If your upper teeth hurt. Why does my teeth hurt? Teeth aching, what are the reasons?

Everyone is familiar with toothache. A few lucky people begin to experience it in adulthood, but for everyone else it bothers them already in childhood, adolescence, in youth... The suffering that one unhealthy tooth causes and when all the teeth on one side hurt at once is strong, sometimes unbearable. Therefore, a trip to the dentist is inevitable. The earlier the better.

Teeth hurt on one side: reasons

Photo 1: When teeth hurt on one side, most likely the body gives a sign of alarm, because we are talking about more serious illnesses than damaged enamel and inflamed dental nerve. Source: flickr (Alisha Sen).

Teeth hurt on the left side, top and bottom

Each tooth has a separate nerve filament. All nerves are collected together in the upper or lower dental plexus.

Important! If several teeth (above and below) become inflamed due to caries or another disease, for example, on the left side, it seems that all the teeth on the left side hurt. This happens because inflammation affects not only the nerve endings directly in the teeth, but also the alveolar branches.

If your teeth hurt on the left side above and below, but tooth enamel healthy and no caries observed, then the cause may be a hilar cyst. In this case, if the cyst has formed on the upper tooth - everyone hurts upper teeth .

Wisdom teeth eruption often causes mass discomfort. Sometimes the temperature even rises. There are difficult cases when The wisdom tooth has just begun to grow, and the person is already experiencing pain, and all the teeth on the left side hurt, so it’s difficult to determine the cause.

Note! If, in the presence of angina, an unpleasant sensation appears in the shoulder joint, and also teeth hurt on the left side of the lower jaw - this is a harbinger of a heart attack. You need to call a doctor immediately!

Teeth hurt on the right side, top and bottom

The right side, like the left, can become inflamed even due to caries of one tooth. Violation of the enamel, consumption of cold or hot food leads at first to simply unpleasant sensations, and then, when an unfavorable temperature environment approaches the nerve endings - All my teeth hurt right side .

If your teeth are healthy, but you have a cold or stress, then these two serious reasons can also cause discomfort. Hypothermia or nervous breakdown quite capable of causing aching pain throughout the jaw or locally.

One more common cause of this condition There may be inflammation of the gums, diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis. IN in this case throbbing pain on the right side it is felt if the gum is inflamed on the right.

A disease such as inflammation of the trigeminal nerve brings a lot of trouble. In this case teeth hurt on the right side, top and bottom and on the left side.

Several other diseases not related to tooth decay can cause such unpleasant sensations:

  • Frequent inflammation of the middle ear dangerous complications that can lead to meningitis. But it is no less dangerous when because of developing infection, for example, the right ear, teeth hurt on the right side above and below.
  • Also dangerous sinusitis which causes fever and headaches. In particularly difficult cases teeth hurt on the right side or left.

What to do if a symptom appears

What to do if your teeth hurt on one side, top and bottom? The recommendations are simple, but they are first aid to alleviate the patient’s condition.

If there is no temperature and is not observed visible damage tooth enamel and gums, it is necessary to take measures that will calm the inflamed nerves.

Eat medications but they give by-effect . Therefore, a warm foot bath, rinse and soothing may help if one-sided toothache is felt for an as yet unknown reason.

When there is a fever, damaged teeth and inflamed gums are clearly visible, and one side of the teeth also hurts, it is necessary to relieve inflammation with simple, but in an effective way- rinsing. Room temperature water with soda and salt, tincture of chamomile, calendula, oak bark - the simplest old and effective means .

Photo 2: If a one-sided toothache occurs, you need to take a painkiller and urgently go to the hospital to get a diagnosis. correct diagnosis. If the cause of the pain is not in the teeth, only a specialist can determine this. Source: flickr (Karo Shaginyan).

Homeopathic treatment

Acute throbbing pain on one side of the face. Used in the treatment of neuralgia.
  • Antimonium tartaricum
Rheumatic toothache.
Pain in teeth and gums in postoperative period, after impact, etc.
Neuralgic pain.
Pain in the lower jaw.
  • Barium carbonate (Baryta carbonica)
Severe toothache caused by caries.
Severe inflammation caused by congestion in carious teeth.
Unilateral toothaches, aggravated by contact of teeth with cold or hot.
Toothaches in children and pregnant women.
Pain in the gums when they are inflamed and bleeding.
Toothache and inflamed and swollen gums.
Has a quick pain-relieving effect.
Toothache from touching cold things.
Rheumatic pain in upper jaw.
Acute toothache.
Severe toothache caused by caries.

One of the most common complaints expressed by patients when visiting the dentist is aching teeth. Often, unpleasant sensations arise not only in one tooth; everything can hurt at the same time, which makes a person suffer even more.

There can be many reasons for the problem. Most often, the occurrence of unpleasant sensations is associated with increased sensitivity. This condition is also called hyperesthesia.

The most common cause of hyperesthesia is damage or thinning of tooth enamel.

As you know, the enamel that protects teeth is characterized by increased strength and the absence of nerve endings. Dentin, that is, the main tooth tissue located underneath, does not possess such properties, and therefore, when the enamel is damaged, a person begins to experience painful sensations varying degrees. When the enamel is thinning nerve endings dentin begins to react negatively to external stimuli. Most often, teeth ache when eating or drinking. Pain may occur when eating sour or sweet foods. Often increased sensitivity practically does not allow you to eat any hot dish. Sometimes the appearance of unpleasant sensations is provoked by the entry of cold air or mechanical impact, including a simple touch.

Damage to tooth enamel can be caused by factors such as the use of abrasive toothpaste or an overly hard brush, violation of teeth whitening technology or insufficient hygiene care behind the oral cavity. In addition, it can lead to thinning of the enamel. bad habits or poor nutrition. In some cases, weak enamel can, unfortunately, simply be inherited from parents.

It is noteworthy that sometimes damage to the enamel can affect one or two teeth, but the ache is felt throughout the entire jaw.

Specialized restorative toothpastes containing fluoride and potassium salts, as well as mineral complexes. In addition, dentists recommend ultrasound treatment or electrophoresis to restore enamel. The patient should also review their diet and get rid of bad habits.

Thinning tooth enamel is not the only cause of hyperesthesia. Increased sensitivity of teeth, causing pain, can also be caused by various dental diseases. These include caries and gum diseases such as gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontitis. Of course, it is possible to eliminate the increased sensitivity that causes pain in the teeth only after treating these diseases.

Sometimes a feeling of aching teeth occurs during the eruption of wisdom teeth, and patients often note that all teeth in a row hurt. Painful sensations and aches in the jaw can also bother you after the removal of the “eights”.

It should be noted that sometimes unpleasant feeling aching teeth is a symptom of diseases not related to dentistry.

Quite often, patients note the appearance of painful sensations during a cold. With ARVI, the patient, as a rule, experiences swelling of the mucous membrane, an increase in the amount of nasal discharge, and, consequently, an increase in pressure in the area maxillary sinuses. It is this that provokes the occurrence of aches in the upper jaw.

The lower jaw may hurt due to inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. This disease, in addition to toothache, is also characterized by headache, pain in the neck, back of the head, migraine.

Aching teeth sometimes accompanies angina. If, in addition to unpleasant “dental” sensations, the patient complains of shortness of breath, chest pain, increased sweating and dizziness, you should definitely involve a cardiologist for examination. It is necessary to take into account that with angina pectoris, it is the lower teeth that hurt.

Quite often, women experience increased sensitivity and the accompanying sensation of aching teeth in their teeth during pregnancy. The main question for expectant mothers in such a situation becomes how to treat an unpleasant symptom, because for pregnant women, many medications and manipulations, as a rule, are simply prohibited. The issue is especially acute in the first and third trimester. Naturally, any treatment methods should be discussed exclusively with a doctor. However, if the pain in your teeth takes you by surprise and you cannot get to the dentist, you can try to relieve the aching feeling with the help of a drug used in pediatrics, such as Kalgel. It will help temporarily reduce painful sensations before visiting the doctor.

To summarize what has been said, it should be noted that the sensation of aching teeth is not just an annoying nuisance, but quite good reason consult a dentist, and sometimes not only him. After all, a disease detected in time is much easier to treat, therefore, the patient’s chances for a speedy recovery are significantly increased.

Usually toothache has its own localization, but occasionally there is a feeling that all the teeth hurt at once. This situation may appear for a number of different reasons, so you should consult a doctor immediately. Delaying a visit to the dentist, much less self-medication, is strictly prohibited. Home remedies will reduce the pain, but will not remove the cause.

There are many reasons why teeth ache, and the diseases are not necessarily related to teeth, possible lesions other organs and systems. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after examining the patient. Possible options Dental diseases that cause dental pain are listed below.

Damage to caries

One of the primary and important problems that cause pain in the teeth is caries. Hard fabrics They begin to collapse, become soft, and holes appear. Initially, their sizes are small and they do not serve any unpleasant symptoms. Gradually, the holes begin to enlarge, the dentin area is damaged and pain syndrome. Discomfort occurs when eating excessively hot or cold food, sweet or sour. Pain does not occur on its own; it manifests itself only as a result of a reaction to an external stimulus. If you seek help, the pain syndrome will soon disappear.

If you do not eliminate caries at the first stage and remove pain medicines, over time it will damage a nerve that cannot be saved.


The soft tissue of the tooth that contains the nerves is called the pulp. In this part there is a large number of nerves, so the toothache is too strong. When the pulp is affected, the process of inflammation begins, and a diagnosis of pulpitis is made. The main reason Such a disease is caries in an advanced stage. Usually, with the disease, pain does not bother you regularly and appears periodically. Pulpitis becomes the direct cause of pain in all teeth at once. Everyone experiences and experiences pain in their own way. Advanced pulpitis causes the development of periodontitis.


When the pulp dies infectious inflammation passes from the tooth area to the periodontium. Because of this, unbearable pain occurs in the body, which becomes stronger over time under the influence of the tooth. If the problem is not eliminated, the pain will become continuous and pronounced. Sometimes the pain radiates to the facial area. During illness, the temperature may rise, pus may be released from the tooth, and the The lymph nodes.

Severe pain and redness of the gums become the cause of a root cyst - this is a formation at the top of the tooth root. The disease is quite dangerous because long time may not show any symptoms. Some factors influence the enlargement of the cyst and the appearance of the first symptoms of pain:

There are cases when teeth move due to a problem. It grows and destroys neighboring teeth. The cyst is most dangerous if it ruptures, as this can lead to blood poisoning. It is possible to diagnose a cyst in the early stages only x-ray. In the first stages, the disease is treated and the tooth is preserved. It is important to regularly visit the dentist.


A well-known disease that is associated with difficult eruption of wisdom teeth. Pericoronitis appears in 75% of cases with teething. For many modern people there is little room for the eights to appear correctly and not bother the person. Sometimes they remain in a slanted position or grow into the cheek or another tooth.

During improper eruption, a hood appears over the tooth. The distant teeth are not cleaned correctly, and therefore food particles get stuck under the hood, causing infection. All these effects cause an inflammatory process in the body.

In the first stages of the disease, a person feels a slight aching pain, which becomes stronger with pressure. After 2-3 days, the pain intensifies, it is difficult for the patient to eat food, and sometimes there is difficulty opening the mouth. If the problem occurs on one side, it may seem that all the teeth in that area hurt.

If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, purulent pericoronitis may develop, this disease manifests itself with an increase in temperature and severe pain, which radiate to the ear and temple areas.

Other causes of tooth pain

Toothache is not always directly related to oral disease. There are other problems that are associated with other diseases. When examined by a doctor, you can find out that the teeth and gums are in good condition, then the problem lies elsewhere.

Otitis media

A widely known problem among children. A timely diagnosis can be made only after examining the child by an ENT doctor. When bacteria enter the middle ear, it begins inflammatory process, liquid accumulates. During a problem with chewing teeth pain radiates to the oral cavity.

If the problem is left unattended, a person may experience decreased hearing, and otitis media leads to meningitis and encephalitis. These problems are fatal.


The problem is caused by inflammation in the sinuses of the upper jaw, as well as mucus stagnation in them. During the disease, pain may appear in the eyes, head, teeth, and bones. The disease affects both men and women at any age. age category. Young boys and girls are most susceptible to this problem. Sinusitis is caused by viruses; in addition, it causes symptoms:

  • runny nose;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • redness and swelling of the eyelids;
  • temperature;
  • nasal pain radiating to the ear and temples.

During sinusitis, all teeth often begin to ache and ache; this is due to the fact that the roots upper teeth are located near the maxillary sinuses. Because of this, pain also manifests itself in the jaw.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

For sensitivity facial area and the mouth the trigeminal nerve responds. If an inflammatory process has begun in the nerve, a person feels sharp pain in the area of ​​the temple, eye or jaw, while the pain often spreads from one branch to another. The reason why the area of ​​all teeth hurts can be determined by a dentist and a neurologist, who diagnoses inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. After the diagnosis is made, medications are prescribed to completely eliminate the disease.

Trigeminal nerve pain moves from one part of the face to another. Often there is aching pain in the teeth on one side. Discomfort lasts 2-3 seconds and often occurs during a conversation, brushing teeth or swallowing food.

There are many reasons why pain occurs, and not all of them can be directly related to dental problems. If you experience such complications, it is important to promptly seek help from a doctor; this is the only way to establish the cause and begin adequate treatment. When you arrive at the dentist, you will be prescribed necessary tests and examinations, against the background of which a diagnosis will be made.

The teeth are covered with enamel, which protects them from various damages. It consists of 95% inorganic substances and is the densest tissue in the human body.

There are no nerve endings in the enamel, and therefore normally it is completely insensitive. However, sometimes teeth begin to break in response to any external influence.

To cope with increased tooth sensitivity, you must first determine its cause.

Manifestations of hypersensitivity of teeth

Increased sensitivity can occur in the area of ​​one, several or even all teeth. The degree of discomfort may also vary. There are three degrees of hyperesthesia.

  1. Teeth ache in response to temperature stimuli, such as cold or hot food or air flow.
  2. Painful sensations occur under the influence of chemical irritants, for example from sour or sweet foods.
  3. Teeth sensitivity increases not only from temperature and chemical exposure, but also from touch.

Causes of tooth sensitivity

Limited form of hyperesthesia, in which one or more teeth break, occurs due to:

  • carious process;
  • mechanical damage to enamel;
  • preparation (grinding) of tooth tissues for crowns;
  • wedge-shaped defect (non-carious lesion of enamel in the cervical area of ​​the tooth);
  • gum diseases, for example.

Systemic (generalized) form of hyperesthesia, in which all teeth ache, occurs when:

  • pathological abrasion of teeth due to malocclusion or insufficient hardness of dental tissues;
  • erosion of tooth enamel, the formation of which may be caused by overuse citrus fruits or aggressive mechanical effects (teeth whitening, Toothbrush with hard bristles, tooth powder, etc.);
  • excessive stress on teeth;
  • periodontal diseases;
  • insufficient or improper hygiene oral cavity;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hormonal disorders (including during pregnancy or menopause);
  • some diseases of the nervous system;
  • infectious diseases of the ENT organs and oral cavity;
  • poor nutrition, which does not satisfy the body's needs for vitamins and minerals.

What to do if your teeth hurt

In most cases, treatment of tooth sensitivity is carried out under the supervision of a dentist. Good effect provides remineralizing therapy. However, you can alleviate the course of the disease at home. To do this you need:

  • use a soft-bristled brush and toothpaste for sensitive teeth;
  • protect teeth from mechanical damage;
  • rinse your mouth after every meal;
  • perform finger massage of the gums;
  • take calcium supplements and multivitamin complexes.

Diet for hypersensitive teeth

To ease the course of hyperesthesia, it is important to eat right. Food should not be too hot and not too cold. Products containing:

  • vitamin A (carrots, liver, eggs);
  • calcium (milk and dairy products, cabbage, greens);
  • fluoride (seafood, nuts).

But citrus fruits, sour foods, carbonated drinks, sweets, freshly squeezed juices and seeds, if your teeth hurt, will have to be excluded.

Typically, toothache has a specific localization. But sometimes you get the feeling that all your teeth hurt at once. This pathology manifests itself for a number of reasons, and you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Trying to help yourself on your own is a waste of time. The means at hand will ease the pain, but main problem they won't decide. Why does this pathology occur and how to deal with it?


There are many reasons that cause toothache. But the disease does not have to be related to teeth. Other organs and systems may be affected:

  1. Trigeminal neuralgia is a painful disease. Trigeminal nerve provides sensitivity in the facial area (lower jaw and some masticatory muscles). Neuralgia occurs on its own or after any illness. Branches of the nerve can be compressed in the bony canals at the base of the skull. The narrowing can be congenital or acquired after sinusitis, caries and other inflammatory processes. Odontogenic neuralgia can last a very long time. Even if the malocclusion is traumatic jaw joint, eliminated, and untreated teeth cured.
  2. Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. Pathology leads to changes in muscle tone. Reasons: stress, dentist errors during treatment (an incorrectly installed filling will disrupt the symmetry of the TMJ joints), joint injuries, long dental appointments without breaks, decreased bite height due to tooth loss, bruxism and many other reasons. Symptoms: clicks, noises in the temporomandibular joint, headache in the temples, back of the head, shoulders, uneven movement in the joint, changes in bite, ear pain, increased sensitivity of teeth, inflammatory symptoms arthritis or synovitis.
  3. Caries. Hard tissues are destroyed, become soft, and holes appear. They gradually increase, the dentin area is affected, and pain appears. If tooth decay is left untreated, the nerve will be affected and will have to be removed.
  4. Pulpitis- This soft fabric tooth into which the nerves enter. When the pulp is damaged, inflammation begins, pulpitis. If pulpitis starts, periodontitis will begin.
  5. When the pulp dies, the infection spreads to the periodontium.. If you start the process, the pain will become pronounced and continuous. The pain may radiate to the face area. Pus will be released from the tooth, the temperature will rise, and the lymph nodes will enlarge. And it will seem that all your teeth hurt at once.
  6. Cyst at the root. It may not appear for a long time, but in an advanced stage it increases and destroys neighboring teeth. When it ruptures and the purulent contents come out, blood poisoning can begin.
  7. Pericoronitis. Characterized by difficult eruption of wisdom teeth. Many people don't have enough space for eights. These teeth may remain in a slanted position, grow into the cheek, or support another tooth. When teething occurs, a hood forms over the tooth, under which food particles can get stuck, causing infection. If the process is started, purulent pericoronitis may occur, manifested by increased temperature and severe pain.

Causes not related to oral diseases:

  1. Heart diseases. With angina, chest pain can radiate to the shoulder, arm, and sometimes lower jaw and teeth.
  2. Otitis media Bacteria penetrate into the middle ear, causing inflammation. The pain may radiate to the jaw. Advanced disease leads to meningitis and encephalitis.
  3. Sinusitis. Appears when there is inflammation in the sinuses of the upper jaw and mucus stagnates in them. When the disease occurs, pain manifests itself in the eyes, head, teeth, and bones. Quite often, when the disease occurs, all teeth hurt at once.

Important: Children are especially susceptible to otitis media!

What to do?

First, you need to see a doctor, identify the main cause of the pathology and begin treating it.

Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia

It is very difficult to get rid of such a disease, and it is not always cured. Suffering can be alleviated with antihistamines, anticonvulsants, antispasmodics and vasodilators. Physiotherapeutic methods, electrophoresis, infrared laser therapy and other means relieve pain.

Local anesthetics are suitable for local anesthesia: Lidocaine gel. It is lightly rubbed into the dried mucous membrane of the gums. Pain relief occurs as soon as the gel is rubbed in and lasts about half an hour. Use it 3-10 times a day. Contraindications: heavy bleeding, shock, arterial hypotension, infection of areas to be treated, cardiogenic shock, chronic heart failure, severe liver dysfunction, hypersensitivity to components.

If ineffective conservative therapy surgical intervention is prescribed.

Recommendations for prevention: need to be eliminated in a timely manner inflammatory diseases paranasal sinuses nose, maintain oral hygiene, avoid hypothermia, injuries, infections, intoxications, vitamin deficiencies.

If all teeth hurt, the patient should not drink too cold or too hot drinks and dishes. The pain will be relieved by painkillers Ibuprofen and Analgin. A consultation with a neurologist is necessary.

Treatment of temporomandibular joint dysfunction

To get rid of this pathology, a soft splint is used, which is suitable for treating the disease in mild forms. The splint is made of medical silicone and has the shape of an arc. The splint is capable of fixing the relative position of the jaws (edge ​​to edge).

The muscles in the joint area, head and neck relax, pain becomes less. The splint is flexible, suitable for all types and sizes of jaws. For further treatment the doctor may prescribe orthodontic or orthopedic treatment. It is aimed at changing the height of the bite (prosthetics).

If tooth pain is caused by high blood pressure in the sinuses, you need to treat a runny nose. Are used different drops and sprays. They will help vasoconstrictors. But if you use them uncontrollably, the patient's condition will worsen. For allergies take antihistamines, which reduce swelling.

If your teeth hurt due to the effects of any medications, Gastric acid, juices, oral cavity You need to rinse more often, and the liquid is taken using a drinking straw.

Pain in teeth caused by caries, pulpitis, periodontitis can only be eliminated professional treatment at the dentist. If therapy is significantly delayed, various kinds complications.

Important: You cannot treat your teeth during a cold. The patient's body is weakened. Surgical manipulation in the mouth will lead to complications. This is especially true for tooth extraction. We are talking not only about respiratory diseases, but also about colds on the lips, which are caused by the herpes virus.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine can temporarily relieve pain if it is not possible to urgently go to a doctor. Consider the following recipes:

  1. Pour in aspen shavings boiled water, leave for half an hour. Rinse your mouth several times a day.
  2. Add a drop of vinegar and a little black pepper to a spoonful of salt. Mix. Hold the spoon with the mixture over the heat for one minute. Make peas and apply to the gums.
  3. Grate the horseradish and put it in a jar. Fill half the jar with vodka and cover with a lid. Leave for three days, stirring occasionally. Strain. Keep it in your mouth for three minutes.

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