How to keep your teeth strong and healthy? How to keep your teeth and gums healthy

Teeth and gums require special daily care. Compliance with the rules of oral hygiene is the most effective way maintain healthy teeth, protect them from gum inflammation, caries, periodontitis, destruction and others dental diseases. Prevention of dental diseases is preferable to expensive treatment of complications. So how to keep your teeth healthy?

Proper Teeth Brushing Technique

The most important and simple rule is regular and proper cleaning teeth. You don't just need to brush your teeth at least twice a day. You need to do it right. Below are the following recommendations:

  1. You should not skip brushing your teeth in the evening. Over the course of a whole day, food debris accumulates in the mouth. At night they will begin to decompose and will provoke the appearance of caries.
  2. Brushing your teeth by simply running the brush over their surface is completely useless. You need to spend at least three minutes on cleansing.
  3. You should not put too much pressure on your gums with a brush; they may become injured, and over time, gingivitis and other gum diseases will appear. Movements should be gentle.
  4. Horizontal movements can only spread food debris between the teeth. The brush should be at an angle of 45 degrees.
  5. The bottom row is cleaned with movements from bottom to top, the top row - from top to bottom.
  6. Start brushing your teeth with the front teeth and gradually move towards the back teeth. Don't forget to pay attention to wisdom teeth, filled teeth and crowns. The chewing surfaces are cleaned using movements from front to back.
  7. The tongue also needs hygiene. It is no less exposed to bacteria. The tongue is cleaned gently, without putting pressure on it. There are many brushes for cleaning the surface of the tongue. Scrapers are a nozzle with a spoon-like tip. Use with a rinse aid will improve the quality of the procedure. A special tongue spoon will also help get rid of plaque and unpleasant odor. This is a nozzle with a tip. The scraper brush has an elongated round shape with soft bristles. The flat shape makes it easier to clean the tongue and does not cause a gag reflex. Some brushes have a special surface on the opposite side for this purpose. You need to move from the back of the tongue to the tip.
  8. The cleaning is completed as follows: close the teeth, walk along the outer surface of the teeth and along the gums with soft circular movements.
  9. If you have braces, your teeth need to be brushed more often, preferably after every meal. A regular toothbrush will not remove plaque from underneath structures. A special orthodontic brush with V-shaped bristles, brushes, floss, irrigator and rinses will help. First, the brush removes plaque from the surface. Each tooth is given 10 seconds. Then the braces and the space under them are treated with brushes. The interdental spaces will be cleaned with floss. Hard-to-reach places are treated with an irrigator. The final stage is rinse aid.
  10. Children begin to brush their teeth when their first teeth emerge. baby tooth. The head of a child's brush should cover two teeth. First, instead of a brush, wipes are used to remove plaque and care for the oral cavity. Gradually, the child is taught to use the brush independently. It is better to increase the hygiene time to two minutes, accompanying the procedure with a game. You also need to show by example how to do it correctly.
  11. Dentists do not recommend storing adult and children's brushes next to each other. Adults often suffer from oral diseases. Separate storage of brushes - good prevention dental diseases in children.


Dental floss is used to clean interdental spaces and places that are difficult to reach with a brush. Oral hygiene is performed with floss using vertical movements, without touching the gums. If you have a crown, inlay or braces, there are super-flosses. They are much thicker than regular dental floss and are safer to use. Before use, the thread can be lubricated with paste, and then you need to rinse your mouth.

Interesting: Dental floss is made from Teflon and nylon. Teflon thread has no fibers; nylon threads consist of several fibers that are combined into one thread. Teflon is more convenient; it will not tear due to friction and will not separate. But both types of floss are effective.

Dental floss is sometimes impregnated with substances to prevent caries:

  1. Chlorhexidine, which has disinfectant properties.
  2. Sodium fluoride solution. Fluoride will strengthen the enamel.
  3. Menthol and various flavorings. They don't give therapeutic effect, but it is much more pleasant to brush your teeth with threads with such impregnation.

Correct use of floss:

  1. Pull out 40 cm of thread, wind it on middle finger right hand, leave 10 cm of thread. This length will be enough for cleaning.
  2. The thread is pulled well, the mouth is opened wider and the floss is inserted into the interdental space with smooth movements. Clean with up and down movements 6-7 times, back and forth at each interval. The thread is pressed against the tooth.
  3. Important: take a new length of floss for each tooth!

Rinse aids

Mouth rinse is used to flush out accumulated food leftovers. Should be used after every meal. The composition of such products is usually soft and does not injure the teeth. After tooth extraction, you should not rinse your mouth with mouthwash or other means. Mouthwashes freshen breath, and some of them have a whitening effect.

The products are used twice a day after brushing the teeth. Active substances penetrate better into the tooth. Pour 20 ml of product into the tube cap and rinse your mouth for 30 seconds.

You need to start with 10 seconds, after 2 days increase the rinsing time to 20 seconds, and then stop at 30 seconds. The product must not be swallowed!

Cleaning with an irrigator

This device is designed to clean hard-to-reach areas of the oral cavity. A thin stream of liquid, which is released under pressure, removes food debris and washes away plaque. The jet can have a beneficial effect on the gums, massage them and improve blood circulation.


  1. Prevention of various dental diseases (caries, stomatitis, gingivitis and others).
  2. Delicate gum care. Medicinal liquids are added to the device to strengthen soft fabrics around the teeth.
  3. Bad breath.
  4. For the care of orthodontic structures.


  1. Use the device only according to the instructions.
  2. The solution in the reservoir must be warm.
  3. The liquid stream is directed at a right angle. Water should flow freely from the mouth.
  4. The irrigator is not intended for children under 5 years of age.
  5. The procedure should be carried out after brushing with a toothbrush and paste.

Visiting the dentist

Comprehensive oral care will be ineffective without regular visits to the dentist. For preventive examinations, they visit a specialist twice a year. In the presence of chronic diseases much more often. The doctor will notice the first symptoms of the onset of the disease in time and prevent complications.

Professional cleaning teeth is necessary. This procedure removes plaque and tartar and protects the oral cavity from dental diseases.

Ultrasonic cleaning - professional teeth cleaning procedure using vibrations ultrasound machine. It safely cleans the surface of teeth, removes deposits, and returns the enamel to its original color.

Typically, this procedure complements preventive Air Flow, a teeth whitening technique using a mixture of powdered sodium bicarbonate, water jet and air. It is also indicated for darkening of enamel and for removing deposits. Polishes the tooth surface well.

— They also do fluoridation. The procedure is indicated for people with a predisposition to developing caries or sensitive teeth. The surface is coated with a solution containing fluoride ions, which protect against harmful effects acidic environment. Less bacteria will accumulate, and the process of caries development will be slowed down.

Deep fluoridation - much more advanced, reliable and effective method. The pores of the tooth enamel are completely filled with fluoride and calcium, and the surface is provided necessary nutrition. The strength of teeth increases several times.

  1. Before the procedure, the doctor must heal all teeth and rid them of plaque.
  2. Afterwards they are dried with a stream of warm air.
  3. The doctor applies special enamel with sealing fluid
  4. Shading. The teeth are treated with a cotton swab, which is pre-moistened in milk with copper and calcium hydroxide. The hydroxide subsequently forms tiny crystals of calcium fluoride, and they can quickly penetrate the pores of the enamel.

Deep fluoridation provides reliable and long-lasting protection.

The first three hours after Whitening Air Flow or fluoridation should not be smoked, drinks or foods that can stain teeth.

Proper nutrition

This is the most important factor that affects dental health. To strengthen them, you need to eat foods rich in calcium:

  1. Cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir and other dairy drinks.
  2. Hard cheeses.

Need to eat more fish, nuts, vegetables (especially cucumbers, celery, carrots) and fruits (apples, kiwi). The body must be saturated with vitamins.

  1. Quit smoking.
  2. You cannot crack nut shells with your teeth or pull corks out of bottles. The tooth may break.
  3. Limit your consumption of sweets. If the desire to eat chocolate is irresistible, you need to do it immediately after the main meal. You should immediately floss your teeth, use a mouthwash, or even brush your teeth first if possible.
  4. Alcohol destroys tooth enamel. After a few sips alcoholic drink It is necessary to rinse your mouth with a medicinal solution.
  5. Rinse your mouth with at least water after eating.

Compliance with the above rules will keep your teeth healthy. Prevention of dental diseases should be comprehensive, and proper nutrition regular.

Healthy and white teeth - video

Beautiful smile and healthy teeth They immediately attract attention and will always help to win over your interlocutor. Achieve perfect smile It’s not difficult, especially since everyone has known the basic rules for caring for teeth since childhood. The main thing is regularity and attention to detail.

Rule No. 1 - brush your teeth regularly

Perfect oral hygiene is not an easy task; its implementation requires compliance with many rules. Almost everyone knows about the need to brush your teeth regularly - at least twice a day. early childhood, however, not everyone adheres to this rule. Many people periodically skip brushing their teeth in the evening, even though it is the one that most protects against caries. Moreover, dentists believe that ideally it is necessary to brush your teeth after every meal.

It is necessary to brush your teeth not only regularly, but also... Movements should be soft and short, do not put too much pressure on the gums - this can lead to injury and hypersensitivity. You cannot brush your teeth with horizontal movements along the dentition - this way the plaque is not cleaned off, but, on the contrary, gets into the interdental spaces. And of course, Special attention You should pay attention to the gum line, large molars, and areas around fillings and crowns.

Rule No. 2 - choosing the right toothbrush

When choosing your main “tool” for oral care, first of all consider the condition of your teeth and gums. The toothbrush should be of the optimal hardness that suits you. A universal option is considered average degree stiffness of the bristles, however, for those who have problems with gums and tooth enamel, soft bristles are more suitable.

It is important not only to choose the right toothbrush, but also to care for it correctly: change it at least once every three months, and also after illnesses, rinse hot water and dry after each brushing. In addition, experts do not recommend storing children's and adult toothbrushes in the same cup - pathogenic bacteria and microbes easily move to the “neighboring object”.

Rule #3 - Use dental floss

A toothbrush cannot completely clean the oral cavity, especially in hard to reach places. Proper cleaning with a special dental floss will help remove plaque and food debris from the interdental spaces.

Dentists recommend flossing daily, as food debris and plaque can lead to tooth decay and other oral diseases. It is necessary to clean the interdental spaces with soft movements that follow the contours of the gums, while avoiding sudden movements thread that may injure them.

Rule No. 4 - rinse teeth with special means

In addition to brushing your teeth daily, it is recommended to use special mouth rinses in the morning and evening. There is a huge variety of mouth rinses on the market, but the ones that stand out are those containing predominantly natural ingredients. For example, the Stomatofit Fresh rinse contains natural oils eucalyptus, mint, thyme, sage and their components. Thanks to this, the rinse aid has an effective and comprehensive effect on different groups microorganisms and can help prevent gum inflammation and protect teeth from caries. Moreover, the drug freshens breath, does not disturb the local microflora and maintains a feeling of comfort for a long time.

Rule No. 5 - visit the dentist regularly

Dental health is determined not only by proper hygiene oral cavity, but also many other factors that a resident of a modern metropolis cannot always avoid. Poor nutrition, stress, lack of sleep, weakened immunity also have Negative influence on the condition of teeth and gums. For this reason, even if you are not bothered toothache, be sure to contact your dentist 1-2 times a year (ideally every six months) for a preventive examination.

"Prevention better treatment, and yet Russians decide to visit the dentist in in rare cases, - speaks . - The only thing that can force many of us to go to the doctor is sharp pain. Because of this, most of the population loses their own teeth with age and switches to dentures. In Europe, everything is exactly the opposite: you won’t find a person with crowns during the day.”

Remember that it is better to detect the problem in a timely manner and prevent more serious illnesses oral cavity, rather than later dealing with the consequences of neglect of dental health.

Many centuries ago, life was completely different, but even then people often looked for work. It is clear that no one required or presented medical certificates, but the employer (as they said then, “the owner”) often looked at the teeth of a potential employee, since it was assumed that a person with healthy teeth would most likely be in good health.

It is known from history that the condition of the teeth of the majority of the population did not depend on regular visits to dentists, since dentistry as a separate branch of medicine began to actively develop only in the 20th century, although the first schools that trained dentists appeared in St. Petersburg at the end of the 11th centuryX century.

Of course, the problem of keeping teeth healthy, strong and beautiful has always been relevant, but over time many circumstances change that can in one way or another affect the condition of the teeth, and the aesthetic requirements for teeth too change and become higher.

About teeth as an organ of the human body

So what is a tooth? It would seem that there is nothing particularly mysterious about it, but this is only at first glance. First of all, it is important to understand that a tooth is not a bone in the usual sense of the word: hard tissues teeth consist of dental enamel, dentin and dental cement. Each pulp also has soft tissue called pulp.

It is very important that each tooth has its own blood supply: through the so-called apical foramen, which is located at the apex of the tooth root, blood vessels(arteries and veins), as well as nerves.

If you look at the structure of a tooth, then each tooth has a so-called tooth crown (this is the part that protrudes above the gum), a tooth root (the part that is located in the alveolus and covered by the gum), as well as a transitional part from the crown to the root - the so-called neck of the tooth. By the way, the enamel on the neck of the tooth is the thinnest and therefore the most vulnerable.

A person has a lot of teeth. That is, of course, not as many as, for example, a shark, but there are not two of them, like two arms or two legs. If the human body develops without pathologies, then normal amount teeth ranges from 28 to 32. The fact is that the well-known “wisdom teeth”, or third molars, may never grow, regardless of how wise and intelligent a person is. If the third molars (“wisdom teeth”) have not grown in, then this is simply one of the normal options and does not promise any health problems.

As for the remaining 28 teeth, they should grow in everyone by a certain age, replacing children's milk teeth, which happens in every child aged six to twelve years.

Interesting! Children grow a total of twenty primary teeth: eight incisors (four each on the upper and lower jaw), four canines and eight molars (molars) - two on the upper and lower jaws on each side.

Adults should normally have from 28 to 32 teeth: eight incisors (four on top and bottom), four canines, which are located immediately after the incisors, eight premolars, and eight to twelve molars (called molars).

Very rarely, additional teeth can form, however, as a rule, nothing but unnecessary hassle and it doesn't bring any trouble.

If we talk about teeth as an organ human body, then you should understand what functions this organ performs in the body.

First of all, teeth perform mechanical processing of food, that is, its grinding - this process is called mastication, or mastication, of food. During chewing, food is not only crushed, but also moistened with saliva, which contains some digestive enzymes. That is, the high-quality work of the teeth in chewing food ultimately ensures the high-quality work of everything gastrointestinal tract.

Also, teeth are very important for the possibility of full communication, because teeth are directly involved in the formation of speech sounds. With the participation of teeth, the labial-dental sounds [f], [f"], [v], [v"] are formed; dental sounds [t], [t"], [d], [d"], [s], [s"], [z], [z"], [ts], [l], [l"] , [n], [n"]; palatodental sounds [w], [sh":] [zh], [zh":], [r], [r"], [h"]. As you know, sound is not only a minimal element of speech, but also an element that can affect the meaning of what is said. So, without the participation of teeth, these sounds will not be formed or will not be fully formed and speech will not be entirely understandable.

And finally, teeth do a lot of work aesthetic function. It's no secret that a white-toothed smile always evokes not only positive emotions, but also trust. In addition, the impeccable appearance of teeth is very important for singers, actors, teachers, and for everyone who works with people, although for other people beautiful teeth will also come in handy.

Now a few words about the functions of each type of teeth.

As for the toothbrush, the times when brushes either existed or didn’t exist have long since sunk into oblivion. Today on the shelves you can see a huge selection of toothbrushes, which have different hardness, different angles of the bristles, and are made of different materials.

Naturally, the cost of toothbrushes also varies. However, when choosing a toothbrush, it is absolutely wrong to focus only on cost: an expensive brush will not necessarily be the most suitable, and a cheaper brush will not necessarily be of poor quality. When choosing a toothbrush, it is very important to pay attention to its hardness: the hardness should be sufficient to effectively remove all food debris, including from the interdental space, but soft enough so as not to damage tooth enamel or gums. The length of the bristles should also be selected individually - fortunately, now there is a choice.

As for how often you should change toothbrush, then dentists recommend doing this at least once every three months, but it is better to reduce this period to two months, although if necessary, the toothbrush can be changed even more often.

There are also certain recommendations regarding storing toothbrushes. It is very important to thoroughly wash away any remaining residue from the brush. toothpaste; In addition, it is better to store the brush in soap solution, but before brushing your teeth, rinse it very thoroughly - this is necessary so that as little bacteria as possible remains on the brush.

Regarding the use of an electric toothbrush: dentists advise approaching this issue very individually and consulting with your dentist, who is well acquainted with the condition of his patient’s teeth and gums.

Attention! If for some reason you are temporarily unable to brush your teeth, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly after each meal; use sugar-free chewing gum (chew up to 15 minutes after meals); or eat a not very sour and not very sweet apple. However, any of these measures can only be temporary.

The second part of the question about brushing your teeth is toothpaste. The choice of toothpaste often also depends on the condition of the teeth (including the condition of the tooth enamel), gums and the entire oral cavity.

Modern industry offers a huge number of varieties of toothpaste, including therapeutic and preventive and medicinal. Unfortunately, the dental health of most people is not at its best. top level Therefore, therapeutic, prophylactic and therapeutic special pastes are becoming increasingly popular.

When choosing a special paste, you should definitely consult with your dentist, since all these pastes have their own characteristics and can bring not only benefits, but also harm. And medicated toothpastes are used only in courses and only as prescribed by a doctor. If you have any problems with your teeth, you should choose a toothpaste only after consulting your dentist.

Attention! Any toothpaste may not be effective if you consume a lot of sweet foods and sugar, as well as any other carbohydrates and coffee, eat hot or cold food - lifestyle and nutritional principles are very important for dental health.

Dentists say that no matter how suitable the chosen toothpaste is, it is best to change toothpastes from time to time.

Proper nutrition to maintain dental health

Everyone knows that proper nutrition is very important for health, for example, the gastrointestinal tract. But does everyone know that nutrition is also of considerable importance for dental health? Of course, specific recommendations in each special case Only a doctor can give it, but absolutely everyone should follow some nutritional principles.

  1. First of all, you should understand that any sweets, including candies, cakes, cookies and any sweet pastries, should not be on the menu every day and all the time, because the abundance of sugar destroys tooth enamel.

    We should not forget that sugar is found not only in sweet products - a lot of sugar is contained in cereals instant cooking, in packaged juices, in ready-made sauces, in sweet nuts and in any fast food.

  2. Preference should always be given natural products which have undergone minimal processing.
  3. Food that is too hot or too cold should be avoided, as such foods quickly destroy tooth enamel.
  4. It is very important to include as much as possible in your diet raw vegetables and fruits, not peeled and cut into pieces, but whole ones - the effort that goes into chewing, for example, raw carrots, cabbage or apples, is very important for the teeth.
  5. It is equally important to quench your thirst with regular drinking water(non-carbonated), which should not be cooled or heated.
  6. IN healthy menu, which will also be suitable for dental health, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat cheeses, natural yogurts that contain natural calcium are very important. It is calcium that is indispensable in the formation of dental tissues and is very important for strengthening jaw bones(and bones in general), as well as to maintain the whiteness of teeth. However, do not forget that preference should be given to natural, unsweetened products, which will bring much more benefits to the entire body.

    Attention! Dentists believe that so-called snacking is very dangerous for dental health, that is, small tricks food throughout the working day.

    The danger of such snacks is that in most cases these are products with high content sugar or other carbohydrates that come into almost constant contact with teeth.

    As a result of numerous studies, it became known that saliva, which cleanses teeth, is very important for maintaining dental health. oral cavity from sugars obtained from foods. In addition, it is saliva that neutralizes the effect of acids in dental plaque. Researchers and dental practitioners emphasize that sufficient time is needed between meals to allow saliva to clean the oral cavity.

  7. When choosing drinks, it is better to give preference to unsweetened still water. First of all, remember that sparkling water has increased acidity, which is very unhealthy for tooth enamel, which is destroyed very quickly under the influence of acid. If the carbonated drink is also sweet, then this combination will quickly lead to the development and progression of caries.

    Attention! It is best to drink carbonated drinks and citrus juices through a cocktail straw to minimize possible contact with teeth.

  8. Best menu for dental health - this is a complete healthy eating with enough fresh fruits and vegetables and a minimum amount of refined foods.

    Attention! It is very important to visit your dentist regularly, even if your teeth are not bothering you. Visits to the dentist should be scheduled twice a year - this will allow you to identify any dental diseases in time and provide the necessary treatment in a timely manner.


Of course, anyone modern man tries to take care of his teeth: sales volumes of toothbrushes, dental floss, rinses and toothpastes are measured in huge amounts. However, many people still experience toothache and other dental problems. Why is this happening?

First of all, dental care should begin even when there are no teeth - a pregnant woman should receive good nutrition so that the fetus can develop healthy teeth, and the young mother should wipe the gums of the still toothless baby with a piece of bandage. And for children with teeth, there are special children’s toothpastes and special toothbrushes. Adults need to remember that food that is healthy for teeth is food that needs to be chewed for teeth to work.

Of course, a healthy, nutritious diet is very important, healthy image life and abandonment bad habits(Smoking is especially harmful to teeth). As for visits to the dentist, they should not be a sad necessity, but a habitual monitoring of the condition of the teeth, because the condition of this is very important body The health status of the entire organism is often determined, starting with the gastrointestinal tract. But how can you keep your teeth strong? The recipe is simple! Constantly take care of them and not consider brushing your teeth simply a tribute to social traditions and useless nonsense that you can give up on at least during the weekend or vacation...

By the way, today's employers also pay attention to the teeth of a job applicant, and if some details about dental health may remain personal information, then the aesthetic side of this issue is immediately visible to everyone. And often snow-white and healthy smile employee turns out to be one of the most important factors during employment.

Beautiful strong teeth– not a dream, but a completely achievable desire. Woman’s Day found out that you can keep your teeth in perfect condition without extra costs or much effort. You just need to take note of nine important rules.

No matter how much research dentists conduct, the result comes down to one thing: main reason emergence inflammatory processes in the oral cavity - dental plaque. And it's not so easy to get rid of it. Expensive brushes, chewing gums, mouthwashes are important, but not prerequisites. Plaque can be defeated with a regular brush, the main thing is to follow 9 rules.

    It is necessary to brush not only your teeth, but also your tongue and cheeks. Bacteria accumulate here as actively as on teeth.

    Your toothbrush should be changed every three months. Also change your toothpaste regularly.

    Change your toothpaste regularly. The body gets used to a certain set of active ingredients and stops accepting them.

    Brush your teeth after breakfast in the morning, and before bed in the evening.

    Make it a rule after every meal - especially after sweet and sour - to rinse your mouth thoroughly. Plain water is quite enough for this.

    Use dental floss to remove food debris. A toothpick can injure the mucous membrane.

    Use after meals if desired chewing gum. It absorbs toxins and cleans teeth from soft plaque. The main thing is to chew it no longer than 15 minutes.

    If possible, use an antibacterial mouthwash.

    Buy an oral irrigator. It effectively cleans the space between teeth and periodontal folds. Powerful pulsating water pressure massages the gums, improving blood circulation.

What is harmful and what is good for teeth

Proper food

What our teeth need most is calcium. This chemical element provides enamel strength. Sufficient amounts of calcium are found in dairy products, fish, beans, beets, and spinach. The water we drink and in which we cook all these things is also important. healthy foods. Pay attention to this.

To keep your teeth strong, you need to train them. Eat solid vegetables and fruits more often: nibble on carrots and apples.

Harmful drinks

What is more harmful to teeth – tea or coffee? In fact, both, as well as berry juices, red wine and other drinks containing coloring pigments. However, they do not harm tooth enamel, but only stain plaque. What is really harmful are carbonated drinks. These contain phosphoric acid, which “etches” tooth enamel.

Dentist help

From time to time, teeth, even healthy ones, need professional care. It is provided by hygienists. They will clean, remove tartar, and coat your teeth with a special protective compound that will last for at least six months. But you should not once again whiten your teeth with compounds containing hydrogen peroxide. Any impact affects the strength of teeth.

Today, healthy teeth are not only a pleasant appearance, it is a sign of success, prosperity, and well-being. You will not see wealthy and wealthy people, popular artists, who have bad teeth. But is it always necessary to spend a lot of money to keep your teeth in perfect condition?

There are several tips that you can follow to achieve the desired result:

  • take care of your toothbrush. It needs to be changed at least once every two to three months, even if the price is low and the brush won’t have any “cool gadgets,” but the more often you change it, the better. If you brush your teeth with the same toothbrush for six months, the bacteria that multiply on it will multiply in your oral cavity.
  • When brushing your teeth, do not ignore your tongue and cheeks, because they also need cleansing. There is even a special scraper for these places; it costs a penny, but the effect is very good.
  • change your toothpaste. It is very good to change not only the brand (manufacturer), but also the type of paste. Today there are anti-inflammatory pastes, fluoride pastes, salt pastes, enzyme pastes, pastes that reduce tooth sensitivity, whitening, herbal and anti-caries. If you always use only one type of paste, the body will get used to it and there will not be the desired effect.
  • rinse your mouth and throat after every meal. It's good if you can rinse your mouth special means. Brush your teeth in the morning, after waking up, and in the evening, before going to bed.
  • don't ignore dental floss, it will help get rid of food debris in hard-to-reach places and save you from possible caries.
  • You can also use chewing gum, the main thing to remember is not to chew it for more than 10-15 minutes.
  • eat the right products– vegetables, fruits, teeth and gums need training, namely fresh vegetables and fruits can provide it. Calcium is essential for dental health and is found in dairy products. It is worth eating fish, spinach, and legumes. The quality of the water you drink is also important.
  • Minimize the consumption of carbonated drinks; they contain phosphoric acid, which corrodes enamel. If you want to treat yourself as someone with white teeth, reduce your consumption of tea, coffee, berry juices and red wine; these drinks stain tooth enamel.
  • Visit your dentist at least once a year. Even if nothing bothers you, it’s worth visiting a dentist for prevention. On initial stages diseases of the teeth and oral cavity may not bother you, but the dentist will notice negative changes. And when the problem is clearly visible and pain begins to torment you, it may be too late to take action.

Following these simple tips will help you have healthy and beautiful teeth without much expense.

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