General principles of combating helminthiasis in animals. Basics of the system for combating worm infections and their prevention

Main features of the fight against helminthiasis. K.I. Scriabin back in 1925 sharply raised the question of the preventive orientation of helminthological practice, putting forward the principle of deworming, which means not only the removal of helminths from the body and their destruction, but also the neutralization of elements external environment from helminth eggs and larvae; deworming of the source of invasion should be massive and systematic. K.I. Scriabin put forward the thesis about preimaginal deworming, which is safe from an epidemiological point of view. In 1945, K.I. Scriabin substantiated the principle of devastation, the final stage in the development of a strategy for combating helminthiasis - the destruction of helminths everywhere at all stages of their development.

E. S. Leikina drew attention to the complexity, differentiation of health measures, the allocation for each helminthiasis or epidemiologically close group helminthiasis leading events. So, for example, for ascariasis - sanitary, for hookworm and intestinal taeniasis, diphyllobothriasis - therapeutic and prophylactic, for contact helminthiasis - hygienic. But for all helminthiases, sanitary and educational measures and monitoring of the epidemiological effectiveness of measures are mandatory.

Since 1955, planned activities to combat helminthiases have been resumed on a much larger scale. In Georgia, under the leadership of G. M. Maruashvili and G. N. Gordadze, work was carried out to sharply reduce ascariasis in the entire administrative region. Similar measures were taken by the Institute. E.I. Martsinovsky together with a rural medical district in one of the districts of the Moscow region. In Ukraine, using the methodology we developed in many settlements of a number of regions, the high prevalence of this helminthiasis, as well as the incidence of hookworm disease in the mines of the Central Asian republics, was reduced. The spread of hookworm disease in the mines of Donbass (under the leadership of E. S. Shulman) was prevented and foci of these helminthiases were eliminated in some mountainous regions of Adjara, the incidence of hookworm disease in the Gudauta region was reduced, and the incidence of hymenolepiasis and enterobiasis in children's institutions of Zaporozhye sharply decreased. During this period, experience has accumulated in the fight against helminthiasis in various physical, geographical and social conditions.

It was decided to direct the fight against helminthiasis to organize a set of health-improving measures in populated areas that are hotbeds of helminthiasis.

The Decree “On measures to further improve medical care and protect the health of the population” and the order of the Ministry of Health set the task of eliminating all foci of teniarynchosis, hookworm and sharp decline ascariasis in compliance with the principles of planning, mass, and complexity.

Principles of struggle. Sanitary and epidemiological authorities approve plans for anti-helminthic measures, in accordance with the characteristics of the epidemiology of helminthiases, for republics and regions, districts and settlements. Action plans are drawn up for the five-year period and for each year locally and are adjusted by higher authorities. The mass scale of events is achieved by coverage large groups population.

In Georgia, the first measures to eliminate hookworm disease and reduce ascariasis began to be carried out in all affected areas at the same time, the same was done in Uzbekistan when implementing measures to eliminate teniarinchiasis.

Everyone participates in the events medical workers and the population involved through the Red Cross and Red Crescent societies and activists.

The fight against helminthiasis is carried out in the form of a complex of therapeutic and sanitary measures jointly by departments: health, Agriculture in the veterinary and agrotechnical industries, public utilities, education, Catering and fishing, mining and other industries. Biologists and zoologists also take part in the work to combat a number of helminth infections. Finally, there is a need for complexity in the work between representatives of all therapeutic and preventive medical specialties.

The successful implementation of therapeutic and sanitary measures requires the development of new, more effective and convenient for mass use methods of chemotherapy and physiotherapy for helminthiasis and methods for destroying eggs and larvae.

The main task in the fight against helminthiasis is to identify, record and describe all foci with the establishment of epidemiological connections between them and the immediate implementation of health-improving measures in them.

General methods of organizing the fight against helminth infections. General methods Organizations of antihelminthic measures are:

1. Operational management and control over their implementation.

2. Carrying out a set of medical and sanitary measures using the general medical network under the leadership of sanitary and epidemiological stations (sanitary and epidemiological departments of hospitals) with treatment special attention for persons with severe manifestations of the disease; This means not only their recovery, but also the prevention of economic damage.

Mass helminth-ovocoprological laboratory research carried out by clinical diagnostic laboratories. In rural district hospitals, it is recommended to assign one of the paramedical workers to conduct helminthological and other (simple) clinical diagnostic studies.

District medical staff conducts a comprehensive survey of the sanitary condition of settlements with detailed examination each residential estate and the simultaneous conduct of family-based sanitary and educational work, as well as the determination of measures to improve the sanitary condition and the timing of their implementation, with timely monitoring of the work by the SES.

Local medical personnel carry out routine deworming at home or at the local hospital, followed by dispensary observation.

The district sanitary-epidemiological station conducts random helminthological examinations to determine the degree of contamination of environmental elements and sanitary-helminthological monitoring of the effectiveness of measures.

3. Identification of patients with helminthiasis and their treatment among certain groups (children in groups, employees of food enterprises and child care institutions, patients and medical personnel in hospitals of all profiles, outpatients according to indications, pregnant and breastfeeding women, miners, livestock workers, etc.) .

4. The following is carried out: a) extensive sanitary and educational work and taking into account its effectiveness through systematic sample surveys of the population regarding their familiarity with measures for the prevention of helminthiases and monitoring them living conditions; b) training of sanitary activists; c) improving the helminthological qualifications of medical workers at seminars and through daily instruction at the place of work with an annual knowledge test; healthcare workers should pay great attention identifying patients with helminthiases in hospitals and at outpatient appointments; d) discussion and adoption of plans for health-improving antihelminthic measures by local Councils of Deputies, boards of collective farms, management of state farms, schools, industrial enterprises etc.

5. Accounting and analysis of measures to determine their health-improving effect and epidemiological effectiveness, carried out at all levels of work - from the medical station and paramedic station to the republican Ministry of Health.

6. Studying best practices by getting acquainted with it in the field.

Cloves can fight larvae, eggs and adults not only directly in the intestines, but also by getting into the nervous system, organs reproductive system, as well as in blood plasma. Due to this, the scope of activity of carnation flowers is not only in the definition of “carnation against worms”.

Cloves have the following effects on the human body:

The use of cloves to exterminate any pests of the body is appropriate in various types, shapes and consistency. This can be crushed powder, a decoction, a combination of cloves with other herbs, and so on. A more detailed examination of the most popular methods and recipes for using cloves will help you choose the most suitable and effective one for each of us.

Read more about the triad here and here.

Instructions for treatment:

  • The first day - once 30 minutes before meals.
  • Second day - twice 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch.
  • The third day - three times half an hour before meals.
  • This treatment schedule is then followed for the next week.

It is important to know that all these herbs affect menstruation, so it is not recommended to carry out such treatment before the start of menstruation. Such herbs are prohibited for pregnant women, and cloves can increase arterial pressure, and is therefore contraindicated for hypertensive patients.

Herbal collection

  • 25 grams of cloves, 50 grams each of tansy, yarrow, wormwood, buckthorn herb.
  • Dried herbs are ground using a coffee grinder.
  • Half an hour before the morning meal, the composition is taken orally for an adult in the amount of 1 teaspoon, for a child - half a teaspoon.


  1. Cloves increase the tone of the uterus, thus it is prohibited for pregnant women to use.
  2. In tandem with other herbs, cloves can increase bleeding during menstruation.
  3. Cloves enhance secretion of hydrochloric acid in the gastrointestinal tract, so it is contraindicated for people with increased acidity stomach.
  4. Cloves are harmful for people with stomach ulcers as well as other stomach diseases.
  5. The plant increases blood pressure and is therefore prohibited for use by hypertensive patients.
  6. This spice is prohibited for children under 2 years of age.

In addition, call allergic reaction cloves can be used by those people who have an individual intolerance to one or another component in the plant.

Herbal decoction

Prevention of worms in children

The development of worms includes 3 stages: egg, larva, adult. Initially, there is an egg in the human body, from which a larva emerges, which migrates throughout the human body, turning into an adult. The most important consequences in the human body are left by the larvae, because the symptoms of worms in humans caused by the larvae appear more clearly than the symptoms caused by mature individuals.

Hygiene measures

The first step in preventing worms includes maintaining personal hygiene. It involves the following activities:

  1. Frequent hand washing. You should not only teach your child to wash his hands, but also keep your hands clean, adults and older children who play with the baby and pick him up
  2. Eating. Before giving your child vegetables and fruits, you need to wash them thoroughly. Berries such as strawberries and strawberries require special attention, because they grow close to the ground. Meat and fish also need careful processing before they are fully cooked.
  3. Water. Under no circumstances should you allow your child to drink water from open reservoirs, and do not swim in untested places. It is forbidden to give your baby water obtained from a well or tap.
  4. At home, do not let your child play in places such as the toilet and hallway. Keep the apartment clean, clean and disinfect it.
  5. When walking outside, watch your child so that he does not put anything in his mouth, and do not feed him cookies or apples on the street.
  6. Children are prohibited from coming into contact with street animals, and if this occurs, be sure to wash their hands thoroughly. If you have a pet, then mandatory procedures includes the prevention of worms in animals.

Prevention with medications

Doctors recommend preventing helminths with medications twice a year for all family members, and animals are no exception.

The safest for the liver are Pyrantel or Decaris. Pediatricians often advise taking Vormil, but its action is very aggressive. Taking this into account, specialist advice is required.

Traditional medicine recipes

At the time of antihelminthic therapy, it is necessary to adhere to a protein-free diet. You should reduce the amount of dairy products, sugar, and meat you consume. These products need to be replaced with products with an anthelmintic effect: onions, carrots, garlic, viburnum and others. Give your child natural immunostimulants.


How to fight worms at home using folk remedies?

Statistics show that helminthiasis is diagnosed in a billion people every year. Usually the fight against worms is carried out using synthetic drugs. Such drugs are used in the treatment of helminthiases in children and adults.

Conservative treatment methods

Conservative therapy is a treatment that involves the use of synthetic anthelmintics. Typically, helminth control is carried out using a medicine with an extended spectrum of action. It is believed that such medications are the most effective. Drugs with an extended spectrum of action can be used even with mixed helminthic infestations. The best medicines of this type are considered:

  1. Dekaris (200-250 rubles).
  2. Vermox (90-100 rubles).
  3. Nemozol (240-300 rubles).
  4. Praziquantel (1000-1100 rubles).

In what cases can these funds be used? It is advisable to use them in cases where flat, ribbon or roundworms. There is also information that these anthelmintic drugs will help remove echinococci and lamblia.

Extended-spectrum drugs are very toxic, so they are not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women. Also, medications are not used if a person has chronic liver disease, renal failure, dysfunction of the hematopoietic system.

It should be taken into account that Dekaris, Vermox, Nemozol, Praziquantel and their group analogues can cause the development of dyspeptic symptoms, liver failure, dysfunction nervous system, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia. During the use of these drugs, it is strongly recommended to monitor the level of liver enzyme activity.

If a patient’s ascariasis, hookworm disease, or enterobiasis progresses, then it is more advisable to use drugs with a targeted spectrum of action. They are low-toxic, effective and inexpensive. The most common drugs of this type:

  • Piperazine (30-50 rubles).
  • Pirantel (30-70 rubles).
  • Medamin (100-130 rubles).

These medications can be used even by pregnant and lactating women, however, in this case the dosage should be reduced. Targeted anthelmintic drugs should not be taken only if the patient is allergic to the components of the drug, myasthenia gravis, or organic lesions nervous system.

What drugs are best to use if a person has been diagnosed with amebiasis or giardiasis? In this case, special antibacterial agents, which are active against protozoa. The best drugs This group includes:

  1. Nifuratel (700-850 rubles).
  2. Tinidazole (180-270 rubles).
  3. Furazolidone (80-150 rubles).

When using Nifuratel, Tinidazole, Furazolidone and group antibacterial analogues, a person may develop dyspeptic symptoms, disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, leukopenia, anemia, paroxysmal cough, neurotoxic and allergic reactions.

It is worth noting that they can only be used if helminthiasis occurs without complications. If they join fungal infections, then it is more advisable to use antibiotics and synthetic antiprotozoal agents. According to doctors, the best dietary supplements are:

  • Intoxic (990-1200 rubles).
  • Antigelmos (590-720 rubles).
  • Antitoxin Nano (500-700 rubles).
  • Baktefort (990-1200 rubles).

Moreover, natural medicines approved for use by people with chronic diseases liver or kidneys. It is worth noting that in 99% of cases, when taking dietary supplements, a person does not experience side effects. Doctors attribute this to the fact that plant extracts have a gentle effect on the human body.

Also biologically active additives help restore normal work digestive system and eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of helminthiases. The disadvantages of drugs of this type include their high cost and low efficiency rates compared to synthetic analogues.

It is worth noting that Intoxic, Antigelmos, Antitoxin Nano, Bactefort and other drugs of this type should not be taken by people prone to allergies. It has been established that the use of these drugs increases the risk of developing hypersensitivity reactions.

If after consuming a dietary supplement a person develops shortness of breath, urticaria or dermatitis, treatment should be stopped immediately.

Treatment with folk remedies

Tinctures and decoctions will only help improve the patient’s condition and remove dead helminths from the body. It is believed that folk remedies It is advisable to use only if helminthiasis gradually goes into remission or the disease proceeds without complications.

You can also prepare a cleansing enema at home. To do this you need to mix:

  1. 100 ml warm water.
  2. 2 tbsp. crushed tansy flowers.
  3. 1 tbsp. crushed wormwood.

The resulting solution must be heated in a water bath and then filtered. The cleansing procedure should be performed 2-3 hours before bedtime. The duration of treatment is 7 days. It is not recommended to use an enema if a person has developed intestinal dysbiosis due to helminthiasis.

At chronic course the disease is destroyed immune system, as a result of which a person begins to suffer from viral or infectious diseases, as well as fungal and bacterial infections.

Symptoms of infection

The following symptoms are characteristic of helminthiasis of any type of infection:

Important! Before using medications, be sure to consult your doctor and undergo comprehensive examination in order to identify the localization of individuals and their subspecies - this is necessary to determine the effective medicine, as well as the prescription of a treatment regimen.

Auxiliary drugs

Treatment at home is carried out by a whole range of actions on the part of the infected person - this includes the use drug treatment, and the use of traditional medicine, which allows you to quickly heal and recover from a fatal injury internal organs.

Treatment with folk remedies is as follows.

Pomegranate peel infusion

Dried and finely chopped pomegranate peel in the amount of 10 g is poured with a glass of boiling water. Infuse the composition for half an hour and drink a teaspoon at least 3 times during the day. The infusion should not be overused, as large doses can lead to blindness in the infected person.

It turns out to be against worms effective infusion from fresh onions. Here you need to chop a medium onion or grind it through a meat grinder, and pour the resulting mixture with one glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 12 hours. Drink half a glass of infusion per day. The course of treatment is no more than 3–4 days.

Garlic tincture

5 heads of garlic, peeled and crushed, are poured with 0.5 liters of vodka or diluted alcohol. The tincture should be infused at room temperature for a week. After the allotted time has passed, the tincture is filtered and subsequently stored in a cool place. Take 20 drops before meals half an hour before meals for 3-4 days. While drinking the tincture, additionally use any laxatives.

Nettle decoction

Grind the roots of the plant and pour boiling water over a tablespoon of the ingredient. Boil the mixture over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Drink a decoction for colic in the stomach or intestines, 2-3 tablespoons no more than 3 times a day.

Important! Carefully select traditional medicine recipes, because the main components can provoke allergic reactions.

The role of prevention in the fight against helminths

People have long known that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it with dangerous and toxic substances for the body. medicines. Therefore, the prevention of helminthiasis in a person’s life is important at any time, in any place and at any age. TO preventive measures include the following recommendations:

  • eat only clean vegetables and fruits;
  • be sure to boil or expose another heat treatment meat and fish, as well as chicken eggs;
  • if you have constant contact with animals and work with land, take mild anthelmintics for prevention, which you can consult with your doctor;
  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene, teach your child to wash their hands after visiting the street and other public places.

Children are more likely than others to become infected with worms. Their protective functions are insufficiently formed. Little children explore the world, touch various objects, taste them. It is necessary to teach the child to observe the rules of hygiene in order to reduce the risk of infection with helminths.

Types of helminths

There are more than 200 types of worms. Depending on the biological features Worms are usually divided into 3 classes:

  • Roundworms: pinworm, roundworm, trichinella, crooked head, etc.
  • Tapeworms: echinococcus, porcine and bull tapeworm, alveococcus, etc.
  • Flukes: liver fluke, cat fluke.

Roundworms are slightly larger in size and red-yellow in color. Once roundworms enter the body, ascariasis develops. The enzymes that roundworms secrete are the most strong allergens. Ascariasis is characterized by changes in the structure of the intestinal wall and microflora.

The whipworm, unlike other types of worms, has a non-standard shape: the front part is narrow, resembling a thin thread, and the back part is wide. When a person is infected with whipworm, trichocephalosis develops. The helminth can be present in the human intestine for quite long time about 5-7 years. The disease trichuriasis is chronic.

Bullish and pork tapeworm have the same structure and can reach 6 meters in length. Localized in small intestine. Long stay in the human body causes taeniarinhoz and taeniasis. When diseases occur, the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are disrupted.

Echinococcus is the smallest tapeworm, 8 mm long. Infection with echinococcus leads to the appearance of echinococcosis. Symptoms on early stage The development of the disease is low-intensity, so it is possible to diagnose the disease only at a late stage.

The main signs of helminthiasis

The acute stage of helminthiasis develops immediately after the worms enter the body. Duration is about 2-3 weeks. Distinctive features acute form are:

  • Dry cough
  • Allergic reaction
  • Fever
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Unstable chair
  • Nausea
  • Belching

On chronic stage disease, the patient experiences a disturbance in the functioning of internal organs. The most common symptoms:

  • Presence of chronic skin diseases(urticaria, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.)
  • Itching in the genital area and anus
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Hemorrhagic colitis
  • Joint pain
  • Decreased appetite
  • Grinding in your sleep
  • Low-grade body temperature

The danger of helminthiasis is that with prolonged damage to the tissues of internal organs and the release of toxic substances, the immune system is significantly weakened. As a result, the body's defenses are reduced. To prevent this, you should be attentive to your health and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Drug treatment of worms in humans

Diagnosis of helminthiasis includes examination of feces, blood, urine, and sputum. If there are worms in the body, a blood test will show high content eosinophils, stool analysis - worm eggs. Treatment of worms is based on the use of anthelmintic drugs that are active at all stages of worm development.

In addition to drug treatment to maximize effective effect use folk remedies.

Alternative medicine and worms

If there are no medications in the medicine cabinet to treat worms, then you can use folk remedies.
Garlic based tincture. To prepare, take a few cloves of garlic and chop finely. Pour a glass of boiled water over the chopped garlic and leave for a couple of hours. Next, strain and drink. Garlic is considered the most effective means from worms.

Onion based infusion. Chop the onion halfway into a small jar. Then pour vodka and put in dark place. Leave for about 10 days. After time, strain the infusion and pour into another container. Take a tablespoon of the tincture before meals.

Onion infusion for children is prepared as follows: put a small onion in a jar and pour hot water. The mixture is infused for 12 hours, after which it should be strained and given to the child a tablespoon per day. Duration of treatment is 4 days.

Pumpkin seeds help get rid of worms. For cooking remedy You will need peeled pumpkin seeds (300 g) and honey. Grind the seeds in a coffee grinder, pour boiled water room temperature. The mixture should look like sour cream. You can add a little honey for taste. The mixture should be taken before meals. After a few hours, you can do a cleansing enema.

Walnut decoction. Take the green ones walnuts and grind using a blender or coffee grinder. Into a glass hot water add a little salt. The water should be slightly salty. Pour this water over walnuts, leave for an hour, and then take throughout the day.

Enemas help get rid of worms. The most effective way When treating helminthiasis, an enema with the addition of garlic and milk is used. Boil a head of garlic in milk (200 ml) for 5-10 minutes until the garlic becomes soft. Next, strain the milk, cool it, and do an enema. The procedure should be carried out within 10 days. You can use water instead of milk.

Decoction of pomegranate peels. Grind the pomegranate peels and boil. Strain the resulting decoction and drink on an empty stomach. Then after 2-3 hours drink a laxative.
Herbal collection of wormwood and centaury herbs. Take the mixture in equal proportions, mix and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Put herbal tea over low heat and cook for about 15 minutes. Then strain and let cool. Take one glass in the morning and evening for a week.

Enema from a decoction of tansy flowers. Pour boiling water over dried tansy flowers and boil for 10 minutes. Strain the broth. Give enemas with this decoction once a day. This type of enema is not recommended for children. Great option for children - with garlic.

Except folk ways treatment using oxygen treatment method. This is a relatively new method of treatment that is very popular. Its essence is the introduction of oxygen using a probe into the rectum or stomach. It has been established that worms can exist in an oxygen-free environment. Their vital functions are disrupted when oxygen appears.

Prevention of worms

For prevention purposes possible infection worms should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Wash vegetables and fruits well before eating. It is best to pour boiling water over it.
  • Observe personal hygiene rules.
  • Follow the cooking technology.
  • Examine and promptly treat pets.
  • Avoid eating raw, dried fish.
  • You should only buy meat products in stores or at the market.
  • You should only drink boiled or filtered water.
  • If helminths are found in one family member, then everyone, including animals, is treated for prevention purposes.

One of the conditions for fighting helminths is depriving them of food, that is, excluding meat and milk from the diet. To the arguments of readers who consider milk the main supplier of calcium, I can answer that it is more useful to consume milk for this purpose. dairy products, whose bacteria process casein into a form convenient for digestion. The basis of the diet should be herbal products, and without heat treatment (to preserve all useful substances) - certainly raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, greens. They contain live enzymes that supply natural energy, vitamins, microelements and others necessary for the body substances.

In the fight against helminths, plants play a special role: they are antagonists of worms. Myself green color, being bactericidal, paralyzes their functions. Therefore, you need to eat more greens, as well as orange vegetables - carrots, which are a real storehouse of useful elements, pumpkin - its anthelmintic properties have long been appreciated traditional medicine. Among the fruits, melon, sea buckthorn, and persimmon are very good.

Herbs against helminths

Tansy and yarrow can be used in the same way, and it is permissible to use them in several doses. large doses than poisonous wormwood.
There is also a treatment method with cloves: grind black cloves in a coffee grinder and take 1/2 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals for two weeks.
Perhaps the reader will have a question: why is dry herb used, and not a decoction? Let me explain: the liquid will quickly “run” through digestive tract, the powder will be processed for a long time, penetrating into all the rubble.

As an example of the fight against infection, we can offer the drug Flactucin. It is produced from the inflorescences of sandy immortelle and is clear liquid with a specific smell.

Pharmacological properties.

Flactucin has antiviral, bactericidal, anthelmintic, and choleretic properties. Increases bile secretion, reduces concentration bile acids, bilirubin content in bile, stimulates secretory function stomach and pancreas, increases diuresis.

Indications for use.

Flactucin is used as a highly effective agent in the treatment of viral hepatitis (A; B), as an anthelmintic for ascariasis, giardiasis, enterobiasis (pinworms), opisthorchiasis (cat fluke), in the treatment of chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis. A course of treatment: viral hepatitis 4 - 7 days; chronic hepatitis- according to indications; helminthiases 7 - 12 days. For prophylaxis of contact persons 1 - 2 days.

Method of administration and dose.

It is prescribed orally (by mouth) 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals, pre-dissolved single dose Flactucine in 50 ml of water:

Recipe from traditional healers: to expel worms.

80 ml of good cognac and 80 ml castor oil(children under 5 years old - 20 ml, under 10 years old - 40 ml, up to 15 years old - 60 ml each) drink the mixture in one gulp. There is no feeling of intoxication, the stomach does not weaken or hurt, but the next day the stool will be loose. See what happens there. This procedure must be done three times in a row, once at night, to guarantee a good result. The fact is that at night, these creatures come out of the liver and other places into the intestines to “eat”, eat with pleasure and get drunk, and without having time to suck on again and with loose stools take off.

The simplest anthelmintic enema is the following. Chop 3 cloves of garlic and the same volume of onion. Pour warm boiled water for 10-15 minutes, strain and squeeze through cheesecloth. Add the resulting infusion to 1.5-2 liters of warm (36-39°C) boiled water prepared for washing. Add 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice. Administer the solution after a natural bowel movement or after a cleansing enema. Several such procedures will destroy small worms such as pinworms or roundworms. In addition, an enema with garlic and onions relieves intoxication in case of flu, sore throat, food poisoning, helps with dysbiosis, headaches.

Wormwood enemas are also potent. They can be started as early as the second day after taking the herb orally. For rinsing, prepare an infusion of wormwood: mix 1 tsp of wormwood with 1 liter of water, bring to a boil, hold on fire for 30 seconds, leave for 10 minutes, strain. The enema is made with a hot (up to 42 - 43 ° C) solution, and at night a warm therapeutic enema (50-100 ml) is administered - it must be absorbed in the intestines.

Cleansing enemas and microenemas:

Used as a remedy water solution sodium bicarbonate, which is administered rectally using an enema. To do this, 20-30 g of sodium bicarbonate is dissolved in 800 ml of water while heating and the solution temperature is brought to t = 38 - 42°C. Before introducing the drug into the rectum, the patient is given a cleansing 2-liter enema t = 20-22 ° C in order to cleanse the intestines and create conditions for unhindered administration medicinal solution and better penetration into the underlying parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Then a solution of sodium bicarbonate t = 38 ° - 42 ° C is injected into the rectum at the rate of 20 g - 30 g per 800 ml of water using an enema and retained in the intestines for 30 minutes. After bowel movement, a cleansing 2-liter enema is given again at t=20°-22°C. Described healing procedures Perform every other day for a course of treatment of 8-10 procedures, depending on the degree of invasion.

After enemas, you must drink Bolotov’s serum to restore the intestinal microflora,

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