicine is used in the form of lotions or ointments, applied to painful areas of the skin.

Kalanchoe juice is used for itching along with honey. A mixture of ingredients in equal proportions is infused for a week. Apply the resulting ointment to areas of dermatitis to relieve redness and inflammation.

Another ointment that you can prepare yourself consists of:

  1. Milk (1 teaspoon)
  2. Glycerin (1 teaspoon)
  3. Rice starch (0.5 teaspoon)

Mix all ingredients and lubricate the skin. The ointment has a moisturizing effect and relieves inflammation. After it, it is also recommended to wipe the skin with a decoction of linden flowers.

Rosehip oil is used in folk medicine to treat any skin lesions. To treat atopic dermatitis, it is used orally, 2 teaspoons once a day. Or they lubricate damaged areas with it. Thanks to its antioxidant activity, it accelerates skin healing.

For example, a recipe for a face mask with Wild Rose oil.

  1. 10 drops Rosehip oils
  2. 30 drops Olive oils
  3. 10 drops Liquid vitamin AT 2
  4. 1 teaspoon aloe juice
  5. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of baby cream as a base

Mix all ingredients and store in a cool place. It can be applied not only to damaged skin, but also to healthy skin, to improve blood circulation and hydration. Lubricate areas of inflammation on the extremities with a cotton ball and oil to enhance the effect.

Burnet reduces skin inflammation due to dermatitis. To prepare a decoction, take its roots. Boil 2 tablespoons per glass of water for half an hour. After cooling, consume 1 tbsp orally. spoon after eating. Inflammation is reduced and redness is relieved.

Traditional methods of treating children

Children's skin is more sensitive to everything that comes into contact with it. Therefore, not every remedy is suitable for the treatment of atopic dermatitis in children.

Absolutely safe remedy for children's skin - this is an infusion of birch buds.

One tablespoon is added to a glass of boiling water and left for several hours. The resulting infusion is added to the bath in which the child is bathed. Several times a week for a month to reduce the symptoms of atopic dermatitis.

Baths can be taken with nettle, burdock, violet and yarrow. 4 tablespoons of any of the herbs are infused in a glass of boiling water. After this, take a bath with the resulting infusion.

· It is safe to use oak bark decoction when bathing a child. A tablespoon per glass of water and boil for 5 minutes. Dilute with several liters of water for a more delicate effect. You can pour it on your baby or add it to your bath water.

Everyone knows how good the sea is for the skin. There are many factors at play here, but one of them is sea salt. To replicate the effect of the sea at home, your child can take baths with sea ​​salt. The course of therapeutic baths lasts up to two weeks with daily bathing for 15 minutes. To do this, mix one handful of salt per bath until the crystals are completely dissolved.

To stop the child from itching, take baths with starch. To do this, 3 tablespoons of potato starch are diluted in water and added to the bath. Starch has an enveloping effect, acting locally on nerve endings, reducing their arousal. This product will relieve itching, and at the same time it is safe for the child.

· Vitamin E or tocopherol is used for dry and irritated skin. You can add it to your child's bath water. Since dermatitis often worsens with vitamin deficiency, children can take vitamins orally.

However, baths are not all that can be done to help a child with atopic dermatitis. It is effective to make lotions with various herbal ingredients.

Propolis helps with atopic dermatitis. To reduce skin inflammation, it should be mixed with vegetable oil (1 tablespoon per 4 tablespoons of oil). After this, heat in the oven for 40 minutes. Separate the oil from the propolis and apply it to the areas of inflammation in the morning and evening for no more than two weeks. On this remedy Some children may have allergies, so it is recommended to consult an allergist.

It is especially effective for complications of dermatitis in the form of suppuration. If infection gets into the wounds and pus forms, propolis oil is used as part of lotions.

Celery. Its juice, when taken orally, cleanses the body and removes toxins, and compresses from it reduce itching and inflammation. You need to mix equal concentrations of celery juice and Apple vinegar. Add a pinch of salt. Use this product in the form of a lotion 5-6 times a day for a week. It has virtually no contraindications, but is very effective.

· Vegetables are good for more than just eating. So, an ordinary pumpkin can notice store-bought ointments. The difficulty is that only fresh is suitable, and in winter there is a shortage of it. But in the autumn, pumpkin pulp lotions are an excellent remedy. Sticks or balls are formed from it, you can mix the juice with cotton wool. Leave the resulting tampons on the areas of the disease for half an hour four times a day. To avoid skin addiction, it is recommended to alternate with other lotions made from vegetables (celery, potatoes) or aloe.

Doctors consider atopic dermatitis to be a chronic disease that finds its first manifestations in most cases in childhood. The disease is multifactorial in nature, that is, there are a lot of provoking factors for its occurrence and exacerbation, which explains the huge number of children with this diagnosis.

It was found that the problem is genetically determined, and if the parents have such a disease, then the child will sooner or later manifest it. Is it worth letting this reaction of the body take its course? Definitely not, because if exacerbations are initially provoked by some specific irritants, then with age their circle expands and arises general reaction to almost all possible allergens - food, contact, pollen and household types, which extremely negatively affects the quality of life. In order to protect your child from such large-scale changes in the body, it is necessary to take timely measures to treat the disease. On this occasion ethnoscience is not inferior to the traditional one, offering a lot of products for various types of use.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis with medicinal baths

A bath with herbs helps relieve inflammation

Atopic dermatitis is a disease that, although not directly life-threatening, is quite unpleasant, protracted and difficult to treat. Large-scale rashes accompanied by severe itching, can lead to infection due to scratching. In order to cope with the problem completely, it is necessary complex treatmentspecial diet, local effects, drugs to reduce symptoms and eliminate the root cause of the disease. Therapeutic baths and baths offered alternative medicine, are means that act in several directions at once. Water procedures with the addition of certain products and herbal decoctions help relieve inflammation and reduce annoying itching.

When using baths of this nature, there are not many rules; the only recommendation that must be followed in order not to harm the child is that the water should not be too hot; a temperature of about 37 degrees is recommended.

Recipes for medicinal baths to help fight dermatitis in children:

  • You can add a decoction of linden flowers to the water;
  • you need to prepare an infusion of birch buds - take a tablespoon of the product for 300 ml of boiling water and leave for several hours under the lid. Pour the finished infusion into the baby’s bath;
  • in some sources you can find a recommendation for using a bath with chamomile or celandine, but these and other herbs with a drying effect should not be used - this may slightly aggravate the skin condition;
  • You can also use infusions of violet, yarrow and burdock root for the procedure;
  • bath with sea salt (five tablespoons of salt will be enough for one procedure);

A bath with sea salt will help fight dermatitis in children

  • bath with starch. You need to add three tablespoons of potato starch, previously diluted in a liter of boiling water, to the water;
  • a good softening and moisturizing effect will be similar to Cleopatra’s bath, well-known to many. Of course, you shouldn’t completely fill the bathtub with milk; it will be enough to pour a mixture of a liter of fresh warm milk and 100 milliliters into the water. olive oil.

Another piece of advice is that it is also recommended to prepare the water before the procedure, if possible. The easiest way is to stand it for a while, and then desired temperature bring by adding small portions of boiling water.

Recipes for external use

To combat the rash and its accompanying symptoms (itching and dryness), topical products are intended. These can be compresses, masks, ointments and other compositions that must be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. The following recipes are considered the most popular and effective:

  • grated raw potatoes applied to the site of the rash;
  • a mixture for moisturizing the skin and relieving inflammation - rice starch, cow's milk and glycerin are mixed in equal proportions. It is recommended to apply the product to the skin in a thin layer at night;
  • aloe juice lotions;
  • to prepare propolis ointment you will need 10 grams of this product and a quarter liter of olive oil. The mixture is placed in the oven for 40 minutes and heated at a temperature of 150 degrees;
  • lotion from medicinal speedwell. The proportion for preparing the infusion is classic - take a glass of boiling water per tablespoon of herb. Wash the affected skin areas with the cooled infusion;
  • ointment made from Vaseline and cranberry juice;
  • to wipe the skin and compresses, you can use a decoction of oak bark;
  • lotions from the following solution: 50 ml of celery juice, 50 ml of apple cider vinegar and a pinch of salt.

Folk remedies in the photo

Raw potatoes Aloe juice lotions relieve inflammation Medicinal Veronica Cranberry juice Oak bark decoction Celery juice

Application of any of transferred funds It is better to start if the child is already 2 years old. At the same time, regardless of the baby’s age, make a decision about using folk recipes It is necessary only after consulting a doctor on this matter.

Decoctions and infusions for atopic dermatitis in children

Besides external influence to solve the problem, you can also resort to means for internal use:

  • Celery root juice, in addition to being used as an ointment ingredient, can also be taken orally. It is given to the child during periods of exacerbation, one teaspoon (if the age is under 6 years) and two teaspoons (if the age is over 6);
  • tea from blackcurrant shoots;
  • crushed basil leaves in a volume of two teaspoons are poured with half a liter of boiling water. The composition is infused for three hours, then filtered. Dosage regimen: 100 ml 3 times a day, preferably half an hour before meals;

Often, mothers of infants notice the appearance on the cheeks of their children. various rashes, which later transform into crusts and peeling. The healing process of the skin takes a very long time and is not always treatable. Let's find out the reasons for this unpleasant disease and ways to combat it.

Briefly about the disease

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic relapsing disease with an allergic etiology. It begins almost from birth and during its improper treatment can accompany a person throughout his life. The rash first appears on the cheeks, but with age it can spread to almost all parts of the body. They are accompanied by itching and spoil the appearance. Another disease is called diathesis and can be transmitted genetically to a child from parents. The cause of rashes is the increased sensitivity of immune cells. They react to any irritant and cause an allergic reaction. Substances in food can cause diseases. Eating foods containing allergens during pregnancy can cause illness in the fetus. It is believed that even severe toxicosis, as well as taking antibiotics during pregnancy, can increase the likelihood of atopic dermatitis in a child.

But still, if you are faced with this disease, do not panic. At the right approach the situation is fixable. You need to be patient and fight hard for results. The main principle in the treatment of atopic dermatitis in children is compliance with hypoallergenic diet, skin care and medication. For mild manifestations of the disease, use medicines You can try replacing it with folk remedies. They have been tested for many years. The only exception may be individual sensitivity child's body to some of them.


To combat atopic dermatitis in children, it is better to use a set of procedures at once. In this way, you can more effectively help the body strengthen and restore. Diathesis therapy includes rubbing with lotions, applying compresses and ointments, and ingesting decoctions of medicinal herbs, as well as taking baths.

For atopic dermatitis, the affected skin of a child can be wiped with the following means:

  • 1 tbsp. Veronica officinalis herbs are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and infused in a thermos for at least 2 hours. Then the infusion is filtered and used several times a day for wiping.
  • Can be divorced table vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:10 and lubricate the skin with it.
  • The following collection is no less effective: 1 cup of hay dust is poured with 1.5 cups of boiling water. After infusion for 2 hours, the solution is filtered. Then dry chamomile flowers are mixed with fireweed herb and 1 tbsp is taken from the resulting volume. dry mixture. Pour 1 liter of water into it, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for at least 5 minutes, after which 1 tbsp is added. butter and a decoction of hay dust in the resulting volume. Boil the broth until a viscous puree-like mass is formed, which, after cooling, is filtered and mixed with glycerin in a 1:1 ratio. The ointment is ready for use. Rashes and dry skin are lubricated 3-4 times a day for a month. Then they take a break for a week, after which the procedures can be repeated. Medicine must be stored in the refrigerator.
  • 1 tbsp. dry chamomile flowers, pour 100 ml of linseed oil and boil over low heat for 5 minutes. After cooling, strain the oil broth; you can use it to wipe the lesions on the skin every 3-4 hours. Do not forget that the product leaves greasy stains on clothes.
  • For atopic dermatitis in children, baths are considered effective. They improve the condition of the skin and at the same time enrich the body useful microelements and vitamins. Below we present to your attention several effective recipes:

    • 150-200 g pine needles pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for at least half an hour over low heat. After cooling, the broth is filtered and poured into the bath.
    • To soften dry skin, you can use Cleopatra's bath. 100 ml of olive oil is added to 1 liter of milk and mixed using a mixer. The solution is poured into a bath filled with water and taken for at least 15 minutes.
    • Chamomile and chamomile baths are useful for various skin diseases in children. Typically, herbs are not used together, but alternated. 50 g of dried chamomile flowers or string are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left to cool. After which the infusion is filtered and added to the bath. It is necessary to take no more than 1 liter of product into the baby bath so that the color of the water in the bath is not too dark to prevent the skin from drying out.
    • For eczema and diathesis in children, the following bath was effective. For it you will need 250 g of oak bark, 1 cup oatmeal and 1.5 liters of water. Oak bark pour water and boil for at least 10 minutes. The broth is filtered, flour is added, mixed well and the resulting mixture is poured into the bath. The procedure can be carried out 2 times a week, and you need to stay in such a bath for at least half an hour.
    • WITH one year old can be given to children the following decoctions herbs for atopic dermatitis:

      • Mix borage herb with jasmine herb in equal parts. 1 tbsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture and leave in a thermos. Then strain the solution and give 50 ml to children 30 minutes before meals.
      • 2 tbsp. dry basil, pour 500 ml of boiling water, cover, wrap and leave for at least 2-3 hours. The strained infusion can be taken a quarter glass half an hour before meals for a month. Then you can take a break for a couple of weeks and then resume the course.
      • 1 tbsp. dry crushed eyebright, pour 2 cups of boiling water, cover, insulate and leave for 2 hours. Children should drink the strained infusion, 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.
      • Pour boiling water over young currant shoots and simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes. The cooled and strained decoction can be given to your baby instead of tea.

      Use folk remedies for atopic dermatitis rationally to achieve better results. And may your children be healthy!

Atopic dermatitis in children can be treated using traditional medicine and folk remedies. When choosing the second option, you will definitely need to consult a specialist. Most often, therapy for the disease is A complex approach, therefore, the specialist includes both traditional and traditional methods, and also following a diet. Despite the proven effectiveness of folk remedies over the years, they are not always safe. Sometimes herbs lead to the development of allergies in children.

Therapy for children under one year old

Certain difficulties arise in the question of how to treat atopic dermatitis in patients under one year of age. Use folk remedies in in this case is strictly prohibited, despite the fact that there are a large number of them. Therapy should only be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist. First of all, you need to adjust the baby's nutrition.

The most the best option is an elimination diet. Its essence is to completely abandon products that contain allergens. These include:

  • chicken eggs,
  • nuts,
  • cow's milk,
  • fish.

It is necessary to exclude them from the diet not only from the baby’s complementary feeding, but also from the mother who is breastfeeding.

To cure childhood dermatitis, the doctor will prescribe certain medications. Most often this hormonal ointments, the basis of which is glucocorticosteroids. They are prescribed in combination with emollient drugs, the action of which is aimed at relieving the symptoms of the disease and making the baby feel better. Even in the remission stage, parents should always have a moisturizer in their medicine cabinet, because the skin with atopic dermatitis is very dry.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis in infants also requires constant maintenance therapy. For these purposes, doctors prescribe immunomodulatory drugs. If there is an exacerbation of atopic dermatitis in a child, then it is imperative to include antihistamines in the treatment regimen.

A pediatrician and a dermatologist draw up a comprehensive treatment program for the disease. When especially severe cases Dermatitis therapy is carried out by immunologists and allergists.

Folk recipes

If the patient suffering from atopic dermatitis is more than 3 years old, then you can use alternative therapy. Often folk remedies for atopic dermatitis become a real “lifesaver”. Before using them, consult an experienced doctor.

St. John's wort

You can prepare an effective remedy for childhood atopic dermatitis if you take a deep container and put 30 ml there fresh juice St. John's wort and 80 ml butter. Before this, you need to melt the butter in a water bath, and only then add the remaining component. Pour the resulting product into a glass container and store in the refrigerator.

Use the resulting ointment to treat areas affected by dermatitis 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is not limited. Continue treatment until the skin condition improves. St. John's wort is excellent remedy, which has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. There are no contraindications to its use. The only limitation will be an allergy to this product.

Ointment with glycerin

When atopic dermatitis leads to severe inflammation and peeling of the skin, it is necessary to use moisturizers. To prepare the ointment you need to take 20 ml fresh milk, 20 ml rice starch and 20 ml glycerin. Mix all ingredients thoroughly to obtain a mixture of homogeneous consistency.

Apply the prepared ointment to treat affected areas. Apply a thin layer and leave overnight. If atopic dermatitis affects the elbows and knees, then lotions can be made. For these purposes, apply ointment and place a gauze napkin and plastic film on top. Use a bandage to secure the compress. In the morning, remove the ointment with warm water.

Potato juice

Potato juice is a great opportunity to get rid of childhood dermatitis very quickly. To prepare the product, you need to thoroughly wash the tuber, remove the skin and grate it. Place the pulp in gauze and apply to the affected areas of the skin. The duration of the procedure will be 2 hours. Then wash the skin warm water and treat with any fatty cream.

Healing lotion

This lotion can be prepared by taking 30 g of medicinal speedwell and 200 ml of boiling water. Place the raw materials in a bowl and pour. Cover and leave for about 2-3 hours. Filter and then treat affected areas skin 5 times during the day. The prepared product does not have side effects, can be used to treat children for a long time.

Kalanchoe and linden honey

If parents are absolutely sure that their baby does not have an allergic reaction to bee products, then they can eliminate the unpleasant itching using the following effective remedy. To do this, combine equal amounts of honey and Kalanchoe juice. Place everything in a glass container and then in the refrigerator. Leave there for about a week. Use the prepared ointment to treat affected areas daily.

Antipruritic ointment

Another option for antipruritic ointment is the one that requires the following ingredients: chamomile, hay dust decoction, fireweed water, glycerin and butter. First, pour boiling water over the herbs and cook for about 5 minutes. After adding the oil, cook again to obtain a mass of homogeneous consistency. Add glycerin in a 1:1 ratio. The prepared product should be stored in the refrigerator. Use to treat affected areas. Perform the procedure 4 times a day. Thanks to this ointment, you can save your child from this unpleasant itching. The duration of therapy is 30 days. Then take a break for a week and take the course again.

Pear lotions

Eliminate unpleasant symptoms dermatitis, and the leaves of the pear tree help restore the skin. To do this, they need to be collected, dried and crushed. Take 200 g of them and pour a glass of boiling water. Install on water bath for 5 minutes. Then leave to infuse overnight. The next day, take gauze folded in several layers, dip it in the resulting solution and apply it to the areas affected by dermatitis. Keep there for about 40-45 minutes. Apply lotions about 2-3 times throughout the day.

Celery root juice

Take an unenamelled container and pour 50 g of fresh celery juice into it, add apple cider vinegar, and another 2 g of salt. The resulting solution is used for lotions, which are very effective in removing inflammatory process and unpleasant symptoms of dermatitis. Apply gauze soaked in the solution to the affected areas. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes, and it is done every 2 hours.

Taking celery juice internally is very effective. To do this, you need to grind it on a grater and squeeze out the juice using a gauze cloth. The baby must take it during exacerbation of atopic dermatitis. The dosage of the product depends on the age of the patient: children from 3 to 6 years old take 20 ml of juice, and for older children the dosage is increased to 40 ml.

You need to drink the medicine 15 minutes before meals, 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is 7 days. It is not recommended to interrupt treatment even if the patient's condition has improved before the specified time.

Fresh juices

For those who do not know how to treat atopic dermatitis in children, it is worth using juices obtained from medicinal plants. For example, you can use cranberries. Its action is aimed at healing all skin lesions, therefore, it is also effective in the treatment of dermatitis. For getting effective ointment you need to combine 50 g of cranberry juice, 200 g of petroleum jelly. After thoroughly stirring, apply the ointment to the affected areas of the skin. This will need to be done every 2 hours. There is no duration of treatment, as the procedure must be performed until the condition completely improves.

Blackcurrant tea

Atopic dermatitis in children cannot be treated with folk remedies without the use of blackcurrant. It is especially effective if an exacerbation of the disease occurs in the child right in the spring. You need to cut off the young shoots of the plant, chop them and place them in a thermos. Add 1 liter of boiling water and leave for about 2 hours. Filter the infusion and then use it as tea leaves little patient. There is no specific dosage of tea; a child can take it in any quantity.

Linseed oil

When a baby has dry skin, such an effective remedy as linseed oil. To prepare an effective remedy, you need to take 30 g of chamomile inflorescences, add 100 ml of oil, which can be bought at any pharmacy. Place in a water bath, bring to a boil, and then filter the broth onto a gauze cloth.

Use the resulting product to treat affected areas of the skin. You need to do this every 2-3 hours. It should be remembered that linseed oil can leave marks on clothes that are very difficult to remove.

Sage decoction

This remedy is no less effective in eliminating atopic dermatitis in children than those presented above. This product can be used for severe peeling and inflammation of the skin. To prepare it, you need to take an enamel container, add 40 g of crushed sage leaves there, and add 1 liter of boiling water. Place in a water bath and boil for 30 minutes.

Wrap the container in a thick terry towel and wait for the broth to infuse, about 2 hours. Filter the broth onto cheesecloth into a glass container. The baby should take the resulting decoction 30 ml every 4 hours. The total duration of therapy is 21 days.

In addition, sage can be used not only as a decoction that you can drink, but also as a lotion. To do this, prepare several gauze napkins, moisten them in the solution and apply to the damaged areas. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour. It is best to perform it before going to bed. The course of therapy is 2 weeks.

Chamomile infusion

When the disease goes into remission, it is very useful to treat the skin with infusion pharmaceutical chamomile. To prepare it, you need to take a thermos, send 60 g of raw materials there, and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse the product for about 3 hours. After each bathing of the baby, you need to treat the skin with the resulting product. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Thanks to it, it is possible to reduce the risk of exacerbation of atopic dermatitis several times.


Pumpkin allows you to successfully overcome atopic dermatitis in a child. Form tampons from its pulp. If you can’t make them, you can use soft cotton balls soaked in pumpkin juice. Apply tampons to the affected areas 2 times a day for 15 minutes. You can get maximum results if you alternately use lotions from pumpkin juice and potato juice.

Propolis oil

This product is recommended for use in case of complications of the disease when an infectious process occurs. To obtain the product, finely chop the propolis and combine it in a ratio of 1:4 with vegetable oil. Place the mixture in the oven for 45 minutes on low. temperature regime. Remove oil from the resulting mixture. This should be done very carefully so as not to remove any remaining wax. Use the resulting product to treat affected areas 2 times a day.

Birch buds

Treatment of dermatitis on the face of a child can be done using fresh birch buds. In this case, it is preferable to collect them yourself. Place 100 g of raw materials into a thermos and pour boiling water over it. Close the thermos and leave for about 6 hours. Filter the resulting decoction and add during administration. water procedures. In this case, decoctions of nettle, yarrow and burdock are no less effective.

Ointment made from glycerin, milk, rice starch

Take all ingredients in equal quantities. After mixing them, you should get a homogeneous mass with a consistency reminiscent of sour cream. The resulting product should be used as an ointment, which should be applied to the affected areas of the child’s skin at night. If dermatitis affects the skin in the folds, it is better to use compresses.

Kalanchoe and honey

You can eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease using a product based on Kalanchoe and honey. But such treatment can only be used if there is no allergy to bee products. Combine the ingredients in an amount of 1: 4. The ointment can be stored for no longer than a week. Use only if there is itching.


To prepare a decoction from the string, you need to use 30 g of raw materials and ½ cup of boiling water. Stir until a dark brown infusion forms. Moisten a gauze pad and apply it to the affected area as a wet-dry dressing. Perform these actions 3-4 times a day. You can notice a positive effect after just a week active use facilities.

Geranium oil

Pre-grind the leaves and flowers of geranium, take them in an amount of 50 g and place them in a glass container. Add 200 ml there vegetable oil, only refined. Wait until the composition is infused - 5 days. Strain the infusion and pour into a dark glass container. Use to treat affected skin areas. Do this 2 times a day. You can store the product in the refrigerator in a container with a tightly closed lid.


You can cure childhood dermatitis with the help of a product such as hops. To do this, you should use the following recipes:

  1. Pour 20g of string, 20g of finely chopped hop cones and 150ml of boiling water. After connecting the presented components, you need to leave them for an hour. Before going to bed, the child should drink the infusion. This remedy can also be used to treat affected skin. To do this, moisten gauze bandage in solution and apply to skin. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.
  2. For cooking next remedy you need to take light green hop cones. Grind them, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:4. Infuse the product for about 30 minutes, and then take 50 ml before each meal.

Tar soap

IN pure form This product can be used as applications, compresses or rubbing massages. As an auxiliary product, it is used to enrich cosmetic products for the care of affected skin. The popularity of tar soap in the treatment of childhood dermatitis is due to the fact that it is a very effective and inexpensive product. In addition, it is possible to prepare it at home.

To do this, you need to combine 100 g of finely chopped baby soap, 40 ml base oil and 40 g of tar. After this, add 100 ml of water. The product must be used to treat the skin once a day. But you need to remember that tar soap very often leads to the development of allergies. To avoid such a complication, you need to perform allergy tests in advance by treating the skin of the inner surface of the elbow. If there is no redness or itching, then you can safely use this product to treat the disease in question.


This remedy is one of the most effective. There are many ways to apply it to affected skin. It should be understood that celandine should not have an irritating effect. Otherwise, this will lead to complications, because celandine itself is quite active component. Therefore, there is no need to use bandages. This product is perfectly absorbed even with normal short-term application. Its excess simply will not be absorbed, forming a protective layer against the penetration of microbes.

Purity juice must be used in diluted form. To do this, you should grind it and then squeeze out the juice. Connect with boiled water in a ratio of 1:2. It is possible to obtain the maximum effect from the therapy provided that short-term applications on gauze swabs are used. When the activity of dermatitis decreases, you can add honey to the composition, but alcohol solutions Use is contraindicated for dermatitis.

You can learn more about how atopic dermatitis forms and how to treat it from the video:


You can get this remedy for the treatment of dermatitis by mixing 5 fresh leaves plantain with 1/3 glass of white wine. First, grind the fox through a meat grinder, and only then add wine to the resulting pulp. The presented product should be used to treat inflamed areas of the skin. This needs to be done 2 times a day. Treatment should be carried out for at least 2 weeks. In order for the product to retain its positive traits, it must be stored in the refrigerator.

Jojoba oil

This product will be an excellent assistant in the fight against childhood dermatitis. Use it for external use. Characteristic feature The oil remains quickly absorbed, which is achieved due to the small size of the molecules and similarity in composition to human sebum. When applied, jojoba oil improves the lipid barrier of the skin and provides powerful hydration. It is very useful to use it when severe irritation skin, the presence of ulcers and cracks. It can be applied in its pure form to the affected areas 2 times a day. Perform these actions until the symptoms disappear completely.

Borage oil

This product contains high concentration fatty acids omega-6, of which linolenic acid is especially valued. These fatty components are similar in structure to sebum. I use borage oil to maintain the integrity of the skin barrier. At childhood dermatitis it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas of the body with a mixture of borage and olive oils, combined in a 1:1 ratio. In addition, borage oil is now actively used in the development of effective drugs from atopic dermatitis. This product also effectively eliminates itching and irritation. The duration of treatment is not limited, so the skin must be treated until complete healing.

Dandelion decoction

It turns out that dandelions can be used not only to create tasty and healthy jam. All the vitamins and other beneficial components of this plant help cope with atopic dermatitis. To do this, you need to prepare the following decoction: pour 20 g of raw material into 400 ml of hot water. Take ½ cup orally 4 times a day. Duration of therapy – 7 days.


It’s easy to prepare this healing mixture by taking 200 g of finely chopped aloe leaves, pouring 150 ml of castor oil and 50 ml of red wine. Leave the resulting slurry for about 12 hours. Make sure that the room temperature is no higher than 6 degrees Celsius. Then take gauze, put the resulting mixture in it, wrap it and apply it to the affected areas of the skin. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. The course of therapy will last exactly 3 weeks.

Remedies to boost immunity

Atopic dermatitis is a disease that leads to a weakening of the child’s immune system. This makes the body more vulnerable to infection. Children with this diagnosis are very often exposed to allergic reaction, viral and colds. According to statistics, even those children who have successfully treated dermatitis often suffer from allergic rhinitis or asthma. To avoid such complications, it is necessary to direct all efforts to boost immunity. For this, traditional medicine offers several proven options:

  1. A decoction of oregano and valerian root. Combine the presented components in equal proportions. For 20 g of the mixture there is a glass of boiling water. Brew the medicine in a thermos and leave for about 40 minutes. Drink ½ glass in the morning.
  2. Infusion of parsley and oats. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over 100 oats and 30 g parsley. Let the product sit in a thermos for about 10 hours. Drink the infusion between meals.
  3. Golden root powder. Add finely chopped golden root to tea once a day. Use it in small quantities, literally on the tip of a knife.

  1. Answer

    My child was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis at age 7. We had a lot of trouble with him the whole time. At first the doctor prescribed us strict diet, taking pills and hormonal ointments. But it was not possible to obtain the desired result, since the action of all these remedies was aimed simply at eliminating the symptoms. But the use of hormonal ointment is a completely separate matter. If used incorrectly, it will only do more harm than good. It turns out that it needs to be applied only when the skin is treated with any baby cream. Then I started visiting forums on the Internet and found out that celandine cures atopic dermatitis. I used its juice for compresses for my child; of course, I also did not stop the treatment prescribed by the doctor. In general, we managed to get rid of the pathology after 2 months, when we started using celandine

    Marina, 34 years old
  2. Answer

    My daughter has been plagued by atopic dermatitis since she was 2 years old. At first I thought it was just irritation with fruits, since he simply eats them in unlimited quantities. But then the doctor diagnosed us with dermatitis. We were prescribed a diet and treatment regimen. But the effect never came. It turns out that this disease often occurs as a complication after an acute respiratory viral infection, so the treatment was immediately revised. The doctor also advised me to supplement the therapy regimen with a remedy such as potato juice. I made lotions from this product 2 times a day. This went on for a month. Then they took a break for 2 weeks and repeated again. I don’t know what exactly influenced the recovery process - potatoes or a change in treatment, but positive dynamics were visible. The itching began to go away, the skin dried out and the affected area decreased. In general, after 8 months of hard struggle we managed to defeat the disease

  3. Answer

    My grandson has had atopic dermatitis since birth. And they went on a diet and took medications, but the skin remains scaly, and sometimes blemishes pop up. Now he is already 2 years old. Up to 1.5 years they sat on buckwheat and water. At the hospital, the symptoms will be relieved, but when we get home, everything comes back again. One doctor told us that there was nothing to worry about, the child would outgrow it and the disease would subside. But I decided to supplement the treatment with this popular composition, like Kalanchoe and honey. I heard about the effectiveness of this ointment a long time ago, but I never had to use it. And then I found it in my recipes and decided to make it. I would like to note that it should be used very carefully, only after you are convinced that your baby is not allergic to honey. Skin treatment was done 2 times a day. After just 2 weeks we began to notice positive results, but we are still continuing treatment.

  4. Answer

    My child was diagnosed with hereditary dermatitis when he was still 5 months old. At first I actively bathed him in the mixture, but the effect never came. The child was naughty all the time due to the weeping wounds and itching. I found one on the Internet interesting recipe and decided to use it. I needed to fill the bird cherry branches hot water. Then place the container on the fire and boil for 30 minutes. I used the resulting decoction while bathing the baby. This product not only relieves inflammation from the skin, but also soothes it. After several such baths, the wounds began to dry out, the itching decreased, as the child began to touch the affected areas less. After 3 months of these active actions we managed to defeat the disease

    Angelina V.
  5. Answer

    At the age of 1, my daughter developed atopic dermatitis as a reaction to strawberries. The doctor told us that the body is not yet ready for it, and that we shouldn’t give this berry for a couple of years, but after three we can try it. For treatment, I recommended baths with a decoction of celandine. It relieves itching well and soothes the skin, and then lubricate it with celandine cream. In two weeks, my daughter’s skin completely peeled off. Well, accordingly, strawberries are completely excluded from the diet. And then we'll see how it goes.

  6. Answer

    My son is already 2 years old. It’s been a year and a half since I was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis. Doctors say that it will outgrow and during exacerbations they recommend antihistamine tablets and ointments, but somehow I don’t want to early age We stuff the child with medications, so we can easily cope with the manifestations of dermatitis. If a rash and itching appears, then I bathe the child in a decoction of sage and chamomile. A glass of steep broth for a baby's bath of water. No shampoo, soap or gels. Only herbs. After the bath, I gently blot my skin to remove moisture and use a soft cloth to wipe the areas with the rash with linseed oil. In just a week everything goes away.

  7. Answer

    Oh, I came across an amazing remedy completely by accident. Atopic dermatitis developed in a 3-year-old child. The doctor prescribed hormonal ointment, but I was somehow afraid. And then I defrosted it for the pie chokeberry, aka chokeberry. The daughter dragged and dragged the berry and devoured half the bowl. And in the morning I discovered that the rash was less. And at night she slept more peacefully, but it was hard for her to sleep from the itching. The next day I gave her another plate of berries. And so I ate 200 grams of berries for a week and my skin became clear. All the rash, peeling and redness are gone. Later I found that chokeberry also helps well against dermatitis.

  8. Answer

    My son is 4 years old, atopic since he was two years old. During periods of exacerbation, I give him baths with celandine. At night I smear my skin with a mixture of aloe juice and jojoba oil. We usually get it done in a week. And, of course, a strict diet. No allergen-containing products, although it has not been determined which product causes the dermatitis. We were told that before the age of six, tests for allergens are not indicative. So for now we are saved this way.

  9. Answer

    My daughter is 5 years old and has had atopic dermatitis since she was two years old. Exacerbations occur a couple of times a year, and we treat them simply: a bath with a decoction of celandine every evening, and then sesame oil lubricate. Redness and peeling go away in literally five to seven days. Celandine heals well, and the oil relieves itching and softens the skin. We have been using these products for three years and they have never let us down.

  10. Answer

    My son has been atopic since birth. Due to my health condition after a difficult birth, I was unable to breastfeed while I was in intensive care, then in the hospital, in general, my son was already put on formula; the child should not starve. Well, after discharge, we’ll fix it breast-feeding It didn’t work, and he developed atopic dermatitis for almost the entire mixture. It took a long time to select, but we found the right one. The next stage, complementary feeding, was also painful. There were spills on many of the canned purees, but we managed to cope with that too. And at the age of 1 he began to gradually move to our table, without any real spices. But when I started eating homemade soups and vegetables, especially from my garden, I stopped pouring. The only thing was that they bought meat and poultry from farmers, since they bought it from stores, and he also reacted. In general, we adapted. Now sometimes the reaction is only to red berries, but we are limiting it for now, there is hope that it will outgrow with age. The rash was treated with aloe juice, after bathing in a series, they wiped the skin with a cut aloe leaf. This method will relieve itching and irritation well.

  11. Answer

    How do you make a mixture of aloe and oil? The child also has atopic dermatitis, he is 2 years old, simple antihistamine ointments They don't help much. At first I relieve the itching and rash, but literally after a few days everything comes back. Doctors recommend hormonal ointments, but I wouldn’t like it. I want to try traditional methods first. If they don’t help, then you’ll have to switch to hormonal ones.

  12. Answer

    Try giving your child something to drink chamomile tea, it's natural antihistamine. If you are not allergic to ragweed or flowering, then it helps very well. I have been singing to them since I was 1 year old. Helps great. I also use aloe. But I don’t use a tincture, I just remove the skin from the leaf and wipe the areas with the rash. By the way, I also add chamomile when bathing. Two glasses of decoction for a bath of water and the child splashes in it for 20 minutes.

  13. Answer

    And when my daughter’s dermatitis gets worse, she’s 2 years old, I wash her with tar soap. The rash goes away in three to four days. In general, I try to ensure that my daughter does not eat anything forbidden. In principle, it’s okay at home, since there are no allergens that a child shouldn’t be exposed to, but it’s like staying with grandma... Although don’t bring it at all. Constantly, he will secretly give you candy, or a chocolate bar. And the child is immediately spotted. I’m already thinking, maybe there is some kind of remedy that a child can safely drink beforehand. extreme cases?

  14. Answer

    If in advance, then try giving enterosgel. I’m also tired of fighting with my grandmothers, before going to visit, I give her a couple of teaspoons with juice. And there is no rash. Also if he goes to his girlfriends for a birthday. You never know what she might eat there, although her friends’ parents know that her daughter is atopic, but it’s not always possible to keep track. The child is 5 years old and may eat a forbidden berry or fruit out of harm’s way. And before, before I found out about this remedy, I gave her a decoction of dandelion.


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