Why one testicle is larger than the other in men: causes and treatment. Testicular enlargement in men: causes, symptoms and treatment

Despite the fact that they are paired gonads, they are rarely exactly the same in size. Most often, the right testicle is larger than the left and this does not count pathological deviation, because there is no perfect symmetry in the human body, take at least the left and right sides of the face, legs or arms. Everywhere there is at least a slight difference.

Why do the sizes of the testes differ?

In some cases, the difference may be a sign of a disease, but there is an objective explanation for this fact from a physiological point of view.

The reasons are as follows:

  • The artery of each testicle arises from the aorta, but there are cases when it can arise from the inferior mesenteric artery, which supplies the colon and upper segment of the rectum, or from renal artery. Because of this, the blood supply to the testicles will differ significantly, and, consequently, their size will be different;
  • Much depends on whether a person is left-handed or right-handed. The testes initially differ in size for optimal adaptability during the movement of a man, so as not to create friction among themselves.

If we take the standard size of the testes, then the normal size of the testicles in men is 4x2.5 (length and width). One gland is no more than 5 mm larger than the other, and this is quite acceptable. Sometimes the gonads are located on different heights, and at the same time the person is completely healthy and feels great due to the fact that this is also the norm.

But when rapid testicular enlargement occurs in men, this is a reason to think, because nothing just happens, and each phenomenon has its own reasons. There may be nothing to worry about, but in some situations it is better to take emergency measures.

Causes of deviations in testicular size

The prerequisites for the increase may be different. Some can occur in healthy, healthy men.

These reasons include:

  • Uncontrolled use of potent drugs, antibiotics, and other medications;
  • Drug addiction, which negatively affects the genitals;
  • Passion for bodybuilding and use of artificial steroid supplements, including testosterone of synthetic origin;
  • Various diseases circulatory system and blood vessels and the associated insufficient blood supply to tissues, for example, a disease such as varicocele;
  • The reason may also lie in severe physical overload associated with both professional activities and sports;
  • In cases with the use of hormonal substances, atrophy of the testes occurs due to a decrease in their natural function. Therefore, they may decrease in size and gradually fade away.

When blood circulation is impaired, the testes do not receive enough nutrients and oxygen and also become smaller. Narcotic substances interfere with the normal functioning of organs, their gradual destruction occurs normal structure, functionality.

However, there are also direct prerequisites for deviations, as a result of which one testicle is larger than the other in men different ages, and such anomalies are directly related to diseases.

The normal size of the testicles can change:

  • Mechanical injuries of the gonads;
  • This dangerous phenomenon, How;
  • after operation;
  • Tumor growths of the gonads;
  • testicles;
  • Infections and inflammations in the tissues of the appendages and the organ itself.

A situation where the right testicle is larger than the left can lead to irreversible atrophy, including amputation of the gland or infertility.

Pathologies due to circulatory disorders

When the question arises why left testicle more to the right in people engaged in heavy physical labor, who also suffer from insufficient blood flow in the renal veins, the answer may lie in the plane of disorders of the circulatory system. As a rule, the left testicle is affected due to blood stagnation.

Varicocele is:

  • Strong It's a dull pain in the scrotum area, aggravated by intimacy and even ordinary walking;
  • Pronounced swelling of the veins, with one testicle larger than the other in men with visual inspection genitals.

In this situation, outflow becomes impossible venous blood, and the testis is compressed and deprived of nutrition. As a result, sperm are unable to develop, which threatens to deprive them of fertility. Only operative surgery, because conservative treatment almost powerless.

However, even after this, complications may arise in the form of fluid accumulating around the testicle.

Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the testicles

If the testicle has increased in size, this may also mean infection. The bloodstream can carry pathogens directly into the testicle or epididymis. A variety of pathogens can provoke inflammatory processes:

  • Virus and herpes simplex;
  • Influenza pathogens;
  • Polymorphic paramyxoviruses;
  • Staphylococcal and streptococcal microorganisms that cause syphilis and gonorrhea;
  • The infection enters the testis through bladder, prostate gland or urethra.

Symptoms accompanying the disease.

From a medical point of view, each part human body and the body is extremely important. The state of health, the functioning of other systems and organs, and a person’s well-being depend on them. The male body deserves special attention, as it is structured in many ways completely differently than the female body. A burning topic for many men is the question of whether one testicle is larger than the other is normal or not.

Some men take this fact completely calmly, considering different sizes testicles only an aesthetic flaw. Others worry about the possibility of pathology and disease, which is why different shapes of the testicles are observed. From a medical point of view, a slight difference in size is only physiological feature, another thing is too obvious a discrepancy, which may indicate the presence of diseases.

A little bit of anatomy

Before looking for answers to the question of what to do if one testicle is larger than the other, you need to know the anatomy of the structure of this organ, as well as normal indicators. For any man, the testicles are a very important organ on which reproductive function, as well as potency and libido, depend. It is here that sperm are produced, which are the offspring of a man. In addition, the testicles are a source of testosterone, which determines the level of potency and erection.

From a physiological point of view, the different sizes of the testicles and their certain asymmetry are only a natural trick, thanks to which you can avoid rubbing, twisting among themselves, as well as trauma to the scrotum. The normal size of the testicles is approximately 4-6 cm in length, 2.5 cm in width.. But you should not take these parameters as a template and standard of male attractiveness.

For reference! Testicular size is determined by physical development men and their structure, that is, the larger the man himself, the larger his testicles.

Why is one testicle larger than the other in men?

In order to determine the reasons for the apparent discrepancy between the sizes of the testicles, you need to consult a doctor. Only an experienced specialist will be able to distinguish physiological asymmetry from obvious pathology and problems.

One testicle is larger than the other in men - reasons:

  1. Taking drugs. Statistics show that marijuana abuse can cause changes in the size of the genitals. At the same time, they do not always talk about the presence of problems, but disproportion can lead to psychological disorders men.
  2. Reception medications . There are a number of drugs side effects which can lead to various situations that are unpleasant for a man, including testicular disproportion. We are talking about anabolic steroids, as well as those that contain synthetic testosterone. This leads to inhibition of the testicles in the production of testosterone, which causes atrophy.
  3. Varicocele. Poor circulation in the area of ​​the scrotum and testicles can lead to their reduction.
  4. Injuries received. Receipt various injuries groin area can disrupt the nutrition and blood supply to the testicles, which will lead to their disproportion.
  5. Epididymitis. A disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the epididymis, the causes of which may be influenza, meningitis or pneumonia. The appendage suggests inflammation and increase in size, as well as a noticeable thickening.
  6. Twisting or torsion of the cord. This causes disruption of blood circulation and blood supply to the genitals.
  7. Oncology. The formation of a tumor is accordingly accompanied by an increase in the size of the affected organ, which may be the testicle.

For reference! Congenital cause testicular disproportions may be hypoplasia, that is, underdevelopment of one testicle. In addition, hydrocele, a disease accompanied by enlargement of this organ, implies a serious threat.

Thus, it becomes clear that the reasons for the apparent disproportion may be serious violations and diseases requiring medical attention.

What to do?

It would be reasonable to ask what to do if one testicle is larger than the other, as well as which specialist to contact. First you need to know how to properly conduct an independent examination according to this principle:

  • You need to examine your testicles in a calm state, if this was not preceded by sports or sex.
  • You can visually compare organs using a mirror.
  • It is also important to evaluate the color of the testicles; it should be the same in both testicles.
  • Each testicle is lifted up to the groin in turn, checking for the absence of pain.
  • In the same state, you need to lightly squeeze the testicles to make sure there is no pain.
  • It is necessary to repeat the attempts that a man makes during urination, pain in in this case indicates there are problems.

You should visit a doctor if the following occurs:

  • a dramatic difference in the size of the testicles (normal - 0.7 cm);
  • different shade of testicles;
  • heterogeneous skin structure to the touch;
  • feeling of pain during examination;
  • when one testicle has a high temperature compared to the second.

In this case, a urologist or andrologist, as well as a surgeon or traumatologist, can give qualified advice, depending on the causes of this phenomenon.


An important condition Elimination of testicular imbalance is treatment as prescribed by the doctor. An important condition for recovery is timely contact with a specialist. Self-medication or complete refusal of therapy promises a man a number of consequences and complications. Only after identifying the causes of the imbalance of these organs can the doctor find the optimal method of therapy.

For reference! Prevention measures in this case include a healthy diet and lifestyle, avoiding physical overexertion, avoiding hypothermia or overheating of the genitals, protection from viruses, infections, and injuries.

Often, a man needs surgery to help him, especially when it comes to cysts, tumors and neoplasms. Besides surgery used in the treatment of varicocele or to eliminate the consequences of scrotal injuries. It would also be appropriate to take medications prescribed by your doctor.

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It would be a good idea to examine your testicles regularly. To do this, you just need to get acquainted with a little anatomy. Periodic self-examination will help you notice earlier anything unusual in the development or condition of the testicles and other organs in the scrotum.

  1. The testicles are normally oval in shape, about 4-5 cm long, 3 cm wide and 2 cm thick. This applies primarily to representatives of the Caucasian race.
  2. One testicle is often slightly larger than the other. This is usually normal and nothing to worry about. However, if you notice that one testicle is enlarged, then you need to visit an andrologist so that he can also examine it.
  3. The left testicle in most men is located lower than the right, which is also not a pathology.

Why can testicles be different sizes?

In most cases, especially if the difference in size is not very significant, this is quite normal phenomenon. It is not a pathology and should not cause concern. In some people, one testicle may even be significantly larger for some unknown reason. benign cause. You can also identify a number of other reasons that could affect the different sizes.

One testicle may be smaller in the following cases:

  • In the presence of varicocele(expansion of certain veins inside the scrotum) the nutrition of the testicle is disrupted, as a result of which the left one (most often) may be smaller in size due to its atrophy. Lack of treatment is dangerous.
  • If it was undescended at birth(stayed in the abdominal cavity), even despite corrective operations.
  • When did intrauterine or infantile testicular torsion.
  • Consequences of mumps.

One testicle may be larger in the following cases:

  • Testicular cancermalignant tumors, which can develop into different fabrics gonads.
  • Cyst- a formation (cavity with fluid) in the tissues inside the scrotum, which can be asymptomatic for a long time. It usually appears in the appendage area.
  • Benign tumor – is rare and develops slowly, increases the risk of developing cancer.

During the process of sexual development in a child, sometimes the testicles may differ in size, but by the end of this period they will equalize if everything is normal.

Epididymispaired organ, attached to each testicle behind and above.

They both look like spools of tiny tubes wound repeatedly that carry and store sperm. At the same time, they take part in endowing it with fertilizing ability. If you unwind the epididymis, it will be about 6 meters long, or even more.

Spermatic cords - are a collection of muscles, nerves, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels and some other tissues and organs on which the testicles are suspended. The most important thing in them is the vas deferens, through which sperm moves towards the penis. They also provide nutrition to the testicles and related functions. The spermatic cords go up to the epididymis and are also located behind them in the scrotum.

Scrotum- a leather sac containing testicles and appendages.

How should the testicles feel to the touch?

You can easily and quickly conduct a self-examination, which will take about one minute. Best time for this procedure - after taking a warm bath or shower, when the skin of the scrotum is relaxed. The main steps are as follows:

  1. Hold the scrotum and testicles in the palm of your hand to feel their weight . One testicle may be slightly larger than the other but they should be approximately the same mass.
  2. Take the testicle so that your thumb is on one side and your index and middle fingers are on the other. Gently roll the testicle between your fingers, feeling it to make sure there are no hard formations. Normal male testicles are oval shaped and should be firm but not hard, smooth and without any lumps.

Repeat the same with the other testicle.

  1. Moving along the bottom of the scrotum, find the epididymis, which is located at the back of the testicle. It must be small lumps in the form of a lump on the top and back of each testicle. They should normally feel soft and perhaps slightly tender to the touch.
  2. Gently touch the spermatic cords, which are located above and behind the epididymis. In a healthy state, these are elastic, smooth tubes.

All components human body important. The normal functioning of every person depends on their work. Now I would like to talk about the health of the stronger sex, namely, to figure out why a man has one testicle larger than the other.

What kind of organ is this and why is it needed?

Initially, it must be said that testicles are very important for men. After all, it is in them that the production of sperm occurs, which gives the guy the opportunity to become a father. But they also produce a hormone such as testosterone. And he is responsible for the presence of masculine qualities in a representative of the stronger sex.


So why is one testicle larger than the other in men? It is worth noting that this is provided by nature. Those. this condition is assumed by anatomy. And all in order to prevent injuries, twisting or rubbing of the scrotum in everyday life.

The normal size of the testicles is on average four to six centimeters in length. The width should be about two and a half centimeters. However, these parameters are not a standard at all. It all depends on the man’s body. The larger he is, the larger his testicles will be.

However, it is ok if the differences are essentially minor. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor.


Let's look further at why one testicle is larger than the other in men. It’s also worth saying here that every man can detect the problem on his own. To do this, it is necessary to periodically inspect this organ. Procedure:

  1. The inspection must be carried out in a calm state. In no case after physical activity or sex.
  2. Visual inspection: you need to stand in front of a mirror and compare the sizes of both testicles.
  3. It is also important to consider their color. The testicles should be the same color.
  4. Next, you need to lift each testicle in turn to the groin area. Here you need to monitor whether there is any pain.
  5. At this stage, each testicle should be slightly squeezed. This will also tell you whether there is any pain.
  6. The last stage: you need to push several times, as when urinating. If pain appears, this is not a good sign.

Reason 1. Taking drugs

The first reason why one testicle is larger than the other in men may be the use of various drugs. And especially marijuana. Scientists have proven that this plant is capable of changing the size of this male organ. Sometimes it happens that one testicle shrinks, while the other remains normal. The result is a disproportion that worries the guy.

Reason 2. Medicines

If one testicle is larger than the other in men, the reasons may include taking certain medications. Anabolic steroids, as well as synthetic testosterone preparations, can lead to such consequences. When using the latter means, the pituitary gland instructs the body to stop the independent production of testosterone (which is what the testicles do). As a result, this organ gradually atrophies and decreases in size.

Reason 3. Varicocele

What other reasons are there why one testicle is larger than the other in men? This condition can cause a disease such as varicocele. With this disease, blood circulation in this organ is disrupted, as a result of which the guy’s testicle does not receive the proper and necessary for normal operation nutrition. Therefore, it decreases in size.

Reason 4. Trauma

Why does a man have one testicle larger than the other, what reason can cause this condition? This is often facilitated by various injuries that the guy receives in the groin area. This could even lead to irreversible consequences. And all because in this case there is stagnation of blood in the groin area, as a result - improper blood supply and nutrition to the testicle, which causes this state.

Reason 5. Epididymitis

It is worth noting that this is an inflammatory process that affects men. This problem can arise even due to such infectious disease like influenza, pneumonia, meningitis, etc. In this case, the appendage itself becomes dense and inflamed. The temperature in it rises, and when touched, unpleasant and even painful sensations arise.

Reason 6. Twisting

If a man has one testicle larger than the other, it may be torsion of the cord (or, as is commonly believed, testicular torsion). In this case, the normal blood supply to this organ is disrupted, which can cause a similar condition.

Reason 7. Cancer

And, of course, often this condition occurs due to the fact that a man develops a tumor in this organ. Those. cancer also causes a condition where one testicle is larger than the other in men. After surgery to remove such a formation, the situation changes and everything falls into place.

When to Seek Doctor Help

A man should know that he needs to monitor the health of his entire body very carefully. genitourinary system. Contact for medical assistance necessary in the following cases:

  • If the size of the testicles is radically different. The normal difference is 0.7 cm. Anything more is a deviation from the norm.
  • If the color of the testicles is not the same.
  • If their skin or texture is not uniform to the touch.
  • If you feel pain when touched.
  • If one testicle is hotter than the other.


If one testicle is larger than the other in men, treatment is what is important. It should also be noted that it must also be timely. After all, if you do not pay attention to the problem in time, you can significantly worsen the condition. It is important to remember that this can lead to irreversible consequences.

What to do in this case? Initially, you need to determine the problem, and only after that can treatment be prescribed. Depending on the reason, it may differ.

Quite often, with such problems, surgical intervention is indicated for men. For example, if you have to remove neoplasms, tumors, cysts. The operation will also help cope with varicocele disease and even the consequences of serious injuries to the man’s scrotum.

Prescribed exclusively by a doctor depending on the diagnosis.


To prevent any problems with this male organ, prevention is very important:

  • It is imperative to lead a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle.
  • All physical activity received should not lead to overexertion.
  • Do not overheat or overcool the testicles.
  • We must try to protect this organ from any injuries and infections.

And, of course, you need to periodically conduct an independent examination of the testicles at home and from time to time go for a medical examination at the clinic.

Testicles – most important organ for reproduction and procreation. This is a paired gland that produces sex cells and male hormones. The main function of germ cells (sperm) is the delivery of hereditary information to the egg. Penetrating the egg, they stimulate its development. Spermatozoa cannot develop at temperatures above 35⁰ C, so nature provides for the location of the testicles outside the abdominal cavity. The testicles also produce hormones that enter the bloodstream and stimulate development. male characteristics: mustache, beard, body hair, size of genital organs and male body structure.

Anatomical structure of the testicle

The testicles (testicles or testes) are located in the perineal area in leather sacs - the scrotum. They are located behind the base of the penis, the left one is slightly lower than the right one. The scrotum has two separate chambers for each testicle. The weight of each is in the range of 20-50 g. One is always a little larger; there is no ideal symmetry in the body. Their size and mass depend on individual characteristics body. It is believed that in large tall men the testicles are slightly larger. Although there are exceptions. Scientists still cannot determine the reason for the size.

The outside of the testicle is surrounded by a whitish-colored membrane called the tunica albuginea. Underneath it is the substance of the testicle, consisting of many cone-shaped lobules. The cone is directed towards the center. Each lobule contains 2-3 seminiferous tubules, which merge into a duct in the central part. There can be up to 300 such lobules in each testis.

Already in the 4th month of pregnancy in utero, the child develops epididymis, which secretes hormones for the development of sexual characteristics of the unborn child. The testicles descend into the scrotum from the groin area in 96% of newborn boys. If prolapse does not occur before birth, but occurs before the 6th week in the newborn, in in rare cases up to a year. If a boy has not descended into the scrotum after a year, this is considered a disease - cryptorchidism. It can be one-sided or two-sided. Typically occurs in premature babies. There is no treatment with pills, only surgery, and the sooner the better for the future man. If the operation was not performed in childhood, then during the period of growing up the pathology will be clearly visible externally. The scrotum on one side will be much smaller.

The scrotum is a skin-muscular sac located outside the abdominal cavity, in which the testicles, epididymis and primary departments spermatic cords. The testicles are brought by nature outside the body, because for the normal functioning of the male gonads, for the production of viable sperm, a temperature of 36° is required, and in the abdominal cavity this temperature is on average 38°. It is curious that after long and cold winters, the birth rate also increases, because the “cooled” testicles produce more.

Asymmetry in nature

In the vast majority of cases, the testicles are located unequally and vary in size. And many men ask the question: ?

In fact, it is almost impossible to find anything completely symmetrical in nature. Also in the human body - a person has a slightly different eye shape, slightly asymmetrical ears, and the paired internal organs differ somewhat in size and location.

The same goes for the testicles. Testicles are a paired gland internal secretion, and it is quite natural that they differ slightly in size and height. Some experts in ontogenesis say that it is symmetry and development internal organs in the fetus, it is even influenced by which side the baby lies towards the umbilical cord, which hand he holds near his tummy. Even the blood supply to the testicles may be different: the left testicular artery may arise from the renal artery, and the right from the mesenteric artery. And that's it!

Let's sound the alarm

Mothers under three years of age should pay special attention. The fact is that at the time of birth, normally the testicles should already be in the scrotum. But there are cases when the testicles (one or both) are retained in the abdominal cavity. As a rule, doctors take a wait-and-see approach - up to three years there is a chance that it will fall into place. If this does not happen, then the issue is resolved surgically.

Therefore, young mothers should be very attentive to their sons, because many health problems in childhood can be resolved without consequences.

Normalization of the norm

Many mothers (and some adult men are guilty of this) expect that with age the situation in the scrotum will change. But it's in vain.

The small height of the testicles does not affect their functions in any way: they also produce active hormones and release male sex hormones into the blood. This asymmetry does not at all affect the quality of sexual life and fertility.

Therefore, you should not worry about this and wait for changes, because it cannot become even more normal.

Video on the topic


  • Why is one testicle larger than the other?
  • All about testicles

The testicles are male reproductive glands located in the corresponding halves of the scrotum of the stronger sex. Painful sensations in the right testicle are a fairly common reason for visiting a urologist-andrologist. Many reasons contribute to the occurrence of these pains. It should be noted that only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Very often, the causes of painful manifestations in the area are infectious and inflammatory diseases of the testicle, surgical interventions, inguinal hernia, various infections(chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma), trauma and tumors of the right testicle, chronic prostatitis, testicular torsion, hydrocele, inguinal hernia, spermatocele. As a rule, these diseases are quite easily diagnosed and treated.

Very often, pain in the right appears due to acute trauma to the scrotum. The pathology of integrity violation itself occurs quite rarely. However, even a simple blow to the testicles can cause loss of consciousness. It must be borne in mind that if painful and unexpected pain occurs, you should immediately seek help. medical care to avoid the development of complications such as infertility and testicular loss.

As a rule, unbearable pain in the right testicle is observed due to its torsion. The fact is that it is located on the spermatic cord, which contains the vas deferens, as well as blood vessels. Sometimes it happens that it changes its position, while twisting around the longitudinal axis. As a result, this leads to a direct 360-degree twist, compression of the vas deferens occurs, and blood circulation to the testicle is disrupted.

Excruciating pain in the right testicle may be present with inflammation of the right testicular epididymis. Often, this is facilitated by bacteria (chlamydia, gonococci), which also cause the development of urethritis. As a rule, inflammation of the epididymis occurs predominantly on one side only. This disease is characterized by a gradual increase in painful sensations. In addition, a man may notice other signs of infection of the urinary system: spontaneous emptying of the bladder, increased body temperature and a burning sensation in the canal.

Soreness in the right testicle may be a consequence urolithiasis, as well as in the presence of cysts and kidney tumors.

Besides this, it is enough common cause Soreness in the right testicle is caused by sexual dissatisfaction. This is explained by the fact that during sexual arousal, blood accumulates not only in the right testicle. Due to prolonged abstinence from ejaculation, swollen testicles can hurt. However, these pain sensations can go away on their own after a few hours.

What is the diagnosis of testicular diseases?

As a rule, diagnosis includes the following examinations of the patient: performing a general examination, collecting the patient’s complaints, palpating the scrotal organs; MRI; taking blood, semen, urine, smear tests; ultrasonography scrotal organs; performing puncture and biopsy with mandatory tissue examination. In addition, to identify an epididymal cyst, diaphanoscopy is performed, which involves shining a light through the scrotal tissue.

Preventive measures and therapeutic therapy for testicular diseases

In case of inflammatory diseases appendage (orchitis) treatment is carried out conservatively. With this diagnosis, it is recommended to prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. In case of disease (hydrocele), rest and the use of a suspensor are indicated. Besides, large cluster The fluid is removed by a special procedure - puncture, after which sclerosing agents are administered. Treatment of malignant tumor formations held surgically. In addition, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are mandatory.

To prevent many diseases, you should adhere to following rules: avoid traumatizing the scrotum; lead healthy image life; use a condom during sexual intercourse to protect against; Minimize heavy lifting.

The testicles (testicles, testes) may be of unequal size. If a man has one testicle larger than the second by a maximum of 20 mm, then this is physiological norm. In newborns, the genitals are just developing, so they can have different sizes. However, when one testicle enlarges 2 or more times in relation to the other, the patient begins to experience pain - this is a reason to visit a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

General information

The testicles are an organ that is located in the skin-muscular sac, or scrotum. IN in good condition one testicle is larger than the other, which is due to several factors:

  • The right and left testicles have different circulations. Normally, the artery arises from the aorta of the testis, and it may arise from the mesenteric or renal artery.
  • Depending on whether a man is right-handed or left-handed, the corresponding testicle experiences more mechanical impact. When walking, a person steps harder with his right foot if he is right-handed, and with his left foot if vice versa. To prevent the testes from rubbing against each other, they have different sizes.

According to data Numerous studies have shown that the right testicle is larger than the left.

The structure of the testicles has a number of characteristic features:

  • the testes may vary slightly in size;
  • placement of testicles at different levels is acceptable;
  • the average weight of one testicle is from 32 to 50 g;
  • the size of the testes reaches from 2.5 to 3.7 cm.

Changes in the structure of the genital organs depend on individual, physiological characteristics. A slight increase in testicular size is considered normal.

There are a number of signs that require immediate medical attention:

  • the testicles sharply increased in size within a few days;
  • the shape of the scrotum has changed;
  • symptoms of inflammation appeared - redness, swelling;
  • local, general temperature has increased;
  • a man is bothered by pain when walking;
  • discomfort and pain appeared during the act of urination;
  • a rash has formed on the scrotum;
  • presence of blood in semen.


Doctors identify a number of reasons why deviations in the size of the testes are possible:

  • Drug use. In this case, the genital organs atrophy and different sizes of testes appear.
  • Long-term physical activity with the use of anabolic steroids and steroids changes the size of one of the testes.

Enlarged testicles are not an independent disease, but indicate serious diseases in the body. Common pathologies in which one testicle is larger than the other in men:

Cause Description Photo
Testicular torsionA disease in which the spermatic cord becomes enwrapped. In this case, blood circulation stops and testicular cells are affected. Symptoms of the disease:
  • torsion is accompanied by pain;
  • the color of the scrotum changes to bluish or dark burgundy;
  • signs of intoxication appear - nausea, vomiting, weakness, migraine, fainting and others

InjuryAt closed damage Internal hemorrhage occurs, which leads to testicular enlargement. In addition to changes in the size of the testes, the following signs appear:
  • depending on the amount of blood shed, the color of the scrotum may be blue or black;
  • hemorrhage may spread to nearby organs, tissues - pubis, penis, groin area;
  • signs of intoxication appear - nausea, vomiting, migraine, dizziness, convulsions, loss of consciousness
TumorsDoctors identify two types of neoplasms that can lead to changes in testicular size:
  • benign;
  • malignant.

Cancerous tumors are slow-growing tumorsnot causing pain or discomfort during palpation.

The first sign when a patient consults a doctor is an enlargement of the testicle by 3-4 times compared to the second. With timely medical help, the prognosis is favorable, the patient is completely cured.

At malignant formation metastases can spread to the bones, lungs, brain, and so on.

Benign tumors in the testes, or cysts, appear at the back of the testicle, and in rare cases, at the front. Doctors have not fully studied the reasons for their development. Signs:

  • pain on palpation;
  • edema;
  • urinary disturbance caused by increased lymph nodes squeezing the ureter

VaricoceleThis is an enlargement of the spermatic vein or other branches within the scrotum. With the disease, testicular ischemia occurs due to blood stagnation. The left is more often affected, which is associated with anatomical location ovarian vein.

At risk are men who engage in heavy physical activity and have renal vein diseases.

Symptoms of varicocele:

  • appears nagging pain in the scrotum area, worsening during physical activity;
  • it hurts for a man to sit;
  • the size of the testes changes.

During the examination, the doctor may notice swelling of the veins that disappear when lying down.

HydroceleA condition in which fluid collects in the scrotum. The causes of hydrocele are not fully understood by doctors. However, they came to the conclusion that dropsy develops due to infectious process, injuries, operations.

One testicle can increase in size 10 times or more. The following symptoms appear:

  • mild pain occurs;
  • discomfort develops while walking;
  • the act of urination is disrupted.

During the examination, the doctor diagnoses an elastic, dense formation that is translucent

Epididymo-orchitisDoctors distinguish two types of disease:
  • non-tuberculous, or orchitis;
  • tuberculous.

Symptoms of orchitis:

  • swelling of the testicles, appendages;
  • pain on palpation;
  • problems with urination;
  • discharge from the urethra.

The disease is difficult to diagnose because it is difficult to differentiate from a tumor based on its symptoms.

The tuberculous type is less common. It is a hard swelling irregular shape. With pathology, the movement of the testicles inside the scrotum becomes difficult

Infectious and inflammatory diseasesThe causative agent of the pathology penetrates the testicles and their appendages through the bloodstream from the source of infection. It is rare as an independent disease. Pathogens of a fungal, viral, or bacterial nature can cause enlargement of the testicles:
  • paramyxovirus, or the causative agent of mumps;
  • herpes virus;
  • influenza virus;
  • causative agents of sexually transmitted pathologies - gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.

The infection enters through the urethra, bladder, prostate, and may enter through the scrotum after surgery.

Symptoms of infections:

  • enlargement of half of the scrotum, which is accompanied by pain;
  • skin tightness, lack of folds;
  • edema;
  • symptoms of intoxication - high fever, migraine, general weakness and others

Pathogens that lead to testicular enlargement

Changes in testicular size in children

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the baby develops testicles. This process develops in the abdominal cavity. If the baby is born at term, the testicles descend into the scrotum. In a premature fetus, the testes are located in the inguinal canal and eventually occupy the desired position. By various reasons the descent is not complete by the time of birth. This anomaly is called cryptorchidism and is diagnosed during the initial examination of a newborn.

No medicinal manipulation is required; by the age of one week the process is restored. Sometimes the testicles drop down to a year. Children require constant monitoring to avoid complications.

Doctors identify such a thing as false cryptorchidism: the baby’s testicles are mobile, so from cold or muscle tension they are able to hide in the abdominal cavity or inguinal canal, and Because of this, their size may not be the same. Soon they return to the opposite position. In adolescents, the pathology disappears.

Doctors identify cases when cryptorchidism requires surgical intervention. The operation must take place in infancy. In teenagers surgical intervention gives only a cosmetic effect, and the gland will not be able to perform its functions.

There are a number of diseases in which a boy has one testicle smaller than the other:

  1. 1. Dropsy. Fluid accumulates and is retained in the membranes, and the entire scrotum or half of it enlarges. The child requires constant monitoring by a urologist. Up to a year, all symptoms disappear. If the swelling does not go away, but increases, then after 2 years the child is indicated for surgery.
  2. 2. Hernia. Life-threatening disease. The disease leads to the death of testicular cells. The only way to combat it is an operation that is performed in the first days after birth. Pathology can be detected visually: when a baby cries, screams, or exercises.
  3. 3. Torsion. When the testicle inverts, the child feels severe pain becomes moody and refuses to eat. If help is not provided in a timely manner, the testis is damaged, and after a day the changes become irreversible. The only way to get rid of the pathology is surgery.
  4. 4. Atrophy. Develops after infectious diseases.

Treatbabyonly possible under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication is inappropriate.

  • 3. Infectious and inflammatory diseases. A treatment regimen is prescribed after identifying the pathogen that caused the changes. At viral pathologies shown antiviral drugs, for bacterial ones - antibiotics. Additionally, the man is prescribed nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve swelling, temperature, and pain. After pain relief, the patient is referred for physiotherapy.
  • 4. Hydrocele. For small dropsy, no medications are required; the pathology goes away on its own. If the dropsy does not go away, the patient is punctured to the affected area, sclerotherapy is performed - the introduction of drugs that cause gluing of the vessel walls.
  • 5. Varicocele. Medicines are not given effective results. The man needs surgery.
  • Prevention

    1. 1. The procedure is carried out in a calm state.
    2. 2. A man stands in front of a mirror and examines the testicles for changes in size and color.
    3. 3. Each is lifted, squeezing slightly.
    4. 4. The man strains several times, as if urinating.

    If the color of the scrotum has changed, one testicle is several times larger than the other, you need to urgently visit a doctor for diagnosis.

    Doctors highlight simple rules prevention that prevents the development of diseases leading to enlarged testicles:

    • use a condom during sexual intercourse;
    • during active physical activity, wear a protective bandage on the penis;
    • avoid trauma to the scrotum;
    • If diseases of the genitourinary system occur, consult a doctor;
    • observe temperature regime in the groin area.

    Diseases that lead to changes in the size of the testes can cause infertility or necrosis with subsequent amputation of the testicle. Therefore, when unpleasant symptoms You need to immediately visit a doctor for diagnosis and start of a therapy regimen.

    From a medical point of view, every part of the human body and organism is extremely important. The state of health, the functioning of other systems and organs, and a person’s well-being depend on them. The male body deserves special attention, as it is structured in many ways completely differently than the female body. A burning topic for many men is the question of whether one testicle is larger than the other is normal or not.

    Some men take this fact completely calmly, considering different testicle sizes only an aesthetic flaw. Others worry about the possibility of pathology and disease, which is why different shapes of the testicles are observed. From a medical point of view, a slight difference in size is only a physiological feature; another thing is a too obvious discrepancy, which may indicate the presence of diseases.

    A little bit of anatomy

    Before looking for answers to the question of what to do if one testicle is larger than the other, you need to know the anatomy of the structure of this organ, as well as normal indicators. For any man, the testicles are a very important organ on which reproductive function, as well as potency and libido, depend. It is here that sperm are produced, which are the offspring of a man. In addition, the testicles are a source of testosterone, which determines the level of potency and erection.

    From a physiological point of view, the different sizes of the testicles and their certain asymmetry are only a natural trick, thanks to which you can avoid rubbing, twisting among themselves, as well as trauma to the scrotum. The normal size of the testicles is approximately 4-6 cm in length, 2.5 cm in width.. But you should not take these parameters as a template and standard of male attractiveness.

    For reference! The size of the testicles determines the physical development of a man and his structure, that is, the larger the man himself, the larger his testicles.

    Why is one testicle larger than the other in men?

    In order to determine the reasons for the apparent discrepancy between the sizes of the testicles, you need to consult a doctor. Only an experienced specialist will be able to distinguish physiological asymmetry from obvious pathology and problems.

    One testicle is larger than the other in men - reasons:

    1. Taking drugs. Statistics show that marijuana abuse can cause changes in the size of the genitals. At the same time, they do not always talk about the presence of problems, but disproportion can lead to psychological disorders in a man.
    2. Taking medications. There are a number of drugs, the side effects of which can be various unpleasant situations for a man, including testicular disproportion. We are talking about anabolic steroids, as well as those that contain synthetic testosterone. This leads to inhibition of the testicles in the production of testosterone, which causes atrophy.
    3. Varicocele. Poor circulation in the area of ​​the scrotum and testicles can lead to their reduction.
    4. Injuries received. Receiving various injuries to the groin area can disrupt the nutrition and blood supply to the testicles, which will lead to their disproportion.
    5. Epididymitis. A disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the epididymis, the causes of which may be influenza, meningitis or pneumonia. The appendage suggests inflammation and increase in size, as well as a noticeable thickening.
    6. Twisting or torsion of the cord. This causes disruption of blood circulation and blood supply to the genitals.
    7. Oncology. The formation of a tumor is accordingly accompanied by an increase in the size of the affected organ, which may be the testicle.

    For reference! A congenital cause of testicular disproportion may be hypoplasia, that is, underdevelopment of one testicle. In addition, hydrocele, a disease accompanied by enlargement of this organ, implies a serious threat.

    Thus, it becomes clear that the causes of apparent disproportion may be serious disorders and diseases requiring medical attention.

    What to do?

    It would be reasonable to ask what to do if one testicle is larger than the other, as well as which specialist to contact. First you need to know how to properly conduct an independent examination according to this principle:

    • You need to examine your testicles in a calm state, if this was not preceded by sports or sex.
    • You can visually compare organs using a mirror.
    • It is also important to evaluate the color of the testicles; it should be the same in both testicles.
    • Each testicle is lifted up to the groin in turn, checking for the absence of pain.
    • In the same state, you need to lightly squeeze the testicles to make sure there is no pain.
    • It is necessary to repeat the attempts that a man makes during urination; pain in this case indicates the presence of problems.

    You should visit a doctor if the following occurs:

    • a dramatic difference in the size of the testicles (normal - 0.7 cm);
    • different shade of testicles;
    • heterogeneous skin structure to the touch;
    • feeling of pain during examination;
    • when one testicle has a high temperature compared to the second.

    In this case, a urologist or andrologist, as well as a surgeon or traumatologist, can give qualified advice, depending on the causes of this phenomenon.


    An important condition for eliminating testicular imbalance is treatment as prescribed by the doctor. An important condition for recovery is timely contact with a specialist. Self-medication or complete refusal of therapy promises a man a number of consequences and complications. Only after identifying the causes of the imbalance of these organs can the doctor find the optimal method of therapy.

    For reference! Prevention measures in this case include a healthy diet and lifestyle, avoiding physical overexertion, avoiding hypothermia or overheating of the genitals, protection from viruses, infections, and injuries.

    Often, a man needs surgery to help him, especially when it comes to cysts, tumors and neoplasms. In addition, surgical intervention is used in the treatment of varicocele or to eliminate the consequences of scrotal injuries. It would also be appropriate to take medications prescribed by your doctor.

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    Often, representatives of the stronger sex are worried about the disproportion of the testicles. All men face this problem age categories. Let's look at the main reasons that cause differences in the size of the right and left testicles, and also answer frequently asked questions in this regard.

    One testicle is larger than the other in men - reasons

    Before answering the question: “why is one testicle larger than the other in men?”, you should understand the fact that some deviations from the norm are acceptable, and if visually disproportionate testicles do not cause discomfort to a man, there is no reason to worry.

    There are some reasons why one egg can be significantly larger than another, namely:

    • Physical damage (trauma). The testicles are sensitive to shocks and blows. It may increase immediately after the impact or gradually increase over several days.
    • Epidymitis (inflammation of the epidimis). Leads to infertility of both testicles.
    • Orchitis. Develops with advanced epidymitis, the symptoms are more pronounced (purulent
      formation, inflammation).
    • Tumor. Tumors are classified as benign and malignant. At
      palpation and self-examination, it is difficult to distinguish one from the other, you should immediately contact a specialist.
    • Inflammation of the testicle. In case of inflammation, surgery is required.
    • Varicocele. With this disease, one of the testicles is lower and larger when standing. There is a varicocele of both testicles, but it is much less common than a varicocele of only one.
    • Torsion spermatic cord. Externally, the color of the scrotum is not similar to the color of the body; the scrotum becomes pale or spotted. If help was not provided within the first twelve hours, the egg may remain non-viable.

    The left testicle is larger than the right

    For most men, it is the left egg that is larger than the right. This is due to the conditions in which it is found, as well as the fact that right-handers are quantitatively dominant over left-handers, and right-handers usually have a left egg larger than the right one. For example, a right-handed person almost always takes a step with his right foot a little further than his left. In cases where one egg is 1 - 1.5 centimeters larger than the other, there is no need to worry, since such a deviation is considered within normal limits.

    The right egg is larger than the left one

    This phenomenon is much less common, because, as mentioned earlier, there are more right-handed men. Enlargement of the right testicle is common among left-handed men because... It is more convenient for them to sit with their left leg crossed over their right, thereby the right egg often experiences pressure, and over time becomes deformed. As in the case of the left testicular, there is no reason to worry until symptoms such as redness, a significant increase in short time or sharp pain. In both cases, you should visit a urologist. Many testicular diseases cannot be detected by palpation, so the urologist often prescribes an ultrasound.

    Why do men have one testicle lower than the other?

    It has absolutely no fundamental significance if the right egg is lower than the left one or, conversely, the left one is lower than the right one. Of the previously mentioned reasons, a symptom such as testicular prolapse can be caused by varicocele, hydrocele, torsion or inflammation. Such inflammations, for example, include orchitis or epidymitis:

    • Varicocele is a significant dilation of the veins of the left testicle. There are three degrees of this disease. In the first degree, detection is possible using ultrasound. The second and third degrees are identical, the only difference is that with the second degree, dilated veins can be felt while standing, and with the third degree of varicose veins, the veins can be felt both standing and lying down. The disease often causes sexual dysfunction and in almost half of cases, reversible infertility.
    • The right or left testicle drops significantly when the spermatic cord is twisted. Due to poor blood supply, the organ slowly dies until surgery is performed to untwist the cord.
    • Orchitis often occurs among young men during hypothermia, and sometimes acts as a complication of the flu (rarely). In the acute stage of the disease, the temperature rises sharply, pain appears, and dizziness occurs. If the disease is ignored, the organ atrophies.
    • Hydrocele or dropsy occurs mainly in newborns. Characterized by the appearance clear liquid, which contains various proteins. Fluid accumulates under the membranes of the egg, causing discomfort to the carrier and contributing to prolapse of the testicle.

    What to do if one testicle is larger than the other?

    If the right or left egg is larger than the other, you need to examine it yourself by feeling it with clean hands while standing and lying down. If you feel discomfort when touched, you should consult a urologist. Based on the examination, the urologist can offer the patient an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, ultrasound of the egg, or in the worst case, urgent surgery.

    Under no circumstances should you use traditional medicine methods or postpone a visit to specialists until later. Traditional medicine can cause harm, leaving a man infertile. Ignoring such diseases leads to serious consequences, for example, advanced cancer.

    The testicles are the most important organ for reproduction and procreation. This is a paired gland that produces sex cells and male hormones. The main function of germ cells (sperm) is the delivery of hereditary information to the egg. Penetrating the egg, they stimulate its development. Spermatozoa cannot develop at temperatures above 35⁰ C, so nature provides for the location of the testicles outside the abdominal cavity. The testicles also produce hormones that enter the blood and stimulate the development of male characteristics: mustache, beard, body hair, size of the genitals and male body structure.

    Anatomical structure of the testicle

    The testicles (testicles or testes) are located in the perineal area in leather sacs - the scrotum. They are located behind the base of the penis, the left one is slightly lower than the right one. The scrotum has two separate chambers for each testicle. The weight of each is in the range of 20-50 g. One is always a little larger; there is no ideal symmetry in the body. Their size and mass depend on the individual characteristics of the organism. Large, tall men are thought to have slightly larger testicles. Although there are exceptions. Scientists still cannot determine the reason for the size.

    The outside of the testicle is surrounded by a whitish-colored membrane called the tunica albuginea. Underneath it is the substance of the testicle, consisting of many cone-shaped lobules. The cone is directed towards the center. Each lobule contains 2-3 seminiferous tubules, which merge into a duct in the central part. There can be up to 300 such lobules in each testis.

    Already in the 4th month of pregnancy in utero, the child develops epididymis, which secretes hormones for the development of sexual characteristics of the unborn child. The testicles descend into the scrotum from the groin area in 96% of newborn boys. If prolapse did not occur before birth, but it takes up to 6 weeks in a newborn, in rare cases up to a year. If a boy has not descended into the scrotum after a year, this is considered a disease - cryptorchidism. It can be one-sided or two-sided. Typically occurs in premature babies. There is no treatment with pills, only surgery, and the sooner the better for the future man. If the operation was not performed in childhood, then during the period of growing up the pathology will be clearly visible externally. The scrotum on one side will be much smaller.

    Read also: Questions and answers on men's health.

    Why is one testicle larger than the other?

    A man's testicles are not located symmetrically, one is located slightly lower. This is provided by nature to prevent twisting and injury. Accordingly, sizes may vary. The average length of this organ is from 4 to 6 cm, width - from 2 to 3 cm. The normal limit is a difference in volume of 0.5 to 1 cm. If the difference has appeared recently, or the difference in volume exceeds 2 cm, you should consult a doctor.

    Testicular injury is a common cause

    It occurs quite often, especially among athletes when hit with a ball, foot or bat, riding a bicycle or riding a horse. Domestic injuries cannot be ruled out. Signs of injury are as follows:

    • severe pain, painful shock;
    • swelling appears, which is noticeable visually, the testicle increases in size and may be bluish in color;
    • if it bursts blood vessel, hemorrhage occurs in the walls of the scrotum or under it.

    The scrotum becomes burgundy or bluish in color. The bleeding may spread to the groin area or even to the thigh. The scrotum is painful when touched.

    In case of serious injury with rupture of the scrotum or testicular membrane, you must consult a doctor and surgical intervention will be necessary. Using an ultrasound examination, you can accurately determine the location of blood accumulation and choose treatment methods.

    Varicose veins of the testicle - varicocele

    More often appears on the left due to the structure of the left testicular vein. A manifestation of the disease may be aching pain in one of the testicles, its descent and increase in size. The pain increases with physical activity or during sexual intercourse. The disease does not appear suddenly, but develops gradually, not noticeably in the first stages. The disease is common in adolescence - 15-16 years. Varicocele can lead to infertility in 40% of cases. The disease is determined by palpating the testicle in a standing position while straining. Only surgical treatment guarantees a positive effect and no recurrence of the disease.

    Inflammation of the testicle and its epididymis – orchiepididymitis

    Inflammation usually appears together. Its causes are infectious diseases: mumps (mumps), chickenpox, scarlet fever or inflammation urinary system. The infection most often enters the testicle through the bloodstream. Another reason is untreated injury.

    1. On the inflamed side, an enlargement of the testicle is noticeable, while the folds of the scrotum are smoothed out.
    2. The organ becomes extremely painful.
    3. The local temperature rises, the testicle is hotter than the other.
    4. There is an increase in overall body temperature.

    To choose treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor. Treatment is required primary disease which caused inflammation. Usually the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics. It is recommended to wear a bandage or shapewear to keep the testicle elevated. Incorrectly prescribed treatment or not contacting a doctor in a timely manner can turn the disease into a chronic condition.

    The testicles (testicles) in men have a slight difference in size and are located asymmetrically. Nature has designed a man’s body in such a way that one of them, usually the left one, should be noticeably lower than the other.

    In general, paired human organs are never exactly the same. Our eyes may differ in color, our feet may differ in size, and our ears are not always located symmetrically and are necessarily unequal in shape. Twin internal organs, kidneys, different in weight and size, and right kidney always below the left.

    Features of the structure of the organ

    Why are they not the same? The reason for the asymmetry of the testicles is due to the peculiarities of the blood supply to the gonads and the fact that such their location is necessary for the normal functioning of the male reproductive system.

    On the right, the testicular artery arises from abdominal aorta, and the testicular vein, accordingly, flows into the inferior vena cava. The artery of the left testicle arises from the corresponding renal artery, and its vein carries blood to the renal vein. Thus, the blood flow from the left testicle is longer, due to which a slight stagnation of blood occurs in it, and it drops lower than the right one.

    Testicles are a kind of biochemical laboratory in which sperm production occurs. This process requires special conditions: the temperature of the organ must be lower normal temperature bodies. Thermoregulation is provided by the muscles of the scrotum: they contract or relax, bringing the testicles closer or further away from the body (for example, if a man is cold, they are pulled towards the groin and warmed up). Their different heights serve the same purpose: if one egg hangs lower than the other, they do not overheat and are better “ventilated.”

    The second reason that the testicles should not be pressed tightly against one another is the danger of compression. If they were at the same level, they would constantly be injured when walking and moving.

    When should you start worrying?

    You only need to worry when the size and/or position of the testicles changes too dramatically (over weeks or months) or they become painful. If a man is simultaneously bothered by pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort in the scrotum, problems with potency, you can’t delay a visit to the doctor. Some other signs should alert a man:

    1. One of the testicles is more than 3 cm higher than the other. This may be torsion of the seminiferous tubule - a narrow tube about half a meter long. Sperm production occurs inside the seminiferous tubules, and if they are twisted, the man faces infertility, or even more serious consequences. The situation can lead to necrosis (death) of the organ due to impaired blood supply.
    2. Sometimes the patient complains that the right egg has always been higher than the left, but for some reason they changed position for some reason: the right one sank and the left one rose. Such symptoms may indicate dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord - varicocele. But since the degree of symmetry of the testicles is very individual, the diagnosis cannot be confirmed without examination.

    You need to be especially attentive to children. A significant difference in testicular height in a child or adolescent may indicate incomplete testicular descent (cryptorchidism).


    In order to make a final diagnosis, you need to consult a urologist. After the initial examination, he will, if necessary, prescribe medical tests:

    1. Blood and urine tests, including for infection.
    2. Ultrasound of the scrotum.
    3. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
    4. Dopplerography in lying and standing positions.

    At each appointment, the doctor performs a very simple test for prevention, called the “Valsalva breathing test.” The patient is asked to take a deep breath, hold his breath and “inflate” his stomach, and the andrologist palpates the scrotum above the testicle to assess whether there are bulging veins there.

    The second option for conducting this test is during an ultrasound examination. It allows you to detect not only the dilation of the veins, but also changes in blood flow in them.


    In order not to worry again, men need to conduct testicular self-examination from time to time. In a standing position, place right leg on a chair. Extend the testicles completely beyond the boundaries of the body, carefully feel the scrotum with the fingers of both hands. Now change your leg and examine the left testicle in the same way.

    The skin around the testicle normally moves freely, and you can easily feel the entire surface of the testicles. To the touch, these are dense, smooth balls inside a leathery sac - the scrotum. Fine:

    • the testicles are homogeneous to the touch and painless, but remain sensitive;
    • they are the same or slightly (by 5–7 millimeters) different in size;
    • one of them is higher than the other, but the difference in height between them does not exceed 3 centimeters.

    It is recommended to do a self-examination after a bath or hot shower: the muscles of the scrotum are relaxed, and you will better feel any unusual changes. If they are not, then you can stop asking yourself why your testicles are asymmetrical.

    A problem accidentally identified by a patient when the right testicle is larger than the left, for example, may turn out to be both a false alarm and symptoms of a disease of the reproductive system. A man with normal anatomy may have one testicle larger than the other.

    Slight differences in size are not a problem normal functioning this organ. In the same case, if the patient independently discovers that one testicle has become larger, he should consult a doctor as soon as possible, since an increase in size may indicate the presence of inflammation in this organ of the reproductive system. At the same time, it is relevant, and speaking medical language- treatment of inflammation in the testicle and its epididymis (epididymo-orchitis).

    Testicular size is a relative concept

    “Normal size” of testicles is a rather arbitrary concept. It is generally accepted that they are appropriate normal anatomy testicles, the length of which is 4 - 6 cm, and the width is 2 - 3 cm. There is nothing to worry about if one testicle is larger than the other, even by a whole centimeter.

    If, for example, the left testicle is 1.5 or even 2 cm smaller, and such a difference was noticed recently, you should immediately consult a doctor. By at least, to make sure there is no cause for concern.

    The reason that the testicles have decreased in size may also be due to drug use, since under their constant influence the organs become smaller. Upon admission anabolic steroids There is also a decrease in the testicles, they even become flabby.

    If the patient independently notices that he has one large testicle, although such a difference has not been determined before, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible, since this may be the result of:

    1. Epididymitis (inflammatory process in the epididymis).
    2. Varicocele (dilatation of the veins of the pampiniform plexus of the spermatic cord), in which one large testicle is observed, most often the left one.
    3. Hydrocele (hydroxycele).
    4. Testicular torsion (pathological twisting of the spermatic cord).
    5. Testicular cancer.

    If you notice a change in testicle size, see a doctor immediately

    Naturally, with age, the testicles can become flabby and slightly decrease in size. It is clear that the organ is atrophying. If there is an increase in size, which is accompanied by painful sensations, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. Inflammation of the testicles themselves, their appendages, even dropsy - these diseases cannot be compared with the danger posed by testicular cancer.

    Such late diagnosis reduces the likelihood successful treatment oncological diseases.

    The testicles are the most important organ for reproduction and procreation. This is a paired gland that produces sex cells and male hormones. The main function of germ cells (sperm) is the delivery of hereditary information to the egg. Penetrating the egg, they stimulate its development. Spermatozoa cannot develop at temperatures above 35⁰ C, so nature provides for the location of the testicles outside abdominal cavity. The testicles also produce hormones that enter the blood and stimulate the development of male characteristics: mustache, beard, body hair, size of genitals and male structure figures.

    Anatomical structure of the testicle

    The testicles (testicles or testes) are located in the perineal area in leather sacs - the scrotum. They are located behind the base of the penis, the left one is slightly lower than the right one. The scrotum has two separate chambers for each testicle. The weight of each is in the range of 20-50 g. One is always a little larger; there is no ideal symmetry in the body. Their size and mass depend on the individual characteristics of the organism. Large, tall men are thought to have slightly larger testicles. Although there are exceptions. Scientists still cannot determine the reason for the size.

    The outside of the testicle is surrounded by a whitish-colored membrane called the tunica albuginea. Underneath it is the substance of the testicle, consisting of many cone-shaped lobules. The cone is directed towards the center. Each lobule contains 2-3 seminiferous tubules, which merge into a duct in the central part. There can be up to 300 such lobules in each testis.

    Already in the 4th month of pregnancy in utero, the child develops epididymis, which secretes hormones for the development of sexual characteristics of the unborn child. The testicles descend into the scrotum from the groin area in 96% of newborn boys. If prolapse did not occur before birth, but it takes up to 6 weeks in a newborn, in rare cases up to a year. If a boy has not descended into the scrotum after a year, this is considered a disease - cryptorchidism. It can be one-sided or two-sided. Typically occurs in premature babies. There is no treatment with pills, only surgery, and the sooner the better for the future man. If the operation was not performed in childhood, then during the period of growing up the pathology will be clearly visible externally. The scrotum on one side will be much smaller.

    Read also: Increased hemoglobin: treatment methods

    Why is one testicle larger than the other?

    A man's testicles are not located symmetrically, one is located slightly lower. This is provided by nature to prevent twisting and injury. Accordingly, sizes may vary. The average length of this organ is from 4 to 6 cm, width - from 2 to 3 cm. The normal limit is a difference in volume of 0.5 to 1 cm. If the difference has appeared recently, or the difference in volume exceeds 2 cm, you should consult a doctor.

    Testicular injury is a common cause

    It occurs quite often, especially among athletes when hit with a ball, foot or bat, riding a bicycle or riding a horse. Domestic injuries cannot be ruled out. Signs of injury are as follows:

    • severe pain, painful shock;
    • swelling appears, which is noticeable visually, the testicle increases in size and may be bluish in color;
    • if a blood vessel bursts, bleeding occurs in the wall of the scrotum or under it.

    The scrotum becomes burgundy or bluish in color. The bleeding may spread to the groin area or even to the thigh. The scrotum is painful when touched.

    In case of serious injury with rupture of the scrotum or testicular membrane, you must consult a doctor and surgical intervention will be necessary. Using an ultrasound examination, you can accurately determine the location of blood accumulation and choose treatment methods.

    Varicose veins of the testicle - varicocele

    More often appears on the left due to the structure of the left testicular vein. A manifestation of the disease may be aching pain in one of the testicles, its descent and increase in size. The pain increases with physical activity or during sexual intercourse. The disease does not appear suddenly, but develops gradually, not noticeably in the first stages. The disease is common in adolescence - 15-16 years. Varicocele can lead to infertility in 40% of cases. The disease is determined by palpating the testicle in a standing position while straining. Only surgical treatment guarantees a positive effect and no recurrence of the disease.

    Inflammation of the testicle and its epididymis – orchiepididymitis

    Inflammation usually appears together. The reasons for it are infectious diseases: mumps (mumps), chickenpox, scarlet fever or inflammation of the urinary system. The infection most often enters the testicle through the bloodstream. Another reason is untreated injury.

    1. On the inflamed side, an enlargement of the testicle is noticeable, while the folds of the scrotum are smoothed out.
    2. The organ becomes extremely painful.
    3. The local temperature rises, the testicle is hotter than the other.
    4. There is an increase in overall body temperature.

    To choose treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor. Treatment of the primary disease that caused the inflammation is mandatory. Usually the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics. It is recommended to wear a bandage or shapewear to keep the testicle elevated. Incorrectly prescribed treatment or not contacting a doctor in a timely manner can turn the disease into a chronic condition.

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