Safe antibiotic for breastfeeding. What antibiotics can be taken while breastfeeding so as not to harm the baby?

Nursing mothers know very well that all products entering their body penetrate into breast milk, affecting its quality composition. This is why compliance is required special diet during the lactation period, excluding spicy, smoked, allergenic products, alcohol, and most medications.

There are situations when a woman needs to take medications for medical indications. What to do in this case? Most often this question concerns antibiotics. Out of ignorance, most mothers in such cases stop breastfeeding and transfer him to artificial nutrition. Doctors consider this approach to be wrong, because there are groups of antibiotics that are approved for use during the lactation period and do not harm the baby’s health. And if a woman is forced to take antibacterial drugs that are prohibited during breastfeeding, then breastfeeding should be temporarily stopped.

Under no circumstances should you stop breastfeeding completely! It is important to maintain lactation and resume it after completing the course of antibiotic therapy.

Antibiotics and lactation

Let's try to figure out whether antibiotics can be used while breastfeeding. All antibacterial drugs prescribed during lactation are usually divided into several groups:

  1. Allowed during breastfeeding.
  2. Conditionally permitted.
  3. Prohibited.
  4. Unexplored.

What antibiotics can be used

Authorized antibiotics, according to research, are found in breast milk in minimal quantities, are quickly eliminated and do not cause severe pathological processes in the child's body.

These include the penicillin group (penicillin, amoxicillin, augmentin, etc.). This group medicines can be used, but do not forget about the side effects. Penicillins can cause allergic reactions, colic, stomatitis, and skin rashes in the baby. After taking them, you need to carefully monitor the condition of your child.

The group of macrolides (sumamed, erythromycin, azithromycin, etc.) is also considered safe during breastfeeding.

From side effects There may be upset stool in the baby, decreased immunity.

You can also use drugs related to cephalosporins (ceftriaxone, cefazolin, cephadexin, etc.). They accumulate in milk in very small quantities and have no effect toxic effect on organs and systems.

After taking cephalosporins, the absorption of vitamin D and calcium in the child’s body may decrease.

What are conditionally approved drugs?

The use of these drugs is justified only if the expected benefit from taking it significantly outweighs the possible harm.

In this case, it is best to stop breastfeeding, and be sure to start it after a while.

Carefully study the labels on medications, this way you can avoid undesirable consequences.

What antibiotics are strictly contraindicated during breastfeeding?

When a woman’s illness requires the prescription of more powerful medications, breastfeeding becomes incompatible with treatment.

These situations may arise in postpartum period, especially if there were surgical interventions, for example, in case of complications after caesarean section. A woman may experience severe infectious diseases such as endometritis, metritis, peritonitis, which require immediate antibiotic therapy in order to preserve reproductive health and life. Often after childbirth, an inflammatory process occurs in the mammary glands - mastitis, which also requires emergency treatment antibacterial agents.

These groups include:

  1. Tetracyclines (tetracycline, doxycycline) – cause developmental disorders bone tissue and the baby’s tooth enamel.
  2. Fluoroquinolones (norfloxacin, ofloxacin) have a damaging effect on the joints and inhibit the normal growth of the child.
  3. Aminoglycosides (gentamicin, neomycin) can cause hearing and vision loss.
  4. Sulfonamides – damage the brain and liver. After their use, the child develops jaundice, and may also be impaired normal operation brain

Group of unstudied antibacterial agents

Action of such groups antimicrobial agents on entry into milk and the effect on the young body is currently unknown to medicine. No one knows whether they can be used during lactation or not, and therefore you should not risk the health of your child and refuse to take these medications.

These include:
  1. Polymyxins (polymyxin B and polymyxin M).
  2. Nitrofurans (furosalidone, nitrofurantoin).
  3. Oxozolidinones (linezolid).
  4. Nitroimidazoles (metronidazole, ornidazole).
  5. Carbapenems (imepenem, biapenem).

Do not prescribe antibiotics yourself or on the advice of friends! This should only be done by a qualified specialist! The consequences can be dire.

Temporary cessation of feeding, or how you can undergo treatment and maintain lactation.

If you have been prescribed antibiotics that do not belong to the group approved during lactation, then breastfeeding must be stopped. But milk production should continue as usual throughout this time, so that feeding can be resumed after a course of therapy. This will require frequent pumping, every 2-3 hours during the day and several times at night. Focus on the number of times your baby latches and pump about the same number of times. Spend your money and buy a good breast pump. Now the range of these products on the market is huge and is designed to suit any budget. Using a breast pump is much more convenient than manually, it is absolutely painless and the process takes little time.

With this approach, milk will be produced in sufficient quantities, and after recovery you will be able to enjoy the process of unity with your baby for a very long time.

During this period, you can switch the baby to formula, and it is best to express as much milk as possible before starting treatment, when you have not yet taken a single pill, and store it in the freezer.

It is important to establish a feeding regimen and medication regimen. It is best to take medications after the baby has eaten at night or before nap. These are the longest breaks in feeding and the level of the drug in the milk, after the baby wakes up and requires the breast, will be significantly reduced.

How older child, the easier he will tolerate his mother’s treatment. The most dangerous periods are when the baby is from 0 to 6 months. At this time, the child’s protective forces are still minimal, and not everyone receives complementary feeding at this age. When the body matures and gains strength, the drug metabolites found in breast milk will no longer be able to cause significant harm to it. By this time, his liver and excretory system will be able to independently neutralize and remove harmful substances.

How long before breastfeeding can be resumed?

Your attending physician will give you the exact answer to this question. It all depends on what antibacterial drug you received from the time it was removed from the body. Each drug has its own elimination period from the body. Some are completely removed after a couple of days, and some after a week. No matter how long it lasts, it is important to maintain lactation.

When you see your doctor, be sure to tell him that you are breastfeeding. The doctor will select a gentle therapy, after which your child’s health will not suffer!

Do not neglect treatment under any circumstances! This can negatively affect your health and even be life threatening. Of course, you don’t want to put the child at risk, but, first of all, he needs healthy mother! May your health be good and motherhood bring only joy.

Many medications are prohibited during breastfeeding. Incorrectly selected medications can negatively affect the composition and production of milk. A number of antibiotics can affect not only the mother’s condition, but also significantly worsen the baby’s health and reduce the rate of its development.

When are antibiotics needed?

It is impossible to cope with inflammatory processes caused by staphylococci, streptococci and other microorganisms without taking antibiotics. Therefore, it is important for a nursing mother to know that you should not refuse treatment prescribed by a doctor, especially if it concerns diseases:

  1. associated with infection birth canal during difficult childbirth;
  2. caused by inflammation of the respiratory system;
  3. formed due to infections in the intestines;
  4. developing in the kidneys or genitourinary system.

In these cases antibacterial agents serve as a guarantor Get well soon and normalization of women's well-being. The antibiotics used by the mother in treatment must be compatible with breastfeeding, then they will not harm the baby’s health and will quickly heal the mother.

Dr. Komarovsky advises nursing mothers not to neglect treatment, but to find out which antibiotics can be taken and which cannot. After all, if you are treated with an approved drug, the likelihood of its negative effect on the baby is eliminated.

Common diseases and their treatments

A nursing mother should be more attentive to her health, but if it could not be preserved, the selection of treatment should be careful and careful. It may be possible to cope with the disease even more safe methods. So, for example, for a cold it is enough to take paracetamol or ibuprofen, which are quite acceptable for guards. But these remedies will no longer help in the treatment of tonsillitis.

For a sore throat, the only one the right drug will be an antibiotic from the penicillin group. Today, doctors recommend taking Amoxiclav, and if this drug is intolerant, it is replaced with Vilprofen or Azithromycin. Treatment of sore throat during breastfeeding lasts at least 10 days and is supplemented by gargling and irrigation of the mucous membrane with special aerosols.

What are the dangers of antibiotics for a child?

At breastfeeding Taking antibiotics is dangerous because they enter not only the woman’s blood, but also into the milk, and if the baby drank it, this leads to such unpleasant consequences, as violations in digestive system, loose stools, allergies, insomnia, etc.

In some cases, it is impossible to do without antibiotics. As a rule, during treatment they stop putting the baby to the breast, but you can cope without this if you use drugs that do not affect lactation.

Only a doctor can determine how harmful a particular antibiotic is for a baby. He will do this according to the following parameters:

  1. according to the degree of toxicity of the substances included in the drug;
  2. according to the level of impact of the drug on the child’s body;
  3. by the strength of side effects;
  4. taking into account the individual intolerance of newborns to the components of the drug;
  5. according to the child’s allergy level;
  6. by duration of taking the medication;
  7. according to the rate of elimination of the drug from the body of a nursing woman.

All of these factors are required to be indicated in the instructions for use of the prescribed antibiotic, which it is better to further familiarize yourself with. Only a doctor can calculate the dosage and duration of taking the drug, so do not take antibiotics while breastfeeding without consulting a specialist, so as not to harm your baby.

What antibiotics are allowed during lactation?

So, what antibiotics can women take while breastfeeding? The medications included in this list are permitted because their content in breast milk after administration is extremely insignificant. Therefore, they are not capable of harm infant. Antibiotics that can be combined with lactation are divided into three main groups.

  1. The group of penicillins is represented by Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Amptox and Ampicillin. These drugs have low toxicity and, after administration, their content in breast milk is negligible. But they can lead to skin rashes and stomach upsets.
  2. Gentamicin and Netromycin are aminoglycosides. They also pass into milk in small quantities. When taking them, the intestinal microflora may suffer, but gradually it is able to recover on its own.
  3. Cefotaxime combined with Ceftriaxone and Cefazolin represent a group of cephalosporins. Taking them does not threaten the baby’s health, but contributes to the appearance of diarrhea and bleeding.

There is another group of antibiotics that are allowed to be used only when absolutely necessary. The so-called macrolides, represented by Erythromycin, Sumamed and Macropen, they have Negative influence on the child’s body and promote development allergic reactions and dysbacteriosis. For women taking these medications, your doctor will most likely advise you to stop breastfeeding to prevent possible manifestation side effects in the baby.

What antibiotics should not be used during lactation?

Taking drugs that are not on the approved list entails a number of serious consequences for the child’s health. Thus, medications based on Tetracycline slow down the growth of infants, impair the functioning of the liver and worsen the condition of teeth and bones.

Medicines containing Tinidazole and Metronidazole cause intestinal disorders and nausea. In some cases, they cause growth retardation and discoloration of teeth. Bone marrow lesions, dysfunction of cardio-vascular system bleeding occurs after taking drugs with Sulfanilamide.

The use of Levomycin in treatment is fraught with toxic damage to the child’s brain, while Clindamycin can lead to the development of gastric bleeding. To resume lactation, it is necessary that at least a day pass after taking these medications.

If you cannot do without these medications, you need to take a break from breastfeeding. The duration of taking the drugs is usually from one week to 10 days. During this time, the baby will eat formula milk, and the mother will have to express her milk at least six times a day so that it does not cease to be released and there is an opportunity to resume breastfeeding.

If it is not possible to use antibiotics allowed for breastfeeding women in treatment, the formula must be administered and given to the child correctly so that such a forced transition to artificial nutrition and further resumption of lactation is painless for the child.

Mom's treatment is not a reason for complete failure from breastfeeding. If all safety measures are observed, it can be resumed after complete removal drugs from the body. This period lasts from 40 hours to 7 days, depending on the prescribed remedy.

How to take antibiotics correctly

There are some rules that must be followed when taking antibiotics:

  • there is no need to rely on self-medication, it is better to seek help from a doctor;
  • do not reduce the dose of the prescribed drug, such measures lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment, and the antibiotic will still be contained in breast milk;
  • It is necessary to take medications after the baby has eaten;
  • calculate the time of taking medications so that as many hours as possible pass from the feeding after which the drug is taken to the next one;
  • Monitor the child's reaction to the medicine, stop taking it and immediately consult a doctor if alarming symptoms appear.

The prescription of medications, their dosage and duration of use must be approached individually, taking into account the characteristics of both the patient and her child, therefore, in order for the doctor to be able to do right choice In selecting medications, he needs to clarify some points.

The state of the child’s health, which depends on whether he was born on time or born earlier than expected. This factor affects how the drugs will be absorbed by the small organism. Premature babies may also have a reaction to approved medications, and breastfeeding will have to be stopped.

The baby is predisposed to allergies or has congenital pathologies. Be sure that the antibiotic will not worsen existing diseases in in this case it is forbidden.

Baby's feeding schedule and intervals between breastfeeding. This will make it possible to choose the time of taking medications so as to reduce the content of the drug in milk to a minimum.

How many months is the baby? After all, the same antibiotic will affect the child’s body in at different ages not the same. What is contraindicated for a newborn will not harm a one-year-old child.

In addition to compliance medical recommendations, it will not be superfluous to exercise self-control in taking medications. In order to find out the period of maximum content of the drug in breast milk, you need to find in the annotation the time during which the substance is absorbed into the blood. During this period, it is advisable not to put the baby to the breast. In children over six months, reduce intake breast milk very simply through complementary feeding in the form of cereals and baby purees.

There is no need to use antibiotics for longer than prescribed. They tend to accumulate in tissues and cause allergies. Therefore, if the course of treatment is completed, but there are no results, a doctor’s consultation is required to adjust the therapy.

All young mothers know that antibiotics during breastfeeding, like most others medications, it is highly not recommended to take it. Even in small quantities, these synthetically or organically created drugs can negatively affect the health and development of the child.

Even the mildest antibiotics, conditionally approved for hepatitis B, can be used only after prior consultation with an experienced doctor. In this case, it is the specialist who must determine which drugs are acceptable and in what doses. We must not forget about the rules for using medications that are harmful to a growing body, which can reduce their negative impact to a minimum.

Despite all the harm that antibiotics cause during breastfeeding, there are times when they cannot be abandoned. Neglect of treatment and attempts to replace effective medicines natural analogues can greatly worsen the condition of a nursing mother and her baby. Most often, after childbirth, the need to take antibiotics occurs when the following conditions develop:

  1. Pathological processes as a result of trauma to the birth canal due to difficult childbirth.
  2. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs and respiratory tract.
  3. Intestinal infections.
  4. Acute and aggravated chronic diseases genitourinary system.

A weakened body cannot cope with such conditions on its own, but a course of taking correctly selected medications will allow short time normalize all indicators.

Advice: It is necessary to inform about breastfeeding not only to the specialist who prescribed a specific drug, but also to the doctor who is caring for the child. This will eliminate the interaction of incompatible substances and reduce the load on the baby’s developing systems.

Features of antibiotics that must be taken into account when planning treatment

Many modern experts recommend being more relaxed about taking medications while breastfeeding. There are nuances that apply to both permitted and harmful child's body antibiotics that nursing mothers should not forget about for their own peace of mind:

  • No more than 10% of medications taken by the mother are absorbed into breast milk, so their effect in any case will be insignificant.
  • The treatment regimen can be selected individually, taking into account the decay time of the drug components. In this case, it is possible to achieve absolute safety of therapy for the child. For example, taking some medications before bed, after pumping, in the morning you no longer need to worry about this, all components will already be eliminated from the body or will be in the process of decay.
  • As a last resort, you can always find out from your doctor which drugs are included in the group approved for nursing mothers. At the same time, you should not take medications on your own, even if they are approved for use during breastfeeding.

Thanks to development modern medicine Approaches have emerged that can quickly restore a mother’s health without harm to the child. You cannot refuse medications prescribed by your doctor. An infection that is not treated in time is much more dangerous for the baby’s health than if it enters his body biologically. active drugs in small quantities.

List of permitted drugs and prohibited drugs

Even the most without dangerous antibiotics during lactation it should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and strictly according to the instructions. But even in this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that side effects and changes in the child’s condition may be observed:

  • Penicillins. Actively influence pathogenic microflora, but can provoke allergic reactions in children varying degrees expressiveness. Numerous studies have shown that if dosages are followed, the percentage of substances entering the baby’s body is very small.
  • Cephalosporins. They have a low degree of penetration into the child’s blood and are non-toxic. Unfortunately, approved products from this group can cause vitamin K in a newborn, leading to the production of vitamin K. This negatively affects the processes of hematopoiesis and calcium absorption.
  • Macrolides. Most often they are prescribed when drugs from other acceptable groups are poorly tolerated by a child or nursing mother.

The following drugs are incompatible with breastfeeding; during the period of their use, lactation must be interrupted until the doctor’s instructions:

  • Aminoglycosides. They pass into breast milk in small amounts, but this is enough to damage the kidneys of a newborn. In addition to this, there is a whole list negative effects, which is why the use of the drug simultaneously with lactation is strictly prohibited.
  • Tetracyclines. Toxic to the female body, destroying tooth enamel and bone tissue in children.
  • Fluoroquinolones. These drugs are generally not recommended for the treatment of infections in young mothers.
  • Lincosamides. Negatively affects the baby's intestinal function.
  • Sulfonamides. The liver is primarily affected, causing the development of jaundice.

Even during a pause in breastfeeding, a woman should continue to express milk, even though it is unsuitable for food. You can prepare a supply of the product in advance; it will not lose its flavor when stored in the freezer. nutritional value within a month.

After completing the course of treatment, it is necessary to wait until all the breakdown products of the antibiotics are removed from the body, only then is lactation allowed to resume.

Rules for choosing and taking antibiotics during lactation

Despite the fact that the doctor determines which antibiotics and on what schedule can be used during breastfeeding, young mothers themselves should not forget about the following points:

  1. The processes in the body of a premature baby are different from the norm, in this case you will have to stop feeding even when taking approved medications.
  2. An important factor is the presence of congenital allergic reactions or defects. In these cases, the extent of exposure cannot be accurately assessed.
  3. The medication schedule is drawn up taking into account the frequency of feedings.
  4. It is important to correctly assess the child's age. What is critical for one month old baby is often completely safe for a one-year-old.
  5. Courses of antibiotics should be short-term, this will prevent the accumulation of harmful substances in the female body and their absorption into the blood.
  6. It is necessary to introduce complementary foods on time, this will allow the child to more easily endure the mother’s treatment cycle by reducing the volume of breast milk.

Today medicine knows a lot about the peculiarities of taking antibiotics during such a critical period for a child, but we must not forget about the individual characteristics of the body. Even universal recommendations cannot always be counted on; additional factors have to be assessed in each specific case.

When adverse reaction On the part of the child’s body, it is necessary to immediately contact your doctor for correction of therapy. It is prohibited to make any decisions on your own; this can lead to more serious consequences.

During the period of breastfeeding, there are often situations when a young mother can get sick. The disease overtakes a woman unexpectedly after childbirth, despite all preventive measures. Various viruses cause discomfort, and improper treatment after childbirth, the disease may develop in severe form. At this point, treatment without antibiotics is no longer possible. How to be treated with antibiotics while breastfeeding.

What are antibiotics

Antibiotics are a group of drugs that destroy pathogenic bacteria. Today there are synthetic and natural antibiotics. These medications are quite aggressive and have a lot of contraindications and side effects.

There are a huge number of types of antibiotic drugs today, each of the drugs can fight certain types of bacteria, so these drugs should be taken only based on test results and in accordance with the prescription of the attending physician.

When are antibacterial drugs prescribed?

Many women are confident that at the first symptoms of a cold they can take antibiotics. This is absolutely not true. This group of drugs is not effective for viral diseases. For colds, antibiotics can be prescribed only if there are complications in the form of an inflammatory process.

However, after childbirth, inflammation can occur not only from a viral infection. The impetus for tissue inflammation can be complications after childbirth.

Main indications for use

  • Inflammatory processes in the uterus and birth canal.
  • Inflammatory processes in the ENT organs.
  • Inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs.
  • Intestinal infections.
  • Inflammation of the kidneys and urinary system.

The main difficulty of treatment with antibiotics during breastfeeding is the risk of the drug entering the mother's milk, which will invariably lead to negative impacts on small child. It is for this reason that after childbirth you need to choose medications especially carefully. This should only be done by a doctor. It is the specialist who will be able to prescribe the least dangerous antibiotics during breastfeeding and select the required dosage.

After childbirth female body too weak to adequately resist infections, so pathogenic bacteria easily “break through” immune protection, penetrating tissues and organs, causing inflammation. Only this was not enough for the nursing mother. Fearing for the quality of breast milk and the health of the newborn, a woman who has contracted the infection is looking for safe way get rid of the disease as soon as possible. IN home medicine cabinet There are antibiotics lying around: a couple of tablets - and your health will improve. However, it is not clear how the drugs will affect a baby whose vital important systems are still just being formed. Antibiotics act in different ways, and you need to choose those that will not harm the baby.

What do antibiotics fight and how do they affect babies?

A group of drugs that suppress the harmful effects of microbes on human body, received the name antibiotics (from the Greek words “anti” - against and “bios” - life). Substances of animal, plant or synthetic origin contained in drugs of this type can have:

  • bacteriostatic effect - pathogenic bacteria do not die, but lose the ability to reproduce;
  • bactericidal effect - harmful microflora dies.

Antibiotics are obtained using chemical reactions, however, the starting element can be a natural substance; This is how penicillin is made from mold.

Mold - natural antibiotic, contains a fungus that destroys many species harmful bacteria

Medicines made from synthetic substances do not have natural analogues. These antibiotics belong to a new generation of drugs: they do not lose their properties for a long time and have fewer contraindications. Some drugs are synthesized in such a way that they are responsible only for a certain “area of ​​work,” that is, for the fight against specific infectious agents. Otherwise, the antibiotic would indiscriminately destroy both harmful and beneficial microflora.

90 years ago, Professor Alexander Fleming accidentally discovered the first antibiotic and named the antimicrobial substance isolated from mold penicillin; The medicine began to be widely used only 15 years later, during World War II. Since then, 4 generations of antibiotics have been created - more than a hundred drugs; some have even become outdated and out of use.

About 45% of Russians believe that antibiotics cure viral infections- and in vain. Viruses are tiny non-cellular bodies that can live and reproduce exclusively inside cells. The antibiotic is “aimed” at destroying the cell walls of bacteria, but viruses do not have such walls at all.

When does a nursing mother need medication?

Heavy inflammatory processes in the body threaten to destroy the beneficial intestinal microflora and lead to complications in the form of chronic diseases. Only a powerful “antibacterial weapon” can prevent Negative consequences infections. Most often, a young mother is affected by ARVI and different types flu; It is clear that antibiotics cannot cope with pathologies, because they are of viral origin.

But drugs against bacteria help with:

You have to take courses of antibiotics after a cesarean section or other surgical interventions related to heavy bleeding to prevent purulent-septic complications. In the first 4–6 hours, the immune system is weak, and the female body is defenseless against pathogenic microbes. But antibiotic therapy reduces the risk of infection by 60–70%.

Effect of antibiotics on babies

It is not recommended for a nursing mother to take antibiotics unless absolutely necessary. Substances from the drugs pass into breast milk, and although the effect of most components on the baby’s body has not been studied, negative consequences of taking medications have been noticed.

Separate active substances drugs, once in mother's milk, can increase their concentration. For example, the amount of erythromycin in milk increases 20 times.

Penetrating into the child’s body, antibiotic components accumulate because:

  • blood proteins are not yet able to bind medicinal substances, they seep into the tissues;
  • liver enzymes that neutralize toxins are not yet produced;
  • The excretory system is just being formed, so the kidneys excrete substances too slowly.

There is a high risk of toxic damage to the body, especially in the first weeks of a child’s life. The baby runs the risk of getting:

  • indigestion;
  • problems with stool - diarrhea, constipation;
  • allergies;
  • sleep disorders.

Therefore, it is better to avoid taking any antibiotics, even those that are considered relatively harmless, until the child is one and a half months old. During this time, the immune system will strengthen little man, the functioning of organs and systems will improve.

The accumulation of drug components in the baby’s body causes a severe allergic reaction

How can a nursing mother avoid making the wrong choice of antibiotics?

So that during drug treatment women, the baby remained healthy, you should strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor and carefully read the instructions for the drug. The degree of danger of an antibiotic will be indicated by the following characteristics:

  • toxicity of components;
  • features of the drug’s effect on the baby’s organs and tissues;
  • quantity and quality of side effects;
  • the risk of allergic reactions after taking the product;
  • time of removal of components from the body (the longer they are removed, the worse);
  • course of treatment (the shorter the better);
  • compatibility with lactation (breast milk production).

Considering individual characteristics the patient’s body, the doctor can adjust the dosage and duration of taking the antibiotic to reduce the negative impact on the baby.

Only a few antibacterial medications are allowed during breastfeeding - these are mainly drugs latest generation. They have a gentler effect on the organisms of mother and baby, but it is difficult to call even such medicines absolutely safe.

According to the degree of compatibility with lactation, antibiotics are divided into four types:

  • prohibited during breastfeeding;
  • conditionally permitted - used when the mother’s pathology threatens serious consequences and other means have not helped;
  • allowed during lactation;
  • unstudied - that is, studies on the effect of the drug on the health of infants have not been conducted.

It is clear why there are many “blank spots” in the lists of adverse reactions to antibiotics: conducting experiments on infants, dosing drugs to babies and observing the consequences is simply inhumane.

What medications are given the green light during lactation?

Antibiotics are divided into groups, there are about a dozen of them. But only representatives three groups allowed for nursing mothers. This:

  • penicillins - considered the safest, penetrate into mother's milk in small portions;
  • cephalosporins - small doses penetrate into milk and can cause allergies;
  • macrolides - significant concentration in breast milk, the effect on the child is not fully understood, but severe consequences was not observed.


They originate from the very first antibiotic - mold fungus discovered by Fleming. These medicines defeated the plague, typhus, anthrax. Since then, 6 generations of penicillin group drugs have been released.

These antibiotics are low-toxic: they easily bind to blood proteins (which means they penetrate into mother’s milk in smaller quantities) and do not remain in the body. They have a small number of side effects.

Table: penicillin antibiotics for a nursing mother

Drug nameProperties, course of treatmentAdverse reactions The child hasContraindications for nursing mothers
AugmentinAntibiotic wide range actions, active substances -
amoxicillin and clavulanic acid - in combination they enhance
effect of the drug.
WHO placed Augmentin on the list of vitally important
medicines. According to the instructions, the drug can be used for
  • respiratory tract infections - upper and lower;
  • genitourinary infections;
  • skin inflammations;
  • infections of joints and bones;
  • gonorrhea;
  • postpartum sepsis.

The minimum course of treatment is 5 days.

intolerance to components
drugs, diarrhea, candidiasis
mucous membranes of the oral cavity.
Allergy to components,
dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.
AmoxiclavBroad-spectrum antibiotic, active substances - those
the same as Augmentin. Treats:
  • infections of the ENT organs and respiratory tract;
  • gynecological infections;
  • skin infections - including those developed from bites;
  • inflammation of bone tissue;
  • infections biliary tract(cholecystitis);
  • inflammation of the oral cavity.

The course of treatment is 5–14 days.

Allergic reactions,
mucosal candidiasis
oral cavity, diarrhea.
Sensitivity to components;
Infectious mononucleosis,
lymphocytic leukemia
Use with caution when
Also with caution - when
renal dysfunction,
liver failure.
AmpicillinAntibiotic with bactericidal action, active substance -
ampicillin. Effective for:
  • infections of ENT organs;
  • bronchopulmonary infections;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary tract;
  • infections of the digestive system;
  • gynecological inflammations;
  • meningitis;
  • scarlet fever;
  • erysipelas.

The duration of therapy depends on how it develops

Allergies, diarrhea, candidiasis.Ampicillin intolerance
lymphocytic leukemia, infectious
mononucleosis, dysfunction
The instructions say: nursing
When taking the drug, mothers should
resolve the issue of suspension
Flemoxin SolutabAnalog of Ampicillin, a broad bactericidal drug
actions. Applicable for:
  • pneumonia;
  • sore throat;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • gastrointestinal tract infections;
  • gynecological infections;
  • skin infections;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer.
Allergy to components,
diarrhea, mucosal candidiasis
oral cavity.
Increased sensitivity to
components, infectious
mononucleosis, lymphocytic leukemia, severe
stomach and intestinal infections,
bronchial asthma, nervous diseases
Use during lactation

Penicillin may also be in a nursing mother's medicine cabinet: it is allowed subject to precautions.

Conclusion: if we talk about the effect on the baby’s body, the safest drug among penicillins is Augmentin. The instructions do not in any way warn against using the product, but a doctor’s approval is required even in this case.

Photo gallery: penicillins approved for use during lactation

Thanks to the successful combination of active substances, Augmentin is effective in fighting infections and is safe. Amoxiclav is recommended for use with caution when breastfeeding
Ampicillin is less safe than Augmentin for nursing mothers

Flemoxin Solutab is an analogue of Ampicillin, the drug is allowed to be used with caution during lactation


Small doses of active substances from drugs in this group pass into breast milk, but are considered harmless due to low toxicity.

Nursing mothers are allowed with reservations:

  • Ceftriaxone is a third generation antibiotic; prescribed for wound infections, pneumonia, lung abscess, bacterial infections internal organs and fabrics; in infants it can cause dysbacteriosis, diarrhea, and vitamin K deficiency; during lactation it is allowed only in cases of a serious threat to health;
  • Cefazolin is a first generation drug; inactive against a number of bacteria, including those that cause tuberculosis; used in the treatment of respiratory and urinary tract, postoperative infections, syphilis; Breastfed babies may develop allergy symptoms - itchy skin, rashes - also diarrhea and lack of vitamin K; during lactation, use in cases of extreme necessity.

Ceftriaxone is sold in powder form, from which a solution for injection is prepared; breastfeeding mothers are allowed in extreme cases

Drugs such as Cephalexin and Ceftibuten are not prescribed to breastfeeding women solely due to the lack of information about the effect on infants.

Another cephalosporin, the drug Suprax, is allowed during lactation only if breastfeeding is stopped (despite the fact that the medicine is prescribed even to infants).


If possible, drugs in this group should be avoided - due to high concentration medicinal substances in mother's milk.

Vilprafen Solutab tablets are approved for nursing mothers in case of urgent need. The product fights the same infections as penicillin drugs; but if the patient suffers hypersensitivity to penicillin, she is prescribed Vilprafen. Side effects The medication has few contraindications, including allergies to the substances in the drug and severe liver dysfunction.

Vilprafen Solutab is a good substitute for penicillin drugs if a nursing mother is allergic to them

Sometimes nursing mothers are prescribed Azithromycin, a broad-spectrum macrolide that inhibits the growth and development of bacteria. However, a number of pathogenic microorganisms have become resistant to the drug. Unfortunately, Azithromycin long list adverse reactions - however, the instructions note that “side effects” occur infrequently in patients. If the drug is needed by a nursing mother, the doctor decides whether to stop breastfeeding.

Another representative of macrolides, the drug Sumamed, has a similar effect. It also has many side effects and when prescribed to nursing mothers, it is necessary to decide whether to stop breastfeeding.

The main problem with macrolides is the lack of accurate information about the effect on the baby. There have been cases of allergies and dysbacteriosis in infants.


It's an antibiotic local action, which is used for infectious inflammations respiratory tract - rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. Effective on initial stages sinusitis. Available in spray form.

The active substance of the drug - fusafungin - deals with all types of harmful bacteria, and acts quickly as soon as it reaches the mucous membrane. Adverse reactions are mainly associated with the presence of an allergy in the patient to the components of the drug. There are no contraindications other than allergies.

Through the mucosal epithelium, a small part of the substance penetrates into the blood plasma. But there is no data on the excretion of fusafungine in breast milk.

Due to a lack of information, the instructions do not recommend using Bioparox during breastfeeding; however, given high efficiency drug, doctors sometimes prescribe the drug to nursing mothers. It is necessary to strictly monitor the dosage and monitor the baby’s condition.

Bioparox spray destroys respiratory tract pathogenic bacteria and fungi, but how it affects the baby when consumed by the mother is unknown

Antibiotics that are prohibited for nursing mothers

Unfortunately, doctors are sometimes forced to prescribe to patients with infants antibiotics prohibited during lactation. So, during severe complications after a cesarean section, it is necessary to combine drugs: safe ones are taken together with dangerous ones, otherwise the infection cannot be defeated. As a result, the woman is forced to stop breastfeeding.

When choosing antibiotics, it is better to choose those whose substances remain in the body for a short time. Then, after completing the course of treatment (usually lasts 7–10 days), the mother can quickly resume breastfeeding. In order not to lose milk, during treatment with medications you should express 5-6 times a day. Let the baby's food not reach the recipient, but lactation will continue.

Table: antibiotics contraindicated during lactation

Drug nameEffect on the baby
(group of tetracyclines)
Inhibits growth, negatively affects the liver, causing dysfunction,
interferes with the formation of bone tissue, violates the integrity of tooth enamel
(group of nitroimidazoles)
Provokes growth retardation, interferes with bone marrow development, disrupts metabolism
proteins; causes vomiting, diarrhea; tooth enamel turns dark yellow
Biseptol, Streptocide
(sulfonamide group)
Disturb blood circulation, cause bleeding, disrupt heart function,
liver, blood vessels; provoke jaundice
(lincosamide group)
Calls stomach bleeding, intestinal dysfunction, severe colitis
(Levomycetin group)
Leads to disruption of hematopoiesis, causes attacks of vomiting, skin rashes;
V in rare cases toxins from the drug penetrate into Bone marrow baby
(group of aminoglycosides)
Amazes optic nerve, impairs hearing

At the same time, the famous children's pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky, speaking about Gentamicin, said: yes, during pregnancy the drug harms the fetus because it penetrates the bloodstream; however, once the medicine passes into breast milk, it passes exclusively through digestive tract child, passing circulatory system. This means that the drug is safe for the baby.

How to take antibiotics correctly while breastfeeding

To get from your doctor the antibiotic that is right for you - effective in fighting infection and as safe as possible - tell your doctor:

  • whether your baby is full term;
  • age of the child;
  • breastfeed, formula feed, or both;
  • Do you give complementary foods?
  • Does the baby suffer from allergies?
  • strictly follow the dosage of the drug and the course of treatment;
  • take the tablets only with water; tea, coffee, milk reduce the impact of antibiotics on pathogenic microbes, the medicine becomes ineffective;
  • limit your intake of sour fruits and vegetables; these products slow down the absorption of drugs through the mucous membrane of the digestive tract;
  • Place fried foods on the table as rarely as possible, avoid fatty and smoked foods; such food is too heavy for the liver, which is already under increased stress due to taking antibiotics;
  • if you are taking medications that are incompatible with lactation, find out how long it takes for the active substances to leave the body; only after complete elimination is it allowed to resume breastfeeding;
  • Do not take blood thinners, sorbents and tinctures of medicinal herbs at the same time as antibiotics;
  • recovery beneficial microflora gut that may have suffered damage from antibiotic exposure, ask your doctor if you can take probiotics.

Unfortunately, pathogenic bacteria capable of acquiring resistance to active ingredients antibiotics. To prevent the accumulation of such resistant microflora in the body, it is recommended to resume taking the same antibiotic no earlier than six months later.

Maintaining lactation

When you are forced to take antibiotics that are prohibited for nursing mothers, you have to stop breastfeeding your baby. Do not follow the example of your girlfriends who saw in such circumstances a convenient reason to stop lactation. Of course, maintaining breast milk production is tedious, but the effort will be rewarded. For a baby, there is no food better than nutritional fluid from the mammary glands.

While undergoing antibiotic therapy, express milk regularly (5-6 times a day). How much you express is how much is produced in the body, this is how the lactation mechanism works. If you don’t pump, the milk will “go away.”

If you know in advance that you will be treated with antibiotics, create a “milk bank”: strain more milk, pour it into jars (one jar - one feeding), store it in the refrigerator. This way, the baby will not lose his favorite food even if he is temporarily weaned from his mother’s breast.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky about medications for pregnant women and nursing mothers

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