Vitamin B2. What are the benefits of vitamin B2? Vitamin B2 in ampoules

An element such as vitamin B2, why the body needs it, can be understood if you familiarize yourself in more detail with information about the processes in which this useful microelement is involved.

Vitamin B2 or, as it is also called, Riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin, which in its natural state is presented in the form of yellow oblong crystals with a bitter taste.

This element cannot be found in free form in nature. It is present only in solutions that function in a living organism.

Importance of B2 for health

Vitamin B2 plays invaluable role in ensuring human health. It plays a significant role in such body processes as the transformation of amino acids, the production of other useful microelements etc. Without this element, adequate functioning of all organs is impossible.

Without this microelement, the process of synthesizing certain hormones and red blood cells is impossible. The vitamin protects the retina from negative influence ultraviolet rays, allows you to increase visual acuity and adapt your eyes in the dark.

This needed by the body the vitamin takes an active part in the production of stress hormones. As is known, due to constant stress and pressure on the nervous system, the content of this vitamin in the body is reduced, as a result of which the latter becomes unprotected. Therefore, it is very important in case of a nervous breakdown and stress to consume as much as possible. more products saturated with riboflavin.

Riboflavin allows proteins, fats and carbohydrates to be adequately broken down. For those people who play sports or whose work involves physical overexertion, the vitamin is needed as a so-called fuel transformer, since B2 converts consumed fats and carbohydrates into energy.

Riboflavin copes well with the issue of tissue regeneration and growth. It has the most positive effect on the central nervous system, as well as the liver and mucous membranes. This vitamin is very important for proper development fetus during pregnancy.

Daily norm and consequences of vitamin deficiency in the body

A value such as the daily norm of riboflavin is not constant and depends on factors such as gender, age, etc.

However, it has been established that the average daily requirement for a person is:

  • men – 1.7 – 1.8 mg;
  • women – 1.3 – 1.6 mg;
  • children – 0.5 – 1.5 mg.

An adult can get the required daily intake by eating 2 eggs or 300 grams of cottage cheese during the day. Thus, a balanced diet makes it possible necessary for the body volume of vitamin.

However, in practice there are deviations from these norms, which is due to such circumstances as taking hormonal medications, overuse alcoholic drinks, as well as high physical activity. And it is quite natural that it will be much better for the body if a person receives riboflavin by consuming food, rather than taking expensive medications.

Symptoms and causes of riboflavin deficiency

In medicine, a condition in which there is a deficiency of vitamin B2 in the patient’s body is called hyporiboflavinosis. Signs of this condition can manifest themselves both externally and affecting work internal organs and systems. On different stages development of hypovitaminosis in the patient will begin to occur following symptoms vitamin deficiency in the body:

  • drying and cracking of the skin of the lips;
  • loss of appetite, weakness, headaches and loss of strength;
  • various skin pathologies, for example, rashes or itching, which is caused by dysfunction nervous system;
  • fragility and hair loss;
  • development inflammatory process in the oral cavity;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • disorders in the digestive system;
  • sleep disturbance, dizziness, lethargy brain activity caused by starvation blood vessels; - burning painful sensations in the arms and legs, the appearance of cramps;
  • exhaustion of the body, stunted growth, which is especially common and dangerous for children; - slow healing of wounds;
  • development of photophobia.

If we talk about the reasons that provoke vitamin deficiency in the body, then in addition to taking certain medications, hypo- or hyperfunction can cause a similar condition thyroid gland, as well as a number of other pathologies.

In addition, vitamin B2 is destroyed if vegetables are thawed and meat products for half a day in the light. However, useful elements in products are stored in the refrigerator. Losses beneficial properties food can be avoided if you stop taking medications, put frozen vegetables or meat directly into boiled water or defrost them, for example, in microwave oven, pre-wrapped in food foil.

Replenishment of vitamin B2 deficiency

As noted earlier, today the pharmaceutical industry offers a huge selection of drugs that help replenish daily requirement vitamin in the body.

As for the instructions for use of these tablets, they are individual for each drug. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the specifics of taking a tablet vitamin will depend on the need for it in each patient.

It is also worth noting that the order of taking riboflavin for various pathologies will differ significantly from the order in which the drug is taken for prophylactic purposes.

However, according to the recommendations of nutritionists, it is much better to get vitamin B2 from natural products. Due to this in the best possible way providing the body with the necessary amount of riboflavin is the correct and balanced diet, which consists of products of plant and animal origin. The maximum amount of the indicated vitamin is present in products such as milk, pine nuts or fresh meat.

Thus, riboflavin or vitamin B2 is necessary for the body to ensure a huge number of processes in the body of a biochemical nature. This element is key in ensuring the functioning of the digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems. And in order for every person to feel great, they should receive the required daily dose designated element.

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Excessive loads and strict diets lead the body to exhaustion. Against this background, neurological disorders and depression occur. Someone who is losing weight becomes weak and loses confidence in their abilities. To protect yourself from mental disorders, it is worth checking how much vitamin B2 you get from food. If a significant deficiency occurs, you should consider taking a supplement.

Features of vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin belongs to the group of water-soluble substances. He plays important role in the normal functioning of the entire body.

Daily norm for a person it becomes 1.5 mg.

Riboflavin is responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system, accelerates metabolic processes, takes part in the elimination of dangerous compounds, and removes toxins.

Vitamin B2 is mainly supplied to humans through food, but in the process of active sports or limited nutrition, of this substance may not be enough.

Content in food

Subject to good nutrition a person can fully replenish the daily requirement of vitamin B2. Riboflavin is found in the following foods:

  • Meat and offal;
  • Dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Eggs;
  • Fish;
  • Yeast;
  • Cocoa;
  • Dates;
  • Nuts;
  • Cauliflower;
  • Green onions;
  • Green peas;
  • Berries - blueberries, blackberries and raspberries;
  • Whole grain products.

By introducing all these products into the diet, a person can completely meet the need for vitamin B2. It is important to remember that during cooking the majority of riboflavin is lost.

Release forms and functions

Vitamin B2 is a water-soluble substance. Riboflavin is not able to accumulate in the body and is excreted by the kidneys in the urine. If there is an excess of vitamin, it may turn yellow.

Available in the following forms:

  1. Ampoules;
  2. Pills;
  3. Powder;
  4. Capsules.

When losing weight, a person does not receive the required amount of riboflavin. This is due to limited nutrition and exhaustion of the body. It is to solve these problems that an additional source of vitamin B2 is needed. Riboflavin is responsible for the following functions:

  1. Participates in the production of red blood cells;
  2. Takes part in the growth process of the body;
  3. Regulates the functioning of the body's protective functions;
  4. Responsible for the normal functioning of the reproductive system;
  5. Normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  6. Participates in the process of iron absorption;
  7. Responsible for good condition skin, nails and hair.

Consequences of vitamin B2 deficiency during weight loss

In the process of losing weight, the human body experiences a lot of stress. Against the backdrop of limited nutrition and exercise, fatigue occurs, and the normal functioning of systems slows down. If a lack of vitamin B2 is involved in these processes, the following consequences may occur:

  • The occurrence of trophic ulcers;
  • Peeling of facial skin;
  • Cracks around the lips;
  • Cracks in the eyelids;
  • Peeling and cracks on the ears and nose;
  • Cataract;
  • Loss of vision;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Depression;
  • Lack of sleep;
  • Anemia.

Signs of vitamin B2 deficiency when losing weight

When riboflavin deficiency occurs in people who are losing weight, the following symptoms appear:

  1. Fear of light;
  2. Pain in the eyes;
  3. Inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  4. Clouding of the cornea of ​​the eyes;
  5. Cracks in the corners of the lips;
  6. General fatigue.

Vitamin deficiency during weight loss occurs mainly due to the refusal of dairy and whole grain products. Diseases can also affect the absorption of riboflavin. gastrointestinal tract.


Riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin, so excess is excreted by the kidneys in the urine. Side effects are not observed in case of overdose.

Use for weight loss

Dreaming of finding, a person is ready to go to extreme measures. Severe food restriction or monotonous nutrition helps the body switch to self-preservation mode. This leads to a stop in the weight loss process. Against the background of exhaustion, the body experiences discomfort, chronic fatigue appears, and general health deteriorates. appearance person. These processes can be stopped. To do this, those losing weight need to include nutritional supplements in their diet. Among such drugs Special attention should be given vitamin B2.

Riboflavin starts the process of burning fat reserves and helps speed up the metabolism of every cell in the body. Taking vitamin B2, a person losing weight helps accelerate weight loss excess weight and the activity of the nervous system is normalized. Thanks to this, sleep is normalized, the immune system is strengthened, and physical endurance increases.

Including taking vitamin B2, you need to understand that riboflavin alone cannot trigger fat burning. It will help speed up weight loss only in combination with proper nutrition and physical activity. A bonus will be the ideal condition of your skin, nails and hair.


It is possible to improve your health by following a diet. To do this, you should include it in your diet. active additives. Among them, special attention should be paid to vitamin B2. Price policy the drug varies greatly. The gradation of prices depends on the form of release and the manufacturer. By choosing a one-component drug, the cost will be lower. When purchasing a complex B vitamin supplement, the price will be slightly higher.


Vitamin B2 has no analogues in its properties. There are many names of this substance on the pharmacological market. Among them:

  1. Vitamin B2;
  2. Vitaplex;
  3. Lactoflavin;
  4. Beflavit;
  5. Betavitam;
  6. Vitrum Centuri;
  7. Flavitol;
  8. Lactoben;
  9. Ovoflavin;
  10. Ribovin;
  11. Bioflavin;
  12. Vitaflavin.

All of the above drugs perform one function - they saturate the human body with vitamin B2. Before use, you should consult a specialist. The doctor will help determine the presence of a deficiency and develop a method to eliminate the problems that have arisen.

Translated from Latin language the word "vitamin" is translated as "life" and "protein". And letters were assigned to vitamins as they were discovered. The names of some of them have not only a letter designation, but also a verbal designation. For example, B2 is riboflavin, vitamin A is retinol, B12 is cyanocobalamin. Despite the fact that we need these elements in small doses, their consumption should be daily. In some cases, the need for them increases: for example, during pregnancy, with certain diseases, with increased physical or mental stress.

Ways to get vitamins into the body

  • Exogenous. In this case, vitamins enter our body from the outside - with food or with dietary supplements. Most the best option of course there will be natural products. Firstly, they are better absorbed by humans. Secondly, nature provides a combination different groups vitamins that enhance each other's effects.
  • Endogenous, or internal. Vitamins come from the synthesis of bacteria in the intestines. Weak sides this path - a small volume of production, possible failures due to diseases digestive tract, as well as insufficient absorption of vitamins from the colon as a result of taking antibiotics.

Causes of insufficient intake of vitamins from food

  • Unsatisfactory quality of products. After all, the habitat and ecology have changed, and as a result, crops do not receive all the necessary nutrients in full. Pollutants further deplete already modest reserves. The human diet is becoming increasingly scarce. As a result, it is not always possible to create your menu in such a way as to fully provide the body with the substances it needs.
  • Vitamins disappear when heat treatment products.
  • Impaired digestive functions do not allow the body to absorb necessary substances.
  • Insufficient or unbalanced intake of vitamins.
  • Seasonality factor: by autumn the body accumulates vitamins, and by spring their deficiency is detected. Vitamin intake should be regular. Please note that before you start taking multivitamins, you should consult a specialist.

Riboflavin: description

Vitamin B2, or growth vitamin, is essential to the human body For normal functioning cells, metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, tissue respiration. Riboflavin is a water-soluble substance. In combination with vitamin A, it helps ensure the integrity of the mucous membranes. In addition, this element is involved in the absorption of vitamin B6 and iron from food, helps relieve eye fatigue, and prevent cataracts. Preparations containing vitamin B2 are used in the treatment of skin diseases, poorly healing wounds, anemia, diabetes, eye diseases, intestinal pathologies, and cirrhosis of the liver.

Main functions of vitamin B2

  • Participation in the absorption of iron by the body;
  • Participation in all metabolic processes, including ATP synthesis;
  • Hemoglobin synthesis;
  • Maintaining the normal functioning of the visual organs;
  • Ensuring normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • Maintaining healthy skin, nails and hair.

What does riboflavin contain?

Vitamin B2 is found in foods such as milk, cereals, greens, liver, kidneys, vegetables, yeast, almonds, and mushrooms. It does not accumulate in the human body, so its reserves should be replenished daily. The average daily requirement for this vitamin is on average 1.3 mg. In pregnant women, this norm increases to 1.6 mg. It must be remembered that light destroys vitamin B2 in food. This must be taken into account when preparing food and storing food. It is not advisable to boil pasteurized milk, since heat treatment can completely destroy the riboflavin contained in milk.

Why does the body lack riboflavin?

The main causes of vitamin B2 deficiency in the body are the following: unbalanced diet, lack of this vitamin in incoming food, improper storage or preparation of foods rich in riboflavin. Another reason may be a malabsorption in the intestine, an increase in the need for this vitamin with an increase in physical activity or, for example, pregnancy. Chronic diarrhea, liver disease, alcoholism can also cause vitamin B2 deficiency.

Symptoms of B2 deficiency

A manifestation of riboflavin deficiency may be seborrheic dermatitis(rough, scaly skin, especially on the face), angular stomatitis, which is characterized by cracks in the corners of the mouth. Possible nervous disorders, muscle weakness, leg pain. In general, vitamin B2 deficiency without complications is rare. More often it is combined with malnutrition and changes in biochemical parameters. A lack of this vitamin has an extremely negative effect on children's body. Thus, children with riboflavin deficiency lag behind their peers in development, their memory deteriorates and inattention and absent-mindedness appear. If vitamin B2 deficiency is suspected, a blood test is prescribed.

Vitamins in ampoules

To compensate for the deficiency of riboflavin, a course of administration is often prescribed for 1 - 1.5 months. B2 combines well with vitamin B6, enhancing its effectiveness. Combining riboflavin with zinc supplements will also be useful. This combination will improve the absorption of zinc, making it more bioavailable. Riboflavin is incompatible with vitamins C and B1.

Necessity for pregnant women

Vitamins B1 and B2 are required by pregnant women in significantly larger quantities than ordinary people. The daily need for thiamine in women in an “interesting” position is 10-20 mg per day. Taking vitamins prevents early manifestation toxicosis, weakness labor activity, stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, improves appetite. With a deficiency of these elements, digestive disorders occur, muscle weakness, pain in the heart area occurs, and fetal development and growth are impaired. Vitamin B2 also prevents cracked nipples.

B vitamins

The entire B complex of vitamins provides healthy work nervous system and is responsible for energy metabolism. Also, the functioning of the system largely depends on these elements. immune system and cell growth efficiency. To modern man experiencing mental and emotional stress, susceptible to stress, chronic diseases, B vitamins are essential in significant quantities. Vitamins B1, B2, B6 are contained in brewer's yeast. Pyridoxine is necessary for the body to absorb amino acids and takes part in fats and carbohydrates. B12 can be obtained by consumption beef liver. Cyanocobalamin is needed for normal hematopoiesis, ensures normalization fat metabolism in the liver, helps reduce blood cholesterol and improve memory.

Vitamins B1, B2, B12 are the basis for the normal functioning of any organism among mammals. As a rule, when there is a deficiency of these substances, minor symptoms first appear, which people usually do not pay attention to. However, they subsequently lead to irreversible changes. Thus, the content of calcium, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium in the body decreases. This, in turn, is expressed by tooth decay, physical exhaustion, loss of appetite, and as a result, anorexia, deterioration of vision.

Vitamins B6, B2, B1, B12 are water soluble, so they need to be consumed daily with food. You can also purchase riboflavin in ampoules at the pharmacy. But this should only be done if there is a vitamin deficiency. long time, and only after consulting with your doctor. The complex action of B vitamins is much more effective than each element separately. An unbalanced diet most often leads to a deficiency of a number of vitamins, so they must also be taken in combination.

Important information about vitamins

These substances are destroyed during heat treatment. Vitamin B2 is light sensitive and water soluble. It is impossible to get an excess of these microelements from food. The excess is excreted by the body with excretory products. B vitamins must enter our body daily, as they do not accumulate. These substances are destroyed by alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, tannins, and refined sugar. They can also be eliminated from the body by consuming antibiotics. To avoid such risks, during a particular treatment, your doctor may prescribe vitamin B2 in ampoules. Speed ​​increases during times of stress metabolic processes, therefore, in such cases, the body’s need for vitamins increases. For gastritis and peptic ulcer there is a violation of the synthesis of vitamin B by the microflora of the body.

Food and vitamins

Foods of animal origin are rich in vitamin B2: milk and dairy products, yoghurts, ice cream, poultry, eggs, fish, cheese, liver, yeast. The body can also be enriched with this microelement by nuts, cereals, mushrooms, and green vegetables - broccoli, spinach, avocado. To obtain the daily requirement of riboflavin, half a teaspoon of unshelled, unroasted pine nuts will be enough. If included in daily diet buckwheat, rice and rolled oats, then you don’t have to worry about a lack of vitamin B2 in the body. Fruit lovers should know that apricots contain the most riboflavin.

This substance has important to maintain the vital functions of each individual biological system at a relatively constant level. Find out more about this element, its physiological functions and effects on health.

Why does the body need vitamin B2?

The ability of a person as a biorobot to maintain endogenous dynamic balance is ensured with the help of protein, mineral and many other structural elements. It is important to note that the properties of vitamin B2, or riboflavin, most directly affect homeostasis processes. It is widely known that this element is beneficial for hair, skin and nails. In combination with retinol, riboflavin ensures the integrity of the mucous membranes. In addition, this substance performs the following basic physiological functions:

  • participates in ATP synthesis;
  • prevents the development of cataracts;
  • participates in the absorption of iron;
  • participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin and growth hormone.

What foods contain vitamin B2

The body is unable to accumulate riboflavin. As a result, doctors advise eating foods with vitamin B2 every day. Patients who have studied the question of what riboflavin is and what it is needed for, as a rule, adhere to a balanced, varied diet. This water-soluble protein structure is destroyed by exposure to light and heat. For this reason, it is extremely important to prepare vitamin supplements healthy dishes Right. When answering which foods contain riboflavin, nutritionists call:

  • milk;
  • greenery;
  • meat;
  • kidneys;
  • liver;
  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • yeast;
  • cereals;
  • almond;
  • vegetables.

Vitamin B2 deficiency

Riboflavin deficiency, or vitamin deficiency, is most often caused by poor nutrition and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. A lack of vitamin B2 has a very negative impact on human health. The patient experiences symptoms chronic fatigue, nervous overstrain. Vitamin deficiency has an extremely negative effect on a growing child's body. With a deficiency of this metabolite, the child, as a rule, lags behind his peers mentally and physically. In addition, manifestations of riboflavin deficiency are:

  • seborrheic dermatitis (rough, scaly skin);
  • angular stomatitis (cracks in the corners of the mouth);
  • leg pain;
  • bright red tongue;
  • nervousness;
  • weakness;
  • inattention;
  • anemia.

Excess vitamin B2

This type of condition is extremely rare in medical practice. An excess of vitamin B2 is observed when the permissible daily intake of this element is many times exceeded. Symptoms of riboflavin overdose include multiple negative conditions. Thus, among the signs of hypervitaminosis, doctors especially highlight the following:

Daily value of vitamin B2

Clinical manifestations Riboflavin deficiency is found in patients who consume less than 0.5-0.6 mg of this substance throughout the day. The daily requirement of vitamin B2 for men is about 1.4-1.8 mg, and for women – 1.3-1.5 mg. It is important to note that pregnant and lactating women require a slightly larger amount of riboflavin - 1.7-2.1 mg per day. The recommended daily intake of the substance for children ranges from 0.5 mg to 1.5 mg.

Instructions for use of vitamin B2

In the pharmaceutical industry, riboflavin is called differently: lactoflavin, beflavin, etc. The instructions for use of vitamin B2 indicate that the drug is useful for metabolic processes. In addition, flavin enzymes, which are part of this biologically active substance, act as catalysts for redox reactions.

This vitamin together with others chemical elements maintains homeostatic parameters at the proper level. This substance is necessary for the thyroid gland. Vitamin riboflavin helps this organ synthesize growth hormone. It is important to note that the pharmacopoeia establishes strict rules production synthetic drug. Nevertheless, doctors recommend meeting the daily requirement of metabolites with food sources of this element.

Vitamin B2 tablets

Due to the fact that many manufacturers refused to produce riboflavin in tablets and focused on solutions for injections, there was a shortage of this substance. By the way, riboflavin is also used in Food Industry as dye E101. Limited production of the reagent led to the use harmful additives E102 and E104. However, in Lately Vitamin B2 tablets can already be purchased in many pharmacies. The content of the active substance in each pill does not exceed 10 mg. Oral intake of the vitamin according to the instructions is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • In case of acute vitamin deficiency in adults, it is necessary to take 6-33 mg of the drug per day.
  • Patients suffering from migraines are prescribed a daily dose of 400 mg.
  • To prevent the development of cataracts, it is recommended to take 2.6 mg of riboflavin daily.

Vitamin B2 in ampoules

The solution must be administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Vitamin B2 in ampoules has its own recommended dosage. For adults it is 10 mg per day, and for children – 0.6-10 mg. The duration of the course is determined individually for each patient. As a rule, treatment does not take more than 12-22 days. Riboflavin in ampoules is administered to children in two stages. During the first, the child receives the vitamin daily for 2-4 days. Further treatment involves the administration of riboflavin twice a week.

Preparations with vitamin B2

Active forms metabolites can be synthesized from drugs containing precursor substances. These types of medications include medications that contain riboxin or inosi F. In addition, multivitamins can serve as a source of riboflavin. It is important to note that experts recommend giving preference only to high-quality, bioavailable complexes. The list of preparations with vitamin B2 is presented below:

  1. Adivit (syrup) – is combination drug, including vitamins A, D3, E, C, PP. Recommended for use in children early age.
  2. Vectrum (tablets) is a multivitamin complex. Vectrum is recommended to be taken during seasonal vitamin deficiencies.
  3. Gerimax (coated tablets) – the drug contains a large number of multivitamins and others active ingredients. Gerimax is not recommended for children under 15 years of age.
  4. Vitamax (capsules) – the drug includes fat- and water-soluble biologically active substances. Vitamax has many contraindications, so you should consult a specialist before using it.

Vitamin B2 price

Doctors recommend taking riboflavin at the same time as other active substances, significantly enhancing the effect of the first. The price of vitamin B2 is determined taking into account the country of origin, the cost and quality of the raw materials used. It is important to note that inexpensive multivitamins purchased from an online store or ordered from a catalog presented on the website are usually inferior in quality to drugs purchased from licensed sellers. Meanwhile, Moscow pharmacies offer riboflavin to consumers at the following prices:

  • liquid for injections – 85-90 rubles;
  • tablets – 100-120 rubles;
  • riboflavin in multivitamins – 150-2000 rub.

Video: which foods contain vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Properties of vitamin B2. Sources of vitamin B2. What foods contain vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Vitamin B2 is a vitamin not only of health, but also of beauty. A lack of vitamin B2 in the body manifests itself very insidiously and shortens life expectancy. This is a “skin” vitamin. If we want to have elastic, young, smooth, healthy skin, we need to make sure that our diet contains foods rich in vitamin B2. It is known that health and general state the human body depends on its skin.

What are the consequences of a lack of vitamin B2 in the body? It leads to poor eyesight, disorders of the nervous system, digestion, chronic colitis, gastritis, general weakness, various skin diseases, nervous breakdowns, depression, decreased resistance to disease. If your skin is not smooth and unhealthy, if you often have barley, herpes, or boils, you should take foods rich in riboflavin and urgently change your diet by introducing foods rich in this vitamin.

Properties of vitamin B2

Like vitamin B1, riboflavin helps burn sugar and improves the functioning of energy mechanisms. In combination with proteins and phosphoric acid in the presence of trace elements, such as magnesium, it creates enzymes necessary for the metabolism of saccharides or for the transport of oxygen, and therefore for the respiration of every cell of our body. If you have wrinkles that radiate from your lips, especially above upper lip if there are cracks in the corners of your mouth, chapped lips, burning eyes, peeling skin on your nose, ears or forehead, if you have a purple tongue, greasy hair, reddened eyelids - all these can be symptoms of riboflavin deficiency. Similar phenomena also occur with iron deficiency.

But not only beauty depends on a lack of vitamin B2 in the diet. Much more important is the state of vision and brain, and therefore the functioning of the entire nervous system, as well as the endocrine glands.

Wounds on the skin or mucous membranes of the mouth heal due to the growth of epithelial cells. This process can be accelerated by adding vitamin B2 (riboflavin) to the diet. After successful, encouraging results from the use of vitamin B2 in animals to treat cataracts, experiments began on humans. However, it was found that riboflavin does not prevent cataracts, although it may delay its development. Other ingredients are also needed.

How much vitamin B2 does a person need?

Vitamin B2 is not required, but it is very important for the body. Riboflavin prolongs the life of red blood cells and, together with folic acid (vitamin B9), is involved in the process of creating new ones blood cells V bone marrow. In addition, vitamin B2 helps absorb iron and, together with vitamin B1, helps maintain the level of this microelement in the blood. This is why anemic patients are advised to take iron along with vitamin B2 and folic acid. This is especially true for pregnant women: doctors note that they often have a lack of iron and folic acid. In this case, taking foods rich in vitamin B2 along with iron can be a lifesaver for both mother and child.

How to satisfy the body's daily need for vitamin B2

If you include sour milk and 50 - 100 g of cottage cheese or cheese in your diet, then you can practically satisfy the daily requirement for vitamin B2. But at least 3 glasses of yogurt or kefir per day are required, especially during severe physical work or playing sports when the need for this substance increases. Except sour milk, cottage cheese and cheeses, large amounts of riboflavin contain leafy green vegetables, unrefined grains or bread made from it, liver, kidneys and meat.

What factors reduce the level of vitamin B2 in our body?

First of all, medications, as well as insufficient or increased function thyroid gland and other diseases. Riboflavin is destroyed by drugs used in psychiatry, boric acid, which is included in more than 400 household products (for example, washing powders), and oral contraceptives.

Riboflavin is well tolerated high temperature, but does not like light and is soluble in water. If food is prepared in open container, and the water is drained, its losses will be great. Vitamin B2 is destroyed when vegetables are defrosted and beef meat for 14 - 15 hours in the light, but can be stored in the refrigerator. Vitamin loss can be avoided if you do not take any medications, especially those containing boric acid, if you put frozen food directly into boiling water or defrost it in the oven, wrapped in aluminum foil.

Doctors noticed that women who had enough vitamin B2 in their bodies gave birth to healthy, well-developing offspring. Of course, because the mother’s body contains enough B vitamins and especially vitamin B2, the child will not become Einstein, doctors say, but these vitamins are absolutely necessary for proper brain development.

How much riboflavin (vitamin B2) do we need per day?

For men - 1.6 mg, for women - 1.2 mg. Those who consume a lot of meat and other protein products, as well as pregnant women, require a larger amount - about 3 mg (the maximum allowable dose). Although large amounts of this vitamin have never harmed anyone. Still, it is better to administer it with food rather than with expensive pharmaceuticals.

Vitamin B2 content in foods

Products Riboflavin B2 content
in mg per 100 g of products
Dried brewer's yeast 300 - 200
Fresh baker's yeast 1700
Dried baker's yeast 3500 - 48
Pork is fatty 240
Fresh milk 150
Milk powder 1400
Beef 190
Mackerel 1400
Cereals 130
Buckwheat 130
Almond 660
Wheat flour 90% 230
Wheat flour 72% 100
Rye flour 32% 200
Chicken eggs 450
Cocoa 450
Veal 300
Cauliflower, green peas 75
Dry pods, peanuts 300
Spinach 50
Mutton 270
Potato 17,5

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