A lump on the jaw near the chin under the skin. Poor personal hygiene. What is a lymph node

A lump under the chin appears unexpectedly. Compaction occurs in people of different ages and gender. Patients immediately panic, not understanding what it could be. Some people think of cancer as a terminal illness.

But don't worry too much. Most often, a tumor under the chin is benign and can be easily treated.

If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, you can avoid unpleasant consequences, and recovery will come faster.

Causes of seals

The ball under the chin represents purulent pimple, which developed in the thickness of the skin. The seal sticks out, so it feels like there is a seal. A pimple forms in a pustule or capsule. It appears due to the fact that pathogens (bacteria or viruses) have entered the body.

The main reasons include the following:

  • Inflammation of the hair follicle - or folliculitis. It occurs in men, since the fair half of humanity has practically no hair on the chin. Among women, the disease occurs during the period of hormonal changes with age. As a result of changes in the body, hairs no longer receive enough nutrients. As a result, inflammation is diagnosed in the follicle, which leads to the formation of balls in the chin area. Pus and ichor accumulate inside the hair follicle. A pustule is formed, which is clearly felt upon palpation.
  • Atheroma is a cyst sebaceous gland. Formed as a result of blockage of the sebaceous duct. The secret accumulates because there is nowhere for it to come out. As a result, a small one is formed in the subcutaneous layer. The lump on the chin under the skin can burst on its own and its contents will leak out. But the atheroma does not go away completely until the surgeon cuts out the capsule. Even if the ball breaks, then the sebaceous gland will begin to accumulate in the capsule again. At favorable conditions atheroma will appear again.
  • Abscess – if germs get under the skin of the chin, an abscess or abscess may develop. In this case, the seal hurts when pressed and in a calm state, and has a red and inflamed appearance. Usually develops due to Staphylococcus aureus. Often, compaction develops as a complication after previous sore throat. It opens on its own after it ripens.
  • Lipoma is benign neoplasm as well as . The cone is soft and mobile. It can be big or small. Wen occurs due to the accumulation of a large number of fat main reason– lipid metabolism disorder. Lipomas are not delivered discomfort, they do not hurt or itch. But sometimes inflammatory processes are possible.
  • Lymphadenitis is inflammation of the lymph nodes and... A lump under the skin on the chin occurs as a result of infectious processes in the body. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, surgical intervention will not be necessary. The doctor will prescribe antibacterial and other groups of drugs, after which the ball will quickly go away.
  • Furuncle - in this case in hair follicle microbes get in. They cause inflammation, and pus collects inside the follicle. A boil is painful and red big pimple. On palpation, a clear and mobile capsule is felt. You can see a rod in the center. A boil can appear anywhere there is hairline. A lump under the chin in the middle or on the side causes severe discomfort. With severe suppuration, the body temperature may rise. The boils are cut out in the hospital, in the center, an incision is made through the rod with a scalpel, the contents are washed out, and the wound is sutured.
  • Cancers - in in rare cases a malignant tumor grows. It can be located under the cheekbone or in the center. The cancer grows quickly and may bleed. Causes a feeling of weakness and fatigue. Additionally, the patient has inflammation The lymph nodes, body temperature rises, symptoms of intoxication of the body are observed.

Consider different types You can see the disease in a photo on the Internet. But you should focus on them after the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis.

When it comes to children

If parents notice a lump in their child or, then they should immediately consult a doctor. Most often in children, lymph nodes become inflamed; a lump on the left or right is just a lymph node.

Sometimes the balls are the body’s reaction to recently past illnesses, for example: sore throat or tonsillitis. It is possible to diagnose a skin cyst - a benign formation.

General symptoms

Each disease has its own characteristics clinical manifestations, but there are a number of common factors.

Among them:

  • The appearance of a lump in the chin area or. The lump may appear in the center or on the side, near the jaw.
  • Sensations during palpation - the ball can be soft or hard. It can be mobile or immobile. Moreover, if the ball is hard and painless, then the risk of cancer is high.
  • Discomfortable sensations - some bumps are very painful or itchy, causing severe torment, while others are painless and bring only psychological discomfort.

Also, large bumps can interfere with swallowing and even cause pain when moving your head. If the ball grows quickly, then it is necessary ambulance doctor, as the tumor may affect the larynx.


When lumps appear under the chin, not everyone knows which doctor to see. In this case, you need to see a surgeon. Usually the ball on the chin is opened promptly and cleared of contents.

But other treatment options are also possible:

  • Drug therapy - doctors prescribe the use of antibiotics based on what bacteria are causing the disease (staphylococci or streptococci). Additionally, local treatment of the lump (for example: iodine) may be prescribed.
  • Physiotherapy - usually patients are prescribed heating of the diseased area or electrophoresis (exposure to electric shocks).
  • Operation - universal method treatment allows you to get rid of the tumor forever. The risk of relapse is practically reduced to zero. Solid or soft ball on the chin is excised. The intervention is carried out under local anesthesia. Purulent or serous contents are cleaned out. The edges of the wound are sutured. This method is considered the most effective. The only drawback is that the wound takes two or three weeks to heal. All this time the patient wears stitches. The healthy part of the epithelium is also injured.
  • If we are talking about a cancerous tumor, then the lump is completely cut out under general anesthesia. The patient is undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy. If detected at an early stage (first or second), the risk is high full recovery. On late stages the disease is almost never cured.


Sometimes people notice that they have a subcutaneous pimple and a bump on their chin. Most people begin to panic, because the lump can hurt, interfere with swallowing, and cause psychological discomfort.

After this, treatment will be prescribed. Often the doctor cuts out the lump, and the patient takes a course of antibiotics and vitamins.

Sad conclusions and thinking that the lump is nothing more than... Cancerous tumors develop over a period of time. And if the lump appeared literally overnight, it could be lymphadenitis. In addition to the bump, this disease is characterized by the following symptoms: deterioration general well-being, an increase in temperature to subfebrile. Sometimes the temperature immediately becomes quite high if infection amazed Airways, sinuses.

An equally common reason for the appearance of a lump under the chin is the formation of a lipoma, which in the form of a lump has an elastic, soft, mobile formation. As lipomas grow, they may become compressed nerve endings, which leads to painful sensations.

And finally, the most common reason for the appearance of a lump under the chin is the formation of an internal chin. The sebaceous gland duct becomes clogged and begins to develop under the skin. painful lump.

Who to contact if you have a lump under your chin

If under the chin, consult a therapist, dentist, surgeon, hematologist and endocrinologist. If you have lymphadenitis, you will be prescribed drug treatment aimed at eliminating foci of infection. In a few days, there will be no trace left of the lump under the chin caused by lymphadenitis.

Lipoma is removed surgically or using a laser. Often patients do not see a doctor long time, since the lipoma does not bother you and brings only some inconvenience of an aesthetic nature. It is worth noting that if you have an elastic, mobile tumor under the chin, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Firstly, a small one can be removed without negative consequences. Secondly, in the presence of small lipomas, a laser is used, which allows removal without incisions.

An internal pimple can heal on its own. But if the skin and swelling appears around, you should rush to the doctor. Modern methods anti-acne treatments are quite effective and can prevent the appearance of new acne.

An experienced doctor will even be able to visually distinguish lymphadenitis from internal pimple or lipomas. And if you have a lump under your chin, you should not press it or apply compresses. First, visit a doctor to find out the cause. And only then start treatment.

Every woman is obliged to monitor her health. This also means that you need to sound the alarm if questionable symptoms appear and consult a doctor in case of any health problems. One of such bright, spontaneous and alarming symptoms The thing that scares many women is a lump under the chin. Diagnosing its origin on your own is difficult, so you shouldn’t delay going to the hospital.

Thanks to estet-portal. com, You will learn what can trigger the formation of a lump under the chin, and which doctor to seek help to treat it.

What is a lump, what are the causes of its occurrence?

The main reason why many women pay attention to the appearance of a lump under the chin is an aesthetic defect. Resembling a subcutaneous pimple in appearance, it does not cause painful sensations, but at the same time irritates with its presence, somewhat distorting appearance and depriving of attractiveness.

However, in fact, the appearance of a lump is not as terrible as its consequences, because the chin is the place where the lymph nodes are concentrated, and the appearance of any formations in this area indicates that there has been a failure in the functioning of the entire lymphatic system and measures must be taken to eliminate it.

There is another reason why a lump may appear - it gets into the lymph node pathogenic bacteria, which also requires immediate intervention from doctors.

Which specialist should I contact for help to diagnose a lump under the chin?

As soon as you have a lump under your chin, do not wait for a miracle, hoping that it will disappear as suddenly as it appeared. Seek help from the hospital immediately! Only qualified and experienced specialists will be able to correctly perform an examination and make a diagnosis.

To begin with, you will have to visit a therapist's office, after which you will be given a referral to specialists of a narrower specialization - an endocrinologist, dentist, surgeon and hematologist. Remember that delay in visiting a doctor is fraught with large-scale consequences in the form of serious complications.

Lymphadenitis is the most common cause of a lump under the chin

Lymph node involvement, which occurs during malfunctions immune system, known as lymphadenitis, can cause a lump to appear under the chin. As a rule, in such a case, the location of the lump is on the right or left under the lower jaw.

You should be wary of its appearance, especially if the occurrence of compaction is accompanied by:

Increase in temperature;

Pain in the throat;

Soreness of the compaction itself;

Redness of the skin near the hardened lymph node;

Deterioration general condition, weakness.

In this case, you should immediately contact a doctor who can determine correct course treatment, following which, in a short period of time you will be able to defeat the disease and cope with its consequences. Treatment involves the use of antibacterial therapy, as well as a number of detoxification actions.

Treatment of lymphadenitis usually lasts a week (provided that the patient strictly follows the doctor’s recommendations) and in addition drug therapy, implies the use vitamin complexes that can strengthen the immune system.

Lipoma is a disease that requires surgery

Risk group for this disease- women over 40 years old. Given benign education does not cause unpleasant sensations, nevertheless, it is worth getting rid of it as quickly as possible, for the simple reason that initial stage This can be done using a laser, but in advanced cases, without surgical intervention not enough.

There are times when lipoma is very small, and it does not affect the functioning of organs, then you can get by with “ little blood"and defeat it with the help of drug therapy.

Internal pimple is a cosmetic defect that needs observation

A neoplasm that causes panic among women is no less common than the previous two reasons for the appearance of a lump under the chin. Often its appearance is associated with problems in the gastrointestinal tract. The pimple itself is harmless, but if you find redness and swelling around it, you should still visit the hospital and get examined.

Internal pimple Under no circumstances should you apply pressure or heat; it is better if you do not touch it with your hands before visiting a doctor. Otherwise, you can introduce an infection and provoke the formation of new rashes in other places.

Internal acne can often be detected only by touch. In most cases, they are not visible, even if they reach large sizes, but they cause painful sensations even with light pressure. It is unlikely that it will be possible to quickly remove the seal, but with the help ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment (use only with the permission of a dermatologist!) you can speed up the maturation of the pimple and its release.

Lump under the chin: should you be afraid of cancer?

In addition to all the above reasons, a lump under the chin may appear due to mechanical damage to the skin. If this is so, then the boundaries of the tumor will be clearly defined, and the tumor itself will be dense and hard. Also, many associate the appearance of this defect with oncology. This option should not be ruled out, and it is better to visit a doctor for diagnostics, because many malignant neoplasms do not cause pain.

As a rule, a benign formation is mobile, does not cause pain and gradually increases in size. However, the immobility and close adhesion of the lump to the surrounding tissues, combined with the soreness of the lump and the occurrence of hoarseness - serious symptom, indicating the possibility malignant formation, which requires immediate consultation with an oncologist.

If you want to avoid surgery and complications, then if you notice a lump under your chin, consult a doctor immediately. A timely consultation with a doctor will allow you to establish an accurate diagnosis and save your time and money. If a lump appears under the chin, we advise you to completely eliminate self-medication option. Specialists will help you not only overcome the disease, but also establish the cause of its occurrence, which is very important, because this is the only way you can prevent further development diseases.

Read more on how to stay healthy and attractive on estet-portal. com.

Sometimes it happens that a person develops a lump under the chin. But this compaction should not be immediately associated with some tumor or other serious illness. Often the lump can disappear without medical care. But sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist.

Lump under the jaw. What is this?

Most often, a lump under the chin is felt due to inflammation. They are located just under the jaw and on the back of the head. increase if the body experiences inflammatory process, and microbes enter the lymph. However, this does not mean that a person can independently diagnose himself. Moreover, there are a huge number of diseases: from the most harmless to severe, which cause enlarged lymph nodes.

A lump under the chin in the middle may also appear due to developing tumor or cysts. Most often, when a lump is detected, a lipoma is diagnosed. This is a benign inflammation of adipose tissue. This formation is soft and elastic to the touch. When pressing on it, a person does not feel pain and can easily move the resulting ball. However, in any case, if a lump is detected, doctors do not advise touching it, fiddling with it, or warming the inflamed area.

Lump and compaction as a symptom

It is rare, but it still happens that a doctor diagnoses a disease such as atheroma. Its symptom is precisely a lump under the chin in the middle. The photos presented in the article show where it is most often localized. Atheroma is a cyst of the sebaceous glands. It can form on absolutely any part of the body, including on the human face. In advanced stages, compaction can reach large sizes. When palpated, the lump is soft and mobile.

It is much more dangerous when the lump under the chin feels hard, motionless and painless. Most often, this symptom appears with a developing tumor and is not always benign. Solid seal appears with such terrible diseases, such as lymphoma or Hodgkin's disease. If a person finds himself similar symptom, he needs to urgently seek advice from a doctor and demand a referral for tests and other studies.

Which doctor should I see?

If a lump appears under the chin, the first thing you should do is consult a therapist or surgeon. The doctor will refer the patient to full examination. Blood tests will be taken. If a person has been diagnosed with inflammation of the lymph nodes, and the main cause of the disease has already been eliminated, then the doctor will most likely refer the patient to physical therapy and prescribe everything necessary medications. As a rule, after such treatment, the lymph nodes return to normal and the lump completely disappears.

Lipoma and removed only surgically. However, in modern medicine such an operation is no longer considered serious. It is carried out with minimal trauma. Often clinics offer the patient to remove a lump on the chin using a laser. If tests and other examinations show a malignant tumor, then a consultation with an oncologist is necessary. He will refer the patient for surgery. Chemotherapy courses are possible.

The first signs of cancer and benign tumors

In photographs, ultrasound and other examinations, it is almost impossible to distinguish from malignancy with complete certainty. Therefore, it is impossible to say for sure why the lump appeared under the chin in the middle. What could it be? You shouldn’t torment yourself with the thought of cancer, although fast growth tumors often indicate malignant course diseases. If, nevertheless, the doctor assumes that the patient has lymphoma, sarcoma or Hodgkin's disease, then a referral for radiography is necessary. The specialist must take several photographs in different projections.

In any case, a suspicion of cancer in a patient is possible only if a stationary lump is found under his jaw that does not hurt. Malignant tumors very often they grow together with neighboring tissues, which is why they are fixed clearly in one place. If there is any suspicion of cancer, a person should immediately the shortest possible time apply for medical assistance, because it is much easier to cure malignant pathology in the initial stages.

The appearance of a lump on the front of the neck should not be ignored. The causes of this symptom may be serious illnesses.

An overview of the causes of a lump on the front of the neck. Processes of outgrowth formation. Methods for diagnosing and treating pathology.

A lump that appears on the front of the neck can cause concern for any person, but not everyone seeks advice from a doctor, hoping that such a growth will go away on its own. In most cases it does not cause pain or discomfort, however, the appearance of such formations may have serious reasons. In some cases, a lump on the front of the neck leads to the most undesirable consequences, since in the front area of ​​the neck there are vital important organs: trachea, thyroid, larynx and carotid arteries.


Skin cysts are benign skin growths that look like small cavities or sacs filled with fluid (blood plasma, pus). Cysts form when there is a blockage skin glands(greasy, sweaty), near foreign bodies and after infectious process. They are often located in the superficial layers of the skin and are easily palpable. They are usually painless to the touch. Often resemble small peas or soft balls.

Such lumps under the skin may disappear on their own. In very rare cases, you can try to crush or puncture them to extract the contents. When the cyst becomes inflamed, it is removed surgically. Such procedures are carried out only in a hospital setting.


Inflammation hair follicles– follicles, is also very common cause appearance of small, red and painful lumps on and under the skin. Treatment is carried out depending on the etiology of the disease with antibiotics or antifungal drugs as prescribed by a general practitioner. If you have folliculitis, you can lubricate the skin yourself alcohol solution, hydrogen peroxide solution or chlorhexidine. You should also protect the cones from various mechanical damage and friction against clothing, so as not to aggravate the inflammation process.


Benign soft tissue tumors that develop painlessly and slowly are lipomas (fat tumors). They are usually elastic, soft and painless to the touch. Wen is removed surgically, under local anesthesia only if they cause cosmetic or physical discomfort.


They most often form on the neck due to blockage of the duct in sebaceous gland or swelling of the hair follicle (follicle). They are a hard compaction under the skin, with clear rounded boundaries and without pain. Atheromas due to inflammation, trauma or excessive enlargement.

Oncological process

A lump in the front of the neck may also indicate the presence of oncological process in the human body. The causes of the appearance of neoplasms may be alcohol or smoking abuse, chewing tobacco, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, low doses of radiation cosmetic therapy, and exposure to radiation.

Malignant tumors of the neck, first of all, spread to the nearest lymph nodes, which facilitates their rapid detection. Such hidden tumors are neoplasms thyroid gland, laryngeal cancer, lymphogranulomatosis.

Characteristic manifestations, in addition to a lump on the neck, will be low-grade fever, possible pain in the area of ​​growth, a gradual and noticeable increase in size of the lump, weight loss, difficulty breathing or swallowing, hoarseness of the voice. In such cases, you need to contact a therapist or dermatologist.

Diagnosis of diseases is carried out using the method external examination, survey, cytological examination, ultrasound, if necessary using biopsy, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, radiography, laryngoscopy or pharyngoscopy.

Treatment includes radiation and chemotherapy, in some cases surgery, but much depends directly on the stage of the disease and the extent of the process, as well as on the person’s age and the presence of other concomitant diseases.

What to do if you find a lump on your neck

If you have a lump on the front of your neck, you need to clearly assess the problem and not give in to panic. If it was formed during a short time, then quite soon the reverse process may occur. It is important to keep the pine cone clean and not touch or damage it. But when you begin to notice symptoms such as thickening or an increase in the diameter of the lump in the absence of other infections, the duration of remission, the accompanying deterioration in well-being or discomfort in the area of ​​the growth, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist. You should contact a therapist, dermatologist, surgeon, oncologist, infectious disease specialist or endocrinologist. It is these specialists who will advise you on how to remove a lump on your neck, depending on the cause of its occurrence.

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