About the beneficial properties and contraindications of St. John's wort. Chemical composition of the plant. Recipe for tea with St. John's wort "Eternal youth"

St. John's wort is a plant with beneficial properties. In the old days it was called “the cure for 100 ailments” and was used to treat diseases.

The herb St. John's wort contains many substances that are beneficial and necessary for the body, but it also contains toxic components that can have a depressing effect on health. Animals avoid eating grass because it is poisonous to them - hence the name “St. John’s wort”.

Composition of St. John's wort

The vitamin series of St. John's wort is represented by , P, PP and C. Vitamin A is good for vision, skin and hair. Ascorbic acid affects the bulk of processes in the body, tones and strengthens. increases in combination with other vitamins contained in St. John's wort.

The plant also includes:

  • tannins, which have an astringent and antibacterial effect.
  • essential oils and resins that have antimicrobial effect and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • saponins, phytoncides and traces of alkaloids.

What are the benefits of St. John's wort?

In the old days they said that St. John's wort itself finds “weak” places in the body and treats where it is most needed. The plant has a beneficial effect on all body systems.

For the digestive tract

The decoction successfully treats gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the gastroduodenal region, colitis, diarrhea, diseases of the liver and gallbladder, kidneys and urinary tract.

For the nervous system

St. John's wort actively promotes functional restoration nerve fibers, calms nerves, relieves tension and restores strength. It is used to relieve PMS and menopause in women, in the treatment of neuroses, especially complex ones, accompanied by headaches and insomnia.

The plant is included in some antidepressants.

For the circulatory and cardiovascular system

St. John's wort is able to relieve vascular spasms - this normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood circulation in general. The plant has hemostatic properties and is used in the treatment of wounds and damage caused by surgery.

St. John's wort has unique property relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes. This allows it to be used in the treatment of respiratory organs and dental problems, as well as for inflammation of the female genital area.

St. John's wort tincture

The product is used to treat sore throat, tonsillitis, cancerous tumors, diseases of the gallbladder, intestines, stomach, lungs, and it is also indicated for depression. To prepare the infusion, pour 1 part of dried herb with 5 parts of vodka, close the container with the mixture and leave for a week in dark place. Take 40 drops 3 times a day.

Harm and contraindications of St. John's wort

When using St. John's wort, it is necessary to remember that it also contains toxic substances, which in large quantities can have a depressing effect on perception - photosensitivity increases and contributes to an increase in blood pressure. To avoid unpleasant symptoms Always stick to recommended dosages and use herbal remedies wisely.

The healing properties of St. John's wort were used by ancient healers. For centuries, recipes have been passed down from generation to generation, where this herb was presented as the best remedy from stomach ulcers, inflammation, and also from diseases Bladder And prostate gland in men. What is the main secret of the medicinal plant and whether it can guarantee high male libido - let's figure it out together.

Chemical composition

The therapeutic power of the perennial, which is popularly called hundredblood and Svetojan potion, has long been recognized official medicine. In many scientific sources, preparations from the plant are recommended as an astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. This effect is possible due to the rich chemical composition of the herb.

Did you know? Contrary to the fact that many associate the name St. John's wort with a deadly effect on animals, scientists interpret it as “wound healing.” The word comes from the Turkic “jeri bey”, which means “to heal wounds”.

Among the main nutrients of St. John's wort, researchers identify:

Did you know? Our ancestors believed that St. John's wort gives restful sleep and protects against evil spirits. That is why a bag of dry grass was always placed in a child’s bed. And the Zaporozhye Cossacks, every time they prepared herbal uvars, added one sprig to a hundred-liter cauldron medicinal plant. It was believed that it gives masculine strength and strength.

What are the benefits of St. John's wort for men?

Considering the chemical components of the herb, we can safely judge its health benefits. By interacting, all nutrients provide the body with normal functioning, have a beneficial effect on its organs, and prevent aging.

And for men, this is also the key to a stable erection. As doctors explain, the plant has therapeutic effect on internal secretion glands, thereby provoking the production of testosterone. In addition, blood formation is stimulated in the body. That is why most experts call St. John's wort an ideal erectile-restorative remedy.

Along with this, the plant is credited with the following properties:

  • heal wounds (traditional medicine advises using raw materials to treat bedsores, burns, allergic reactions on the skin, as well as poorly healing ulcers);
  • resist pathogens and viruses;
  • suppress fermentation and putrefactive processes in the intestines (therefore herbal teas useful for ulcers, bloating, colitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, enteritis and gastritis);
  • disinfect intestinal microflora (helps with diarrhea and inflammatory processes in the digestive organs);
  • have a choleretic effect, which is important for biliary dyskinesia;
  • strengthen and dilate blood vessels (recommended for cramps and spasms);
  • improve venous blood circulation (widely used in the treatment of hypertension, anemia and migraines);
  • relieve inflammation (decoctions and infusions of St. John's wort are effective for colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as tuberculosis, stomatitis, toothache and prostatitis);
  • resist psycho-emotional and physical exhaustion(perennial is recommended as an effective antidepressant);
  • relieve swelling of different origins(is an indispensable tool for illnesses of cardio-vascular system, kidneys, bladder).

Important! St. John's wort in large quantities can cause serious poisoning. The reason for this lies in the saponins present there. Cases have been recorded of horses, sheep and other large animals dying from overeating grass. Wherein death occurred only in light-haired animals. As a rule, intoxication was accompanied by itching, skin rashes, paralysis and even abortion.

The therapeutic effect of the herb is also used by pharmacists. St. John's wort can often be found among the ingredients of popular medications. In particular, it is used to eliminate pathologies of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory systems, as well as to improve the blood formula.

Effect on potency and erection

Stokrovitsa has long been considered a powerful aphrodisiac. Scientists are still trying to uncover its secret. Today miraculous power herbs are explained by the ability of the constituent substances to relieve tension and increase sexual activity. This effect is closely related to the functioning of the nervous system, as well as the formation of blood cells and androgens.

To improve men's health, rare tea drinking from St. John's wort is enough. If you take the drink uncontrollably, you can get the opposite result. According to urologists, perennials in large quantities can lead to overexcitation, resulting in a sharp decline in potency. This is due to the body getting used to artificial stimulation sexual activity. Therefore, in no case should you get too carried away with such therapy.

Important! For men's health It is useful to drink St. John's wort tea no more than 2 times a month.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

The perennial is widely known among people. It is easily recognized by its small longitudinal leaves dark green and bright yellow paniculate inflorescences. They consist of many five-petaled flowers, which inside covered with faint black-brown specks. The flowering period of St. John's wort begins in early summer and lasts until September. It is then that valuable raw materials are collected.
A characteristic feature of the area where this grass often grows is dry soil. Therefore, its flowering panicles adorn roadsides, forest clearings, low cliffs and clearing areas. But to procure raw materials, it is better not to collect the first thing that catches your eye. For this purpose, you should move away from dusty highways and industrial areas.

Experts say that the most useful part of the crop is the flowering stem. Therefore, for drying it is recommended to prepare top part plants, cutting off shoots about 25 cm long.

Important! For harvesting, you need to choose sprouts that do not have rough, leafless areas.

After collection, the raw materials are spread in a thin layer in the attic. To do this, you can use a sheet of plywood or cardboard, as well as a fine grid and a piece of fabric. It is important that the room is well ventilated and Sun rays did not reach the workpiece. Don't forget to periodically visit the grass and turn it over to dry evenly.

When the stems dry out and begin to break easily, the plant needs to be chopped, separating the foliage and inflorescences. Bare sprouts are not useful, and the rest of the raw materials can be packed in paper bags or fabric bags.
You can store St. John's wort in dry form for about 3 years - during this period it will not lose its properties. healing qualities. The main thing is that the storage is dry and regularly ventilated.

Some housewives store the workpiece in whole, tying dry bunches to the beams in the attic. But this method is not very good, since there is a high probability of shedding valuable leaves and flowers.

Recipes for use

Don't underestimate St. John's wort: it is a very potent medicine. Therefore, it is extremely important in the manufacture healing potion strictly adhere to the dosage of ingredients and do not exceed the recommended norms. It wouldn’t hurt to have a preliminary consultation with a urologist, since the doctor must rule out all kinds of contraindications in a particular case.

Important! Taking medicine from St. John's wort automatically excludes marinades, smoked foods, alcohol, chocolate and coffee from the diet. Also during this period, you should be exposed to direct ultraviolet radiation as little as possible, since neglecting this recommendation can result in severe burns.

Let's look at some of the recipes for increasing male power.

The drink is prepared exclusively in porcelain dishes. It is advisable to first disinfect the kettle with boiling water. After this, 10 g of dried raw materials are measured to the bottom and 100 ml of boiling water is poured into it. Cover the container with a lid and let it brew a little. The drink can be sweetened with honey, but only use about a teaspoon. In addition, adding bee products to hot liquid is strictly prohibited - it will lose its beneficial properties.

If desired, you can brew tea from herbs in the same way.

It is important to consume the drink before it gets too high high concentration. Strong tea from honeydew provokes strong intestinal cramps. Also, do not get too carried away with this medicine, since excessive tea drinking can lead to gastritis and dysfunction of the reproductive system.

To stimulate sexual activity in men, many herbalists resort to the form of infusion. Taking into account various contraindications to drinking alcohol, they practice preparing a healing potion in water. To do this you will need 1 tablespoon of dry crushed inflorescences and foliage. The raw materials are poured into a small thermos and 250 ml of boiling water is poured. After this, close the container with a lid and let the liquid brew for about half an hour.

The resulting medicine is taken before meals three times a day, 50 ml.

Did you know? Industrial procurement of St. John's wort raw materials in Ukraine is carried out in Vinnitsa, Volyn, Cherkassy, ​​Transcarpathian, Khmelnytsky, Zhytomyr, Rivne and Chernihiv regions.

Alcohol tincture

The drug is prepared from 0.5 liters of vodka and a hundred gram portion of dried raw materials. All ingredients are combined in a glass container with a tight lid and sent to a cool, dark place to infuse. After 10 days, the liquid must be filtered through a strainer. Take it in small doses 3 times a day before meals. The optimal dosage of the tincture is 15-20 drops.

Contraindications and harm

Characteristic feature St. John's wort, like others medicinal herbs, is its equal ability to help and harm. Therefore, to avoid undesirable consequences herbal medicine, it is important to initially undergo full examination your health and consult a doctor. After all, it often happens that a patient learns about his illnesses only when complications arise as a result of illiterate self-medication.

St. John's wort is prohibited for use by people diagnosed with:

  • organ ulcers digestive tract;
  • individual intolerance;
  • various pathologies in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • fever.

Important! Herbalists advise taking St. John's wort medicines for no more than 7 days in a row.

The herb is also contraindicated when taking medications that support heart function, as well as during long-term antibiotic therapy and the use of antidepressants. Otherwise, the patient may experience sudden dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headache, loss of consciousness and the development of nervous disorders are also very likely.
Similar symptoms are observed with excessive consumption of perennials. If in therapeutic purposes exceed the recommended norm, there may be allergic reactions, impotence, constipation, loss of appetite, liver dysfunction. Therefore, remember about the short duration of the treatment course, do not violate the frequency and dosage of the recommended doses.

So, we are convinced of the extraordinary healing properties of the herb with the “aggressive” name. If you use the plant correctly, your health will improve and male power will hit the key. The main thing is not to overdo it, because everything is good in moderation.

The herbaceous plant St. John's wort has been well known to our ancestors since the time Kievan Rus. Almost everywhere it was used as the main ingredient in folk medicine. It was very often combined with other gifts of nature, forming incredibly healthy herbal teas.

In our country, as in other countries of the post-Soviet space, St. John's wort has gained enormous popularity due to its widespread distribution. Scientists say: about 300 species of this plant are known on the globe. About 50 of them grow in the CIS countries. The most valuable and useful for human body Experts believe the species is called St. John's wort.

Features of collection

From this article you will learn:

The main collection is carried out by cutting off leaves with flowering tops of plants. The workpieces are dried in specialized dryers, where the temperature is constantly maintained at no lower than 35 degrees and no higher than 40. After several days, the raw materials acquire a characteristic green-matte tint. If you brew the plant, the bitter and viscous taste is clearly visible. The correct drying is indicated by the uniform color of individual flowers.

Those substances that make up the herb deserve special attention: essential oil, ceryl alcohol, ascorbic acid, anthracene derivatives, choline, carotene.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of St. John's wort are most fully revealed if you use it in the form of tincture, decoction or tea. Centuries-old history has only confirmed the effectiveness of the drug used to treat diseases of the stomach, liver, hemorrhoids, and ulcers. It is known that it is customary to rinse the mouth with stomatitis with the infusion.

When should you drink the herbal drink?

  • Stomach ulcer, gout.
  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Seasonal exacerbations, cough.
  • Migraines and frequent dizziness.
  • The presence of inflammatory processes.
  • For liver problems.

Drink recipe

There are a huge number of tinctures and decoctions, the basis of which is St. John's wort. Their ingredients are chosen depending on the desired effect.

WITH colds The following tea helps cope:

  • 0.5 parts of eucalyptus leaves;
  • 1 part each of thyme and coltsfoot and stepmother leaves;
  • 2 parts each of sage leaves, St. John's wort, oregano, marshmallow roots, and plantain leaves.

The above ingredients should be thoroughly crushed and mixed. Then add 5-10 mg of the ingredients to 250 ml of tea. Brew and consume in the same way as traditional tea.

Multivitamin consistency

This tea effectively eliminates problems gastrointestinal tract. Used as a tonic and wound healing agent. Flavored drink perfectly regulates metabolism in the body. To brew it you need to have:

Grind these ingredients thoroughly and brew as standard tea.

Tincture for nervous excitement

Mix 3 parts of crushed St. John's wort and yarrow in equal proportions. Then add a similar amount of crushed hawthorn and valerian root. Then 2 hawthorn flowers are added to them, after which they are thoroughly crushed. For 150-250 ml of boiling water (not steep) there is no more than 1 tablespoon of the mixture. It is recommended to insist for the next 6 hours. After straining, use 50 grams.

You can improve your health with St. John's wort tea by adding a few leaves of black currant, rose hips, syrup or. Even in ancient times, women in Rus' prepared tea from St. John's wort, brewed in ordinary. If you regularly change the ingredients of aromatic tea, you can get much more benefits from it.


When considering St. John's wort tea, we focus on its beneficial properties, which automatically assumes healing effect. Any such drinks should be consumed with extreme caution, having previously received comprehensive consultation from a specialist or attending physician, especially for hypertensive patients.

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The soul will sing and the body will become healthier if you learn how to brew tea from St. John's wort. Healing decoction strengthens the immune system and nervous system, promotes rejuvenation of the body and normalization of hormonal levels. “Good blood” will sparkle in your veins if you take St. John’s wort correctly, wisely using its medicinal properties for comprehensive health improvement.

Tea with St. John's wort is a herbal elixir of health. In Rus' it was believed that the plant was capable of driving away evil spirits, because it grew from a torn feather and drops of the Firebird’s blood. Medieval healers prescribed a decoction of St. John's wort inflorescences to patients suffering from severe form melancholy - mental suffering caused by physiological reasons, became less intense. And the steppe healers used Fresh Juice plants for the treatment of purulent wounds, disinfecting compresses were made from the leaves.

Herbal tea lovers know that St. John's wort forms the basis of many medical fees, which allows you to take the plant without having to study its properties in detail. However, herbal teas not only bring benefits, but can also have contraindications. You should not drink a drink that you are not 100% sure is harmless.

The benefits of St. John's wort drinks

You can safely take St. John's wort in moderate doses in the absence of individual intolerance. Only used fresh decoction– the correct infusion should have a slightly noticeable bitterness, which will completely cover the taste of other herbs in the collection. IN " pure form“The drink is taken in small portions, diluted with water to avoid excessive strength.

The medicinal benefits of the plant are determined by its impressive composition:

  • essential oils (hypericin), carotene and tannins;
  • flavonoids (natural antioxidant, antimicrobial agent);
  • acids (ascorbic, nicotinic, isovaleric);
  • vitamins (groups C, P and PP), tocopherols (vitamin E) and choline (vitamin B4);
  • ceryl alcohol and alkaloids.

St. John's wort tea relieves a lot of problems if taken in moderate doses for about two to three weeks. During treatment chronic diseases, after a week's break and agreement with the doctor, the course is repeated. Sensitive people prone to allergies should reduce daily dose up to 1 cup of weak brew.

What does St. John's wort save from?

  • Natural antidepressant. The benefits of St. John's wort are especially noticeable in neuroses, chronic fatigue or depressive disorders. You cannot find a more positive tea; it is usually taken in crisis situations. The dosage is increased to 5 cups per day, reducing the course to a week. The medicine prevents mental exhaustion and calms the nervous system.
  • Hormonal control. Young girls can take St. John's wort a week before the expected start of menstruation - the plant reduces pain and intensity hormonal fluctuations, helps normalize the cycle. St. John's wort is no less useful for women experiencing menopause. Slavic sorceresses called it “bloody drink” or “red herb”, advising it to be taken balanced (in equal proportions) herbal decoction from lemon balm, St. John's wort and hops.
  • Mental activity. For children school age and men engaged in intellectual work should take St. John's wort in the morning (diluted in half with lemon balm). Magic properties tea will improve concentration, relieve mental stress, and help you think clearly. If you sweeten the drink with honey, it will be a pleasure to drink!
  • Normalization of pressure. For men and women holding responsible positions, St. John's wort helps cope with headaches caused by stress (by normalizing intracranial pressure). If you experience dizziness or migraines due to overwork, you should drink healthy decoctions from St. John's wort, chamomile and.
  • Ambulance digestion. Tangible benefits from taking St. John's wort are observed for gastritis, ulcers and increased acidity. Being a mild antioxidant, the plant improves the functioning of all digestive system, removes toxins from the body and reduces pain symptoms. Medicinal properties allow you to use it in diets - the plant improves metabolic processes which promotes weight loss.
  • Colds. The antibacterial properties of St. John's wort make it possible to successfully use it to treat otitis, rhinitis, cough and sore throat. There will be no trace of a cold left if you use it at the first symptoms. herbal decoctions(externally and internally). The benefits of St. John's wort tea for children of high school age are invaluable - the decoctions perfectly strengthen the immune system and make it easier to survive flu epidemics.
  • Dental problems. In dentistry, St. John's wort tea is taken as a supportive agent in the treatment of stomatitis and periodontitis. Strong tea leaves of the plant are used for rinsing oral cavity to relieve inflammation and reduce pain.

The benefits of such tea are obvious, but you need to take it correctly - keeping a moderate dosage, wisely combining it with other medicinal plants.

Harm of drinks based on St. John's wort

Harm from St. John's wort can be caused by individual intolerance, overdose, or improper brewing. All contraindications should be taken into account in order to get the desired benefit from St. John's wort and not harm.

  • Overdose. There is never too much ordinary tea, but medicinal tinctures require extremely moderate consumption. Harm from grass can occur when long-term use, so limit treatment course: a week when getting rid of mild health problems, two to three weeks for chronic or acute forms diseases.
  • For children. You must be extremely careful if the decoction is prepared for children, whose bodies react more sharply to medicinal plants. Prescription dosage herbal tea small children should be 2-3 times less than for adults. And it is best, given the contraindications, to refuse to take it completely or take it only after consultation with a pediatrician. As a rule, the packaging of herbal tea from St. John's wort indicates a restriction for children under 12 years of age.
  • Stale drink. St. John's wort tea can be very harmful if you drink a stale, over-brewed drink. While infusing, the plant “gives” water excessive quantity tannins, acids and dyes, which can cause allergic shock, serious disorder intestines or “plant” the liver and kidneys.

St. John's wort can only be drunk fresh. After standing idle for more than a day, the drink is not suitable for internal use. However, you can use “overstayed” liquid for wiping problem skin or creating compresses for wounds.

  • Increased sensitivity. St. John's wort tea causes unusual harm to people with fair skin - the plant increases sensitivity to solar radiation. Are you going on a beach holiday or planning long work in the country? Avoid teas with St. John's wort, so as not to cause significant harm to the skin in the form of sunburn, education age spots or allergic rash.
  • Decreased potency. Long-term use St. John's wort causes certain inconvenience to men - there is a temporary decrease in potency and a decrease in sexual desire. The harm is temporary and completely disappears within a week or a week and a half after stopping use.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. St. John's wort can cause harm to the developing fetus because it has a regulatory effect on metabolic and hormonal processes. When breastfeeding, a child receives substances contained in St. John's wort through mother's milk, which can cause an allergic reaction or poisoning.
  • Hypertension. St. John's wort impresses with its tonic properties, which are 5-6 times stronger than coffee. That is why doctors recommend that hypertensive patients stop using it - people with high blood pressure They will only get harm from invigorating tea.
  • Incompatibility with medications. Can't be ignored medical contraindications, taking St. John's wort. The plant can cause harm in combination with certain medicines- when combining herbal medicine with traditional treatment, requires physician approval.

Are you afraid of the contraindications? Find your own recipe for St. John's wort tea - create your own health elixir!

Recipes for herbal teas with St. John's wort

The beneficial properties of the plant impressed you, but the potential harm did not scare you away? Don’t rush to experiment - find out how to brew St. John’s wort correctly.

St. John's wort drinks have pronounced medicinal properties, therefore, it is necessary to carefully select recipes, giving preference to the calmest options.

Basic St. John's wort tea recipe

The standard brewing method involves using dried flowers or leaves of the plant. Will do pharmacy fee, although if possible it is better to collect and dry it yourself.

  1. Rinse a porcelain or ceramic teapot with boiling water.
  2. Brew St. John's wort following the ratio of 1:40 - teaspoon healing herb(about 5 g) per glass of boiling water (about 200 ml). One serving of aromatic medicinal tea ready.
  3. Let the drink stand for 5-10 minutes, and then strain through a strainer (gauze cloth) to prevent excessive concentration of the medicinal plant.

Healthy tea drinking can turn into harm if you ignore the body's reactions. Is the tea too bitter? Don’t force yourself – dilute with water and sweeten with honey/sugar.

Herbal teas for body and soul

Not all people like the pure taste of St. John's wort, so the plant is often included in various herbal infusions. Do not rush to conjure herbs - drink pure St. John's wort tea for about 4-5 days to make sure there are no allergic reactions. And then start experimenting and adding other herbs to the drink.

Anti-cold tea

The combination of sweet rosehip and bitter St. John's wort creates an excellent anti-cold tea. The drink is created based on a 2:1 ratio, i.e. For 200 ml of rose hips, you need to prepare 100 ml of St. John's wort. Pour a teaspoon of dried St. John's wort into the teapot, then add 2 tablespoons of dried rose hips and pour 300-350 ml of boiling water over the mixture. Wait about half an hour and pour the resulting tea into another container.

photo: depositphotos.com/rezkrr, rezkrr, Kassandra2, Kassandra2

St. John's wort - perennial herbaceous plant with small yellow flowers. Its name has been on everyone’s lips since childhood for two reasons: firstly, it grows absolutely everywhere under any conditions, and secondly, it has unique healing properties, widely used in medicine and cosmetology. How to independently collect St. John's wort, brew tea from it, its beneficial and negative effects on the human body will be discussed in this article.

There may be no point in describing the appearance of the plant in detail; most people know what it looks like in nature, but it can be noted that the stem is green, dense, small flowers have pleasant smell and collected in panicles, and after flowering the seed capsule ripens, which is not used in medicine. Leaves and flowers are used, so St. John's wort is collected only during flowering and in no case later.

Useful properties of St. John's wort

I would probably like to start in more detail with the beneficial properties of this plant, because they are the reason for its popularity in medicine. It is clear that all the benefits of St. John's wort stem from its chemical composition.

It includes:

  • tannins,
  • resins,
  • nicotinic and ascorbic acids,
  • essential oils,
  • phytoncides,
  • vitamin E,
  • carotene.
  • many different minerals.

Thanks to such a rich composition, St. John's wort and its infusions and decoctions are used in the following areas:

  • in cosmetology (for cracking of the skin of the heels, acne, baldness, senile wrinkles and high fat content skin);
  • at skin diseases and damage skin(warts, papillomas, burns, purulent wounds, dark spots);
  • at mental disorders and depression as a sedative and mood enhancer;
  • for inflammation of the oral cavity for rinsing (stomatitis, pharyngitis, sore throat, inflammation of the gums);
  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis, etc.);
  • against childhood diseases (for example, diathesis);
  • as an anthelmintic;
  • for cardiovascular diseases;
  • for diseases of the liver, gall bladder, kidneys.

In fact, this is not the entire list of diseases for which St. John's wort can be used as a medicine. To summarize the benefits and uses of this herb, we can highlight the following effects on the human body:

  • antimicrobial,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • astringent,
  • hemostatic,
  • antispasmodic.

Since St. John's wort grows everywhere and finding it is not difficult, you can prepare this useful herb for yourself. You can learn how to do this correctly right now.

How to collect and prepare St. John's wort

For preparing teas and infusions in medicinal purposes St. John's wort is collected, it is also called perforated (it acquired this name because of its holey leaves). The grass is harvested during flowering (from mid-June to August, depending on the region).


The plant itself is quite tall, up to 90 cm, however, to obtain medicinal effect The tops are collected, up to 20 cm. Bottom part It is not used for drying, so it makes no sense to uproot the whole plant.

It will be difficult to collect with your hands, since the stem of the plant is quite strong, so you can immediately take a pruner or any other cutting tool with you.

The presence of leaves and yellow flowers on collected material Necessarily. It is better to transport the collected raw materials in a rag bag and avoid direct sunlight.


The next stage in the preparation of St. John's wort is drying.

There are two options to choose from: you can dry the St. John's wort in bunches in a suspended state, or you can simply lay it out on the table in a layer no more than 8 cm thick.

In principle, you can also use a dryer, but the drying temperature should not exceed 45 0 C, otherwise a large number of nutrients will simply disappear. You can dry it both indoors and in natural conditions.

In the second case, you need to select days so that there is no rain or high humidity, and provide an awning or canopy so that direct sunlight does not fall on the grass.

It is necessary to periodically check for dryness: when the branches begin to break easily, the material is considered well dried, which is important to avoid the appearance of rot during storage.


The last operation of the procurement is storage. Dried St. John's wort is stored for up to two years in a dry place with low humidity, otherwise the appearance of rot and mold cannot be avoided. The packaging can be paper bags, cardboard boxes, and rag bags; you can even store them in the same bundles, depending on your convenience, this does not play a special role, the main thing here is the dryness of the air in the room.

After opening the package before use, it is recommended to check whether anything untoward happened while storing the dry herb. This is done as follows: sniff (there should be no foreign odors) and rub a small amount of St. John's wort between your fingers (if it crumbles into flour, then the raw material is overdried).

From collected and dried St. John's wort you can make infusions, decoctions, alcohol tinctures and much more. This article will discuss St. John's wort tea.

If it was purchased at a pharmacy, then the package insert will describe detailed instructions by its brewing. If it was collected and dried yourself, then you can use the recommendations given below.

For 1 tsp. dry herbs account for 1 cup of boiling water. Pour.

Let it brew for about half an hour.

Strain the infusion and the tea is ready.

Usually this tea is taken three times a day before meals, half a glass. It is better to constantly brew fresh tea because useful material will evaporate during long-term storage. It is not recommended to sweeten St. John's wort tea with sugar; you can eat something sweet as a bite if you wish.

It is clear that tea is the simplest way to brew dry St. John's wort and therefore the most common. Drinking this tea helps to cope with a number of common diseases, as well as with male and female problems separately.

St. John's wort tea for women

For women, St. John's wort tea may be useful in the following cases:

  • For problems with the menstrual cycle.

IN in this case tea should have a high concentration of herbs: 2 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over spoons of St. John's wort, leave for at least 40 minutes and strain after this time. Drink this tea three times a day 30 minutes before meals;

  • drinking tea is beneficial PMS time and menopause. It calms the body well, relieving pain;
  • regulates hormonal levels in women.

However, not all women are recommended to drink tea based on St. John's wort, and in in some cases even prohibited, For example, pregnant and lactating women, because, as mentioned above, it stimulates the appearance of menstruation, and this, in turn, can lead to miscarriage.

St. John's wort tea for men

For men, St. John's wort tea will help restore potency. As was said at the very beginning of the article, one of the positive qualities St. John's wort is its effectiveness in treating depression and mental disorders, and as is known, a decrease in potency can be caused by constant exposure to stress.

Tea will help calm your nerves. In addition, decreased potency may occur due to inflammation of the prostate gland. St. John's wort tea will also help relieve it, as it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

How to brew tea:

Pour 10 g of dry herb into 200 ml (a glass) of boiling water in a saucepan and cook for 15 minutes over low heat.

After the broth has cooled, strain it through cheesecloth.

Use in the same way as in other cases: three times a day before meals.

It must be said that if St. John's wort is consumed excessively, it will have the opposite effect - a decrease in potency will be observed. So everything is good in moderation.


In addition to its benefits, tea based on St. John's wort has its contraindications. Among them are the following negative aspects of this drink:

  • Reduces the skin's resistance to ultraviolet radiation, therefore, when consuming St. John's wort, it is not recommended to visit a solarium or sunbathe.
  • Reduces effect hormonal contraceptives, this is important to consider, as an unwanted pregnancy may occur.
  • With prolonged use at the end of treatment, tea can cause a decrease in potency in men (usually this has already been mentioned above).
  • It is not recommended to use antibiotics simultaneously with St. John's wort, as it will remove them from the body and will not have the desired effect.
  • It is also prohibited to take St. John's wort tea along with heavy antidepressants; the consequences of this may be irreversible.
  • St. John's wort increases arterial pressure, this should be taken into account by people who have problems with it.
  • If you have undergone a transplant of any organs, the use of St. John's wort and tea based on it is strictly prohibited.
  • St. John's wort tea should not be combined with alcohol.
  • Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from drinking St. John's wort tea.

In addition, there are such things as allergies and individual intolerances. You shouldn’t forget about them either. Therefore, if at the beginning of treatment any allergic reactions, itching, etc. occur, you must immediately stop drinking tea.

Another question - overuse. It is better not to allow this, but to take it in accordance with the disease. Increasing the dosage will not only not help, but will also harm.

St. John's wort for children

Separately, I would like to talk about the effect of St. John's wort tea on children's body. In general, it is not recommended to give it to children; it is strictly prohibited before the age of two, but if a decision has been made to use it by a child, then it is necessary to consult a doctor on this issue.

In this case, you should not self-medicate.

Typically, St. John's wort tea for children is brewed with a very low concentration and is recommended for hyperactivity. But again, you should remember the dosage, strength of the tea and consultation with your doctor.

Video about the benefits of St. John's wort

To summarize, we can say that due to such a rich chemical composition and a bunch of useful properties, St. John's wort can be used in the treatment of many diseases, and its popularity is absolutely honestly deserved.

In this case, you can not spend any financial resources at all, but prepare a supply of dry St. John’s wort yourself, and this does not present much difficulty. If you don’t want to do this, then dry herbs can be found in any pharmacy.

But, despite all the beneficial properties of St. John's wort and its decoctions, teas, etc., it still, like any other medicine, has its contraindications and side effects, and this fact must be taken into account during treatment, so as not to cause further harm to the body. more harm instead of help.

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