Sleep in daily disposable lenses. Is it possible to sleep in lenses and how long to wear daily lenses. Is it possible to sleep in lenses at night?

We heard that sleeping in them is quite harmful.

Corneal edema and other undesirable symptoms may occur.

Have you ever wondered whether it is possible to sleep in lenses during the day for an hour or two?

Or is sleeping in them undesirable at any time of the day? Much depends on the type of lenses a person uses.

In this article we will look in detail at the questions asked above.

Is it possible to sleep in lenses?

It is necessary to look at the conditions of use of your lenses. This is described on their packaging. It is recommended to sleep only in those lenses that are intended for long-term wearing.

After all, you can wear them for a couple of days without taking them off at all. But do not forget that contact lenses are a foreign object on your eyes. Therefore, try to give up long-term sleep or at least do it as rarely as possible.

This is dangerous because the eyes do not receive enough oxygen and dry out. Nothing bad will happen if you decide to sleep for an hour or two during the day. The maximum that can happen is that it will become more difficult for you to blink, because during sleep the eyeball is not so well hydrated.

To protect yourself as best as possible from complications that a lens can cause, you need to know the rules for their use:

  1. It is necessary to choose the right contact lenses. After all, lenses intended for long-term wear can be purchased at different period. It can be a day, a week, a month or six months.
  2. It is strictly forbidden for foreign objects to come into contact with your lens, otherwise you may damage your eyes. Do everything strictly according to the instructions.
  3. Do not damage the lens; carefully remove it to put it on.
  4. Make sure that the lenses have good gas conductivity. Check the expiration date on your lenses and keep your hands clean before using your lenses. If you have eye pain, refrain from wearing them.

Which ones must be removed?

The longer you sleep in daily contact lenses, the more your eyes swell. Sleeping for 1-2 hours is only possible with silicone hydrogel lenses. But provided that your eyes are in your eyes good condition and healthy. Otherwise, there is a chance of getting an infection.

Go to your eye doctor and find out if you can even sleep in lenses and, if so, which ones. The specialist will select lenses based on the characteristics of your eyes. Just don’t experiment under any circumstances.

Lenses that do not allow oxygen to pass through, that is, ordinary ones, should also not be left on overnight. During sleep, oxygen does not reach the surface of the eyes and possible painful sensations. After all, the supply of oxygen and hydration of the eye is possible only by blinking. This does not happen during sleep.

Consequences of sleeping in lenses

The consequences of sleeping in lenses not intended for this purpose may be of varying severity. After all, each lens and each eye has its own characteristics and specifics.

Corneal edema

While you sleep, your eyes are in the same position. They are closed by eyelids and the air does not moisturize your cornea. Your eyes may become red.

If you look at the lamp, something like a rainbow forms around it. All objects around are blurry.

Protein accumulation

The most common manifestation is from wearing lenses and sleeping in them. Due to eye contact with the lens, a rough, matte film appears on the lens. It is difficult to notice, except that the surface of the lenses becomes oilier.

These deposits accumulate and over time your eyes may become itchy and red. If this happens, then stop sleeping in lenses and change them to daily ones.

In case of frequent manifestations of protein deposits, change the material from which the lenses are made. These deposits can cause diseases of the cornea and cause inflammation. And the rough, oily surface can damage your eyes.


Possible with frequent lens replacement or allergic reaction to the solution. Signs of conjunctivitis: discharge from the eye, itching, feeling that there is a foreign object in the eye.

If you have this disease, then either wear lenses less often or give them up completely. Take medications that will relieve your eyes from mast cells. Drops will help relieve irritation.

In the following image you can see how they affect the eye different types conjunctivitis:

Problem with blood vessels

They grow onto the cornea. This is possible if you sleep in soft lenses. They do not allow oxygen to pass through at all. This may cause vision impairment.

Acanthamoeba keratitis

Rare, but one of the most dangerous diseases for eyes. Acanthamoeba, which appears on the surface of the lens, causes severe irritation.

If you sleep in lenses and do not monitor their condition, keratitis can have extremely negative consequences.

Corneal ulcer

It can be either infectious or sterile. If the form is infectious, then the pain is very strong, pus is released in large quantities.

It is necessary to take a course of antibiotics. The sterile form is less dangerous, proceeds gently and pain syndromes do not appear.


The more often you wear lenses, the higher the chance of an allergic reaction. It can be either on the material of the lens itself or on the solution in which you store your lenses.

And allergies often develop into conjunctivitis. If you are allergic to the solution, doctors advise replacing it with a solution without preservatives. If there is a reaction to the lens itself, the material simply needs to be replaced.

Treating eye problems

If you are faced with the above eye problems that arose due to wearing lenses, then you need to gently eliminate them.

There are quite a lot of methods to combat such diseases. First, try changing the lenses to others, from a different material. Many of them do not allow moisture and oxygen to pass through, and some will not suit you due to your characteristics.

Try to clean your lenses on time and do not wear them for more than the specified period. For the most ordinary person recommended day mode. This means that you should refuse to sleep in lenses; it’s better not to risk it.

Select contact lenses exclusively with the help of a specialist. This will make your life easier and help prevent harmful consequences. For microbial infections, it is often necessary to take a course of antibiotics.

Also understand that you cannot wash your lenses with tap water, because it contains various impurities that can settle on the surface of the lens.

The predominant number of diseases come from the fact that a person does not consult a doctor in a timely manner. If you have the same or similar symptoms, then postpone your visit to the ophthalmologist.

In general, for it to arise less problems depending on your eyes and time, many advise purchasing long-wear lenses.

There are also special lenses in which, as manufacturers say, you can sleep. But they cost much more and these costs are not always justified.

After all, the manifestation of all of the above symptoms is possible when using any contact lenses. Over time, they all become dirty, deteriorate and their service life comes to an end.

Very important detail, even if you hardly wear lenses, for example, you only wore them a couple of times, and their service life is 1 month, then in any case, after a month you will need to throw them away.

The material deteriorates over time and its properties deteriorate. The ability of oxygen and moisture to penetrate the cornea is reduced, which entails the symptoms described above.


If you do not want to remove your lenses while sleeping, then you should remember the safety rules. Don't forget about lens care. It is also worth remembering the consequences of both daytime and nighttime sleep. contact lenses.

Be sure to visit your doctor to determine your lens type. Hygiene rules largely determine the chances of contracting a particular disease.

No matter how promising the descriptions of lenses from various companies may be, you should still stick to general rules on their use. Remove your lenses at least once every 2 days, preferably at least once a day.

Their constant wearing causes the eyes to become accustomed to the presence of foreign body. The material is thick, so your eyelids don't close completely. This increases the risk of infection in the cornea.

If after sleeping in lenses your eyes are still affected, then put some drops in them a large number of moisturizing drops. There is no need to remove the lenses without first wetting your eyes. After all, your cornea is already badly damaged.

In addition to the above, you should follow the rules for handling lenses. They are shown in the following picture:

Ophthalmologist of the first category.

Conducts diagnosis and treatment of astigmatism, myopia, farsightedness, conjunctivitis (viral, bacterial, allergic), strabismus, stye. Performs vision examinations, as well as fitting glasses and contact lenses. The portal describes in detail the instructions for use of eye medications.

Many of those who suffer poor eyesight, sooner or later they discover contact lenses. Their advantages over glasses are obvious: they are invisible to others, allow you not to hide your eyes, and do not interfere. But is it really that simple?

Ophthalmologists, when giving a patient his first lenses, warn about many problems that may arise due to their improper use. After all, failure to comply with hygiene conditions can lead to infection, and wearing over deadline- to eye fatigue.

But is it possible to sleep in contact lenses? Experts have different opinions on this matter, and it is quite difficult for the average person to determine which one is correct. Some categorically state that you cannot sleep in lenses, others argue that there are nuances. Let's look at this question.

Features of daily contact lenses

Until recently, we could not even imagine that it would be possible not to think about special containers and solutions. But ophthalmological scientists took care of the convenience of patients and invented lenses that can be put on in the morning and thrown away in the evening. Everything is simple, no additional manipulations.

Wearing daily lenses is especially convenient when traveling. After all, you don’t need to take any additional accessories with you. In addition, advertising assures us that one-day contact vision correction products are less noticeable due to their minimal thickness. This is especially important for those who are embarrassed about their poor vision.

In any case, daily contact lenses have a number of objective advantages. We will look at them below.

Benefits of daily disposable lenses

When thinking about which vision correction product to choose, many begin to list the pros and cons of one and the other. Some of these indicators are objective, others are not. We will analyze only those advantages of daily contact lenses that are undeniable:

  1. Hygiene. Not having to store your lenses in a container, which also accumulates dirt over time, is an obvious advantage. After all, the main complaint of opponents of contact lenses is their unhygienic nature. With the invention of one-day models, this problem was solved.
  2. Diversity. The time has passed when you can find daily lenses for a person with a specific disease was a difficulty. There are now options for people with nearsightedness, farsightedness and other vision problems.
  3. Saving. Modern one-day models cost little more than monthly lenses. Compared to other advantages, this is an obvious plus. Imagine that the lens is torn or lost - a one-day replacement will cost mere pennies. In addition, the lucky owners of one-day models do not have to spend money on containers, solutions and other accessories.
  4. Availability. This point applies to those who live in sufficient major cities. IN Lately in large shopping centers Special vending machines began to appear selling daily disposable contact lenses. No trips to specialty stores.

Is it possible to sleep in contact lenses?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. The conditions for wearing certain lenses must be described on the packaging. It must indicate after what time they need to be removed, how to care for them, and in what cases they need to be replaced.

When asked whether it is possible to sleep in lenses at night, a clear positive answer is given only for those models that fall into the category of long-term wear. Such lenses can be worn without removing them for several days without harm to health. By at least, so say the manufacturers. In fact, doctors are skeptical about No matter how safe they are, they are in any case foreign objects. Therefore, their long presence in the eyes is undesirable. IN exceptional cases, for example, when it is not possible to maintain hygiene for a long time, on a trip or while relaxing in nature, you can use long-wear lenses. But, be that as it may, they still prevent the eye from breathing normally, which is why you should not sleep in lenses at night.

What about naps?

Here we are talking, of course, not about those who work in night shift, and in the morning goes to bed for 6-7 hours. No, let's talk about a vacation that takes no more than 2-3 hours. Is it possible to sleep during the day wearing daily lenses or any other lenses? This is especially interesting for girls. If you need to remove them, then you will have to remove all makeup and reapply after sleep. There are too many complications.

In fact, nothing bad will happen if you decide to sleep a little while wearing your lenses. Of course, eye hydration slows down during sleep, so when you wake up, you may find that blinking has become more difficult. To solve this problem, you can use special drops for lenses. But you shouldn’t overuse them: if dryness appears frequently, it’s best to consult a doctor.

So is it possible to sleep during the day wearing daily lenses?

Often, those who purchase models intended for several hours of wear do not even have a special container and solution. This means that the question that arises especially acutely for them is: is it possible to sleep during the day wearing daily lenses? Don’t get new ones every time you want to rest a little. Ophthalmologists assure: just like monthly lenses, daily lenses will easily survive several hours of sleep. But you should not abuse this. Allow no more than 2 hours for daytime sleep; do not make life difficult for your eyes and lenses by drying them out. The right approach will allow you to better preserve your vision and not aggravate existing problems.

How long can you wear lenses without removing them?

The manufacturer must answer this question. The packaging with the lenses should contain information about how long they can be worn without removing them. If there are no such records, you can contact your ophthalmologist with this question. Even if you don’t plan to sleep for the next 24 hours, you shouldn’t wear your lenses the whole time without taking them off. Take a break after every 12 hours.

During the day, dust, dirt and bacteria accumulate on their surface. That is why you need to carry out a cleaning procedure every evening. Of course, there are special lenses that can be left in place for a long time or even several days. But ophthalmologists are skeptical about them, noting high risk occurrence of infection. Therefore, before purchasing such lenses, be sure to consult your doctor.

more than a day?

In no case. Such lenses are made of a material that quickly becomes unusable. Over time, they begin to let air through less well, and the natural hydration of the eye is significantly reduced. The result is that the efficiency of cleaning the surface of the lens decreases over time, dust accumulates faster, and therefore the risk of infection increases as much as possible.

But what to do in a situation where it is not possible to replace the lens, but good vision do you need it here and now? Carry glasses with you. They will help not only in this situation, but also if the lens is lost or torn.

Myths about contact lenses

  1. Contact lenses are sources of infection. As we found out above, such a development of events is only possible with unscrupulous care for them.
  2. The lens may fall out and get lost. This happens, but it is extremely rare. Often the reason is increased dryness eye. In all other cases, the lens simply moves to the side, while remaining on the surface of the eye. Finding it and returning it to its place is no problem.
  3. Lenses may cause allergies. This statement is not without meaning. The lens may indeed contain substances causing allergies. But the reaction will only appear after long continuous wearing.
  4. The lenses will interfere with your eyes. You won't know until you check. There is a category of people for whom wearing lenses really causes discomfort. But this is a minority.

Now you are not faced with the question of whether you can sleep during the day wearing daily lenses. Know: everything is good in moderation. Take proper care of them, take care and do not overwork your eyes, visit your doctor regularly and be healthy.

Contact lenses are not harmful to health, provided that a person wears them under the supervision of an ophthalmologist and performs all necessary hygiene rules. However, when deciding to purchase them for long-term use, it is important to take into account the existing contraindications. Ophthalmologists are unanimous in their statement that it is strictly not recommended to leave contact lenses in the eyes overnight.

Why can't you sleep in lenses? Despite the fact that modern models of lenses have high oxygen permeability and do not cause discomfort during prolonged wear, they can greatly harm eye health. Lenses must be removed at night, because sleeping in them is the same as sleeping in outerwear, thus violating physiological mechanisms air exchange and thermoregulation.

Sleeping in lenses can cause the following side effects:

  1. Lack of oxygen or hypoxia of the eyes. Any lenses, even the newest silicone hydrogel ones, delay the flow of oxygen to the eyeballs, so the period of their daily wearing is limited. Lack of oxygen resulting from night use of lenses can cause various diseases eyes that do not appear immediately. Oxygen starvation reduces immunity and barrier functions, therefore, against its background, infectious and inflammatory diseases often develop, which have a detrimental effect on the eye analyzer.
  2. Dry eye syndrome. The eyes should be kept without lenses as much as possible, since wearing them for a long time is unnatural, that is, it is not physiological norm. The period of continuous wearing of contact lenses, regardless of the material from which they are made, should not exceed 10 hours. During sleep, the eyelids are lowered, the person stops blinking, so the natural mechanism of moisturizing the cornea is turned off. If you fall asleep with your lenses on, your eyes literally “dry out” in the morning: they turn red, become sensitive to light, and hurt. Often there is a feeling that “sand has been poured into the eyes.” The reaction to night use of contact lenses is determined individual characteristics body: some may experience short-term discomfort, others may need urgent Care ophthalmologist.
  3. Impaired self-cleaning ability of the eye, leading to protein deposits on the lenses. What happens if you don’t clean your lenses for more than a day? Heavily soiled lenses contribute to the development of bacterial infections and are not suitable for use.
  4. Corneal ulcers. The risk of developing ulcerative keratitis during night use of lenses increases many times. It is noteworthy that people who conscientiously follow the rules of wearing lenses change them regularly and use only proven solutions High Quality, very rarely suffer from such diseases.
  5. Violation of the full outflow of carbon dioxide from the eyes. Consequently, if you sleep in lenses, the cornea begins to suffer and becomes more vulnerable to attack by microbes and viruses that trigger inflammatory processes and may even negatively affect visual acuity.

Is it possible to sleep in lenses for a short time?

Sleeping for a long time in lenses not only causes discomfort after waking up, but can also provoke serious infectious diseases. However, if the sleep is short, that is, it lasts no more than 2-3 hours, then it will not cause serious harm to eye health. This is especially true if you use lenses for daily wear. Such lenses require daily replacement, that is, 30 pairs of lenses are required per month.

In case of unplanned nap There is no need to change lenses, although your eyes will feel uncomfortable after waking up. Therefore, if possible, it is imperative to give your eyes a break from the lenses and place them in a container with a cleaning solution.

What to do if it is not possible to remove your lenses before going to bed?

Just for those extreme situations It is advisable to purchase contact lenses for daily wear - disposable. There is no need to put them in a container or store them in other ways, since they are designed for 10-12 hours of continuous wear, after which they cannot be used. Before going to bed, you need to remove them from your eyes and throw them away, as the next day you will need another pair. The advantages of such lenses are that they have high oxygen permeability and their minimal service life allows you to avoid such unpleasant consequences as development bacterial diseases and eye dehydration.

If you use scheduled replacement lenses, the use period of which is 1-2 months, and various reasons If you don't plan to spend the night at home, then the only way out in this situation, take with you accessories for hygiene care behind the lenses:

  • a lens storage container equipped with a small mirror that allows you to remove and put on lenses anywhere;
  • special tweezers made of safe plastic that does not damage the lens itself;
  • a cleaning and antimicrobial solution in a convenient small-format bottle that effectively disinfects and cleans lenses of protein deposits.

Following good hygiene rules when wearing contact lenses, regularly replacing them, using high-quality cleaning solutions, regularly visiting an ophthalmologist for preventive eye examinations - all this will be achieved by wearing contact lenses a pleasant activity, harmless to health.

List of used literature:

  • Barr, J. "2004 Annual Report." Contact Lens Spectrum. January, 2005
  • V. F. Danilichev, S. A. Novikov, N. A. Ushakov, etc. Contact lenses / V. F. Danilichev, S. A. Novikov. - St. Petersburg: Veko, 2008. - 271 p.
  • I. A. Leshchenko. Soft contact lenses and their selection. - 2013 - T. 2. - 320 p.

Contact lenses at one time opened up previously unimaginable scope for people with vision defects such as farsightedness and myopia. The opportunity not to wear glasses on the bridge of the nose for most of the day was in itself so valuable that for many the questions disappeared by themselves.

Now, when there are many manufacturers of contact lenses on the market with different characteristics, one of the main questions associated with wearing them is whether you can sleep in them. It would seem that there is nothing difficult about taking care of yourself and your eyes at the end of the day and removing your lenses by placing them in a special solution, but in some cases this is not always possible.

A long trip by train or plane, or a holiday outside the city where it is difficult to maintain hygiene at the proper level - in both situations, removing lenses is problematic and simply inconvenient. However, not all contact lenses are designed for long-term wear, and it is better not to put your eyes at risk.

Each pair of lenses has such a characteristic as a recommended wearing period. This is a term during which you can, without harm to your health, not change a pair of lenses and wear it every day, taking it off at night.

Previously, even doctors believed that the recommended period for wearing was the period before the onset of discomfort. Itching, redness, and discomfort in the eye served as a signal to replace the pair. Spending the night in lenses was out of the question - they did not allow air to pass through well, interfered with normal blood circulation, the eyes got tired and itchy, and vision decreased. We are talking about hard and hydrogel lenses, which are now almost never used, although they are still on sale and occupy their consumer niche.

Lenses vary in length of wear. For example, one-day lenses from Bausch+Lomb Biotrue® ONEday are popular. They are made of HyperGel material, which is similar to the structures of the eye and tears, contains a large amount of moisture - 78% and provides comfort even after 16 hours of continuous wear. This best option for dryness or discomfort from wearing other lenses. There is no need to care for these lenses; a new pair is worn every day.

There are also scheduled replacement lenses - silicone hydrogel Bausch + Lomb ULTRA, using MoistureSeal® technology (MoischeSil). They combine high content moisture, good oxygen permeability and softness. Thanks to this, the lenses are not felt when worn and do not damage the eyes. Such lenses require care using special solutions - for example, ReNu MultiPlus (Renu MultiPlus), which moisturizes and cleans soft lenses, destroying viruses, bacteria and fungi, is used to store lenses. For sensitive eyes, the optimal solution is ReNu MPS (Renu MPS) with a reduced concentration active ingredients. Despite the softness of the formula, the solution effectively removes deep and surface contamination. For long-term hydration of lenses, solutions with hyaluronic acid– a natural moisturizing component. For example, the universal solution Biotrue (Biotru), which, in addition to removing dirt, bacteria and fungi, provides 20-hour hydration of lenses due to the presence of hyaluronan polymer in the product.

In what cases can you leave your lenses in at night?

Silicone hydrogel lenses are thin compared to older generation lenses, soft and elastic. They allow air to pass through well and do not give eyeball. As a result, the lenses do not stick to the eye and are not felt, and blood flow is not disrupted.

The eyes in such lenses do not get tired and feel quite comfortable throughout the recommended wearing time - up to 12-15 hours. However, in in some cases This period can be extended if you follow several rules:

  • if you have to spend the night and sleep in lenses, it is better to seize the moment in advance and remove them for a short time, placing them in the solution, and then put them on again;
  • immediately after waking up, you need to moisten your eyes with drops or a solution - this will relieve the feeling of dryness, your eyes will not be so sleepy, and the lenses will be easier to remove afterwards;
  • It is recommended to remove the lenses as soon as possible, shortly after waking up - you can put them on again in an hour and a half;
  • After wearing for a long time, the lenses need to be cleaned special device or with your finger, using a solution - this will remove organic accumulations and dust, making the lens transparent again.

Especially for travel and other similar occasions, or as a permanent option, you can use daily lenses. They can be worn throughout the day, they allow oxygen to pass through perfectly and have a high wettability index. Such lenses are usually sold in packs of 30 pieces, designed for a month of wear with daily change. For them, you don’t always need to take a container with you and think about whether there will be conditions for storing the lenses - they can simply be replaced.

If you don’t want to bother with it every day, it’s better to use continuous wear. They are specifically designed to be used at any time of the day - literally put on and forget before the wearing period is over.

Continuous wear lenses

Many people consider the need to remove lenses at night to be an annoying inconvenience that would be better avoided. This option is possible with continuous wear lenses, which can be used from 6 days to a month without removing them. This solution is ideal for very busy people and those who do not like the daily morning and evening rituals of removing and putting on lenses.

The main advantage of continuous wear lenses is that you can sleep in them without thinking at all that it can harm your eyes. All you need is to periodically moisturize your eyes with special drops or even a solution for lenses if your eyes feel discomfort. However, this should not be the case - high performance wettability and oxygen permeability ensure comfortable wearing without discomfort.

Whether or not to remove such lenses is the choice of each person. It is better to take care of hygiene and periodically clean the lenses from organic deposits, trapped dust or other mechanical irritants - this will ensure eye safety, comfort and visual acuity. You can sleep in such lenses, but it is recommended to use them periodically to clean and rest the eyes themselves. The disadvantages of such lenses include their high cost.

Is it possible to sleep in colored lenses?

It’s worth mentioning separately about colored lenses, which are gaining popularity every year. If until recently colored lenses played a purely decorative role, now they are intended for people with visual impairments, and you can change your image, make your eyes a different color.

To summarize, we can say that you can sleep in lenses, but you should not forget about hygiene. Lenses, just like the face, need cleansing, and the eyes need rest, this should always be remembered.

Video - Contact lenses

All more people Those with poor vision prefer contact correction to glasses. This is explained by the fact that lenses are much more practical than glasses and do not in any way affect the external image of the wearer. Today there are many types of lenses, but one-day models are considered the best and safest. They have many advantages over other means of improving vision. However, daily lenses are quite expensive, so many users wonder about the length of time they should be worn. Also, many patients are interested in the question of whether it is possible to sleep in daily lenses during the day. The features of using daily lenses will be discussed further.

What do you need to know about such lenses?

Daily wear lenses provide maximum comfort and relieve the user from the daily manipulations associated with their care.

This product recently appeared on the domestic optics market and immediately gained high trust among contact doctors and their patients. Doctors note the high hygiene of the lens: minimal contact of the lenses with hands, no contact with solutions and, as a result, – absence of allergic reactions. In addition, users do not have to spend time caring for the lenses: at the end of the day they simply need to throw them away and put on a new pair in the morning.

Long-term continuous wear lenses are available. Read more about them.

Finally, daily lenses are beginner-friendly. At first, when you don’t yet have the skill to remove and put on lenses, it is better to use just such lenses. Lenses often slip out of the hands of “debutants”, get lost, or become damaged. How much less will the material damage be if the ones that were damaged were not the ones that were planned for six-month wear.

Daily lenses protect the eyes of people who have to work with chemicals or in conditions of increased dustiness. They save those patients whose tear composition leads to rapid accumulation of sediment on the lens.

Disposable lenses are convenient for people with slight visual impairment who Everyday life do without lenses or are happy with glasses. Many of them, going to the theater or to an important meeting, to play tennis or football, want to have one hundred percent vision. And one-day lenses come to their rescue.

Position of the lens relative to the eye

Benefits of wearing daily lenses

Ophthalmologists recommend wearing “one-day glasses” to all those who need vision correction. But Special attention people with hypersensitivity eye. These lenses do not require maintenance. Reusable lenses must be removed at night, treated with a special solution and placed in a container. And many users are too lazy to do this, which is why eye problems appear. Disposable lenses will help avoid this. Within a few hours of wearing daytime pathogenic microorganisms simply do not have time to accumulate. This means that the delicate mucous membrane of the eye is reliably protected.

Another advantage of “one-day” ones is that such models are produced softer and thinner. In addition, they have high level breathability. Thanks to this factor, the lenses are able to protect very sensitive eyes.

Is it possible to wear daily lenses for several days and sleep in them during the day?

Any ophthalmologist will say a categorical “no” to this question. Sometimes you can find reviews from some people about what it means to fail to meet deadlines wearing had no negative consequences for them. However, this is very individual and is observed in isolated cases.

The negative position of doctors is easily explained. Indeed, disposable and reusable lenses are made from the same material. But there are many differences between them in terms of density, oxygen permeability, as well as basic operational characteristics. And if you constantly wear daily lenses, microbes will certainly appear in them, which will subsequently lead to the development of serious illness. So it's better not to take risks.

It is prohibited to sleep in lenses at night, but short naps during the day are quite acceptable. Although it should be noted that users who managed to test the “one-day” during daytime sleep, They complain that even after a short rest they feel discomfort in their eyes. This happens due to drying of the mucous membrane of the eye. Often, after a day's sleep in such lenses (no matter how long it lasts), the eyes turn red, begin to itch and water.

But this problem is easily solved: in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to use special moisturizing eye drops immediately after a nap.

Read more about the best moisturizing eye drops.

Daily lenses are not suitable for repeated use: they lose their properties and become unusable.

Contact lenses can only be prescribed and changed by a contact specialist or ophthalmologist. are intended for single use only and should not be worn beyond the expiration date indicated on the packaging. The use of soft fly-by-night models increases safety contact correction vision, minimizes the risk of developing eye infection. Those wearers who wear daily lenses multiple times or sleep in them at night, risk the health of their eyes.

In general, the ideology of daily lens wear is that this option is the safest for eye health of all those available today. After the new lens is removed from the blister and placed on the eye, the process of interaction of its surface with the tear begins. This inevitably leads to the formation of areas where sediment accumulates. The daily growth of deposits leads to a feeling of discomfort; the user complains that the lens is bothering him. Islands of sediment are a springboard for the landing of various microorganisms, which, when activated, will inevitably lead to the development of infection.

Rules for using daily lenses

Lens structure and focusing

Read on for how long you can wear contact lenses.

The use of “one-day-olds” requires compliance with the rules of basic hygiene. Let's take a closer look stages of lens manipulation:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and dry them with a clean towel (preferably lint-free). There should be no residual cream or lotion on your hands.
  2. Open the blister with the lens by pulling the foil tab up.
  3. Remove the lens with your fingertips (not fingernails, tweezers, or anything else!).
  4. Place the lens bottom down on the pad of your index finger and hold for 5-10 seconds.
  5. Using the fingers of one hand, open your eye wide: index finger lift up upper eyelid, large - pull the lower one down.
  6. Gently apply the lens to the center of the eye.
  7. Move your eye along the horizon: left and right.
  8. Get wet closed eye clean napkin.

Remember that decorative makeup can only be applied after putting on the lenses. When using varnishes, sprays, aerosols or eau de toilette, close your eyes tightly. Don't forget to purchase a new set of lenses in a timely manner.


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