Treatment of the navel at home. Discharge from the navel in children and adults. Neem or Indian lilac

With advanced diseases, the navel can not only become wet, but also leak. If it flows from the navel, then one can only assume complications from it inflammatory diseases, that is, almost emergency cases.
Serous fluid, pus, and even blood can flow from the navel. Let's consider cases and diseases that pose a danger to life.

Why does it flow from the navel?

So, after all, why does it flow from the navel? Reason heavy discharge from the navel are already “advanced” cases of omphalitis (inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue and skin around the navel), as well as umbilical fistula.
There are three forms of omphalitis: catarrhal, phlegmonous and gangrenous.
In the catarrhal form, the symptoms are not clearly expressed - the patient is “accompanied” by mild pain in the form of tingling, a little itching appears, and the navel becomes wet. At this stage small curdled discharge With putrid smell.

In the event that the patient ignores " alarm bells» of your body, and timely treatment was not carried out, the second stage of the disease begins - phlegmonous. Symptoms of phlegmonous omphalitis: fever up to 39 degrees, noticeable inflammation of surrounding tissues, pain on palpation, and a general deterioration in the patient’s condition in general. If the patient is not treated in a hospital, a gangrenous (necrotic) form of omphalitis will soon develop.
The gangrenous (necrotic) form of omphalitis involves the spread of infection to internal organs abdominal cavity, necrosis (death) of the subcutaneous tissue and detachment of the skin around the navel, and, as a consequence, the development of sepsis (blood poisoning). IN in this case The question of life and death of the patient is already on the clock.
Umbilical fistula - in most cases, congenital disease, which is characterized by the absence of occlusion of the intestinal or urinary duct. In the first case, liquid contents from the intestines are released from the navel; in the second, urine is released.
There is also a fistula acquired, already in adulthood, which is observed during inflammation of the anterior wall of the peritoneum or opening of abscesses through the navel.

When blood flows from the belly button...

If blood is flowing from the navel, you should immediately consult a doctor, even if associated symptoms don't bother.
So, blood from the navel is characteristic of the following diseases:

1. Piercing the navel with a ring (piercing);
2. If granulation tissue has grown;
3. Endometriosis of the navel has occurred;
4. Advanced forms of omphalitis;
5. B in rare cases, the presence of fistulas in the navel.

Once fashion trend young people piercing their navels and other parts of the body, called "piercing" is one of the main reasons for having bleeding from the navel. The reason for this is the incompetence of the master, cheap materials, and later, negligent or improper care after the puncture. If the navel is already bleeding for a long time(more than six months), and if pus has also been added to the blood, you need to quickly go for an examination to a surgeon, who will prescribe adequate treatment and, most likely, will force you to remove the earring from the navel.
Overgrowth of granulation tissue (umbilical fungus) – common occurrence in large newborns, it manifests itself in the form of tissue growth over the navel, shaped like a raspberry. Can cause bloody issues, but becomes inflamed extremely rarely. Navel fungus is treated by cauterization using a lapis pencil, which must be used immediately after the usual treatment of a child’s navel.
In an adult, umbilical fungus can be observed in case of damage to granulation tissue after omphalitis has healed.
Endometriosis of the navel - the growth of endometrioid tissue into the anterior cavity abdominal wall. As a result, bloody discharge appears. The disease occurs only in women, and no doctor has yet found a clear explanation for this pathology.
Before the transition of catarrhal omphalitis to phlegmonous omphalitis, the discharge from the navel is also bloody. The whole point is that the blood vessels become infected, which contributes to even greater “ejections” of blood from the navel to the outside.
In rare cases, umbilical fistulas may also bleed. With this pathology blood is flowing mixed with pus.

When pus flows from the navel...

Pus flows from the navel if fistulas are observed, as well as forms of catarrhal or phlegmonous omphalitis, and, in the first case, it is mixed with serous fluid, in the second - with blood. Treatment in this situation is strictly under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital so that the disease does not progress to the next stage.
It is worth noting that purulent contents are almost never “independent”. Typically, pus flows from the navel either along with clear liquid in mild cases of the disease, or with blood in advanced cases.

Inflammation of the navel in adults and its treatment

Inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue, referred to in medicine as ompholitis, threatens the patient with inflammation of the navel itself. A fistula, the so-called uruchus, is ready to form at the umbilical ring at the very least the right time- in the absence of appropriate measures.

Identification of the causes of the disease is dictated by treatment methods known to medicine at a given time, which is completely impossible to do at home.

Causes of navel inflammation in adults- bacterial or fungal infection. Characteristic features are - swelling of the skin in the navel area, redness, bloody purulent discharge from the umbilical fossa.

Complications can lead to the spread of the disease to the umbilical vessels, arterial wall and surrounding tissues. In the absence of proper treatment, ompholitis can develop into phlebitis of the umbilical vessels and arteritis.

A weeping navel with a moist area of ​​inflammation and purulent serous discharge covered with a crust is characteristic of a simple form of ompholitis.

With this form of ompholitis, the patient’s condition is stable, but if the lack of treatment is delayed, granulations form and mushroom-shaped tumors appear.

Symptoms of phlegmon inflammation

With phlegmon inflammation, symptoms such as:

  • noticeable inflammation of the surrounding tissue,
  • palpation of the abdomen causes pain,
  • the patient feels noticeably worse,
  • body temperature rises to 39*C and above.

This course of the disease often progresses to phlegmon of the anterior peritoneum.

This phlegmonous form can become necrotic and inflammation can spread to internal organs, in which necrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue and their detachment from adjacent tissues is observed. The result is umbilical sepsis. To avoid periarteritis of the umbilical vessels, it is necessary to immediately prevent this fraught process.

How to treat inflammation of the navel?

Daily treatment of the umbilical ring and umbilical area antiseptics, with a simple form of omphalitis, as well as timely seeking help from a surgeon.

Necrotic and phlegmous forms of omphalitis require inpatient treatment - under the strict supervision of medical staff.

Congenital pathology, as a rule, is umbilical fistula, indicating that the urinary ducts or vitelline intestinal duct do not heal properly.

If the umbilical canal is retracted or narrow, then this fact indicates that there is increased likelihood that secretions will accumulate in it sebaceous glands and the remains of dying cells.

Under unfavorable conditions. due to simple non-compliance with hygiene standards, inflammation caused by infections may occur.

Also, do not forget that navel piercing can cause inflammation.

Somehow I picked my navel with my fingernail, although before I tried not to touch it at all. Apparently she caught something there and went clear liquid and then blood. After a while, nothing healed, but rather became inflamed. The doctor prescribed a bunch of ointments and rinses. It's just awful. I would never have thought that a belly button would take so long to heal. Now I was once again convinced that there was no point in touching him.

At one time I also encountered such a problem as inflammation of the navel. Only I didn’t touch it before. I just felt this morning aching pain in the navel area, when I looked at it I was scared, it was also swollen. I treated it with antiseptic agents (treatment) and took a course of antibiotics, everything seemed to go away, but now I examine this area from time to time so as not to miss anything.

I think that in initial stage adults can benefit from the same thing as children - daily rinsing, treatment with 3% hydrogen peroxide, and then brilliant green inside and around. In general, it’s not very clear how an infection can get into the navel? What is it that needs to be done with him? In general, as I understand it, it all comes down to the fact that if you follow the rules of personal hygiene and don’t poke around where you shouldn’t, everything will be fine) I wish get well soon to everyone who has been visited by such an illness!

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing serious about this disease. But if you think about it
that if you don’t see a doctor in time, then with omophlitis they can
develop secondary diseases which can lead to very sad

A few years ago I felt the urge to get my belly button pierced. The salon did everything right, hung the earring and my dream came true. But I didn’t know that I had only created a bunch of problems for myself in the form of a soggy and non-healing navel. Helped long treatment antiseptics such as chlorhexidine and miramistin. I advise anyone who is faced with the same problem not to put off going to the doctor.

The most important thing is to contact a specialist in time! One day, after swimming in the river, I noticed some discharge from my navel. At first I didn’t attach any importance, and then it was pus with blood! I immediately went to the surgeon, it turned out to be just an infection. I washed it with peroxide and applied it with oflocaine, it went away in about a week!

I haven't paid attention for a long time special attention on the discharge from the navel until it turned red and began to hurt. I suffered quite a bit. Also because excess weight the wound was deep inside - it was not drying well, it took all summer to heal, I had to give up swimming in the river. In short, when it comes to health, there are no trifles; it’s better to play it safe once again and visit a doctor than to empty pharmacies later and endure not the most pleasant procedures.

Everything is basically the same as for children. You need to carefully monitor your body, follow hygiene rules, and change clothes more often. At the first sign (smell or involuntary wetting), treat with an antiseptic. After another day of deterioration, we run to the doctor.

I recently got my navel pierced and the inflammation persisted for some time. I regularly treated it with an antiseptic, everything went away. After reading the article, I’m thinking about going to the doctor to calm my soul.

My niece decided to pierce her navel, although I tried to dissuade her, saying if you hit something, pull it, then there will be problems! And in the end everything was as I told her. I caught an earring, it started bleeding, apparently dirt got in there, we went straight to the doctor. It’s good that everything worked out, they just washed the navel with an antiseptic solution. So piercing is very dangerous, although fashionable for some

The cause of inflammation of the navel in an adult can be infection of the body with a fungal or bacterial infection. In these cases, the patient experiences redness of the skin and swelling in the navel area, and bloody-purulent discharge forms in the umbilical pit. In more severe types of the disease, the infection developing in the body invades the surrounding tissues, arterial walls and umbilical vessels. In this regard, arteritis or phlebitis of the navel vessels may appear.

At home, it is impossible to determine the cause of navel inflammation; here you will need to carry out medical examination: do bacterial culture of the compartments and laboratory examination of the umbilical ring. Depending on the identified cause, the doctor prescribes treatment methods. In the presence of a fistula, surgical intervention is necessary, and in case of omphalitis, a conservative method of treatment is carried out.

Inflammation of the navel: simple form

The simple form of this disease (omphalitis) does not pose a particular threat to the general condition of the patient. It is characterized by the presence of a weeping navel, sometimes together with purulent discharge. A prolonged stay in this state threatens the patient’s body with the formation and development of excessive granulations or, as another option, a mushroom tumor.

Inflammation of the navel: phlegmonous form

The phlegmonous form is a progressive inflammation that spreads to nearby tissues. When touched, the patient experiences severe pain and his condition changes dramatically for the worse. This is explained by the fact that the infection has already captured the anterior abdominal cavity and continues to develop there. In this case, the body temperature rises to 39°C, and sometimes even higher.

The phlegmonous form of inflammation of the navel can develop into necrotic if the process begins to grow not only on the sides, but also goes far into the depths. Necrosis of the skin and its fiber is formed, which then gradually peels off from the underlying tissue. Thus, the disease develops into another - umbilical sepsis. It is very important to stop this dangerous process as quickly as possible in order to prevent the formation of periarteritis of the navel vessels.

How to treat navel inflammation

Omphalitis is treated by treating the umbilical ring and navel area antiseptic solutions and ointments. Physiotherapy is also used and drainage is performed if necessary.

The phlegmonous form and the necrotic form that follows it are treated only in a hospital setting under strict medical supervision, occurring until full recovery patient.

Navel fistulas are most often a congenital pathology. They develop due to non-fusion of the vitelline-intestinal duct. As a result, an intestinal-umbilical fistula with mucous discharge appears in the navel area, and sometimes even the omentum or intestinal mucosa prolapses through the fistulous opening. Often this disease can be triggered by piercings made in this area.

If an adult has an unpleasant-smelling discharge from the navel - what does this mean and what to do? Doctors note two main reasons why the navel becomes wet in an adult - omphalitis and umbilical fistula. If you notice alarming symptoms, you should immediately contact a surgeon for timely treatment.

Omphalitis - inflammatory lesion subcutaneous tissue and skin around the navel, characterized by swelling, redness of the skin of the peri-umbilical zone and discharge from the navel of varying intensity. Often the infection involves the umbilical vessels, which leads to phlebitis or arteritis of these vessels. The disease may be fungal or bacterial in nature. Most often, the causative agent of omphalitis is a simple, phlegmonous and necrotic form of the disease, in which the navel becomes wet in an adult.

Most often, simple omphalitis is observed in adults. In this case, the patient feels generally well, noting only a wet navel and associated inconveniences. As a rule, the discharge is a serous or purulent-serous fluid that dries out as a crust near the navel. The causes of such discharge are bacterial or fungal infections associated with the structural features of the navel. Thus, with a retracted and narrow umbilical canal, the separation of dead epithelial cells and sebaceous gland products is difficult, which can lead to infections if personal hygiene is poor. Some medical experts consider piercing one of the reasons for the development of omphalitis. If your navel is leaking, you should consult a doctor. For simple omphalitis it is carried out ambulatory treatment, which consists of treating a weeping navel with antiseptic or cauterizing solutions, using antifungal or antimicrobial ointments, depending on the nature of the inflammation, and prescribing physiotherapy. With a simple form of the disease, the prognosis is usually favorable.

Much less common in adults is phlegmonous and necrotizing omphalitis.

In the phlegmonous form, the tissues around the navel become inflamed, redness, thickening, soreness are observed from the navel, and an increase in body temperature. Cellulitis of the abdominal wall may develop.

Necrotic (gangrenous) omphalitis develops very rarely and is a complication of the phlegmonous form. In this form, the infection penetrates into the abdominal cavity, necrosis and detachment of dead tissue occurs. Necrotizing omphalitis is dangerous due to the development of umbilical sepsis, peritonitis, hematogenous osteomyelitis.

For phlegmonous and gangrenous omphalitis, complex intensive treatment is carried out. As a rule, treatment of the affected area with antiseptic agents, bandages with wound-healing and antibacterial ointments, intramuscular antibiotics, and physiotherapy are prescribed. Sometimes surgical intervention is required - opening the abscesses. In case of necrotic form, gamma globulin injections, vitamin therapy,

Another reason why the navel becomes wet in an adult is an umbilical fistula. This pathology in most cases is congenital and is characterized by a patent urinary or vitelline duct. When the urinary duct is not closed, a vesico-umbilical fistula is formed, through which urine is released. If the vitelline duct is not closed, then an intestinal-umbilical fistula appears with discharge from the intestines. When inflammation occurs, the discharge becomes purulent.

Sometimes acquired fistulas occur, which are formed when the anterior wall of the peritoneum becomes inflamed and abscesses open through the navel.

Most often, treatment consists of excision of the fistula and suturing the holes in the wall of the intestine or bladder. Non-surgical treatment possible only if there is no discharge from the navel.

If the navel of an adult becomes wet, then under no circumstances should you engage in self-medication, which can only lead to a minor temporary effect.

Inflammation of the navel is uncommon and can develop in both children and adults.

The medical name for this disease is omphalitis
Omphalitis (Greek omphalos - navel) - inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the navel area.
Many people know that newborns have problems with the navel. But not everyone is aware that navel inflammation also occurs in adults. Let's try to fill this gap and tell you why the navel becomes inflamed in adults.
Indeed, most often omphalitis is a disease of newborns in the first weeks of life, which occurs when the umbilical wound becomes infected and is manifested by redness of the skin around the navel, swelling, purulent discharge from the wound, abdominal pain, and fever.
What about adults?

The cause of inflammation is most often bacterial (streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) or fungal infection.
But there are certain prerequisites for navel infection:

  • The presence of a fistula at the umbilical ring. Fistulas, as a rule, are a congenital pathology caused by non-closure of the vitelline or urinary duct.
  • In this case, an intestinal-umbilical fistula with intestinal discharge is formed in the navel area. In case of non-occlusion of the urinary duct, a vesico-umbilical fistula is formed, and then the discharge is most often urine.
  • However, fistulas can also be acquired. This can occur after a long-term inflammatory process of the anterior abdominal wall, when a purulent abscess opens through the navel.
  • Inflammation of the navel may be associated with anatomical features. So if the skin umbilical canal is very narrow and deeply retracted, dying skin cells and sebaceous gland secretions can accumulate in it. In this case, if hygiene rules are not followed, an infection can occur and cause inflammation.
  • Navel wounds, into which, if not properly cared for, can easily become infected with painful microorganisms, which become the causative agents of the disease.
  • Nowadays, it is worth knowing that piercing in the navel area can also cause inflammation.

The main symptoms are redness, swelling of the skin in the navel area and the appearance of serous discharge in the umbilical fossa. With more severe forms the discharge becomes bloody and purulent, and as a result of intoxication the body’s general condition suffers. The temperature can rise to 38-39°C. The navel changes its shape and becomes more protruding and hot to the touch. The area at the epicenter of inflammation will be especially hot. The wound area becomes covered with a thick crust, and pus collects under it.

Inflammatory process can also spread to surrounding tissues and umbilical vessels, resulting in arteritis or phlebitis of the umbilical vessels. This is the most dangerous variant of the disease.

There are 3 forms of omphalitis. each of which is a consequence of the previous one, if appropriate treatment is not carried out.

  1. Simple form (wet navel). In this form, the general condition does not suffer, but in the navel area there is weeping with serous or purulent discharge, which, when dried, becomes covered with a thin crust.
    With a long-term process, pink granulations can form in excess at the bottom of the umbilical wound and form mushroom-shaped tumors.
  2. Phlegmonous form. This is a dangerous form of omphalitis, because. with it, the inflammatory process already spreads to the surrounding tissues. There is a gradual deterioration in general condition. If phlegmon of the anterior abdominal wall develops, the temperature can rise to 39 °C and higher. In this case, the umbilical fossa is an ulcer surrounded by a compacted skin ridge. If you press on the umbilical area, pus may come out of the umbilical wound. The tissue around the navel is noticeably inflamed and swollen, and palpation causes pain.
  3. Necrotic (gangrenous) form. This is the next very dangerous stage omphalitis. It occurs very rarely in weakened individuals with impaired immunity. With it, inflammation spreads deeper into the internal organs. If the process affects all layers of the abdominal wall, peritonitis may develop. There is a death of the skin and subcutaneous tissue near the navel, and subsequently their detachment from the underlying tissues. The skin becomes dark, like a bruise after a strong blow. Ulcers may form different sizes. The infection can spread to the umbilical vessels and lead to the development of umbilical sepsis.

It is difficult to independently determine the cause of navel inflammation. Therefore, consultation with a surgeon is necessary, and, if necessary, bacteriological culture of the discharge.
The treatment method will depend on the cause of the inflammation.
As a rule, omphalitis is treated conservatively, but in the presence of a fistula, surgery cannot be avoided.
With timely treatment, omphalitis passes quickly enough and the risk of complications of the disease disappears.

A simple form of omphalitis.
1. Daily washing of the navel area with antiseptic agents - furatsilin solution or hydrogen peroxide, as well as lubricating it with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate, 1% solution of brilliant green or 70% alcohol. Ointments are also applied - 1% syntomycin emulsion or tetracycline ointment.
When navel granulations form, the wound is washed with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, and the granulations are cauterized with a 10% solution of silver nitrate (lapis).
2. Ultraviolet irradiation is used locally as a physiotherapeutic procedure.

Phlegmonous and necrotic form of omphalitis.
Treatment of these two forms of omphalitis requires inpatient treatment.
At severe course and general intoxication, along with local intoxication, general treatment is carried out using broad-spectrum antibiotics and taking into account the sensitivity of the microflora cultured from the umbilical discharge to these drugs.

Thus, one should not forget about the navel in adulthood. This area of ​​the body must be carefully looked after, observing hygiene standards. If you experience a weeping navel or other alarming symptoms, you should seek medical help.

If an adult has an unpleasant-smelling discharge from the navel, what does it mean and what to do? Doctors note two main reasons why the navel becomes wet in an adult - omphalitis and umbilical fistula. Noticing alarming symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor for timely treatment.

Omphalitis is an inflammatory lesion of the subcutaneous tissue and skin around the navel, characterized by swelling, redness of the skin of the peri-umbilical area and discharge from the navel of varying intensity. Often the infection engulfs the umbilical vessels, which leads to phlebitis or arteritis of these vessels. The disease can be fungal or bacterial in nature. In most cases, the causative agent of omphalitis is Staphylococcus aureus. There is a common, phlegmonous and necrotic form of the disease, in which the navel becomes wet in an adult.

In most cases, adults experience ordinary omphalitis. With all this, the patient feels generally fine, noting only a wet navel and the associated inconveniences. Typically, the discharge is a serous or purulent-serous fluid that dries into a crust near the navel. The reasons for such discharge are bacterial or fungal infections associated with the structural features of the navel. Thus, with a retracted and narrow umbilical canal, the separation of dead epithelial cells and sebaceous glands is difficult, which can lead to infections if personal hygiene is poor. Some medical experts consider piercing one of the reasons for the development of omphalitis. If the navel is leaking, then you need to see a doctor. For ordinary omphalitis, outpatient treatment is carried out, which consists of treating the weeping navel with disinfectant or cauterizing mixtures, using antifungal or antimicrobial ointments, depending on the nature of the inflammation, and the purpose of physiotherapy. At regular uniform The prognosis for the disease is usually favorable.

Phlegmonous and necrotizing omphalitis is even less common in adults.

In the phlegmonous form, the tissues around the navel become inflamed, redness, thickening, soreness, purulent discharge from the navel, and an increase in body temperature are observed. Cellulitis of the abdominal wall may develop.

Necrotic (gangrenous) omphalitis develops very rarely and is a complication of the phlegmonous form. With this form, the infection seeps into the abdominal cavity, necrosis and detachment of dead tissue occurs. Necrotizing omphalitis is unsafe due to the development of umbilical sepsis, peritonitis, and hematogenous osteomyelitis.

For phlegmonous and gangrenous omphalitis, comprehensive, rich healing is carried out. Usually, treatment of the affected area is prescribed disinfectants, dressings with wound-healing and bactericidal ointments, intramuscular medications, physiotherapy. Required from time to time surgical intervention- opening of abscesses. In case of necrotic form, gamma globulin injections, vitamin therapy, and blood transfusions are performed.

Another reason why the navel becomes wet in an adult is an umbilical fistula. This pathology is almost always congenital and is characterized by a patent urinary or vitelline duct. When the urinary duct is not closed, a vesico-umbilical fistula appears, through which urine is released. If the vitelline duct is not closed, then an intestinal-umbilical fistula occurs with discharge from the intestinal tract. When inflammation occurs, the discharge becomes purulent.

From time to time, newfound fistulas occur, which are formed when the frontal wall of the peritoneum becomes inflamed and abscesses open through the navel.

In most cases, treatment consists of excision of the fistula and suturing the holes in the intestinal wall or Bladder. Non-surgical treatment can only be achieved if there is no discharge from the navel.

If the navel of an adult becomes wet, then under no circumstances should you engage in self-medication, which can only lead to an insignificant temporary effect.

There are areas of the body that we pay little or no attention to, thinking that this certainly cannot bother us... But no! As it turned out, to disturb, and even pose a danger when untimely treatment Absolutely any human organ can. Even something as “harmless” as a belly button.

The navel, just like any human organ, can become a source of bacterial growth. This happens when indifferent attitude to his hygiene or the use of piercings. And also with its special structure.
Scientists have found that the “cohabitants” of the human navel are about one and a half thousand different bacteria However, such “cohabitation” is not dangerous, and only a lack of hygiene in the hot season can cause trouble and discomfort in the form of discharge or redness.

Causes of a weeping navel in an adult

Doctors are similar in their answer to the question: “Why does an adult’s navel get wet?” The reasons for this pathology, they believe, lie in two diseases - omphalitis and umbilical fistula.
Omphalitis is a process of inflammation of the skin of the navel and subcutaneous tissue. It occurs in both children and adults. The disease is characterized the following symptoms: itching, redness near the skin of the navel, pain and unpleasant smell. Omphalitis appears when staphylococci, streptococci and E. coli spread in the navel. The disease develops rapidly if basic hygiene rules are not observed, as well as possible complication from a belly button piercing.

There are three forms of the disease:

1. Catarrhal (simple) omphalitis;
2. Phlegmonous omphalitis;
3. Gangrenous omphalitis.

This article will focus on omphalitis. Symptoms of catarrhal (simple) omphalitis are characterized by slight itching in the navel, soreness, and slight discharge (“wetting navel”). This is the most light form a disease that, with timely treatment, gives a favorable prognosis. However, self-medication is absolutely not worth it. It is necessary to contact specialists, specifically a surgeon who will examine the navel and take necessary tests for bacteriological culture.
Treatment of catarrhal omphalitis consists of applying an antiseptic or cauterizing solution, and then treating the navel antimicrobial ointments. Also appointed various kinds physiotherapeutic procedures, for example, UHF (ultra high frequency radiation) and ultraviolet radiation ( ultraviolet radiation).
However, in the absence of treatment, omphalitis passes into the following stages - phlegmonous, and then gangrenous, which implies a danger to the patient’s life, and is characterized mainly by tissue necrosis and purulent inflammation abdominal organs.

If an adult's belly button turns red and becomes wet...

As we have already found out, the first cause of a “wet navel” is omphalitis, that is, its inflammation, and if you do not start to treat it timely treatment, then it moves into the next, more terrible and dangerous stages.
If, for example, an adult’s navel turns red and becomes wet during the first stage of omphalitis, this is explained by itching around the navel and the presence of a small serous fluid, then in the second and third stages the redness is already explained by the fact that blood and pus have accumulated in the navel. This is very dangerous condition, which can lead to sepsis (blood poisoning) and subsequent death of the patient.
However, not all redness is explained by this particular reason. Banal piercing, that is, a navel piercing, which was especially fashionable 10-15 years ago with improper care followed after the procedure, can also lead to various redness. Usually this phenomenon is not so terrible if you take timely measures and, according to the instructions of the surgeon, treat the puncture site with antiseptics.

In conclusion, we note that, despite the fact that many people bypass such daily procedures as cleaning the navel, you need to remember about its hygiene. The easiest way to clean your belly button is with one or two cotton swabs, soaked in ordinary water, baby oil or hydrogen peroxide.

Inflammation of the navel is uncommon and can develop in both children and adults.

The medical name for this disease is omphalitis
Omphalitis (Greek omphalos - navel) - inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the navel area.
Many people know that newborns have problems with the navel. But not everyone is aware that navel inflammation also occurs in adults. Let's try to fill this gap and tell you why the navel becomes inflamed in adults.
Indeed, most often omphalitis is a disease of newborns in the first weeks of life, which occurs when the umbilical wound becomes infected and is manifested by redness of the skin around the navel, swelling, purulent discharge from the wound, abdominal pain, and fever.
What about adults?

The cause of inflammation is most often bacterial (streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) or fungal infection.
But there are certain prerequisites for navel infection:

  • The presence of a fistula at the umbilical ring. Fistulas are usually congenital pathology, caused by non-closure of the vitelline or urinary duct.
  • In this case, an intestinal-umbilical fistula with intestinal discharge is formed in the navel area. In case of non-occlusion of the urinary duct, a vesico-umbilical fistula is formed, and then the discharge is most often urine.
  • However, fistulas can also be acquired. This can occur after a long-term inflammatory process of the anterior abdominal wall, when the navel is opened purulent abscess.
  • Inflammation of the navel may be associated with anatomical features. So if the skin umbilical canal is very narrow and deeply retracted, dying skin cells and sebaceous gland secretions can accumulate in it. In this case, if hygiene rules are not followed, an infection can occur and cause inflammation.
  • Navel wounds, into which, if not properly cared for, can easily become infected with painful microorganisms, which become the causative agents of the disease.
  • Nowadays, it is worth knowing that piercing in the navel area can also cause inflammation.

The main symptoms are redness, swelling of the skin in the navel area and the appearance of serous discharge in the umbilical fossa. In more severe forms, the discharge becomes bloody and purulent, and as a result of intoxication of the body, the general condition suffers. The temperature can rise to 38-39°C. The navel changes its shape and becomes more protruding and hot to the touch. The area at the epicenter of inflammation will be especially hot. The wound area becomes covered with a thick crust, and pus collects under it.

The inflammatory process can also spread to the surrounding tissues and umbilical vessels, resulting in the development of arteritis or phlebitis of the umbilical vessels. This is the most dangerous variant of the disease.

There are 3 forms of omphalitis. each of which is a consequence of the previous one, if appropriate treatment is not carried out.

  1. Simple form (wet navel). In this form, the general condition does not suffer, but in the navel area there is weeping with serous or purulent discharge, which, when dried, becomes covered with a thin crust.
    With a long-term process, pink granulations can form in excess at the bottom of the umbilical wound and form mushroom-shaped tumors.
  2. Phlegmonous form. This dangerous form omphalitis, because with it, the inflammatory process already spreads to the surrounding tissues. There is a gradual deterioration in general condition. If phlegmon of the anterior abdominal wall develops, the temperature can rise to 39 °C and higher. In this case, the umbilical fossa is an ulcer surrounded by a compacted skin ridge. If you press on the umbilical area, pus may come out of the umbilical wound. The tissue around the navel is noticeably inflamed and swollen, and palpation causes pain.
  3. Necrotic (gangrenous) form. This is the next very dangerous stage of omphalitis. It occurs very rarely in weakened individuals with impaired immunity. With it, inflammation spreads deeper into the internal organs. If the process affects all layers of the abdominal wall, peritonitis may develop. There is a death of the skin and subcutaneous tissue near the navel, and subsequently their detachment from the underlying tissues. The skin becomes dark and looks like a bruise after strong blow. Ulcers of varying sizes may form. The infection can spread to the umbilical vessels and lead to the development of umbilical sepsis.

It is difficult to independently determine the cause of navel inflammation. Therefore, consultation with a surgeon is necessary, and, if necessary, bacteriological culture of the discharge.
The treatment method will depend on the cause of the inflammation.
As a rule, omphalitis is treated conservatively, but in the presence of a fistula, surgery cannot be avoided.
With timely treatment, omphalitis passes quickly enough and the risk of complications of the disease disappears.

A simple form of omphalitis.
1. Daily washing of the navel area with antiseptic agents - furatsilin solution or hydrogen peroxide, as well as lubricating it with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate, 1% solution of brilliant green or 70% alcohol. Ointments are also applied - 1% syntomycin emulsion or tetracycline ointment.
When navel granulations form, the wound is washed with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, and the granulations are cauterized with a 10% solution of silver nitrate (lapis).
2. Ultraviolet irradiation is used locally as a physiotherapeutic procedure.

Phlegmonous and necrotic form of omphalitis.
Treatment of these two forms of omphalitis requires hospital treatment.
In severe cases and general intoxication, along with local intoxication, general treatment using antibiotics wide range action and taking into account the sensitivity of microflora sown from umbilical discharge to these drugs.

Purulent inflammation of the navel often requires surgical intervention. To prevent the spread of infection to nearby organs and tissues, the wound is drained and pus is removed from the wound using a special probe.

Navel fistulas.
In the presence of fistulas, rational treatment is only possible surgical method with excision of fistulas and suturing of defects in the wall of the intestine or bladder.

An unpleasant odor in the navel area may be accompanied by other symptoms. Omphalitis is an inflammation of the surface of the skin and tissue under the skin near the navel. In addition to omphalitis, this condition can be caused by the presence of an umbilical fistula (non-closure of part of the urachus. The main symptoms are redness, swelling of the skin in the navel area and the appearance of serous discharge in the umbilical fossa. Phlegmonous and necrotic form of omphalitis.But not everyone is aware that inflammation of the navel also occurs in adults.

The navel changes its shape and becomes more protruding and hot to the touch. The area at the epicenter of inflammation will be especially hot. The treatment method will depend on the cause of the inflammation. Purulent inflammation of the navel often requires surgical intervention. Navel fistulas. In the presence of fistulas, rational treatment is possible only surgically with excision of the fistula and suturing of defects in the wall of the intestine or bladder.

If the cause of inflammation is omphalitis, then the doctor can prescribe treatment without any surgery. But leaving a weeping navel untreated for a long time can lead to the formation of excess granulations, and sometimes even leads to a tumor in the form of a fungus. Then a necrotic form may occur. With it, inflammation spreads not only to the surrounding surface of the skin, but also inside.

Odor and discharge from the navel

It is necessary to treat the navel and surrounding areas with antiseptic ointments and solutions every day. Most often, umbilical fistulas are a congenital pathology. And they occur when the vitelline-intestinal or urinary duct does not heal. Acquired umbilical fistulas are observed after a prolonged inflammatory process of the anterior abdominal wall, when a purulent abscess is opened through the navel. There are many reasons for the occurrence of unpleasant odor from the navel.

In addition, the unpleasant odor may be accompanied by discharge, discomfort and irritation. An unpleasant odor from the navel in infants may appear as the umbilical ring heals.

Inflammation of the navel in adults. Causes, symptoms and treatment.

Incomplete fistulas appear much more often and with them the navel first gets wet, then irritation appears around it and the fistulas themselves are lined with mucous membrane. You cannot try to cure an unpleasant smell in the navel on your own. As a result, a fistula appears, which is the cause foul odor. One of the most dangerous diseases, which causes an unpleasant odor from the navel - this is omphalitis. It is also very important to properly care for your belly button.

This phenomenon is often observed in fat people with a deep navel. Dirt, lint from clothing, and skin particles accumulate in the navel - all this can lead to an inflammatory process. Omphalitis is an inflammatory process of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the navel, which develops due to infection of the umbilical wound. Most often this disease occurs in newborns. In case of catarrhal form, it will be enough to regularly treat the navel wound with antiseptic solutions (hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin, brilliant green, potassium permanganate, miramistin, and so on).

If the fluid secreted from the navel has become purulent, then treatment with antibiotics is supplemented. A hole is made in the wound area and a probe is inserted into it, through which the pus is removed. After cleansing the navel wound, it is possible to use anti-inflammatory ointments and gels.

In young fashionable girls and young women, inflammation of the tissue around the navel may develop due to unsuccessful piercing. The basic principles of treatment of omphalitis in adults coincide with the treatment of childhood omphalitis. Age 39 years old, had gastrodeudenitis, often had a sore throat. Redness of the navel, discharge of ichor.

The cause of inflammation is most often bacterial (streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) or fungal infection. In more severe forms, the discharge becomes bloody and purulent, and as a result of intoxication of the body, the general condition suffers. There are 3 forms of omphalitis, each of which is a consequence of the previous one, if appropriate treatment is not carried out. With timely treatment, omphalitis passes quickly enough and the risk of complications of the disease disappears.

Treatment of these two forms of omphalitis requires hospital treatment. This anomaly manifests itself as a constant weeping of the navel wound). Never try to identify the cause of the disease yourself. It is better to consult a qualified surgeon. The main task is to accurately determine the cause of the disease, because this determines which treatment method to choose. Umbilical sepsis occurs ( purulent process in the tissues and vessels of the umbilical cord).

To find out the exact cause, it is necessary to examine the surgeon with mandatory bacterial culture of the discharge and revision of the umbilical ring. Treatment tactics will depend on what caused it. If it is omphalitis, treatment is conservative. When pressing on the umbilical area, pus is released from the umbilical wound. General state gradually begins to worsen, a slight increase in temperature is noted.

The necrotic form of omphalitis is usually a consequence of the phlegmonous form. The process spreads not only to the sides, as with phlegmon of the anterior abdominal wall, but also deeper. With phlegmonous and necrotic forms apply complex treatment in a hospital setting, for which you need to go to the nearest emergency hospital.

Let's try to fill this gap and tell you why the navel becomes inflamed in adults. And few people take care of their belly button. Omphalitis is inflammation of the bottom of the navel. The inflammatory process is provoked by staphylococcus and coli. When the vitelline-intestinal duct is not closed in the navel area, an intestinal-umbilical fistula with intestinal or mucous discharge is formed.

More on this topic:

Most often, newborns under 1 month of age are affected, but older children and even adults can sometimes get sick. Among acquired diseases of the first 3 weeks of life, omphalitis ranks first, its course is quite favorable, it is easy to treat and passes without consequences.


Omphalitis in children is the result of infection in umbilical wound, the cause of which is insufficiently qualified child care.

Inflammation of the navel is caused by bacterial flora, most often it is staphylococcus or streptococcus, less often E. coli, pneumococcus, Klebsiella, etc. The infection enters the thickness of the skin through the umbilical remnant (umbilical cord stump) or an unhealed umbilical wound. Bacteria are introduced through the baby's feces and through the hands. medical personnel or parents.

In addition to improper care of the newborn, other diseases can cause navel infection: diaper dermatitis, pemphigus, pyoderma, etc.

The risk group for this pathology includes premature babies, as well as newborns with hypoxia and developmental anomalies, primarily anomalies of the navel itself.


Manifestations of omphalitis are general and local.

General ones are nonspecific symptoms availability infectious process in organism.

  • Lethargy, tearfulness, lack of appetite.
  • Reduction or cessation of weight gain.
  • Increased body temperature.

Local symptoms are signs of damage directly in the navel area.

  • The appearance of discharge from the umbilical wound. The discharge may be different colors, from light and transparent to dirty yellow and brown, sometimes mixed with fresh blood.
  • Hyperemia (redness) of the skin in the umbilical ring area.
  • Reddened skin is hot to the touch.
  • Swelling of the peri-umbilical area.
  • Unpleasant odor from the navel.

In healthy newborns, they usually predominate local symptoms, but in premature infants local manifestations may be minimal, but general ones are quite pronounced.

A distinction is made between primary omphalitis, which occurs in an unchanged navel, and secondary omphalitis, which develops against the background of congenital anomalies.

According to severity of manifestations infectious inflammation The navel is divided into 3 clinical forms:

Catarrhal omphalitis (simple omphalitis)– the most common and most favorable form. Another name of this disease- weeping navel. Normally, the umbilical cord remnant falls off on its own in the first week of the baby’s life, after which a small wound remains in its place, which heals (epithelializes) on its own within 10 to 15 days. Until healing, the wound is covered with a scab and there is no discharge.

If a newborn develops catarrhal omphalitis, then the period of epithelization is prolonged, and a light, transparent or cloudy liquid begins to ooze from the navel. The umbilical ring is hyperemic, slightly swollen, the surrounding skin is unchanged. If weeping persists for more than 2 weeks, then at the bottom of the navel, excessive growth of granulation tissue may occur - navel fungus, which further complicates healing.

With this type of omphalitis general signs as a rule, they are not pronounced; sometimes the body temperature may rise slightly (low-grade fever).

Phlegmonous omphalitis (purulent omphalitis). most often it is a continuation of catarrhal. Swelling of the surrounding skin increases. The area of ​​hyperemia becomes larger. Because of defeat lymphatic vessels the red spot around the navel takes on the appearance of a jellyfish or octopus. General signs of the disease increase. Discharge from the fart becomes purulent and may have an unpleasant odor.

Necrotizing omphalitis (gangrenous omphalitis). Rarely seen in cranes. Occurs due to neglect of phlegmonous omphalitis: late visit to the doctor, incorrect treatment, as well as in the presence of a very aggressive pathogen, for example, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Inflammation spreads to subcutaneous tissue, which dies under the influence of microbes. The navel circumference becomes dark purple or bluish in color. The navel takes on the appearance of an extensive purulent wound. The symptoms of general intoxication are extremely pronounced. This form extremely rarely passes without consequences.


Catarrhal omphalitis is usually well treated and goes away without consequences.

Purulent omphalitis can lead to the spread of the process beyond the umbilical region and the formation of phlegmon (suppuration) or an abscess of the anterior abdominal wall.

Gangrenous omphalitis can lead to infection spreading to the abdominal cavity, which is often fatal. Also this type omphalitis leaves behind rough scars.

Gangrenous and phlegmonous inflammation can cause generalization of the infection, that is, the appearance of purulent foci in other places: bones (osteomyelitis), lungs (destructive pneumonia), etc. They can also cause blood poisoning (sepsis).


Catarrhal omphalitis in newborns is treated in outpatient setting. Sometimes purulent, and gangrenous as a rule, it is necessary to place the child in a surgical hospital.

Simple omphalitis requires only local treatment. Treatment of the umbilical wound with omphalitis is carried out with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) or 1-2% alcohol solution brilliant green. In the presence of purulent discharge, before treatment, you should rinse the navel with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Treatment is carried out 2-3 times a day until the navel is completely epithelized. Bathing a child with omphalitis is possible, but a little potassium permanganate should be added to the water.

Purulent omphalitis of newborns, as well as gangrenous omphalitis, in addition to local treatment, require the use of systemic antibacterial therapy (intramuscular or intravenous).

Surgery is performed in the following cases.

  • For necrotizing omphalitis, to remove dead tissue.
  • In the presence of secondary omphalitis, for example, to eliminate an umbilical-intestinal or umbilical-vesical fistula.
  • With navel fungus.
  • With extensive phlegmon of the anterior abdominal wall.


Preventing the occurrence of infection of the umbilical cord in newborns involves careful care of the umbilical wound in the first weeks of life.

  • The umbilical wound needs to be treated 2-3 times a day until complete healing.
  • Treatment is carried out with a solution of brilliant green or a 70% alcohol solution.
  • Under no circumstances should you peel off the scabs from the wound; you can’t think of a better bandage than a scab.
  • You cannot cover your navel with a diaper, or seal it with a band-aid or anything else.
  • If you have purulent discharge or an unpleasant odor from the navel, immediately contact your pediatrician or pediatric surgeon.

Omphalitis in adults

Omphalitis in adults in most cases is the result of trauma, namely piercing. It has approximately the same symptoms as in children. The navel area becomes swollen and hyperemic, mucopurulent or purulent discharge appears, sometimes with an unpleasant odor. The discharge is rarely abundant, most often it is small yellowish marks on clothing. There is soreness in the peri-umbilical area, and sometimes itching may occur.

Without treatment, omphalitis in adults can persist for quite a long time, without causing special problems, and even go through it yourself. But when certain conditions(decreased immunity, aggressive bacterial flora, accompanying illnesses, such as diabetes) an infection in the navel can become a source of complications.

  • Abscess or phlegmon of the skin of the abdomen.
  • Blood poisoning - sepsis.

In addition, some acupuncturists believe that the piercing itself or its complications, due to neuro-reflex effects, can become a source of problems for the female genital area.

Treatment of omphalitis in adults should begin with the elimination of piercings. Treatment of the navel is carried out in the same way as for children: 2-3 times a day it is necessary to wash the navel and surrounding tissues with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, and then treat it with brilliant green. A navel bandage is usually not required, but is used in for cosmetic purposes and so that the brilliant green does not spoil the clothes.

Only local treatment not always effective, especially if the inflammation is severe. Therefore, systemic antibacterial therapy (antibiotics orally or intramuscularly) is mandatory.

Surgical treatment is performed only in the presence of complications.

Inflammation of the navel in adults is well treated; it rarely develops purulent forms and usually passes without consequences.

Liqmed reminds you: the sooner you seek help from a specialist, the greater your chances of maintaining health and reducing the risk of complications.

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