First ultrasound after giving birth. Postpartum parameters of the uterus. What problems does ultrasound reveal?

Birth long-awaited baby is always a holiday for parents. But it often happens that naturally the baby is not born. Often the characteristics of the female body, problems with the placement or development of the fetus force a cesarean section. Usually, complications do not arise after surgery, so young mothers are concerned - why does the doctor prescribe an ultrasound after a cesarean section, and what abnormalities in the functioning of the internal organs can the study detect?

Why do you need to do an ultrasound after a cesarean section?

Before the baby is born, ultrasound examinations are recommended at least three times - this allows for timely detection of fetal pathologies and the necessary measures to be taken in such cases. After a caesarean section, not all doctors consider it necessary to send a young mother for an ultrasound examination, especially if the woman feels well and does not complain of feeling unwell.

You should not refuse to undergo the procedure - the study will show whether there are any postpartum complications developing in the woman’s body. Surgical intervention during the birth of a child involves not only trauma skin, but also damage to some internal systems or organs. Only manipulation will help determine how effectively regeneration occurs.

Have you been prescribed an ultrasound after a cesarean section?

YesNot yet

Ultrasound of the suture after cesarean section allows you to monitor the healing of the birth canal. This helps prevent the appearance of scars by promptly using tissue-absorbing drugs. A scar on the uterus after a cesarean section is also easy to prevent if identified in advance pathology and respond to complications in a timely manner.

How does the uterus change after cesarean section?

As pregnancy continues, the uterus undergoes significant changes and increases significantly in size. Even surgical intervention at the birth of a child does not prevent injury - the surface is damaged and requires prolonged healing and contraction.

During an ultrasound, which is performed after a cesarean section, doctors look at how actively healing is occurring, whether there are any complications, and whether pathologies dangerous to the female body are observed. During the procedure, the doctor records how much the mass and size of the woman’s internal genital organ decreases. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe medications to help restore and heal the uterus.

If it was possible to completely restore the condition of the organ, to avoid the formation of a scar on the uterus after cesarean section, the norm of its weight should not be more than 100 grams. After the baby is born operationally healing occurs more a long period than after a natural process. Before full recovery the uterus can take up to one and a half months.

It often happens that a woman after the birth of a child does not complain of malaise or pain in the abdominal cavity, but ultrasound examination shows that healing occurs with complications. In such cases, the doctor prescribes a series of manipulations using ultrasound, which makes it possible to monitor how effective the treatment is and whether it promotes healing and restoration of function. female organ.

An ultrasound will also help determine how the uterus is clearing blood clots. At first, immediately after the birth of the baby, they concentrate in the upper part of the organ. If regeneration occurs without complications, a week after surgical intervention There should be significantly fewer blood clots. They move to bottom part and over time completely disappear. Ultrasonic manipulation allows you to control this process. If blood clots are difficult to pass, your doctor may prescribe a cleanse to remove the buildup from the uterus and prevent dangerous consequences in the form of inflammatory processes and even purulent accumulations.

How is an ultrasound performed after a cesarean section?

How is an ultrasound of the uterus performed after a cesarean section? Usually the procedure is prescribed on the second day after surgery. The examination is carried out through the abdominal cavity, special device inserted into the incision, allowing for detailed examination of injuries caused during childbirth. Research through the vagina is impossible, since the uterus has changed significantly in size during this period. This does not allow one to accurately study all the features, so doctors have to resort to less effective, but extremely necessary implementation procedures.

After a few days, the next stage of research is carried out, which allows the doctor to check the condition of the uterus, cervix, and damage caused by childbirth. This time, the specialist inserts a special device through the vagina, since during this time the uterus has managed to decrease in size and has begun to recover. When examining the uterine tissue, the image shows whether the risk of scarring is high. If there is a possibility of healing in which scars appear on the uterus, the doctor may prescribe special therapy that promotes tissue regeneration without undesirable consequences.

Before an ultrasound is performed, the doctor certainly conducts an oral interview with the patient, listens to complaints about malaise, painful sensations - this allows you to determine what exactly to pay attention to during the examination. A careful examination of the discharge from the uterus also takes place, and it is often sent for analysis. If an infection has entered the body or there is a risk of inflammatory processes, ultrasound manipulations will allow you to determine the danger and see in which part of the uterus the complication is developing.

An ultrasound procedure can also be prescribed without special reasons– it is enough for a woman in labor to complain about unpleasant discomfort in the abdominal cavity or painful sensations. This precaution makes it possible to prevent the development of dangerous pathologies and take the necessary measures.

What common problems does ultrasound reveal?

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes significant changes. The birth of a baby, which took place via cesarean section, brings its own complications. The results of such stress for the female body are undesirable processes that can develop in internal organs. This is why ultrasound examinations are carried out - the procedure allows you to make sure that recovery occurs without complications dangerous to health.

Another advantage of the ultrasound procedure performed after surgery is that if there is a risk that a scar will form after a cesarean section, steps can be taken in a timely manner to eliminate it. Treatment in such cases is much simpler than after complete healing.

Simultaneously with the definition possible pathologies, Ultrasound allows you to determine how correctly the uterus is forming. The first days after birth, it resembles a large ball, which gradually begins to change. By the end recovery period the organ should acquire the contours of a pear, which is the norm for a healthy woman.

When to sound the alarm

When to do an ultrasound after surgery at the birth of a child, and what cases require immediate medical attention? Women should know that it is in their interests to carefully monitor the state of their body and sound the alarm at the first warning signs. A particular danger is the absence of bloody discharge immediately after the birth of the baby. After childbirth, large particles certainly remain in the uterus endometrium, therefore it is quite normal when there are clots in the discharge dark blood. They indicate that natural cleansing of this female organ is occurring.

If there is no discharge at all or there are no large blood clots in it, you should inform your doctor immediately. In such cases, you cannot do without ultrasound examinations - the procedure allows you to understand why the natural process of cleansing the uterus does not occur. After identifying the problem, curettage is prescribed to prevent the development of endometriosis, inflammatory processes, and decay.

Another problem that can await a woman after a cesarean section is blood discharge, in which yellow or even greenish clots are clearly visible. They may not appear immediately after surgery, but after a few days. They indicate that complications begin, developing in stages:

  1. Cleansing the uterus occurs with difficulty; blood and endometrial particles accumulate in it.
  2. The process of tissue rotting began.
  3. Some areas may die off.
  4. Inflammatory processes occur.

You need to report your suspicions to your doctor immediately, to avoid life-threatening consequences. The ultrasound examination procedure will help determine what pathologies occur in the uterus and prescribe necessary treatment or carry out cleaning.

Most danger signs diseases are considered discharge that has an unpleasant yellowish tint and putrid smell. This is evidence that the decomposition process has been developing for more than one day and there is a risk of damage to important internal organs. In such cases, you need to react immediately - the doctor prescribes ultrasound examinations, determines the extent of damage to the uterus and neighboring organs, and prescribes treatment, which may involve surgical intervention.

A woman’s rapid pulse, frequent fainting and sudden sudden changes are further evidence of the development of a serious illness.

Less dangerous, but also alarming, is another symptom of undesirable consequences - a sudden cessation of discharge on the 10-11th day after cesarean section. Often, women mistakenly believe that the endometrium has completely come out of the uterus, and this has caused the absence of bleeding.

There is no need to make the mistake of being careless about such an obvious symptom of complications and giving up medical care. Such a sign can only indicate one thing - an inflammatory process has begun in the internal genital organs and the infection is rapidly spreading! Only an ultrasound examination will determine how quickly the complication develops. Timely treatment using powerful pharmaceutical drugs, cleaning, restoration under medical supervision – the only way prevent dangerous pathologies that can lead to death.

Every woman should remember that it is up to her how quickly and safely the body’s recovery occurs. Doctors recommend carefully monitoring all sensations, regularly measuring temperature, checking the nature, color, and smell of discharge after a cesarean section. Often this allows you to promptly seek medical help and prevent dangerous consequences for the female body.

Doctors' opinion

If you ask experienced qualified specialists how necessary they consider an ultrasound after a caesarean section, the opinion will be clear and indisputable. Doctors are confident that ultrasound examination is the only way to promptly notice pathologies, dangerous changes on the uterus, unwanted processes.

Even if an ultrasound has already been performed before a cesarean section and did not detect complications, you should not refuse the procedure after surgery. If a woman’s body does not provide any alarms, the discharge is normal, there are endometrial clots in it, there is a risk that an inflammatory process has begun to develop on the uterus, a scar is formed or tissue regeneration is too slow. In such cases, it is impossible to do without treatment, and it is ultrasound manipulations that will make it possible to find out about complications in time.

Another feature of a cesarean section, which experts are well aware of, is that recovery is longer than after natural birth. Pathologies in such cases may also begin to develop slowly; even an ultrasound performed the day after the birth of the child will not allow them to be determined. This is why doctors warn women that they need to be closely monitored for several months after surgery during childbirth. general condition health, well-being. The slightest sign If you feel unwell, you should see a doctor. It often happens that a woman’s caution and observation allow her to respond in a timely manner to dangerous disease or complication.


Only doctors know very well how important and even irreplaceable an ultrasound can be during a caesarean section. A simple and painless procedure that will not cause anxiety or trouble to a woman who has undergone surgery, will allow you to identify and anticipate the development of pathologies, check the condition of the sutures, and find out how quickly regeneration occurs. In the photo you can see how an ultrasound of the uterus is performed after a cesarean section, what problems can be determined by ultrasound manipulation, and to understand the characteristics of an important female organ that suffers more than others during childbirth, even artificial ones. Ultrasound examinations are the only way to get ahead of unwanted processes, and sometimes even save lives!

If after a natural birth a woman profuse bleeding and obstetricians suspect uterine rupture, then the first ultrasound after birth is done within two hours. This is necessary to conduct a diagnosis, see if there are remains of the placenta in the uterus, and take Urgent measures. Large loss of blood and trauma to the uterus can cost a new mother her life. On what day after birth is an ultrasound done if the postpartum period is going well? In cases where the mother's condition is satisfactory, doctors perform an ultrasound on the 3rd day after birth.
Many women who have recently given birth and are about to be examined using this method are interested in two questions: “what kind of ultrasound is done after childbirth” and “how is ultrasound done after childbirth”. Since the uterus after childbirth is large, it is very difficult to fully examine it using a vaginal sensor. In this regard, to carry out the procedure, doctors use the transabdominal method, that is, they examine the woman’s organs through the anterior abdominal wall. However, if it is necessary to examine the cervix more thoroughly, a vaginal probe may also be used.

Bloody discharge (lochia) occurs in absolutely any woman after childbirth. Blood clots on ultrasound and in the discharge themselves are normal. Thus, pieces of the epithelium that covers the uterus during gestation come out. Begin postpartum discharge immediately after a woman gives birth and lasts for about six weeks. However, if the clots are very large, they cannot come out on their own, prevent the uterus from contracting normally and lead to different problems. This may be excessive accumulation of lochia inside the uterus, inflammation and other bad things. To remove clots, the doctor scrapes it. If the mother did not have an ultrasound scan on the eve of discharge, you need to come to your gynecologist 5-7 days after birth and have an ultrasound scan of the pelvis and abdominal cavity.

Ultrasound after caesarean section

In women who gave birth by cesarean section, the uterus does not acquire its size and shape as quickly as in mothers who gave birth naturally. This occurs from disruption of the structures of the uterine muscles. Such women in labor are more likely to experience complications, such as inflammation of the uterus, external or internal bleeding. So how long after birth should an ultrasound be done if the baby was born through an incision in the abdomen? Often, reproductive organs women are examined using ultrasound on the third day after surgery. But if there is a suspicion that the integrity of the sutures on the uterus is broken or there is bleeding into the peritoneum, an ultrasound scan can be prescribed almost immediately after surgery.

A woman is examined after a CS using a transabdominal and vaginal sensor for better visualization internal seams. In addition to the parameters assessed after normal childbirth, the doctor must examine postoperative scar on the uterus. By using ultrasound diagnostics the doctor can see that there are internal hematomas near the scars. Therefore, if a woman experiences severe pain in the abdomen or other disturbing symptoms, then there is no need to look for answers to the question “when can you do an ultrasound after childbirth?”, You need to go and urgently undergo an ultrasound examination.

Ultrasound after discharge from the hospital

If the woman does not complain about anything, and the obstetricians do not observe any abnormalities, then a control ultrasound after childbirth is done on the eve of discharge home. If this was not done for one reason or another, then 10 days after birth an ultrasound is performed in the antenatal clinic. This is done for diagnostic purposes; the doctor looks to see whether the uterus has returned to its original size, what condition the postoperative suture on the uterus is in, and whether there are any inflammatory processes, such as endometriosis. If something is bothering a woman, she can visit the LC and undergo ultrasound diagnostics earlier.

It is especially important to undergo an ultrasound a month after birth for mothers who have had the following factors:
Multiple pregnancy;
High water;
Prolonged labor;
Major blood loss in the third birth period;
Long dry period;
Manual separation of the placenta.

Even in cases where everything is normal at the last ultrasound in the maternity hospital and the woman feels well, we should not forget about later postpartum complications. By undergoing an examination as soon as possible after childbirth, you can protect yourself from the consequences of these complications. If the doctor confirms that the woman is normal, then you need to visit a gynecologist in six months, and the next ultrasound is done a year after giving birth.

A number of women may have a poor ultrasound after childbirth, so after appropriate treatment, the young mother is advised to undergo the examination again. There are also some factors that are an indication for immediate appeal to the doctor and an ultrasound scan.

It is worth undergoing ultrasound diagnostics as soon as possible if:

1. Bloody postpartum discharge intensifies. This symptom may indicate that a portion of the placenta is retained in the uterus. This deviation is called a placental polyp.

2. The temperature rises, the lochia becomes purulent and has bad smell. Such signs most often indicate inflammation of the lining of the uterus.

3. Pain appeared in the lower abdomen or near postoperative suture, as well as discharge from the rumen. In this case, we can say that the seam is poorly made or has come apart.
All women, regardless of how they gave birth and whether they have disorders in the reproductive system, are interested in what an ultrasound shows after childbirth. In addition to the condition of the uterus itself, the specialist looks at the ovaries, examines the abdominal cavity for the presence of accumulation of blood and fluid, uterine veins, cervix. Detection of any deviations on early stage gives a good chance for rapid postpartum recovery.

Ultrasound of other organs

In the process of bearing a child, a woman’s urinary system is subjected to very heavy loads. If swelling of the extremities was observed during pregnancy, and there is a history of chronic diseases urinary tract, then it is necessary to do an ultrasound of the kidneys after childbirth in order to exclude exacerbations. Another doctor who should be visited regularly, and even more so during lactation, is a mammologist. The doctor asks the young mother about the sensations in her breasts, the amount of milk, and other important points. If there are cases of cancer in the family, you must inform your doctor about this. A specialist will decide whether to do an ultrasound of the mammary gland after childbirth, based on the mother’s complaints.

Every woman who has given birth or is about to give birth should know why an ultrasound is done after childbirth and later, because it is very important method diagnostics, with the help of which you can diagnose abnormalities, as well as preserve the health and life of the woman in labor.

Childbirth is a natural process provided for by nature itself. However, the birth of a new life is sometimes accompanied by complications.

In conditions of constantly deteriorating ecology and popular today sedentary lifestyle life, the health of expectant mothers does not always live up to expectations. Some pregnant women face the need for assisted delivery. caesarean section. This surgery involves removing the baby from the mother's uterus through a special incision in the abdomen.


Modern medicine minimizes the risks of complications during cesarean section. However, such surgery can cause inflammation or infection, both during and after it. Therefore, it is advisable to perform an operation only when childbirth by natural means is considered dangerous to the life and health of the expectant mother or her baby.

To refer a pregnant woman for a caesarean section, the doctor must have strong reasons. The most popular reasons for this decision are as follows:

  • skeletal features (too narrow pelvis);
  • myopia with fundus changes;
  • severe form of late toxicosis;
  • exacerbation of herpes in the genital area;
  • diabetes;
  • pathological features of the structure of the vagina and uterus;
  • incorrect position of the child (oblique or transverse);
  • placenta previa (detected during ultrasound);
  • the presence of several old scars on the uterus (from 2);
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • post-term pregnancy.

For severe spontaneous birth often prescribed emergency surgery. It is justified if a woman cannot push the fetus out on her own or if there is a risk oxygen starvation child.

The practice of sending a woman for caesarean section at her request, which is gaining popularity in some clinics, is, according to WHO, unjustified. If natural childbirth is possible, then you need to give birth exactly as nature intended.

What happens during a caesarean section?

The baby is placed on the mother's breast

Before sending a woman in labor to a cesarean section, she is subjected to a thorough examination. Among the mandatory medical research– Ultrasound of the fetus and uterus.

During the operation, the pregnant woman, who is under anesthesia at this time, first opens the abdominal wall, and then the uterine cavity (to extract the fetus). The wound on the uterus is sutured with a continuous suture, abdominal wall is being restored. Special staples are fixed to the skin and removed after a week. If there are no complications after a caesarean section, then the happy mother and baby are discharged from the maternity hospital immediately after the staples are removed.

Negative consequences of this operation:

  • difficult recovery from anesthesia;
  • inability to care for the child independently at first;
  • problems with lactation;
  • prolonged constipation;
  • possible accumulation of clots in the uterus;
  • pain and itching in the scar area;
  • mandatory antibiotic therapy;
  • the child may have neurological consequences.

Is an ultrasound necessary after a Caesarean section?

Ultrasound device

If ultrasound is prescribed several times before a cesarean section, then after the operation an ultrasound examination of the uterus is not always necessary. Some doctors prefer to play it safe and send all their patients for ultrasound. Others believe that if a woman has no complaints about her health, it is not necessary to have an ultrasound scan before discharge.

After a Caesarean section, as well as after a spontaneous natural birth, women release lochia (blood clots). The operation does not eliminate this phenomenon, as many mistakenly believe. Doctors try not to further injure the uterus during abdominal surgery, so they do not scrape the endometrium.

Thanks to breastfeeding, active uterine contractions are ensured, and the uterus expels clots and lochia. If the woman is healthy, then on the 5th day after surgery bloody issues replaced by thick spotting discharge, the presence of clots of brown or dark red color is allowed. This may last for several weeks, and then the discharge becomes clear and turns into leucorrhoea.

At normal course period after childbirth, before the mother and baby are discharged home, there is no need to do an ultrasound. However, the presence dangerous symptoms, even one of them, requires appointment additional tests and research, and urgently.

When should you sound the alarm?

If a woman has no discharge after childbirth, she should immediately tell her doctor about it. Since endometrial particles are sure to remain in the uterus after childbirth, the absence of discharge or spotting where there are no clots is a cause for serious concern. In such a situation, doctors immediately perform an ultrasound and refer the woman for curettage. The cause of this pathology may be a bend or spasm of the cervix.

When a woman, after giving birth, has normal spotting replaced by green or yellow clots, this is also serious reason for anxiety. If this discharge is accompanied by the smell of rot, and in a young mother heat and increased heart rate - not a minute to waste!

Increased temperature in a woman after cesarean section

It is also considered dangerous sudden cessation discharge, for example, 10 or 15 days after the birth of the child. The rapid cessation of discharge does not indicate that there are no endometrial fragments left in the uterus, but the presence inflammatory process and infections. We need to call an ambulance!

It is important to remember that every woman is obliged to take care of her health independently. After childbirth, you need to carefully monitor your body temperature, secretions, their smell and your feelings. The well-being of her child depends on the health of the mother!

What discharge is normal after cesarean section?

In order not to panic, you need to understand that postpartum period the body is restored according to a certain system. By knowing what is normal and what is not, you can get rid of unnecessary fears and, at the same time, not fall into a state of carelessness.

After a caesarean section, the discharge should be the same as after a normal birth:

  • at first copious clots blood (first week);
  • then red-brown discharge (if there are still fragments of the endometrium in the uterus, then red clots are sometimes possible);
  • after 4 weeks the discharge becomes very scanty;
  • after 6-8 weeks the lochia stops.

Pregnancy after cesarean

Surgical childbirth is characterized as a difficult birth, which should not be forgotten. The body of a woman who gives birth on her own quickly restores its strength and reproductive functions. And those who have undergone surgery have to adhere to certain deadlines before planning next pregnancy. This issue is individual and must be resolved individually in each specific case.

Already 60-70 days after childbirth, many women completely resume menstrual cycle. After a caesarean section, you must strictly follow the doctor's advice and regularly visit the antenatal clinic at your place of residence. To plan repeat pregnancy is possible only after a period of recovery and a thorough examination, during which an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and uterus is required.

After giving birth, a woman thinks only about the newborn, not paying attention to her condition. The maternity hospital staff are worried about the woman in labor. A woman doesn’t even think about when to do an ultrasound. Experienced specialists decide for it.

Doctors determine when it is best to do ultrasound diagnostics in the postpartum period, depending on the course of the baby’s birth process, the patient’s well-being, and the type of birth (natural, cesarean section).

Involution of the reproductive organs

During postpartum period V female body there is a process of involution ( reverse development) all systems and organs that have changed during pregnancy. This change begins from the moment the placenta falls out. It will take about 6 weeks. After the birth of the baby, contractions of the uterus are observed under the influence of postpartum contractions.

After the birth of the baby, the size of the uterus decreases, the bottom of which is located at the level of the navel. The bottom is sinking lower every day. So by the second day it is located slightly below the navel, by the 4th day - between the womb, navel, by the 8th - 9th day - slightly above the womb. After some time, it will take its place, which corresponds to the norm.

By this time, the shape of the uterus should change. It normally takes the following forms:

  • Ball-shaped – by the 3rd day;
  • Oval - by the 5th day;
  • Pear-shaped - by the 7th day.

Also observed during this period is discharge from the genital tract, which is called lochia. They change color starting from the first day after birth:

  • Bright red – on days 2–3;
  • Pale – from the 3rd day;
  • Yellowish – from the 5th day.

After a week, the discharge becomes the same as before before pregnancy.

What can an ultrasound detect?

  • Sometimes there are deviations in the size of the uterus from the norm. Big sizes of this organ indicate the presence of subinvolution, which manifests itself in slow reverse development. Ultrasound diagnostics helps determine the cause of deviation from the established norm and prescribe special treatment.
  • Postpartum endometritis. Using ultrasonic waves, a decrease in the tone of the uterus, accumulation of gases in it, and expansion of the cavity are detected. Treatment must begin immediately.
  • Postpartum bleeding. To discover sudden bleeding it is necessary to carry out diagnosis on the 2nd – 3rd day after birth. Ultrasound in for preventive purposes promotes timely detection of residues placental tissue, membranes in the uterine cavity.

If during the first ultrasound examination the specialist finds any pathological changes in the uterine structure and its condition, there is a need for repeated diagnostics. A second ultrasound is done to evaluate the results of the therapy undertaken.

Prescribing ultrasound procedures after natural childbirth

Ultrasound after childbirth is necessary to perform an examination of the female reproductive system. The doctor has the opportunity to detect all kinds of complications and take measures for their timely treatment.

When the condition of the woman giving birth is normal in the postpartum period, ultrasound is prescribed only on the second or third day. Normally, the transabdominal method is used. It is more convenient in the postpartum period. After all, examining a large uterus from the inside using a vaginal sensor is quite difficult. Transvaginal diagnosis is prescribed by a specialist in cases where it is necessary to carefully examine the cervix.

Using ultrasound, the uterine cavity and its condition are assessed. It should be slit-like, slightly widened. Inside it there is a small amount of blood, blood clots, which are localized in the upper part of the organ. This content will drop to the bottom on the 5th – 7th day.

During the examination, the specialist notices various changes uterine cavity:

  • Excessive expansion of the organ;
  • Presence of remnants of placental tissue;
  • Presence of membranes;
  • A large amount of blood, clots.

Such detailed diagnostics will help the doctor prevent the woman giving birth from various serious complications which may occur in the postpartum period. During ultrasound diagnostics, the size of the uterus is subject to mandatory assessment. The specialist compares the result obtained after diagnosis with the indicators in the standard table. Below we give an example of normal uterine involution.

Indicators taking into account the norm. Dimensions are in mm.Postpartum period.
Uterus:2nd day4th day6-8 days
Length136 – 144 115 – 125 94 – 106
Width133 – 139 111 – 119 95 – 105
Anteroposterior size68 – 72 65 – 71 61 – 69
Uterine cavity:
Length49 – 53 89 – 95 70 – 78
Width104 – 116 40 – 46 31 – 35
Anteroposterior size5,1 – 7,1 3 – 5 2,8 – 3,6

The length of the uterine cavity decreases every day. The dynamics of its reductions are reflected in the table taking into account the norm. The results were obtained by testing with a probe.

Postpartum period (weeks)Uterine cavity length (cm)
1.5 10.6
2 9.9
3 8
5 7.5
6 7.1
7 6.9
9 6.5

Changing uterine parameters

Immediately after the birth of the baby, the weight of the uterus is in the range of 1,000 - 1,200 g. The length of this organ is 15 - 20 cm, it is measured from the external pharynx to its bottom.

Involution of the uterus is provoked by postpartum contractions, which may be accompanied painful sensations. In progress breastfeeding the pain intensifies. The weight of the uterus decreases weekly:

  • By the end of the first week it decreases to 500 - 600 g;
  • End of the second – 350 g;
  • End of the third – 200 g;
  • The end of the postpartum period – 60 – 70 years.

The level of uterine involution is determined by the height of the fundus. The normal weight of a woman’s uterus is 50–70 g. She should return to this weight some time after pregnancy.

Timing of ultrasound

Diagnosis during normal childbirth:

  • After childbirth, when it resolves naturally, ultrasound diagnostics of the uterus is done mainly on the 2nd – 3rd day.
  • If the mother has a suspected uterine rupture, then an ultrasound after the birth of the baby is done in the first 2 hours. Ultrasonography helps to detect bleeding and its causes.

Ultrasound for complications

If there are complications, ultrasound diagnostics should be done after childbirth. Early diagnosis helps identify various deviations:

  • Increased size of the uterus;
  • Inadequacy of its contractions;
  • Remains of a child's place.

Ultrasound after caesarean section

Diagnosis is carried out shortly after the operation. Such haste will help eliminate internal bleeding, examine the sutures placed on the uterus. Ultrasound examination after cesarean section is necessary because after surgery the risk of various complications increases:

  • Endometritis;
  • Bleeding.

The specialist monitors the dynamics of the restoration process.

Indications for ultrasound

When discharged from the maternity hospital, every woman in labor must undergo examination. Examination of internal organs is very important to exclude postpartum complications. Also, this examination may be prescribed some time after discharge. A referral for an ultrasound scan is issued by a specialist after examining the patient and familiarizing herself with her complaints.

Ultrasound diagnostics must be carried out urgently in the following cases:

  • The occurrence of increased bleeding;
  • Pain in the suture placed as a result of the operation;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Liquid leakage from the seam;
  • The appearance of discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • Swelling, redness of the postoperative suture.

An indication for urgent ultrasound diagnostics is the appearance bleeding. Their presence may indicate formation in the uterine cavity placental polyp. It is an outgrowth of placental tissue that forms on the wall of the uterus.

In a full-term pregnancy, the weight of the uterus at birth reaches 1 kg. Immediately after the end of the third stage of labor - after the birth of the placenta, the uterus significantly decreases in size due to a sharp reduction in its muscles and atrophy of muscle fibers.

Contraction of the uterus after childbirth

Over the next 6-8 weeks, the size of the uterus decreases, its weight decreases and returns to its prenatal size - 60-70 grams. By the end of the first week of the postpartum period, the uterus weighs 500-600 g, by the 10th day after birth the weight of the uterus is 300-400 g, by the end of the third week the weight of the uterus decreases to 200 g.

The process of involution (reverse development) of the uterus is individual for each woman and depends on factors such as the degree of stretching of the uterus during pregnancy with polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, large fetal weight during pregnancy. Correct involution of the uterus is facilitated by timely emptying Bladder and intestines. But most the best remedy For good contraction and restoration of the uterus, breastfeeding the newborn from the first hours after birth is necessary, since when the nipples are stimulated, the hormone oxytocin is released, which causes contraction of the myometrium.

Restoration of the uterus is accompanied by the formation and release of lochia.

Dimensions of the uterus after childbirth

The degree of contraction of the uterus can be judged by the level of its fundus. The height of the uterine fundus after childbirth decreases by 1-2 cm per day.

Immediately after birth, the size of the uterus corresponds to 20 weeks of pregnancy: the fundus can be felt 1-2 transverse fingers (about 4 cm) below the navel.

After a few hours, the tone of the pelvic floor and vaginal muscles is restored and the uterus moves upward. Therefore, by the end of the first day after birth, the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the navel.

On the 2nd day, the fundus of the uterus is 12-15 cm above the pubic junction; on the 6th day – 9-10 cm above the pubic joint; on the 10th day - 5-6 cm above or at the level of the pubic joint. One and a half to two months (by the 6-8th week) after birth, the size of the uterus corresponds to the norm.

Subinvolution is manifested by a decrease in the rate of decrease in the height of the uterine fundus above the womb, and more abundant and bright lochia. A woman does not feel the usual postpartum cramping pain in the lower abdomen, even during breastfeeding.

Causes of uterine contraction disorders

Violation of contractile function of the uterus and causes of postpartum hemorrhage:

Overdistension of the uteruspolyhydramnios
multiple births
large fruit
"Exhaustion" contractility myometriumquick birth
protracted labor
high parity (>5 births)
fever during childbirth
chronic viral-bacterial infection
Anatomical/functional features of the uterusuterine malformations
uterine fibroids
placenta previa
operated uterus
Retention of parts of the placentaplacenta defect;
uterine hypotension;
partial tight attachment of the placenta;
partial rotation of the placenta.
Retention of blood clots in the uterine cavityuterine hypotension

Cervix after childbirth

Restoration of the cervix occurs somewhat more slowly. Immediately after childbirth, the cervical canal allows the hand to enter the uterine cavity. 10-12 hours after birth, the internal os begins to shrink, decreasing to 5-6 cm in diameter. By the 10th day, the internal os is almost closed. The formation of the external os occurs more slowly, so the final formation of the cervix occurs by the end of the 3rd week of the postpartum period.

U nulliparous women The external uterine os has a dotted shape; in those who have given birth, it has the shape of a transverse slit (slit-like).

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