Nomides or Tamiflu - which is better? Comparison of the proven effectiveness of Arbidol and Tamiflu

Can be used to treat diseases caused by viruses different drugs. Majority modern medicines This type is characterized by efficiency and relatively low cost. For example, the medicine Tamiflu has received very good reviews from consumers. Analogs of this unique drug in modern pharmaceutical market exist, but only differ in approximately the same therapeutic effect. This modern, recently developed product has no structural substitutes.

General description of the drug

What is the medicine Tamiflu? Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues of the drug - we’ll talk about all this later in the article.

The drug Tamiflu can be supplied to the market in the form of capsules or powder intended for the preparation of suspensions. In the first case, the product is packaged in blisters and carton boxes. Most often in the pharmacy you can find packs of 10 capsules.

Tamiflu powder has a pleasant fruity smell. It is packaged in dark glass bottles. This form of medication usually comes with a measuring cup and a dosing syringe. Prepare a suspension from the powder in ordinary clean water.

The main active ingredient of this medicine is oseltamivir phosphate. Tamiflu capsules are made using gelatin.

In what cases can it be prescribed

Doctors usually prescribe Tamiflu to their patients in the following cases:

  • for the prevention and treatment of infections caused by influenza virus group A or B;
  • in the event of an influenza pandemic, infants from six months of age.

For the possibility of use as prophylactic for those people who have been in contact with people infected with the flu, the drug Tamiflu has earned, among other things, good reviews from consumers. In most cases, its analogues can also be used to reduce the risk of infection.

How the medicine works

Once in the human body, the main active ingredient of the drug Tamiflu is absorbed into the blood and quickly transformed into an active metabolite - oseltamivir carboxylitol. The latter, in turn, is an effective inhibitor of neuraminidase, which is part of the envelope of viruses type B and A. This enzyme is primarily responsible for the spread of infection in the human body. By suppressing its formation, Tamiflu inhibits the development of the disease.

Judging by the reviews, this modern drug capable of:

  • reduce the duration of the disease by 1-1.5 days;
  • relieve flu symptoms;
  • reduce the incidence of complications such as pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis.

How the drug is eliminated from the body

This medicine is metabolized in the patient's kidneys. Tamiflu is eliminated from the body approximately 6-10 hours after administration. In patients with any kidney pathologies, this period can extend up to 24 hours. A certain amount of drug metabolites is also excreted through the intestines.

"Tamiflu": drug analogues

In case of intolerance for any reason, doctors may prescribe substitutes for this medicine to patients. This drug, as already mentioned, has no synonyms. However, there are medicines on sale today that are similar to Tamiflu capsules. therapeutic effect. These include, for example:

  • "Arbidol";
  • "Relenza";
  • "Amiksin";
  • "Kagocel".

Arbidol, unlike Tamiflu, can be used to treat not only influenza, but also other viral diseases. This medicine is not prescribed for children under 3 years of age. It has slightly fewer side effects than Tamiflu. This medicine is probably best analogue"Tamiflu" in Russia today.

Relanza is used to treat influenza only. It is supplied to the market in the form of a suspension for inhalation. This medication can only be prescribed to adults and children over 5 years of age.

"Amiksin" - very cheap analogue"Tamiflu." This drug is used to treat influenza, herpes, viral hepatitis, etc. It has virtually no side effects. However, children can only be prescribed it from the age of 6 years.

The medicine "Kagocel" is also used against influenza. It costs less than Tamiflu, but is also significantly inferior in effectiveness. The drug is non-toxic and can be prescribed to children over 3 years of age.

These are the medications that most often replace Tamiflu. Analogs of this drug are in most cases manufactured by pharmacological companies based on the substance zanamivir.


It is prohibited to prescribe Tamiflu to patients:

  • with chronic renal failure(Cl creatinine less than 10 ml per minute);
  • hypersensitivity to the components included in the drug.

Pregnant women are advised to use the drug Tamiflu with great caution according to the instructions for use. Analogues of this medicine (almost all) have the same feature. You should also take this medication very carefully while breastfeeding. This medicine is not prescribed for children under 6 months of age.

Instructions for use for treatment

Tamiflu can be prescribed to people who are already sick, or as a preventive measure. IN the latter case the drug is usually prescribed in an amount of 75 ml twice a day. The course of treatment at this dosage is most often 5 days. This medicine can be taken at any time of the day - both before and after meals. However, it is believed that the drug is best absorbed during meals.

The instructions for use prescribe the drug Tamiflu in the first two days after the first symptoms of influenza appear. The price (the reviews of analogues of this drug are not so good, since they are not as effective) for this medicine is high, but it begins to help immediately. Most symptoms subside within the first day of use.

It is also possible to take Tamiflu from capsules with signs of “aging”. In this case, the powder should be poured into a small amount of a sweetened food product (honey, syrup, condensed milk). Increasing the dose of the drug to more than 150 mg/day does not increase the effectiveness of its action.

How should children take

Teenagers over 12 years of age can take this medicine in the same way as adults. For younger children, Tamiflu is prescribed depending on their weight. Adolescents under 12 years of age weighing over 40 kg are prescribed 75 mg of the drug 2 times a day. The same applies to children over 8 years of age who can swallow capsules.

Very young patients over the age of 1 year are usually prescribed a Tamiflu suspension in the amount of 12 mg/ml. For the treatment of children over 2 years of age, capsules of 30 and 45 mg can be used in some cases.

Instructions for use for patients with renal failure

The drug Tamiflu is excreted from the body in the urine, so people with diseased kidneys should prescribe it carefully. IN in this case the drug is used as follows:

  • if CC is affected by more than 60 ml/min, no dose adjustment is required;
  • for patients with CC from 30 to 60 ml/min, the amount of the drug taken per day is reduced to 20-60 mg (10-30 mg twice).
  • patients on constant hemodialysis are initially prescribed a dose of 30 mg before the dialysis procedure, and then 30 mg for 5 days.

How to take the drug for prevention

Those people who have had any contact with people with the flu can also take this medicine to prevent infection. For prevention, Tamiflu is taken once a day. The course in this case is 10 days. During an epidemic, the duration of medication can be increased up to 6 weeks.

What side effects can the medicine cause?

Tamiflu is a relatively safe drug. But in some cases it can still cause side effects. After using it, the patient sometimes experiences problems such as:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea, abdominal pain, dyspepsia;
  • dizziness, sleep disturbance, weakness;
  • cough, exacerbation of bronchitis.

Children may also develop nose bleed, acute otitis media, asthma, conjunctivitis. IN in rare cases The drug may also cause hearing loss.

Due to the possibility of manifestation side effects The instructions prescribe to take Tamiflu only as prescribed by a doctor. Analogues of this medicine are often somewhat more harmless in this regard. Therefore, if the doctor did not recommend the drug at your appointment, you should be treated using other medications.

Conditions for dispensing medicine from pharmacies and its cost

The medicine Tamiflu is not available for free sale. It is sold in pharmacies only with a prescription. The cost of this drug can vary quite significantly. 1200-1500 rub. per package - this is the price usually set by suppliers for the drug Tamiflu. Its analogues most often receive good reviews from consumers not for better efficiency, but at a lower cost. Bottles with 65 mg powder (6 mg/ml active ingredient) are sold for 5-6 thousand rubles.

The instructions for Tamiflu prescribe the drug to be stored in a dark, dry place at an air temperature of up to 25 o C. Its analogues retain their properties under approximately the same conditions. The suspension prepared from Tamiflu powder should be used within a maximum of 17 days.

The onset of the first cold weather always alarms us with the appearance of respiratory viral infections. Panic on the radio, television, among friends is instantly stored in the mind, and a person begins to listen to his body in anticipation of a “terrible” virus.

In this article, we will look at cheap analogues of the drug Tamiflu and compare their effectiveness.

Are viral infections really that dangerous? Among doctors working in infectious diseases departments, there is an opinion that the greater the fear of the disease, the sooner you will get it. Doctors and nurses have been working for years in dangerous hospitals (for example, tuberculosis hospitals, without wearing a protective mask), and do not suffer from these infections. The percentage of infected personnel in infectious diseases departments is very low.

If you remember Soviet times, then there was no loud trumpet about viruses, and there was no such panic among the population. People went to the skating rinks, rolled around in the snow, and actively visited New Year's performances and they weren’t so afraid of ARVI. Fear is the main culprit of many diseases, even common ARVI. Besides low immunity our citizens want to be the best.

Of course, one cannot completely dismiss “trifling” viruses, because... However, there is still a large group of people with immunodeficiencies who require auxiliary antiviral therapy with the flu, and sometimes with serious medications, such as the drug Tamiflu.

It is also necessary to note the inappropriateness of prescribing antiviral drugs in cases where the body copes completely independently with the help of only traditional methods, producing protective persistent antibodies.

In our article we’ll talk about the sensational, expensive antiviral drug Tamiflu, which was used during the epidemic swine flu they spoke as if it were almost a panacea. Let's get acquainted with analogues of Tamiflu, which are much cheaper and more accessible to the general population.

Tamiflu - instructions

To compile a list of Tamiflu analogues and select worthy products that will not only therapeutically satisfy the patient, but also cost less, let’s consider its main parameters.

Release form, price, composition, storage

The drug is available in the form of capsules (75 mg No. 10) and powder for suspension (12 mg/1 ml) - 30 grams of active substance in a bottle. Today, the average price for capsules is 1,200 rubles.

The availability of the powder and its price should be checked at a specific pharmacy, because Lately Internet search engines do not provide information about this form of the drug. Usually the powder costs 150 rubles more.

Active substance Tamiflu - Oseltamivir. The shelf life of the drug is 5 years.


The drug is used for the prevention and therapeutic therapy influenza (type A and B), as well as parainfluenza. Tamiflu is prescribed to children as early as 12 months. In practice, the remedy is used earlier, starting from six months.


It is not recommended to use Tamiflu for severe renal pathologies and insensitivity to the main one, as well as auxiliary staff. Relative contraindication is pregnancy and lactation, but at the discretion of the doctor, Tamiflu can be used during this period.

Adverse reactions

Sometimes the following side effects may occur:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea (sometimes vomiting);
  • epigastric pain;
  • upset stomach (diarrhea, or feeling the urge to stool);
  • weakness;
  • hallucinatory manifestations;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • allergic reactions;
  • cough;
  • laryngitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • other.


When the first symptoms of influenza appear, the drug should be used no later than 48 hours.

For babies, a suspension is used, because the child cannot swallow capsules. If the powder is not available for sale, you can use the contents of the capsules to prepare the suspension. The calculation of the required dose is carried out by the pediatrician, taking into account the age and weight of the child.

Patients weighing at least 40 kg take capsules twice a day (morning and evening). After 12 years, it is also recommended to take Tamiflu twice for 5 days, i.e. A blister of 10 tablets is used.

For the purpose of prevention, dosages should be as follows:

  • For patients weighing more than 40 kg, as well as for children over 12 years of age, Tamiflu is prescribed for 10 days, 1 capsule per day;
  • kids prophylactic doses determined only by a pediatrician.

After reading the instructions, it is easy to notice that Tamiflu is used only for the flu, has a high price and big list potential adverse reactions. A positive point is the possibility of treating influenza in young children.

Of course, not all patients are ready to pay 1200 rubles for 10 tablets of Tamiflu, yet “our patient” is always looking for a cheaper alternative so that the price does not hit his pocket. Do such analogues exist? Let's try to figure it out.

Doctor Komarovsky about the drug Tamiflu

List of cheap analogues

Almost all antiviral drugs are cheaper than Tamiflu, so the list of analogues will be long. But we will not list information from pharmacological reference books, but let’s present a list of drugs that, according to statistics, are most often used for the flu, as an alternative to Tamiflu:

  • ingavirin 60 mg (7 capsules) – 370 rubles;
  • arbidol 100 mg (10 caps.) – 230 rubles;
  • Relenza 20 mg (5 rotadiscs) – 1100 rubles;
  • kagocel 12 mg (12 tablets) – 270 rubles;
  • amiksin 60 mg (10 tablets) – 600 rubles;
  • cycloferon 150 mg (10 tablets) – 190 rubles;
  • Anaferon (20 tablets) – 230 rubles.

Tamiflu or Ingavirin – which is better?

Cheap Russian analogue Ingavirin is considered an excellent replacement for Tamiflu, not only in price, but also in therapeutic effect. Therefore, high sales of this drug have been noticed recently.

Ingavirin has broader indications than Tamiflu. It is prescribed for acute respiratory viral infections, adenoviruses and other respiratory infections. Tamiflu is used only for the flu.

Unlike Tamiflu, ingavirin suppresses not only viruses, but also relieves inflammation, eliminates toxins, activates the production of its own interferon, and eliminates catarrhal phenomena. The drugs in question have absolutely different composition, therefore they are not structural analogues.

Lack of ingavirin - the drug is used only from 18 years of age(dosage 90 mg) and from 7 years (60 mg). Tamiflu is recommended for use starting from 12 months of a child’s life. The advantage of Ingavirin is that it does not have a toxic effect, like Tamiflu.

According to clinical trials, there is evidence of a more pronounced antiviral effect of ingavirin compared to Tamiflu.

The price of ingavirin is 3.5 times cheaper.

Relenza or Tamiflu – what to choose

Unlike Tamiflu, amixin is used only from the age of seven, and its price is half the price. The area of ​​use is not limited to influenza. Amiksin is a frequently prescribed drug for respiratory infections, which has not only antiviral activity, but also a pronounced immunomodulating property.

Amiksin shows effectiveness against herpes, cytomegalovirus, viral hepatitis, and other pathologies of viral origin. Amiksin is non-toxic compared to Tamiflu, and side effects are so rare that they are practically reduced to zero. Most often this is an individual intolerance to the composition of the drug.

Amiksin or Tamiflu - which is better? It is impossible to answer unequivocally. It is necessary to consider specific clinical case, taking into account symptoms, age, allergy history and immune status patient. Only a set of this information about the patient will help you choose one of these remedies.

Cycloferon or Tamiflu - which is better?

Despite its inexpensive cost, the drug shows high effectiveness against many diseases: influenza, ARVI, viral hepatitis, HIV, neuroinfections, and others. This effect is achieved through a combination of three properties of the drug: antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating. A successful combination of active ingredients allows you to quickly eliminate the symptoms of influenza and ARVI.

Unlike Tamiflu, the drug is only in tablet form and is used in children only from 4 years of age. Cycloferon has no side effects, except for possible allergic reactions. Therefore, long-term courses of taking this drug are safe, which allows treatment in patients with immunodeficiencies, such as HIV infection.

The price of Cycloferon is 5 times less, it is not surprising that patients quite often prefer it to Tamiflu.

Anaferon or Tamiflu – what to choose

This drug is classified as homeopathy, the composition of which includes affinity-purified antibodies to human interferon gamma. Anaferon has two tablet forms: adult and children's. The second form allows you to use the product with one month old child. For the youngest patients, the tablets are turned into powder and dissolved in water according to the prescribed dose.

There are more indications for the use of Anaferon than Tamiflu. These include: herpes virus, Infectious mononucleosis, ARVI, immunodeficiencies, bacterial lesions, other pathologies. Homeopathy acts gradually, forcing the body to “get out” on its own using its own reserves and self-healing. In the future, this helps reduce the number of relapses respiratory infections.

Anaferon activates antiviral immunity and acts more slowly than Tamiflu for the flu. For aggressive acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, anaferon is more suitable as complex therapy of these diseases than individually, but with good immunity in a patient, even with influenza infection, it can also be used as monotherapy.

We can conclude that Tamiflu is an antiviral agent, and Anaferon is an activator of antiviral immunity.

The price of Anaferon is significantly lower than that of Tamiflu, approximately 5 times.

Issue on the effectiveness of Tamiflu


Selecting analogues is not always easy. Of course, if the replacement is made only taking into account the price, then there is no problem, we compared the cost and took the drug cheaper. But this approach, to put it mildly, is philistine, and has nothing in common with professionalism. It’s good if the drug is suitable and has the expected effect of treatment.

Unfortunately, often pharmacy workers, seeing the buyer’s desire to buy a cheap antiviral drug, offer remedies, taking into account only the price, but not the patient’s complaints. Although in principle they are not obliged to advise patients at all.

It’s a pity when patients in the first days of influenza and ARVI do not receive professional help, and then Tamiflu or its analogs purchased at a high price will no longer bring the expected result by at least 50%. The money is wasted, and there remains disappointment about the drug and the entire course of treatment.

Remember, antiviral drugs are selected exclusively by the doctor, because The doctor always adjusts the dosage according to the instructions, according to the ongoing flu or acute respiratory viral infection. Sometimes the course of treatment lasts only three days, and in some cases it is recommended to extend anti-influenza therapy longer than even indicated in the instructions. Be healthy!

Tamiflu – antiviral medicine, the effectiveness of which has been proven today not only clinical indicators recovery of the studied groups of patients, but also feedback from doctors and the patients themselves. Active ingredient The drug is oseltamivir phosphate, an enzyme that deactivates the ability of a pathogenic virus to penetrate healthy cells and multiply in an already infected body.

About the drug

According to the instructions from the manufacturer - the Swiss company-leader in pharmacological production "F.Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd", the drug is active agent in the treatment and prevention of influenza in patients of any age category. However, the presence of restrictions in the form of the indicated side effects sharply reduces the popularity of Tamiflu. Statistical practice refutes this information. The vast majority of patients who have undergone treatment with the drug note good results and easy tolerability of the components of the drug.

The history of the creation of Tamiflu as a medicine against influenza and ARVI is unique. Initially, in 1996, the enzyme oseltamivir was created, which was intended to treat patients with the human immunodeficiency virus (AIDS). At clinical studies it was found that the enzyme does not act on AIDS cells, but exhibits an active ability to suppress the development of group A and B viruses. Based on high results in the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, Tamiflu is approved by the World Health Organization as vital for the activity of virus A and B.

In 1999, F.Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd became the sole holder of the patent for the manufacture of Tamiflu. At the same time, subsequent clinical trials on animals revealed side effects of this drug.

Today, the Tamiflu formula has been brought to practical perfection. In the list of leaders in the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, the drug occupies a leading place thanks to marketing developments manufacturer and increased public interest in the medicine. The presence of a side effect does not prevent Tamiflu from being in the ranking of the most popular drugs in developing countries in Europe.

Mechanism of action

Infection with the virus occurs by infecting healthy cells with an enzyme from a pathogenic microorganism (neuraminidase). Under the action of the enzyme neuraminidase, the newly formed virus is separated from an already infected cell. This process contributes to the rapid infection of subsequent cells and the spread of the virus throughout the body.

Tamiflu contains oseltamivir (75 mg per capsule of the drug), which, circulating in the plasma of the bloodstream and intercellular fluid, blocks the separation from infected cell infected particles, thereby preventing the spread of the virus. Activity inhibition pathogenic microflora leads to a decrease in intoxication and a decrease in the level of toxins in the bloodstream. The maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood plasma is observed 40 hours after taking the medicine.

The effectiveness of Tamiflu has been proven in practice. Already on the first day after taking the medicine, patients notice a significant improvement general condition, reduction in temperature, reduction in muscle and headache pain and symptoms of nasal congestion. Timely administration of medication helps prevent influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. early stages, shortens treatment time, and also reduces the risk of developing hidden complications.

In addition to the main active component oseltamir, Tamiflu contains excipients - sodium stearate, food gelatin, talc.

Release form

Modern pharmacology produces Tamiflu in the form of an oral suspension or capsules.

Oral suspension

The bottle contains 12 mg of powder for self-cooking suspensions. Before use, the manufacturer recommends dissolving the powder in 52 ml of boiled purified water and shaking the bottle until the particles are completely dissolved. The required dose is measured using a special syringe (included in the kit). It is recommended to shake the bottle of suspension before each use.

Tamiflu capsules

Each Tamiflu capsule contains 75 mg of active oseltamir. It is recommended to take the medicine in certain time, washing down with pure boiled water. Taking the drug does not depend on the timing of meals.

Tamiflu dosage

For adults, the suspension is indicated in a dosage of no more than 75 mg twice a day. For children (body weight 40 kg and above), the recommended dose is 75 mg once a day.

To prevent influenza and ARVI, the dosage of Tamiflu is calculated based on body weight.

  • children weighing less than 15 kg - no more than 30 mg of medication per day;
  • up to 23 kg – up to 45 mg per day in a single dose;
  • up to 40 kg – up to 60 mg once a day;
  • Children weighing more than 40 kg are allowed to dose the medication within the adult norm.

For treatment, the dosage of the drug per day is identical, and the medication is divided into two times a day to ensure constant exposure of oseltamir to viral cells.

The course of treatment with Tamiflu suspension is no more than 10 days. According to the instructions, in order to avoid undesirable consequences development of a side effect or complication, the manufacturer strictly prohibits independently increasing the dosage during the period of treatment with Tamiflu.

During a pandemic, the drug is approved for use in the treatment of infants (from 6 months to 1 year) at the rate of 3 mg per 1 kg of body weight at least twice a day. carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. The recommended duration of therapy for ARVI in infants is no more than 5 days.

Taking Tamiflu during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Leading therapists do not rule out the possibility of oseltamir penetrating the placental barrier or into breast milk nursing woman. Due to the side effects of this medicine, the effect of the active ingredient Tamiflu on the development of the fetus or newborn cannot be predicted in advance.

In practice, cases of severe tolerability of the side effects of Tamiflu in the gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy have been recorded. Therefore, it is recommended to prescribe the drug to pregnant and lactating women only if there are significant indications.

For pregnant and lactating mothers, it is recommended to take analogues of Tamiflu, drugs that are safer for the baby’s health - Arbidol or Anaferon. A series homeopathic medicines Antigrippin Agri or Aflubin are ideal. These drugs have no side effects and are completely safe for both the developing fetus and the newborn baby.

Side effects from taking Tamiflu

Through an in-depth study of Japanese scientists in 2004, a slight psychotropic effect of the drug Tamiflu on children's body. However, this information is not provided in the manufacturer's instructions.

According to WHO, the drug is approved for use in the treatment of children from the moment of birth, as a medicine that prevents the spread of “ bird flu" The medical community has not yet given a clear opinion on this matter.

The following side effects from taking Tamiflu are known today:

  1. Gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. Symptoms usually go away on their own after some time and do not require discontinuation of the drug.
  2. CNS – psychosomatic disorders, insomnia, muscle contractions, hallucinations. The risk group is children under 12 years of age.
  3. Individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug.
  4. Diseases of the liver, kidneys and genitourinary system with pronounced functional failures.

Comparative table of Tamiflu analogues

name of the drug price by-effect application efficiency
Tamiflu (capsules and powder for suspensions) 1200-1300 rub. epigastric pain, nausea, diarrhea, rarely vomiting,

exacerbation of liver and kidney symptoms, psychosomatic disorders, individual intolerance

Used in the treatment of children from 6 months of age (with acute clinical need) due to inhibition of the active component of the process of division of pathogenic cells. Over-the-counter drug.
Relenza (powder for inhalation) 950-1250 rub. fever, allergies, rarely restless behavior, arrhythmia, shortness of breath approved for the treatment of children over 5 years of age effective against viruses of groups A, B. The active substance zanamivir reduces the reproduction of viral particles by preventing their division, the drug is sold in pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription
Arbidol (capsules) 500-800 rub. allergy approved for the treatment of children over 6 years of age prevents the fusion of the lipid layer of the viral cell with the membrane of healthy cells, is an immunomodulator, increases the body's resistance, the medicine is available without a prescription.
Amiksin (tablets) 905-1200 rub. allergies, rarely dyspepsia approved for use in the treatment of children over 7 years of age stimulates the formation of alpha, beta and gamma interferon, enhances the formation of antibodies, suppresses virus reproduction, the drug is available by prescription.
Cycloferon (tablets, injection solution or 5% liniment) 170-780 rub. allergy used to treat children over 18 years of age increases cellular immunity, inhibits viral activity, available in pharmacies with a prescription

Storage conditions for Tamiflu

Tamiflu capsules are suitable for use for 5 years from the date of manufacture. Tamiflu suspension powder is suitable for use for 2 years from the date indicated on the package.

Today Tamiflu is the most common drug against influenza and ARVI viruses. Despite the list of side effects, the medicine is popular due to its high effectiveness at any stage of the disease. Before using the drug, consult your doctor. Carry out Tamiflu treatment strictly according to your doctor's recommendations. Dynamic monitoring of the development and course of the disease will help to timely identify and promptly eliminate unwanted side effects.

Many drugs are produced for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections. For example, Tamiflu for ARVI is considered one of the most effective and effective means in the fight against pathogenic viruses. However, before taking this remedy, you should know how it works, what it consists of, possible indications and contraindications to its use, side effects and rules of use.

The drug Tamiflu is actively used to treat various acute respiratory viral infections.

The main component of the drug Tamiflu, used in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, is oseltamivir phosphate, which can inactivate neuraminidase of the infection, thanks to which the virus manages to penetrate healthy cells of the body and multiply there.

Experts speak of this remedy as one of the most effective antiviral drugs that can be used to prevent or treat ARVI.

The patent for the production of the drug is held by the Swiss company Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., which is considered one of the leaders of the modern pharmaceutical industry. It was founded back in the 19th century. Representative offices of this company, by the way, are open all over the world.

About the danger of ARVI

The same flu is viral infectious disease, transmission of which occurs through airborne droplets when a person talks, sneezes, or coughs. Another variant of infection is contact, when a person communicates with a sick person or touches objects that have previously been touched by an infected person.

The infection spreads quite quickly, is virulent, that is, it can infect still healthy cells, and is resistant to external factors(can withstand cold temperatures down to minus 20 degrees).

Every year, ARVI epidemics affect millions of people, cause billions of dollars in costs, often lead to serious complications and even fatalities. All this forces medical scientists look for ways to prevent and combat acute respiratory viral infections. Regular vaccination, of course, has its own positive results, but for one reason or another the number of sick people does not decrease, but, on the contrary, only increases over time.

In addition, many viruses are prone to constant mutation (they have a mutagenic system), as a result of which it becomes increasingly difficult to protect against them. Scientists are not always able to predict which virus will cause the next epidemic, and therefore some general funds protection that could help, regardless of the active strain at one time or another.

Tamiflu is considered to be a drug that does its job perfectly. preventive function, protecting against colds and ARVI, and, in addition, is used to treat these same diseases.

However, this drug cannot be called a “panacea” for acute respiratory viral infections, since it may have certain side effects. Should we pay attention to them? Absolutely yes.

Among antiviral drugs for ARVI, Tamiflu is considered one of the most effective. In pharmacies it can be found in the form of capsules or in the form of powder from which suspensions are made. The medicine successfully counteracts viral agents, regardless of external factors.

History of creation

As for the history of the creation of Tamiflu against ARVI, it began with the fact that specialists from the American company Gilead Sciences developed medicinal product, aimed at treating AIDS.

They managed to create the substance Oseltamivir, which was originally supposed to fight the immunodeficiency virus. The scientists did not achieve their initial goal, but they noticed that the resulting substance turned out to be effective against influenza and other respiratory infections.

Interestingly, Tamiflu was invented almost by accident when they were looking for a cure for AIDS.

Japanese clinics conducted studies that confirmed the properties of the described drug.

Then WHO experts approved the mass distribution of the drug. In 1999, the license for its production was acquired by Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. from Switzerland.

Tamiflu was especially in demand during the bird flu epidemic. The UK alone has purchased more than 14 million doses of the drug, spending more than three million dollars.

Pharmacological properties

The use of Tamiflu for ARVI is based on its pharmacological action, which suggests the possibility of inactivating neurominidase, due to which viral agents infect healthy cells. Oseltamivir separates infectious particles from the infected cell membrane.

In addition to Oseltamivir, the composition of the drug is presented:

  • starch;
  • monosodium citrate;
  • sodium benzoate;
  • aromatic additives (in the case of diluted powder);
  • gelatin;
  • talc;
  • povidone;

Thanks to Oseltamivir, the patient releases fewer viruses when coughing and sneezing and, therefore, the disease practically stops spreading. The epidemiological situation is improving. However, this does not mean that there is no need to isolate the infected person - such preventive methods are still needed.

Among other things, Tamiflu helps reduce intoxication in the body by reducing the concentration of blood toxins. It helps to cope with the consequences of ARVI, such as:

  • joint pain;
  • loss of orientation;
  • muscle aches;
  • the appearance of hallucinations.

When treating ARVI with Tamiflu, it is possible to avoid serious complications, like:

  • meningitis;
  • viral pneumonia;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis.

Concerning maximum efficiency, it manifests itself within forty hours after the onset of infection. Only one percent of patients show resistance to the action of this drug.

Immediately after administration, Tamiflu is absorbed into the walls small intestine. It is most actively concentrated in blood plasma and intercellular fluid.

Liver enzymes participate in subsequent metabolic processes, resulting in the formation of oseltamivir carboxylate, which is 20 times higher than the original concentration medicinal substance. More than 70 percent of the dose taken is transformed into the indicated metabolite.

The active metabolite is excreted through the kidneys in about 10 hours.

What can this medicine do?

Tamiflu helps with almost any ARVI, including influenza infection, parainfluenza, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, enteroviruses and so on.

It successfully relieves the main symptoms of the disease, including:

  • fever;
  • migraine;
  • muscle pain;
  • cough and other signs of intoxication.

Tamiflu successfully relieves headaches due to ARVI

Can I take Tamiflu if I have ARVI? Despite the predominance positive feedback, which can be found about the described remedy, some clinical experts consider its effectiveness in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections to be insufficient, due to the fact that not all viral agents are susceptible to it.

Side effects and contraindications

In addition, there are certain side effects that every user should be aware of and contraindications to the use of the medicine.

As for side effects, they are most often associated with:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • epigastric pain.

As a rule, all this goes away on its own, and treatment course no need to cancel.

Side effects from nervous system most often occur in children under 12 years of age and are associated with psychosomatic reactions.

If we talk about contraindications, first of all, these are:

  • individual intolerance to certain components;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • children under 12 years of age if they have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.

Pregnant women, as well as female representatives during lactation, are also advised to refrain from using this drug. In such cases, Tamiflu can be replaced with Arbidol, Kagocel and Anaferon (with the permission of a physician). By at least, before doing this, you should definitely consult a medical specialist.

Drug analogues

What other pills can you take for ARVI? Is Tamiflu really the best antiviral drug? Are there any analogue drugs for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections with proven effectiveness?

Of course, there are analogues, although, as experts say, with all their positive aspects– not all of them are as effective.

Perhaps the most basic analogue is considered Relenza, the active component of which is zanamivir. His pharmachologic effect almost similar to oseltamivir, that is, it acts on viral neuraminidase.

Relenza is considered the main analogue of the drug Tamiflu

High selectivity of this substance associated with the possibility of its effect on a variety of types of neuraminidase.

Relenza is produced in the form of a powder, which is used for inhalation. When a person inhales the vapors of this medicine, they end up in the pulmonary alveoli and it is there that they have a direct therapeutic effect.

Since zanamivir is not highly concentrated in blood plasma, no side effects there is no need to be afraid.

Relenza is actively used both for treatment and in for preventive purposes. Single dose of this medicine does not exceed 5 milligrams, which is many times lower than the concentration of Tamiflu.

What medications should be taken for ARVI with fever? There is another analogue - Arbidol, which acts directly on the outer viral envelope and helps the body produce endogenous interferon, stimulates phagocytosis.

The drug Arbidol does not have the ability to influence the activity of neuraminidase, but side effects after its use are much less common. The price is also much lower than Tamiflu described above.

However, before taking this remedy, you still need to consult a doctor.

What is better for the flu - Tamiflu or Amiksin? A remedy such as Amiksin is allowed to be used only from the age of seven.

The medicine has good immunomodulatory properties. In addition to ARVI, it is quite effective for treating herpes, viral hepatitis, cytomegaloviruses and so on.

Side effects are rare and the price is lower than the cost of Tamiflu, however, it is difficult to give preference to any one of these drugs, since it depends on the patient’s age, symptoms of the disease, and immune status.

Other antiviral drugs are also used to treat respiratory infections wide range actions. It would be better, of course, to take what the doctor recommends, or at least you should consult a doctor before trusting the effect of any medicine.

Can it be taken by children?

Can Tamiflu be called the best remedy from ARVI for children? A separate children's form of this medicine is not available.

But the standard capsule product is allowed to be taken starting from the age of 12:

  • 75 milligrams twice a day, washed down with water (doctors even recommend drinking milk to make the stomach feel more comfortable).

Tamiflu is allowed to be given to children under 12 years of age in the form of a suspension. It is made from powder. As a rule, a measuring cup with a dosing syringe is included with the medicine.

  • The suspension should be washed down with water, take 75 milliliters twice a day.
  • The duration of the therapeutic course is five days.

The described medicine is intended both for the treatment of influenza in children and for the fight against other acute respiratory viral infections.

Children are also allowed to use Tamiflu

Should you trust a drug like Tamiflu? As practice shows, you can trust it, but still, before use, it is better to consult with your doctor.

Tamiflu is strong antiviral agent, which fights influenza viruses types A and B. The main active ingredient of the drug is oseltamivir, it protects healthy cells from the action of viruses and suppresses their development. Tamiflu also contains: croscarmellose sodium, sodium stearyl fumarate, gelatin, titanium dioxide, iron oxide dyes, povidone K30, talc and starch.

The drug is available in adult and pediatric forms. Tamiflu is prescribed to children in powder, which, in addition to oseltamivir, includes: titanium dioxide, xanthan gum, monosodium citrate, sodium saccharin, sorbitol, permasil.
This drug is effective for acute respiratory infections and influenza types A and B. Tamiflu reduces the duration of the disease and significantly reduces the likelihood of developing complications, for example, sinusitis, otitis media. However, the drug does not affect the body’s production of antibodies.

When taking medicine for the purpose of prevention, the probability of getting sick after contact with a sick person is 8-10%.

Oseltamavir is very quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. It enters the plasma half an hour after administration. The drug reaches its maximum concentration in the blood after a couple of hours. The medicine exits through the kidneys and intestines after 7-10 hours.

Tamiflu price

The cost of 10 capsules of Tamiflu with 75 mg of oseltamivir is 1,180 rubles.

The price of a bottle of powder for suspension with a volume of 30 g is 1210 rubles.

The drug is produced in Switzerland. Its International generic name(mnn) – oseltamivir.

Release form

The drug is produced in the form of gelatin capsules, which are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces each. One tablet may contain 35, 40 or 75 mg of the active substance. The quantity can be read on the yellow cap of each capsule.

Tamiflu for children is produced in the form of a powder, from which a suspension is subsequently prepared. It is packaged in 30 g bottles.

Indications for use

The doctor prescribes Tamiflu to the patient in the following cases:

  • as a treatment for acute respiratory infections and influenza for adults and children over 1 year of age;
  • for the purpose of prevention for adults and children over 12 years of age during epidemics;
  • as prevention after contact with a patient with influenza.

It is important to note that the drug cannot replace the flu vaccine. It is effective only against influenza A and B viruses; it is powerless against other strains.

The drug in any form is used regardless of food intake. For speedy deliverance from severe symptoms, you should start taking it within the first two days of the onset of the disease.

The drug is in powder form

A suspension is prepared from the powder as follows: shake the tightly closed bottle well and add 52 ml of water to it. After this, the container is closed and shaken thoroughly until the mixture becomes homogeneous. When the suspension is ready, the cap is discarded and an adapter is installed in its place. The required dose of the drug is measured using the included syringe. After each use, it should be rinsed under running water.

Children weighing more than 40 kg - 75 mg once a day.

The duration of therapy is 10 days. Exceed specified dose is prohibited, as this may lead to adverse reactions.

Tamiflu is prescribed to children for preventive purposes depending on their weight in the following doses:

  • up to 15 kg – 30 mg per day;
  • from 15 to 23 kg – 45 mg per day;
  • from 23 to 40 kg – 60 mg per day.

For the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections or influenza, the prophylactic dosage is doubled.

During an epidemic, the drug is prescribed from 6 months of age, the dosage in this case is 3 mg per 1 kg of weight. Duration of treatment – ​​5 days.

If there is any suspension left after the end of the course, it is thrown away.

In capsule form

Take the capsules with water. Their dosage is similar to taking a suspension for the treatment of influenza or acute respiratory infections:

  • adults and children weighing more than 40 kg take 2 capsules of 75 mg per day;
  • children weighing from 23 to 40 kg – 120 mg per day;
  • children weighing from 15 to 23 kg – 90 mg per day;
  • up to 15 kg – 60 mg per day.

Features of reception for pregnant women and children

To make it easier for your child to swallow the capsule, you can open it and pour the contents into a spoon with honey, jam or syrup. But it is better for children to buy the medicine in powder.

Under the age of one year, the drug can be taken only as directed by a doctor.

During pregnancy, taking Tamiflu should always be agreed upon with the treating gynecologist. Tests on animals have not shown that the drug causes harm to the fetus.

Small part medicine With active substance pass into breast milk. Therefore, a doctor should prescribe Tamiflu to a woman during lactation with caution, taking into account the possibility of temporary interruption of feeding.

Side effects

The most common side effects of Tamiflu are: nausea, vomiting. They arise on initial stage treatment and pass quickly without requiring discontinuation of therapy. But there are a number of reactions that require stopping the drug:

  1. From the outside respiratory system: coughing, bronchitis, laryngitis.
  2. From the central nervous system: headaches, hallucinations, dizziness, excessive drowsiness. Children and adolescents may have nightmares and inappropriate behavior.
  3. From the outside gastrointestinal tract: intestinal upset, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting.
  4. Allergic reactions: rash, itching, dermatitis, anaphylactic shock.
  5. Tachycardia, conjunctivitis, nosebleeds.

According to patient reviews, adverse reactions occur rarely and Negative consequences disappear quickly if you stop taking the medicine.


  • having individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • with weak immunity;
  • for cardiovascular diseases;
  • with renal failure;
  • people working with complex mechanisms.

What cheap analogues of Tamiflu exist?

If the price of this drug seems too high to you, you can find Tamiflu analogues cheaper. Here are some of them:

  • Arbidol;
  • Ingaverin;
  • Kagocel;
  • Relenza;
  • Amiksin;
  • Anaferon.

Many reviews say that there is no point in buying expensive imported medicine, if you can buy an analogue that costs several times cheaper. Let's look at how effective these drugs are and whether they are affordable.

Arbidol has a wider range of applications than Tamiflu. It is used not only for the flu, but also for other viral infections. Children are only allowed to take it from 3 years of age.

Arbidol is absolutely non-toxic and is characterized by a small number of adverse reactions, which is confirmed by numerous reviews about it. In terms of cost, it is 5 times cheaper than Tamiflu - 10 tablets cost an average of 240 rubles.

Arbidol has a weaker therapeutic effect and may not be suitable for acute forms flu But as a treatment for common respiratory infections this medicine quite suitable. Arbidol is a gentler remedy for the body; it stimulates the production of interferon, i.e. directs the work immune system to fight the virus.

What to prescribe Tamiflu or Arbidol is up to the doctor to decide. If a patient wants to be treated with a certain drug, he must inform the attending physician about this and clarify whether this drug is suitable for him or not.

Ingaverin has more areas of application than Tamiflu. It is prescribed for acute respiratory infections, influenza, adenoviruses and other infections. Ingaverin not only suppresses viruses, but also promotes the removal of toxins, relieves inflammation, and activates the production of interferon. The price of a package with 7 capsules is 360 rubles. The drug is not toxic like Tamiflu.

The disadvantage of Ingaverin is the fact that it can only be taken from 7 years of age.

Clinical trials have shown that the strength of ingaverin antiviral action superior to Tamiflu.

It has been proven that with severe flu symptoms (fever, headache, aching joints, lack of appetite) is more effective than Tamiflu. Kagocel is weaker in the fight against viruses. A package of 12 tablets costs 280 rubles.

Available only in tablet form and is an interferon inducer. Unlike Tamiflu, it has an antibacterial effect and is also used to treat herpes and chlamydia. Its use begins at 3 years of age, although it is less toxic than Tamiflu.

Only a doctor can make the right choice between these two drugs, based on the diagnosis.

Relenza, like Tamiflu, is used only for the flu. The difference in cost is small; a package with 5 rotadisks for inhalation costs 1,100 rubles. A special feature of Relenza is its specific release form, which can only be used with an inhaler. According to the instructions for use, this allows the product to reach lower sections respiratory tract. The active ingredient in this analogue is zanamivir.

When using an inhaler, the active component creates a lower concentration in the blood than oseltamivir. Therefore, Relenza has less impact on the body's systems than Tamiflu.

The disadvantages of this analogue are:

  • risk of adverse reactions: bronchospasm, laryngeal edema;
  • Children are allowed to use it only from 5 years of age;
  • limited release forms.

It is difficult to determine which medicine is more profitable to purchase, since they hardly differ in price. The decisive factor influencing the choice will be the symptoms: if they are of a pronounced bronchopulmonary nature, it is better to buy Relenza.

Cycloferon is the cheapest of the given analogues of Tamiflu. Despite its low cost, it has high efficiency and shows good results in the treatment of acute respiratory infections, influenza, neuroinfections, viral hepatitis and other diseases. This is explained by the three properties of the drug: anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunomodulatory. This combined effect allows you to quickly cope with the disease. This is confirmed by patient reviews.

Cycloferon is sold in tablet form; children can only take it from the age of 4. Adverse reactions the drug has very little, so long-term use This medicine is possible even for AIDS patients.

Amiksin is 2 times cheaper than Tamiflu; the cost of a package of 10 tablets is 600 rubles. Children can only take it from the age of 7. Amiksin successfully fights against many viral diseases: ARVI, influenza, cytomegalovirus, viral hepatitis.

This analogue is not as toxic as Tamiflu; it says that the risk of side effects is minimal.

Only a doctor can accurately answer the question: what is better to buy?

refers to homeopathic remedies, it has two forms of release for adults and children in the form of tablets. Children's medicine can be taken from 1 month. For the little ones, it is crushed into powder and given to drink with water.

Anaferon has more indications for use - herpes, acute respiratory viral infections, mononucleosis and immunodeficiencies. Homeopathic remedy stimulates the body to fight the virus on its own. This method of exposure reduces the risk of flu or ARVI recurring.

A package of Anaferon will cost much less than Tamiflu: 20 tablets cost 240 rubles. However, the presented analogue acts much more slowly, so in case of severe symptoms it cannot be used alone. If the disease occurs in mild form, you can limit yourself to Anaferon.

In conclusion, we can say that if you want to replace the expensive Tamiflu with a cheap alternative, it is best to consult a doctor about this. It is dangerous to focus only on the cost of the drug, right choice depends on the type of disease and health status of the patient.

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