Severe cold without fever. Symptoms of a cold that occurs without fever. Cold without fever in a child

We are accustomed to the fact that colds are accompanied by fever, that is, when the temperature is higher than normal. However, there are colds without fever - you should also be aware of this. And such a disease must be treated correctly, treating it no less seriously than infections accompanied by febrile symptoms.

Of course, you need to trust the treatment to a qualified doctor - you shouldn’t even think about dealing with the infection on your own. However, everyone should know about the basics of such therapy, the recommendations that must be followed, and also why the temperature sometimes does not rise during a cold.

Sometimes a cold is not accompanied by a fever

Colds that are viral in nature most often begin due to rhinoviruses. Once these pathogenic microorganisms enter the human body and the appropriate conditions are created, they begin to develop and infect healthy cells.

They multiply especially actively on mucous membranes, feel good at cold temperatures, and become the cause of inflammatory processes.

Cold air impairs blood circulation respiratory tract, as a result of which less mucus is produced. This contributes to active viral reproduction.

In addition, at cold temperatures, a certain amount of stress for the body is inevitable, which is why the protective functions of the immune system are reduced and the required number of protective bodies is not produced.

However main reason– this is still the effect of a virus. This should be taken into account. Most often it is transmitted anaerobically, that is, by airborne droplets. There is also a possibility of contact infection.

Symptoms of the disease

A cold without fever consists of the same stages as any other acute respiratory viral infection.

The incubation period is usually about three days. Then the first signs begin to appear. If there is no fever, this does not mean that there will be no other symptoms.

Most often you suffer from:

  • stuffy nose;
  • sore throat;
  • sneezing;
  • headache.

At the same time, the temperature indicators remain normal. Why is this happening? The doctor's answer to this question may vary.

It is likely that the immune system simply cannot cope with its functions and is not going to fight the infection on its own.

The main symptom in this case is considered to be nasal discharge, which flows, by the way, in copious quantities. Over time, they thicken, and their character becomes mucopurulent. A cough develops: at first dry, and then with sputum.

If there are no bacterial complications (for example, sinusitis), after a week the symptoms may disappear completely, except for cough, which sometimes continues further, leading, in turn, to tracheitis or bronchitis.

Similar symptoms are also observed in female representatives who are pregnant and have a cold with no fever.

Folk remedies

What to take for a cold without fever? The specifics of treating the disease should be discussed separately.

Firstly, it should be noted that taking certain medications without a doctor’s permission is more than undesirable, unless, of course, you want to get problems for yourself instead of recovery. You should definitely consult your doctor. Moreover, you can’t just for preventive purposes take antibiotics.

Foot baths are one of the effective means cold treatment

There are certain folk remedies that help cope with colds:

  • Foot baths with hot water. It would be better to add a little mustard there. Simply rubbing your feet will help. turpentine ointment, as well as vodka, after which you should put on socks. However thermal procedures prohibited to those who are more severe cold without fever and is pregnant.
  • If your throat hurts and back wall– redness, inhalations made from eucalyptus, pine buds, and mineral water will help. It is enough to carry out such procedures twice a day: in the morning and shortly before bedtime.
  • Warm drinking has a beneficial effect. Tea with honey and lemon or ginger. Rose hip decoction, various herbal infusions(for example, from coltsfoot or elecampane), warm milk (which can be diluted mineral water). Sometimes, when asked “What to drink if you have a cold without fever,” hot milk is recommended. But it's not right. A hot drink will make it worse for mucus to come out. Warm drinks are drunk slowly and in small sips.
  • If your throat hurts, gargling helps. Particularly effective is a solution of salt, soda and iodine, chamomile infusion, as well as a solution containing apple cider vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and Furacilin. This procedure must be carried out at least five times a day.
  • A runny nose can be treated with drops that you can prepare yourself: carrot juice mixed with beet juice and honey. Place 5 drops in each nostril four times a day. Helps and acupressure- namely, smear the bridge of the nose with the “Star” balm and gently massage it.

Is it good or bad to use the above remedies and methods to treat colds without fever?

These treatment options are certainly useful and necessary, but in the case of a severe form of ARVI, they can only help in complex treatment. That is, along with them, you will also need drug treatment.

Features of treatment

What should adults and children take for colds without fever? If other symptoms are present - such as cough, runny nose and sneezing - symptomatic treatment will be needed.

So, to combat cough, you can use expectorants, like Petrussin or Althea syrup. For example, Petrussin represents combination remedy, which is of plant origin (its main components are thyme and thyme extract). The expectorant effect is associated with thinning sputum and accelerating its elimination. It is enough to drink this medicine three times a day, one tablespoon (for adults), one dessert spoon (for children).

Another cold cough is treated with Mucaltin tablets, as well as Tusuprex. Adults take three tablets a day, and children also take three times, but a quarter of a tablet. The possibility of such a side effect as upset digestion should be taken into account. In addition, taking the medicine is contraindicated for those who have bronchospastic problems (that is, the lumen in the bronchi is narrowed) or a person suffers from bronchitis, in which sputum does not come out.

One of the components of Mucaltin is marshmallow extract. Four tablets per day is enough for adults. Children need to take half a tablet three times a day. These anti-inflammatory tablets help relieve swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. In addition to individual intolerance, the drug should not be taken if you have an ulcer.

Mukaltin - effective medicine for cough treatment

What pills should I take for a cold without fever, but accompanied by a severe cough? Doctors prescribe medications that block the cough reflex, such as Oxeladin and Glaucine. For example, the drug Glaucine is produced in the form of dragees and syrup. For adults, it is enough to drink 40 milligrams for adults and 10 milligrams for children twice a day after eating. But if a person suffers from arterial hypotension or have experienced a myocardial infarction, this drug is contraindicated. Other people may experience side effects such as dizziness, nausea, and general malaise.

To facilitate the process of coughing, a medical specialist may recommend drinking Bromhexine or Ambroxol. Taking the same Bromhexine involves 16 milligrams three times a day (and for babies - 2-4 milligrams). Contraindications to its use may be an ulcer, pregnancy or lactation.

What to do if a child has a cold without fever? Medicines like Prospan, Gedelix and Travisil can help.

Despite the absence of fever, patients most often continue to suffer from a runny nose. Is there a way to get rid of it? Of course. In this case, Halacholine and Naphthyzin will be beneficial. You can fight childhood rhinitis with the help of Nazivin - it is allowed even for newborn babies. For those who are already over a year old, the drug Nazol Baby will help.

In the case of a sore throat, some medicinal aerosols, like Ingalipt and Camphomen, will help. By going to any pharmacy, you can buy all kinds of lollipops, pastilles, and also sucking tablets, relieving inflammation of the throat mucosa.

Aerosol Inhalipt helps treat a sore throat

We know that a cold can occur without fever, both in a child and an adult. However, not everyone knows that Paracetamol should not be taken in these cases. First of all, this medicine has an antipyretic effect. Accordingly, without suffering from fever, there is no point in using it. In addition, it is known about side effects drug on kidney health, there are categorical contraindications for its use by children under six years of age.

If a pregnant woman has a cold

Separately, we should talk about colds without fever during pregnancy, its characteristics, dangers and treatment.

The main reason is the peculiarities of functioning immune system in this position. Defensive reactions are specially reduced so that the body does not reject the fetus. Accordingly, susceptibility to various kinds of diseases increases.

If the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees, the formation of interferons that fight the virus does not occur. A cold can harm more than just your health expectant mother, but also for the child.

The first trimester, when the fetus is forming, is considered especially dangerous. Even if termination of pregnancy does not occur in the event of complications, the subsequently born baby may have a host of health-related defects.

In the second trimester, the situation is no longer so dangerous, but you still shouldn’t relax. Risk serious complications remains.

Under no circumstances should a pregnant woman prescribe medications to herself, since the wrong choice of medication can be a source of even greater problems than the disease itself. Only what the doctor prescribes! Antibiotics, iodine, aspirin, and hormonal medications are considered especially dangerous during pregnancy.

Among other things, women in this condition should not fail to follow the following recommendations:

  • complete rest;
  • healthy eating (taking vitamins);
  • moderate physical activity;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • walks in the fresh air.

All this not only helps to cope with colds without fever, but also protects the body from illness.

Treatment of children

What to treat for colds no fever for a child? Insecurity child's body is due, first of all, to the fact that the immune system has not yet fully formed; a sufficient number of antibodies are not produced that could resist the viral infection.

There may be no fever, but other symptoms are often very pronounced, as a result of which the baby has to suffer from cough, runny nose, rhinorrhea, sore throat, and so on.

In addition to the above remedies intended for treating children, it is necessary to ensure that the child:

  • drank as much as possible ( warm water, teas, compotes);
  • ate only easily digestible food;
  • been to fresh air, but dressed according to the weather;
  • slept at least 8-9 hours.

This will help overcome the weakness that usually accompanies infection without fever.

Mother's milk can protect young children from disease because it contains specific antibodies.

A sick child needs as much sleep as possible

In general, you should be prepared for the fact that sometimes a cold occurs without high temperature, which does not mean at all that we are dealing with mild illness, which will go away on its own and will not cause trouble. On the contrary, in the case of such an illness, you should be doubly attentive to your health and treat it under the mandatory supervision of a doctor, so as not to let anything slip and not encounter complications.

A cold is not an inflammatory, but a viral disease of the upper respiratory tract. The disease is relatively mild, but without proper treatment, and even with a weakened state of the body, it can provoke the development of much more serious diseases. As a rule, a cold is accompanied by a fever, but this does not always happen.

What could be the reasons

Increase in temperature with many various diseases– a completely natural and correct reaction of the body aimed at suppressing a viral infection. Its mechanism is as follows.

Body temperature is determined by the thermoregulation center located in the hypothalamus. Special pyrogenic substances act on it. The latter are divided into 2 types: primary – bacterial exotoxins, for example, and secondary – interleukins. Secondary ones are precisely responsible for the increase in temperature: they provoke the production of prostaglandins that affect the hypothalamus.

Under their influence, the hypothalamus evaluates normal body temperature as low and triggers mechanisms to increase temperature. In this case, the viral infection most often dies because it cannot withstand even slight heating.

However, a cold can occur without fever. There are several reasons for this.

  • Increased immunity– or the presence of immunity against this pathogen. In this case, there is no need to activate the protective cells by increasing the temperature, this happens automatically. Cold symptoms are usually mild, general state quite satisfactory.
  • Weakened immunity– against the background of a serious current illness. In this case, there are too few protective cells to activate the temperature increase mechanism. In this case, the cold is very severe, the symptoms are pronounced, and complications are common.
  • No reaction– immune cells do not perceive the pathogen as a pathogen and do not react to its appearance. The disease progresses rapidly and leads to complications because it does not meet resistance.

If in the first case the disease does not cause any particular concern, then in the second and third cases no less is required. effective treatment than at temperature.

Other signs

All symptoms characteristic of colds saved:

  • nasal congestion or rhinorrhea– the “safest” symptom, which, however, causes a lot of inconvenience, and if left untreated, provokes the development of sinusitis;
  • sore throat- V mild degree can be cured by simply rinsing the throat and nose. However, with complications, the intensity increases so that the patient finds it difficult to speak and even breathe through the mouth;
  • cough– in most cases it is associated only with irritation of the mucous membrane, and therefore is weakly expressed and is not accompanied by discharge. However, with complications it turns into a severe, annoying one, which leads to injuries to the throat and vocal cords;
  • intoxication- obligatory accompaniment of a cold. Lethargy, weakness, fast fatiguability associated with the entry into the blood of waste products of the virus;
  • headaches, and sometimes muscle pain appear when enough severe course diseases.

Cold symptoms are the same in children and adults. However, in general, the disease develops and goes away faster in children.

But how to use lemon, honey and garlic for colds, and to what extent this home remedy can help, it is described in great detail in this

It is generally accepted that if there is no high fever during a cold, then the person has a strong immune system. And this is normal, even very good! However, relying only on the strength of the body and not taking any action is stupid.

The causes of colds are different. The disease primarily affects the nasal mucosa, descending lower and lower. Thanks to early treatment, the disease can be easily stopped and complications can be prevented. A cold without fever is especially dangerous because many people do not take it seriously. And untreated acute respiratory infections can result in serious consequences.

Cold without fever: symptoms

The duration of the latent period of the disease is 2-3 days. The main symptom is a runny nose. The patient develops severe weakness. Cold symptoms: itching in the nose, sore throat, cough. Watery mucus appears from the nose, which turns into snot. A cough can develop into bronchitis or laryngitis if it lasts for a long time with sputum production. Colds are especially dangerous for the lungs.

How to treat a cold without fever, what and how to take?

The first persistent cold symptoms without fever can be removed with a hot foot bath with the addition of a few tablespoons of dry mustard. After the procedure, you need to wear warm socks. But, for example, hot baths are prohibited for pregnant women. Why, you ask? Because it can harm the fetus. You are allowed to wrap your neck with a scarf and put warm socks on your feet.

You can also use lemon. The drink is good for everyone. Eucalyptus and sage inhalations help cope with coughs and redness of the throat. Add to herbs mineral water and baking soda. Inhalations must be done twice a day.

Frequent colds without fever are accompanied by a cough, which you can get rid of with the help of thyme infusion, warm lemon balm decoction, useful rose hips, elecampane roots. And before going to bed, it is useful to drink warm milk with the addition of honey and a small amount of butter.

Cure colds with normal temperature It will be done by gargling. There are now a lot of recipes for solutions. The greatest effect is achieved by solutions of soda and salt with the addition of a few drops of iodine. Chamomile, sage, hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin tablet relieve pain. How to treat? To get rid of severe colds, it is necessary to perform the rinsing procedure frequently.

Does it happen that a person complains for a long time about a very bad feeling, sore throat without fever? Yes, then it is worthwhile, if a person complains of very bad health, a sore throat, to prepare a mixture of lemon juice and honey. To treat a runny nose, you can prepare drops at home from the juice of beets, carrots, and honey. Place five drops in each nostril at least four times a day. Massaging the area near the wings of the nose and the point between the eyebrows helps a lot.

A cold without fever can last 2 days, 5 days, 2 weeks if left untreated. When the disease is accompanied by pain throughout the body and does not go away for more than 2 weeks or more than a month, you should consult a doctor and get tested to identify the causes of this condition.

Could it be that folk remedies will not help as much as they should? Maybe then you need radical treatment, you should start taking medications. Drugs such as Amiksin and Arbidol help fight infection. They stimulate the immune defense well, short time destroy the disease. For prevention purposes, you can take Derinat drops, which are safe even for small children and are not addictive. Preventive action“Lavomak” and “Imunoflazid” are also provided. Vasoconstrictor drops, like “Nazin”, “Sanorin” or cough and sore throat drugs “Lazolvan”, “Sinekod” will help you get rid of symptoms faster. All medications and tablets are prescribed by the doctor.

A cold without fever is a common phenomenon that can and should be fought!

Despite the fact that the art of healing has long become medicine, that is, a system scientific knowledge And practical ways definition and treatment of human diseases, still viral infection We call the upper respiratory tract with the everyday word “cold”. And a cold without fever also applies to viral diseases. In this case, of all the organs of the upper respiratory tract, the nose and pharynx are primarily affected.

Causes of a cold without fever: the virus is to blame for everything

Without delving into the medical jungle, we can say that of the two hundred strains of viruses involved in the occurrence of colds, the most active are rhinoviruses from the picornavirus family. Once in the human body, rhinoviruses multiply in the cells of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, which leads to inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract - nasopharyngitis, rhinopharyngitis, acute runny nose or, as we say, a cold. Why does this happen most often during the cold season? Because some of the viruses that cause colds are seasonal. But the reason for their seasonality has not yet been clarified...

In addition, experts have two more versions on this matter. Some believe that the causes of the development of colds, including the causes of colds without fever, are purely physiological. Under the influence of cold air, the blood supply to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract changes, this leads to a reduction in mucus production, and at this moment the viruses that have entered the respiratory tract begin to multiply intensively.

According to the second point of view, in the cold the human body experiences stress, to which the immune system responds by reducing its protective functions. And a cold without fever (if you stick to this version) is an indicator strong immunity, which fights off the infection without the participation of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the thermoregulation of our body and “gives the command” to start producing protective antibodies.

However, many studies have been conducted that give grounds to assert that the body’s increased susceptibility to infection during hypothermia is nothing more than a myth...

Since colds are caused by a virus, they can be infected. The most common route of transmission is airborne droplets, as well as direct contact when a person touches the source of infection.

Symptoms of a cold without fever

Average incubation period colds without fever do not exceed two to three days. From discomfort in the nose and throat it comes to sneezing and runny nose. According to doctors, up to 40% of people with a cold experience a sore throat during a cold, approximately 60% of people complain of a cough, the presence of a runny nose reaches almost 100%, but the temperature in adult patients, as a rule, remains within the normal range.

At first, the main symptom of a cold without fever is profuse, watery discharge from the nose. After a day or two they become thicker and acquire a mucopurulent character. A runny nose is accompanied by a cough - initially dry, and then with a small amount of sputum.

In the absence of bacterial complications (in the form of sinusitis or otitis), after 5-7 days the symptoms of a cold without fever disappear. True, a cough can last much longer (up to two weeks) and often leads to bronchitis, laryngitis or tracheitis.

A cold during pregnancy without fever (when it is caused by a rhinovirus) has similar symptoms. The same symptoms accompany a cold in a child without fever, but most often the body temperature in children still rises, especially in very young ones. Their body is still developing, so the immune system’s reaction is heightened. For this reason, any cough, like physiological function cleaning the respiratory tract requires finding out the cause - so as not to miss the same pharyngitis, laryngitis or bronchitis.

In most cases, diagnosis of a cold without fever is based on clinical manifestations does not present any illness or difficulty.

Treatment of colds without fever

The symptoms and treatment of colds were described as early as the 16th century BC - in the medical papyrus of Ebers, “The Book of Preparation of Medicines for All Parts of the Body.” But there is still no cure for the common cold, and we treat—or rather, alleviate—only its symptoms.

At the same time, we must not forget that antibiotics cannot be taken for a cold, since they do not act on the viruses that cause this disease.

Treatment of colds without fever is recommended using folk remedies proven by many generations, which are now called alternative methods. So, when the first ones appear cold symptoms you need to take a hot foot bath (with the addition of dry mustard) or rub your feet with vodka or turpentine ointment and put on warm socks. In the treatment of colds during pregnancy without fever, the use of thermal procedures is strictly prohibited: only a warm scarf around the neck and woolen socks on the feet.

But tea with lemon and honey, as well as ginger, is useful for absolutely everyone. For redness of the throat and cough, inhalation with infusions of pine buds, sage, eucalyptus leaves, and a solution of baking soda, mineral alkaline water like Borjomi. It is better to do them twice a day - in the morning (an hour before leaving the house) and in the evening - an hour and a half before bedtime.

To get rid of a cough, a warm drink has a positive effect - a decoction of rose hips, infusions of thyme, lemon balm, coltsfoot leaves, elecampane roots, as well as warm milk mixed with alkaline mineral water, and at night - warm milk with honey and butter. Please note that hot milk will inhibit sputum production. You need to drink slowly, in small sips.

If you have a sore throat, you cannot do without rinsing in the treatment of a cold without fever. There are a great many of their recipes, but the most effective are: a solution of salt + soda + iodine, an infusion of chamomile or sage, as well as solutions of natural apple cider vinegar(a tablespoon per 150 ml of water), furatsilin and hydrogen peroxide (1-2 teaspoons per glass of water). You need to gargle as often as possible - at least 5-6 times a day.

Irritation and sore throat are often the result of severe cough, and as a result, coughing attacks occur more often. Regular gargling with a warm solution helps to get rid of this problem. table salt: 0.5 teaspoon per 200 ml of water.

Relieves sore throat by ingesting a mixture prepared from 100 g natural honey and juice of one lemon. This natural medicine You should take two teaspoons several times a day. And drops will help cure a runny nose homemade- fresh carrot juice with honey, raw beet juice: 5-6 drops in each nostril 4 times a day. You can apply a little “Star” balm to the bridge of your nose several times a day and do acupressure in the area of ​​the wings of the nose and in the very high point nose - between the eyebrows.

Since treatment of colds during pregnancy without fever eliminates the use of pharmaceuticals as much as possible and involves symptomatic therapy folk remedies, then all the above methods are completely safe for expectant mothers.

Preparations for the treatment of colds without fever

IN drug treatment For colds without fever, medications for cough, runny nose and sore throat are used. Classic mixtures - marshmallow syrup and pertussin - are considered good expectorants. Pertussin refers to combination drugs plant origin(it is based on thyme or thyme extract), it has an expectorant effect, helps thin mucus and accelerates its elimination. Adults need to take the mixture one tablespoon three times a day, children – one teaspoon or dessert spoon.

Tusuprex and mucaltin tablets are also considered classics in treatment cold cough. Tusuprex has an antitussive and mild expectorant effect. Daily dose for adults - a tablet (0.02 g) 3-4 times a day, for children under one year old - a quarter of a tablet, and over a year - half a tablet 3-4 times a day. Possible by-effect- digestive disorders. This medicine is contraindicated in bronchospastic conditions (narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi) and bronchitis with difficulty expectorating sputum.

Mucaltin acts as a sputum thinner and expectorant due to the content of marshmallow extract. Adults need to take 1 tablet 4 times a day, children from one to three years old - 0.5 tablets 3-4 times a day (you can dissolve the tablet in 70-80 ml of warm water). Among the contraindications of mucaltin are hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

For a severe dry cough during a cold without fever, the doctor may prescribe medications that block the cough reflex - glaucine and oxeladine. Glaucine is available in the form of dragees, syrup (including syrup for children) and tablets, and is prescribed for adults - 40 mg 2-3 times a day, for children under 4 years old - 10 mg 2-3 times a day (after food). The drug is contraindicated in severe arterial hypotension and myocardial infarction. Possible side effects include dizziness, weakness and nausea.

Bromhexine, lasolvan, ambroxol, and acetylcysteine ​​(ACC) are used to liquefy and facilitate coughing up sputum. For example, the drug bromhexine (tablets, dragees, drops, syrup) is taken by adults and children over 14 years of age at 8-16 mg 3-4 times a day. Dosage for children under 2 years of age - 2 mg 3 times a day, for children aged 2 to 6 years - 4 mg, for children aged 6-10 years - 6-8 mg three times a day. Duration of treatment - no more than 4-5 days. Among the contraindications this drug increased sensitivity, peptic ulcer in the acute stage, pregnancy (especially the first trimester) and breastfeeding.

Among medicines cough medicines, which are most often prescribed by doctors for the treatment of colds without fever in children, are Gedelix, Prospan, Tussamag, Travisil and Eucabal syrups.

Treating a cold without fever involves getting rid of a runny nose. Trusted drops for a runny nose - naphthyzin, sanorin, galazolin. And in the treatment of rhinitis in children, Nazivin drops are used (for babies from birth to one year), Nazol Baby (for children over 1 year), Xymelin (0.05% - for children 2-12 years old and 0.1% - for children with 12 years old). For sore throats, drugs with a local anesthetic effect are used in the form of aerosols - ingalipt, kameton, camphomen. Also in pharmacies there are many different dragees, lozenges, lozenges and lozenges that help relieve sore throat.

But paracetamol for a cold without fever is obviously not worth taking. Because the pharmachologic effect This drug is an analgesic and antipyretic, and is used for: pain of mild to moderate intensity (headache and toothache, migraine, back pain, arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia), febrile syndrome (i.e. elevated temperature) for colds.

Among the contraindications to the use of paracetamol are hypersensitivity, impaired renal and liver function, alcoholism, childhood up to 6 years old. And on the list side effects blood diseases such as agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia and anemia; renal colic, aseptic pyuria (pus in the urine when it is sterile), glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys with circulatory disorders in them), as well as allergic rashes on the skin.

Paracetamol first entered the pharmaceutical market in the early 50s of the last century in the USA. Its manufacturer (Sterling-Winthrop company) attracted buyers with the statement that paracetamol is safer than aspirin... According to official medical statistics, in the USA the use of paracetamol (Panadol) is the most common cause liver damage - more than 55 thousand cases annually.

During the autumn cold and spring rains it is so easy to catch a cold and get sick. Hypothermia and reduced immunity are to blame. A cold without fever or ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection) is a general malaise human body after the resulting hypothermia. Often the cause of such a cold is incorrectly selected shoes (wet feet). ARVIs are relatively mild in adults; they are often tolerated “on their feet” without going on sick leave. From the article you will learn how a cold without fever occurs, what to take during illness, and what consequences may occur if the disease is not treated.

What determines the rise in temperature during a cold?

Whether the temperature will increase with a cold depends on the following conditions:

  • The type of virus that has infected the body. In addition to numerous strains of influenza, medicine knows many types of viruses that cause colds with a strong increase in body temperature;
  • The state of the human immune system. At good immunity The body’s reaction to a serious virus will be to increase the temperature to create conditions inside that are unsuitable for the existence of the pathogen. Poor immunity may not respond to a highly dangerous virus;
  • Reception medications . Modern flu powders contain many excipients, but their basis is paracetamol and ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid should boost immunity and help a person cope with infection, but it is not a fact that this will happen. Paracetamol lowers body temperature.

Causes and symptoms of colds without fever

The appearance of cold symptoms after hypothermia is due to the following factors:

  • Penetration of viruses into the body. Viruses infect the ENT organs, thereby creating excellent conditions for bacteria and fungi to flourish;
  • Weakened immunity, which, in turn, may be reduced due to the presence of chronic diseases, congenital anomaly, bad weather ( low temperature air and high humidity are an ideal environment for the spread of viral infections);
  • Exacerbation chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis or sore throat;
  • Intestinal dysbiosis (no matter for what reason it appeared);
  • Stress, depressive states also increase the chance of catching ARVI.

The incubation period of ARVI is on average 2-3 days. After it, the following signs of a cold begin to appear:

  • Itching in the nose;
  • Sore throat;
  • Sneezing;
  • Discharge of mucus from the nose. In the first 2 days, the discharge is clear and watery, after which the mucus thickens and may become greenish tint in case of bacterial infection;
  • Cough. At the beginning it is dry, but if the infection spreads to the bronchi it becomes moist (usually after a few days).

Attention! If a patient, in addition to the above symptoms, has muscle pain and aches, this is a symptom of the flu, which requires an urgent trip to the doctor.

What consequences might arise?

If the symptoms of ARVI do not go away within a week and worsen, the following complications are likely to develop:

  • pharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • otitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;

What to take for a cold if there is no fever?

Often, malaise and a sore throat are left without proper attention and no attempt is made to treat it. And this is fundamentally wrong: ARVI, left to its own devices, can become complicated. A cold without fever should be treated in the same way as a regular flu. The following measures must be taken:

  1. Stay home until it improves. In this case, it is not necessary to lie in bed, but it is advisable to avoid physical overexertion. The room must be regularly ventilated and dust removed;
  2. Take: Ingavirit, Aflubin;
  3. Expectorants (for wet cough): Pertussin syrup, Mukaltin, Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Bromhexine tablets;
  4. If you have a strong dry cough that hurts even at night, it is recommended to take antitussive drugs: Glaucine, Sinekod;
  5. Immunomodulators: Arbidol, Viferon, Grippferon;
  6. Nasal drops: Sanorin, Nazivin, Ximelin;
  7. Painkiller sprays with antimicrobial effect: Stopangin, Hexoral, Tantum Verde;
  8. Painkillers for sore throat: Strepsils tablets, Doctor Mom
  9. Thermal procedures ( prohibited during pregnancy!): foot baths with mustard, rubbing feet with alcohol, mustard plasters;
  10. Inhalations with decoctions medicinal herbs (pine buds, sage, eucalyptus), baking soda solution;
  11. Gargling:
  • With a solution of baking soda (plus 2-3 drops of iodine);
  • A solution of ordinary table salt;
  • Chamomile, sage decoction;
  • Apple cider vinegar solution;
  • Hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • Furacilin decoction;

Excellent help for colds - folk remedies. Raspberry jam, a decoction of rose hips, ginger with honey, hot tea with lemon or milk, decoctions of medicinal herbs with an antiseptic effect (linden, chamomile) will help.

Preventative measures to take:

  • Flu vaccination;
  • Compliance with personal hygiene measures;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • During influenza outbreaks, you should avoid visiting crowded places if possible.

A cold that goes away without fever requires mandatory medications and folk remedies, you should not leave it to chance: there is a high risk of complications!

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