How to treat and what to take for indigestion. Causes, symptoms and treatment of gastric dyspepsia in children and adults with medications and folk remedies

Indigestion is a broad concept that includes many other diseases. Often, with this disease, they resort to tablets or capsules, which are prescribed by the attending physician. If you have problems with digestion, you don’t need to worry too much about it. For most people this problem may be functional character. This suggests that everything internal organs completely fine, and disturbances can be caused by stress, a lot of fatty foods eaten, poor nutrition or overeating. This concept is called indigestion, the treatment of which can have different directions and act precisely on the underlying cause.

Selection of medicine

Of course, only the attending physician should prescribe medicine, after a complete examination of the patient has been performed. Depending on the occurrence and severity of the disease, the specialist will prescribe the drug. In this case, the intended product must have the following actions:

  • relieve unpleasant symptoms;
  • be able to absorb substances in the surface layer;
  • influence intestinal activity;
  • have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora.


These drugs do not have the ability to be absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract; they bind toxins, as well as bacteria in the intestines. After this, a protective layer appears in the intestinal mucosa, which helps prevent it from damage. This group of drugs is prescribed for diarrhea, as well as various food poisoning or intestinal infections:

Preparations for restoring microflora

After treatment with antibiotics, the microflora in the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. To restore it, you should take a probiotic medicine that can normalize the balance of microorganisms.

It can be concluded that for stomach disorders, medications are recommended depending on required action. For this reason, it is better to consult a doctor for a prescription.

Treatment of dyspepsia

Functional dyspepsia is chronic gastritis. It does not threaten human life, but it does cause discomfort in the stomach. But it should not be confused with indigestion. This disease makes me feel constant hunger or vice versa, you eat a little, but it feels like your stomach is full.

  • Maalox;
  • Rabeprozole;
  • Lansoprazole;
  • Almagel.

Activated carbon for treatment

These tablets are a powerful adsorbent that can cleanse the body of toxins. Exactly this effective remedy, which reduces the absorption of toxic substances in case of stomach upset. It has been used since ancient times for diarrhea, as it can be caused by food poisoning, chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract and allergies to certain foods.

Use an enterosorbent to achieve better effect, should be used as an aqueous suspension. For food poisoning, take 30 g at a time, the same amount is used for gastric lavage. As a suspension, take 2 tbsp of coal. l. for 150 ml of water (warmed). Anti-diarrhea medications taken together with an adsorbent may reduce their effectiveness. For this reason, it is better to take it an hour before the medication or after taking it.

Folk remedies

An upset stomach can occur completely due to various reasons and it is very important to know it before starting treatment. After all, such symptoms can occur with a stomach ulcer or gastritis, overeating a product such as plum or poor quality food. Sometimes frustration happens because of change drinking water, climate and other factors. There are effective folk remedies that are harmless to the body and are used for indigestion:


During treatment, it is important to monitor your diet. Fasting or eating crackers and green tea are helpful. A little later, you can include boiled vegetables and cereals in your diet. Salads and sausage should be consumed after complete recovery.

In the first hours of treatment, the basis of nutrition will be drinking rather than food. Good to drink Herb tea, including raspberry leaves, Apple juice. After all, diarrhea causes dehydration in the body, so you should replenish salts and minerals that are washed out during illness. It is recommended to drink 400 ml of liquid every half hour. You can prepare the following remedy to restore balance:

  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • ¼ spoon of soda;
  • ¼ spoon of salt.

Mix everything and drink at least 1.5 liters per day. The only goal for diarrhea is to calm the intestines and the function of liquid absorption in the colon. Useful product also a banana. It can be taken for any problems in the gastrointestinal tract. This product is rich in potassium, which is washed out of the body during diarrhea. You need to eat 1 - 2 bananas every 3 hours. It is strictly forbidden to eat fatty foods, sweets, semi-finished products. It is not advisable to drink coffee, milk and drinks containing sorbitol.

In order for the gastrointestinal tract to function normally, it is necessary to observe correct mode food, cannot be conveyed fatty foods, chew food thoroughly. It is better to eat not in large portions, but more often. Another important point– is to avoid stressful situations and nervous shocks.

Features of the diet for diarrhea

Diarrhea can occur for a number of reasons: intestinal infections, food poisoning, drug abuse and nervous soil. The so-called traveler's diarrhea stands apart - it occurs when climatic conditions change, or when unusual foods and water are consumed. The menu for diarrhea must be drawn up carefully, because the body quickly loses moisture, salts and useful material, which is fraught with dysfunction internal systems. Is it possible to speed up recovery? Of course, but within reasonable limits.

The diet for diarrhea in adults, according to Pevzner’s classification, belongs to treatment table No. 4. This table is recommended for many gastrointestinal diseases. For diarrhea in adults, the menu is aimed at recovery water-salt balance and reduction of irritation of mucous membranes. Diet for indigestion is based on following principles:

  • Eat 4-5 times a day in small portions. For vomiting and diarrhea, doctors often prescribe in the first days parenteral nutrition and medication drips to replenish fluid balance.
  • You can stop diarrhea in 3-5 days, but then for several more weeks it is advisable to stick to a gentle diet and not overload the gastrointestinal tract. Traveler's diarrhea may stop as soon as the body adapts to the new environment.
  • The disorder often accompanies irritable bowel syndrome. After diarrhea ends, it is advisable to additionally take prebiotics to quickly restore the microflora.
  • The main requirement of the diet for IBS with diarrhea is to reduce calories. You need to consume 2000-2100 kcal per day (instead of 2800-3200).
  • When treating diarrhea, you need to balance the amount of nutrients: consume 90 g of protein, 70 fat (preferably of animal origin) and 240 carbohydrates per day.
  • The diet for vomiting and diarrhea includes drinking plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
  • Try to eat small portions, the serving size is up to 200 grams. This way you will reduce the load on the inflamed gastrointestinal tract.
  • The menu for diarrhea includes mainly boiled or steamed foods. Before use, it is advisable to grind them in a blender.
  • Follow temperature conditions: food should not be cold. The ideal temperature is 35-50 degrees Celsius.
  • Intestinal sorbents help stop diarrhea; they should be taken an hour before meals.
  • During a diet for IBS with diarrhea, you should not take medications that inhibit peristalsis - they slow down the elimination of toxins.

Important! Remember that diarrhea is not a cause, but only a symptom, a protective reaction of the body. It is important to start timely and correct treatment

Permitted and prohibited products

The diet for acute diarrhea on the first day may include fasting, because the gastrointestinal tract is already overloaded. In other cases, there is no need to starve, just review your diet.

  • Low-fat varieties meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal) are accepted gastrointestinal tract favorably. It is better to cook soufflé, cutlets, meatballs.
  • Low-fat fish varieties (hake, pollock, pangasius, carp, etc.).
  • Cereals - they have strengthening properties (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal). Once a week you can have small vermicelli.
  • The diet for diarrhea in adults can include white stale bread and unhealthy crackers. Allowed to use diet cookies.
  • Lenten cereals and vegetable soups.
  • Vegetables (potatoes, carrots, broccoli, zucchini, squash). It is better to boil or stew them without peeling.
  • Fruits are not fixative, so refrain from eating them raw. You can eat baked apples or banana.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese, a little milk and butter.
  • Mineral water and weak tea.

Even if you are sure you have traveler's diarrhea, eliminate the following foods from your diet:

  • Fatty varieties meat and fish.
  • Rich broths.
  • Canned and pickled vegetables, sauerkraut, cucumbers and tomatoes.
  • Gray and black bread.
  • Sweets, baked goods.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Dairy products, spicy cheese.
  • Spices and hot spices - they irritate the gastric mucosa and contribute to the exacerbation of diarrhea.
  • Canned food, smoked meats, sausages.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Legumes.
  • Carbonated drinks, cocoa, alcohol, coffee, concentrated and packaged juices.

Indicative menu

The diarrhea menu for 5 days is presented in the table.

Day of the week Approximate diet
First Breakfast: jelly, rice porrige(100 g).
Second breakfast: weak tea, crackers (30 g).
Lunch: vegetable soup (150 g), steam cutlet (80 g).
Afternoon snack: baked apple (80 g).
Dinner: buckwheat(100 g), boiled fish (80 g)
Second Breakfast: oatmeal on water (120 g).
Second breakfast: unsweetened juice, crackers (30 g).
Lunch: vermicelli soup (150 g), steamed fish (80 g).
Afternoon snack: banana.
Dinner: chicken cutlet(80 g), carrot puree(80 g)
Third Breakfast: rice porridge (120 g).
Second breakfast: jelly, a piece of dried bread.
Lunch: rice soup (150 g), boiled chicken (80 g).
Afternoon snack: baked pear.
Dinner: mashed potatoes(100 g), boiled veal (100 g)
Fourth Breakfast: steam omelette of 2 eggs.
Second breakfast: banana.
Dinner: chicken bouillon with crackers (200 g).
Afternoon snack: apple soufflé (120 g).
Dinner: buckwheat porridge (100 g), chicken tenders (100 g)
Fifth Breakfast: oatmeal porridge (100 g), cottage cheese (40 g).
Second breakfast: baked apple (100 g).
Lunch: vegetable puree soup (200 g), boiled chicken (100 g).
Afternoon snack: yogurt, crackers (30 g).
Dinner: steamed vegetable stew (100 g), chicken cutlet (80 g)

Any stomach upset, even traveler's diarrhea, can be dangerous to your health. Contact your doctor if:

  • It is not possible to secure the stool for more than 3 days and self-treatment not effective.
  • If elderly or frail people are susceptible to diarrhea, the consequences of dehydration can be dangerous for them.
  • If you are unable to feed the patient and an upset stomach is accompanied by profuse vomiting.
  • With rising temperature and general poor condition.
  • When blood or mucus appears in the stool.
  • At acute pain in the abdomen - they may indicate a disease (for example, appendicitis or gastritis).
  • When serious signs dehydration (wrinkled skin, cramps, smell of acetone from the mouth, etc.).

Stopping treatment prescribed by your doctor on your own until all symptoms disappear is dangerous to your health. After recovery, it is recommended to follow a gentle diet for 2-3 weeks. At prolonged diarrhea It is worth taking not only medications, but also congee, infusions of rose hips, pomegranate peels, hawthorn, wormwood.


Health 04/13/2018

Discomfort in the epigastric region is commonly called indigestion. Popularly, this condition is often mistaken for flatulence and diarrhea, because it can have various clinical manifestations, but is most often associated with bowel dysfunction (diarrhea) and a feeling of excess gas. Today, doctor Evgenia Nabrodova will tell us what to do if you have an upset stomach.

Discomfort in the stomach and abdomen occurs periodically in 40% of people, and the problem is really relevant for most of us. Experts also use other terms (dyspepsia, functional indigestion).

But we rarely think that an upset stomach can be a consequence poor nutrition and development serious illnesses digestive tract. Therefore, if you experience frequent discomfort and indigestion, it is better to consult a gastroenterologist or therapist. The doctor will tell you what to do if you have an upset stomach, and most importantly, examine all organs of the gastrointestinal tract so as not to miss the presence of concomitant diseases.

May cause stomach upset various factors, including exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases (dysbacteriosis, gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis). Most often, a violation is associated with non-compliance with the principles healthy eating. Stomach upset can be due to organic and functional reasons.

Main reasons

The main predisposing factors are as follows:

  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • increased secretion of hydrochloric acid;
  • Helicobacter pylori infection of the stomach;
  • high content in the diet simple carbohydrates and fats;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements;
  • prolonged fasting, adherence to strict diets;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • frequent change of climatic zones, acclimatization;
  • hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy, menopause and the course of certain diseases;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • long-term use of corticosteroids and antibiotics;
  • the habit of eating dry food, rushing while eating.

Under the influence of provoking factors, the activity of visceral receptors increases, gastric motility is disrupted and small intestine. At the same time, the production of digestive juices, which are involved in the breakdown of food and absorption, slows down. important substances. Such changes lead to the susceptibility of the gastric mucosa to stretching, and the process of moving the food bolus slows down.

What diseases cause indigestion?

Minor symptoms of stomach upset may be difficult to mistake for major changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Many people periodically experience abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation, but associate discomfort with overeating, stress, and cannot even imagine that their health is actually threatened by certain pathologies.

Indigestion, especially chronic, in most cases is associated with some kind of internal violations. Be sure to check the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, carry out a number of diagnostic and laboratory research. If the doctor identifies diseases, begin their treatment.

Organic causes of indigestion can be caused by the following diseases:

  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • food allergies;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • toxic infections;
  • diabetes mellitus and other endocrine pathologies.

A doctor can determine the exact cause of the organic nature of indigestion based on complaints and diagnostic results. As a rule, the detected diseases are closely related or even provoked by errors in nutrition.

Characteristic symptoms

The symptoms of indigestion are familiar to many. Most often they occur after eating:

  • mild nausea;
  • vomit;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • feeling of heaviness after eating;
  • heartburn.

The symptoms listed are common for indigestion. They can be supplemented by others clinical manifestations: weakness, muscle pain, sleep disturbances, anxiety. With the functional nature of indigestion, changes in psycho-emotional state sick. But main symptom- This is pain in the stomach or around the navel. It is transient in nature, combined with heaviness after eating and heartburn.

Diagnostic methods

A gastroenterologist prescribes an examination for indigestion. You can also see a therapist. The doctor performs visual inspection, studies the patient’s complaints and prescribes comprehensive examination. Only on the basis of diagnostic data can a correct diagnosis be made and the necessary assistance provided.

For symptoms of stomach upset, the following laboratory and diagnostic tests are prescribed:

  • complete blood count, blood biochemistry;
  • stool analysis for dysbacteriosis, occult blood;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy with the ability to perform a biopsy;
  • Helicobacter test.

The procedures listed above can be supplemented by MRI of the gastrointestinal tract, colonoscopy and other methods, which can be used to further check the intestines and identify concomitant diseases.

Digestive and eating disorders are common in childhood. Early diagnosis difficult due to the fact that children cannot clearly explain what is bothering them, and many endoscopic methods research is quite traumatic.

Stomach upset in a child can be functional or organic. The first type of violation occurs in 80% of cases. main reason digestive function disorders - disturbance of neurohumoral regulation upper sections Gastrointestinal tract.

Classic dyspepsia is associated with malnutrition, when the child is overfed or fed monotonous foods. Also predisposing factors are rapid transfer to artificial feeding And early introduction complementary foods

At an older age, stomach upset occurs in children who abuse fast food, carbonated water, and do not follow the principles of a healthy diet, consuming a lot of simple carbohydrates and fatty foods.

The risk group includes children born prematurely who have diseases nervous system suffer from hypovitaminosis, rickets, anemia, helminthic infestations, skin diseases and allergic reactions.

How does dyspepsia manifest in children?

Dyspeptic digestive disorders are more common in children of the first years of life. It is preceded by profuse regurgitation, loose stool. After a few days, severe diarrhea and abdominal pain may occur. The child begins to tighten his legs, behaves restlessly, and cries a lot.

At the same time, appetite decreases up to complete failure from food. Chronic disorder stomach is dangerous due to weight loss and lag in physical development. As a rule, after 2-3 days the child’s condition returns to normal.

Even with mild symptoms of stomach upset, a child should be seen by a pediatrician. Weak children are at risk for developing severe complications. Chronic dyspepsia can lead to causeless fever, weakened immunity, dysbacteriosis, the appearance of thrush, and diaper rash.

Situations when an upset stomach is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea are especially dangerous. Against the background of dehydration, the child’s weight sharply decreases, convulsions may occur, even leading to the development of coma.

Treatment of indigestion with medications

Treatment tactics depend on the diagnosis. At mild form stomach upsets can be treated by adjusting your diet. Additionally, tablets for indigestion (enzymes) that improve digestion must be prescribed. But the main emphasis is on dieting.

Tablets for indigestion

A gastroenterologist should select pills for stomach and intestinal disorders. The main goals of treatment are to prevent relapses in the future and relieve the person of discomfort.

Basic medicines for indigestion:

  • antacid and antisecretory agents (aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, inhibitors proton pump, H2 receptor blockers);
  • prokinetics (metoclopramide);
  • antibacterial drugs active against H. pylori;
  • enzymes (pancreatin);
  • antispasmodics (no-spa);
  • gastroprotectors (bismuth preparations);
  • bifidobacteria, lactobacilli (for dysbacteriosis, spastic pain);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs for the stomach (omez);
  • sorbents ( Activated carbon, enterosgel);
  • antidiarrheal fixatives (imodium).

Medicines for stomach upset are used in long courses - 2-3 weeks. After reducing pain and normalizing stool, you can expand your diet. Food restrictions should be moderate. The main thing is not to eat foods that irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa.

I suggest watching the video. The doctor talks in detail about the treatment of stomach and intestinal disorders.

Therapeutic nutrition for indigestion

As I have already emphasized, our main emphasis is on nutrition. Not all people know how to eat properly if they have such problems, what they can eat if they have an upset stomach, and what foods are especially healthy.

What can you eat if you have an upset stomach?

Recommended throughout acute period When pain in the stomach and abdomen persists, eat easily digestible food. Suitable slimy porridges with water, especially oatmeal, low-fat soups with vegetable or diluted meat broth, pureed vegetable and fruit purees. Try to drink more fluids, homemade dried fruit compotes, jelly, decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs (chamomile, linden, calendula).

The patient's diet should contain animal protein. Cook steamed meatballs well, meat soufflé. Take only dietary, lean meat.

If you are preparing soup, it is good to add a little rice or semolina to it, and make homemade croutons from slightly dried bread.
Allowed 1-2 eggs per day in the form of a steamed omelet.

What not to eat if you have an upset stomach

The following foods and drinks are prohibited:

  • alcohol in any form;
  • smoked meats;
  • marinades;
  • spicy dishes;
  • meat with skin, fatty foods;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • milk;
  • sweets;
  • canned food;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces;
  • fresh baked goods.

How long to follow the diet

The diet for indigestion is followed for several weeks. Proper nutrition maintains the health of the gastrointestinal mucosa, prevents its inflammation and irritation. Ask your doctor what you can eat if you have an upset stomach. Diet largely depends on concomitant diseases.

How often to eat

Avoid long periods between meals, as this promotes bile stagnation and aggravates indigestion. Try to quit smoking completely. Alcoholic drinks also prohibited. You can't even drink beer. Alcohol in any quantity irritates the gastric mucosa.

Folk remedies

Traditional treatment for indigestion can only be considered as a reasonable addition to traditional medicine.

The causes of indigestion can vary, but the first way to combat diarrhea is to flush everything so that no toxins enter the bloodstream.

First of all, you will need five six liters (yes, don’t be surprised) of cool boiled water, in which it is best to dissolve disinfectants that neutralize toxins. For example:

  1. Tablespoon baking soda per liter of water.
  2. Tea rinses will also be good. Strained tea leaves are added to the water so that the water becomes slightly yellowish. You can also brew a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water for these purposes - calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, sage.
  3. The most effective gastric lavages saline solution. Tablespoon table salt per liter of water. Salt is better because it removes toxic substances not only from the stomach, but also already absorbed into the blood.

An upset stomach is such a thing that pretty much ruins your life: you can’t go out to the store or really watch a movie. But the people found ways to fight it.

1. Peppercorn to peppercorn

This is the most common advice for those who suddenly have diarrhea - eat 15 peppercorns. Peppercorns, in quantities of 10 to 15 pieces (for children seven) will eliminate your problem in just a few hours.

2. What's on hand?

Boiled water, iodine and salt will probably be at your fingertips, even far from civilization. For a glass of water, half a teaspoon of salt, seven drops of iodine, drink everything and wait. The problem will disappear!

3. Dried pear

Grind the dried pears and pour two tablespoons of the resulting powder into a glass of boiling water. After the solution has infused for 4-6 hours, take a quarter glass 15 minutes before meals.

4. Surprisingly, starch!

Pour a teaspoon of potato crumble into half a glass cold water and drink it in one gulp. Saves.

5. Viburnum berry

Pour a tablespoon of viburnum berries into a glass of boiling water and drink a quarter glass four times a day, half an hour before meals. You can also make a decoction - half a glass of viburnum, half a liter of boiling water, boil for 8-10 minutes, add three tablespoons of honey. Take 100 ml four times a day half an hour before meals.

6. Buy a pomegranate

Chop 2 tablespoons of pomegranate peel and add a glass of water, boil over low heat for half an hour. You need to take two tablespoons half an hour before meals. This method works great.

7. Chicken will help you

This method is as old as time. You will need chicken gizzard. Yes, not from the store, peeled, but from poultry, with a yellow crust inside. It just needs to be removed, dried (preferably in the sun), crushed, and in case of upset, take half a teaspoon with food. You can also give it to children, but measure the portion literally on the tip of a knife.

8. If there is nothing at all

Chop the cherry branches, boil them lightly and let sit for 30-40 minutes. If you drink half a glass of the decoction every half hour, your stool will return to normal.

If, despite your efforts, after 10-12 hours the victim does not feel better, he begins to complain of dry mouth, viscous saliva— immediately run to the doctor!

Fried food,
processed food,
sour, spicy and salty foods,
caffeine, alcohol,
nuts, cauliflower, stewed beans.

If you have an upset stomach, you need to choose food with special care. While switching to lighter foods is always a safe option, you may also consider eating the foods listed below as they may help calm your nerves. digestive tract.

Indigestion is general term, used to refer to a range of symptoms associated with problems in the stomach and intestines. It is not a disease and is not considered as emergency, but is considered one of the most common health complaints. Since indigestion makes the digestive system very sensitive, it is important to be careful when choosing the foods you eat when it occurs. The symptoms that occur can be treated with some simple home remedies.

Symptoms of indigestion can be relieved by following healthy diet, so you need to make sure that you are using the right products nutrition. Use healthy food promotes rapid recovery digestive system. Doctors usually recommend the BRAT diet for stomach upset, which involves eating bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. Following this diet gives very good results in eliminating stomach problems. In general, foods to eat for an upset stomach should include: fresh fruits and vegetables, foods rich in dietary fiber, foods with low content fat and cholesterol, etc., as well a large number of water. You should try to give preference to fresh, soft and easily digestible food. In addition, it is important to watch what you drink.

Foods that soothe the digestive tract


Bananas are a part of the BRAT diet as they are very easy to digest. They provide a feeling of fullness without overloading the digestive system. Bananas also allow the body to receive the necessary nutrients, thus helping to eliminate weakness. In addition, they help cleanse the intestines. If you eat something wrong, bananas help flush out all the junk. However, they should not be consumed if stomach upset is accompanied by vomiting.


Ginger helps reduce nausea. It has carminative properties, which relieves bloating and prevents the formation of gas. Ginger also aids digestion, relieves abdominal cramps and helps treat diarrhea. It is rich in antioxidants and therefore improves general state health. This product can be consumed different ways: In the form of tea or lozenges, with food or even raw. To improve digestion, it is recommended to eat a piece of ginger after every meal.


It is important to try to drink a lot of water (at least 2-3 liters) every day, even if you have a bad stomach. Water dissolves acids and removes waste from the body, so if you eat poor quality or unfit food, it will flush everything out. In addition, water replenishes fluid lost due to diarrhea and vomiting.

Herb tea

Herbal tea refreshes and soothes an upset stomach. Extremely helpful peppermint and chamomile. Peppermint helps ease colon pain, while chamomile relieves indigestion. Thus, a cup of warm tea, which contains each of these ingredients, has a very beneficial effect on the body.


Peppermint itself is also a beneficial food for indigestion. It very quickly soothes the digestive tract and relieves the symptoms of indigestion, providing good results when consumed as tea or oil. Like ginger, peppermint helps relieve nausea, prevent gas, and relieve abdominal cramps without causing any side effects.


If you have an upset stomach, you should eat soft and bland food. This condition can be fulfilled with oatmeal. Oatmeal is a rich source of dietary fiber, and therefore helps relieve symptoms of indigestion and improve the health of the digestive tract. It also contains quite a lot of carbohydrates, which increases energy levels. Since oatmeal is low in cholesterol, it is very good for the stomach.

Chicken bouillon

Because indigestion weakens the digestive system, it is important to eat foods that are easily digestible. That's why good choice for an upset stomach, use chicken broth. It is not only light, but also nutritious, thereby helping to relieve nausea and diarrhea. It can also be replaced with vegetable broth. They are equally nutritious.


Rice has a gentle effect on the digestive system and at the same time saturates well. Doctors recommend rice as part of the BRAT diet. It absorbs gases and acids in the stomach and thickens the stool, helping to stop diarrhea. If you have an upset stomach, it's best to eat plain rice, adding a little chicken or vegetable broth for flavor, or even yogurt, which also won't hurt.


You can eat tasty and crunchy crackers as a light snack if you have an upset stomach. Plain crackers, saltine crackers, or soda crackers are the best options for an upset stomach. They are easily digestible and relieve stomach rumbling, and also quickly absorb acids in the stomach, calming it.


Although dairy products are generally not digested very well, yogurt is an exception. Therefore, probiotics like yogurt and similar foods help soothe and relax an irritated digestive tract. They supply him beneficial bacteria and help eliminate existing diarrhea and prevent the appearance of the one caused by taking antibiotics.

Fresh juices

Fresh fruit juices replenish the fluid lost by the body. Drink fresh juices very useful also because they are easily digestible. Plus, fruit juices boost your energy levels, helping you stay active. However, you should avoid juices with citric acid. Pineapple juice helps with digestion, especially if you drink it after every meal.

Lemon juice

Lemons help break down food. To take advantage beneficial properties lemon, squeeze the juice of a whole lemon into a glass with hot water, and drink in small sips. Hot water flushes out toxins and waste from the body, while lemon juice facilitates the work of the stomach. Lemon juice can also be used as a preventive measure against indigestion if consumed before meals.

Dark chocolate

The best way to speed up bowel movements is to consume dark chocolate. Even when feeling nauseous, most people stick to dark chocolate. Researchers say dark chocolate helps relieve stomach cramps caused by food poisoning or exposure to bacteria. A mixture of dark chocolate and hot milk can be an excellent home remedy for an upset stomach.

Choosing food for children

Stomach upset in children can be a slightly more serious problem. Therefore, when it appears, it is best for them to eat soft, bland food and clear broths. If stomach upset is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, children lose electrolytes and potassium. Electrolytes help maintain water balance in organism. Eating bananas helps replenish electrolytes. Coconut water, on the other hand, can replenish lost potassium. In addition, children are recommended to eat foods low in dietary fiber, as fibrous foods can aggravate diarrhea.

Causes of indigestion

Indigestion is usually the result of eating bad food that interferes with the proper functioning of the digestive system. Overeating, consuming too much fatty and spicy food, eating food quickly, excessive consumption of alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks, taking certain medicines, peptic ulcer etc. are some of the causes of indigestion.


Symptoms of indigestion can vary from person to person. Some of them include: feeling full after eating a very small amount of food, pain in the upper abdomen, bloating, nausea, burning sensation in the abdomen, constipation, vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn, etc.

What foods should you avoid if you have an upset stomach?

There are foods that you should avoid if you have an upset stomach, as they can aggravate the situation. These foods include: fried foods, processed foods, sour, spicy and salty foods, caffeine, alcohol, stale foods, nuts, cauliflower, baked beans.

Take care of digestive system and watch what you eat. If the remedies listed above do not help you, consult a doctor.

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