What not to eat before donating blood. Proper nutrition for a blood donor

Human blood is an irreplaceable material. No matter how many modern medications are created, it is impossible to replace it. Unfortunately, the time frame is limited, so these components require constant replenishment. Not a single complex operation, recovery after severe blood loss or chronic pathologies can't do without donated blood. Of course, donation is an important and generous matter. However, not everyone can be a donor. This is due certain conditions and laws. Below we will look at what the rules are before donating blood, what you can and cannot eat, what the cost and possible consequences this procedure.

Who can be a donor? According to current laws, you can donate blood as a donor only on condition of gratuitousness and voluntariness. Absolutely anyone can be a donor, regardless of gender, aged from eighteen to sixty years, who has no contraindications to the procedure and has undergone full examination.

One of important conditions when donating blood, the body weight of the intended donor is determined - it cannot be lower than fifty kilograms. In addition, foreigners also have the right to have the opportunity. To do this, they must legally stay in our country for a year.

Male donors are only allowed to donate blood five times a year, and female donors only four. In both cases, the interval between blood donations must be at least two months. This period is reduced to thirty days if only delivery was carried out.


What are the conditions and rules for donating blood to donors? It is necessary to carefully prepare for such a procedure. The donor should not feel any pain or discomfort at the time of donating blood. Before donating blood, the rules require filling out a special questionnaire. Typically these are not difficult questions. The survey should indicate whether the Lately surgery, whether antibiotics were taken, drugs, whether the potential donor visited a dentist, and much more.

Unconditional contraindications are the presence of possible contacts with HIV infected people. Some minor illnesses, as well as trips to other countries with long-term residence on its territory, may become some obstacles. This is especially true in some regions of America, Asia and Africa.


In the beginning, you should go through the simplest procedure for a donor -. The material is taken from the finger. Thus, a number of indicators are checked, say, the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Doctors carefully examine the patient to identify various abnormalities. At this time, results are being prepared for testing for A, B, syphilis and.

It should be taken into account that a full examination is necessary every six months. If you do not show up for examination and tests on time, the donor blood will be destroyed. Only having positive results, the material can be used.

Donors who have a decent amount of experience and donate blood every year regularly undergo a full examination. It is very important. The therapist must provide a certificate of illnesses suffered by the patient during the year. Women should obtain a health certificate from a gynecologist.


In this situation, there are some rules for donating blood to donors, which guarantee not only a comfortable and painless procedure negative consequences, but they also guarantee that the donor blood will not harm the patient. Let's look at what you can and can't eat, the basics.

Donor preparation before donating blood:

  • Three days before, it is forbidden to consume medications, which have blood-thinning properties - analgin, no-spa, etc. It is better to inform your doctor about all medications you take.
  • It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol 48 hours before the transfusion.
  • It is worth giving up some food groups - kefir, sour cream, yoghurts, in a word dairy products. The same list includes various smoked meats and sausages, chips, carbonated drinks, spicy, fatty and fried foods, as well as citrus fruits and even bananas.

Designed specifically for donors. Her diet should include cereals, broths, fresh vegetables, cellulose. You are allowed to eat some fruits - apples, peaches, plums. Even a small amount of sugar is allowed. This could be, say, 1-2 teaspoons of honey.

It is also worth taking into account some practical tips:

  • the night before the procedure you need to get a good night's sleep;
  • in the morning you can have breakfast, drink a cup of tea or juice, and drink water throughout the day;
  • You should refrain from smoking several hours before and after the transfusion;
  • A cup of tea, juice or mineral water, drunk immediately before the start of the test, will help with dizziness.

Carrying out

When donating blood, the patient is in a comfortable position and the most comfortable conditions have been created for him. Blood is collected from the donor using sterile instruments. After four hours you can safely remove the bandage.

The time taken for the procedure can vary completely. If this is a normal standard procedure, everything takes no more than fifteen minutes. If blood is donated for individual components, this requires the use of special equipment, so the process takes much longer. For example, it will take about thirty minutes, and for platelets – more than an hour.

What to do after the procedure

  • Firstly, during the first fifteen minutes you should not get up suddenly and worry, it is better to calm down and breathe deeply.
  • At the first sign of dizziness, you should immediately report it to medical personnel.
  • During the day, it is not recommended to wet the bandage, take baths, or engage in heavy physical activity.
  • For several weeks, eat properly and nutritiously, drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, and do not drink alcohol.


Donating blood for donation has a huge number of contraindications. Such a responsible process requires a special approach.

Some diseases include:

  • syphilis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • radiation sickness;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • AIDS;
  • disorders nervous system;
  • eczema;
  • ulcers and so on.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is worth noting that a blood donor has the right to be granted time off and this does not require the employer’s consent; it is enough to warn him about this.

Donating blood for donation includes time off for one working day, during which the material will be collected. The employee also has the right to one additional day of rest, which he can use at his discretion during the calendar year.

TO similar advantages donors may also include providing monetary rewards for collected material. The cost varies in each country and each region. Donating blood for donation and its price, accordingly, also depend on general condition donor health, blood type and availability bad habits.

As far as one can see, donating blood is a truly noble act. Blood collected within fifteen minutes can save someone's life. In addition, the donor completely changes his habits, reconsiders his lifestyle, constantly monitors the condition of his body, and has the opportunity to prevent many diseases!

To make a final diagnosis, the patient is prescribed diagnostics, which in most cases clinical cases includes a blood test. This is an informative laboratory test that helps to promptly identify inflammatory or infectious process, start treatment in a timely manner. Therefore, it is so important to study in detail the basic rules for taking a blood test so that the doctor does not need to take a second sample. biological fluid delayed conservative therapy.

In order for the analysis to be as truthful as possible, it is important to approach the collection of biological material with special responsibility. Basic training with passing laboratory research necessarily includes compliance therapeutic diet, temporary cessation of bad habits, introduction of restrictions during treatment medicines different pharmacological groups. It is important to remember that the blood test should be given on an empty stomach, otherwise the result will be false. In details valuable recommendations specialists are presented below:

  • 72 hours before donating the biomaterial, it is important to stop taking any medications and temporarily suspend the main treatment;
  • two days before the diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude the intake of alcoholic beverages;
  • it is important not to smoke 3 hours before collecting biological fluid, otherwise information content diagnostic method decreases significantly;
  • the biomaterial should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach (without eating anything), especially if the study is carried out to determine the real sugar level;
  • Before diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude physical and emotional overload, avoid stress, colds and viral diseases;
  • if there is general malaise, it is better to consult a doctor once again and undergo treatment before taking blood for further laboratory testing;
  • Laboratory testing should not be carried out if the patient has recently been ill and his immunity is pathologically weakened.

Nutrition before general blood test

It is not advisable to eat before donating biomaterial, and the last meal should take place 8 hours before the analysis. Therefore, biological material is collected in the morning. If you are very thirsty at this time, or to curb your voracious appetite, it is recommended to choose clean water, and not strong teas, alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee or cocoa. These types of liquids change chemical composition blood and significantly reduce the reliability of laboratory testing.

If you really want to eat before taking the test, there are known food ingredients that do not reduce the information content of the upcoming study. IN in this case We are talking about the following breakfast foods:

  • lean porridges cooked in water without adding oil, salt, or sugar;
  • dairy cheeses low-fat varieties;
  • fresh vegetables without starch;
  • weak tea without sugar;
  • bread (preferably not fresh).

Nutrition before biochemical analysis

To reliably determine the concentration of red blood cells in biological fluid, doctors prescribe a biochemical analysis. The preparatory measures are similar: the biomaterial should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, without drinking alcohol, smoking or being nervous beforehand. 2-3 days before going to the laboratory, it is necessary to exclude fatty, fried, spicy, salty and smoked foods, and sweets from the daily diet. The following are prohibited:

  • alcohol in any of its forms;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • any sources of animal protein;
  • fast food;
  • semi-finished products, preservatives.

Food before donating blood for sugar

8-12 hours before the laboratory test, you must not eat anything, but drink only clean water. The restrictions are not so strict, but it is still not recommended to ignore the basics of proper nutrition. In addition, you should not brush your teeth or chew gum. The following foods are strictly prohibited:

  • fruits: bananas, oranges, avocados (all citrus fruits);
  • dairy products: fatty cheeses, milk;
  • protein food: eggs, meat;
  • greens: cilantro;
  • others: sausages, sweets, animal fats.

You shouldn't go hungry, but you should reduce your morning meal portion by at least half. Here's what you can eat before donating blood without reducing the effectiveness of the upcoming laboratory test:

  • dried fruits;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • sour apples, plums, pears;
  • fresh vegetables.

Before donating blood for hormones

To assess the condition hormonal levels, doctors order a blood draw for further laboratory testing. To ensure that the result is as informative as possible, it is not recommended to eat or undergo medication or physiotherapeutic treatment on the eve of the analysis. Other limitations for hormone testing are listed below:

  1. The day before, you will have to temporarily abandon any thermal procedures, for example, do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, solarium, or stay under the burning sun.
  2. Before donating blood, it is necessary to limit sex and, if available, use barrier contraceptives.
  3. A couple of days before the collection of biomaterial, iodine-containing tablets are prohibited for use, oral contraceptives, analgesics, synthetic hormones.
  4. A few hours before the examination, it is necessary to introduce a temporary ban on smoking, alcoholic beverages, and limit physical exercise, heavy lifting, emotional stress.
  5. If your health condition leaves much to be desired, it is better to postpone the analysis of pituitary hormones until full recovery patient.

For viruses

In this case, we are talking about suspected hepatitis, and blood is donated from a vein on an empty stomach. It is not recommended to eat 6 hours in advance; two days in advance you should give up fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods. On the eve of donating blood, it is not recommended to engage in sports; it is necessary to eliminate emotional stress. The procedure and 15 minutes before it begins should be carried out in a relaxed state only with positive thoughts.

On hCG

Collection of biomaterial is necessary to determine progressing pregnancy. A diet before donating blood is encouraged; the procedure is carried out only on an empty stomach. Alcohol and coffee remain prohibited, and you cannot eat fatty or fried foods. Other recommendations are presented in this list.

If you decide to become a donor, you need to learn to take care of yourself for the sake of others. A healthy lifestyle for a donor involves proper nutrition and taking vitamins, avoiding overuse alcohol, preferably smoking, observing the intervals between blood donations. It is important that donation does not cause harm to either the donor or the recipient. If for some reason your doctor does not allow you to donate blood today, you need to listen to his recommendations. It is better to refrain from donating blood once than to be forced to refuse donation forever. If nothing worries you, be sure to consult a doctor at the place where you donated blood. Subject to simple rules`donation will be beneficial for your health and may long years become a lifestyle. After all, if you are a donor, it means that you are healthy.

Any healthy citizen of Ukraine aged 18-60 years, with a body weight of at least 50 kg, can become a blood donor. Before donating blood, donors are screened and have their blood tested. Therefore, this is also a good opportunity to check your own health status.

Regular donation helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, gout and even obesity. After all, regular blood donation rejuvenates the body and improves functioning immune system, liver, pancreas and other digestive organs. In addition, blood is taken only from healthy people Therefore, donation is an opportunity to check your own health status.

To be a donor, it is important to healthy image life: eat right, stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

Preparing to donate blood.

It is important to know that you should not drink alcohol 48 hours before the procedure, and medications, especially those containing analgin, aspirin, 72 hours before the procedure!

On the eve of donating blood, you need to have dinner: you can eat sweet tea, juice, dried fruit compote, bread, crackers, boiled cereals, pasta in water without oil, vegetables, fruits (except bananas). You need to drink more fluid.

On the eve of donating blood, during dinner you must avoid fatty, fried, spicy, smoked foods, dairy products, and eggs.

It is important to have a good rest and sleep. On the day of the procedure, it is recommended to have a light breakfast.

Smoking is prohibited 2 hours before and 2 hours after the procedure!

Recovery after donating blood

After the procedure, you need to rest for 10 minutes, drink sweet tea, and eat something light.

In order for the blood composition to recover faster, it is recommended to drink more liquid (juices, tea) - at least 1-2 liters per day (alcohol is not recommended). It is necessary to eat properly: the donor’s diet should always contain protein, which determines the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Products that contain protein are meat, beets, buckwheat, lentils, beans and all legumes, fish, etc.

Complete restoration of blood composition occurs within 5-7 days.

Types of Blood Donation

There are two types of blood donation:

  • donation of whole blood - red blood cells,
  • donation of blood components (platelet, leukocyte, granulocyte, plasma).

Whole blood donation is the most common type of blood donation. Blood is taken from a vein in the arm, on average 450 ml at a time and lasts 5-10 minutes. Persons weighing less than 50 kg may be allowed to donate in exceptional cases. The volume of blood donation should not exceed 300 ml.

Plasma donation (plasmapheresis) - there are two ways to carry it out: manual (“intermittent”), when a dose of blood is taken from the donor and immediately centrifuged, separating into red blood cells and plasma; the red blood cells are returned to the donor, and the plasma is processed in a special way for further transfusion to recipients. With automatic plasmapheresis, the process occurs continuously using a special apparatus. The entire procedure lasts from 30-40 minutes to 1.5 hours. The volume of plasma taken should not exceed 600 ml in one session.

For people whose body weight does not exceed 50 kg, it is not allowed to donate more than 12% of the total circulating blood volume, which is 6.5-7% of body weight. A person cannot donate more than 12 liters of plasma per year.

Platelet donation (thrombocytapheresis) - only platelets are selectively removed from the donor’s blood, and all other components are returned to the bloodstream. The platelet mass is withdrawn in a volume of approximately 450 ml, while the total blood volume in the body is restored with the help of saline solution. As a rule, platelet collection is carried out using special devices; certain preparation of the donor is required. The procedure can last more than an hour.

Donation of granulocytes (cells of the immune system) requires special preliminary preparation of the donor. The procedure for giving granulocytes is similar to giving blood for platelets, with one difference - only granulocytes are taken from the donor, all other blood components are returned.

Intervals between blood donations

Whole blood can be donated once every two to three months, but no more than 3-5 times a year: men - no more than 5 times, women - no more than 4 times.

Plasma can be donated up to 6-12 times a year at intervals of at least 2 weeks.

Intervals between different types of donation (in days)

Blood donation is the voluntary, conscious donation of blood or its components. This also means all manipulations that allow us to organize and guarantee the safe procurement of delivered materials.

Depending on who they are going for, donation can be:

  • targeted, when blood is donated for a specific person, mainly family members, similar procedure rarely carried out, only if there is no supply of the required blood;
  • allogeneic (homologous), in this case it is taken from the donor, stored for some time in a special bank, and then transfused to the recipient who needs it, it is also used for the production of medicines;
  • autologous, when it is donated for use in the future by the same person.

Who can participate in donation?

A blood donor is a person who, of his own free will, underwent a medical examination and whole blood or her shaped elements, plasma. In Russia there is Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 125-FZ dated July 20, 2012 “On the donation of blood and its components”, it explains what donation is, who can be a donor, what his responsibilities and benefits are.

According to Art. 12 of this law, a legally competent citizen at least 18 years old can become a donor:

  • he has Russian citizenship;
  • he is not a citizen of the Russian Federation (a foreigner or stateless person), but he has been living here legally for at least 12 months;
  • passed a medical examination;
  • which has no restrictions on donation.

How to become a blood donor

You need to come to the blood transfusion station, show a passport or other document that allows you to uniquely identify the person, fill out a questionnaire about your health and existing and past pathologies, travel abroad, medications taken, women need to indicate the date of their last menstruation, the presence or absence of pregnancy.

After this you need to go through medical examination. It's free. The candidate is examined by a therapist who measures blood pressure and pulse and collects anamnesis. Blood is also taken from a finger and a vein.

It is taken to determine its group affiliation, Rh factor, detect anemia, syphilis, HIV infection, hepatitis B and C. If a person wants to undergo plasmaphoresis, then he is prescribed a more advanced analysis, which allows him to determine whether he is ready for the procedure.

If everything is fine, you can donate blood.


Contraindications to blood donation can be permanent (absolute) or temporary (relative).

At absolute contraindications a person can never become a donor, regardless of how long ago he suffered from a particular illness or what the results were after therapy.

These include the following blood-borne diseases:

  • Hansen's disease;
  • HIV infection;
  • tularemia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • typhus;
  • Bang's disease;
  • hepatitis of viral etiology;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • dracunculiasis;
  • sleeping sickness;
  • filariasis;
  • leishmaniasis.

Among somatic pathologies, the absolute restrictions on donating blood are:

Also, a patient who has had any amputation cannot become a donor. internal organ or a transplant was performed.

Some people are not allowed to donate for a certain period of time:

  • after drinking alcohol - 2 days;
  • after taking analgesics, salicylates - 3 days;
  • Women can donate blood after the end of menstrual bleeding after 5 days;
  • after surgical treatment teeth, introduction inactivated vaccine— 10 days;
  • after rabies vaccination, antibiotic therapy - 2 weeks;
  • after administration of a live vaccine, autonomic dysfunction, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, after relief acute attacks inflammation, disturbances in the ratio of protein fractions - 1 month;
  • after relief of an allergy attack - 2 months;
  • after contact with a patient suffering from Botkin's disease, completion breastfeeding, with an increase in alanine activity by a maximum of 2 times - 12 weeks;
  • after traveling abroad for at least 2 months, surgical intervention, blood transfusions - six months;
  • after applying a tattoo, a course of reflexology, contact with patients suffering from hepatitis B and C, typhoid fever, childbirth, immunoglobulin vaccinations against hepatitis - 12 months;
  • after suffering from malaria or after traveling to countries where it is common - 3 years.

Rules for blood donation

A person planning to become a donor should know how to prepare and what not to eat before donating blood.

There are certain requirements for donating blood that must be followed:

  1. At least 48 hours before blood donation, you should not drink alcohol, including drinks with low alcohol content.
  2. Smoking is prohibited 2 hours before.
  3. For 72 hours, you should not take pharmaceuticals based on metamizole sodium and medications that reduce blood viscosity.
  4. The diet before donating blood should consist of avoiding fatty, fried, spicy, processed foods, dairy products, eggs, nuts, dates, creamy and vegetable oil, meat, chocolate. They must be excluded from the menu 24 hours in advance for blood donations. Vegetables and fruits are allowed (except for bananas and tangerines, lemons), cereals, pasta and bakery products, jam, fish cooked in a double boiler. When donating blood for donation, the rules read:
    • Before donating blood, you need to have breakfast; you can eat porridge without milk, with the addition of honey (but not more than 1 teaspoon), fruits, dried fruits, drink sweetened tea with jam, jam, buns, cookies, dried fruits.
    • To replenish blood loss, it is necessary to ensure that the body receives a sufficient amount of minerals and fluids. You need to drink before and after the procedure. It can be juices, fruit drinks, mineral water, sweet tea, coffee. It is especially important to follow a diet if blood components are donated, otherwise it is difficult to separate them.
    • Eating fatty and fried foods can distort the results of the examination; chylosis is possible, in which the content of fatty particles in the bloodstream is higher than normal. This result can happen, for example, if you drink a glass of kefir on the day of delivery. Moreover, even if you drink coffee with milk in the morning, it is better not to come for blood donation, since, most likely, the analysis will show increased content fat in the blood, and donating it will be prohibited.
  5. It is prohibited to take it during intense mental and physical stress, for example, before a state exam. Before donating, it is imperative to get enough sleep.
  6. It has been proven that blood loss is replenished faster if blood is donated in the first half of the day; only active donors can do this in the afternoon.

How often you can donate blood depends on your gender and what is being donated: whole blood, formed elements or plasma. In the case of donating whole blood, the interval between donations should be at least 2 months, when donating its components - 1 month. It is permissible for men to donate blood a maximum of 5 times in 12 months, for women - 4.

Stages of blood donation

  1. After the doctor issues a conclusion that a person can become a donor, he sits in a special chair.
  2. Upper limb above the elbow is tied with a tourniquet, skin wiped with antiseptic.
  3. A disposable catheter is inserted intravenously and whole blood is collected. The volume of material taken is 450 ml, and it takes no more than 10 minutes. When donating blood components, plasma (600-680 ml) or platelets (200 ml) are separated using special equipment, and then the rest of the blood is poured back into the body. This procedure lasts 45 minutes. During blood donation, the donor can not only lie down, but also sit or recline.
  4. The resulting biomaterial is collected in a special bag, from where some is sent for research. After the procedure is completed, a bandage is applied to the elbow. You can remove it after 4 hours.
  5. The donor is given a certificate that he has undergone blood donation. After the procedure, he is entitled to lunch and rest.

Blood donation can take place according to various schemes. The procedure for collecting plasma and platelets is quite complex.

If you donate platelets, you must go through additional examination. They are collected in two ways:

  • instrumental, in which blood is taken continuously, while it is taken from one limb and poured into the second in parallel;
  • intermittent, and in this case one portion of blood is taken, the formed elements are separated, and everything that remains is poured back, then the next portion is taken and everything is repeated.

Plasma donation occurs in exactly the same way, but with the use of other devices, and there is no need to undergo examination before donation. When the material is taken, the plasma is separated, and a larger volume of blood is poured back into the body.

Upon completion of the procedure, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. After the procedure, you need to sit for a quarter of an hour, then go to the buffet and drink tea with sugar. If you feel unwell and dizzy, you need to tell the medical staff about it. To combat dizziness, you can lie on your back and elevate lower limbs or sit down and bow your head so that it is between your knees.
  2. Avoid smoking cigarettes for an hour.
  3. For 24 hours, limit physical activity and do not drink alcohol (except Cahors, but not more than 100 ml).
  4. Nutrition in the first two days should be enhanced, and you should also drink a lot. Preference should be given to protein foods of plant and animal origin. It could be meat, fish, beans, lentils, eggs. The diet should contain foods that help prevent the development of anemia. To compensate for iron deficiency, you need to include pomegranates, shellfish, buckwheat, mushrooms, offal, and kelp in the menu. The least amount of it is found in milk, bananas, tomatoes, and corn. To improve iron absorption, it is necessary to consume foods containing ascorbic acid and vitamin B12. Also, during blood sampling, a loss of calcium may occur; to compensate for its deficiency, you need to consume dairy products. Can be taken pharmaceutical drugs prescribed by a doctor. For better absorption, you must take vitamin D, which is also produced under the influence of UV rays from the sun.
  5. After donation, vaccination is prohibited for 10 days.
  6. You can drive a car immediately, and a motorcycle after two hours.

How much do they pay for blood donation?

Some potential donors are interested in how much it costs to donate blood. Blood collection is free of charge. You can rent it out free of charge or for money. How much a donor is paid depends on whether he donates whole blood or only plasma and formed elements.

In 2013, the Ministry of Health established the following prices for blood donation:

  • if there is no blood cell antigen or a rare blood phenotype, then you can get 800 rubles at a time, the size of payments can be 8-45% of the subsistence level, it depends on the blood group and the demand for it;
  • when donating using apheresis, you can get 1.5 thousand rubles for 600 ml of plasma, 2.5 thousand rubles for red blood cells, 3.5 thousand rubles for platelets.

Blood taken before donation for testing is not paid for.

If a person donates blood for money, then he is not entitled to free food. Those who donate blood for free are required to feed them free of charge. Sometimes it is possible to replace free food with money, in which case the payment amount is 5% of the subsistence level.

Benefits for Honorary Donors

Often people are interested in getting the title " Honorary Donor"How many times should you donate blood? To assign it you need free of charge:

  • donate blood at least 40 times;
  • donate plasma at least 60 times.

If a person is an honorary donor of Russia, then he is entitled to the following benefits prescribed in Art. 22 and 24 Federal Law “On the donation of blood and its components”:

  • discounted vouchers to a sanatorium;
  • if bleeding occurs during vacation, on a holiday or a day off, then he is entitled to 1 day of rest with double pay;
  • paid holiday;
  • opportunity to apply for medical assistance without queue;
  • once a year - cash benefits, which are constantly indexed.

The benefits and harms of donation

There are many misconceptions about whether it is useful or harmful to donate blood to donors.

In general, donation is harmless to the body, since the volume of material taken is small and does not interfere with the functioning of the body. In addition, he recovers quite quickly. Yes, and the candidate undergoes a medical examination before donation, and if experts believe that donation is dangerous to his health, the person is not allowed to donate blood. The selection of donors is quite strict.

Moreover, scientists have proven that donation is beneficial for the body.

So what are the pros and cons for the body from the procedure? Pros:

  • People who donate blood regularly recover more easily from blood loss, such as from injury or surgery, because their body is already used to it.
  • They are less likely to experience myocardial infarction, and the heart itself and blood vessels are healthier. Blood donation is a good prevention of pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Regular blood donation activates the overall recovery of the body and improves blood circulation. Immunity increases, the liver is unloaded, and prevents the development of disorders of the spleen.
  • Donors regularly undergo medical examinations, and, therefore, can identify any health problems that have arisen. early stage and take timely measures to eliminate them.

But you cannot donate blood often, since the body does not recover immediately after donation. Minuses:

  1. Main undesirable consequence bleeding is a drop in the level of red blood cells, which provokes anemia. Therefore, patients who often experience low level hemoglobin, it is not recommended to undergo the donation procedure. However, before the main blood draw, the candidate takes a hemoglobin test, and if the results deviate by at least 1 unit from normal values, then he simply will not be allowed to give blood.
  2. Platelet concentrations usually recover fairly quickly after apheresis. However, during the procedure, sodium citrate is used as a preservative, which prevents the biomaterial from clotting, and with it the procedure goes faster. But the fact is that it binds and removes calcium from the body. To reduce the risk of mineral leaching from bone tissue During thrombocytopheresis, the donor is injected intravenously with calcium gluconate several times. If this is not done, hypocalcemia may develop, which may cause tingling in the lips, cramps, or increased blood pressure. To avoid this, after donating platelets, it is recommended to take calcium supplements for some time, for example, Kalcemin, Kaltsid, Complivit D3. It must be remembered that it is useless to take calcium gluconate in tablets, since without vitamin D it is not absorbed. Also, with frequent blood donations using thrombocytopheresis, a person may experience a citrate reaction, which consists in the fact that the donor has a hard time tolerating the introduction of the next dose of a preservative into the body, and there is a deterioration in his health both during the procedure itself and after it. Therefore, it is recommended to donate platelets no more than once every 2-3 months.
  3. Donation of granulocytes began not very long ago. This is a rare procedure, and how it affects the donor’s body has not yet been studied. Some people have concerns because to stimulate bone marrow the drug Neupogen is used. However, doctors believe that single use will not provoke any negative consequences in the future; clinical trials on safety are still underway. Donors who donated granulocytes almost 10 years ago were examined; they did not reveal any prerequisites for the development of pathologies, including cancer. For some time after the granulocytes are collected, you may experience mild body aches or weakness, similar to flu-like symptoms, but these symptoms are the body's natural response to bone marrow stimulation and do not last long. Heavier adverse reactions are rarely observed after the procedure. Heparin is used instead of sodium citrate, so calcium deficiency is not observed after the procedure.
  4. A hematoma may appear at the site where the needle was inserted to collect material; after the procedure, weakness and loss of consciousness may occur.

In general, the blood donation procedure is not dangerous for the body if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

General practitioner, candidate medical sciences, practicing doctor.

Blood donation (according to the Blood Service standards) is harmful to the donor’s body.

Lies! Donating blood is not harmful, but even useful!!! For those who do not have contraindications, which will be known when initial examination. No need to mislead people!

Mikhail, why all of a sudden?

WITH early childhood all people know that in order to organize the treatment of some diseases it is necessary to carry out. The procedure for collecting biomaterial is familiar to everyone, but not everyone knows about the rules of preparation for it. It is worth noting that it is important to approach blood donation with the proper level of responsibility and carry out at least basic preparation.

The order of the latter, by the way, largely depends on the purpose for which the biomaterial is collected. To notify our readers about basic principles preparation for the main types of blood tests, in today's material our resource provides information about what foods can be consumed before the examination, what you should avoid and how to generally prepare for the analysis.

Now that organizing meals before blood tests different types known to all readers of our resource, it would not be amiss to consider the general principles of preparation for this type of examination.

As a rule, restrictions on preparatory activities are not so significant, but compliance with them is extremely important to obtain the most accurate and reliable diagnostic result.

The general list of training includes the following:

  1. It is important to stop taking blood 72 hours before blood collection. medicines that have any effect on the state of the blood. The list of these is quite wide, so it is advisable to consult with a treating specialist regarding this issue before conducting the examination.
  2. 48 hours before the test, completely avoid drinking alcohol.
  3. It is advisable to take blood sampling in the morning, since it is during this period of the day that its condition is closest to the actual one and is more convenient for obtaining reliable data on the state of human health.
  4. There is no need to smoke 3 hours before collecting biomaterial, since nicotine has a significant effect on structural structure blood.
  5. Before the analysis, it is extremely important to get a good night’s sleep and first exclude any physical/psychological stress on the body and pathologies that worsen your well-being. If there are any, it is better to postpone the examination for some period of time.

Nutrition before general blood test

Due to the high importance of a blood test, it is important to properly prepare for this procedure, otherwise you will not be able to obtain reliable and most accurate results. As noted earlier, the preparation method directly depends on the purpose for which the biomaterial is collected.

Today our resource will consider basic types of analysis and principles of preparation for them. Let's start, perhaps, with an analysis of nutrition the day before.Firstly, it is important to know that this type diagnostics must be performed on an empty stomach, that is, you cannot eat immediately before the analysis.

It is advisable that the patient take his last meal before blood sampling no earlier than 8 hours before.

In addition, before the analysis you also do not need to quench your thirst with drinks containing alcohol, coffee and tea. It is better to give preference ordinary water. These restrictions are largely due to the fact that a considerable number of products can temporarily modify the composition of the blood, as a result of which the examination results are not as reliable as we would like.

Despite such strict restrictions, for people for whom eating is simply vital even before a blood test, there is a list of products available for consumption even before a test of this type. It includes:

  • all porridges are made with water without butter or sugar
  • bread
  • low-fat cheese
  • fresh vegetables
  • weak tea (no sugar)

It is worth noting that any meal before general analysis blood should be light and produced by a small amount of food. It is strictly forbidden to eat meat, fish, smoked foods, sweet products, sugar, all types of oils, fatty and canned foods.

Nutrition before biochemical blood test

Along with the general one, it is a basic method of examining the state of the human body using red blood cells. General principles training in this method the examinations are very similar to those mentioned earlier.

Taking blood for biochemical analysis is not even advisable, but must be done on an empty stomach, without drinking coffee, tea or alcohol-containing drinks beforehand.

In addition, it is very important 12-24 hours before the analysis to try to exclude from your diet such foods as:

  • all fried, smoked and fatty foods
  • sparkling water
  • alcohol in any form
  • all sources of animal protein (meat, fish, kidneys, etc.)

It is worth noting that in order to obtain more reliable analysis results, the attending physician may prescribe the patient a fairly strict diet, which must be followed 1-2 days before the examination. Such an event should not be ignored, since the accuracy of the diagnostic results obtained largely determines how effective and how quickly the therapeutic process will proceed.

Also, before biochemical analysis blood, it is advisable to stop brushing your teeth and not even consume chewing gum. Surprisingly, even these seemingly harmless things seriously affect the final results of the examination.

Food before donating blood for sugar

Donating blood for sugar is a more gentle type of examination in terms of preparation for nutrition. Despite the fact that before this procedure it is also recommended not to eat for about 8-12 hours and to donate biomaterial on an empty stomach, many doctors exclude the necessity of such preparation.

However, even taking this fact into account, it must be stated complete absence Diets before donating blood for sugar are not allowed. At a minimum, when planning to undergo this type of diagnosis, a person should avoid the following products:

  • all spicy, sweet and fatty foods
  • bananas
  • oranges, lemons and basically all citrus fruits
  • avocado
  • cilantro
  • milk
  • meat
  • eggs
  • sausage

More information on how to properly prepare for a blood test can be found in the video:

It is important to discard the first half of the products presented above a day before the analysis, and at least 3-5 hours before the analysis from the second half. It is worth noting that when deciding to eat before the procedure, it is permissible to eat:

  • chicken breast
  • noodles
  • rice
  • fresh vegetables
  • dried fruits
  • dried apricots
  • sour apples
  • pears
  • drain

Regardless of the products chosen, their quantity should not be large. You are allowed to take no more than half of your normal daily food intake. In any case, giving on an empty stomach is the best option of all possible, therefore, if such an opportunity exists, it is advisable to take advantage of it and donate the biomaterial after slightly fasting and drinking plain water.

As you can see, preparing to donate blood for testing is not so difficult. The main thing in the preparation process is to adhere to the information presented above. We hope today's material was useful to you. Good health to you!

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