Chronic pancreatitis symptoms treatment at home. Nutrition after an acute attack. Vegetable juice

The pancreas performs a number of functions in the body: digestion, metabolism, synthesis of various enzymes. Inflammation of the pancreas causes a disease called pancreatitis, which has painful symptoms causes a malfunction in many body systems. Treatment at home is carried out using medical supplies and traditional medicine.

What it is

In the general sense of the word, pancreatitis is a whole group various diseases leading to inflammation of the pancreas. Inflammatory processes cause a disruption in the synthesis of enzymes involved in digestion, which affects the functioning of the intestines. Enzymes can be blocked inside the gland itself and provoke self-destruction of the organ. Further, toxic substances penetrate the blood and affect other organs and systems of the human body: stomach, liver, kidneys, heart, etc.

Prevention measures

To avoid the occurrence of pancreatitis, you need to follow a number of simple but useful rules:

  1. avoid overeating;
  2. reduce the amount of alcohol consumed;
  3. lead active image life and visit more often fresh air(outside the city, in the park, etc.);
  4. Healthy food;
  5. avoid overwork (physical and emotional);
  6. undergo regular preventive examinations with a doctor;
  7. treat any infectious diseases in a timely manner.

Pancreatitis is easier to prevent than to cure. The disease is directly related to lifestyle and nutrition, so first of all you need to pay attention to the food you eat, and also refuse bad habits in the form of smoking and alcohol. When a disease appears, it is better to undergo examinations and find the cause. Therapy for pancreatic inflammation is carried out at home after consultation with a doctor.

Specialty: General Practitioner
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov in 2010

Pancreatitis is a severe and intractable disease of the pancreas. If a person is interested in treating pancreatitis at home, it means that he has already been to the hospital more than once for this reason.

Organize everything at home therapeutic measures in an acute process it is impossible and even dangerous. The disease progresses rapidly. To relieve pain in the hospital there are the necessary conditions. Constant vomiting cannot be treated with pills. Necessary intravenous administration strong medicines.

For acute pain, all that can be done at home is to put a cold compress on the top part belly and call " Ambulance" Do not even think about putting on a heating pad or rinsing your stomach. The patient needs bed rest and peace.

And after discharge from the hospital, when all the symptoms of the disease subside, treatment of pancreatitis at home becomes simply necessary and mandatory.

Home help in treating a patient with pancreatitis

To organize the treatment of pancreatitis at home, you will have to provide special conditions that cannot be violated.

  • Providing a regime for the patient.
  • Strict diet and adherence to cooking methods.
  • Use of medications prescribed by a doctor.
  • Drink mineral waters according to indications.
  • Using traditional medicine advice.


A patient with pancreatitis should not be overworked, work with high nervous or physical activity. Need more frequent rest restful sleep. Patients become irritable, moody because of their diet, and even become depressed. You should tell your doctor about this; you may need medication. Considering the undesirability additional funds, you can try auto-training.


Without following a diet, treating pancreatitis is impossible. Fried foods are contraindicated for the patient. It is necessary to cook everything boiled, steamed, baked. Therefore, it is justified to purchase a multicooker, steam pan or microwave oven. To grind and grind food, you should stock up on appropriate kitchen equipment.

In the 5p diet, the patient is strictly contraindicated from fatty meat, fish and duck dishes, sausages, lard, smoked and pickled foods, canned food, seasoned sauces, mayonnaise, rich soups, confectionery with cream, black bread, alcohol, beer, strongly brewed tea and coffee, kvass, carbonated drinks, sweets are sharply limited, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Any consumption of alcohol by the patient can lead to a new severe exacerbation and complete melting of the pancreas. Alcohol is one of the main provoking factors of the disease.

You can eat vegetarian, meat and chicken soups without fatty broth (cabbage and mushrooms are excluded), soups are seasoned with cereals and noodles. Meat and fish dishes prepared in the form of steamed cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, rolls. Diet recommends liquid porridge with diluted milk. Steam omelette made from two eggs without yolks. Low-fat cottage cheese. Vegetables are prepared into purees or casseroles without crust. Recommended jelly made from berries and fruits with xylitol, rosehip decoction, tea with milk. White bread, dried.

Dietary table No. 5p for pancreatitis requires limiting protein foods, fats and carbohydrates. Portions should be small, ½ plate, but the number of meals can be increased to six per day. Such strict conditions must be observed until the diarrhea and bloating stop. You can gradually expand your diet with your doctor's permission.


Medicines should only be taken as prescribed by your doctor. The dosage and time of use also need to be remembered. Typically, during the period of recovery from an illness, antispasmodic drugs, enzymatic agents, and vitamins are prescribed. If a sick person, in addition to pancreatitis, suffers from peptic ulcer or cholelithiasis, acid-reducing drugs are additionally prescribed gastric juice affecting the secretion of bile.

Indicated for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis mineral water with weak mineralization (the label indicates the concentration of salts). We can recommend as a supplement to the diet: Slavyanovskaya, Borjomi, Smirnovskaya, Narzan. Take half a glass without gas, warm, an hour after meals.

The choice of traditional methods of treatment

Pancreatitis was known and treated long before enzymatic agents and antibiotics appeared. There are many folk ways treatments, among which everyone can find the most convenient and suitable for themselves.

Daily massage of the middle of the sole, where the points of the pancreas are located, helps normalize its function and relieves swelling. At chronic pancreatitis You can spend five minutes several times a day.

Use oat broth- a remedy for many digestive diseases. You need to know how to prepare it: a glass of oat grains is washed and filled with water, and infused for a week. Then place a colander or sieve over the pan, pour the soaked grains into it along with water, rinse the retained grains until the flowing water becomes clear. The oats are squeezed out and thrown away. Pour the water into a transparent container, because you need to drain the top liquid layer after settling. For decoction or jelly, take two tablespoons of a thick mixture from the bottom into 2 cups of water; during cooking, you can add sugar (xylitol) and raisins to taste. The patient needs to drink jelly on an empty stomach.

Herbal treatment takes a long time. The positive effect of flowers of chamomile, yarrow, immortelle, sage, calamus root, burdock and many other plants is known for pancreatitis. It is most convenient to brew the decoction overnight in a liter thermos (3 tablespoons). The next day, drink ½ glass 40 minutes before meals. Herbs can be alternated and mixtures made.

Please be aware of individual sensitivity. If itching or rashes appear on the skin, stop taking it.

One of the contraindications for the use of herbs for chronic pancreatitis is cholelithiasis. Almost all herbal remedies stimulate bile secretion and can “move” stones. The patient appears sharp pains. Perhaps before this the disease was asymptomatic. Therefore, before practicing herbal medicine, you need to undergo an ultrasound to be sure that there is no stone formation.

Pancreatitis is inflammatory process, originating in the pancreas, which serves to regulate the amount of sugar contained in the blood and components important part digestive system.

Pancreatitis can be caused by such factors

Hormonal imbalance;
- overuse fatty foods;
- alcohol abuse;
- inflammation due to taking any medications;
- inflammation transmitted from other organs of the digestive system.

Pancreatitis can have a chronic or acute form.

Acute pancreatitis

If you have an acute form of pancreatitis, then you should not try to treat yourself at home, as this can be quite dangerous both for your health and for your life. There are many examples that treatment of pancreatitis independently ends in the death of the patient. If pancreatitis is acute, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Symptoms of acute pancreatitis

- nausea;
- continuous vomiting;
- flatulence;
- diarrhea;
- heat;
- sharp pain in epigastia.

While waiting for the doctor to arrive, it is forbidden to apply heat to the sore spot or take various painkillers. In order to reduce pain, you should take some antispasmodic drug. For example, baralgin or no-shpu and apply cold to the sore spot. All subsequent treatment acute form pancreatitis should resolve in medical institution under strict medical supervision.

Chronic pancreatitis

In the event that you experience chronic form pancreatitis - it is not forbidden to carry out independent treatment of this disease at home.

Symptoms of chronic pancreatitis:

- pain in the left side of the abdomen;
- flatulence.

However, before treating on your own, you should definitely seek advice from an experienced gastroenterologist. Since only an experienced specialist has the ability to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe necessary treatment. All procedures prescribed by your doctor should be followed carefully.

For self-treatment pancreatitis at home must be followed strict diet and stop smoking and drinking alcohol. You need to take enzyme and antispasmodic drugs. Gives a great positive effect and Spa treatment. If an exacerbation of the disease occurs, bed rest should be observed. It is necessary to take daily walks in the fresh air and exercise physical exercise. In case of chronic pancreatitis, you should stop wearing belts and tight trousers to reduce stress on the abdomen.

Nutrition for chronic pancreatitis

When self-treating chronic pancreatitis at home, you should eat 6 times a day. In this case, the food should be fractional. Food should be steamed or boiled, and then rubbed through a sieve. Food should be eaten warm, not hot or cold. You need to exclude from your diet smoked meats, pickles, soda, spices, sausages, canned food, cakes, fatty fish and meat, mushrooms, beans, coffee, chocolate, sweet tea and alcohol. In addition, it is necessary to avoid fruits and vegetables containing large amounts of fiber, as it negatively affects the intestines. Allowed to eat lean fish and meat, porridge with water, vegetable and cereal soups, low-fat cottage cheese, sunflower oil, pasta, white bread and sometimes butter.

Self-treatment of chronic pancreatitis

Patients suffering from this disease need to take low-mineralized water, since water containing a large number of minerals can cause an exacerbation of the disease. You should take water after you have released gas and no earlier than thirty minutes after eating. In addition, patients should exercise daily physical therapy. Physical education has a beneficial effect on nervous system, promotes the outflow of bile and juice from the pancreas and improves intestinal function.

One of the main components of self-treatment of chronic pancreatitis at home is pain relief. Attacks of pain are provoked by a spasm that occurs in the pancreatic ducts. To eliminate pain, you should take antispasmodic drugs such as baralgin, no-shpa, papaverine. You can also use heating pads. However, before using them you should consult your doctor.

If a patient with chronic pancreatitis has a lack of enzymatic function, then he is usually prescribed Mezim, Festal, Pancreatin. They must be taken with meals. It helps better digestion medicines. If a patient with chronic pancreatitis also suffers from diabetes, then he should take antidiabetic drugs and insulin.

You can resort to some means folk medicine. Of course, after consulting with your doctor first. Eating oatmeal jelly helps very well with chronic pancreatitis. Oatmeal jelly must be taken daily.

Tincture of iris and wormwood is also useful in treatment. In addition, you can take tinctures of coriander, mint, St. John's wort, oregano and dill seeds. These medicinal plants significantly reduce spasms and thereby reduce pain. Decoctions made from violets, lingonberries, birch and brushwood will be useful.

Treatment of exacerbation of pancreatitis should be agreed with a doctor. This dangerous disease, which could lead to fatal outcome, facilities alternative medicine should not be used by people experiencing exacerbation of pancreatitis for the first time. If an attack of pain cannot be relieved within 12 hours, you must call an ambulance.

Ideally home treatment indicated for people who have undergone therapy in a surgical hospital. Recovery period with pancreatitis it can last several months; not every patient wants to spend this time in the hospital.

How to relieve an aggravation at home

In case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, pain and other symptoms are eliminated with the help of oatmeal decoction. It is often used for diseases of the digestive system. 1 glass oatmeal pour 1 liter of boiling water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. The broth is filtered and infused in a thermos. For exacerbation of pancreatitis, the resulting drug is taken 200 ml 2 times a day. The course of treatment lasts a month.


Let's consider what types medicinal plants most useful for exacerbation of pancreatitis. The following is often used herbal tea: peppermint, St. John's wort and motherwort are taken in equal parts. 2 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into the mixture and leave for 40 minutes. The drug is taken 150 ml 3 times a day. Medicinal infusions drink for 2 weeks, after which the herbs are replaced.

For rapidly developing pancreatitis, elderberry flowers are used. 1 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 3 hours. The decoction is taken 50 ml before meals. Before use herbal decoctions and infusions should be ensured that there are no concomitant diseases. When found diabetes mellitus use herbs that normalize blood glucose levels.

To restore the secretory function of the pancreas during exacerbation of pancreatitis, wormwood is used. 2 tbsp. l. raw materials, pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, drink 0.5 cups before each meal. 20 g dried leaves plantain is brewed with boiling water and kept in a thermos for 2 hours. The drug is filtered and taken throughout the day.

Carrot and potato juice

Small potatoes are removed from the eyes and washed thoroughly. Peel the carrots. The vegetables are grated and the liquid is squeezed out of the resulting mass. A glass of juice is enough to relieve pain and normalize the functioning of the pancreas. Improvement is observed after a week.

Rose hip decoction

This is a drink allowed for use during an exacerbation. In small quantities, it not only does not irritate the pancreas, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire body. During exacerbation of pancreatitis, drink rosehip decoction after eliminating vomiting, that is, 48 ​​hours after the onset of the attack.

Stomach and green tea

These drinks have a positive effect on the entire body. They can be drunk both during exacerbation of pancreatitis and after the symptoms of the disease disappear. Stomach tea relieves inflammation, reduces acidity, restores the flow of bile, eliminates pain syndrome, normalizes secretory function glands. 1 tsp. collection, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and drink 3 times a day.

Today, every fifth person is faced with a disease such as pancreatitis. It manifests itself in the form of inflammation and modification of the pancreas, with painful sensations in it. The development of the disease directly depends on the treatment methods, nutrition and lifestyle of the patient. There are several stages of pancreatitis, each of which involves individual approach in treatment and special recommendations in diet.

Causes of pancreatitis

The main causes of pancreatitis are:

  • frequent use alcoholic drinks any strength;
  • uncontrolled use of the following medications: Aspirin, Metronidazole, Ibuprofen, Tetracycline, Furosemide, powerful hormonal therapy;
  • intoxication due to poisoning chemicals, food, low-quality alcohol;
  • constant overeating, especially with foods that are not considered healthy: fried, spicy, smoked, processed foods, fast food;
  • consumption of foods that have been treated with pesticides consisting of large quantity E additives, the so-called “Eshek”;
  • injury or surgical interventions on the organs of the digestive system;
  • gallbladder diseases, bile duct obstruction;
  • , ulcer duodenum, stomach, sphincter of Oddi insufficiency;
  • hypertensive crisis, cardiac vascular diseases; atherosclerosis;
  • hepatitis A, B, C; smallpox, purulent inflammation, dysentery, intestinal sepsis;
  • allergic reactions more than three times a year;
  • diabetes mellitus (it can also develop, on the contrary, due to the occurrence of pancreatitis);
  • worms;
  • genetic predisposition.

Symptoms of pancreatitis of the pancreas

The main ones are:

  • frequent and prolonged hiccups;
  • nausea turning into vomiting (vomit begins with food impurities, after which bile simply comes out);
  • belching with a long, unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth;
  • , formation of excess gases;
  • , especially in a horizontal position;
  • stays on almost constantly elevated temperature bodies, from 37.2 to 37.5;
  • increased sweating, body stickiness;
  • fluctuations blood pressure, then up, then down;
  • yellowish coating on the tongue, feeling of dry mouth;
  • diarrhea with bloating, which is accompanied by noticeable pain in the intestines, or, on the contrary, constipation;
  • hard muscles in the lower abdomen;
  • shortness of breath;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • pain in the pancreas, mainly after eating;
  • pale skin.

Especially, the above symptoms appear during the period of exacerbation of the disease. You can alleviate and stop attacks by adjusting your diet, following special recommendations and diet.

Types of pancreatitis of the pancreas

According to clinical characteristics, there are three main types of pancreatitis - acute, chronic and reactive. Let's consider the characteristics of each of them.

Acute pancreatitis

Characterized by inflammation of the entire organ or its individual part; in the gland itself, suppuration can develop, tissue can disintegrate, and in the worst case, everything can end in hemorrhage.
Often, this form of the disease occurs in parallel with problems in gallbladder. Acute pancreatitis worsens, when consumed alcohol, fried, fatty foods.

Symptoms manifest themselves in different ways, from mild pain and nausea to intense attacks of pain, painful vomiting, the feeling of nausea does not stop long time, and the urge to vomit occurs even after taking a sip of water. Also, during this period, body temperature rises, sharp fluctuations in pressure occur, which can result in collapse ( hypo-hypertensive crisis). That's why general state the patient is quite severe and dangerous, requiring immediate treatment and a special diet.

Chronic pancreatitis

This type of pancreatitis is called progressive, it occurs with pronounced violations in the work of the digestive and hormonal system. Occurs quite often, between the ages of 30 and 60, and occurs due to the presence acute pancreatitis, hepatitis, viral diseases, or is transmitted hereditarily.

Manifested by pain in the left hypochondrium, starting from dull ache and growing to intense, sharp, aching. The patient experiences relief in a sitting position with a slight movement of the torso forward; in a lying position, the pain worsens.

Also, the symptoms of chronic pancreatitis are loose stool, flatulence, vomiting, decreased appetite, feeling of weakness and depression.

Reactive pancreatitis

This type of pancreatitis manifests itself sharply, in particular after consuming certain irritating foods, after suffering prolonged stress, depression, or as a result of taking certain groups of pharmaceutical drugs.
The most obvious symptom of reactive pancreatitis is the taste of bile in the mouth and dull, dull pain in the hypochondrium, constant vomiting or belching, which can only be stopped with fast-acting drugs, and after relief, the patient should follow preventive measures and carry out light, supportive drug therapy.

Treatment of pancreatitis with folk remedies, the most effective

Treatment methods for chronic pancreatitis

Method No. 1

Pour a tablespoon of red elderberry flowers into a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain, take 50 milliliters three times a day after meals. The course is from two weeks to one month.

Method No2

Mix a tablespoon each of dried cucumber, calendula, yarrow and two tablespoons peppermint, take one heaped dessert spoon from the mixture and pour into half a liter of boiling water, simmer over very low heat for 15 minutes, leave for an hour under a closed lid. Divide the resulting volume into 2 doses, the first of which occurs in the morning, on an empty stomach, 20 minutes before breakfast, the second - before lunch or an afternoon snack. The course is individual, but no more than 2 months.

Method No3

Grind 10 grams of chamomile flowers, 20 grams of hawthorn fruits and immortelle flowers, 30 grams of dill seeds and peppermint leaves until smooth, place in a glass container. 1.5 tablespoons ready mixture pour 600 ml of boiling water, leave in a thermos for several hours, no need to strain the liquid. Drink 200 ml three times a day after meals, the course is individual.

Method No4

Grind with a coffee grinder 50 grams of calamus rhizomes and dandelion roots, 25 grams of hop cones, thyme herb, and nettle roots. Take 5 heaping tablespoons of the mixture and combine with 200 ml of liquid honey, take a teaspoon twice a day, one month without a break.

Method No5

Pure oats - 1 tablespoon, soak in a glass of water, and put in a warm place for a day, then rinse, dry, and grind into flour with a coffee grinder or blender; place the resulting flour in an enamel bowl and mix with 10 ml of cold water.

After this, pour in 200 ml of boiling water, and boil the mixture for a few more minutes over low heat, cover with a lid and leave for 20 minutes, strain, you get a mass with the consistency of jelly. Drink once a day, in the morning.

Important! Fresh jelly should be prepared every day, otherwise the expected result will not be achieved.

Treatment methods for acute pancreatitis

Method No. 1

For two weeks, drink half a glass of freshly squeezed potato juice every day a few hours before lunch or dinner, 5-10 minutes after potato drink, you should drink a glass of kefir, reaction fermented milk product and starch creates a protective coating for the stomach and pancreas, stimulates the production of enzymes. After a 14-day course, you need to take a break for 10 days. For maximum efficiency, 4-5 courses should be repeated with breaks.

Method No. 2

Milk thistle seeds, grind into powder, take 30 minutes before meals, a dessert spoon 2-4 times a day, with a glass of water, for 1.5-2 months. During the year, 3-4 courses should be carried out. This method of treatment will benefit not only the pancreas, but will also improve filtration and protection of the liver, and will also help get rid of a few extra pounds.

Method No. 3

Dissolve 20 drops of 10% calendula tincture (can be purchased at a pharmacy) in 0.5 cups of hot milk, drink at night, every day for a month, after which a 10-day break is required. If the drug is well tolerated, six monthly courses should be taken with breaks.

Method No. 4

One kilogram of lemons should be minced or grated, together with the peel, but peeled, with 350 grams of parsley roots and the same amount of garlic without peel, mix the mixture well, and place in a glass container with a lid.

Infuse for 2 weeks, the first 3 days in a warm place, the next in the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon three times a day before meals with water or tea.

Important! The product is not suitable for people prone to hypertension, or those with stomach ulcers or gastritis.

Treatment methods for reactive pancreatitis

Method No. 1

Grind 2 tablespoons of chicory roots into powder, pour in 250 ml of boiling water and simmer for 5-7 minutes, cover with a lid, leave until cool, drink chilled, half an hour before meals, 60-70 ml. The course is two to three weeks.

Method No. 2

Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of cumin seeds, leave for two hours, strain. Divide the prepared volume into three doses, which should be done before breakfast, lunch and dinner, in about 15 minutes. The course is individual, up to three months.

Method No. 3

Finely chop the burdock root, pour 2 tablespoons of the raw material into 200 ml of boiling water, leave covered for 3-4 hours, then boil and pass through a sieve. Drink 100 ml an hour after meals twice a day.

Method No. 4

100 ml of Brussels sprouts juice should be taken 3 times a day for one month. A fresh portion of the medicinal drink should be prepared daily.

Drug treatment of pancreatitis

With proper integrated approach can alleviate the course of the disease, as well as stop attacks and acute inflammation pancreatitis.

Treatment of pain syndrome

Pancreatitis, especially in the acute phase, is characterized by attacks of pain, which can be of varying intensity, but with any of them, it is necessary to take safe in this case painkillers: No-Shpa, Novocaine, Platyfillin, Papaverine.

Depression of pancreatic functions

During the treatment of pancreatitis, it is important to turn off the functionality of the pancreas in time so that the cells of the gland and its nearby tissues are not damaged. For this purpose, the following drugs are used: Contrikal, Gordox, Aprokal.

You can also suppress the activity of the gland by taking antacid medications - Maalox, Omeprazole, Almagel. Thanks to this, the production and quantity of of hydrochloric acid, and this factor itself reduces the performance of natural gland enzymes.

Replacement therapy

In order to unload the pancreas, the use of enzymes based on lipase, amylase, protease is prescribed: Festal, Pancreatin, Mezim, Creon, Panzinorm, Pangrol.

These are the main groups of drugs used to treat pancreatitis; in some cases, antibiotics of the Ampicillin series are prescribed, as well as physiological or saline solutions for intravenous administration.

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