Belching rotten eggs in a child: causes, symptoms and treatment. What to do if you have diarrhea and belching rotten eggs? - reasons and how to get rid of it

Belching is a natural physiological process that helps get rid of excess air that has entered the digestive tract along with food or drinks. Normally, belching has the taste and smell of food that was consumed immediately before. The appearance of an unpleasant odor indicates the presence of digestive problems. You should be especially alarmed by the fact that belching of a rotten egg occurs against the background of diarrhea. Why does rotten egg belching and diarrhea occur and how to solve this problem? Today we are looking into these issues.

The regular occurrence of belching, regardless of food intake, may indicate the presence of serious pathologies of the departments digestive tract or liver, including:

  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • chronic form of gastritis;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the intestines;
  • individual intolerance to certain substances.

If we talk about the appearance of an unpleasant odor of eggs, then the main reasons for this symptom.

Burping rotten eggs is a problem that can occur not only in adults, but also in children. Let's consider its causes, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

The unpleasant symptom points to putrefactive processes in the stomach cavity. Very often this condition is accompanied by diarrhea, especially in children. The disorder signals pathological changes in the functioning of the digestive system.

ICD-10 code

K21 Gastroesophageal reflux

Causes of rotten burps in a child

The cause of belching is hydrogen sulfide, that is, a gas formed from sulfur-containing proteins found in food after sulfur bacteria break down the proteins in the gastrointestinal tract. In children, the appearance of pathology is associated with immaturity internal organs, functional and psychosomatic disorders, causing disturbances in the outflow of bile and its entry into the stomach. In addition to aerophagia, there appear painful sensations in the hypochondrium on the right, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

There are many factors that cause rotten burping. All of them are associated with putrefactive processes in the gastrointestinal tract, which develop against the background of disorders motor function stomach and slow secretion of digestive enzymes. All eaten food stagnates in the stomach, which is why sulfur-containing proteins begin to rot with the formation of hydrogen sulfide.

Let's look at the main reasons for belching rotten eggs in children:

If acidity gastric juice Normally, food digestion proceeds without disturbance, and putrefactive processes are restrained. When decreasing secretory function, digestion is disrupted. Most often this occurs due to reversible functional disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, stress, overeating fatty or spicy food. If aerophagia is observed during long period time, then it indicates irreversible changes: decreased motor function of the stomach or atrophy of its mucous membrane.

Very often the disorder is accompanied by diarrhea. Its appearance is associated with the development of dysbiosis as a result of digestive failure. Excess growth pathogenic microflora causes flatulence, diarrhea, inability to be absorbed by the body nutrients. Similar symptoms observed with lesions of the biliary tract and pancreas.

Regurgitation with diarrhea streaked with blood, high temperature, flatulence, nausea and general weakness indicates granulomatous enterocolitis, that is, Crohn's disease. Putrid belching of eggs appears with rare hereditary disease– celiac disease, that is, gluten enteropathy. The pathology is characterized by gluten intolerance (cereal protein). That is, the body does not digest flour products, cereals and bread.

The most common cause of rotten egg belching in a child is biliary dyskinesia. This disease manifests itself in a violation of the discharge of bile and its irregular entry into the intestines. This negatively affects the functioning of the digestive system, while also affecting general health child. Bile is a multi-component biochemical substance on which a number of necessary digestive processes depend: digestion of fats, the reaction of neutralizing gastric juice, stimulation of the secretion of enzymes in the pancreas and intestines, support for the absorption of certain vitamins, stimulation of intestinal motility, elimination of metabolites and toxic substances, etc.

With dyskinesia, the child develops pain in the liver area after physical exercise, at abundant intake fried food or fast food. In addition to belching rotten eggs, in such cases nausea, a burning sensation in the intestines and diarrhea mixed with bile may also cause concern.

Next possible reason The appearance of a child belching rotten eggs is an imbalance of microflora in the intestines, or, simply put, dysbacteriosis. Most often it develops after prolonged or improper use of antibiotics. With dysbacteriosis, a redistribution of microflora occurs in the intestines, and beneficial bacteria are replaced by pathogenic ones. As a result of this “redistribution”, gastritis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis can occur.

There are several known cases where a woman burped rotten during pregnancy and was later observed in her newborn baby. This is associated with congenital disorders of bile drainage from the gallbladder.


Mechanism for releasing air through the mouth rotten smell is based on the release of gases that have accumulated in the stomach and stimulate its secretory and motor functions. Pathogenesis is associated with the gradual release of gases to the outside. Involuntary swallowing large quantity air increases intragastric pressure, causing muscle contraction and belching. Hasty eating, talking while eating, carbonated drinks and chewing gum provoke disorder.

Belching with a rotten smell occurs due to the accumulation of hydrogen sulfide. There are a number of foods that cause gas accumulation: various preservatives, fast food, eggs, milk, red meat, strong tea and coffee, garlic, onions, mustard, beans, peas, nuts, bananas, seeds. Pathology appears in some gastrointestinal diseases. Intolerance certain products, stagnation of food and inability to digest, also provoke the disorder.

Symptoms of rotten burps in a child

Aerophagia with a rotten smell, as a rule, acts as a signal of disturbances in the functioning of the body. Symptoms of diseases of the esophagus, stomach and intestines are accompanied by regurgitation. To understand whether such a disorder is a signal of a serious illness, you need to know exactly when it appeared, whether it occurs immediately after eating or after some time, or whether certain foods provoke it.

If putrefactive regurgitation is accompanied by bloating, diarrhea, constipation, attacks of vomiting and nausea, and fever, then this indicates intoxication of the body. Often, intolerance to certain foods in pediatric patients causes unpleasant symptoms with regurgitation. If aerophagia persists for several days, you should seek medical help.

Belching rotten eggs and diarrhea in a child

Very often, children complain of pain in the abdomen, colic, flatulence and regurgitation. Such a symptom complex may indicate malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract or more serious problems that are just beginning to appear. The situation worsens if the above-described disorders are accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and deterioration of the general condition.

  • Violation motor function intestines - this is one of the reasons for belching rotten eggs and diarrhea in a child. Such inflammatory diseases, like dysentery, salmonellosis and colitis, provoke the disease. The intestinal walls can be affected by coarse undigested food, rotting and fermentation products. In most cases, the symptom complex is a protective reaction and promotes the rapid removal of toxins and other substances from the body.
  • Stenosis of the pylorus, which is the digestive sphincter that separates the duodenum and stomach, is another reason for air escaping through the mouth with rotten or putrid smell. The pylorus controls the entry of digested food into the alkaline intestinal environment from the acidic environment of the stomach. The pathology is characterized by vomiting, heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and diarrhea.
  • Vitamin deficiency can also cause diarrhea with belching. The child complains of a putrid metallic taste in the mouth, abdominal pain, possible flatulence and signs of anemia.

Belching of rotten eggs and diarrhea in a child occur when food poisoning. Malaise occurs due to eating spoiled foods or toxic substances. Unpleasant symptoms are caused by various microbes: coli, Klebsiella, staphylococcal flora and their toxins. In addition to belching and diarrhea, abdominal pain, headaches, fever and general weakness appear. When the first signs of poisoning appear, you should seek medical help. With minor intoxication, putrefactive aerophagia disappears within 1-3 days, like other symptoms.

First signs

Belching rotten eggs in most cases is a symptom of damage to the digestive system. The first signs of the disease depend on a number of factors. First of all, it is necessary to clarify at what time aerophagia occurs, whether food intake affects its appearance and what foods cause the disorder.

If the pathology is permanent, then this is a sign of problems with the biliary tract, liver and gallbladder. The doctor must conduct a complete examination of the child, take a number of tests and liver tests. If aerophagia appears after eating, then the baby has a lack of pancreatic enzyme production. If unpleasant symptoms are accompanied by elevated temperature, then this is the first sign of food poisoning with damage duodenum and stomach, that is, poisoning. If diarrhea and vomiting occur, you must be tested for salmonellosis.


According to international classification diseases of the 10th revision, belching of rotten eggs belongs to class XVIII Symptoms, signs and abnormalities identified during clinical and laboratory tests, not classified in other headings. The disorder may be included in category R14 Flatulence and related conditions, K21 Gastroesophageal reflux.

The ICD 10 code varies depending on the root cause of regurgitation. If it is caused by pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, then it belongs to class XI Diseases of the digestive organs. Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor selects the appropriate code that corresponds to the pathological symptoms and the reason for their occurrence.

Complications and consequences

Various pathological conditions of the body that persist over a long period of time lead to serious problems medical nature. The consequences of belching rotten eggs in children are varied and depend on additional symptoms. Let us consider the main diseases caused by putrefactive aerophagia.

  • Gastritis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa. In children it occurs due to poor nutrition. Frequent overeating, deficiency of vitamins and minerals provoke abdominal pain, rotten belching, flatulence and other unpleasant symptoms. Treatment consists of diet therapy and medication.
  • Functional disorders in the functioning of the stomach - prolonged aerophagia with unpleasant smell leads to various pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. Against this background, inflammation of the walls of the intestines or stomach is possible, which leads to gastritis, diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
  • Pyloric stenosis is a disease characterized by prolonged inflammatory processes in the stomach and duodenum. Without surgical intervention, it can lead to the development of ulcers.


In itself, regurgitation of rotten eggs in children is a pathological symptom. Malaise may indicate gastrointestinal diseases or result from overeating, poor nutrition, and various injuries to the digestive system. In any case, if you leave this symptom If left unattended, it can lead to serious consequences.

Complications of rotten regurgitation can cause stretching of the stomach walls and displacement of the esophageal sphincter. This pathology leads to hiatal hernia. Let's consider the main complications of pathological aerophagia with a rotten odor:

  • Decreased secretory function of the stomach.
  • Reduced enzymatic activity.
  • Gastritis.
  • Pyloric stenosis.
  • Intestinal bacteria.
  • Inflammatory processes in the small intestine, duodenum.
  • Biliary dyskinesia.
  • Cholecystitis.

All of the above diseases can be both a complication of regurgitation and its root cause. Intolerance to certain foods, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, leads to food allergies and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

Diagnosis of rotten burps in a child

Pathological aerophagia with an unpleasant odor is a condition that requires medical care. Malaise always signals problems in the digestive system. Diagnosis of rotten egg belching in children begins with determining the cause that causes it.

The doctor collects anamnesis, focusing on the child’s complaints and existing diseases. It is necessary to know when belching occurs and how often, and whether it is accompanied by additional symptoms (flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, constipation). IN diagnostic purposes held endoscopic examination gastric cavity, radiography and radioisotope research. Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor draws up a treatment plan to eliminate the problem.


Diagnosis of belching with a rotten odor in pediatric patients is quite difficult. difficult process. This is due to the fact that an unpleasant symptom may appear due to the immaturity of the patient’s internal organs, basic overeating, or as a result serious pathologies gastrointestinal tract. A mandatory stage of diagnosis is tests to identify the cause of the defect and draw up a plan for its treatment.

In identifying any disease, special attention is paid to examination using various devices. Instrumental diagnostics with rotten belching - this is one of the methods for determining the cause of the malaise.

Instrumental diagnostics for belching rotten eggs:

  • Endoscopy of the stomach - performed to identify various pathologies And inflammatory processes. Based on its results, a treatment regimen is drawn up or additional diagnostic procedures are prescribed.
  • Puncture with sampling of material from the gastric mucosa - with its help it is possible to differentiate inflammatory diseases from oncological changes.
  • X-ray and radioisotope examination of the stomach.
  • Gastroscopy is an endoscopic method for examining the stomach, duodenum and esophagus. For examination, a special instrument, a gastroscope, is inserted into the stomach cavity through the mouth.

Pathological aerophagia indicates disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, so all studies are carried out by a gastroenterologist.

Differential diagnosis

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in pediatric patients are quite common. Such diseases are accompanied pathological symptoms, the most unpleasant of which is burping with the smell of rotten eggs. Differential diagnosis allows us to identify the true cause of the disorder and separate it from pathologies with similar characteristics.

The main objective of the study is to distinguish functional diseases from cancer. Regurgitation is differentiated with such ailments as:

  • Functional gastrointestinal disorders - accompanied by a complex of gastrointestinal symptoms, but without biochemical or structural changes. They can occur due to overeating, poisoning and pathological conditions CNS. Additional symptoms vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, headaches and general weakness appear.
  • Ulcerative colitis– occurs at any age, but in children most often in acute or chronic form. Along with belching, unstable stools mixed with blood, intoxication of the body, abdominal pain and weight loss appear.
  • Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, heartburn, frequent constipation and diarrhea, flatulence and, of course, rotten belching.
  • Stomach and duodenal ulcers - most often the disease is diagnosed in children school age. The pathology is characterized by a hereditary predisposition and is associated with the functioning of the central nervous system. Main symptoms: pain in the navel and epigastric area, belching, heartburn, nausea and vomiting.
  • Cholecystocholangitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the biliary tract. Arises due to infectious agents: streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli, enterococcus. Signs of the disease: sharp increase temperature, pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, vomiting, aerophagia with a putrid odor.

In addition to the diseases described above, belching is differentiated from pancreatitis, congenital pathologies gastrointestinal tract, duodenitis, enterocolitis and other diseases.

Treatment of rotten belching in a child

Elimination of diseases, the main symptom of which is rotten regurgitation, depends on the age of the patient and the individual characteristics of his body. Treatment of belching with rotten eggs in children is based on the cause of its occurrence. Before starting therapy, the doctor conducts a comprehensive examination.

If the symptom is provoked by overeating and eating fatty, spicy foods, then the child is prescribed a diet to normalize the functioning of the digestive organs. If pathological process appeared due to decreased activity of the stomach, then diet therapy is used. This treatment is based on limiting the consumption of the following foods: milk, legumes, nuts, legumes, some vegetables and fruits. Banned chicken eggs, red meat, fish, offal.


Treatment for belching with the smell of rotten eggs is possible only after a medical examination. Based on the test results, the doctor draws up an effective and safe treatment. Medicines are selected depending on the cause of the unpleasant symptom.

Let's consider the drugs used to eliminate rotten regurgitation in various diseases:

  • Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - diet therapy, probiotics (Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Hilak-forte, Bifiliz), prebiotics, lactobacilli, prokinetics (Dimetpramide, Bromoprid, Domperidone), painkillers for abdominal pain and other drugs.
  • Gastritis - diet, antacids for normal and increased acidity(Rennie, Ranitidine, Alumag, Almagel) and other medications depending on additional symptoms.
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers - drugs are selected depending on the stage of the disease. If the analyzes revealed Helicobacter pylori, then antibacterial agents are prescribed for treatment. Based on the degree of impairment, the doctor may prescribe Pancreatin, various vitamin complexes, diet and antacid therapy.
  • Cholecystocholangitis - diet No. 5, vitamins and choleretic drugs. When the disease worsens, antibiotics (Erythromycin, Oxacillin, Nystanin), enzymes (Pancreatin, Abomin) and other medications are prescribed.

Traditional treatment

Treatment of any diseases in childhood- This is a complex process, since many drugs are contraindicated for use. Traditional treatment is not a complete alternative to traditional therapy, but can be used as a additional means. Let's consider popular folk methods for eliminating belching of rotten eggs in children:

  • Every day for 2-3 months the patient needs to drink a glass goat milk after every meal. This remedy is suitable even for the youngest patients.
  • If belching with an unpleasant odor is accompanied by heartburn, then to eliminate them you need to eat raw carrots, an apple or suck on a piece of ice.
  • Medicinal properties has a decoction of calamus root. The plant must be dried, ground into powder and swallowed with water.
  • Take 20 g each of calamus root, cinquefoil, sweet clover, hop cones and heather. Mix all the ingredients and pour a glass of boiling water. Boil the product, cool and take ½ cup after meals.
  • ½ cup carrot and potato juice you need to drink every day in the morning and evening before meals until aerophagia passes.

Usage traditional methods for the treatment of children is possible only with appropriate medical permission.

Herbal treatment

To eliminate pathological regurgitation of rotten eggs in children, many methods are used. Herbal treatment is another way to normalize the functioning of the child’s gastrointestinal tract. Let's consider effective recipes herbal treatments:

  • Mix 100 g of aloe and cranberry juice with a spoon of honey and pour 250 ml of the mixture warm water. The resulting drink should be taken 3 times a day, one tablespoon at a time, for a week. A month later, repeat the course.
  • Take 40 g of trefoil leaves, 30 g of dill seeds, yarrow and peppermint inflorescences, 60 g of St. John's wort. Mix all ingredients, pour boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. The resulting product should be filtered and taken 10-20 g 30-40 minutes before meals.
  • Mix 25 g of crushed yarrow flowers with mint leaves, fennel and chicory root. Pour the resulting mixture into 1.5 liters of boiling water and let it brew for 1-2 hours. Drink the infusion 3 times a day after meals.
  • Grind 100 g of green leaves and peel into a paste walnuts. Pour the mixture into 1 liter of vodka and leave for a month, shaking occasionally. After a month, strain and add honey to improve the taste. The medicine is taken 30 g before meals for 30 days. This remedy is suitable for treating regurgitation in older children.


One more alternative method The treatment for rotten egg belching is homeopathy. Usage homeopathic remedies children, perhaps only after full examination and selection of the most suitable remedy homeopathic doctor.

Let's consider homeopathic medicines for the treatment of aerophagia:

  • Caladium seguinum (Dieffenbachia) – rotten burp with a feeling of a full stomach.
  • Sepia (Cuttlefish Ink) – sour belching or with a taste of rotten eggs.
  • Antimonium tartaricum, Tartarus emeticus (Tartar emetic, tartaric salt of antimony and potassium) – rotten eggs.
  • Graphites (Graphite) - rotten.
  • Magnesium muriaticum (Magnesium Chloride) and Magnesium sulfuricum (Magnesium Sulfate - with an unpleasant rotten egg odor.
  • Thuja occidentalis (Thuja occidentalis, Tree of Life) is a putrid, rancid burp.

In addition to the above-described drugs for treatment, you can use Valerian officinalis, Carbo vegetabilis for pathology that is accompanied by dyspeptic disorders and occurs due to intolerance fatty foods. Select the dosage individually for each patient.

Surgical treatment

If drug therapy did not bring the expected result in eliminating regurgitation with the smell of hydrogen sulfide, then more radical methods. Surgical treatment is carried out if the disorder is a symptom of a gastrointestinal disease that requires surgical intervention.

Most often, surgery is prescribed for pathological congenital diseases or pyloric stenosis. The child undergoes a pyloromyotomy. This operation is minimally invasive. The doctor makes a small incision in the navel area and uses a laparoscope to cut through the wall of the pylorus. This opens up normal communication between the stomach and intestines. Recovery after such lung operations and fast. Surgical intervention does not cause complications, but has a noticeable positive effect.


To prevent rotten regurgitation in children, there are several methods, but diet therapy is considered the most effective. Prevention is based on the following rules:

If the above methods do not help prevent relapse of the pathology, then medical attention is required.


In most cases, rotten regurgitation is not dangerous for human body. The prognosis of the disorder depends entirely on the underlying disease that caused its occurrence. If the defect is associated with overeating, then it is enough to adhere to dietary recommendations. IN in this case the prognosis is favorable. But if aerophagia is associated with gastrointestinal diseases, oncological processes, then the prognosis depends on the correct diagnosis and the results of the treatment.

Belching rotten eggs in children is an unpleasant symptom that cannot be ignored. Healthy diet and regular examinations can help prevent diseases that cause this disorder.

And diarrhea occurs due to diseases of the digestive system. The real reason such a symptom can only be established by a gastroenterologist and only on the basis of all necessary tests and other studies. But if you are unable to visit a doctor in the coming days, then you can find out why diarrhea, accompanied by it, has been bothering you for several days now, in this article.

Diseases characterized by this symptom

This unpleasant phenomenon most often occurs as a result of diseases of the digestive organs such as:

  • liver;
  • stomach;
  • pancreas;
  • intestines;
  • gallbladder.

It is worth noting that if rotten egg belching and diarrhea occur precisely because of pathologies of these organs, then the patient may experience other unpleasant symptoms. Among them are gas formation and strong rumbling and seething, heartburn, as well as in the right or left side. abdominal cavity(usually under the ribs). If you notice these signs in yourself, then you should not self-medicate, but it is better to turn to You can try to get rid of such phenomena as belching a rotten egg and diarrhea by fasting and drinking plenty of water (still mineral water).

Other causes of illness

In addition to deviations of the digestive organs presented, such symptoms may indicate infectious intestinal diseases. For example, belching a rotten egg and diarrhea are characteristic of salmonellosis, as well as other inflammations occurring in the duodenum.

Among other things, such signs can be observed if the processes of absorption and digestion of food in the digestive tract significantly slow down. This deviation leads to fermentation and the release of hydrogen sulfide gas in large quantities. It is the substance presented that has a rather unpleasant smell of rotten eggs.

So, it could be:

  • impaired enzyme activity in chronic pancreatitis;
  • development of salmonella in the intestines;
  • disruption of the outflow of bile, which contributes to the incomplete breakdown of fats;
  • inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the stomach or small intestine;
  • disturbances in the peristalsis of the muscular membrane of an organ such as the stomach.

Rotten egg burping: what to do if it’s abnormal?

If you have such a problem, it is advisable to immediately contact a specialist. In such situations, the doctor is obliged to prescribe a series laboratory research which will help identify the exact cause of this pathology. For self-therapy, before going to the hospital, the patient is recommended to take Activated carbon. To do this, take five tablets, crush them with a spoon and dissolve them in 1/2 cup of warm water (boiled). You can also take the drug "Smecta" according to the instructions. Such measures will help you quickly cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of putrefactive food residues, which will significantly alleviate your condition.

As in adults, in children the exit of gases from the stomach through the mouth is absolutely normal phenomenon. However, if there is a putrid odor, parents should be wary. Belching rotten eggs in a child can be a sign of a serious pathology of the digestive tract. What diseases might this symptom indicate? What to do if foul-smelling belching is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting? Let's talk.

Belching rotten eggs indicates congestion in the digestive system. Normally, when food arrives in the body, the production of gastric juice is activated, which helps to quickly process it. Disinfected, digested food from the stomach enters small intestine, where the main digestion processes take place. After food bolus through the colon and then the rectum is successfully evacuated.

What happens when the functioning of the digestive tract organs is disrupted? Food stagnates. Gradually, fermentation of products begins, hydrogen sulfide and other harmful substances are released into the body. All this is accompanied by symptoms such as putrid smell from the mouth, discomfort, stomach pain, belching rotten eggs. Sometimes nausea, vomiting, and stool upset may occur.

Possible causes of burping rotten eggs

Why does this pathology occur? The reasons can be very different - from banal overeating to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). Let's look at the most harmless ones:

If belching rotten eggs occurs due to dietary errors, special treatment not required. When in a timely manner measures taken It will be enough to remove harmful substances with the help of a sorbent, and also limit the child’s consumption of foods that cause fermentation.

Belching as a sign of gastrointestinal disease

It is worth understanding that a putrid odor when belching, especially against the background of other symptoms, may be a sign of a disease of the digestive tract. What diseases do rotten burps usually indicate:

If a child's belching is accompanied severe pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, fever or other alarming symptoms, then you need to immediately show it to a doctor. It is also worth consulting a specialist if regurgitation of rotten eggs is observed regularly.

Rotten burps and diarrhea

The intestines and stomach are links in one big chain. Malfunction of one organ triggers chain reaction. This is why burping rotten eggs and frequent diarrhea the child has them at the same time. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the nature of the feces.

If there is mucus, blood, or green color in the stool, this may indicate an intestinal infection.

Symptoms such as vomiting, weakness, elevated temperature bodies. Remember that children 2 years of age and younger are at risk of severe dehydration if they have diarrhea.

Belching with a vomitous smell in an infant

Until about 6 months of age, your baby may periodically burp and smell like vomit. This usually happens after feeding, when the baby is actively moving, or if he is immediately placed on his stomach. In this case, the following happens: air bubbles come out, and with them into oral cavity food particles are thrown in.

To prevent vomit-smelling burps in your baby infancy, you should feed him in a calm environment, monitoring the correct latch on the nipple. After this, the baby should be held in a “column” for 5 minutes, and then put to rest on his side. If these measures do not help, then the child should be checked for neurological abnormalities.


When a child burps rotten eggs, the first thing you need to do is get examined. Treatment should be carried out by a specialist - a pediatric gastroenterologist. Depending on the reason causing regurgitation with a putrid odor, one or another method will be chosen:

  1. Infectious diseases are treated with antibiotics.
  2. Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are eliminated by prokinetics, pre- and probiotics.
  3. At helminthic infestation The child is prescribed treatment with anthelmintic drugs.
  4. Cholecystitis requires the use of antibacterial and choleretic agents.
  5. At peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum are treated with antibiotics, antacids and prokinetics.
  6. If belching is caused by intolerance to certain foods, the baby will be prescribed enzyme preparations.

When conservative methods treatments do not help, resort to surgical intervention. Surgery is also performed if belching of rotten eggs is caused by congenital pathologies, stenosis or other serious diseases.

Nutritional Features

In order for a child to stop burping, it is very important to follow a diet. A rotten smell is caused by sulfur-containing or simply heavy, fatty foods. Eliminate from your baby's diet:

  • eggs;
  • whole milk;
  • legumes;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • liver;
  • red fish, pike, pike, flounder, sardine;
  • full-fat sour cream and cream;
  • cabbage, tomatoes, zucchini, onions;
  • pears, cherries, plums and apples;
  • pork, beef, turkey, rabbit, chicken.

Belching rotten eggs in a child can be a sign of banal poisoning. The first thing loving parents should do is examine the baby. It is important to exclude gastrointestinal pathologies, because advanced diseases take much longer and are more difficult to treat. Take care of your children's health!

Belching and diarrhea with rotten eggs is an unpleasant phenomenon that occurs as a result of a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Why does it happen?

In most cases, the occurrence of this phenomenon is associated with a slowdown in the digestive process. This leads to the fact that food stagnates in the stomach, after which it begins to ferment.

How does the treatment work and what needs to be done to get rid of foul-smelling gas?

Specifics of the disease

Not only adults, but also children can face such a problem as belching and diarrhea due to rotten eggs. This unpleasant symptom is associated with the process of fermentation and rotting in the stomach. As a result, the gas accumulated in the intestines comes out with a characteristic smell of hydrogen sulfide.

This phenomenon almost always indicates a pathology in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Patients with this symptom should undergo medical examination before starting treatment.

If you ignore this symptom and do not start treatment in time, the person may begin to vomit. Then there is a need for urgent hospitalization.


Before you begin to treat these two symptoms, you should understand the reason why they occurred.

When the process of fermentation and rotting occurs in the stomach, bacteria rapidly multiply in it. It leads to copious discharge hydrogen sulfide.

This substance is a waste product pathogenic bacteria.

These bacteria negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, causing a slowdown in the absorption of water into the intestines. As a result, a person develops liquid diarrhea.

Why does burping occur? The more pathogenic bacteria in the stomach, the more food rots, leading to gas formation.

Excess gas comes out through the mouth, which is how you burp rotten eggs.

Also, this symptomatology is often accompanied by bloating, that is, flatulence.

Diet during illness

Regardless of the cause that triggered the appearance of these two symptoms, the patient's treatment should include following the rules of the diet.

The patient should limit himself to taking the following products:

  • Nuts.
  • Milk. You can only eat low-fat and low-fat dairy products.
  • Vegetables (cabbage, tomatoes, onions).
  • Fruits (lemons, plums, cherries).
  • Beans.
  • Liver.
  • Canned fish.
  • Meat. It is forbidden to eat chicken, beef, rabbit meat, pork and turkey during the diet.
  • Red fish.
  • Chicken eggs.

One of the basic rules of such a diet is the timely replenishment of fluid in the body. Diarrhea poses a risk of dehydration. What should be done to avoid such a risk?

The patient should drink a glass mineral water after each bowel movement. You should also drink water throughout the day.

What foods and dishes should you include in your diet:

  • Buckwheat and rice porridge.
  • Puree soups.
  • Low-fat dairy products.
  • Homemade yogurt without fruit.
  • Baked vegetables.

What drinks have a positive effect on the digestive process?

  1. Grape juice.
  2. Still mineral water.
  3. Sea buckthorn infusion.
  4. Rose hip tea.

Treatment of diarrhea will be effective only if the patient does not neglect the rules of this diet.

In the acute phase of the disease, the patient must completely stop eating on the first day after the onset of symptoms.

Preventive measures

Diarrhea and belching of rotten eggs will not occur if a person does not forget about preventive measures.

  1. You should not wait for an exacerbation of the gastrointestinal tract disease. Whenever discomfort in the abdominal area, which are accompanied by constipation, diarrhea, nausea and other symptoms, you should immediately go to the hospital for medical examination.
  2. Don't overeat. Eating large amounts of high-calorie foods will not only cause belching and diarrhea, but will also make a person feel nauseous.
  3. Burping of rotten eggs can occur when a person talks while eating. The fact is that, along with food, excess air enters the stomach of a person talking during a meal. The result is belching.
  4. Food must be chewed thoroughly. If you swallow too large pieces of food, they will be harder to digest. There is a risk of them rotting in the stomach.
  5. There is no need to frequently drink drinks that cause gas formation in the intestines. What drinks are we talking about? This is sparkling wine, kvass, beer, sparkling water, etc.
  6. You need to eat only fresh and quality products. Fruits and vegetables should be washed before consumption.
  7. The recommended number of daily meals is 4-5. You should not load your stomach with a large amount of food in one meal. You need to eat in small portions.
  8. It is necessary to eat first courses every day, for example, soup or borscht.
  9. You should remember the benefits of steamed food.

What to do if these symptoms occur

If belching is accompanied by loose stools with a pronounced smell of rotten eggs, you need to pay attention to your well-being.

If these symptoms were caused by banal overeating, the person will feel better already on the second day.

However, if the symptoms do not go away for more than two days, the patient experiences discomfort in the abdomen, feels nauseous, vomits, and his body temperature rises, it is necessary to urgently take therapeutic measures.

To alleviate the patient’s condition, he should be given a sorbent that will remove a harmful toxin or infection from the stomach.

How does the sorbent work? These medications envelop harmful microorganisms and facilitate their rapid export.

The most common sorbent given to patients with these symptoms is activated carbon. You can also give him Smecta.

If the patient's belching is accompanied severe diarrhea, he is given an antidiarrheal drug. For example, Loperamide may be recommended to him. This drug can be purchased at any pharmacy and is available without a prescription.

The patient may also be prescribed medications that have a positive effect on intestinal microflora. For example, he may be prescribed Linex or Bifiform.

No universal treatment for a patient who exhibits both of these symptoms.

Therapy depends on the cause of oral gas and loose stool, on the form of the disease (if any) and other factors.

Traditional methods of treatment

It will help to cope with these two unpleasant phenomena ethnoscience. There are a few effective methods treatment:

  1. Collection infusion. It is necessary to mix herbs such as mint, yarrow, trefoil, St. John's wort and dill. If you don't have dry herbs, you can use fresh leaves. After the collection is prepared, it must be poured hot water. The water needs to be boiled in advance. Then the collection must infuse. After this, it is filtered and used as medicine.
  2. Goat milk. This excellent medicine from loose stools and belching. You should drink 200 milliliters daily after each meal.
  3. Ginger tea. Ginger is often used to treat diarrhea and intestinal diseases. You can use either ground or hard ginger.

To prepare healing tea, you should peel the ginger root and grate it. Pour boiling water over the mixture. The ginger needs to sit.

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