Inhalation for a runny nose with a nebulizer: how to do it? Recipes for solutions. Which is better: inhalation or vasoconstrictor drops?

A runny nose is the most common symptom colds. In pharmacies today you can see a large number of medications that actively combat this symptom. But there is no need to rush to use them, especially when treatment of a runny nose is carried out in children and pregnant women. The most the best option The use of a nebulizer for inhalation is considered, while solutions for inhalation for a runny nose are very common and available. But you can find out what to inhale with, what medicine, what to breathe in from the article.

What is the device

A nebulizer is a special device that makes it convenient to carry out inhalations. On modern market it arose not so long ago, but has already gained great popularity among doctors and patients. Thanks to him, it is possible to cure a runny nose of any origin. The principle of its operation is that it turns medicinal preparations into an aerosol.

The smallest particles of medicine settle on inflamed area and are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the nasal mucosa. The active components of the drug can affect even the most distant areas: bronchi, nasal passages, paranasal sinuses. You will find recipes for inhalation for a runny nose with a nebulizer for children.

A nebulizer is a small device, which makes it very convenient to use. It can be used to treat rhinitis in adults and children. Everyone who has already used it claims that the healing process occurs very quickly.

For adults

What to put in a nebulizer for treating adults? Inhalations using a nebulizer can be carried out using a variety of solutions. The simplest are saline solution, mineral and sea ​​water. Those drugs that have more complex composition, are prepared on their basis. But they should be used only on the recommendation of the attending physician. So, what can you fill in?


Inhalations using Mirastimin can quickly and effectively eliminate a runny nose, which is characterized by purulent discharge. An adult can use a pharmacy 0.01% solution in finished form. It is sent to the nebulizer in an amount of 4 ml. It is necessary to carry out therapeutic manipulation 3 times a day. Read how to use Miramistin for a runny nose.

The drug is also used to rinse the nose.


A runny nose caused by a virus can be overcome with inhalations of Interferon. It is very simple to obtain a medicinal solution. You need to bring the saline solution to a temperature of 37 degrees, and then send 3 ampoules of Interferon into it. Place the resulting composition in a nebulizer to a volume of 4-5 ml. Inhalations must be carried out 2 times a day.


With calendula

Very often, natural ingredients are used to obtain a medicinal solution. To obtain this composition, you need to purchase calendula tincture, which is available at any pharmacy. Take one part of it and combine it with 40 parts of saline solution. Carry out inhalations 3 times a day.


In the role alkaline solution for inhalation with a nebulizer they can use medicinal mineral water. As a rule, when fighting a runny nose, it is worth using Borjomi water. It has a mild effect and a safe effect on the patient’s health. With this treatment, it is possible to thin sputum and purulent discharge in the throat and nose in a short period of time. Use inhalations based on mineral water 6 times a day.


To prepare the solution, you can use eucalyptus leaves or its oil. It can be used not only in a nebulizer. To do this, simply inhale the vapors over the bowl and cover yourself with a towel. But to get one like this quick effect, as when using a nebulizer you cannot. In addition, this procedure will become much simpler and easier. For getting medicinal composition you need to take finely chopped eucalyptus leaves (2 tablespoons), 1 l clean water. Place the container with the mixture on the stove and bring to a boil. Wait until the solution reaches room temperature and pour it into the nebulizer. Carry out treatment 2 times a day.

Thanks to the eucalyptus solution, it is possible to quickly cope with rhinitis and nasal congestion.

For children

When inhalations are carried out using a cough nebulizer for children, it is worth knowing the basic rules for performing such treatment:

  1. The composition of the solution should be determined only by a doctor.
  2. Use solutions in pure form prohibited; to do this you need to dilute them with saline solution.
  3. To carry out the procedure, you should not use a distilled rein. When using it, coughing attacks and difficulty breathing may occur.

Read how to properly do inhalations for coughs in children.


To obtain the solution, you should use Lazolvan. It must be diluted with saline solution in a 1:1 ratio. Pour the resulting product into the nebulizer, taking into account the child’s age: up to 2 years – 1 ml, 2-6 years – 2 ml, over 6 years – 3 ml. Treatment must be performed 2 times a day. The therapeutic course is 5 days. The instructions for using Lazolvan for inhalation can be found.


Salt formulations will help eliminate accumulated mucus in the nose and purulent discharge. For these purposes, it is necessary to use sodium chloride, the concentration of which is 0.9% or 2%.

Inhalations with Borjomi

If you use mineral water during the procedure, you can thin the mucus and quickly remove it from the nose. Send the warm liquid into the nebulizer in a volume of 4 mo. It is worth doing manipulations 3-4 times a day. Therapy will last 8 days.

With chlorophyllipt and saline solution

Eucalyptus extract is an excellent remedy in the fight against inflammation and pathogenic bacteria. To carry out inhalations, you need to take a 1% solution of the drug, combine 1 part of the drug with 10 parts of saline solution.

3 ml of the prepared composition must be sent to the nebulizer.

With Rotokan

This solution is considered to be the most effective means when fighting a runny nose. It contains ingredients such as yarrow extract, calendula flowers and chamomile. For 2 tablespoons of product there is ½ liter of water. Do this for 5-10 minutes. The course of therapy is 7 days.

Breathe / do / do inhalations with Sinupret

This medicine is in the arsenal of homeopathy, so Sinupret is allowed for children to take. Find out how to use Sinupret correctly for sinusitis. Thanks to this treatment, it is possible to restore immune strength and relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. For patients from 2 to 6 years old, the solution is prepared according to the following scheme: 1 ml of Sinupret + 3 ml of saline solution. For patients 6-16 years old - the ratio is 1:2. Reach positive result succeeds in a few days. The volume of solution placed in the nebulizer is 4 ml. Conduct events 3 times a day.

Treatment with natural oils

Before using oils, you need to make sure that the child does not have an allergic reaction. The volume of solution poured into the device will be 5 ml. The procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes. Apply essential oils necessary with caution. If a child develops an allergy, this can lead to pulmonary edema. Therefore, before using the oil, you should consult your doctor. The success of such treatment is determined by a decrease in inflammation and easier nasal breathing.

Antiseptic agents tva/medicines

To antiseptics with wide range influence can be attributed to Miramistin. It really helps to cope with such a cold symptom as a runny nose. The uniqueness of this drug is that it has a safe effect on the body, which is very important when treating children. Doctors can prescribe inhalations with Miramistin even to the youngest patients. This medicine can be used without a solvent. The duration of the procedure will be 5-10 minutes.

In addition to Miramistin, the following antibiotics and antiseptics can be used:

  • Furacilin;

The cost of the drug ranges from 20 to 50 rubles.

  • Streptomycin;
  • Chlorophyllipt;
  • Gentamicin.


These drugs can be used not only for treatment baby runny nose, but also for the prevention of viral diseases.

The group of immunomodulators includes a drug such as interferon. To make a solution, you need to add it to the medicine bottle warm water so that you end up with 2 liters of liquid. Derinat can also be used for inhalation. You need to familiarize yourself with. There is no need to dilute the medicine with saline solution.

G glucocorticoids

This group of drugs includes Pulmicort. The active component includes budesonide. Inhalations with this drug are used not only to eliminate a runny nose, but also a cough. It is worth mentioning separately that a solution based on this medicine is actively used to eliminate false croup in children under 3 years of age.

To prepare the solution, you need to dilute the drug. The dosage and dilution proportions are determined by the doctor, taking into account the age and course of the disease. Dexamethasone and Cromohexal may also be involved in the fight against runny nose in children.

Vasoconstrictor drugs/solutions that can be used for a runny nose in a nebulizer inhaler

Thanks to vasoconstrictor medications, it is possible not only to remove mucus, but also to eliminate nasal congestion. The following drugs can be used here:

  1. Adrenalin. For one inhalation, children under 2 years old need to use 0.25 ml, for patients over 2 years old - 0.5 ml. There is no need to dilute the medicine.
  2. Naphthyzin. This drug already needs to be diluted. If 0.05% Naphthyzin is used in the process, then the ratio with saline solution will be 1:5, if 0.1%, then 1:10. For inhalation, fill the nebulizer with 3 ml of solution.

To effectively treat rhinitis in a child, it is best to use a compressor nebulizer. Thanks to it, it is possible to produce an aerosol with particles of the required size. Having a mask, send the active components in full.


The video explains how to make an inhalation solution with a nebulizer to treat a runny nose.

Inhalation using a nebulizer is effective method fight against runny nose in both children and adults. Despite such a large selection of solutions, you should not use (add) any one you like to the inhaler. Effective composition is subjected only after examining the patient in the doctor’s office. Otherwise, an incorrectly selected product will lead to the opposite effect. Read how to properly inhale a dry cough with a nebulizer. Find out what to do if you lose your sense of smell with a runny nose. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list.

Nebulizer for runny nose and cough. How to be treated with a nebulizer? Please note that some of the recommendations in this article are outdated. The site has modern recommendations in a relationship .

  • It is necessary to select the correct size of sprayed particles to treat each disease. To treat a runny nose, you need a nebulizer that sprays particles 10 microns in size and larger or a special design. To treat pharyngitis, particles with a size of 5-10 microns are needed, for laryngitis and tracheitis - about 5 microns, for bronchitis and bronchial asthma - 2-5 microns, for the treatment of pneumonia -0.5-2 microns. (See article)
  • Inhalations are recommended to be carried out at least 1 hour before meals or 1 hour after.
  • If pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and below are being treated, it is recommended to breathe through the mouth (if the child can breathe through a mouthpiece, it is better to use it rather than a mask) for better delivery of the medicine to the mouth. Airways. It is recommended to breathe through your nose only to treat a runny nose.
  • You should use only those medications that are permitted by the instructions for your nebulizer model; it is recommended to use a standard pharmacy saline solution as a solvent.
  • Inhalations with heated steam (some nebulizers have this function) cannot be performed in the first 3 days of illness, as well as during elevated temperature body (above 37.2 °C). You need to wait for the temperature to drop (stably stay below 37.2°C for at least 2 days). Otherwise, inhalation may cause a rise in temperature and worsening of the disease. But during the period of resolution of the disease, inhalation with heated steam improves blood circulation in the mucous membrane, better relieves spasm and swelling, and promotes better discharge sputum.
  • Inhalation with steam at room temperature (most nebulizers produce such steam) can be carried out from the first days of illness, but only as prescribed by a doctor, many medications cannot be used in the first days, it can worsen the condition; others, on the contrary, are used only in the first days and then become useless. Self-administration of fine aerosols (with particles less than 5 microns) from the first days of illness is especially dangerous.

Medicines and nebulizers

You need to carefully study the instructions for your nebulizer and find out what medications it allows you to use. Most nebulizers work only with industrially manufactured, standard solutions and do not allow the use of self-prepared herbal decoctions, oil solutions, plant juices, etc. These liquids can be harmful to health if they enter deep into the lungs and can also damage the device.

Treatment of ARVI

To fight viruses


A substance that activates the production of antiviral protein by cells. Effective only for acute viral infections.

  • Interferon is not absorbed from the surface of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and acts only locally (at its location). Consequently, interferon can be used in the form of drops or inhalations only in the first three days of illness or for prophylaxis (in contact with a sick person) while the virus is still on the mucous membrane and has not penetrated the blood.
  • Interferon is destroyed when heated above 37°C, so it can only be used without using the heating function.
  • The entry points for infection are the nasal passages, nasopharynx and oropharynx. Therefore, interferon is most often prescribed in the form of drops or a nasal spray. Its use in the form of inhalation will be even more effective if you use a device that sprays particles with a size of 5 microns or more; nebulizers with a particle size of more than 10 microns are very suitable. Interferon must be breathed through the nose. During inhalation, the drug will be evenly distributed throughout the mucous membrane and the effect will be much greater than when used in drops or sprays. But inhalations with interferon through a nebulizer with a spray particle size of less than 5 microns will be completely useless, because the medicine will settle in the lower respiratory tract, leaving the “gate” for viruses open.
  • It is diluted as standard: 1 ampoule of the drug per 2-3 ml of distilled water - the volume of the drug for 1 inhalation. Inhalations can be carried out 2-4 times a day.

The most popular, harmless and universal solutions for inhalation

Soda solution or sodium bicarbonate

  • It thins mucus, reduces its secretion, promotes the removal of mucus and phlegm, creates an alkaline environment at the site of inflammation and reduces swelling. It is used for diseases of any part of the respiratory tract.
  • From the first days of illness, it is most often prescribed to children prone to laryngitis, laryngotracheitis, often complicated by stenosis. The recommended particle size for such patients is 5-10 microns.
  • 2% applies soda solution 2-3 ml per inhalation.
  • Some inhalers allow the use of alkaline mineral water (from a pharmacy) Esentuki 4; before use, the mineral water is opened and left to allow gas to escape.
  • Alkaline inhalations can be used repeatedly (every 2-3 hours).

Sodium chloride

  • 0.9% (saline solution) is used to moisturize mucous membranes, soften, and relieve irritation.
  • 2 % hypertonic solution— thins mucus, promotes its better separation, relieves swelling.
  • Sodium chloride at room temperature can be used for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract from the first days of illness, but it is necessary to correctly select the size of the sprayed particles.
  • Can be used repeatedly every 2-3 hours.

Inhalation through a nebulizer for a runny nose and cough

For a runny nose (rhinitis and sinusitis), inhalations are carried out with a suspended particle size of 10 microns or more or in special models of nebulizers for the treatment of sinusitis.

  • Vasoconstrictor drugs: naphthyzin, xylometazoline relieve swelling from the mucous membrane of the nose and sinuses, temporarily relieve nasal breathing. Most effective in the first days for nasal congestion. Most often used in the form of drops or spray for a runny nose. In children under 1 year of age, they are not used as inhalations. The concentration of drugs is no more than 0.01% for children from 1 to 2 years old, 0.025% for children up to 7 years old, 0.05% for children up to 12 years old. 4-5 drops of the drug of the required concentration are diluted in 2-3 ml of saline solution. Inhalations can be repeated 2 times a day, the maximum duration of treatment is 5-7 days.
  • Isofra is an antibiotic that is most often used in the form of a spray not from the first days of illness, but in the case of prolonged rhinitis or rhinosinusitis (with the addition of a secondary infection). In inhalation through a nebulizer, the drug will be even more effective if the conditions stated above are observed. Can be used in children from birth. For one inhalation, use 1 spray of spray into a container with 2-3 ml of saline solution. Inhalations are carried out 2-3 times a day, the maximum duration of treatment is 7 days.
  • Polydexa - combines several drugs: a vasoconstrictor, a hormonal drug (dexamethasone) and 2 antibiotics. Allowed for children from 2.5 years old. The dosage and recommendations are the same as for isofra.
  • Bioparox is a local antibiotic. Used in children from 2.5 years old. The dose and recommendations are the same. Maximum course of treatment 7 days
  • Rinofluimucil - combination drug: vasoconstrictor, thins mucus and promotes its discharge and restores the mucous membrane. It is used for prolonged rhinitis and rhinosinusitis (not from the first days of illness). It is widely used in children from 3 years of age, and very rarely before 3 years of age. Most often used in the form of a spray. Dosage and recommendations for inhalations, as for isofra.

Inhalations for cough

Acute laryngotracheitis with laryngeal stenosis and acute attack of bronchial obstruction first aid

  • All drugs can be used from the moment the first symptoms of stenosis or obstruction appear
  • The aerosol particle size should be about 5 microns for laryngitis and 2-5 microns for bronchitis.
  • You can start inhalations with soda or sodium chloride on your own.
  • Other medications can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, because there is a danger of side effects and overdose.


Naphthyzin is used in inhalation through a nebulizer for laryngeal stenosis only in Russia. Such treatment is carried out only in a hospital under the supervision of doctors, because in this case naphthyzine is used in higher dose than for the treatment of a runny nose, so symptoms of overdose very often occur. It is not used for bronchitis and asthma in children.


Berodual is not a hormonal drug. It is most often prescribed to children by pediatricians to relieve lagingospasm and bronchial obstruction at home and in the hospital. But the drug has side effects: rapid heartbeat, tremor (shaking of hands), increased blood pressure etc. Therefore, the dose for each child is selected individually by the doctor (up to 6 years old, no more than 10 drops per dose, no more than 30 drops per day, 6-12 years old, 10-20 drops and 30-60 drops, respectively, treatment begins with small doses , V severe cases the dose may be increased). The required dose of Berodual is diluted in the volume of saline solution required for one inhalation.

Hormonal drugs

  • Pulmicort - hormonal drug used to relieve laryngeal stenosis or an attack of bronchial obstruction. Used in children from 6 months at an initial dose of 0.25-05 mg per day. The required dose of the medicine is diluted in 2-4 ml of saline solution. Inhalations are carried out 2 times a day.
  • Inhalation with hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, prednisolone through a nebulizer is possible, but these drugs penetrate into the bloodstream and have a systemic effect on the body. Previously they were used often, now they are rarely used, because... special hormonal inhalation drugs(for example, pulmicort), which act locally on the respiratory tract and do not have systemic action on the body.

We will not consider drugs prescribed for the treatment of bronchial asthma and cystic fibrosis in this article.


  • Lazolvan (ambroxol) is prescribed to children in the presence of viscous, difficult to separate sputum due to pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tracheitis and laryngotracheitis in the presence of an unproductive cough with difficult to separate sputum. There are special solutions of lazolvan and ambroxol for oral administration and inhalation. Allowed for children from birth. Dosage for children under 2 years old: 1 ml + volume of saline solution - 2 times a day, required for one inhalation; from 2 to 6 years old: 1 ml - 3 times a day; over 6 years: 2 ml 2-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-10 days.
  • ACC, acetylcysteine, fluimucil - agents for thinning sputum and facilitating its secretion - all of these drugs active substance acetylcysteine. It is used in children from 2 years of age in the same cases as ambroxol. It is not recommended to use simultaneously with certain antibiotics (ampicillins, tetracyclines, amphotericin), because these drugs reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics. A 10% solution for inhalation is prescribed, 2-3 ml per 1 inhalation, 2 times a day, the course of treatment is 5-10 days.

For dry cough

  • In the first hours and days, soda solution and sodium chloride solution help well; frequent repeated use of inhalations every 2-3 hours during the day is recommended.
  • Berodual and Pulmicort can be used if there are signs of bronchial obstruction.
  • For dry, persistent cough, including whooping cough, in children over 2 years of age, a 2% lidocaine solution is used. Up to 6 years, 0.5 ml per 2-3 ml of saline solution per 1 inhalation, 6-12 years, 1 ml + 2 ml of saline solution, over 12 years, 2 ml of lidocaine per inhalation. Inhalations are carried out 1-2 times a day - to relieve an attack of dry cough. Use only as directed and under the supervision of a doctor (in a hospital).


Bioparox - anibiotic local action, is not absorbed from mucous membranes. Can be used only as prescribed by a doctor in children over 2.5 years old and with pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, in case of secondary infection. The size of suspended particles is 5 microns and larger. Solution for inhalation: 1 injection of bioparox aerosol into a container with the volume of saline solution for 1 inhalation. 2-4 inhalations per day for 5-7 days.

Fluimucil-antibiotic is a combination of an antibiotic and acetylcysteine ​​- a combination drug. Used in children from 2 years of age. 125 mg of the drug is dissolved in 2-3 ml of saline solution. Inhalations are carried out 1-2 times a day for 5-7 days.

At correct use nebulizer - the result from its use is very good, often much more noticeable than from conventional ones steam inhalations, as well as from tablets and mixtures taken orally. Therefore, it is useful to have a nebulizer in every home where there is a child.

The sources of information are the same as in the previous article.

Inhalations using a nebulizer are today one of the most effective auxiliary methods in the treatment of a runny nose. Depending on the nature of the disease and the prescribed medications, the procedures help to quickly relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, eliminate inflammation and cleanse the nasal cavity of excess secretions.

Inhalations are effective long-term action, since they deliver the drug directly to the infected area.

Indications and contraindications

The main advantages of use are that particles of medicinal solutions can be inhaled by small children and patients with contraindications to the use of steam inhalation ( bronchial asthma, hypertension). Procedures for the treatment of a runny nose can be carried out at the first symptoms of a cold or viral diseases and continue until full recovery. The use of some medications allows you to breathe through a nebulizer when the disease is accompanied by fever.

The device is contraindicated for use when neoplasms in the nasal cavity are diagnosed or the patient has a tendency to nosebleeds. It is recommended that small children undergo inhalations only in consultation with the pediatrician, and some types of nebulizers are designed so that the procedure can be performed while the baby is sleeping.

Types of nebulizers

As a rule, you can breathe through a nebulizer only using specially produced medicines. Solutions prepared at home and herbal infusions are placed in the inhaler extremely rarely, as they create a risk of blocking the small holes of the membrane. The same applies to the use of essential oils during inhalation.

When using a nebulizer to treat rhinitis and the nasal mucosa, the possibility of getting burned by hot fumes is eliminated. Medicinal solutions are delivered with particular precision to the respiratory tract by breaking down the product into tiny particles. This happens under the influence of ultrasound or air pressure.

When choosing a device for treating a runny nose, be sure to provide a function for changing the particle size. The best solution will become a nebulizer that produces particles larger than 10 microns. In the chamber of the device from drugs and saline solution an aerosol will be created. Smaller particles will penetrate the respiratory tract without lingering in the nasopharynx.

Special models of nebulizers have been developed for treatment acute forms sinusitis, use in solutions vasoconstrictors. A variety of attachments included in the package allows you to treat a runny nose of various nature and nature.

Preparations and solutions

All drugs for the treatment of rhinitis are prescribed only by a specialist after an examination and established diagnosis. Effective medications for relieving inflammatory and infectious processes nasopharynx are:


Recommended for inhalation when chronic congestion nose and activation of normal breathing. The drug belongs to the category of vasoconstrictors and is available in various concentrations. Contraindicated for use in pregnant women and children under 2 years of age. You can breathe xylometazoline solution through a nebulizer only as prescribed by a doctor.


Medicine for the treatment of the nasal mucosa on the background bacterial infection. Advantages of use - can be used for inhalation through a nebulizer for a newborn child. For inhalation with a runny nose, prepare a solution: 3 ml of saline solution and one dose of isofra. To achieve maximum effect, the procedure is carried out 2 times a day.


Local action medication. Used to treat rhinitis of a bacteriological nature. You can breathe through a nebulizer for adults and children over 3 years old. For a bacterial infection of the nose, the procedure is performed 2 times a day. For 1 dose of bioparox, 3 ml of saline solution is required.


Used for runny nose with thick and astringent discharge. Using a nebulizer, you can cure even the most inveterate and persistent forms of runny nose. Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age. The concentration of the solution is prescribed by a specialist in each case individually. Polydexa. based on two antibiotics.

Use should only be after consultation with a doctor, since this drug belongs to the hormonal group. 1 dose of spray is dissolved in 3 ml of saline solution. You can breathe through a nebulizer for children over 2.5 years old and adults who do not have chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system.

We use the device for a runny nose

Considering that two types of nebulizers are currently used - compressor and ultrasonic, be sure to read the instructions before using the device.

When treating a runny nose, it is more practical to use a compressor nebulizer. The procedure can be used for bedridden patients and newborns. When a child has a runny nose, they put on a special mask, and the medicine is delivered directly to its destination - to the infected areas of the nose.

Basic rules for using the device to treat a runny nose:

  1. Medicines are placed in a special chamber of the device;
  2. Inhalation for a runny nose is carried out 1-1.5 hours after eating;
  3. The average duration of the procedure for colds and inflammation of the nasopharynx is 8-10 minutes;
  4. The number of sessions and medications used are prescribed by the doctor. For acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, relief occurs after 6-8 procedures. If the condition does not improve, the specialist reviews the methods and forms of treatment.

Another important indicator for treating a runny nose using a nebulizer is the temperature of the solution. It should not be lower than 20-22°C. By using a nebulizer you can achieve significant results in a short period of time. All medicinal aerosols, reaching the most remote areas of the nasopharynx, have a mild but long-lasting effect.

Is it possible to do inhalation through a nebulizer for sinusitis, and what inhalers and medications are best to use? In order not to make a mistake when choosing an inhaler and drugs for the treatment of sinusitis, we suggest that you read the article.

Inhalation medications for sinusitis

Treatment of the nasal cavity with solutions of antiseptics and antibiotics using inhalation with a nebulizer for sinusitis is carried out after instillation into the nose vasoconstrictor drops, cleaning the nasal cavity from accumulated mucus.

Vasoconstrictor drops - naphthyzin, xymelin, can be directly inhaled through a nebulizer, if you use a nozzle that sprays a stream of medicine into particles that settle precisely in the nasopharynx, without penetrating into lower sections lungs.

You cannot use any nebulizer for inhalation for sinusitis; the diameter of the sprayed particles should be in the range of 10 - 15 microns.

What medications can be inhaled for sinusitis through a nebulizer after first clearing the nasal cavity of mucus:

  • antibiotics – Fluimucil antibiotic, tobramycin;
  • antiseptics – , furatsilin;
  • immunostimulants - Interferon, Leukinferon;
  • decongestants, antihistamines– Cromohexal, Dexamethasone;
  • moisturizers - saline solution, Narzan, Essentuki;
  • herbal remedies with an anti-inflammatory effect - Malavit, tincture of calendula, propolis.

How to perform inhalations

The antibiotic torbamycin exhibits activity against opportunistic Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This microorganism is activated when the immune system is weakened. Pseudomonas aeruginosa - common reason sinusitis, pharyngitis.

Tobramycin is used for respiratory tract infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in children over 6 years of age. The drug is sold in nebulas of 150 mg of antibiotic/2 ml; one procedure requires 2 nebulas (300 mg).


  • Miramistin - from 12 years of age, dilute the solution 1:2 with saline, inhale 3 times a day. Adults use the medicine without dilution.
  • Furacilin is a ready-made pharmaceutical solution without dilution, 2 times a day, 4 ml.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Hormonal drugs for sinusitis are used by inhalation with extreme caution, only as prescribed by a doctor in short courses.

  • Cromohexal - one nebula with a volume of 2 ml is enough for the procedure, the procedure is done 4 times a day, the dosage can be increased to 4 ml.
  • Dexamethasone - dilute 0.5 ml of the drug with 3 ml of saline, the procedure is carried out 4 times a day, the course lasts no more than 7 days.
  • Leukinferon – 1 ml diluted with 5 ml of distilled water;
  • Interferon - ampoule is dissolved with 2 ml of distilled water, 1 ml of saline is poured in, inhaled 2 times a day.
  • Derinat – dilute Derinat solution 1:1 with saline, inhale 2 times a day.

What medications should not be inhaled for sinusitis?

Cannot be used for sinusitis for inhalation at home. Drugs in this group increase the secretion of mucus, which leads to the penetration of swollen mucus into the bronchi and can provoke bronchitis.

You should not inhale antibiotics of your choice or replace oral antibiotics with inhalation.

At internal introduction, acting through the blood, the antibiotic destroys the causative agent of infection in the systemic bloodstream, preventing the infection from penetrating into the kidneys and heart.

It is dangerous to carry out inhalations with a nebulizer for children with sinusitis with herbal decoctions prepared according to folk recipes. The course of sinusitis may be complicated by infectious and allergic processes, and folk remedies can provoke an allergic reaction with swelling, hives and suffocation.

Inhalations have long been one of the popular means of treating the respiratory system. But when nebulizers replaced pots of hot potatoes and basins of boiling water, healing effect procedures have increased manifold. The device ensures the safety of inhalation; it does not produce scalding steam, and along with it, discomfort. In addition, in the nebulizer molecules medicinal solution are broken into small particles, which then easily penetrate into all parts of the respiratory tract. modern medicines, specially designed for inhalation.

What you need to know about nasal inhalations

Nebulizer - device medical purposes, designed to enhance the effectiveness of inhalations. Its advantage lies primarily in safety, which is especially important when treating young patients. In addition to the fact that it is impossible for them to get burned, the nebulizer ensures full penetration of medicinal vapors into the affected organs.

In addition to treating a sore throat, a nebulizer can also be used to treat a runny nose. In order for the particles to be guaranteed to penetrate to the sore spot, the device must be able to reduce the size of the drug particles to 10 microns. Otherwise, if they are smaller than this size, they will not stay in the nasal cavity, but along with the flow they will pass further into the respiratory tract.

Nasal inhalations help eliminate swelling in the passages, which means relieving congestion. In addition to the subsidence of the inflammatory process, the amount of discharge decreases, the condition of the mucous membrane improves - it becomes more elastic, minor injuries are healed.

To provide inhalation therapeutic effect, it is necessary to comply with a number of conditions for their implementation:

  • The nebulizer can be used by patients who are contraindicated steam treatments, as well as adults and children.
  • You should refrain from inhalation if you have nosebleeds or if there are any tumors.
  • Only medications should be used for procedures. Home remedies - decoctions, infusions, etc. will not give the desired effect, and they will ruin the device.
  • Procedures should be carried out after eating - after 60-90 minutes.
  • The duration of the procedure should be determined by the doctor, on average - about 10 minutes.
  • Usually improvement occurs after 6-8 sessions. If your health does not improve, you should inform your doctor about this so that he can adjust further treatment.
  • The temperature of the solution should not be colder than 20-22 °C.

Polydexa for inhalation

belongs to the group of combined drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect of a new generation. Also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Part active ingredients includes two antibiotics - neomycin and polymyxin B sulfates, a synthetic glucocorticosteroid dexamethasone and phenylephrine.

Antibiotics suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, the hormonal substance dexamethasone relieves inflammation and promotes vasoconstriction, finlephrine also helps normalize blood vessels and reduce swelling. Polydexa is used in the treatment of acute and chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis. Available in the form of a nasal spray and ear drops.

In addition to hypersensitivity, contraindications are:

  • Angle-closure glaucoma
  • Therapy with MAO inhibitors
  • Renal damage with concomitant albuminuria
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Chronic cardiovascular diseases
  • Children's age is less than 2.5 years.

It is permissible to use the medicine under medical supervision when increased activity thyroid gland(hyperthyroidism), arterial hypertension, IBS.

The drug is intended for administration into the nose and instillation into the ears. Polydexa is also used for inhalation procedures, but only in spray form. The drug should not be used to rinse the nasal cavity.

Inhalations are carried out only if prescribed by a doctor. He determines the duration of the course and the frequency of sessions, based on the individual testimony of the patient.

Inhalations can be done for adults and children from 2-2.5 years after prolonged runny nose And severe congestion nose, secondary infection.

The solution for the nebulizer is prepared as follows: inject the spray (one dose - one injection) into 3 ml of saline solution.

  • For children 2.5-3 years old, inhalations are carried out twice a day
  • Adults and children over 3 years old – 3 times a day.

Since the drug is combined agent, it has many features when interacting with other drugs, contraindications and side effects. Therefore, you cannot use it at your own discretion - only on the recommendation of a doctor. For the same reason, Polydexa is a prescription drug.

Isofra for inhalation

The drug is used in antibacterial therapy to treat inflammation in the nose and paranasal sinuses. The action is carried out due to the antibiotic framycetin, which suppresses gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Isofra is used as additional remedy in the treatment of rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, eustachitis. It can be used for the treatment of sinusitis, provided there is no damage to the nasal septum, as well as for the prevention and suppression of inflammatory processes after surgical operations.

The drug is produced in the form of a spray. It can be used to treat patients from 2.5 years of age. Isofra should not be used for rinsing.

Features of use for inhalation

In addition to irrigating the nasal passages, Isofra is also used for inhalation. Procedures are carried out with the approval or prescription of a doctor.

The nebulizer solution is prepared similarly to Polydex: one injection per 3 ml of saline solution. The frequency of procedures and duration of the course are also determined by the doctor.

But usually inhalations are carried out twice a day for children aged 2.5-3 years, and three times a day for adults and older children.

Contraindications are the body's sensitivity to the active and additional substances. Due to the fact that the antibiotic has some toxicity, it is not prescribed during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or infants, even if administered intranasally.

Under medical supervision, it can be used for myasthenia gravis, parkinsonism, and hearing aid disorders.

Side effects occur infrequently and manifest themselves in the form of individual allergic symptoms.

from a runny nose

Vibrocil is a development of Swiss pharmacists. Recommended for local use in the treatment of diseases and some complications of the upper respiratory tract.

The drug has antiallergic and vasoconstrictor action. Therapeutic effect provided active substances– phenylephrine and dimethindene. The first component affects adrenergic receptors in blood vessels, causing their reduction, the second blocks the production of histamine, thereby reducing the intensity of allergic reactions.

The drug is intended for adults and children, available in the form of drops, ointments and sprays. It cannot be used when atrophic rhinitis, MAOI therapy, individual intolerance. The spray can be used to treat the nose of patients over 6 years old, with drops - starting from one year old. For infants The possibility of using the medicine is determined by the doctor. He decides whether or not to do inhalations with Vibrocil.

Precautions for inhalation

Although inhalations are considered very effective way therapy, they also have opponents. Those who call for abstaining from them indicate potential harm from the procedure.

They consider the main risk to be the possibility of penetration of substances into the respiratory tract and respiratory organs. Medicines that are useful for the mucous tissues of the nose can harm the respiratory organs, causing inflammatory processes. This is due to the fact that small particles do not linger in the nasal cavity, but pass deeper bronchial tree, and the smaller their size, the deeper their penetration.

Inhalations with saline or mineral water, since even after getting into the lungs and bronchi they do not cause complications.

And such useful remedies, like essential oils, can provoke not only inflammation, but also allergic reactions. Penetration of oil particles into the alveoli often causes lipoid pneumonia.

Medicines are also at risk herbal infusions or decoctions for the reason that it is almost impossible to completely clear them of suspensions. During normal inhalation, particles settle on the mucous membrane and are later removed by cleansing, blowing the nose, or sneezing. And with the help of a nebulizer, they pass deep inside and can settle in the alveoli, mix with surfactant and cause inflammation.

To prevent complications, you should use only pharmaceutical products specifically designed for inhalation procedures.

Nasal inhalations – effective remedy treatment of runny nose in children and adults. But despite the simplicity of the procedure, you cannot prescribe it yourself, much less select medications and experiment with the preparation of solutions. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you can get complications, or even cause breathing problems. Inhalations with a nebulizer should only be done if prescribed by a doctor, strictly observing the dosage and duration of the course of the medication that the doctor deems necessary.

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