Cleansing blood vessels using garlic tincture based on vodka. Alcohol tincture of garlic - a remedy for many diseases

Over time, the blood vessels that penetrate the human body and provide nutrition to organs and tissues lose their former elasticity, seals and roughness appear on the walls, preventing full blood flow, they become more fragile and brittle.

These factors lead to the development inflammatory processes, blood clot formation, circulatory disorders. Negative influence per condition vascular system are influenced by numerous factors, including bad habits and poor nutrition, as well as a negative psycho-emotional state.

To maintain the vascular system in functional state In order to keep the vessels clean, it is necessary to take timely measures aimed at preventing diseases. Garlic tincture for cleaning blood vessels, the recipe for which, according to official historical data, was invented in Tibet, will help cleanse blood vessels, restore and strengthen tissues, and improve blood flow. Let's talk in more detail about how to take and prepare this unique remedy on one's own. Be sure to read this article to the end to find out everything about Tibetan recipe for garlic tincture for cleaning blood vessels.

The benefits and harms of garlic tincture

In the field alternative medicine garlic throughout long period time is used as a basis for the preparation of products with antibactericidal properties that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora and helping to increase the body's defenses.

Useful properties of this spicy vegetable caused by vitamins, phytoncides, essential oils, as well as other useful microelements, included in its composition. But there are others, less known, but no less important properties garlic, which allow it to be used to strengthen and cleanse the venous and vascular system.

Using it as the main component medicinal tincture, made according to the recipes of Tibetan monks, helps achieve the following results:

  • increases vitality and has an invigorating effect;
  • normalizes blood flow processes and significantly improves metabolic processes;
  • helps eliminate excess body weight;
  • increases the body's resistance to the negative effects of pathogenic microflora;
  • has a general rejuvenating effect;
  • normalizes arterial pressure, if necessary;
  • improves and stabilizes functioning individual organs: heart muscle, brain, digestive tract;
  • helps cleanse and improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system;
  • stimulates the removal of harmful cholesterol from the vascular cavity;
  • helps to expand the lumen of blood vessels, making their tissues more permeable and elastic.

In addition, as evidenced by the instructions of the ancient monks, who, in fact, invented the recipe for the miraculous tincture, this garlic-based remedy gives the person who uses it clarity of thought, a positive attitude and a clear mind. However, despite all the benefits of garlic, it should not be used if there are diseases of the digestive tract, excretory system, or during pregnancy.

Advice! Only a doctor can determine the possibility of taking tincture and consuming garlic. It is not recommended to take this remedy without first talking with a specialist.

Indications for use

You can use garlic infusion to cleanse blood vessels both to obtain therapeutic effect, and in order to prevent the development of many ailments. Proper application This remedy will allow you to get rid of existing pathologies, completely cleanse the body, improve and stabilize the functions of individual organs and systems.

The instructions list the following as the main indications for use:

  • regularly occurring headaches;
  • decreased hearing and vision due to age criteria or other causes;
  • diseases of inflammatory pathogenesis affecting the genital area;
  • a large number of extra pounds;
  • various types of heart muscle diseases;
  • pathologies and diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • prevention of heart attack and pre-infarction conditions;
  • excessive amount of cholesterol in the hemolymph;
  • defeats skin due to disruption of the circulatory system.

As the video in this article shows, in addition to other contraindications, you can also take garlic tincture in for preventive purposes. Carrying out a course of treatment helps relieve irritability, eliminates insomnia, normalizes sleep, increases performance and vitality, has a calming effect and improves the quality of life in general.

But it should be remembered that garlic recipe for cleaning vessels should not be used more than once every three years.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite all the benefits of garlic tincture, for some diseases and pathological conditions The use of this drug should be avoided. This is due to the fact that the cleansing medicine has an exclusively powerful action and in some cases can provoke an exacerbation of existing ailments.

Contraindications for cleaning blood vessels with garlic may be as follows:

  • due to the high concentration of the infusion, it is not recommended to take it if you have existing diseases of the digestive tract;
  • taking garlic in any form creates an increased load on the excretory organs, and therefore it is recommended to avoid taking it if you have kidney and bladder problems;
  • persons suffering from epilepsy are not allowed to use this drug;
  • Due to the alcohol component in the medicine, persons who have contraindications to drinking alcohol and women during pregnancy and lactation should avoid taking it.

It should be remembered that during the use of the tincture, some side effects may occur, which are considered normal and are not indications for discontinuation. treatment course. These include mainly sleep disorders, excessive frequent urination, increased irritability, and some digestive problems may also occur, such as diarrhea or heartburn.

Advice! If side effects are of a pronounced nature and interfere with maintaining a normal lifestyle, you should consult with a specialist about the possibility of continuing the treatment course.

General cleaning rules

As mentioned above, the use of garlic tincture is often associated with side effects.

In order to reduce discomfort, improve general health and significantly increase the efficiency of the cleansing process, during the treatment course it is recommended to adhere to a number of certain rules, including:

  • first you need to improve your diet and completely eliminate spicy, salty and spicy foods from your diet;
  • you should eat only natural and high-quality foods;
  • the food consumed should be light but nutritious;
  • if you feel unwell, it is recommended to drink ordinary black tea with mint or just a decoction of this plant;
  • it is necessary to significantly increase the amount of fluid consumed, which will help reduce the load on the organs of the excretory system.

Of course, drinking alcohol during this period is categorically excluded, otherwise a significant deterioration in well-being is likely. Compliance with the rules for conducting a cleansing course will allow you to cleanse not only effectively, but also carefully, with minimal discomfort and unpleasant sensations.

Tibetan garlic tincture for cleaning blood vessels is a very simple remedy to prepare. However, in order to give the medicine maximum medicinal properties, you should strictly adhere to the recommended rules for manufacturing the product. In general, they are quite simple, and it is also worth noting that the price of the ingredients used is very affordable.


  1. First of all, you need to prepare the initial components. As the name suggests, it is an alcohol base and garlic. Some folk recipes with garlic for cleaning vessels, which are distorted, can be used in the process of preparing regular vodka. This option is not fundamentally correct. According to the original recipe, only high-quality medical alcohol should be used.
  2. As for garlic, you should choose vegetables grown in environmentally friendly conditions, preferably in your own garden. You should strictly use garlic collected in autumn period, since only it contains the maximum amount useful substances and vitamins.
  3. After preparing the ingredients, you can proceed directly to the process of preparing the medicine. To begin, peel three hundred and fifty grams of garlic and, using the simplest wooden pestle, crush it into a paste. After this, you should leave the mass so that it releases its juice.
  4. Next, you need to carefully remove the top, somewhat dried layer of chopped garlic so that only two hundred grams of garlic mass and juice remain in the vessel.
  5. The finished raw material should be placed in a glass or, which is much better, earthenware container, the volume of which does not exceed half a liter and filled with a glass of medical alcohol. On this initial stage preparation of the tincture is completed.

In order for the tincture to acquire beneficial properties, it is necessary to let the product brew in a dark and fairly cool place. The infusion period should be continued for ten days.

After this, you need to carefully filter the medicine using gauze or a thin cloth and leave it for another couple of days. The medicinal drug is ready to be taken.

Scheme and rules of admission

The maximum effect from the treatment process, which involves taking garlic tincture, can be obtained only if you follow the recommendations for use this tool. First of all, it should be noted that before eating, the medicine must be diluted in a small amount of milk, no more than fifty grams, otherwise the effect of the tincture on the stomach tissue will be excessively aggressive.

As for the quantity and regimen of administration, the infusion should be drunk strictly on an empty stomach, thirty minutes before eating; you can use the following table for this:

Days of taking the medicine Breakfast Dinner Dinner
First.1 drop.2 drops.3 drops.
Second.4 drops.5 drops.6 drops.
Third.7 drops.8 drops.9 drops.
Fourth.10 drops.11 drops.12 drops.
Fifth.13 drops.14 drops.15 drops.
Sixth.15 drops.14 drops.13 drops.
Seventh.12 drops.11 drops.10 drops.
Eighth.9 drops.8 drops.7 drops.
Ninth.6 drops.5 drops.4 drops.
Tenth.3 drops.2 drops.1 drop.

After the number of drops consumed at one time reaches one, you should take the infusion, drinking twenty-five drops at a time. This should be done until the medicine prepared in advance is completely gone.

We should also not forget that the cleansing course should not be carried out more than once every three years. In the same case, if cleaning is carried out solely for preventive purposes, it is better to increase this time period to five years.

The tincture, made in accordance with all the recommendations of the Tibetan recipe, has an extremely positive effect on the body. But you should know that the greatest efficiency has a remedy that was infused not for ten days, but for two to three years.

Of course, in some cases, waiting for the medicine to be ready for such a long period of time is quite problematic, however, it is precisely this drug that has the maximum effect. Knowing how to prepare garlic tincture for cleaning blood vessels, you can not only restore and clean circulatory system, but also to restore and improve health.

The main thing in in this case– strict compliance accepted standards and rules for the manufacture and use of medicinal drugs.

One of the simplest and effective means Garlic is used to cleanse blood vessels. We use all sorts of newfangled methods of cleansing the body, forgetting about the beneficial properties of everyday products.

Garlic contains B vitamins, thanks to which this product has a positive effect on work nervous system, strengthens hair and improves vision. Vitamins A and E contained in it help preserve youthful skin. And thanks to vitamin PP, the use of garlic improves the functioning of the heart, stomach and intestines, and also dilates blood vessels.

The bulb of this plant contains many other substances, such as essential oils, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, various acids. The composition, rich in minerals and vitamins, has a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

Garlic also has antiseptic properties, removes cholesterol from the body and reduces platelet aggregation (sticking together).

Garlic tincture is universal medicine, as it can help with large quantities various diseases. It has an analgesic, diuretic, anthelmintic and wound healing effect.

And these are not all the effects it produces on the human body.

Garlic tincture for the prevention of heart disease vascular diseases, atherosclerosis and hypertension:

Grind the head of garlic and put it in a jar, pour in unrefined sunflower oil(one glass). Let the mixture sit for 24 hours, shaking regularly, then add the juice of one lemon to it and stir. Place in a cool, dark place for another seven days.

Take the tincture one teaspoon half an hour before meals, 3 times a day.

The course is three months.

Garlic tinctures can also be made using alcohol, milk, honey or lemon.

The medicine of garlic in vodka, alcohol or water is used for diseases such as:

*helminthic infestation;
*increased blood viscosity;

Use this recipe if you need to cleanse your vessels.


*100 g garlic cloves;
*0.5 l of vodka.


Grind the cloves thoroughly with a knife, mortar or garlic clove until mushy.
Pour the resulting mixture with vodka and place the container in dark place.
Take it out a few times a week and shake it slightly.
After a month, remove the container and strain the tincture.

Use vodka tincture one teaspoon at a time. Always use the product three times a day and before meals.

This garlic tincture with alcohol will help against bad cholesterol.


*300 g peeled cloves;
*1 liter of alcohol;
*jar or bottle;


Grind the cloves into a paste. Place in a clean jar and fill with alcohol.
Infuse the product for three weeks.

Take the product three times a day, diluting 20 drops in 100 ml of milk.

This garlic infusion is prepared not with alcohol, but with water. , so it can be used by those who have contraindications to drinking alcohol.


*3 garlic cloves;
*200 ml of clean water.


Boil water and at the same time thoroughly chop the cloves.
Pour water over the resulting slurry and leave for about one hour.

Recipe for blood purification(an old, completely forgotten folk recipe)

In the evening, cut a large clove of garlic into thin layers if it’s small, add 1 glass of clean, unboiled water, and let it brew until the morning. In the morning, take out the slice and drink the water before breakfast.

Prepare a new portion: cut into a slice, add a new portion of water and let it brew until evening. In the evening, drink the infusion again and treat like this for a month.

At bad tests blood, with high content leukocytes, other health problems - this effective recipe, capable of normalizing blood composition.

Recipe for “Garlic liqueur for CTA diseases”:

12 peeled garlic cloves, cut into 4 parts, put in a transparent glass bottle. Pour three glasses of red grape wine good quality, maybe at home. Close tightly and place on the sunny side of the window, shaking every day. After 2 weeks, strain, pour into a dark bottle and put in the refrigerator. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for a month, preferably before meals.

An effective remedy for increasing efficiency, removing salts from the body, purifying the blood, improving immunity, strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Strengthens the heart, cleanses the blood and tones the body. Removes excess fats and improves metabolism. Cannot be replaced when women's diseases and inflammation.

Honey lemon and garlic balm:

It is suitable for improving well-being with vitamin deficiency, chronic fatigue during the flu epidemic

* 200 grams of honey

*2 heads (medium) garlic, finely chopped

*Juice of 2.5 lemons

*2 shoots of golden mustache (if you can’t find it, you can do without it), cut and squeeze.

Mix everything and put in a cool place for a week.

Dosage: 1 time per day in the afternoon, 2 tsp. at intervals of 10 minutes. Course: 2-3 weeks.

Tincture for hypertension:

Crush two heads of garlic, pour the mixture with 250 grams of vodka, close it in a glass container, leave in a cool, dark place for 12 days. Take 3 times a day, 20 drops before meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Garlic oil:

Finely chop the garlic, it is better to crush it, put it in a 250 gram jar by ¾ and fill it with unrefined vegetable oil. Insist for two weeks.

Another recipe instant cooking garlic oil:

Peel 2-3 medium-sized cloves of garlic, mash and pour in any unrefined vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:3. Leave for a day, squeeze out. You can put it in your nose during an epidemic, but be sure to dilute it with water 1:1.

Recipe t of Tibetan balm for body rejuvenation (garlic).

So, a tincture of garlic in alcohol is a recipe for longevity. We will need new harvest garlic and rubbing alcohol. You can use well-purified moonshine.

Take 350 grams of mature, peeled garlic from a new harvest, finely crush it with a wooden mortar or rub it with a wooden spoon in a porcelain or wooden bowl until a homogeneous mass is obtained. We take 200 grams of this mass, the one with more juice (bottom) and fill it with 200 grams of purified medical alcohol.

We don’t throw away the top garlic, we send it to the table for lunch! We close the glass vessel and store it for 10 days in a cool, dark place, not in the refrigerator. After 10 days, strain the mass, leave its liquid opaque mass of about 250 grams for another 3 days. We begin treatment.

Take drops using a pipette, drop into cold milk (50 grams -1/4 cup) according to the scheme 20 minutes before meals:

DayBreakfastLunch Dinner

1th day 1 2 3

2nd day 4 5 6

3rd day 7 8 9

4th day 10 11 12

5 th day 13 14 15

6 th day 15 14 13

7 th day 12 11 10

8th day 9 8 7

9th day 6 5 4

10th day 321

Day 112525 25

Starting from the 12th day, take in the reverse order or, as on the first day, that is, 1-2-3 drops per dose, respectively, and so on...

This cleansing course is carried out once every three years.


It is recommended to use this elixir after 40 years of age, and repeat it no earlier than after 6 years. Avoid alcohol during treatment.

As a result of taking it, the body is transformed:

*cleanses the body
*metabolism improves,
*vessels become elastic, heart attack is prevented and stroke ,
*vision becomes sharper,
*skin rejuvenates,
*weight normalizes,
* the functioning of the whole body is improved.

Miracle Troika – tincture of honey and lemon with garlic.

A tincture of lemon, garlic and honey creates an elixir of youth that burns fat, lowers cholesterol in the blood, improves performance of cardio-vascular system and metabolism in the body.

There are several options for preparing the elixir. We bring to your attention one of the most popular recipes for preparing this miraculous folk remedy.


*lemons (10 pcs.);
*garlic (10 cloves);
*honey (1 l).


It is necessary to peel and pit the lemons and chop them.

Then add peeled and chopped garlic to the citrus.
Add honey and mix everything thoroughly.
The product must be transferred to a closed jar (cover it with a thin cloth so that the mixture can breathe).

It is necessary to keep the resulting product in a warm, dark place for about a week, then strain and take 4 teaspoons per day.

A tincture prepared correctly can retain its beneficial qualities for a year or even more.


It is not advisable to swallow the tincture immediately; it should be consumed slowly, slowly consuming one spoon after another. You need to take it every day. If you follow the recipe, this amount will last for one month.

If a person has problems falling asleep, then it is better not to use it before bedtime, then it should be taken at least 2 hours before bedtime, because it has an invigorating effect on people who have an easily excitable nervous system.

The tincture contains garlic, so many are interested in the question of the smell, because everyone knows that garlic has a very strong, persistent smell, but when mixed with lemon and honey, the smell of garlic is completely neutralized. Therefore, you can safely use this healing potion.

Garlic and milk:

Garlic and milk are a strange combination at first glance, but as the practice of traditional medicine has shown, it is very effective in various problems with health. In Rus', it has long been used by healers, celebrating positive influence on diseased blood vessels, heart and respiratory organs.

Here is a simple recipe that readers may find useful:

You need to take a tablespoon of finely chopped garlic cloves and add it to a glass of hot milk. The mixture should be boiled for a minute, then covered with a lid and left for half an hour. Afterwards, the composition is filtered through cheesecloth and consumed after meals, 2 tablespoons three times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Garlic, honey and cranberry:

Another noteworthy recipe for lowering cholesterol levels is based on ingredients such as cranberries, honey, and garlic. Numerous studies have proven that swamp berry cranberry prevents the formation of fatty plaques on the walls of arteries, protects against strokes, strengthens the walls blood vessels more durable.

Sour berries contain an impressive supply of phenolic antioxidants, which delay the aging process and fight cancer cells.

Here's an option medicinal composition with cranberries and previously reviewed products:

Grind a kilogram of cranberries through a meat grinder with 200 g of garlic cloves. To the resulting mixture you need to add natural honey in an amount of 100 g. The mixture must be mixed thoroughly and left for 3 days - let it infuse. You need to take the drug one tablespoon twice a day before meals. This remedy is also used to restore the patient after heart attack.

As we can see, treating blood vessels with garlic has been practiced for a long time and there are many varieties of folk recipes.

Despite the huge number useful properties, garlic has certain contraindications.

It is not advisable to use it if there is:

*some kidney diseases;
*stomach ulcer;

Garlic- simply a universal, unique remedy, but it cannot be used in large quantities for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Even in the absence of any disease, you should not use this product in significant amount, because it can lead to poisoning.

Signs of intoxication include severe headache, as well as the manifestation of absent-mindedness and inattention, which were not observed before. Garlic infusion is also contraindicated for pregnant women.

Health and excellent well-being to you!

Ancient homeopathic recipe to influence blood vessels, found in the east. A UNESCO expedition in 1971 in one of the monasteries of Tibet found a recipe several thousand years old. In the distant past, it was used very actively for cleaning blood vessels, helping people maintain health. What worked well then can have a great effect now.

Effects of garlic tincture

People in the East have long known that garlic can have a healing effect on humans. Tibetan recipe provides next action on the body:

  • removal of cholesterol, lipids and salt deposits from blood vessels, which can form atherosclerotic plaques;
  • improvement for the most part metabolic processes with the effect of rejuvenating cellular structures;
  • positive impact on vascular wall with increased elasticity, strengthening of arteries and veins;
  • increasing immune defense.

Garlic tincture has a fairly strong and pronounced effect on blood vessels, so this technique must be used with extreme caution. A preliminary consultation with a doctor and strict adherence to the treatment method are mandatory.

How to prepare an ancient tincture

At the stage of preparing the tincture with garlic, you must strictly follow the recipe. The technique includes the following steps:

  • finely chopped garlic (350 grams) must be ground in a mortar made of wood until smooth;
  • take only 200 grams of gruel from the bottom (there is more garlic juice there);
  • pour in medical alcohol in a volume of 200 ml in a glass jar or vessel;
  • Infuse the tightly packed container for 2 weeks.

How to take the tincture

Taking garlic medicine strictly regulated. Required condition– regular use, taken before meals and mixed with milk (a quarter glass at a time). The dosage indicated in the table must be strictly observed.

Dosage table (in drops)

The remaining medicine should be continued to be taken 25 drops three times a day until the entire preparation is completed. A repeat course is possible only after 6 years.

What complications can there be?

The safety of cleaning blood vessels with garlic tincture is relative: even in very small doses ancient recipe may cause the following complications:

  • exacerbation of inflammation in the stomach or pancreas;
  • deterioration of the condition against the background serious illnesses(malignant and benign tumors, vascular pathology, endocrine diseases);
  • increased symptoms of diseases of the pelvic organs (cystitis, pyelonephritis, hemorrhoids);
  • worsening neurological conditions (epilepsy);
  • sudden allergic reactions from rash to anaphylactic shock.


Cleansing blood vessels using garlic tincture has a serious impact on the human body. It is advisable to take into account the possible risk and the onset of complications: the technique can be used only after consulting a doctor with the exception of all contraindications, which include:

  • chronic and acute diseases digestive system(gastritis, ulcer in the stomach or duodenum, calculous cholecystitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis);
  • illnesses urinary system V acute stage(cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis);
  • various types of tumors (prostate adenoma, oncopathology);
  • presence in the past of at least one epileptic seizure;
  • spicy vascular conditions(stroke, heart attack, dissecting aneurysm, thromboembolism);
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • allergy to garlic.

Garlic has been extremely popular for more than several thousand years. No wonder it was called the king of all spices and was given to warriors before long military campaigns. Nowadays this aromatic plant is actively used in folk medicine, in cooking and home cosmetology. The bulbs of the plant can be used in the form of tinctures, and you can find recipes for some of them below.

Recipe 1

Use this recipe if you need to cleanse your vessels.


  • 100 g garlic cloves;
  • 0.5 l of vodka.


  1. Grind the cloves thoroughly with a knife, mortar or garlic clove until mushy.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture with vodka and place the container in a dark place.
  3. Take it out a few times a week and shake it slightly.
  4. After a month, remove the container and strain the tincture.

Recipe 2

This garlic tincture with alcohol will help against bad cholesterol.


  • 300 g peeled cloves;
  • 1 liter of alcohol;
  • jar or bottle;


  1. Grind the cloves into a paste. Place in a clean jar and fill with alcohol.
  2. Infuse the product for three weeks.

Recipe 3

This garlic infusion is prepared not with alcohol, but with water, so it can be used by those who have contraindications to drinking alcohol.


  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 200 ml of clean water.


  1. Boil water and at the same time thoroughly chop the cloves.
  2. Pour water over the resulting slurry and leave for about one hour.


Garlic contains B vitamins, thanks to which this product has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, strengthens hair and improves vision. Vitamins A and E contained in it help preserve youthful skin. And thanks to vitamin PP, the use of garlic improves the functioning of the heart, stomach and intestines, and also dilates blood vessels. The bulb of this plant contains many other substances, such as essential oils, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, and various acids. The composition, rich in minerals and vitamins, has a beneficial effect on the level of cholesterol in the blood, the condition of blood vessels, and the entire human body as a whole.


Garlic tincture is a universal medicine, as it can help with a large number of different diseases. It has an analgesic, diuretic, anthelmintic and wound healing effect. And these are not all the effects that garlic tincture produces on the human body.

For cleaning vessels

The presented tincture for cleaning blood vessels is widely used in folk medicine. And this is natural, because it only affects them positively, makes them more elastic and cleanses well. Use vodka tincture one teaspoon at a time. Always use the product three times a day and before meals.

For cholesterol

Prepare a medicine from cloves in alcohol and forget about the problem of cholesterol in the blood! Just take the product three times a day, diluting 20 drops in 100 ml of milk.

For colds

Water infusion is used for various colds. They gargle or put drops in their nose. And if you have a sore throat, you don’t have to wait for infusion, but immediately pour boiling water over the cloves and use the mixture. For treatment, it is necessary to inhale steam through the mouth and exhale through the nose. Carry out the steam treatment procedure 2 times a day.

In addition, the garlic potion in vodka, alcohol or water is used for diseases such as:

  • hypertension;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • increased blood viscosity;
  • diabetes.


Despite the huge number of beneficial properties, garlic has certain contraindications. It is not advisable to use it if there is:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • some kidney diseases;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • hepatitis;
  • asthma;
  • epilepsy.

Even in the absence of any disease, you should not consume this product in significant quantities, because it can lead to poisoning. Signs of intoxication include a severe headache, as well as the manifestation of absent-mindedness and inattention, which were not observed before. Garlic infusion is also contraindicated for pregnant women.

If you put together recipes for various garlic infusions, you will get a volume no less than the famous “Book of Tasty and healthy food" This is such an amazing doctor that nature gave to man! The most interesting, unusual and effective garlic elixirs can be purchased not at the pharmacy, but can be prepared yourself.

Pythagoras crowned garlic as the lord of spices, but the merits of this plant are even more significant. A pungent tincture mixed with wine and opium, for a long time was a panacea for terrible diseases.“Vitamins for strength and courage” were chewed daily by gladiators and legionnaires. And the belief that garlic, hung in garlands in the house, wards off evil forces and diseases is still alive today.

His Majesty Garlic is the king of spices, but is also used for medicinal purposes.

Dysentery, typhus, scurvy - that's far from full list terrible enemies of man, in the fight against which garlic emerged victorious. Until now, ancient recipes for garlic tincture in Russia are used to treat kidneys, remove sand and stones, in China they are used to fight colds, skin, gynecological and other diseases, in Japan the plant is even used in cancer therapy.

When devastating epidemics of plague and cholera devastated medieval cities, only garlic, in the absence of other medicines, saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. On the empty streets there were strange figures of doctors in closed long robes and bizarre “bird” masks. To avoid infection, the “plague doctor” continually chewed garlic and filled the long beak of the mask with teeth, through which he breathed.

The plague doctor's mask with garlic became the prototype of a gas mask

What are the benefits of garlic

The garlic “tablet” contains an enviable range of vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial substances, which, when infused correctly, become a concentrated extract without being destroyed. But what is especially important for the healing power of the plant is the presence of up to hundreds of sulfur-containing compounds, as well as phytoncides - in particular, natural antibiotic allicin. In tandem, allicin and sulfides neutralize the strongest poisons - waste products of harmful microorganisms, suppressing their activity.

Garlic cloves are “pills” for many ailments

How does garlic show its strength and medicinal talent:

  • protects against viruses, bacteria, including staphylococci, pathogenic fungi;
  • renews, cleanses and heals the body;
  • normalizes heart function;
  • works as an antioxidant and anticarcinogen;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and nervous system;
  • treats joint diseases;
  • acts as a wound healing and analgesic;
  • improves digestion;
  • normalizes blood pressure levels;
  • improves blood quality, prevents thrombosis;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • rejuvenates blood vessels, removes excess cholesterol;
  • activates metabolism, promotes weight loss.

Excellent results have been seen when using garlic tinctures to strengthen the body, restore immunity, rejuvenation, vigor and vitality. It’s interesting that the already powerful healing properties are greatly enhanced in combination with other products: for example, honey, lemon, iodine.

Recipes and secrets of garlic infusions

There are many recipes - proven and proven garlic extracts. But in order for the tincture to “work” as efficiently as possible, it is important to prepare it correctly. It's not difficult, although there are points that must be followed.

Healing power garlic in a jar - help for immunity

The first is to select only ripe, fresh and juicy garlic. Alcohol tinctures are stored for more than a year without damage useful qualities. Therefore, it makes sense to make them in advance and on time, at the peak of the garlic season, and not cook them in small portions, as needed. Secondly, do not use anything metal in cooking. A garlic grinder, a grater, a meat grinder and even a blender are not the best best options. It would be more correct to grind the cloves in a mortar - ceramic, wooden, stone. Third, the finished product must, of course, be stored away from light and heat. Storage utensils should never be made of plastic - only glass or ceramics.

Tibetan monks formula - garlic and alcohol

The famous and even legendary tincture of garlic with alcohol is known to many. Systematic use of this drug allows you to preserve youth for a long time - vigor and beauty of the body, mental acuity. Was the recipe really made? Tibetan monks? Is it really that important...


  • garlic - 0.3 kg;
  • alcohol - 0.2 l.


  1. Crush the garlic thoroughly in a mortar.
  2. Separate a third of the cake, pour alcohol into the juicy mass and seal tightly.
  3. Infuse for ten days, strain and let stand for another two to three days.

To obtain results, you must strictly adhere to the treatment regimen. Tibetan tincture should be taken a quarter of an hour before meals, with cool milk, following the diagram.

Recommendation for taking Tibetan tincture - table

Reception days Amount of tincture in drops


Dinner Dinner
1st 2 2 3
2nd 4 5 6
3rd 7 8 9
4th 10 11 12
5th 13 14 15
6th 15 14 13
7th 12 11 10
8th 9 8 7
9th 6 5 4
10th 3 2 1
11th 25 25 25

If alcohol-based products are contraindicated, alcohol can be replaced with apple cider vinegar.

Medicinal tincture of garlic with vodka

Among numerous options vodka tincture this recipe is one of the most interesting.

Garlic vodka: ten drops - no more!


  • garlic - two large heads;
  • vodka - 0.5 l;
  • mint - one sprig.


  1. To prepare the tincture, you need a bottle or jar made of dark glass. It needs to be preheated so that your hands can tolerate the hot glass.
  2. Coarsely chopped garlic is poured onto the bottom of the bottle and immediately filled with vodka.
  3. Mint is added to improve the aroma.
  4. Then everything is traditional: seal it, put it in a dark place, shake it periodically.

The filtered tincture is taken morning and evening, ten drops before meals - as tonic wide range actions.

To improve the taste, you can add a few pieces of peeled ginger root to the tincture.

Cognac with lemon

To quickly restore strength after suffering from the flu, sore throat or other infectious disease, prepare a cognac tincture. This ancient remedy can also be used to save one from the effects of overwork or prolonged stress.

When overworked, healing drops will help - garlic in cognac


  • garlic - 0.1 kg;
  • half a lemon;
  • cognac - 0.5 l.


  1. Mix cognac with chopped garlic and lemon and leave for 24 hours.
  2. Take five drops diluted with milk three times a day - half an hour before meals or an hour after meals.

With red wine (Cahors)

This old Russian recipe is excellent cold remedy. In addition, the tincture has a pronounced restorative and restorative effect, supports the immune system, and cleanses the blood.

Garlic wine old recipe excellent against acute respiratory infections


  • garlic - one large head;
  • Cahors - 0.7 l.


  1. Chop the garlic thoroughly.
  2. Pour wine over the resulting slurry.
  3. Close the bottle tightly and leave it in a dark place for a week.
  4. The bottle of tincture should be shaken daily.
  5. Store the filtered infusion in the refrigerator.

Before use, garlic cahors can be warmed up a little. Take it twice a day, immediately before meals, for a long time - from one to three months. The effectiveness of the tincture directly depends on how high-quality the wine was taken for its preparation. Cahors can be replaced with good dry or even ordinary homemade wine - the main thing is that the product is natural!

Treatment can be supplemented by taking linseed oil- 1 teaspoon before breakfast.

With iodine

This remedy is so powerful that people have dubbed it “magic iodine.” The tincture perfectly heals small wounds, resolves bruises, and relieves joint pain.

How to prepare magic iodine - video


  • garlic - 5–6 cloves;
  • iodine - 3–5 small bottles.


  1. Chop the garlic well and immediately add iodine.
  2. Pour into a dark glass bottle.
  3. Leave for at least a week, shaking occasionally.

Lubricate sore spots with magic iodine. The effect is instant!

  • Infuse for at least three days, but no more than a week.
  • The bottle is shaken periodically.
  • The strained contents can be consumed orally - in reasonable doses - as an excellent prevention of colds and other infectious diseases. In advanced cases, the tincture will cure colds and relieve sore throat.
  • To rinse, just add one or two tablespoons of garlic pepper to a glass of warm water.
  • External use of garlic tincture and capsicum helps strengthen and make thick hair. Long-term correct application can cope with baldness. To do this, a small amount of liquid should be rubbed daily, carefully massaging, into the scalp. The effect of this procedure is enhanced by hot wraps. But it must be remembered that the burning tandem can cause skin burns. Therefore, striving for thick hair, do not forget about a sense of proportion!

    With honey and propolis

    A tincture of honey and garlic significantly improves immunity and serves as a prevention of infectious diseases.

    Honey garlic - elixir of strength


    • garlic - 0.2 kg;
    • alcohol - 0.1 l;
    • propolis tincture - 10 g;
    • honey - 50 g.


    1. It is important to grind the garlic very finely into a homogeneous paste.
    2. Then pour the resulting slurry with alcohol and leave in a cool, dark place for three weeks. Filter the extract and add honey and propolis tincture to it.
    3. Mix the product thoroughly until the honey is completely dissolved.

    The drug is taken three times a day for a month. Reception begins with one drop, daily the dosage is increased by one drop until it reaches fifteen. From this day on, the norm decreases in the reverse order until it drops to one drop per dose.

    Panacea, but not for everyone!

    You need to be careful and attentive when starting to take garlic tinctures - treatment with them can bring both benefit and harm if used incorrectly.

    There is both individual intolerance to garlic and its preparations, and increased sensitivity to him. Garlic in large quantities, and even more so alcohol-containing tinctures made from it, are dangerous for pregnant and lactating women, small children and the elderly. And everyone else should strictly adhere to dosages and dosage regimens.

    Those who suffer from heart and stomach ailments, in particular gastritis and peptic ulcer. The use of garlic preparations for epilepsy and chronic diseases kidneys - this way you can provoke an exacerbation of the problem.

    Also, fresh garlic in tinctures can be replaced with dried or even peeled garlic - the resulting product will have a milder effect and will not cause irritation to the gastric mucosa.

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