The right side of my head hurts badly, what should I do? Treatment of attacks of pain in the right hemisphere of the head. The right side of the head hurts: treatment depends entirely on the diagnosis

Pain in the right hemisphere of the brain - common nonspecific symptom many diseases, which is a sign of impaired vascular tone in the brain and spinal cord. Cephalgia can manifest itself as an independent disease (migraine, headache tension), and as one of the symptoms of a syndrome, for example, intoxication.

The pathophysiology of headache is the dilation or sharp constriction of blood vessels. A temporary change in the diameter of an artery or vein mechanically irritates the nerve endings of the soft tissues of the skull ( meninges), which leads to pain.

It should be remembered that there are no sensitive pain receptors in the brain tissue itself, so the brain cannot hurt. Unpleasant sensations are localized in the structures of the cranium, but a person subjectively evaluates the location of the pain as if the brain itself hurts.


Why does it hurt? right hemisphere heads? Causes of cephalalgia:

  1. Long-term stress: pressure at work, the period before exams, working with a lot of information.
  2. Sleep disorders: trouble falling asleep, lack of rest, shallow sleep, nightmares, drinking alcohol before bed.
  3. Incorrect posture, uncomfortable posture at work, uncomfortable workplace.
  4. Poor nutrition, violation of the prescribed diet, frequent alcohol consumption.
  5. Heavy strain on the eyes, constant work in front of the monitor without breaks or eye exercises.
  6. Pain in the head on the right side may appear due to low level blood sugar during fasting; high content carbon dioxide when staying in stuffy room; insufficient saturation of the brain with oxygen.
  7. Neurotic disorders: general anxiety disorder, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  8. Major clinical depression, somatized depression.
  9. or low blood pressure.
  10. Increased body temperature.
  11. Violation hormonal levels: failure menstrual cycle, thyroid diseases.
  12. Pain in the head behind the ear on the right may be a consequence bacterial diseases nervous system: for meningitis or encephalitis.
  13. For common infectious diseases: influenza, cholera, whooping cough, hepatitis, malaria, tuberculosis.

Types of pain

Cephalgia manifests itself in the following types:

  • Tension pain. A person perceives this type of pain as compression of the head, both on both sides and on one. Subjectively, it seems as if the eyes and forehead are trying to escape from the head. Typically, an attack of tension pain lasts up to half an hour.
  • Migraine is a throbbing pain in the head on the right side, but the location of pain in migraine is not a defining feature. Cephalalgia extends to the eyes, mouth, jaws and neck. A migraine attack can last several hours.
  • Cluster pain. This type is characterized by burning and stabbing pain on one side of the face. It is perceived as a sharp headache in the right hemisphere. Accompanied by redness and sweating on the painful side. Cluster pain is combined with nasal congestion and lacrimation. The cluster type of cephalgia is manifested by attacks that last from 15 minutes to several hours.
  • Pain in the back of the head on the right may occur after drinking coffee. A large amount of caffeine affects the tone of blood vessels in the brain - this causes painful sensations. Cephalgia can also occur with abrupt withdrawal of the drink. For example, if a person constantly drinks coffee and does not drink it one day, he risks getting headaches.
  • Headache on the back of the head on the right - one of the symptoms hypertension or high blood pressure. Most often, cephalalgia with hypertension is manifested by throbbing pain. Unpleasant sensations are accompanied by numbness, blurred vision, low performance and nosebleeds.
  • Rebound pain. This type of cephalalgia appears after taking medications such as by-effect. Paradoxical phenomenon: painful sensations may occur when long-term use painkillers. The way out of the situation is to discontinue the drug, which causes a side effect.
  • Dumb and aching pain. Occurs with tumors in the brain. The tumor mechanically compresses areas of the brain and skull, thereby affecting the nerve endings, which leads to pain. Typically, such cephalgia appears in the morning and is accompanied by vomiting.
  • Costen's syndrome. Some infectious and rheumatic diseases lead to damage maxillofacial joint, which is accompanied by pain on the right. Also hurts: ear, sinus, language.

When to see a doctor

A one-time episode of headache is not an indication for medical consultation. One attack of cephalalgia does not harm and does not entail negative consequences. It is important for a person to monitor the chronology of headaches: monitor the frequency of episodes and their duration. Periodic and prolonged cephalalgia is one of the indications for visiting a therapist. Factors under which you should definitely consult a doctor:

  1. New headache.
  2. The presence of stroke and traumatic brain injuries in the biography.
  3. Eye diseases. For example, glaucoma.
  4. Diseases of the ENT organs (ear, nose and throat). Inflammation of these organs can spread to the brain.

Treatment and prevention

Cephalgia is treated in the following ways:

  • Medications. These are painkillers belonging to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Used for severe pain hormonal drugs and narcotic substances.
  • Massage.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Physiotherapy.

The main goal of prevention is to avoid situations in which headaches occur: medications, stress at work, loud noise or disturbing light when sleeping. Nonspecific prevention includes: balanced diet, getting enough sleep, taking vitamins, listening to light music.

It is difficult to find a person who has not experienced a headache at least once in his entire life. Usually, this symptom is not paid much attention. A painkiller tablet and the pain was gone. Sometimes, the headache can develop suddenly and is localized only on the right side of the head. In this case, you cannot close your eyes to it. It may be a symptom of a serious illness.

Pain in one side of the head

Main reasons for development

A sharp headache that occurs isolated only in the right half of the head can be a symptom of many diseases localized in the corresponding hemisphere of the brain. Below are the main reasons for its occurrence:

  • Migraine. With this disease, the pain is almost always localized on one side of the head. It is very strong and pulsating. Often, it intensifies with some physical exercise, loud sounds, bright light. A migraine attack may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, which provide absolutely no relief. Usually, before an attack begins, patients feel an aura and they may feel dizzy.
  • Acute attack of glaucoma. At the same time, there is a sharp increase intraocular pressure. The headache is localized on the side of the affected eye. The process can be either one-way or two-way. During an attack of glaucoma, the patient's vision may deteriorate significantly and there may be double vision.
  • Cluster pain. In this condition, the pain is one-sided. Its course is characterized by the presence of attacks, lasting on average from 15 minutes to an hour. The causes of the disease are unknown, sometimes this condition is caused by a malfunction biological rhythms. For example, when flying to distant countries or switching to night work.

Cluster headache

  • Osteochondrosis cervical region spine. In this condition, due to pathological processes Vessels or nerves may be pinched in the vertebrae, causing pain in the right or left side of the head.
  • Traumatic brain injury. With it, the pain syndrome can be localized exclusively on the side of the injury.
  • Frontit. With this inflammatory disease, purulent exudate accumulates in the frontal sinuses. Pain syndrome with frontal sinusitis can be similar to migraine.
  • Tumors. A headache that occurs on the right side may be the first symptom indicating tumor growth in the right hemisphere of the brain.
  • Hemorrhagic stroke. In this case, pain occurs suddenly on the side of the affected part of the brain.

Basic diagnostic methods

Pain syndrome that occurs sharply in the right side of the head requires careful diagnosis, because it can be a symptom of serious and life-threatening diseases. To determine the exact cause of development pain symptoms on the right side, you must pass the following basic laboratory and instrumental methods diagnostics:

  • General analysis blood. Using this analysis, you can detect an inflammatory process, which can occur, for example, with frontal sinusitis. In this case, there will be pronounced neutrophilic leukocytosis in the blood and an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
  • Plain X-ray of the head. Using this method, you can see traumatic changes in the head and inflammatory diseases of the sinuses.
  • Computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging of the head. These methods allow you to study the state of the right and left parts of the brain in detail and layer by layer. They make it possible to accurately determine the size and location of tumors, inflammatory foci, and hemorrhages in the brain.
  • Lumbar puncture. It is carried out only if meningitis is suspected, which may be a complication of untreated and advanced frontal sinusitis or sinusitis.

Basic modern treatment methods

The choice of medications depends on the etiology of the headache

After establishing the cause of the headache on the right, it is necessary to proceed to treatment. Treatment should be aimed primarily at the cause of the pain syndrome. It is this principle of choosing a method of therapy that is the most effective. The basic principles of treatment depending on the cause are presented below:

  • For migraine and cluster disease, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics and analgesics are used. But these drugs can relieve an attack of the disease in only 30%. Most often, this drug treatment ineffective. As a rule, patients who have suffered from migraine for a long time have developed an individual pain relief regimen for themselves during an attack and take special anti-migraine drugs.
  • Surgery may be indicated for severe traumatic brain injuries and severe osteochondrosis.
  • Antibacterial therapy is effective for frontal sinusitis and sinusitis. Antibiotics are usually prescribed wide range actions from the group of macrolides and cephalosporins.
  • At acute attack glaucoma are used eye drops, such as Pilocarpine. The patient is also systemically administered diuretics - Furosemide, Mannitol.

Drops used for acute attacks of glaucoma

All these diseases must be treated exclusively under the guidance of a medical specialist. Sometimes, to adjust therapy, consultation with doctors of several specialties is required. Patients with severe pain syndrome on the right side of the head, they can contact a neurologist, neurosurgeon, therapist, ENT specialist, ophthalmologist.

A sharp headache on the right side of the head can be a symptom of a life-threatening illness. Conventional painkillers are not enough to relieve it. After undergoing laboratory and instrumental examination, and establishing the cause of the development of symptoms, etiological treatment, aimed at the very cause of the development of the disease.

Headache is a fairly common problem that all people face from time to time. It should be borne in mind that this condition is a symptom of quite serious violations in organism.

Sometimes pain is localized only in a certain area of ​​the head. The most common place for discomfort to appear is the right side. There can be many reasons for such a problem.

Possible reasons

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The appearance of a headache on the right side may be associated with the most different problems and pathologies.

  • With the development of this disease, a focus of the inflammatory process appears and a throbbing pain occurs in the right side of the head. Such sensations occur with a certain frequency.
  • Harbinger this state There may be short-term attacks in the orbital area.
  • Sometimes the pain syndrome is accompanied by redness of the eyes and the appearance of rhinitis. Provoking factors are often alcoholic drinks and selected food products.
  • Quite often, attacks of cluster headaches are seasonal and occur in the spring or autumn.
  • This term refers to a pathology that occurs as a result of impaired functioning of the blood vessels of the brain. In this case, pain appears in the temple area and gradually spreads throughout the head.
  • Most often, discomfort is felt only on one side of the face, in the forehead, back of the head and eye sockets and can persist for several days.
  • Sometimes pain does not occur suddenly; it may be preceded by various syndromes. They often involve tingling of the skin and various visual disturbances– for example, a person may experience circles and ripples before the eyes.
  • In most cases, migraines develop in women. Particular discomfort is caused by headaches that occur during pregnancy.
  • Staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time leads to the fact that cervical osteochondrosis occurs even in young people. When additional load appears on the neck, the intervertebral cartilages are injured, which leads to the process of their ossification.
  • As a result, the vertebrae come into contact and exert mechanical impact on the vessels and nerve endings located behind. These processes lead to a decrease in the volume of blood flowing to the brain, resulting in pain. right part head and neck, and discomfort may increase when touched or tilted.
  • In addition to pain in the head, nausea, tinnitus, stabbing pain in the area of ​​the neck and shoulder blades. Sometimes a person even loses consciousness.
  • When tumor formations appear, pain in the early stages of the disease is not pronounced and does not cause much concern. As a rule, the head aches a little.
  • IN further illness progresses, and the person’s condition seriously deteriorates.
  • Distinctive feature tumor formation is an exacerbation of headaches in the morning.
  • At mechanical damage A slight vibration of the brain may occur and its displacement relative to its normal position. In such a situation, pain is a normal reaction of the body.
  • Different parts of the head may hurt - sometimes the crown or back of the head suffers.
  • If enough time has passed since the injury, but headaches occur periodically, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the present discomfort is a consequence of serious damage.
  • Sharp pain on the right side can be a harbinger of a stroke. It appears suddenly, for no apparent reason.
  • Sometimes the provoking factor is severe stress, serious fatigue or overload blood pressure. In addition to the headache, the person feels nauseous and sometimes vomits.
  • As the patient's condition worsens, the patient experiences loss of consciousness or partial loss of consciousness, and he may lose orientation in space and time. Vision often deteriorates or disappears completely.
  • The inflammatory process that occurs in palatine tonsils, And acute form Sore throats can cause headaches of varying intensity and location. In this case, toxicological irritation occurs nerve endings, which are located on the soft palate.
  • This process leads to shooting in the head, and this can only happen on one side.
  • Body temperature often rises. To cope with unpleasant sensations, you need to eliminate the underlying disease.
Costen's syndrome
  • Malocclusion not only worsens appearance person, but also leads to more serious violations.
  • Increased tension in the jaw joints provokes the development of Costen's syndrome. In this case, severe discomfort occurs in the jaw area, which radiates to the ear and temples.
  • This syndrome causes problems with teeth, disruption of the chewing process, and temporary hearing impairment.
Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania
  • This term is understood as one of the most severe forms migraine. Attacks occur every day and are accompanied by acute pain on one side of the head.
  • Especially severe pain a person experiences it in the forehead area; the temples and eyes are also involved in the process. The discomfort is usually cutting and boring in nature and high degree intensity. Sometimes there is a throbbing pain.
  • The person also experiences discomfort in the area eyeball– it turns red, the pupil narrows and does not react to light.
  • It often occurs severe lacrimation and nasal congestion on the affected side. This pathology in most cases it affects mature women.
  • The right side of the head may hurt due to eating certain foods. Most often, this condition is caused by semi-finished products, which contain many chemical components and can negatively affect the human condition.
  • Monosodium glutamate plays the main role in this process. It is this substance that often provokes discomfort in the temple area. Blunt pain pulsating in nature occurs in people whose blood contains a lot of nitrites.
  • If you eat a lot of bacon or smoked fish, after half an hour a person may experience a headache in the temples.
  • Dark chocolate can also lead to discomfort. This product contains a large number of tyramine, which causes pain.
  • In addition, cheese and individual species seafood.

What to do if the right side of your head hurts

To cope with discomfort, you need to eliminate the cause of this symptom. Migraine is quite difficult to treat, but A complex approach will help to significantly reduce pain and prevent temporary disability.

Treatment should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, based on the results of examinations. To eliminate acute headaches, you need to start therapy at initial stage. Simple enough, but effective means is sleep - most often at this time the migraine goes away on its own.

Sometimes the opposite situation occurs - a headache appears during sleep, and after waking up the person experiences serious discomfort. Strong painkillers will help cope with such sensations. However, they only help for a short time.

Later certain time the body loses its ability to perceive analgesics, which leads to increased pain. Therefore, doctors advise combining drugs to treat migraines.

Exist modern means to combat attacks of this disease. However, over time, addiction develops and they cease to affect the disease. Besides, similar drugs They are quite expensive and do not help with all forms of migraine.


To prevent the appearance of an acute headache on the right side of the head, you need to strictly follow certain rules:

News healthy image life
  • It is recommended to play sports, spend a lot of time on fresh air, alternate work and rest.
  • It is very important to take breaks from work periodically - this will help avoid overwork, which often causes headaches.
Avoid coniferous forests and resin aroma
  • There is evidence that such odors lead to migraine attacks.
Do yoga or similar eastern practices
  • Thanks to this, it will be possible to normalize the balance of the body, protect against stressful situations and maintain excellent physical shape.
Stick to a diet
  • It is necessary to exclude or at least limit the consumption of salty, smoked, spicy, fried foods.
  • Doctors advise eating a lot of vegetables and fruits; natural juices are very useful.
  • It is equally important to drink enough water.
If there are warning signs of a migraine, you should eat citrus fruit– orange or tangerine
  • These products are good for the body and will help prevent an attack.

A headache on the right side of the head can be a symptom of quite dangerous diseases.

To prevent development serious complications, it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Thanks to a comprehensive diagnosis, it will be possible to establish the causes of this condition and select the most effective therapy.

Today in medical practice recorded more than 30 types of headaches. It varies in intensity, duration, associated symptoms. There are a huge number of reasons that can provoke a disturbance in well-being.

If the right side of your head hurts, then discomfort may be caused by circulatory pathologies, tumor processes, various syndromes and other pathological processes.


Migraine is a disease caused by a disorder of the nervous system. There are suggestions that it develops due to impaired blood supply to the brain, pathology of neuron conduction, stenosis, that is, narrowing, of the vessels of the neck, etc.

The exact causes of migraine have not yet been established.

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Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University named after. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the Moscow Polyclinic.

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With a migraine, the headache almost always occurs on the right or left side. Unilateral dull or shooting intense pain that persists for several hours – characteristic symptom of this disease. Attacks can occur rarely, 1-2 times a year, or often, 3-4 times a month. IN in rare cases Migraines in patients recur every few days.

Immediately before an attack, most patients experience a series of neurological signs, which are also called "aura":

  • Deterioration of vision, “black spots” before the eyes;
  • Tingling in the fingertips or palms;
  • Olfactory, auditory or visual hallucinations;
  • Inability to concentrate, disinhibition, problems expressing thoughts.
  • A mandatory sign of an aura is the persistence of the same symptoms before each attack.

Migraine pain is often unbearable, throbbing, and lasts up to 72 hours.

During this period, the patient feels a desire to be in a dark and quiet room, his condition is accompanied by photophobia.
The diagnosis is made based on the results of a physical examination: the doctor checks general state the patient, his reflexes, reaction. This allows us to exclude various pathologies in which the patient may also be bothered by a headache on the right side: thrombosis, hypoplasia of neck vessels.

If necessary, a specialist can prescribe additional examinations: MRI, SCT, study of neck and brain vessels.

A neurologist treats the disease. Treatment includes analgesics, complexes with B vitamins to improve the conductivity of brain neurons. In some cases, patients are helped by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or antispasmodics. If the patient has migraine status, that is, attacks recur more than once a week, then the doctor also prescribes b-adrenergic receptor blockers and more powerful combined analgesics.

All therapy is selected individually for each patient. In addition, patients can find ways to reduce discomfort on their own: for some, being in the fresh air, sleeping, on the scalp, applying Star balm to the temples and essential oil eucalyptus, etc.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Another common reason why the right side of the head hurts can be osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Disease develops due to the destruction of intervertebral cartilage.

Pain with osteochondrosis is localized at the base of the skull on the right and is aching in nature.

Headache due to osteochondrosis may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the neck area, lower jaw, areas behind the ears. Often the discomfort increases with eye movement. IN severe cases the patient may complain of dizziness, loss of consciousness, and tinnitus when trying to turn his head.
The diagnosis is usually made based on examination of the patient and collection of complaints: restrictions in neck mobility, crunching and clicking when turning the head are detected, and in severe cases, vertebral deformities are palpated.

If it is difficult to determine the cause of the pain, the doctor may prescribe an x-ray or computed tomography scan of the cervical spine.

Osteochondrosis is treated by a rheumatologist or vertebrologist - a specialist in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Therapy includes physical therapy, physical therapy, massages. The patient must take anti-inflammatory drugs to restore cartilage tissue, analgesics.

Cluster headaches

If the right side of the head hurts so much that it interferes with the patient’s normal functioning, then we can assume that he has cluster pain. This syndrome, the cause of which has not yet been established. The attack begins suddenly and lasts from 10-15 minutes to an hour.

And it manifests itself so strongly that without timely relief it can lead the patient to suicide attempts.

Accompanying symptoms of cluster pain are noise in the head, redness of the eyes, and the appearance of liquid discharge from the nose. The attack is always localized on one side of the head. Most susceptible this syndrome men; in women, cluster pain is extremely rare.
The diagnosis is made as a result of interviewing the patient. Cluster headaches have a specific clinical picture, which makes diagnosis easier. If it is possible to examine the patient directly during an attack, the doctor notes the humidity skin, redness and tearing of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids.
A neurologist treats the disease. He prescribes therapy aimed at preventing and stopping attacks:

  • Breathing 100% oxygen through a mask;
  • Intranasal administration of sprays with lidocaine or somatostatin.

During an attack of pain, the patient is advised to be in a dark, cool room.

Some patients benefit from scalp massage or vigorous exercise.

A patient with cluster headaches should not take painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs without consulting a doctor, as in most cases they do not have the desired effect.

Tumor processes

Brain tumors manifest as pain, which intensifies as the tumor grows larger. The pain is intense, bursting in nature, is accompanied by poor health, tremors of the limbs, and nosebleeds, which can be caused by excessive intracranial pressure.
If the tumor is located on the right, the patient complains of headaches on the right side. It can be either paroxysmal or permanent. The patient's condition gradually worsens, tumor growth is accompanied by gradual impairment of intelligence, inappropriate behavior, unmotivated aggression, tearfulness or absent-mindedness.

The patient quickly loses weight, experiences nausea, dizziness, and loss of appetite. Can appear epileptic seizures, frequent fainting, attacks of disorientation.

To make a diagnosis, magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed. If the tumor grows through the skull bones, a biopsy may be performed. The collected histological material is sent to the laboratory for analysis. After receiving the results, the doctor can not only accurately establish the diagnosis, but also determine the nature of the tumor.
Therapy tumor processes An oncologist and a neurologist are involved in the brain. The patient is prescribed cytostatic agents to destroy pathological cells, painkillers. If necessary, anticonvulsants and sedatives are used.

If it is possible to remove the tumor partially or completely, then surgery.

Intracranial bleeding

Intense headache, accompanied by depression of consciousness, on the right side of the head indicates the development intracranial hemorrhage. Pathology occurs as a result of injury or vascular abnormality: formation of an aneurysm followed by rupture, destruction vascular wall for thrombosis, etc.
Characteristic signs of pathology develop only after a few hours or even days. This period is called the “light interval”. Then the patient’s condition begins to deteriorate sharply: headaches appear, consciousness and speech are inhibited, and disorientation develops. Increased intracranial pressure and the resulting hematomas can cause seizures in the patient repeated vomiting, spasms and convulsions, loss of consciousness.

In the event of a head injury, even if external signs no injuries were found, it is recommended to consult a doctor to prevent intracranial bleeding and other disorders.

To detect intracranial bleeding, EEG, magnetic resonance imaging, and skull radiography are used.
If bleeding is detected, emergency surgery is performed to remove the hematoma and restore normal operation vessel.

The disease is treated by a surgeon and a neurologist.


Your head may hurt after an injury. There are many reasons that cause discomfort: bruise, concussion, skull fracture etc.
Signs vary depending on the type of pathology, but there are a number of symptoms characteristic of any head injury:

  1. The affected half of the head hurts severely;
  2. Nausea and dizziness appear;
  3. There is a desire to lie down;
  4. Loss of appetite;
  5. Drowsiness and weakness develop.

To determine what kind of damage the injury caused, an x-ray of the skull is taken, CT scan, Ultrasound of cerebral vessels.

All kinds of activities for differential diagnosis are prescribed after a preliminary diagnosis has been established.

Depending on the type of injury, head trauma is treated by a surgeon, neurosurgeon, or neurologist. General principles Therapy includes ensuring complete rest for the patient, injections of B vitamins and magnesium, and the use of analgesics.


A concussion is one of the types of head injuries in which the functional connections between nerve cells.

The headache with this disease is quite intense, pressing, throbbing.

Concussion is also manifested by nausea, often single vomiting. A few minutes or hours after the injury, the patient becomes lethargic, drowsy, and may complain of memory impairment or confusion.
Diagnostic measures include X-rays and SCT. The doctor examines the patient’s pupils and asks to perform some neurological tests.
Treatment of the disease is carried out by a neurologist or neurosurgeon, depending on the clinical picture injuries.

Treatment includes the use of analgesics and sedatives, multivitamin complexes.

Costen's syndrome

Costen's syndrome is pathology of the jaw joints, manifested by clicking and crunching when opening the mouth, pain in the affected half of the head. The exact cause of the development of the disease has not yet been precisely established.
With Costen's syndrome, pain spreads to the cheekbone, ear and temple. It gets worse when talking or chewing.

Patients complain of impaired jaw mobility and the appearance of facial asymmetry.

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the lower jaw and perform electromyography, a procedure that allows you to examine the condition of the masticatory muscles.
For Costen syndrome, treatment can be prescribed by a surgeon, neurologist or ENT specialist, depending on what factors stimulated the development of the disease.

Therapy includes the use of chondroprotectors, anti-inflammatory drugs, magnetic wave physiotherapy, muscle relaxants.

Oral diseases

Often, all kinds of oral diseases can also cause headaches. Especially it concerns various pathologies teeth. The painful syndrome in such disorders is usually acute and short-term.
Symptoms appear depending on the nature of the disease. The pain is usually shooting, localized in the cheekbone, temple and forehead area on the affected side. It often goes away soon after using analgesics.
To establish a diagnosis, a dentist or ENT specialist conducts an examination. oral cavity patient, the orthodontist evaluates the bite of the teeth.

If necessary, an X-ray of the jaw can be performed.

Therapy is carried out in accordance with established diagnosis. Typically includes the use of anti-inflammatory and painkillers. In case of dental pathology, oral sanitation is indicated.


Tonsillitis – prolonged inflammatory process in the pharyngeal and palatine tonsils. The headache with this disease is localized on one side, radiating to the ear and neck.
Characteristic signs of tonsillitis include difficulty swallowing, sore throat, fatigue and general disorder well-being.
Diagnosis includes examination, palpation of the ears and neck lymph nodes, blood test for the presence inflammatory processes in organism.
Tonsillitis is treated by an ENT specialist. Treatment includes antiviral or antibacterial agents, anti-inflammatory drugs, sore throat remedies.

When should you see a doctor?

Contact for medical care necessary if the following symptoms appear:

  1. The headache persists for several hours and is not relieved by analgesics or increases rapidly over a short period of time;
  2. Discomfort caused by a bruise or other injury;
  3. Pain syndrome is accompanied by nosebleeds, loss of consciousness, disorientation;
  4. Head pain appears and disappears within a few days;
  5. You notice blurred vision, gait disturbance, finger tremor, or asymmetry of facial features.

If you have a headache attack, take a pain reliever and ensure complete rest: turn off the lights in the room, lie down and try to take a nap or relax.

If the pain gets worse, call ambulance and report in detail about the symptoms that bother you.


  1. Pain in the right side of the head can be caused by various diseases.
  2. Migraine. The pain is one-sided, intense and prolonged (up to 72 hours), and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and photophobia. Before an attack, an “aura” is a neurological sign.
  3. Cervical osteochondrosis. Right-sided pain, at the base of the skull, is accompanied by dizziness, surges in blood pressure and impaired consciousness.
  4. Cluster headaches. Paroxysmal right-sided headache in the eye area, lasting up to an hour, with redness of the eye, noise in the head and discharge from the nose.
  5. Oncology. Pain in the advanced stage is intense, bursting, constant, accompanied by weight loss, loss of appetite and dizziness.
  6. Intracranial bleeding. Intense right-sided headache, accompanied by depression of consciousness.
  7. Trauma (concussion, bruise) Pain in the affected part, weakness, drowsiness and nausea are observed.
  8. Costen's syndrome. Pain in the jaw, temple, ear on one side, intensifies when chewing and talking.
  9. Oral diseases (dental pathologies, tonsillitis). The pain is paroxysmal, shooting in nature, localized in the affected area.
  10. Diagnostics: examination, questioning, checking reflexes, MRI, radiography, ultrasound of cerebral vessels. In case of oral cavity pathologies, examination by a dentist and ENT specialist.
  11. The treatment is carried out by a neurologist. Etiotropic treatment consists of eliminating the cause that caused the pain. Relief of symptoms - analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

When a sharp headache occurs in the right hemisphere, few people think about the cause of this condition, limiting themselves to taking painkillers. Meanwhile, in most cases, headache is a symptom of serious illness.

Complaints of headaches come not only from adults, but also from children, regardless of whether they live in a city or a rural area. Why does a headache bother a person, what methods will help fight it?

Headache is the most common problem. However, before you start fighting a headache, you need to determine its cause.

May hurt:

  • crown;
  • back of the head;
  • whiskey;
  • area above the bridge of the nose;
  • right and left sides of the head.

Migraine and its symptoms

The most common cause of headaches can be migraine. In this case, the pain throbs in the right or left side. This occurs due to irritation from bright light, loud sound or a strong odor, causing the pain to pulsate to the head. Often, during the next attack of pain, the patient may feel nausea, stomach cramps, or a feeling of heaviness. In addition, dizziness or vomiting may occur. Dizziness entails a temporary loss of orientation in space. There is a depressed and depressed state. Often the patient feels tired and drowsy. However, at times this state may give way to temporary excitement.

Such attacks, depending on the degree of pain, can last up to several hours. But it also happens that this condition lasts several days. In this case, a migraine attack takes on a different form, namely.

Main symptoms of migraine:

  • dizziness;
  • foggy haze before the eyes;
  • tearfulness;
  • desire to eat something sweet;
  • tactile hallucinations;
  • auditory hallucinations;
  • visual hallucinations;
  • speech disorder;
  • lack of coordination;
  • fatigue throughout the body.

People suffering from migraines should avoid physical and psychological stress. Lack of sleep must be avoided. It should be remembered that healthy sleep must last at least 7 hours. Oversleeping has a bad effect on migraine patients. You should not systematically sleep more than 10 hours. You should include light physical activity in your lifestyle. There is no need to lift weights or run 5-10 km daily. The essence of the health complex is frequent leisurely walks, morning exercises, dancing or swimming. By playing sports, you can tidy up your figure or maintain it in the necessary tone. Thanks to recommended physical activity You can get rid of migraines and pain forever (right side of head).

Cervical osteochondrosis

The main causes of headaches may be migraines or certain diseases (ARVI, flu or colds), but it is worth noting a number of other factors that lead to discomfort.

So, the cause may be cervical osteochondrosis. It is a common condition, just like migraine. Pressing pain is accompanied by attacks of dizziness or tinnitus. This disease is a consequence of problems with the spine. Therefore, to eliminate uncertainty in the diagnosis, you should visit an orthopedist, neurologist and vertebrologist. You can head to chiropractor who will help solve the problem will prescribe certain medications, possibly with a set of procedures. As a rule, patients with cervical osteochondrosis do not need inpatient treatment.

Therapeutic gymnastics and health-improving exercises for cervical osteochondrosis will be very useful.

First of all, you need to go for walks, which will relieve muscle tension after a difficult day at work. It is necessary to perform a set of health-improving exercises that will relieve pain and strengthen the joints of the neck and spine. Complexes of joint gymnastics can be suggested by experts in this field, who will clearly demonstrate each exercise.

The “Cat” exercise will be no less effective. To perform this exercise, a person must kneel, resting his outstretched arms on the floor. By bending and arching, a person forces the vertebrae to work and improves the elasticity of the muscles of the back and neck. You need to stay in each position for 5-10 seconds.

Head injury as a cause of pain

Another reason why the right or left side of the head may be very painful is a concussion. Perhaps with mild form After the concussion, the person did not notice any deterioration in his condition, and signs of injury did not immediately appear. After a few days it may suddenly arise.

If you fall or strong impact head should immediately go to the hospital, where a specialist will consult the patient and perform a series of procedures that will help determine whether he has a concussion or not.

Symptoms that appear with a concussion:

  • hearing impairment;
  • blurred vision;
  • increased body temperature;
  • attacks of nausea or vomiting;
  • increased pain.

Tumor as a cause of severe pain in the head

Periodic vomiting, which is also accompanied by gagging, may indicate the formation of malignant tumor. On early stage slight dizziness and periodic loss of orientation in space may occur.

General symptoms of a tumor:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • convulsions;
  • psychical deviations;
  • fog before the eyes.

These and some other symptoms indicate that the body cannot cope with the disease on its own. In case of regular headaches in the right hemisphere, you should worry about yourself, because the body is already sending a signal that it cannot cope with the problem on its own.

Depending on the intensity of the development of symptoms, one can judge the size of the head tumor. A sharp headache on the right side is a possible consequence of brain cancer.

You must immediately go to the hospital, where doctors will conduct a series of tests and tests.

Diagnostics necessarily includes determining the activity of tendon reflexes, as well as testing for pain and tactile sensitivity. Next, the patient is sent for a computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. Specialists will make a diagnosis and introduce treatment methods. If a head tumor is confirmed, the patient is immediately sent to hospital treatment. The patient is then transferred to specialists oncology clinic where they are held additional research, the purpose of which is to confirm the diagnosis and course aimed at treating the patient.

You may have eye diseases, including glaucoma.

To find out the cause of the headache and its purpose proper treatment you need to consult a general practitioner.

If necessary, he will prescribe consultations with a neurologist, ophthalmologist, vertebrologist and other specialized specialists. This will help you take timely measures to avoid progression of the disease and possible complications.

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