New drugs for diabetes. New in the treatment of diabetes: technologies, methods, drugs Found a cure for diabetes 1

Every year, scientists around the world conduct a lot of research and development of new treatment methods diabetes mellitus. The therapy used only contributes to strict control of glucose levels and prevention of complications. But still, scientists are inventing innovative techniques that make a cure possible.

New treatments for type 1 diabetes

First of all, it is necessary to talk about the latest developments and improvements in devices for the treatment of type 1 diabetes:

  1. Not long ago, a new sensor appeared that measures glycemia using a laser system. It was developed by the famous company "Net Scientific". The device is based on a fluorescent signal, thanks to which the sugar concentration can be determined in just half a minute. In this case, there is no need to puncture the finger and collect blood for testing.
  2. For hypoglycemia, it is customary to use powdered Glucagon, which is diluted with a special solution and administered intramuscularly. Modern technologies allowed us to improve this fast-acting drug, simplifying its use.
    This is especially important for children and adolescents, since the new Glucagon can be used anywhere, even while sitting at a desk. This is Glucagon Nasal Powder nasal spray, which was developed by Locemia Solutions. The hormone Glucagon is administered intranasally through the nose, after which it is instantly absorbed into the mucous membranes and enters the blood. The cost of such a device is not very high, so the drug is available to the general public.
  3. Medtronic has developed an innovative insulin pump that has many advantages over previous models. These are pumps from the Medtronic Minimed Paradigm series. The pump can be installed in 8 different positions, which provides special comfort to the patient. It is equipped with a system for preventing clogging of the tubes and independent subcutaneous fixation of the needle. In addition, glucose levels are monitored every 5 minutes. At the slightest change for the worse, the diabetic will hear a signal. If you use the Veo pump, the patient will not need to regulate the insulin supply, since the built-in system will do this on its own.

Glucose monitoring using the 722 Medtronic pump (video)

You can learn more about the Medtronic model 722 pump from the video provided to your attention. It monitors sugar, determines the calibration level of the sensor and pump, and also talks about the features of the model:

Application of stem cells

Stem cells found in the human body are intended to restore damaged organs and normalize carbohydrate metabolism. In diabetes mellitus, the number of such cells sharply decreases, which causes complications to develop and the production of natural insulin is suspended. In addition, the immune system weakens. Therefore, it is so important to compensate for the missing number of stem cells. Harvard scientists have learned to grow active hormonal B cells in laboratory conditions, thanks to which insulin is produced in the right quantity, damaged tissue is regenerated and the immune system is strengthened.

The studies were conducted on mice infected with diabetes mellitus. As a result of the experiment, it was possible to completely cure rodents from this dangerous disease. Currently, this therapy is used in Germany, Israel and the United States of America. The essence of the innovative technique is the artificial cultivation of stem cells and their subsequent introduction into the diabetic’s body. The cells attach to the tissues of the pancreas, which is responsible for insulin, after which the hormone is produced in the required quantity. Consequently, the dose when administering the drug Insulin is reduced, and in the future it is completely canceled.

The use of stem cells has a beneficial effect on all body systems. This is especially important for lesions in the kidneys, genitourinary organs and the brain.

Brown Fat Transfer Method

The latest research into new treatments for diabetes is brown fat grafting. This procedure will reduce the need for insulin and improve carbohydrate metabolism. This occurs due to the fact that glucose molecules will be largely absorbed by the lipid cells of the brown fat layer. This fat is found in large quantities in animals that hibernate, as well as in infants. Over the years, fat decreases in quantities, so it is important to replace it. The main properties include normalization of blood glucose levels and acceleration metabolic processes.

The first experiments on brown fat grafting were conducted at Vanderbilt University on mice. As a result, it was found that more than half of the experimental rodents got rid of diabetes. To date, no person has been prescribed this therapy.

Vaccine for the treatment of diabetes

Insulin production depends on the state of B cells. To prevent inflammatory process To stop the progression of the disease, it is necessary to change the DNA molecule. Stanford scientist Steinman Lawrence worked on this problem. He invented a reverse vaccine called "lawrence steinman". It suppresses the immune system at the DNA level, due to which a sufficient amount of insulin is produced.

The peculiarity of the vaccine is to block a specific response immune system. As a result of 2-year experiments, it was revealed that cells that destroy insulin decreased their activity. There were no adverse reactions or complications observed after vaccination. The vaccine is not intended for prevention, but rather for therapy.

Transplant method

Today, doctors around the world are actively proposing a transplantation method that can help cure type 1 diabetes. The following can be transplanted:

  • pancreas in whole or in part;
  • beta cells;
  • islets of Langerhans;
  • part of the kidneys;
  • stem cells.

Despite its apparent effectiveness, the method is quite dangerous, and the effect does not last long. So, after surgical intervention there is a risk of complications. A diabetic after surgery can do without insulin therapy for only 1-2 years.

If the patient nevertheless decides to undergo surgery, it is necessary to strictly adhere to all the doctor’s instructions. It is very important that the doctor has extensive experience and a lot of knowledge, since incorrectly selected postoperative therapy (to prevent the transplant from being rejected) can lead to a negative result.

New treatments for type 2 diabetes

The second type of diabetes mellitus is non-insulin dependent, so many people do not pay much attention to the disease. However, this is necessary, since type 2 easily develops into type 1. And then the most radical treatment methods are selected. Today, there are new methods for treating type 2 diabetes.

Using devices

Device No. 1. Innovative equipment Magnetoturbotron involves treatment through exposure magnetic field. Excluded drug therapy. Used for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Using this device, you can cure not only diabetes, but also get rid of many other problems. For example, strengthen circulatory system, which is very important for diabetes.

A magnetic field is created inside the installation, which constantly rotates. This changes the frequency, speed and direction of rotational movements. This makes it possible to adjust flows to a specific pathology. The action is based on the creation of vortex fields in the body that penetrate into the deepest tissues. The procedure takes at least 5 minutes for the first session. Then the time increases by another couple of minutes. In total, 15 sessions are enough. The effect can occur both during therapy and after it for a month.

Device No. 2. Back in 2009, research began on cryotherapy for diabetes. To date, many experiments have been carried out that have given positive result. Therefore, cryosauna is already used in medicine.

The technique is based on the influence of cryogenic gas at low temperature. During the procedure, the patient is placed in a special cryosauna, where air and nitrogen vapors are supplied. The temperature decreases gradually and is maintained for only one and a half minutes. The duration of the procedure is 3 minutes maximum.

Such exposure to cold leads to contraction and expansion blood vessels and functionality activation nerve endings, internal organs. This promotes cell renewal and regeneration of damaged ones.

After cryotherapy, the body's cells perceive insulin in the same way as in a healthy person. This is achieved by accelerating and normalizing all metabolic processes - carbohydrate, fat, mineral and so on.

Device No. 3. Laser therapy is now used almost everywhere. In the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, quantum devices are used, thanks to which the laser is directed to active biological points of the pancreas.

This uses pulsed radiation, infrared, magnetic and pulsating with red light. The radiation penetrates into the deep layers of tissues and cells, forcing them to function with renewed vigor. As a result, insulin levels increase. Consequently, sugar-lowering drugs are reduced in dosage.

Laparoscopy - a new method of treating diabetes (video)

You can learn about methods of treating diabetes mellitus using laparoscopic surgery from the video:


Recently, scientists are increasingly inclined to believe that consuming fiber for diabetes is a necessity. Especially if the disease is accompanied by obesity. Monotherapy is always indicated for carbohydrate metabolism disorders. Due to the fact that plant cellulose reduces the amount of glucose absorbed into the intestines, blood sugar also decreases. Feature - fiber should be consumed along with complex carbohydrates.

New drugs for diabetes

New drugs for the treatment of diabetes are developed every year. Some of them do not undergo clinical trials, while others, on the contrary, become a panacea. But medications differ depending on the type of diabetes.

New drugs for type 1 diabetes

  1. "Lantus SoloStar" refers to insulin. Absorbed slowly, the effect lasts 24 hours. Manufactured by Sanofi-Aventis.
  2. "Humulin NPH" is also a new generation insulin. Allows maximum control of blood glucose levels.
  3. "Humulin M3" is considered an analogue of the previous medicine, the effect of which lasts for 15 hours.

New drugs for type 2 diabetes

  1. DPP-4 (dipeptidyl peptidase-4) inhibitor. The main active ingredient is sitagliptin. Reduces blood glucose levels quickly only on an empty stomach, that is, so that the stomach is empty. A prominent representative is the drug "Januvia". The result lasts for a day. Allowed for use in case of obesity of any stage. Additional action– glycated hemoglobin decreases and the condition and functionality of cells in the pancreas improves.
  2. GLP-1 inhibitor (glucagon-like polypeptide). The action is based on the production of insulin, which lowers blood sugar and prevents the development of glucagon, which prevents insulin from dissolving glucose. The peculiarity of this group is that hypoglycemia does not develop, since after stabilizing blood glucose, the drug stops working (excessively reducing sugar). Can be taken for obesity and along with other drugs. The exceptions are injectable GLP-1 receptor agonists and insulin. Among the well-known drugs are "Galvus" And "Onglizu".
  3. GLP-1 receptor agonists refers to hormones that signal pancreatic cells to produce insulin. The drugs regenerate damaged B cells and reduce the feeling of hunger, therefore they are recommended for overweight. In order for the drug to act longer, it is undesirable to eat food for several hours, as food destroys active ingredients. Agonists can be replaced with drugs : "Baeta" And "Victoza".
  4. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors s. The action is aimed at preventing the process of converting carbohydrates into sugar. For this reason, medications are taken after meals. It is strictly forbidden to use it along with the drug “Metformin”. Popular medicines: "Diastabol" And "Glucobay."

Many people are skeptical about new methods of treating diabetes and new generation drugs. However, this opinion is wrong, because scientists all over the world are trying to find the best and effective way eliminating diabetes mellitus. Moreover, all methods and medications are aimed at restoring beta cells and producing one’s own insulin.

Insulin therapy

Depending on which drug is used, insulin is injected several times every day. Some medications are designed to be injected only once a day.

Only human insulin or its close analogues are used as insulin. Based on the nature of the duration of actions for children and adolescents, choose:

  • ultra-short;
  • short;
  • with average duration.

Up to adolescence do not use insulin mixtures of different durations. This is due to the fact that only a 1:1 ratio is used for children, while the ratio in formulas can be 3:7.

Child nutrition

The diet is structured according to the following scheme: proteins + complex carbohydrates with a small amount of fat for each meal. Meals 6 times a day.

The daily diet consists of the following products:

  • bran bread, rye;
  • tomato;
  • beans;
  • low fat cheese and milk;
  • beef, duck, chicken, turkey;
  • fish, seafood;
  • sweets based on sorbitol and fructose;
  • berries and fruits with a low glycemic index (GI) - see table below.

From fast carbohydrates to in rare cases allowed natural products with fructose (their use only in consultation with a doctor):

  • fruits (bananas, watermelons, melons);

The menu must be composed of permitted products. For example, a child’s meals for one day might look like this:

  • Breakfast : a portion of salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs, a slice of bread, 90 g of cheese, an apple.
  • Snack : tomato juice or a fruit such as nectarine.
  • Dinner : portion of borscht, vegetable salad, buckwheat porridge, piece of baked fish, berry compote.
  • Dinner : fish cutlet with vegetables, freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • Snack : a glass of milk or kefir. Natural yogurt is allowed.

Folk remedies

The following products are perfect for maintaining your child's health:

  • Teas made from lingonberry and blueberry leaves.
  • Boil the ratania root and give the child 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • Mustard seed, half a spoon 3 times a day.
  • Pour 300 ml boiled water 1 tbsp. l. shoots and leaves of swamp blueberries, put on fire and leave for 10 minutes. After straining, you can give your child 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.
  • Give ¼ cup of freshly squeezed red beet juice four times a day.
  • Pour 1 teaspoon of blueberries into a glass of boiled water and keep on a hot stove for 30 minutes. After straining, give 1/3 cup three times a day.

Learn more about traditional methods of treating type 1 diabetes.

Physical exercise

Concerning physical activity, then for children there is enough activity in the yard or on the playing field. Hour of activity on fresh air- quite acceptable physical activity for every day. Gymnastics in the morning after waking up is no less effective. Mothers can do exercises with their children, doing not only physical culture but also having fun.

Treatment of type 1 diabetes in men

For men, diabetes will definitely affect genitourinary system. This occurs due to damage to nerve endings, and if it worsens or is left untreated, sexual dysfunction develops and urological problems. In these cases, men are prescribed Viagra because it solves erection problems.

Insulin therapy

There are at least several insulin administration regimens. Most often, short and background insulins are alternated. The latter is also called long-term. It replaces the natural insulin background that is absent in a diabetic. Short-acting insulin lowers blood sugar from carbohydrates ingested during meals.

Adults, as a rule, are prescribed exactly this treatment regimen, and it consists of the following order:

  • Background insulin is administered once a day, sometimes 2 times, but no more.
  • Short - before meals.

Dosages are purely individual and depend on:

  • daily routine of a diabetic;
  • intensity of physical activity;
  • parallel course of other diseases;
  • level of severity of the disease, etc.

In the morning, insulin dosages should be higher than in the evening.

Diet food

If insulin therapy is thought out correctly, then strict diet and won't be needed. However, a number of rules still exist, since the body’s need for insulin varies greatly throughout the day, and doses are difficult to calculate.

  • baking and bakery products;
  • flour, various desserts;
  • fruits with a high glycemic index of 60 and above (pineapples, watermelon, melon).

It is especially important not to eat carbohydrate foods directly in the morning, since fast carbohydrates will sharply increase blood sugar. However, you cannot completely give up carbohydrates. The emphasis should be on such slow carbohydrates, How:

  • porridge;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits with a glycemic index below 60.


To support normal level blood sugar, men can use the following:

  • Grind 4 tbsp. l. Jerusalem artichoke root crops, pour 1 liter of boiled water. When infused, you need to strain, dilute with filtered water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Drink once a day instead of tea.
  • Grind 20 g of stevia herb, pour a glass of boiling water and let stand for 12 hours. Make a second tincture - add half a glass of boiling water to 20 g of raw materials and leave for 8 hours. After time has passed, combine the mixtures in a new jar. Use for tea and different dishes as sugar.
  • Pour 10 bay leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Drink half a glass a day 30 minutes before meals. About the benefits bay leaf for diabetes – .
  • 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 cup of boiling water over hawthorn flowers, leave for 30 minutes and strain. Drink half a glass three times a day before meals. There is another recipe - 1 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over the hawthorn fruit and leave for 3 hours. Strain and drink 3 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals.

Physical training

Men can and should train in the gym if aerobic exercise is not suitable. But these don't have to be difficult endurance exercises. For example, you can train in a weight range of no more than 50 kg on the scales. This is quite enough to maintain an acceptable, but not too intense load.

If possible, light strength training on small weights is combined with cycling or running on a track. And once a week you can go swimming. The main thing is that the loads should be regular and daily, but not intense.

How to treat type 1 diabetes in women?

Treatment conditions are standard, but you need to make a footnote to female characteristics body and take into account:

  • menstrual cycle;
  • menopause;
  • pregnancy.

The dosage of medications taken and the amount of insulin used depend on any of these factors.

Insulin therapy and nutrition

With a slight decrease in the insulin used, the weight melts before our eyes. However, this is false weight loss - water is lost, and this is always 2-3 kg. But if you restore the required doses of insulin, then the weight comes back, but taking it with you serious complications diseases.

During treatment, women need to be aware of their blood sugar levels throughout menstrual cycle, track the jumps and record them in a diary to later show to your doctor. It will adjust your insulin doses based on your cycle.

During menopause, insulin is the most difficult to control. When the ovaries stop producing estrogen, hypoglycemia occurs more often than usual, and the disease itself becomes more difficult. This is why your doctor may prescribe higher doses of insulin because regular dosages won't work.

The lifestyle of a diabetic is as follows:

  1. Building a low-carbohydrate diet with allowed foods according to the same type as for children.
  2. Measuring insulin in the blood.
  3. Keeping a diary with records of dosages and sugar levels.

Each meal should contain an equal proportion of protein and carbohydrates, but the quality of the latter must always be carefully considered. Their glycemic index should not be high.

Women need to consult with an ophthalmologist, nephrologist and cardiologist in parallel with the main treatment.

Folk recipes

Decoctions and tinctures are especially useful for women, because they not only support required level sugar, but also have a calming effect on the nervous system:

  • Pour 1 tbsp. l. Befungin with a glass of boiling water and drink three times a day 30 minutes before meals. After 10 minutes, it is recommended to take calendula tincture - 30 drops. It should be pre-mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 4. During meals, it is advisable to drink sauerkraut juice. Carry out such manipulations for a month.
  • Eat rowan berries or brew them as herbal tea.
  • Chop 20 nut leaves, pour into a saucepan, pour a glass of boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes. You can drink without restrictions.
  • Mix 20 g of blueberry leaves + birch buds + pansies + nettles. Add 10 g of dandelion root and 5 g of St. John's wort to the mixture. Mix thoroughly, pour boiling water, leave for 5-10 minutes, strain and take 3 tbsp. l. three times a day.

Physical exercise

Daily activities include loads that will help maintain body tone:

  • jumping rope;
  • light jogging;
  • badminton games;
  • cycling, etc.

Before you go for a run or go to the gym, you need to measure your sugar. After training, sugar is measured again. Usually this needs to be done after 1.5 hours. If the sugar drops too much, then you need to eat something carbohydrate, for example, candy or a spoonful of honey.

Basic drugs

The following drugs can be used to treat type 1 diabetes:

  • Special plasters - these are patches that effectively participate in the normalization of blood sugar.
  • Dialek - a drug that normalizes pancreas function, as well as blood pressure and weight control.
  • Monastic tea - a herbal preparation that has proven itself in the fight against progressive diabetes.
  • Insulin short acting - a hormone whose action begins 15 minutes after insulin enters the body. More information about this insulin -.
  • Intermediate acting insulin - a hormone that activates after 2 hours.
  • Long term insulin - a hormone that acts after 4-6 hours from the moment of injection.

Also, diabetics need medications that remove side effects concurrent diseases or resulting from diabetes:

  • ACE inhibitors - normalize blood pressure, serve as a preventive measure for kidney function.
  • Medicines for the gastrointestinal tract - a wide range of medications (for example, tsurecal, erythromycin), which relieve symptoms and treat gastrointestinal diseases specifically against the background of type 1 diabetes.
  • Cardiomagnyl - taken for diseases of blood vessels and heart.
  • Lovastatin - necessary for lowering cholesterol levels; if necessary, an alternative is used - simvastatin.

What's new in the treatment of diabetes?

Technical solutions are constantly being sought to finally simplify the treatment of diabetes patients. There are still few results, but some promising options are already being considered.

In particular, they will soon appear on the market insulin pumps with the so-called feedback. The mechanism is to attach a device to the patient’s body that measures sugar levels. In this case, the device itself determines how much insulin to inject.

In the longer term, they consider growing or cloning the pancreas . Cloning is a long and expensive process in itself. However, in modern world Technologies are developing rapidly and, perhaps, in the coming years, growing a new pancreas will become common practice.

Read more about modern treatment diabetes – .

Are stem cells used?

Even if discussions are held and discussions are published, stem cells are not officially used to treat diabetes. Moreover, this statement applies to the whole world - no one has yet issued official press releases or announced the use of stem cells for treatment.

Of course, research is underway, but it is still experimental, and patient participation is offered only on a voluntary basis.

Is treatment possible without insulin?

Unfortunately, there are no other solutions or alternative approaches for type 1 diabetes. Regardless of who is being treated, it will definitely include insulin.

Can type 1 diabetes be cured?

Type 1 diabetes is diabetes of the young, and it develops due to autoimmune processes, which are based on the destruction of pancreatic beta cells. As a result of blocking insulin in this organ, the vast majority of beta cells die, and modern medicine does not yet know how to stop this process.

In fact, there is nothing to treat if the beta cells are dead. This is an autoimmune process and, as in any similar disease, unfortunately, it is irreversible.

At the moment, official medicine claims that type 1 diabetes is incurable, and insulin levels can only be maintained with injections.

However, there is reason for optimism. In the future, scientists may well be able to implant healthy beta cells or be able to develop drugs that stimulate the growth of new beta cells. In this case, diabetes will be treated easily and quickly.

Video: treatment of type 1 diabetes

Watch the video from 8:55 minutes about what treatment methods exist for type 1 diabetes today:

The endocrine system is susceptible to a variety of diseases, one of which is diabetes mellitus (DM). The disease is divided into 2 types: insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent. The first one is rare, in percentage this is five, maximum ten percent of patients. Adolescents and people at risk of detecting T1DM young up to 35 years, most often the weight of patients is normal. The disease requires constant monitoring and specialized treatment, which consists of administering insulin. To alleviate the disease, additional techniques are used, more about them below.

Diet for type 1 diabetes

Before starting treatment or choosing a technique, it is necessary to consider the causes of the disease, the symptoms that characterize it, and diagnostic methods. Diabetes mellitus is a dysfunction of the pancreas, certain processes in the human body, caused by a lack of insulin. When the disease occurs, the pancreatic cells responsible for producing the hormone are unable to fully perform their job. As a result, sugar levels increase, which negatively affects organ function and health.

Lack of insulin and excessive blood sugar causes irreversible consequences: impaired vision, brain function; blood vessels are depleted. In order to regulate the level of the hormone and the metabolic process, patients diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus are required to undergo daily injections throughout their lives. Treatment without insulin for T1DM is impossible; the dose of the hormone is regulated individually.

Not known to scientists credible reasons, which provoke a deficiency of the hormone insulin. With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that the main point in the development of type 1 diabetes mellitus is the destruction of β-cells located in the pancreas. And the prerequisites for this problem can be a variety of factors:

  • The presence of genes that determine hereditary predisposition to diabetes mellitus.
  • Malfunctions of the immune system, the occurrence of autoimmune processes.
  • Previous infectious, viral diseases, for example, measles, hepatitis, chickenpox.
  • Stress, constant tense mental state.

Type 1 diabetes has symptoms that are largely similar to the second type. All signs are not sufficiently pronounced, therefore they rarely cause concern to the patient until the onset of ketoacidosis, which sometimes leads to irreversible complications of the disease. It is important to carefully monitor your health and if you identify several signs of diabetes, you should take a blood test, urine test and visit a doctor specializing in the disease - an endocrinologist. Symptoms characteristic of the first type of disease:

  • Constant strong thirst.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Frequent urination (day and night).
  • Strong appetite, but the patient loses significant weight.
  • Visual impairment, everything becomes blurry without clear outlines.
  • Fast fatiguability, drowsiness.
  • Frequent, abrupt change moods, vulnerability, irritability, tendency to hysterics.
  • Women are more likely to develop infectious diseases in the area intimate organs that do not respond to local treatment.

If ketoacidosis (complications) has already begun, additional symptoms:

  • Obvious dehydration, dry skin.
  • Breathing becomes frequent and deep.
  • An unpleasant odor from the mouth is the aroma of acetone.
  • General weakness of the body, nausea, possible loss of consciousness.

Mandatory treatment for type 1 diabetes mellitus is constant insulin injections. But additional techniques can have a beneficial effect on the course of the disease, reduce its symptoms and prevent complications. It is possible to apply and use certain methods of treatment only after consultation with the treating doctor and obtaining his approval.

An important point to treat the disease, is proper nutrition for type 1 diabetes. A correctly composed, selected diet will help reduce and prevent an increase in glucose levels, which will make it possible to reduce the dose of insulin. Nutrition for T1DM:

  • The menu should not be at the expense of health.
  • You should choose a variety of foods for food.
  • If you have diabetes, you should choose natural products.
  • It is recommended to create a menu for the week, carefully analyzing the dishes and their components.
  • Follow your meal schedule, insulin injection times, and avoid eating at night.
  • Food intake should be in small portions, divided into at least 5 times a day.
  • Eliminate granulated sugar from your diet pure form, which is especially dangerous for patients with diabetes.
  • Do not eat foods from the “prohibited” list.
  • It is worth giving up smoking.

  • Sugar-containing - all kinds of sweets (sweets, chocolates, cakes).
  • Alcohol, in particular dessert red wine and low-alcohol drinks, is dangerous for diabetes.
  • Sweet fruits (eg mango, banana, grapes, melon).
  • Sparkling water.
  • Fast food products.
  • Smoked meats, pickles, fatty broths.

Approximate diet, patient menu:

  • Main reception food - breakfast. It is better to choose porridge, eggs, herbs, and unsweetened tea.
  • First snack – fruit with low content sugar or vegetables.
  • Lunch – vegetable broth, vegetables cooked in a double boiler or stewed, a boiled piece of meat or fish.
  • Afternoon snack – low-fat dairy products, vegetable salad or bread with unsweetened tea.
  • Dinner - boiled or stewed meat, vegetables - fresh or steamed, steamed fish, fermented milk products with a low fat content.

Physical exercise

Sport is one of the methods of treating diabetes. Naturally, you won’t be able to get rid of the disease completely, but it will help lower your blood sugar. In rare cases, exercise can lead to an increase in glucose levels, so you should consult your doctor before starting exercise. When exercising if you have diabetes, it is important to measure your sugar levels before starting exercise, mid-workout, and at the end. You need to constantly monitor insulin and if certain indicators occur, it is better to cancel the workout:

  • 5.5 mmol/l is a low level at which playing sports may be unsafe. It is recommended to eat a product with high content carbohydrates (for example, bread).
  • Indicators in the range of 5.5-13.5 mmol/l give the green light for training.
  • Indicators above 13.8 mmol/l indicate the undesirability of physical activity, this can serve as an impetus for the development of ketoacidosis, and at 16.7 mmol/l it is strictly prohibited.
  • If during training your sugar drops to 3.8 mmol/l or less, you should stop exercising immediately.

Performance physical exercise for patients with type 1 diabetes has its own characteristics:

  • Classes should be done outdoors to achieve maximum effect.
  • The regularity and duration of classes for type 1 diabetes is half an hour, forty minutes, five times a week or 1 hour with classes every other day.
  • When going to training, it is worth taking some food with you for a snack to prevent hypoglycemia.
  • In the first stages, choose simple exercises, gradually complicating them over time, increasing the load.
  • Ideal exercises include: jogging, stretching, squats, body twists, intense aerobics, strength exercises.

Medicines for the treatment of diabetes

An effective remedy, developed by German scientists from the laboratory Labor von Dr. Budberg in Hamburg. DiabeNot took first place in Europe among diabetes remedies.

Reduces blood sugar levels, stabilizes the pancreas, reduces body weight and normalizes blood pressure. Limited edition!

Medicinal treatments are divided into two groups: insulin, which is vital for people suffering from type 1 diabetes, and drugs to eliminate diseases associated with the main one. It can be classified into several types, depending on the duration and duration of validity:

  • Insulin with short term action. The hormone comes into effect fifteen minutes after entering the body.
  • The drug of average action is activated 2 hours after administration.
  • Long-acting insulin begins to work four to six hours after the injection.

It is possible to inject insulin into the body of patients with type 1 diabetes by injection using a special syringe with a thin needle or pump.

The second group of medications includes:

  • ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor) is a drug that helps normalize blood pressure; prevents or slows down the development of kidney disease.
  • Medicines to combat gastrointestinal problems arising from type 1 diabetes. The choice of drug depends on the developing pathology and the nature of the problem. This could be Erythromycin or Cerucal.
  • If you are prone to heart or vascular disease, it is recommended to take Aspirin or Cardiomagnyl.
  • In case of peripheral neuropathy, drugs with an analgesic effect are used.
  • If you have problems with potency or erection, you can use Viagra and Cialis.
  • Simvastatin or Lovastatin will help lower cholesterol levels.

Folk remedies

Many patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus use traditional methods to fight diseases. Some foods, herbs, and herbs can lower blood sugar levels or even normalize them. Popular means of non-traditional, home medicine counts:

  • Beans (5-7 pieces) pour 100 ml of water at room temperature overnight. On an empty stomach, eat the swollen beans and drink liquid. It is better to postpone breakfast for an hour.
  • Make an infusion containing 0.2 liters of water and 100 grams of oat grains. Drink 0.5 cups three times a day.
  • Fill the thermos overnight with a mixture of 1 glass of water (boiling water) and 1 tbsp. l wormwood. In the morning, strain and drink 1/3 cup for fifteen days.
  • Grind a few medium cloves of garlic until a paste forms, add water (0.5 liters) and leave in a warm place for half an hour. For diabetes, drink as tea all day.
  • Boil 30 grams of ivy in 0.5 liters of water for 7 minutes, leave for several hours, strain. Directions for use: drink before main meals.
  • Collect forty partitions walnuts, add 0.2 l clean water and simmer for an hour in a water bath. Strain the tincture and drink a teaspoon before meals.

New treatments

Work on the study of diabetes mellitus and methods of its treatment has been carried out for many decades in different countries peace. There is a group of scientists whose main goal is to solve this issue. Their research is funded by pharmaceutical companies, large firms, charities, foundations and even the state. There are several promising methods in development regarding type 1 diabetes:

  • Scientists are trying to force human stem cells to degenerate into beta cells, which are capable of producing the hormone and curing diabetes. But the logical conclusion of the study and the possibility of using the drug to treat people with diabetes is still far away.
  • Other scientists are working on creating a vaccine that would prevent the development of an autoimmune process in which the beta cells of the pancreas are attacked and diabetes develops.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is an insulin-dependent disease characterized by endocrine disorder, as a result of which there is insufficient production of the hormone insulin through the pancreas in the body.

Such a failure leads to the patient experiencing a stable concentration of glucose in the body, and negative symptomsconstant desire drinking, frequent urination, weight loss for no reason.

The pathology is incurable, so patients with type 1 diabetes must take medications which help lower sugar in the body.

It is necessary to consider how type 1 diabetes is treated, and are there new generation drugs for diabetics? What vitamins are recommended to take, and which ones? medications will they help normalize the condition and prolong the patient’s life?

General principles of treatment

  1. Short-acting hormones.
  2. Similar ultra-short-acting hormone preparations.
  3. Hormones of medium duration of effect.
  4. Similar long-acting medications.

Speaking about traditional insulins, it is necessary to note the new generation of hormone preparations, the so-called inhaled hormones. However, at the moment they are not approved for use in Russia and many other countries.

The fact is that development is underway, there is a positive trend, but drugs for diabetes must undergo a number of clinical trials. To be frank, these medications cannot be called new, because scientists have been trying to create pills for diabetes for a long time.

Despite numerous studies in this area, developments and scientific tests, the tablet form still appears to be a medicine of the future, not reality.

Characteristics of insulins

Short-acting insulins include the following: good drugs for the treatment of diabetes: Insuman Rapid, Actrapid. These diabetes medications begin to work half an hour after administration.

In turn, if drugs are used intravenously in inpatient conditions, then their effect begins one minute after the medicine enters the blood.

The following drugs are similar to ultra-short-acting hormone medications:

  • Lispro (Humalog).
  • Aspart (Novoradipd).

Activity medicines appears 15 minutes after the injection, so give the injection 15 minutes before the meal. The peak effect of the drug is observed after a few hours, and the maximum duration of action is 4 hours.

The fact is that the shorter the duration of action of insulin, the easier it is to control the hormone. That is, by the subsequent injection of insulin, there is no longer any active hormone left in the body from the previous injection.

Characteristics of hormones with an average duration of effect:

  1. The most effective representatives: Insuman Bazal, Protafan.
  2. They begin to act actively an hour or an hour and a half after administration.
  3. The total duration of action varies from 8 to 12 hours.
  4. Usually recommended as a basal hormone, administered twice a day.

It should be noted that such hormones are characterized by a fairly pronounced peak of action, which in turn can lead to the development of a hypoglycemic state in the patient.

Long-acting insulins are used as a basal hormone, and have the advantage of not having a pronounced peak of action. Typically, the duration of such hormones varies from 24 to 30 hours, they are administered twice a day.

The latest innovation in this group is the Tresiba hormone, which can act for up to 40 hours inclusive.

Insulin therapy regimen

For type 1 diabetes, the disease can be treated in two ways, which are used in modern medical practice in the vast majority of cases.

The traditional regimen is called twice a day, when a short-acting hormone is administered along with an intermediate-acting hormone. With the traditional treatment regimen, the hormone is administered 30 minutes before meals, in the morning and in the evening. And the intervals between administrations should be about 12 hours.

The effectiveness of therapy increases when a simple hormone is simultaneously administered, preventing a significant increase in sugar after breakfast and dinner.

In some patients high efficiency showed a regime of three-time injection of the hormone:

  • A combination of short-acting and long-acting is administered immediately before breakfast.
  • Before the evening meal, a short-acting hormone is injected, and before bedtime, an injection of long-acting insulin is given.

As a rule, four types of such mixtures are produced, which include 10, 20, 30 or 40% of a simple hormone. For example, Humulins are combined with a long-lasting hormone called Isophane.

The main disadvantage traditional treatment The main thing is that it is necessary to strictly control your diet, maintain constant physical activity. It is this circumstance that has led many patients to prefer intensive hormone treatment.

Characteristics of intensive hormone administration:

  1. A hormone with a medium effect is administered twice a day, and it is combined with a short-acting drug. Administration is generally recommended before the three main meals.
  2. In the evening hours, a hormone with a long-lasting effect is administered.

TO intensive care Insulin also includes treatment with a pump - a special device that automatically and continuously supplies the hormone to a person’s subcutaneous tissue.

Today, an insulin pump is the only device of its kind that can administer the hormone year-round in small dosages with a programmed value.

Vitamins for diabetics

Due to the fact that type 1 diabetes mellitus is an insulin-dependent form of pathology, vitamin complexes for diabetes, they are selected in such a way as not to aggravate the effects of constantly introduced hormones into the patient’s body.

Vitamins for diabetics act as a permanent biologically active food additive, which allows you to nourish the patient’s body with the necessary minerals and components, while they are recognized to reduce complications.

The most important vitamins For diabetics on insulin, the following substances can be called:

  • Vitamin A. It helps maintain full visual perception, provides protection from eye diseases, which are based on the rapid destruction of the retina.
  • Vitamin B helps support central function nervous system, preventing it from being disrupted due to diabetes.
  • Ascorbic acid is necessary for the strength of blood vessels and leveling probable complications diseases, such as diabetes vascular walls become thin and fragile.
  • Vitamin E in sufficient quantities in a diabetic’s body helps prevent internal organs from becoming dependent on insulin and reduces their need for the hormone.
  • Vitamin H is another substance that helps the entire human body function fully without large dosages of the hormone.

When a diabetic has a need to consume sweets, as well as flour products nutrition, then in addition, vitamin complexes that contain chromium are recommended.

Chromium helps prevent the urge to consume these foods, allowing you to build required diet and food consumption pattern.

The best vitamins

It should be borne in mind that you need to take not just vitamins, but those supplements that are completely safe for the body and do not have adverse reactions. In addition, products of this type must be natural, that is, consisting of plant components.

Unfortunately, knowing the norm of a vitamin is one thing, but calculating the amount of all essential vitamins per day is completely different and is difficult for the patient. This is why it is necessary to take vitamin complexes.

When taking the complex, you do not need to think about calculations; it is enough to take them on the recommendation of a doctor, who names the dosage and frequency of use of the product.

The best vitamin complexes for diabetics:

  1. Antiox R.
  2. Detox Plus.
  3. Complex Mega.

Antiox R is a natural biological supplement that helps maintain health at the required level. The product helps build strong protection from free radicals, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and improves immune status.

Detox Plus helps cleanse the body, rids the digestive system of toxins and toxic substances. In general, it has a good effect on the patient’s health, preventing many complications of diabetes.

The mega complex includes Omega-3 and 6, thanks to which it normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, protects the organs of vision and the brain. The supplement has a positive effect on well-being and mental abilities.

Lipoic acid is often prescribed, which is a vitamin-like substance that normalizes carbohydrate processes in the body.

Other tablets for diabetics

Along with insulin therapy, other medications may be prescribed to treat concomitant pathologies accompanying the underlying disease.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors help normalize levels blood pressure, while they prevent Negative influence other medicines for the kidneys.

Drugs that fight diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are often prescribed. And the choice of medicine depends on the specific ailment and clinical picture. If the patient has a tendency to cardiovascular diseases, then they recommend tablets that support the functionality of the heart and blood vessels.

Additionally, medications may be prescribed:

  • To combat atherosclerotic changes in the body, medications are prescribed that lower the content of bad cholesterol.
  • If there are signs of peripheral neuropathy, then painkillers are prescribed.

Often in men with diabetes mellitus, erectile disfunction. If the patient has no problems with cardiovascular system, then the doctor may recommend Viagra, Cialis, Levitra.

If you look at history search queries(Google, Yandex, Rambler, etc.) of any novice diabetic (especially type 1), then three positions and three queries will lead by a wide margin:
How long do diabetics live?
what complications does a diabetic have?
When will a cure for diabetes be invented?
With the first two questions, everything is quite clear and understandable - the answer is given on almost any forum and website:
If you don’t inject drugs and compensate for the sugar, you will die in five to ten years;
If you compensate poorly for sugar, you will live 20-25 years, but you will accumulate so many complications (I will not list them here) that you yourself will not want to live;
you will competently deal with compensation, conduct healthy image life, visiting doctors and getting tested (all this requires a lot of strength, physical, psychological, and financial) - you can survive even healthy (considering that healthy people We don’t have it in Russia - there are “underexamined”).
But here's the third question. Well, when???
While studying the results of my request, I constantly came across articles “one step to cure diabetes”, “diabetes can be cured tomorrow”, “in a year diabetes will cease to be a disease”, etc. Only these articles were published in 2016, and in 2014, and in 2010, and in 2004. And always “a little bit left,” “one step,” “half a year.” I read the opinions of different people: patients and doctors. Opinions vary. Starting from “I believe that tomorrow”, ending with “never”. Optimists and pessimists.
What should I believe? What to expect? Am I an optimist or a pessimist? Neither one nor the other. I'm realist.
For some reason, the story with the diabetes medicine reminds me very much of the story with automakers and gasoline. Every auto giant has been saying for twenty or thirty years that “soon, very soon all cars will be powered by electric motors.” Each automaker already has one, or even several models with a hybrid or electric engine. And there is real people who buy and drive these cars, and save on gasoline and do not pollute environment. There are such people, but they are few. Because it is very expensive to buy such a car, maintain such a car, repair such a car. But they exist. But there are millions of times more gasoline cars, and this is what brings the main profit to companies, and no one will cut the branch on which they are sitting.
Also in the diabetes business. Everyone is looking for a cure, they promise for a cure Nobel Prize, new medicine is constantly announced, millions of dollars are invested in the search for a cure! BILLIONS of dollars are being invested in the development of new insulin and new diabetic accessories alone!
I believe there are people who have recovered from diabetes. Through a pancreas transplant, various manipulations with the islands of Lan..Lal...Land... (sorry, I didn’t remember this word yet), someone, probably, even with the help of Jerusalem artichoke and monastery tea was cured))). Only all this is very expensive, only this all costs hundreds side effects, but all this is life-threatening.
I'm realist. And I don’t believe that in the next ten years there will be a cure for diabetes that can completely cure a person. Later - perhaps, but not now.
But! You remember, companies invest BILLIONS in the diabetic care industry (insulins, dextrose, shoes, paraphernalia, pumps - you’ll get tired of listing everything). And they need to recoup this money. And it is only possible to fight them off with the help of us, dear fellow patients.
Companies are interested... No! They are sooooo interested in the diabetic living as long as possible - because then he will use their product longer and bring them profit.
Companies are interested... No! They simply pray for health and good compensation for the diabetic. Because a healthy diabetic is a working diabetic. And the longer a diabetic is healthy, the longer he wants to remain the same, the more he will spend on his health. There are no longer a measly couple of syringes a month, there are already pumps, and monitoring systems, and doctors, and sanatoriums, and so on and so forth. Yes, the prestige of the company is at stake here - after all, a person is healthy only thanks to it!
Remember the auto industry of the 90s and now. How much active and passive safety systems have advanced in cars now, how much more comfortable and comfortable the cars themselves have become! Everything is just so that the motorist lived longer and bought more)))
I'm realist. I don't believe that a cure for diabetes will be invented within ten years. But I believe that our life as a diabetic will become simpler and easier every year, thanks to corporations! It will be easier to compensate for sugars, monitor acetone, and count bread units. New insulins will appear, super-fast and capable of interacting perfectly with glucose, new pumps will appear that can count hex and add insulin themselves, new monitoring systems will appear that can independently stop hypo- and hyperglycemia, many, many more things will appear that can transform the life of a diabetic, finally... then, in sugar))). No miracle, just business.
I'm a realist, but my attitude is quite optimistic!)

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