Initial signs of a cold: what to do. What to take at the first sign of a cold

The common cold is the generally accepted name for a whole group of acute respiratory diseases, the cause of which can be both viruses and bacteria.

The first signs of a cold:

  • temperature increase,
  • headache,
  • sore throat,
  • weakness,
  • Pain in the eyes

What to do at the first signs of a cold, how to stop the disease? From a conversation with a doctor.

To avoid illness as soon as you feel the first signs of a cold:

  1. Start taking it right away tea from linden flowers or from dried fruits and (or) raspberry leaves. 1 tbsp. l. per glass of boiling water. Drink a glass of tea 4-5 times a day.
  2. Get started right away rinse mouth and throat with infusion of calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, eucalyptus, sage, eucalyptus flowers. Plants can be used individually or together.
  3. Very effective cold inhalations with garlic, horseradish, onions - chop the plants, put them in a jar, close the lid tightly, inhale 5-6 times through the nose and mouth, holding the exhalation, do the procedure every 30-60 minutes.
  4. Hot inhalations. Inhalations with essential oils are also effective: add 2-3 drops to 100 ml of boiling water. tea tree or eucalyptus. Steam inhalations made with potatoes, broth pine buds, and infusion of plants from point 1.
  5. Local procedures: hot foot baths with mustard or mustard plasters on the feet - do at night, then sleep in warm socks.
  6. Propolis– chew a piece of propolis at night until a burning sensation and slight numbness appear in your mouth.
  7. Lemon. Chew lemon with zest, drink tea with lemon, gargle with it. (HLS 2014, No. 15 p. 22-23).

The first symptoms of a cold - use ginger tea.
The initial stage of a cold is this stage of cold chills. At this stage there is still no runny nose, cough, or fever, but the person feels unwell and chills. It’s too early to drink diaphoretic teas with raspberries and honey, but tea with ginger (powder or fresh root) will be just right here. Tea with red pepper will also help. You can also add aconite tincture to tea, but no more than 3 drops, and no more than three glasses of this tea with aconite per day, because it is poisonous.
These remedies accelerate the blood well, and it is often possible to stop a cold in its tracks. early stages and prevent further development diseases. Tea recipes are described in more detail at the end of the article.

If the temperature has already risen, then proven remedies are suitable: raspberry, eucalyptus, chamomile, linden. Very effective against influenza virus Fresh Juice Antonov apples, viburnum berries in all types. (HLS 2006, No. 21 p. 12).

If you are very cold and are afraid of getting sick.
In case of severe hypothermia, this remedy will help: add 1-2 teaspoons of honey, 2 tbsp. l. vodka and 0.5 aspirin tablets. During this healing tea party, we warm our feet in hot water with the addition of salt, soda and mustard powder. After that, go to bed to warm up. (HLS 2007, No. 23 p. 32).

  • Honey with vodka for colds.
    As soon as you feel the first signs of a cold: sore throat, nasal congestion, prepare the following mixture at night: stir 50 g of alcohol or vodka with 1 tsp. honey, add hot boiled water to 100 ml and drink. Go to bed, well covered, to sweat. In the morning you will wake up without any trace of a cold. (HLS 2003, No. 14 p. 11).
  • As soon as you feel the first symptoms of a cold, you need to grate 2-3 cloves of garlic, Apply the mixture to a piece of gauze or cotton pad and place it on the bottom of the teapot. Close the kettle with a lid, inhale garlic vapor through your mouth through the spout, and exhale through your nose. (HLS 2014, No. 4 p. 40).
  • An even more effective folk remedy for an incipient cold: Peel the head of garlic, cut each clove, and place in a bowl. Sit on the bed, cover yourself with a sheet, crush garlic and breathe at the same time. Children 5-7 minutes, adults 7-10 minutes. After this, pour boiled water at room temperature into the crushed garlic, stir, strain. Rinse your mouth with this water 2-3 times and your throat at least once. Even if the patient had a temperature of 40 degrees, after garlic inhalation she immediately falls. 3-4 such inhalations, and the person is completely healthy. (HLS 2010, No. 13 p. 27).
  • You can cover your head grate garlic or onion, breathe healing air for 20-30 minutes. Relief comes after the first session. (HLS 2005, No. 21, p. 24)
  • Chew the onion quickly and do deep breath mouth so that air passes through the onion mass. (2003, no. 22, p. 25)
  • As soon as the cold started, woman takes a handful onion peel, puts it in a dry frying pan and heats it over low heat. When smoke begins to come from the husk, one breathes over it through the nose and mouth alternately - the disease passes without even starting. (HLS 2014, No. 6 p. 38, 2000, No. 9, p. 18-19).
  • The man does garlic tincture: finely chop the garlic, pour vodka in a small bottle. At the first sign of a cold, he inhales alternately from one nostril to the other. (HLS 2012, No. 22 p. 38-39).
  • As soon as your nose itches, you need to take a garlic stick from the middle of the head and set it on fire and extinguish it, smoke will come out. Inhale this smoke for 2-3 minutes. This smoke kills all harmful microbes that accumulate in the nasopharynx. (HLS 2012, No. 23 p. 30).
  • Tar vapors.
    Tar vapors act similarly. Tar can be bought at a pharmacy; it kills all kinds of germs.
    The woman caught a cold and felt a sore throat. On my son's advice, I took 1 tsp. honey, dropped a drop of tar into it, put it under the tongue and sucked it off before going to bed. I also breathed several times during the evening over a cotton swab dipped in tar (I kept it in a disposable container). In the morning I woke up completely healthy - I managed to get rid of the cold in the early stages. (HLS 2014, No. 9 p. 33).
  • Echinacea tincture for colds.
    What to do if you have the first signs of a cold - an itchy nose, a sore throat? Immediately begin emergency home measures:
    Every 2 hours take:
    1. 30-50 drops of echinacea extract.
    2. 500 mg vitamin C
    3. 1 garlic tablet or fresh garlic.
  • Eat chicken broth 3-4 times a day, it helps remove toxins from the body that are formed after the death of viruses under the influence of the immune system. All these measures help stop a cold in its early stages. (HLS 2000, No. 18 p. 7).
  • Sunflower oil.
    A woman by virtue of her chronic diseases She constantly lives with open windows (there is not enough oxygen in the blood), there is a draft in the apartment, she often caught colds until she found her remedy at the first sign of a cold. And now he has been living without colds for 6 years. This is sunflower oil, it has a good warming effect. As soon as it gets stuck in your throat, take a tablespoon, heat it over the fire of a gas burner and pour sunflower oil into it. Drink this oil from a spoon in small sips, 4-5 sips. If the soreness continues, drink another spoon, but usually the first spoon is enough. The main thing is to start treatment immediately.
    Once this woman was very cold at the bus stop, her throat became sore, and she started coughing. I came home and drank 1 spoon of oil. Then I drank 1 mug of hot tea, and again 1 tbsp. l. oils 20 minutes later I had dinner, eating 2 cloves of garlic at dinner, then warmed my hands on the radiator, and the cold subsided. (HLS 2000, No. 18 p. 13)
  • Hunting cold remedy.
    As soon as you feel unwell, the first symptoms of a cold, you need to pour 1 tbsp into an iron mug or cup. l. granulated sugar, put on the fire or stove, heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar turns into brown caramel. Remove from heat, add to burnt sugar 100 g of vodka, stir until all the sugar has dissolved. The vodka should remain hot enough, but not scalding. This remedy should be drunk in one gulp, in 2-3 sips (the 4th sip will be almost impossible to drink, because the taste is quite disgusting). After this, immediately go to bed and try to fall asleep immediately. In the morning you will wake up wet from sweat, but healthy
  • Clove tincture.
    A woman drinks 1 tsp. tincture of cloves, lubricates the calves and soles of the feet with iodine, and lubricates the skin between the fingers and toes with “Star” balm, and puts woolen socks on the feet. In the morning he gets up healthy. The main thing is to catch the disease at the very beginning and begin to treat it.
    How to prepare clove tincture.
    This tincture should always be on hand. Take 10 packs of cloves, pour into a dark bottle, pour vodka 3-5 cm above the level of the cloves. Leave for at least 5 days, preferably at least 21 days. Do not strain. This portion will last the reader’s family and friends for a long time. When the tincture is half finished, add vodka to the previous level. (HLS 2014, No. 5 p. 31).
  • What to do at the first sign of a sore throat.
    As soon as you feel a sore throat and a sore throat, you need to apply a compress with lard and mustard to your throat. Cut a thin piece of lard (preferably not salted, if it is salty, wash off the salt), but a sufficiently large area (or take several pieces). Rub this piece on your throat so that there is no burn. Place mustard on the lard (take dry mustard powder and dilute in water until sour cream thickens). Apply this sandwich with mustard to the skin on the throat and tonsils, cover with plastic and secure with a scarf. Keep the compress for 15-20 minutes, do this 3 times during the day, after each compress drink hot milk with honey and butter. (HLS 2014, No. 6 p. 39).
  • As soon as the malaise begins, the woman takes 5-6 figs and simmer over low heat in a glass of milk for about 30 minutes, until the milk becomes Pink colour. Drinks before bed - a lot effective remedy. (HLS 2013, No. 11 p. 33).
  • Raspberry tincture.
    At the first sign of illness, the woman takes her medicine out of the refrigerator. Adds 1 tbsp. l. of this medicine in a glass of tea + 1 tsp. honey And in the morning I’m already healthy!
    The medicine does this: pour 1 liter of raspberries with 0.5 liter of vodka. Store in the refrigerator. (HLS 2012, No. 19 p. 33).
  • Vitamin drink.
    A newspaper reader, as soon as she feels the first signs of a cold, makes a drink. Add 1 tbsp to 1.5 liters of boiled water. l. (without a slide) coarse salt, 1 g ascorbic acid, juice of 1 lemon. He stirs everything and drinks it within an hour and a half before bed. In the morning she wakes up healthy and cheerful. (HLS 2012, No. 20 p. 39).
  • At the first symptoms of a cold, you should eat a whole lemon with the peel. You can eat it with sugar or honey. (HLS 2008, No. 11 p. 33).
    Lemon will help in another form. You need to squeeze the juice from a whole lemon. Add this juice to hot tea, also add 1-2 tsp to the tea. honey This folk remedy works well at the first signs of a cold; you need to catch the disease in time (HLS 2004, No. 21 p. 9).
  • Lemon acid.
    Dr. Naumov D.V. believes that, on the contrary, lemon should not be taken if you have a cold. Lemon juice has an alkaline reaction, and when you have a cold, the body needs to be acidified. For 1 liter of water you need to add 1/3 tsp. citric acid and 3-4 tbsp. l. raspberry or currant jam. This drink is drunk 1-2 liters per day, 5-7 days. In addition, I take ascorutin (a mixture of vitamins C and P) 2 tablets 3 times a day – 5 days. And moisturize the whole body with 3% vinegar. If there is no temperature, then the vinegar is heated to 40 degrees so that it is absorbed into the skin faster. When the patient has a fever, wipe the patient with cold vinegar. If there is not enough acid in the body, then immunity decreases, and rubbing with vinegar will help restore acidity and immunity. (HLS 2004, No. 23 p. 6-7).
  • Inhalation with Vietnamese balm “Star”.
    Treatment recipe colds on initial stages until the temperature rose above 37.2 degrees.
    Boil 1 liter of water in an enamel bowl, throw in 1 tbsp. l. dry mint, 1 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tsp. soda and a pea-sized piece of Zvezdochka balm. Breathe over the steam, covering your head with a blanket for 15 minutes. Keep your eyes closed. Do the procedures immediately before bedtime. (HLS 2008, No. 16 p. 33).
  • At the first signs of illness, it will be useful to take salty hot bath(per bath 0.5 kg of salt, better than sea), temperature – 37-39 degrees, duration approximately 20 minutes. After the bath, pat your skin with a towel and immediately go to bed, covering yourself warmly. (HLS 2014, No. 3 p. 31).

Tea for colds.

When you have a cold, you need to drink as much fluid as possible. If you started treating the disease at its first signs, while there is no high fever, it is better to drink not just water, but hot tea. And not simple, but based on healing anti-cold herbs, ginger and honey. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, hot tea should be replaced with cool fruit drinks made from cranberries, lingonberries, and viburnum.

A Healthy Lifestyle reader writes that as soon as she feels the first symptoms of a cold, she makes a warm bed, puts spare underwear nearby, brews linden tea, puts raspberry jam and a little lemon in it. Dissolves in cool water a little vinegar and rub it on. starting from the feet. Then he quickly gets dressed. go to bed and drink a large mug of linden tea. The head is also wrapped in a headscarf or scarf. It starts in 15-20 minutes heavy sweating when it subsides, the woman gets up, wipes herself dry, puts on dry underwear and goes back to bed. After 40-60 minutes, this procedure can be repeated: rubdown, warm bed, linden tea. A cold goes away in 1 day, but for prevention it is better to continue treatment for another 1-2 days. (HLS 2012, No. 17 p. 32).

Tea Recipes:

  • Lime tea for a cold.
    Linden blossom infusion is an excellent diaphoretic and antipyretic. To prepare it 1 tsp. pour linden flowers with 1 glass of boiling water and drink hot overnight.
    (HLS 2011, No. 21 p. 32).
    Tea will be even more effective if you linden blossom add raspberries in equal parts. This sweatshop product can be purchased at a pharmacy. (HLS 2013, No. 13 p. 25).
  • With ginger.
    • Healing tea with ginger - ginger + honey + echinacea.
      If the temperature rises, on the first day you should start drinking tea with ginger, the recipe is: For a glass of regular tea, add 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger, 1 tbsp. l. Echinacea tinctures, honey to taste. This healing composition must be taken every hour, at least 6 times a day, i.e. at least 6 glasses. In the morning you will be like a “cucumber” (recipe from Healthy Lifestyle 2007, No. 20 p. 8,).
    • Recipe with ginger and lemon.
      Tea with ginger and lemon will help cure colds, runny nose and cough in 1 day.
      Recipe: take 1 teaspoon of finely chopped ginger, put it in a mug, add a tea bag, pour boiling water, leave, cool to 70-80 degrees, add a slice of lemon and honey. Drink this tea, then change the bag, leave the lemon and ginger in the mug, pour boiling water again, leave, add honey and drink. Eat ginger and lemon. Drink 6-8 glasses of tea with ginger and lemon per evening. The nose will clear cough will go away, the viruses will die.
    • Anti-cold tea with ginger and spices.
      Recipe: for 600 ml of water, take ground ginger – 0.5 tsp, cloves – 7 pcs., turmeric – 1/6 tsp, cardamom – 3/4 tsp. or 7 grains, 1/3 tsp. cinnamon. Boil over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Drink throughout the day, diluting with hot tea 1:1. (HLS 2008, No. 3 p. 30).
  • The most effective combination of herbs.
    4 tbsp. l. dried raspberries, 4 tbsp. l. coltsfoot leaves, 2 tbsp. l oregano - mix it all thoroughly. 2 tbsp. l. collection, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, close tightly, leave for 30 minutes. Drink half a glass 3 times a day. (Healthy lifestyle 2005, No. 4 p. 16, from a conversation with a herbalist, doctor of medical sciences, professor V. F. Korsun)
  • Tea with oregano.
    Pour 2-3 tbsp into a teapot. l. oregano, you can add a pinch of linden flowers. Pour 2 cups boiling water and leave until cool. Before going to bed, warm up the infusion, pour 3/4 full into a mug, add hot boiled milk and 2 tbsp. l. honey After 3-4 hours you will begin to sweat in large quantities, you need to change your bed and change your clothes. By the morning there will be no fever, and by the evening the body will recover completely. (HLS 2008, No. 3 p. 30).
  • Mint drink.
    If you take this drink at the first sign of a cold, in the morning there will be no traces of the disease.
    1 tbsp. l. peppermint, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave, covered for 15 minutes, cool.
    Grate a clove of garlic, squeeze the juice of 1/4 lemon. Combine everything, add 1 tsp. honey and drink warm before bed. (recipe from Healthy Lifestyle 2005, No. 19 p. 31).
  • Breast collection.
    Breastfeeding will help you cope with a cough. To prepare it, chop and mix equal parts of coltsfoot leaves, plantain and licorice root (you don’t have to use licorice). 1 tbsp. l. pour 2 cups of boiling water over the collection, let it brew in a warm place for 30-40 minutes, drink 1/2 cup warm. 3-4 times a day before meals.
    (recipe from Healthy Lifestyle 2011, No. 21 p. 32).
  • From rosehip and rowan.
    Rose hips and rowan berries contain a large number of vitamin C, which helps improve immunity and rapid recovery. Rowan berries also have a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, which allows you to quickly remove waste products of viruses that cause the disease from the body.
    1 tbsp. l. rose hips and 1 tbsp. l. red rowan, pour 0.5 liter of boiling water into a thermos, leave for 40 minutes, drink tea instead 3-4 times a day. (HLS 2013, No. 21, p. 30).
  • Tea for colds made from rose hips, currants and raspberries.
    You should prepare tea according to the following recipe: take 1 tbsp. l. black currants, raspberries and rose hips, pour 300 ml of boiling water, bring to a boil, let it brew for 30 minutes. Add 1 tbsp. l. honey, stir. Drink half a glass warm 3 times a day before meals. (HLS 2010, No. 21, p. 31).
    Tea made from rose hips, raspberries and currants fights diseases very effectively; it contains a powerful dose of vitamin C, which improves immunity. (HLS 2007, No. 22, p. 28).
  • With eucalyptus.
    Brew 1 green tea bag in a mug, adding 1 tsp. dry eucalyptus leaves. Before drinking, breathe over this tea. This remedy relieves inflammation and kills bacteria.
  • Herb tea.
    Tea made from dried peppermint, plantain and linden flowers mixed in 1 teaspoon each will help relieve the first symptoms of a cold. This tea relieves swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.
  • Against cough.
    This tea is good for chest wheezing and cough. The collection cleanses the lungs and bronchi from phlegm.
    Tea recipe: mix equally anise seeds, coltsfoot leaves, chopped licorice root 1 tbsp. l. collection, pour 2 cups of boiling water into a thermos. Leave for 1 hour. Drink 1/3 cup of this tea 3 times a day. (2013, no. 20, p. 38).
  • For prevention.
    A woman has been drinking this tea for 10 years from December to May 3 times a day, and has not been sick for 10 years:
    1 tsp. black tea, 1 tsp. sage leaves, 2-3 calendula flowers. Pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave and drink with milk. The tea turns out delicious and beautiful. (HLS 2004, No. 24 p. 24).

Good day, dear readers!

In today's article we will look at a disease that has its own autumn-winter-spring seasonality - the common cold.

Cold(colloquial) – a disease whose development is provoked.

Let us immediately note that the term “cold” is colloquial, while under it there are hidden infectious diseases– (acute respiratory viral infections), rarely – (acute respiratory diseases). Sometimes you can actually hear that a person has a cold on the lip, but here too, it is herpes on the lip. In medical practice, such a diagnosis as “cold” or “colds” does not exist.

Based on the foregoing, in this article we will consider the common cold as a synonym for acute respiratory viral infections, and to a lesser extent acute respiratory infections. So…

Characteristic symptoms of a cold are sneezing, nasal congestion and runny nose, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity and throat, general weakness, slight increase body temperature and chills.

The main cause of a cold is the effect on the body of pathogenic microorganisms () against the background of a weakened immune system, which is most often caused by hypothermia of the body or a deficiency of vitamins and (). Practically, from autumn to spring, wet feet or the whole body, in many cases, ends with a cold.

How can you catch a cold?

To contract a cold or ARVI, two basic rules must be followed - weakened immunity and infection. Let's look at them in a little more detail.

Weakened immunity. In the cool season, a person is susceptible to hypothermia, which is caused by the autumn decrease in body temperature, rain, and dampness. In addition, from autumn to spring, those vitamin-rich foods - berries, fruits, herbs - are no longer on the shelves. We must not forget that after the summer holidays, introducing ourselves into the work environment, and children into the school environment, a person experiences a restructuring of the body, or stress. These factors lead to a decrease in the functionality of the immune system, and the body becomes vulnerable to various infections.

Spread of infection. Humid and moderately warm weather is a favorable environment for the abundant proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms - infections, the number of which in the air increases to an incredibly high level. When breathing, these microorganisms settle on the upper mucous membranes of a person. respiratory tract– nasal and oral cavity. If the immune system is healthy and strengthened, it destroys the infection from the mucous membranes and prevents it from spreading throughout the body. If it is weakened, the infection enters the person and begins to provoke the development of the first symptoms of a cold.

The onset of a cold is characterized by general malaise, sneezing, nasal congestion with liquid and clear secretions, redness of the eyes and an increase in body temperature to 37°C-37.5°C.

The main signs of a cold are:

  • Muscle aches and;
  • Soreness and redness of the throat;
  • Pain in the eyes, tearing;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Lack of appetite;

Colds in young children may also be accompanied by restlessness and frequent crying, diarrhea () and weight loss.

Complications of a cold

If the first signs of a cold are not given due attention and no action is taken therapeutic measures, there is a risk of developing more complex diseases: , , and other organs.

Causes of colds

We discussed in detail the mechanism of infection and the development of a cold in the paragraph “about contracting a cold.” Now let's briefly look at the causes and factors that lead to the development of colds:

  • Weakened immune system;
  • Insufficient intake of vitamins and microelements (hypovitaminosis);
  • Uncontrolled use of medications;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Working or frequently staying in places with large crowds of people;
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions in places where a person lives or stays;
  • Sharing personal hygiene products and kitchen utensils with a sick person;
  • Presence of chronic diseases;
  • Bad habits – smoking.

Among the most common causative agents of colds are rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), reoviruses, enteroviruses (Coxsackieviruses), viruses and parainfluenza.

Diagnosis of a cold

Diagnosis of colds includes:

  • Examination of the patient;
  • Immunofluorescent rapid diagnostics;
  • Bacteriological research.

Additionally, an x-ray may be prescribed paranasal sinuses nose (sinuses) and chest.

Treatment for colds includes the following:

1. Bed and semi-bed rest. This is necessary for the body to accumulate strength to fight infection, as well as to prevent a secondary infection from joining the person. Also this is preventive measure to prevent the spread of pathogenic microflora in places where the patient frequently stays.

2. Drink plenty of fluids. Drink about 3 liters of fluid daily. This will allow the body to quickly eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and their waste products, which are toxins for humans. When drinking, give preference to drinks with increased content they contain (ascorbic acid), which strengthens the immune system and helps the body as a whole fight disease. A decoction of, tea with raspberries, and tea with, juices of orange, lingonberry, and cranberry have proven themselves to be excellent.

3. Warming up the nose. This procedure helps relieve swelling and improve the drainage of infected mucus from the nasal cavity.

4. Nasal rinsing. Rinse your nose to disinfect it from pathogenic microorganisms and their waste products. For washing, weak saline solutions and various medicinal “washes” from the pharmacy have proven themselves to be effective.

5. Gargling. This should be done for the same purpose as washing the nose - to disinfect and remove pathogenic microflora from the nasopharynx. In addition, some decoctions, for example from sage, help relieve cough and transfer it from dry to moist (productive) form. It should also be recalled that moist cough is a protective function of the body, which, if there is pathogenic microflora in the respiratory tract, pushes it out of itself, self-cleaning.

6. Inhalations. Necessary to relieve cough, transfer it from dry to wet form and quickly remove infection from the body.

7. Diet. If you have respiratory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, do not overload yourself with food that is difficult for the body to process. Avoid fried, spicy, fatty and smoked foods. Give preference to vegetables and other fortified foods. It is better to steam or boil foods.

8. Vitamins. For colds, additional intake of vitamin complexes has a beneficial effect on the body.

9. Ventilation of the room. This must be done to reduce the concentration of pathogenic microflora in the air where the patient is located.

10. Symptomatic treatment. Aimed at suppressing the symptoms of a cold to make it easier.

Cold medicines

Antiviral drugs. Antiviral agents colds stop vital activity viral infection in the body and its further spread, and also contribute to the rapid recovery of the patient.

Among the antiviral drugs for colds (ARVI) we can highlight Amiksin, Arbidol, Remantadine, Cycloferon.

Temperature with a cold. An elevated temperature does not go away with a cold. This is due to the fact that an increase in temperature is defense mechanism immune system in response to infection, which dies under these conditions. Body temperature must be lowered if it exceeds the threshold of 39 °C for adults, 38 °C for children within 5 days.

Antipyretics and analgesics are taken against fever during colds: "", "".

Nasal congestion. Used to ease breathing vasoconstrictors: “Naphthyzin”, “Noxprey”, “Farmazolin”.

Cough. For a severe dry cough, use: “Codelac”, “Sinekod”. To liquefy sputum - “Ascoril”, “ACC” (ACC). To remove phlegm from the respiratory tract - syrup, "Tussin".

Headache. For headaches, you can drink: Ascofen, Aspirin.

Insomnia. If a person is worried about insomnia, you can take sedatives: “Barbamil”, “Luminal” or drink a sedative.

Antibiotics for colds. Antibiotics for colds can only be prescribed by your doctor. As a rule, this is done after a personal examination of the patient, or bacteriological examination, if the patient is confirmed to have bacterial infection. If you use antibiotics for a viral infection, the result can only be a more complicated clinical picture colds, since antibiotics can only further weaken immune system and the entire body as a whole. Also, it is advisable to use antibiotics if a bacterial infection has joined the primary viral infection, and complications have begun - laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, meningitis and others.

If an acute respiratory infection of a bacterial nature is suspected, antibiotics are usually prescribed wide range actions - penicillins, cephalosporins, and macrolides.

Complex products help eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of influenza and ARVI, maintain efficiency, but often contain phenylephrine, a substance that increases arterial pressure, which gives a feeling of cheerfulness, but can cause side effects from the outside of cardio-vascular system. Therefore, in some cases, it is better to choose a drug without components of this kind, for example, AntiGrippin from Natur Product, which helps relieve the unpleasant symptoms of ARVI without causing an increase in blood pressure.
There are contraindications. You need to consult a specialist!

Prevention of colds includes a number of the following recommendations:

  • do not allow the body to become hypothermic, get wet feet and the body as a whole;
  • try to eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C. Eat onions,.
  • from autumn to spring, take additional vitamin complexes;
  • lead active image life;
  • observe;
  • do not leave chronic diseases to chance;
  • avoid stress;
  • When an acute respiratory infection epidemic is announced, wear it in in public places wear a protective mask and avoid crowded places; After coming home, rinse your nose and mouth with mild saline solution, gargle;
  • stop smoking;
  • if a sick person with symptoms lives in the house or

People usually call almost any acute cold a cold. respiratory infection viral etiology (ARVI). At first glance, treating a cold does not present anything complicated, but everything is far from so simple.

- an ailment that must be identified in a timely manner in order to begin therapy in the early stages of development. Often many people start the disease, resulting in extreme unpleasant complications. How to prevent such a problem and identify the first symptoms of a cold will be discussed in the material presented below.

As noted earlier, this is a general definition given to a number of respiratory tract diseases that are caused by a viral, much less common bacterial etiology. Based on this, it is worth understanding that the symptoms of the disease will largely depend on which of the respiratory organs affected, that is, from a specific disease.

So, for example, with laryngitis they often suffer and the voice becomes hoarse, with excessive secretion from the nose and its dryness, with damage to the nasopharynx.

However, after carefully analyzing the etiological picture of all colds, we can identify symptoms that are inherent in absolutely any of them. As a rule, the symptoms of a cold are remarkable in that most of its symptoms appear before the affected organ becomes severely inflamed.

So, common list The symptoms for any type of cold are:

  • pronounced feverish state (chills, weakness, drowsiness, body aches, etc.)
  • temperature increase
  • poor activity, both physical and mental
  • headache
  • local symptoms (pain and redness of the throat, etc.).

To ensure that a cold does not cause any complications, it is important to promptly recognize the first signs of the disease. The appearance of even a couple of the symptoms presented above is a serious reason to begin therapeutic measures. It is enough to note only that by dealing a timely and comprehensive blow to a cold, you can almost completely get rid of the disease in a couple of days.

From the above, it was already possible to understand that it is important to start treating a cold when the first signs of the disease appear. But what exactly can be done in such a situation?

To be honest, there are plenty of options, but the most effective method of fighting a cold is initial stages consists of performing the following therapeutic measures:

  • Providing the patient with complete rest. First of all, it is necessary to clearly indicate bed rest to the patient. Any physical or mental stress at the initial stage of development of a cold, it significantly reduces the chance of quickly getting rid of it.
  • Systematic temperature measurement. If there is an increase in body temperature, this means that the body has begun to fight the infection. However, this process must be controlled, so when the temperature begins to exceed 38 C0, it is important to start bringing it down.
  • Avoiding hypothermia. It is extremely important not to overcool the body during a cold, both locally (cold drinks, ice cream, etc.) and everywhere (long stay in the cold, taking cold bath etc.).
  • Organize plenty of warm drinks. At the first symptoms of a cold, it is necessary to provide the patient with plenty of and, most importantly, warm drinks. These can be decoctions, compotes, fruit drinks, tea or water, but the main thing is that all the liquid is warm and in large quantities.
  • Proper nutrition. During a cold, it is advisable to adhere to a certain diet, which does not include heavy carbohydrate, fried and fatty food. The ideal option would be food fresh vegetables, fruits and similar products.

Having taken the first therapeutic measures, you can begin to eliminate unpleasant symptoms with medications, folk remedies, and what is discussed below.

Drug treatment

It is necessary to treat a cold based on its etiology. If it is not possible to identify the cause of the disease and specific symptoms at home, it is advisable to visit a clinic to determine the correct course of therapy.

An integral part of the treatment of any type of cold is the organization of taking certain medications.

General course drug therapy as follows:

  • temperature reduction is carried out by taking antipyretic drugs (medicines based on Paracetamol, Aspirin)
  • strengthening the immune system and giving tone and strength to the body is carried out with the help of immunostimulating agents (Aflubin, Antigrippin, Rhinital)
  • in order to overcome the causative agent of the disease - infection, it is necessary to take either antiviral or antibacterial medications (Arbidol, Amiksin, Suprax)
  • treatment of local symptoms depends on which organ is affected by inflammation: for the nose - rinsing (, Marimer), drops (,), warming (ointment for the bridge of the nose - or Zvezdochka); for the throat - gargling (), lozenges for resorption (Lisobakt, Efizol), warming (compresses); headaches - taking painkillers (Aspirin, Mig);
  • eliminate unpleasant cough Antitussive and expectorant medications will help (Bronchicum);
  • are intended to relieve swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane antihistamines(Promethazine, Astemizole).

Before taking any medications, it is very important to consult with your doctor or at least a pharmacist from a pharmacy.

Antiviral and antibacterial drugs

Most people who suffer from a cold know that in order to completely get rid of the disease it is necessary to fight the source of infection. Depending on what it is, either antiviral or antibacterial drugs are prescribed. But how can you determine which type of medication is more appropriate to take in certain situations? Let's figure it out.

Antiviral drugs are taken if the cause of a cold is a virus. This can be determined in two ways: a careful analysis of symptoms and a blood test. Of course, the second method of determination is the most reliable, but it is not always possible to donate blood. Therefore, the method most often used is based on an in-depth analysis of the symptoms of the disease.

Colds of viral etiology are characterized by the following features:

  • The disease has a small incubation period(from 1 to 4 days). That is, after contact with a possible source of infection or other predisposing factors to the development of the disease, it begins to manifest itself clearly within a few days.
  • A sudden increase in temperature, usually quite high (more than 38 Co).
  • The presence of general physical malaise and fever.
  • Absence of pronounced local symptoms.

Having identified the above symptoms in yourself, you can safely start taking antiviral medications.

More information on how to treat a cold can be found in the video:

Reception antibacterial drugs will be effective only when the cold is caused by bacteria. Symptoms of an antibacterial cold are as follows:

  • Long incubation period (from 3 to 15 days).
  • A pronounced manifestation of local symptoms (, etc.).
  • Not a big impact on general state(only in the initial stages of the disease).
  • Low temperature rise (no more than 38 Co).

In any case, it is important to understand that without taking tests and visiting a qualified specialist with the maximum guarantee, it is impossible to determine the etiology of a cold. And improperly organized therapy sometimes affects the body even worse than the disease itself.

Inhalations and compresses

Inhalations for colds can be taken to alleviate swelling of the respiratory tract and enhance discharge. However, it is important to consider that certain conditions prohibit the use of inhalations. These include:

  • elevated temperature body
  • problems with the cardiovascular system
  • weak blood vessels in the nose
  • the patient is allergic to the components of the inhalation solution
  • appearance purulent inflammation respiratory tract during a cold (for example)

In other cases, using inhalations for colds is not contraindicated, but even useful. They can be done in several ways:

  1. The traditional type of inhalation is carried out by inhaling steam over a container with some liquid. The most used types of inhalation solutions in this case are: “3-5 large potatoes + 2-5 liters of water + a few drops of essential oil” or “2-3 large onions + 2-3 potatoes + 3-5 liters of water + a few drops of essential oil butter." You need to inhale the steam for 10-20 minutes, covering yourself tightly with a blanket over the container and keeping your face about 30 cm away from the liquid.
  2. The second method of inhalation is using. To implement it, you must have a special device (nebulizer) and a prepared solution for inhalation. It is advisable to inhale steam in this way for about 10 minutes. The most effective solutions for inhalation with a nebulizer for colds are prepared on the basis of medications such as, and.

Before using inhalations, it is advisable to consult with your doctor, who will determine the advisability of this event in your case.

Compresses for colds are usually used to soften a cough or severe pain in the throat.

From use this method Therapy should be abandoned if the patient has ulcers in the respiratory tract (for example, on the tonsils with purulent tonsillitis), fever or hypersensitivity of the skin. These contraindications are relevant only for compresses that have a warming effect.

For colds, the most effective compresses the following:

  • Oil. Made from soaked in heated vegetable oil gauze, which is applied to chest and wrapped in polyethylene to enhance the warming effect.
  • Curd. To prepare it, you need to mix 100 grams of warm curd mass and 1-2 tablespoons of honey. A compress is also applied to the chest and wrapped in polyethylene.
  • Honey. Melt honey in a water bath and lubricate the patient’s back with it. Then wrap it in a warm blanket and leave it like that overnight.

Traditional treatment

Enhance the effect of drug treatment for colds it is possible if you supplement it with traditional methods of therapy. The main thing in this practice is to do no harm. To do this, it is important to exclude the potential possibility that the patient is allergic to any component of the homemade medicine.

The most effective folk methods for treating colds are:

  • Vitamin teas with lemon, fruits, dried fruits, jam and so on, which have an excellent tonic and immunostimulating effect.
  • Mustard foot baths prepared by mixing a couple of tablespoons mustard powder with a basin warm water. Contraindications to this method are the same as for inhalation.
  • Pair of plates chicken broth per day will significantly speed up the recovery process for a cold.
  • Honey in any form is an excellent immunostimulant for the body.
  • For a sore throat, you can use a homemade gargle (a glass of warm water mixed with a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of baking soda). It is advisable to gargle at least 5-7 times a day, always after meals.

More difficult to prepare traditional medicines for a cold, they will not be required, of course, if therapy is carried out in a timely manner and wisely.

Colds are almost always accompanied by an increase in temperature. It is advisable to bring it down only from 38 C0. To reduce temperature it is used as traditional methods, and medications.

To the generally accepted and real effective ways temperature reduction can be attributed to:

  • Rubbing the body with a 3% vinegar solution, which is diluted with clean water in a 1 to 1 ratio.
  • Organizing plenty of warm, vitamin-rich drinks for the patient (raspberry tea, calendula infusions, etc.).
  • Taking medications: an aspirin tablet or any drug prepared on the basis of Paracetamol.

At sharp increase temperature and the inability to bring it down on your own, you need to seek help from medical institution, whose specialists will give the patient an injection.

When is a doctor needed?

Despite the relative safety of colds, an advanced disease can provoke a number of serious complications. However, how can you determine that you can’t do without the help of a doctor?

To do this, it is necessary to determine the presence of certain signs in the patient that indicate an advanced stage of the disease. These indicators include:

  • A sharp increase in temperature after 4-6 days successful therapy and, it would seem, the process of recovery had begun.
  • Too much deterioration in the patient’s well-being, increased fever and other symptoms.
  • The appearance of unbearable pain in the sternum, back or ears.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.

The appearance of at least one of the above signs is a serious “bell” to contact a clinic in order to receive highly qualified medical care.

The first signs of a cold in pregnant women - what to do?

In conclusion of the article, we note an interesting point to consider regarding the treatment of colds in pregnant women. In fact, the course of therapy is quite similar to that indicated above, but some contraindications are added to it. Thus, during treatment, pregnant women should not:

  • Take hot baths for both body and feet.
  • Use warming compresses, sometimes inhalations (heat).
  • Organize the intake of a number of medications. Only the attending physician should determine the course of drug treatment for pregnant women.

Otherwise, the appearance of a cold in a pregnant woman requires the implementation of the therapeutic measures presented above.

In general, treatment is quite simple; the main thing in this process is to identify the first signs of the disease in time and begin to take measures to get rid of the disease. Using the information presented above to organize treatment, each person can cure a cold on their own. However, it is worth understanding that the occurrence of any complications requires mandatory consultation with a doctor. Good health to you!

Colds interfere with our usual routine both in winter and summer. Is it possible to cure a cold in a day? How not to miss the moment and what exactly should be done to cope with unpleasant condition? Under what conditions will the virus give up within 24 hours?

A cold begins gradually, and its first signs are as follows: viruses entering through the nose cause a runny nose and a desire to sneeze; sore throat; weakness in the body; the temperature rises slowly. Having recognized the first signs in time, do not expect that the disease will recede on its own: if you do not treat it, the condition will worsen in a day or two; if you deal a complex blow, you will be healthy again within 24 hours.

How to treat a cold: powders, medicines, teas

You shouldn’t suffer a cold “on your feet” - it’s best if you spend these days at home, thereby giving your body the opportunity to get proper rest and quality treatment. Do not rush to bring down the temperature - a temperature of up to 38 degrees (and at the beginning of the disease it fluctuates between 37.2 - 38 degrees) means that the immune system is actively working to help the body cope with the virus. Let it work without interference and, and you help it in the following way.

More vitamin C!

  • Teraflu
  • Coldrex
  • Fervex
  • Pharmacitron
  • Nimesil
  • Antigrippin

Tea for colds

The simplest remedy for colds is this. If you feel that your body is about to send you on sick leave, do not immediately grab pills and powders, it is better to prepare some tasty healing drink. By the way, some of them will perfectly warm you up on a cool winter evening:

  • Tea with honey and lemon
  • Raspberry tea contains vitamins such as C, A, B, PP ( a nicotinic acid)
  • Ginger tea is a beneficial antioxidant
  • Decoction chamomile for children

Runny nose

They say that if you treat a runny nose, it will go away in 7 days, and if you don’t treat it, then in a week. A fundamentally incorrect statement. Microbes enter the body through the nose and if you do not pay due attention to removing them from there, the disease will not only not recede, but will quickly move into the next phase.

Your task is to regularly: herbal, salt, etc.

Let's move on to the throat

An unpleasant sore throat is one of the first symptoms of the disease. If you ignore this feeling, a cough will soon appear, and then bronchitis or other complications will not be far away.

Very effective, affordable, and most importantly, do not cause any discomfort rinsing. If in home medicine cabinet there is furatsilin - good, if there is no - no problem: brew chamomile or make an iodine-salt solution by dissolving a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm boiled water and adding three to four drops of iodine. Do the procedure every hour and a half.

How to gargle for a cold

Is important and in an effective way prevention of any cold or flu. For a sore throat, rinsing with an aqueous solution with agents that promote healing and cleansing of the throat mucosa helps better. This solution helps relieve swelling, disinfects, cleanses the surface of the throat mucosa from accumulated mucous formations, and heals. Auxiliary means:

  • Salt water quickly reduces swelling in the mucous membrane of the throat and removes painful sensations
  • Herbal decoctions reduce pain and have an antibiotic effect
  • Onion peel infusion reduces pain and helps with laryngitis and sore throat
  • Red beet juice cleanses the mucous membranes of bacteria.
  • Furacilin, works like antiseptic drug and allows you to stop the proliferation of bacteria in the cavity

What and how to do inhalations

They help thin thick mucus or have a calming effect on the inflamed mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs. Many Ukrainians practice inhalation over a pot of potatoes, but you can add some variety to the procedure familiar from childhood by brewing eucalyptus, sage, chamomile or oak bark. A solution of Borjomi and grape juice helps a lot, moreover, it is not only effective, but also quite pleasant, which is important when treating the youngest patients, who are not always easy to persuade to undergo treatment.

Having prepared one of the solutions, lean over the container (this can be a special inhaler or a regular saucepan) and, covered with a towel, breathe. When carrying out the procedure, remember a simple but very important rule: inhale through the nose - exhale only through the mouth. It will be good if you take 50 breaths. And one more thing: inhalation should not be scalding; at very high temperatures you can burn the mucous membrane. It is advisable to repeat the procedure every two to three hours.

But if you are a supporter traditional methods treatment and don’t want to bother with pots and potatoes, modern medicine We offer a fairly large selection of drugs that help ease the coughing up of phlegm. * will help normalize sputum production and quickly return to the normal rhythm of life.

Thermal mode

Under no circumstances should you be cold; your feet especially need warmth. Let your home medicine cabinet always have mustard plasters and dry mustard in case of a cold. You can make a hot foot bath with mustard, or you can pour dry mustard into woolen socks and put them on to go to bed at night.

Being very warm will help keep you warm, but not hot bath(38-42 degrees), which should be taken before bed. Remember that at a body temperature above 38 degrees, a hot bath is strictly contraindicated - it can be very harmful to the heart. After taking a bath, which should be taken for 30-40 minutes, quickly do all the above procedures (rinsing the nose, gargling, inhalation, mustard in socks) and go to bed in a warm bed. Since it is now very important not to lose heat, the bed can be pre-warmed with heating pads.

Sleep is health

A full night's sleep after all the responsible work done " cold medicine» measures are a serious component of your treatment. It is very important for a person who wants to overcome a cold in a day to have a good rest and sleep, which is why it is strictly contraindicated to heroically endure a cold on your feet.

Folk remedies for colds

The ingredients for this are found in almost every kitchen. In addition, medicinal plants in the form of infusions and decoctions have a much gentler effect on the human body than tablets, practically do not accumulate in the body and do not cause allergic reactions. The simplest and most effective folk remedies for colds:

Honey, lemon, ginger- This medicinal mixture, which will help you quickly recover in the initial stages of the disease. One tablespoon several times a day will invigorate your body and fill it with beneficial properties.

Raspberry jam- This is an excellent diaphoretic. And raspberries, like other traditional cold remedies, contain a lot of vitamin C, which stimulates the immune system.

Formula milk- add honey, pepper, vanilla sugar, cinnamon and Bay leaf. Bring to a boil and drink at night. Milk soothes an irritated throat and strengthens the immune system.

Mulled wine- a good antiseptic, rich in beneficial amino acids and vitamin C. Serve hot, drink better at night.

Garlic and onion- phytancides contained in onions and giving them Strong smell and taste, has antibacterial and antiviral properties.

The cold is a common ailment, especially during the cold season. It can occur in both adults and children. The symptoms of a cold infection are similar to those of the flu, sore throat and other infections, however, they are more mildly expressed. It is necessary to treat a cold as soon as its first signs appear, otherwise an initially harmless infection can turn into a serious complication.

In this article we will look at the features of treating colds in children and adults when their first symptoms appear.


What are the characteristic features of a cold?

According to medical statistics, almost 90% of all people - both big and small - know from their own experience what a cold infection is. Moreover, the disease is so common, and it does not surprise anyone that many people in winter perceive cold symptoms as inevitable; rarely does anyone consult a doctor about this.

But some still have to visit the clinic. This happens when a cold has developed into a more serious complication.

Cold viruses enter the body by airborne droplets. In addition, they can also leak through direct physical contact - through kissing, sharing utensils, etc.


How does the disease manifest itself? The throat turns red, swells, it feels sore, sometimes - painful sensations. Feeling of chills, limbs become cold. This is a clear sign of the onset of infection.

There is a general feeling of weakness in the body, sometimes aches in the joints and pain in the muscles, a feeling that they are “pulled.” Apathy and lethargy are also signs of an onset of a cold.

Makes me sleepy. With such symptoms, it is very difficult to concentrate on work, sometimes it is simply impossible. The best way out at similar symptoms take time off from work and go home for treatment. Otherwise, you can not only suffer yourself, but also infect half of the team.

Your head may also hurt. Characteristic sign that a cold is starting - a feeling that something... This indicates that the infection has entered the body. It's time to take action.


Let's talk about the “relationship” between colds and fever.

Many people believe that a cold must be accompanied high temperature. However, this is not a required feature. The temperature will appear only when the viruses are already starting to attack quite strongly. And at the very beginning of the disease there may still be no temperature. However, already at this stage it is necessary to begin the fight so that the fever does not arise in principle.

Colds without fever at the very beginning are more common in adults. As for children, this is not typical for them. Children's body more vulnerable, but at the same time has better adaptability, so it immediately reacts violently to the introduction of infection. This is manifested, among other things, by a rise in temperature. Therefore, it is difficult to miss a child’s cold and not pay attention to it.


How and how to treat a cold in an adult.

At the first symptoms of infection, the following remedies will be effective:

These antiviral drugs will reliably and effectively rid the body of viruses and relieve cold symptoms. Along with their antiviral effects, these medications also strengthen the immune system (especially Anaferon), which has a positive effect on the condition of the whole body.

More about medications

Let's take a closer look at the healing effects of the above medications.


This drug perfectly and quickly eliminates irritation of the throat mucosa, due to which swelling subsides and redness goes away. Accordingly, painful and unpleasant sensations subside.

ergoferon tablets


This drug is effective positive impact to destroy viruses. Arbidol is especially popular due to its effectiveness and at the same time safety. You can get rid of the first symptoms of a cold by morning by taking a tablet or two of this drug in the evening.

arbidol in capsules


A modern antiviral drug. Active components Ingavirina penetrates the virus cells, stopping their spread. That is why the drug quickly stops the infection. It is especially effective if taken immediately at the first sign of a cold without delay.

Ingavirin for the treatment of flu and colds

This medicine is very convenient to use: to relieve the first symptoms of a cold, it is enough to take just one capsule, regardless of meals.


This is a cheaper remedy than Arbidol with Ingavirin, but it is also quite helpful. First of all, Anaferon is an immunomodulator, so its effect is not aimed at destroying the virus, but at strengthening the body’s defenses. Therefore, its effectiveness will be slower than in the case of taking Ingavirin or Arbidol.

For fever, you can take aspirin or paracetamol. These are inexpensive and quite effective medications. They are usually found in any home medicine cabinet.

Good to use to strengthen the immune system homeopathic medicines. For example, such as:

To get rid of a sore throat and a feeling of dryness in the throat, it is recommended to use gargles with furatsilin. This drug has a bactericidal effect and helps destroy viruses.

Advice: when treating a cold at the very beginning of the disease, it is better to refrain from strong antipyretics and, especially, from antibiotics. You need to take these drugs only when necessary - in case of a temperature above 38 degrees and the onset of inflammatory process. At the beginning of the illness, these symptoms do not occur.

Colds in children

Let's consider the features of the symptoms and treatment of colds in children.

In children at the onset of a cold infection characteristic symptoms are the following:

  • Cough, sometimes quite severe.
  • A runny nose, which also causes a lot of trouble for children and parents.
  • A child's cold differs from an adult cold in that in this case the temperature rises immediately, often being quite high.

It is precisely because the temperature rises immediately that it can be difficult to distinguish a childhood cold from the flu or another infection - viral or bacterial. Therefore, if a child becomes ill, it is always recommended to call a doctor, otherwise amateur treatment may go in the wrong direction. Let's say you give your baby antiviral drugs when he actually has a bacterial infection and requires antibiotics.

Children's colds are characterized by bright severe symptoms, arising sharply and immediately. In the morning, your child can safely go to kindergarten in full health, and by the evening you will pick him up from there with a fever.

As with the treatment of adult colds, children are also initially given antiviral drugs. Antiviral immunomodulators like Anaferon will be better suited for the child and will have a milder effect.

The fact that colds in children develop so sharply requires tireless monitoring of the baby’s condition. The temperature can rise even higher if it is not reduced, and in the case of a bacterial infection, complications can include serious ear infections, pneumonia, or sinusitis.

On video treatment first signs of a cold:

If the antiviral drug does not improve the condition, antibiotic treatment should be started with the permission of the doctor. Flemoxin, Augmentin, Amoxicillin or similar products are suitable.

But how the first signs of a cold are treated with folk remedies, and which of them are the most effective, is described in great detail in this

Related treatments

What other ways can help cope with this annoying infection?

The first step is to provide bed rest to the patient. It is important that the person spends at least the first two days in peace. In this case, recovery will occur faster and complications can be avoided.

If the temperature is less than 38 degrees, it is not recommended to bring it down artificially. The fact is that up to the borderline mark of 38 degrees, the body does not need help; it must strain its reserves and, perhaps, defeat the infection on its own. And if we interfere with the natural course of events and take antipyretics, we thereby relax our body. Next time he may not turn on the protection, hoping for external help.

If you still need to take an antipyretic, it is not recommended to drink effervescent drugs in tablets and powders. They have a quick, but short-term effect. In addition, they promote the formation of kidney stones.

The temperature can be brought down by rubbing with vinegar. It's effective and long lasting known method safe non-drug relief of the condition. In addition to vinegar, you can also use vodka or alcohol for rubbing. However, make sure that there are no wounds or scratches on the body, otherwise it will sting strongly.

You should dress warmly. It is important that the sensations of chills pass quickly. Your feet must be kept warm; you can wear wool socks on them.

If there is no fever, a warm foot bath may help. Mustard added to water will enhance the effectiveness of the procedure.

Warm tea with honey, lemon and raspberry jam is an excellent proven remedy. Has an antimicrobial and tonic effect, improves immunity. Drinking plenty of water - mandatory conditions Get well soon for a cold. Besides tea and herbal decoctions drink alkaline mineral water: Borjomi, Narzan, etc. Pathogenic viruses cannot tolerate alkali.

Eat little and light, fortified foods. During illness, exclude fried foods from your diet that are too fatty and heavy. More vitamins, fiber and light dairy products.

If you have a runny nose, you can rinse your nose with salt water. sea ​​water. When heavy discharge Vasoconstrictor drops will come in handy. But if, on the contrary, the nose is stuffy and does not breathe, then you cannot do without vasodilating drops.

Anti-runny nose sprays have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Suitable drugs include:

Sprays are good because, if necessary, they can be sprayed into the throat, thereby relieving it of germs too.

We looked at the features of treating a cold at its first symptoms. As you can see, the treatment for adults and children differs, however, the basic points are the same. Start treating a cold immediately, without starting it - in this case, serious complications and unpleasant consequences you are not threatened.

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