Forest first aid kit. Plants that will help heal wounds, abrasions and bruises. Wound healing agents

The resulting balm was applied to a non-healing wound 1-2 times a day until it healed. The most reliable remedy for healing long-existing wounds is aloe juice. The juice has a powerful bactericidal effect, helping to quickly relieve inflammation in the area of ​​damage and speeding up the recovery of affected tissues.

Avoid working with laundry detergents and other aggressive agents or only work with gloves.

In your diet, avoid spicy, salty, pickled, smoked, fried, and fatty foods.

Sprinkle the wound with dry horsetail powder once a day, cover it with a bandage, but not tightly, as the skin needs to breathe.

Minor wounds can be dealt with on your own using folk remedies.

Mullein will help wounds heal.

Mullein decoction heals wounds and burns well. Boil a handful of flowers with leaves in 2 tbsp. water 5-7 min. and make lotions. Cuts or wounds, after lubricating them carrot juice, you can sprinkle with dried flower powder. A decoction of the leaves in milk (the proportions are the same as for the water decoction) is used to make compresses for purulent wounds, abscesses, ulcers, and lichens.

Remedies that will help wounds heal quickly.

Cut an aloe leaf and apply a bandage with the cut side to the wound. After a few hours, the wound will begin to heal. Change leaves several times a day.

Apply 2-3 drops to the affected parts of the body several times a day Kalanchoe juice, the wound heals quickly and disappears. Course of treatment days.

Yarrow for wounds.

Yarrow will quickly heal a cut and stop bleeding. Pick a yarrow plant and crush it to make a juicy paste. Place it on the cut and cover the wound with a clean cloth or bandage.

To prevent wounds from becoming inflamed and healing to be delayed, this recipe can be useful to many. Take 2 tbsp. yarrow and 1 tbsp. St. John's wort. Pour a small amount of boiling water over the herbs and let it brew for half an hour. You will also need a few lingonberries. You can use fresh or frozen berries. The berries should also be poured with a small amount hot water, put on fire and boil until soft. Take out the boiled berries and mash them to make a paste. Now we need a piece of gauze. We soak it in the received herbal infusion, spread lingonberry pulp on top. After this, apply a lotion to the wound. You need to hold it for about 40 minutes. And then just bandage it. This procedure should be carried out once a day. You will see for yourself - the wound heals instantly.

Dandelion oil for wounds.

Loosely place dandelion flowers in a jar, fill to the top with sunflower oil, leave for a day. Then keep the jar in a water bath for 40 minutes, leave for another day. Strain, squeeze. This ointment helps with herpes, eczema, wounds, burns, boils, scabies and insect bites.

Black poplar will heal the wound.

If you accidentally stepped on a nail or simply pricked your foot deeply with something, you need to break poplar branches and pour hot water, simmer a little and, when it cools slightly, dip the leg into the infusion. This must be done quickly so as not to burn the skin. Tested by experience.

An ointment that heals well any, even festering wounds.

To prepare the ointment, you need fresh bloodroot juice. Take 1 tbsp per serving of ointment. juice of this plant. Add 60 g of rendered pork fat to this amount of juice. Stir and leave in a warm place, and then stir again to obtain a homogeneous mass. Then put 1 tsp there. beeswax and a little propolis. Place the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Leave again in a warm place for 2 hours to let everything brew. Then put the ointment in the refrigerator, but take the ointment out every hour and mix well so that it thickens evenly. Now the ointment is ready. It must be stored in the refrigerator. It's easy to use. Apply the ointment to the wound and put a bandage on top. Very soon the wound will heal.

Ointment from the herb cudweed for wounds, ulcers, boils.

10 gr. crushed powder of dried cucumber herb mixed with 50 g. butter or vegetable oil and 1 tsp. honey Everything is rubbed thoroughly. The ointment is applied to the wound 2-3 times a day, and on boils - under an adhesive plaster. Wounds heal very quickly.

Beetroot juice will heal minor wounds and scratches.

Minor wounds and scratches can be treated with freshly squeezed beet juice. You need to wash the beets, grate them, squeeze out the juice through gauze, soak the bandage in the juice and treat the wound. Then apply a gauze swab soaked in juice and secure with a bandage. Remove after a minute to prevent it from drying to the skin. If necessary, you can treat the wound several times a day. The wounds heal very quickly and no further treatment is required.

Celery smells like wounds.

If you suddenly cut yourself and the wound does not heal for a long time or festers, then celery will help you. Prepare ointment - 1 tbsp. l. chopped celery roots take 1 tbsp. l. butter- and treat the wound.

Hydrogen peroxide and aloe for wounds.

Treatment of wounds: wash the dirty wound with hydrogen peroxide and put in a cut fresh aloe leaf, bandage it and leave it until the morning. Aloe draws out all the dirt, disinfects the wound and covers it with a thin transparent film. In the morning, after removing the bandage, you can smear the wound with brilliant green, there will be no pain, and sprinkle with streptocide powder for speedy healing. It's that simple!

St. John's wort oil for treating wounds.

To treat wounds, ulcers, and burns, you can use oil from St. John's wort. It's easy to prepare. Fresh St. John's wort herb should be cut, put in a half-liter jar, filling it by a third. Pour in vegetable oil, preferably olive oil. Then place the jar in a pan of boiling water and heat for 30 minutes. Then leave to infuse for another three days. Then drain the oil and squeeze out the St. John's wort herb. This oil should be stored in the refrigerator. It does not spoil for six months, and sometimes more. You just need to lubricate the sore spots with oil.

Common oxalis is an excellent wound healing agent.

Oxalis (rabbit cabbage) helps with cuts, wounds, boils, and burns. Wash the sorrel leaves, dry them from excess moisture and put them to simmer in a cast iron pot in a not hot oven. You can also do this in the oven gas stove over very low heat. And after a few hours, take it out and strain the juice through cheesecloth. It turns out sticky Brown. An excellent wound healing agent.

Tincture of white lily flowers will heal wounds.

Wounds, scratches, cuts are perfectly healed by tincture of white lily flowers. Place the whole white garden lily flowers loosely in a dark glass jar, fill it 2/3 with vodka and leave in a dark place for ten days. This tincture also smooths out wrinkles on the face (wipe for 2 weeks).

Onions are an excellent remedy for healing wounds.

1. For the healing of any wounds. Onion average size peel, prick on a fork or knitting needle and hold over the fire until upper layer won't turn black. Remove the blackness and inner part(it should be perforated) place on the wound and secure with a bandage. Leave for a day, repeat the procedure several times if necessary. Baked onions cleanse and heal wounds very well. Tested many times.

From a cut, if it is trivial, sometimes the wound is small, but it is impossible to stop the bleeding, the best thing is an onion film. Peel the onion and carefully separate several layers. Between the layers there is a thin transparent film - this is the best natural dressing material. Apply it to the cut, it will immediately close the wound and at the same time have a bactericidal effect.

Tincture of birch buds is an excellent remedy for long-term non-healing wounds and abscesses.

The bottle is filled one third with birch buds, topped with vodka, and closed tightly. Leave for 10 days, and then apply this tincture to the sore spots, which also helps with long-term non-healing wounds and abscesses

Lotions with infusion of herbs heal any wounds.

Take 1 tablespoon each of St. John's wort, sweet clover and yarrow. These herbs should be poured with a small amount of water and put on fire. Let it boil, then simmer over low heat for half an hour. Then let sit for 10 minutes to let the herbs cool a little. Now place the boiled herbs on gauze and place on the wound. This lotion should be left on for about an hour. After such lotions, the wounds heal before our eyes.

For wounds, scratches, bruises with tissue damage, alcohol tincture of calamus roots will help:

1 tablespoon of crushed dry rhizome is washed down with a glass of alcohol. The medicine is infused for 2 weeks in a dark place. The tincture is easy to use. You can soak a cotton swab in the tincture and apply it to the wound. True, in this case it may pinch and tingle. Anyone who is afraid of this can do a lotion. Just dilute 1 teaspoon of tincture in 100 ml boiled water and apply gauze soaked in the solution to the sore spot. After such treatment, the wound will heal faster, and there will definitely be no infection. All wounds heal instantly.

Ointment for many skin problems

For wounds, scratches, and cracks in the skin, ointment from the roots of silverweed will help. It is better to dig roots in autumn or spring. They need to be ground into powder in a coffee grinder. You will need 1 tbsp of this powder. It must be poured into a glass of softened cow butter. Stir and place the mixture on water bath. Boil for approximately 5 minutes until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Cool the cream and store it in the refrigerator. It heals all cracks instantly, the skin tightens overnight.

Ground coffee is the first remedy for bleeding scratches

If you run into a nail, or get some kind of scratches with bleeding, ground coffee powder, which should be immediately poured directly onto the wound, will help to quickly stop the bleeding. After the bleeding stops, wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide and bandage it. Everything will heal very quickly.

Ointment for any wounds

This ointment heals any wounds. Take an equal amount of resin (pine tree resin), wax and butter. Melt the wax in a water bath, and when it thickens, add oil and stir. And then, while still warm, add the pre-frozen, powdered resin and mix thoroughly. This ointment should be stored in the freezer.

Foil will heal wounds

Foil has antiseptic effect, so it is very good to cover wounds, abrasions and cuts. The very next day everything begins to heal, and after a week there won’t even be a scar left.

Mushrooms for wound healing

Few people know that an ordinary puffball mushroom can replace a bactericidal patch. Apply the pulp of the mushroom (clean) to the wound and bandage it. The pulp of this mushroom contains substances that kill microbes and helps the wound heal faster.

Treatment of wounds and cuts with folk remedies

Herbal medicine is indispensable for getting rid of many ailments, including wounds and cuts.

Who among you as a child did not apply plantain to a broken elbow or knee, which disinfects and stops bleeding?

Who hasn't had a mother tie a fresh one to a non-healing wound? cabbage leaf, relieving swelling? Treatment of wounds with folk remedies - effective and effective method, many recipes are known from ancient herbalists and are relevant to this day.

Traditional recipes for healing wounds, cuts, scratches and ulcers

The use of folk remedies for injuries is necessary due to long-term treatment. These are effective drugs that do not contain potent substances and do not have side effects. In the traditional treatment of injuries, such properties of medicinal plants as anti-inflammatory, local analgesic, sedative, regulating mineral metabolism, restorative.

The best folk recipes for healing wounds, cuts, scrapes and ulcers are listed below:

Squeeze the juice from a fresh plant and apply (anoint) it to the wound. Stops bleeding and heals the wound. It heals old wounds and festering ulcers well.

In winter, a steam of dried flowers with an admixture of 1/3 by weight of chamomile flowers has the same effect. In the summer, pick yarrow in a field or forest, crush it or chew it and apply it to the wound. Change the grass several times a day. The wound heals in 3-5 days.

Squeeze the juice from the nettle, anoint the wound, moisten a rag with it and bandage the wound with it. You can mash the leaves to juice and apply.

Mix well nettle juice in half with bedstraw juice. Wash the wound with this mixture and apply a cloth soaked in it.

Coniferous resin (cedar, fir, pine, spruce). While hiking in the forest, one of the excellent remedies for wounds and cuts is resin-resin. Apply fresh resin to wounds, ulcers, and cracks. Lubricate daily. Healing occurs quickly.

White body The mushroom has a strong wound healing and hemostatic agent. Cut the mushroom and apply the inner pulp to the wound. This folk remedy for cuts stops bleeding, and the wound heals quickly, without suppuration. Dusting wounds with mature spores has the same effect as mushroom pulp. The spores are well preserved and do not lose their medicinal properties.

Popularly fresh crushed leaves various types plantain is used for wounds, bruises, burns as a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent. It is also used for insect bites. Leaves crushed to juice are applied to the affected areas, changing the bandage after 2-3 hours. Grind and mix equal parts of plantain and yarrow. Use as an external hemostatic and wound healing agent. Change the bandage 2-3 times a day.

Treatment of non-healing wounds and cuts with folk remedies

To treat non-healing wounds and cuts with folk remedies, the following recipes are used:

Folk remedies for quick wound healing

Throughout his life, a person is subject to various injuries, bruises, wounds that can be received in any situation that is not at all life-threatening, at work, at home, even during sleep. It is almost impossible to protect yourself from minor household injuries, and each of us from the very first days of our existence begins to become familiar with various minor injuries. Children earn their injuries due to the fact that they are mobile, energetic, and still poorly adapted to the world around them. Adults are injured in the process labor activity, during active recreation, playing sports, sometimes just without special reasons. What housewife does not know the color of blood flowing from a finger cut with a kitchen knife?

A wound is a mechanical damage to body tissue that disrupts the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane. In medicine, wounds are divided into several types: laceration, puncture, cutting, gunshot, etc., which depends on what kind of object mechanical impact it was applied. Everyone knows its main manifestations: firstly, pain, and its intensity may depend on a number of factors, for example, the type and extent of the injury; secondly, hemorrhage, the intensity of which can also vary depending on the severity of the injury; thirdly, under some conditions the wound may become suppurated. Of course, serious and extensive wounds, especially in which there was a large loss of blood, should not be left without the attention of qualified physicians. Each of us is quite capable of dealing with minor wounds on our own, for which it is not superfluous to know what folk remedies for fast healing wounds are available in the arsenal of alternative medicine.

Folk remedies for treating wounds

In the article “How to properly provide assistance for wounds,” I told you what wounds and complications there are and how to properly provide assistance for injuries. These tips are more applicable to more serious wounds.

What to do if the wounds are minor? After all, with such a “trifling” wound, it seems inconvenient to go to see a doctor... But such wounds also require attention. Because if no measures are taken in a timely manner, the wound can become infected and fester. Then you will definitely have to go to the hospital.

An alternative may be folk remedies for treating wounds. Sometimes there are situations where you get hurt, but the hospital is very far away, or perhaps it’s after hours. What to do in such situations? In folk medicine there are many recipes on how to solve this problem. Of course, not only at home, but even while at the dacha or on a hike, you should always have a first aid kit at hand. The first aid kit should always contain dressings, hydrogen peroxide and alcohol solutions for treating wounds.

Therefore, the first step, if you have any kind of wound (and you can read what kinds of wounds there are here), you first need to treat the wound. If the wound was formed after falling to the ground or you were pricked with some sharp object, first of all, wash the wound under running water and soap, treat it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, and treat the edges of the wound with brilliant green or iodine. Only after this we proceed directly to treating the wound.

Folk remedies for bleeding wounds

  • Blood is oozing from an abrasion or cut, and there is no peroxide on hand. Ground coffee will help stop bleeding quickly. Pour coffee powder directly onto the wound and then bandage it.
  • IN similar situation Yarrow leaf will help out. But for this purpose it is better to take yarrow from pink flowers. Take yarrow leaves, mash them to make a paste, apply to a cut or abrasion, place a clean napkin on top and bandage it.
  • Peel a medium or large onion and peel off the transparent film that is between the layers of the onion. Place this film over the wound or abrasion and bandage it. In addition to the hemostatic effect, this film will have a bactericidal effect.
  • Take nettle leaves, rinse them, then mash them and apply to the wound, bandage it. Nettle leaves have a hemostatic and wound-healing effect. You can simply put a nettle leaf on the wound, the effect will be the same.

Other folk remedies for treating wounds

  • Beet juice. Clean a small raw beets, grate it, put the pulp in several layers of bandage or a cloth, squeeze out the juice. Then moisten a clean napkin with beet juice and apply it to the wound and bandage it. But the napkin needs to be changed every minute, as it can dry to the wound and then it will be difficult to tear it off. Beetroot juice will help the wound heal faster.
  • Plantain leaves. They grow mainly near the road, so rinse them from dust, cover the wound with a plantain leaf, and bandage it. Plantain has wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • To treat wounds that have not healed for a long time, you can prepare a pine-oil balm. To do this, the resin-resin is mixed with cow butter, mixed in a water bath to obtain a homogeneous consistency and lubricated with wound balm 1-2 times a day.
  • Aloe leaves have a good bactericidal and regenerating effect. Take an aloe leaf, cut it lengthwise and apply the pulp to the wound surface. You can squeeze the juice from aloe leaves, moisten a cloth and apply it to the wound. Dressings must be done 1-2 times a day.
  • Many people have a plant called collanchoe, which successfully treats cough. It can also be used to treat wounds. Place a few drops of collanchoe juice on the wound and bandage it. The procedure must be repeated several times a day until the wound heals.
  • If the wound is on the leg, then break several poplar branches, put them in a bowl or basin, pour boiling water over it and let it brew for a while. When it cools down a little, lower your foot into the hot infusion for 1-2 seconds. This must be done quickly so as not to burn your leg. Tested by people, they say it helps.
  • The puffball mushroom also has bacterial and wound-healing properties. Break the mushroom and apply a clean (inner) surface to the wound, bandage it to secure it to the wound.
  • And the wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties of honey have been known since ancient times. Honey can be applied directly to the wound, covered with a napkin and bandaged or covered with an adhesive bandage.

Means for the treatment of long-term non-healing or purulent wounds

  • Dandelion oil. Loosely place dandelion flowers in a jar, fill with sunflower oil and let steep for 24 hours. The next day, heat the jar of dandelions in a water bath for 40 minutes and leave for another day. Then strain the resulting oil. Moisten a napkin with oil and apply it to the wound or burn surface. This oil also helps with insect bites, scabies, herpes and eczema.
  • St. John's wort oil. Take St. John's wort herb, chop it, put it in a jar, add vegetable or olive oil, and place in a water bath for 30 minutes. After this, leave the oil for 3 days, then strain. To treat wounds, you need to moisten a napkin with oil and apply it to the wound. Do dressings 1-2 times a day until the wound heals. In a refrigerator, oil can be stored for up to 6 months or more.
  • Here is another interesting remedy for treating wounds. Foil dressings are well suited for wound healing, as they have an antiseptic effect. Of course, we need to take thinner foil, in which we wrap food for the road. Apply foil to the wound and bandage it. They say that the very next day the wound begins to heal.
  • To treat purulent wounds, you can prepare an ointment. Take 10 grams of dry cucumber herb (can be bought at a pharmacy), chop it, add 50 grams of butter (about 2 tablespoons) and 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix thoroughly. Place the ointment on a napkin, which you then apply to the wound. Change the bandage 2-3 times a day until it heals.
  • Ointment with propolis. Propolis is natural antibiotic, has excellent bacterial, antiseptic, wound healing effects. Take 1 part propolis and 5 parts pork or fish oil. If you don’t have them, you can use butter or vegetable oil. Heat the oil and propolis in a water bath for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. In the future, if the oil is stored in the refrigerator, it will not spoil for several months. The Tentorium company has an alternative to this ointment: apibalsam I and apibalsam II.
  • Ointment with celery. Mix 1 tablespoon of chopped celery roots with 1 tablespoon of butter. Apply the ointment to the wound and bandage it 1-2 times a day.
  • Tincture of birch buds. Fill a half-liter jar 1/3 with birch buds, fill it with vodka, close the lid and leave in a dark place for 10 days. Place a napkin soaked in the tincture on the wound and bandage it on top. We change the dressings 1-2 times a day.
  • Cranberry pulp or juice is good for treating purulent wounds. You can put the berry pulp on a napkin and apply it to the wound, or wash the wound with berry juice.

There are a lot of traditional methods of treating wounds. In each specific situation you can choose what you currently have. But for wound treatment to be successful, the following must be observed.

First, try not to get the bandages on your wounds wet. If the wounds are on the hands, it is best to use finger pads or rubber gloves when washing dishes, doing laundry, etc.

Secondly, the bandage must be dry, air must pass through it, then the regeneration process will be more successful.

Thirdly, avoid work involving the use of washing powders, cleaning agents and other aggressive agents. Unprotected wounds will be exposed to these agents, and the wound will not heal longer.

If this information was useful to you, then please share it with your friends by clicking on the social buttons. networks.

Pathology, which was described in 1882 by the German doctor Heinrich Quincke.

Severe pain that obscures the mind, occurs suddenly, does not give rest during the day.

Has it ever happened to you that you barely woke up from sleep and didn’t immediately.

Every family has a bottle of iodine tincture, often it.

Plantain was used even by children. I liked the onion film method, thank you.

Plantain is always at hand, or rather, under your feet!

I simply lift the limb above my head (if your leg is injured, you can do this lying down) and slight trembling shaking. The bleeding stops without any remedy, the wound heals before our eyes.

Yes, it helps, I wrote about that too. Another factor contributing to faster wound healing is general state body and the state of immunity.

Very extensive and of course useful list traditional treatment. Thank you!

Whatever they used for cuts and injuries! But we settled on peroxide and aloe a long time ago. Especially after aloe, wounds and wounds heal, one might say, before our eyes.

Happy Palm Sunday!

Thank you, Vera, for your congratulations! Congratulations to you too Palm Sunday I also like aloe. But not every home has this plant. Although there are so many benefits from it!

A first aid kit must always be at hand. Wherever we go on vacation or to visit, I make sure to prepare all the essential medications for the trip. You never know. And I must say, the first aid kit was even very useful several times. And the aloe flower is a miracle healer. By applying it to the wound, it heals very quickly!

In fact, now you can’t get ready for a trip, even a short one, without a first aid kit. And at home, we will also be helped by medicinal herbs that can be found right under our feet.

There are so many things you can use! I saved some tips. Thank you!

Please use it for your health!

I confirm that aloe juice helped me heal a wound that had not healed for a long time from an animal bite.

Bite wounds are special; they hurt for a long time and do not heal. I also experienced it myself and I also tied aloe.

A very large list of traditional treatments. I'll take note of this list. Thank you

Use traditional recipes for your health. These recipes are passed on from one to another, all of them are tested by people and time. Therefore, you can rely on them.

Great tips. I'll add one more tip.

One day our parrot, flying around the room, sat on the door. Someone didn’t notice and pinched his paw, blood appeared and we didn’t know what to do or how to help him. I called a friend whose daughter worked as a veterinarian in a circus, and received good advice. We diluted a strong solution of manganese and dropped it on the bird’s paw. The bleeding stopped immediately. Manganese is also a gift of nature, although not living. Use it if something happens, it will help.

Let's take this advice to our treasury. Thank you!

Very good list folk remedies. I took note of several recipes. Tweet from me.

That’s right, a first aid kit should always be available on the road, and thanks for the advice, nature will always help with its gifts!

How good it is that they are like that simple ways are always at hand, just stretch it out!

Cool tips. I especially liked the advice about coffee and onion film. This is always at hand.

In fact, completely simple and effective ways and always at hand!

Yes, the season is just around the corner. In just two weeks, the gardening season will begin. There’s no way to avoid injuries here))))

Taisiya, that’s true. When you were a child, if you got hurt, you always used a plantain leaf. I don’t know, adults did this and told us. But we, the children, tore off the leaf ourselves and applied it to the wound.

I also remember that as a child we always got injured somewhere and the first thing we did was plantain! In fact, how did we know this then?

Our family always uses honey for any wound: a cut, some kind of abscess. If honey is not on hand (at the dacha), then sprinkle the cuts with sugar to stop the bleeding. At the dacha, in general, there are no problems: any plant contains biologically active substances and has bactericidal properties. I’ve known for a long time that yarrow has blood-stopping properties (used for menopausal bleeding), but for some reason I didn’t even think about wounds, although it grows right next to our walkway at home. Thanks for the recipes.

Honey has an antiseptic and wound-healing effect. So you are doing the right thing!

There are so many available remedies for treating wounds. This is the first time I've heard about coffee. Good to know and remember. Tweet from me.

Thank you, Lyudmila for the tweet. I also come to your blog all the time, it’s very interesting materials, but I can’t write a comment on your blog. I’ll write all my details, but the comment itself won’t work. Even the cursor is not placed in the comment field. Why, I wonder?

Great! So many folk remedies have been described and all of them are of course very important! Thanks for your advice and detailed description!

And I always wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide right away, usually this is enough.

This is often enough if you have peroxide on hand. And if it’s not there, then these folk remedies are just the thing to help.

But I had no one to suggest treatment with such wonderful recipes. I underwent procedures with the PlasmaJet device. I went to Moscow for procedures. Of course, it helped, even a lot, but I could try one of these recipes.

PlasmaJet is a very familiar device. It also helped my wife in many ways. So, I know this device first-hand. Did you happen to go to the Best Clinic in Moscow? I went there.

I went to the Best Clinic on Leningradskoye sh., 116. You know, I’m very grateful to them, because the procedures were painless, although in reality I was very afraid and worried. And when it all started, I didn’t even feel it, I sat quietly for 40 minutes. Three procedures were enough.

Health from nature

Medicinal herbs and recipes



Fast wound healing with folk remedies

Violation of the integrity of the body by mechanical damage is called a wound. Injuries, cuts, vascular and microbial changes can cause wounds. There are a huge number of remedies that can help treat wounds.

How to speed up wound healing

Recipe 1. Healing ointment - a remedy for wound healing

There is a recipe for an ointment that will help heal even festering wounds. To do this, you need to take fresh bloodroot juice. In order to prepare a portion of the ointment, you need to use a tablespoon of this juice. Then add 60 grams of melted pork fat. After this, stir everything and let it stand in a warm place, and then mix again to obtain a homogeneous mass. Then, add 1 teaspoon of natural beeswax and a small amount of propolis to the mixture. After this, the mixture must be brought to a boil and kept on fire for 5 minutes. Then, the mixture must be allowed to steep again in a warm place for a couple of hours so that it can infuse. After completing the procedures, the mixture must be placed in the refrigerator, and every hour it must be taken out and mixed thoroughly so that the ointment can thicken evenly. It is important that the ointment must be stored in the refrigerator. Ointment is applied to the wound and then a bandage is applied. After this, the wound will heal faster.

Recipe 2. Treatment with aloe and hydrogen peroxide

Aloe and hydrogen peroxide can also be used to treat wounds. To do this, you need to rinse the dirty wound along the edge with hydrogen peroxide and apply a cut fresh aloe leaf to it. The wound must be bandaged and left overnight until the morning. Aloe will help the wound heal faster, since this plant draws out all the pus, disinfects the wound and covers it with a thin transparent film. In the morning, you need to remove the bandage and apply brilliant green to the wound and sprinkle with streptocide powder.

Recipe 3. Treatment with St. John's wort oil

Can also be used to treat wounds St. John's wort oil. To do this, you need to take fresh shoots of St. John's wort, cut them and put them in a 0.5 jar, filling it by a third. Afterwards, add vegetable oil there, the most the best option will olive oil. After this, the jar must be heated for 30 minutes in a pan of water. After this procedure, leave the jar of St. John's wort to infuse for 3 days. After the expiration date, drain the oil and squeeze out the herbs vigorously. The oil must be stored in the refrigerator; its shelf life is about six months. Sore spots just need to be moistened with oil.

Recipe 4. Treatment with white lily tincture

To heal wounds, you can also use a tincture of white lily flowers. Loosely place white lily flowers into a 2/3 dark glass jar filled with vodka. After this, leave the jar for 10 days in a dry, dark place. If you wipe your face with the resulting tincture for 2 weeks, it will help smooth out wrinkles on your face.

Using the following method you can heal any wound. To do this, you need to hold the peeled onion over an open fire until its top layer becomes completely black. After this, remove this layer, and place the remaining middle on the open wound and secure with a tight bandage. In this case, the bandage must be kept on for a day, and then the procedure must be repeated several times if necessary. Due to the fact that onions restore tissue very well, cleanse and heal wounds, this method is very effective.

For small cuts, to stop bleeding, it is necessary to use onion film. To do this, peel the onion and separate several layers of thin film. Between the layers of the onion there is a thin film that will very quickly heal the wound and have a disinfecting effect.

Recipe 6. Treatment with birch buds

Tincture based on birch buds - excellent remedy for long-term non-healing wounds, boils and abscesses. To do this, fill the bottle 1/3 with birch buds and top it with vodka. The mixture is allowed to brew for 10 days, and then the wounds are lubricated with this infusion.

Recipe 7. Treatment with herbal infusion lotions

Lotions made from herbal infusions that heal almost any wound. For this, St. John's wort, yarrow, and sweet clover herbs are taken 1 tbsp. spoon. The resulting mixture should be poured with a small amount of water and left on an open fire. After the mixture has boiled, it must be boiled for half an hour. After this, the herbs should infuse and cool for 10 minutes. Boiled herbs should be placed on gauze and applied to the wound. The lotion should remain on the wound for about an hour. After this, the edges of the wound heal with extraordinary speed.

Recipe 8. Treatment with calamus roots

For wounds, scratches, bruises with open tissue damage, alcohol tincture from calamus roots will help. To do this you need to take 1 tbsp. spoon of calamus rhizome and fill it with alcohol. Let the dishes sit in a dark place for 14 days. The tincture is very simple to use. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton swab or cotton swab in the tincture and apply it to the wounded area. You may feel some tingling when you do this. Who wants to avoid such sensations, you can dilute the lotion with 100 ml of boiled water and pour in 1 teaspoon of tincture. After this, soak the gauze in the resulting solution and apply it to the affected area. The wound will heal faster and the risk of infection will also be reduced.

Recipe 9. Treatment with healing ointment

An ointment that relieves many skin problems. For this you need the roots of silverweed. The roots must be ground into powder using a food processor or coffee grinder. Add 1 tablespoon of powder to a glass of warm cow butter. Once the mixture is stirred, place it in a water bath for 5 minutes until the mixture is smooth. After this, the cream must be cooled and refrigerated. When applying this cream, you will see how the skin tightens.

To do this, you need to take pine resin, a little butter and beeswax in equal proportions. We melt the wax in a water bath, and when it starts to thicken, you need to add butter and mix thoroughly. After this, pre-frozen conifer resin, which has been ground into powder, must be added to this mixture. The resulting ointment must be stored in the freezer.

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Wound treatment

No person is immune from injuries and various wounds. There is always the possibility of getting hurt, burned, or cut, so it is important to know as much as possible about the treatment of various wounds with folk remedies that are at hand.

How and how cuts and wounds were treated in Rus' (folk remedies for wound healing)

If the wound festers and cannot heal for a long time, traditional healers used healing balm, for which pine resin was melted with cow butter in a one-to-one ratio. The wound was smeared with this balm 1-2 times a day until it healed completely.

Aloe juice, which has a bactericidal effect, has always been considered a reliable remedy for treating wounds. It not only relieves inflammation, but significantly accelerates the restoration of damaged tissue.

What can be used to heal wounds using folk remedies?

Mullein for treating wounds

This is an excellent remedy for treating wounds, abrasions and burns. Lotions are prepared from it in the following way: pour 2 glasses into a container clean water, pour in a handful of mullein flowers and leaves and cook for 5 or 7 minutes. For festering wounds and weeping ulcers, use a decoction of mullein leaves in milk. The method of its preparation and proportions are the same as for the decoction of water.

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Aloe or Kalanchoe for treating wounds with folk remedies

An aloe leaf cut lengthwise can be tied or glued to the wound using a plaster. The juice of the plant will help speed up the healing of the wound. It is necessary to change the sheet several times a day.

If you periodically drip a few drops of Kalanchoe juice onto the wound, it will heal in one week.

Yarrow helps heal wounds

This plant is an excellent remedy for treating any wounds; it can stop bleeding and help a wound or cut heal quickly. A freshly picked plant should be thoroughly crushed into a pulp, which is then applied to the wound and bandaged not very tightly.

To prevent inflammation and speed up healing (wound treatment), it is good to use the following recipe. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of yarrow and 1 tbsp. spoon of St. John's wort herb. The components are poured with a small amount of boiling water and left for about half an hour. Then you need to prepare a paste from fresh or frozen lingonberries. To do this, several berries are poured with water and boiled until they can be mashed into a paste. IN herbal decoction Dip gauze or bandage, spread berry pulp on it. The resulting lotion should be applied to the wound, held for about 40 minutes, and a bandage can be applied. The procedure is carried out once a day. It has been noticed that the wound heals surprisingly quickly.

Dandelion flowers - a folk remedy for treating wounds

An amazing folk remedy for the treatment of various wounds is oil made from the flowers of the well-known dandelion. It is quite simple to prepare: vegetable oil is poured into a jar filled with loosely packed flowers. The resulting mixture is infused for about a day, then it is simmered for 40 minutes in a water bath, and again infused for about one day. Strained and pressed oil will help in the treatment of various wounds; it is used for burns, the treatment of eczema, and herpes.

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Cinquefoil anserina for wound treatment

An ointment based on juice squeezed from a plant heals various wounds, accelerating the healing and tightening process. It is prepared like this: for 1 tbsp. spoons of juice, take 60 g of melted pork fat, the resulting mixture should be kept in a dark and warm place for some time, after which 1 teaspoon of wax and a little propolis are placed in it. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil, and then boiled for no more than five minutes. Leave the resulting mass warm for two hours, then put it in the refrigerator. At the same time, it is thoroughly mixed every hour, achieving uniform thickening. Store homemade ointment in a refrigerator. Apply by applying to the wound while bandaging.

Sushenitsa is a well-known remedy for treating wounds.

An ointment based on cucumber is prepared simply: 10 g of cucumber powder is mixed with 50 g of butter, butter or vegetable, and one teaspoon natural honey. All components are ground, and then the resulting ointment can be applied to treat the wound several times a day. This recipe is used in the treatment of wounds, ulcers, abscesses and boils.

Beetroot juice in the treatment of wounds

Juice squeezed from fresh beets helps with shallow wounds and scratches. Bandage or gauze soaked in fresh juice beets, the wound is treated. Then you need to apply a tampon soaked in the same juice to the wound and secure it with a bandage. After 20 minutes, remove the bandage to prevent the tampon from drying to the wound. It is recommended to carry out such treatment several times a day.

Celery for wounds

When, after a cut, the wound festers and does not heal for a long time, you can apply an ointment prepared from celery roots. To do this, you will need one tablespoon of crushed plant roots and one tablespoon of butter. All components are thoroughly ground. The resulting mass is applied to the wound for speedy healing.

In the lives of each of us, skin injuries and cuts often occur that become infected and create unexpected problems for us. Sometimes you also have to look for remedies to treat long-term non-healing wounds. How can you cope with them without traditional medications?

About the treatment of purulent wounds

They must be washed to clean the exudate and disinfect. For this purpose, lotions are used. Here are the options for such cleansing:

  1. Aloe. Juice known to everyone medicinal plant has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. It disinfects perfectly. Only the juice must be fresh, squeezed from a plant that is at least 2 years old. A sterile bandage is moistened in it and a short time applied to wounds.
  2. Blueberry leaves. They are washed, doused with boiling water, infused and used as lotions for fresh purulent wounds.
  3. Sauerkraut juice. It is used to remove dried pus and blood from the edges of wound surfaces.
  4. Herb sweet clover. It must be taken dried and made into an infusion. A tablespoon is brewed with one glass of boiling water, kept for 20-25 minutes, filtered. Used as a liquid for compresses and lotions several times a day.
  5. Fresh black radish juice. It is good for the wound healing stage. Accelerates tissue regeneration and prevents the formation of scars on the skin.
  6. Plantain leaves. Suitable for closing a wound before bandaging it.
  7. Calendula. Used to treat skin in the form of an infusion. A tablespoon of dry raw materials is brewed with 150 ml of boiling water. The product should steep for 20-25 minutes. After filtering, cotton pads are moistened in the liquid, the wound surfaces are washed, and compresses are made.
  8. Saffron. A teaspoon of dry raw materials is boiled in a glass of water for 2 minutes. After filtration it is used as a washing liquid.

Therapy for non-healing wounds

Such problems are typical for diabetics, people with severely weakened immunity, and impaired metabolism. To speed up their healing, you need to use the following folk remedies:

  1. Eucalyptus globulus leaves. They are used in the form of a decoction. A tablespoon of dry herb is boiled for 1-2 minutes, cooled completely, and used for compresses. They are applied to weeping and non-healing wounds 2-3 times a day.
  2. Fir. The product is used in the form alcohol tincture(100 grams of dry raw materials per 300 ml of vodka). It takes 10 days to prepare. Filtered. Pour into a glass container. Wound surfaces should be treated with this product three times a day.
  3. Swamp calamus. It should be used as a powder prepared from the rhizomes. The product is sprinkled on weeping wounds and ulcers. The powder can also be mixed with crushed calendula and plantain.
  4. Cockalia spear-shaped. The plant is also called crow's foot. Fresh washed leaves are used as a healing agent for the treatment of long-term non-healing ulcers. Poop is applied in a thick layer to the wounds and bandaged. Compresses are changed several times throughout the day.
  5. Horsetail. The plant is good for treating wounds of diabetics. It should be used in the form of a decoction (1 teaspoon per 250 ml of water, boil for 3-4 minutes, immediately strain, cool). It is necessary to moisten gauze in the healing liquid and apply it to the wound for 10-15 minutes three times a day.
  6. Yarrow. The juice must be extracted from this plant and fresh apply to damaged skin. The product also stops bleeding. It copes well with old, festering ulcers. If the wound is fresh, then you can simply pick the plant, knead it in your hands and apply it to the sore spot on the body.
  7. Stinging nettle. It is also used in traditional therapy in the form of juice. You can lubricate the wounds several times, or you can make compresses with juice.
  8. Resin from coniferous trees. Pine, fir, spruce are suitable. Resin has antiseptic and regenerating properties. Twice a day, oleoresin should be lubricated on diseased areas of the skin. After 1-2 procedures, a healing effect will be visible.
  9. Puffball mushroom. The white body of the mushroom has strong wound-healing properties. It is necessary to cut the mushroom and apply it to the wound with the inner pulp. Two such manipulations a day are enough for the skin to clear and soon heal.
  10. Lungwort. To treat non-healing, oozing wound surfaces, the juice of fresh leaves of the plant should be used. It is better to wet the bandage and apply it to the wounds, then bandage it. Lungwort is considered one of the best wound healing agents.

Not a single person on earth is immune from injuries and injuries. Something bad can always happen - we can get scratched, fall or get burned. It is important to know how to properly treat a wound and what to use for this. They can be purulent, weeping and non-healing. Damage to the dermis, characterized by the release of pus, swelling and tissue necrosis, is called a purulent wound.

As for a weeping wound, it is an abrasion with a wet surface from which liquid is released. Unhealed wounds– this is most often a consequence of improper therapy. Treatment of an illness with folk remedies is an effective addition to traditional therapy prescribed by a specialist.

The appearance of a weeping wound can be caused by a burn, trophic ulcer, dermatitis. They are accompanied by wetting of the surface, and then the release of liquid. There are three stages of weeping damage: inflammatory process, regeneration and scarring.

Healing wounds using folk remedies is not a simple process, but it is effective. Preparations from plants and others natural ingredients will help speed up your “recovery”. The main thing is to use them with the knowledge of a specialist.

Non-healing: therapy with herbal medicines

Wound therapy using folk remedies involves the use various decoctions and infusions from medicinal herbs for washing, as well as ointments that promote their healing.

Application natural antiseptic– birch ash. Burn the bark of the plant and then cover the wound with the ash.

Application of healing ointment. Combine crushed fir needles with onions - five heads, melted butter - 200 grams, copper sulfate powder - 75 grams and oleoresin powder - 100 g. Boil the mixture, and then simmer for about five minutes. Use the cooled product to treat the affected area.

An effective ointment will speed up wound healing. Mix equal proportions of spruce resin with melted pork fat And beeswax. Simmer the mixture over low heat and pour into a glass bottle. The ointment must be stored in the refrigerator. Lubricate it sore spot three times a day.

Birch buds in the treatment of hard-to-heal wounds. Mix fresh crushed plant buds with homemade butter. Treat the affected area with the resulting product twice a day.

Cabbage - effective medicine. Grind several washed cabbage leaves using a meat grinder. Mix raw materials with one egg white. Next, grind the dried plants to a powdery consistency: bedstraw, calamus and dandelion. Combine the cabbage mixture with herbal powder and treat the wound with the product.

Suppuration: treatment with folk remedies

Usually, purulent wounds– the result of improperly treated injury: scratches, burns, cuts. Folk remedies are effective and will help in as soon as possible heal the damaged area. Effective recipes.

Take fresh lilac leaves and chop them. Extract the juice from the raw materials. Soak a gauze pad in the resulting liquid and apply to the affected area.

Grape leaves are no less effective in the fight against festering wounds. They have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and help stop bleeding. Grind the raw materials. Place the mixture on a linen napkin and apply to the wound. Secure with a bandage. Change the bandage three times a day.

If wound suppuration occurs, treatment with traditional medicine sometimes it is the only option if there is no access to medical care. Sour cabbage and brine will help in eliminating pus and dried blood.

Take one radish, rinse and chop. Extract the juice from the raw materials. Soak a gauze pad in it and apply it to the wound. Change the dressing every three hours.

Brew crushed calendula flowers with boiled water - 200 ml. Place the product in a warm place for an hour. Use the infusion to treat the wound surface.

Treating wounds with folk remedies will help speed up their healing. But it’s still easier to prevent suppuration and weeping. To do this, it is enough to properly treat the wound surface. So, after receiving an abrasion, scratch, burn or cut, you must:

  • wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide;
  • treat the damaged area with an antiseptic;
  • if the wound surface is contaminated with paint or oily liquid, use gasoline, thinner or kerosene to remove them (only around the wound);
  • treat the dermis around the damage alcohol solution Yoda.

When treating a wound area, be as careful as possible, because the likelihood of infection in this case is quite high. For dressing, use exceptional sterile materials.

Wounds – damage to the integrity of the skin varying degrees heaviness, can be cut, bruised, torn, punctured, etc. No one is safe from such damage, superficial or deep. Wounds, wounds, and abrasions are always painful and bring a lot of trouble to the victim.

But the main danger is that they become an open gate for infection, which can cause the development of various diseases, and also significantly complicates wound treatment. Therefore, it is so important to treat the resulting damage as quickly as possible, and then begin treatment.

If the wound is deep, it is observed heavy bleeding, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Small wounds, cuts and abrasions can be cured at home using folk experience.

How to properly treat damage and heal skin wounds at home, using folk recipes, how is it done? I'll tell you about this today:

Primary processing

Healing wounds at home should begin with cleaning them. The first step is to carefully rinse the damage with clean warm water. It’s even better to use a pink solution of potassium permanganate, boric acid or furatsilin. If there are stuck particles of dirt, glass, wood, etc. remove them with tweezers, previously wiped with alcohol. Treat the edges with an antiseptic (iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, etc.).

Cover the treated wound with a bandage. To do this, use a sterile bandage and gauze pad. Do not forget that the bandage must be changed to a fresh one every two hours.

If you noticed what started severe inflammation, go to the emergency room immediately. If the wound is not deep, there is no bleeding, there are no signs of inflammation, proceed to further treatment at home using folk remedies.

During the treatment process, continue to regularly treat the affected skin surface. This will help activate regeneration processes, which promotes faster healing.

Wound healing with folk remedies

A very effective remedy for the rapid healing of skin wounds is freshly squeezed perennial aloe juice. Squeeze the juice of the leaf through gauze, then gently lubricate the damaged skin. The juice of this plant has a pronounced bactericidal effect, eliminates minor inflammations, and accelerates regeneration processes.

Wash the aloe leaf and remove the thorns. Cut it in half and apply it to the wound with the wet cut side. This should be done immediately after treating the damage. Apply a sterile bandage on top. Leave this compress on all night. The juice of the plant disinfects, draws out accumulations of pus and covers damaged skin with a thin film.

At home, you can prepare a tincture from calamus root. This remedy is also used to speed up the healing of skin lesions. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of crushed, dried root into a clean jar. Pour a glass of vodka. Remove the jar from dark place. Let it sit there for a couple of weeks.

Pour the finished strained tincture into a bottle. Use for abrasions and wounds. Just moisten a cotton swab with it and treat the edges of the damage. This will prevent infection and speed up healing.

Antique, very effective remedy– pine balsam, you can also prepare it yourself. This remedy quickly heals abrasions, open wounds, fistulas and boils.

When going to the forest, collect pine resin (resin). At home, mix it with the same amount of natural village butter (you can replace it with fresh melted chicken or goose fat). Mix everything thoroughly and lubricate damaged skin. Store the balm on the refrigerator shelf.

If the injury is bleeding, use fresh burnet grass or nettle leaves. To do this, the plant is steamed in boiling water, cooled, and then applied to the damaged skin. This will help stop the bleeding.

St. John's wort oil is a good healing agent. It is also easy to prepare at home. To do this, collect fresh, young shoots of the plant. Chop them finely. Fill a clean half-liter jar about a third full. Pour olive oil up to the shoulders and place in a boiling water bath. Keep it for half an hour. Then put the jar in the kitchen cabinet and let it sit there for 3 days. Keep the finished strained oil in the refrigerator. Use to lubricate shallow wounds and other skin lesions. Carry out treatment several times a day.

If suppuration occurs, use this home remedy: Collect fresh leaves plantain, wash them, dry them on a paper towel so that no water remains. Scroll through a meat grinder or simply cut finely with a knife. Mix with the same amount of natural honey. Lubricate several layers of bandage generously with this product, apply to the wound, and secure with a napkin. Such homemade ointment perfectly disinfects and heals.

When treating wounds with folk remedies, pay attention to such a simple home remedy as baked onion. Just peel a fresh onion and pierce it with a knitting needle. Heat over an open fire until the surface is baked but not too black.

Peel off this layer and discard. And divide the middle into layers, which are applied to the wound. Secure with a bandage. Change the compress to a fresh one every 2 hours. It’s good to leave it overnight and change it in the morning.

During the treatment process, take care of the area of ​​the body that is damaged. Protect from unnecessary stress and friction so as not to cause re-injury. Be sure to carefully treat the wound, do not peel off the crust that appears, to avoid infection and suppuration. If signs of severe inflammation are observed, stop self-treatment, consult a doctor. Be healthy!

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