Diseases after childbirth in women. Complications after childbirth. Useful video about possible complications during childbirth

Almost every pregnant woman worries about this as labor approaches. an important event passed without complications. In fairness, we note that in most cases the fears are in vain. If the expectant mother is in excellent health physical fitness and psychologically ready to meet the baby, then everything will go fine. And yet, today we want to talk about the topic possible complications at natural childbirth and during caesarean section. Every pregnant woman needs to know about this. At least in order to understand how to act in this or that case, so as not to harm either yourself or the baby.

Complications during natural childbirth

Unfortunately, the birth of a child does not always go smoothly. The birth process consists of three periods, and during each of them, a woman may experience complications. Let's look at each of the stages of childbirth in detail.

Period one - “disclosure”

At this stage, the woman in labor begins contractions, which dilate the cervix and may be accompanied by the following complications:

  • Premature detachment placenta - a complication in which the placenta separates from the walls of the uterus before the birth of the fetus. This pathology can occur in mild or severe form. Most often observed in primiparous women. May pose a threat to both the life of the fetus and the mother.
  • Weakness labor activity- often occurs not only in the first, but also in subsequent periods birth process. It is characterized not by intensification of contractions, but by their weakening. As a result, the process of opening the cervix slows down and the baby’s head does not move through the birth canal. This pathology is characterized by protracted labor and leads to fatigue. expectant mother who does not have enough strength to complete childbirth on her own. The complication is fraught with the development of acute hypoxia in the fetus.
  • Too active labor is the exact opposite of weak labor. Characterized by rapid labor, which can result in premature placental abruption, injury or even death of the fetus, as well as serious injuries and deep ruptures in the birth canal of a woman in labor.
  • Iron deficiency anemia also has an adverse effect on the development of contractile activity of the uterus, causing long-term, protracted labor or fast and swift. True anemia of pregnant women may be accompanied by a violation of the properties of the blood, which causes severe blood loss.
  • Complications during induction of labor. The hormone oxytocin, which is used to stimulate labor, is synthetic, and, unlike natural hormone, does not cause the production of its own endorphins. Contractions become more painful, exhausting, and can cause fetal hypoxia. There is a high probability that labor stimulation will result in an emergency caesarean section.

The second period is “exile”

This stage begins with the first attempts and ends with the birth of the baby. During the second stage of labor, the following complications may occur:

  • Fetal hypoxia is a complication in which the baby does not receive enough oxygen while passing through the birth canal. This pathology occurs in every tenth woman in labor.
  • Soft tissue ruptures are the most common complication that occurs during the advancement of a child through the birth canal. Most often it occurs during the birth of a post-term or large fetus, as well as during rapid labor. In such a situation, a woman in labor may receive not only injuries to the vagina and perineum, but also rupture of the uterus, its cervix, and pubic symphysis. Quite often, the wall of the uterus injured during the abortion (perforated) ruptures.

The third period is “postpartum”

As a rule, this stage passes without complications, and only in in rare cases The following pathologies may occur:

  • Incomplete separation of the placenta - occurs when part of it is retained in the uterus of a woman in labor. In such a situation, it may develop inflammatory process accompanied by loss of large amounts of blood.
  • Postpartum hemorrhage - occurs when large areas are not completely covered blood vessels caused by insufficient contraction of the uterus. This situation is most often caused by infectious inflammation or hormonal changes in a woman's body.

Complications of caesarean section

Even though there is an operation today caesarean section It is used quite often; it cannot be called a simple procedure. Some complications may occur during and after surgery:

  • Severe blood loss, especially during emergency childbirth. A caesarean section involves cutting several layers of tissue to remove the baby. Therefore, blood loss during surgical intervention stronger than with vaginal birth. Sometimes a woman in labor needs a blood transfusion.
  • Damage to internal organs when cutting the uterus in the lower third after opening abdominal cavity. Neighboring organs may be affected - bladder, intestines. These injuries are rarely life-threatening, but can lead to prolonged pain and subsequent adhesions.
  • Injuries in a child. During a caesarean section, the baby may receive minor abrasions and cuts. They usually heal on their own.

Complications after surgery

After the baby is born by caesarean section a large number of Women in labor face consequences that are extremely rare during natural childbirth:

  • Long rehabilitation period. Typically, after a caesarean section, young mothers remain in the hospital for about seven days; with a natural birth without complications, the woman returns home within a few days. Walking after a cesarean section, carrying a child and caring for him is usually more difficult, because the wound will still hurt for some time.
  • Wound infection. Even in a sterile operating room, such a situation can occur, causing pain and difficulty in healing the sutures.
  • Postpartum discharge also lasts longer because the tissue inside the uterus heals more slowly than after a vaginal birth.
  • Adhesions that occur between internal organs and fabrics. The consequences of adhesions are chronic pain in the upper and lower abdomen, intestinal obstruction or infertility caused by blockage fallopian tubes.
  • Problems in subsequent births: increased risk uterine rupture, placenta previa.

Complications during out-of-hospital birth

Out-of-hospital or home births are divided into two groups. The first group is usually associated with medical reasons- fast and rapid labor in multiparous women; remoteness from the hospital or lack of communications. This also includes childbirth on the road (train, plane).

The second group of home births is characterized by unauthorized refusal of hospital conditions. Most often this is caused by the desire to unconventional method childbirth, national or religious traditions.

In the first group of home births, birth trauma may occur - both on the part of the mother and on the part of the fetus, caused by the rapid birth of the child.

A feature of the second group of births is a high percentage of complications:

  • infection in unsanitary conditions;
  • postpartum septic pathologies;
  • birth trauma, difficult obstetric situations.

This is why doctors insist on inpatient births.

Childbirth with diabetes

Patients with diabetes rarely carry their pregnancy to term. Optimal time Their delivery time is 36-37 weeks. During the birth process, doctors monitor the nature of labor, the condition of the mother and fetus, and blood sugar levels. Childbirth is carried out through natural birth canal. Indications for cesarean section for diabetes mellitus The woman in labor has the following pathologies: complications from blood vessels, vision, and kidneys.

Birth with breech presentation

The baby should be positioned head down in the uterus, as it is the widest part of the fetus. At normal birth The baby's head should appear first, followed by the rest of the body. However, some women experience breech birth, which is fraught with complications.

The location of the baby in the uterine cavity is classified as follows:

  • leg - both hips or only one of them are extended, and one leg is located at the exit from the uterus;
  • gluteal - fetal legs in hip joints bent, and knees pressed to the tummy and straightened;
  • mixed (gluteal-leg) - the knees and hips of the fetus are bent.

The baby may be born in a breech position naturally or as a result of caesarean section. Complications that can arise during childbirth with a pelvic or breech presentation are often associated with weak labor. This is explained by the fact that the pelvic end of the fetus less head. It puts little pressure on the uterus, as a result of which it contracts worse, and its cervix opens more slowly.

During labor, the baby's head may tilt back. There is a risk that the baby will be injured. Also often with breech presentation, the umbilical cord is clamped between the wall of the birth canal and the baby’s head. In such a situation, hypoxia develops. In most cases, with such pathological conditions An emergency caesarean section is prescribed.

To summarize our conversation, we can note that natural or surgical childbirth always has a certain degree of risk and may be accompanied by complications. To avoid trouble, it is better to give preference to good maternity hospitals and experienced professionals.

Especially for - Nadezhda Vitvitskaya

Nine difficult months for a woman’s body have already passed, and after a grueling and exhausting birth, a baby was born. How long does it take for a woman's body to recover after childbirth? This question is asked by many expectant mothers.

In this article we will describe in detail how a woman’s body recovers after the birth of a baby.

At the end of pregnancy, the weight of the uterus becomes about 1 kg; during childbirth, a woman loses approximately 250-300 ml of blood - and this is normal. After childbirth, the uterus continues to contract for two days, as during contractions. Every woman feels these postpartum contractions differently.

You certainly don’t think that after giving birth, your stomach will become the same as before giving birth. It is completely normal that it will stick out for some time. The size of your belly will depend on the stretch of your abdominal wall.

The uterus will also return to its normal position; every day it will lower by one finger. We have already written above about uterine contractions; the most sensitive contractions will be during breastfeeding. The uterus will continue to contract for approximately another 6-7 weeks.

In order for the abdominal walls to recover faster, some women wear a special bandage.

After giving birth, a woman will have a discharge from her navel, which is called lochia. The first two weeks the discharge will be brownish in color, and then transparent.

After giving birth, pay special attention to these processes in your body; if you notice these symptoms, you should consult a doctor:

  • if after childbirth you have intense brown or red discharge from your vagina;
  • specific, bad smell discharge;
  • fever, chills.
When breastfeeding, recovery in a woman’s body occurs faster. Prolactin is a hormone that ensures milk production in a woman’s mammary glands; it has a positive effect on the ovaries. And it will help restore the menstrual cycle faster.

A woman should remember that after giving birth, the first two months are Great chance getting pregnant again even if you don't have your period. Therefore, if pregnancy is undesirable, it is best to use contraception.

If a woman's menstruation has not returned within a year after giving birth, or when she stops breastfeeding, she should consult a doctor.

After pregnancy, the pattern of menstruation may change. For example, if your periods were previously accompanied by severe pain, then after childbirth the pain will disappear, or it will be much less.

If during childbirth you had ruptures in the uterus, until the stitches heal completely, pay close attention to your hygiene. You need to wash yourself thoroughly and carefully, and make sure that your perineum does not get too hot, especially in the summer.

Change gaskets frequently. It is better to go to bed without underwear. Special attention Pay attention to the material from which your underwear is made; it should be made from natural fabrics.

After you have received stitches, try not to sudden movements. Help fast healing Various ointments can be applied to stitches; ask your doctor which ointments are best for you to use.

To maintain uterine muscle tone, you can perform various exercises. For example, an exercise that will make the abdominal muscles stronger, or hold urine for a few seconds when urinating. It is useful to do such exercises not only after childbirth, but also before.

Also, you may not feel the urge to urinate, don’t worry, it will pass, go to the toilet every 2-3 hours, whether you want to or not.

Take care of yourself after childbirth, try not to burden your body, and then you will recover much faster.

Childbirth is a difficult test for female body, rewarded by the appearance of a child. And when, it would seem, everything painful is over, another problem may arise. Inflammation of the uterus after childbirth can overshadow family joys, because it requires immediate attention and treatment.

Read in this article

Causes of postpartum organ inflammation

Main female organ has three layers. One of them or all of them at once can become inflamed. The process does not arise out of nowhere; several circumstances are needed to start it. Childbirth is one of the provoking factors, but not all women have an inflamed uterus after it.

A complication occurs when:

  • During the delivery process, doctors violated the rules of antisepsis and asepsis. Microorganisms enter the sterile uterus, for which blood and mucus are a favorable environment.
  • The internal genital organs were injured. This also happens during natural childbirth, and becomes inevitable during a cesarean section.
  • The birth was difficult, with a long period without water. In this case, between the disclosure membranes and the birth of the baby takes more than 6 hours. During this time, bacteria manage to invade the uterine cavity.
  • The birth was accompanied by bleeding, as happens, for example, with placenta previa. IN in this case a set of factors favorable for inflammation is immediately present.
  • After the birth process is completed, placental tissue remains on the inner walls of the uterus. If they are not detected and removed promptly, they may begin to decompose.
  • In the initial postpartum period, a woman began to be sexually active too early. Even if the partner is in absolute health, inflammation in the uterus is inevitable.

Symptoms and signs of a problem in a young mother

If the birth took place with violations of the rules of management, or unforeseen provoking circumstances arose, inflammation may develop immediately. Already on the second to fourth days, 40% of women experience a deterioration in their health.

In general, inflammation of the uterus after childbirth shows the following symptoms:

  • body temperature rises to 38 degrees;
  • heart rate increases;
  • abdominal pain does not decrease, as is normal;
  • the organ does not tend to decrease in size, remaining spherical;
  • the amount of blood in the discharge remains at the same level, although normally it should decrease;
  • There may be a decrease in the volume of excreted lochia and the appearance of a pungent odor from them.

Some people add other manifestations to the above. Signs of inflammation of the uterus after childbirth are more pronounced the more acute the process and the greater the number of layers of the organ affected by it:

  • pain from periodically disturbing turns into constant, radiating to the lower back;
  • intoxication begins, depriving appetite, but causing loss of strength, nausea, headaches, chills;
  • the uterus contracts poorly, which is obvious from the location of its fundus (the level is higher than it should be at this stage);
  • the level of leukocytes in the blood and ESR increase, and the concentration of hemoglobin decreases.

In some women, the signs of the onset of inflammation are so mild that they are mistaken for symptoms of normal recovery after childbirth, fatigue, or a cold.

Supposedly causeless temperature fluctuations, which should be measured daily during this period, can indicate that it is not going well. If you don’t attach importance to them for a long time, don’t ask for help, it’s easy to get chronic inflammation with the development of adhesions in the pelvis.

Watch this video about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of endometritis:

Methods for diagnosing inflammation of the uterus

The inflammatory process is detected by its characteristic signs. But for therapy it is necessary to identify the cause of its occurrence, as well as the type of pathogen. Therefore, in addition to examining and interviewing the new mother, the following methods are used:

  • A complete blood test that reveals the level of leukocytes. The amount of hemoglobin is also important, since it a sharp decline also indicates an inflammatory process.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs to have an idea of ​​the placental particles retained in the uterine cavity, as well as the condition of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Sometimes inflammation can take over them too. With this pathology, the organ remains enlarged in size, dense and tense.
  • Examination of vaginal smears for infections, bacterial culture and cytology.
  • In rare cases, if there is uncertainty about the diagnosis, when inflammation does not develop in the maternity hospital and has blurred signs, hysteroscopy of the uterus may be prescribed. With the help of equipment they not only examine internal cavity organ, but also take tissue particles for histology.

Treatment of complications after childbirth

Inflammation of the uterus after childbirth should be treated in different directions:

  • destruction of the infectious agent;
  • elimination of the inflammation process;
  • suppression of disease manifestations to normalize well-being;
  • fight against intoxication;
  • building up general immunity.

All this can be done only in a hospital, using a complex of drugs and methods:

  • Antibiotic therapy. Medicines from this series are selected on the basis of appropriate analysis. To combat the infection, a combination of antibiotics is used, for example, Amoxicillin, Gentamicin, Ceftriaxone, Ceftazidime along with Metronidazole. They are administered intravenously and intramuscularly.
  • Anti-inflammatory treatment. It is provided by taking Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, which also provide an analgesic effect.
  • Extension cervical canal to facilitate the removal of secretions. The manipulation is done with a lochiometer. In any case, local elimination of the infection is necessary using abundant irrigation of the uterine cavity with cooled antiseptic and antibacterial solutions.
  • Treatment of organ walls with enzymes, dissolving the placenta particles retained on them. If this is not possible, traditional curettage is performed.
  • Stimulates blood circulation and rids the body of toxins. To do this, the woman is injected with a glucose solution or physiological solution using droppers.
  • Saturation of tissues with oxygen. The process is carried out using hyperbaric oxygenation (if the clinic has such capabilities), that is, the woman breathes in a special chamber a composition with an increased content of this component. The procedure helps tissue healing and the removal of toxins if several sessions are performed. In the absence of these possibilities, a similar effect is achieved by taking the drugs Actovegin and Tivortin.
  • Stimulation of immunity. You can push the body’s defenses to activity with the help of the drugs “Viferon”, “Immunal”, “Interal”. You will also need vitamins A, E, C, folic acid, routine.

Inflammation of the uterus during the period after childbirth often occurs through no fault of the woman. But she has the power to detect pathology if, despite caring about the newborn, she pays a little attention to herself.

You need to get rid of inflammation not only with medications, but also with diet and sexual rest. And remember that it is important to complete the treatment, otherwise gynecological problems will pester you for a long time Then.

Childbirth is the final stage of pregnancy. We can say that one of the most important stages is when a baby is born. Yes, the female body is preparing for this process. But because individual characteristics sometimes complications occur.

Childbirth complications in most cases depend on general condition a woman’s health (for example, the presence of chronic diseases), from the course of her pregnancy. Often, even the preparatory period when planning a pregnancy can negatively affect a woman’s health during and after childbirth. It is important when planning to cure everything inflammatory diseases genitourinary system, treat chronic diseases, drink vitamins and change your lifestyle by giving up bad habits. All this will reduce the risk of complications during and after childbirth.

Complications during childbirth

IN medical practice Doctors consider many birth options to be complicated in advance. This category includes:

  • childbirth in women with late toxicosis;
  • childbirth in women who have chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart and other organs, diabetes mellitus;
  • childbirth of HIV-infected women;
  • premature birth (before 37 weeks of pregnancy);
  • childbirth in women who are carrying more than one fetus, that is, multiple births;

However, doctors prepare for all these situations in advance, if the woman was registered with a gynecologist and was monitored until the very beginning of labor. Often this category of women is offered to go to hospital for 37-38 weeks under the full supervision of doctors in order to avoid negative consequences(this does not apply to premature birth, it happens suddenly if there were no warning signs).

Childbirth in women at risk will not necessarily be accompanied by complications. This danger is potential.

But there is a whole group of situations that could not be foreseen in advance.

1. Pathological preliminary period. The preliminary period is the preparation of the female body for childbirth. At this time, the cervix becomes soft. This helps her stretch easily during contractions. Normal course The preliminary period is painless and is characterized by irregular contractions of the uterus.

In most cases, this period occurs at night, when the woman is sleeping peacefully and wakes up from constant contractions. If a woman is in the mood for terrible painful sensations and is afraid of childbirth itself, then the preliminary period can be painful.

Normally it lasts 6-8 hours. But it also happens that unknown reasons These preparatory contractions do not progress into labor for a long time. Then they talk about such a complication of childbirth in women as a pathological preliminary period. You can recognize it by the following signs:

  • irregular contractions that cause painful sensations not only at night, but during the day and do not go into labor;
  • in the presence of preparatory contractions, the uterus does not change, remaining long and dense (the doctor can see this during examination);
  • during the preliminary period, the fetus is not pressed against the entrance to the pelvis (determined by a gynecologist);
  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • By long period preparatory fights.

This complication of childbirth is easily treated drug treatment. In this case, the woman is offered rest (medicated sleep), analgesics, sedatives, vitamins, and antispasmodics are prescribed. All treatment lasts no more than 5 days. As a result of treatment, contractions stop and appear again after some time, when the uterus has matured and the body is ready for childbirth. If treatment is ineffective, then surgical delivery is resorted to.

2. Weakness of labor. The complication is associated with a lack of own strength to complete the birth. Weak labor can be primary or secondary:

  • primary is characterized by weak contractions at the very beginning. The contractions that appear do not intensify to push the baby out;
  • Secondary weakness occurs when normal strong contractions begin to weaken.

As a result of such a complication, the child may develop oxygen starvation.

Depending on the cause of the problem and the period in which it occurs, medication (oxytocin) may be prescribed to induce labor. In case of primary birth weakness, time may be allocated for the woman in labor to rest.

IN severe cases resort to caesarean section.

3. Violent labor activity. This is the exact opposite of weak labor. In this case, labor proceeds rapidly. This can lead to ruptures in the mother and injury to the baby. Also, with this complication, a woman may experience premature placental abruption. Violent labor is particularly painful, but is easily amenable to drug intervention, which reduces the tone of the uterus and reduces pain.

4. Early rupture of amniotic fluid. Normally, the waters recede after the cervix is ​​completely open. Between the outpouring of water and the birth of the baby, no more than 18 hours should pass, otherwise the baby may become infected, the umbilical cord or the arm may fall out of the uterus. When rupture occurs, even before the cervix dilates, they resort to stimulation of labor or surgical intervention.

5. Premature placental abruption. Normally, the placenta detaches after the baby is born. Labor is not even considered complete until the placenta is delivered. Premature detachment can occur during very strong contractions or in cases where blood clotting is impaired in such a situation. With this complication, bleeding in the mother and hypoxia in the fetus may occur. Almost always in such a situation they resort to caesarean section.

6. Narrow pelvis. This diagnosis can be made at the last ultrasound before childbirth, or it can be made directly during childbirth. This is due to the fact that a woman’s normal pelvis for some reason does not allow the baby’s head to pass through it. Maybe the fetus is very large, or maybe the head has turned incorrectly at the entrance to the pelvis. Childbirth is delayed, which leads to oxygen starvation fetus Here they resort to emergency surgery caesarean section.

7. Breaks in a woman. Small tears are treated but are not considered a complication. Complications include deep tears at birth large fruit or violent labor. The doctor, foreshadowing such a possibility, usually makes an artificial incision, which is then sutured and which heals much easier and faster than a natural one.

8. Fetal hypoxia. In fact, each contraction is a short-term hypoxia of the fetus - a lack of oxygen. That's why they say that correct breathing very important during childbirth. Your breath is oxygen for the baby. Hypoxia, which in severe cases can lead to fatal outcome, can be associated with violent labor, entanglement of the umbilical cord, and early placental abruption. In this case, it is important to eliminate its cause and prompt delivery.

9. Prenatal trauma. This is an injury to a newborn sustained during childbirth. This complication can occur during rapid labor and during premature birth when the child is still immature and weak. It is also possible for the child to be injured if the head enters the pelvis incorrectly and due to unqualified actions of obstetricians.

Any complication during childbirth can have serious consequences for the baby's health. Therefore, during the entire process, doctors carefully monitor the condition of the fetus. Not only the well-being of the woman in labor, but also the child’s child can be an indicator for surgical intervention. Before the operation, doctors eliminate the cause of the deterioration of the condition and improve blood supply to the fetus. Only if there is no improvement in the field conservative methods, proceed to caesarean section.

Postpartum complications

The recovery period after childbirth depends on the individual characteristics of each woman’s body. It lasts from 6 to 10 weeks. During this time, the woman’s body should return to its prenatal state. This period is not always painless.

Quite often, the joy of new motherhood is overshadowed by complications of the mother’s health.


  • low immunity or non-compliance with personal hygiene measures;
  • large loss of blood during childbirth;
  • avitaminosis, poor clotting blood;
  • interventions during childbirth;
  • remnants of the placenta or fetal membranes in the uterus;
  • long waterless period;
  • problems during pregnancy;
  • cracked nipples.

If you experience any ailments after childbirth, it is important to consult a doctor in time if you have already been discharged from the maternity hospital. Your recovery time depends on how quickly you start treatment.

Postpartum complications in women may be as follows.

1. Pathological bleeding. Bleeding after childbirth is completely normal. The discharge is not the same as during menstruation, it is much more abundant. Normally, for a week and a half, this discharge is bright red. Then they become scarcer and acquire a less bright color. This bleeding stops after 6-8 weeks.

But, if even after 2 weeks the discharge is as heavy as immediately after childbirth, it becomes Strong smell and become purulent, then you should consult a doctor immediately. This complication does not go away on its own after childbirth.

The opposite problem may also arise: scanty postpartum discharge with delay. There is no need to be glad that everything ended for you earlier than for others. This difference in the timing of the end of discharge may be 1-2 weeks, but not 4-5. The absence of discharge may indicate a bend of the uterus. The problem should be fixed by a gynecologist.

2. Postpartum endometritis – the most common complication after childbirth in women. Endometritis is an inflammation of the lining of the uterus. Most often it occurs due to microbes entering the uterus. Its manifestations can bother a woman already on the 3rd day after birth (severe endometritis), or may appear only on days 5-12 (endometritis in mild form). With this complication, the woman feels weak, her temperature rises, and the discharge takes on a purulent smell. In this case, antibiotic treatment is prescribed.

Prevention of endometritis is getting rid of any infectious diseases before childbirth, or better yet before pregnancy.

3. Inflammation urinary tract. May result from injury due to overlapping obstetric forceps, bladder injuries during childbirth, insertion of a catheter during childbirth. Inflammation of the urinary tract is indicated by discomfort during urination for more than 4 days after childbirth. If such a problem occurs, it is recommended to drink more liquid (by the way, it will not be very sweet cranberry juice which provides good antimicrobial effect throughout the body), wash yourself more often and empty your bladder every two hours. When contacting a gynecologist, he can limit himself to only such treatment, in the absence of serious consequences.


A good prevention of all of the above complications after childbirth is to observe personal hygiene measures in a special order:

  • wash yourself clean and cool water(not cold) after every trip to the toilet;
  • Change sanitary pads every 3 hours at a minimum. Do not allow them to fit tightly for the first week.

4. Postpartum recovery period may be complicated by mastitis. This complication occurs due to the penetration of staphylococcus into the mammary gland. The chest thickens and becomes hot. To avoid this problem, it is important to observe breastfeeding standards and hygiene:

  • apply the baby to the breast correctly;
  • express the remaining milk after each feeding;
  • heal cracked nipples in time.

A good preventative measure is air baths for 15 minutes after each feeding.

5. Peritonitis. This is the most common complication after cesarean section. Postpartum peritonitis can occur when an infection gets into the suture on the uterus, or when the appendages become diseased. The woman's temperature rises, her abdomen bloates and pain appears in the lower part. This can be treated postpartum complication surgical removal causes of infection.

Complications after epidural anesthesia

Separately, it is worth paying attention to complications after labor pain relief using epidural anesthesia. Today this is the most safe look pain relief during labor for both mother and fetus. It is considered the most effective and convenient.

The method involves administering medications through a flexible catheter into the area at the level of 3-4 vertebrae. The positive thing is that the woman is fully conscious and the birth takes place naturally.

With epidural anesthesia, a complication may occur that is associated with interference with human body. The outcome and reaction of the body to anesthesia depends on the accuracy of needle insertion and the individual characteristics of the spine.

The most common complications are damage to the spinal ligaments and inflammation of the membranes spinal cord. They are accompanied by back pain and sometimes sensory disturbances lower limbs, headaches.

Yes, complications after epidural anesthesia are treatable, but requiring anesthesia in the absence of indicators is undesirable. Let the doctors make this decision themselves if the health of the baby or yours is at risk.

Remember that labor pain is not so scary. In most cases, anesthesia can be avoided if for 9 months you set yourself up in a positive way, and not think that childbirth is painful. Everyone goes through this.

It has long been known that a positive attitude is half of a successful outcome. And this applies to pregnancy more than ever. Pregnancy is a 9 month wait. These days should be filled only with positive emotions and thoughts about the future baby. In order for the birth to be successful, you need:

  • lead healthy image life;
  • if possible, plan the birth;
  • tune in to a good outcome and the appearance of a healthy child;
  • Strictly follow all gynecologist’s prescriptions during pregnancy, during childbirth and after the birth of the child.

May your birth be easy and you will have a healthy baby.

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The birth of a baby is the most important process, during which a woman must be under the strict supervision of doctors. However, after giving birth, the mother should not be left alone either. Indeed, in the first time after this, a variety of complications may arise, which are easier to prevent than to deal with them later. For what reasons does a fever occur after childbirth and what this may indicate - this is exactly what I want to talk about now.

What happens after childbirth

Initially, it should be noted that even if the birth process itself went well and without complications, this is not a reason to relax. After all, the first 24 hours after the birth of a baby are also the most important. At this time, many of the most various problems. And one of them is temperature after childbirth. So, in the first couple of days, doctors closely monitor the health of not only the baby, but also the woman in labor. Periodically, doctors check the degree of uterine contraction, the condition of the breasts, examine and clarify the nature of the discharge. If there were seams, they must be periodically processed. And, of course, the mother’s body temperature is measured at least three times a day. After all, this the most important indicator, which can signal a problem in time. Even by the speed and nature of the temperature increase, a preliminary diagnosis can already be made.

About norm and deviations

What is she like after giving birth? Same as healthy person, - 36.6-37°C. However, it is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of each individual organism. After all, there are people who have a stable normal temperature- 37 °C, but for some this is already a serious indicator of problems.

True, situations when it can increase do not always indicate the appearance of complications:

In other cases, temperature after childbirth may indicate various complications. It is worth remembering that recovery in postpartum period lasts approximately 5-8 weeks. Also, throughout this time, the young mother needs to closely monitor changes in health and body temperature.

Reasons for a slight increase in temperature

It happens that a woman has a temperature of 37 °C for some time after childbirth. If the lady is not tormented by anything at all, and this condition itself does not bring any discomfort, there is no need to worry. After all, such a slight increase in indicators can occur due to the following natural causes:

  • which the body experiences immediately after childbirth.
  • A stressful condition that often occurs after an experience.
  • Arrival breast milk. This process is almost always accompanied by an increase in temperature, which gradually decreases.
  • By raising the temperature, the body can also respond to the large loss of fluid that a woman experiences during the postpartum period.


If a lady has a fever after certain time after childbirth, this may indicate a disease such as mastitis. By the way, it is very common among young mothers. So, it is worth noting that mastitis is a pathology of breast tissue. It is caused by various microbes and bacteria, as well as other pathogenic microorganisms that enter the breast through cracks in the nipple and are carried through the bloodstream. The main symptoms in this case:

You also need to remember that in this case the breasts will be slightly swollen and the skin may turn red. The normal flow of milk is also disrupted. The problem can be treated with antibiotics, but in some of the most severe cases, surgery may be necessary.


Complications after childbirth in women can also be caused by inflammation of the uterine uterus. It occurs in case of accumulation of secretions in the mother's body, blockage of the cervix by a blood clot, retention of placenta particles, or exacerbation of an old disease. In this case, the temperature occurs approximately 2-4 days after birth and remains around 39 °C. At the same time, the woman also feels chills, loss of appetite occurs, and sleep disturbances are observed. On palpation, pain is felt in the lower abdomen. The nature of the discharge changes: it becomes cloudy, smells bad, and its quantity can significantly increase or decrease. The problem can be treated with antibiotics. Sometimes it is necessary to rinse the uterine cavity.


If a woman has a fever after giving birth, this may be evidence of a pathology such as lactostasis (affects the woman’s mammary glands). During it, illness occurs in the chest. The reasons for the problem are quite banal: skipping one or a couple of feedings. But at the same time, lactostasis can also occur due to uneven pumping, as well as overheating or hypothermia of the breast. Temperatures do not exceed 39 °C. Symptoms disappear almost immediately after emptying the breast. If this problem is not dealt with, it can develop into mastitis.

Other problems

If a woman has a temperature of 38 °C after childbirth, this may indicate one of the following diseases:

  1. Thrombophlebitis. In this case, the woman’s veins become inflamed, which leads to their blockage with blood clots. It is worth noting that this disease provokes metroendometritis, described above. Body temperature may increase two weeks to a month after the baby is born. This phenomenon is accompanied by chills, as well as swelling of the legs.
  2. Pelveoperitonitis. This is inflammation in the pelvis abdominal wall. The temperature can even rise to 41-42 °C. Other symptoms: nausea, vomiting, strong pain in the uterine area, chills. The woman's condition is rapidly deteriorating.
  3. Parametritis. This is an inflammation of the fatty tissue around the uterus. Temperatures can also rise to around 40 °C. There may be chills, nausea, vomiting, and pain during bowel movements and urination.

In any case, we must remember that if you have the slightest doubt, it is best to immediately seek doctor’s help. After all, if you detect a problem earlier, you can deal with it in a shorter time.

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