Tangerine essential oil for the face is a magical gift from nature. Benefits of tangerine essential oil

It's no secret that citrus peels contain many vitamins. Each of the fruits of the family is unique and useful in its own way. Mandarin is one of the most common representatives. Essential oil tangerine quite concentrated and without correct use can seriously harm a person. That's why it's important to know detailed algorithm its use for cosmetic or medicinal purposes.

Properties of tangerine essential oil

Essential oil is obtained not from the pulp, but from the peel of the fruit, rich in vitamins. It has a liquid consistency, a light orange or yellow tint and characteristic aroma mandarin

Tangerine essential oil is obtained by distilling its peel.

Tangerine oil is used both in medicine and in cosmetology. Compared to other citrus esters, it has the mildest effect and, when used correctly, is suitable even for pregnant women, children and allergy sufferers.

A few centuries ago, it was tangerine oil that was considered the best remedy for the treatment of hiccups, belching and eating disorders in newborns in France.



Mandarin has a beneficial effect on the entire human body, from skin and hair to the nervous system. Main beneficial properties of the product:

  • removes harmful substances from the body, including waste and toxins;
  • stimulates the functioning of the intestines (regular bowel movements), stomach (improved appetite and food absorption), liver;
  • strengthens immune system the body, helps resist viruses and infections (especially important during periods of decreased sun activity and severe cold);
  • used as an antiseptic;
  • normalizes all metabolic processes;
  • has calming properties (relaxation, elimination of fatigue, stress relief, improved sleep quality);
  • has a tonic effect on the body, helps it recover faster;
  • relaxes muscles, relieves tension, eliminates painful sensations;
  • improves the condition of women during menstruation and PMS;
  • has rejuvenating properties, slows down the aging process;
  • relieves swelling;
  • protects skin from frost, exposure sun rays, wind;
  • helps in the fight against acne, scars, and other skin problems;
  • eliminates oily skin.

Due to its beneficial properties, tangerine essential oil is often called the sun on a winter day.

Video: how to choose quality essential oil

Uses of tangerine essential oil

Tangerine oil has wide range Applications:

  • inhalation;
  • masks for skin and hair;
  • aromatherapy;
  • rinsing;
  • massages;
  • aroma medallions;
  • internal use.


Inhalations can be cold or hot. The first ones are the easiest to use and are also safe in the presence of certain diseases. The essence of the procedure is to inhale the aroma of essential oil at room temperature. For this cold inhalation can be used:

  • special medallions;
  • aroma lamps;
  • inhalers;
  • fabric and paper materials.

Hot inhalation is characterized by inhaling vapors of heated oils. You should be careful with this method, as it can be dangerous if purulent diseases, diseases of the heart and respiratory system. For of this type The following devices are used for inhalation:

  • inhalers suitable for using heated oils or heating them;
  • available means (for example, the plate and towel we are used to).

For hot inhalation you can use a nebulizer

Procedure for cold inhalation:

  1. Add tangerine essential oil (1-2 drops) to the aroma medallion, apply to a cloth or use another instrument for cold inhalation.
  2. Inhale the aroma of the oil for no more than 10 minutes.

Procedure for hot inhalation:

  1. Dilute the oil (1-2 drops) in a container filled with hot water.
  2. Cover your head with a cloth.
  3. Closing your eyes (to prevent damage to the mucous membrane), inhale the vapor for no more than 7 minutes.

Tangerine essential oil for hair

Hair loves citrus, which effectively prevents hair loss, strengthens hair follicles, and stimulates growth. The main problems that tangerine oil actively combats:

  • seborrhea;
  • hair loss;
  • dandruff;
  • dryness;
  • dullness;
  • slow growth.

The benefits of tangerine essential oil are due to the presence of the following vitamins in it:

  • C (gives hair natural brightness);
  • A (strengthens hair along the entire length, protects ends);
  • D (promotes active blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on hair growth);
  • B1 (makes hair smooth and manageable);
  • B2 (supports hair health).

There are several ways to use tangerine oil:

  • mixing with your hair care products. 6-8 drops per tube of product is enough. This option is simple to implement, but ineffective, since the alkaline elements contained in hair care products can break down oil molecules, resulting in no beneficial effects does not appear on the hair;
  • obtaining masks using tangerine oil, as well as other essential oils;
  • combing using tangerine oil- aroma combing. To do this, apply 2-3 drops of oil to the surface of your comb. It is advisable to have a massage comb, and one made from natural materials. After applying the oil, comb your hair as usual for 4-6 minutes. The only negative is that the hair will get greasy faster due to the oiliness of the product.

Aroma combing with tangerine essential oil will give your hair strength and shine.

Hair masks based on essential oils can be placed in a separate category, since due to the variety of options for their combination, a whole range of problems can be solved. As a rule, such recipes are based on the use base oil, with which all ethers are combined. Its percentage added to the product prevails over the percentage of essential oils. This is a kind of foundation for making the product. Base oils include:

  • coconut;
  • avocado;
  • jojoba;
  • cocoa;
  • castor;
  • calendula;
  • apricot;
  • rosehip;
  • argan;
  • sea ​​buckthorn

Hair mask recipes

Exists a large number of recipes for hair masks with the addition of tangerine essential oil.

  1. Anti-dandruff mask. For this mask you will need olive oil(1 tbsp), tangerine oil (no more than 7 drops). Mix the ingredients and cover your hair with the mixture. For creating greenhouse effect Put a plastic bag on your head and secure with a towel. After 20 minutes, you should wash your hair with shampoo. Use once every three days for a month (maximum two).
  2. Mask against oily hair. For this mask you need to take tangerine, sandalwood, chamomile oil and cistus oil. Mix the listed components in a ratio of 1:1:1:1, apply to the hair roots, lightly rubbing the mixture into the skin. Leave the product for an hour and rinse with shampoo.
  3. Nourishing mask. It is necessary to combine base oil (preferably jojoba) in a volume of 2 tbsp. l. with tangerine (no more than 5 drops). Apply the product to the hair roots and create a greenhouse effect using polyethylene and a towel, leave for 2 hours. Wash off the mask with shampoo.
  4. Mask against dry hair. Add tangerine oil to almond oil in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture must be applied to the hair roots, rubbing into the skin. Keep the mask on for an hour, then wash off with shampoo. Suitable for daily use.
  5. Mask to accelerate hair growth. For preparation you will need: tangerine, sage, ylang-ylang, jasmine and rosemary oil. Mix the components in equal proportions. Apply to hair roots, rubbing lightly. Keep the mask on for no more than an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo. Use once every 3-4 days for two months.
  6. Hair strengthening mask. Ingredients: Coconut oil(1 tbsp) and tangerine essential oil (7 drops). Mix the ingredients and apply to the hair roots. To create a greenhouse effect, cover your head with a plastic bag, securing it with a towel. The mask lasts for at least an hour, after which it is washed off with shampoo.

If, when using a mask, you put a plastic bag on your head and wrap it with a towel on top, the effect of the product will increase

Tangerine essential oil for face

Tangerine oil has several types of effects on facial skin:

  • suitable for eliminating excessive oily skin (as well as improving combination skin);
  • actively fights wrinkles;
  • tightens pores;
  • helps against acne;
  • eliminates age spots;
  • increases skin elasticity.

Depending on the desired effect, we choose the method of using the oil.

The simplest and most common is to add oil to ready-made purchased facial skin care products (masks, creams, tonics, lotions, etc.). To do this, you need to use 5 to 8 drops of ether per 15 g of your product and apply according to the instructions.

Elimination of pigmentation

Pigment spots on the face look unaesthetic. It is citrus oils (in particular, tangerine) that most successfully cope with this problem.

Tangerine essential oil effectively fights freckles

To prepare a mask against pigmentation and freckles you will need:

  • almond oil - 10 drops;
  • tangerine oil - 10 drops;
  • white clay - 1 teaspoon.

Mode of application:

  1. Clay needs to be diluted boiled water until the consistency of thick porridge.
  2. Mix it with oils and apply to spots or freckles.
  3. Keep the mask on for 30 minutes every day. Sweep warm water.
  4. After the procedure, it is advisable to use moisturizers to prevent dryness and tightness of the skin.

Fighting wrinkles

Tangerine oil can not only remove age-related wrinkles, but also generally improve the surface of the skin, smoothing it. To fight wrinkles we need a mixture of oils:

  • tangerine oil - 7 ml;
  • olive oil - 2 drops;
  • peach oil - 2 drops;
  • lavender oil - 2 drops.

Mix all the oils and rub into the skin of the face in a circular motion every day.

To eliminate wrinkles, a mixture of oils should be applied along massage lines.

Facial skin rejuvenation

Tangerine essential oil readily comes into contact with other oils and products. As a rule, masks are used for rejuvenation as the most effective method achieving the goal. Let's look at several recipes for masks for rejuvenation.

You can prepare a mask with fermented baked milk. For this you will need:

  • tangerine oil - 2 drops;
  • olive oil - 2 drops;
  • avocado oil - 2 drops;
  • peach oil - 2 drops;
  • Ryazhenka - 15 ml.

Mix the ingredients, apply the mixture to your face and leave for 15 minutes.

You can only use tangerine essential oil and avocado oil in the following proportions:

  • tangerine oil - 4 drops;
  • avocado oil - 7 ml.

Mix the oils and cover the skin with the resulting mixture for any time (possibly for an hour or overnight).

Instead of avocado, you can use jojoba or olive oil.

Combating facial skin irritation

If your facial skin is prone to irritation, this can be combated by using a mixture of oils.

Facial skin irritation can be relieved with tangerine essential oil

Mandarin oil and walnut mix in equal proportions and lubricate the affected areas of the skin with the resulting mixture. To obtain a visible effect, the procedure should be performed every day.

Tangerine essential oil for body

Tangerine, like any citrus oil, helps in the fight against stretch marks and cellulite. To do this we need to mix it with other oils:

  • neroli oil - 5 drops;
  • lavender oil - 10 drops;
  • almond oil - 40 ml.

All components must be mixed and rubbed into problem areas of the skin with massaging movements.

Another option for preventing and combating cellulite and sagging skin is massage with tangerine oil. To do this, take any base oil (15 g) and add 5 drops of tangerine. Use this mixture to massage problem areas.

You can perform anti-cellulite massage using tangerine essential oil

  • tangerine oil - 5 drops;
  • neroli oil - 5 drops;
  • lavender oil - 10 drops;
  • wheat germ oil - 10 ml;
  • almond oil - 40 ml.

Massage your stomach with the resulting mixture at least twice every day.

In addition, tangerine oil promotes an even and beautiful tan.. To do this, you need to take it internally, after mixing 2-3 drops of oil with any juice.

Aromatherapy using tangerine essential oil

Aromatherapy is therapeutic effect vapors of aromatic elements on the human body. The main types of aromatherapy are:

  • taking a bath using essential oils;
  • aroma lamps and aroma medallions (aroma pendants).

Bath with mandarin essential oil

A bath with essential oils has a calming and relaxing effect on the entire body, and is also a good prevention of many diseases, helps strengthen the immune system, and keeps the skin toned.

In order for a bath using essential oil to bring only benefits, you must follow the following rules:

  • the water should be at a comfortable temperature (37–38 0 C);
  • There are no more than 10 drops of oil per bath. It is best to start with small doses of adding oil and increase them to 10 drops gradually, with each bath;
  • It is not recommended to stay in a bath enriched with essential oils for more than 20 minutes;
  • oil is added to an already filled bath so that the oil components do not evaporate due to the active movement of water;
  • It is not recommended to add essential oil to pure form. It is advisable to pre-mix it with a carrier oil or skin care product;
  • before taking a bath with essential oils, the skin must be cleansed in advance;
  • It is not recommended to eat less than two hours before taking a bath;
  • frequency of the procedure - once every 2–3 days;
  • After taking a bath, you should not wipe yourself dry to give useful components absorb into the skin. It is advisable not to start work or perform actions that require you to increased activity. The best thing to do is lie down and drink a cup of tea.

Taking a bath with essential oils helps strengthen your immune system

To improve your well-being, as well as for fatigue and overstrain, the aroma lamp is your true friend. It is easy to use, and the aroma from the lamp will fill the whole house.

To use the device, you need to fill the cup located on top of the lamp with water. Add 3-5 drops of tangerine essential oil to the water (do not add more, excessive concentration will not lead to anything good, and 3-5 drops will give a rather strong aroma). Take a small tablet candle, light it and place it in a special hole in the lamp, located under a cup of water. Enjoy the wonderful aroma!

Using an aroma lamp with the addition of tangerine essential oil will give the room a wonderful aroma

Aroma medallion

An aroma medallion has several advantages over a bath with essential oils and an aroma lamp. First of all, he is always with you. Secondly, you don’t need to spend a lot of time preparing it. Thirdly, it will not only bring you benefits, but will also serve as decoration. Aroma pendants can be purchased in online stores, yoga stores, pharmacies, and so on.

The use of aromatic medallions is not limited in time, since the low concentration of esters and their slow evaporation will not lead to an overdose. Oils are poured into a medallion (no more than 3 drops) and hung around your neck or in your car, at your discretion. You can also use a mixture of oils, but again, no more than 3 drops in total.

Photo gallery: aroma medallions

Metal scented medallions on a chain will add a romantic touch to your look
A glass aroma medallion with a wooden lid is a stylish and unusual accessory

Fragrant and sweet tangerines, which we associate primarily with New Year holidays belong to the most popular citrus fruits all over the world. These amazing juicy fruits, which seem to have absorbed the sun, got their name in honor of the Chinese tangerines, to whom they were traditionally presented as a gift.

Actually, the origin of mandarins specifically from China remains unconfirmed, but the most ancient sources that have reached us about magical properties of this citrus plant belong specifically to this country. The properties of the fruits of an evergreen tree with fragrant blossoms and dark shiny leaves to lift spirits and heal diseases have been known since ancient times, as well as the unique talents of the aroma oil that can be obtained from its crusts. Today, essential oil from tangerine peel remains one of the most actively used additives not only in cosmetology and medicine, but also in the culinary industry.


Spectacular, light and joyful essential oil is obtained by cold pressing the peels of ripe tangerine fruits. Externally, it is fluid, transparent, with a clear shade of radiant yellow or orange color.

It is believed that the main advantage of the oil is its aroma, which is liked by absolutely everyone, regardless of age and gender. Sweet, rich, perceived comprehensively from the first breath, it captivates with a combination of bitter tones with floral and fruity bases. The smell of tangerine oil is deeper and more velvety than that of other representatives of the citrus group, so it is often used as a shading additive.

In addition to tangerine essential oil, you can find on sale essential oil from the peel of unripe fruits, which has a milder effect (green tangerine).

The oil can only be stored in completely sealed packaging and for no more than two years.

Tangerine oil goes well with, , bigardium, aromatic oils and.

Impact on the emotional sphere

Tangerine oil brings peace and tranquility, both internally and in relationships with the outside world. Its aroma drives away gloomy and pessimistic thoughts, relieves anxiety, relieves anxiety and irritation, a feeling of dullness and routine.

Increasing the productivity of the intellect, its aroma reveals intelligence, activity and originality. Tangerine oil promotes positive attitudes, helps to find joy and revives hopes.

This is one of best oils for working with psycho-emotional states during pregnancy, as well asin children and the elderly.

As a light aphrodisiac, tangerine oil promotes the development of imagination, builds mutual understanding, and evokes playful moods.

Medicinal properties

Among healing properties Essential oil from the peels of the fruits of the tangerine tree is most actively used for its ability to stimulate and tone digestion, improve the functioning of the liver and stomach, and soothe intestinal disorders. Tangerine oil has a general cleansing effect, stimulates appetite and promotes recovery from illness.

Due to the high content of provitamins, it qualitatively improves the immune system and increases the body's defenses. Thanks to its optimistic effect, it relieves stress, affecting not the symptoms, but the sources of stress disorders, reduces nervousness and relieves symptoms menstrual syndrome. The optimizing effect of tangerine aroma oil is also manifested in its effect on the circulatory system.

In addition, this aroma oil effectively copes with inflammation and bleeding gums. Thanks to its mild effects, tangerine oil can be used to treat childhood diseases and even during pregnancy (a few centuries ago, tangerine oil was considered the best remedy for the treatment of hiccups, belching and eating disorders in newborns in France).

Everyone knows a fruit from the citrus family - tangerine. The small tree brings a rich harvest every year. Many people mistake a tangerine for a mini-orange; the fruits are similar in taste, color and useful composition. However, oranges are larger and have a spherical shape. Tangerines have a slightly reddish tint. The fruits are consumed in their peeled form, but the peel also contains many useful elements. Tangerine essential oil is famous for its unsurpassed properties. It is used both in cosmetology and in treatment various ailments, and for disease prevention. Although appearance tangerines of different varieties are similar to each other, according to taste qualities and they may differ in the presence of bones. China is considered the birthplace of this citrus. It became widespread in Japan.

Festive Mandarin

New Year's tangerine came to Russia, Canada and America from eastern countries. Already at the end of the 19th century, Japanese migrants received tangerines in parcels as gifts from relatives, and this is how the tradition of packing gifts in holiday boxes and bags for Christmas arose. The tangerine has become an invariable attribute. He was present at the New Year's table in every family. The tradition has spread and become popular in many countries.

During the citrus harvest, entire “orange trains” operated. Painted in Orange color cars were moving in columns, which meant that the harvest was in full swing and the New Year was approaching.

As folklore tells, Santa gave three poor girls three gold coins as a dowry, with which they would be able to get married faster. In some versions of the tale, there were golden tangerines instead of coins.

This fruit is still considered priceless due to its beneficial properties. Tangerine essential oil is used in many areas. Let's consider its application in more detail.

The powerful properties help in many ways. The benefits of tangerine oil are due to its antiseptic properties, which helps protect against infections. As an antispasmodic, essential oil will relieve muscle spasms. You can get other benefits from the product.

Barrier to infections

Mandarin has powerful antifungal and anti-infective properties. A protective barrier is created around the wound under the influence of the product. It helps prevent the entry of contaminants and toxins. The collection of leukocytes and platelets is activated, which prevent germs and infections from entering the wound.

Relieves spasms

A spasm can occur anywhere, and it causes very unpleasant painful sensations. This can happen in respiratory system When it becomes difficult to breathe, the muscles spasm, causing pain. Spasms may occur in gastrointestinal tract and even in the nervous system. A few drops of tangerine oil can stop them.

Improves blood circulation

Blood circulation in upper layers The skin, thanks to the effect of the oil, noticeably improves. At the same time, the skin looks healthier, brighter and fresher. Proper circulation allows the body to warm up faster and allows the body to heal itself. Mandarin boosts immunity and helps digestion.

Fights toxins

Citrus helps the body remove toxins from the body through urine. This protects us from many diseases. Toxins accumulate in the body with various abscesses, gout, acne. You need to get rid of them.

Helps digestion and liver function

For digestive tract tangerine oil is an indispensable helper. It activates the secretion of bile and digestive juices, which has a positive effect on the movement of food. Stimulates appetite. Be careful if you don't want to gain weight.

Protects the liver from serious infections, supports normal level release of bile.


The sedative properties of tangerine are slightly underestimated, and in vain. The oil easily copes with any symptoms of nervous system hyperactivity, leading to various nervous manifestations (skin rashes, muscle twitching). Calms attacks of epilepsy, hysteria, convulsions.

Cell regeneration

Essential oil promotes the growth of new cells. Regeneration occurs much faster, this promotes fast healing wounds and even healing of scars. Children should definitely include tangerines in their diet. They are not only considered tasty treat, but also help development and growth.

As mentioned above, tangerine oil helps improve immunity. The body begins to cope with diseases easier and faster. All organic functions are adjusted in the desired way. All systems begin to function normally: respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, excretory, endocrine.

Essential oil has a calming effect on nervous disorders and various inflammations.

Protects the stomach

Tangerine oil helps maintain a basic level of acid in the stomach. This protects it from ulcers and other diseases. In this case, various infections are also excluded.

For other purposes

Essential oil has a wide range of applications. It can heal skin diseases and even relieve stress, helps maintain the balance of moisture levels in the skin. Saves from diarrhea and flatulence. Promotes the disappearance of stretch marks and scars. Helps in the fight against wrinkles.

Excellent compatibility

Tangerine oil goes well with other essential means. It can be combined with bergamot, cloves, cinnamon, sage, nutmeg, incense. The most commonly used is a mixture of tangerine and lavender oils.


Apply one drop of tangerine oil to a scarf or drop into a diffuser. The smell will immediately increase your appetite. Metabolic processes will receive the necessary support.

Add a few drops to your bath. Tangerine will help you relax and help your body cope with flatulence, nausea, and indigestion.

Mix two drops of tangerine oil with ten drops of wheat germ oil. This remedy helps get rid of gastritis, ulcers, spasms of the esophagus, intestinal infections, colitis, dyspepsia, bloating, hiccups.

Add two drops of oil to the bath you take before bed. This will relax tense muscles, relieve psychological stress and cramps. This bath will help you fall asleep faster. In the morning you will feel healthy and energetic.

A few drops of essential oil added to the aroma lamp will help get rid of feelings of anxiety, fear, restlessness, irritability, and stress. This has a great effect on children and calms them down when they are excited. nervous system, they fall asleep faster and easier.

The oil is used in steam therapy. It helps cleanse the skin, get rid of blackheads and acne. The skin will glow with health after such procedures.

Mix tangerine oil (2-3 drops) with jojoba oil (15 drops). This product improves blood circulation, increases skin elasticity, and reduces scars.

You can add the oil to your daily cream and apply it to the affected areas.

If you mix tangerine and coconut oils, you get wonderful remedy for massage. It will help in the treatment of spasms of the intestines, muscles, and nervous system.

Blend with sesame oil improves blood circulation, you just need to apply the product to the skin. It will get rid of varicose veins veins, rheumatic pain, arthritis.

Add a few drops to the vaporizer and inhale the aroma of tangerine. This will help boost immunity and protect against infectious diseases. In the morning you will feel cheerful and energetic.

Mandarin is a tree of the rue family; it grows where the climate is warm and humid, but it bears fruit quite normally in other climate zones: in Southern Europe - in Italy and Spain; in the Mediterranean countries, the Caucasus, Brazil and California, Japan, and, of course, China - this country is called the birthplace of mandarin.

Essential oil known for its medicinal and cosmetic properties, obtained from unripe fruits - from their peel.

Traditional methods of obtaining this oil are steam distillation and cold pressing.

Chemical composition of tangerine oil

The chemical composition of tangerine oil is similar to other citrus oils. It contains the terpene hydrocarbon limonene in large quantities, as well as other terpenoids and terpene aldehydes, but the main components are considered plant matter methyl anthranilate, used in perfumery, cosmetology, Food Industry, and the phenolic substance thymol, also used as a raw material, as well as in medicine, pharmacology, beekeeping, etc. – these substances determine the unique aroma of tangerine oil.

To get 3 kg of essential oil, it takes a ton tangerine peel. This peel has been used since ancient times in oriental medicine for cough, inflammation respiratory tract, digestive disorders and poor appetite; The fruits were prescribed to improve metabolism; in cases of vitamin deficiency, scurvy and fungal diseases, their juice was rubbed into the skin.

Use alcohol tincture tangerine peel facilitates the removal of sputum when coughing, stops fermentation and rotting in the intestines, relieves swelling; used when inflammatory diseases oral cavity, as a rinse, stops bleeding from the gums; reduces the appearance of cellulite - all this is due to high content essential oil.

Tangerine oil has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, choleretic, diuretic, carminative, mild laxative, mild hypotensive, restorative, sedative, tonic, sedative effects, as well as cytophylactic - it restores skin cells and stimulates their growth. It removes toxins and improves blood circulation, helps get rid of excess weight and even out the contours of the body, making the skin elastic and strong, which is why cosmetologists often use it with pleasure. It refreshes and tones tired skin, fights stretch marks and cellulite, and eliminates age spots. It is also considered an aromatic adaptogen, increases protective properties body and resistance to infections.

Application of essential oil

Tangerine oil is useful to use in winter, when there is little sunlight- it is an excellent solar energy accumulator. The aroma of the oil improves mood, reduces anxiety and helps cope with depression; relieves feelings of unreasonable fear. In small children's rooms, if they are restless and afraid to fall asleep alone, the air is scented with this oil. In general, in enclosed spaces it perfectly deodorizes the air and destroys harmful microbes.

Treatment with tangerine oil

It is believed that tangerine oil improves liver function and promotes the breakdown of fats; relieves colic in the stomach and intestines, alleviates anorexia, heartburn, dyspepsia; soothes the intestines irritated by uncomfortable foods and reduces gas formation.

It acts gently: it can be used by small children - in small dosages, and by pregnant women, and even by those with different hypersensitivity to other essential oils. It is good for pregnant women to use it in the morning; it also helps before menstruation - it invigorates and relieves tension, restores strength - you can combine it with other citrus oils to enhance the effect. For breastfeeding women, tangerine oil helps increase breast milk production.

Goes well with oils of chamomile, rose, petitgrain, black pepper, palmarosa, neroli, marjoram, lemon, lime, lavender, coriander, grapefruit, bergamot, basil.

In combination with lavender and neroli oils, it absorbs well postpartum sutures and scars.

In the treatment of diseases, acute and chronic, tangerine oil is used in various ways.

So, for systematic headaches, including migraines, use the following mixture: tangerine and geranium oil - 2 drops each, orange and bergamot - 1 drop each, mixed with base oil - almond, apricot, etc. - 15 drops, Warm the mixture in your hands and massage your temples in a circular motion.

If you have insomnia, visiting a steam room with tangerine oil helps: you can stay in it for no more than 7-10 minutes.

Hot inhalations: add 1-2 drops of oil to a bowl of hot water, bend over the bowl, cover with a thick towel and breathe deeply for 5-7 minutes. It is convenient to do cold inhalations: drop 1-2 drops of oil onto a napkin or cloth and deeply inhale its aroma for 5-10 minutes; You can wear an aroma medallion - 1-2 drops are also dripped into it.

If rubbing or compresses are required, it is better to do them before bedtime so that you can immediately go to a warm bed.

Tangerine oil can also be taken orally, but only on the recommendation of a specialist - this applies to any essential oils. It is prescribed for low mood, to normalize the functioning of the gallbladder, stomach and intestines, for pain and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, to improve blood composition, for belching and difficulty swallowing, nervousness, flatulence, pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

Usually recommended 2-3 drops 2 times a day, with herbal tea or 1 tsp. honey, jam; You can drip oil onto biscuits and cookies, wash it down with juice or yogurt. You can also take 5 drops 3-4 times a day after meals, adding the oil to slightly warmed fresh fruit juice or freshly brewed herbal (green) tea - you should drink the prepared drink immediately.

To cleanse your body of toxins, you can give yourself a “rest day” 2 times a month: do without breakfast and lunch, and instead drink tangerine oil with? tsp honey, washed down with acidified water - 3 drops in the morning, 4 drops in the afternoon. In addition clean water, you don’t need to drink anything else on this day, but for dinner eat something light: salad from raw vegetables, fruit or dairy products. If you spend such days every week, you can gradually get rid of excess weight.

For bleeding and dental diseases make applications on the gums: add 5 drops of tangerine to 10 drops of rosehip and wheat germ oil.

The use of tangerine oil in cosmetology

In cosmetology, tangerine oil is successfully used to care for sensitive, aging and oily skin; tightens enlarged pores, treats ulcers and acne.

It is added to ready-made cosmetical tools– 5-8 drops per 10-15 ml of base; for massage – 6-7 drops per 15 ml of base oil.

During pregnancy, the following mixture is used to prevent stretch marks: to 10 ml of wheat germ oil and 40 ml of almond oil, add neroli and mandarin oils - 5 drops each, and lavender - 10 drops. Abdominal massage is done 1-3 times a day.

A mixture of tangerine oil with base oil (avocado, jojoba, olive) protects the skin well from the formation of wrinkles and smoothes existing ones. Must be added to 1 tsp. base oil 1-2 drops tangerine, mix and lightly massage movements Rub into cleansed skin of face and neck.

Tangerine oil is added to hair care products: 3-5 drops per serving of shampoo or conditioner. Nourishing and moisturizing hair mask: to 1 tbsp. Jojoba (almond) oil, add 3-5 drops of tangerine oil, rub into the scalp, cover with film and a towel. Leave for 2 hours and wash off with warm water and your shampoo.

To take baths, 5-7 drops of oil are dissolved in an emulsifier (cream, milk, honey, sea or regular salt), and added to water at a temperature of 37-38°C. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes.

Tangerine oil is used in perfumery, in the food and pharmaceutical industries, in the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, as a fragrance and flavoring agent.

In cooking, it is added to dough, salad dressings, sauces for meat and fish dishes. You can add tangerine oil to powdered sugar and sprinkle it on hot baked goods: buns, cheesecakes, sweet pies, etc.


The tangerine bush belongs to the evergreen plants of the citrus genus. Its fruit is distinguished by a pronounced pleasant aroma, juicy slices of pulp and thin peel. Mandarin oil is obtained from it, which has a large amount useful properties.

Description and composition

Mandarin essential oil is produced by pressing (cold). Compliance with technological subtleties results in a stunningly aromatic product. Its smell absorbed notes of fruits and flowers: their velvety, depth, slight bitterness and underlying sweetness. It is richer and more persistent than the aroma of other citrus oils.

Texture quality oil has good fluidity. Color – orange or shining yellow. Some varieties of tangerine produce a reddish-yellow oil with a slight impurity blue color. It is easily and quickly absorbed and also goes well with most aromatic products.

In my own way chemical composition Tangerine oil is similar to the product of lime and orange.

It is especially rich in the following substances:

  1. Limonene (terpene hydrocarbon).
  2. Terpene aldehydes.
  3. Methyl anthranilate.
  4. Thymol (phenols).

Tangerine essential oil has many beneficial properties. They make its use widespread in many areas of human activity.


The use of this product is popular in aromatherapy, cosmetology, medicine and cooking. Its rich properties and characteristics have ensured its active use in folk medicine. It is recommended for children and adults.

Tangerine essential oil has the following properties:

  • is a good antispasmodic;
  • an excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent;
  • used as a choleretic, diuretic;
  • has a pronounced tonic effect;
  • refers to natural sedatives;
  • Helps gently combat constipation and cleanses of toxins;
  • is a good general strengthening and immunomodulatory agent;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • promotes recovery damaged cells, stimulating their growth;
  • participates in improving blood circulation;
  • helps to lose weight;
  • significantly increases the body’s ability to resist infections;
  • improves mood, refreshes and helps in the fight against depression;
  • destroys pathogenic microbes and helps fight viruses;
  • cleanses the liver and promotes its recovery;
  • relieves abdominal pain and intestinal colic.

Application area

The healing properties of tangerine oil make it a component of many medicines, both for internal and for external use. Its use is recommended even during pregnancy, due to the lack of toxic substances as part of the product.

In folk medicine this product is very popular. It is part of the sedative and antimicrobial agents, tinctures, decoctions. Adding a few drops to food, such as juice, strengthens the body and helps fight many ailments.

Tangerine oil plays a special role in cosmetology. Regular and proper application The product treats the skin from many imperfections. Tangerine essential oil promotes rejuvenation and helps fight cellulite and stretch marks. It gets rid of age spots, scars, acne and swelling.

Tangerine oil, thanks to its bright “holiday” aroma, is popular in cooking. It is added to alcoholic and soft drinks, used as a flavoring in desserts.

The unique, impeccable and attractive smell of the fruit has made its oil an invariable component of elite perfumery. And its nutritional, antibacterial and restorative properties have found application in body cosmetics.

Practical use

  1. In winter, it is useful to drink morning tea with 2 drops of this added to it. essential drug. This will help fight viruses and create good mood all day.
  2. During premenstrual days, it can be consumed several times a day. This measure will help overcome irritability and relieve pain in the abdominal area.
  3. 3 drops of oil added to body cream are enough. Within a few days, the skin will become noticeably lighter and more elastic. During anti-cellulite wraps, it is useful to rub pure tangerine oil into the problem area.
  4. Those who experience stress should use the properties of tangerine for aromatherapy purposes. For this, essential product can be applied to the surface of a room or office.
  5. At nervous tension The oil should be rubbed into the area of ​​the earlobes and wrists.
  6. Inhalations with tangerine oil ease breathing and treat the throat with ENT diseases. It is added to alcohol, which is used for compresses on sore throat or ear. At viral infections It is useful to rinse the mouth with water (200 ml), to which about 3-5 drops of the drug are added. The same composition can be used to rinse the nose for sinusitis and rhinosinusitis.


Contraindications to the use of essential tangerine oil are individual intolerance of the body.

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