Acute and chronic candidiasis: causes, symptoms, treatment. Candidiasis and its treatment

When Candida albicans is under control immune system and is balanced with other bacteria, it does not pose any problem to the body.

Bacteria of the genus Candida in the human body belong to a fungal infection, better known as CANDIDIASIS.

Candida albicans lives on all mucous membranes, such as the intestines, eyes, ears, bladder, stomach, lungs, vagina, etc.

It is one of millions of other friendly microorganisms that serve to benefit us. One of important functions Candida is to recognize and destroy harmful bacteria.

When Candida albicans is under control of the immune system and balanced with other bacteria, it poses no problem to the body.

But when these fungi get out of control and begin to grow, they appear various symptoms including allergies, fatigue, headaches, bloating, digestive disorders, vaginitis, arthritis, muscle weakness, joint pain, nasal congestion, chest pain or tightness, blurred vision, ear problems, weight gain, hypoglycemia, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, foggy thinking, memory loss and many others.

THIS IS A VERY COMMON DISEASE, but it remains controversial as a medical diagnosis and is not widely accepted among medical practitioners.

The spread of this disease is facilitated by:

  • wide application antibiotics,
  • consumption of refined carbohydrates and yeast,
  • impaired immunity due to exposure to environmental toxins,
  • poor nutrition and lifestyle.

Candida albicans produces up to 180 DIFFERENT TOXINS in the body that can affect the liver, hormonal balance, worsen immunity and cause cravings for sweets.

A weakened immune system increases the risk of recurrent infections and other diseases.


A healthy immune system maintains a balance of Candida with other microorganisms on the mucous membranes, but under certain conditions they begin to grow out of control and enter the circulatory system.

The causes of immune system dysfunction are varied and complex, but antibiotics are the biggest culprits because they destroy friendly microorganisms in the digestive system.

Fungi of the genus Candida are resistant to antibiotics, and the resulting imbalance of microorganisms allows yeast to multiply uncontrollably.

Other causes of candidiasis include:

As mentioned earlier, Candida produces toxins that circulate throughout the body and lead to further weakening of the immune system, creating havoc throughout the body.

Candida yeast itself has a branched structure; it grows through the intestinal wall and its spores enter the bloodstream and various organs, causing systemic candidiasis. They also leave microscopic holes in the intestinal lining, which allows toxins, undigested food particles, bacteria and yeast to continually enter the circulatory system.

The fact that Candida from the intestine can enter the bloodstream through its walls has been scientifically proven (Infection and Immunity. 1993;61:619-626).

This condition is known as "leaky gut syndrome" , which causes food allergies, adrenal fatigue and many other health problems.

The branched structure of Candida causes significant damage to the intestinal walls, resulting in malabsorption of nutrients, which further aggravates the disease.


There are several ways to check this. These include:

1. SALIVA TEST on the level of antibodies to IgA, IgM IgG- globulins. The body produces these antibodies to fight various strains of Candida.

  • IgM-Antibodies indicate a real infection.
  • IgG–antibodies reflect past or current infection and are typically produced after initial exposure to it (meaning your infection is more severe if your IgG levels are elevated).
  • Increased levels IgA may indicate a more superficial candidal infection.

2. BLOOD TESTS- any doctor can prescribe a blood test for the presence of antibodies to Candida.

3. BACTERIOLOGICAL STUDY OF FECAL- stool analysis can determine the presence of yeast in the intestines, but this analysis gives a vague idea of ​​​​the severity of the infectious process.

If any of these methods are positive for Candida, then you should take it seriously.




1. ANTI-FUNGAL DIET– Stop eating foods contaminated with fungus, such as peanuts, sugars and starches, which feed Candida.

Start this diet for two weeks before using any supplements to starve the candida fungus and make it more vulnerable to treatment.

The diet must be continued throughout the entire treatment protocol.This is very important because no treatment will be successful if you introduce fungi into the body or continuously feed them and prevent them from being eliminated.

2. UNDECANOIC ACID- 200 mg three times a day. This fatty acid extracted from castor oil and has proven to be a powerful natural antifungal agent.

CAPRYLIC ACID is another drug that is extracted from coconut oil, is also widely used, but undecanoic acid is 6 times stronger.

Undecanoic and caprylic acids help eradicate systemic Candida infections. The systemic effect is very important, since most treatments only kill the fungi in the intestines, and many believe that the immune system will then “finish off” everything else.

Many patients have a weakened immune system that will not eradicate the infection.

3.OLIVE LEAVE EXTRACT- from 5 to 10 ml twice a day. It also has systemic antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties that work well with the use of undecanoic and caprylic acids.

4. DIGESTIVE ENZYMES– taken with every meal, as Candida disrupts digestion.

After the first two weeks of the anti-candida diet, use the supplements mentioned above for 2 months. The recovery time depends on how deep the fungus is in your tissues and how carefully you adhere to the treatment plan.

To completely eradicate the fungus, it takes time from SEVERAL MONTHS TO A YEAR. Repeated testing - after 2 months of treatment.

In some resistant cases, we recommend intensifying the cleansing of the body by taking the drug nystatin , which is an antifungal agent. We use a 3 week protocol developed by Dr Bruce Semon MD. This protocol will eradicate the fungus in the intestines, since nystatin is not absorbed into the blood and thus has no systemic effect.


1. PREBIOTICS- include foods in your diet: bananas, onions, asparagus, chicory and burdock root; they contain fructose-containing oligosaccharides, which are used by beneficial microflora in the intestines as nutrition. If you don't like these foods, there are various prebiotic supplements available.

2. PROBIOTICS - beneficial bacteria in the intestines need to be replaced, and we recommend taking a variety of probiotic mixtures. This will help prevent recurrent candida infections in the future.


1. “REPAIR” OF THE INTESTINE- glutamine, zinc, pantothenic acid and others nutrients who play important role in the differentiation of intestinal mucosal cells to help repair leaky gut caused by Candida.

2. IMPROVING THE FUNCTION OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM is an important step to help prevent future reinfection.

There are many supplements that help improve immune system function. The ones we recommend include Vitamin D3 and Glyconutrients.

All supplements outlined in steps 2 and 3 should be taken together after step 1.

The course of treatment with these supplements is from 6 to 8 weeks or more, depending on the progress of treatment.

After you have completed your course of treatment, your intestinal lining should be more resistant to re-infection by improving immunity and balancing the intestinal flora.

Symptoms should disappear at this stage. Many patients also report weight loss as the excessive bloat is no longer present. published

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, seek advice regarding the use of any medicines and treatment options, consult your doctor.

About a disease like candidiasis Unfortunately, almost every woman knows. This clearly illustrates its prevalence. In fact, the disease, which is more often known under the name, goes beyond diseases of the reproductive system and can occur both in the respiratory organs and in gastrointestinal tract.

Fungi are the source of the disease Candida , which gave origin to the name of the disease. This is a fairly diverse genus of yeast-like fungi, in which there are over ten varieties.

U healthy woman these fungi are present in certain quantities not only in the vagina, but also in the flora of the intestines and oral cavity. However, when favorable conditions these fungi can actively reproduce, during which other components of the flora are displaced.

The most common factor contributing to the proliferation of fungi is low level immunity . There are other causes of candidiasis, which will be discussed later, but all of them directly or indirectly reduce the body’s ability to resist various diseases.

It is believed that candidiasis (and thrush, as a special case) are relatively safe diseases. Basics Negative influence is unpleasant sensations accompanying the development of fungi. Itching, curdled discharge, pain when urinating and other symptoms of thrush affect a woman’s personal life, sometimes making sexual relations impossible.

Separately, we draw attention to the fact that the mentioned signs may indicate more serious problems health problems that pose a mortal threat. An example is, which at the initial stages can manifest itself as candidiasis.

Causes of candidiasis

The range of possible factors that contribute to the proliferation of fungi Candida , quite wide. But they all basically come down to a decrease in the body’s defenses. But we will list below the factors that may cause this decrease.

It is known that candidiasis can develop as by-effect when taking certain medical supplies(we are talking about a series and ). Immunity may suffer during corresponding diseases, the main of which is HIV.

Local development of thrush can be caused by poor hygiene, wearing underwear of the wrong size or poor quality, and unfavorable environmental conditions. Thrush is an “occupational” disease of women who work in warm and humid environments.

The development of fungi can be caused by a violation of the bacterial composition of the intestinal or vaginal flora, which causes dysbacteriosis. Hormonal changes, reducing the body's defenses, may be a consequence.

Symptoms of thrush

Before we start talking about the signs of the disease, we note that the symptoms of thrush in men and women are different. Very often, out of ignorance, treatment of candidiasis is carried out only by women, while carriers fungal infection there can be both partners. With such one-sided treatment, its effectiveness is significantly reduced, and it only goes away while taking the drugs.

The characteristic feature of thrush in women is curdled discharge white. They can be of different consistencies and sizes, but their first appearance from the vagina indicates the proliferation of fungi.

A less characteristic, but equally constant companion of the disease in both sexes is itching. In women, it can be continuous and unbearable, as a result of which the patient constantly scratches the outer part of the genital organs, which often ends in damage to the mucous membrane vulva varying degrees gravity.

One more common feature are painful sensations during copulation or during urination. These symptoms of thrush are not obligatory, that is, the disease can go away in the absence of any pain in the genitals. This is especially true for the chronic form (duration of the disease over two months).

As for individual symptoms, in women candidiasis is manifested by an unpleasant sour odor, and in men by a white coating, rashes or redness of the glans penis.

Diagnosis of thrush

When examining a patient, the doctor first of all pays attention to whether characteristic thrush symptoms . To do this, the presence of white discharge and a grayish coating on the vaginal mucosa is visually determined. The presence of itching invariably leads to scratching, damage and abrasions, which are found when visual inspection at the gynecologist.

Modern diagnosis of thrush is also based on the results laboratory research a smear taken from the vagina. Candidiasis is primarily a fungus, so microscopic examination is aimed at identifying fungal mycelium . If the fungus is actually actively reproducing, then no special equipment is needed to detect it. precise methods identification of individual organisms.

Diagnosis of thrush can be greatly simplified thanks to complete and reliable patient testimony. Describe all complaints to a specialist in detail, and seek qualified help at the first symptoms.

Treatment of candidiasis

In order for the treatment of candidiasis to be effective, you need to remember the main factors that contribute to the rapid proliferation of fungi Candida . It is these reasons that should be minimized in every possible way.

If thrush arose as a result of other ailments, then treatment of candidiasis should begin with getting rid of these diseases, be it problems with the immune system. It is imperative that before choosing specific drugs, a specialist must take a culture that allows you to determine the specific variety of mushrooms.

Based on the results of the research, a specific type of treatment and medications are selected. Treatment of thrush should be both general and local. General includes taking drugs that suppress the microflora of the mucous membrane, resulting in a decrease in the rate of fungal proliferation. These drugs include others.

In parallel with the general local treatment of candidiasis with suppositories and ointments . Sometimes, in the initial stages, the use local methods turns out to be sufficient for complete recovery. In more advanced stages, its effectiveness increases by taking the above medications.

In conclusion, let us note a few features. First, both partners should take medications for general treatment, even if only one of them shows symptoms of thrush. Secondly, general treatment affects the entire vaginal microflora, disrupting its normal composition. Therefore, in parallel, as prescribed by the doctor, you must also take medications that restore it.

The doctors


Diet, nutrition for thrush

List of sources

  • Savicheva A.M., Kisina V.I., Sokolovsky E.V. and others. Vulvovaginal candidiasis. Guidelines for doctors. St. Petersburg: Publishing House N-L, 2009;
  • Potekaev N.N., Gadzhiev M.N. Genital candidiasis in women. Gynecology 2001;
  • Klimko, N.N. Mycoses: diagnosis and treatment. Guide for doctors / N.N. Klimko. - 2nd ed. reworked and additional - M.: VG group, 2008;
  • Kubas V.G. and others. Candida infection. - St. Petersburg, 1996.

What is candidiasis? This is a disease that affects the mucous membrane, organs, and skin. Its formation occurs as a result of infection of the body by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Such fungi can be present in soil, vegetables, fruits and even household items.


The presented disease can be caused by many various factors. Among them are:

  • stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • venereal diseases;
  • infections;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • using uncomfortable or synthetic underwear.


Taking into account the area affected by the disease, the following types of candidiasis are distinguished:

  1. Surface.
  2. Interdigital.
  3. Candidiasis of the mucous membranes.
  4. Yeast paronychia and onychia.
  5. Candidiasis vulvitis and colpitis (vulvovaginal candidiasis).


This form of the disease is characterized by damage to the smooth skin and mucous membranes. Skin candidiasis originates from large folds, where the formation of erymatous-punctate foci with vesicles, erosions and pustules occurs. Cutaneous candidiasis involves the presence of affected areas, which are characterized by clear scalloped edges.

The erosion surface has a smooth, shiny appearance, sometimes a whitish coating is found.

Skin candidiasis can be of two types: erythematous and vesicular. The first type is characterized by the presence of foci on the surface of which erosion and weeping predominate. Candidiasis of the skin of the vesicular type is characterized by the formation large quantity serapules, blisters, pustules and vesicles.


This form of yeast infection is most often diagnosed in schoolchildren and adults whose work requires long-term work in garden plots. In this case, you can find foci of maceration between the fingers with edematous-stagnant hyperemic skin.

Damage to mucous membranes

With this form of the disease, genital candidiasis and yeast-like lesions develop oral cavity. Symptoms depend on the location of the lesion. Candidiasis of the oral cavity and mucous membranes is accompanied by the presence of a whitish cheesy coating, on the surface of which there is a peelable film. When it is removed, erythema may develop. Candidiasis in the mouth can affect:

  • language;
  • corners of the mouth;
  • lips;
  • tonsils.

Oral candidiasis occupies a leading position in relation to all localizations of this disease in the gastrointestinal tract. Candidal stomatitis very often affects newborns and adults who use dentures.

Due to the presence of white cheesy deposits in the oral cavity, candidal stomatitis is also called “thrush”. Candidal stomatitis at the initial stage has the following characteristic symptoms:

  • small areas of redness;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the gums, cheeks, tongue;
  • when the lesions merge, white cheesy deposits appear, which increase in size over time;
  • When the film is removed, the surface becomes smooth, shiny and deep red.

Oral candidiasis does not cause increased body temperature or swollen lymph nodes.

If candidal stomatitis of a chronic form is present, then it is characterized by its own manifestations:

  • coarse deposits more closely adjacent to the affected mucosa;
  • after removing the film, erosions form underneath them;
  • an increase in the size of the tongue, covering its surface with deep grooves.

Oral candidiasis, which affects only the corners of the mouth, is formed due to the spread of yeast bacteria from the affected area. It is characterized by the presence of erosions or cracks of a grayish-white hue with clear boundaries. Candidiasis of the lips has a bluish tint in the area of ​​the red border of the lips, peeling in the form of grayish plates.

If we are talking about a disease such as candidiasis of the tongue, then its symptoms are very similar to the manifestations fungal infection throat. The disease occurs in the form of stomatitis, bleeding wounds and ulcers form on the mucous membrane. Later certain time White bubbles and films appear at the site of these wounds. Gradually, candidiasis of the tongue spreads and covers an increasingly larger surface.

Gastrointestinal lesions

Gastric candidiasis is a disease that belongs to the type of visceral candidiasis. It is formed by the following reasons: peptic ulcer, low acidity gastric juice.

Intestinal candidiasis is a consequence of prolonged therapy with modern antibiotics. Intestinal candidiasis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • flatulence;
  • discomfort;
  • diarrhea.

In addition, intestinal candidiasis can cause pain in the abdomen, and blood or mucus is found in the patient's stool. A person has a feeling incomplete emptying intestines. If intestinal candidiasis occurs in severe form, then it is characterized by an invasive phase. A diagnosis of intestinal candidiasis can only be made after the composition of the intestinal flora has been studied.

Esophageal candidiasis is a disease that is very difficult to identify among all those available in the field of gastroenterology. The disease is characterized by a discrepancy between the severity of the disease, the level of damage and the condition of the patient himself. Almost 30% of patients may not even suspect that they have esophageal candidiasis. As a rule, this applies to those people who have a low level of immunity. However, esophageal candidiasis has the following manifestations:

  • heartburn;
  • poor appetite;
  • disturbances in the process of swallowing food;
  • painful sensations during swallowing;
  • chest pain;
  • frequent vomiting and nausea;
  • temperature increase;
  • diarrhea;
  • painful attacks in upper section belly.

There are cases when candidiasis of the esophagus, accompanied by pain when swallowing, does not even allow you to swallow water. This condition can contribute to dehydration. When vomiting occurs, characteristic whitish films can be found in the vomit.

This form of the disease is characterized by itching and a burning sensation of varying intensity. Candida vulvitis occurs in women during the premenstrual period and postmenstrual phase. Vaginal candidiasis is accompanied by intense and moderate inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genital organs; a purple-bluish tint may be present. In addition, vulvitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • small rashes in the form of vesicles, when opened, erosions are formed;
  • vulvovaginal candidiasis may be accompanied by layers in the form of white cheesy crumbly films;
  • dryness and lichenification of the labia minora and majora, which have a whitish surface;
  • the itching that causes candidal colpitis intensifies when urinating, after taking a bath and having sexual intercourse.

Vulvovaginal candidiasis is of two types:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

When candidal colpitis occurs in acute form, then it is accompanied by cheesy vaginal discharge, swelling and redness of the mucous membranes.

If vaginal candidiasis occurs in chronic form, then the external mucous membranes of the genital organs are in a state of infiltration and hyperemia.

In the case of gynecological examination, vulvovaginal candidiasis is accompanied by bleeding of layered tissues, the presence of gray-white deposits, which are very difficult to separate with a spatula.

Vulvovaginal candidiasis can have the following consequences:

  • vaginal stenosis;
  • increased risk of pelvic infections;
  • recurrent urinary system infections;
  • miscarriage;
  • birth of low birth weight babies;
  • chorioamnionitis;
  • premature rupture of membranes;
  • premature labor.

Damage to the male body

Candidiasis in men manifests itself taking into account the following diseases:

  1. Balanitis is a superficial infection of the penis by yeast bacteria. Characteristic symptoms candidiasis in men in this case causes erosion, redness, and swelling. Spotty-scaly foci of hyperemia appear on the penis.
  2. Urogenital candidiasis is a lesion of the urethra. Its symptoms can often be confused with gonorrhea, but urogenital candidiasis is less acute. Candidiasis in men in this form has incubation period, the duration of which is 4 days-2 months.
  3. Cystitis - inflammation Bladder. Such candidiasis in men is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the area of ​​the affected organ and frequent urination. The urine becomes cloudy, and blood may be found in it.

Candidiasis and pregnancy

Candidiasis during pregnancy is diagnosed very often. Transmission of the infection occurs in an ascending manner and can damage the umbilical cord, skin and mucous membranes. If severe sepsis is present, then there is high risk fetal death. Candidiasis in women during pregnancy is difficult to treat, since certain medications are prohibited for them.


Laser research methods include:

  • microscopy of a smear of discharge;
  • cultural diagnostics;
  • linked immunosorbent assay;
  • polymerase chain reaction.


Treatment of candidiasis involves correct selection drugs depending on the type of fungus. Otherwise, a drug-resistant strain may arise, and under such conditions, treatment of candidiasis will be difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to treat this disease comprehensively.

Therapeutic measures to combat the disease in women

If vulvovaginal candidiasis occurs in mild degree, then treatment of candidiasis in women will include only the use of local remedies:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Miconazole;
  • Natamycin;
  • Nystatin.

When using suppositories and creams, urogenital candidiasis recedes after 5–7 days. After using local remedies, you need to be at rest for about half an hour. Therefore use vaginal suppositories and tablets to cure urogenital candidiasis, better before going to bed.

Therapeutic measures in the fight against disease in men

Treatment of candidiasis in men is based on the use of local antifungal agents. The doctor prescribes creams or ointments based on clotrimazole. The course of therapy is 7 days. If this treatment of candidiasis in men does not give the desired effect, medications are used general action. During the entire time that candidiasis in men is being treated, sexual intercourse is prohibited.

Treatment of candidiasis in the oral cavity

Candidal stomatitis can be treated with symptomatic therapy, the purpose of which is to eliminate unpleasant and painful sensations. Oral candidiasis can be treated with the following medications:

  1. Antifungal drugs. Candidal stomatitis can be treated using Levorin, Nystatin, Decamine, Amphotericin, Diflucan.
  2. 2–3% potassium iodide. In this case, you can eliminate candidal stomatitis if you take this remedy 3 times a day, a tablespoon.
  3. Active vitamin therapy. It is impossible to treat candidal stomatitis without prescribing vitamins PP, C and group B.

Candidiasis of the tongue and the entire oral cavity can be treated using local remedies:

  • Decamine ointment, clotrimazole ointment, amphotericin ointment are intended for lubricating the mucous membrane affected by candidal stomatitis;
  • A 2–3% sodium tetraborate solution can be used to treat candidiasis by rinsing the mouth;
  • Lugol's solution in glycerin helps to defeat candidal stomatitis if it is lubricated with the mucous membrane;
  • careful hygiene and treatment with antiseptics is a prerequisite for combating a disease called candidal stomatitis.

Treatment of candidiasis in children

Treatment of candidiasis in children must begin with proper nutrition. It should be rational and rich in vitamins. Treat affected areas with the following means:

If the disease is severe, it must be treated with nystatin.

Appearance alarming symptoms requires taking urgent measures - contacting a doctor. If pseudomycelium is detected in a woman’s smear during tests, this is a signal that the yeast-like fungus candida is beginning to actively multiply in the body. What symptoms are the infection characterized by, why does it occur, how to fight the causative agents of the disease - the answers to the questions are useful for everyone who wants to maintain their health.

What is candida fungus

The human body is inhabited by a huge number of bacteria that help it function properly. When there are no health problems, they are all in balance. Candida albicans - one of these microorganisms - lives in the normal intestinal microflora, on the mucous membrane of the vagina, and oral cavity. This is what he looks like in the photo. These pathogenic microorganisms:

  • round shape;
  • about 10 microns in size;
  • live at temperatures up to 37 degrees;
  • are resistant to adverse conditions.

When, for some reason, a decrease in immunity occurs in the body, rapid growth of yeast fungi begins. The normal microflora is disrupted. This situation causes:

  • development of candidiasis - thrush;
  • nail damage;
  • spread of infection in the oral cavity;
  • inflammation of the intestinal mucous membranes;
  • disease of the respiratory system and nervous system.

How is it transmitted?

The main danger of candidiasis is that the infection spreads at high speed. Candida quickly affects the mucous membranes of the entire body. Fungal disease is transmitted sexually by unprotected sex. Possible infection through:

  • Food;
  • bed sheets;
  • Houseware;
  • poorly washed fruits and vegetables;
  • kisses;
  • toys;
  • gaskets;
  • personal hygiene items.

Yeast-like fungus can enter the body when medical intervention during a gynecological or dental examination with a poorly processed instrument. Candida albicans is transmitted by:

  • from a woman to a child during childbirth;
  • by airborne droplets;
  • newborns through poorly washed diapers;
  • when using other people's objects, clothes.

Symptoms of candidiasis

What is candidiasis? This infection, provoked by the rapid proliferation of yeast-like fungi. The pathology is accompanied by symptoms depending on the location of the lesion. Patients with candidiasis experience:

  • nail fungus;
  • skin lesions;
  • muscle pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased gas formation;
  • nasal congestion;
  • rashes on the lining of the oral cavity;
  • redness of the genitals;
  • headache.

The fungal disease candidiasis often has symptoms similar to other ailments:

  • candida in the intestines provokes a deterioration in appetite, heaviness in the abdomen, inclusions in the stool, similar to cottage cheese;
  • the growth of candida on the surface of the skin causes redness, papules, blisters, erosions;
  • with oral candidiasis, there is a whitish coating on the surfaces of the gums, cheeks, tongue, and cracks on the lips.

Among women

Pathogenic microorganisms of the genus Candida affect the vaginal mucosa, causing dangerous and serious disease. What is thrush in women? It is an infection of the external and internal genitalia caused by pathogenic microflora, the activity of the fungus. Factors that contribute to candida overgrowth:

  • lack of normal immunity;
  • allergic diseases;
  • taking contraceptives;
  • eating foods containing yeast, sugar;
  • antibiotic treatment of viruses;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diabetes.

When thrush develops, a woman experiences the following signs of candida infection:

  • pain and burning during sex;
  • menstruation disorders;
  • curdled vaginal discharge;
  • pain when urinating;
  • the appearance of a specific kefir odor;
  • decline sexual desire;
  • genital irritation;
  • pain in the pelvic area;
  • infertility.

In men

Men also suffer from fungal activity. This is facilitated by toxins formed as waste products of bacteria. Candida affects the skin and affects the genitals. Men experience symptoms of thrush similar to female symptoms:

  • pain when urinating;
  • the appearance of a rash, a whitish coating on the genitals;
  • formation of papules.

A fungus of the genus Candida affects the skin in the groin area. The presence of an infectious disease in men is indicated by:

  • inflammation, redness of the head of the penis;
  • the appearance of a rash;
  • bubble formation;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • unbearable itching;
  • burning sensation;
  • development of prostatitis;
  • the appearance of impotence;
  • decreased sex drive.


When pseudomycelia are detected in tests, depending on the rate of fungal reproduction and the severity of the disease, the types of candidiasis are distinguished:

  • superficial – initial stage – treatable, pathogenic bacteria act on skin tissue, nails, mucous membranes;
  • systemic type - penetrates the epithelium, can affect the respiratory system, digestive organs;
  • sepsis is a condition in which candida is detected in the blood, poisons the entire body, and death is possible.

There is a classification of candidiasis according to the form fungal disease:

Complications of candidiasis

If the infection is not treated promptly, yeast-like candida fungi grow deep into the body, affect blood vessels, and enter the blood. After this, pathogenic microorganisms spread throughout the body. In this case it is observed:

  • the emergence of new foci of the disease;
  • development of bleeding;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • spread of infection to neighboring organs.

Fungal overgrowth if left untreated causes:

  • abortion;
  • infection of the fetus during childbirth;
  • damage to the digestive organs;
  • emergence allergic reactions;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • cystitis;
  • infertility;
  • the appearance of adhesions in the vagina;
  • damage to the cervix that causes cancer;
  • development of purulent infections;
  • death.

Diagnosis of candidiasis

There are more than 150 varieties of Candida. Correct identification of the causative agent of the infection helps to quickly stop the growth of fungi. Diagnosis begins with interviewing the patient, external examination characteristic signs of candidiasis. To determine the infection, a microscopic examination method is used, in which the candida fungus is clearly visible. To do this take:

  • smear from the site of the lesion;
  • pieces of skin tissue;
  • samples of material from mucous membranes.

The diagnosis is confirmed by performing a culture test. To perform the analysis:

  • take biological material from the affected area;
  • sown on nutrient medium;
  • by the nature of the growth of the fungal colony, the presence of pseudomycelium and the genus Candida are determined;
  • special test systems reveal the sensitivity of the species to drugs.

Blood analysis

Blood tests play an important role in diagnosis. the main objective analysis - determination of immunoglobulins. Their presence and appearance characterize the stage of the disease. If a blood test reveals:

  • Immunoglobulin IgM– an acute illness that appeared recently.
  • The simultaneous presence of IgM and IgG means the duration of the disease is more than a week. The body has formed long-term immune cells that counteract further growth of fungi.
  • The presence of only IgG is evidence of chronic pathology.


To remove the fungus, it is necessary to boost immunity and cure chronic diseases that weaken the defenses. An important role is played by the restoration of the normal microflora of the body. How to treat candidiasis? Doctors prescribe:

  • immunomodulators;
  • vitamins C, group B;
  • For local application– antimycotic vaginal suppositories, ointments;
  • inside – antifungal capsules, tablets;
  • proper nutrition;
  • restriction of sexual contacts;
  • disinfection of linen;
  • performance hygiene procedures;
  • treatment of the sexual partner.

What kills candida in the body

In order for the body to get rid of the infection, it is necessary to act on the fungus. Medicines with a fungicidal effect, which damage bacteria and spores of microorganisms, help to cope with pathology. Dermatologists prescribe:

  • inside the vagina - suppositories Livarol, Lomexin;
  • for external treatment – ​​Clotrimazole ointment, Triderm cream;
  • if nail fungus is detected - Fungoterbin, Diflucan;
  • if the intestinal walls or respiratory organs are damaged, take Fluconazole or Nystatin tablets orally.


In the presence of a disease, when the cause of infection is a fungus, therapy involves the use of medications. Their action solves various problems. Doctors prescribe:

  • Candide – active substance clotrimazole, available in the form of cream, powder, solution, treats fungus on the skin, genitals, and mouth;
  • Pimafucin – has antifungal and antiviral effect, effective for thrush;
  • Linex is a probiotic, restores microflora and bacterial balance;
  • Viferon - activates the immune system, prevents cell division.


To destroy the fungus in the body, you need to eat right. You should eat more leafy greens, lentils, and beans. There are cabbage, zucchini, bell pepper, fresh fruits. It is necessary to exclude products fermentative, containing yeast and substances that provoke fungus:

  • refined sugar;
  • baked goods from yeast dough;
  • pickled preparations;
  • wine;
  • beer;
  • vinegar;
  • sauces;
  • mushrooms;
  • smoked fish;
  • fruit juices;
  • grape.

Treatment of candida fungus with folk remedies

At complex treatment fungal infections are used folk recipes. It is important that the use is agreed with the doctor and takes place after diagnosis. It is recommended to drink a spoonful of wormwood root decoction a day - 20 g of leaves per glass of boiling water. Wide Application has soda - the alkaline environment destroys the fungus. Per liter boiled water add one spoon. Apply:

  • in the form of baths daily for candidiasis on the penis;
  • as a lotion several times a day - for fungus in the mouth;
  • for thrush in women - for douching every other day.

Infectious disease affecting the skin, mucous membranes and/or internal organs, caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. The term "candidiasis" means pathological process, which is based on overgrowth Candida occurs primarily in the gastrointestinal tract and secondarily in other areas (on the mucous membrane of the genitals, bronchi, and parenchymal organs). Mucin, a glycoprotein of the cell wall of epithelial cells, plays an important role as a protective barrier that prevents the microbe from attaching to the mucous membrane.

Members of the genus Candida are yeasts related to Ascomycetes. The genus Candida includes various species (Candida spp.), among which the main ones as causative agents of candidiasis are: Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Candida parapsilosis, Candida glabrata, Candida dubliniensis, Candida lusitaniae, Candida krusei. Candida spp. They are a component of microflora that is symbiont for humans. In 10-25% of the population who do not have clinical signs fungal infection, Candida spp. are inconsistently detected in the oral cavity, in 65-80% - in the intestinal contents. Candida spp. are found in the detritus of gastroduodenal ulcers in approximately 17% of cases.

Chronic candidiasis(recurrent, persistent candidiasis) are periodic outbreaks of the disease. These forms of candidiasis are characterized by a chronically relapsing course and resistance to antifungal therapy.

Causes of candidiasis

Fungi are often in an inactive state in our body, and become active when the body's resistance decreases. The risk category includes:

  • Pregnant women.
  • Diabetics.
  • People who have recently had an infectious disease.
  • People with hormonal imbalance.
  • When taking antibiotics along with pathogenic bacteria The beneficial microflora of the intestines and vagina, which controls the growth and development of Candida fungi, also dies.
  • The presence of a chronic disease that reduces the activity of the immune system.

Symptoms of candidiasis

Manifestations of candidiasis depend on the location of the source of the disease.

Candidiasis of the oral mucosa

Candidiasis of the oral mucosa ( oral candidiasis, infantile thrush) most often occurs in children, as a rule, they become infected from the mother through birth canal. In this case, the mucous membranes of the cheeks, pharynx, tongue and gums become red, swelling appears, then pockets of white cheesy plaque appear on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Over time, their number increases, forming films. Erosion is found under the plaque. At chronic course candidiasis can affect the mucous membranes of the nose, lips, pharynx and esophagus.

Vaginal candidiasis

Vaginal candidiasis (candidiasis, thrush) is an infectious disease of the vaginal mucosa, which often spreads to the neck of the uterus and vulva. Almost every woman has encountered this disease, and some signs of candidiasis are constantly disturbing. Most often found in women reproductive age, but can occur in girls and even men. In this case, the vagina and external genitalia are affected in women, and the glans penis and foreskin in men. In pregnant women, candidiasis occurs 2-3 times more often, due to increased levels of sex hormones and weakened immunity.

Intestinal candidiasis

Intestinal candidiasis (dysbacteriosis) often accompanies vaginal candidiasis or develops in isolation. Typically, intestinal candidiasis appears after taking antibiotics or undergoing intestinal infections. Fungi of the genus Candida settle in the small intestine.

Symptoms of candidiasis in women

  • redness and swelling of the mucous membranes of the genital organs
  • burning and itching, intensifying in the evening, with hypothermia, with untimely hygiene, before or after menstruation
  • copious white discharge with a cheesy consistency and a sour odor
  • pain and burning when urinating
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse

Symptoms of candidiasis in men

  • redness, itching and soreness in the area of ​​the glans penis;
  • swelling of the foreskin, head of the penis;
  • white cheesy coating on the head of the penis;
  • pain when urinating;
  • pain during sexual intercourse.

Treatment of candidiasis

There are many drugs to treat this disease. Some of them are used topically (cream, vaginal tablets or suppositories), others - orally (tablets or capsules for oral administration).

Genital candidiasis is an infectious disease genitourinary system caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Naturally, treatment for men and women has its own characteristics.

Treatment of candidiasis in men

At candidal balanoposthitis(damage to the glans penis and foreskin) is enough local treatment. Apply cream with clotrimazole. It is applied in a thin layer to the head of the penis and foreskin 2 times/day for 5-7 days.

A single dose of fluconazole, 150 mg orally, is possible, but is usually not necessary. Commercial names of fluconazole are Medoflucon, Diflazon, Diflucan, Mikosist, Forkan, Flucostat.

Treatment of candidiasis in women

At mild flow Vulvovaginal candidiasis (damage to the vagina and external genitalia) requires local treatment. Topical medications (vaginal tablets or suppositories) include (listed first) international titles, then commercial names are listed in brackets):

  • clotrimazole (Antifungol, Yenamazol 100, Candibene, Kanesten, Kanizon, Clotrimazole) is the most common drug for local treatment;
  • isoconazole (Gyno-travogen Ovulum);
  • miconazole (Ginezol 7, Gyno-daktarin, Klion-D 100);
  • natamycin (Pimafucin);
  • nystatin (Polygynax, Terzhinan).

At the same time, nystatin (part of the drugs Polygynax and Terzhinan) is an outdated and not very effective drug.

Some doctors prescribe a 5-10% solution of borax in glycerin for candidiasis topically (in the vagina). This is a very ancient and ineffective method of treating candidiasis.

In addition, for mild cases of the disease, instead of drugs for local treatment, a single dose of fluconazole, 150 mg orally, is possible. Commercial names of fluconazole are Medoflucon, Diflazon, Diflucan, Mikosist, Forkan, Flucostat.

The use of vaginal tablets and suppositories wide range actions (Terzhinan, Polygynax, Betadine) for candidiasis are inappropriate, since these drugs contribute to the development of gardnerellosis. These drugs contain broad-spectrum antibacterial agents that suppress normal microflora vagina.

In some cases, treatment is prescribed that complements antifungal drugs(immunotherapy, restorative drugs, physiotherapy, etc.).

Treatment of recurrent candidiasis

For recurrent candidiasis (more than 4 exacerbations during the year), the following treatment options are possible:

  • suppositories or vaginal tablets with clotrimazole (Antifungol, Yenamazole 100, Candibene, Kanesten, Kanizon, Clotrimazole) 1 time/week for several months;
  • fluconazole (Medoflucon, Diflazon, Diflucan, Mikosist, Forkan, Flucostat) 100 mg orally once a week for several months.

Treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women

For candidiasis in pregnant women, only local treatment is indicated.

Sexual partners

By modern ideas, examination and treatment of a sexual partner in the absence of symptoms of the disease is not necessary.

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