What does Asd 2 fraction treat in humans? Diseases

ASD fraction 2 – medicine from the group of immunomodulators. First this drug was made in the USSR by physician-scientist A.V. Dorogov. Active substance he obtained it from the body of river frogs by heating them in a special apparatus.

Originally given medical drug developed as a wound healing agent, antiseptic. It was used to neutralize negative influence radioactive radiation on the human body. Data laboratory research and reviews of ASD 2 confirm that this drug is effective not only in case of radiation exposure, but also in the treatment of the most various diseases.

Positive feedback gave impetus to new experiments. Most of the research was carried out on animals, so there is now a wealth of experience in the use of this medication in veterinary medicine. It is also worth noting that currently, according to official medicine, this drug can only be used to treat animals.

Due to the death of the main developer of the drug, experiments using the drug to treat people were suspended. However, the effectiveness of this drug in the treatment of various severe conditions led to popularity and increased interest in this drug.

In this article we will look at instructions for application of ASD fraction 2, so that the drug brings benefit to the person and not harm. In addition, we will tell you which methods of using ASD 2 are most often used to treat diseases in humans.

Composition and release form

Fraction ASD 2 is a sterile solution with a specific odor that mixes well with water. IN the composition of the drug contains:

  1. Carboxylic acids.
  2. Compounds with an active sulfhydryl group.
  3. Water.
  4. Aliphatic hydrocarbons.
  5. Cyclic hydrocarbons.
  6. Amide derivatives

Release forms veterinary product ASD:

  • ASD - 2 - fraction, volatile liquid, can be from all shades of yellow to deep red with a specific odor and alkaline reaction. The presence of fine dark sediment is allowed.
  • ASD-3 is a fraction, a viscous, opaque liquid, almost black in color, with a very specific odor. Able to dissolve only in ether, alcohol, oils.

Currently for production medicinal product the dry sublimation method is used high temperatures, and meat and bone meal, as well as meat and bone waste are used as raw materials. During sublimation, substances of organic origin are broken down into low molecular weight components.

The basis of the product is adaptogens - substances that are released from the cell before its death. Adaptogens help damaged cell fight for survival. When they enter the cells of the human body, adaptogens chemically transmit information about the need to fight for existence. A positive treatment result is achieved through the mobilization of all the body’s defenses.

Pharmacological properties

At oral administration the drug ASD2 activates the activity of the central and autonomic nervous system, stimulates the secretory activity of the digestive glands, increases the activity of tissue and digestive enzymes, normalizes digestion processes, improves the penetration of potassium and sodium ions through cell membranes.

Some reviews of ASD 2 report that the drug has a stimulating effect on motor function digestive tract. It is noted that when using ASD 2, the natural resistance of the human body increases (the drug has the same effect on the body of animals). In most cases, ASD 2 is used externally, locally. At external use This drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, normalizes tissue trophism and activates tissue regeneration.

Speaking about ASD fraction 2, the use of this drug for humans, we should first of all note its main unique property: ASD does not resist any type of microbes, but increases the body’s defenses, which themselves cope with any microbe. The immunomodulatory properties of ASD are due to the fact that the drug is easily integrated into metabolic processes human body, restores normal functioning cells, ensures optimal functioning of all vital systems.

Indications for use of ASD fraction 2

According to the instructions for Fractions ASD 2, the main indications for use in humans are:

  • damage to the human visual analyzer;
  • diseases caused by hypothermia;
  • prevention of respiratory diseases;
  • prevention of diseases of the pulmonary system;
  • prevention of respiratory diseases;
  • the emergence and spread of cancer cells in the body;
  • persistent increase in blood pressure;
  • formation of defects in the stomach;
  • formation of defects in the duodenum;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the renal system;
  • open wounds on the leg or foot that do not heal for more than 6 weeks;
  • defeat genitourinary system, which is caused by Trichomonas;
  • a recurrent disease manifested by a rash that looks like spots and peeling;
  • a fungal infection caused by microscopic fungi of the genus Candida.

Only in recent years has ASD-2 become more widely used in medicine. However, you should keep in mind that no doctor will prescribe this medicine to a patient, so official reviews You are unlikely to hear doctors speak to the drug ASD-2. In this regard, when using it to treat any disease, the patient must be aware of all the responsibility that falls on his own shoulders when using it.

Fraction ASD 2 - instructions for use for humans

Treatment Options with the drug ASD Fraction 2 was studied and proposed by scientist A.V. Dorogov. Generally accepted instructions for use for humans: 15-30 drops per third glass of cool water boiled water or tea. The solution is drunk twice a day 20-30 minutes before meals for five days, followed by a break of 2-3 days. This cycle is repeated until complete cure diseases.

Let's look at how ASD Fraction 2 is used for certain diseases and pathologies:

  1. Gynecological diseases. The drug is taken according to the usual method, plus it is used topically (douching with a 1% aqueous solution).
  2. Diseases of the nervous system, heart, liver. For these ailments, there is a special treatment regimen: take 10 drops dissolved in 0.5 tbsp of boiled water for five days, and take a break for 3 days, adding 5 drops every next 5 days, and so on until 25. The course lasts until the condition stabilizes. If an exacerbation occurs, treatment should be stopped and repeated after the pain stops.
  3. , . Dosage in in this case standard.
  4. , . 5 days - intake, 3 - break, 4-5 drops per 0.5 tbsp of boiled water. Compresses based on ASD-2 can be applied to problem areas.
  5. . A sterile cotton wool is moistened with ASD-2 and placed directly on the sore spot.
  6. . Take as usual, but start with 5 drops twice a day, gradually increase to 20, adding one drop per day. Drink until the blood pressure becomes stable.
  7. Overweight . Approximately 35 drops are dissolved in 200 ml of water and taken for 5 days, then a break for the same number of days. Then 10 drops for 4 days, the next 4 days - a break, 20 drops for 5 days and again 3 days - a break.
  8. . Drink 30 minutes before breakfast on an empty stomach for 5 days, then take a break for the next 3 days. Start with 5 drops per 0.5 cup of chilled boiled water, the next 5 days - 10 drops, then 15, 20. Take three months.
  9. . Apply compresses based on the drug and rinse the affected ear. Take 20 drops per 200 ml of water orally daily.
  10. . 1 ml of the drug is dissolved in 0.5 tbsp of water.
  11. Spasms of the vessels of the lower and upper limbs . The following procedure is carried out: a “stocking” is made from gauze, moistened with a 20% solution. The course is long - about 4 months, but after it, as a rule, blood circulation is completely normalized.
  12. Slow hair growth. Rub the skin with a 5% solution of the drug.
  13. Runny nose and cough. Dissolve 1 ml of medicine in 0.5 tbsp of water and drink twice a day.
  14. . Dilute 5 drops of ASD-2 in 2/3 cup of chilled boiling water, take it for 5 days, then take a three-day break.
  15. Trichomonosis. Douching is carried out by dissolving 60 drops of medicine in 100 ml of water.
  16. Radiculitis. Twice a day drink 5 ml of the drug per 1 cup of water. The course lasts until recovery.
  17. or . The drug is taken according to standard methods.
  18. , . The dosage of ASD-2 and the method of administration are usual, but the drug is taken once a day.
  19. Impotence. Drink according to the scheme for 5 days every three days, taking 4-5 drops per 0.5 cup of chilled boiled water 25-30 minutes before meals.
  20. . A 1% solution of the drug is used externally.
  21. Inflammatory diseases eyeballs . Add 4-5 drops of the drug to 0.5 cups of chilled boiling water and drink according to the following scheme: 5 days on, 3 days off.
  22. Frequent acute respiratory infections and colds. Inhalations are carried out: 15 ml of medicine per 1 liter of boiling water.

You need to start the course with a small dosage. After a 5-day course, you should take a two-day break. It is recommended to carry out therapy only after consultation with a doctor. The specialist will conduct a diagnosis, determine indications and contraindications for treatment.

Average dosages

Universal schedule for taking the drug (for all diseases):

  • Day 1: 5 drops in the morning, 10 drops in the evening;
  • Day 2: 15 drops in the morning, 20 drops in the evening;
  • Day 3: 20 drops in the morning, 25 drops in the evening;
  • Day 4: 25 drops in the morning, 30 drops in the evening;
  • Day 5: 30 drops in the morning, 25 drops in the evening;
  • Day 6: 35 drops in the morning, 35 drops in the evening;
  • Day 7: break.

Then use 35 drops morning and evening.

Cancer therapy regimen

Gentle treatment regimen oncological diseases with ASD drug fraction 2:

  • On Monday, on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, pour 30-40 ml of boiled water into a glass, add 3 drops of ASD-2 with an eye dropper or syringe. On Tuesday - 5 drops, on Wednesday - 7, on Thursday - 9, on Friday - 11, on Saturday - 13, on Sunday - rest. In the 2nd, 3rd, 4th weeks, take ASD according to the same regimen.
  • Next – one week break. After rest, starting on Monday, start taking ASD according to the same regimen, but 5 drops, adding 2 drops in subsequent days. Drink for 4 weeks, then rest. Monitor your health; if it worsens, stop using the drug.

Regimen for taking ASD fraction 2 within the framework of A.V. Dorogov’s “shock” technique, used for the treatment of advanced cases of cancer. The drug is taken every day at 8:00, 12:00, 16:00 and 20:00. Every 5 days the dosage of the drug is increased by 5 drops.

Dosage of the drug ASD fraction 2, use for humans in treatment cancer diseases great importance have the age of the patient, location and nature of cancer lesions. ASD-2 will relieve pain and stop tumor development. Such a course must be carried out under strict medical supervision.

ASD fraction 2: contraindications

The fraction can be used with great caution in cases where the body is severely weakened and there are problems with the kidneys. Overdose and violation of the drug regimen should not be allowed.

No matter how much ASD fraction 2 is praised, contraindications can reduce the benefits of its use to a minimum and cause severe consequences. Thus, when using this serious drug, you should be careful and avoid unnecessary risks.

How to get the right dose of the drug correctly

Instructions for selecting the drug ASD fraction 2 from the bottle:

  • Do not remove the rubber cap from the bottle. It is enough to remove the central part of the aluminum cap;
  • the needle of a disposable syringe is inserted into the center of the rubber stopper of the bottle;
  • a syringe is inserted into the needle;
  • it is necessary to shake the bottle several times with vigorous movements;
  • turn the bottle upside down;
  • draw the required amount of ASD-2 into the syringe;
  • remove the syringe while holding the needle in the bottle cap;
  • dip the tip of the syringe into a glass of boiled water;
  • slowly introduce the drug into the water, trying to avoid foaming;
  • mix the composition and take it orally.

The above instructions for using the medicine are not accidental. Tested by long-term practical experience on patients of A. V. Dorogova. The drug oxidizes with loss of active properties. It is recommended to take it fresh. For therapy, be sure to follow the above regimens. The drug should be taken in such a way that foam does not form.

Use of ASD fraction 2: more benefit, less harm

These tips will help you learn how to properly use ASD fraction 2 to treat diseases in humans. So, for ASD 2 to bring you benefit and not harm, follow certain recommendations:

  1. For internal use, ASD fraction 2 is used exclusively.
  2. In all cases of using ASD, water should be taken boiled and cooled; If it is impossible to take the drug with water (for example, children), milk should be consumed.
  3. Recommended admission large quantity liquids (2-3 liters per day) to remove microbial toxins and waste from the body.
  4. During the treatment period, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.
  5. The drug does not require special diets and does not threaten overdose, because it is not “chemistry”.
  6. For compresses, do not forget to place parchment paper over the gauze to prevent the evaporation of the drug. Then a thick layer of cotton wool (10-12 cm) is applied and bandaged.
  7. If the process worsens, stop taking ASD until the pain subsides, then resume taking it, adjusting the dosage according to how you feel.
  8. Store fraction ASD-2 in a cool place, protected from light (can be in the refrigerator), ASD-3 - in dark place at a temperature of +4 - +20 degrees. The shelf life of the drug is 4 years.
  9. Do not completely open the bottle of the drug. Simply remove the central “patch” of the aluminum cap. Shake the bottle several times. Then carefully draw up the required volume of ASD using a disposable syringe.

Usually this drug is used in extreme situations, but sometimes, after reading positive feedback on the Internet, people run to the veterinary pharmacy to buy a life-saving elixir. Many write that they were truly cured of their pathologies after undergoing full course treatment or already from the first dose, others simply began to feel better, and some did not experience any changes in their own body at all.

Therefore, it is clear to draw conclusions about the benefits or negative harm drug ASD 2 only according to the subjective opinion of patients is impossible, since only real reviews of doctors and clinical researches can give a comprehensive answer.

This drug has not reached the shelves of pharmacies and is not widely used in the treatment of the human body. Only a few who believed in its amazing properties and healing powers were able to appreciate its merits by saving their lives.

A.V. Dorogov, having created the drug ASD fractions 2 and 3, proposed therapeutic options for the treatment of many diseases of the human body.

The use of the drug ASD 2 for human treatment is carried out according to the generally accepted dose: 10-30 drops of the drug per 1/3 cup of boiled cooled water. Taken twice daily. The course and dosage depend on the diagnosis and complexity of the disease.


To date, ASD 2 and fraction 3 have not shown any contraindications. The exception is individual intolerance. However, drugs cannot be used to treat children. Before using ASD, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

During treatment with the fraction, any alcoholic drinks. Only drink in the form of large amounts of water and sour juices.

Treatment of various diseases ASD 2, 3

  1. Therapy of eye diseases (fraction 2). Mix boiled, cooled water (100 ml) with 4 drops of healing liquid. We take it according to the following scheme: 5 days on, 3 days off.
  2. Fungal skin diseases (fraction 3). Three times a day, first treat the affected areas of the dermis soap solution, then lubricate with the preparation.
  3. From skin ailments And . Add a few drops of ASD fraction 3 to vegetable oil (100 ml). Mix thoroughly and moisten a napkin (linen or gauze) with the mixture. Apply a compress to the problem area. In addition to this treatment, we take an oral solution from warm water(125 ml) and 5 drops of the fraction in a course of five days. After a 3-day break, we repeat the treatment.
  4. Gynecological pathologies. Mix 20 drops of liquid with water that has cooled after boiling (1/2 cup). Divide the volume into 3 doses and drink within 24 hours (days).
  5. For pathologies of the cardiovascular system, central nervous system,... Mix ASD fraction 2 (10 drops) with cooled water (100 ml). For the first 5 days we drink 100 ml of the resulting mixture. Then a 3-day break. In subsequent five-day courses, we increase the number of drops of the fraction by 5 drops. Bringing it to the maximum dose - 25 drops. We take it until the condition improves. If an exacerbation occurs, stop the course until it decreases painful sensations. After which, we resume treatment.
  6. ASD 2 will eliminate toothache. Place a sterile cotton wool soaked in liquid on the gum (opposite the diseased tooth).
  7. At hypertension. We use according to the standard scheme: for ½ glass of warm water – 1 drop of liquid once a day. Every day we increase by 1 drop. Therapeutic course is 20 days.
  8. A remedy for getting rid of. Douche with a 1% solution of the drug.
  9. Treatment of ASD 2f against gout and rheumatism. Dilute 5 drops of the drug in warm water (100 ml). Use on an empty stomach for 5 days. At the same time, apply compresses to painful areas.
  10. The use of ASD in inhalations for colds. Add 10–15 ml of the drug to boiling water (1 l).
  11. ASD 3f will help hair growth. Rub the scalp with a 5% solution of the product.

ASD 2 for weight loss

The fraction helps to lose excess weight.

  • For 5 days we take a mixture of 30 drops of ASD 2 and boiled, cooled water (200 ml).

Break for 5 days.

  • For 4 days we take a mixture of 10 drops of the drug per 200 ml of water.

Break 4 days.

  • For 5 days we take a mixture of 20 drops per glass of water.

Break - three days.

ASD – immunomodulatory antiseptic and cancer

Is the drug effective for cancer? What does O. Dorogov’s daughter A.V. say about this? Dorogova and his follower.

“According to my father, ASD definitely gives positive results for cancer.”

Dorogov conducted a course of treatment according to a standard regimen. For oncology of the dermis and eyes, he recommended using compresses. I calculated the dosage, taking into account age category patients, localization of formation and stage of development of cancerous tumors.

Many who approached the scientist with such terrible diagnoses received treatment and recovered.

The candidate of veterinary sciences argued that the product relieves pain well and significantly slows down the development of malignant tumors.

In the stage of severe illness, the scientist prescribed a dose of 5 ml of ASD 2 in ½ glass of water.

Note that Alexey Vlasovich was not a supporter of self-medication and hoped that patients with his medicine would still be treated under the supervision of doctors.

ASD - reviews from patients and doctors

ABOUT means of ASD I knew it for a long time, but did not dare to use it; nevertheless, it was invented for animals. For some time now, ARVI has not left me alone. I decided to try it. I was treated according to the standard regimen, although on the 3rd day I felt healthy. Ekaterina, 27 years old, teacher.

Of course, it's a pity that ASD treatment outside of official medicine. I tried a drug for weight loss. But at the same time I stuck to a diet and took vitamins. WITH extra pounds Sores in the form of shortness of breath, hypertension, and leg disease also went away. Vera Pavlovna, 47 years old, accountant.

I take the medicine in courses. The heart is less active. I am treating myself, but I check with a doctor every 3 months. So, I’m thinking of telling her about this remedy. Let him be surprised. He says that I have begun to look better and that my cardiogram is satisfactory for my age. Ivan Pavlovich, 63 years old, retired (former military man).

A dermatologist who was seen with eczema advised me to be treated with ASD fractions 2, 3. Since the doctor recommended this, I boldly followed all the recommendations. The therapy was successful, which I am incredibly happy about. Irina Vasilievna said that she prescribed treatment with this drug to many of her patients and everyone’s condition improved without side effects. Thanks to her and the creator of ASD. I’m thinking about using this remedy to treat my ailments as well. Evgeniy, 39 years old, driver.

Dear friends of Stoletnik! The article does not fully disclose the possibilities of treatment with ASD. It is for informational purposes only. Find good doctor who knows about this remedy. Together you will overcome illnesses!

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Oncological diseases

In the presence of precancerous diseases, a standard dosage regimen is used; for external tumors - . The dosage of the drug ASD fraction 2, use for humans in the treatment of cancer depends on the age of the patient, the nature and location of the lesions. ASD-2 will relieve pain and stop tumor development. The author of the drug, A.V. Dorogov, recommended taking 5 ml of ASD-2 in ½ glass of water twice a day in advanced cases. But such a course must be carried out under strict medical supervision.

Regimen for taking ASD fraction 2 within the framework of A.V. Dorogov’s “shock” technique, used for the treatment of advanced cases of cancer.

The drug is taken every day at 8:00, 12:00, 16:00 and 20:00.

Course 1: at the indicated hours for 5 days, take 5 drops of the drug ASD-2.
Course 2: at the indicated hours for 5 days, take 10 drops of the drug ASD-2.
Course 3: at the indicated hours for 5 days, take 15 drops of the drug ASD-2.
Course 4: at the indicated hours for 5 days, take 20 drops of the drug ASD-2.
Course 5: at the indicated hours for 5 days, take 25 drops of the drug ASD-2.
Course 6: at the indicated hours for 5 days, take 30 drops of the drug ASD-2.
Course 7: at the indicated hours for 5 days, take 35 drops of the drug ASD-2.
Course 8: at the indicated hours for 5 days, take 40 drops of the drug ASD-2.
Course 9: at the indicated hours for 5 days, take 45 drops of the drug ASD-2.
Course 10: at the indicated hours for 5 days, take 50 drops of the drug ASD-2, course 10 continues until recovery.

A gentle regimen for the treatment of oncological diseases with the drug ASD fraction 2:

1st course, 1st week.

Monday: take the drug 30 minutes before meals, on an empty stomach. To 30-40 ml of cooled boiled water, add 3 drops of ASD fraction 2 with a syringe or pipette.
Tuesday: 5 drops.
Wednesday: 7 drops.
Thursday: 9 drops.
Friday: 11 drops.
Saturday: 13 drops.
Sunday: break.
2nd, 3rd, 4th weeks - the same scheme. Then a break of 1 week.

2nd course, 1st week.

Monday: 5 drops.
Tuesday: 7 drops.
Wednesday: 9 drops.
Thursday: 11 drops.
Friday: 13 drops.
Saturday: 15 drops.
Sunday: break

You will not find ASD in a regular pharmacy, as well as instructions for use for humans. However, veterinary pharmacies that sell this medicine can help you.

There are several regimens for using the drug for various diseases.

For heart, liver and nervous system diseases.

Take ASD-2 according to the following scheme: 5 days, 10 drops, 3 days - break; 5 days 15 drops, 3 days - break; 5 days 20 drops, 3 days - break; 5 days 25 drops, 3 days break. Courses are carried out intermittently until a positive result is achieved. If the disease worsens (which sometimes happens), use is stopped until the pain subsides, then resumed. That is, treatment begins not in the acute phase, but during the period of remission.

For stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Take ASD-2 20 drops 2 times a day 30 - 40 minutes before meals. The best remedy for ulcers (intracavitary) - black sediment ASD - 2. It is taken orally for 5 days. Recovery comes quickly.

Colitis various etiologies.

Take 1 teaspoon (up to 5 cubic cm or 180 - 200 drops per half glass of water. The course of administration is 3 days (drink once a day) 30 - 40 minutes before meals, then a break for 3 days.

For vascular spasms of the extremities (endarteritis, thrombophlebitis).

A stocking made of 4 layers of gauze moistened with a 20% ASD-2 solution is put on daily. After 5 months, blood circulation is restored.


The drug ASD - F-2 stops further development tumors, relieves pain. Take 5 ml per half glass of boiled water twice a day. The course of treatment is at least 1.5 years. Precancerous forms can also be treated both internally and locally with ASD-2 solution. Compresses are applied locally.

Tuberculosis of the lungs, kidneys and other organs.

A complete and lasting cure is possible. Take ASD-2 orally, starting with 5 drops in half a glass of water once a day (in the morning on an empty stomach) 30-40 minutes before meals. They drink for 5 days, take a 3-day break, and so on, the course of treatment is 2 - 3 months.

For gynecological diseases.

Take the drug orally from 2 to 5 ml according to the same scheme as above. Trichomoniasis can be cured by a single douching with a 2% solution (60 drops of ASD F-2 per 100 ml), a 1% solution cures thrush (30 drops of ASD F-2 per 100 ml).


ASD-2 can be treated very successfully. Take 3-5 drops orally 30-40 minutes before meals. Drink for 5 days, 3 days off. The scheme is basically the same.

Skin diseases(various types of eczema, trophic ulcers, urticaria, etc.).

Take 1 - 5 ml for 5 days in a row, 2 - 3 days off (take on an empty stomach), while using ASD-3 as a compress.

Eye diseases inflammatory in nature.

ASD-2 is successfully treated by taking 3-5 drops orally for 5 days, 3 days off. And rinsing with a 0.3% solution (20 drops per glass of water).

Ear diseases inflammatory in nature.

ASD-2 is treated with oral administration of 20 drops to 5 cubes (5 ml syringe), as well as locally - compresses, rinses.

Gout and rheumatism, inflammation lymph nodes.

Apply compresses to sore spots at night with simultaneous administration ASD-2 orally according to the indicated schemes. That is, 3-5 drops in half a glass of water for 5 days, 3 days off.


Take 5 drops per glass of boiled water 2 times a day, for a very long time.

Instructions for taking the drug ASD fraction 2 from the bottle:

Do not remove the rubber cap from the bottle. It is enough to remove the central part of the aluminum cap;
the needle of a disposable syringe is inserted into the center of the rubber stopper of the bottle;
a syringe is inserted into the needle;
it is necessary to shake the bottle several times with vigorous movements;
turn the bottle upside down;
draw the required amount of ASD-2 into the syringe;
remove the syringe while holding the needle in the bottle cap;
dip the tip of the syringe into a glass of boiled water;
slowly introduce the drug into the water, trying to avoid foaming;
mix the composition and take it orally.

Treatment with ASD fraction 2 according to the method of V.I. Trubnikov

The treatment regimen depends on the person’s age and body weight. The drug is diluted with boiled chilled water.
Age: from 1 to 5 years. ASD-2: 0.2 - 0.5 ml. Amount of water: 5 - 10 ml.
Age: from 5 to 15 years. ASD-2: 0.2 - 0.7 ml. Amount of water: 5 - 15 ml.
Age: from 15 to 20 years. ASD-2: 0.5 - 1.0 ml. Amount of water: 10 - 20 ml.
Age: 20 and older. ASD-2: 2 - 5 ml. Amount of water: 40 - 100 ml.

detailed instructions on the selection of the drug is given above not by chance: contact of ASD-2 with air should be avoided, since the drug quickly oxidizes and loses its active properties. Having collected, with all precautions, the required amount of the drug into a syringe and carefully mixed with water without forming foam, you should immediately drink the medicine.

The drug has an extremely harsh and bad smell, so it is better to take it outside the living room, in a well-ventilated place, ideally outdoors. Having prepared the medicine, it is advisable to prepare yourself to take it. To do this, you need to take a deep breath and then exhale sharply. Close your eyes (this will make it easier to drink the medicine), drink the prepared solution, holding your breath a little. Then do a few deep breaths through the nose, exhaling sharply through the mouth.

You need to take the medicine 30 - 40 minutes before meals. The course should begin with low dose, gradually increasing it until you find the optimal one for yourself. After a five-day course, a break is taken for two days. It’s better to start on Monday so as not to lose track of your calculations. During the first five-day period, you should take the drug twice a day, in the morning, before breakfast, and in the evening, before dinner or 2 - 3 hours after it. Starting from the 2nd week of use, you can take the medicine once a day, in the morning. Depending on how you feel, breaks between courses can be taken for up to a month or more.

Application Notes:

For internal use, ASD fraction 2 is used exclusively;

In order to dilute the drug (for internal or external use), only boiled, cooled water is taken;

If it is not possible to use ASD-2 with water (for example, by children, due to the extremely pungent and unpleasant odor), milk can be used to dissolve the drug;

1 ml contains 30 - 40 drops of the drug ASD;

Compresses are made from several layers of gauze soaked in the preparation. To avoid evaporation of the drug, parchment and a thick layer of cotton wool (up to 12 cm) are placed on top of the fabric, then the entire multilayer structure is bandaged;

The drug ASD-2 is available in a glass bottle closed with a rubber stopper. The plug is rolled with an aluminum cap. The capacity of the bottles is 50, 100 and 200 ml;

The bottle with the drug must be kept in a dry, dark place. Shelf life is 4 years, at optimal storage temperature (from +4 to +30 °C);

When using the drug ASD-2 according to the instructions for use, no complications or side effects. There are no contraindications;

Despite the absence of side effects, some individuals may experience intolerance to the drug. For this reason, it is advisable to closely monitor your well-being during the course of treatment. If you feel worse, you should interrupt the course until the causes of the deterioration are identified;

During the treatment course When using the drug ASD fraction 2, you must completely abstain from drinking alcohol. Otherwise, the treatment will be ineffective; in addition, the combination of the drug and alcohol can lead to sharp deterioration well-being;

To this day, the drug ASD has not received official registration in the list of drugs traditional medicine. For this reason, most doctors are very skeptical about medicinal qualities and properties of ASD. Some doctors do not even know about the existence of this drug;

Among enthusiasts who have been using ASD fraction 2 for for long years, there is an opinion, based on our own observations, that the drug increases blood thickness. For prevention this effect It is necessary to regularly consume lemons, cranberries, and sour juices. If there are no contraindications, you can take a quarter of an aspirin tablet daily;

In addition to the two above-mentioned points, the use of the drug ASD-2 does not require any significant changes in the usual diet;

IN Lately Cases of counterfeiting of this drug are increasingly being recorded. Therefore, you should not purchase the medicine second-hand, and when choosing ASD-2 at a veterinary pharmacy, it is advisable to give preference to trusted manufacturers.

The treatment method with ASD Fraction 2 was developed by A.V. Dorogov.

Standard dosage: 15 - 30 drops of ASD-2 per 50 - 100 ml of chilled boiled water or strong tea, taken on an empty stomach 2 times a day 20-40 minutes before meals.

Dosage regimen: course of taking the medicine - 5 days, then a 3-day break. The cycle repeats until full recovery.

Regimen for taking ASD fraction 2 for specific diseases:

Gynecological diseases. ASD 2 fraction orally according to the standard regimen, douching with a 1% aqueous solution until complete cure;

Hypertension. The dosage regimen is standard, but you should start with 5 drops. 2 times a day, adding one daily to reach 20. Take until blood pressure normalizes;

Ophthalmic inflammatory diseases. 3 - 5 drops for 1/2 cup of boiled water, take orally according to the schedule of 5 days after 3;

To stimulate hair growth. Rub a 5% solution of ASD-2 into the scalp;

Diseases of the liver, heart, nervous system. ASD-2 orally according to the regimen: for 5 days, 10 drops. ½ cup of boiled water, break 3 days; then 5 days, 15 drops each, break 3 days; 5 days, 20 drops each, break 3 days; 5 days, 25 drops, break 3 days. Continue the course until stable positive results occur. If the disease worsens, you should stop taking it for a while. Resume after pain subsides;

Kidney diseases, biliary tract. Standard regimen and dosage.

Toothache. Apply a cotton swab moistened with ASD fraction 2 to the sore spot;

Impotence. Orally 30-40 minutes before meals, 3-5 drops. for ½ cup of boiled water, course 5 days after 3;

Cough, runny nose. 2 times a day, 1 ml ASD-2 per ½ cup of boiled water;

Colitis, gastritis. The dosage and regimen are standard, but take the drug once a day;

Thrush. 1% solution of ASD-2 externally;

Urinary incontinence. 5 drops for 150 ml of chilled boiled water, 5 days, break 3 days;

Gout, inflammation of the lymph nodes, rheumatism. Orally 5 days after 3, 3-5 drops. for ½ cup of boiled water, compresses from ASD-2 on sore spots;

Cold. Inhalations - 1 tbsp. l. ASD-2 per liter of boiled water;

Prevention colds. 1 ml ASD-2 per ½ glass of water;

Radiculitis. For 1 glass of water, 1 teaspoon of ASD-2, take 2 times a day until recovery;

Vascular spasms of the extremities. “Stocking” made from several layers of gauze. Moisten with 20% ASD-2 solution. Blood circulation is restored after 4 - 5 months of regular procedures;

Trichomonosis. Single douching ASD-2. 60 drops per 100 ml of warm boiled water;

Tuberculosis of the lungs and other organs. In the morning on an empty stomach, 1 time per day, half an hour before meals. Start with 5 drops. by ½ tbsp. boiled water. 5 days after 3. Next 5 days, 10 drops each, break 3 days; 5 days, 15 drops each, break 3 days; 5 days, 20 drops each, break 3 days; The course lasts up to 3 months;

Obesity. 5 days 30-4 drops. per glass of boiled water, break 5 days; 10 drops - 4 days, break 4 days; 20 drops 5 days, break 3-4 days;

Ear inflammatory diseases. 20 drops per glass of boiled water, orally. Rinsing and compresses - locally;

Stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer. Standard dosage regimen.

This medicine was obtained more than fifty years ago. Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant or abbreviated as (ASD) has a lot of contradictions and mysteries in its history of existence. Also in Soviet times It was believed that directly with the help of the drug ASD, Beria’s mother was completely cured of cancer. Whether this is true or not is not for us to judge, but for historians, but we should not forget that the use of ASD-2 has been permitted for many years only in the treatment of animals.

Dorogov's stimulator - ASD - was first produced from the most common river frogs by strongly heating them at very high temperatures in a special apparatus. Today, the main raw material for obtaining the ASD-2 fraction is the product of dry distillation of meat and bone meal. When producing the ASD fraction, the drug ASD-3 is also produced. V medicinal purposes Only the ASD-2 fraction is used.

According to the authors who developed the ASD-2 fraction for humans, this medicinal product is intended to enhance immunity and is an anti-inflammatory agent (has nothing to do with antibiotics).

The use of the ASD-2 fraction is not officially approved for use in medicine; there is information about contraindications for this drug. side effects and the effectiveness of the drug ASD-2 is not. Treatment with ASD-2 as an independent home treatment carried out at your own risk.

It is also worth noting that important detail of this drug is that it has not undergone clinical trials and is not registered with the pharmaceutical committee for the treatment of humans and the fact that the ASD-2 fraction and the ASD-3 fraction are approved for the treatment of animals only.

Despite the fact that doctors prohibit the use of this drug for people, numerous fans of this drug ASD-2 present it to the public as a universal cure for numerous well-known diseases.

During treatment with ASD fractions two and three, the intake of products containing alcohol is strictly prohibited. This is a very unique drug on the Internet, a lot of information has been written from people who ASD really helped cope with cancer, kidney, heart, gynecology, etc., I think not all the mysteries of this drug have been solved yet, but I still want to believe that this remedy is really It’s not for nothing that people called it “Water of Living”.

Scheme of use and dosage of the ASD-2 fraction.

You need to drink this drug only in milliliters; you need to dilute the drug with boiled chilled water in a ratio of 1:20. The dosage depends on the person’s age and body weight.

quantity of ASD-2 per ml
amount of water in ml

15 years

5 - 15 years

15 - 20 years

20 years and older

It is necessary to drink the drug ASD-2 30-40 minutes before meals.

You need to start taking the ASD-2 fraction with a small dose:

The dosage for adults is 2 ml, then each subsequent day you can add 1 ml, so you will find the dose that suits your body and stop.

It is necessary to take the drug for five days in a row, after which a break for 2 days. It is best to start taking it on Monday, this will make it easier to count the days of taking it. In the first five days, take the drug 2 times a day: morning and evening, and then 1 time a day.

Those who are just starting to take the drug need to drink three five-day tablets in a row, after taking a break for 2-3 weeks, and then drink two five-day tablets once a day with a break of 2-3 weeks. Depending on how you feel, you can take breaks for a month or more.

Treatment of oncological diseases using the method of Valery Tishchenko.

The fraction treats lung cancer, stomach ulcers, tuberculosis, radiculitis; to treat eczema, it must be mixed with sunflower oil 1:1 and make applications.

The drug must be (purchased from veterinarians) and after opening it must be stored in the freezer or under it. For 0.5 glasses of water four times a day, give:

Time of receipt

Number of drops
drink for 3-5 days

drink for 3-5 days

drink for 3-5 days

and so it is necessary to increase the dose by 5 drops per dose - while gradually reaching your dose acceptable to the body, you can also additionally drink the medicine with water. This is approximately 25-30 drops, but the most important thing in this process is beware of overdoses- in case of overdose of the drug, in most cases it blocks the kidney if it is sick, which is very dangerous in the treatment of cancer.

Letters from our readers:

I’ve only been drinking 1 ml in the morning and evening for 5 days and have already felt changes - I get up in the morning without back pain (very for a long time I had pain in the lumbosacral region), but usually I could barely get up, my sleep improved, and I had more energy. And this is in just 5 days.

I adapted to drinking in the following way and this is very important: the rubber stopper is pierced with a needle (which should be left there, covered with a band-aid on top). Then a syringe is inserted and drawn required dose, the syringe is removed, the needle remains. Then you need to slowly inject ASD2 from a syringe into a glass of water (about 100 ml of cold boiled water).

I put the water in the cold in advance, with cold water much easier to drink. I inject water from a syringe on the veranda (balcony) so that the house does not smell. I try not to sniff. Then I take a deep breath and exhale, close my eyes (it’s easier this way) and drink in about 7-9 sips. After this, you need to immediately take several deep breaths and exhales through your mouth. After which there is almost no smell left.

After that, I rinse the glass, the syringe, and you can rinse your mouth if you feel something. That’s all. And it's okay. The main thing is to follow this sequence. The liquid itself is tasteless, so while you drink it with bated breath, you don’t feel anything.

They also wrote here about sediment in bottles - I read a lot about this drug and read that this is quite normal, moreover, it seems that they also make compresses with them for some skin diseases, like with the ASD3 fraction. Health to everyone.

The letter was sent by Elena.

Hello dear readers of the site Traditional medicine! I would like to write about my experience of taking ASD-2.

On February 1, 2008, my father-in-law was diagnosed with stage 4 rectal cancer (he was 78 years old) and he has had this problem for a long time.

We were warned that we need to prepare for anything. They prophesied that he would live for 1-3 months, since he would not tolerate any treatment (chemotherapy, etc.).

We decided to try ASD. But my father-in-law refused at first. By the fall of 2008, he had almost lost his strength and stopped eating completely.

In winter he fell ill, they thought that he would not live to see spring. I stopped walking, couldn’t sit or stand, I lost consciousness. Overall it was very bad. The pain was terrible.

The painkillers stopped helping. They live in a village, you know, a paramedic won’t be much help...

And so, in February 2009, he decided to take ASD. I started with 10 drops per 100 ml of boiled water, or tea, once a day.

Then the number of drops began to increase by 1 drop every day, with breaks of 7 days. I got to 30 and back in descending order.

The result is the following regimen for taking the drug ASD-2:

days/number of drops

break 7 days
break 7 days
break 7 days

Then starting with 30 drops per day in a decreasing pattern and at the end again a break. I was tired of the medicine. Age, of course. My appetite has improved. My mood has improved. The pain has gone away a little.

But most importantly, in May 2010 he celebrated his 80th birthday! He does the housework, goes to the store for bread, and can serve himself.

Alive!!! He has been drinking ASD constantly for 1.5 years. He says that the tumor has begun to collapse. I started to feel much better. Feels a surge of strength.

Before I didn’t want to live, but now I’m fighting. Now my husband has started taking ASD to treat prostatitis. I'll write about the results! Health to everyone!

Inventing a cure for hundreds of diseases is the dream of every alchemist and scientist. But it doesn’t always work out the way you dream. All efforts and attempts can be in vain in an instant. A brilliant discovery after a series of experiments may turn out to be ineffective and even useless. But sometimes, an accidental discovery can turn out to be a real elixir of immortality. One of these discoveries is ASD (Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant).

Attention! For those interested in the drug ASD, we advise you to visit the specialized website ASD-2.ru - features and dosages for the treatment of various diseases, detailed description funds and free consultations.

To make it clearer, ASD is an immunomodulatory antiseptic wide range action, originally developed to protect animals from various pathogens and radiation. However, studies have shown that the drug has amazing properties and is unique medicine from all ailments.

In the mid-fifties of the last century, the government of the USSR was tasked with inventing a drug that would have powerful radioprotective and adaptogenic properties. The primary task is to create a drug that has an immunoprotective effect, but at the lowest possible cost.

The work on developing the drug was headed by A. Dorogov, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences. It took four years to create the miracle remedy. The raw material was the organic fraction of frog tissue.

The remedy turned out to be truly healing, it had adaptogenic and immunomodulatory properties, and promoted wound healing. The product was called “Dorogov’s antiseptic-stimulant of the second fraction” - ASD 2.

Unique properties for healing damaged tissues, as well as strengthening the immune system, have contributed to the expansion of the raw material base by scientists. Soon, instead of frogs, they began to use the meat and bone mass of livestock.

A considerable number of pathologies have been cured with the help of the drug. skin, inflammatory processes, ailments of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Why is Antiseptic Dorogov's Stimulant not officially recognized?

To this day there is no answer to this question. The drug has gone through a difficult history from artisanal production, scientific research, the celebration of discovery, oppression by a regime of special secrecy and use only by high-ranking officials, persecution and oblivion.

A memo from Beria to Stalin was discovered in the NKVD archives stating that new drug, due to its action, will reduce the number of patients, which will contribute to the reduction medical workers. It will also increase life expectancy by an average of 15-20 years, which will serve as a source of additional expenses for pension and housing funds. Therefore, this drug was recommended for veterinary use. Stalin was quick to agree with this and put forward his resolution. So greatest invention has sunk into oblivion.

In addition, after the death of the leader, persecution and persecution of “medical luminaries” and officials of various ranks, the author of the invention himself was brought to the grave. Many were not at all interested in the effect of the drug, its properties, and, in the end, the fact that it is truly a “panacea for a thousand ailments.” They were fixated on one thing: “How can a medicine be recognized official medicine, developed not by a doctor, but by a veterinarian?”, and many also wanted to share the copyright.

In the time that has passed since the development of the candidate of veterinary sciences Alexei Vlasovich Dorogov, the remedy could have saved many lives. But for more than sixty years it has been recognized only in dermatological and veterinary practice and exists quietly, unknown to many doctors. Today you can purchase it freely at any veterinary pharmacy. average price ASD 2 - 300 rubles, ASD 3 - 150 rubles.

What do you need to know about the drug?

Few people know what the original goals of developing a unique drug were. For some time it was a secret. However, 60 years after the invention of ASD, several interesting facts became known.

  1. ASD contains protein breakdown products, including pure form which are outright poison. But taken together, these substances are not capable of causing harm; they have a lot of healing properties.
  2. ASD is a central nervous system stimulant that can cause overexcitation. The product should not be given to children, people with diseases of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems in the acute stage.
  3. Biological activity in relation to some skin pathologies became known by chance - during research.

The first studies on the use of the drug internally were conducted on animals. The results were unpredictable. Few could believe that the “frog medicine” would be so effective.

As it turned out, taking the drug orally helps combat various diseases and also has a healing effect on human body. The product helps in normalization hormonal balance, eliminating varicose veins, increasing immunity, rejuvenation and healing. It turned out to be especially effective in gynecological practice, because it was thanks to it that it was possible to cure breast and uterine cancer.

Composition and properties of ASD fraction 2 - description of the drug

ASD is a drug of animal origin. The product is obtained by dry sublimation of raw materials of animal origin at high temperatures. The product contains a considerable amount of:

  • water;
  • carboxylic acids;
  • amide derivatives;
  • hydrocarbons.

The liquid has a yellowish or dark red tint and a sharp, rather pungent odor, dissolves well in water. The drug can be used both internally and externally.

This remedy is imperfect because it has a very unpleasant aroma of spoiled meat. This is perhaps its only drawback.

ASD fraction 2 promotes:

  • normalization of the functioning of the central and autonomic nervous systems;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • increasing immunity;
  • normalization of intracellular ion exchange;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • accelerating the healing of the dermis.

Benefits of ASD 3

As for ASD fraction 3, it contains a significant amount of:

  • alkyl derivatives of pyrrole;
  • aliphatic and cyclic hydrocarbons;
  • water;
  • compounds with an active sulfhydryl group;
  • carboxylic acids.

ASD of the third fraction is a thick brown or black oily liquid with a specific odor. The medicine dissolves in alcohol and oil. The product can only be used externally. The drug promotes rapid wound healing, as well as stimulation of the reticuloendothelial system.

Removing the drug from the bottle. Instructions for use for humans

  1. There is no need to remove the rubber cap when opening the bottle. Only the metal cap can be removed.
  2. Insert the needle (along with the syringe) into the stopper.
  3. Shake the liquid and invert the bottle.
  4. Draw up the required amount of liquid.
  5. Carefully remove the syringe, leaving the needle in the cap.
  6. Dilute the substance with water (if it is ASD 2) or oil or alcohol (if it is version 3 of the drug).
  7. Stir the solution.

That's it, the product is ready for use. One more thing: you need to dilute the liquid immediately before use.

Treatment options for ASD of the second and third fractions were studied and proposed by Dorogov.

Common treatment: 10-30 drops of healing liquid per 1/3 cup of boiled, slightly cooled water. It is recommended to take the product twice a day. However, the dosage and course of therapy, depending on the disease, may vary slightly.

Are there any contraindications?

To date, no contraindications to the use of ASD 2 and 3, other than individual intolerance, have been identified. Do not treat small children with this drug. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to use the medicine without the knowledge of a doctor. In addition, when using the products you must adhere to some recommendations.

During the treatment of a particular pathology, you should not drink alcohol. In addition, during the treatment period it is necessary to drink more water and sour juices.

Treatment of various diseases

Therapy of eye diseases. Mix four drops of liquid with 100 ml of boiled, slightly cooled water. It is necessary to use the product according to the following scheme: five days - take, three - break.

Fraction 3 in the fight against fungal diseases of the dermis. Treat the affected areas of the skin with a soap solution three times a day, and then lubricate with the drug.

Therapy of skin ailments, including. Combine a few drops of ASD 3 with vegetable oil - 100 ml. Soak a gauze or linen napkin in the prepared solution and apply to the affected area. Should be used together with compresses next remedy: dilute five drops of the medicine in half a glass of warm water. Course of therapy: five days. After a three-day break, therapy must be repeated.

Treatment gynecological pathologies. Mix 20 drops of liquid with boiled, cooled water - ½ cup. Divide the volume into three doses and drink the liquid throughout the day.

Pathologies of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, liver. To treat these ailments, you need to make the following solution: ten drops of ASD fraction 2 are diluted in boiled, strained water - 100 ml. During the first five days you need to drink 100 ml of liquid. This is followed by a three-day break. Every subsequent five days the dosage must be increased by five drops. Maximum dose– 25 drops. The course of therapy is until the condition stabilizes. In case of exacerbation, therapy is stopped. It can be resumed only after pain has been minimized.

To relieve toothache, moisten a sterile cotton swab ASD 2 and place it on the painful area of ​​the gum. To get rid of candidiasis, douche with a one percent solution of the drug.

ASD 2 against rheumatism and gout. Dilute five drops of the drug in 100 ml of warm water. Consume within five days, on an empty stomach. As a supplement, it is recommended to apply compresses to sore spots.

Use of inhalations. Mix 10-15 ml of the drug with boiling water - a liter. Use inhalations for colds.

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant fraction 3 will help accelerate hair growth. Rub the dermis of the head with a 5% solution of the medicine.

We are fighting with overweight. For five days, take the solution: 30 drops of ASD 2, diluted in two hundred milliliters of boiled, slightly cooled water. This is followed by a five-day break. Then the dosage must be reduced to ten drops, the course is four days. The break is also 4 days. Then 20 drops per glass of water. Drink for five days. The break is three days.

Is the drug effective for cancer?

O. Dorogova, daughter and follower of A. Dorogov

Dorogov believed that the remedy would definitely give a cure for cancer positive result. Prescribed it according to the standard scheme. For eye and dermal cancer, he additionally prescribed the use of compresses. The dosage was calculated taking into account the patient’s age, the location of the formation, as well as the stage of its development.

The medicine has helped many people in the fight against this terrible disease. And this is not at all surprising, because it not only helps to minimize pain, but also slowing down progress malignant formation. In the most severe cases The scientist prescribed the use of five milliliters of the drug diluted in half a glass of water.

Dorogov was against self-medication, and noted that drug therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

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